
vishso much for dholbach trying to not mention him by name! :s00:06
vishthey seem to have read dholbach's mail too and still they have mention the name! :/00:08
popey"damn secret trials! i think that even Mark is finding about this now "00:29
MeanEYESomeone was looking for me. :/ My away log died on me. :)04:49
MeanEYEHi, by the way :)04:49
nigelbWell, ScottK is now famous :D07:31
AlanBelllogs from #ubuntu-classroom are full of win10:24
nigelbAlanBell: :)11:10
Ronniekim0: do you have some time this week to add some comments to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/mapuntu/API13:05
kim0Ronnie: hey o13:08
kim0yeah I guess .. nice job there13:09
Ronniethx, but its not 'complete' yet i think, but cant oversee the big picture at the moment13:10
duanedesignmorning all13:35
jcastrovish: around?20:41
vishjcastro: hey..20:53
jcastrodo you have any iconers handy? I have an art request20:56
jcastroI have an icon that is like 90% there20:57
vishjcastro: which one?20:59
vishjcastro: shnatsel/coz seem interested in doing some work, or I could look into it too..21:01
jcastroI need the askubuntu lens to be fixed21:01
jcastrolet me screenshot21:01
jcastrovish: https://bugs.launchpad.net/askubuntu-lens/+bug/74863421:03
jcastrothere you go!21:03
jcastrovish ok so the hot thing seems to be doing that lens thing21:04
jcastrobut filling in the icon looks too full on21:04
jcastroso maybe just the glass with an "Ask" in the middle21:04
jcastrobut not filled in like it is now21:04
vishyea, Unity does that glow by itself, iirc21:05
jcastrooh I see21:06
vishjcastro: so you want it the same size as the other lenses?21:07
jcastrobut maybe if the ask was glowy21:07
jcastroinstead of black21:07
jcastrounity won't fill it in21:07
jcastrobut also, at the same time21:07
jcastrothe bubble looks like the lens21:07
jcastroand looks more stylish like brand wise21:08
jcastrodunno, whatever looks awesome21:08
vishok.. ;) looking into it..21:08
jcastrono rush, etc.21:09
jcastrovish: oh, I'm also on a 32px launcher21:10
jcastroso I think on the default you get more pixels to play with21:11
vishjcastro: could you also post a screenshot of how it looks with the default?21:11
jcastroyeah doing that now21:11
* popey hugs jcastro 21:13
jcastrovish: ok, added it to the bug21:13
jcastroheya popes21:13
jcastroczajkowski: bonus, he knows how to fix the crash21:14
duanedesign'lo all21:26

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