
=== niemeyer_ is now known as niemeyer
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
ryoohkiis there a private cloud? something like eucalyptus@home or open-cloud or some such?????00:54
flaccidryoohki: thats what uec is00:56
ryoohkiflaccid: is there one not associated with ubuntu?  a truely open cloud?00:57
gholmsUEC is not a hosted service; you run it on your own machine.00:57
flaccidryoohki: there are many. eucalyptus, cloudstack, openstack etc. google will show you00:57
flaccidyes eucalyptus is a private cloud software00:58
ryoohkiflaccid: would you recomend an open public cloud for learners?00:59
flaccidryoohki: i don't think there would technically be a full 'open' public cloud. ec2 is great for public cloud00:59
ryoohkii guess eucalyptus would be a good choice if it's open and free to use since the software has market share01:00
flaccideucalyptus is private cloud software, not a public cloud. hardware is irrelevent.01:00
flaccidCloudStack is a lot better than euca (which is buggy as)01:00
ryoohkiflaccid: how much is eucalyptus?01:00
flacciderr have you even gone to the website?01:01
flaccidthe OSS edition is free.01:01
ryoohkiflaccid: http://cloud.ubuntu.com/ ?01:01
ryoohkiflaccid: http://cssoss.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/eucabookv2-0.pdf01:01
ryoohkiflaccid: "OSS"? open source software?01:03
flaccidryoohki: as you can see http://lmgtfy.com/?q=eucalyptus it is first result and second result01:03
ryoohkiflaccid: i know "let me google that for you"01:03
gholmsSee also http://open.eucalyptus.com/01:03
ryoohkiflaccid: google doesn't have opinions, bias, and experience01:04
flaccidyou didn't ask for that. you asked for the dang url.01:04
ryoohkiflaccid: no, i'm try to stir up a convrsation about open clouds, something like rms would be up to like gnu-cloud or the eff would push01:05
flaccidthis isn't the place really for that.01:06
ryoohkiflaccid: i'm new to the public discourse in clouds01:06
ryoohkiflaccid: probably but i prefer the opions of freenode people to things the internet turns up01:06
erichammondryoohki: what is an "open cloud"?01:06
flaccidwell i have given my opinion.01:07
ryoohkierichammond: i was thinking by now someone would have come up with "cloud@ home" or some such thing01:07
ryoohkiflaccid: and i appreciate it01:07
ryoohkiflaccid: thanks!01:07
erichammondryoohki: no idea what you're talking about.01:07
gholmsThat's what UEC does.  You install it on your own machine and do whatever you want with it.01:08
flaccidryoohki: no such thing as an 'open cloud'. CloudStack does a cloud on your desktop thing now01:08
ryoohkierichammond: ok, can you make it available to others? is there a dispacther?  kinda like bittorrent01:09
gholmsAFAIK you can make your UEC cloud publicly-usable if you want.01:09
flaccidryoohki: not really. you might like to give it a try so you can understand how it works01:09
flaccidwell you can let anyone use it if you don't care about security01:10
erichammondryoohki: ah, so by "@home" you are referencing projects like folding@home01:10
gholmsYou should really learn how this stuff works, though.  You're assuming an awful lot.01:10
erichammondNot sure I think that's got much to do with "open" and I certainly would trust running my code/data on random home machines less than running on Amazon managed hardware.01:11
ryoohkiflaccid: yup - the @home part is mad eup01:28
ryoohkiflaccid: it wouldn't surprise me someone started such a project for home computing enthusiasts01:29
ryoohkierichammond: depends on encrytion01:29
erichammondryoohki: It's difficult to do anything useful with data without decrypting it. If it's running on a VM on your hardware, you have access to the decrypted data, as well as to the key if it's being decrypted on your hardware.01:31
flaccidthere are many private cloud projects that you can install the software at home and have your own private cloud. thats what umm err UEC is.01:33
erichammondThere are some special cases where you can perform operations on encrypted data without decrypting it first, but I suspect that's rare for now.01:34
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
koolhead17hi all08:08
spud_hello i've an EC2 instance with EBS boot. I've DYNAMIC Ip... if I "reboot" the instance (i don't mean stop/start) does it change the ip? thanks12:40
kim0spud_: Hi, no it doesn't13:08
spud_ii think it happene d a very bad thing13:10
spud_i did a aptitute safe-upgrade13:11
spud_it suddenly stop at "Installing new version of config file /etc/java-6-sun/security/java.policy"13:11
spud_after waiting for minutes.. i did a EC2 reboot from the web console..13:11
spud_but now it seems i can't connect with ssh :(13:12
spud_i'm really lost13:12
kim0and why can't you!13:12
kim0even if the ip changed13:12
spud_the same is the same :(13:12
spud_looking the "system log" from the ec2 console it seems my instance is started correctly13:13
kim0and what public IP does it have13:13
spud_Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS www.mydomain.com tty1 www.mydomain.com login:13:13
kim0try refreshing the aws console info13:14
kim0try, telnet <public ip> 2213:14
kim0does that connect13:14
spud_now it worked!!13:15
kim0cool :)13:16
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michael_any documentation on how to secure a ubunut cloud?14:23
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=== niemeyer_away is now known as niemeyer

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