
FroztIkonsur: google desktop capture software00:00
surthanks!, I am looking for the specific software00:01
sark666doh!  I burnt latest, but to restore legacy grub i need an older live cd00:01
anygivennamehow do I change owner of a file ?00:04
Pici!screencast | sur00:05
ubottusur: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.00:05
shcherbakanygivenname: chown shcherbak:shcherbak <nameoffile>00:05
shcherbakanygivenname: first is user, second group00:06
anygivennameshcherbak: it said operation not permitted00:06
IdleOneneeds sudo00:07
shcherbakanygivenname: what file you intend to chown? Use sudo, be carefull00:07
kameshHi all, I am planning to install ubuntu in a recently bought acer laptop. I burned factory default disc according to acer e-recovery management. But when I try and restore the system to facory defaults it does not ask me any questions regarding partioning which windows usually asks. It just installs fresh windows on the full harddisk. Can any one let me know how I can partitions harddisk and install windows along with Ubuntu00:09
demonsporkkamesh, just start the Ubuntu installation, it will give you a choice to resize the windows partition to fit Ubuntu00:10
demonsporkkamesh, you can also choose "Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Computer Management>Disk Management and resize the Windows partition from there00:11
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kameshdemonspork: Thanks a lot for the info. I will give the windows option a try now00:12
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* shcherbak winders why people using away nicks (and why I do not filter this rubbish yet).00:13
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zelevhi everyone...will there be a ppa for upgrading to gnome3 on 10.10? thanks...00:13
shcherbakzelev: Apparently not.00:13
zelevthat´s unfortunate00:14
yuskhanzabhello, is gyachi avaiable/working in 10.10?00:14
Logan_!info gyachi | yuskhanzab00:15
ubottuyuskhanzab: Package gyachi does not exist in maverick00:15
ubuntu4shanesoreau: you still around?00:15
IdleOneyuskhanzab: gyachi PPA https://launchpad.net/~loell/+archive/ppa00:15
shcherbakzelev: I can even tell you that forcing 11.04 ppa to 10.10 offers some bad expirience. Next step Natty ;)00:15
yuskhanzabhave anyone try in maverick?00:16
IdleOneyuskhanzab: doesn't appear to be a package for 10.1000:16
ubuntu4shanesoreau: not using the fglrx drivers and it was running around 98F  when with fglrx it runs at about under 7000:16
ubuntu4shanegyachi is still around?00:17
zelevshcherbak: I tried 11.04 for 2 hours...couldn´t take it...it was very sluggish00:17
Jon--Been trying to get assistance in #deluge for a long time now (several hours). I'm taking my question here. I know this is not directly related to Ubuntu: My download speed is stuck at 0.00? Deluge 1.3.0 from PPA ppa:deluge-team/ppa on Ubuntu 10.04. Port is forwarded, doing a port check gets green check mark.00:17
shcherbakzelev: hm, Alfa with broken compiz was quite fast, did you try classic session?00:18
ubuntustop say always my name XD00:18
IdleOneyuskhanzab: you can try http://www.ohbuntu.blogspot.com/2011/03/install-gyachi-on-ubuntu-1010.html  Disclaimer: I have not tried it.00:18
ubuntu4shaneJon--: is anyone seeding?  I use deluge, but didn't mess around with port forwarding or anything just opened it up and it works00:18
Jon--ubuntu4shane, There should be at least 40 seeders on one of these.00:18
zelevshcherbak:  I upgraded from 10.10...it sucked...everything was slow in comparison to 10.10...i ditched it very fast00:19
yuskhanzabok thx IdleOne00:19
meganerdzelev: the nature of "beta"00:20
shcherbakzelev: Just wait for 11.04 minimal and get gnome3, this that I will do.00:20
Jon--ubuntu4shane, Tracker reports OK, however health is 0, and it is only finding a very small subset of the actual seeders, and 0 upload from them.00:21
GwarHey guys. Wondering if you could help me. is there a way to search for images based on Pixel width? Like if I were trying to find images that were 299 pixels or less across, how would I do it?00:21
zelevmeganerd: you´re right...betas are discouraging...i will wait00:21
shcherbakGwar: imagemagic ?00:22
inaxiohey where do i ask about hardware issues00:22
Jon--Been trying to get assistance in #deluge for a long time now (several hours). I'm taking my question here. I know this is not directly related to Ubuntu: My download speed is stuck at 0.00? Deluge 1.3.0 from PPA ppa:deluge-team/ppa on Ubuntu 10.04. Port is forwarded, doing a port check gets green check mark.00:22
Gwarshcherbak: ok, i'll look into that00:23
zelevgod!  it´s already 1,30h...gotta catch some ZZZs00:24
shcherbakGwar: maybe feh too, reading man.00:24
Visuexdoes anyone know of an IRC client with the ability to give notifications sound and/or osdnotify on a per channel basis? I know they all allow it but I don't care when people enter this channel or in #chris - but I do want to for my channels00:25
shcherbakGwar: yup, -S in feh00:25
inaxiowell okay i guess ill just ask here, i cant mount anything on my hard drive and i am not sure what the problem is, can anyone help with this.  it just suddenly went into read-only at one point and now it doesnt work00:25
muelliinaxio: check the kernel log, i.e. via dmesg.00:25
Gwarshcherbak: Cool,m thank you00:25
rojikkuuhm....does anyone know how to get my computer working after upgrading to 11.04 and freezing at checking battery state? x.x I managed to get in with 11.04 recovery thingy...i couldnt book with the 10.10 kernal...00:27
thomas_so anyone familar with ubuntu who can answer a few questions :)00:27
Nicolas_Leonidashey phpmyadmin does not "browse" for me for tables that have data, I'm on ubuntu 10.10 installed with apt-get install phpmyadmin00:28
pp7thomas: duh!00:28
inaxiomuelli: [    5.325237] EXT4-fs warning (device sda6): ext4_clear_journal_err: Marking fs in need of filesystem check.   ---- i think i should probably do that shouldnt i00:28
thomas_Hey, i'm 100% green when it comes to linux :) Right now i'm just trying to get my radon card working. I mean I have dual moniters working just not sure if it's supporting opelgl00:28
muelliinaxio: yep :)00:28
noparkinghere2 hi. when there's a text field I can switch between input methods, for example, between "System" and "IPA". How can I automate that with a keyboard shortcut, like Super + S ?00:29
inaxiomuelli: i am on a live disk right now, also "fsck.ext4: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sda6"00:29
inaxiomuelli: not sure what to do00:29
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Visuexdoes anyone know of an IRC client with the ability to give notifications sound and/or osdnotify on a per channel basis? I know they all allow it but I don't care when people enter this channel or in #chris - but I do want to for my channels00:30
muelliinaxio: hm. well. You'd better umount the filesystem.00:30
inaxiomuelli: "umount: /dev/sda6: not mounted" yeah that isnt going to work00:30
muelliVisuex: pretty much any scriptable should do, i.e. xchat, irssi, kvirc, ...00:30
skpldoes anyone know where i can find the package db2html?00:31
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Visuexmuelli, so do you mean through a plugin? which I would have to write?00:31
muelliskpl: you can either try "apt-cache search db2html" or use packages.ubuntu.com00:31
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muelliVisuex: either that or find someone that has either written it already or will write it for you.00:32
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muelliinaxio: maybe it's mounted somewhere else?00:32
Jon--Been trying to get assistance in #deluge for a long time now (several hours). I'm taking my question here. I know this is not directly related to Ubuntu: My download speed is stuck at 0.00? Deluge 1.3.0 from PPA ppa:deluge-team/ppa on Ubuntu 10.04. Port is forwarded, doing a port check gets green check mark.00:32
inaxiomuelli: how would i go about figuring out where it would be mounted00:32
Visuexmuelli, i see but you do think it is possible with any of them in theory?00:33
muelliinaxio: mount or cat /proc/$$/mounts00:33
muelliVisuex: yes.00:33
Visuexaight thanks00:33
racingchickx6heyyy whats up00:34
inaxiomuelli: it doesnt appear to actually be mounted00:34
muellihm inaxio. weird then.00:35
racingchickx6whats up00:35
noparkingherenot much, you?00:35
racingchickx6i didnt think this would wourk00:35
racingchickx6this chat00:35
demonsporkso let's say that I have 6 hard drives in a single LVM span and one of the hard drives fails. What happens to the rest of the data in that LVM setup? is it still accessible?00:35
noparkinghereracingchickx6: this is a help channel for the Ubuntu distribution, though.00:35
racingchickx6ohhhh my bad lol00:36
inaxiomuelli: i got this message from when i tried to boot up ubuntu normally "ata6: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)00:36
Jordan_Uinaxio: Can you pastebin the output of "cat /proc/mounts"?00:36
muelliinaxio: can you reboot? I'd just do that and hope that fsck will rum automatically.00:36
Daekdroom!info libgl1-mesa-dri00:37
ubottulibgl1-mesa-dri (source: mesa): A free implementation of the OpenGL API -- DRI modules. In component main, is extra. Version 7.9~git20100924-0ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 3047 kB, installed size 41732 kB00:37
inaxiomuelli: http://pastebin.com/a903twBX00:37
muelliJordan_U: ^^00:37
derek_i installed apache on ubuntu 10.10, and test page on ('it's worked') are successfully run on ubuntu machine, but this page not reachable form other local network computer. Any ideas how to fix that?00:39
shcherbakderek_: firewall?00:39
muelliderek_: you probably have to configure your server ;-) i.e. to listen on external interfaces.00:39
derek_muelli: can you be more specific about that, please?00:40
stercorI have a directory on my flash drive, home, created by root. the perms are drwx------. Even root can't change them to 755.00:41
muelliderek_: nope. Since that is Apache related and not general Ubuntu stuff. Google will know though :-) Plus I don't know whether listening on loopback only is actually the issue in your case.00:41
derek_shcherbak: doubtful, on this ubuntu machine there is also installed radio server icecast, and it successfully reachable from all network00:41
Jordan_Uinaxio: Perhaps fsck is already running.00:42
Jordan_Uinaxio: "pgrep fsck"00:42
shcherbakderek_: sudo netstat -tulp , what port is using icecast?00:42
inaxioJordan_U: it doesnt seem to be; it didnt print anything00:43
fishsceneHi. I'm trying to setup an FTP server. I'm using VSFTP, but for some reason, when users log in, they have FULL read/write capabilities on my entire server. This is very bad and I can't seem to find a way to restrict them from viewing other users files and uploading/downloading from other people's directories. Any ideas?00:43
shcherbakstercor: Maybe it is mounted read only.00:43
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stercorshcherbak: /dev/sdg1 on /media/5F98-46EB type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks,uid=0,gid=0,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,flush)00:43
stercorshcherbak: Can the vfat be the problem?00:44
shcherbakstercor: Why it could be?00:44
stercorshcherbak: I want it to be usable by Ubuntu and Windows.00:44
stercorshcherbak: Just a guess.00:45
inaxioJordan_U: "mount: can't find /dev/sda6 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab" does this have any bearing on the problem00:45
shcherbakstercor: Who own it?00:46
stercorshcherbak: root.00:46
Jordan_Uinaxio: No.00:47
shcherbakstercor: Can you chown chmod files inside drive?00:47
Jordan_Uinaxio: What about "sudo pgrep fsck"?00:47
inaxioJordan_U: im already root00:48
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stercorshcherbak: Neither.00:48
stercorshcherbak: THAT's the problem.00:48
stercorshcherbak: It would be a piece of cake if I could chown/chmod the files.00:49
stercorshcherbak: {grabbing at straws mode} What if I formatted it on the Windows machine?00:49
inaxioJordan_U: anything else that can help?00:50
meganerdstercor: how did you mount it?00:50
DaGeek247how do i set ubuntu 10.04 to auto-update?00:51
DaGeek247and not just open up package manager every now and then00:51
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:52
DaGeek247upDATE not upGRADE lol.00:52
DaGeek247anyone know how?00:52
Jon--DaGeek247, By update you mean update the list of packages, not install or replace packages you already have with latest versions?00:53
stercormeganerd: Stuck it in the USB port.00:53
shcherbakstercor: Wonder why gid is 0, apparently fat is more wired then i thought.00:54
DaGeek247Jon, no i want it to like check for available upgrades everytime i start up, then automaticly download and install any available ones.00:54
shcherbakstercor: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-835500.html00:54
Jordan_Uinaxio: I was disconnected so in case you didn't get this before: Can you run "fsck /dev/sda6" again, pastebin the output, then run "dmesg" and paste its output as well?00:54
DaGeek247not just the list00:54
Jon--DaGeek247, "update" means update the list of software packages you have, find what the latest versions are. "upgrade" means upgrade your software, keep it up to date. "dist-upgrade" means upgrade your distribution, ie go from Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.1000:55
meganerdstercor: have you tried unmounting it manually, then remounting it manually?00:55
Jon--Just so you have a reference ^00:55
KuwangerI have a simple question.  If there's two packages that confict each other (say libavcodec52 and libavcodec-extra-52) and I'd like to replace one with the other, is there an easy way to do that?  I ask because if I try to remove the installed one, a lot of other packages are marked for uninstall and I can't setup to install the other one without resulting in a conflict.00:55
Jon--DaGeek247, You could create a script that updated for you and run it on boot, but you would have to give it your password.00:55
Jon--Or perhaps create a cron job00:55
fishsceneDoes anyone know how to configure VSFTP? or does it just naturally enable full read/write access to the entire file system by any user?00:55
inaxioJordan_U: Both in one thing http://pastebin.com/9WiJ5BRd00:56
DaGeek247how would i do that? sudo -su requires user input no matter what00:56
Jon--That's the point.. ;)00:56
Jon--Is there a reason you need it automated?00:56
brightsparkJon-- form the first link in the ubottu post: "An upgrade is the process of going from an earlier version of Ubuntu to a newer version of Ubuntu with an installed system. An example of this would be going from Ubuntu 7.10 to Ubuntu 8.04 LTS."00:56
DaGeek247nah, i just think it would be handy00:57
meganerdfishscene: I just scp/sftp these days, I left ftp behind nearly a decade ago00:57
Jon--brightspark, I was refering to the fact that "sudo apt-get upgrade" does not upgrade your distro, it upgrades your packages to latest version.00:57
superlouHas anyone ever had there harddisk fill to 100% by itself?  Stuck in command line now since don't have enough free space to startx.  Waiting for a "du -sk * | sort -rn" to finish.  Open to any tips :)00:57
Jon--brightspark, and apt-get update gets the latest package list from the internets so you know what is new..00:57
fishscenemeganerd, this was more on the server side :P00:57
Jon--DaGeek247, You can probably make a cronjob and have it automatically run as sudo.00:58
Jon--DaGeek247, How experienced of a linux user are you?00:58
Jordan_Usuperlou: First place to look is usually /var/log/00:58
DaGeek247um, i know my way around the command line, in what way?00:58
shcherbaksuperlou: /tmp and /var like making life hard.00:59
superloudu says my /media is very large00:59
brightsparkJon--: right.  Actually, when he types in "!update", that's probably not the info the bot should return.01:00
superlou93G.  Son of a gun.  My home is 31G and it's a 140G drive.   Sounds like the bad guys in media.01:00
superlouThough i thought media was symbolic links to other stuff01:00
Jon--DaGeek247, Look into cron. You can make a "root" cron that is run with elevated privileges. You may use this to update your machine automatically every X minutes, hours, whatever.01:00
meganerdfishscene: yup, me too01:00
Jon--!cron | DaGeek24701:01
ubottuDaGeek247: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm01:01
meganerdfishscene: at work we have a very dim view of ftp01:01
brightsparksuperlou: do you have a C: drive (like from dual-booting)?  That's why my /media folder is huge.01:01
superlounope, just ubuntu01:01
tjiggi_foDaGeek247, you can set Update Manager to run every day - what more do you want?01:01
superlouit looks like media is full of Backups from simplebackup01:01
superlouoy.  I had simple backup configured to backup to a raid array automatically01:02
superloubut the raid doesn't start automatically in ubuntu for some reason01:02
superlouso it looks like whenever i haven't given ubuntu credentials to assemble root, backups are going in there01:02
DaGeek247thanks Jon--01:02
inaxioJordan_U: Any idea?01:03
superloubrightspark, does it make sense to have an SRAID1 folder in media?01:03
meganerdsuperlou: how did you build the RAID array?01:04
superlouit doesn't look like my real RAID which has a bunch of other files.  This one just has backups01:04
superloumeganerd, mdadm01:04
meganerdI have two arrays that mount automatically at home01:04
grishnavHey everyone -- does Ubuntu's ifup system not work with IPv6 on aliases? How can I add an IPv6 address to an existing interface that already has an IPv4 address "The Ubuntu Way"?01:04
brightsparkI don't know too much about RAID; /media only gets used on my machine as the mountpoint for C:.01:04
meganerdgrishnav: ip addr add01:04
grishnavmeganerd: yes, I could post-up that in /etc/network/interfaces, but it seems hackish01:05
superloumeganerd, nice.  For some reason mine show up in computer and when i double click the raid icon, it prompts for admin password01:05
superlouThen shows up nicely01:05
meganerdip addr is replacing ifconfig, ifup should be using /etc/network/interfaces, if it is not then that is a bug01:05
grishnavmeganerd: I'm aware. I configured the IP with ip, and it's working. I want to automate it on startup. I tried this, but no joy: http://pastebin.com/Cpkv46Dn01:06
grishnavit barfs, leaving a /48 assigend to the card01:07
Jon--DaGeek247, It's a bit challenging if you have trouble PM me.01:07
grishnaver, interface, rather01:07
meganerdsuperlou: sounds like permissions, before you click on the array in computer, does it show as mounted with a "df -h" at the command line?01:07
binoxhi all, i apologize this is my first time ever in IRC and I have a twofold question.  I am not sure of etiquette here, can i just ask01:07
superloumeganerd, nope01:07
iostreambinox: "don't ask to ask"01:07
noparkingherejust ask ː)01:07
superloubinox, go for it :)01:07
binoxlol,  sorry01:07
binoxwell i am a linux noob, but have maverick installed on two laptops succesfully.01:08
binoxi love it.01:08
meganerdsuperlou: cat /proc/mdstat01:08
brightsparkI'm using CompizConfig with the edge-binding commands- could someone please explain how to increase the size of the 'corner' regions?01:08
superloumeganerd, will do .  Restarting.  Got down to 92% by removing a backup.  Hopefully can boot to GUI now01:09
Jon--DaGeek247, Essentially: install cron, do a sudo crontab -e, read guide to see how to format your line, tell it to execute a script you have somewhere (perhaps somewhere in /root/ is a good idea so only sudo users can see it), have the script contain something like 'apt-get update; apt-get upgrade -y;'01:09
binoxon my tablet   i have a dual boot with xp,  on the xp partition i installed litestep, now i cant even get to the splash.  can i alter files in ubuntu to fix windows bootup by changing the shell files01:09
sheroroxi just downloaded and extracted firefox-4.0.tar.bz2. When I go to permissions to let it run as an executable, it kind of lags idk. Every time I click on the extracted file, it just shows the files inside( doesn't execute)01:09
Jon--I'd rather not do it for you so you learn a little.01:09
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grishnavmeganerd: did my pastebin make it through?01:09
binoxBTW!    broadcom   has openspurced their drivers. and it works on b43 and legacy equipent01:10
shcherbaksherorox: You got to source!01:10
meganerdgrishnav: yup, why are you doing the :5 part?01:10
sheroroxexcuse me?01:10
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox01:11
aeon-ltdbinox: safe mode won't work?01:11
sheroroxshcherbak: I looked up the source code for firefox 4 but cant seem to find it01:11
grishnavmeganerd: already have several other alises, as well as an IP assigned to eth0. I realize aliases are no longer necessary with `ip', but it seemed like the right thing to do.01:11
grishnavis there a way, in /etc/network/interfaces, to simply add the ipv6 address to the definition for eth0?01:11
sheroroxkkkk thanks for the source01:11
binoxno,  it starts to load then i get an error showing a memory dump, disappears to quick to read the error01:11
demonsporkI am installing Ubuntu 10.10 on a SATA hard drive. Every time I start it up it just comes to a blinking cursor in the top left corner of the screen, I have tried reinstalling with the bootloader on a different hard drive and with the OS on a compeltely different hard drive.  How can I get it to actually start up my new Ubuntu install01:11
meganerdgrishnav: I wonder if the colon is causing it to barf, what happens when you ifup it01:12
grishnavmeganerd: this is my existing eth0 def: http://pastebin.com/Jaw8BwVu01:12
grishnavmeganerd: sudo ifup eth0:501:12
grishnavSIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address01:12
grishnavFailed to bring up eth0:5.01:12
grishnavifup eth0:4 etc. works fine01:12
grishnavbut they are ipv4 aliases as well01:12
superlou_cat /proc/mdstat says unused devices: <none>  plus some Personalities at the top (made it back into GUI)01:12
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:13
youngershen_hello gays01:13
aeon-ltdbinox: the safest method i'd suggest is use the xp disk to system restore01:13
grishnavthe interface man page doesn't seem to adequately cover dual-stack config :\01:13
binoxim on the tablet in ubuntu now,  just windows wont start.01:13
binoxthats what i figured,  but i thought it would be possible to do it through ubuntu01:14
binoxgrub is fine01:14
Jordan_Uinaxio: Did you ever try to mount the filesystem from the liveCD?01:14
inaxioJordan_U: yeah, i gave it about 10 minutes and it was still going so it doesnt seem to work01:15
superlou_meganerd, any idea on why raid might not detect automatically?01:15
binoxi show in my ubuntu a 30 gb filesystem which is windows.01:15
AlathonAnyone with libnotify experience? I can only seem to get output when I run it as sudo.01:15
Alathonfrom notify-send01:15
Jordan_Ubinox: Since this is a Windows question try asking in ##windows.01:15
binoxits fat32,  which is why i figure i can see it.01:15
Jordan_Uinaxio: Try booting the liveCD and running fsck *before* doing anything else.01:16
binoxits ore of an ubuntu question, as i want to use ubuntu to fix it.   is ##windows an ubuntu location01:16
meganerdgrishnav: works for me when I don't use the alias definition01:16
meganerdsuperlou_: anything in the logs?01:16
grishnavmeganerd: do you have an ipv4 def as well? if so, how are you doing it? :)01:16
Kamakazi_anybody here have a youtube video downloader they like to use?01:16
inaxioJordan_U: ill reboot in a minute then01:17
Jordan_Ubinox: It's about fixing Windows, that makes it much more of a Windows question than an Ubuntu one.01:17
Chilaquilesis possible to repair a broken ubuntu?01:17
aeon-ltdChilaquiles: how broken?01:17
bezaohow can i remove some program startup, like apache.01:18
ChilaquilesI don't know now it doesnt log into the graphic mode01:18
yuskhanzabhello, how to fix gnome panel sometimes missing at start up, need to relog to start it back again..01:18
Chilaquilesnow it says BusyBox v1.15.3 built-in shell (ash) Enter help for a list of built-in commands.01:18
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aeon-ltd!startup | bezao01:19
ubottubezao: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot01:19
Chilaquileswhen I start up the machine aeon-ltd01:19
Jordan_UChilaquiles: Did you recently install any updates?01:19
aeon-ltdChilaquiles: no idea, but i've heard this before from other users01:19
meganerdgrishnav: had ipv4 on another interface01:19
shcherbak!resetpanel | yuskhanzab01:19
ubottuyuskhanzab: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »01:19
Chilaquilesyes I did Jordan_U01:19
KurtB__bezao, you could try something like:  update-rc.d -f apache remove01:19
grishnavmeganerd: ah.01:20
meganerdgrishnav: not sure how to do the dual stack thing without a post-up01:20
binoxjordan U: is  ##windows for ubuntu users,  do you think they would be able to answer about using ubuntu to solve my problem01:20
noparkingherebinox: no01:20
grishnavmeganerd: kk. well, tha'ts what i'm looking for. much as i'd love to abandon my ipv4 addresses, not quite yet. :D01:20
noparkingherebinox: you can try the ubuntu forums.01:20
Jordan_Unoparkinghere: He's asking about how to fix Windows.01:20
superlou_meganerd, sorry, I'm new to this, which log would you recommend?  I'm peering through /var/logs01:21
Jordan_Ubinox: Yes, ##windows is the correct place to ask.01:21
ChilaquilesJordan_U: Why did you ask?01:22
ranceok, one more script question and I think I've got it nailed down.  Suppose a bash script needs to be started with sudo how does the script check to see that it was?  id returns the uid of the user and not 0 even after called by sudo.01:22
HarkinsI was using Ubuntu 10.10 with a /boot and encrypted /. A partition manager erased the /boot partition, but / is fine. I have a LiveCD, what's the safest way to recreate and repopulate /boot?01:23
binoxnoparking:  im asking if i can use ubuntu to move system files in windows, windows wont start, im in ubuntu.  wondering if i move shell files in the windows files on ubuntu.01:23
binoxrepeat i am using ubuntu01:23
Jordan_UChilaquiles: Because something caused Ubuntu to go from a state where it was booting properly to one where it is not. I'm assuming that it was a kernel update, and I suspect that you may have installed third party packages as well.01:23
binoxi just want to know if i alter the files while in ubuntu will those changes translate to windows.01:24
iostreambinox: if you change something on disk, these changes will exists no matter which OS you are running01:24
Jordan_Ubinox: You can move Windows files from Ubuntu.01:24
rancebinox: I use ubuntu to "fix" windows all the time.  as long as you mount the disk with the ntfs partition in read-write mode, then changes will be copied to windows on reboot01:24
shcherbakbinox: Yes, you can, but it will not help (most likely).01:25
Chilaquilesok Jordan_U, is there any way to fix this?01:25
rancewarning old versions of ubuntu had some flaky ntfs write support01:25
meganerdsuperlou_:  /var/log/daemon.log01:25
meganerdsuperlou_: maybe /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog01:25
meganerdsuperlou_: boot messages should be in /var/log/dmesg01:25
Jordan_UChilaquiles: Try selecting an older kernel from the grub menu.01:26
ChilaquilesJordan_U: I already did, they all show the same01:26
ChilaquilesJordan_U: I have even selected the ones that say safe mode01:26
grishnavmeganerd: got it01:26
grishnavmeganerd: you can add another static declaration01:26
grishnavmeganerd: got it01:27
grishnavmeganerd: you can add another static declaration01:27
grishnavmeganerd: sorry if i doubled-up on that01:27
grishnavmeganerd: i reset my networking to test :p01:27
inaxioJordan_U: did it ASAP, same response01:28
Jordan_Uinaxio: OK. Assuming you still haven't done anything to try to mount the partition can you pastebin your dmesg again?01:28
shcherbakhm, how to make wine to use eth1 and only eth1 (rest to use eth0 and only eth0)?01:28
binoxi am going to try #windows,  if they are clueless im coming back..  ty01:29
meganerdgrishnav: so you just add a second static stanza01:29
grishnavyep, with inet6 instead of inet, of course01:29
inaxioJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/trFthg4c01:29
Jordan_Uinaxio: I didn't think that Ubuntu LiveCD's tried to automatically mount partitions at boot, but it appears that a mount was attempted from your last dmesg.01:29
meganerdgrishnav: seems obvious but I can see forgetting that01:29
grishnavTHANKS #UBUNTU <301:30
meganerdgrishnav: good to know.  I suspect I am going to refamiliarize myself ipv6 again sometime soon01:30
inaxioJordan_U: I did try to mount, i think, last time01:30
Jordan_Uinaxio: But not this most recent time?01:30
inaxioJordan_U: Nope.01:30
ChilaquilesJordan_U: any suggestions?01:30
Jordan_Uinaxio: I see an attempted mount again. I would recommend trying to recover with a GRML liveCD, as it has an option specifically to prevent any attempt to write to any drive at boot.01:31
Jordan_Uinaxio: If you want to do that though we should move the discussion to #grml.01:31
demonsporkI just installed Ubuntu on a complety new computer with 7 hard drives. I installed Ubuntu on the last hard drive by connection /dev/sdg and now whenever I try to start the computer it just comes up to a blinking _ rather than starting Ubuntu.  I have tried reinstalling but to no avail and I have changed the boot order and boot devices in the BIOS extensively and still no change.01:32
inaxioJordan_U: Well is there anything else i can try?01:32
demonsporkI even specified the first /dev/sda as the device for the bootloader once, still no go01:32
Jordan_Udemonspork: Despite your changing of the boot order those symptoms almost always mean that you're not booting from a drive with grub installed.01:33
Jordan_Udemonspork: You can try installing grub to all drives or removing all but the drive you want to boot.01:33
demonsporkJordan_U, so does that mean that the BIOS is trying to boot from a hard drive that doesn't have grub?  I even changed the drive to be the only one that the BIOS would accept as a boot device, still no go01:34
Jordan_Uinaxio: Nothing that I can think of to try from an Ubuntu LiveCD.01:34
Jordan_Udemonspork: Correct.01:34
superloumeganerd, no big info in the logs.  There's a mdadm[1812]: NewArray event detected on md device /dev/md0 every now and then01:34
inaxioJordan_U: well, do you know what the problem might be?01:34
Jordan_Udemonspork: It's also very likely that the drive that you *think* has grub installed is not really the one that does.01:34
Jordan_Udemonspork: Boot info script: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 should clear up what drives have what bootloaders.01:35
Chilaquilessomebody that can help me?01:35
soreau! help | Chilaquiles01:36
ubottuChilaquiles: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:36
demonsporkJordan_U, I think my disconnect may be in the CMOS configuration's naming scheme of the hard drives then01:36
ChilaquilesI already ask01:36
Chilaquilesthe question01:36
iaindaltonI just swapped out a busted nVidia card for an ATI card. Now nothing appears on the monitor past POST. Is there a flag I can pass the kernel to not load the binary nVidia driver?01:36
Chilaquilesis possible to repair a broken ubuntu?01:37
Chilaquilesnow it says BusyBox v1.15.3 built-in shell (ash) Enter help for a list of built-in commands.01:37
soreauChilaquiles: If you boot a live session of ubuntu and it works fine, that means something happened that broke your current installtion01:37
Jordan_U!helpme | Chilaquiles01:38
ubottuChilaquiles: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude01:38
ChilaquilesI aready know that soreau01:38
soreauChilaquiles: So the first thing I would recommend is trying a live session to make sure there's nothing fundamentally wrong with your setup01:38
test1234Hello everyone, know if the program spotify is supported by the wine program loader? I can't install the exe file. (Note, this is the first time i use wine and ubuntu).01:38
Chilaquileswhat I want to know is how to fix my broken ubuntu+01:38
soreauChilaquiles: Does a live session work ok?01:38
soreauChilaquiles: What did you do that broke it?01:39
sdobzIn ps one of my services appears to run under the user 1004, when in actuality it is running ubder the user minecraft. Is there any way to fix this?01:39
ChilaquilesI guess I updated it01:39
sdobz1004 is the userid of minecraft01:39
Chilaquilesthat the last thing I did01:39
Jordan_UChilaquiles: There is no single answer to "How to fix Ubuntu". First we need to know precisely it's broken, which is what soreau is trying to figure out by asking you to try booting from a LiveCD.01:39
soreauChilaquiles: Did you try and older kernel like Jordan_U suggested?01:39
Chilaquilesas I said01:40
ChilaquilesI did01:40
Jordan_U*preciselely *how* it's broken.01:40
soreauChilaquiles: Does recovery mode work ok?01:40
Chilaquilesno it doesn't01:40
OliverDiCastroPessoal, to com um problema aqui e preciso de suporte pago...de preferência que seja de São Paulo-Capital01:40
=== noparkinghere is now known as noparkinghere2
Jordan_U!pt | OliverDiCastro01:41
ubottuOliverDiCastro: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:41
=== noparkinghere2 is now known as noparkinghere4
=== noparkinghere4 is now known as noparkinghere
doomroboDo Macbook Pros have good 64-bit support?01:41
soreauChilaquiles: From what you're describing, it sounds like there was a system change, to the boot loader, kernel version or file system01:41
doomroboBecause I have a Core i7 with 8GB RAM and I have a 32 bit installation with pae01:42
Chilaquilesso the what i do?01:42
soreauChilaquiles: I would try booting a live cd and check the file system (with fsck) and then chroot into the file system to look around and make sure the boot loader configuration looks sane01:43
Jordan_Udoomrobo: 64 bit support is just as good for Ubuntu on a macbook pro as it is for Ubuntu on any other 64 bit PC.01:43
JuJuBeeGreetings All01:43
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WebWeaselAnybody here know how to diagnose a problem getting connected with a Cisco VPN?01:44
JuJuBeeHow can I get Gnome 3 on 11.04 beta?01:44
doomroboJordan_U but there are many programs that aren't available for 64-bit machines01:44
soreau! 11.04 | JuJuBee01:44
ubottuJuJuBee: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not intended for production systems.01:44
=== Steve_____ is now known as spockspork
spocksporkI need a hand installing ubuntu 10.1001:44
Jordan_Udoomrobo: There are very few programs available for 32 bit Ubuntu which are not available for 64 bit Ubuntu.01:44
soreauspockspork: What's the problem?01:45
doomroboJordan_U last time, I couldn't even get firefox to work on 64-bit. Has that really changed so much within a year?01:45
spocksporkI get to the page where I create my name, computer name, and password01:45
spocksporkthen I get a little message at the bottom that says "ready when you are" and opens a console window01:45
doomrobowhenever I'm stuck at a console, i type "startx" and hope for the best01:47
spocksporkdidn't do anything01:47
soreauspockspork: What version of ubuntu are you booting? Is it server or alternate edition?01:47
spockspork10.10 desktop01:47
spocksporkNot the server as far as I know01:48
Chilaquilesis version 11.04 versionm of ubuntu not recommended01:48
iaindaltondoomrobo: he said *opens* a console *window*01:48
doomroboI just installed that. Where does it drop to console?01:48
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spocksporkit drops right at the "who are you" page01:48
doomrobowhy is it that windows has a compatibility mode for all 32 bit programs in 64 bit windows and Ubuntu doesn't?01:48
spocksporkand I can't go forward, and it says "ready when you are..." below the back and forward buttons01:49
soreauspockspork: Did you run the md5sum checker on the image you downloaded?01:49
spocksporkI click the "ready when you are" and it opens a console, with a blanked out "skip" button01:49
Jordan_Udoomrobo: In what way did firefox not work?01:49
zmaster4Hi! I got a problem. I'm working on an irc-bot in python, it's allmost done now. But I want a private irc channel with password, but when i type "/mode +k password", the autoop (chanserv) just changes it back again! What should i do?01:49
doomroboJordan_U Mozilla had no official 64-bit Firefox port01:49
Jordan_Udoomrobo: Firefox is installed by default in Ubuntu.01:49
soreauzmaster4: You might get better ideas in #freenode or some more appropriate channel01:50
doomroboJordan_U I forgot01:50
spocksporkI don't think so. I installed off the same disc for another computer I built01:50
zmaster4Okej, thanks :)01:50
iaindaltonspockspork: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160058101:50
doomroboJordan_U but that wasn't all, there were plenty of programs I could get working01:50
Jordan_Udoomrobo: And Ubuntu has been shipping 64 bit firefox with 64 bit Ubuntu since the very first release of Ubuntu in 2005.01:50
Jordan_Udoomrobo: Like?01:50
soreauspockspork: When it first boots, press Esc then select the image checker to check the cd for defects01:50
doomroboI can't name any of the top of my head, it was a year and a half ago01:50
iaindaltonspockspork: did you use any uppercase in the user name?01:51
spocksporkThanks, soreau. iain answered it01:51
spocksporkuppercase in user name >.<01:51
spocksporkI feel like an idiot now01:51
Jordan_Udoomrobo: On a Macbook Pro you'll need to use the +mac iso image to be able to boot from the install CD. Looking for a link to it now.01:51
doomroboJordan_U only for 64-bit?01:52
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Derpiei need to delete my partitons and install linux next to windows 7.  i only have an external HDD though and no dvdr.  Can I install linux via external hd?01:52
Jordan_Udoomrobo: Correct. Because only the 64 bit iso has EFI support, which causes problems with Apple's firmware. The +mac image has EFI support removed.01:52
spocksporkAnyway, I'm installing ubuntu because windows completely failed today01:52
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spocksporkone of my drives is dying, so windows can't read ANY of them01:53
spocksporktherefore, it can't boot01:53
iaindaltonspockspork: don't feel dumb; it should tell you01:53
spocksporkhaha, thanks01:53
Derpiewould i just use the usb download to install via external hd?01:54
thefamso i went to #windows and as i suspected they dont even know what ubuntu is01:55
Jordan_Udoomrobo: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/10.10/release/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64+mac.iso or if you don't want the Desktop CD use any of the other +mac images from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/10.10/release/.01:55
thefamanyone here familiar with litestep01:55
doomroboJordan_U thank you very much01:56
Jordan_Uthefam: Nobody in ##windows said that they don't know what Ubuntu is, and I very much doubt that anyone in that channel does not.01:56
nit-witthefam, *litestep01:56
Jordan_Udoomrobo: You're welcome.01:56
Jordan_Uthefam: Anyone on the Freenode network is pretty much guarenteed to be at least somewhat familiar with Linux.01:57
Derpiehow would i install via external hd?01:57
thefambtw, why is my nick now thefam instead of binox, and i was being facetious,  but they had no clue about what i was asking and i know this is the channel where i need to be01:57
nit-witDerpie, do you have anything else like a thumb01:57
EmuAlertWhat is the default pdf viewer?01:58
Derpieyes but its only 1gb big01:58
nit-witDerpie, that is big enough for a regular Ubuntu ISO01:58
thefamfrom my understanding litestep is something users also use through wine01:58
DaGeek247!pdf | EmuAlert01:58
ubottuEmuAlert: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)01:58
nit-witDerpie, use unetbootin to load it with a live cd ISO01:59
doomrobowhy are all 64-bit anythings called *amd64* even if I have an Intel?01:59
thefami think i may need a quick IRC lesson,  i am on xchat-gnome.   can i only access freenode through here01:59
tsimpsondooglus: because AMD wrote the standard the processors use, rather than Intel01:59
WebWeaseldoomrobo: It's because they are using AMDs instruction set.01:59
=== Mabus_ is now known as \Mabus
Derpiehmm ok i thought the guide i read said that i had to have a flash drive at least 2 gbs big02:00
doomroboExactly what I thought02:00
thefami think i may need to find the litestep channel  or will freenode get me anywhere i need to go02:00
ubuntuhow put the output program in chat?02:00
doomrobotsimpson Intel wrote the x86 instruction set, did they not?02:00
thefami apologize for my ignorance02:00
ubuntuwith /exec02:00
tsimpsondoomrobo: yes02:00
nit-witDerpie, the ISO is about 700mib if you wanted a persistent then more gigs would be good, for install your set.02:00
tsimpsondoomrobo: Intel did write a 64bit one too, but AMD won this time02:01
CaceeousI am having trouble with my xorg.conf file; It doesn't support opengl and the nvidia version is broken02:01
abiss27guys is it safe to delete files from my temp folder?02:01
* doomrobo shakes his fist at AMD. Next time I'll get you, AMD. Next time02:01
WebWeaselSometimes you see it referred to as x86_64 too. Same thing.02:01
Derpieok i will go try it out and if i need help come back02:01
yuskhanzabhow to know my system amd64 or i386?02:01
tsimpsondoomrobo: oddly, the AMD instruction set is closer to the x86 instruction set than the Intel version...02:02
tsimpsonwhich is why it won02:02
doomroboDoes anyone know how to check what CPU instruction set ur running?02:03
yuskhanzabwhat is my system amd64 or i386?02:03
emethow are you doing?02:03
\Mabushrm, while i like running live off a usb drive its having issues with installing packages via terminal02:03
nit-witmet do you have a question02:03
CaceeousI am having trouble with my xorg.conf file; It doesn't support opengl and the nvidia version is broken02:03
emetnit-wit: I asked a question :)02:03
WebWeaselless /proc/cpuinfo if you see a lm in the flags then it has 64 bit instructions.02:04
tsimpsondoomrobo: I think "uname -p" should give you a hint02:04
thefami found the litestep channel,   thanks all  , i might be back      ubuntu rules02:04
yuskhanzabanyone know how to check what im using now.. amd64 or i386?02:04
shakirhow to fix this : Failed to donwload repository information02:05
WebWeaselless /proc/cpuinfo if you see a lm in the flags then it has 64 bit instructions02:05
shakirhow to fix this : Failed to donwload repository information02:05
WebWeaselStill looking for some help getting a Cisco VPN connection working.02:05
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tjiggi_folshw | grep cpu02:13
=== fabio is now known as fabiodmf
eschvocaFirst impression of Unity is that it is very buggy and is not usable for kids :/02:14
doomroboHonestly, I really don't like unity02:15
gerrinim running 10.10, how can i find out what wireless card im using and reload the drivers for it02:16
shakirCan I upgrade to 11.04 beta  or it,s better to wait finale version ??02:16
shakirCan I upgrade to 11.04 beta  or it,s better to wait finale version ??02:17
gerrinhow can i find what kind of wireless card my laptop uses and reload the drivers for it in 10.1002:17
iaindaltonshakir: You can, but I'm sure they're still ironing out some bugs. In fact, I often wait a couple weeks after a release02:17
Logan_!natty | shakir02:18
ubottushakir: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not intended for production systems.02:18
tjiggi_fogerrin, sudo lshw -C Network02:18
shakirok thanks02:19
gerrinok now what02:19
=== tuxampol_ is now known as tuxampol
gerrinno how do i find the drivers for it02:20
jakeobthurlowhello, new to ubuntu and need some help installing.02:21
gerrinhow can i locate the drivers for my wireless card?02:22
tjiggi_fogerrin, find your wireless chipset (eg: RTL-8185), see what driver it's using (eg: driver=rtl8180) then google for forum threads on howto's and other users who have had the same problems with the same chipsets/drivers - and give us a chance to find your answers here please02:22
ubuntuhow put the output program in chat?02:22
ubuntuwith /exec02:22
nit-witjakeobthurlow, what do you ned to know02:22
gerrinok sorry bout that, just aggitated lol02:23
tjiggi_fogerrin, :)02:23
loctricehello everyone02:23
loctricechecking out hte web based irc client on the laptop while my desktop compiles02:23
loctriceanyone else miffed about the new ubuntu release?02:23
tjiggi_fo!ot | loctrice02:24
ubottuloctrice: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:24
ubuntuWe know all about the habits of the ant, we know all about the habits of the02:24
ubuntu bee, but we know nothing at all about the habits of the oyster.  It seems02:24
ubuntu almost certain that we have been choosing the wrong time for studying the02:24
ubuntu oyster.02:24
ubuntu  -- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"02:24
FloodBot2ubuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:24
jakeobthurlowwell, ive tried 10.10 desktop edition, but that wouldn't work, kept hanging on "kernel_thread_helper+06/10" someone suggested the alternative install, and thats hanging on "Validating ncurses..."02:24
geraudk2000Hi guys02:24
geraudk2000I have no wifi in my laptop02:24
nit-witjakeobthurlow, is this a wubi install02:25
jakeobthurlowno, this a cd ive burned.02:25
nit-witjakeobthurlow, I don't recognize where that info happens can you tell me when02:25
jakeobthurlowits hangs at "Validating nucurses-bin..."  immediatly after finishing partitioning (in alternative version"02:27
mafoelffenQuestion- Changed CPU setting fbs bus speed was incoorect during install... Now gui does come up.  Ubuntu Server 10.10 w/ ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop... Do I recompile packeges? Reinstall packeges or start all over again with a fresh install?02:27
sgt-haggerhey guys, my battery indicator has gone some reason02:27
BiteI need to fix that.02:28
sgt-haggerhow can i get it back?#02:30
mafoelffenmeant installed Gui's "will not" come up... gdm comes up fine-- then to blank background screen with no menu's or bars (upper nor lower)02:30
BiteI believe i removed the startups for XFCE02:30
BiteHow can i get them back?02:30
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mafoelffenCan anyone help or give my direction?02:33
Victini`i did configure -a02:34
Victini`how do i undo it02:34
haihai guys02:35
haiany body know about freeradius?02:36
Victini`i did configure -a02:36
Victini`how do i undo it02:36
mafoelffenAnyone know if CPU changes can affect kernel or xserver?02:36
Logan_hai: #freeradius does02:36
hailogan : how to configure it02:37
Logan_hai: /join #freeradius02:37
hailogan: k02:37
Victini`please help02:37
toadhow come sometimes my top bar gets messed up in Ubuntu 10.0402:38
Logan_!please | Victini`02:38
ubottuVictini`: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude02:38
toadlike for instance my userid is doubled over the power icon on the upper right side02:38
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:38
BiteWhat did i do?02:38
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines02:38
Logan_!pm the bot | mopflite02:38
ubottumopflite: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".02:38
Logan_ubuntu: Stop it.02:39
geraudk2000please someone can help me02:39
Logan_!wireless | geraudk200002:39
ubottugeraudk2000: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:39
geraudk2000I have a problem with my wireless02:40
Logan_ubuntu: Do you need help?02:40
Logan_ubuntu: What is your question?02:40
ubuntuhow put the output program shell in chat?02:40
ubuntuwith /exec02:41
ubuntudo you know?02:41
pc-mooni wanna run cgi python on ubuntu02:41
pc-mooni wanna run cgi python on ubuntu02:42
tensorpuddingi've got vala 0.12 installed, trying to build the appindicators example, but i'm getting compile errors related to not finding a bunch of packages (though it seems to find AppIndicator alright)02:42
tensorpuddingthe packages include cairo, gobject, glib and others, which is strange02:43
Logan_tensorpudding: I would ask in #vala at irc.gimp.org02:43
kawohihey guys can you help me install vmware on ubuntu 10.1002:43
_numberscan anyone recommend a guide for ubuntu on SSD02:43
jrib!vmware | kawohi02:43
ubottukawohi: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware02:43
hai__logan :  no body responding there02:44
kawohican I still install Windows in virtual Box?02:44
jribkawohi: yes02:44
studentwhere's eveyone?02:45
mafoelffenStill waiting for any response from anyone here...02:45
kawohi"Ubuntu 10.10 ("Maverick Meerkat") i386 | AMD64" which one? i386 or AMD64? I'm using 32bit02:45
jrib!here | mafoelffen02:45
hai__hey anybody configured freeradius ?02:45
ubottumafoelffen: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com02:45
jrib!helpme | mafoelffen02:45
ubottumafoelffen: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude02:45
Logan_kawohi: i38602:45
kawohiThanks Logan_02:46
Logan_kawohi: you're welcome02:46
jribhai__: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)02:46
kawohiHow much gigs would WIndows 7 take up?02:46
hai__jrib : i want to set up a protected wifi nw with wpa2-enterprise with radius as authentication server02:47
jribhai__: that's fine, ask the channel a specific question about that02:47
dubs_How do I suppress all the join  and leave channel messages in Xchat02:47
mafoelffenThanks.  Had installed Server 10.10 with Ubunut, Kubuntu and Xubuntu Desktops. CPU was misinstalled with wrong FSB. Reset to correct but now GUI's will not run.02:47
jribmafoelffen: what happens exactly when you say "GUI's will not run"?02:48
hai__how to filer mac addresses in radius ?02:48
mafoelffenusing sudo start gdm (worked fine better) GDM runs fine... then to background with nothing - no menu's, no lower bar nor upper bar.02:49
d3walguien habla español?02:49
jrib!es | d3w02:50
ubottud3w: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:50
Chilaquilesque paso d3w02:50
jribmafoelffen: create fresh new user, see if issue exists with new user02:50
hai__how to filer mac addresses in radius ?02:50
hai__how to filter mac addresses in radius ?02:51
FloodBot3hai__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:51
d3w@Chilaquiles: estoy intentando instalar el javax64 en ubuntu y al momento de hacer el path me tira el siguiente error: update-alternatives: error: cannot stat /usr/lib64/jvm/jdk1.6.0_21/bin/javac/: No es un directorio02:51
d3w@Chilaquiles es el jdk, tiene idea de como resolverlo02:52
jribd3w: english only here please.  spanish in #ubuntu-es02:53
slavaI'm trying to attach to a process with gdb but I get this error02:53
slavaAttaching to program: /home/slava/factor/factor, process 210202:53
slavaptrace: Operation not permitted.02:53
slava/home/slava/factor/2102: No such file or directory.02:53
soreauslava: Try gdb attach PID02:53
slavarunning it wit hsudo worked actually02:53
soreauslava: Where PID is 2102 in your case02:53
\Mabuswell how retarded i cant install 10.40 live unto a 2gb usb drive02:54
soreau\Mabus: why not?02:54
ohsix\Mabus: i've got it installed onto a 2gb drive02:54
\Mabusstating the drive is to small02:54
\Mabusmeh nm i just need to manually adjust partitions02:55
ohsix\Mabus: what part of the drive or the installer is physically or mentally disabled?02:55
tensorpuddingLogan_: i've visited gimpnet on more than one occasion and never gotten a response there02:55
iszakIs there a package in the repo to get apt-get with axel?02:55
btemplehello all02:55
jribiszak: yes, axel...02:55
iszakjrib, I meant so I just do apt-get-axel or so02:56
btempleI have a question.02:56
jribiszak: oh.  no, not that I know of02:56
kawohi"Check if you are currently running another software management tool, e.g. Synaptic or aptitude. Only one tool is allowed to make changes at a time." any way I can close it without restarting my computer?02:56
jribiszak: it's best to just choose a good mirror for your location02:56
btempleHow do I share a connection from my wlan cartd to my ethernet card?02:56
soreaubtemple: The only way Ive got it to work is with masquerading or connection bridging02:57
hiexpokawohi, you have one open just close it02:57
Seven_Six_Twobtemple, I'm not a networking wizard, but you have to set up static ip addresses for each card, and then modify the routing tables. There are very good online walkthroughs.02:57
soreaubtemple: But supposedly, you can use the network manager gui02:58
kawohinah I don02:58
kawohit anything open except the update manager which is what saying the message.02:58
Seven_Six_Twosoreau, I have tried that and failed miserably.02:58
soreauSeven_Six_Two: Tried what?02:58
Seven_Six_Twosoreau, using the network manager gui to share an internet connection02:59
soreauSeven_Six_Two: Yea, me too02:59
Seven_Six_TwoI didn't know about modifying and starting dhcpd02:59
sgt-haggerhey guys, my battery indicator has gone some reason02:59
Seven_Six_Twosgt-hagger, gone where?02:59
mrdebsoreau: do you like nouveau03:00
sgt-haggerfrom the panel#03:00
Seven_Six_Twosgt-hagger, are you in gnome?03:00
\Mabuslol how odd, i do the partitions manually, it still yells at me, i go back and forth a few times then just hit auto and it accepts it03:00
iszakjrib, would be nice to see the apt-fast implementation in the repo :( oh well03:00
ChubcorpI have a question regarding my computer recognizing the battery.03:00
rwwI for one prefer our non-mirror-hammering overlords.03:00
hiexposgt-hagger, was itupon a reboot03:00
soreaumrdeb: I havent tried it so I cant say. But I do know its an entirely REd driver, and 3D is entirely unsupported03:00
mafoelffenjrib: Same on new user.  Notice this on ubuntu-desktop... Xubuntu came up. Not really sure now on XFDE and Kubuntu, but know Ubuntu blank.03:00
sark666i had my windows ntfs share mounted in linux.  I accidentally moved my windows home dir to a sub dir, and then I moved it back.  but windows won't recognize my home dir anymore.03:01
iszakrww, I doubt a few more connections matter :P03:01
sark666in linux the files are all there.  is there a way to check the actual ntfs permissions when it's mounted in linux?03:01
rwwiszak: Enough people thinking that makes it self-defeating :P03:01
sgt-haggeryeah i use gnome03:01
mrdebsoreau: hahaha03:01
iszakrww, well I guess we should have faster mirrors then!03:02
sgt-haggerdont know if it was like that at boot, cant reboot right now03:02
jribmafoelffen: anything of interest in ~/.xsession-errors03:02
Seven_Six_Twosark666, there are some ntfs utilites that you can install I think.03:02
hiexposgt-hagger, proballwas it will probally come back on next boot i have seen that happen03:02
Seven_Six_Twosark666, I haven't had windows for years, but there used to be a package for basic filesystem stuff03:02
ChubcorpUnless the battery is less than 5 min from full charge, the computer shuts down when it's unplugged.03:02
Seven_Six_TwoChubcorp, it sounds like you leave your laptop plugged in all the time03:03
operahelo everyone03:03
sark666there's ntfs progs but it doesn't sound like it does this03:03
operai am just go to here to look what you said03:03
ChubcorpYeah, because if the battery gets too low and I try to charge, class get out, then it turns off.03:04
soreauopera: You can idle, its fine03:04
mrdebdoes anyone use iceweasel03:04
soreau! anyone | mrdeb03:04
ubottumrdeb: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.03:04
danielhey guys03:05
Seven_Six_TwoChubcorp, It is likely that you need a new battery. Only plugging it in when it's almost dead, and then unplugging when it's fully charged will make it last longer. There is nothing you can do about it, unless it's under warranty03:05
ubottuIceweasel's homepage is http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ with more detailed information at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iceweasel03:05
danieli have a problem with chromium and flash03:05
moesTo open system files I have to right click and choose open...Where do I reset so I can use single left click03:05
danielwhen i'm seeing a video i get a grey screen03:05
danielhow can i solve that03:05
Seven_Six_TwoChubcorp, unless of course, it is fine with another currently installed os03:05
ChubcorpSeven_Six_Two, it does work fine on Windows03:05
Seven_Six_Twodaniel, does flash crash all the time? like every page load?03:05
Seven_Six_TwoChubcorp, have you checked your power settings under system>preferences?03:06
soreaumoes: If you are referring to nautilus, Edit>Preferences>Behavior tab03:06
operasoreau, what's your means.03:06
danielSeven_Six_Two,  not always, sometimes is in the middle of the video03:07
Seven_Six_TwoChubcorp, I take it back. There are other settings somewhere. I don't remember where. Look in synaptic for "laptop"03:07
ChubcorpSeven_Six_Two,  when it gets unplugged it says 3 min of battery remaining unless plugged back in. still turns off even if it's plugged back in03:07
soreauopera: Im here to help people with situations that I might know about03:07
Seven_Six_Twodaniel, you're lucky. For a while there, I couldn't even load a page with an ad without that bar at the top03:07
Seven_Six_TwoChubcorp, well that's not right.03:08
moessoreau, Thanks that was the one03:08
ChubcorpI think it  it might have something to do with my computer, it's a Dell Inspiron 10 mini, it's a loner.03:09
mafoelffenError seems to start with not being able to parse desktop file then from there orphaned refrences.03:09
Seven_Six_TwoChubcorp, what happens if you log in to windows and charge it, then switch back?03:09
operao . i need a english -china dic,,. who can tell me a  name?03:09
mafoelffenOnly change that cause this was restting fbs bus speed on CPU...03:10
soreauopera: google language tools ?03:10
ChubcorpSeven_Six_Two, It won't turn off if it's fully charged, just below a 90% charge03:10
soreauopera: http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=en03:10
Seven_Six_TwoChubcorp, it sounds like your computer is borked03:10
mafoelffenjrib: Sory errors above.03:10
Seven_Six_TwoChubcorp, is there anything noteworthy in the bios related to power?03:11
ChubcorpSeven_Six_Two, no, nothing03:11
Seven_Six_TwoChubcorp, perhaps a setting for apic or apm03:11
Seven_Six_Twoapci. apic. I don't know03:11
ubuntuguyHow do I install celtx on ubuntu 10.10?03:12
ChubcorpSeven_Six_Two, My computer has trouble with a lot of things like this, I cannot update the system, it will crash the OS, and it wasn't until I installed Poulsbo 2d and 3d that I could change screen resolution03:13
ChubcorpSeven_Six_Two, Perhaps I should just live with it03:13
Seven_Six_TwoChubcorp, perhaps you could shut down, remove the battery for a bit and then plug it back in and charge while powered off. then boot and try again03:14
ohsixChubcorp: stuff with poulsbo in it are not well supported; as they are barely useable without a binary only driver that is not maintained03:14
ubuntuguyHow do I install celtx on ubuntu 10.1003:14
Seven_Six_TwoChubcorp, do you have candlewax, a leatherman, and a pinch of hair?03:15
soreauubuntuguy: http://wiki.celtx.com/index.php?title=Installation#For_Linux03:15
ChubcorpSeven_Six_Two, yes, but this might be a weird fix.03:15
Seven_Six_TwoChubcorp, I may know an incantation, but the smell of fire will soothe your soul.03:15
ohsixChubcorp: if it complains about shutdown, remove the battery while its on AC; if the computer doesn't keep running something could be wrong with how it charges the battery, or your power jack03:15
soreauubuntuguy: Dont pm me03:16
soreau! pm | ubuntuguy03:16
ubottuubuntuguy: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:16
ChubcorpIt's not the power jack, I use at least 4 a day, and this problem is with my friends computers too. Same models03:16
Seven_Six_TwoChubcorp, sorry, you'll need a blowtorch too. (jk). It sounds like someone else knows more about poulsomethingsomething than I.03:17
ohsixChubcorp: merely possibilities; you cant guess which one is correct without investigating them03:17
operai install a stardict, but i can't where i install.and i don't find it03:17
macoopera: dpkg -L packagename     <-- tells you what files were in the package03:17
operahow can i solve03:17
Chubcorpohsix, what are my possibilities?03:18
mafoelffenjrib: xsession-errors-old error ed on parsing desktop-setup file, then downhill from there with orphaned references.03:19
jribmafoelffen: you should pastebin the file03:19
rumpel_opera, alt-f2, "stardict"03:19
mafoelffenjrib: to what pastebin?03:19
jribmafoelffen: doesn't matter.  paste.ubuntu.com if you want03:20
ubuntuguyCan someone walk me through celtx installation?03:20
soreauubuntuguy: There are plenty of guides on ubuntu forums it seems03:20
jmknsdhow are the drivers for Sandy Bridge graphics in 10.10 and11.04?03:21
ubuntuguyMay you link me to one03:21
soreauubuntuguy: google for celtx ubuntu03:21
=== sud0 is now known as Glider
=== Glider is now known as sud0
Logan_!nickspam | sud003:21
ubottusud0: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead. See also « /msg ubottu Guidelines »03:21
sud0Logan_: sorry, psybnc03:22
mafoelffenjrib: paste.ubuntu.com/591065/03:23
samuyhi all03:24
ChubcorpSeven_Six_Two, ohsix, Thanks, but I'll just deal with it for now, Plus, big paper due soon. Thanks again03:24
samuycan u readme?03:24
samuypueden leerme?03:24
vectory_lolol i just selected every item in synaptic for installation to see how much diskspace it would use03:24
vectory_appearantly the window hangs  :/03:25
Seven_Six_Twosamuy, people can read you, stop it03:25
samuyhaha sorry03:25
samuyseven six two03:25
soreau! ask | samuy03:25
ubottusamuy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:25
samuyi have a problem with my ubuntu 10.1003:25
jribmafoelffen: don't know03:25
operait is ok03:26
samuyall the games are too slow!!03:26
soreausamuy: What games?03:26
ayeceesamuy: even minesweeper?03:26
samuyno no03:26
ayeceewell, pfft.03:26
operawho can tell me a room say chinese?03:26
Logan_!zh | opera03:27
ayecee!cn | opera03:27
ubottuopera: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk03:27
soreau! cn | opera03:27
Seven_Six_Twosamuy, perhaps you accidentally bought a slow computer? Not enough memory? Too many programs open at once?03:27
operahow can get in it03:27
ayeceeopera: /join #ubuntu-cn03:27
Logan_opera: /join #ubuntu-cn03:27
mafoelffenjrib: LMAO.  Only chnage on box... was running fine, but noticed CPU was misinstalled on mobo.  reset bus spedd from 100mhz to 133mhz where it should have been.. hten the probs.03:27
speakerevening all ..03:27
vectory_samuy: for 3d games install proper drivers03:27
soreausamuy: What games are you referring to?03:27
samuylike machinarium03:27
Seven_Six_Twosamuy, do you mean 3d?03:27
jribmafoelffen: it would be strange for that to be the cause03:27
speakerany Linux tablet pc users here?03:27
vectory_beware, ati drivers leabe much to be desired03:27
soreau! any03:28
samuyor angrybirds in wine03:28
jmknsddo you have a discrete graphics card samuy? If so, what one?03:28
mafoelffenI guess I "could" reset the bus back... but it "was" so slow.03:28
samuythe on board one03:28
jribmafoelffen: try and see if the problems go away (just to troubleshoot)03:28
mafoelffenJrib: and was wrong to start from.03:28
mafoelffenK, will do.03:29
soreausamuy: What gpu do you have?03:29
samuybut in windows i can play this games normaly03:29
jmknsdwhat GPU? and are you using the proprietary drivers?03:29
soreausamuy: What is the output of lspci|grep VGA ?03:29
flan_suseAnyone else on Ubuntu 10.04 using Banshee?03:30
samuydont know03:30
soreau! anyone | flan_suse03:30
ubottuflan_suse: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.03:30
soreausamuy: Get to a terminal and run lspci|grep VGA03:30
samuywhere can i see that?03:30
flan_susesoreau: I meant to ask: "Isn't EVERYONE using Banshee?"03:30
ohsixflan_suse: no03:30
jmknsdopen a terminal and type what soreau said to03:30
soreauflan_suse: Still not a useful question03:30
flan_suseI have added the Banshee PPA for Ubuntu Lucid, and it still shows only 1.8 available, but browsing the PPA manually shows 2.0.03:31
ohsixflan_suse: also rhetorical, as obviously theres at least one person that isn't, and they might not be here; by chance there is at least one03:31
flan_suse! humor | soreau03:31
speakerHave a Gateway tablet PC- want to install Ubuntu on it- best version for tablet pc's03:31
Jon--Just had a full system hang, probably from QEMU. How do I diagnose/view appropriate logs?03:31
jmknsdsamuy, a terminal can be opened from accessories sub-menu  of the applications menu, if you've never used one before.03:32
ohsixJon--: you might have lost it by rebooting :D (check /var/log, messages and syslog, but for real crashes stuff usually don't land there)03:32
samuyi know that03:32
samuythe problen is i cant do the simbol in the midle of the comands03:32
ubuntuguyI followed the instructions, can't seem to find the file "celtx" I see "celtx bin"03:33
ayeceespeaker: either regular ubuntu or ubuntu netbook edition shouild work fine.03:33
extorI want to run a 10-IP socks proxy server but not sure which app to use. Plain on sshd tunneling binds each outgoing socket to the primary IP on eth0 thus negating the existence of the other 9 IPs03:33
ubuntuguythink I found it03:33
jmknsdsamuy, it is above the enter key usually. you can also copy and paste the command directly03:33
Jon--ohsix, fuck.03:33
speakerayecee.. thanks I saw the Netbook edition.. just wasnt sure it would give me the stylus funtion.. will download it shortly03:33
Jon--!language | Jon--03:33
ubottuJon--, please see my private message03:33
flan_suseI even did an apt-get update, but the old versions of Banshee show in my package manager. Yet here it shows 2.0 packages available: https://launchpad.net/~banshee-team/+archive/ppa03:34
samuy01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN896/VN896/P4M900 [Chrome 9 HC] (rev 01)03:34
samuythere is03:34
ubuntuguygot it03:34
ohsixextor: you usually cant usefully do that, unless it is valid for the proxy to exit on any 10 of the ips; and it usually is not, if a web browser doesn't use pipelining (sometimes it can't even) the requests could come from all 10 ips to load a single page, you might not use it for browsing, btu it is just an example03:35
samuysorry my english im from uruguay03:35
samuyi paste what appear in my terminal03:36
samuy01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN896/VN896/P4M900 [Chrome 9 HC] (rev 01)03:36
extorohsix, I basically want it so that if I connect to then the corresponding exit thread will be bound to and if I connect to for example then the exit socket will be but it turns out that the exit for 192.168.1.X:1028 is always
ohsixextor: oh well that's something different then03:37
samuycan u readme?03:37
ohsixextor: you can make ssh bind on different ips on both ends, but it probably isn't best to use ssh; something that wouldn't require multiple instances to handle each ingress/egress would probably be appropriate; its been a while since i looked and nothing i can remember will do that03:38
jmknsdsamuy, yeah, I am not familiar with working with via chipsets, you should search the ubuntu forums for "CN896/VN896/P4M900" and make a post if you can't find anything03:38
samuyohh ok03:38
mafoelffenjrib:  No changed... Have a "cure" though.  This is a newly installed test box- less than 1 week seen install.  Will remove desktops, setup CPU correctly, then (re)install packages.  I don't really now how to re-install a package from the apt-get "command line".03:38
samuythanks anyway dude03:38
extorohsix I tried it with ssh....but wasnt able to bind the exit nodes to different IPs however03:39
qwjeMy brain is quad core on 200MG caffiene and it is hyperthreaded on 400MG so on 400MG its like i have 8 cores03:39
mafoelffenjrib: Is there a reinstall flag for apt-get?03:39
jribmafoelffen: apt-get install --reinstall03:40
qwjeMy brain is quad core on 200MG caffiene and it is hyperthreaded on 400MG so on 400MG its like i have 8 coresMy brain is quad core on 200MG caffiene and it is hyperthreaded on 400MG so on 400MG its like i have 8 cores03:40
qwjeMy brain is quad core on 200MG caffiene and it is hyperthreaded on 400MG so on 400MG its like i have 8 coresMy brain is quad core on 200MG caffiene and it is hyperthreaded on 400MG so on 400MG its like i have 8 coresMy brain is quad core on 200MG caffiene and it is hyperthreaded on 400MG so on 400MG its like i have 8 coresMy brain is quad core on 200MG caffiene and it is hyperthreaded on 400MG so on 400MG its like i have 8 coresMy bra03:40
mafoelffenk will try --reinstall on the desktops.03:40
qwjeMy brain is quad core on 200MG caffiene and it is hyperthreaded on 400MG so on 400MG its like i have 8 coresMy brain is quad core on 200MG caffiene and it is hyperthreaded on 400MG so on 400MG its like i have 8 coresMy brain is quad core on 200MG caffiene and it is hyperthreaded on 400MG so on 400MG its like i have 8 coresMy brain is quad core on 200MG caffiene and it is hyperthreaded on 400MG so on 400MG its like i have 8 coresMy bra03:40
qwjeMy brain is quad core on 200MG caffiene and it is hyperthreaded on 400MG so on 400MG its like i have 8 coresMy brain is quad core on 200MG caffiene and it is hyperthreaded on 400MG so on 400MG its like i have 8 coresMy brain is quad core on 200MG caffiene and it is hyperthreaded on 400MG so on 400MG its like i have 8 coresMy brain is quad core on 200MG caffiene and it is hyperthreaded on 400MG so on 400MG its like i have 8 coresMy bra03:40
FloodBot3qwje: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:40
soreautoo late FloodBot303:40
ohsixextor: ok, i thought one of the -L and whatever other options that do binding could do it, btu i just looked and they don't03:41
UkeofJerseyHa Ha!  The noob has figured out IRC!03:41
UkeofJerseyGreets, all!03:41
UkeofJerseyI'm having some trouble with software sources and hopefully someone can help03:41
soreau! details | UkeofJersey03:43
ubottuUkeofJersey: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:43
UkeofJerseyI had added a PPA source via terminal (pmcenery for iphone stuff) and after perusing the other stuff, decided to remove the source.  I removed it from Software Sources and no dice.  I then deleted the two pmcenery files from /etc/apt/sources.list.d and it STILL shows up in Software Center03:44
iszakAnyone experienced high CPU load with PHP5-FPM PPA from Nginx and Ubuntu 10.04?03:44
flan_suseYou refreshed the repositories since then?03:44
UkeofJerseyI'm gonna guess no, flan03:45
soreauUkeofJersey: Did you try ppa-purge ?03:45
ohsixiszak: not likely that someone has the same circumstances (like even having the ppa installed), which part is using more cpu than you'd expect?03:45
iszakohsix, what do you mean "which part" ?03:46
flan_suseUkeofJersey: Issue this command: sudo apt-get update03:46
flan_suseUkeofJersey: Close the Software Center first.03:46
ohsixUkeofJersey: reinstall the ppa, then use ppa-purge to remove it; it will pin the old versions and downgrade for you, by default no package manager will offer a downgrade03:46
ohsixalso what flan_suse said03:46
flan_suseohsix: I'm not sure if he installed any packages from the PPAs (no mention of it.)03:46
ohsixiszak: that is several moving pieces, you mentioned the set of them using more cpu than you expect, which one?03:46
operawho can tell me how to copy id name03:47
iszakohsix, how can I distinguish ?03:47
UkeofJerseysudo apt-get update did not work03:47
rumpel_UkeofJersey, just ask03:47
bjgrHi guys. Gnome power manager applet always shows my battery status to be connected and fully charged when I disconnect the AC.03:47
ohsixiszak: how did you establish the high cpu usage in the first place, the load average?03:48
bjgrWhen I reconnect AC, it shows status correctly.03:48
iszakohsix, I stopped the PHP5-FPM service and viola, low CPU load.03:48
bjgrAny ideas why?03:48
flan_suseUkeofJersey: Can you instead open the Synaptic Package manager?03:48
flan_suseUkeofJersey: And see if the packages are still listed?03:48
iszakohsix, there is also no requests being served either.03:48
amusselmI'm having problems with the package multimon03:48
amusselmIt can't seem to open the the the soundcard device03:48
ohsixiszak: so it's down to the thing in the ppa03:48
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UkeofJerseyok, give me a sec to look through Synaptic03:49
ohsixwhy are you using the ppa version, does it show the same thing in the regular version?03:49
iszakohsix, because AFAIK PHP5-FPM doesn't come with 10.0403:49
UkeofJerseywhere would I find the ppas?03:49
ohsixbjgr: if you remove the ac and wait 5 or 10 minutes, doe sit eventually show the battery discharging?03:50
flan_suseUkeofJersey: Settings > Repositories03:50
l1nuxmanWeird behaviour for me here. My browser is displaying text even though the HTML does not correspond with it, as shown here: See the input boxes value's are empty in the code but they remain there still!!!!03:50
ohsixiszak: i see, what logging do they do? as far as i know there'd be no special or expensive startup phase, whatever the problem is should be reported in their logs, like not being able to spawn03:51
bjgrohsix, No, it keeps saying "Laptop battery is charged".03:51
flan_suseUkeofJersey: But I was wondering if the packages are still listed, even after refreshing the repositories with apt-get update.03:51
ohsixbjgr: ok one moment i'll give you some instructions to look at whats going on03:51
UkeofJerseyoh yes, this menu.  That is what I tried first, Flan03:51
bjgrIf I see the statistics it shows the right battery charge... and xfce4-power-manager also works.03:51
bjgrohsix, thx03:51
ohsixbjgr: can you post the output of upower --dump to paste.ubuntu.com03:52
UkeofJerseysince I'm a n00b I have no other repositories that I added.  Can we try purging the ppa's like suggested before?03:52
flan_suseUkeofJersey: Grab the ppa-purge package.03:52
iszakohsix, I'm not sure what you mean, the logs in /var/log/php5-fpm.log aren't exactly anything like warnings, just terminating, exiting, fpm is running, read to handle connection, etc.03:52
ohsixbjgr: are you using gnome or xfce? if something can see the proper battery information it might just be the viewer you're seeing the battery status in being wrong or not working right03:52
operahow to copy other's ID NAME03:52
Jon--I dislike having a gnome-panel at the top of my screen, however, I'd like to have the time at the top right still across all workspaces and on maximized windows. Is there a way I can do this?03:53
flan_suseUkeofJersey: So you did see it listed under > Settings > Repositories > Other Software ?03:53
bjgrohsix, I used to use xfce4, but I have changed back to Gnome recently.03:53
flan_suseJon--: You can add a panel to the top and add applets to it, such as the clock.03:53
ohsixJon--: you can, but it will still probably work like the whole panel being there, and thus whatever is annoying you will still annoy you03:53
rumpel_opera, what exactly do you mean?03:53
Jon--flan_suse, how do I do this?03:54
bjgrohsix, http://paste.ubuntu.com/591069/03:54
UkeofJerseygrabbing the ppa-purge package (say that 10 times fast) I assume that it was cool to install all the other libs and stuff that it wanted to?03:54
ohsixiszak: look in top for what instance of it is using high cpu, if it's just one sitting there and not something respawning fast / over and over; look into what it's doing by attaching to it with strace03:54
flan_suseJon--: Like ohsix said, you'll still have a panel at the top (mostly empty) except for the clock or any other applet you add.03:54
operaif  i  will talk to  someone,but how can i copy his name.03:54
bjgrohsix, that is with AC connected03:54
iszakohsix, thing is it doesn't show it at the top in top03:55
Jon--flan_suse, damn.03:55
soreauopera: Just highlight their nick and middle click to paste03:55
flan_suseJon--: You can change the panel's property to not expand, and it will only be as big as all the items within.03:55
rumpel_opera, talk to someone how?03:55
Jon--flan_suse, can I then right align it?03:55
soreau! tab | opera03:55
ubottuopera: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:55
flan_suseJon--: Yup.03:55
ohsixbjgr: and without ac connected?03:55
UkeofJerseyso do I just sudo ppa-purge?03:55
bjgrohsix, without AC: http://paste.ubuntu.com/591070/03:55
soreauUkeofJersey: sudo ppa-purge <name of ppa>03:56
ohsixiszak: so it's in a system call? you can install linux-tools and use "perf top" to see what's going on, then03:56
flan_suseJon--: Just uncheck "expand" and click/drag it to the right.03:56
Jon--I goofed things up royally now03:56
flan_suseUkeofJersey: sudo ppa-purge nameofppa03:56
iszakohsix, oh that's cool! thanks03:56
iszakohsix, seems like the version bundled with 10.04 doesn't have perf03:57
ohsixbjgr: ok, so even upower doesn't know the ac adapter is going offline, and the battery state is changing03:57
UkeofJerseyflan_suse, is there a shortname or something for the ppa?  If so, where do I find it?03:57
flan_suseUkeofJersey: On the launchpad page there is usually the name.03:57
ohsixiszak: make sure with dpkg -L it might have a versioned name03:57
flan_suseUkeofJersey: For example: ppa:banshee-team/ppa03:57
Jon--What I really want to do03:58
flan_suseUkeofJersey: I think you can even ignore the ppa: part of the name.03:58
Jon--Is have two gnome-panels running03:58
Jon--That'd be perfect03:58
UkeofJerseysorry, but what is the launchpad page?03:58
flan_suseJon--: You can.03:58
Jon--Can I do this?03:58
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flan_suseJon--: Did you move the main panel to the bottom?03:58
FloodBot3Jon--: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:58
ohsixUkeofJersey: it'd be in the same format as you'd use with apt-add-repository; which is listed on the launchpad ppa page03:58
bjgrohsix, hm... it shows state: fully charged, but the energy clearly is not fully charged...03:58
flan_suseUkeofJersey: The place where you got the PPA from.03:58
Jon--flan_suse, It's at the top right currently. I want just a clock in the top right, and a auto-hidden and centred panel at the top as well with my application menu and tray icons.03:58
flan_suseUkeofJersey: And it's the form of ppa:blah/ppa or similar, like my above example.03:59
ohsixbjgr: that's just cuz it hasn't made thet state transition, and your battery capacity is 62% as it knows it, so the battery is already very old, or the statistics are bad03:59
flan_suseJon--: For the main one's properties, change it to "bottom".03:59
soreauopera: Yes, but try sore<tab><tab>03:59
UkeofJerseyhmm....unfortunately I just cp'ed some command I found online.  I do not recall the exact name I typed last week03:59
ohsixbjgr: is this  a temporary problem or regular?04:00
flan_suseUkeofJersey: Try a google search for the name of the ppa + launchpad.04:00
bjgrohsix, regular... it has been like that for several years.04:00
flan_suseJon--: Okay, now add a new panel, for the top, and uncheck expand.04:00
flan_suseJon--: Or wait, leave it expanded.04:00
Jon--How do I add a new panel?04:00
ohsixbjgr: the battery is telling the OS that 54.931% of design capacity is "fully charged"04:00
flan_suseJon--: Add the clock first, THEN uncheck expand.04:01
bjgrohsix, right now (with AC on) the indicater shows around 50% and says 30 min to full04:01
flan_suseJon--: Right-click any panel > Add new panel04:01
bjgrohsix, when I disconnect it imediately jumps to fully charged04:01
p1shkI've created a samba share and can connect fine from any ubuntu pc, but I can't connect from windows and it's driving me crazy!!04:01
bjgrohsix, And that also happens if the battery is at 25&04:01
p1shkI have a share that is accessible read only to everyone04:01
p1shkworks fine from windows04:01
p1shki've created a share that I want to be read/write but only for 1 user04:02
UkeofJerseycould not find package list because I had manually deleted that from sources.list.d04:02
p1shkbut i can't login04:02
bjgrohsix, 25%04:02
ohsixbjgr: you might need to discharge your battery completely, then let it charge for a few cycles to get the statistics closer to correct, not to mention letting the battery resample its actual capacity, it seems the battery has builtin measurements that is saying that just over 50% is full, and it can't make up its mind about if it's charging or not04:02
flan_suseUkeofJersey: You mean repository?04:02
p1shkI'm pulling my hair out over this one and can't work out what's going on, can anybody assist?04:02
bjgrohsix, And it will keep showing 100%until it just runs out04:02
operaohsix, test04:02
iszakohsix, no luck it says I need linux-tools-2.6.32-308 however there's no version like that in the repo04:02
UkeofJerseysudo ppa-purge ppa:pmcenery/ppa04:02
UkeofJerseyPPA to be removed: pmcenery ppa04:02
UkeofJerseyWarning:  Could not find package list for PPA: pmcenery ppa04:03
ohsixbjgr: you might just have to do that for a while, that often doesn't happen however, the battery has a separate signal from its metering that tells the OS that around 3 to 5% is available in order to shut down safely04:03
bjgrohsix, but xfce4 shows correct all the time.... with or without AC04:03
flan_suseUkeofJersey: It's because you already removed the PPA. Did you install any packages from this PPA?04:03
ohsixbjgr: it might be asking acpi directly and keeping its own statistics04:03
trackerx90hi every one04:03
UkeofJerseyyes there were libs for the iphone and such04:04
flan_suseUkeofJersey: ppa-purge is mainly to revert packages back to the official versions, in case you want to undo changes from PPA packages.04:04
trackerx90i have problem about new hadware04:04
flan_suseUkeofJersey: Did you uninstall those packages?04:04
trackerx90no driver for me04:04
folornhow do find a specified folder where a program is through the terminal if possible?04:04
UkeofJerseyno, I wanted to keep the packages I just didn't need the source anymore04:04
trackerx90i need the way, how to compile driver for it04:04
ohsixbjgr: but like i said; your battery is very old or hasn't been discharged recently, it says its capacity is only 55%, the statistics upower does say the capacity is 63%04:04
jherrerawhat kind of driver?04:04
flan_suseUkeofJersey: I thought you did remove the repository?04:05
UkeofJerseyI'm just wondering how the Ubuntu Software list is populated04:05
ohsixbjgr: the battery fuel gauge and the OS statistics don't work well if the battery isn't regularly discharged04:05
flan_suseJon--: Works?04:05
foxbuntunoob question, I have \raggedright in the settings for my doc and that works great except a few spots I want to be fully justified like default, also I want to indent an entire paragraph04:05
Jon--flan_suse, I am trying to figure out what configuration I like04:05
flan_suseUkeofJersey: Could you find those packages in Synaptic?04:05
trackerx9088E8056 Marvell04:05
bjgrohsix, bt upower writes: that energy-full-design is 57, energy-full is 32 and that energy is 19. Why would it then show 100%04:05
foxbuntuwhoops wrong channel :)04:06
flan_suseJon--: Cool, sounds like you're doing fine.04:06
ohsixiszak: dunno what to say, for that to be true you'd have to be running some weird kernel package04:06
e-framehi all04:06
bjgrohsix, Well it is pretty often discharged, since I forget about it, and the PM just keeps showing 100. So eventually it just goes black...04:07
ohsixbjgr: energy isn't the number it uses, capacity/percentage is; the energy numbers are to calculate energy use since it's measured in watt hour, they're separate statistics04:07
flan_suseUkeofJersey: Safer way next time is to remove the repository using the GUI package manager, and then reload the packages.04:07
Jon--flan_suse, I have a panel with just a clock, but I can't seem to make it transparent. any ideas?04:07
iszakohsix, well it's a VM so..04:07
mafoelffenjrib: Sorry/Same. Now removing. Then will install.  Should I purge?04:07
flan_suseJon--: Transparent? Not sure, without compositing. And I don't use Compiz.04:07
ohsixbjgr: ok, if it's been regularly discharged, and done recently; and still isn't showing proper status i don't know where to look next, but if it has been discharged; and that 55% number is correct; the battery is very very old and should probably be replaced04:08
p1shkI've literally spent 90minutes troubleshooting this samba issue04:08
p1shkand I just found the solution04:08
bjgrohsix, so if capacity is 62% and percentage is 54% according to upower, why does the status say fully charged.04:08
UkeofJerseyflan_suse, I suppose I could search around and find what I installed, but I'm not sure what the installed packages have to do with my problem.  I have PPA for Paul Mcenery listed under Canononical, Independent, etc.  Can't I just remove a line from a file to axe that?04:08
Jon--My gnome-panel background colour changes aren't taking effect. Any ideas?04:08
braxtonHello, I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 server edition 32-bit on an old desktop and I would like to know how to install the jre so that I may run java server programs on it.04:08
ohsixbjgr: it's 54% according to the battery; sorry about mixing all the numbers without mentioning that04:09
braxtonI looked it up online, but I think it's not listed in the repositories or something.04:09
flan_suseUkeofJersey: It would be under /etc/apt/04:09
bjgrIt will also say that in 20 min, when percentage is 30%. I already tested that.04:09
p1shkwindows xp had connected to one share with a certain user name, and was cached, when i tried to use another username to another share nothing would work04:09
Jon--It's inherently a problem with gnome-panel04:09
Jon--It only adds transparency outside of panel items04:09
Jon--Which doesn't help me with the clock D:04:09
e-framehi, i am going to install ubuntu on Xen @ Centos server. but never succed. any suggestion will be very appreciated04:09
p1shki had to do: net use \\share /DELETE04:09
p1shknow it works04:09
Jon--I guess I'm writing a conky script or something?04:09
flan_suseUkeofJersey: But you removed the repository manually, so I'm not sure what you might have missed or done differently. I just use Synaptic to remove a repository, and it's gone.04:09
bjgrohsix, and as soon as AC is on, it shows something different.04:09
ohsixbjgr: you can try removing your battery history from /var/lib/upower and restarting, then it'll start collecting new statistics; though they should only be bad if there isn't a significant percentage of use of the battery while in ubuntu (say on a laptop booted to windows 90% of the time, it will miss sampling the battery and the statistics will drift)04:10
flan_suseJon--: Could do that, yeah. Or maybe some GNOME applet out there exists?04:10
Jon--I'm actually using the fact that gnome-panel keeps windows from maximizing over top of them to my advantage04:11
bjgrohsix, i wil try that. It is a ubuntu only laptop, and has always been04:11
Jon--My conky script has a bar across the top with a bunch of useful info04:11
Jon--The issue is that that is all transparent, but the clock isn't, and looks strange :(04:11
flan_suseJon--: There's different types of applets for GNOME, not sure how well they work though. gDesklets, Screenlets, etc...04:11
Jon--So I either have to modify windows to not maximize all the way somehow04:11
Jon--(no idea how)04:11
Jon--Or find a way to get gnome-panel panel items to display text transparently (also no idea how)04:11
flan_suseJon--:  I see what you mean.04:12
flan_suseJon--: But then for a "consistent" look, you can have the panel expand.04:12
flan_suseJon--: Maybe add some other applets to the panel, for good balance, lol.04:12
ohsixbjgr: upower at least knows when your ac adapter state changes04:12
Jon--That doesn't mean I can do what I did in my conky script ;)04:12
ohsixbjgr: did you edit out the vendor/model numbers?04:13
UkeofJerseyI'm not sure what I did differently, flan, since the very first thing I did was go to software sources > Other software and just used the remove button there04:13
bjgrohsix, but the problem is that Gnome PM doesn't react to it. Is there any alternatives to GPM?04:13
bjgrohsix, nope, haven't touched anything04:13
ohsixbjgr: one thing at a time, gpm gets its information from upower, thats why we look there first04:14
UkeofJerseynext I removed the 2 files that were in sources.list.d that referred to pmcenery04:14
Jon--flan_suse, my current issue: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/387278/Screenshot-panel.png04:14
flan_suseUkeofJersey: What about the /etc/apt/sources.list file?04:14
ohsixbjgr: is this a legit battery? those vendor/model numbers are BS04:14
UkeofJerseythere was no reference to pmcenery at all04:14
bjgrohsix, it is the original battery, and the laptop vendor is fujitsu-siemens04:14
UkeofJerseyit looks like the file wasn't changed from install (I'm guessing)04:15
Jon--Oh dear04:15
ohsixbjgr: yea i see04:15
flan_suseUkeofJersey: So no packages show in your package manager? But there's a reference to his PPA in the Software Center?04:15
Jon--I think I discovered a hackish solution, perhaps04:15
Jon--Nope, nevermind.04:15
ohsixbjgr: there are lots of bug reports about this if you search for that vendor string04:15
flan_suseJon--: I see, but why not use Conky all the way?04:16
flan_suseJon--: Oh yeah... maximixed windows.04:16
Jon--flan_suse, Then how do I make it so maximized windows don't go all the way? ;)04:16
demonsporkI can't get an Ubuntu intsall to boot. It juts comes up to a screen with a blinking cursor.  I have manually tried to set every single hard drive in the computer (7 of them) to be the ONLY boot device from the BIOS and none of them work. Grub was supposedly put on the first hard drive by the installer but it just refuses to start04:16
demonsporkclean install of Ubuntu04:16
UkeofJerseyflan_suse, where in synaptics should I  be looking for these packages?04:16
flan_suseJon--: No feature in conky to disallow windows from covering it when maximized?04:16
ohsixbjgr: it also looks like the metering for the battery can have significant outliers and mess with the battery statistics04:16
flan_suseUkeofJersey: Just click "Search" and enter a name of one of them.04:17
Jon--I doubt it, conky is a pretty dumb just write to desktop sort of application04:17
flan_suseUkeofJersey: Then go to Package > Versions > and see if it refers to his PPA in one of the versions.04:17
mafoelffenjrib: Remove then install was a nogo. Ready to start all over and install again from fresh04:17
ohsixbjgr: hal is no longer in play in newer ubuntu versions, but there is some troubleshooting information on an old bug for this exact issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/27012304:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 270123 in linux (Ubuntu) "Wrong battery status" [Medium,Confirmed]04:18
ohsixspecifically, debugging gnome-power-manager04:18
mafoelffenjrib... meaning on fresh server install.04:18
UkeofJerseyok, I found a package libimobiledevice1 that I had gotten from pmcenery and it is installed04:18
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bjgrohsix, reading through it now04:18
flan_suseJon--: http://conky.sourceforge.net/config_settings.html04:18
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flan_suseJon--: Scroll down to the part: own_window_type04:18
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=== robertwall is now known as rww`
UkeofJerseyI'm confused though:  if I install a package from a source, I can't get rid of the source without getting rid of the package?!04:19
flan_suseJon--: "Panel windows reserve space along a desktop edge, just like panels and taskbars, preventing maximized windows from overlapping them."04:19
flan_suseUkeofJersey: No, no. You  can.04:19
flan_suseUkeofJersey: I'm just curious how the Software Center still sees the PPA.04:19
Jon--flan_suse, I wonder what the behaviour will be like, as I have more conky stuff underneath on my desktop.04:19
flan_suseJon--: Can't you have seperate conky instances (one of them being the "panel" type?)04:20
Jon--Can I?04:20
Jon--I'm new to conky04:20
flan_suseJon--: Not sure. Never used conky, haha.04:20
akramdose any one know how can i use a folder where its in root to be acceess by the web04:21
ohsixbjgr: newer bug seems to point directly to a firmware bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/45578604:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 455786 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "battery indicator is wrong" [Low,New]04:21
ohsixbjgr: are you using the latest bios you can?04:21
Seven_Six_Twoakram, are you going to serve it with apache?04:21
ohsixbjgr: if you are still reading the first you can stop, this second one is more direct, sorry about posting the first i found ;]04:21
UkeofJerseysearches for files with pmcenery show nothing as well04:21
UkeofJerseyI don't know how ubuntu remembers this guy!04:21
akrami have apache installed04:21
Seven_Six_Twoakram, then the folder should be owned by www-data04:22
bjgrohsix, ok, I'll look at the second link. Hang on. Appreciate the help.04:22
akramcan a folder be owned by 2 users04:22
macoakram: no, for that youd use a group04:22
akrami have transmission installed ...04:22
Seven_Six_Twoakram, no, but others that need access would use the folder's group04:22
flan_suseUkeofJersey: Can you make a screenshot of this Software Center and upload it to http://imgbin.org/04:22
ohsixbjgr: no solid solution if it's a firmware bug, aside from trying a bios update and hoping they fixed it04:23
UkeofJerseysure thing, how do I take a screen shot in linux?04:23
iszakprint screen button on your keyboard04:23
UkeofJerseyctrl prtsc?04:23
soreauUkeofJersey: Try the print screen button04:23
akramlet me explane i have transmission installed04:23
bjgrohsix, hm... firmware? In the battery or in the laptop?04:24
UkeofJerseyHA!  only system where it is JUST the obvious button04:24
Jon--flan_suse, You're a genius. I'll screenshot you when it's done.04:24
akramand all the download in transmission goes to the user transmission/Downloads04:24
demonsporkGrub is definitely installed on the first hard drive /dev/sda and whenever I select the first hard drive as the only boot device it comes up to a screen with a blinking _ and nothing else04:24
soreauUkeofJersey: Never knew it would make sense, huh? :)04:24
flan_suseJon--: Nice! Will like to see it too.04:24
Jon--flan_suse, conky -c .otherconkyrc runs conky running a different config file than ~/.conkyrc  so I can just run a couple instances.04:24
akramno i have other user that has apatchi working on it and i can access it using http04:24
demonsporkother hard drives just say "reboot and Select proper Boot device"04:24
flan_suseJon--: Simple, yet sane.04:24
akramso i want the folder downloads also be accessable from the http04:25
akrambut i dont know how04:25
UkeofJerseyit's just so non-intuitive in OSX and Win04:25
akramthis is my second day trying to solve this04:25
flan_suseJon--: You're making me want to try out conky soon, lol.04:25
mickster04akram: you have apache installefd and running?04:25
akramwith no luck04:25
akramits runing04:25
ohsixbjgr: in the laptop, a bios update04:25
akrami have about 10 websites on threre04:25
akrami have whm cpanell04:25
Seven_Six_Twoakram, ok, are they on the same machine? same lan?04:25
nicolasjenglerakram, just apache or xampp or something like that?04:25
Jon--flan_suse, I have a python script I can send you that automatically parses my GMail inbox over SSL and displays the sender - subject on my desktop.04:26
mickster04akram: well my advice would be copy the contents to a folder you are allowed to share out04:26
Jon--flan_suse, You have just been converted ;)04:26
akrami dont know what comes with whm ?04:26
mickster04akram: something under one of your websites' folders04:26
akramthe problem is that some files are 10gb04:26
Seven_Six_Twoakram, are transmission and apache on the same box?04:26
flan_suseJon--: Dropbox works fine for those images.04:26
akrammove ing them will make huge load04:27
akramsame box04:27
demonsporkakram, are the files on the same hard drive and filesystem as the folder you need them in?04:27
flan_suseUkeofJersey: Ohhhhh, you're fine, don't worry.04:27
mickster04akram: well move them? you can make it so they are readable (downloadable) but not deletable? that's still the easiest thing to do imo04:27
akramyes the same04:27
flan_suseUkeofJersey: Notice how all of those listed packages are *installed*?04:27
demonsporkif you move the files in the same filesystem it doesn't actually move them, it just references the new location04:27
Jon--flan_suse, ? I have Dropbox, what do you mean?04:27
AegNuddelI'm trying to get this package installed, but it has so many dependencies04:27
mickster04akram: so no not huge load, like a minuteor three?04:27
flan_suseJon--: I know, like before, how you pasred a link to your DB URL.04:27
bjgrohsix, OK, can I see my bios version from ubuntu somehow?04:27
akrami tryed to move a file 10gb04:27
AegNuddelIs there any way to get them all together?04:27
Seven_Six_Twoakram, just link the directory, and set up apache to show the folders. Then don't make it public.04:27
mickster04akram: it won't move the files? just what is pointing to them...04:28
akramthe system sayd the load was something like 6004:28
Jon--flan_suse, Oh yes, I know. I wasn't commenting on that, just that you can have some pretty neat scripts with conky, like mine that displays my inbox04:28
flan_suseUkeofJersey: That just means all of those packages were installed from the vendor/PPA known as Paul McNerney.04:28
flan_suseUkeofJersey: The PPA is not on your system, don't worry.04:28
flan_suseJon--: Oh, lol.04:29
akramhow do i move the files like you said just referance ?04:29
AegNuddelI'm trying to get this package installed, but it has so many dependencies: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/terraform ... Is there any way to get them all together?04:29
flan_suseJon--: I thought you were going to start "automatically" sharing your inbox out.04:29
bjgrohsix, anyway... a firmware bug? But it used to work in previous versions of Ubuntu, several years back.04:29
UkeofJerseyAAAAAaaaahhh.....ok....to be honest I've been pretty much using my jailbroken iPhone as an idea of how these sources and packages work.04:29
flan_suseJon--: To OTHER people to see your Gmail, lol. I read it wrong.04:29
shcherbakNice smile to screenshot, please.04:30
akrami used this function cp file file204:30
X_kap3hey boyz somebody tell me wht  software do create a usb booteable04:30
akramis this the right function04:30
flan_suseUkeofJersey: Yeah, you're fine. Nothing's wrong to begin with.04:30
Jon--flan_suse, Haha. No. No one gets to see my pr0n emails but me ;P04:30
flan_suseJon--: And Google!04:30
UkeofJerseyI figured that like in Cydia, I'd want to keep the source list trim and slim so it doesn't check all that stuff every time I open it04:30
flan_suseJon--: I *hope* I was kidding...04:30
Jon--flan_suse, And.. oh yes. and google.04:30
flan_suseUkeofJersey: And it's not. So you're all set.04:31
ohsixbjgr: well how stuff is reported has changed in that time04:31
UkeofJerseyflan_suse, excellent!  I thank you greatly for your time and patience!04:31
akramwgere are you guys ?04:31
flan_suseUkeofJersey: For example, in openSUSE there's a term used called "vendors" and even AFTER you remove a repository, a package will still show it was installed by vendor "Packman" or whatever repository.04:31
akramwhere did you go04:32
flan_suseUkeofJersey: That's all that's happening in your case, nothing to worry about.04:32
akramwhy no one is helping me04:32
akram 04:32
flan_suseUkeofJersey: Keep having fun, and take care man.04:32
ohsixbjgr: cat /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_version in a terminal04:32
flan_suseUkeofJersey: Glad it makes more sense now.04:32
Khisanthakram: that makes a copy, use ln if you want a "pointer"04:33
shcherbakakram: You mean cp file file2?04:33
UkeofJerseyThanks!  I'm loving learning all this stuff as it's giving me something to do.  I've got a broken ankle, some unix knowledge, and a netbook with Ubuntu (which I never really used before)04:33
flan_suseUkeofJersey: Of course! And sometimes you learn best by trying it yourself.04:33
akramso  ln file1 file2 is how its done ?04:33
flan_suseUkeofJersey: I have to run now, but good luck for any future projects you try out.04:34
UkeofJerseythanks you again, and good night!04:34
flan_suseJon--: Had you pasted the link yet?04:34
shcherbakakram: Try: man ln04:34
ohsixbjgr: that second bug has pointers to changes people have made to their dsdt (part of acpi, part of your bios) that make the battery reporting work correctly, hopefully a new bios already includes a fix04:35
Khisanthakram: ln -s file pointer_thing04:35
akramwhat is pointer_thing ?04:36
akrami did it04:37
akramthank you guys this is great04:37
akrambut can i hard link a directory ?04:37
akramnot a single file becuase i have like 100 files04:37
genii-aroundakram: eg: ln -s real-file-name  symbolic-link-name04:37
akrama directoy not a file04:37
soreauakram: ln -s creates a symlink. I dont know what your call a hard link04:37
flan_suseI'm out, peace!04:37
akramhow do i hard link a directory04:39
soreauakram: What do you mean by that?04:39
Seven_Six_Twodon't use -s04:39
akramyou just show me how to link to a file04:39
akrambut i want to link a directory04:39
bjgrohsix, there is a newer bios. I'm figuring out how to put the iso update on a usb now, and then updating the current bios04:40
akramall files in a directory04:40
soreauakram: man ln04:40
akramman ln what?04:40
soreauakram: man ln will display the manual to ln04:40
soreauthe link command04:40
shcherbaktype: man ln04:40
akramoh ok04:40
soreauakram: Use / to search and q to quit04:40
ohsixbjgr: cool, i really hope it fixes it04:41
akramit says Operation not permitted04:42
soreauakram: man ln ??04:42
akramit says04:42
akramln -r to hard link directory04:42
akramso i did this and it says04:42
akramOperation not permitted04:42
Seven_Six_Twoakram, sudo ln -s /home/user/downloads /home/otheruser/www/newDir04:43
soreauakram: If you are trying to create a link in a directory owned by root, you probably need to use sudo04:43
akrambut i am looged in as a root04:43
soreauwell thats not good :P04:44
binoxi have been all over irc trying to find some help, and now i end up back where i started04:44
soreaubinox: What is the problem?04:44
Seven_Six_Twoakram, then look up the apache directives. There aren't that many. It's the one about file listings. or #apache04:44
Seven_Six_Twoakram, and restrict access to other directories somehow...04:44
soreauYou should never run as root04:44
=== root is now known as Guest16582
akrami have been runing as root for ever04:45
soreauUnless you are a real system administrator04:45
soreauakram: You probably have screwed up permissions all over the place then04:45
binoxi have a dual boot xp/maverick.    i installed a shell replacement called litestep on my windows xp. now i cant load into windows. not in safe mode, not regular not any way.   i want to use ubuntu to rearrange the sytstem files to fix windows.   i have found out i can,  but now i nedd someone familiar with litestep,  that help me with what to do on my windows partition mounted in ubuntu04:46
soreaubinox: Doesnt sound like a ubuntu problem to me04:46
binoxim sure ill end up reinstalling,  but i sure would like to go at it through ubuntu04:46
Seven_Six_Twobinox, have you looked for a litestep channel?04:47
akramwhat you mean apache directive where do i find these04:47
akram ?04:47
sgb77Hello all, I've been using smb4k to mount shared drives on my other computers, are there any better ways I can do this?04:47
binoxsoreau:  i know,  but #windows didnt have any answers,  ive been waiting for #litestep for an hour,  and the loco teams all thought i should be able to find help here where i started04:47
Seven_Six_Twoakram, http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/04:47
binoxactually on #Litestep for my like 2 or 3 hours04:48
bob__429binox: the XP disk has 2 repair modes, try the first and run 'fixboot'04:48
soreaubinox: You would have to figure out whatever broke it and undo it04:48
shcherbakakram: Why do you run system as root, and what precisely do you want to do now? And are you utterly positive that you are using Ubuntu?04:48
binoxone question,  the install is on a tablet.  no cd drive, so i have to use usb to boot. and i have it set to boot from usb.04:48
akrami am using centos04:49
binoxdo i need to actually burn the xp iso to the usb stick04:49
soreaubinox: That wasnt a question04:49
binoxor can i just cut and paste it,  because it didnt work04:49
soreauakram: Then why are you trying to get support here?04:49
akrambecuase in deep level its the same04:49
binoxim sorrthank you akram04:49
akramand i dont know where i can find centos irc04:49
binoxi mean thank you akram04:50
akramwhy thank you?04:50
binoxnevermind,  im silly04:50
shcherbakakram: There is channel called #centos04:50
genii-aroundakram: http://www.centos.org/modules/tinycontent/index.php?id=804:50
Seven_Six_Twoakram, please don't PM me. Thanks.04:51
RoofleI'm trying to set up Ubuntu server 10.10 with software RAID 5.  I'm aware that I can't boot from a software RAID 5 array, so I made a small RAID 1 array as well, and set it's mount point to /boot.  Now, when the install gets to the part where it installs GRUB, it fails to install ("Executing 'grub-install /dev/sda' failed).  I don't remember my last install going this badly, anyone have any advice?  Or can anyone point me to a good how-t04:51
soreauakram: You really should get help in the channel that is specific to your distribution because they might have information that might be more helpful, specific to your distro04:52
sgb77 Question , I've been using smb4k to mount shared drives on my other computers, are there any better ways I can do this?04:53
Jon--Oh dear04:54
Jon--Fix one problem and get another :(04:54
geraudk2000Please I have a problem04:54
Jon--!hello | geraudk200004:54
geraudk2000I have 4go of ram04:54
Jon--Shit, wrong thing04:55
Jon--Ask your question04:55
soreau! language | Jon--04:55
maco!language | Jon--04:55
ubottuJon--: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:55
geraudk2000but ubuntu use only 2.3 Go of de ram04:55
soreaugeraudk2000: What makes you think that?04:55
geraudk2000somebody can explain me?04:55
demonsporkGrub is definitely installed on the first hard drive /dev/sda and whenever I select the first hard drive as the only boot device it comes up to a screen with a blinking _ and nothing else.  When I have it start off of other hard drives it says "Please Reboot and Select a valid Boot Device".  How can I fix this grub installation?  It is a fresh install of Ubuntu and I know almost nothing about Grub2 (I am at home working with Grub though)04:56
soreau! grub2 | demonspork04:56
ubottudemonspork: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:56
geraudk2000soreau: I don't know why ubuntu use only 2.3Go of 4Go04:56
genii-aroundsgb77: Perhaps see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently04:56
KhisanthI think you can blame Intel for that one :)04:57
demonsporksoreau, I found that factoid earlier and as of yet it hasn't helped me solve my issue :( Thank you though04:57
Jon-- conky when used with own_window_type panel obstructs my gnome-panel I use and have auto-hide enabled on... I can't get to my gnome-panel? Is there a work-around for this? Perhaps a way I can get windows to not go overtop of conky but also don't botch up my gnome-panel? I have not gotten an answer in #conky04:57
bob__429geraudk2000: did you use the system monitor?04:57
geraudk2000bob__429: yes04:57
soreaudemonspork: After the blinking underscore, have you waited for it to finish booting?04:58
demonsporksoreau, I have waited and waiting but no further activity. I figured it may be taking a long time because of the 7x 1TB and 1.5TB hard drives, but 15 minutes is a bit much04:59
undecimAny way to batch convert Gimp xcf files to png?05:00
sgb77genii-around: I would really prefer to mount shared folders on demand, I connect to different drives in different machines, and If I connect them permanently I am afraid that would slow down my computer, wouldn't it?05:00
ohsixundecim: save them in gimp05:00
shcherbakJon--: i have thought that you can position in conky.05:00
genii-aroundsgb77: You can put an option then for "noauto"05:00
undecimohsix: All 600 of them?05:00
ohsixundecim: xcf files preserve layers and other gimp-y things, it loses information doing so05:00
undecimohsix: Key word: Batch05:01
ohsixundecim: yes, imagemagick also supports xcf05:01
undecimohsix: Cool. Ty05:01
ohsixyou can script gimp too, or have a script call gimp for the job05:01
genii-aroundsgb77: Then if you want to mount one in fstab that gets mounted locally to for instance /media/winbox1  you just issue: sudo mount /media/winbox105:01
Jon--shcherbak, one second please05:02
Khisanthundecim: probably with a gimp script if there is no other option05:02
RoofleI take it the ubuntu installer doesn't take too well to RAID/grub?05:02
undecimohsix: Ah... Just looked at the gimp man page XD05:02
sgb77gennii-auto: thanks I'll read that link you posted05:02
=== derek_ is now known as MGMTM3
flopexwhat is the best way to make a hard drive image (Ubuntu)?05:03
Khisanthgeraudk2000: probably this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3_GB_barrier05:04
Seven_Six_Twoflopex, I love this question. I don't know of a better way than dd. But we may not agree on "better"  ;)05:04
genii-aroundflopex: dd is usually recommende3d05:04
* genii-around wishes the 3 wasn't so close to the e on this netbook05:05
flopexnever heard of it, I'll look it up05:05
geraudk2000Khisanth: yes i Know it , but it's 2.3 Go not 3Go05:05
Seven_Six_Twodoes ubottu return google results?05:05
Khisanthgeraudk2000: it isn't always at 305:06
ohsixgeraudk2000: what video card do you have?05:06
ubuntuguyI use docky, why is it when I want to pin an item to the dock I'm able to but with no icon, and when I try to drag it on the dock, I can't launch the application from the dock if the icon isn't on the desktop? Is their a fix to this issue?05:06
ohsixunfortunately some bios will stomp over physical memory with pci devices05:07
genii-aroundflopex: eg: to image an entire drive which is /dev/sda into a file on another drive mounted at /mnt :  sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/mnt/sda-image-filename.img05:07
ubuntuguyAnyone have an answer?05:07
=== kmeisthax is now known as dwendt
boumadoes anyone know of a ubuntu program that downloads youtube videos that actually works ! yes, i've tried the ppa webud8 youtube-dl and it doesnt work05:08
geraudk2000ohsix: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 12)05:08
genii-aroundflopex: /dev/sda should not be mounted when you do this also05:08
flopexgenii-around, cool thanks! I'll try it out.05:08
boumaalso you cant copy the videos from ~/.cache/chromium... anymore cause theyre split up into a bunch of scrambled pieces for anything larger than a couple of meg05:09
Jon--shcherbak, nearly done05:09
bob__429bouma: you can try a youtube toolbar05:10
shcherbakwell I am stucked05:10
ubuntuguyI use docky, why is it when I want to pin an item to the dock I'm able to but with no icon, and when I try to drag it on the dock, I can't launch the application from the dock if the icon isn't on the desktop? Is their a fix to this issue?05:10
ohsixgeraudk2000: ah, well; where are you reading that it's only 2.3g?05:10
MK`The icons on my panels never stay in the same place when I restart x_X05:11
boumabob__429: actually, the ppa is very old strangely the homepage has a youtube-dl from 11-03-2905:11
geraudk2000ohsix: system monitor05:11
demonsporkwhen setting up a linux software raid am I going to be formatting the devices that will be part of the RAID with a filesystem ahead of time or are they just going to be empty partitions before I create the software RAID device? If I need to format them ahead of time, what filesystem should I use05:12
bob__429bouma: I use one, but I use firefox05:12
orangemaxcan u help me plz?05:12
ohsixgeraudk2000: is that video card one of the new ones thats in the cpu?05:12
demonsporkI still can't get my newly install Ubuntu system to boot. Even using the CD and unplugging all hard drives but the OS drive (which has Grub installed on it) it still only comes up to a blinking cursor05:12
MK`sure orangemax we can try05:12
Jon--I am having an issue combining gnome-panel and conky's panel. #conky has not been helpful (everyone idle I guess). Short video of problem: http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cXfjfloSL05:13
Jon--shcherbak, ^05:14
orangemaxi cant reg to icq account from pidginand emphaty05:14
RoofleI like the desktop :P05:14
orangemaxwhat can you advise for me05:14
Jon--The black on the edges was added by screencast-o-matic... it's not there normally.05:15
Jon--I suppose for a cross platform java browser based solution it works ;)05:15
geraudk2000ohsix: I don't understand your question...05:15
ohsixJon--: "combine"?05:15
studenthelp mee.05:16
Jon--I want to be able to do the following: 1) Not have a window maximized hide what conky is displaying. use_window_mode panel does this. 2) Still be able to bring up my gnome-panel at the top... Conky blocks this.05:16
Chr|sIm thinking about partitioning my drive to always keep my home folder, so upon new install of ubuntu it would always be there..correct?05:16
researcher123can a .pdf be converted to .doc in some Ubuntu application?05:16
Jon--So, possible solutions are, somehow stop windows from fully maximizing without needing to set use_window_mode panel, or get conky and gnome-panel to play nice somehow otherwise05:17
shcherbakJon--: your link wants java from me.05:17
ohsixJon--: you'd need to find a way to change the visible desktop area like the panel does when it's not use_window_mode05:18
ohsixJon--: that's hard to do without conflicting with desktop usage of the area D:05:18
Jon--shcherbak, It shows me invoking conky and being unable to get to my auto-hide gnome-panel at the top.05:18
Jon--shcherbak, conky is using use_window_mode setting to panel, which stops windows from maximizing into conky's stuff, but also blocks my gnome-panel D:05:19
Jon--ohsix, any ideas? :)05:20
KhisanthJon--: you want both at the same time with the panel set to auto hide?05:20
LewocoI don't remember the password to my keyring. How do I reset it to my login password?05:21
Jon--Khisanth, Yes. My only requirement is that maximized windows don't hide my conky. if I have to hard-code a y-offset, so be it, the vertical length of this conkyrc should never change from where it is now..05:21
Jon--So another option is somehow hack Metacity to THINK there's a gnome-panel of some size, or otherwise restrict maximized windows.05:22
ohsixJon--: if it needs to be visible make your window manager put it on top, if it's compiz its easy to make it translucent and all that too05:22
shcherbakJon--: what about two instancies of conky (top empty for panel only)05:22
stercorHow do I specify gid=46 in an fstab entry for a flash drive?05:22
Jon--shcherbak, How does this stop windows from maximizing without needing use_window_mode panel, again blocking gnome_panel? Maybe I'm missing something about what you mean.05:22
MK`orangemax: you mean making a new icq account?05:23
MK`or login into an existing one?05:23
Jon--ohsix, Can you help me do this?05:23
Kindarihow can I publicly share a directory in samba (no username/password) with write access, while still having security=user (for other shares). Or should I do the reverse? security=share and then lock down the other ones by username?05:23
ohsixJon--: not really, but compizconfig-settings-manager makes it pretty easy to do window matches in the opacity plugin and the actions plugin, the ones that apply those things05:24
Andy-at-homeguys, how can i find and replace a piece of text in all the files in a directory from shell?05:24
shcherbakJon--: conky 1 - on top no window mode, conky 2 under conky 1 with window mode (never tried it - but in html it often works)05:24
ohsixstercor: do you need it to be in fstab? are you using a filesystem on it that doesn't support posix permissions?05:25
stercorohsix: I'd like it to be in fstab so that it mounts when I plug it in.  After some research, it seems that the gid prevents chmod, chown files on the flash drive.05:26
stercorohsix: gid=0 won't let me do anything about ownership or permissions.05:28
ruanstercor: what filesystem is on the flash drive05:28
c_nickHow to find out the user name in the terminal .. like hostname05:28
samuyhi al05:28
stercorruan: fat3205:28
ruanstercor: i doubt that has permissions05:28
ruandoes it?05:28
stercorruan: Yep.  All 700 with owner root.05:29
ruani mean, the filesystem itself05:29
ohsixstercor: it should mount when you plug it in already, udisks/gio/nautilus handle that; gid doesn't prevent those things from happening, filesystems that don't support posix permissions have mount overrides to assign a static owner; and that's what gid does05:29
ruanis it even possible to have permission over files in fat32?05:29
ohsixruan: no05:29
samuyi have a problem with mi video card onboard05:30
ohsixruan: not without something like posixovl05:30
samuyits an VIA Technologies, Inc. CN896/VN896/P4M90005:30
samuyi have ubuntu 10.1005:30
userdelis there any package which would add word completion to vim when i start a c++/as3/latex file? i also have vim-addon05:30
stercorruan: I don't believe fat32 has perms, but *nix gives it root.05:30
Roofleanyone want to help me through a server install using RAID 5?  It's been giving me hell all day05:30
samuyanybody know the solution05:31
stercorI need to go.  bbl.05:31
operahello everyone. i want to hard study05:31
samuyVIA Technologies, Inc. CN896/VN896/P4M900 cant work in ubuntu 10.10?05:32
operahow to install sougou pinyin ?05:33
operais someone use sougoupin ,here05:34
samuyhelplme please05:34
{{localhost}}hi i am just wondering how do i capture the line out or mix of the sound card that option is not in alsamixer, the options are line, mic but no mix05:34
Jon--Okay guys05:36
Jon--I'm working on a solution, getting closer (ish)05:36
fizyplanktonwhat is the "sr0" device?05:37
samuyhi all05:38
ubuntuguy I use docky, why is it when I want to pin an item to the dock I'm able to but with no icon, and when I try to drag it on the dock, I can't launch the application from the dock if the icon isn't on the desktop? Is their a fix to this issue?05:38
lightahi guys, does someone know how to change selected langage set in chromium for spell check ? (I want it very temp, so I'm not talking about changing default mode)05:39
Roofleanyone have a walkthrough for an install with software RAID of server 10.10?05:39
fizyplanktonwhat is the "sr0" device?05:39
__yhvh__hey, on lucid, apache not starting on reboot05:40
fizyplanktonlarrupingpig: dont spam05:40
userdelis there any package which would add word completion to vim when i start a c++/as3/latex file? i also have vim-addon05:41
userdelno one is interested?05:41
fizyplanktondoes noone know what the sr0 decice is?05:42
raidofizyplankton: likely an optical device05:44
fizyplankton would it be a harddrive05:45
raidofizyplankton: shouldnt be05:45
raidofizyplankton: issue the command: eject /dev/sr0 and see what happens05:48
fizyplanktoni was shutting it down. i suspect my harddrive failing, and i was trying to check the smart data from ubuntu05:49
fizyplanktonso i was using the ubuntu live disc05:49
samuyhi all05:50
Awake_AtlastWoooo! my very first linux machine!!!05:50
Jon--Awake_Atlast, Congratulations.05:50
raidoAwake_Atlast: Cheers!05:50
Jon--Anyone still wanting to help me hack together that conky solution?05:50
samuyVIA Technologies, Inc. CN896/VN896/P4M900 [Chrome 9 HC] (rev 01)05:50
Jon--I am having an issue combining gnome-panel and conky's panel. #conky has not been helpful (everyone idle I guess). Short video of problem: http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cXfjfloSL05:50
samuyi have a problem with my videocar onboard05:51
samuyits a VIA Technologies, Inc. CN896/VN896/P4M900 [Chrome 9 HC] (rev 01)05:51
samuyany solution?05:51
samuyit doesnt work with ubuntu 10.1005:52
Awake_AtlastI haven't been so "Ahhhhhhhhhh so this is what they meant" in a very long ti9me haha. But this keyboard is just horrid haha05:53
=== rj45 is now known as jackalope
KhisanthJon--: so how are you planning to fix it? :)05:53
demonsporkwow, I have been going through guides and crap trying to find out the easiest method to set up software RAID and I just did it all in like 5 minutes with the Alternate installer CD05:54
demonsporknow with any luck the system will boot properly this time05:54
samuyanybody knows something about videocards onboard05:54
Awake_AtlastMe and my keyboard? WSell i dunno. Hah, its a little Dell mini05:54
Awake_AtlastI know about video cards in general, but not alot about them on linux05:55
samuyi searched on forums but nothing05:55
samuyits a via technologies05:55
Awake_AtlastWhat? ya need a driver?05:55
samuyi think is not compatible with ubuntu 10.1005:55
samuyi download a drivers from here05:56
samuywhat i must to do to install this drivers05:56
Awake_AtlastWhat video card is it?05:56
toadwhat does sudo stand for?05:57
toadanything in particular?05:57
Awake_AtlastHave you updated your hard ware to launchboard?05:57
samuyVIA Technologies, Inc. CN896/VN896/P4M900 [Chrome 9 HC] (rev 01)05:57
crackerjackzhow do you run a shell script from the terminal again?05:57
freedom_linuxanybody here from Brazil?05:57
freedom_linuxhow to create a folder in netbuntu?05:57
Jon--Khisanth, I've been trying to create a zero-space panel in conky and have it reserve the space to print the info normally.05:58
Jon--Khisanth, no luck thusfar though05:58
crackerjackzfreedom_linux, mkdir command?05:58
genii-aroundcrackerjackz: if in same directory usually: ./filename       works. If no shebang in the file might need: sh ./filename05:58
freedom_linuxcrackerjackz: i used yet05:58
crackerjackzgenii-around, ty05:58
freedom_linuxcrackerjackz: but not create the folder05:58
genii-aroundcrackerjackz: You're welcome05:58
crackerjackzfreedom_linux, try #ubuntu-pt i think it is05:59
freedom_linuxcrackerjackz: nobody response05:59
Jon--I am having an issue combining gnome-panel and conky's panel. #conky has not been helpful (everyone idle I guess). Short video of problem: http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cXfjfloSL05:59
crackerjackzfreedom_linux, looks like no ones there... i can use a translator if you like?05:59
Jon--I want to be able to do the following: 1) Not have a window maximized hide what conky is displaying. use_window_mode panel does this. 2) Still be able to bring up my gnome-panel at the top... Conky blocks this.06:00
samuyVIA Technologies, Inc. CN896/VN896/P4M900 [Chrome 9 HC] (rev 01)06:00
KhisanthJon--: can't you just have conky as one bar and then the panel as another bar below it with?06:01
Khisanththat seems to work fine with two panels06:01
Jon--Khisanth, That may work, however how can I get the gnome-panel to go right below? When I click and drag it has to go quite a bit down my screen, can't seem to move it just a little bit06:02
samuyawake atlast?06:02
samuyare u there?06:02
Awake_Atlasttea' sorry bud was doin research. total noob to linux06:02
KhisanthJon--: that would require some digging06:03
samuyhow i can update my hardware06:03
Jon--Khisanth, Haha. ;).06:03
Jon--I could also maybe do some fancy compiz-config window hacking06:03
Jon--To make it so the non panel-moded conky stops windows from maximizing over top of them06:03
Jon--I'm open to any solution that someone may have06:03
samuyin the page of via doesnt appear ubuntu 10.1006:04
samuyi dowload a file .tar.bz206:05
ohsixJon--: re: changing desktop area, wmctrl can apparently change it, with the -o and -g parameters06:05
samuyhow install this file06:05
Awake_AtlastTry updatin ubuntu then running restricted06:05
Awake_Atlastyou have to open it with a uncompressor06:05
Awake_Atlastlike winrar06:05
samuyok then?06:05
samuycose i dowload a driver beta06:06
Awake_AtlastI dont know /06:06
KhisanthJon--: are you trying that with window_mode set to panel?06:06
Khisanththe dragging06:06
milamber!bz2 | samuy06:06
ubottusamuy: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression06:06
samuyyes i know that but06:06
Jon--Khisanth, yeah.06:06
samuyhow install the files in there06:06
Jon--Khisanth, That's the issue is that window_mode set to panel block gnome_panel06:07
milambersamuy: it depends on what you have downloaded.06:07
samuycan i gibe u the link so u can see?06:07
milambersamuy: sure06:07
samuya drivers for video onboard06:07
urgodfatherhello room06:07
samuythere is de file06:07
samuyi download06:08
Awake_Atlasttry that, it might help. Lets you download windows drivers06:08
genii-aroundHoly long URL Batman!06:08
urgodfatheri have a question06:08
Awake_AtlastYea / its a native ruski site06:08
urgodfatherim a b00n to linux06:08
Awake_AtlastNice, hah. Kinda cool being born again06:09
samuydownload the file and explain to me06:09
samuyhow can i install06:09
milambersamuy: did you read the README file?06:09
milambersamuy: which part is not working and what is the error message you are getting?06:10
samuymy games are to slow06:10
milamber!who | Awake_Atlast, samuy06:10
ubottuAwake_Atlast, samuy: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:10
urgodfatheris it possible to boot using generic driver until after splash screen, then switch from generic to proprietary06:10
samuy(ubottu) hi06:11
zee313is there any software  for live tv channels in ubuntu.  like "Readon " in windows06:11
Awake_Atlastsamuy, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks#Working06:11
Awake_Atlastreview that wiki. It should solve your issue bud.06:11
MK`Is it easy to move /tmp, /var, etc. to separate partitions using a livecd?06:12
urgodfatherzee313: look up zattoo06:12
KhisanthJon--: but if it's under that shouldn't be a problem06:14
milamberMK`: are you repartitioning or just moving?06:14
urgodfatherzee313: if that doesnt suit you, consider wine and then install readon06:14
bjgrhey ohsix. I have updated the bios now, but I don't think that worked. The update involved usb, freedos and wine (not drinking) so that was just great!06:14
MK`I know how to repartition it, so I guess just moving it after I do that06:15
milamberMK`: if you already know how to repartition it shouldn't be bad.06:15
urgodfathercan someone please answer my question?06:15
Jon--Khisanth, Agreed but how do I set the Y axis of the gnome panel in a text file? Click and drag moves it a LARGE distance the first time it moves.06:15
Jon--Like.. nearly underneath my window title large06:15
Jon--I'd be accidentally mousing over it a lot06:15
urgodfatheror point me the right way06:15
milamberMK`: this is for the home directory, but still relevant06:16
MK`yeah I read that. Is it the same for the other ones?06:16
bjgrohsix, now i'll look at that bug report to see if I can figure out what they are saying06:16
Jon--How do I run multiple commands in a bash script that won't terminate?06:16
Jon--Trying to run two conky files, but my script waits until one is terminated before running the second D:06:16
Jon--There has to be a way to do this without writing two bash files...06:16
milamberJon--: adding the ampersand should cause the program to launch into the background06:17
Jon--milamber, durrrrr06:17
Jon--My bad06:17
Jon--I didn't think you needed that when you weren't on an interactive terminal06:17
ohsixbjgr: heh nice, bummer it didn't fix it06:18
sebaHi I need your help06:18
=== seba is now known as Guest17413
* urgodfather must be invisible06:19
Guest17413how do access to the group with password06:19
ruanAn error occurred sending mail: SMTP server mail.gmail.com is unknown. The server may be incorrectly configured. Please verify that your SMTP server settings are correct and try again.06:19
ruanhow can i fix this?06:19
=== michael is now known as Guest32588
Guest17413can you halp me06:20
milamberruan: iirc you are using the wrong server name. i'm pretty sure it is smtp.gmail.com06:20
ruanmilamber: ok06:20
ruanThe message could not be sent using SMTP server smtp.gmail.com for an unknown reason. Please verify that your SMTP server settings are correct and try again, or contact your network administrator.06:21
Awake_Atlastcan i use my fingerprint as my password whle registering on irc NickServ?06:21
Jon--Awake_Atlast, You best be trollin ;).  Haha.  Probably not.06:23
Awake_AtlastNah / im not.,.06:23
milamberruan: sounds like you are getting closer, some googlefu came up w/ this: http://lifehacker.com/#!111166/how-to-use-gmail-as-your-smtp-server06:23
=== Destine is now known as ipocoyo
soreauAwake_Atlast: ask in #freenode06:23
ruanok i configured it myself and got it working06:24
Awake_AtlastRuan, go to google.com. Log into your emsil account and click settings. it will basically reverse set it06:24
=== ipocoyo is now known as Destine
ruani did. just had to fill in settings for smtp on thunderbird06:24
urgodfatherhow do i change from one graphics driver to another during bootup?06:25
urgodfatheris it possible?06:25
bullgard4By default nc is a softlink to /bin/nc.openbsd. What alternatives to that allows the »Alternatives« system?06:25
Jon--I am having an issue combining gnome-panel and conky's panel. #conky has not been helpful (everyone idle I guess). Short video of problem: http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cXfjfloSL06:26
Jon--I want to be able to do the following: 1) Not have a window maximized hide what conky is displaying. use_window_mode panel does this. 2) Still be able to bring up my gnome-panel at the top... Conky blocks this.06:26
FloodBot3Jon--: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:26
bjgrThis bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/270123 talks about DSDT. I can't find any DSDT on my laptop. Anyone has any suggestions to where I can find it?06:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 270123 in linux (Ubuntu) "Wrong battery status" [Medium,Confirmed]06:26
UBuxuBUgood morning ubuntu06:30
Jon--own_window_hints below06:35
Jon--problem solved.06:35
bullgard4bjgr: You might find it in dmsg. Read more about the ACPI specification to back up your background.06:36
bullgard4bjgr: You might find it in dmesg. Read more about the ACPI specification to back up your background.06:36
jhf_I have a video (ogv) and when I use vlc on it it shows a yellow face just for a second -- any ideas ?06:39
jhf_then plays the video06:39
bullgard4jhf_: My idea is that this is part of the initializing routine.06:40
ckwalshAnyone have any success with pptp vpns on Ubuntu 10.10?06:41
ckwalshIt appears the network-manager-pptp package requires a helper binary06:41
ckwalsh/usr/bin/nm-ppp-starter or something like that06:41
ckwalshbut it's missing and I don't know where to find it06:41
jhf_bullgard4,  only happens with that one video06:41
bjgrbullgard4, dmesg says: [    0.000000] ACPI: DSDT 000000007f68838c 06796 (v02 IEC___ S11_____ 06040000 INTL 20050624)06:42
bullgard4jhf_: I have no idea why this appears only with this one video.06:42
bjgrbullgard4, and [    0.361693] ACPI: EC: Look up EC in DSDT06:42
bjgrbullgard4, does that mean anything to you06:43
bullgard4bjgr: Yes.06:43
bjgrbullgard4, that's great :-)06:44
bjgrbullgard4, can I get the dsdt table (or what ever it is) from that?06:44
bullgard4bjgr: I don't know. You did not give enough details.06:45
=== atpa8a_ is now known as atpa8a
atpa8awhat order do K sysv scripts execute?06:46
violetsatpa8a: using the numbers in the symlink name, in increasing order06:47
atpa8aso... K18 will shutdown earlier then K81, right?06:47
violetsshould do, yes06:47
ryis there any reason i wouldnt have a xorg.conf under /etc in ubuntu 10.10?06:48
atpa8amay be not...06:48
ry(looking over some stuff trying to get my apple magic touchpad working)06:49
milamberry: no xorg.conf in a long time06:49
bjgrbullgard4, OK... the bug report I linked earlier has an instruction to do the following: sudo cat /proc/acpi/dsdt > dsdt.dat06:49
violetsry: Ubuntu doesn't make an xorg.conf by default any more.06:49
rythis guide is from like 6 months ago06:49
ryis it optional to generate or what?06:49
rywhere would i locate the same settings?06:49
violetsry: if you make one, it'll use it06:49
milamberry: it is optional06:49
bjgrbullgard4, but my system doesn't have that dsdt part under /proc. So now I'm look for alternative ways to get it06:49
milamberry: you can create your own, but there is not one by default06:50
ruan!cn | yinee-gay06:50
ubottuyinee-gay: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk06:50
Awake_AtlastAh hah! My first homebrew project is a SUCCESS!06:50
jasonmchristos QUESTION: where on freenode would I go to get fractal screensavers that run indefinitly for ubuntu preferrable, thoght I would ask because this is a developer network06:51
violets!info electricsheep | jasonmchristos06:52
ubottujasonmchristos: electricsheep (source: electricsheep): screensaver showing collective dream of sleeping computers. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7~b12+svn20091224-1ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 76 kB, installed size 300 kB06:52
Awake_AtlastWorth it to upgrade from UBUNTU 8.04?06:53
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.06:54
milamberAwake_Atlast: yes, it is eol soon06:55
jasonmchristosviolets, ill try that one06:55
bullgard4bjgr: If your system does not show a meaningful content in /proc/acpi/dsdt then your chances to get the contents of DSDT are dim. To make the best out of the situation is to analyze what dmesg says about DSDT. (You already started doing so but your report was incomplete.) Often, manufacturers do not implement the DSDT according to ACPI specification, and Linux/Ubuntu cannot use the "DSDT"...06:55
bullgard4...information which the manufacturer provided.06:55
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:55
jasonmchristoshow do i verify the sources of my apt-get are not tampered with everytime I install ubuntu i get the same two updates asked for and i think they are injecting trojan horse with the auto update feature and once i was even bluepilled and they used suckit to clone my system and run me remotley from a VM06:57
Awake_Atlastgotta trust the depository06:57
elijahshhi! I have problem with iptables and ssh in ubuntu 10.10 server. I found script for iptables and use them. But I don't understand them well. http://pastebin.com/f0QNeQ3C . This script allow me to connect to my host from internet via ssh. But when I start download in transmission-daemon I can't connect to ssh. Transmission is not the problem (rates are half of channel wide and so on). I found that in last line where no NEW in state clause. When I add NEW to 06:58
violetsjasonmchristos: Check the MD5SUM of your CD. You can verify the MD5SUM files with gnupg. Legitimate copies of Ubuntu automatically check the cryptographic signatures of updates.06:58
milamber!info debsig-verify | jasonmchristos06:58
ubottujasonmchristos: debsig-verify (source: debsig-verify): Debian Package Signature Verification Tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7 (maverick), package size 16 kB, installed size 116 kB06:58
jasonmchristoselijahsh, if you dont understand ip tables try UFW06:58
jubeiguys how can I get a list of my installed packages so that I can install them in a new ubuntu box?06:59
violets!clone | jubei06:59
ubottujubei: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate06:59
jubeiviolets, thank you06:59
bjgrOK... new plan. Does anybody know of an alternative battery indicator for Natty/Unity. Something that is not Gnome Power Manager?06:59
WACOMalt_hello there. Wondering if anyone can help me set up my Ubuntu VPS as a proxy server?06:59
icerootbjgr: #ubuntu+106:59
violetsbjgr: try #ubuntu+1 for natty discussion and support06:59
bjgrDoesn't have to do power management, just show battery charge.06:59
jasonmchristosmilamber, thanks i will study up on debsig-verify06:59
mehdihey folks after installing ubuntu how can i have my program without updating?06:59
bjgrviolets, thx06:59
icerootmehdi: ?06:59
WACOMalt_mehdi: ?06:59
bullgard4jasonmchristos: Carefully check in Synaptic the repository addresses. Compare them with a reliable collection of a friend.06:59
violetsmehdi: please rephrase your question07:00
jasonmchristosviolets, i understand that part but the automatic updates makes a convinient hole to inject trojan horses disguised as legitimite security updates07:00
violetsjasonmchristos: do you trust Ubuntu's developers?07:00
mehdifor example u have two pcs that one of them have the application u need on it07:01
mehdianthe other just installed ubuntu07:01
jasonmchristosviolets, i dont know them but its a calculated risk to use this great software, but its random people that i dont want to calculate risk for07:01
mehdii wonder is there anyway that it became ike the other one without internet connection?(maybe by chaching apt-get)07:01
violetsjasonmchristos: If you don't, then use another distribution. If you do, then *all* updates are signed by Ubuntu's archive key, which is only available to Ubuntu developers, and apt-get *always* checks and will notify you of signature errors.07:02
jasonmchristosbullgard4, is it true that the repository addresses are a round robin of mirrors much like irc.freenode.net07:02
WACOMalt_oh, you want one ubuntu machine to be in the same updated state as the other, but it has no internet?07:02
elijahsh jasonmchristos: Thanks, but I want to understand iptables well. I want to use in my work. I can't find in manuals why this happens. Thats why I'm asking.07:02
iceroot!offline | mehdi07:02
ubottumehdi: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD07:02
violetsjasonmchristos: So you just need to get a correct copy of the archive key, which is installed by default on Ubuntu, so you just need to check your CD, hence what I said.07:03
jasonmchristoselijahsh, do man iptables print it and study it07:03
bullgard4jasonmchristos: No.07:04
mehdi@<ubottu> even in install packages from synaptic u need internet connection07:04
mehdii wanto to do it as <iceroot> says offline07:05
violetsmehdi: You don't need an internet connection to generate a package download script.07:05
jasonmchristosbullgard4, ok will take a look07:06
mehdi@<violets> how can i do it?07:06
violetsmehdi: step 1) read what ubottu said07:06
jasonmchristosviolets, this electric sheep is nice07:06
LewocoIs there any way to create an access point using network manager?07:08
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php07:08
bullgard4By default nc is a softlink to /bin/nc.openbsd. What alternatives to that allows the »Alternatives« system?07:09
aminhi guys I want to install virtualBox but in software manager is 2 of them actually tree on nonfree one vb-ose one vb-osegt07:10
violetsbullgard4: /bin/nc is set by the 'nc' alternative. For information on modifying the alternatives system, see man update-alternatives07:11
aminwhich one should I install07:11
odixi cant seem to get apache up, well its up, and viewable on my lan, by my machine and another on the lan when pointed to the router ip07:12
odixhowever outside looking in will not work07:12
milamberodix: check router config07:13
violetsperhaps your ISP is blocking port 8007:13
odixand also i want to enable home directories to be used, like /home/blah/public_html. i did not find this in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf07:13
aelen_vThe CD/DVD lid on my laptop keeps on opening by itself today. Could it have something to do with ekiga/erlang/couchdb?07:13
odixi did forward the ports, the same way i forwarded ssh and ssh works, maybe it is my isp07:13
violetssudo a2enmod userdir; sudo service apache2 restart07:14
ohsixaelen_v: that would be quite a trick :D is someone playing with you and running eject on your computer?07:14
odixits cox communicates07:14
aelen_vHow to know it? :D07:15
Jon--Missing a dependency in ./configure for installing the latest version of conky (the one in the repos is over a year old and has a really bad bug in battery_bar). Can anyone help me? Output is here http://pastebin.com/YfedJhwP07:16
Jon--I did a sudo apt-get install lua5.1 and as you can see apt-cache policy says it is installed07:16
Khisanthaelen_v: does it continue if you disconnect the network cable/turn off wireless? :)07:18
KhisanthJon--: for building stuff you usually need the -dev package as well07:18
aminin software manager If I want to install virtualbox what should I select vb-ose or guest version?07:18
pvl1my syslog is getting flooded with acpid:, is that bad?07:18
KhisanthJon--: also apt-get build-dep <name of conky package>07:18
aelen_vKhisanth: just turned of wireless. I'm using 3G mobile broadband.07:19
odixanybody know how to get home directories working with apache?07:19
Jon--Khisanth, There is no conky package for 1.8.107:19
Jon--Khisanth, Which is where this dependency was added.07:19
aminany one knows any software to config MIkrotik server?07:19
Jon--Khisanth, It was package liblua5.1-0-dev  thanks anyway.07:21
Jon--Someone PLEASE update the PPA to include Conky 1.8.1 for other users. There are a couple really bad bugs and it's been out for over a year now.07:21
KhisanthJon--: needing -dev still applies :)07:21
playingnattyubuntu is perfect. except to the ati driver issues.07:22
KhisanthJon--: you could be that someone! since you are going to build it anyway07:23
openmindedjHello Everybody07:23
playingnattywhats the room for the natty discussion? thanks07:24
Jon--Khisanth, How do I build a .deb?07:24
violetsplayingnatty: #ubuntu+107:24
Jon--playingnatty, #ubuntu+107:24
openmindedjI Have a cricket Broadband USB Modem I can't get to work in Ubuntu :-(07:25
lariouswhere can I get Natty/11.04 insallation cd07:25
violetslarious: see the /topic of #ubuntu+107:26
lariousopenmindedj: USe the network manage to set it up, I once have the same problem07:26
susundbergor google it http://lmgtfy.com/?q=natty+install+cd07:26
ohsixsusundberg: people would google if they could, they wouldn't be here07:27
xorxorxorxorxoris there a way to download apt-get package as deb?07:27
xorxorxorxorxormy wicd doesn't recognize my new wireless card, so i have no way of doing apt-get07:28
susundbergi kind of though that a was teaching a man to fish ..07:28
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD07:28
Jon--How do I make a .deb and post it for other users?07:28
Jon--I am configuring and installing conky 1.8.1 as 1.8.0 in the repos has errors07:28
devkorcvincexorxorxorxorxor: check your /var/cache/apt/archives07:28
Jon--I'd like to help out07:28
devkorcvincexorxorxorxorxor: downloaded deb from apt-get are cached inside /var/cache/apt/archives07:29
lariouscan I have link where I can download the Natty 11.0407:29
xorxorxorxorxordevkorcvince: thank you, sir07:29
Khisanththat requires a bunch of config files07:29
Jon--larious, It's not out yet07:29
xorxorxorxorxori'm on mac os x now, i'll try that07:29
wchengI can't use gdm,how to do? I'm new07:29
violetslarious: see the /topic of #ubuntu+107:30
susundbergor google it!07:30
lariousJon-- : what is the latest one07:30
susundberglarious: download 'daily build' for current version07:31
Jon--larious, 1.8.0 and it has a major bug in a few things, like the battery meter not having an adjustable size so practically being useless.07:31
Jon--larious, apt-cache policy http://pastebin.com/V28J2UpR07:32
brandoneyHello, after hibernation with some errors, wifi network is grayed out and disconnected  reboot doesn't resolve07:32
lariousJon--: latest ubuntu is 10.10 TLS that I know, how come that version u provide07:32
brandoneyi tried nmcli con up id 2wire207 and got connedtion activation failed device not managed by network manager07:33
susundbergJon--: 'HOWTO: Making .dep package' -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=268307:34
brandoneyany ideas what *is* managing it?07:34
Jon--larious, I don't know if it's in 10.10 or not. It's not in lucid for sure.07:35
violetsbrandoney: anything relevant in /etc/network/interfaces?07:35
violetslarious: 10.10 is not an LTS07:35
susundbergviolets: But it did work before hibranate ..07:35
Jon--no, 1.8.0 across the board http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=conky&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all07:35
Jon--Wait a minute. Sorry.07:35
violetssusundberg: *shrug* You expect NM to make sense?07:36
brandoneyjust auto lo  and  iface lo inet loopback07:36
Jon--Yes. 1.8.0 across the board07:36
ohsixnm makes great07:36
susundbergviolets: :) well kind of, though i guess you are correct about NetworkManager and black magic :)07:37
ohsixblack magic insofar people don't want to know how it works, and quickly bypass it when it runs even slightly afoul of doing what they need without having to read a little about how it does it07:38
ohsixits completely comprehensible and even has good logging on by default07:38
brandoneyjust to make thinks better I spilled on mouse and now this computer has no mouse07:38
odixwhere is the apache conf ?07:38
odixso i can add mod_stuff to it ?07:39
susundbergthe /etc/ directory would be good place to start look for it07:39
Khisantha2enmod stuff :)07:39
tarshhey ive set up my partitons to install linux but i dont know how to assign the mount point. wut i do?07:39
tarshneed to set "/" and "?home"07:39
bullgard4By default nc is a softlink to /bin/nc.openbsd. What alternatives to that allows the »Alternatives« system?07:39
arandtarsh: You only "need" "/"07:40
ohsixodix: read the ubuntu-server handbook; it explains how to enable modules and sites and stuff with the builtin tools07:40
odixim thinking apache2.conf07:40
odixjust trying to add user public html directores07:40
tarshI do? someone told me to set a swap partiton, a 30 gig / one and the rest for /home07:40
Jon--I want to create a .deb for the community for conky. The issue is that there are so many version in the repository (conky, conky-all, conky-cli, etc.). If I create one with the default configuration, and submit it, will it actually be used and updated? It's a shame that there isn't any packages for it it's been out for over a year and a half now.07:40
tarsheach on their own partitonn07:41
Khisanthbullgard4: it's nc.traditional here and no nc.openbsd on this system apparently :)07:41
ohsixodix: you can of course do everything manually, but there is a lot of work distilled in the tools, which you have to do yourself over and over again if you don't use them :]07:41
brandoneyOdd, radio light is off and no bluetooth, I've been trying to figure out how to permanently turn off BT for long time.07:41
ohsixJon--: you can create a ppa and host your builds with changes07:41
arandtarsh: swap is useful if you don't have much RAM or if you want to use hibernation.07:41
brandoneybut nmcli nm status says wifi-hardware enabled and wifi enabled state disconnected07:42
susundbergtarsh: that is good partition setup imho. To have separated /home and / makes changing linux version easier ..07:42
arandtarsh: A separate home is useful, but not necessary07:42
Jon--ohsix, Anyone competent enough to find and add a random PPA is probably competent enough to install from source, no?07:42
Jon--ohsix, I might do that, but I'd rather get the packages in the main repository updated already.07:42
tarsharrand: ok so all i need to do is create a partiton with / as mount point?07:43
Awake_AtlastThere a list of non trustworthy keys?07:43
tarshhow do i set / as mount point07:43
ohsixJon--: you still don't want to install from source, and you could just build the ppa for yourself; other people using it would be a bonus07:43
tarshim using ubuntu 9.10 live cd07:43
brandoneyI try con up with uuid from ncmcli con list and it still says device not managed, then why is it listed!!07:43
Jon--ohsix, How do I create a PPA?07:44
ohsixJon--: first hit on google for what you just asked07:45
pksadiqJon-- go to launchpad.net07:45
Jon--ohsix, Shush. :P07:45
ohsixJon--: not a dig, just coincidence07:45
tarsharrand: do you know how i would set the mount point?07:46
odixmount --h07:46
tarshjust type mount --h?07:47
MK`What are the gvf files in home for?07:48
arandtarsh: If you choose manual partitionin in the installer, you will get that option.07:48
tarsharrand: when i do it only gives me the option to set the name and not the mount point07:49
tarshis that the same?07:49
gorlakwhich is better for a small file server, nfs, or using sshfs to connect into the system07:49
tarshwhen i hit install it said no root file system defined please correct this in partiton manager07:50
tarshwhat does that mean?07:50
MK`tarsh are you using the installer on a liveCD?07:51
arandtarsh: You haven't set a "/" mountpoint.07:51
lahwranis there an easy way to sort processes by how much disk space use they're causing?07:51
tarshMK: no i am using a usb with unetbootin07:51
arandtarsh: You are likely looking in the wrong place07:51
lahwranerrr, how much disk communication*07:51
Jon--I'm creating a PPA for conky 1.8.1, should I have my own or is there a popular user PPA I could add it too or?07:52
tarshhmm well is 11.04 stable enough for everyday use or should i go with 10.10?07:52
MK`ah I can't help then.07:52
arandtarsh: It is still beta07:52
lahwranend of the month right?07:53
MeltingK3yboardhey there07:53
lahwranfor 11.0407:53
tarshhmm ok well i will try again.  i guess ill just try 11.04 sense i have it loaded07:53
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not intended for production systems.07:53
pksadiqthe latest versions may be already compiled and kept in PPAs in launchpad.net search there for the required package07:53
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
urgodfatherhey i got a ? for someone... wth does things disappear when i click on them in mozilla and chatzilla07:55
urgodfatherlike tabs and stuff07:55
fr0stbyt3any way to make it so strace shows full text for things like sendto/write? instead of trimming the text and adding ...? strace $(pidof php |sed 's/\([0-9]*\)/\-p \1/g')07:56
playingnattyim using natty for basic terminal commands (web dev). it hasn't given me problems yet. but like others said, it is beta.07:56
Jon--I created a .deb using checkinstall. How do I package this now to go into a PPA? Sorry for being so n00b. :O07:56
zee313how I install FSool that is an islamic software in Sabily07:56
zee313plz help07:56
MK`Wish I could help you guys :(07:58
operahow to use ubuntu one07:58
sennyhey there, I am desperatly trying to build a vm for kvm using the ubuntu-vm-builder. The problem is: every image i build hangs when i try to start it up. when I connect using the virt-manager I see: Loading grub stage2... has anyone tried creating vms using the ubuntu-vm-builder latly? most of the tutorials seem to be for hardy...07:59
Calinouif you're on 10.04 or "better"07:59
Calinouclick your username07:59
Calinouthen "Ubuntu One"07:59
Calinouthen, register07:59
FloodBot3Calinou: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:59
operaCalinou, what can use it do08:00
Calinouyou can upload for free up to 2GB of files08:00
Calinouit's a file sharing site08:00
=== h3r0 is now known as h3r0_
operao i moved me08:01
operait ubuntu moved me08:01
h3r0_i cannot send my email from my ubuntu.. im currently use sendmail08:01
devkorcvinceopera its more lika a cloud storage it can sync on your desktop, laptop and android mobiles08:01
Awake_AtlastCan i upgrade to Ubuntuo release like i would with Windows Cds?08:01
h3r0_i can send to yahoo and gmail but i can't send to certain webmail08:02
brandoneyzOkay, so I tried   lshw -c network and got *-network DISABLED  for wireless interface  does that mean the hardware is off?08:02
Jon--I created a .deb using checkinstall. How do I package this now to go into a PPA? Sorry for being so n00b. :O  I just want to help people trying to install this package...08:02
h3r0_can someone help me please :(08:02
Jon--It's compiled from source but I used checkinstall so I have a .deb, it's a later version than what is in the Ubuntu repositories now.08:03
operajoin #ubuntu-cn08:03
h3r0_how i can configure my sendmail to send to certain webmail.. my sendmail can send to my yahoo and gmail account but not certain webmail08:03
brandoneyh3ro what do you mean by can[t send do you get error message?08:04
h3r0_brandoney: no my webmail didnt get any email08:05
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h3r0_from my ubuntu sendmail... but my yahoo and gmail account can receive my email from my local ubuntu08:06
ohsixh3r0_: look at the receiving policies of the webmail; sometimes they require spf or something08:06
h3r0_actually my question is related to nagios... i want to send email alerts...08:06
brandoneyh3r0 also try sending from yahoo to webmail08:06
Jon--I want to help out the community a little bit with something I've done. conky is out of date and has several bugs in it across all Ubuntu PPAs. I've compiled from source conky 1.8.1 using checkinstall so I have a .deb, I have created a user PPA on Launchpad. I'm brand new to this now, how do I package this deb into a PPA and generate the .changes file? Sorry for being so n00b. :O  I just want to help people trying to install08:06
Jon-- this package...08:06
h3r0_brandoney: oh my webmail can receive it08:07
h3r0_ohsix: i saw this opmanager network monitor .. it has web interface that i can put and tell to send to this smtp server port 25...08:08
brandoneydh3ro do you get return bounce message, check spam08:08
odixok one more question08:10
h3r0_brandoney: im using horde as interface... but i can't find any spam box08:10
brandoneyyou are using port25 of your webmail server as the outgoing server for opmanager to send messages?08:10
odixhow do i bind apache to another port besides 8008:10
h3r0_ahaa yes.... actually i saw my senior put it like that...08:11
ohsixread the manual, <Listen accepts a port argument08:11
brandoneytry poping mail first or adding password for smtp08:11
h3r0_oh okay thank you very much i will do it :)08:12
Khisanthodix: add more Listen to /etc/apache/ports.conf08:12
h3r0_that apache count too?08:12
h3r0_im using apache2...08:12
ohsixKhisanth: thanks, i know thats in the handbook but i already told him to look D: didn't want to start quoting it08:13
geegeegeehow do i stop a group using a cirtain command08:14
Jon--I want to help out the community a little bit with something I've done. conky is out of date and has several bugs in it across all Ubuntu PPAs. I've compiled from source conky 1.8.1 using checkinstall so I have a .deb, I have created a user PPA on Launchpad. I'm brand new to this now, how do I package this deb into a PPA and generate the .changes file? Sorry for being so n00b. :O  I just want to help people trying to install08:14
Jon-- this package...08:14
Khisanthsometimes that works too08:14
nomad99!patience > Jon--08:15
ubottuJon--, please see my private message08:15
geegeegeehow do i stop a group using a cirtain command08:15
odixthere should be a way to connect to a lan ip behind a router in a more effecient way08:15
odixlike ftp themac@theip or ftp thehostname@theip08:16
pyusmake a new cat5 cable?08:16
odixall using the same port08:16
brandoneyOkay so now I do  dmesg | grep iwl3945 and get a bunch of  Radio disabled by HW RF Kill switch  where do I get one of those?08:17
Khisanthodix: you mean instead of setting up the forwarding?08:17
geegeegeeHow do i stop a group of users using a specific command?08:18
KhisanthI don't think there is anything at the ip layer that can do that in IPv4, maybe in IPv608:19
Khisanthseems doubtful08:19
odixthey should make it like that08:19
odixbe good for servers to, easier maybe08:20
odixwhen server as is to full reroute to b@ip08:20
Khisanthespecially since there are things that specifically try to prevent outsiders from figuring out the internal addresses :)08:20
MedicsHello World!08:21
Khisanthodix: exposing the internal ip would prevent that kind of thing(load balancing)08:21
Jernej_Workon ubuntu server.. how do i run mysql under my local user?08:21
odixi got you08:21
jjp_Jernej: mean mysql server or mysql client ?08:22
odixjust saying on top of ips we could have aname@theip08:22
odixit would make the internet that much bigger08:22
rolandhow to get usbfs working?08:22
geegeegeeHow do i stop a group of users using a specific command?08:22
ikoniageegeegee: change the permissions on the command file ?08:22
odixwell i guess we do with routers, but it would be easier if you could connect a name to that ip behind the router and use it throughb the internet08:22
odixwithout portfowarding08:23
odixmakes way more sense08:23
ikoniaodix: what are you talking about ?08:23
brandoneyyou could build a tunnel through the router and the set a sub interface to that tunneled lan08:23
Khisanththat would also require giving out two different addresses for everything08:24
Khisanthbut this is also very much off topic08:24
brandoneyhttp initiated ipsec tunnel?";08:24
odixgo beyond http tho08:25
brandoneythe website initiates tunnel for youl08:25
Khisanthodix: the biggest problem for this is that over 0 advantages :)08:26
odixthe biggest advantage i can see is portforwarding08:27
ikoniawhy is this anything to do with ubuntu ?08:27
playingnattyubuntu has a server edition (use centos myself though)08:29
operamy ctrl bar is locked. how can i do08:30
brandoneyso how do I toggle thye HW RF Kill switch so my radio won't be disabled.08:30
operahow can i restart my pc  using terminator08:31
operaplease some tell me08:32
brandoneyholy crap, my wifi switch is broken, just slides back and forth not switching anything. NO WONDER  all that troubleshooting for nothing.08:33
brandoneythanks for listening guys, really.08:34
operayes . i need know the obey08:34
operawhat is reboot Instruction08:36
buteoHi, does anybody know why 10.04 doesn't respond to IGMP?08:37
hateballbuteo: by default it shouldnt, you havent set ufw to block it?08:38
alesqueI see only people coming and going out ...08:39
lolmaticwhen i installed quake3-data and it installed the quake 3 files it stated that it would download the point release but notthing happened. what do i have to do next?08:39
alesqueBye Ubuntu-friends08:40
buteois ufw configured to on by default?08:41
* fgump is away: I'm busy08:42
geegeegeewhat chmod stops other people looking in my home directory?08:44
ikoniageegeegee: 700 will lock it to just you08:44
ohsixit should already be that way08:45
ohsixor rather, important things have permissions on them so they can't be viewed08:45
ohsixand the folder does, so the files under it by default get permissions that are strict08:45
ohsixs/folder/directory/ D:08:47
buteoIGMP problem: Ubuntu 10.04 doesn't reply to IGMP queries from Cisco, but Debian Lenny does... Does anybody know which setting may affect this?08:48
=== patrik is now known as Guest88076
odixfound  zsh_command_not_found in my /etc dir08:49
Guest88076всем привет ))))08:49
odixthsts normal?08:49
ohsixbuteo: you'd be looking for a kernel setting; so start there, then you'd be looking for how ubuntu could set it, theres sysctl.conf, and there are other pref files in /etc, start with finding the setting though08:49
geegeegeehow would i stop a user executing any files in their home directory08:50
odixgeegee chmod08:50
odixor chown08:50
llutzgeegeegee: mount /home noexec08:50
geegeegeeoh lol. thanks llutz08:50
ikoniageegeegee: just remove the execute bit08:51
hungryi just installed ubuntu next to windows 7. now when i boot up and pick to boot ubuntu it tells me it failed to load windows08:51
odixbunch of ways -)08:51
geegeegeehmm :| /home is on the same partition as / what shall do instead, or how owuld i put it in fstab08:52
buteoohsix: it's strange because the host is sending the multicast source.08:52
ohsixbuteo: it's only as strange as the many configuration options there are :D08:53
buteoohsix: but finding them...08:53
odixgeegee change the files to another user08:53
odixlike root08:54
lolmatichi, i am trying to install steam via playonlinux. now it is downloading another version of wine. is this normal?08:54
odixthen change them back when you want08:54
sveinseHi. I'm trying to make a partition table in a loop device. However, fdisk, return an error upon exit because it's trying to re-read the partition table of the loop image (which doesn't make sense). Anyone knows if this re-read can be disabled?08:54
llutzgeegeegee: sudo mount --bind /home/user /home/user  && sudo mount -o remount,noexec /home/user08:54
odixor that08:54
ohsixbuteo: i generally start in Documentation/ from a kernel tree, since that's where they are ;D08:54
buteoohsix: thanks.08:55
rugWould anybody mind testing something for me?  Please try to connect via ftp to:  mj-temp-account.dyndns.org   And tell me if you get a password prompt, or if the router is blocking it.08:55
Pipolipohi ! is it possible to run an interactive shell script (with read echo etc...) before gdm shows on?08:56
shledaWhen I play MP3s in Rhythombox I dont see any error and there is no voice and I don't see any sound card in gnome-volume-control.08:58
seenahi all08:59
Danielcg25shleda: Do you have a sound card, or is it on the MB?09:00
ohsixshleda: something else might have the sound card open, can you tell me if the output of fuser -v /dev/snd/* is empty? (run it in a terminal)09:01
geegeegeedoes anything need to be executed in /tmp or /var ?09:01
shledamine is a laptop and has sound card, lspci | grep audio  gives 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)09:01
shledaohsix: Specified filename /dev/snd/* does not exist.09:02
llutzgeegeegee: /tmp should be mounted noexec/nosuid/nodev savely, /var... there are still some apps putting stuff in /var/lib to run09:02
ohsixshleda: did you install oss4?09:02
icerootrug: host down09:02
geegeegeeahh ok, thanks llutz :)09:03
ruanoss4 killed my soundcard before09:03
rugiceroot: thanks09:03
aminhow could I add usb support to virtualbox09:03
llutzamin: get usb-extenstion from oracle09:03
shledaohsix: nopes, let me just do it09:03
icerootamin: #vbox  use the nonfree-version09:03
geegeegeewhat about /var/tmp, would that be mounted the same as /tmp?09:04
ohsixshleda: no, don't do it09:04
aminllutz: how can I do that?09:04
ohsixshleda: in fact it would be something i would have told you to undo had you done it09:04
shledaohsix: no package oss4 found09:04
llutzamin: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads09:04
shledaohsix: oh ok :D I was trying to be smart ass09:04
llutzgeegeegee: should be ok09:05
ohsixshleda: did you blacklist any modules? or build your own kernel, or do anything related to the kernel or its modules09:05
seenai have downloded mysql5.0, which is RPM package, but i do not know the way to install it09:05
seenahelp me out solving this09:05
llutzseena: why not using packages from repo?09:05
ohsixseena: install the one in the package manager, don't install packages from another distro09:05
DJonesseena: rpm's aren't for ubuntu/debian09:05
shledaohsix: well I installed Gnome3, didnt like it, then removed it :D in the process lost sound completely :(09:06
Pipolipohi ! Is it possible to run an interactive shell script (read, echo..) before kdm shows on?09:06
seenabut i need to install the specific version, which is not avilable in repo09:07
DJonesseena: This may help09:07
DJonesseena: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MYSQL5FromSource09:07
DJonessorry about the mutiple hilights, cut & paste error09:07
indy21how to install gnome3 in maverick?09:07
ohsixshleda: how did you install it? heh you might need to reinstall09:08
shledaohsix: no i dont want to turn my laptop into a tablet, as of now I am happy with gnome2.x, I used some experimental repo, dont ask me why I could not wait for stable release09:10
Diverdudewhen i drag'n'drop a file fro an archive to a folder i get Permission Denied. How can i solve this problem?09:10
ruanDiverdude: use extract09:11
ruani've also got that problem09:11
ejvwhat's the difference between GMT, GMT+0, GMT-0, GMT0, and finally Greenwich? i'd like my server synced with the UK, aka "UTC" time. thank you.09:11
DarsVaedahi, I tried to change my user login password, but after entering the passwords two times and hitting "ok" it just went grey and is working... after a while a window popped up saying "The system configuration has potentially changed. Update content? This will lose any modification in course." What do I loose? Is this related to the password change anyway?09:12
Diverduderuan, its ridicolous that drag'n'drop is not working09:12
ruanmaybe it'll be fixed in natty09:13
Jernej_Worki don't get this09:13
Jernej_Worki have a executable in current directory09:13
Jernej_Workbut i cant' run it09:13
Jernej_Workit's like..09:13
Jernej_Work"No such file or directory"09:14
Jernej_Worki'm logged in as root09:14
Jernej_Workand the file has executable attribs09:14
Jernej_Workit won't run :>09:14
llutz!enter | Jernej_Work how do you call it?09:15
ubottuJernej_Work how do you call it?: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:15
hungryanyone know why it tells me windows failed to load when i try to load ubuntu on a dual boot?09:15
Jernej_Workwith that.09:15
ejvhungry: perhaps you rplaced your windows bootloader with ubuntu's ?09:16
hungryhow would i fix it?09:16
hungryuse windows disc and bootrec /fixmbr?09:17
hungrywill i still be able to dual boot?09:17
jiltdilhow to make cryptography use via terminal09:17
llutzjiltdil: "gpg --help" or read "man gpg"09:18
jiltdilllutz:ok thanx09:19
ejvhungry: that would remove the ubuntu bootloader, so no.09:19
hungrywhat should i do?09:19
ejvwhy not add an entry in your ubuntu bootloader for windows?09:20
Danielcg25hungry: Eat something09:20
Danielcg25=P sorry for OT09:20
ejvif you installed ubuntu 'second' after an existing windows installation, ubuntu should have built an entry *for* you in grub land.09:20
hungryyes i installed it second09:21
ravenreturnsHello all, anybody going developer week tonight?09:21
ejvso what do you see when you reach the ubuntu bootloader menu?09:21
=== genii-around_ is now known as genii-around
ravenreturnsah q and a my mistake, starts next week09:22
playingnattyhungry, you can attemp a windows boot repair using a windows install disk. you would choose repair instead of install. (its an option)09:22
hungryand i will still be able to dual boot?09:22
ejvplayingnatty: don't just jump in helping people if you don't know his issue, he wants to *dual* boot. not wipe out ubuntu's loader.09:23
playingnattyive been reading his comments from his other account09:23
playingnattybut i will stay in #wordpress helping people09:23
tlkHello, was 9.10 LTS terminated per april 1st?09:23
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:24
ejvagain hungry, what do you see when you reach the menu upon start up...09:24
genii-around9.10 was not ever an LTS release09:24
ejvis there just one entry for ubuntu? several? is there in fact one for windows listed?09:24
hungrywhen i start its black with white text and asks me if i want to boot windows 7 or ubuntu09:24
hungryone for windows one for ubuntu09:25
hungryusually i would pick windows and it would boot09:25
hungryor if i pick ubuntu it then takes me to a list of ubuntu and then boots09:25
tlkgenii-around: oops, ok thanks09:25
ejvnow we're getting somewhere... :)09:25
hungrywindows boots fine.  but when i pick ubuntu it now goes to white text saying windows failed to boot09:25
hungryeven though i picked ubuntu09:25
tlkgenii-around: the Releases page says End of life date: April 2011, do you know if that means april 1st or 30th?09:26
=== ubuntu is now known as _Picollo
ejvhungry: that description you gave right there, *that's* how thorough you should be always, when asking for support here ;)09:26
hungrysorry :-/09:26
ejvnp, so it did in fact work at some point, any major changes that you made?09:27
genii-aroundtlk: Not sure. But if apt-get update for instance fails, change url in sources.list file to have old-releases.ubuntu.com instead of archive.ubuntu.com09:28
=== WinstonSmith_ is now known as WinstonSmith
hungryyeah it was ubuntu 10.10 with windows 7.  at one point i ran bootrec /fixmbr and it made the bootloader look different.  i assume its now windows bootloader and no longer grub?09:28
hungrybut then09:28
hungryi deleted all partitons except windows just now09:29
tlkgenii-around: alright, thanks09:29
hungrythen installed ubuntu 11.04 via usb unetbootin09:29
hungryand now this is where i am09:29
shledaohsix: I fixed it using sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel, it seems I messed up kernel headers09:33
=== genii-around_ is now known as genii-around
Evanescencepackage has no candidate http://paste.ubuntu.com/591138/ how to solve it ?09:34
g0tchahey guys, i want to create a Group so everytime i add a user to that Group, the user will have its own custome home directory, for example, i want all users who get added to Group test01 to have their home directory under /home/test01/user09:35
g0tchaanyone know how to do that?09:35
hungryejv: anything?09:35
berkesMaybe offtopic, but anyone with a hint on how to create Prism-alike "web apps" with chrome?09:36
berkescreate, as in: from any url.09:36
Evanescenceubuntu has no candidate for one package , but it is refered to another package , how to solve it ?09:37
Danielcg25Evanescence: WOW @ your nick.09:39
EvanescenceDanielcg25: can you solve my problem ?09:40
EvanescenceDanielcg25: http://paste.ubuntu.com/591138/09:40
seena hey please help me to solve this,when i type mysql i am getting following error09:42
seena hey please help me to solve this,09:42
seena<seena> when i type mysql i am getting09:42
seena<seena> following error09:42
FloodBot3seena: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:42
hungryhow can i fix my mbr :{09:44
opticxi having a hard time getting phpmyadmin working on my machine, is the one best way to do it?09:44
opticxto install the stack09:44
fairuzopticx: what is the problem?09:44
opticxits a desktop09:44
fairuzseena: what is the error?09:44
opticxwell before i got phpmyadmin running but couldnt get in because i didnt set a passwork09:45
opticxthis time i get a 40409:45
fairuzopticx: do you run the sql server?09:45
opticxno its not running09:46
opticxphp is working09:46
opticxeverything is installed09:46
opticxi get error 1045 access denied when i try to start it using sudo09:47
opticxcan you point me to a guide that is best? there are a ton of them that are all different09:48
=== lilstevie|lagche is now known as lilstevie
opticxim a wordpress developer09:48
opticxall i need is php5 and mysql09:48
ikoniaopticx: are you familier with mysql ?09:48
ikoniaopticx: ok - so what's the problem ?09:48
opticxnot with running it myself though09:48
ikoniaexplain the problem09:48
opticxit wont start09:48
ikoniawhat won't09:48
fairuzwhat command did you use? explain your problem09:49
opticxi explained it and gave an error09:49
opticxwith the command09:49
opticxits up a bit09:49
ikoniawhat command are you using09:49
ikoniaand what is the output back09:49
ikoniaopticx: just type it09:49
opticxi get error 1045 access denied when i try to start it using sudo09:49
ikoniaopticx: what is the EXACT command you are using09:49
opticxsudo mysql start09:50
ikoniaopticx: ok, how did you install mysql ?09:50
opticxlike that09:51
ikoniaopticx: ok, bit of an old guide, but not to worry09:51
opticxperhaps there is a guide that works?09:51
ikoniaopticx: please run the following commmands09:51
ikonia"sudo mysql stop"09:51
opticxaccess denied09:52
opticxsame error09:52
opticxits not running09:52
opticxsee the problem is that it isnt running09:52
ikoniaopticx: ok, please pastebin the output of "ps -ef | grep mysql"09:52
ikoniaopticx: run the commands I'm telling you to run please.09:52
ikoniaopticx: mysql is running09:55
g0tchaanyone has any idea mayb about what i asked?09:55
Jon--I compiled conky from src, trying to go back to package version to debug something, getting message "bash: /usr/local/bin/conky: No such file or directory"09:55
opticxnext is phpmyadmin09:55
berkesis there a preferred desktop indexer/searcher for ubuntu? I see several options but had bad experiences with all, on older ubuntu's.09:55
ikoniaopticx: no it's not09:56
opticxi thought phpmyadmin wasnt working because of mysql09:56
ikoniaopticx: you have a problem with mysql09:56
ikoniaopticx: can I suggest you reboot your box so we get a clean state of where we are09:56
ikoniaopticx: is that possible ?09:56
opticxshould i just remove it all and start fresh instead of fixing something that was done wrong?09:57
playingnattyberkes, do you mean an app like gnome-do?09:57
ikoniaopticx: I don't know, hence why I'm asking you to reboot, then we can see what the real status of your install is09:57
berkesplayingnatty, no. More like Tracker.09:58
opticxthanks for your help09:58
opticxim restarted10:01
foofoobar_what is the best way to do a periodical backup of my database?10:01
ikoniaopticx: ok, please patebin the output of "ps -ef | grep mysql" again10:01
ikoniafoofoobar_: shell script10:02
sfire||mousefoofoobar_: mysql?10:02
foofoobar_sfire||mouse, yes10:02
sfire||mousefoofoobar_: I use http://paste.ubuntu.com/591154/ on mysql10:03
sfire||mousewhich ever cron use runs it, have a .my.cnf define the password10:03
sfire||mouseI gets run as root here10:03
foofoobar_sfire||mouse, looks nice!10:03
foofoobar_You do not have a password on your root mysql??10:04
ikoniaopticx: ok, so we know the system started mysql fine10:04
ikoniaopticx: can you please show me the output of "id" from your current user10:04
foofoobar_sfire||mouse, and the best way is to run this via cron, right?10:05
hungryok so i think i need to restore or reinstall grub10:05
hungryhow to do? can i do it from windows?10:05
sfire||mousefoofoobar_: I put something in /etc/cron.d/ for centos10:05
foofoobar_sfire||mouse, okay. But you do not have a password on your root mysql, right? This is not secure, am I right?10:06
opticxwhat is that information?10:06
opticxthat im pasting public lol10:06
opticxwithout knowing what it is10:06
ikoniaopticx: nothing secret10:06
sfire||mousefoofoobar_: if you have cron run this script as root, and it ~root/.my.cnf you define the root password for mysql, this script will use it10:07
opticxim learning to love linux but im a noob10:07
opticxi installed it 2 days ago10:07
opticxbut have worked with it on my web server a bit10:08
ikoniaopticx: any chance you can give me the information I'm asking for10:08
opticxi pased it10:08
ikoniaopticx: ah, I see it10:08
ikoniagreat, so your user account is set "ok"10:08
foofoobar_sfire||mouse, what do I have to put in .my.cnf?10:08
ikoniaopticx: so now from the command line do "sudo mysql stop" what does it say exactly10:09
opticxasks for a password10:09
sfire||mousefoofoobar_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/591156/10:09
ikoniaput in your users password10:09
opticxthen denies acess10:09
opticxERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)10:09
ikoniaare you putting in your users password as in the password your login to the machine as10:09
=== qurilish is now known as KREDO
ikoniaopticx: ok, how did you set the root password on your mysql database ?10:10
opticxi set it before when I installed mysql10:10
ikoniathe process that's running does not look like it's been started correctly10:10
ikoniaopticx: how can you set the root password for your mysql database before you install it10:10
rasyidsorry i'm new member10:11
opticxbefore, when i installed it10:11
opticxsince this is the 4th time10:11
foofoobar_sfire||mouse, thank you very much! :) Now the only thing I have to do is to transfer it to my backup ftp :)10:11
opticxsome of the settings are still there10:11
ikoniaopticx: ok, this sounds a total mes10:11
ikoniaopticx: remove the data files,and purge mysql, and lets re-apply them10:11
opticxthis is why i asked if i should just reinstall10:11
sfire||mousefoofoobar_: add that to the shell script :)10:11
foofoobar_Yes, I try :)10:12
ikoniaopticx: well, no10:12
ikoniaopticx: as you've re-installed 4 times and not done it cleanly10:12
foofoobar_What the best way to put to a ftp via shell? is there a command line tool for this?10:12
opticxbecause i dont know how10:12
opticxim new to this10:12
ikoniaopticx: I appreciate that10:12
opticxi used sudo apt-get remove10:12
ikoniaopticx: ok, lets step back10:12
kipling_Hi fellows, i have a problem. Usually i use screen with irssi, it works well, but when i added it to cron: "@reboot sleep 18;screen -dmS irssi irssi". It didn't work at all. It's kind of weird. Any suggestion? Thanks.10:12
ikoniaopticx: where is your data files kept ?10:12
opticxso i just need to delete them?10:13
ikoniaopticx: they are not10:13
ikoniaopticx: can you pastebin your my.cnf for me please10:13
sfire||mousefoofoobar_: I'm partial to the lftp command.10:13
opticxid like to remove the whole stack10:13
opticxand install it correctly10:13
ikoniaopticx: get the info I asked for10:14
opticxi dont know what that file is10:14
ikoniathe file is called my.cnf10:14
sfire||mousefoofoobar_: but I don't have a script handy to show you how to upload10:15
sfire||mousefoofoobar_: if you have ssh access too, you could just scp the file10:15
opticxwhat file is this?10:15
foofoobar_sfire||mouse, only ftp access :/10:16
opticxyou want me to paste all of its contents?10:16
sfire||mousefoofoobar_: was worth a shot10:16
foofoobar_sfire||mouse, :D10:16
foofoobar_sfire||mouse, I will ahve a look at lftp now, thank you ;)10:16
yedhuhow cani configure 5.1 sound in ubuntu10:16
opticxin this file10:16
sfire||mousefoofoobar_: try googling, and there is also maybe straight up ftp, and ncftp.10:16
opticxduring the setup10:16
opticxI commented bind-address10:17
lolmaticis there any way to get folder based navigation in rhythmbox?10:17
yedhu how cani configure 5.1 sound in ubuntu10:17
opticxaccording to the directions of that guide10:17
ikoniaopticx: please pastebin the file10:17
yedhu how cani configure 5.1 sound in ubuntu10:18
yedhuhow cani configure 5.1 sound in ubuntu10:18
yedhuhow cani configure 5.1 sound in ubuntu10:19
DJones!repeat | yedhu10:19
ubottuyedhu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:19
ikoniaopticx: can you please do "ls -la /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock"10:20
kipling_again, why this cron line doesn't work: @reboot sleep 18;screen -dmS irssi irssi10:22
opticxi ran it10:22
ikoniaopticx: what did it say ?10:22
opticxsrwxrwxrwx 1 mysql mysql 0 2011-04-08 01:59 /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock10:22
ikoniaopticx: that's good10:22
ikoniaopticx: ok, now it's going to get a little messy, but have faith10:22
opticxlet me tell you this10:23
opticxthat tut had me change ownership of www10:23
opticxif that matters10:23
ikoniaopticx: don't worry, we'll come back to that10:23
jenniferHi, i was wondering if someoen here could tell me if I have chnaged a setting properly in ubuntu with the grub loader. on my netbook it has a seperate partition which has the windows 7 recovery just incase i need to reinstall for any reason. but grub detected the partition as another OS so its like dual booting grub displays at each startup and asks me to choose an OS to boot or it waits 10 secs and then boots teh default10:23
ikoniaopticx: "sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server"10:24
jenniferi went  into terminal and cd /boot/grub and then used sudo gedit grub.cfg and changed set timeout=10 to set timeout=0 is this the correct way to make it load the default automatic and skip grub ?10:24
erUSULjennifer: no; that fie is overwritten by system scripts. the correct way is editing /etc/default/grub10:25
seenafairuz: the error is10:25
erUSULjennifer: then running « sudo update-grub »10:25
rooks-livehow to enable wobbly windows in 11.04? :)10:25
jenniferoh ok so i should change it back10:25
rasyidsorry ...I always get black screen when run switch user on ubuntu 10.04...any idea ?10:25
opticxno errors10:25
seenaERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (210:25
jenniferthanks for your reply i will go change it back and go where you said now :)10:25
erUSULjennifer: it does not matter as i said when you run « sudo update-grub » your changes to grub.cfg will be overwritten10:26
BADDis this the place to get some help installing ubuntu?10:26
erUSUL!grub2 more info here | jennifer10:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:26
erUSUL!grub2 | jennifer more info here10:26
ubottujennifer more info here: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub210:26
jenniferhmm so i cant make it to always automatically boot ubuntu and skip the menu ?10:27
seenahey please help me to solve this,when i type mysql i am getting following error10:28
jenniferonly way is to remove the recovery partition so i cant go back to windows 7 at any point if i need :s ?10:28
seenaERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)10:28
arandjennifer: You will want to edit /etc/default/grub10:29
nimrod10can someone tell me how to make the gnome panel stay on the laptop display when plugin an external monitor ? It moves to the external monitor, I'm using an nvidia card10:29
jenniferok im in there now i guess i change GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 to 010:29
jenniferand save10:29
erUSULjennifer: yes you can; set GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT to 0 and do GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true10:29
arandjennifer: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Configuring%20GRUB%20210:29
jenniferahh ok10:29
jenniferill do that thanks10:29
erUSULjennifer: then do « sudo update-grub »10:29
jenniferok :)10:30
opticxshould I how do the same but install?10:30
rasyidsorry ...I always get black screen when run switch user on ubuntu 10.04...any idea ?10:30
opticxsudo apt-get install mysql-server ?10:30
jenniferok guys im gonna restart my netbook and see if it worked, thanks for your fast replies :) was really helpfull10:31
BADDi am having major troble trying to install ubuntu ,no matter what version i try it hangs up on the ubuntu screen with the progress bar , only version of linux i can get to install is redhat910:33
opticxstill there ikonia?10:33
BADDif anyone can help please pm me10:33
KartagisBADD: noone will do that, if they know the answer they will help you in the channel10:34
BADDthats fine i just need help10:34
BADDi have beating my head on this thing for 2 days now10:34
ikoniaopticx: sorry, had to step away for a minute10:35
opticxi guess im on my own10:35
opticxhey np10:35
ikoniaopticx: give me 2 minutes I'll be back with you10:35
tonnezhow can i allow sudo with a jailed user. using jailkit to jail users10:35
morganbadd - im not sure what distros you are trying.. are you mistaking 32 and 64 bit installs or something?10:36
opticxim listening to merlin mann talk about productivity, so i have an illusion of getting something done10:36
BADDits a 32 bit system10:36
morganand the installer?10:36
BADDits Dell gx260 with a P4 2.8 ghz, 1.5gb ram an 80 hdd10:37
=== foofoobar_ is now known as foofoobar
morganbadd - is the .iso or cd you are using an x86 version?10:37
BADDi have tryed ubuntu 7.04, 8.04, 8.10 and 10.1010:37
jenniferHi, the grub loader change worked guys thanks :)10:37
sfire||mouseBADD: have you tried the ubuntu alternative iso's?10:38
BADDi am not sure i have tryed so many10:38
BADDi have even tryed mint 1010:39
DJonesBADD: Just something to check, does the gx260 have a standard vga output for connecting the monitor, or does it have a dvi adapter, I've got an SX270 which has a dvi output and have to use an adapter to connect a monitor and ubuntu won't install on that10:39
BADDan it does the same thing10:39
BADDit has a nvidia grforce 9400gt10:39
BADDand an onboard10:39
jenniferI have just one more question if its ok though, im using Ubuntu 10.4 Netbook edition. and the UI for the desktop seems quite limited for example i cant right click the top toolbar and add applets such as "Force quit" which i think comes in handy now and then is there a shortcut command on keyboard for force quit or is there a away i can make ubuntu netbook let me add applets to the top bar ?10:40
BADDthe onboard is an intel10:40
PleuRBADD, have you tried the textbased (non-graphical) installation?10:40
dhruvasagarHi guys...I am having cdrom troubles...it was working till yesterday, but today it's just not mounting a cdrom...10:40
BADDno idea how to do that10:40
kollapseHi. As a curiosity, can someone pastebin me their output of "zcat /proc/config.gz" or "cat /proc/config.gz" if it is not in gzip format? Thanks10:40
=== administrator is now known as Guest75443
ikoniaopticx: apologies back now10:41
AxonetBEhow can I edit the $PATH var for cronjobs?10:41
jenniferno one know how to add applets to top toolbar in Ubuntu Netbook then or is it a limitation i have to put up with using the  netbook version ?10:41
Guest75443Is there any one on the Internet?10:41
ikoniaopticx: have you purged and removed mysql-server as instructed10:41
AxonetBEbecause when I'm running a command through cronjobs he says that the he can't find the command I want10:41
PleuRBADD, see http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download10:41
AxonetBEas a normal user he find this command10:41
ikoniaGuest75443: yes, as well you know10:41
rasyidsorry ...I always get black screen when run switch user on ubuntu 10.04...any idea ?10:41
Guest75443Where are you from?10:42
ikoniaopticx: now please do "sudo apt-get clean"10:42
ikoniaGuest75443: this channel contains people all over the world, discussing ubuntu support10:42
ikoniaGuest75443: if you want social chat try the channel "#defocus" if you want ubuntu support, this is the channel to be in10:42
ikoniaopticx: have a look if your my.cnf file still exists10:42
opticxyes but it isnt locked10:43
opticxlike it was10:43
ikoniaopticx: locked ?10:43
ikoniaok, remove that file10:43
opticxwell i think it was read only before10:44
ikoniaopticx: please remove it10:44
jennifercan anyone help me with a quick questiona bout ubuntu 10.4 Netbook edition please ?10:45
Guest75443Well, who can tell me how to install software10:45
ikonia!install | Guest7544310:45
ubottuGuest75443: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:45
dhruvasagaranybody ???10:45
ruanGuest75443: use ubuntu software center10:45
Guest75443Yes, I know10:45
ruanGuest75443: which software package do you want to install?10:46
ikoniaGuest75443: then why are you asking10:46
dhruvasagarMy CD Drive is just not mounting cds...it tries for sometime and then throws them out, it was working fine till yesterday, can anyone help ?10:46
Guest75443But how to operation10:46
RobinHoodAny ideas on how to get grub for x86 installed on a PowerPC? And just before you say "no no no wont WORK! WONT WORK!" -- I _know_. I'm trying to get a USB drive bootable for x86 arch, from a PPC machine!10:46
opticx done10:46
ikoniaGuest75443: that guide tells you, have a read10:46
opticxim learning more shell as I go10:47
opticxforgive my sloth10:47
ruanGuest75443: which operation?10:47
ikoniaopticx: ok, now check out /var/lib/mysql is there anything in that10:47
Guest75443I had read it. But as you know, I'm a Chinese. I can't understand it10:47
ruan!cn | Guest7544310:47
ubottuGuest75443: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk10:47
jenniferDoes anyone know why ubuntu 10.4 netbook edition doesnt let me add any apps to the top bar ? if there is no way is there a shortcut command for "Force Quit" ?10:48
ruanjennifer: why doesn't it? right click > add to panel?10:48
Guest75443OK, thank you10:48
jenniferi right click top bar and i just get prefeerences10:49
Abhijit!grub | RobinHood10:49
ubottuRobinHood: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.10:49
jenniferadd to panel is greyeed out everything is greyed out innetbook edition except for preferencess : /10:49
Guest75443But there is nobody in the "#ubuntu-cn10:49
BaramiHello :)10:50
opticxim having trouble getting in the folder just a sec10:50
BaramiWhat is startup manager in unity ..?10:50
RobinHoodAbhijit : thanks, but I already know what GRUB _is_...10:50
ruanBarami: you can ask in #ubuntu+110:50
Guest75443Hello :)10:51
jenniferany ideas on why its greyed out in the netbook version ? :/ cus it really limits my usability if i cant use certain tools i need or want liek force quit and system monitor10:51
opticxjust changed perm10:52
jenniferIf i right click my top panel i can choose "about" and i get "window-picker-applet 0.5.10"10:52
opticxyes there are files there10:52
jenniferi just get that and preferences...thats all i can do :/10:52
ikoniaopticx: remove them10:52
Guest75443Who can help me in English?10:53
rasyidsorry ...I always get black screen when run switch user on ubuntu 10.04...any idea ?10:53
ikoniaGuest75443: the guide will help you in English10:53
nona_merasyd, root user?10:54
rasyidroot user and another user10:55
opticxi cant find the root terminal for some reason10:55
ikoniaopticx: ok, so "sudo apt-get install mysql-server"10:55
ikoniaopticx: root terminal ?10:55
ikoniaopticx: what are you talking about, you shouldn't be root10:55
opticxim not10:55
ikoniaopticx: then what is the root terminal10:56
nona_merasyd, check the ownership and permissions on your x config files.10:56
opticxthere was one in the last installation I did10:56
opticxI reinstalled ubuntu10:56
opticxits not in the menu anymore10:56
ikoniaopticx: what are you talkiong about10:56
opticxit just had my authenticate10:56
ikoniaopticx: as your current user, issue the command I gave you10:56
PleuRopticx, just do a "gnome-terminal -e sudo" ?10:56
opticxso i didnt have to sudo10:56
ikoniaopticx: use sudo10:56
ikoniaopticx: half the problems will be you trying to get around things like sudo, use the correct tools,10:57
rasyidplease can you give me step by step ?10:57
opticxi was talking about a menu item that said root terminal10:58
opticxit was just there10:58
ikoniaopticx: that menu item should not exist10:58
ikoniaopticx: there is no ubuntu install that creates a root terminal menu item10:58
opticxi dont know what to tell you10:58
opticxim not crazy or stupid10:58
opticxjust saying what was there10:59
ikoniaopticx: then you are possibly not using an offiical ubuntu release10:59
opticxgot that installed10:59
opticxits studio10:59
ikoniastudio ?10:59
PipolipoHi ! Is it possible to launch an interactive shell script (read, echo) before kdm shows on?10:59
opticxubuntu studio11:00
FloodBot1opticx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:00
ikoniaopticx: why are you using an audio studio distro for web development ?11:00
ikoniaactually, I don't care11:00
ikonialets just fix this11:00
opticxbecause im also a producer?11:00
opticxyea i dont think it matters11:01
ikoniaopticx: "sudo apt-get install mysql-server"11:01
opticxits just addons11:01
opticxi did11:01
ikoniaopticx: clearly not just addons if there is an item called "root shell"11:01
ikoniaopticx: ok, "sudo service mysql start"11:01
opticxsays already running11:02
ikoniaopticx: mysql -u root -p11:02
ikonia(no sudo)11:02
Nero-I've made a change to the community documentation11:04
Nero-can someone take a look at it plz11:04
Nero-tell me if its understandable11:04
ikoniawhy ?11:04
ikoniawhich link11:04
opticxsure im a complete noob11:04
PipolipoHi ! Is it possible to launch an interactive shell script (read, echo) before kdm shows on? ikonia11:04
opticxperfect for testing docs11:04
ikoniaPipolipo: no11:05
Nero-look for Namecheap & Python11:05
PipolipoU can't tell me that ikonia11:05
ikoniaPipolipo: I just did11:05
ikoniaNero-: I'll have a read11:05
UndiFineDNero-, looks good to me11:05
UndiFineDand I am reviewing all those pages atm11:06
ikoniaNero-: you may want to run it by the guys in #ubuntu-doc make sure it hits the standards for layout etc11:06
bullgard4Khisanth: Interesting. Here is the default /bin/nc.openbsd. --  ''thank you for commenting.11:06
Pipolipoikonia: even with X? I can't tell him to execute a script ?11:06
opticxon the second thought thats way above my head im useless11:06
ikoniaPipolipo: no, as you'd have to tell X not to launch, then use the script to launch X,11:07
Nero-what should the file permissions be on that update_dns.py11:07
opticxso I should have a clean mysql install now right? now i need to set a user?11:07
userdelhow do i play swf files from command line11:07
ikoniaopticx: did you do the command I told you to do11:08
ikoniaopticx: what happened11:08
opticxgot some copyright info11:08
Pipolipoikonia: so you think I can write a script who kills X, starts the interaction then restarts X?11:08
BADDmay i ask whats the diffance between the normail 10.10 download vs. the alternate 10.10 download?11:08
Khisanthbullgard4: those seem to be the only choices anyway according to apt-cache search11:08
ikoniaopticx: are you at a mysql command prompt ?11:08
ikoniaopticx: you are not using oracle11:08
ikoniaPipolipo: no11:08
ikoniaopticx: what ?11:08
FloodBot1ikonia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:08
ikoniaopticx: are you at the mysql command prompt11:08
ikoniaopticx: so if you do "show databases11:08
ikoniaopticx: so if you do "show databases;"11:09
ikoniawhat happens11:09
opticxin quotes?11:09
ikoniaremove the quotes leave the ;11:09
ikoniaopticx: I thought you said you knew mysql ?11:09
opticxi know a little11:09
ikoniaopticx: showing a database is basic11:10
opticxive never used it like this11:10
ikoniaopticx: did it work11:10
ikoniaopticx: ok, so you now have a working mysql database based on the ubuntu packages11:10
opticxone row in information_schema11:10
opticxhow can i get phpmyadmin running ?11:11
opticxi need to import databases from current sites11:11
ikoniaopticx: that's a different issue,11:11
ikoniaopticx: I advise you to join #mysql and learn the basics of managing a basic database11:12
Kartagishow do I change users' home directory for vsftpd?11:12
opticxall im interested in right now is using phpmyadmin so i can continue working11:12
ikoniaKartagis: are you using virtual users or real system users in11:12
ikoniaopticx: I'm not interested in doing that, sorry11:12
Kartagisikonia: real11:12
ikoniaKartagis: then you need to change the users home directory in real life11:13
angramanyuHello. I am on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx and I was wondering how exactly do I install gcc-4.5, g++-4.5? I'm needing it to compile BSNES.11:13
ikoniaangramanyu: the short answer is install the package "build-essential"11:13
opticxi appreciate your help11:13
spirytusickangramanyu: in the terminal windows type sudo apt-get install build-essential11:14
opticxi just have enough things to learn that i need to limit what i spend time on if i ever want to finish anything for a client11:14
opticxim sure ill get there11:14
bullgard4Khisanth: '~$ aptitude search netcat' produces another 2 packages: A transitional package and an IPv6 package.11:14
angramanyu"build-essential is already the newest version."11:14
ikoniaangramanyu: then you already have g++ installed11:15
Khisanthbullgard4: well I guess some where dropped between versoins11:15
Khisanthbullgard4: I have netcat-openbsd and netcat-traditional in addition to those11:15
=== magentar_ is now known as magentar
angramanyudunno@desktop:/media/New Volume/Downloads/bsnes_v077-source/bsnes$ make g++-4.5 -std=gnu++0x -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -I. -DPROFILE_ACCURACY -c ui/main.cpp -o obj/ui-main.o make: g++-4.5: Command not found make: *** [obj/ui-main.o] Error 12711:16
angramanyuis what it returns after "make"11:16
bullgard4Khisanth: I don't think that it is a matter of Ubuntu release number. My Maverick and my Natty do produce identical results.11:17
Kartagisikonia: thanks.11:17
Khisanthbullgard4: 8.04 here :)11:17
bullgard4Khisanth: Ah! (My apologies.)11:18
gribouilleis there a program that can convert id3v2.4 tags to id3v2.3 tags ?11:18
Khisanthangramanyu: I would say that is a mistake on the author's part unless bsnes really needs something that is only available in gcc 4.511:19
rooksgribouille, i think i saw one that had them all covered11:20
gribouillerooks, don't you remember its name ?11:20
rooksgribouille, i think it was id3tag, not sure, you gotta check it first in synaptic11:20
gribouillerooks, id3tag doesn't seem to support id3v2.4 tags11:21
rooksgribouille, oh, sorry about it then11:22
r4yMy hard drive has some bad sectors and I have backed up practically everything11:22
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Trashihi. does the latest ubuntu version support gnome3?11:23
Kartagishmm, I'm getting a FAIL LOGIN in vsftpd.log but I am sure I typed the right password. how can I debug?11:23
r4yhow ever I know I transferred a folder named .mozilla which had the last book marks I had, I can't find it anywhere. How do I find that folder?11:24
rooksTrashi,  11.04beta has that new gnome3, but it has some shortcomings, download live beta first and see for yourself11:24
Trashirooks: ok thanks .. i'll look for11:24
Pipolipoikonia: launch a script on rcS event with upstart won't happen before X launching?11:25
ikoniaPipolipo: look at the run levels now with upstart, and work out the dependencies11:26
arandr4y: find . *mozilla* will search for that name under the current location...11:26
ikoniaPipolipo: I have no idea why you'd want to do this11:26
KGBUh, whenever I try to log on, i get an error stating "The GNOME power manager was not installed correctly", and I'm returned to the login screen11:26
r4yI am on a live cd11:27
arandr4y: Are you using the file manager to move these files by the way? Hve you set it to show hidden files?11:27
Pipolipoikonia: I need to ask user informations about the configuration he wants before launching X, KDM ... !!11:27
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KGBI can boot into the recovery mode, but I'm stuck on what to do from there11:27
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opticxikonia I have phpmyadmin running now, thank you for all your valuable time and knowledge11:28
Pipolipoikonia: maybe I can edit file into /etc/init/rc-sysinit with pre-start11:28
opticxdo you have a blog by chance?11:28
ikoniaopticx: I have two11:29
opticxi may have some links to them sometime if you can link them here11:30
ikoniaopticx: ahh, don't worry, just pleased your working11:30
coz_ hey all11:30
opticxok thanks again11:30
Pipolipoikonia: found /etc/init/kdm.conf !11:30
ikoniaPipolipo: so ?11:31
Pipolipoikonia: I can edit it with pre-start and launch my interactive script I think11:31
ikoniaPipolipo: doubtful as kdm will need to be running for that to get parsed11:31
S74rk7ok does anyone know how I can find my home directory encryption key?  or is it easy to remount a home directory in a new install of ubuntu?11:32
Pipolipoikonia: it is launched by this kdm.conf at the bottom you have "exec kdm"11:32
ikoniayup, try it, I doubt very much it will work11:32
PipolipoOk i try and i tell you11:32
perlmonkeyI have just installed a SATA drive into my system using an external USB adaptor.. where would this drive show up in the /dev? or how would I mount it?11:37
made2shredi was updating to 11.04 and the distro updater crashed... will this effect anything?11:37
erUSULperlmonkey: should show up as any other disk /dev/sdxx11:37
erUSULperlmonkey: do « tailf /var/log/messages » and plug the disk.11:38
Leopsxgostaria de ganhar CD ubuntu 10.1011:38
perlmonkeymany thanks11:38
Kartagishmm, I'm getting a FAIL LOGIN in vsftpd.log but I am sure I typed the right password. how can I debug?11:38
Kartagis!pt | Leopsx11:39
ubottuLeopsx: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.11:39
Leopsxgostaria de ganhar CD Ubuntu 10.1011:39
ikoniaKartagis: try logging in as the user outside ftp11:40
kipling_hello, anyone know why this cron line doesn't work: @reboot sleep 18;screen -dmS irssi irssi11:40
nimrod10can someone tell me how to make the gnome panel stay on the laptop display when plugin an external monitor ? It moves to the external monitor, I'm using an nvidia card11:40
Kartagisikonia: excuse me? what do you mean?11:42
ikoniaKartagis: I mean login to the users account using ssh rather than ftp11:42
ikoniaLeopsx: what ?11:42
ikonia#/whois lunitik11:44
adammw111Hi, everytime I do any package upgrades, my computer hangs on processing triggers for man-db for a while because of I/O error (my harddrive has bad sectors). Is it possible to re-write the db file somewhere else on the disk to avoid this?11:44
RobinHoodif I were to say "oi", how long before I were kicked...11:44
elijahshHi! I've added the Banshee repository to ubuntu 10.10 and make apt-get update, but I still see v1.8. How to install 2.0?11:44
ikoniaRobinHood: I advise you not to do it11:44
made2shredI tried updating from 10.10 to 11.04 and the updater crashed, i reebotted and now the system is f***ed. how can i fix this?11:45
elijahshI've used this ppa:banshee-team/ppa11:45
oCeanmade2shred: 11.04 is still beta, discussion in #ubuntu+111:45
oCeanmade2shred: also don't use such language there11:45
RobinHoodikonia : I _didn't_, I just asked. nevermind. Rhetorical & such.11:45
Kartagisikonia: I was able to ssh in, but then that means useradd -p userpass user failed, because I had to do passwd user again11:45
n8w_im havin problems with runnin a cronjob...crontab -e: 50 10 * * * sh /home/user/script.sh...the path is correct,however the cronjob is never triggered...god knows why.any ideas?11:46
made2shredoCean: is there anything i can do to fix my system?11:46
Kartagisn8w_: is cron daemon running11:46
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oCeanmade2shred: ask in proper channel, not here11:46
made2shredokay thanks11:47
n8w_Kartagis:  htop shows cron runnin11:47
Kartagisn8w_: is /home/user/script.sh executable?11:47
erUSULKartagis: does not matter it runs sh scriptname11:48
n8w_Kartagis:  yep i can trigger it manually with no problems11:48
Kartagisn8w_: although that wouldn't matter11:48
erUSULn8w_: do "/bin/sh /home/user/script.sh"11:48
Dementisi need some sugar woman give me11:48
oCeanDementis: stop that please11:48
Dementisi like sugar11:48
Dementisokey sry11:48
oCeanDementis: this is ubuntu support, not chat11:49
erUSULn8w_: also make sure the script can run in sh ( i.e. does not use some bash specific feature )11:49
Dementisand u suk11:49
n8w_Kartagis, erUSUL : one more thing, everytime the script.sh is executed i write a log,so i can cleraly see when it got triggered11:49
n8w_erUSUL:  ive tried both, sh / bash11:49
oCeann8w_: if you can see (from logging) that your script is executed, then how do you know it does not work?11:50
n8w_erUSUL:  i forgot to mention that i also have this in the cronjob : SHELL=/bin/bash11:51
n8w_oCean:  i mean if i execute the script.sh...this one writes a log11:51
erUSULn8w_: so what is exactly the command you have in crontab?11:51
Kartagisn8w_: try 50 10 * * * /bin/bash /home/user/script.sh11:51
n8w_erUSUL:  tomcat restart11:51
erUSULn8w_: SHELL=/bin/bash definend in the script itself makes little sense... can you post the script?11:52
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n8w_erUSUL:  well apparently not, ive read an article suggestin it...11:53
Saammnyone know how to make ubuntu indicator?11:53
Kartagisikonia: I was able to ssh in, but then that means useradd -p userpass user failed, because I had to do passwd user again. could that be possible?11:53
erUSULn8w_: again can yu post the exact line in crontab and the script? in a pastebin11:53
dsuchHi, I've just asked about it on #ubuntufourms but since no one's replied in an hour and a half, I thought I'd try here now.11:54
Saammnyone know how to make ubuntu indicator?11:54
dsuchI've just released software which is very happy to run on Ubuntu (it's a security proxy) and would like to let the people on  forums know about it.11:54
nep0xhey! anyone from holland?11:54
dsuchWas wondering if you could perhaps recommend the forum for sending out the announcement? The last thing I'd like to do is to have it  look like some sort of spam.11:54
dsuchI'm browsing the list of forums and can't quite find the right place (maybe there is none?)11:54
micenedoes anyone can tell me where i can find the "loader.conf" on my system (maverick 10.10) ? thanx11:55
n8w_erUSUL:  w8 a sec11:55
nep0xlocate loader.conf11:55
High_Priestmicene, and "updatedb" as root before that if needed11:56
nep0xfind locate.conf11:56
micenei try tx11:56
n8w_erUSUL:  hmm it seems like it takes different timezones11:56
n8w_erUSUL:  i mean, rite now i can see that it got executed 10:50 UTC, but i kept checkin the log since 10:00...11:57
n8w_erUSUL:  10:00 CEST11:58
erUSULn8w_: ok so it works :)11:58
n8w_erUSUL:  the log gives me: Fri Apr  8 10:50:03 UTC 201111:59
n8w_, but the date command gives me: Fri Apr  8 12:59:31 CEST 201111:59
n8w_erUSUL:  ye well i guess that it works then;) but im still kinda confused about the different timezones11:59
KartagiserUSUL: I have a problem. ikonia was helping me but now it seems he's gone. the problem I'm having is, I get FAIL LOGIN in vsftpd.log. I had created the user with useradd -m -N -p userpass user, but it seems this failed, because I had to do passwd user again. any ideas why useradd -p userpass user failed?12:00
nyk2005I just got a SheevaPlug with ubuntu installed on it. But I have a problem I can solve. Running "apt-get update" hangs at "[Connecting to ports.ubuntu.com (][Connecting to ports.ubuntu.com (][Connecting to ports.ubuntu.com (]" and then timeouts. But for example "ping google.com" works, so the connection to the inet is there. Why can it still not work?12:02
erUSULKartagis: well useradd is tricky. that password you pass to useradd -p has to be in *encrypted* form12:02
nyk2005I mean: I have a problem, I can *not* solve! :)12:02
asd2When I type about:config into Unity it wont do anything. I have compzconfig. How can I conf Unity?12:03
KartagiserUSUL: then I must do a echo "userpass" | md5 ?12:03
erUSULKartagis: i think there is aperl oneliner to get it...12:03
n8w_erUSUL:  well thx for your help anywai;)12:03
erUSULKartagis: md5sum wont cut it.12:03
asd2Does unity have like a configuration file where I could set autohide to false?12:04
bittyx-laptopcan you refer me to a GUI for burning cd's in ubuntu, that has advanced options, such as burning speed, joliet names, etc. ?12:04
KartagiserUSUL: I have to make a script to add the user for me. it has to also encrypt the password then12:05
lugkhastasd2: You can set that in CCSM12:05
erUSUL!info newusers | Kartagis12:05
ubottuKartagis: Package newusers does not exist in maverick12:05
Kartagis!find newusers12:06
ubottuFile newusers found in libuser, moodle, passwd, picon-news, scrollz12:06
erUSULKartagis: do « man newusers »12:06
KartagiserUSUL: do you know what encryption user passwords use?12:11
kawohihey anybody up12:11
innefuHello, I want to use Ubuntu in command line,, how I can un-install Gnome GUI and just boot in command mode ,, or just use tty1-612:11
nyk2005I just got a SheevaPlug with ubuntu installed on it. But I have a problem I can not solve: Running "apt-get update" hangs at "[Connecting to ports.ubuntu.com (]", and then timeouts. But "ping google.com" works, so the connection to the inet is there. Why could it still not work?12:12
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innefuIs there any Ubuntu mimimal available ?? where there is no Desktop manager12:12
kawohiI guess all the experts are asleep :)12:13
innefunyk2005, try setting up local mirror !! btw which version are you using ??12:13
innefunyk2005, you can also configure different mirror..12:13
Kartagis!ask | kawohi12:14
ubottukawohi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:14
Kartagisinnefu: you could try ubuntu server12:14
kawohiI been trying to share some files from my windows 7 laptop, with no success. I installed Samba but I still don't see nothing in Places->Network->PC12:14
Kartagiskawohi: are they in the same workgroup or in the same subnet?12:15
innefuKartagis, I want minimal Ubuntu ?? how i can do it12:15
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:16
Polahinnefu: You need to get the minimal ISO12:16
kawohiI have no idea. I'm kind of a noobie with this stuff. I did turn on home sharing on windows 7 tho. They are in the same network12:16
Kartagisinnefu: ^^12:16
nyk2005ineefu: It has "deb http://ports.ubuntu.com jaunty main restricted universe multiverse" in /etc/apt/sources.list. I could not find a mirror for it. But why does it need a local mirror? I have a net connection.12:16
Kartagis!minimal | innefu12:16
ubottuinnefu: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:16
innefuPolah, will minimal CD (12Mb) download extra package form Internet ........... I do not want pakage.. I just want plain terminal !!12:17
Polahinnefu: Yes. If you want to install things from the minimal ISO it needs to downloadi t12:17
PolahIf you don't install anything, you'll have the command line, and a small handful of some other stuff, I don't know what exactly.12:18
innefuPolah, I just want terminal and no desktop manager - will minimal CD help me ?12:18
kawohiSo... does anybody know how can I access my files?12:18
Polahkawohi: What's up with them?12:18
Boothkwhat's up kawohi?12:18
GOMIcan i use "envy" for my nvidia card because of the problems of flickering ???12:19
kawohiI want to access my other files on my Windows 7 desktop. I set up home sharing and I still don't the files in places > network12:19
kawohionly the computer name.12:19
nyk2005ineefu: the strange thing is, I cannot ping ports.ubuntu.com, but ubuntu.com works!12:19
Boothkkawohi: Personally, I use an FTP server on my PC for file sharing. So much more simpler than messing with shared folders12:20
nyk2005ineefu: but I can reach http://ports.ubuntu.com from my browser. Very strange!12:20
Jernej_Worki have a beand new issue: i cannot run any programs.. i'm in the program's dir but it says it can't find  the file when i execute it..12:21
kawohiWhat would I need to start doing that?12:21
Jernej_Workwatch this12:21
Jernej_Work-rwxrwxrwx 1 ps ps 11104 2011-04-08 02:33 announce*12:21
Jernej_Work-rw-r--r-- 1 ps ps  3777 2011-04-08 02:33 LICENSE12:21
Jernej_Workdrwxr-xr-x 2 ps ps  4096 2011-04-08 07:09 scriptfiles/12:21
Jernej_Workps@ID7382:~/samp03$ ./announce12:21
Jernej_Work-bash: ./announce: No such file or directory12:21
FloodBot1Jernej_Work: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:21
ikoniaJernej_Work: ls -la $filename12:21
Jernej_Work-rwxrwxrwx 1 ps ps 11104 2011-04-08 02:33 announce12:21
Jernej_Workwhen i run it with ./announce12:22
ikoniaJernej_Work: run "ls -la" against the file name you want to execute12:22
Jernej_Work-bash: ./announce: No such file or directory12:22
Jernej_Worki already did that12:22
FlannelJernej_Work: Your paste had "announce*" as the filename12:22
BentFranklinA file is called "foo".  stat("Foo"), stat("FOO") and stat("foO") all return "foo"'s fileinfo.  How I turn off case-folding for stat?12:22
Jernej_Workannounce is the name of the program.12:22
Boothkkawohi: I use Filezilla. Whether or not it works on Linux is beyond me. But you can generally download from FTP using most web browsers (i.e.
ikoniaJernej_Work: it sounds like missing dynamic libraries12:22
ikoniaJernej_Work: run "file announce" please12:22
Jernej_Workannounce: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, stripped12:22
ikoniaJernej_Work: ldd announce (put it in a pastebin)12:23
Boothkkawohi: so if you set up a server on your win7 machine, you could download from it, but not upload12:23
kawohiI don't need a host or anything? Also I have a pretty weak internet connection atm.12:23
Boothkkawohi: Host it on a LAN. That's what you're doing, isn't it?12:23
Kartagisikonia: do you know what encryption user passwords use?12:23
ikoniaKartagis: sha I think12:23
kawohiI guess.12:23
Jernej_Workthere is no ldd12:23
Jernej_Workapt-get can't find it either12:23
BoothkKawohi: Also, type my name to address me. It's easy to lose messages in a huge IRC like this12:24
PolahKartagis, ikonia, some people were discussing this yesterday. Someone said SHA51212:24
GOMImy pc is kicking me out every time to the login screen ?12:24
ikoniaJernej_Work: ldd should be on your machine12:24
kawohiBoothk:  yeah I always forget too. Ok I will.12:24
Jernej_Workah wait12:24
GOMIand shuts down all programs i was working on12:24
Jernej_Workps@ID7382:~/samp03$ ldd announce12:24
Jernej_Work        not a dynamic executable12:24
r4yhow do I move a hidden file from the terminal?12:24
ikoniaJernej_Work: there you go12:24
ikoniaJernej_Work: thats the problem12:24
edwinkcwr4y: mv .filename location12:24
ikoniaKartagis: just told you the problem12:24
kawohiBoothk:  I have a really weak web connection. whats the best option for me you think?12:24
fairuzr4y: like a normal file12:25
r4ythat easy, great, thank you12:25
Polahr4y: Just do the same as you would for any other file. Just put the . before it as it is in its name12:25
ikoniaKartagis: sorry, not you12:25
ikoniaJernej_Work: ldd just told you the problem12:25
Boothkr4y: use cd to navigate to the folder, use ls -a to show the hidden files, use rm -R to delete entire folders12:25
Homely_GirlHi guys, have upgraded to Maverick (wow, so smooth) but cannot get my HP1000 printer working! Can anyone help? I found a forum all in higher geek speak! :(12:25
Jernej_Workit's saying the exe is no good?12:25
ikoniaJernej_Work: where did you get it12:25
PolahBoothk: I believe that's -r for recursive removal12:25
Jernej_Workfrom another server.12:25
ikoniaJernej_Work: can you link me to it ?12:25
Jernej_Workcopied it over with winscp and uploaded to new one12:25
Boothkkawohi: Just so we're clear - both your linux and windows computers are on the same network?12:26
ikoniaJernej_Work: ahh, it's missing dependencies in the libraries12:26
PolahBoothk, apparently it can use both. My mistake.12:26
Jernej_Worki guess i can just download it again in a different way?12:26
r4yI asked because of the last comment from this link:12:26
ikoniaJernej_Work: it looks like it was linked against libraries on the other machine that are not on this machine12:26
bazhangcheck linuxprinting.org Homely_Girl12:26
kawohiBoothk: Yes12:26
Homely_Girlbazhang: Will do, thanks.12:26
veracHomely_Girl: i think it's fair assessment to say you need to find a local nerd12:26
Jernej_Workikonia, the program isn't linked to any specific libraries other than stock ones..12:26
ikoniaJernej_Work: how do you know ?12:26
Jernej_Workit's a simple announce program for sa-mp dedicated server12:26
ikoniaJernej_Work: what operating system was it on the old one12:26
Jernej_Worksame as this one.12:27
Boothkkawohi: Then your internet connection is completely irrelevant. The computers will connect directly without having to go online at all12:27
Homely_Girlverac: It would seem they are still asleep!! I did find a local lug, but nobody's home!!12:27
Jernej_Workubuntu server 10-1012:27
ikoniaJernej_Work ok so you need to look at what libraries are missing/diferent between the two12:27
r4yanyways thank you12:27
veracHomely_Girl: bummer. well, good luck anyways :)12:27
Jernej_Workold server:12:27
Jernej_Work2.6.35-27-server #48-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 22 21:53:16 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:27
Jernej_Worknew one is:12:27
Jernej_Work2.6.35-22-server #33-Ubuntu SMP Sun Sep 19 20:48:58 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:27
ikoniaJernej_Work: ok, so at slightly different versions, that maybe part of the problem, or simpley libraries missing12:27
Homely_Girlverac: Thanks, looking at linuxprinting now....12:27
edwinkcwJernej_Work: do you compile the program again in other computer?12:28
Jernej_Worki wan the program on old version.12:28
Jernej_Worki didn't compile this12:28
Kartagisuseradd -m -N -p `echo "somepasswd"|sha512sum` abcuser <--- why wouldn't this work?12:28
edwinkcwJernej_Work: you just use a file compiled from other computer?12:28
kawohiAw... Actually... I'm using my windows 7 and Connectify to make a hotspot so I have a strong connection in my room. and connecting to the connectify hotspot.. not the connection my laptop is using12:28
BoothkKartagis: Ha! I had the same problem today!12:28
Jernej_Worka executable which just sends a http request and nothing else.12:28
edwinkcwcan you try compile it?12:29
Jernej_Workit's not linked to any magical libraries.12:29
kawohiDo I even need internet to share files ?12:29
edwinkcwJernej_Work: just a trial. No idea yet12:29
BoothkKartagis: I used "echo "password\npassword\n" | sudo adduser newuser"12:29
KartagisBoothk: I'm just trying to create a script to add users for me, and not have to type the password manually12:30
nyk2005I just got a SheevaPlug with ubuntu installed on it. But I have a problem I can not solve: Running "apt-get update" hangs at "[Connecting to ports.ubuntu.com (]", and then timeouts. But "ping ubuntu.com" works, so the connection to the inet is there. It has "deb http://ports.ubuntu.com jaunty main restricted universe multiverse" in /etc/apt/sources.list. Strangely, "ping ports.ubuntu.com" does not work, but I can connect to http://ports.ubuntu.co12:30
nyk2005m from my laptop. What could be the problem?12:30
BoothkKartagis: Runs adduser, and sends the password info in via echo12:30
KartagisBoothk: wow, relief12:30
Boothkkawohi: If both your machines are on the same Local Area Network, then NO.12:30
Kartagislet me try that12:30
* Boothk reads up because he missed something Kawohi said, which wasn't addressed to him =/12:31
BoothkKawohi: You've got several options. If you're using the internet to do this (both machines connecting online via different connections), then it's a bit more complicated and more than I've done12:32
test1234Hello everyone, know if the program spotify is supported by the wine program loader? I can't install the exe file. (Note, this is the first time i use wine and ubuntu).12:32
GOMIare there PROBLEMS known BETWEEN  ...NVIDIA and COMPIZ ??12:33
BoothkKawohi: If you have a router and both your computers are connected to it, there's no need for the connections to go out12:33
GOMIbecause i think thats whats makes my screen flickers ??12:33
iceroot!appdb | test123412:33
ubottutest1234: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:33
GOMIbut dont know how to handle it ?12:33
kawohiBoothk: i'm not using a router.. i'm using a unsecured connection '_____'12:33
kawohithen using connectify to extend that connection12:34
Boothkkawohi: Never heard of connectify12:35
kawohiit makes ur laptop into a hotspot12:35
Boothkkawohi: So it's basically the connection sharing feature in Windows?12:36
kawohiYes, I guess.12:36
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przemoReXhi, I've got a question about mountin smb shares12:38
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Jernej_Workikonia, i re-downloaded the binary files and they still won't execute.12:39
przemoReXhow to change the users group of the mounted folder?12:39
ikoniaJernej_Work: where from ?12:39
ikoniaJernej_Work: so it stands to reason it's missing a library theren12:40
Jernej_Workikonia, it's not missing any libraries.12:40
przemoReXI cant's change group on SMB mounted files, can anybody help?12:40
ikoniaJernej_Work: how do you know ?12:40
Jernej_Workbecause it runs fine on any other server?12:40
Jernej_Workyou can try it yourself.12:40
ikoniaJernej_Work: so ?12:41
ikoniaJernej_Work: I just did,12:41
ikoniaJernej_Work: it failed ona redhat6 box12:41
Jernej_Workwhat message?12:41
AntiSociaLbet this channel is good when it gets going12:41
ikoniaJernej_Work: I'm missing /lib/ld-linux.so.212:41
Jernej_Worki get no such messages12:41
ikoniathat's not the error message12:41
ikoniathe error message is the same as yours12:42
ikoniahowever I just debugged12:42
omidhow can i add thunderbird and pidgin to the pannel applet instead of evolution and empathy?12:45
Kartagisomid: right click on the panel and add from there12:46
KartagisBoothk: I tried what you suggested and now my /etc/shadow looks like this: bilgisayarciniz.org:!:15072:0:99999:7:::12:47
Jernej_Workso what is  /lib/ld-linux.so.2 ?12:47
ikoniaJernej_Work: link library12:47
Jernej_Worki mean it is part of what?12:47
ikoniaJernej_Work: dynamic linker12:47
Jernej_Workwhat do i need to get to have it :>12:47
ikoniaJernej_Work: anyway, as you said, "no libraries are missing"12:48
ikoniaJernej_Work: so good luck12:48
BoothkKartagis: ?12:48
BoothkKartagis: I don't have long, btw12:48
omidKartagis i want to have thunderbird and pidgin on the pannel mail applet which is now belongs to empathy and evolution.12:48
KartagisBoothk: it didn't assign a password I'm afraid12:49
Jernej_Workwhy are you being such a douche now. I was sure no libraries were missing as i was used to linux telling me about missing libraries in the past, i never saw it fail silently with file not found errors..12:49
BoothkKartagis: It didn't tell you that when you executed the command?12:49
bazhangJernej_Work, watch the language and attitude12:49
Jernej_Worki'm not trolling, just looking for help.12:50
przemoReXI cant change owner atribs on SMB mounted files, can anybody help?12:50
BoothkKartagis: You did use | sudo adduser user and not | sudo useradd user, right?12:50
KartagisBoothk: it asked me for the password and sent it I think, but that's the line from the shadow file12:50
KartagisBoothk: yes12:50
BoothkKartagis: It's beyond me then. I have to go now though =/12:50
edwinkcwomid: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/02/add-thunderbird-to-ubuntu-indicator.html12:50
Boothksee ya12:50
bazhang!pl | kpluta12:50
ubottukpluta: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.12:50
kplutahello wala :)12:51
WojtekSPECwala, wiesz jak to zrobić ?12:52
walawhat's your name kpluta?12:52
kplutapo angielsku12:52
kplutapiszemy ;d12:52
walaNo, I haven't12:52
kplutanie mozna po polskku xd12:52
WojtekSPECasl ? :D12:52
kplutaMati , so aj lajkeyt?12:52
bazhangkpluta, WojtekSPEC wala english here12:52
walaFirst, you must learn english.12:52
bazhang!pl | kpluta wala12:52
ubottukpluta wala: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.12:52
kwandochwala pro ;>12:52
kplutakpluta is pro english12:52
kplutawala noob ;|12:53
walaPLease, ban this noobs.12:53
bazhangkpluta, please stop. wala you too12:53
walaOK, bye noobs.12:53
Jernej_Workikonia, it's "apt-get install ia32-libs"12:54
edwinkcwJernej_Work: just curious what the program does?12:55
edwinkcwI can run it on Ubuntu12:55
Jernej_Workit's a sa-mp dedicated server.12:55
edwinkcwafter ./annouce, nothing happens?12:55
kawohiHey guys, whats everybodys favorite code editor?12:55
Jernej_Workedwinkcw, the main process runs the announce program regularly12:56
bazhangkawohi, no polling here12:56
Morten_<someone else> Oh no, vi is the best!12:56
kipling_ /server add -auto -ssl -ssl_cert ~/.irssi/certs/nick.pem \ -ssl_cafile ~/.irssi/certs/CAs.pem -ssl_verify -network oftc \ irc.oftc.net 669712:56
bazhang!best > kawohi12:56
ubottukawohi, please see my private message12:56
edwinkcwJernej_Work: ok, I tested on my two computers, no error can be found12:56
Jernej_Workit was that problem i mentioned12:57
Jernej_Workbye now12:57
userdelis there any swf viewer in ubuntu12:57
edwinkcwuserdel: why don't use firefox?12:58
edwinkcwwith flash plugin12:58
a1batrosshello i'am have problem me CRT getting off while X is on (driver nvidia-current, but nvidia-173 is working)! sorry for my bad english, it's not my mother lng12:59
userdeledwinkcw: i am on complete command line12:59
omidhow to login as root?12:59
a1batrosshello i'am have problem me CRT getting off while X is on (driver nvidia-current, but nvidia-173 is working)! sorry for my bad english, it's not my mother lng13:00
jrib!root | omid13:00
ubottuomid: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:00
jriba1batross: I do not understand what you are asking13:00
omidjrib but in suse i can be root13:01
edwinkcwuserdel: do you mean that you want to view a swf under terminal13:01
a1batrossmy CRT monitor is off when X.org is on(on driver nvidia-current)but on nvidia-173 all OK13:01
ActionParsnipomid: just run:   sudo -i13:01
userdeledwinkcw: yes13:01
userdeledwinkcw: not under but over it13:01
przemoReXI cant change owner atribs on SMB mounted files, can anybody help?13:01
jribomid: you can do everything you need to do with sudo13:01
edwinkcwuserdel: that mean you want to open a swf file using command?13:02
userdeledwinkcw: yes.13:02
* a1batross старадает почему здесь никто не разговаривает по-русски 13:02
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:02
omidjrib isnt there a simple website or document to learn the basic commands of terminal?13:02
LjL!cli | omid13:03
ubottuomid: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro13:03
nyk2005I just got a SheevaPlug with ubuntu installed on it. But I have a problem I can not solve: Running "apt-get update" hangs at "[Connecting to ports.ubuntu.com (]", and then timeouts. But "ping ubuntu.com" works, so the connection to the inet is there. It has "deb http://ports.ubuntu.com jaunty main restricted universe multiverse" in /etc/apt/sources.list. Strangely, "ping ports.ubuntu.com" does not work, but I can connect to http://ports.ubuntu.co13:03
nyk2005m from my laptop. What could be the problem?13:03
ActionParsnipnyk2005: jaunty is dead and gone13:03
edwinkcwuserdel: stupid way....create a html page using vim/emacs, then open then webpage using command...13:04
edwinkcwuserdel: in fact, I don't really understand your purpose13:04
natrixnatrix89Hi. Which is video has the best performance on ubuntu? I mean which can play the movie with the highest bit rate on a pc with the lowest specs?13:04
kourasmenosanyone intersted helping a noob?13:05
natrixnatrix89I mean which video player?13:05
jribkourasmenos: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)13:05
userdeledwinkcw: well i am with DoD US and they provide me with only command line13:05
ActionParsnipnatrixnatrix89: something light like audacious13:05
GOMIwhat is a "MODULE-ALSA-CARD"13:06
mathmoiHi, can www.ubuntuupdates.org's ppa be trusted?13:06
edwinkcwuserdel: just curious what the swf is?13:06
edwinkcwuserdel: you must have a GUI to view swf file13:06
natrixnatrix89ActionParsnip: thank you.. how can I search for the lightest players?13:06
ActionParsnipmathmoi: they are unofficial so technically no, but itshould be fine13:06
userdeledwinkcw: forget it.13:06
ActionParsnipnatrixnatrix89: use websearches13:06
kourasmenosim trying to setup a wired internet connection to bt4 r2 using terminal sudo start-network...but whats the pass ?13:06
GOMIi have alot of failed about that module-alsa-card13:06
mathmoiActionParsnip: Thanks.13:06
GOMIin user.log13:06
ActionParsnipkourasmenos: ask in the backtrack channel13:07
jribmathmoi: same as any other ppa, you trust the author13:07
kourasmenoswhich is?13:07
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition13:07
mang0Guys, I want to use ubuntu, and I'm just checking - there is a way to use ubuntu as one big file on windows right? So all the programs and stuff you download are in one big file...amirite?13:07
GOMIreally nobody ?13:07
jribmang0: it's called wubi13:07
kourasmenosah...didnt see it at the list :(13:07
nyk2005ActionParsnip: hey, thanks for the information! So this explains why it not working? Would there by any reposity that I can add to sources.list so I can dist-upgrade to a newer version supporting armv5tejl? Or can I give up ubuntu and install debian?13:08
mang0jrib: wubi? So is it normal Ubuntu, or does it have differances to say, partitioning13:08
ActionParsnipnyk2005: not sure, see what there is around. I'm trying Debian for the first time right now :D13:08
jribmang0: ubuntu resides on a file in your ntfs partition13:08
jrib!wubi | mang013:09
ubottumang0: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe13:09
mang0:/ lol13:09
hutchActionParsnip, do you know about Linux Mint Debian Edition?13:09
oxodesignhi my apache runs under www-data user, why on earth when creating a new directory with "mkdir" (PHP) does that folder get as owner the "root" user?13:10
ActionParsniphutch: I've used Mint once, didn't like it13:10
=== noparkinghere is now known as _`-_2-1-``_``
edwinkcwoxodesign: because you use mkdir with sudo13:10
hutchActionParsnip, np it was just that that particular edition is based on Debian testing (rolling release) rather than 6 monthly ubuntu based cycle13:11
oxodesignalso can I somehow add permissions to a folder so all child folders that are created later will inherit that permission?13:11
ActionParsniphutch: yeah, its different. Could be interesting :)13:11
oxodesignedwinkcw: its not me how does that its php :)13:12
edwinkcwoxodesign: use chmod a+S parent_folder -R13:12
przemoReXwhat should I set to be able to edit owner atributs on SMB mounted files?13:12
hutchActionParsnip,  I think they're switching all their community editions except kde to debian base13:12
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edwinkcwoxodesign: how your php create a folder?13:13
kourasmenosthere's no bt channel :(13:13
ActionParsnipkourasmenos: /join #backtrack-linux13:13
kourasmenosah tnx :)13:14
magpiiehi peeps. major issue here, no matter what i try and do, i cannot get videos working on the google or you tube. i have uninstalled and re installed flash numerous times and still no use13:14
oxodesignedwinkcw: i just do mkdir(dirname, 0777) ...13:14
g0tchais there a way to give custom home directories to users in a certain group?13:14
ActionParsnipkourasmenos: it was listed in the ubottu output earlier.....13:14
dcorbin_workI have an Ubuntu 9 system.  I'm going to restore it to another ubuntu system by restoring the entire filesystem (tarball) to it.  What command do I need to run to get the correct kernel booting on it?13:14
ActionParsnipg0tcha: that is default behaviour13:14
magpiievideos play fine on other channels, but anything running the you tube engine wont play13:14
edwinkcwoxodesign: but it is weird that php have a power to create a root directory13:14
g0tchaActionParsnip, right now if i add a new user1 thats part of group test01, their home dir would be /home/user113:15
g0tchaActionParsnip, but what i want is if i add user1 to group test01, i want them to use /home/test01/user1 as their home dir. if that makes any sense13:15
obscurant1sti have ttf font for my native language, what should i do for enabling it in ubuntu, i created a .fonts directory in my home dir and put the ttf font in that directory, but still the website which uses that fonr is not deisplaying correctly13:16
jattwhich language13:16
obscurant1stjatt, malayalam, do you knw?13:17
oxodesignedwinkcw: i don't know how but it does! I have first to give access to parent folder so apache/php can write to it, but the folder I create using mkdir() its own by root!13:17
Saturn2888I'm having some really strange issue. I rebooted my machine and get a "mountall: mount / [xxx] terminated with status 32"13:17
edwinkcwoxodesign: I understand your situation but really got no idea13:18
ActionParsnipg0tcha: when you run adduser you can use the -d option to specify the home folder13:18
UDPErrorHey guys I currently have a dual boot, Fedora / Windows 7. I'd like to replace Fedora but it's a LVM system. Now, personally I don't really know what that means other than Logical volume manager. It is it's own container if I'm correct. now. how would I install ubuntu? Do I delete all Linux partitions and then let the installer do everything? or can I just format the current partitions? /home / and /boot ?13:18
oxodesignedwinkcw: I get this error "invalid mode: `a+S'" when running the command you suggested13:18
ikoniaUDPError: the installer will overwrite it for you13:19
edwinkcwoxodesign: sorry, should be chmod +s13:19
g0tchaActionParsnip, ah so cant do it per group huh13:19
edwinkcwoxodesign: you may take some time to read it http://www.comptechdoc.org/os/linux/usersguide/linux_ugfilesp.html13:19
UDPErrorikonia what's the option?13:19
oxodesignthnx edwinkcw13:20
ikoniaUDPError: what do you mean, what's the option13:20
=== _`-_2-1-``_`` is now known as noparkinghere
Saturn2888I'm having some really strange issue. I rebooted my machine and get a "mountall: mount / [xxx] terminated with status 32" and then it asks me to press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery but in either case, it seems to be loading my root partition fine, it's just mounting as read-only which prevents me from making gamchanges or fixing whatever's wrong however I'd do that. It also says "mountall: filesystem could not be mounted: / " and "An erro13:20
UDPErrorikonia currently in windows13:22
ikoniaUDPError: so ?13:22
przemoReXwhat should I set to be able to edit owner atributs on SMB mounted files? I need apache to access files on mounted SMB share but it cant because I'm not able to set right ownership on SMB files13:22
UDPErrorikonia how am I to know what the options are?13:22
ikoniaUDPError: options where ?13:23
GOMIi have a problem with audiopulse I THINK ???13:24
GOMIin SYSLOG its full with audipulse error !!13:25
UDPErrorikonia lol have you read your responses?13:25
GOMIit that the reason of my pc rebooting to login ??13:25
ikoniaUDPError: yes, you're not making any sense13:25
magpiiei cannot play any videosd online, i have uninstalled flash, re installed dozons of times and still i keep getting "an error occured please try later" whenever i try watching you tube vides13:26
Vanchamagpiie, is it browser specific?13:26
GOMImagpiie reboot13:26
magpiiei have re-booted, uninstalled firefox, re installed, uninstalled flash, re installed, re booted and still the same issue13:27
aeon-ltdmagpiie: even on the youtube official site? i've noticed embed sometimes screw up more often than on the youtube site13:27
magpiiei even get the error whenever i try watching through google video13:27
aeon-ltdmagpiie: using a proxy?13:28
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aeon-ltdmagpiie: try different browsers, inc google chrome with its embedded flash ver.13:28
harrypotterhello from ubuntu 11.0413:29
magpiiei tried with opera and still the same13:29
magpiiei will try chrome now13:29
GOMIor install it trough synaptic pakage   system - administrator   look for flashplugin-installer13:30
harrypottergnomr is better than unity !! who agree with that ??13:30
harrypottergnome is better than unity !! who agree with that ??13:30
aeon-ltdharrypotter: hu-hu-hu harry p-potter????13:30
icerootharrypotter: the people in #ubuntu-offtopic13:30
meofiany method to get gnome3 on ubuntu10.10 currently?13:31
aeon-ltdmeofi: ppa? compile?13:31
meofithe ppa seems 11.04 only13:31
aeon-ltdmeofi: then your only options are compile or wait, or use the ppa anyway even if bugs might occur13:32
GOMIi have a problem that ubuntu is rebooting its flickering and sends me back to loginscreen ....13:32
meofiaeon-ltd,  so I just wait..13:32
aeon-ltdGOMI: trying to use compiz?13:32
GOMIwhat do you guys think ..13:32
GOMIyes i have compiz13:32
aeon-ltdmeofi: it won't be long, not long, because what you REAP IS WHAT YOU SOW!!!!!!!!!111!!13:33
aeon-ltdGOMI: try using a session without compiz13:33
GOMIin syslog theire are alot of error about pulseaudio ?!?13:33
aeon-ltdmeofi: sorry for the outburst13:33
GOMIwithout you mean i uninstall it or can i shut it down ?13:33
aeon-ltdGOMI: no at the login screen just select gnome metacity or any other session with compiz13:34
cnahow to install a apecific version of the mysql server in ubuntu13:34
GOMIi dont have that option ?13:34
magpiieok i installed goole chrome and it works fine, thanks.13:34
aeon-ltdmagpiie: good to know, so i'd just wait until the bug is resolved in FF13:35
Pernilongoalguem ai manja ubntu13:35
GOMImgapiie or try midori looks like FF13:35
cnahow to install a apecific version of the mysql server in ubuntu13:35
DJones!pt | Pernilongo13:35
ubottuPernilongo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:35
pirxhello! can anyone suggest a good wifi network card that works well with ubuntu?13:36
magpiieyeah, its been doing my head in all week, i thought it may have been an issue with me, seeing as i am fairly new to ubuntu, thank god its not13:36
rolandI have an active connection to my other ubuntu machine over SSH, how do I start x over ssh?13:36
fairuzroland: -X option13:36
Saturn2888pirx: pretty much anything new. What do you mean? TP-LINK sells good ones, but are you meaning internal or external?13:36
ActionParsnippirx: my Netgear WG311T works out of the box13:36
rolandfairuz: I have that13:36
=== somebody__ is now known as digitalfiz
obscurant1stafter installing the fonts as per the link given by ubottu, now there is nothing in the page, can someone tell me why?? pls see the screenshot http://img195.imageshack.us/i/screenshotug.png/13:37
aeon-ltdobscurant1st: enable the language in firefox?13:38
Kartagiswhen using newusers, can I leave out pw_gecos?13:38
obscurant1staeon-ltd, how to do that?13:38
aeon-ltdobscurant1st: its in the preferences somewhere13:38
Kartagiseg. newusers user:pass:uid::100:/home/user/:/bin/bash?13:39
obscurant1staeon-ltd, i havent seen ever, i mean enabling the language?? this is a native language, i dont think firefox will have that anyway!13:39
Saturn2888pirx: I'm out13:40
eamonis it true that ubuntu is upgrading to portage in the next release?13:40
icerooteamon: #ubuntu+113:40
przemoReXwhat should I set to be able to edit owner atributs on SMB mounted files? I need apache to access files on SMB share but it cant because I'm not able to set right ownership on SMB files13:41
edwinkcwcurious question, is it worthy to use latest version of Ubuntu? Should I keep using LTS version?13:41
obscurant1stedwinkcw, if you are planning on upgrading to every version that ubuntu team comes up with, then upgrade it, else use the LTS version13:42
ActionParsnipedwinkcw: is Lucid doing what you need?13:42
Kartagisdo I make user's shell /bin/false or /usr/bin/nofalse for no ssh access?13:43
edwinkcwbasically, yes except empathy13:43
sha26i am having trouble in starting red5 server on ubuntu i have installed it through synaptic package manager and whenever i try it just show [FAIL]13:43
obscurant1stsomebody please I am not able to install this font,13:44
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer. For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/13:44
obscurant1stActionParsnip, after installing the fonts as per the link given by ubottu, now there is nothing in the page, can someone tell me why?? pls see the screenshot http://img195.imageshack.us/i/screenshotug.png/13:46
sha26i am having trouble in starting red5 server on ubuntu i have installed it through synaptic package manager and whenever i try it just show [FAIL]13:48
Kartagisnewusers: bilgisayarciniz.org:bilgisayar::100::/srv/www/bilgisayarciniz.org:/bin/false: No such file or directory <--- why am I getting this?13:50
pirxActionParsnip: thanks!13:51
ikoniaKartagis: is the file there13:51
jribKartagis: what did you do to "get it"?13:51
Kartagisjrib: I just wrote a script which utilizes newusers13:51
Kartagisikonia: yes13:51
jribKartagis: obviously13:52
ikoniaKartagis: show me ls on it13:52
Kartagisikonia: on what? newusers?13:53
ikoniaKartagis: no, on what it's complaining isn't there13:53
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: does it happen in all browsers?13:53
Kartagisikonia: /bin/false? I don't really get it13:54
obscurant1stActionParsnip, i have only ff4, i ll download chrome and try13:54
jribKartagis: can you be more specific about what you ran? :/13:54
Kartagisjrib: let me pastebin the script13:55
ikoniaKartagis: don't pastebin the script13:55
ikoniaKartagis: just run the commands manually13:55
ikoniaKartagis: see which one is failing13:55
vectoryKartagis: `ls /bin/false' pls13:55
Pipolipoikonia: I finally put my script in /etc/rc2.d/ then I got the echo of my script but it seems like the read inside the script are ignores :(13:56
Kartagisvectory: ls /bin/false13:56
mellinAnyone heard when we *might* be getting gnome 3 in the repo?13:56
ikoniamellin: never ?13:56
vectorywhen u upgrade to 11.4 i guess13:57
GOMIshut down compiz with compiz-fusion-icon  and still its rebooting to login screen ??13:57
shaunognome3 should be in 11.1013:57
mellinshauno: Thanks13:57
ljsoftnetikonia ubuntu's not going to use gnome 3?13:58
phoqueyou can install Gnome 3 from a PPA13:58
ikonialjsoftnet: not the current versions13:58
frimendis there some really simple CLI torrent program?13:58
Kartagisikonia: there's only one command13:59
ljsoftnetikonia ok13:59
ikoniaKartagis: so run the show me the command13:59
ActionParsnipfrimend: transmission has a cli interface13:59
frimendI have one torrent file which I want to download.13:59
thebleedingmy mouse is to fast13:59
thebleedinghow do I slow it down13:59
frimendideally, I would like it to work as wget.. :>13:59
thebleedingI have a high DPI mouse13:59
ActionParsnipthebleeding: system -> prefs -> mouse13:59
frimendActionParsnip: ok14:00
ActionParsnipfrimend: you can have your client watch a folder for new torrent files. You can then wget the torrent file and it will be added to your queue14:00
thebleedingActionParsnip, Its either instly fast or fast14:00
thebleedingI have tried Xset, changing that14:00
thebleedingit still wont slow down14:00
thebleedingmy moue is a 1600 DPI mouse14:00
frimendActionParsnip: I don't think I will do this often. I have graphical usually.14:00
wobblyonionhomeHi guys, can someone give me a hand with setting up my wireless card, it seems to get detected but having issues trying to see any wireless networks at all14:01
frimendI just want a torrent downloaded fast, right now!14:01
frimendin cli. :)14:01
jribfrimend: rtorrent or btdownloadcurses14:01
Kartagisikonia: newusers bilgisayar.org:pass:1005::/srv/www/bilgisayarciniz.org:/bin/false14:01
Kartagisnewusers: bilgisayar.org:pass:1005::/srv/www/bilgisayarciniz.org:/bin/false: No such file or directory14:01
ActionParsnip!info transmission-cli14:01
vectoryor transmission-remote14:01
thebleedinghow do you set the mouse speed in ubuntu the mouse proefernces is crap14:01
ubottutransmission-cli (source: transmission): lightweight BitTorrent client (command line interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.05-0ubuntu0.2 (maverick), package size 374 kB, installed size 808 kB14:01
frimendi'll check them out, thank you. :)14:01
oxbatsomebody here14:02
jribKartagis: this isn't proper newusers syntax.  newusers expects a file.  Why are you using newusers anyway?  It's really meant for the creation of many users in batch14:02
oxbatwho can help me14:02
thebleedingits either very fast or fast14:02
dragonlive24who have the bt  of  linux matlab ,14:02
oxbatman can you help me thebleeding14:02
jrib!piracy | dragonlive2414:02
ubottudragonlive24: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o14:02
ActionParsnipoxbat: ask your question14:02
vectorydragonlive24: whats bt and since when exists matlab for linux?14:02
LjL!info octave | dragonlive24, this is a free alternative14:02
ubottudragonlive24,: Package octave does not exist in maverick14:02
jribvectory: matlab has a linux version14:02
oxbatmy computer is broken ,can't startX.I don't know why14:02
Kartagisjrib: adduser asks the password separately and useradd doesn't encrypt the password14:03
vectorydragonlive24: use octave#14:03
dragonlive24I'm sorry14:03
ActionParsnipoxbat: run:   less /var/log/Xorg.0.log   and read, use Q to exit and cursors to scroll14:03
vectorydragonlive24: it uses slmost identical syntasx and is free14:03
mellinoxbat: That doesn't mean the computer is broken..probably just X14:03
LjL!info octave3.2 | dragonlive24, sorry i mean this14:03
ubottudragonlive24,: octave3.2 (source: octave3.2): GNU Octave language for numerical computations (3.2 branch). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.4-6ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 9388 kB, installed size 29348 kB14:03
hsuhi'm trying to setup upstart, the service works when i do "sudo start servicename" etc, but doesnt get started on reboot.. any ideas?14:03
jribKartagis: in any case, newusers expects a file (see « man newusers »)14:04
Kartagishsuh: update-rc.d14:04
nyuszika7hsometimes when I hold the mouse cursor then I can't release it and mouse is broken :( what's happening?14:04
ActionParsniphsuh: could call it in /etc/rc.local14:04
jribhsuh: you should pastebin your upstart script14:04
oxbatsorry ,my english is poor.I don't know how to speak the question clearly14:04
hsuhjrib: thats more reasonable :)14:04
nyuszika7herm... right click works, only left click is broken14:05
nyuszika7hI tried pressing Ctrl, Meta, Shift, Alt, Esc... no luck.14:05
brightsparkthebleeding,  isn't that the point of a high dpi mouse"?14:05
mellinoxbat: Not a problem...just trying to be helpful14:05
mellinoxbat: In terms of English that is14:05
Kartagisjrib: can I use a var in that file?14:05
thebleedingno the point of a high DPI mouse is to have greater acuracy14:05
jribKartagis: var?  In what sense?  What do you want to accomplish?14:06
thebleedingWhen I scupt using blender or texture usinh photohop14:06
cisshi, i have a 10.04 server running with the default php5 installed and need to provide 5.2 as well (fcgi). is it possible to compile 5.2 in a way that it shares the modules with 5.3, so that i don't need to compile them into 5.2?14:06
thebleedingyou want pixel perfect acuracy14:06
hsuhso the upstart script is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/591234/, it lives in /etc/init, it is chmod u+x, and start omg, stop omg work as expected14:06
thebleedingI dont want to move my mouse 4 cm and have it move acreoss the whole screen14:06
cisssorry, default php5 = php 5.314:06
Kartagisjrib: I am setting $num to the last uid on the system14:07
nimrod10 can someone tell me how to make the gnome panel stay on the laptop display when plugin an external monitor ? It moves to the external monitor, I'm using an nvidia card14:07
nyuszika7h---problem gone--- pressed one of my touchpad buttons and it's ok now!! :)14:07
hsuhKartagis, ActionParsnip: i didn't quite get your suggestions..14:07
oxbatacturally,the question is windows question.maybe virus..then ubuntu can't boot and windows is can't start too.14:07
jribKartagis: What do you want to accomplish?14:07
Kartagishsuh: man update-rc.d14:07
ActionParsniphsuh: /etc/rc.local is ran just before the login screen. If you add commands in there it will be executed (add them ABOVE the exit 0 line)14:08
hsuhActionParsnip: i'm using upstart, thats what i wanted to get working :)14:08
mellinthebleeding: Another example of what a simple google search will get you. If anyone had a solution for you I would presume they would have told you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=708714:08
nyuszika7hAfter installing *startupmanager* how can I tell Ubuntu to use it instead of GRUB?14:08
oxbatthank you .maybe i should do it bymyself14:09
jribhsuh: does anything show up in /var/log/omg.log?14:09
thebleedingtried that14:09
Kartagisjrib: I want to use the output of cat /etc/passwd | awk -F':' '{print $3+1}' | sort -n | tail -114:09
damnogrub and startup manager are different14:09
hiexpowhats a good twitter client?14:09
thebleedingI have spent about an hour of serching, but since ubuntu switch to HAL i cant use the X.conf anymoer14:10
jribKartagis: no.  I am asking you what do you want to accomplish in a more general sense14:10
nyuszika7hhiexpo: TweetDeck, not sure though if it works in Ubuntu14:10
atlefhiexpo: gwibber14:10
edwinkcwhiexpo: gwibber?14:10
mellinthebleeding: How about the manufacturer of the mouse. Do they offer any ideas?14:10
Kartagisjrib: create users14:10
ActionParsniphiexpo: http://www.sizlopedia.com/2008/05/03/twitter-clients-for-ubuntu-linux/14:10
damnogwibber is nt good14:10
edwinkcwdamno: oh, why?14:10
ActionParsniphiexpo: try a few, see which you like14:10
damnoit dsn't update regularly14:11
damno@ edwinkcw14:11
brightsparkthebleeding, high dpi mice are recommended for windows users who want to increase mouse speed beyond the maximum.14:11
edwinkcwwhat is a good irc client :P?14:11
Kartagisedwinkcw: ^^14:11
karthee_Hi .. how do i add a user to sudoer in ubunut ? I tried adding in /etc/sudoers  its not working ..14:11
damnoxchat malfunctions14:11
aeon-ltdedwinkcw: irssi if you like cli14:11
jribKartagis: if you omit the uid, then the next available one will be used (see « man newusers »)14:12
edwinkcwaeon-ltd: I am using irssi exactly14:12
ljsoftnetedwinkcw have you tried xchat?14:12
aeon-ltdkarthee_: you use visudo14:12
edwinkcwljsoftnet: sure, but not my cup of tea14:12
damnoxchat malfunctions in my sys. .14:12
obscurant1stActionParsnip, the problem is oly for firefox, in chrome the fonts are getting displayed without any issue14:12
damnolostirc feels good14:12
karthee_aeon-ltd: i did that .. but still not working ..14:12
ljsoftnetedwinkcw ok14:12
hiexpoi like xchat works great for me14:12
damnoanybdy tried chatzilla?14:12
LjLkarthee_: just add the user to the "admin" group14:13
edwinkcwI can keep my session using irssi14:13
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: ok then try renaming ~/.mozilla then rerun the browser. I don't use firefox so am not much help but certainly can help diagnose14:13
edwinkcwbut I don't know how to do that in xchat14:13
hsuhoops, got it working14:13
jribhsuh: does the file (/var/log/omg.log) get created?14:13
yoggWith which tool can i automatically create a reverse lookup zone from the forward zone file? "mkrdns" is not available on ubuntu 10.04. Is there a new one?14:13
damnowhat? @ed?14:13
karthee_LjL: should I add the user in two places ?14:13
aeon-ltdkarthee_: the syntax is 'username    ALL=(ALL) ALL'14:13
nyuszika7hdamno: Are you using the 'normal' xchat or the GNU one?14:14
obscurant1stActionParsnip, ok let me try. thanks for helping!14:14
bad_allochello I#ve got a 10.04 ubuntu and I've been printing with it for quite some time on a hp deskjet 520. today the printer started printing one line of special chars (likeıØÞÆ↑ªæøđæ etc.) on every sheet of a4 paper and won't stop even after power cycling it. how can i fix that?14:14
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:14
edwinkcwI can use screen with irssi so I can use my irc everywhere14:14
karthee_aeon-ltd: i ve added username ALL=(ALL) ALL .. in visudo and also in /etc/sudoers14:14
aeon-ltdkarthee_: via 'sudo visudo' ?14:14
damnonyuszika7h,  gnu14:14
nyuszika7hdamno: Hm, never used that... but the normal one works fine on Ubuntu, too.14:15
damnoI didnt know the tab feature14:15
karthee_aeon-ltd: yes .. i tried with that ..14:15
obscurant1stActionParsnip, no change, still the blank page14:15
damnonyuszika7h,  wl try that14:15
damnobut lostirc is good14:15
obscurant1stnot blank page, the the place where letters are supposed to come, that place is blank14:15
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: ok then rename the old folder back, restoring your old settings14:16
edwinkcwobscurant1st: maybe the worst case is you switch to use chrome :P14:16
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: so now we know its an app issue, not settings14:16
damnobtw, can I make the login dialugue in ubuntu 10.10 tranceparent?14:16
edwinkcwobscurant1st: or you can upgrade to FF414:16
obscurant1stActionParsnip, so reinstalling might be able to fix it?14:16
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: thats as far as I can go, I ditched firefox ages ago and use arora and chromium daily14:16
obscurant1stedwinkcw, its already ff414:16
ActionParsnipobscurant1st: worth a try14:16
obscurant1stActionParsnip, ok.14:17
co_Mr_cogundah gulana14:17
vectoryedwinkcw: how to save a session in irssi?14:17
edwinkcwActionParsnip: arora? first time to hear that14:17
damnoonly one complain abt ff414:17
ActionParsnipedwinkcw: http://code.google.com/p/arora/14:17
ActionParsnipedwinkcw: there are a LOt  of web browsers14:17
damnoit dsn't have bookmrk search feature in linux like in has xp14:17
lalechelirc remote control "hauppauge nova td 500" "ubuntu 10.04" v4l "dvb-usb-dib0700-1.20.fw firmware file" "dvb-usb-dib0700-1.10.fw firmware file"  mudules lirc_mceusb2 lirc_dev lirc_i2c lircd.conf. hauppauge_novat500 lircd.conf  lircmd.conf.hauppage lircmd.conf lircmd.conf.hauppage lircd.conf.hauppauge .lircrc14:18
radiusXhey anyone here setup a freeradius server on ubunut?14:18
Picilaleche: Is that a question?14:18
damnocan I make the login dialogue in ubuntu 10.10 tranceparent?14:18
Kartagisjrib: why would echo "bilgisayar\nbilgisayar\n" | adduser --force-badname bilgisayarciniz.org end up with the password being ! ?14:18
sha1sumTrying to do-release-upgrade and I'm getting: E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. <--- I'm pretty sure this *is* because of held packages, but how can I see what the packages are?14:18
sha1sum(from Maverick to Natty)14:18
lalechedon't funciona el mando14:18
edwinkcwvectory: read this http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi#learning_screen14:18
vectorydamno: u can design you own gdm themes14:19
Pici!es | laleche14:19
ubottulaleche: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:19
Picisha1sum : Natty/11.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.14:19
vectoryedwinkcw: :/ u can do that with any cli app14:19
edwinkcwvectory: sure.14:19
damnovictory: i jst want to mk the dialogue transparent14:19
edwinkcwvectory: it seems that you want to do something different14:19
jribKartagis: so now that you know how to use newuser, you give up on newuser...  If you don't want to have a password prompt, you should probably use useradd, not adduser.  If you want to use adduser, then probably the best approach is to create the account, then set the password with passwd (see --stdin option to passwd)14:20
edwinkcwActionParsnip: thanks, but I still a die-hard friend of Firefox.14:20
damnoform gconf editor?  can it be done?14:21
jribKartagis: hmm, apparently no such option on ubuntu.  So your choices are use newusers or useradd14:21
vectorydamno: mebbe u can alter the current theme, do u want it totally transparent?14:21
vectorydamno: i have no clue14:21
damnothe crrent theme is ubu studio14:21
damnosome dialogues are transparent tho14:21
damnonot the login one14:22
crischani tried to install natty beta1 and get failures. "dpkg error" when using the gui installer and "no kernel image found" with the console installer. how can i fix this?14:22
Kartagisjrib: useradd doesn't encrypt the password, and I can't use a $var in a txt file14:22
damnocrischan,  bad iso?14:22
ActionParsnipedwinkcw: shame14:22
zz你们 好阿14:22
edwinkcwActionParsnip: is Arora using the same web engine as chrome?14:22
vectorycrischan: /j ubuntu+114:22
crischandamno: that would be three different bad isos: kubuntu, ubuntu ubuntu-netboot14:22
Kartagiscrischan: #ubuntu+114:23
damnocrischan,  have u checked thr shasum?14:23
LjL!cn | zz14:23
ubottuzz: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk14:23
Kartagis!| zz14:23
edwinkcwzz: you should visit #ubuntu-cn14:23
ActionParsnipedwinkcw: its webkit based, yes14:23
damnocrischan,  all failed?14:23
Kartagis!cn | zz14:23
vectoryedwinkcw: what if hes .jp?14:23
crischanall failed14:23
jribKartagis: we arleady established that if you omit uid, newusers automatically uses an unused one. Alternatively, you can pass the hashed password to useradd if you want to do that14:23
bazhangvectory, he's not14:23
ActionParsnipedwinkcw: midori uses the same one as firefox but chews a shedload LESS resources14:23
edwinkcwvectory: I am chinese also :P14:23
vectoryActionParsnip: and offers less features :)14:24
Kartagisjrib: I also want to pass the home dir automatically14:24
damnocrischan,  were u trying from usb?14:24
edwinkcwActionParsnip: just curious how much chrome better than FF. I always click FF instead of Chrome.14:24
jribKartagis: so?14:24
edwinkcwThat's my "habbit"14:24
hermitduanwhat habbit?14:25
Kartagisjrib: does newusers have a conf I can set the defaults in?14:25
edwinkcwhermitduan: launching FF instead of Chrome14:25
damnocrischan,  that gave errors for me too14:25
jribKartagis: no.  Look, newusers is used to create many accounts in batch.  You create a text file with specifications on each line and then run newusers on it.  You can create this text file however you want.14:26
ActionParsnipvectory: sure but if you need a basic browser then firefox is OTT, depends on needs14:26
ham0log in14:26
damnocrischan, you better try from live cd14:26
edwinkcwI intend to use Chrome but it didn't save all the tabs after I close Chrome14:26
crischandamno, i'll do14:26
damnoburn one14:26
ActionParsnipedwinkcw: its all I use now, although arora gets a look in smetimes if I fancy a play14:26
vectoryepiphany is a nice vrowser too14:26
hermitduanare you a student?14:26
* Kartagis gives up on newusers14:26
=== Steve______ is now known as Tulleh
yfkHow do I disable desktop effects on natty?14:26
Piciyfk : Natty/11.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.14:26
edwinkcwhermitduan: are you asking me? yes I am , how to you know?14:27
TullehI'm having a bit of trouble installing the NVIDIA drivers on my recent ubuntu install14:27
hermitduanI guess14:27
Tullehcan anyone give me a hand?14:27
Pici!ot | hermitduan14:27
ubottuhermitduan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:27
jribKartagis: I don't understand what you are doing and it's a bit frustrating.  You ask a question, get an answer, then seem to ignore it or dislike the answer for some inexplicable reason14:27
damnocrischan,  i dont know why that error happens; in my case I got some peculiar I/0 errors14:28
edwinkcwhermitduan: ?14:28
bazhanghermitduan, ubuntu support question?14:28
hermitduanyour name's meaning?14:28
rodemireIs there a way to download repos from the internet and use them offline on another PC?14:28
bazhanghermitduan, this is NOT the channel for that14:29
jrib!offline | rodemire14:29
ubotturodemire: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD14:29
=== Peer is now known as Guest79494
TullehHas anyone installed the NVIDIA 260.19.44 drivers?14:29
jrock20041Can I sync my jailbroken 4.3.1 iPhone to Ubuntu? Tried some google searches and not coming up too good14:29
TullehI'm having a bit of trouble with it14:29
damnorodemire,  atponcd is the best I have seen so far14:29
ActionParsnipTulleh: install the nvidia-current package and it will install ok14:29
damnoTulleh, yes14:29
ActionParsnip!info nvidia-current14:30
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 260.19.06-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 25690 kB, installed size 76364 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)14:30
GOMIwhat kind of troubles TUlleh14:30
Kartagisjrib: what I am trying to do is create a user, but not have to manually encrypt like useradd expects me to do, or enter the password separately like adduser expects me to do14:30
TullehWell, I run the .run file as the root user14:30
rodemiredamno: where do i get the repos from?14:30
damnoTulleh, then?14:30
Tullehbut I get an error saying I'm running an X server14:30
Tullehand it refuses to install14:30
damnoTulleh, you have to stop gdm before that14:30
ActionParsnipTulleh: try: sudo nvidia-xconfig    then reboot14:31
vectoryActionParsnip: ive got 260.19.26, not *.*.06, it installed automatically (upon enabling desktop effects iirc) is that bad?14:31
Kartagisjrib: I just want to enter the password like createuser user pass14:31
vectoryid rather run all new nvidia drivers, but updates dont go automatically14:31
ActionParsnipvectory: should be ok14:31
TullehActionParsnip: I get a command not found error when I try that14:31
jribKartagis: well you don't manually hash the password, you run a command that does it for you (openssl passwd -crypt PASSWORD).  So for example, you could do: useradd -p $(openssl passwd -crypt FOOBAR) jrib  .  Or you could just use newusers (though this is really meant for creation of many users from a text file)14:32
ActionParsnipTulleh: how did you install the driver?14:32
bobo123Hi is it possible to mount an ext3 filesystem as ext2 ?14:32
Tullehvia terminal14:32
GOMIwhats the command for nvidia-current to download14:32
damnoTulleh,  see the reply from bllodrange on this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168897614:32
jribKartagis: keep in mind, if you want to use useradd, you'll likely want to create a home directory and set the user's shell to something other than sh14:32
ActionParsnipTulleh: did you use the binary from the nvidia site, or did you use packages14:32
Tullehbinary from the nvidia site14:33
Kartagisjrib: I set the home default in useradd.conf14:33
damnoyou'll have to run the procedure twice14:33
jribKartagis: you'll still want to change the shell to something other than sh (probably)14:33
damnoTulleh, keep the .run file at ur home folder for ease14:33
ActionParsnipTulleh: i recommend you use the packaged file, it will upgrade automatically for you14:34
TullehActionParsnip: Where can I get that?14:34
Kartagisjrib: hmm, openssl truncates the password to 8 characters14:34
damnoTulleh, follow ActionParsnip for ease14:34
damnoTulleh,  administration>additional drivers14:35
vectorynimrod10: still wondering about the panel staying on laptop?14:35
vectorynimrod10: with nvidia twin view i could tell you how to do it14:36
ActionParsnipTulleh: sudo apt-get Install nvidia-current     it will also install nvidia-xconfig and nvidia-settings14:36
TullehActionParsnip: I got it via the "additional drivers" tool14:37
_ProGammerhow can i connect to internet via Wifi will i connect to network with eth0 ?14:37
Pipolipo!cn | echo kuai41002228314:37
ubottuecho kuai410022283: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk14:37
nimrod10vectory, please tell me if you know that info14:38
_ProGammeri mean some thing priority between eth0 and wlan014:38
ActionParsnipTulleh: thats cool, you should have nvidia-xconfig  which will make a fairly ok xorg.conf file :)14:38
kuai410022283I come as for China14:38
ActionParsnip_ProGammer: you can but you'll need some fancy route commands14:39
stikboyHi I have a laptop with b43 wireless and a cli install and I can find is instructions for a gui install, is there a way to install the sta drivers and activate them through command line only?14:39
kuai410022283Here are Chinese?14:39
hiexpowelp i tried twitux and gtwiter ActionParsnip and i can't either to work not sure if am entering user name correctly14:39
_ProGammerActionParsnip, which command14:39
Kartagisjrib: I think I should read on man before asking a question14:40
vectorynimrod10: its in system->administration->ncidia settings14:40
kuai410022283People really much14:40
GOMIstill have troubles with rebooting to login screen on its own ?14:40
nimrod10vectory, yes i have that open but what option do i use in there ?14:40
vectorymake the nimrod10 theres a box "make this screen the main screen" or sth14:40
vectory-"make the"14:41
jribKartagis: if it's a problem, then you can always use newusers.  I was exploring what I said earlier about passwd --stdin and it seems you can still do that too (just no need for --stdin): echo -e 'abc\nabc\n' | passwd jrib   will set jrib's password to "abc"14:41
vectorytry if that option stays when u dis-/connect a monitor14:41
nimrod10vectory, unfortunately for me that box doesn't do anything after I hit apply14:41
Nero-I'm getting scanned I guess14:42
vectoryif the panel is already moved, i fear u cant move it around across screens :(14:42
kuai410022283People ?14:42
SikEnCideare bet support questions handeled in another chan ?14:42
bazhangkuai410022283, this is not the chat channel14:42
bazhangSikEnCide, #ubuntu+114:42
vectory/j ubuntu+114:42
SikEnCidety vectory14:42
bazhangkuai410022283, /join #ubuntu-cn14:42
aeon-ltd!cn | kuai41002228314:43
ubottukuai410022283: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk14:43
nimrod10thanks for your help vectory14:43
kuai410022283Will speak Chinese?14:43
bazhangkuai410022283, NO not here14:43
damnocho chi fu chu14:44
vectorywhat will the naming scheme be like in 6 years when we used the last letter in the alphabet for codenames? switch to cyrillic?14:44
lalecheI need help:"hauppauge nova td 500" "ubuntu 10.04" v4l "dvb-usb-dib0700-1.20.fw firmware file" "dvb-usb-dib0700-1.10.fw firmware file"  mudules lirc_mceusb2 lirc_dev lirc_i2c lircd.conf. hauppauge_novat500 lircd.conf  lircmd.conf.hauppage lircmd.conf lircmd.conf.hauppage lircd.conf.hauppauge .lircrc14:44
Jackneillcan you help me?14:44
vectory!nopaste | laleche14:44
jjp_laleche: ur problem statement lacks clarity14:44
lalechedoes not work the remote control14:44
vectory!paste | laleche14:45
ubottulaleche: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:45
Jackneillhow can i install a .deb packeage?14:45
PiciJackneill: double click it.14:45
Jackneilli downloaded it manually14:45
SikEnCideJackneill double click on it14:45
vectoryJackneill: dpkg14:45
lucid_jIs there any way to display the embedded in ID3 tag cover art on desktop?14:45
Jackneilldouble click is working?14:45
SikEnCideAlways has for me14:45
Jackneillvectory? an exampl epls14:45
vectoryshould be14:45
vectoryJackneill: man dpkg14:46
vectorysorry, dunno much about it14:46
Jackneillsudo dpkg bla.deb14:46
PiciJackneill: sudo dpkg -i package.deb14:46
Jackneillwill now restart, go to ubuntu :)14:46
lalechemercy bocup14:47
TullehThanks for the help with the Nvidia drivers, guys, I'm gonna go play minecraft now...14:47
hiexpowell i can not get any of these twitter clients to authenicate > so they must not work14:47
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
Tullehjk, I might have a few other questions for you14:48
damnobye all.14:48
benzaldehydedamno: bye14:48
edwinkcwdmart: bye14:48
lucid_jIs there any way to display the embedded in ID3 tag cover art on desktop?14:48
ActionParsniplucid_j: I believe rhythmnbox has a libnotify plugin14:49
vectorylucid_j: thats not an ubunru specific question14:49
TullehOK, so I'm trying to install VLC via the software center, and it won't let me because it requires installation of untrusted packages14:49
lucid_jActionParsnip: libnotify?14:50
ham0hello. i was trying to setup nvidia X on my laptop and managed to ruin my xorg configuration. leaving me with command prompt. i reconfigured it but now i have no sound. ie kmix shows no mixer. i have tried to set up alsamixer but i guess i'm too new to linux to get anything done. could someone point me in a direction. i have tried reconfiguring to autodetect by using the -phligh flag in dpkg but that didnt seem to work. unless i did it wrong. tha14:50
bittyx-laptopi have a hdd i'm currently using on my pc, with windows and ubuntu installed, with GRUB. i'm getting a new hdd, and want to install it the same way, so i'll install win7 first, then ubuntu and GRUB after that. what i'm wondering is, when i connect my current hdd after i've installed everything, will i have any problems, since it also has GRUB installed?14:50
lucid_jI'll search for it!14:50
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ActionParsniplucid_j: the notifications in the top right...14:53
kuai410022283Can recommend chat of server ?14:53
=== rizzuh_laptop_ is now known as rizzuh_laptop
mbeierlbittyx-laptop: no.  the bios of the computer will only use one HD for boot, and that will be the "new" one.  when you put the old one back in, unless it's selected as the boot drive, it'll just be additional storage14:55
bazhangkuai410022283, #ubuntu-offtopic14:56
benzaldehydeTulleh: http://pastebin.com/CBP7Degs14:56
bazhangkuai410022283, CHAT channel -----> #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here14:57
hiexpowell got hotot to work fine amazing nothing in ubuntu repos work14:57
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=== Guest50783 is now known as GauravButola
benzaldehydekuai410022283: #freenode can help you with irc related inquiries14:58
kuai410022283thank you14:58
GauravButolaneed help regardin Glade Interface Designer14:59
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
sgerbinoanyone else have issues with unity? it seems when i click a remote sftp folder it does nothing, and I can't play 3d games on unity either15:01
ActionParsnipsgerbino: what is the output of:  lsb_release -d     Thanks15:02
=== _antant_ is now known as antant
hipitihopI have the following partioning after a mythbuntu livecd install on a fresh box, can someone help me correct this without destroying the system already a number of services ?15:03
hipitihop /dev/sda1              12G  9.2G  1.3G  89% /15:03
hipitihop  /dev/sda6             454G  352G  102G  78% /var/lib15:03
sgerbinoActionParsnip 10.10.15:03
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
sgerbinoActionParsnip: I have 10.10 desktop and installed netbook just to try unity out15:04
Astraedon't know if this is a right place to ask but any idea what to do when installing Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.10 doesn't have an option to install Ubuntu alongside your old system without having to patitiate it yourself???15:04
ActionParsnipsgerbino: did you install it via a ppa?15:04
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sgerbinoActionParsnip: I didn't add a new ppa, i just sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook15:05
TullehDoes anyone have a suggestion for a media library for Ubuntu 10.10?15:05
ActionParsnipsgerbino: cool, didnt know it was in maverick repos. I suggest you log a bug15:05
ActionParsnipTulleh: rhythmnbox maybe15:05
DirtyDawgis gnome 3 used in Ubuntu 11.04?15:05
SikEnCideTulleh o prefer Banshee15:05
ActionParsnip!natty | DirtyDawg15:05
ubottuDirtyDawg: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not intended for production systems.15:06
=== lochwood is now known as wingdspur
sgerbinoActionParsnip: ok, ya for 10.10. netbook edition uses unity15:06
TullehMore specifically, is there anything that plays .flac?15:06
=== lochwood is now known as wingdspur
royb33someone can help with my usermanagment?15:06
vectoryTulleh: vlc15:06
Astraeso I could just click continue it gets it done half-half?15:07
royb33i wamt to add a user, but his home folder wont be createrd15:07
Tullehdoes VLC have a library option?15:07
vectorytry amarok then15:07
SikEnCideTulleh I do not think VLC have library management.15:07
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
TullehTo the best of my knowledge it doesn't15:08
ActionParsnipTulleh: amarok has one too15:08
ActionParsnipTulleh: but its Qt based so will haul in a tonne of deps if you use gnome desktop15:08
royb33someone knows how to fix that home folder?15:08
lucid_jActionParsnip: where could I find libnotify for rhythmbox? I searched over the net but nothing15:09
nCrazedhow do I alter text position in title bar?15:09
nCrazedinstalled a them that I like, but it centers the damn title -_-15:09
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Turgenyevyou can't15:09
ActionParsniplucid_j: it was a guess, I don't use rhythmnbox but I'd imagine a plugin exists15:09
nCrazedTurgenyev: so I can move about the buttons (min,max, etc) but not the text? o_O15:09
ActionParsniproyb33: make the folder then change its owner to the username you made, both owner and group15:09
lucid_jActionParsnip: I could use any player just to be able the album art embeded in ID3 tag on desktop15:10
lucid_jto display15:10
sl33kubuntu 10.04 is hanged. what do?15:10
GOMIit ubuntu is rebooting to login screen what can the problem be ?????????????????????????????????????????????15:10
GauravButolawhen I start glade Interface designer, it shows me a box to set the 'Project Options' but when I press on execute, it shows a box saying "Project Unsaved 1 has no deprecated widgets or version mismatches."15:11
ActionParsniplucid_j: http://gmpc.wikia.com/wiki/GMPC_PLUGIN_LIBNOTIFY15:12
sl33kubuntu 10.04 is hanged. what do?15:12
jattwhen I click the terminal icon in a panel the border of my whole screen gets briefly highlighted, why?15:12
GOMIit ubuntu is rebooting to login screen what can the problem be ?????????????????????????????????????????????15:13
jattUbuntu 10.04.2 LTS15:13
lucid_jActionParsnip: Thanks!15:13
jattI think some kind of effect is activated15:13
Jackneilli cant install anything15:13
Jackneillnothing internet connection and ubuntu is dead15:13
Jackneillhowewer i downloaded it15:14
awkisope1I'm having difficulties adjusting the brightness via the brightness up/down keys on my HP Pavilion dv6. I can adjust it via command line (but not the brightness applet, for some reason) and it sticks, but it's inconvenient. I can also get the brightness buttons to work by adding apci_opi=Linux to the boot options, but they stop working and the brightness resets every time I suspend/hibernate. Can anybody help me out?15:14
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Jackneilland i wanna to install it form .deb packeage15:14
sl33kubuntu 10.04 is hanged. what do?15:15
awkisope1Sorry, I meant acpi_osi=Linux.15:16
asd2I have chrome on 11.04 and flash crashes every time I try to enter full screen (yt videos etc). What do?15:16
oCeanasd2: 11.04 is still beta. Discussion/support in #ubuntu+115:16
pyrofalloutcan anyone tell me how i can install software into a chroot? no apt-get in the chroot15:17
ham0hello. i was trying to setup nvidia X on my laptop and managed to ruin my xorg configuration. leaving me with command prompt. i reconfigured it but now i have no sound. ie kmix shows no mixer. i have tried to set up alsamixer but i guess i'm too new to linux to get anything done. could someone point me in a direction. i have tried reconfiguring to autodetect by using the -phligh flag in dpkg but that didnt seem to work. unless i did it wrong. tha15:17
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benzaldehydesl33k: ctrl+alt+f1, sudo service gdm stop, sudo service gdm start15:18
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benzaldehydeham0: did you try changing the sound from stereo to analog or vice versa15:19
awkisope1One of the error messages I get when coming back from standby/hibernate when acpi_osi=Linux is set is "ACPI handle has no context!"15:19
ham0where from?15:19
benzaldehydeham0: the top right with the little speaker icon15:20
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wolfricI installed xrdp, but when i go to connect from another pc, it says password failed (i'm 100% sure it's the right password)15:20
ham0i have a red X on it15:20
ham0when i open it there is no mixer15:21
benzaldehydeham0: try the left under system, sounds15:21
ActionParsnipham0: the x server is nothing to do with kmix15:22
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ham0the problem arose after playing with it , that's why i mentioned it15:23
galerienHi, I just saw that gnome3 was released, and I was wondering if the only way to install it was to upgrade to 11.04 or if I could install it on my 10.10 ?15:24
aeon-ltdgalerien: options are compile or wait15:24
vectoryu could always compule for yourself15:24
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DirtyDawgi just asked about gnome 3 in #ubuntu+1, they said its not in 11.0415:24
vectorymayve ur locky and can find a ppa<15:24
jiohi all. how to get firefox4 via terminal?15:25
ActionParsnipgalerien: you can use a ppa: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/install-vanilla-gnome-3-in-maverick/15:25
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox15:25
galerienThere is a ppa for the 11.04 version, but I couldn't find one for 10.10. I'll try to compile15:25
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ActionParsnipgalerien: no need ^ ;)15:26
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galerienActionParsnip : Ok, thanks !15:26
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[ruskievideo-pl]How to install Adobe Air on Ubuntu 10.04? It seems like installed, but it doesn't work : (15:27
jioActionParsnip: I ran 2 last commands and no update accured! so the first command is important! am I right?!15:27
ActionParsnipjio: yes, don't miss any out. Why would you think you could skip a step....??15:28
ActionParsnip[ruskievideo-pl]: http://www.khattam.info/howto-install-adobe-air-in-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat-and-lucid-lynx-64bit-2010-08-14.html15:28
jioActionParsnip: I did not think so. I only forgot that since last time I asked it here!15:28
=== Kicker is now known as Guest90129
ActionParsnip[ruskievideo-pl]: if you use 32bit you can miss the ia32-libs bit15:29
lucid_jActionParsnip: You gave me a link for LIBNOTIFY that is used by Gnome Music Player Client. It needs a server, right? DO you think I could use libnotify on rhythmbox or amarok or banshee?15:29
ActionParsnipjio: copy the big command given and you'll get the app15:29
benzaldehydejio: the package manager while convenient is not always so up to date. if you need to, go to the site, download the latest tar, uncompress via archive manager, cd to whereever you uncompressed and then ./configure, make, make install. if there are dependencies it asks for then apt-get them15:30
jioActionParsnip: thanks. It is downloading now15:30
ActionParsniplucid_j: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136775615:30
asd2where in ubuntu can I monitor how much kb/s are currently being downloaded and uploaded?15:30
ActionParsnipasd2: ntop15:31
popeyasd2: /proc/net/dev  :)15:31
[ruskievideo-pl]ActionParsnip: Ok, thanks. I will try it soon15:31
awkisope1asd2: System Monitor15:31
lucid_jActionParsnip: Thanks15:31
bob31in a recent natty install I've started seeing a triangle graphic in gtk apps in the lower right corner15:31
galerienActionParsnip : I get this "gpg: keyserver receive failed: keyserver error" when I try to add the ppa... Is there another way to get a key ? Because I'm on a freewifi and some ports are blocked (aptitude works, is it the same port?)15:31
bob31is that a relic of that scrollbar experiment?15:32
ActionParsnip!lucid | bob3115:32
ubottubob31: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100415:32
jioActionParsnip: "and then ./configure, make, make install" I did not understand these! can you explain them more? are they in the extracted folder?15:32
ActionParsnipjio: you don't need to make anything, its a binary15:32
MK`If I am going to make /tmp a separate partition, what size do you guys suggest?15:32
benzaldehydegalerien: gpg --keyserver pgpkeys.mit.edu --recv KEYNUMBER15:32
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ham0benzaldehyde: in the system -settings-hardware- sound i get : no information about soundcard. i need to install it again, right?15:33
ActionParsnipgalerien: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/gnome3-builds/15:33
benzaldehydegalerien: gpg --export --armor KEYNUMBER | sudo apt-key add -15:33
MK`and, what are the gvf files in /home for?15:33
nyuszika7h!natty | bob3115:33
ubottubob31: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not intended for production systems.15:33
ActionParsnipMK`: they are usually mounted file systems15:33
bob31thx, will switch over channels15:34
=== Pici is now known as Guest95063
Mahjongghello, upgraded to 10.10 from LTS... recommended updates and important security updates repositories are disabled during the update... do I need to enable them?15:34
ActionParsnipMahjongg: i would15:34
Travis-42I have a new hard disk that I want to move Ubuntu to. Can I just copy everything over? Should I do a new install?15:35
MahjonggActionParsnip, but they are set to karmic somehow??15:35
MK`There is a way to clone an installation, someone expert can point you to it :)15:35
jioActionParsnip: I am installing ff4 using those 3 commands. but I want to learn how to install it with .tar pakcage? you said that I must cd to the extracted folder, and after that?15:35
ActionParsnipMahjongg: you can change them in sources.list or in software centre15:35
galerienOk, thanks, I'll try to work with that15:35
MahjonggActionParsnip, also a factory installation of 10.10 they do not exist15:35
Dr_Willis!clone | MK`15:36
ubottuMK`: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate15:36
benzaldehydeham0: i do not know15:36
Dr_WillisMK`:  thers other ways to 'clone a hard drive' to a new one also.15:36
MahjonggI wonder if they are in a different repository now...15:36
ActionParsnipjio: if its a binary archive, you will just have the files in a folder, then symlink the binary to /usr/bin   if its source then you will need to complie15:36
ActionParsnipMahjongg: should be the same server15:36
MahjonggActionParsnip, same server with what?15:37
jioActionParsnip: what is symlinking? how to compile?15:37
Dr_WillisI n ever noticed there being a 'imporntant security updates' repository.. off to look at my sources.list15:38
ActionParsnipjio: its a file which makes the OS think the linked file is in 2 locations15:38
ActionParsnipMahjongg: the same repo servers hold the files for all supported releases, so if you just change the release name it should be fine15:38
royb33anyone recieve this?15:38
ActionParsniproyb33: your text is readable, yes15:39
royb33i've a problem with usermanegment15:39
royb33if i create a user, it doent create a new homefolder15:39
Dr_Willisroyb33:  and how are youmakign the user?15:39
Dr_Willissudo adduser username15:40
nyuszika7hroyb33: I know this channel isn't about grammar, but it's either "I've got a problem" or "I have a problem". ;)15:40
royb33useradd matthijs to be specific15:40
Dr_Willisis how i do it royb3315:40
royb33i do it in su root15:40
benzaldehydejio: you may also need to chmod +x file.bin if you go to run it but it errors15:40
royb33it might be a realyu anoying bug15:40
grim76__useradd would need -m if I remember right.15:40
ActionParsnipnyuszika7h: i've a problem is acceptable english15:40
Dr_Willisroyb33: su root, dont work by default in ubuntu.  and it may be the defaults to yoru useradd need an argument15:40
ActionParsniproyb33: use: sudo -i   instead15:41
royb33i tried it before15:41
ubuntu4shaneis it safe to change my username while I'm logged in?15:41
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
royb33say before i made a user called willem, that worked15:41
Dr_Willisadduser automatically makes the home by default, its all i ever use.15:41
ayeceeActionParsnip: acceptable, but a little awkward.15:41
royb33but now i need another user for ftp sharing an ssh access15:41
ActionParsnipayecee: oh absolutely15:41
royb33i'll try sudo -i15:41
Dr_Willissudo adduser ftpshare15:41
nyuszika7hActionParsnip: really? I didn't knew...15:42
royb33no it has to be one for a friend15:42
royb33so he has is own folders15:42
Dr_Willisroyb33:  i think we are missing whats the actual problem.. why not just use the adduser command instead of 'useradd' (which proberly needs some differnt/addationa arguments)15:42
nyuszika7hI've a problem - 593,000 | I've got a problem - 6,470,000 | I have a problem - 96,400,000 results15:43
grim76__royb33: useradd -m  (Will create the /home/<user>)15:43
shcherbaknyuszika7h: win7 = 78% , ubuntu = 2%15:43
ActionParsnipnyuszika7h: the language served it's purpose and the correct message was recieved :D15:43
ActionParsnipshcherbak: http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reports/7032/1/15:44
MK`Heh, I've. Sure sign of a non-American :P15:44
ayeceeActionParsnip: its purpose ;)15:44
shcherbakActionParsnip: It was from clouds, just to criticise "critical mass argument", but thanks for linky.15:45
karloanybody know how my icons on desktop can be smeller? I know I can right click and shred, but I wanna all icons to be small..15:45
przemoReXwhat should I set to be able to edit owner atributs on SMB mounted files? I need apache to access files on SMB share but it cant because I'm not able to set right ownership on SMB files15:45
Dr_Williskarlo:  shred? theres a 'resize' feature in the context menu for some of my icons.. but personally ive gone the 'no icons on the desktop at all' route lately15:46
=== karlo is now known as karlo94
royb33hey you guys are amazing useradd -m works15:46
ActionParsnipshcherbak: more interesting: http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_os.asp :)15:46
royb33thank you for your help15:46
ActionParsnipayecee: d'oh15:46
karlo94Dr_Willis, yes resize, but I wanna to resize all icons, they are to big15:48
robertbiloutehi all15:48
robertbiloutedoes anyone know a solution for setting up an instant messaging app on a server with secure file transfer ?15:49
grim76__royb33: not a problem15:50
Travis-42is it possible to have both an encrypted home directory (auto mounted on login) and an additional encrypted private directory?15:50
shcherbakrobertbiloute: irc? there is php free chat (similar to facebook one)15:51
GOMIubuntu keeps relogging15:51
=== nik0 is now known as niko
rypervencheIs it possible to turn two primary paritions into a logical parition without removing any data from them? I have 4 primary paritions and I need to make a new one, but I can't remove my data from the others.15:51
genii-aroundTravis-42: Something like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory I imagine15:52
Ph0n7r1c i have a problem my screen keeps dimming when i am using the terminal or any thing that has dark windows15:52
Dr_Willisrypervenche:  I dont think gparted can do that directly.. Youmay have to shrink them. make a a logical. move data over.. resize/shrink.. move more (nasty way)15:52
Ph0n7r1cany helpplease15:52
Dr_Willisrypervenche:  i dont think gparted can 'merge' 2 parttions keeping the data on both either.15:52
rypervencheDr_Willis: Ok, thank you.15:53
shcherbakPh0n7r1c: sur3, whats up?15:53
Dr_Willisrypervenche:  i cant recall any apps that can do that.. other then just copying data from1 to 2. then removeing 215:53
bittyx-laptopwhat can i use in ubuntu to scan my disk for errors (bad sectors, etc.) ?15:53
faLUCEhi. I have installed ubuntu 10.10 on an acer aspire d255 netbook. as soon as I plug the network cable, the mouse pointer has motion problems ... there's a sort of conflict... what could I do?15:53
Ph0n7r1cmy screen keeps dimming when i use a terminal window or any window that has dark reseption15:54
Saevarbittyx-laptop:  fsck maybe ? ;)15:54
oCeanPh0n7r1c: maybe try menu system > preferences > powermanagement (dim display when idle)15:54
extraclassicbittyx-laptop: if you want something really good you could buy spinrite15:54
bittyx-laptopSaevar: can fsck check ntfs partitions as well?15:54
lucid_jActionParsnip: I found a modification for rhythmbox desktop art plugin and it works fine! http://osdir.com/ml/rhythmbox-devel/2009-11/msg00004.html15:55
Saevarbittyx-laptop: no good idea, fsck.ntfs exists but i have bad experiences with that15:55
bittyx-laptopextraclassic: i need something really fast since it's sorta urgent. okay, thanks anyway.15:55
Ph0n7r1ci am using 10.10 and there is no dim option in the powerMg15:55
sipiorbittyx-laptop: try "/sbin/badblocks", as well as "smartmontools"15:55
bittyx-laptopsipior: i'll try that, thanks15:56
benzaldehydebittyx-laptop: shutdown -rF now15:56
Saevarrealy funny benzaldehyde15:56
sipiorbittyx-laptop: fsck will only detect *filesystem* damage, not physical issues with the disk medium.15:56
benzaldehydeSaevar: i am not joking15:56
Ph0n7r1canother things is i can not apply  normal or extra vistual effect even15:57
shcherbakPh0n7r1c: There is, in Power Manager first tab at botton is ticker: Dim when idle15:57
Saevarsipior: youre right, i didnt understanded question exactly15:57
bittyx-laptopsipior: ah, well i'm suspecting that my hdd is physically failing, so that won't do15:57
Sleakerso I'm runing 10.10 and I have odd issues where when I leave my computer for the night and come back in the morning the system has locked up and wont respond.  CScreen just cycled through modes.15:57
baalwwwI have two 10.04 implementations. I have the same fstab entry for a nas in both, to the same machine, using a credentials file. But on one, even though the directory is listed after the mount, I can't read from or write to it, and the syslog says no user name was specified15:57
Sleakernot sure where to start on how to find what's causing the system to simply lock up complete.y15:58
GOMIubuntu keeps relogging ??15:58
shcherbakPh0n7r1c: For effects is responsible graphic card, or rather driver, did you get properiary one?15:58
sipiorGOMI: keeps relogging what? are you hoping one of us will eventually guess what the hell you are referring to?15:59
SaevarSleaker: what about running processess ? find getty processes15:59
shcherbakSleaker: Did you try reading logs?15:59
benzaldehydebittyx-laptop: SystemRescueCd15:59
benzaldehydebittyx-laptop: Live CD for repairing your system and recovering your data after a crash.15:59
ubuntu4shaneis it safe to change my username while I'm logged in?  I was going to use: usermod -l username new_username15:59
Ph0n7r1cis it possible for someone to remove funcationality to a app15:59
faLUCEhi. I have installed ubuntu 10.10 on an acer aspire d255 netbook. as soon as I plug the network cable, the mouse pointer has motion problems ... there's a sort of conflict... what could I do?15:59
SleakerAnyone able to help me out a bit?16:00
Ph0n7r1cbecause my power mg really has not dim open16:00
aeon-ltdubuntu4shane: i personally wouldn't, i'd relogin as root and manage from there16:00
shcherbakPh0n7r1c: Be more specific...16:00
Sleakernot sure what logs to check is the thing shcherbak16:00
SaevarSleaker: maybe, just say more spefic what u need16:00
GOMIits takes me back to login automaticly while working16:00
Ph0n7r1ci use blackbuntu which is ubuntu 10.1016:00
shcherbakPh0n7r1c: oh, is it desktop?16:00
ubuntu4shaneaeon-ltd, I don't have root, I'm the sys admin, and have sudo privileges16:00
SaevarSleaker: /var/log/messages should be a good start16:00
GOMIand its closes every program am using16:00
sipiorGOMI: which version of ubuntu are you using, and what were you doing immediately before being logged out?16:01
SleakerLast line before it locked is:16:01
SleakerApr  8 01:49:37 sleak-pc kernel: [46648.619535] lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions16:01
Sleakerbut that's like 30 minutes before I left the computer for the night16:01
GOMI10.10 and now am looking at system log and have xchat on but it will be soon before it goes black16:02
Sleakernext message is from when I power cycled the system.16:02
bittyx-laptopbenzaldehyde: thanks, i'll look into those16:02
Pici!who | GOMI16:02
GOMIwhat ?16:02
PiciGOMI: Please prefix your replies with the person you are talking to.16:02
sipiorGOMI: anything interesting in the system log? does the logout happen at fixed intervals? (check "last" for that)16:02
SaevarSleaker:  power cycled ? u mean hibernate ?16:03
Logan_Ph0n7r1c: We do not support derivatives of Ubuntu in this channel.  Please join #blackbuntu for support.16:03
ubottuYou're testing my patience!16:03
SleakerSaever - no I had to press the reset button.16:03
sipiorubottu needs a holiday, i guess.16:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:03
Sleakersystem was completely locked up16:03
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:03
GOMIsipior :  i see alot of module-alsa-card  something with pulseaudio failed ?16:03
SaevarSleaker: hm interesting, what app u have been using ?16:04
izinucsHow do I query my laptop screen to see what resolutions it's capable of?  (and I don't mean what rez xrandr has detected at the moment)16:04
wolfricIs there any remote desktop program that actually works without being extreamly buggy? I just tried to get xrdp installed, had the "d" key linked to "minimize everything and view desktop" i kid you not. now randomly i'll be viewing files in a folder and it just closes. Not to mention it's really REALLY laggy on my local network. The screen draws about 1 inch sqaured at a time and at times it can take about 5-10 seconds just to draw one comp16:04
SaevarSleaker: u said system locked up .... what appclication u have been using befor lockup ?16:04
izinucswolfric: teamviewer16:04
SleakerI leave it for the night Saever... no program in general16:05
Sleakerand when I get back up in the morning to check it, it's locked16:05
extraclassicwolfric: tsclient worked for me16:05
sipiorGOMI: hmm. doesn't seem like something that should kill gnome. does killing pulseaudio stop the problem?16:05
SleakerI had issues with the screensaver locking it yesterday. disabled the screensaver and set it to blank screen and that seemed to work for the whole day. but then it just locked last night16:05
guampawolfric: tsclient works w/o probs here too16:05
GOMIsipior dont know .16:06
Sleakerit doesn't lock if I'm using it.16:06
SaevarSleaker:  -> private16:06
sipiorGOMI: might be something to try. don't forget to look at the output of dmesg and /var/log/messages immediately after your next (unintentional) logout.16:07
noelitoOn a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04, my audio keeps cutting out and my volume applet icon keeps changing to a "muted" or "no audio device" state. I can watch a youtube video for up to about 2 mins and it cuts out and I have to refresh the page to get it working again. What steps can I take to try to fix this?16:07
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Scott-Mcgot a really simple question,   how to copy from the terminal when it's scrolling.   Such as when in an mtr prompt (I can pause the mtr but there's other apps which are scrolling/refreshing which don't support this ability such as varnishtop)16:11
=== meganerdca is now known as meganerd
ayeceeScott-Mc: in many terminals, ctrl-S often suspends the screen, and ctrl-Q releases it, unless that's disabled.16:13
Scott-Mcaarcane,  yeah that's disabled in varnishtop16:14
sipiorScott-Mc: i believe you can modify the terminal's behaviour regarding scrolling on output; check the preferences tab.16:14
Scott-Mcayecee,  I am thinking maybe just on select copy16:14
arandScott-Mc: Using screen is another alternative16:14
benzaldehydebittyx-laptop: http://www.felipecruz.com/linux-disk-utilies.php the badblocks and e2fsck utility looks interesting16:15
Scott-Mcsipior, I don't believe that has options for the specific operation I am trying16:15
sipiorScott-Mc: my understanding of your question is that you don't want the terminal to scroll on output, do I have that wrong?16:16
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LePoussonhi everybody16:16
Scott-Mcsipior, not exactly.  Basically I need to be able to copy the output in the terminal when the output is changing, IE from something like top/varnishtop where you cannot pause.16:16
LePoussonis there a way under 10.04.2 to avoid typing the "sudo" password for a user ?16:17
sipiorScott-Mc: ah, i see.16:17
LePoussoni added a line to /etc/sudoers but it still asks for a pw16:18
benzaldehydebittyx-laptop: the process involves unmounting the partitions to be scanned, scanning and then using e2fsck to mark the bad blocks that are not to be used16:18
robbit10Hey. I was wondering, is there a PPA for installing GNOME 3 on Maverick Meerkat? (10.10)16:18
robbit10!gnome3 > robbit1016:19
victoriousI'm translating a program (specifically Mixxx) through launchpad, download the .mo file, put it in /usr/share/locale/xx/LC_MESSAGES, but can't get it to work. Any tips on how to test translations by yourself in this way?16:19
sipiorScott-Mc: top, at least, supports batch-mode operation "-b", which would allow you to pipe output more easily.16:19
Scott-Mcsipior, yeah i was hoping there would be an easy solution rather than having to introduce a pause feature16:20
Scott-Mcvarnishtop is the only one I can think of that I use regularly which doesn't.   I will just patch it (IE press p to pause)16:20
sipiorScott-Mc: that's the disadvantage of curses-based programs, i'm afraid.16:21
sylvarIf I want to apt-get install fop, should "deb http://ubuntu.osuosl.org/ubuntu/ hardy multiverse" in /etc/apt/sources.list be sufficient, or should I be looking elsewhere?16:21
Scott-Mcsipior, yeah, ah well.  Was easier asking here than searching to come to the same conclusion16:21
webroastershi guys. does gedit have a plugin somewhere that will add particular HTML tags to selected text??16:22
sipiorScott-Mc: you can always redirect output normally, and then write a program to strip the control gibberish out.16:22
webroastersmaybe a 3rd party plugin16:22
thevishyI want to knwo how much data I am downloading right form this point16:22
thevishymonitoring a flash file size16:22
toby__hello all i am having a problem i cannot load certain websites IE pandora.com also watching videos on most websites are impossible16:22
Scott-Mcsipior, it's alot of output ,  like I said it's only really varnishtop I can think of that I actively use regularly which doesn't have the pause ability so I can just patch it16:23
toby__i reinstalled flash16:23
sipiorScott-Mc: ah, belay that, it probably won't work anyway :-)16:23
toby__and my web browser16:23
benzaldehydewebroasters: i do not know but it sounds like you are looking for a search and replace option16:23
LePoussonanyone can tell me how I may add a UUID to my brand new formatted USB Hard Drive ?16:23
thevishy /join #linux16:24
webroastersbenzaldehyde: yeah, but what I really want is like a toolbar that has icons for UL tags, and the like. When I select some text, it auto adds the tags (closing as well) around the text16:24
benzaldehydewebroasters: UL?16:24
webroastersbenzaldehyde: i should probably ask this in the gnome irc16:25
toby__anyone have any ideas how i can get my videos working again?16:25
LePoussonnobody can help me for any of my problems ?16:25
webroastersbenzaldehyde: unordered list  html tags16:25
benzaldehydewebroasters: sounds like a ubuntu forum edit thingy16:25
webroastersyeah, thx benzaldehyde fpr ur help16:26
Logan_!please | LePousson16:26
ubottuLePousson: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude16:26
webroasterssry writing w/ 1 hand16:26
LePoussonok sorry for bothering but i was not sure that my message was sent properly16:27
benzaldehydewebroasters: if you have ever posted on the forum, you can select text and click one of many buttons and it encapsilates the text between specific tags that the bulletin board uses as html16:27
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:27
jMerliNDoes anyone have experience with autofs?  I want to do some wildcard action but reading the docs (mehhhhh) and experimenting hasn't helped much.16:27
webroastersbenzaldehyde: right. it's like that. we'll see if i can find something. if so, i'll post it here16:27
benzaldehydewebroasters: though i am not sure what would do that you might try #html, but that is a guess16:27
meganerdLePousson: the UUID is generated automatically16:27
toby__ /msg NickServ identify flatpony16:28
apocalyptiqHi! How can I search all files in given directory and all subdirectories some content text?16:28
webroastersim gonna try #gnome first16:28
webroastersthen off to #html16:28
LePoussonmeganerd : ok but why my system does not see the UUID ?16:28
sipiorapocalyptiq: check out the "-R" switch to grep.16:29
meganerdLePousson: what do you mean your system does not see the UUID?16:29
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LePoussonmeganerd : blkid does not see /dev/sdl116:29
LePoussonbut I can mount it manually16:30
Saevarapocalyptiq:  grep -e <regexp> -i -l  -H -r16:30
sipiorapocalyptiq: so "grep -R "text" <directory>16:30
LePoussonmeganerd : could it be the directory name under /media/ where it is automatically mounted ?16:30
meganerdLePousson: did you run blkid with sudo?16:30
LePoussonyes i did16:30
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apocalyptiqSaevar, sipior , thanks16:31
cisshow do i find out the original ./configure options of the default php package on ubuntu 10.04?16:31
rumpe1LePousson: sudo blkid -g; sudo blkid16:31
meganerdLePousson: all the UUIDs are created as sym links in /dev/disk/by-uuid, have you checked there?16:31
LePoussonno i did not check /dev/disk/by-uuid16:31
LePoussonoh, finally blkid saw the UUID of /dev/sdl116:32
LePoussonit is also the directory name under /media/ where the HDD is automatically mounted16:33
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meganerdLePousson: if there is no label then it will use the UUID to generate a mount point16:33
meganerdLePousson: changing the label depends on the file system used16:34
LePoussonmeganerd : thanks for the info and thanks for helping16:34
soreau! uuid | LePousson16:35
ubottuLePousson: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)16:35
meganerdsoreau: he did that16:35
soreauapocalyptiq: grep -R some_string /some/search/path/16:35
soreaumeganerd: Yea I figured I'd just answer over again since I wasn't here when it got answered ;)16:36
LePoussonmeganerd : any idea for my "sudoers" problem ??16:36
cnbbhello,how could i mount a USB flash disk on Ubuntu?16:36
soreauLePousson: What's the sudoers problem?16:36
meganerdLePousson: what is the problem there?16:36
meganerdLePousson: I missed that one16:36
phrearchanyone knows where the phonon header files on ubuntu are?16:36
soreaucnbb: It should be automounted when you plug it in16:36
phrearchon arch theyre in /usr/include/phonon16:36
LePoussonsoreau : i added a user to /etc/sudoers but the system is keeping asking for a pw when using sudo16:37
cnbbsoreau: it didn't16:37
soreauphrearch: You need to install phonon -dev package16:37
cnbbi am using ubuntu 9.04 on VMware16:37
meganerdLePousson: did you use sudoedit?16:37
soreaucnbb: When you plug it in, check the output of dmesg to see what node it is in /dev/, then mount that to a directory16:37
LePoussonhmmm no just added a line to sudoers16:37
phrearchsoreau: i wonder where the ubuntu distro puts those files, because some app uses Phonon/ includes in their header files, instead of phonon/16:37
meganerdLePousson: that is rather bad16:37
soreaucnbb: vmware.. make sure anything usb is working16:38
LePoussonyes it looks like16:38
soreauphrearch: sec16:38
meganerdLePousson: sudoedit provides some protection from accidentially breaking sudoers16:38
Picicnbb: 9.04 has been unsupported for some time now.16:38
cnbbthank you *soreau*, ill try16:38
phrearchsoreau: ok thanks16:38
meganerdLePousson: anyway, IIRC, the password bypass is an option that is disabled by default at build time.  in other words you have to recompile sudo16:39
cnbbsoreau BTW: the same as the USB hard disk?16:39
soreauphrearch: Yep, it's /usr/include/phonon/16:39
LePoussonmeganerd : i just want to avoid typing the password so often16:39
soreauphrearch: You have to install libphonon-dev to get the headers though16:40
LePoussonas i'm the only user of the ubuntu box, it is a bit boring16:40
phrearchsoreau: ok thanks16:40
betancourhey someone know how to Raid 1 a GTP based drive?16:40
soreaucnbb: Really, is there some reason you're using 9.04?16:40
meganerdLePousson: I have been using sudo for so long that I don't even think about it16:40
phrearchthen its probably the same for all distro's16:40
mynotesis there any way to check the memory installed on my machine using ubuntu16:40
soreaucnbb: Is there any reason you're not using 10.10?16:40
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing16:40
meganerdmynotes: cat /proc/meminfo16:41
LePoussonthe problem is not to avoid typind sudo on each line but to avoid typing the password16:41
Picimeganerd: free -m16:41
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meganerdLePousson: it caches for 15 minutes16:42
SuperstarHello people. I want to install Ubuntu on a laptop. Specs are: 1.7 GHz CPU, 2GB RAM and 192MB shared video memory. I develop a lot of web sites, browse a lot of web pages and may watch the occasional movie. My resolution is 1920x1080. Should I install the desktop or netbook version?16:42
benzaldehydemynotes: also df -h and swapon -s will tell you whats on the physical and what percent of swap is being used etc.16:42
cardplayerhello all. no matter what web browser i try or how many times i uninstall flash and reinstall it I still cannot watch videos on my web browser or load pandora.com16:42
LePoussonyep i know but is there a way to cache it as long as the user is logged in ?16:42
mynotesmeganerd: is this the amount of memory installed. MemTotal:        1986976 kB16:42
cardplayeranyone have any help?16:42
soreaucardplayer: Did you install flashplguin-nonfree? Is this 32bit ?16:43
meganerdmynotes: yes16:43
soreaucardplayer: flashplugin-nonfree*16:43
sipiorLePousson: at that point, you might as well add a "NOPASSWD" directive to /etc/sudoers.16:43
ChubcorpSuperstar, I suggest the desktop, I'm using desktop on a netbook and works well.16:43
cardplayersoreau, i intalled the one from the software center and from adobe.com where is this one you speak of?16:43
sipiorLePousson: as long as you understand the implications of that.16:43
soreaucardplayer: In the repos. sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree16:44
LePoussonsipior : what u mean ?16:44
alsunaSuperstar: and the there won't be two differnet versions from ubuntu 11.04 any more16:44
mynotesmeganerd: thank u . how about the video card. how  to check16:44
soreaumynotes: To check what type of video card or the amount of memory it has?16:45
ugarichi am sorry, but what name on rus ubuntu channel?16:45
soreau! ru | ugarich16:45
ubottuugarich: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:45
cardplayersoreau, ran that command seemed to be successful and getting it... but it didnt help me16:46
sipiorLePousson: if your sudoers file contains a line "<your username> ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL", you will not be asked to enter a password.16:46
mynotessoreau: the amount of memory of my video card16:46
ChubcorpSuperstar, My specs are, 512MB Ram, 160HDD, 1024 X 526 and atom. Works smooth.16:46
cardplayersoreau, same problems16:46
soreaucardplayer: I really don't know what could be wrong but I do know that flash sucks in general16:46
soreaucardplayer: Is it 32bit or 64bit version of ubuntu?16:46
LePoussonsipior : oh I see ...but it is only for the <username> user right ?16:47
cardplayersoreau, i am pretty sure i got the 32 bit16:47
sipiorLePousson: understand that this means your password effectively becomes a root password, and act accordingly.16:47
bob__799cardplayer: I use firefox and have no trouble with flash (have 4G memory)16:47
sipiorLePousson: yes, just that username.16:47
meganerdmynotes: no idea16:47
BluesKajHowdy folks16:47
LePoussonsipior : ok that's then what I want to do16:47
cardplayerbob__799,  i have used firefox....mostly with windows.......... for years never had a problem16:47
cardplayerbob__799,  till now16:48
SuperstarChubcorp alsuna : thanks loves. Would there be any performance drops if I install on external usb? I've phone the read write speed to be far greater on the external drive than internal16:48
sipiorLePousson: ensure that you choose a strong password for yourself, and disable any automatic login option you may have set.16:48
LePoussonsipior : after I modified the sudoers, i will have to logout and login again right ?16:48
SuperstarI've found*16:48
sipiorLePousson: shouldn't do, no.16:49
meganerdSuperstar: but you will be limited by the USB bus which is likely slower than the internal SATA interface of the slower drive16:49
LePoussonsipior : thanks for helping16:49
bob__799cardplayer: in ubuntu software center (sound & video) there is flashplayer 10: did you install that?16:49
craigbass1976I'm following along here: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx-ispconfig-2 and can't start chrooted bind.  This is in messages... : operation="open" pid=16789 parent=16787 profile="/usr/sbin/named" requested_mask="r::" denied_mask="r::" fsuid=103 ouid=103 name="/var/lib/named/etc/bind/named.conf"16:49
ChubcorpSuperstar, like run off of USB or use Live USB to install?16:49
home-alonei need an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for C++ Programming    i am Absolute Beginner.i need your help16:51
SuperstarChubcorp, I'm not sure which one is what.. I want to install it to a USB drive then boot off it?16:51
benzaldehydecardplayer: did you file, quit and restart after you added the plugin and does it have the correct permissions in usr/bin/mozilla/plugins16:51
LePoussonthanks everybody for helping ... have a nice day !!16:51
soreaumynotes: Can you tell me if this works for you? lspci -nnv|grep -A 3 VGA16:52
af_hello everyone16:52
itaylor57!ide | home-alone16:52
ubottuhome-alone: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator16:52
Superstarmeganerd, yeh that's true, would you recommend off the internal drive?16:52
demonsporksoreau, remember that issue I was having yesterday where a new syste wouldn't boot16:52
ChubcorpSuperstar, so would you have to have a USB plugged in to run Ubuntu? Or would you install it straight to a HDD?16:52
soreaudemonspork: vaguely16:52
DirtyDawghome-alone: codeblocks IDE is nice16:52
cardplayerbenzaldehyde,  i didnt restart it but how do i check permissions?16:52
benzaldehydecardplayer: ln -l16:52
demonsporkI don't know why but when I went in and configured all of the disks using the alternate installer into the final software raid that I was planning to do later, it would boot just fine16:52
meganerdSuperstar: I boot off of a USB harad drive on my Windows 7 machine.  It works fine16:52
benzaldehydecardplayer: ls -l woops16:53
cardplayerls -l16:53
demonsporkit didn't like me leaving the disks unconfigure16:53
demonsporkit was really od16:53
cardplayerbenzaldehyde,  in the termianl?16:53
benzaldehydecardplayer: ofcourse16:53
af_I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and I'd like to know how to install more recent version of a software,  can someone help?16:53
soreauCan everyone tell me if this command works to tell them their correct video memory? 'lspci -v|grep -A 3 VGA' Please only respond if you know what your graphics memory should be..16:53
mynotessoreau: I got this "Memory at 80000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]"16:54
ayeceeaf_: 10.10 is the most recent non-beta version.16:54
soreaumynotes: So you probably have 256MB of vram16:54
meganerdSuperstar: that particular computer has 8 GiB of RAM, so once I have loaded my apps it is fast.  Just reading and writing the USB drive is slower.  For most day to day tasks you should not notice the difference16:54
ayeceeaf_: if you wait until 11.04 is released, you'll be able to upgrade easily using upgrade-manager.16:54
cardplayerbenzaldehyde,  what am i looking for?16:54
mynotessoreau: thanks16:54
ayeceeaf_: pardon me, update-manager16:55
benzaldehydecardplayer: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins looking to see that is there and has the correct permissions16:55
cardplayerbenzaldehyde,  i dont see it at all16:55
alsunameganerd: is running ubuntu from an USB disk as simple as from an internal drive? or do you need to do something dfferently during install?16:56
ChubcorpSuperstar, But if it is on a laptop, then the USB might be inconvenient.16:56
brightsparkaf_: can you be more specific about what you want to upgrade?16:56
[snake]How can I get a nice delay effect in lmms? Which plugin will do this best-- and without crashing :P16:56
meganerdalsuna: as long as the installer detects the drive, I just did a normal install.  To boot from it I use the BIOS boot override16:56
benzaldehydecardplayer: that's not good, you could google flash archives, grab the top one, uncompress the tar and ad the .so file to the directory yourself if you were motivated to action16:56
Janusmanhmm, I've found a .fuse_hidden0001154a00000014 file inside a .git, that comes up as soon as I delete it. should I be concerned? :|16:57
meganerdalsuna: the most complicated part is figuring out to choose your boot device from the BIOS or EFI.  Not really a Linux issue16:57
cardplayerbenzaldehyde,  i can see the file folder you are refering to on my file system i just dont see it in the termial after the command u gave me16:57
af_ayecee, brightspark, sorry I made a mistake, I'm using 10.04, and would like to install a version of a soft that is in the 10.10 repos16:57
benzaldehydecardplayer: no libflashplayer.so?16:58
meganerdaf_: http://packages.ubuntu.com16:58
alsunameganerd: ok, thanks16:58
af_brightspark, the specific softwares are linphone chromium and emesen16:58
meganerdaf_: of course the dependancies may not be new enough16:58
cardplayerbenzaldehyde,  nothing in the termial.. and in the file system all i see is flashplugin alternative.so16:59
meganerdaf_: it is usually a good idea to stick with whatever the version you are using has packaged16:59
Dr_Willisalsuna:  just be sure at the end of th install. the installer is putting grub on the flash drive. not an internal HD. and set the pc to boot the flash. Im running from a 16gb flash right now16:59
Dr_Willisalsuna:  it is slower then from a HD.16:59
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af_ok but at least for one I have a issues with this version, how can I make sure I do that well?16:59
benzaldehydecardplayer: don't think that does much it is only 37 bytes big17:00
rypervencheCan I create an extended parition with a logical parition for Windows and one for Linux? Would that work?17:00
DNXcardplayer, try out this extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/it/firefox/addon/flash-aid/17:00
benzaldehydecardplayer: oh sorry that is a symlink my bad17:00
benzaldehydecardplayer: are you on an i386?17:01
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cardplayerbenzaldehyde,  not sure17:02
rypervencheCan I create an extended parition with a logical parition for Windows and one for Linux? Would that work?17:02
hkfeedomany good system monitor I can use in Ubuntu Unity ?17:02
Dr_Willisrypervenche:  work as in being able to boot either os? earlier verisons of windows. needed to be on a primary partition.17:03
cardplayerbenzaldehyde,  what do you mean?17:03
Dr_Willisrypervenche:  linux can boot from an extended/logical just fine17:03
benzaldehydecardplayer: architecure17:03
brightspark!patience | rypervenche17:03
ubotturypervenche: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:03
rypervencheDr_Willis: Ok, thanks :)17:03
cardplayerbenzaldehyde,  i am running 32 bit ubuntu i am pretty sure17:03
cardplayerbenzaldehyde,  my cpu is a 64 bit processor17:04
benzaldehydecardplayer: okay but is it powerpc6417:04
benzaldehydecardplayer: intel, amd17:04
cardplayerbenzaldehyde,  intel centrino 217:05
kubanchow do i install extras for cairo-dock?17:05
kleopatraHi in which directory can i find the standard icon for a directory?17:05
orbarronquick ?? --> can I go from 8.04 64bit to 10.04 64bit on updates alone? any issues I should worry about?17:06
icerootorbarron: you can go directly to 10.04 because 8.04 and 10.04 are both lts-releases17:07
cardplayerbenzaldehyde,  youtube videos work..... crazy enough but going to almost anyother site it doesnt work17:07
Dr_Willisorbarron:  thers always a chance for issues when upgradeing. it may be worth wile to make backups.17:07
benzaldehydecardplayer: "o run 32-bit Flash Player on a 64-bit operating system other than Linux, use a 32-bit browser. (Or, you can install the preview release 64-bit Flash Player from Adobe Labs.). " adobe.com17:08
orbarroniceroot: /me can't install 9.04, 10.04, 10.10, 11.04 beta (64bit)  from CD/DVD/usb so I need to go through updates17:08
Dr_Willisorbarron:  weird you cant install any of them.17:08
icerootorbarron: yes synaptic is giving you a setting "only upgrade to lts-releases"17:09
icerootorbarron: and upgrading from cd can only be done with the alternate-cd17:09
scottjare there any terminals where you can "cat" an image and have it display right in the terminal?17:09
orbarronXPS 630i does not like anyone of those installs for 64bit17:09
benzaldehydecardplayer: if i were you i would give the adobe labs thing a try17:09
hudson_i am brazil17:09
Dr_Willisorbarron:  oh? does it have a nvidia video card/chipset?17:10
Dr_Willisscottj:  you mean a terminal under 'X' ? like xterm/gnome-terminal? or the Console? (ie: not in X)17:10
benzaldehydeorbarron: upgrading via alternate is a snap17:11
scottjDr_Willis: X17:11
orbarronDr_Willis:  ATI 4850 X217:11
Dr_Willisscottj:  You could launch an image viewer from a terminal if you wanted.17:11
f11f12grub2 sucks. where is my menu.lst?17:11
scottjDr_Willis: yeah, not what I want17:11
iceroot!grub | f11f1217:11
ubottuf11f12: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:11
cardplayerbenzaldehyde,  ill give it a try17:11
iceroot!grub2 | f11f1217:11
ubottuf11f12: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:11
Dr_Willisf11f12:  theres not any. edit the proper grub2 config files.17:11
benzaldehydeorbarron: place alternate in drive, mount if not all ready mounted then gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"17:12
=== herton is now known as herton_lunch
ayecee!find vconfig17:12
ubottuFile vconfig found in doc-linux-html, doc-linux-ja-html, eglibc-source, gmerlin-doc, klamav, landscape-common, libavutil-dev, libc-bin, libc6-dbg, libc6-dbg-armel-cross (and 9 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=vconfig&mode=&suite=maverick&arch=any17:12
Dr_Willisscottj:  unless you want some jpg -> ascii art conversons :) theres not any other way.17:12
f11f12Dr_Willis, there are some facy scripts in /etc/grub.d/*17:13
icerootscottj: there is a lib which can handle it, also mplayer can play videos on the shell17:13
macof11f12: /etc/default/grub is the main one to edit17:13
cardplayerbenzaldehyde,  i want to paste a file into my usr/lib/mozzila/plugins folder how can i do that17:13
orbarronbenzaldehyde: hmm.. i can try that.. but I would like to know what XPS 630i 64bit install does not work...17:13
f11f12thanks maco17:13
lolmaticafter adding an add-on to thunderbird it doesnt start anymore :(17:13
Dr_Willisf11f12:  yes.. those are what you edit. and /etc/default/grub  time to check the grub2 wiki/docs depending on what you want to do17:13
benzaldehydeorbarron: you are going to have to educate me, i don't understand the question17:13
Dr_Williscardplayer: the default flash player from the repos is not working for you?17:13
noelitoOn a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04, my audio keeps cutting out and my volume applet icon keeps changing to a "muted" or "no audio device" state. I can watch a youtube video for up to about 2 mins and it cuts out and I have to refresh the page to get it working again. What steps can I take to try to fix this?17:14
* f11f12 rebooting :-)17:14
mehdihas anyone ever work with  lfs linux?17:14
benzaldehydecardplayer: ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins /path/to/your/file.whatever17:14
iceroot!anyone | mehdi17:14
ubottumehdi: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:14
czechelguten tag zusammen17:15
iceroot!de | czechel17:15
ubottuczechel: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:15
ayeceeczechel: /join #ubuntu-de17:15
cardplayerDr_Willis,  no i suppose not my problem is i cannot view like pandora.com or watch videos on most websites... youtube seems to be the exception17:16
defsumHello, need help with getting working USB Sound device (Ubuntu 10.10, ALSA 1.0.24). Card shows in 'aplay -l' and 'pavucontrol', but no sound.17:16
Dr_Williscardplayer:  You do know that Youtube can use HTML5 instead of flash?17:17
NerwenGreenHi, I have questions about the advantages and disadvantages of installing ubuntu via the windows wubi installer...17:17
benzaldehydecardplayer: you might also try disabling a few plugins in the add-on portion of firefox17:17
meganerddefsum: did you change the default output in the Preferences -> Sound17:17
Dr_Williscardplayer:  http://youtube.com/html517:17
defsummeganerd, Yes, sure17:17
meganerddefsum: yes, or sure17:17
Dr_Williscardplayer:  googles chrome also can have a built in flash player that may work better in some sites.17:17
meganerddefsum: what USB sound card is this?17:18
SuperstarHello people I'm currently installing Ubuntu Desktop using the Windows Installer and was wondering if I boot off that device, will existing files be unavailable? Back in August I ran the installer and the existing files on the drive were not present. Does this still happen?17:18
cardplayerDr_Willis, then it seems my problem is definatly with flahs but it is across all the browsers i have tried... chromium fire fox empathy17:18
defsummeganerd, Yes. Mackie Spike XD-2.17:18
royb33can someone help me?17:18
orbarronbenzaldehyde: sorry.. I would like to understand why XPS 630i 64bit install for Ubuntu versions 9.04, 9.10, 10.04, 10.10 and 11.04 do not work from CD/DVD/USB17:18
benzaldehydeSuperstar: WUBI? i hear that has a problems a lot17:18
royb33how can i callback a apllication that was ok before my ssh crashed?17:19
NerwenGreenin particular, the description says wubi puts ubuntu on a virtual disk? does that mean ubuntu is running virtually on top of windows? or is it an actual real install of the OS?17:19
Dr_Williscardplayer:  you can get googles chrome (somehow) to use its owbn built in flash.   But I rarely have flash issues.  Crackle.com works for me. :)17:19
Ackooowhat do you need17:19
hiexpo!ask | royb3317:19
ubotturoyb33: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:19
NerwenGreenwhat I'm hoping for is a dual boot setup with windows and ubuntu .. does the wubi installer do that?17:19
royb33i lost a ssh connection17:19
Dr_Willisroyb33:  you may want to look into using 'screen' in the future. You may not beable to 'reattatch' an app to a nes session without screen17:19
royb33but no i have fixed it17:19
royb33how to call an app back?17:19
royb33its java17:19
Superstarbenzaldehyde: do you know of any other method to install ubuntu onto a usb drive? I don't want a LIVE CD version but I also don't have any blank cds or another flash drive to burn the iso17:20
Jordan_UNerwenGreen: It does, but I would recommend doing a normal dual boot instead by booting from the Ubuntu CD/USB.17:20
defsummeganerd, card also present in default Gnome output list as "Mackie XD-2 Analog stereo", checked as default, but no sound.17:20
Dr_Willisroyb33:  a terminal based java app?17:20
Dr_Willisroyb33:  learn to use screed17:20
royb33minecraft server without gui17:20
Dr_Willisroyb33:  learn to use screen17:20
tjiggi_foNerwenGreen, no, it's not a dual boot setup.17:20
icerootNerwenGreen: for dualboot you need a normal ubuntu-installation17:20
royb33how to use screen?17:20
MK`If I am going to make /tmp a separate partition, what size do you guys suggest?17:21
benzaldehydeorbarron: does the alternate or live cd boot?17:21
Piciroyb33: A good starting guide is here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen17:21
defsummeganerd, this sound card was working in previous installations of Ubuntu, thus somehow it's POSSIBLE to get it working17:21
ayeceeMK`: maybe make it a tmpfs? then you don't have to decide.17:21
rugroyb33: user tmux instead of screen, it is much more powerfull.17:21
NerwenGreenJordan_U tjiggi_fo iceroot - drat. Thanks. :)17:21
cardplayerbenzaldehyde,  how do i delete my old flahs plugin from that folder?17:22
MK`I do not know what that is :(17:22
orbarronbenzaldehyde: I was going to give you advise a try -- live CD does not work as well... -- funny thing is 32bit install works like a champ... on CD/DVD/USB17:22
tjiggi_foNerwenGreen, if you use the live-CD (either to install from CD or to install from Live Session) it'll give you the option to install alongside of windows (or whatever other distro you have installed already).17:22
benzaldehydeSuperstar: as far as i know the live cd is a neccessity when doing the usb route though i'm only going on heresay do not quote me17:22
ayeceeMK`: it's a filesystem that lives in memory. Kind of like a ramdisk, except that it's not a fixed size.17:23
soreauI hate flash. It never does anything as expected and it's proprietary so we can't fix it17:23
benzaldehydecardplayer: sudo rm thename.so17:23
ayeceeMK`: pages from it can also go to swap, if necessary.17:23
MK`Ah. I just wanted to start separating it all. I only have / and swap17:23
soreauand everyone expects it to work because some name brand sites use it17:23
MK`first i will separate /home, but after that I want to separate /tmp, /usr, and /var17:23
NerwenGreentjiggi_fo: oh, okay good.17:24
Superstarbenzaldehyde: is wubi not good for long term use?17:24
tjiggi_foNerwenGreen, Grub2 will be installed (a boot loader) which will allow you to choose which OS you'd like to boot to17:24
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
benzaldehydeorbarron: as far as i know everything 32 bit works with 64 bit architecture, doesn't suprise me but in the context of the install not running on what the machine is made for i get your point17:25
NerwenGreentjiggi_fo: outstanding. :) I'll do that then, thank you.17:25
user__helloow, ubuntu 10.04 slow in video streaming, any tips? thx17:25
iostreamuser__: install windows17:25
meganerddefsum: on my system I have it under System -> Preferences -> Sound -- then hardware tab, as well as output tab17:26
benzaldehydeSuperstar: i think the general consensus is that anything microsoft is bound to have problems with everything linux17:26
Piciiostream: Stop that.17:26
user__i use xfce17:26
Picill iostream 517:26
defsummeganerd, I have it there too on my system, but no sound17:26
iostreamPici: "No manual entry for ll"? :(17:26
user__ok check meganerd,thx17:26
* randomuser is away: going to work17:27
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
defsummeganerd, even LEDs on Card itself don't work17:27
meganerddefsum: anything in dmesg when you plug it in?  Some of these USB devices require a firmware blob to work17:27
xekaphi all17:28
meganerddefsum: my vantec 7.1 USB just worked out of the box17:28
lolmaticwhats a nice application to sync with google docs?17:28
xekapplease i need a help in ubuntu 10.1017:28
defsummeganerd, that's alrady more complicated, now let's speak in command quotes) what should I type in terminal?17:28
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
edwinkcwxekap: just ask your question here17:29
meganerddefsum: "dmesg"17:29
edwinkcwxekap: otherwise, no one wil help you17:29
edwinkcwxekap: no people know your problem, how come we can help you?17:29
defsummeganerd, done, wait a min17:29
xekapanimtions add-one ist not activated in compiz17:30
edwinkcwxekap: just ask a question, people know the answer will help you17:30
defsummeganerd, disconnected>connected: http://pastebin.com/EEL9Q47C17:30
LarsTosb help ? i am using ubuntu 10.0417:30
xekapand the internet so slowly17:31
edwinkcwxekap: what display card are you using?17:31
=== ViN86_ is now known as ViN86
mbeierlLarsTo: sb?  what's sb?17:31
tjiggi_fo!somebody | LarsTo17:31
LarsTosomebody = sb17:31
ubottuLarsTo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:31
edwinkcwxekap: internet is slow? how to you test it?17:31
edwinkcwxekap: did you install the driver?17:32
xekapjournal du net17:32
LarsTowell my problem is17:32
user__meganerd, i can't find preference-sound in my xfce desktop. any link for streaming problem solution? thx17:32
xekapyes insstales17:32
LarsToUBUNTU (10.04) is sooo good !17:32
hipitihopIs there any reason I should not install syslog-ng17:32
LarsTohipitihop: no17:32
user__thumb up LarsTo17:32
noelitoHow would troubleshoot an audio problem?17:33
LarsTouser__: thanks17:33
user__LarsTo, do you have problem in video streaming?17:33
edwinkcwxekap: then you enable compiz by enabling in appearance?17:33
xekapyes enabled17:34
edwinkcwxekap: enabled? then what is your problem?17:34
shcherbakgtalk, not really, I do hang around all the time, on #ubuntu, or (own channel) #HalloweenGambit.17:34
user__mine is slow to play streaming video, LarsTo17:35
royb33ik ben eruit heel erg bedankt17:35
royb33o worry :D17:35
xekapi dont have function of animation add-on in compiz17:35
Dr_Willisxekap:  and your video card is what?17:35
royb33i understand screen now17:35
edwinkcwuser__: which player are you using ?17:35
shcherbaksorry, too many tabs.17:35
defsummeganerd, I switched "Profile" in Sound Preferences under my USB device, now it gone from Output list, an there's only Dummy Output. :'-(17:35
tehryanI have a driver installed and working for my belkin wifi dongle, I want to try a new driver but I want to be able to switch back if this new one doesn't work. How can I find out what driver is currently loaded and where the driver file is located?17:35
royb33ackoo thank u17:36
edwinkcwxekap: did you install compiz setting manager?17:36
xekapyes i have17:36
user__LarsTo, i play with firefox browser n chrome17:36
lolmatichow can i automatically switch my touch pad off when a mouse is plugged in?17:36
Dr_Willislolmatic:  i recall some forum threads on that topic. But i never followed them too closely.17:37
Dr_Willislolmatic:  my laptop has an off button for the touchpad. :)17:37
user__i use kernel 2.6.3417:37
edwinkcwxekap: I understand your question now, you enabled animiations add-on but no visual effect17:37
lolmaticDr_Willis: the off button doesnt work on ubuntu17:37
user__do you know link that i can visit for this problem?17:38
defsummeganerd, I switched "Profile" to IEC958 and it returned back to Outpust list, but still now actual sound.17:38
xekapi will send know know a picture to understand the problem ok17:38
semitonesis skencil a good alterative to gnu paint?17:38
InfoNutzis anyone expeirencing SLOW problems with tsclient and RDPV5 with 2.6.32-30 of late?17:38
semitonesI should clarify: is skencil a good alterative to gnu paint? I'm looking for a powerful yet ergonomic vector drawing program?17:39
user__LarsTo, even i change with xfce desktop the video is slow17:39
user__any Indonesian here?17:40
oCean!id | user__17:40
ubottuuser__: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia17:40
Manoany one know about remastersys17:40
user__no one in ubuntu-id17:40
edwinkcwxekap: I think you need to set the effect in animation17:40
edwinkcwxekap: I didn't use animiation add-on, but I think you need to set in animation rather than animation add-on17:41
user__i mean this night, no one in ubuntu-id17:41
Dr_Willislolmatic:  check the forums for your exact make of laptop./ there may be a fix for that17:41
Manoany one heard about remastersys17:41
SgrAwhere is google chrome installed by default in 10.10 ?17:41
GeekManis usb creator compatible with ppc17:41
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility17:41
user__ubottu, thumbs up! thx for that link17:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:42
xekapthis the problem http://www.imagup.com/data/1116946311.html17:42
tehryanI have a driver installed and working for my belkin wifi dongle, I want to try a new driver but I want to be able to switch back if this new one doesn't work. How can I find out what driver is currently loaded and where the driver file is located?17:42
SgrAwhere is google chrome installed by default in 10.10 ?17:42
user__thx for this room, bye all17:42
arandSgrA: "dpkg -L chrome-browser" will tell you I think17:42
Dr_WillisGeekMan: try it and see. but i think it uses syslinux, and ppc dosent use syslinux. (i only tried ppc linux ages ago)17:42
pixminHi, I'm on Lucid (lts) and I've 'broken' my apt. I tried to install ttf-rufscript and apt failed saying the files list file was missing and now I can't install anything. I can't remove or reinstall ttf-urfscript, any ideas how to fix apt?17:42
arandSgrA: Though I'm not quite sure what the name of the package is...17:42
GeekManit says the dependency wont work17:42
Dr_Willispixmin:  did you mess with any files in /var/cache/apt/ ?17:42
GeekManfor usb creator17:42
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:42
Dr_WillisGeekMan:  given the poor state of support for PPC linux these days.  i would not be suprised that it dosent work.17:43
pixminDr_Willis, no, I only removed /var/lib/dpkg/lock to free apt and try to uninstall the package (had to run dpkg -configure -a )17:43
xekapedwinkcw http://www.imagup.com/data/1116946311.html17:43
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:44
edwinkcwxekap: yes, your problem is?17:44
GeekManwht about other programs17:44
Combatjuantehryan: I think lsmod will do that.17:44
pixminDr_Willis, did that, it's going back to the same situation as once 'fixed' apt tries to re-install the package...17:44
mhampton#join sage-devel17:46
pixminDr_Willis, my bad, apt tries to 'upgrade' the package once it's fixed using this command, not re-install it, which fails and goes back to the originally broken situation17:46
xekapi have the compiz but without animations add-ons17:46
Dr_Willispixmin:  perhaps totally remove the package, then try reinstalling it.17:46
rcmaehlHelp! Transmission seems to screw up my network? Why is this?17:46
Dr_Willisxekap:  some compiz plugins are not installed by default.  theres extra plugins in the repos.17:47
GeekManhow about the one for kde17:47
Dr_Willisrcmaehl:  for starters - give more details.17:47
pixminDr_Willis, if by 'totally remove' you mean apt-get remove --purge then I've tried that too, do you mean something different?17:47
Dr_WillisGeekMan:  i imagine they all will have the same issues with ppc.17:47
Dr_Willispixmin:  so it is able to remove the package?17:47
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
tehryanbasically what I want to be able to do is insmod to the new driver, if it fails insmod back to the old driver. problem is I don't know where the driver file is. Doesn't look like lsmod shows that :/17:47
GeekManyea it didnt work17:48
Dr_WillisGeekMan:  the Pendrivelinux site May have some PPC utils.17:48
pixminDr_Willis, no: dpkg: error processing ttf-rufscript (--remove): Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting a removal.17:48
xekapand how i will install all plugins by default17:48
oCeantehryan: modinfo modulename shows filelocation17:48
Dr_Willisxekap:  search for them in the package manager tool, and install ones you want.17:48
tehryanocean: i don't know the module name, is there a way I can find that using the device name?17:49
groundupIs there an easy way to get a list of what applications have been installed? I have to write a document about what's installed on a server.17:49
Dr_Willis!clone | groundup17:49
ubottugroundup: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate17:49
Dr_Willisgroundup:  that my-packages file will have the list :)17:49
edwinkcwxekap: sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion*17:50
edwinkcwtry it17:50
=== dsgakg8wjd is now known as _Twystd350_
_Twystd350_Hey guys, anyone have any clue why video chat would not be working in firefox under 10.10 maverick? Cheese will show my cam up fine but things like Omegle, Tinychat, Chatroulette just don't work17:52
xekap<edwinkcw> thank you so much17:52
rcmaehlDr_Willis: Well my torrents are slow so I maxed out the peers to 300 per torrent and 3000 overall, but when I torrent and a while after I stop my network gets like under 1KB/s17:52
edwinkcwxekap: solved?17:52
rcmaehl_Twystd350_: ... rly?17:52
oCeantehryan: sorry, i have no clue what the name of your current driver can be.17:52
kbrosnan_Twystd350_: they all depend on flash17:52
xekapyes work good17:52
Dr_Willis_Twystd350_:  if you mean in 'flash' in firefox. thers known issues with flash accessing webcams. (ive never tried it)17:52
edwinkcwxekap: btw, what theme are you using? it looks good17:53
rcmaehlBut why would more peers slow down my network?17:53
rumpel1_Twystd350_, maybe because of flash?17:53
Dr_Willisrcmaehl:  try a differnt client perhaps.17:54
_Twystd350_Well I'm not entirely sure it's flash at the moment. On omegle it'll access my cam but then not connect to their servers. Thinking it was just the site I tried numerous others and they wont even see the cam. But tinychat shows me other peoples streams17:54
_Twystd350_I've got the latest flash (I think) so I'm kinda looking for any other ideas.17:54
_Twystd350_I'm sure it used to work on 10.0417:54
xekapno its a origine theme17:54
Dr_Willis_Twystd350_:  thers a program called 'webcamstudio' that can help some of those flash-based things (and other apps) make use of your webcvam. Its like a virtual webcam. that sort of works as a front end/tweaking tool.17:55
oCeantehryan: does 'lsmod | grep cfg80211'  output anything?17:55
_Twystd350_first time I have tried it since I upgraded17:55
edwinkcwxekap: original???? which distribution are you using? Ubuntu?17:55
tehryani figured it out. I just did lsmod and started modinfoing things that looked relevant17:55
xekapyes ubuntu 10.1017:55
_Twystd350_I'll maybe give that a try then. I'll let ya know in a sec17:55
tehryanthanks for the help :)17:55
edwinkcwoh, I didn't install 10.1017:55
Dr_Williswebcamstudio could even use a video file as a17:55
oCeantehryan: ah, ok17:56
Dr_Williswebcam :)17:56
tjiggi_foedwinkcw, his theme is default xubuntu17:56
edwinkcwtjiggi_fo: oh.......I didn't use Xubuntu17:56
_Twystd350_webcamstudio is a no show in software centre... Guess I'll have to google it.17:56
GeekMani have it in an iso like most things but what all has to be done to make it usb compatible17:57
Dr_Willis_Twystd350_:  yep. Its a java app.  ive not tried it in some time.17:57
GeekManhow about the one for kde17:57
pixminDr_Willis, and if I try to reinstall "apt-get install --reinstall ttf-rufscript" then it goes back to the same, it stops, saying "dpkg: warning: files list file for package `ttf-rufscript' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed."17:57
Dr_WillisGeekMan:  put files on usb, put bootloader on usb. configure bootloader to boot the kernel with the proper optons.17:57
GeekMani have it in an iso like most things but what all has to be done to make it usb compatible17:57
xekaphow to activate the burn effect17:58
Dr_Willisxekap:  ccsm will tell you the proper hot-key combo.17:58
edwinkcwxekap: you need to set it in animation17:58
GeekManill figure it out17:58
GeekManyou got any links on sites while i search17:58
Dr_WillisGeekMan:  ive never seen a PPC box tht could boot from USB. :) but ive only had a few old old old macs.17:58
edwinkcwxekap: I just tried it, you need to enable burn effect when closing windows, opening windows, etc.17:59
GeekManyou might be right17:59
xekapok i will try to see how to avtivte on youtube17:59
GeekManim working to put freebsd on my ibook g418:00
xekapthks so mush guys18:00
_Twystd350_Wow this is taking its time installing18:00
GeekMani wanna try it out first though18:00
trainerUbuntu sometimes stops responding to mouse clicks. Can I reload the mouse driver from the terminal or something when this happens? So far the only other way to fix it is to restart.18:00
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rcmaehlDr_Willis: would more peers cause connection problems?18:00
nit-witGeekMan, put t in a virtual to try it out18:00
Raikiatrainer: sudo /etc/init.d/hotplug restart18:01
keitohey folks, experiencing a weird issue with my new laptop18:01
trainerRaikia I'll try it thanks18:01
RaikiaThat will fix it if your mouse is a USB mouse18:01
keitobasically when I try to upgrade the internet hangs and I have to disable and re-enable wireless to get it back...18:01
keitoI'm on 64bit ubuntu (first time) and using a broadcom chipset18:02
keitoany  ideas?18:02
GeekManso like a virtual desktop18:02
nit-witkeito, are you using your wireless signal?18:02
goliath_how can I see password with ***?18:02
keitonit-wit, yeah18:02
ikoniakeito: how did you install the broadcom drivers ?18:02
ikoniagoliath_: you can't18:02
venportIs this a good place to ask a question about groups?18:02
noelitoThis is the 5th time I have patiently tried to use this method to solve an issue in Ubuntu without success. What am I doing wrong?18:02
keitoikonia, restricted18:02
erUSULvenport: yes18:02
Raikiavenport: yeah18:02
rypervencheI am manually installing Ubuntu on a parition. What mount location do I choose to have it install everything to it?18:02
keitoikonia, -extras* ;)18:03
ikoniakeito: really shouldn't be a problem unless you are installing kernel packages from external places/repos that crequired the kernel driver to be re-installed18:03
goliath_for win there re many programs with linux I can't? :S18:03
venportis the video group in ubuntu reservered for anything?18:03
icerootrypervenche: /  why not using the defaults from the intaller?18:03
ikoniagoliath_: no18:03
venportIs there a reason I should not add users to that group?18:03
Raikiarypervenche: select the partition you want, and select "/" as the mount point18:03
goliath_I need to see fcebook password18:03
goliath_I forgot it18:03
ikoniagoliath_: sorry, not going to happen18:03
rypervencheiceroot: I have to do it this way because I'm using a logical partition18:03
ikoniagoliath_: use the password reset process18:03
keitoikonia, no, I think  may be to do with a flood or something.  when it is reading from mirrors and downloading pacakges it stops after about 20secs as if the network can't handle it18:03
icerootgoliath_: wrong place18:04
ikoniakeito: doubt it18:04
erUSULvenport: no; in fact if you want your users to be able to use tv tunners webcams and the like they should be in the video group18:04
Raikiavenport: typically, if you don't know what a group is for, there is no reason to add a user to is18:04
keitoikonia, yeah, what could it possibly be then?18:04
goliath_I have also forgoten password for tagged myspace emails18:04
RaikiaOr what erUSUL said18:04
icerootgoliath_: wrong place!!18:04
ikoniakeito: possibly what I've just said18:04
ikoniagoliath_: not going to happen,18:04
goliath_they re saved in cache18:04
venportI was going to use it for permissions to access my media library18:04
keitoikonia, firefox stops working and every other internet app too18:04
ikoniakeito: it will do if you lose your network, thats common sense18:05
goliath_so there is no way?18:05
erUSULvenport: don't. the system already has an use for it18:05
erUSULvenport: adding a group is trivial18:05
keitoikonia, no, it was downloading packages, not installing them.. if I re-enable the network then it continues from where it left off, gets a few more pacakges downloaded then stops again18:05
ikoniakeito: yes, I understand that18:05
noelitoI must be writing in Dingbat...  ?:0)18:06
keitoikonia, also, whats is interesting is conky doesn't show any network activity in the monitor18:06
OsmodivsHello, Is there a way to test my mic in a Acer AspireONE netbook? I am using Ubutnu 10.10 32bit, I am trying to use Skype, but the sound does not work18:06
ikoniakeito: because you are having your network card drop18:06
rypervencheiceroot: Raikia: Thank you^^18:06
venportYeah I was not sure. Thanks everyone18:06
keitoikonia, no, it *never* shows any activity, even now as I use the network to type this18:06
Raikiarypervenche: no problem18:06
keito0kb up - 0kb down18:07
venportCool, thanks for the input.18:07
ikoniakeito: probably not looking at the wirless card, most likley looking at your onboard ethernet18:07
IMADI have a problem from yesterday , I can't install my modem in backtrack , I know that channel is for ubuntu only , but Backtrack is based from ubuntu18:07
rypervencheRaikia: Oh, do I want my boot loader to be set on my extended partition?18:07
keitoikonia, yeah, wireless is on eth1?!18:08
JernejL_i've opened port 3306 in iptables for mysql, however it is still refusing connections, do i have to do anything else?18:08
ikoniaIMAD: so ? #backtrack-linux is where you need to ask18:08
IMADSo as .. as .. ^^18:08
ikoniakeito: depends on your system18:08
rypervencheRaikia: I have windows on this computer as well.18:08
IMADikonia : I know but I'm actualy on root !18:08
ikoniaIMAD: I don't care18:08
Raikiarypervenche: you want your bootloader on whatever harddrive is set to boot off of (in the BIOS)18:08
IMADok good bye !18:08
keitoso how can I download my updates using wifi?18:08
rypervencheRaikia: So I should set the entire HDD then?18:09
Raikiafor example, if you have windows right now (and it normally boots right to windows), you want to select the windows harddrive18:09
Guest91021QUESTION I am using  Ubuntu 11.4 on a Dell latitude D610 notebook. It is working fine except no 3D18:09
ikoniakeito: depends why it's dropping18:09
icerootGuest91021: #ubuntu+118:09
keitoikonia, how can I tell for sure what is the cause?18:09
Raikiarypervenche: yes18:09
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ikoniakeito: look at the syslog see if it gives a clue, see if the kernel module is loaded when it drops,18:09
erUSULGuest91021: ask in #ubuntu+118:09
rypervencheRaikia: Great, thanks!18:10
flopexdoes anyone know how to enable visual effects under ubuntu 11.04beta?18:10
JernejL_tcpdump tells me it is receiving the data18:10
mk4DO I need to uninstall compiz config? I installed it a month or so ago on my 1.6ghz 1GBram netbook running ubuntu 10.10, but its too resource heavy for this machine. how do i uninstall it?18:10
JernejL_but mysql is not responding18:11
ikoniaflopex: the guys in #ubuntu+1 will18:11
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not intended for production systems.18:11
tschellewhen will natty be released? is there any info about that?18:11
rypervencheRaikia: Oh, it says I haven't selected a partition for swap space. I can't have it automatically do it for me?18:11
Raikiarypervenche: Personally, I don't use swap space.  If you have more than about 3 GB of RAM, it is not needed18:12
sipiortschelle: i hope you're being ironic.18:12
OsmodivsThe mic does not work in Skype 2.218:12
OsmodivsHow can I make it work?18:12
Raikiarypervenche: If you want to set up a swap space, though, you have to create the partitions yourself and then designate them as "swap space"18:12
sipiorRaikia: you definitely need swap space.18:12
sipiorRaikia: else you will not be able to make full use of your physical ram.18:13
_Twystd350_Well I tried but no joy with WebcamStudio. any other ideas on this?18:13
mk4Osmodivs: check that you mic is working properly in another program (or vocaroo.com) if not you need to install another driver for it.18:13
mk4DO I need to uninstall compiz config? I installed it a month or so ago on my 1.6ghz 1GBram netbook running ubuntu 10.10, but its too resource heavy for this machine. how do i uninstall it?18:13
Raikiasipior: It rarely does anything on a machine with 3 GB or over.  Have you done an activity test on the partitions and RAM with and without the swap space?  There is a significant lack of activity once the RAM gets to about 3 GB (minus intensive programs)18:13
sipiorRaikia: that's simply not true.18:14
Raikiasipior: In my own testing, it definitely is18:14
Osmodivsmk4, it is working with the included program in Ubuntu, Sound Recorder18:14
keitoikonia, does this mean anything to you? Apr  8 18:11:08 matrix kernel: [ 1361.751045] NVRM: os_raise_smp_barrier(), invalid context!18:14
mk4Osmodivs: have you configured skype to use your mic?18:14
sipiorRaikia: consider what happens when a large number of programs reserve memory without allocating it. your ram is full of empty sections which cannot be used, and cannot be swapped either.18:14
dragonkeeperafter a while when using FGLRX drivers the mouse on my 2nd monitor turns into vertical line of dots. anyway to stop this happening ??18:14
Osmodivsmk4,  Is there a command in terminal too know if it is working?18:14
Osmodivsmk4,  Configure, eh?18:15
laggypoopcan I ask something about crunchbang in here?18:15
arandlaggypoop: #crunchbang rather18:15
RaikiaWhich is why I am saying with NORMAL use, around 3 GB of RAM is when it begins to not affect much.  I understand what swap space is and why it is useful.  Not in higher RAM computers18:15
sipiorRaikia: nonsense.18:15
rypervencheRaikia: Thanks again. I think that's all the questions I have :)18:15
MK`Hey guys how can I securely delete files on ubuntu?18:16
mk4Osmodivs: have you tested it on the echo/sound test service?18:16
_Twystd350_Alright lets try this again. Ubuntu 10.10. Webcam shows up in cheese and in webcamstudio. Can't use cam in firefox for video chat. Stuff like chatroulette, tinychat etc. So far all I know is it's likely to be flash. any ideas on how to fix this?18:16
RaikiaMK`: "man shred"18:16
MK`ok, thanks18:16
dragonkeeperafter a while when using FGLRX drivers the mouse on my 2nd monitor turns into vertical line of dots. anyway to stop this happening ??18:17
Osmodivsmk4,  Nope, do not know where is that echo/sound test TEST18:17
laggypoopIm using the live cd and Im rying to get internet on this through cable , its connected but the web browser says "Server not found"18:17
laggypoopany idea?18:17
mk4its a contact in skype.18:17
MK`"              truncate and remove file after overwriting" I assume remove means trash it, but what does truncate mean?18:18
mk4it calls an echo service, you speak into it for 30 seconds, and it plays it back to you. its a good test to see if skype can read your mic18:18
iostreamMK`: empty18:18
mk4DO I need compiz config? I installed it a month or so ago on my 1.6ghz 1GBram netbook running ubuntu 10.10, but its too resource heavy for this machine. how do i uninstall it?18:18
Osmodivsmk4,  Yeah, it does not work. in the sound settings, all options are automatically set up. there is no way to change anything here.18:18
MK`ah, ok18:18
mk4Osmodivs: do you have pulse audio installed?18:19
Osmodivsmk4,  Someone called me, but they could not hear my voice18:19
benzaldehydelaggypoop: you are doing the install as we speak?18:19
Osmodivsmk4,  yes18:20
Deadglowi'm trying to install ubuntu alternate version and am not sure what to put in the partition space, can anyone help?18:20
mk4Osmodivs: install pulseaudio, and set it up to work with skype.  http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup and scroll to the skype section to check if it is configured properly18:20
Osmodivsmk4,  I am reading something here about having PulseAudio enabeled...18:20
laggypoopnope im in the live cd as a tryout way18:20
benzaldehydelaggypoop: ifconfig eth0 up18:21
benzaldehydelaggypoop: dhclient eth018:21
iarphey all, question, does anyone have an ftp server that'll let me login with user/pass but everything written/modified is ownership of www-data?18:22
Freyrhi there! i just installed 11.04 beta 1 in virtualbox, but for some reason i can't run unity. can anyone tell me how to fix this ?18:22
eamonDoes anyone know how to use distcc? here's my error http://dpaste.de/jndo/18:22
mk4Do you need compiz config to run ubuntu 10.10? it is too system heavy for my machine.18:22
Raikiaiarp: Why?18:22
bonjoyee! natty | Freyr18:23
ubottuFreyr: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not intended for production systems.18:23
laggypoopits not workin18:23
brightsparkDeadglow, are you trying to install alongside another operating system?18:23
shcherbakFreyr: not sure, but vb will do not offer to 3d acc18:23
iarpRaikia: i need a php program i'm coding to be able to write to files and folders while at the same time allowing myself write privs whenever i ftp in to make chances18:23
Deadglowbrightspark: yes.  alongside windows xp.18:23
Deadglowbrightspark: yes.  i want to use about 20gb of my 80gb hard drive18:24
xsodia_How to install Wi-fi18:24
farciarz84hi ubuntu gurus. Can ayone tell why xmodmap doesn't afect firefox browser?18:24
RaikiaAdd your ftp user to the www-data group and set the permissions to the www-data group18:24
rcmaehlhttp://www.canonical.com/ legit? if so why is it trying to access port 11?18:24
shcherbakfarciarz84: be precise, what did you wanted to do?18:25
iarpRaikia: i;ve done that, but whenever i upload something new via ftp it's always iarp/iarp permissions18:26
GOMIoke so now its not compiz related but I still get logged out automaticly i dont know why that is.18:26
RaikiaWell, yeah.  The file permissions are the same as the file you are uploading18:26
GOMIlog out i mean going back to login screen and putting my password in again18:26
farciarz84shcherbak: I'm precise, I swaped some keys from my keyboard and it works generally. Firefox is an exception.18:26
Raikiayou have to change the permissions of the file on your local computer before FTPing them18:26
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farciarz84shcherbak: it works in terminal and all text editors I've tried but not in browser18:27
xancaphi everybody18:27
shcherbakfarciarz84: After longer thought, yes it is intersting (thought at first of xbindkeys)18:28
_Twystd350_>Alright lets try this again. Ubuntu 10.10. Webcam shows up in cheese and in webcamstudio. Can't use cam in firefox for video chat. Stuff like chatroulette, tinychat etc. So far all I know is it's likely to be flash. any ideas on how to fix this?  There has to be a fix and this is driving me nuts now18:28
GOMIanybody knows why i get logged out automaticaly18:28
xsodiahow to install wifi pliiz ?18:28
farciarz84shcherbak: I have an apple keyboard and want to swapp ISO_Level3_Shift with apple cmd cause I used to always having it near space key.18:28
laggypoophow can I install firefox through terminal?18:28
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox18:29
rcmaehl_Twystd350_: 1. why are you using chatroulette? 2. Is the device claimed? 3. Have you installed the latest packages?18:29
crackerjackzis there a linux native game boy advanced emulator?18:29
rcmaehlcrackerjackz: yes18:29
crackerjackzrcmaehl, what's it called?18:29
kdubcrackerjackz: i forget what its called, but its good18:29
rcmaehlcrackerjackz: give me a sec18:29
MK`I think VBA has a linux version18:29
MK`check the software center18:29
crackerjackzMK`, vbalink has to be compiled from source i thought18:30
laggypoophow can I install firefox through terminal on #crunchbang?18:30
_Twystd350_Basically, I'm trying any video chat site I can think of. What do you mean by is it claimed? and by latest packages do you mean just flash or running update... saying that I;ve done both18:30
rcmaehlcrackerjackz: sudo apt-cache search gameboy18:30
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Osmodivsmk4 Where does usually this file is? ~/.asoundrc18:30
xsodiahow to install wifi pliiz ?18:30
xsodiaon ubuntu ?18:30
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crackerjackz_Twystd350_, you trying to get your cam working on websites like stickam or something?18:31
MK`probably for vbalink18:31
rcmaehlxsodia: install wifi?18:31
Deadglowbrightspark: i'm not sure which option to choose18:31
_Twystd350_Yeah. tried tinychat. No dice18:31
icerootOsmodivs: ~ means the home-dir of the current user, so its /home/username/18:31
_Twystd350_Will try stickam specifically now18:31
rcmaehlxsodia: are you trying to install wifi or something?18:31
crackerjackz_Twystd350_, what kind of webcam do you have18:32
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xsodiayes I have integrated WiFi in my laptop but I can not use it18:32
crackerjackzi have 3 webcams and only 2 of them work with flash18:32
Osmodivsiceroot,  Well, there is no /.asoundcr file there18:32
crackerjackzactually only 1 of them works with flash and the other one only half works18:32
rcmaehlxsodia: is the device claimed?18:32
icerootOsmodivs: ~/.asoundrc  if it is not there, create it if you need the file18:32
laggypoophow can I install firefox through terminal on #crunchbang?18:33
laggypoophow can I install firefox through terminal on #crunchbang?18:33
crackerjackzrcmaehl, ty :)18:33
icerootlaggypoop: wrong channel18:33
xsodiarcmaehl : ???18:33
Osmodivsiceroot, You must know this, I am trying to make Skype works, I need to add some lines to that file so PulseAudio can use my Mic18:33
_Twystd350_creative live IM vf035018:33
icerootOsmodivs: then create the file and add your lines18:34
Osmodivsiceroot,  Okey-Dokey18:34
Kawohihey uh the top menu on one of my apps just disappeared.  think i double clicked it or something. what happen?18:34
crackerjackz_Twystd350_, if you're on stickam right now.. right click on one of the cam spots then click on settings and click on the tab that looks like a little webcam icon18:34
crackerjackzdoes it list any devices?18:35
xsodiaSo ?18:35
_Twystd350_Oh most of the siteslist my devices. Just it doesn't let me connect when I try to use them18:35
sushanthello guys18:36
brightsparkDeadglow, the windows partition then must be set to 60 GB18:36
sushantdoes anybody has any idea on configuring a multiseat ubuntu OS ?18:36
_Twystd350_Wierd.... It seems to work on stickam18:36
crackerjackz_Twystd350_, i know what your problem is18:36
crackerjackz_Twystd350_, tell me what website it is that your cam does not work on18:36
_Twystd350_But why would it work on there and not on tinychat or omegle?18:36
FloodBot2_Twystd350_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:36
crackerjackzgo to google18:36
crackerjackzand type this in18:36
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:36
crackerjackzglobal security settings flash18:37
crackerjackzor actually here i'm gonna send you a link18:37
sushantmultiseat ubuntu configuration - any idea ?18:37
shcherbakfarciarz84: hm, not that i know answear, but XHkeys was mentioned as soution in some dramatic cases.18:37
crackerjackzfind the website you are trying to get your webcam working with in this list18:38
crackerjackzthen tell it to always allow that website18:38
crackerjackz@ _Twystd350_18:38
rcmaehl_fallbackxsodia: is the device claimed?18:38
_Twystd350_I would but I got a problem with that site too. Where it says the image above is actually the manager... there is nothing there18:39
crackerjackz_Twystd350_, what web browser are you using?18:39
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crackerjackz_Twystd350_, open a new tab and type about:plugins in the address bar... then go to pastebin.com and pastebin me that info18:39
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bonjoyeehow to create a wrapper for an application? i want to launch a specific application using a different LD_LIBRARY_PATH18:39
dsjackinsI'm trying to install an old obscure game called Rage of Mages and I'm having troubles getting it to install. People have had success according to the site but there's no instructions. When I run setup.exe it can't find any of the files in the other folders - I've tried moving them, renaming them, and I've checked that all the permissions are good. Any help? (I've asked in winehq, just seeing if anyone here may know)18:40
_Twystd350_You want the whole page?18:40
crackerjackz_Twystd350_, yah18:40
rcmaehldsjackins: ... have you tried play on linux?18:40
rcmaehldsjackins: sudo apt-get install playonlinux18:41
leapy0yois there a way to attach an already attached screen, so that two terminals are using the same screen instance?18:41
_Twystd350_http://pastebin.com/hftNDDVN there ya go18:41
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jk4lphello room18:41
Picileapy0yo: screen -R or screen -r18:42
mark_Hi everyone, i have a dual video card laptop, and because of that, ubuntu only sees the more basic one. How can i switch to the advanced one?18:43
crackerjackz_Twystd350_, clear cache, cookies, etc clear everything for firefox close it then try to go to this page again http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager06.html18:43
iarpRaikia: on a server i'm unable to access, anytime i do anything via ftp the web applicatons always have write access to anything i do. I'm unable to replicate that same type of system on anything.18:44
crackerjackz_twystd350_ must have been using the java chat aye?18:44
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_Twystd350_Well not only can I still not see the manager but I got disconnected from the room =P18:45
crackerjackz_Twystd350_, i had the same problem with that page not loading a couple weeks ago actually18:45
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crackerjackzit eventually started working18:45
dajhornmark_:  Post the manufacturer and model of the computer when you ask a hardware question.  You're more likely to get an answer if you do.18:46
_Twystd350_anything else I can try then or is it just wait and see?18:46
crackerjackzanyways you know how on most websites you're prompted by the website if you want to allow or deny the website access to your webcam / mic18:46
iarpRaikia: i add my username to www-data group, but still have issues because anything uploaded via ftp is always username/username permissions that you logged in with. So then i add www-data to my username group, but again it cannot write with 775 perms on everything18:46
olx69Hi, on ubuntu 10.10 I installed cgroup-bin and lxc. Iget the error lxc-execute: cgroup is not mounted, but there is the directory /mnt/cgroups/ What's wrong?18:46
crackerjackzwell i've noticed some websites does not work for some reason18:46
crackerjackzbut you can go to global privacy settings in that manager thing i sent you18:46
crackerjackzand tell it to always allow18:46
_Twystd350_And that should do the trick?18:47
crackerjackzmore than likely18:47
mark_dajhorn i have a Acer Aspire timeline X 5820tg 6406, with an ATI radeon HD 6550m.18:47
crackerjackzi'll stick around though in case it doesn't18:47
OsmodivsSkype does NOT works under Ubuntu, it may be able to send messages, but the Mic does not work18:47
_Twystd350_alright man. Thanks for your help. I'll give it a try if I get the manager working18:47
crackerjackz_Twystd350_, try loading it with a different web browser18:47
Erroneous_NickHELP! why is my gigabit network only getting under 1kb/s18:48
_Twystd350_will do. gunna grab epiphany now18:48
Guest74702HI, i want to add an image in UEC (Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud) but it have an error18:48
brightsparkOsmodivs, it works fine for me.18:48
olx69sudo mount none -t cgroup /cgroup18:48
olx69mount: none already mounted or /cgroup busy ???18:48
insanity99hey guys, do flash videos still go to a cache folder where they can be copied to the hardrive?18:48
Osmodivsbrightspark, How did you make it work? it certanly does not work out of the box18:49
insanity99from browsers like chronium18:49
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crackerjackzinsanity99, maybe you're talking about .macromedia in ~?18:49
mang0Guys, i'm going to buy a 1TB external HD, but idk if it is compatible with Ubuntu...18:49
mang0is that a big problem?18:49
rumpel1mang0, should be no problem18:49
dajhornmark_: Go to ubuntuforums.org and search for the model number.  Somebody has posted a script.18:50
mang0rumpel1 okay good18:50
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
_Twystd350_Still not loading in epiphany :( I shoulda stuck with Lucid Lynx18:50
shcherbakinsanity99: Use Opera, and plugin called flash downloader or something.18:50
mark_dajhorn thanks i will!18:50
dajhornmark_: Welcome.18:50
insanity99use to be real easy, all videos loaded where in a cache where you could copy them18:51
brightsparkOsmodivs, turned on the mike in sound preferences18:51
keitook, so tried using ethernet cable to upgrade and my internet still hangs when dling packages from mirror... any help?18:51
dajhornmark_:  See also:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics18:52
Osmodivsbrightspark,  .... :|18:52
ActionParsnipinsanity99: why not use youtube-dl18:52
xroHi, i'm looking for a soft to read QRcode... is there one in ubuntu package?18:52
insanity99i dont just want youtube videos18:53
mark_dajhorn thanks again, but i can't find that thread you are talking of.18:53
ActionParsnipinsanity99: there are browser plugins too18:54
rcmaehlwhat's the network manager startup command18:54
rcmaehlit's in the startup applications but i accident;y removed it18:54
EvildaemonIs there a way to use apt to download a package you already have installed?18:54
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
ActionParsniprcmaehl: nm-applet18:55
crackerjackz_Twystd350_, do you have java installed?18:55
EvildaemonWithout removing the original package18:55
rcmaehlActionParsnip: thx18:55
Evildaemon(-d didn't work)18:55
_Twystd350_That I don't know to be honest18:55
_Twystd350_Never actively installed it18:55
crackerjackz_Twystd350_, well if the output of about:plugins is right i don't think you do18:56
rumpel1Evildaemon, isn't it already in /var/cache/apt/archives ?18:56
crackerjackzopen up synaptic18:56
_Twystd350_Do I need it?18:56
crackerjackzfor some sites yeah...18:56
_Twystd350_got it open18:56
EvildaemonYes.......didn't know that existed......thank you18:57
dragonkeeperdoes ubuntu fully support sata 3 ??  im just wondering because i have 3 hdds  2 of which are NTFS and the sata 3 drive always has a read error with gparted from ntfsprogs18:57
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_Twystd350_which package do I need to grab then?18:57
_Twystd350_I searched Java and got loads18:58
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.18:58
crackerjackzlook for sun-java6-bin i think it is?18:58
JontaExamples of programs designed to be put on a boot-device and run directly from boot? (OS-like)18:58
crackerjackzidr how i got sun java on here but don't use iced tea18:59
crackerjackzbrb breakfash18:59
mintypuHi can any one please help me with a hard drive issue19:02
Jonta!ask mintypu19:03
ActionParsnipmintypu: please give some details19:03
mintypuI have a 1TB western digital hard drive and it is not recognized by the bios19:03
brightsparkmintypu, external?19:04
ActionParsnipmintypu: then ask in ##hardware19:04
trananI was trying to fix hdmi audio and ended up losing even the internal sound... any help?19:04
trananhow can I reset my alsa?19:07
ActionParsniptranan: killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*19:08
victorioustranan: I have problems with sound when coming from hibernation. The fix for me is 1) to select the sound card (from the loudspeaker icon) and disable it (Profile: off), 2) in a terminal write "sudo alsa force-reload" 3) enable your sound card again by selecting a profile19:09
DaPenguinyou could also sudo service pulseaudio restart19:09
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victoriousDaPenguin: I'm gonna try that next time19:10
trananThanks for help, but I really meant to reinstall it, as I made some error19:10
siddhantchdhey guys getting this error19:10
siddhantchdThe file '/media/sda7/Software/Internet Download Manager 6.05 Build 8 Final/Setup/idman605.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.19:10
DaPenguintranan, sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio then apt-get install pulseaudio should do the trick19:11
siddhantchdwhen trying to run a software in wine19:11
victorioussiddhantchd: try right clicking the file and set the execute bit19:11
siddhantchdits saying u r not the owener19:12
siddhantchd victorious19:12
victorioussiddhantchd: Can you copy the file to your home dir?19:13
=== somebody__ is now known as digitalfiz
siddhantchdvictorious: lemme chk19:13
trananThanks, but it didn't do the trick :/ for some reason I lost my internal device as it's not listed in sound preferences any more19:13
victorioustranan: Try running "lspci" in a terminal. I *think* that it should list your sound device19:15
mintypuHi can anyone help me to set up my own elite proxy server19:16
GOMIwhat does this mean , its in my syslog :    warning , detected that screensaver left the bus .19:16
trananvictorious, no, it isn't listed :/ Somehow I accidentally deleted it when I tried to fix hdmi audio19:16
GOMIits seems after that my ubuntu CRASHES19:16
GOMItakes me back to the login screen19:17
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trananvictorious, no, it's probably there... it says Audio device: nVidia Corporation High Definition Audio Controller (rev a1)19:18
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
* FlameTai1_ sighs19:19
antivirtelhi, what is the optimal core temp for a common laptop? (IBM Thinkpad T42 - 1.7GHz)19:20
luis_hi there, how do you "prompt" ubuntu to check and reinstall any needed drivers for new hardware?19:22
eamonDoes anyone know how to use distcc? here's my error http://dpaste.de/jndo/19:22
meganerdluis_: drivers are handled differently then with windows19:23
Dr_Willisluis_:  rerun the 'addational hardware drivers' tool. (jockey-gtk if using the terminal)19:23
meganerdluis_: it should happen automatically with kernel updates19:23
Dr_Williseamon:  i recall setting it up years ago following the GENTOO wiki pages. :)19:23
Dr_Williseamon:  but i havent used it on ubuntu ever.19:23
FlameTai1_Can someone please just tell me what the hell is the difference between Mint and Ubuntu is? lmao19:24
eamonDr_Willis: yeah, I'm folowing the wiki but I'm getting this error19:24
luis_well i had a wireless card on my laptop which kept dropping out/poor reception & as i had a few laptops laying about i thought i'd try a different one however its doesn't seem to be automaticly detected, any ideas?19:24
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:24
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com19:24
eamonDr_Willis: thw machine I'm trying to compile on in a Mac would that have something to do with it?19:24
shakirhow to send messages in private  network woth terminal , Im using a wirelles router19:25
Dr_Williseamon:  i recall distcc bneeding to be the same version on all machines doing the work.19:25
Dr_Williseamon:  and gcc and other apps also needing to be the same version19:25
marienzeamon: if you're going to crosspost in several distro channels at least mention the distro(s) actually involved, please.19:25
mc_teo`hello, i am partioning my hdd with windows on entire disk19:26
mc_teo`to eventually install ubuntu19:26
Dr_Willismc_teo`:  leave part of the HD unallocated - that way the ubuntu installer can partion it.19:26
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mc_teo`someone told me i need to reboot a few times after running chksdk19:26
mc_teo`how many times is a few?19:26
luis_Dr_Willis: i tried using jockey-gtk but no luck... doesnt detect the wireless card19:26
trananin sound preferences under hardware it only lists the hdmi output, but not internal anymore.... and even hdmi isn't working19:27
shcherbakFlameTai1_: I do guess, beside apparent diffrence, it would be kernel, packages versions, shipment, some configs and freenode channel.19:27
eamonDr_Willis: oh so distcc itself needs to be the same version? That would explain a think or two, I'd say the fink version is out of date19:27
[snake]How can I use ffmpeg to convert a ton of files all at once, that are in subdirectories of directories. (convert: /path/allfiles)19:27
Dr_Willisluis_:  depends on the card. it may not use  drivers jocky knows about.. or the system may not be seeing the card at all.19:27
mc_teo`[snake]: why cant you use wildcards19:27
Dr_Willis[snake]:  some shell scripting/ and use of find. is one way.19:28
luis_Dr_Willis: the wireless card is an intel 2200bg19:28
Dr_Willisluis_:  for most intel cards I thought the drivers were included in ubuntu/linux19:28
mc_teo`like using /path/*19:28
luis_Dr_Willis: i beleive the system does "see" the card as it is listed when i use lspci19:28
[snake]mc_teo`, will that get everything... it's like a huge tree of directories.. with more directories in them.19:28
treebeen[snake]: use find with -exec19:28
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Dr_Willis[snake]:  find is worth learning about. :)19:29
shcherbak[snake]: yeah find is powerfull friend19:29
FlameTai1_shcherbak: Would the LMDE have more features or? I'm not fully following the concept of how the Linux OS's should have a distro if it's only a few mods.19:29
Dr_Willis[snake]:  or write up a script/batch file that does the work in parts. so you can monitor whats going on.19:29
luis_Dr_Willis: i have no doubt the card would work if i reinstalled ubuntu I'd rather not have to reinstall and reset up my prefs for the whole OS just because I changed a wireless card, any way around it?19:29
meganerdluis_: what happens when you run iwconfig?19:30
Dr_WillisFlameTai1_:  LMDE?19:30
Dr_Willisluis_:  try it on a live cd as a test. see if it works.. if so. check what modules are loaded.19:30
Dr_Willisluis_:  and then try loading them on the desktop install.19:30
treebeenluis_: you know, maybe on windows reinstalling is state of the art to solve problems, but it shouldn't be on linux19:30
mintypuHi How do I go about setting up my own elite proxy server on ubuntu19:31
Dr_Willisluis_:  i would also check the forums for that exact card. there may be some bugs in the drivers. or other known issues.19:31
luis_Dr_Willis: using iwconfig lists 3 times lo says no wireless extensions eth0 no wireless extensions and eth1 has a load of wireless related settings19:31
Dr_Willisluis_:  eth1 can be a wireless card. it is on several of my laptops. :)19:32
FlameTai1_Dr_Willis, Linux Mint Debian Edition.19:32
Dr_WillisFlameTai1_:  I would say take questions about that to #linux, or #ubuntu-offtopic19:32
shcherbakFlameTai1_: distrowatch site can help you gasp concept of shratterd distros, but if you jump from debian to slaxware (or even centos) you will see all "few mods" in practice.19:32
trananIs there a way to reinstall audio without reinstalling ubuntu to fix the issue?19:32
shcherbakok arch19:32
luis_Dr_Willis: i''ve checked the forums and most of what i find related to that card are some issues back in ubuntu 7/819:32
[snake]I used the find command and got a list of all the files I need. thanks :)19:32
luis_Dr_Willis: does that mean its "seen" by ubuntu19:33
Dr_Willisluis_:  I would start with a live-cd test and see if it works. save a listing of lsmod output  if it does.19:33
Dr_Willisluis_:  from what you are sayign. i would say its 'seen' but not configured.19:33
perlmonkeytranan you can reinstall the package with sudo dpkg-reconfigure package19:33
Vr_RayAnnouncer: More Backtrax USA Continues Next.19:33
trananperlmonkey, ok, what package would that be?19:34
FlameTai1_Dr_Willis: Sorry I understand lol, just kinda buggin out because I don't really see the "few mods" thing and how it should just all of a sudden become a new distro. And since I'm debating on Ubuntu/Linux Mint to use, figured you guys would know the features way better.19:34
FlameTai1_shcherbak, thanks for the suggestion I'll look it up19:34
Dr_WillisFlameTai1_:  i dont see the point in using MINT to be honest with you.19:34
luis_Dr_Willis: is it a big task running me through configuring whatever needs configuring? its strange that its seen by the os but doesnt appear listed in the network manager (GUI)19:34
shcherbakDr_Willis: me too19:34
Dr_Willisluis_:  all i ever do for my wireless is click on the icon at the top right.. and enter the password for my network. :)19:34
david5345I installed Xubuntu 10.04 on a laptop with 256 memory. I am seeing "Out of memory: kill process..... Killed process .... ". What am I doing wrong ?19:34
Dr_Willisluis_:  thers some guides on doing it from the terminal also.19:35
[snake]Ok, I have the list of files in a text doc, how can I pipe the text into ffmpeg?19:35
perlmonkeytranan: either alsa or pulse, not sure what package to use pulse19:35
Dr_Willisdavid5345:  you did make a swap partition?19:35
perlmonkeytranan: you can search for packages in Ubuntu software Centre19:35
brack9Is port tunnelling allowed by default in openssh?19:35
Dr_Willis[snake]:   you could put it in a text editor and edit each line, with ffmpeg -whateveroptions  yourstuff  otheroptions     then run it as a batch file..19:35
brack9or does it need to be enabled?19:35
david5345Dr_Willis, no. I am activating one now19:36
ironcamelanyone here seen how nicely chromium/gmail integrates with desktop notifications? anyone know how i can create desktop notifications like those outside of chromium? i hate how libnotify now overlays notifications on top of each other. i really would like them to stack up.19:36
luis_Dr_Willis: yep that's what i used to be able to do & would like to again, as in my daily travels i connect to several networks & terminal just isn't practical enough19:36
Dr_Willisdavid5345:  thats very likely the issue.19:36
perlmonkeyGoogle is linux friendly19:36
Dr_Willisluis_:  sounds liek it may be more of a bug in the network-manager tool.19:36
perlmonkeydragonkeeper hi19:36
AtolHi, i have an old cd of ubuntu 7.10. Can i install it and get fast the newest version ?19:36
GOMIwhat does this mean :    warning:  detected that screensaver has left the bus .19:36
dragonkeeperperlmonkey  hi ?19:36
[snake]Dr_Willis, and how would I tell it to keep the name?19:37
luis_Dr_Willis: any simple way of reinstalling that to see if it picks up the card?19:37
Dr_WillisAtol:  you would basically be redownloading the whole cd..  so it would be better to get the cd and do a clean install of the latest19:37
perlmonkeyAtol why not just download the latest iso, you would probably need to download more updates else19:37
Dr_Willisluis_:  never tried. shouldent need to., You could try configuring it by hand.19:37
perlmonkeymore updates than the size of the iso i mean19:37
AtolFact is, i have no writable cd and i cannot install ubuntu from usb too many bugs19:37
Dr_Willis[snake]:  give it the name as an output file. Check the ffmpeg docs.19:37
Seeker`Hey, my pc has just failed to start X, using nvidia propietry drivers. Message in /var/log/Xorg.0.log is "Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device PCI:2:0:0", and the /var/log/kern.log file seems to suggest that "RmInitAdapter failed! (0x26:0xffffffff:1028)", although the first item that looks like a "fail" is "vmap allocation for size 16781312 failed: user vmalloc=<size> to increase size"19:37
AtolWhich is a shame, i can install archlinux but not ubuntu :d19:38
[snake]Dr_Willis, edit each line lol? there's 1,459 lines.19:38
Dr_Willis[snake]:  you edit EVERY LINE and make a batch file/script out of it...19:38
phonex01guys i have this c code : strcat(REQ,strlen(data));19:38
luis_Dr_Willis: you mean configuring the connection as such? so telling the card directly which network to connect to & what's the password & so on?19:38
Dr_Willis[snake]:  smart text editing is a good skill to have.19:38
perlmonkeyAtol ah, fair enough.19:38
ayeceephonex01: no kidding?19:38
Dr_Willisluis_:  yes. that can be done from the command line.19:38
phonex01but i have error in which strlen return integer and i want to convert it to string19:38
[snake]Dr_Willis, yeah and piping output is a much easier, and effective way of doing it.19:38
phonex01ayecee im not kidding19:39
Dr_Willis[snake]:  go do it then..19:39
luis_Dr_Willis: yeah that's what i was trying to avoid like i said in my daily life i use a few wireless networks & command line just isnt very practical19:39
perlmonkeydragonkeeper i noticed you were on VM same as me, hows your bandwidth? mine sucks19:39
Dr_Willis[snake]:  ive often made scripts that generate 'batch files' for long tasks. :)19:39
AtolCan i install ubuntu directly from my archlinux ?19:39
dragonkeeperperlmonkey im not on a VM19:39
shcherbak[snake]: that  text file, output of what command?19:40
perlmonkeydragonkeeper hostmask says you are19:40
AtolI will install it on another dd19:40
Dr_WillisAtol:  its proberly easier to use a live cd.19:40
lolmaticis anyone running ut2004 or jagged alliance 2? i dont get any sound in both games :(19:40
AtolCan u send me a writable cd ? with a sanwich19:40
[snake]shcherbak, less ./filename | command :)19:40
dragonkeeperperlmonkey oh  virgin media   ... not bad   50mb is ok     just  between  5clock and 10pm  it gets capped19:40
Dr_Willislolmatic:  its not uncommon for old games to have sound issues. due to the alsa/pluse changes19:40
shcherbak[snake]: bad19:40
benzaldehydeatol sure. is first class mail all rigt19:40
AtolI have like every fucking gadget of the world but no writable cd -_-19:41
luis_Dr_Willis: anyway of getting ubuntu to recheck all the installed modules? something like sudo apt-get upgrade - is that what that command does?19:41
GOMIcan i delete gnome-screensaver  is that possible ???19:41
Dr_WillisAtol:  i always use bootable  flash drives.19:41
david5345Alright, I'll try IceWM, Xubuntu is too much of a memory hog19:41
Dr_Willisluis_:  ive never needed to. any time ive plugged in a nic. or any other new cards. they were seen and setup as part of the boot process.19:41
AtolDr_Willis: Is there a space limit. My usb is only 2Gb and i have like low memory bug ( wtf ) during the install so i cannot do anything.19:41
perlmonkeydragonkeeper ah, I'm on 10mb, but i rarely get above 3...i get warnings insufficient bandwidth even watching iplayer in HD which requires min 3.5mb19:41
benzaldehydeatol dvd-rw main19:41
IdleOne!language | Atol19:41
ubottuAtol: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:41
shcherbak[snake]: paste me filename, not in the channel19:41
GOMIcan i delete gnome-screensaver  is that possible ???19:41
Dr_WillisAtol:  You can use a 2gb flash drive to install from.19:42
david5345!language IdleOne19:42
airtonixGOMI: you missed a few question marks19:42
[snake]shcherbak, what for?19:42
Dr_WillisGOMI:  you can uninstall it yes.. but that may not be causing the crash.. the crash may be making IT crash and gernate the error.19:42
Atol!language IdleOne19:42
dragonkeeperperlmonkey never had that problem even when i only had 8mb19:42
dragonkeeperrig them complain19:42
shcherbak[snake]: pipe do not read line19:42
perlmonkeymaybe my kit needs upgrading i had it like 10 years lol19:42
[snake] shcherbak doesn't the command 'less' do that?19:43
luis_Dr_Willis: well i'll go have a read & see what i can find, prettey rubbish not being able to just swap a wireless card..19:43
[snake]shcherbak, then it reads the output of less.19:43
GOMI2 days am looking for this shit that causes the crashes i dont know , ill try to delete everything part by part19:43
GOMIi deleted compiz19:43
Dr_Willisluis_:  so far you have not proven its the system Not seeign the card.. it may be a configuration issue.19:43
GOMIno that one19:43
david5345!language | IdleOne19:43
ubottuIdleOne: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:43
Atol!language | IdleOne19:43
IdleOnedavid5345: exactly why did you trigger that to me?19:43
IdleOneAtol: same question for you19:43
AtolBecause you're an ass.19:44
IdleOne!guidelines > Atol19:44
ubottuAtol, please see my private message19:44
=== jamiep is now known as neonninja
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shcherbak[snake]: try: ls -l ~ > ~/file && less ~/file | echo <-- IT IS NOT GOOD19:44
david5345Is there an official Ubuntu variant for Icewm ?19:44
AtolIdleOne: get a life.19:44
GOMIi know -_-!) i dont know anymore19:44
IdleOneAtol: follow our guidelines please.19:44
Dr_Willisone normally does not pipe less to a file.. from what i recall.19:44
luis_Dr_Willis: how would i prove its the system not seeing the card, as far as i'm aware if you query the system for what's installed (lspci) & it tells you that the card is there then its seen?!?19:44
Atolour ? I have work on the kernel of your machine, show more respect.19:45
AtolYes, im a core developper.19:45
Dr_Willisluis_:  try a live cd. see if works.. double check the modules list.  check lspci output on live cd and normal install also.19:45
IdleOneAtol: I don't care if you are Linus Torvald himself. YOU show respect for our community guidelines please.19:45
Geetcan anybody guide me for linux programming?19:45
Dr_WillisGeet:  pick a langage, learn it. start programing. :)19:45
shcherbak[snake]: first: you would want to use cat not less, second you need for...each loop to complete task.19:46
Dr_WillisGeet:  i uggest learning Python if you are totally new to programing.19:46
FoolsRunHi, does anyone have a recommendation for backing up Windows clients to an Ubuntu server (in a home environment)? I've read about Bacula and BackupPC, but am hoping someone has valuable personal experience?19:46
AtolBecause i said fucking gadget I dont show you respect ? dude.19:46
GeetI m not a new programmer19:46
AtolYou dont diserv me to  waste time on you.19:46
s3r3n1t7Atol, you can not demand respect because of what you have done, it has to be given. Please calm down and drink a glass of water.19:46
[snake]shcherbak, I already have the file listing in the file though :(19:46
* Seeker` cheers for IdleOne 19:46
Dr_WillisGeet:  You havent really given any details.  so we cant suggest more.19:46
fizyplanktonGeet: im a python programmer, and i reccomend it all the way19:46
[snake]shcherbak, although I see that the command I was using is wrong...19:46
[snake]shcherbak, sorry for being so stubborn19:47
GeetDr WIllis:I am a third year Engg student of COmp science19:47
Dr_WillisPython is a good mix of easy to learn.. and powerfull enough you dont outgrow it.19:47
fizyplanktonGeet: oh. programming should be fairly universal as far as platforms go19:47
Dr_WillisGeet:   so.... your programing needs are what exactly?19:47
thefroyoGeet: what kind of "linux development" are you interested in? kernel, gui, ...?19:47
luis_Dr_Willis: will do just remind me again please on how to check the modules list? i take it if something's missing it can be installed/reloaded?19:47
shcherbak[snake]: then you need to make: (pseudo code) for each line of file do command done19:47
Dr_Willisluis_:  lsmod, lspci, and perhaps output of ifconfig on both setups.19:47
FoolsRunPython is great. I taught myself just enough to do some basic scripting for my home server's routine tasks; it was easy to learn and did everything I needed.19:47
mynameistuxwhat's the CLI tool to format paritions and such?19:48
GeetI want to work with APIs19:48
luis_will do, i'll be back in a few, i'm on the actual laptop at the moment (wired)19:48
crackerjackzlol meowmeow is my cats name19:48
Dr_WillisGeet:  learnign 'regular expressions' is also a handy skill.19:48
* crackerjackz points at the nick that just left the channel19:48
airtonixGeet: API is a vague term19:48
benzaldehydemynameistux: fdisk to name one19:48
J1MB0I am testing Ubuntu 11.04, previously when I have tested when an app crashes it gives me the option to auto generate the error/bug report on launchpad.  However the current bug I am experiecing is x locking up.  Therefore I canonly ctrl-alt-f1 and log in to irssi from a terminal.  What is the command to create a current error report I can submit to launchpad?19:48
AtolGeet: On internet, u're not judged by what school you've done, but what you've done. Most of the engineer school are shitty comapre to self learning.19:48
FoolsRunheh. Regular expressions, and my complete inability to understand them, are the reason I'll never be a "programmer" ;)19:48
airtonixGeet: surely you know this as a third year university computer science student19:49
GeetAtol...u r right19:49
mynameistuxwhy does ubotto noe know about it?19:49
Dr_WillisJ1MB0:  #ubuntu+1 channel for 11.0419:49
FoolsRunAtol is back?19:49
J1MB0Thanks Dr_Willis19:49
benzaldehydemynameistux: the installer uses partman-command i believe19:49
crackerjackzFoolsRun, you can do anything you put your mind to19:49
IdleOneAtol: in #ubuntu you are not judged by what you have done but by how you act.19:49
s3r3n1t7Atol, you can not demand respect because of what you have done, it has to be given.19:49
Geetthough I m a third yar student ....but I beleive i havnt done anythin yet19:49
Dr_WillisFoolsRun:  i got that book by orealy on regular expressions.. amazingly neat idea and not too hard to get the core of it.. its the details however that can get ya.19:49
benzaldehydemynameistux: possibly partmon-command, i don't remember19:49
fizyplanktonmynameistux: what do you mean? are you sure ur using the right syntax? !<cmd> | <user>19:49
shcherbak[snake]: Thats why I asked what command produced your namefile, and for sniplet19:49
AtolIdleOne: so why are you still here ? I used a rude word, u acted like the rudest one.19:50
mynameistuxno, I mean the bot on this IRC channle19:50
FoolsRuncrackerjackz: good point. I just don't have the need to use them often enough to learn them for real.19:50
mynameistuxyou can often type generel words about ubuntu with an ! and it will tell you about them19:50
[snake]shcherbak, the name of the file is twelve.txt19:50
fizyplanktonmynameistux: lemme see if it works.19:50
fizyplankton!ot | mynameistux19:50
ubottumynameistux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:50
fizyplanktonyep ubottu still works19:50
* shcherbak got brave and smacked Atol.19:50
FoolsRunAtol: you got kicked once; you really want to keep it up?19:50
IdleOneAtol: I am here because I unfortunately have to argue with you so that you follow the guidelines the Ubuntu community has agreed to follow.19:50
comptekkiI just put a 96gb ssd sata hdd in to a machine ubuntu  10.10 x64 doesn't like it - regular sata works fine - just no driver yet?19:51
crackerjackzAtol, people here are volunteering their time to help the community... they aren't getting paid to do it. you shouldn't be rude at all19:51
Dr_WillisFoolsRun:  when i first discovered regular expressions - i larned how to turn about 200 lines of 'code' into 3 lines of code. :) and a reg exp . to parse a data file i was working on.. heh.19:51
mynameistuxyeah, but !fdisk | fizyplankton19:51
s3r3n1t7shcherbak, please try to refrain from such comments.19:51
fizyplankton!fdisk | fizyplankton19:51
mynameistuxwell, when I run it I get ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about fdisk19:51
fizyplanktonubottu sent me a pm saying that isnt a valid cmd19:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:51
mynameistuxwhich is a bit pathetic, considering how important it is19:51
Dr_Willismynameistux:  it dosen have a factoid on every command.19:51
shcherbaks3r3n1t7: sure, they are not that often to be reprimended, tho.19:51
mynameistuxI would have thought fdisk was a pretty major one to have19:51
Dr_Willismynameistux:  try man fdisk. :) these days one should use cfdisk or parted i belive.19:52
AtolWords exists only to transmit idea, not to give a pretext to coward under their pc to kick you. You can ban me, im not so much interessted by this channel but i stay proud in every circonstance.19:52
mynameistuxcfdisk it is then19:52
fizyplanktonman fdisk works19:52
mynameistuxI'll go through the man pages, thanks guys19:52
FoolsRunMy question again: does anyone have good personal experience with an Ubuntu service for backing up Windows clients? Bacula, BackupPC, etc?19:52
Dr_WillisAtol:  let it drop man..19:52
shcherbak[snake]: What command did you use to make twelve.txt19:52
KGBWhenever I try to log on to my computer, a message appears saying "Install problem! the configuration defaults for GNOME power manager have not been installed correctly. Please contact your system administrator"19:52
KGBafter returning me to the login screen19:52
FoolsRunatol: if you don't care about the channel just leave.19:52
crackerjackzAtol, no one said you had to kiss anyones arse19:52
IdleOneok let's drop it and get back to support19:52
lolmaticDr_Willis: do you have any tips for enabling sound in old games?19:53
s3r3n1t7Atol, Nobody is forcing you to stay. if you have no interest in this channel you are free to leave. However, if you do choose to stay you will have to abide by the rules set for this channel.19:53
benzaldehydemynameistux: http://www.felipecruz.com/linux-disk-utilies.php this is worth a look19:53
Dr_WillisKGB:  interesting. Try making a new user. (sudo adduser bgates) and see if the newly made user has the sme issue.19:53
[snake]shcherbak, find /home/snake/lmms/samples/FL\ Studio/Packs/ > twelve.txt19:53
Dr_Willislolmatic:  hit up google  for the game name, and getting working under ubuntu. theres a ubuntu-games wiki/web site or 2 out there I recall.19:53
KGBDr_Willis, how am I supposed to open a terminal?19:53
Dr_Willislolmatic:  other then tht. i dont spend much time with old games.19:53
crackerjackzAtol,  see http://goo.gl/cEF1w19:53
FoolsRunlolmatic, is it a Windows or DOS game, or a Linux game? (hah. Linux game.)19:54
Dr_WillisKGB:  alt-ctrl-f1 through f619:54
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic19:54
mynameistuxthanks, that link looks like just what I need19:54
shcherbak[snake]: you could use ls, with same effect19:54
Atol"Don't be annoying."19:54
shcherbak[snake]: did you check that file, is it ok?19:54
Dr_Willislolmatic:  for a lot of old games. theres a few env. vriables/settings that can  often be set to tweak them into working.19:54
mynameistuxok, here's a question for you. has anyone seen my microfiber cloth? I can't see anything through these glasses19:54
[snake]shcherbak, no.. ls only lists the current dierectory... I needed the whole tree.19:55
benzaldehydeKGB: but if you can hit the ctrl first, lots of times i will be switching over to a shell and i will come back and the window jumped19:55
mynameistuxI could've sworn I left it right here19:55
[snake]shcherbak, yeah It has the correct filepaths in it.19:55
Dr_Willislolmatic:  thers been cases where ive used wine instead of the linux native game. because wine did it better.19:55
comptekkithat is i'm booting off of installer and it says there is no disk to install too, but bios says there is19:55
[snake]shcherbak, It = twelve.txt19:55
FoolsRunlolmatic,  if it's an old DOS game, check out http://www.dosbox.com/ for potential help getting it running right.19:55
KGBDr_Willis, same thing happens with the other user19:56
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/19:56
* rcmaehl left dnz on his router and forgot to turn it off and was like WTF, why am i getting so many firewall blocked connection entries19:56
rcmaehlHurr durr19:56
KGBIs there any way I can reconfig the power manager?19:56
Dr_WillisKGB:  that is odd.. You could try 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' and see if it reinstals anything.19:56
lolmaticFoolsRun: i have the linux version of ja219:56
red2kicKGB: dpkg-reconfigure, maybe.19:56
Dr_WillisKGB:  i would wokder if some files did not get currupted during install. there may be deeper issues.19:56
lolmaticit runs pretty well, only the sound is missing19:56
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KGBDr_Willis, my comp worked fine until this morning, though19:57
KGBred2kic, just dpkg-reconfigure19:57
KGBor more after it19:57
Dr_WillisKGB:  could be some odd update/bug. hard to tell.19:57
red2kicKGB: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure $PACKAGE"19:57
red2kicKGB: I'm not too sure. :)19:57
FoolsRunDoes anyone have a preference for "home backup server", Ubuntu as the server backing up Windows clients?19:57
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning19:58
red2kicFoolsRun: Ask in #ubuntu-server -- They might have better experiences with that. :)19:58
KGBDr_Willis, would 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' delete any of my files?19:58
FoolsRunthanks, I'll give that a shot.19:58
candybanFoolsRun, Why don't you have a look at backuppc ?19:58
Dr_WillisKGB:  the package manager should NEVER touch files in the users home dirs..19:58
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FoolsRuncandyban: I saw an article about that. Do you have any personal experience?19:58
KGBDr_Willis, good enough for me19:58
Dr_WillisKGB:  makes sence.. but people have a hard time unerstanding that 'concept' :)19:59
[snake]shcherbak, see: http://pastebin.com/wm1qCAvA19:59
candybanFoolsRun, yes ... it's pretty good for linux backup ... I know it can also do Windows backups (but no experience here)19:59
shakirhow to send messages in private  network woth terminal , Im using a wirelles router19:59
Dr_WillisKGB:  for example removeing firefox. will NOT remove your firefox settings/configs/19:59
candybanFoolsRun, it is a lot more intuitive than dirvish :)20:00
s3r3n1t7KGB, apt will never add, remove or otherwise modify files in your home directory. However, if you are referring to system files, those may be modified if the installation of the chosen packages would otherwise not be possible. Looking from the error you have, it's safe to use the command.20:00
rcmaehlDr_Willis: yes it will if you do sudo apt-get --purge remove firefox20:00
FoolsRuncandyban: cool. BackupPC didn't seem to have been updated as recently as the other solutions, but I guess if it works that's not a big deal.20:00
Dr_Willisrcmaehl:  Hmm.. I dont think so..   Never noticed any options to scan every home dir and  remove files.20:01
candybanFoolsRun, you'll have a webinterface with all your backups ... just click on the server/box and it will restore the file20:01
[snake]shcherbak, 15:01:16 brb20:01
FoolsRuncandyban, that's pretty awesome.20:01
rcmaehlDr_Willis: --purge removes all settings and configuration20:01
shcherbak[snake]: one sec20:01
Dr_Willisrcmaehl:  not USER settings.. but system settings20:01
benzaldehydercmaehl: i would have to agree with Dr_Willis20:02
Dr_WillisIve seen people askin here how to remove all the users firefox or whatver setting files..  via apt. and i recall them being told it dont work that way.20:03
rcmaehlDr_Willis: let's see20:03
ZarathustI'm currently trying to install squashfs-tools from source to have xz compression support20:03
benzaldehydercmaehl: i have remove -purged midori and install --reinstalled it quite a few times and all my settings and bookmarks never went away20:03
=== mirco_ is now known as mirco
Dr_Williswhat if the user was not using the system firefox. :) but a binary tar.gz one.20:03
urgodfatherbenzaldehyde, mind if i pm u?20:03
comptekkiok i'm going to try and boot from dvd and see if I can see the drive20:03
Zarathusteverything build but when I run mksquashfs, it cannot find liblzma.so.520:03
shcherbak[snake]: cat twelve.txt | while read line; do echo "This is file to edit $line"; done;20:04
benzaldehydeurgodfather: who could say no to a father and a diety, message away20:04
rcmaehlyou're right20:04
Zarathustthis file is available in /usr/local/lib but my executable in /usr/local/bin doesn't seem to check for that directory20:04
david5345Can I get the network icon to show up in icewm ?20:04
shakirhow to send messages in private  network woth terminal , Im using a wirelles router20:04
urgodfatherlol ok20:04
rcmaehlshakir: like net send?20:04
Dr_WillisZarathust:  theck the ld.conf file for the default lib paths. (i think thats the file)20:04
Dr_Willis /etc/ld.so.conf20:04
shcherbak[snake]: change echo "..."  past with desired command.20:04
Dr_Willisi missepelt it.20:05
kernixhi all how do i instal adobe flashplayer from the command line please thanks ?20:05
shakiryes like that , to send msg on other comp in my network20:05
asd2How can one adjust fan speeds in ubuntu?20:05
rcmaehlasd2: fancontrol20:05
Dr_Williskernix:  sudo apt-get install flash<tab> (i think) and look for flashplayer-installer (i think)20:05
[snake]shcherbak, back... hey.. can you explain all of that jibber jabber? I should probably learn now :P20:05
red2kic!flash | kernix20:05
ubottukernix: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:05
Dr_Willisor was it flash-plugin-installer20:05
Dr_Williskernix:  i think 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras' pulls in flash and other bits you proberly want also.20:06
shcherbak[snake]: cat twelve.txt | <-- you get this?20:06
[snake]shcherbak, yes.20:07
KGBDr_Willis, I tried 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop' and that didn't do anything, besides change my screen resolution20:07
* Zarathust gives a handful of internets to Dr_Willis 20:07
Zarathustthanks a lot20:07
Dr_WillisKGB:  odd that it did that.20:07
=== Paladin_ is now known as {Pala}
DaPenguinubuntu-desktop is actually just a meta pkg20:07
KGBI also tried 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'20:07
Dr_WillisZarathust:  i have such a short attentin span. i cant even rember your original proboem/ :)20:07
KGBAnyone else have an idea as to what's wrong?20:08
Dr_WillisKGB:  you could try reinstalling gnome.  it sounds like some system files got messed up some how.20:08
DaPenguinKGB, the reconfigure is probably what actually changed your res20:08
Dr_WillisKGB:  or you got some file system curruption.20:08
=== lolmatic1 is now known as lolmatic
rcmaehlKGB: what's the problem?20:08
kernixhasnt worked20:08
Dr_Williskernix:  assume we have the attention span of a goldfish.. I dont think anyone knows what you ment by 'hasent worked'20:09
shcherbak[snake]: while read line <-- is ready construct, keepind loop, and controls buffer (here line from text file), it can be: while read anyvariablename20:09
retentiveboyUsing cryptsetup for a drive on a RHEL5 machine.  Trying to access the drive on my Ubuntu .  Getting "not a valid LUKS device".  Any thoughts on what I may be missing?20:10
shcherbak[snake]: do command; done <-- function executed in loop20:10
KGBrcmaehl, I get an error stating "he configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly. Please contact your computer administrator" when trying to login, and im returned to the login screen20:10
kernixthanks to dr wallis20:11
candybanFoolsRun, perhaps you can check http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/info.html for some screenshots20:11
kernixtake it easy all laters20:11
Dr_WillisKGB:  as a work around (to get you to a desktop) you could instll some other window manager like icewm,   then try to figure out whats going on from a desktop at least. :)20:11
Dr_WillisKGB:  its posible a reinstall of 'gnome power manager' package may fix it.20:11
KGBDr_Willis, how?20:12
rcmaehlKGB: sudo apt-get --purge remove gnome-power-* && sudo apt-get install gnome-power-*20:12
KGBrcmaehl, k20:12
Dr_WillisKGB:  i would also try a 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade' first.20:12
{Pala}i'm recieving the error "The disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present" at boot... how can I recover? I run fsck in the recovery terminal and it says the filesystem is clean... is there a fix?20:12
Dr_WillisKGB:  'sudo apt-get install icewm' to install icewm for a 'minimal' desktop20:12
Dr_WillisIm suggesting icewm. because its easy to figure out. :)20:12
Dr_Willistheres dozen of others you could use instead of icewm20:13
rcmaehlDr_Willis: I have all the others20:13
KGBrcmaehl, that seems to be working20:13
[snake]shcherbak, I wish I was as cool as you :)20:13
KGBok, seems like it installed ok20:14
Dr_Willisrcmaehl:  twm was supposed to get 'compositing' support a few months back :)20:14
shcherbak[snake]: you would add if...else in the loop, because your file contains some line to folders only, either you can remove them manually (or by cat twelve |grep *wav > newlist)20:14
Dr_Willis[snake]:  also watch out for spaces in filename/paths when doing this sort of task.20:14
[snake]shcherbak, I will remove them manually... theres not that many.20:14
shcherbak[snake]: You will be soon, Luke.20:15
rcmaehlDr_Willis: lxdm loads in under a second20:15
irvkenI'm dissapointed that I can only get a 800 x 600 resolution20:15
[snake]Dr_Willis, AHH TOAST!!!20:15
rcmaehlirvken: orly20:15
rcmaehlirvken: what resolution do you want?20:15
{Pala}so is my installation bricked20:15
Dr_Willis[snake]:  use of single quotes may be required around the path/names20:15
KGBrcmaehl, it worked! <3 Thanks so much!!!20:15
rcmaehlKGB: no problem20:16
KGBDr_Willis, thanks for your help too!20:16
rcmaehlirvken: what screen resolution would you like?20:16
irvkenrcmaehl, something finer than that20:16
[snake]ok shcherbak, there's only one problem with your command... it doesn't write back to the file. :P20:16
frewsxcvis there a way to do whois from the command line?20:17
rcmaehlirvken: you can try to force the monitor to display by doing: sudo xrandr --fb 1024x76820:17
irvken1280 x 1024 rcmaehl20:17
[snake]shcherbak, I think I could just add after the echo quotes a '>> twelve.txt'20:17
coz_frewsxcv,   http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl1_whois.htm20:18
rcmaehlirvken: oh then sudo xrandr --fb 1280x102420:18
shcherbak[snake]: Dr_Willis is right, you have whites there, so in command you may need to use $line in quotes20:18
Dr_WillisKGB:  must of been a currupted config file.. some how..20:18
rcmaehlirvken: it work?20:19
rcmaehldid it display any error messages?20:19
irvkenis says screen can't be larger than 800x60020:19
rcmaehlirvken: sudo lshw | grep -i unclaimed20:20
antivirtelhi, in what unit the 'average load' is?20:20
shcherbak[snake]: there means in output like (twelve.txt)20:20
Piciantivirtel: See the manpage for 'uptime', it explains how load averages are calculcated.20:20
antivirtelaham Pici, thanks20:20
benzaldehydePici: you said load20:21
sin8h+m hello20:21
linuxNawbhello, I recently installed emerald on my ubuntu and added some themes, now in the command line, the font is messed up, like the characters are stuck together, it's irritating to read it20:21
irvkenrcmaehl, all UNCLAIMED20:21
shcherbak[snake]: why do you write back to file? what did you wanted to do (you mention ffmpeg)?20:21
irvkenwhat does that mean?20:21
coeare ubuntu can make wallpaper change automatic20:21
shcherbakcoe: sure20:22
benzaldehydePici: my uptime came back as 3 users, is that normal20:22
coeare ubuntu can make wallpaper change automatic like win720:22
[snake]shcherbak, Dr_Willis mentioned editing each line.20:22
coeshcherbak, how20:22
rcmaehlirvken: will you pastebin the output of sudo lshw ?20:22
=== derp|gym is now known as derp
irvkenits a different machine20:22
shcherbakuse gcontool20:22
Dr_Willisvi and its recprd/macro featuer is handy :)20:22
[snake]shcherbak, unfortunatly something went wrong, and I now have an evegrowing 500mb file on my disk..20:22
Picibenzaldehyde: You'll get a new user for every login shell that is running. So at least 1 for your X session (if applicable) and any other login shells that are running.  Check the output of 'w' for details.20:23
irvkencheers I'll be back later20:23
shcherbak[snake]: paste command you used, please.20:23
benzaldehydePici: i did not know20:23
[snake]cat twelve.txt | while read line; do echo "ffmpeg -i $line" >> twelve.txt; done;20:23
s3r3n1t7[snake], it's writing back to itself, which is then read and done again ...20:24
shcherbakcoe: gconftool -t string -s /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename ~/.binfiles/watafla.png20:24
[snake]shcherbak, ahh... oops :P20:24
shcherbak[snake]: not to good20:24
s3r3n1t7[snake], use a second file which at the end overwrites the original file (if you still wish to do so)20:25
s3r3n1t7shcherbak, apologies for jumping in20:25
[snake]s3r3n1t7, thanks.. that's a great idea.20:25
[snake]luckily I backed up the file.. :)20:25
shcherbaks3r3n1t7: nvm20:26
WLUhow do i set keybindings to keycodes20:26
benzaldehydePici: do you do the production environment stuff with the users and ssh logins and all that, because i was kind of wondering if i had a client log in and say that client had some scripts and things, would i see that only in ps aux or would there be multiple instances of the user. kind of a loaded question, sorry20:27
[snake]shcherbak, i suppose this would be better. cat twelve.txt | while read line; do echo "ffmpeg -i $line" >> kjfivetwo.txt; done;20:27
MK`my keyboard has a spare key that was wired to launch an OEM application. How can I map that to another key?20:28
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shcherbak[snake]: Why you trying to save wave as txt?20:28
Picibenzaldehyde: If the user was actively running those scripts you would see them in your ps output.20:28
benzaldehydePici: but not neccessarily in w20:28
benzaldehydePici: ?20:28
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Picibenzaldehyde: No, not necessarily.20:28
[snake]I'm not... I'm writing all of that file to another.20:29
[snake]I think :P20:29
benzaldehydePici: makes sense. thanks20:29
antivirtelPici: this means, that if I have 1 CPU, and the average is 1(or more), my CPU is used all the time, right? "a load average of 1 means a single CPU is loaded all the time while on a 4 CPU system it means it was idle 75% of the time."20:29
[snake]shcherbak, http://pastebin.com/Qs1KznLw20:29
Piciantivirtel: This server I'm on now has 4 cpus.  So if its load average was 4, it would mean that all 4 cpus were being used 100% of the time.  If the load average was 1, then only a quarter of the cpus would be in use.20:30
tuxx1hello again, I got a black window bar and I added CPU frequency monitor to top panel but I cant see the frequency because its also written in black, can I change the color of the text?20:30
shcherbak[snake]: What ffmpeg -i supposed to do?20:31
antivirtelPici, maybe I understand. I have only 1 CPU here in my laptop, so the more than 1 average means 100%+ usage, right?20:31
[snake]shcherbak, it's going to set whatever comes after -i to the input file.20:31
Piciantivirtel: Yes.20:32
[snake]But I'm not done.20:32
[snake]I actually need to start over -_-20:32
shcherbak[snake]: You want to merge files?20:32
DraZoroMy system clock(time) keeps on setting itself with a 5 hour difference. Even before rebooting the system. Say I change it manually to the right time in a couple of minutes it goes to the wrong time again. I have changed it in the computer BIOS, but I still get the same results. I tried to look if the is an application changing the clock still with no luck. I am using Maverick ...20:32
theshadowhow can I run apache2 -S w/out getting apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}20:32
MK`When I go to keyboard shortcuts and try to use the key to make a shortcut, it doesn't seem to be recognized, does this mean I need to edit the layout specification first?20:32
[snake]shcherbak, no... I'm not done I'll set the output afterwards.20:32
[snake]shcherbak, thanks for the command... I will toy with it until I get my command for ffmpeg for each file.20:33
antivirtelPici, thanks... the logical thing is, that if I have eg. 4 average, there are 3x more processes waiting for the CPU, right?20:33
Piciantivirtel: Exactly.20:33
antivirtelok, thanks, I have no more questions20:34
shcherbak[snake]: yes, but new file is hard to interpret for bash since every line starts from ffmpeg, but you got concept.20:34
genii-aroundDraZoro: Possibly you are running ntpdate and it grabs time from a server not in your zone20:34
hiexpohey i deleted the applet on my task bar that had volume control and my messenger  i am on ubuntu 10.0420:35
DraZorogenii-around: Let me look again in the log files. Thanks for the tip20:36
meganerdDraZoro: when you type "date" from the command line, does it have your timezone correct?20:37
rcmaehlconnection problems. ncurses!20:37
Geety dont hibernate works in ubuntu20:37
shcherbak[snake]: it is like this: do ffmpeg -i "$line" -b64 "$line" (will overwrite old file)20:37
DraZoromeganerd: That might be it it gives me EDT instead of SAST +620:38
Geetproblem:hibernate in ubuntu20:38
shcherbak[snake]: or: do ffmpeg -i "$line" -b64 "$line." (will add point after name in new file)20:38
Dr_WillisGeet:  be sure your swap partition is larger then your ram size for starters.20:39
Geetits 3 gb...just equal to ram20:39
* DraZoro looks in the date manual20:39
chaorainHey I'm using 11.04 Beta, how do I re-enable Control Alt Backspace20:39
Polah!natty | chaorain20:40
Dr_WillisGeet:  it might need to be more. I never use sleep/hibernate. also not all MB makers follow the standards . so there can be issues with some hardware20:40
ubottuchaorain: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not intended for production systems.20:40
Dr_Willis!dontzap | chaorain20:40
ubottuchaorain: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap20:40
WolfMitchellI have a suggestion for ubuntu20:40
Dr_Willis!brainstorm | WolfMitchell20:40
ubottuWolfMitchell: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!20:40
Dr_Willisive not been to brainstorm in ages. heh.20:40
Dr_WillisDident mean to run him off...20:41
meganerdDraZoro: to fix it, try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata"20:41
kernixhi all again how would i install all the sound stuff needed so i can ajust my volume coz at the mo its really quiet20:42
Dr_Williswhat did you remove?20:43
Dr_Williskernix:  what did you remove that you need to reinstall?20:43
kernixno ive install a texts based ubuntu and ive install fluxbox as a gui and havent got all the stuff for sound yet to ajust my volume20:44
chaorainDr_Willis: Thanks20:44
Dr_Williskernix:  install some of the mixer apps to controll the volume.20:45
KickerHI GUYS!20:45
asd2anyone know how to change chrome logo to color20:45
asd2colrful version*20:45
tehryanis there a commandline utility for using UPNP to set up port forwarding on my router?20:45
=== Kicker is now known as Guest23790
kernixhow would i do that via command line please dr willis20:45
MK`my keyboard has a spare key that was wired to launch an OEM application. How can I map that to another key?20:45
MK`When I go to keyboard shortcuts and try to use the key to make a shortcut, it doesn't seem to be recognized, does this mean I need to edit the layout specification first?20:45
soreauMK`: maybe look into using xmodmap20:46
DraZoromeganerd: Sorry for taking long. You saved the day the reconfiguration worked. Thanks !!! I did not know about that trick.20:46
searaymanhow can i open up streamign media to play in vlc player on ubuntu?20:46
asd2E: Package 'xmodmap' has no installation candidate20:46
MK`asd2: go to file -> open network stream20:48
MK`and, the chrome logo is different because you're probably using the non-google branded version20:48
root__how to hack phpmyadmin please ???20:48
Dr_Williskernix:  with the apt-get command.  why did you go the 'minimal do it your self route' anyway?20:49
Dr_Willis!apt | kernix20:49
Dr_Willis!info alsamiser20:49
Dr_WillisHmm. bots are laggd or gone?20:49
ubottukernix: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)20:49
FloodBot3Dr_Willis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:49
[snake]root__, your stupif20:49
ubottuPackage alsamiser does not exist in maverick20:49
[snake]root__, your logged in as root aren't you?20:49
MK`Dr_Willis you lagburste20:49
[snake]root__, on IRC?20:49
[snake]root__, lolololol20:49
root__lol ?20:49
[snake]root__, you shouldn't be on IRC on root user :P20:50
usuarioi am from spain20:50
root__l'ets    attack it www.nessma.tv20:50
root__l'ets    attack it www.nessma.tv20:50
root__l'ets    attack it www.nessma.tv20:50
FloodBot3root__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:51
usuariobut i speak in english and spanish20:51
MK`ihi usuario20:51
[snake]root__, because root is better described as super user for linux... and if someone tries to hack you... they already have root access.20:51
usuarioI am from spain20:51
MK`Do you need help? :)20:52
MK`!xkeycaps | me20:53
wezzyis there a repository of the newest gnome 3 release for ubuntu?20:53
[snake]How could I get ffmpeg to keep the name of the file except it converts it?20:54
meganerdcawezzy: there is a PPA for 11.0420:54
[snake]the file and the path.20:54
meganerdcawezzy: it is broken still20:54
=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
feloni have a question20:57
Seven_Six_Twofelon, and I'll bet someone will read it. If only you would ask it.20:58
felonis there anyone avalible to help me20:58
felonoh ok20:58
shane2peru!question | felon20:58
ubottufelon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:58
MK`yeah we got lots of people20:58
os4hi all20:58
Seven_Six_Twofelon, in fact, you might find yourself with many correct answers, and all different!20:58
os4please i need to know how ti install azenis themes for ubuntu 10.1020:59
Dr_Williswhats azenis ?20:59
Dr_Willis!info azenis20:59
ubottuPackage azenis does not exist in maverick20:59
Dr_Willisthemes for what? is that the theme name?20:59
GlarbexI have a Ubuntu 10.10 system that has its root filesystem and swap in LVM. I am planning to move the LVM onto a PV that is a partition encrypted with LUKS. What do I need to do (thinking initramfs-wise) to keep the system bootable?20:59
ayeceeos4: what is an azenis theme?20:59
felonim trying to install a .deb file that needs dependancies, acually it needs libcupsys2 in order to run, i would like to know how to find it and install it please21:00
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes21:00
=== meganerdca is now known as meganerd
Dr_Willisfelon:  try 'sudo gdebi foo.deb'  that should pull in any needed deps.21:00
Dr_Willis!info libcupsys221:00
ubottuPackage libcupsys2 does not exist in maverick21:00
Dr_Willis!info libcupsys21:01
ubottuPackage libcupsys does not exist in maverick21:01
urgodfatherhas anyone ever heard of Tor?21:01
Dr_Willisurgodfather:  yes.. theres guides on using it in ubuntu out there.21:01
Seven_Six_Twourgodfather, that's a yes21:01
Picios4: That looks like a WindowBlinds skin.  Those will not work on Linux.21:01
os4ah ok21:02
urgodfatherok, thanks. im at the foundation site and theres an option for download but i wouldnt know how to install other than apt-get21:02
Picios4: Try http://www.gnome-look.org instead for themes that you should be able to use.21:02
[snake]shcherbak, hey... I have mainly what I need for my conversion job.. but I don't know how I could get it to output to different file names...21:02
os4this command work for compis     sudo apt-get install compiz.fusion*21:02
Dr_Willisurgodfather:  tor is not in the repositories any more (at leat not last i looked)21:02
Dr_Willisos4:  compiz is isntalled by default nirmally21:03
Dr_Willis!ccsm | os421:03
ubottuos4: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz21:03
searaymananyone knwo how to get mlb tv to work in ubuntu?21:03
[snake]shcherbak, perhaps I could just get each file to be named a number inside of a directory.21:03
urgodfatherwill this link be sufficient?21:03
Dr_Willissearayman:  depenmds on how they are showing the videos.  you may need realplayer.21:03
Dr_Willisurgodfather:  no idea.   it at least seems decently current21:04
FurryHow can I increase the size of the partition I'm on?21:04
urgodfatherok, i will try21:04
Dr_WillisFurry:  a live cd with gparted, and resize it.21:04
[snake]shcherbak, so like it reads the file and adds $x (which = 00) to the end, and then for each line it goes $x + 121:04
billyboysup dues21:04
FurryDr_Willis: k, thanks21:04
urgodfatherthanks dr_willis, seven_six_two, and mk21:05
os4i need some themes for my ubuntu21:05
billyboygnome look21:05
Dr_Willisos4:  theres dozens if not 1000's of themes out there.21:05
searaymancan i get mlb.tv to play in vlc player?21:05
Dr_Willisos4:  and theme 'parts' you mixx and match21:05
MK`searayman, in VLC go to Media -> Open Network Stream21:05
Dr_Willissearayman:  it depends on how they are streaming the video.21:05
ActionParsnip!theme | os421:05
MK`enter the URL there21:05
ubottuos4: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy21:05
searaymanMK`: how do i get the actual stream adress though for my gme from mlb.tv?21:05
urgodfathercan u copy n past in terminal?21:05
searaymanDr_Willis: i think its in flash21:06
Dr_Willisurgodfather:  if youmean terminal in X. yes. thats doable..21:06
searaymanDr_Willis: well a flash player...21:06
MK`you can look at the source code of the page to find the stream url21:06
Dr_Willissearayman:  if its in flash - then it should work on linux..  assuming your flash works21:06
MK`but, it may be obfuscated21:06
Dr_Willissearayman:  i seem to recall MLB being weird and usien realplayer21:06
urgodfatheri dont know what you mean by "terminal in X."21:06
searaymanDr_Willis: i am pretty sure it uses flash, check out the website if you wish21:07
* urgodfather is a b00n21:07
searaymanDr_Willis: and i think it changes year to year21:07
felondr_willis gdebi did not work, it didnt pull in the dependancies it said it was uninstallable21:07
Dr_Willisurgodfather:  theres X, then theres the CONSOLE. you have command line access in each.21:07
Dr_Willisfelon:  where did that deb come from?21:07
FurryDr_Willis: Uh, I need to make my other partition smaller, too, but it's inhabited by windows.... can I still make it smaller?21:07
Dr_Willisfelon:  it may be its built for some other disrto/arch/version21:07
billyboyfury: ofc21:07
asd2where can I configure mouse scroll speed in ubuntu?21:07
MK`you can shrink it with gparted yes21:07
Dr_WillisFurry:  gparted can resize partitons. but windows is faster at resizeing its own Partitions.21:07
[snake]shcherbak, well... $x = $x + 1 so it always adds one to the last.21:08
billyboyfury: with gparted it can take hours upon hours21:08
billyboyjust saying21:08
urgodfatherhow to find out if X or CONSOLE?21:08
FurrySo, I should have windows make its own partition smaller, then make this one bigger?21:08
ActionParsnip[snake]: not x = $x + 121:08
MK`windows is best for manipulating ntfs partitions21:08
ActionParsnip[snake]: ;)21:08
Kartagis!info setenforce21:09
urgodfatherall i know is Applications > Accessories > Terminal21:09
ubottuPackage setenforce does not exist in maverick21:09
felondr_willis the the file is cnijfilter-common_2.90-1_i386.deb and its a driver to get my canon pixma ip2600 printer to work21:09
Kartagis!find setenforce21:09
asd2anyone knows how to make mouse scroll faster?21:09
[snake]ActionParsnip, can you write me a script? I think I annoyed the other guy... either that or he''s working on it.21:09
urgodfathermk, is that so?21:09
ubottuFile setenforce found in libselinux1-dev, selinux-utils21:09
urgodfatheri always use partition magic's live cd21:09
davershello I recently changed my router ip and now my apache vhosts aren't working.. anybody have any ideas?21:09
felonbut it needs libcupsys2 installed21:10
MK`i just use gparted21:10
ActionParsnip[snake]: what are you wanting to achieve?21:10
daversthe webserver still works it's just that my vhosts just take me to default21:10
airtonixif `sudo lshw -C network` reveals both my NICS are disabled, and thus they don't appear in the list output of ifconfig, what do I do to enable them ?21:10
meganerddavers: what version of apace?21:10
felonUbuntu does not come with the correct driver to drive my printer21:11
PolahCould there be any way my router/ISP could block data going upstream for files that are larger than 500 bytes, but only for Linux? All uploading works fine on Windows.21:11
ActionParsnipfelon: what make and model is the printer?21:11
Jon--I want to increase mouse sensitivity in Ubuntu beyond the GUI controls (quite slow). Anyone know how to set it with CLI?21:11
felonCanon pixma ip260021:12
daversmeganerd:  2.2.16-1ubuntu3.121:12
dustin_how do i get a spanish language pack21:12
searaymanhow can i play mlb.tv in ubuntu in vlc?21:12
ActionParsnipfelon: canon do make linux drivers, have you checked their site?21:12
billyboydustin_: search for them in synaptic21:12
feloni already download them21:12
[snake]ActionParsnip, I have a list of commands to convert a ton of wav files... but I need to add to the end the output name. If you can it would be better for the files to keep there name and path. but if not, then it reads a line, and adds $x to the end. and x = 00. then for each line going down it will be x= x+1.21:12
ActionParsnipfelon: some models aren't supported though which sucks21:12
ActionParsnip[snake]: the command to increment would be:   x = $x+121:13
felonits as simple as finding and installing libcupsys221:13
ActionParsnip!info libcupsys221:13
ubottuPackage libcupsys2 does not exist in maverick21:13
[snake]Action -_- oh.. you said that before.21:13
daversmeganerd:  2.2.16-1ubuntu3.121:13
Jordan_UActionParsnip: What language are you using? That won't work in any Unix shell.21:14
felonactionparsnip : when i try and install the driver it asks for that dependancy21:14
ActionParsnipfelon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130524821:14
ericbarnesI am trying to setup a cron job via these directions and it isn't working. http://bit.ly/eV0gdQ  Anyway to debug cron jobs and actually see if they are being called?21:15
davershello I recently changed my router ip and now my apache vhosts aren't working.. anybody have any ideas?21:15
dustin_billyboy, whats the name im lookin for21:15
meganerdericbarnes: pipe the output to a text file in the crontab entry.21:15
urgodfatherthanks again dr_willis, seven_six_two, and mk21:16
urgodfatherit appears that link worked21:16
meganerddavers: do you have the IP defined in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/*21:16
meganerddavers: something that looks like NameVirtualHost and/or  VirtualHost?21:17
[snake]I used: cat almost.txt | while read line; x=0; do echo "$line x=$x+1" >> names.txt; done;21:17
[snake]It disn't work ActionParsnip21:17
candybanPolah, check your mtu21:17
MK`great urgodfather :)21:17
ericbarnesmeganerd Thanks. To confirm adding >> log.file will log it to the /etc/cron.d/ dir?21:18
meganerd[snake]: what are you trying to do?21:18
ericbarnesor should it be full path21:18
[snake]meganerd,  it reads a line, and adds $x to the end. and x = 00. then for each line going down it will be x= x+1.21:18
Seven_Six_Twonp urgodfather21:19
ActionParsnip[snake]: http://pastebin.com/zAtBaF5t21:19
meganerdericbarnes: you specify the whole path after >>, otherwise it will go into the home directory of the user whose crontab it is21:19
ActionParsnipJordan_U: ;) bit of research21:19
urgodfathernow all i got to to is figure out how to set it up21:19
urgodfatheri wanna keep people from doing whois on me21:19
Jon--I want to increase mouse sensitivity in Ubuntu beyond the GUI controls (quite slow). Anyone know how to set it with CLI?21:19
Polahcandyban: I've tried it as set to both automatic and 1500. It still doesn't work. It's set as 1500 on my router as well and works fine for computers running Windows21:19
candybanPolah, do you have adsl ?21:20
Polahcandyban: Yes21:20
candybanPolah, set your mtu to 145321:20
davershello I recently changed my router ip and now my apache vhosts aren't working.. anybody have any ideas?21:20
Polahcandyban: But it's been 1500 before. I've only had this problem for a few days21:21
ayeceedavers: aren't working in what way?21:21
ActionParsnipdavers: the internal or external IP?21:21
daversayecee: when i go to one of my vhost domains i get the default site21:21
daversayecee: it was all working until i changed my router ip address21:21
=== DrManhattan is now known as DrManhattan1
candybanPolah, Step 1: try to determine the problem ... if mtu is the problem ... you can start looking there ... if the problem persists ... maybe there is another problem21:21
ayeceedavers: pastebin your config?21:22
candybanPolah, e.g. uPNP21:22
Polahcandyban: That works. Thank you very much21:22
[snake]ActionParsnip, that just put '2' at the end of every line.21:22
daversayecee: apache2.conf ?21:22
Jon--I want to increase mouse sensitivity in Ubuntu beyond the GUI controls (quite slow). Anyone know how to set it with CLI?21:22
ayeceedavers: sounds right21:22
meganerddavers: you should probably check out the logs too: /var/log/apache2/error.log21:22
lolmaticis anyone running jagged alliance 2 with working sound?21:22
ayecee!anyone | lolmatic21:23
ubottulolmatic: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:23
MK`!info chromium21:23
ubottuPackage chromium does not exist in maverick21:23
meganerddavers: by default vhosts are usually in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default21:23
MK`!info chromium-browser21:23
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component main, is optional. Version 10.0.648.133~r77742-0ubuntu0.10.10.1 (maverick), package size 15062 kB, installed size 52420 kB21:23
=== mike_ is now known as Guest73319
ActionParsnip[snake]: then increment works here. http://pastebin.com/xi99bvVa21:26
urgodfatherdoes anyone know how to make chatzilla use the Tor settings?21:26
Guest73319help please! STA driver for BCM4312 is not working21:26
ayeceeGuest73319: not working how?21:27
urgodfatherit appears to work in Firefox, but when i run a whois on myself on irc, it still shows as normal21:27
=== ftjla is now known as fgwilliams
[snake]ActionParsnip, I know there's an easier way.21:27
Guest73319says disconnected. switch is on21:27
ayeceeGuest73319: does "iwlist scanning" show any networks?21:28
=== DrManhattan1 is now known as DrManhattan
Guest73319says it doesnt support scanning21:28
AtolHello im trying to install ubuntu from an usb. I have the ubuntu loader since 24 minutes wtf ...21:29
ayeceeGuest73319: what doesn't support scanning?21:29
Guest73319eth0 and eth121:29
candybanActionParsnip, why don't you just use ((y++)) ?21:29
Guest73319im connected on eth0 now21:29
meganerdGuest73319: just type "iwconfig"  by itself21:29
Kicked /msg NickServ identify 287-342521:29
candybanor a for loop21:29
AtolKicked: nice.21:30
IdleOneKicked: change your nickserv password21:30
Kickedyea, fail21:30
ayeceeGuest73319: has it worked before, or is this the first time trying?21:30
urgodfatherlol kicked21:30
Kicked:P stupid cut/copy21:30
urgodfatheruse up on the dpad21:30
AtolSo just to boat with the live usb i need more than 3O minutes. I have a recent pc so wtf ...21:30
ayeceeGuest73319: hmm, this is a good sign. The 4132 is listed as only partially supported at the b43 website: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b4321:30
urgodfatherif you typed it before21:31
Guest73319it worked when i first installed ubuntu, ran update manager and could see networks before i switched to STA driver21:31
ayeceeGuest73319: were you using ndiswrapper before that?21:31
urgodfatheratol, are you using Wubi to install?21:31
os4please how to creat server in ubuntu 10.1021:31
AtolI have used the ubuntu usb creator21:31
AtolAh it is finally done.21:32
AtolOnly 28 minutes -_-21:32
urgodfatherpatience young grasshopper21:32
AtolI have a core i7, it's a shame :'(21:32
ayeceeGuest73319: the b43 module is loaded, right? (should show up with "lsmod | grep b43"21:32
KickedThere password changed!21:33
ActionParsnipAtol: the cpu is moot, its the usb speed holding it back21:33
AtolWell i have usb 3 ( i guess my usb key is only usb 2 but ... )21:33
urgodfather+1 actionparsnip21:33
ActionParsnipAtol: you could have 16 cores at 4Ghz but the speed across the USB interface is the same, so your core i7 or whatever is moot21:33
urgodfathergood answer21:33
Guest73319dont know if b43 mod is loaded21:33
ActionParsnipAtol: think about it21:34
ayeceeGuest73319: what happens when you run "lsmod | grep b43" ?21:34
AtolActionParsnip: i doesn't want to troll but i waited longer to boat my usb live than to install archlinux.21:34
Nero-anybody know how to add a user to postfix?21:34
ayeceeGuest73319: run "modprobe b43", what happens?21:34
FenderQdoes anyone here play video games on Ubuntu?21:34
ayecee!anyone | FenderQ21:35
ubottuFenderQ: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:35
Nero-FenderQ, Wine21:35
ActionParsnipAtol: i always use minimal boot which is 12Mb so I've not seen it myself so couldn't comment21:35
Guest73319operation not permitted21:35
ayeceeGuest73319: try as root?21:35
meganerdayecee: use sudo21:36
meganerdGuest73319: use sudo21:36
Kickedhow can I tell what drive my video card is uing?21:36
ActionParsnipKicked: sudo lshw -C display21:36
ActionParsnipKicked: look at the driver=   in the bottom of the output21:36
ayeceeGuest73319: oh! maybe this. "apt-get install firmware-b43-lpphy-installer"21:37
ayeceei think that's a new package, and you have the lp phy on the 4312.21:37
=== mirco_ is now known as mirco
Guest73319"could not open lock file" ask if im root21:38
AtolCan somone explain me why the ubuntu installer ask for the keymap almost at the end of the configuration ?21:38
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:38
AtolThat doesn't make any sense.21:38
ayeceeGuest73319: you should probably try that as root, using sudo21:38
Guest73319how do you do that?21:38
ActionParsnipAtol: as longas its inputted it doesn't matter, surely21:38
ayeceeGuest73319: sudo apt-get install..21:39
ActionParsnipGuest73319: run the command ubottu gave21:39
AtolActionParsnip: well i had to type "/home" with the us keymap. It's horrible !21:39
Necrocyberhello anyone21:39
AtolWOrse moment of my life.21:39
meganerdGuest73319: prepend sudo21:39
daverswhy would changing my router ip make vhosts stop working21:39
daversdoesn't make any sense21:39
ayeceedavers: still waiting on that config file.21:40
realjoeis there a way to priorize network traffic on my server? DLNA > SMB-JohnDoe > SMB-JaneDoe > http-DiegoDoe  ?21:40
AtolCUz it's a lazy vhost.21:40
daversok sec21:40
meganerddavers: if you specified an IP in the config instead of *.8021:40
candybandavers, asyncronous routing ?21:40
meganerddavers: if you specified an IP in the config instead of *:8021:40
ayeceedavers: my guess is that you've hardcoded the old external ip address in there.21:40
meganerdrealjoe: yes, check out http://lartc.org21:41
meganerdrealjoe: that is the linux advanced routing and traffic control documentation21:41
realjoemeganerd thanks21:41
Kickedanyone here use an ATI video card who using fglrx drivers?21:42
ChubcorpSorry, someone got on my computer for a sec21:43
Kickedi couldn't get the free ones to use the card :P21:43
Kickedjust 2d :(21:43
meganerdKicked: I have a 4890 using the radeon driver21:44
meganerdKicked: fglrx sucks21:44
Kickedmeganerd: i can't get 3d to work with radeon one i'd love to but stuck trying to install mesa3d drivers21:44
daversmeganerd: no i just specified the hostname21:45
daversayecee: http://pastebin.com/NA2WLCe121:46
daversayecee: at the very bottom it includes hosts enabled21:46
daversi'll also pastebin one of my vhosts21:46
=== underdog1 is now known as underdog`
SuperPaco69I connected a sata secondary disk on my server but I just want to use it as a back up drive so I just need it to be recognice as a USB or a plug drive... is a SATA but is not recognicing it21:46
SuperPaco69what can I do?21:46
Guest73319ran the sudo apt-get install....21:46
SuperPaco69Guest73319, inatall then what???21:47
sudiptais it safe to use kde 4.6 in ubuntu 10.10?21:47
daversayecee: here's one of my vhosts http://pastebin.com/dLuDfYq421:47
shane4ubuntuinstalling new themes?  I downloaded them and then went to System -> Preferences -> Appearances -> Themes   and I clicked on Install and installed a theme, I then applied it, and the theme doesn't show up in the list???  When I try to drag and drop the theme on to the window it won't work.  Any ideas?21:48
daversayecee: both are enabled in ubuntu 10.10 using the a2ensite command21:48
ayeceedavers: ah. what does jams.endofinternet.org resolve to?21:48
ayeceedavers: does that point to the old address, or the new address?21:48
ayeceedavers: for that matter, are you using multiple ips, or a single ip?21:48
daversayecee: single ip21:49
ayeceedavers: if single ip, take the host out of there and just use *21:49
daversayecee: and it resolves to
Axlin`sudipta: i would say so, yes. i've been using it without any real issues21:49
sudipta<shane4ubuntu>extract the theme and copy it to ~/.theme21:49
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shane4ubuntusudipta: ahh, ok, I will give that a try, thanks21:49
daversayecee: take the host out of the vhost?21:50
SuperPaco69I connected a sata secondary disk on my server but I just want to use it as a back up drive so I just need it to be recognice as a USB or a plug drive... is a SATA but is not recognicing it21:50
SuperPaco69what can I do?21:50
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sudipta<Axlin`>can u send me some screenshots(if that doesn,t infringe ur privacy ;) )21:50
daversayecee: change <VirtualHost jams.endofinternet.org:80>21:50
ayeceedavers: yes21:50
daversbut i have more than one vhost21:50
Axlinsudipta: not at all. what would you like to see?21:50
ayeceedavers: right now, that vhost is only active for whatever ip address that hostname pointed to when apache was started.21:50
sudipta<shane4ubuntu>or u can select customerize button in theme preference21:51
SuperPaco69how can I make my ubuntu recingnize a secondary harddrive??21:51
shane4ubuntusudipta: ok, thanks!21:51
sudipta<Axlin>just ur desktop...that's all21:51
shane4ubuntusudipta: I think I would rather put them in .themes I do really want to mess around with cusomizing.21:52
SuperPaco69how can I make my ubuntu recingnize a secondary harddrive??21:52
daversayecee: didn't fix it21:52
billyboysuperpaco69: sudo fdisk -l21:52
sudipta<shane4ubuntu> yeah.....21:52
billyboypost here21:52
ActionParsnipSuperPaco69: is it internal?21:52
Axlinsudipta: one moment, i'll pm them to you21:52
kushalsejwalI have ssh to my lab pc from my laptop now, I want to scp HUGE data from lab pc to cluster, I start the scp but when I close my the terminal in my laptop the scp stops ... any remedy21:52
sudipta<Axlin>more than one would be nice21:53
ActionParsnipkushalsejwal: you can connect to sshfs in nautilus and copy with that21:53
SuperPaco69ActionParsnip, yes it is a SATA internal21:53
candybankushalsejwal, screen ?21:53
ActionParsnipSuperPaco69: ok if you run:  sudo fdisk -l     do you see the disk and it's partitions?21:53
ayeceedavers: change the namevirtualhost line too21:53
kushalsejwalcandyban: tried vinagre, but its very slow21:54
daversayecee: I deleted it21:54
daversayecee: I deleted the namevirtual host line21:54
kushalsejwalActionParsnip: what does sshfs means?21:54
candybankushalsejwal, no ... the command screen21:54
SuperPaco69ActionParsnip, no21:54
kushalsejwalcandyban: gnome-terminal21:54
ActionParsnipkushalsejwal: its the file system ssh gives and you are scping to21:54
ayeceedavers: let's see an updated virtual host config file21:54
ActionParsnipSuperPaco69: ok does the drive show in BIOS?21:54
SuperPaco69ActionParsnip, what should I do so the system can recognize it??21:54
candybankushalsejwal, ?21:54
SuperPaco69ActionParsnip, yes on BIOS I see it21:55
daversayecee: k21:55
ActionParsnipSuperPaco69: ok then reboot and run:  dmesg | less     and see what's going on21:55
Loshkikushalsejwal: what scp command are you using for the copy?21:55
daversayecee: http://pastebin.com/zyFw11zT21:55
kushalsejwalLoshki: scp -r folder/ xyz@ip.add.re.ss:/path/21:56
shane4ubuntusudipta: maybe I'm confused, when I put a theme in themes, then it should show up in the themes under Appearance Preferences?21:56
candybankushalsejwal, ssh to your lab pc ... start screen ... then start ssh ... detach screen ... disconnect21:56
sudipta<shane4ubuntu>may not.....u have to customerize21:56
kushalsejwalcandyban: how to start screen?21:56
ayeceedavers: that looks good. you've restarted apache, but still can't reach that vhost?21:56
daversayecee: that's right21:57
candybankushalsejwal, "sudo apt-get install screen"21:57
daversayecee: here's my error.log21:57
candybankushalsejwal, then man screen21:57
shane4ubuntusudipta: ok, I thought if I download them, and install them, I can just pick them out of the list, but that ain't happening21:57
daversayecee: http://pastebin.com/p3EJYK4W21:57
kushalsejwalcandyban: Thanks, screen is new term for me, :)21:57
shane4ubuntusudipta: are there themes that can just be easily installed through apt or something?21:57
Loshkikushalsejwal: see the -f and -n options, or use screen like candyban suggests...21:57
candybankushalsejwal, or you can use nohup21:57
Guest73319"Couldn't find package firmware-b43-lpphy-installer" ... where can i find the b43 firmware21:57
daversayecee: it's like it's trying to go to the right files but not using the vhost document root21:57
kushalsejwalcandyban: tried nohup, didn't worked21:58
SuperstarI've just installed Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop version and I can't seem to get my ethernet working. The cables are fine. Virgin Superhub is set to automatic DHCP leasing. I can connect to the router via wifi and if I reboot into windows. Please advise?21:58
daversayecee: and all i did was change the internal ip of my router which also changed the internal ip of my web server21:58
daversayecee: everything was working find before that21:58
sudipta<shane4ubuntu>yes...there r many....'elementary' for instance21:59
meganerddavers: can you reach it internally?21:59
daversmeganerd: no21:59
daversmeganerd: just takes me to the default21:59
candybandavers, is your dns still pointing to the old internal ip address?21:59
SuperPaco69ActionParsnip, I dont see it21:59
shane4ubuntusudipta: ok, thanks, I will look through those then.21:59
daverscandyban: no i updated my router22:00
dustin_can you play blueray and hi-def dvds on ubuntu22:00
daverscandyban: then only think that changed was my internal ip22:00
ayeceedavers: well then, must be a hostname or ip address somewhere else in the config, I suppose. On a single ip name-based vhost, there's really no reason for hostnames in configs except for servername/serveralias22:00
ActionParsnipSuperPaco69: use cursors to scroll up and down22:00
candybandavers, I have not been following the complete thread ... but first make sure your DNS is pointing to the correct server22:01
cosmin_shi,I have a question about license of ubuntu server ... I want to use it on a server on my company , I should buy it or it's completly free ?22:01
SuperPaco69ActionParsnip, is brand new do I have to partition it or ubuntu can recognize like that??22:01
ActionParsnipcosmin_s: its free22:01
daverscandyban: it is i can get to the default site using a vhost url22:01
daverscandyban: which is the problem22:01
ActionParsnipSuperPaco69: if you run gparted   do you see the disk in there?22:01
daverscandyban: it doesn't go to the right documentroot of the vhost22:02
meganerdcosmin_s: it is free, you can buy support contracts for payed support, but the software itself is free22:02
SuperstarCan anyone help me get my ethernet working?22:02
meganerddavers: where is the vhost defined?22:02
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SuperPaco69let me install gparted22:02
daversmeganerd: in /etc/apache2/sites-available22:02
daversmeganerd: and is enabled using a2ensite sitename22:03
daversi run ubuntu 10.1022:03
daversmeganerd: i run ubuntu 10.1022:03
ayeceeSuperstar: perhaps you could start off by saying what's not working22:03
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candybandavers, check your /etc/hosts file22:03
daverscandyban: did that already22:03
candybandavers, and use NameVirtualHost *:8022:04
daverscandyban: for all vhosts?22:04
Superstarayecee: my ethernet card appears with lspci but not in  ifconfig or /etc/network/interfaces22:04
candybanand VirtualHost *:8022:04
SuperPaco69ActionParsnip, I get this Inhibit all polling failed: Only uid 0 is authorized to inhibit the daemon22:04
meganerddavers: You have NameVirtualHost *:80 and <VirtualHost *:80> defined?22:04
SuperPaco69ActionParsnip, how can I use it?22:04
georgehello. when I try to run pcsx2 emulator on kubuntu 10.10 64 bits I get this http://pastie.org/1773468  Any help? Thanks in advance.22:05
daversmeganerd: yeah22:05
erUSULSuperstar: show us the lspci line22:05
ayeceeSuperstar: what is the pci id? (looks like xxxx:xxxx in lspci -nn output). What driver should it be using?22:05
daversmeganerd: i do now but i had it deleted22:06
SuperPaco69ActionParsnip, I get this:     Inhibit all polling failed: Only uid 0 is authorized to inhibit the daemon22:06
daversmeganerd: when i put namevirtual host i get NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts22:06
candybandavers, you need the VirtualHost *:80 too22:06
shane4ubuntusudipta: Art Manager seems to be exactly what I was looking for it previews, downloads and installs themes from gnome-look.org  at least that is what it says it does, testing it now.22:06
ayeceedavers: that's weird, it should have at least one - the one that you so recently created..22:06
Superstarerusul, ayecee: 06:07.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ [10ec:8139] (rev 10)22:06
ActionParsnipSuperPaco69: not sure dude, maybe others can help22:06
candybandavers, apache will check the hostname in "ServerName" or "ServerAlias" directive22:07
SuperPaco69ActionParsnip, thanks alot for the help any ways :)22:07
sudipta<shane4ubuntu>that's a way of doin'22:07
ayeceeSuperstar: does "lsmod | grep 8139" return anything?22:07
erUSULSuperstar: try this « sudo modprobe 8139cp »22:07
SuperPaco69ActionParsnip, do you recommend me to partition the drive??22:07
shane4ubuntusudipta: provided it works. :)  Seems like the simplicity I was looking for.22:07
ActionParsnipSuperPaco69: all I can suggest is to try a different port on the board22:07
erUSULSuperstar: then run "ifconfig -a" did eth0 appeared ?22:07
ayeceeerUSUL: uses 8139too, apparently.22:08
ActionParsnipSuperPaco69: you will need to or you on't be able to use it22:08
SuperPaco69ActionParsnip, there is the problem!22:08
erUSULayecee: the problem with this NICS is that you nor the system) can not know which driver will work so you have to try with both manually22:08
erUSULSuperstar: so?22:09
ayeceeerUSUL: ahh22:09
Superstarerusul: nothing appeared for the first and for "ifconfig -a" eth0 does appear22:09
Superstarayecee: yes its returning 3 lines of numbers22:09
erUSULSuperstar: ok so it uses the cp one do this « echo 8139cp | sudo tee -a /etc/modules »22:10
candybandavers, what is the output of "apache2ctl -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS" ?22:10
erUSULSuperstar: you are now set up :)22:10
Superstarerusul: it says 8139cp22:10
meganerddavers: after NameVirtualHost there should be <VirtualHost *:80>,22:11
erUSULSuperstar: as i said everything should be ok now.22:12
Superstarerusul: it's still not working. i've found a post with the exact same problem with no solution http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60795322:13
ayeceeSuperstar: okay, eth0 shows up now. what's not working at this point?22:13
erUSULSuperstar: you said « and for "ifconfig -a" eth0 does appear » if you have eth0 now it means that the driver is working ....22:13
meganerdSuperstar: type "ip addr" without the quotes22:15
Superstarmeganerd: I get this > 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN qlen 100022:17
xiongI bought a Canon MX320 printer/scanner; I only need it immediately for printing. The install script doesn't seem to work. I installed both drivers (downloaded from the Canon Europe site) using $sudo dpkg -i and that seemed to go well. But when I attempt to Add New Printer, the Choose Driver screen comes up and does not show my model. Help?22:17
Superstarayecee: when i try to connect eth0 after a minute it says disconnected22:17
ActionParsnipxiong: reboot with the printer attached and it may just detect22:17
ayeceeSuperstar: maybe requires reboot? could be the 8139too module has left it in a bad state before 8139cp was loaded.22:18
xiongActionParsnip, Oooh, that's rough. I see your point but I'm hesitant. I so rarely reboot, anymore. But you're right; it's foolish not to try it. Thanks.22:18
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Superstarayece, erusul, meganerd: thanks for your help guys, i'm going to try and reset it and then swap routers. it could even be the virgin superhub22:19
geegeegeeI want to limit the ammount of concurent ssh sessions per user, how would i do it?22:20
sudipta<shane4ubuntu>is it working?22:21
marienzgeegeegee: if you're going to cross-ask questions at least specify the distro you're actually interested in, please.22:22
shane4ubuntusudipta: yes, the preview doesn't work, for some reason it loads wine IE???  but it installs them fine, I also found what I had installed, I did have to click on that customize button, and there was everything!22:23
felonOk i fixed it, whoohoo i now have a Canon Pixma ip2600 working with Lucid Linux 10.04, and without all the headached of asion .deb packages that rely on the old libcupsys222:23
sudipta<shane4ubuntu>that's what i was telling....22:23
shane4ubuntusudipta: yep, I realize that now. :)22:24
ActionParsnipfelon: wtg :)22:24
shane4ubuntusudipta: I can be brain dead sometimes.22:24
fishguyfelon: nice. be sure to write it down and share22:24
nsdSupposing I'm not using GDM and I have both the Gnome desktop and FVWM installed, how can I use startx to start fvwm and not gnome? What configuration file need I edit? (I'm thinking it's .xinitrc...?)22:25
felonnothing to write :D its in Ubuntu forum22:25
sudipta<shane4ubuntu>never mind   .....we all can be  :)22:25
chewynight guys,22:25
chewyhere am i with my wifi problem:22:25
chewylspci:04:01.0 Network controller: RaLink Device 306222:25
shane4ubuntusudipta: I really like that art manager though, that is slick, helps me understand the entire theme thing, because I have never really understood it, I can write bash scripts, but themes have always eluded me. :)22:26
shane4ubuntusudipta: thanks for the info.22:26
fishguynsd: do you boot into textmode?22:27
BentFranklinstat-ing a file "Foo" on a Windows share from Linux, stat("foo"), stat("FOO"), and stat ("foO") all see the same file, due to NTFS unwonderfulness.  Starting with any of those spellings, can I get the actual case-sensitive filename from stat or similar without reading the whole directory?22:27
nsdfishguy: Well, I'm thinking of ditching gdm, so yes22:27
felontwo files install no probs, printer prints test page perfectly22:27
chewyand lsmod lists http://paste.pocoo.org/show/368169/22:27
fishguynsd: you should check your xinitrc file IIRC22:27
nsdfishguy: Some more googlesearchery on the topic seems to show that I can pass my window manager as an argument to startx? E.g., startx fvwm22:27
felonwithout libcupsys222:28
fishguynsd: that's only correct if startx picks it up and there's nothing in your xinitrc before it22:28
nsdhmmm... well I should at least try it22:29
genii-aroundchewy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10391091&postcount=1222:29
nsdfishguy: I'll be back.... if it doesn't work ;)22:29
fishguynsd: let's take this to msg22:29
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nsdfishguy: And it works! though it spawns an xterm that I don't think I can close, which is kinda annoying22:30
nsdI think I may just ditch Gnome altogether; there's too much cruft I don't need22:30
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VarcHell, #Ubuntu have not questions? The people is learning how to use Ubuntu i like it :D22:38
ayeceeVarc: shhh. savor the silence.22:39
Varcayecee: Right, sorry.22:40
urgodfatherwill someone pm me? i need a really simple favor22:41
sim1hi all! I want to create a master page (impress) with a specified border image that when I create a new slide it will create with the same image. How can I do it? Sorry for my bad english!22:41
pixminquestion: how do I 'un-break' my apt? I installed a packaged and now I can't remove it nor finish to install it, apt asks to re-install but then says it's broken...22:41
codebrainzhi.  anyone know if how I can make rhythmbox close when I close it rather than dissapearing whilst still cranking tunes?22:41
ActionParsnippixmin: what is the output of:  sudo apt-get -f install     thanks22:42
codebrainzpixmin, apt-get -f install22:42
ayecee!aptfix | pixmin22:42
ubottupixmin: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »22:42
ayeceemostly the second part, the dpkg part22:42
sudipta<codebrainz>select file->quit22:42
pixminActionParsnip, apt says the package has to be upgraded, I say YES and then it hangs22:42
ActionParsnippixmin: can you pastebin all the text please22:43
pixmincodebrainz, did that already :) changed nothing :(22:43
pixminActionParsnip, sure, hang on22:43
sudipta<codebrainz>select music->quit22:43
urgodfatheractioparsnip, will you please do whois on me and copy paste in pm?22:44
codebrainzsudipta, weird the close button doesn't close it but rather hides it somewhere22:44
plut0can't seem to get bcm4313 wireless working after a fresh install of 10.10, can someone help?22:44
pixminActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/FmGakCZ6   and then it hangs forever...22:44
ayeceeplut0: what happens when you try?22:44
KickedHi, i got 2 ATI buttons in my system/pref that say Failed to execute child process "amdcccle" (No such file or directory) and I want them to go away. How to I manually remove them?22:44
sim1 hi all! I want to create a master page (impress) with a specified border image that when I create a new slide it will create with the same image. How can I do it? Sorry for my bad english!22:44
plut0ayecee: ubuntu doesn't find the driver for it22:44
urgodfatheractionparsnip, will you please do whois on me and copy paste in pm?22:44
codebrainzpixmin, only way I've found to fix that is a reboot (happens to me all the time).  sometimes even needing to delete dpkg lock files.22:44
Varcayecee: A lot good for be right eh? xD22:44
urgodfathersorry for double post22:45
ayeceeplut0: ah. looks like you'll have to use ndiswrapper, this one isn't supported by the b43 driver.22:45
ActionParsnippixmin: try:  sudo apt-get clean     then retry22:45
pixmincodebrainz, ok, I'll check if it's still there next time I reboot, never had that before...22:45
ActionParsnipurgodfather: done22:46
sudipta<codebrainz>yep....that' the way22:46
KickedHi, i got 2 ATI buttons in my system/pref that I want them to go away. How to I manually remove them?22:46
urgodfatheractionparsnip, thank you22:46
ActionParsnipKicked: alacarte may be able to do it22:46
plut0ayecee: got a document to get this setup?22:47
sudipta<codebrainz>I think Amarok or Banshee work in that way too(just think ...not sure)22:47
codebrainzpixmin, it doesn't happen if you unplug your USB drives first or run the 'sync' command22:47
pixminActionParsnip, had to kill apt-get, then remove the lock, then run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" and finally tried again, same thing, tries to install and hangs22:47
ayeceeplut0: maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper22:48
KickedActionParsnip, you sir are amazing. Thank you :)22:48
codebrainzsudipta, it's not a huge deal, just I don't use the indicator applet, so when it hides to tray, it totally disappears here.22:48
ayeceeplut0: for this, you'll also need the windows drivers for the device.22:48
pixmincodebrainz, I assume the last comment wasn't really for me?22:48
ActionParsnipKicked: i try ;) thank you right back22:49
banke247hello, i managed to mess something up with my system and now i can't boot i'm using 10.10 and it hangs at the login screens however i can get to terminal22:49
codebrainzpixmin, no it was for you.  sounds stupid, but there's a bug in the package manager that causes it to lock up unless the ram cache is flushed or whatever22:49
banke247is there a way to connect to wireless network from recovery terminal/22:49
codebrainzpixmin, I've smashed my head on the desk before figuring this out22:50
os4please i need to install metaspoit22:50
pixmincodebrainz, unplug the USB drive before doing what?22:50
codebrainzpixmin, using apt-get (or more specifically dpkg).  probably easier just to use 'sync' first though22:50
TheLifelessOneIrssi just went through the whole channel listing22:51
TheLifelessOneOver 1500 people. o_o22:51
codebrainzpixmin, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/62422922:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 624229 in linux (Ubuntu) "dpkg hangs while unpacking replacement (dup-of: 624877)" [Undecided,Incomplete]22:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 624877 in Linux "INFO: task dpkg:23317 blocked for more than 120 seconds." [Medium,Confirmed]22:51
pixmincodebrainz, I see, so to avoid this I should run sync before running apt/dpkg?22:51
pixmincodebrainz, thanks, going to check it22:51
codebrainzpixmin, works for me at least22:52
os4ubuntu i need metasploit for ubuntu22:52
TheLifelessOneI'm looking for a lightweight desktop environment, kinda like GNOME.22:52
banke247can you start gnome from recovery terminal?22:52
banke247the gui22:52
TheLifelessOneI need to to run in a way like GNOME, but using as little resource as possible. XFCE isn't an option.22:52
ActionParsnipTheLifelessOne: lxde is light22:52
Nick_Meisterhi guys i just installed ubuntu natty, i have nvidia 9800gt and 8 gigs of ram and phenom II quad core processor, but for some reqason all of the windows are slow when being dragged, and the performance is kindof choppy22:52
Nick_Meisteri have 2 monitors running in twinview with nvidia-current drivers22:53
TheLifelessOneAlright, I'll take a look at that. Thanks.22:53
samira-thow should enable wireless in ubuntu 10.4?22:53
Nick_Meisterand i have noveau removed22:53
ActionParsnipTheLifelessOne: openbox without lxde (lxde uses openbox by default) on its own is even lighter22:53
genii-aroundos4: Their website is very fishy. Claims free, open source but then only has 7-day trials which are binaries and the free download is also just binary.22:53
arandTheLifelessOne: Why is xfce not an option in particular?22:53
ActionParsnipsamira-t: run:  sudo lshw -C network    websearch for the product line22:53
dtcrshrhello everyone. I have a dual boot machine, with xp and ubuntu. I want to upgrade xp to win7, but i want to keep the dual boot think as well. surely the 7 installation will corrupt the boot sector, can you point me to some doc regarding this process?22:53
os4how to install metasploit in ubuntu 10.1022:53
TheLifelessOnearand: It's not lightweight enough22:54
TheLifelessOneI need it ti run the absolute minimum resources possible22:54
erUSUL!grub2 | dtcrshr you have to reinstall grub with a livecd22:54
ubottudtcrshr you have to reinstall grub with a livecd: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:54
ActionParsnipos4: http://dev.metasploit.com/redmine/projects/framework/wiki/Install_Ubuntu22:54
pixminThanks for your help codebrainz, ActionParsnip and ayecee, I'll come back if the reboot doesn't fix it ;)22:54
TheLifelessOneIt's a very, very old laptop, with very, very little resources.22:54
ActionParsnipTheLifelessOne: lxde is used in Lubuntu and is targetted at systems with very low resources22:55
ActionParsnipTheLifelessOne: if that is too much I'd try something like puppy or xpud for lightness22:55
codebrainzmatchbox is pretty sweet too22:55
TheLifelessOneI'll take a look into those.22:55
plut0ayecee: that chipset isn't even listed there22:55
arandTheLifelessOne: Or starting from a minimal ubuntu or debian, and building upwards22:56
PerceptronHey guys, I was wonedring if there is a way like doing find -name <name> to look inside  a set of files for a keyword?22:57
jrtaylorivPerceptron, grep22:57
Perceptronhow would i use grep to look inside a set of files?22:57
banke247i was installing console-tools and the package failed for some reason i stopped the process and now i can't boot into gnome.. it hangs on login screen any suggestions?22:57
jribPerceptron: grep pattern file1 file2 ...22:57
banke247however keyboard still works i press ctrl-alt-del and it will reload the screen and reboot22:57
Perceptronthank u22:58
Nick_Meisteruggh why is ubuntu so slow ;(22:58
jrtaylorivNick_Meister, Because you did something wrong.22:58
arandPerceptron: or "grep -ir pattern ." do do it recursively from current dir22:58
ActionParsnipPerceptron: http://www.athabascau.ca/html/depts/compserv/webunit/HOWTO/find.htm#EX0322:59
Perceptronarand: Thanks I lookded that one up22:59
Nick_Meisterjrtayloriv, i just installed it22:59
Nick_Meisterdid not do anything but install it....22:59
hihihi100can I create 20 folders at once? I mean like a list (names: Piece 1, Piece 2... Piece 20)23:00
jrtaylorivNick_Meister, If it's slow, then you either (a) installed it on hardware that isn't sufficient (b) installed it wrong. Both of these are mistakes. Ubuntu is not any slower than any other distro.23:00
abdulhello guys23:00
jrtaylorivNick_Meister, Now, the default install of Gnome is extremely bloated, but you can avoid that by not using the default install of Gnome.23:00
eossI messed with my sound settings now my speakers dont work and its playing sound out of the regular monitor speakers23:01
eossheadphones work into the soundsystem that doesnt work while the  monitor speakers play at the same time23:01
KhisanthPerceptron: you can also combine the find with grep using xargs23:01
eossneed hlap23:01
Nick_Meisterjrtayloriv, i have more than enough hardware to handle bloatedness, and its cpu usage does not spike over 16% on any of the cores, but when moving windows, they are being clipped,23:01
Nick_Meisterand lagged23:01
PerceptronKhisanth: I will look at that for future use thank you23:01
jrtaylorivNick_Meister, What type of graphics card do you have?23:02
Nick_Meisterjrtayloriv, i have nvidia 9800 gt23:02
KhisanthPerceptron: find . -name <name> | xargs grep 'stuff'23:02
diffraCan i just run mkfs.ext3 over an NTFS partition?  Or do I need to do any special prep work?23:03
mathinzI lost my grub.cfg and have almost recreated it from the LiveCD - when I run chroot to my encrypted root partition and run 'grub-mkconfig', I get root=/dev/mapper/udisks-luks-uuid-8576cbe1-508e-458b-a12f-144b102fa243-uid999 which I guess is based on the LiveCD user - how should I change this for normal use?23:03
meganerddiffra: that will work23:03
pixmincodebrainz, reboot didn't change anything, and I actually had not USB drives plugged anyways... I tried to remove it now but apt says it's in a "very bad inconsistent state"23:03
ChubcorpIs there a way for the computer to auto connect to wifi when it's in range? Because when I leave the range at school and enter the range for my own WIFI, I have to disable wifi, the re-enable. Is there a way around this?23:04
genii-arounddiffra: You might want to change the partition type to something like hex 83 in fdisk23:04
meganerddiffra: it will not remove the MBR, so if this was a disk that had windows, the boot record will still be there23:04
pixminpixmin, --reinstall did it now though :) thanks!23:04
jrtaylorivNick_Meister, Is direct rendering enabled? (Install mesa-utils and then run this: glxinfo | grep 'direct')23:05
surwhat graphics driver am I using currently?23:05
diffraI guess it's not that hard to use fdisk to delete the partition and create a new one, I hadn't thought about the partition type/mbr stuff.  Thanks!23:05
Nick_Meisterjrtayloriv, direct rendering: Yes23:06
Nick_Meister    GL_EXT_Cg_shader, GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test, GL_EXT_direct_state_access,23:06
eosscan someone help me?23:06
ActionParsnipeoss: ask and see23:07
Nick_Meisterjrtayloriv, restarted x just to make sure still nothin23:07
braxtonHow do I install JRE so I can run a java server on Ubuntu 10.10 server ed. ?23:07
=== peregrinator_six is now known as Kurumin_siX
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.23:07
eossi did already, my speakers stopped working and now monitor speakers are on after i messed with the settings23:07
braxtonLucky guess.23:08
samira-twho can help me to run an embedded web server?23:08
diffrasamira-t: #ubuntu-server might be a better bet for something like that23:08
banke247is there a way to connect to wireless network from recovery termina.?23:09
banke247i'm able to scan for networks23:09
diffrabanke247: is it encrypted with WEP/WPA?23:09
samira-tdiffra: thanks23:09
banke247its my own network.. my system is messed up and i cant get into KDE but i have terminal23:10
Roasted_Question - I'm running an Ubuntu desktop edition server with LTSP thin clients. I have NTP installed and I set the time zone accordingly in the lts.conf file, but my clients are coming across as saying its 2pm when its 6pm. Does NTP take a LONG time (more than 15 minutes) to sync up properly initially?23:10
banke247i need to run package updates i think i broke something in my xoerg23:10
Nick_Meisterjrtayloriv, so when i turn on vsync in nvidia settings i get shearing, when i turn it off i get outright laggy window moving23:10
diffrabanke247: if you have the ability to, switch the router to be unencrypted for a short time and then try to connect.  it's *much* simpler when you're working on the command line.23:10
skplhow can i format my hd?23:10
banke247diffra, i dont think i can do that right now  - can't i just put the passwrod in somehow?23:11
whiteknightNYHow and where do i find themes for desktop23:11
meganerdbanke247: is it wep or wpa23:11
diffrahang on, let me find a good howto.  what release of ubuntu?23:11
meganerdbanke247: I know this by memory since I do it nearly every day23:11
banke247its WPA23:12
banke247meganerd,  WPA23:12
difframeganerd: I've only done it once and i vowed never to do it again after that :)23:12
whiteknightNYanyone know of a good place to get themes23:12
diffraseemed easier to pick up the box and plug it into the router23:12
meganerdok, from the command line type the following, without the quotes "wpa-passphrase essid passphrase > mywpa.conf"23:13
xcyclistWe are seeing a lot of trouble with keyrings lately.  Is there any document in dealing with these?  Right now I get double keyring prompts every time.23:13
Nick_Meisterhow do i edit unity's 3d configuration?23:13
meganerddiffra: heh, I have some embedded machines that I work on, after a while you don't even think about it23:13
meganerdbanke247: ok, from the command line type the following, without the quotes "wpa-passphrase essid passphrase > mywpa.conf"23:13
alejandromeganerd download compiz configuration manager from Ubuntu Software Center23:13
Quatarzis<whiteknightNY> gtk.themes.org \\ www.kde-look.org23:14
meganerdbanke247: I am assuming that you are in the root of your home directory23:14
diffrawhiteknightNY: http://www.bisigi-project.org/?page_id=6&lang=en23:14
banke247it didn't work23:14
whiteknightNYdiffra: thanks23:14
meganerdbanke247: what did it say?23:14
banke247said wpa-passphrase command not found23:14
meganerdmy bad "wpa_passphrase"23:14
Roasted_Anybody know about NTP and time?23:14
meganerdbanke247: I missed the shift key, the - should be a _23:14
banke247it just prompted23:15
banke247looks like it went rhough23:15
meganerdbanke247: replace essid with the id of your network, and passphrase with the passphrase that you use23:15
meganerdbanke247: just to be sure "cat mywpa.conf"23:15
meganerdbanke247: you should see the essid, passphrase, and the hash of the passphrase (long random looking bit)23:16
banke247meganerd, i'm done23:18
meganerdbanke247: now type "sudo wpa_supplicant -Dwext -i wlan0 -c ./mywpa.conf"23:19
eossanyone can help me fix my speakers?23:19
Roasted_Anybody know about NTP and time?23:20
banke247keeps trying to login and its disconnecting23:20
banke247meganerd, its doing CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED rmove keys23:22
meganerdbanke247: what was the last thing I said?23:23
meganerdbanke247: my 3g connection dropped for 2 minutes23:23
banke247didn't get anything since the command23:23
meganerdbanke247: now type "sudo wpa_supplicant -Dwext -i wlan0 -c ./mywpa.conf"23:23
meganerdbanke247: replace wlan0 with the appropriate device name23:23
banke247shouldn't my devicename be wlan0?23:23
meganerdit could be something else23:24
meganerdbanke247: type iwconfig23:24
MikeDDI have been having trouble getting a mac formatted (hfsplus) partition on a usb drive mounting... only mounting as read access23:24
DaPenguinmight even be an eth, depends on the driver23:24
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meganerdMikeDD: that is normal23:25
MikeDDit was working last night, with full access read/write23:25
meganerdMikeDD: install the hfsplus tools.  YMMV,23:25
MikeDDI have that installed.23:26
meganerdMikeDD: check the logs.  /var/log/syslog might shed some light23:26
banke247wait a sec meganerd23:26
banke247can i use a usb ubuntu disk and hit try ubuntu to get access to my system?23:26
jostaszexcuse me i have a problem and need hep, i have deleted Windows entry with easy BCD program and i am not able to run my windows system any more23:27
MikeDDfilesystem wasnt cleanly unmounted, says to run fsck and that it was mounted read-only23:28
MikeDDfsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.223:29
MikeDDfsck: fsck.hfsplus: not found23:29
MikeDDfsck: Error 2 while executing fsck.hfsplus for /dev/sdb323:29
meganerdyou may need to connect it to a mac23:29
MikeDDfun stuff...23:29
guest_can anyone help me set up a bluetooth network so that i can boot from it and install ubuntu on another computer23:29
MikeDDI disabled the journaling too..23:29
meganerdMikeDD: same problem when ntfs goes sideways, ntfsfix does not always work.  Man I hate Apple more than Microsoft23:30
MikeDDon the mac, I disabled journaling..23:30
MikeDDI will try pluggin it into the mac23:30
meganerdbanke247: how is it going over there?23:30
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flip112hola buenas noches23:31
flip112hi all23:31
guest_can anyone help me set up a bluetooth network so that i can boot from it and install ubuntu on another computer23:31
banke247i'm going to try to get in another way i'm having problems23:31
danielcg25Is there a package to show -dbm instead of the signal bars on Ubuntu?23:32
danielcg25(In the status bar at the top of the screen)23:32
alpha-aquilaewhere can i find configuration files of pidgin, i use ubuntu23:33
jribalpha-aquilae: ~/.purple/ but why?23:33
banke247meganerd, if i launched ubuntu with startup disk and now have gui and access can i access the other ubuntu on this machine and start upgrading?23:34
meganerdbanke247: chroot is your friend here23:34
alpha-aquilaejrib: I want to change my user name and keep my favorit rooms list23:34
skplhow can i format my hd?23:34
red2kicalpha-aquilae: Account settings (or /nick ColgateToothpaste)23:35
banke247meganerd, all i need to do is really run a sudo apt-get update23:35
banke247meganerd, so is there a way to access my other kernel? from here?23:35
benzaldehydeskpl: gparted makes a decent live cd for doing that23:35
necromancerhey i'm running ubuntu server and i have apache running as the user www-data23:36
necromancerbut i never set a password23:36
necromancerhow can i `su www-data` in order to run commands as that user?23:36
jribnecromancer: sudo -u www-data -i23:36
benzaldehydeskpl: it is always been my impression that gparted is the free parttion magic equivalant23:36
kdubbenzaldehyde: lots of words used there to say "gparted is like partition magic" :P23:37
benzaldehydekdub: you know it23:37
necromanceroh ok23:38
necromancerthanks jrib23:38
benzaldehydekdub: if you sound my words out it might read a bit like the skinny indian child king from temple of doom23:39
banke247how do i mount my other filesystem with chroot?23:39
kdublolz, that was a good movie23:39
urgodfatheris anyone familiar with nvidia?23:40
benzaldehydeurgodfather: intimately?23:40
meganerdurgodfather: how familiar?23:41
CobZobanke247: just mount it from outside. if it's a network filesystem then it doesn't matter if you mount it from inside or outside23:41
urgodfatherfamiliar enough to possibly explain why it the driver breaks the splash screen23:41
urgodfatherim sure its something to do with the screen res. while it boots up/down23:42
urgodfatherbut, how to fix23:42
banke247CobZo, is it possible to run a command like sudo apt-get update? . from the chroot23:42
CobZoif you have apt-get in the chroot, then yes23:43
MikeDDchecked the volume on the mac, said no problems were found and no repairs made23:43
benzaldehydeurgodfather: did you try to set the res. in conf for x, xorg.conf23:43
meganerdbanke247: yes it is23:44
callaghanurgodfather: i have the same problem, I used this page to 'fix' it: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml23:44
banke247meganerd, cause i really need to do is reinstall xorg-server23:44
banke247with it23:44
callaghanurgodfather: however, I'm still on 10.04, hopefully it still works the same way23:44
guest_can anyone help me set up a bluetooth network so that i can boot from it and install ubuntu on another computer23:44
banke247so how do i get to that volume ?23:45
banke247from terminal?23:45
meganerdbanke247: if you booted a rescue cd, you mount the partition, then chroot to it "chroot /path/to/mounted/fs/ bash"23:45
meganerdbanke247: best to do it as root23:45
eossI really need help with my audio problem23:46
banke247i see it on my desktop23:46
banke247its 240 GB filesystem23:46
meganerdbanke247: from a terminal do "df -h"23:46
guest_is it possible to set up a network between two computers through blue tooth?23:46
meganerdbanke247: you should be able to double click it, but then we will need to drop to the terminal for the rest23:47
banke247meganerd, its /dev/sda123:47
banke247meganerd, yea i can double click it no problems23:48
banke247i just need to be able to have terminal access to it23:48
banke247and become root there to run my commans23:48
ahmedhelalwhen was 10.10 out ?23:48
urgodfathercallaghan, which alternative?23:48
edbianoctober 201023:48
Polahahmedhelal, October 20123:48
urgodfathercallaghan, maybe the 2nd for me?23:49
edbianahmedhelal, It goes year.month  (10.10)23:49
ahmedhelalany idea when will the next version come out ?23:49
banke247so.. chroot /dev/sda1/ ?23:49
jribahmedhelal: the format for the version numbers is YEAR.MONTH23:49
callaghanurgodfather: from the text: Below, we provide two fixes for this issue: the first one will fix the resolution of the Ubuntu logo, pretty much like it was when you installed Ubuntu; and the second one will remove the logo, showing only a dark screen until the login manager appears.23:49
edbianahmedhelal, Again, it goes year.month and they come out every six months.  so it's October and April every year23:49
callaghanurgodfather: whichever one suits your needs best :)23:50
urgodfathercallaghan, i was thinking the 2nd, and just change the res.23:50
banke247ahh alright i'm in23:50
urgodfathercallaghan, or will that not work?23:50
banke247meganerd, will that terminal share internet access?23:51
meganerdbanke247: yes23:51
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meganerdbanke247: type "ip addr" and "ip route", it will also share devices23:51
callaghanurgodfather: I honestly don't know, I just experimented with the settings a bit but in the end it worked, I see a smooth Ubuntu Logo now while booting23:52
colkI just found out the hardware my bios does not like booting from a usb hard drive:(23:52
colkhard way even23:52
urgodfatherhave you tried switching the splash screen?23:52
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Logan_colk: Have you checked if there is a new BIOS version for your computer?23:52
banke247apt-get update doesn't work23:53
banke247says it failed to fetch23:53
colkI will have to check23:53
colkdell inspiron m503023:53
meganerdbanke247: can you ping google.com?23:54
meganerdbanke247: are you sure that the live environment has internet access?23:54
dd214new to Ubuntu.. Where should I store applications like Ecplipse?23:54
callaghanurgodfather: I never tried alternative 2, sry23:54
banke247meganerd, i'm using internet with it23:54
benzaldehydebanke247: comment out the dead links in your /etc/apt/sources.list23:54
banke247meganerd, browsing through firefox right now.. but the terminal has no access23:54
banke247i did apt-get install xserver-xorg23:55
banke247and it wouldn't work23:55
MK`D: my panels are no longer responding. How do I restart them?23:55
aranddd214: If you simply install it, it should be taken care of by the package manager23:55
MK`Oh it was one program making it hang. Closing it fixed it23:55
meganerdbanke247: can you type "ping google.com" from the terminal?23:55
dd214arand I pulled it down as a tar.gz and extracted the files23:56
banke247meganerd, i think i'll just reinstall buntu... i can move my files after the install right?23:56
aranddd214: Use the ubuntu software centre instead, unless you know specifically what you are after in that particular version,23:57
benzaldehydebanke247: http://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.6/src/ you could compile from source23:57
xeviousIs it possible to prepare a USB stick with a full install, not a LiveCD environment?23:58
arandxevious: Yes.23:58
benzaldehydebanke247: dl, untar with archive man then cd to dir ./configure, make, make install23:58
xeviousarand: Is there anything special I'll need to do, or can I boot an installer and choose the USB device as the target?23:59
benzaldehydebanke247: or add a few more repositories to source.list23:59
arandxevious: It sould be that simple yes, take care to set the usb stick as the target for the bootloader as well23:59
colkxevious, it depends on your bios23:59
banke247thats a bit beyong me atm.. heh i think i'll just copy my main folder and email it to myself23:59

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