=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away [00:25] bug #753989 [00:25] Launchpad bug 753989 in ubuntuone-client "Progress meter still shows on launcher icon when disconnected from U1 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/753989 [08:21] morning all! [09:01] morning [09:18] rodrigo_, hi, you wanted me to run valgrind on e-a-f, what should I be looking for? [09:19] rye, if you are still having the threading locks problems, double frees of mutexes [09:19] rye, just pastebin the whole output [09:19] rye, running it under valgrind will slow it down a lot, so be patient :) [09:19] rodrigo_, aaah [09:20] rodrigo_, sweet [09:20] rodrigo_, but that is not e-a-f, that's evolution [09:20] rye, ah, ok, then run evolution on valgrind [09:40] rye, see the desktopcouch log in the last comment at https://bugs.launchpad.net/evolution-couchdb/+bug/727370 [09:40] Launchpad bug 727370 in evolution-couchdb (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Contacts not syncing with my computer (affects: 22) (dups: 16) (heat: 174)" [Low,Fix released] [09:40] rye, any idea what that is? === kklimonda is now known as Guest46494 [09:45] mandel: should the circles keep their shape or when the window resizes should they just fit the box [09:45] it doesnt say in the task [09:46] fagan: if the widget resizes, the circles should resize too, right? [09:47] yep [09:47] :D [09:47] I mean should I keep them to be actual circles all the time or all them to go egg shaped :P [09:47] that was just a weird thing I thought I should ask about [09:47] rodrigo_, re: valgrind - nothing gets printed, evolution is hanging... retrying [09:51] rodrigo_, no, it does not print anything; session does not hang, only evolution does though [09:51] * rye wants to share the vCard for this contact but can't export it [09:51] unlesss === Guest46494 is now known as kklimonda [09:52] mandel: done [09:52] im just going to make sure I have everything asked for [09:53] but its resizing properly and the boxes are in the right places and the circles are in the right places [09:53] oh forgot about the clicking thing [09:54] ok [09:54] rodrigo_, here's the vcard - http://ubuntuone.com/p/lZx/ [10:02] mandel: the window and the painter dont have a clicked event how do I handle it? [10:03] oh the QMouseEvent [10:04] yes, that is the one, there is no signal, but all QWidgets do have support for mouse actions [10:05] so I just go MouseReleseEvent and use the returned thing to figure out where they clicked [10:06] fagan: do you have the link of the exercise around, I really dont know the context right now [10:06] mandel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/589620/ [10:07] I have to get where they clicked so I can add a circle or change the colour of the circles [10:07] at the moment im drawing the boxes and circles fine but I still have to handle the other bit [10:09] fagan: if you are looking at where the user clicked, the releae event will give you the wrong coordinates in the widget if the user clicked, did not released, and moved the mouse [10:10] so you will need to get the correct coordinates, store them in the widget state, and the apply the change to the correct location whenever the user releases [10:10] ah ok [10:10] I'm guessing that size you are not interested in the release coordinates of the mouse you can get the exact circle as soon as you have the press event [10:14] s/size/since [10:18] can someone try to change their sso password from the ubuntu-sso-client and let me know if they have an issue? I'm getting a 404 when I try to do it from windows... [10:24] mandel: when I looked into the mouseMoveEvent it only triggered when I clicked and moved is that how its supposed to work? [10:24] so I should get the x and y and then wait for the release and send it then? [10:25] I was expecting that it would trigger when the mouse moves over the window [10:25] fagan: there are three diff events, press, move, release [10:26] fagan: also, if yu read the docs you will find that there is a way to tell the widget to track the mouse if you need to do it [10:26] I think I know how to do it now [10:31] fagan: you really do not need to track the mouse at all, what I was trying to tell you is that a release event can give you the wrong coordinates and that you should trust the press event to give the correct ones [10:31] mandel: yeah I get the correct ones with the move event and send it with the release event [10:32] I have 1 weird issue now [10:32] its passing the method instead of the int value :/ [10:33] no, not with the move event, that can also give you the wrong ones, it is with the PRESS event, move gives the coordinates everytime you move the mouse, so it wil be raised lots of times when you move [10:33] ah ok [10:35] fagan: I'm ok with you not reading the docs up to a level.. but not reading what I say is a diff story…I really dont like to have to shout (caps) to be heard [10:36] mandel: Yeah I know I just miss-read it but I fixed it as soon as you said it [10:37] yes, but that is me doing a context switch from a complicated bug to tell you something to be ignored… which is very annoying [10:38] mandel: sorry [10:39] np [10:58] * fagan is nearly done for real this time [11:12] mandel, can SSO password be changed from sso client? O_O [11:13] rye: yes, there is a forgot password thing when you try to sign in [11:14] mandel, ah [11:14] hm [11:14] I'm getting a bloody 404 and I dont know why… [11:15] mandel, updating vm to get rid of broken Xorg and will test that [11:15] rye: sweet thx! [11:25] mandel, at what phase do you receive 404? [11:25] rye: when I'm trying to send the reet code plus the email and the new password [11:25] mandel, aha [11:26] mandel, password changed successfully [11:28] rye: so I have a bug somewhere.... [11:28] puto windows [11:29] * fagan understood that :) [11:38] * mandel tries to change his password for the 400th time... [11:38] mandel: im done except pep8 and pylint but I can wait for ralsina [11:40] fagan: why don't you fix those before ralsina arrives? [11:44] god, that new widget that tells you ho many days are left to natty really stresses me…. [11:44] so many things to be done in 21 days! [11:45] well mandel dont we on the windows team have a little more time than natty's release? [11:45] or are you counting all the bugs in the ubuntu client too [11:45] we have a little more time, but not that much [11:45] I wann hve a couple of days left as a buffer of possible windows WTF [11:46] well there are a lot of windows WTF [11:47] yes, and there are some that I know we will have and I have done nothing to fix yet [11:47] * mandel changes password and dances!!!! [11:47] clarita: ping [12:00] mandel: ping back [12:00] clarita: taht should be a pong hehe :) [12:01] or a sup bro :P [12:01] * fagan is street like that [12:02] clarita: very quick thing we forgot to talk about what to d when a user wants to chage his password, at the moment we don't have a wire frame for it [12:02] clarita: I think we need to give feed back (yet again) about the passwords that are allowed [12:03] clarita: i also have so questions about the flow of information between the screens (sso only atm) [12:03] clarita: you are allowed to tell me to piss off :) [12:06] pylint complains about too many statements :) [12:06] mandel: do we need users to be able to change their password during this process? [12:06] mandel: do they need an immediate prompt to do that for SSO purposes? [12:06] clarita: if they forgot the password, yes, right? [12:07] so they get sent a temporary one? [12:07] clarita: atm the request to change it, get a code like with the email verification, copy paste and choose their new one [12:07] then they get back to the normal flow [12:08] mandel: ok I'll put that in [12:08] clarita: so, in the screen when the choose the new password, we need to show the password info again, right? [12:09] mandel: yes [12:09] Ok im finished more or less and the pylint errors can be ignored so im going on break and hopefully ralsina will be on so he can look at it after [12:10] clarita: and a success or error message because things can go wrong (wrong code, bad password, server dies) [12:10] mandel: I put it on lp:~shanepatrickfagan/+junk/boxes_circles if you want to have a look but your busy so its cool [12:10] fagan: ok, I'll look at it in asap [12:11] * fagan break [12:11] mandel: ok so user gets verification code - enters it - then gets asked for username and a new password (twice) - [12:11] clarita: no need for the username, but yes [12:12] atm I get the username from the screen where they requeste the new password, that is why I mentioned the 'flow of information' between screans [12:12] I see [12:13] mandel: will let you know when the wireframe is ready to look at [12:13] clarita: superb, on last tiny thing [12:13] clarita: can you add a small 'rpcessing screan' or something like that in the doc, the requests to the server might take some tie so we should add some feed back to the user [12:14] clarita: I'll copy paste the screen to those locations in which would be shown... [12:14] this might be the most complicated signin app I've done in my bloody live... [12:15] mandel: yes, the user flow is starting to look like a plate of ravioli [12:15] with some spaghetti thrown in [12:16] clarita: yeah, I dont think we will be able to clean this mess up for the next release, but we might be able to convince some people to simplify it [12:17] clarita: I honestly would need to really want to use it to do this many steps.. I dont even comment in pages with a captcha [12:17] mandel: we've got to make it sound so good by the time they download that they won't be able to resist [12:19] free chocolate might work [12:22] mandel: good idea! please see wireframe 5.3 [12:23] for the password thing, not free chocolate [12:28] mandel: for delayed processes - how might a pop over spinner work? is this possible - so any process that takes time to complete greys out the installer and shows a spinner overlay with a cancel button? [12:28] mandel: without hiding the form they've just filled in that might come back with errors - we don't want it disappearing completely [12:30] clarita: yes, I think we could add over the page a screen with an alpha value of 0.5, 0.3 which will allow seeing the form and will show the spinner [12:31] clarita: would that be good? [12:32] mandel: yes I think so as it is clear 'things are happening' an the form hasn't disappeared and is either revealed if there is an error that needs correcting, or we move onto the next screen if it is A OK [12:34] clarita: ok, sounds good, I need to walk the dog, you an ask anything while I'm gone I'll read it as soon as I'm back [12:34] * mandel walks the beast [12:44] hi everyone [12:54] hey karni [12:55] o hai, fagan ! [12:55] fagan: hows that windows software coming along :) [12:55] karni: havent done any yet :P [12:55] still getting the pyqt stuff down [12:56] (learning) [12:56] fagan: you've done things already. sounds strage to hear 'havent done any yet' from you! [12:57] karni: well I havent done any windows specific stuff yet for the u1 client to be specific :) [12:57] fagan: you've been working on the installer, right? [12:57] yep [12:57] well I will be [12:57] everything but the complicated stuff [13:00] uhm [13:01] karni: most of what I will be doing is the ui bits and bobs the sso is the main body of it all and mandel is doing that [13:01] yean I was just asking in general :) [13:01] hah [13:02] * karni has let himself throw little detail in the question [13:02] :) [13:55] hm, exported couchdb vcard, imported to google addressbook - no emails [13:56] Hi all! [13:56] What am I supposed to do with .u1conflict files? How do I know which is the "good" version of a file, the one with or without .u1conflict? [13:57] rapha: whichever one you decide is the good one. if we knew already, there wouldn't be conflicts :) [13:57] (and most importantly, how to tell U1 to _ask_ me before doing something that would cause such a file?) [13:57] oh my goodness [13:57] that means i can look at 2 versions of thousands of files now [13:57] and i thought by now U1 had matured a little :-( [13:58] thousands? that's a bug :( [13:59] okay how do i find out how i'm triggering it because i sure seem to have a special talent there [13:59] what version of ubuntu are you on? [14:00] rapha: typically a conflict means you modified a file in two separate places and then tried to synchronize them. did you copy the files over by hand to a new machine, and then try to use ubuntu one after, or something like that? [14:03] fagan: ping [14:03] mandel: pong [14:03] fagan: I'm back, sorry for taking so long, the dog tried to kill a chiguagua [14:04] lol [14:04] its cool [14:04] fagan: has ralsina taken a look at your code? [14:04] dont think he is around yet [14:04] fagan: ok, I'll take a look at it now then :) [14:04] cool [14:04] it works but id say there are some issues with how I went at it [14:05] like you said in the task that it can be done in 130 lines of code but I have 190 [14:07] oh damn I forgot about the keyboard stuff [14:07] :/ [14:08] (it wont be too hard to add though) [14:09] fagan: I'll take a look at what you have so far [14:09] * mandel looks [14:09] cool [14:11] I tried to put in a good lot of comments where the code got kinda weird [14:20] fagan: how much work would it be if I asked you to do the widget to have a board of 9x9 [14:21] mandel: a little [14:21] id have to tweek the numbers a bit [14:21] fagan: how much would that be in lines of code? more or less [14:21] I dont need an exact number [14:21] a good lot more [14:21] id say 30 - 50 lines [14:22] if I tell you that in my code it would be done in the exact same amount, what would you say? [14:22] id say you did it an easier way than me [14:23] fagan: do you want a hint, or do you want to try and do it? [14:23] id say id need a hint === franxesk is now known as franxesk_afk [14:23] array [14:23] that would make sense [14:25] * fagan didnt do any major thinking about anything other than painting the window [14:36] dobey: oops, sorry, got distracted there... [14:37] dobey: just returned from a month abroad - did the upgrades and the entire system (10.10) broke. figured i could just as well install 11.04 beta. so that's what i'm on now. maybe a bug then in the new version? [14:39] rapha: not sure, let me see if someone who knows that portion better than me can help you [14:39] dobey: i put all the files where they're supposed to be again after the reinstall, and then entered my U1 info. it then found out that ~/Documents for instance is to be synch'd and I think that's when things went wrong [14:39] dobey: nevermind though, the damage is done now and i guess i'll have to look the files through by hand anyway [14:40] dobey: i really think the only reliable measure against this problem is to have U1 ask if there's a conflict [14:42] rapha: unless you changed any of the files between when they were last synced, and you copied them over, they're probably all the same. but because you copied them there, before u1 synchronized them down from the server, it doesn't know which ones are correct and created conflicts. [14:44] rapha, let me see... you put a lot of files in ~/Documents (the correct ones), and told Ubuntu One to start syncing that folder (that wasn't previously being synced because new installation?) [14:45] oh luckily most of them have exact same file size [14:45] facundobatista: nono, it _was_ previously being synced as well [14:46] facundobatista: so yeah in principle they should all be the same [14:46] rapha, it was being synced in a previous installation, right? [14:46] yeah [14:46] perfect [14:47] yes, we had a bug with that particular sequence of steps [14:47] throw the same files by hand, start syncing a folder [14:47] lots of conflicts [14:47] rapha, I fixed that *three* days ago :( [14:47] oh crap [14:47] well okay [14:48] then i'll just keep on going through them [14:48] wow, it's late today :P [14:48] rapha, sorry :| [14:48] facundobatista: no prob :-} [14:49] alecu: that happens every day at some time roughly around the evening, doesn't it? [14:49] facundobatista: btw what about the Windows client ... will it be able to sync user-defined folders at some point? [14:50] rapha: the windows client will be based on the exact same code as de current linux one, so it should [14:50] rapha, yeah, but it's 10:49am around here :-) [14:51] alecu: i see :) [14:51] alecu: US west coast? [14:51] rapha, Buenos Aires [14:51] mandel: good to hear :-) [14:51] alecu: wow, what's the temp there? [14:54] rapha, it's a sunny autumn day, 63F [14:54] facundobatista: got it sorted again already ... with the same file size thing it was easy [14:54] oh i though they were only using Fahrenheit in the U.S. [14:55] alecu: 18 is about what we have here as well, but spring for us :) [14:55] rapha, right, we use Celsius. Were are you from? [14:55] Germany, alecu [14:55] oh, cool [14:56] * alecu had to set his phone to F to get that temperature translated :P [14:56] back to C now. [14:56] as in, let's fix #741835 [14:57] as in bug #741835 [14:57] Launchpad bug 741835 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "All cloud folders show in Nautilus as synced even though I've only selected 1 cloud folder to sync (affects: 1) (heat: 249)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/741835 [14:58] it's a cool, breezy 290 today [15:00] another review for these branches would be nice: [15:00] https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/gsd-plugin-remove-quota/+merge/55934 [15:01] https://code.launchpad.net/~facundo/ubuntuone-client/aq-slots/+merge/56846 [15:05] dobey: 290 sounds like it could boil blood [15:05] rapha: if it were C or F maybe [15:06] rapha: kelvins is the only real temperature :) [15:18] dobey: oh you've studied Physics! [15:53] wow my code didnt really port well to using arrays after hardcoding it in the first time [15:54] So if I actually did it the first time with arrays I would be done already :/ [16:00] fagan, there's one simple rule when you're coding Python: if what you write seems a little repetitive, a better solution (more pythonic) is available [16:01] facundobatista: yeah I think im more in the mindset of doing the complicated bit and going back and fixing it to make it cleaner afterwards so I sometimes ignore things like repetitive things and hardcode it which is something I should probably be better at fixing [16:02] but yeah I think if I did it right the first time id probably have less work to do in the long run [16:02] so ill learn :) [16:11] Instruction tables will have to be made up by mathematicians with computing experience and perhaps a certain puzzle-solving ability. There need be no real danger of it ever becoming a drudge, for any processes that are quite mechanical may be turned over to the machine itself. [16:11] Alan Turing [16:12] as soon as it is repetitive or boring, there is something wrong... [16:12] so programming should be fun? :) [16:13] * fagan is having a ball anyway :P [16:14] fagan: basically, when coding python, thinking ahead pays off. Coding by just typing things down doesn't. [16:15] ralsina: well that should be in other languages toO? [16:15] *too [16:15] Well I think what happened here was I just looked it as a 2d excersise to get the drawing done [16:15] fagan: yes, but it's more obvious than, say, in Java. In Java, you are going to type lots of boilerplate, so you can wing it. On python, if you don't think, it shows in neon. [16:16] ralsina: Well I did start out with java so that explains that approach [16:16] :) [16:20] I think im almost done anyway [16:20] it took a good bit of refactoring [16:24] ralsina: what does "to show in neon" mean? [16:24] ralsina: would you be able to review https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/quota-exceeded-on-shares/+merge/56857 ? [16:24] rapha: like in neon lights [16:24] dobey: does the last comment of bug #748585 rings any bell for you? [16:24] Launchpad bug 748585 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "ubuntu one control panel don't find the informations (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/748585 [16:25] rapha: he means that it shows you were winging it when you wrote the code to anyone who is looking at it [16:28] thisfred, sudo apt-get install liboverlay-scrollbar-0.1-0 [16:29] thisfred, then restart each app. [16:35] fagan: I think I'm having problems with understanding the language as I'm not a native speaker ... "to wing something" or "to show in neon" all don't ring a bell for me even if I do understand every single word... [16:37] rapha: ah ok to wing it is an expression that means to do it without thinking too much about it. To show in neon means to be very obvious. [16:37] I think it was a hard conversation to follow if you arent a native speaker [16:38] nessita: yes, in 5' [16:38] rapha: in neon lights? [16:39] * ralsina is not a native speaker either, but he watches way too much TV in english ;-) [16:43] rapha: show in neon == obvious [16:43] do we have a meeting on mumble today? [16:43] fagan: no idea, I though we would, I'm waiting here just for that [16:43] ralsina: ^ ? [16:44] we missed it yesterday and I thought ralsina said it would happen today [16:44] * fagan is just wondering since he is off in 15 minutes ish [16:45] for me is not a huge thing, windows people will see each other for a week in london, the rest of the team are probably in the same room [16:46] * mandel wonders if the just got cookies or something and they are all eating... [16:46] I want cookies [16:46] :) [16:48] mandel: let me confirm with ralsina what are we doing [16:48] nessita: siempre atenta :) [16:49] mandel: so, ralsina is busy at the phone. He mentions we can do it after (our) lunch [16:49] but maybe is too late for you? [16:49] Too late for me probably [16:49] what time is there? [16:50] * fagan wants to get dinner and go do some bits and bobs [16:50] nessita: its about 5 in Ireland [16:50] nessita: here is 10 to 6, but I can be here when ever you need, just give me the time and I'll arrange it [16:51] fagan, mandel: ok, so: I will tell ralsina we're not having this meeting, there is no need since we're all together and you'll be alltogether next week [16:52] well you guys can still have it, all I would really be saying is kept at the pyqt stuff and will go at the windows installer at the sprint next week [16:52] mandel: aaaah now i get it - thanks! [16:52] nessita: sounds reasonable, we could do it on monday so you tell us what you did in the sprint and we tell you the plans for our sprint :) [16:53] cool [16:53] fagan: also thanks :) [16:53] rapha: sorry for the confusion :) [16:54] rapha: my german is no good enough to translate that, I could have just been able to ask you for a beer and a sausage with curry :P [16:54] mandel: makes sense. ralsina, would you agree? [16:55] * fagan can only say hi in german [16:56] yeah, n meeting [16:57] I have been on the phone all morning trying to convince my bank I am myself and they should allow me to get money from them [16:57] the couchdb packages in the nightlies ppa are still broken, so I get them every time I upgrade, so can they be fixed please? :-D [16:57] ralsina: thats weird [16:57] fagan: nah, I just had never used their ATM card before [16:58] ralsina, change bank then :) [16:58] ralsina: ah ok but thats still weird. In Ireland you use the card to activate it [16:58] rodrigo_: well, I would have never used the NEW bank 's ATM card either ;-) [16:58] (as long as you know the pin) [16:58] fagan: the problem is I never had a pin for this card [16:59] ralsina, keep your money under the bed then :) [16:59] so if you don't have a pin, the card is 2 years old, it gets somewhat difficult ;-) [16:59] at least you would be able to get it whenever you want [16:59] +1 on the bed idea [16:59] sadly canonical doesn't d bed-money transfers [16:59] plus it makes the bed extra padded [16:59] ralsina, heh [16:59] ralsina: you should put in a request to payroll [17:00] Im sure they would see the light and offer that bed transfer [17:01] ralsina: I'd tell them the following: lets assume I'm the owner of the account, if you do not let me get my money, as soon as I can I will move it to a diff bank [17:01] and will take all your pens with me [17:01] all said with a spoon in your hand [17:01] mandel: if I were them, I would say "how do you expect to move it without a PIN?";-) [17:02] (free pens are always good) [17:02] ralsina: that is what the spoon is for :) [17:04] * mandel —> weekend pre sprint! [17:05] * fagan clocks off [17:05] 1 day of freedom left [17:05] :P [17:08] have a nice weekend guys! [17:08] see you sunday [17:08] (probably) [17:08] mandel: please could you send me T&Cs wording for installer [17:09] clarita: the license and the T&Cs or just the T&Cs? [17:09] I've got the license [17:10] ralsina: are the T&Cs the same as the Ubuntu client? [17:10] clarita: the T&C are loaded from the one.ubuntu.com page, let me get yu the link [17:10] * mandel looks [17:10] clarita: id presume they are https://one.ubuntu.com/terms/ [17:11] mandel: I got it [17:11] clarita: they are loaded form the url, so if you want to change anything, you have to talk with cparrino or the web people [17:13] mandel fagan: I'm thinking we need the T&Cs within installer not linked to - otherwise they move to web and we want to avoid that - thoughts? [17:14] clarita: we can grab them from the site and display them in the installer [17:14] we dont need to open the browser [17:14] fagan great [17:14] that is all [17:14] (for now) [17:14] clarita: atm the terms are loaded within the sso UI no browser needed [17:14] clarita: is that a threat? [17:14] :) [17:14] fagan: might be [17:15] hehe === nessita1 is now known as bessita === bessita is now known as nessita [18:03] I have no idea how I managed to forget my password to other gmail account, but it was nice to have an option to receive an OTP onto my mobile :) === franxesk_afk is now known as franxesk [18:41] karni, i am now using app-specific passwords and google authenticator on the phone, looks awesome [18:43] rye: I am also! Although, if you "Forget your password", you may pick Google to send a token to your phone to recover it, so it's something little different than OTPs during login, themselve. [18:44] rye: I, however, have noticed little issues with enabling that 2 factor authentication. youtube app on my android phone had problems to log in to my youtube account [18:44] karni, 'cause you need to use app-specific passwords [18:44] and one or two similar accidents. It's not working 100% seamlessly, but certainly that's a great step. [18:44] rye: I know [18:45] rye: but the YT app on my phone didn't ask me for the app-specific one [18:45] ah! log out, there it is [18:45] karni, however i had not tried logging in with youtube thing.. [18:45] next time should work, with the app-specific pass :) [19:08] dobey: are there any Vala books you'd recommend? [19:09] anyone else is also allowed to answer :) [19:10] i don't think there are any vala books [19:41] thisfred, ralsina, can any of you review this branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/gsd-plugin-remove-quota/+merge/55934 [19:41] alecu: sorry, doing evaluations :-( === IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml [19:49] alecu: on it [19:49] http://mython.org/ [20:22] ralsina, this is the calculator you are looking for: http://www.acqualia.com/soulver/ [21:18] ralsina, dobey: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/hide-emblems-on-non-syncd-folders/+merge/57007 [21:51] kenvandine, hi hi. I have a desktopcouch source-package branch proposed for natty. It fixes one critical bug and also pushes idle-couchdb CPU usage to almost zero. Will you please take a look? [21:51] https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cmiller/ubuntu/natty/desktopcouch/1.0.7-0u1/+merge/57014 [21:55] * CardinalFang goes to hassle someone else. :(