
PiciWe usually use !test to check if the bot is replying, along with !ping00:00
IdleOnehmm ok.00:00
ubottuIn #ubuntu, BountyX said: ubottu: that is so useful I never knew that =D00:17
genii-aroundDarn. I wish I knew what ubottu told him now!00:19
Picigenii-around: it was about using tab complete.00:19
bazhangllua, hi01:16
bazhangessy is an op or staff, right?01:17
bazhangie Guest9646301:17
bazhangban forward-able?01:36
IdleOneI said I was wrong and he still acts like a jerk01:37
IdleOnellua: anything we can help you with?01:38
IdleOnellua: please don't idle here.01:39
lluayou say that as uf i chose to come here01:39
IdleOneahh, I see. you didn't01:40
IdleOneapologies. you were forwarded here from #ubuntu-offtopic01:40
bazhangban forward from -ot01:40
bazhangllua, you were asked to change your quit message; that was the reason for the ban forward to here01:47
bazhangdork, hi01:50
dorki apologize for being a dick, my ownership was off01:50
dorkoh, interesting01:50
bazhangthe language was uncalled for01:50
dorkyou're absolutely right01:50
bazhangokay then01:50
dorkand i apologize whole-heartedly01:50
dorkpass it along for me, if you will01:51
bazhangplease have a look at the guidelines if you would01:51
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines01:51
bazhangeither need more or less coffee: I typed 3 lines before I noticed he'd quit01:52
bazhangllua, hi02:31
bazhangllua, you know why you were ban forwarded here02:33
lluawas that a question? its lacking a "?"02:34
bazhangbecause of your quit message, which you were asked to change02:34
bazhangllua, ^02:38
lluaits another statement. how am i to respond? no command or task was given.02:38
bazhangllua, pardon?02:38
bazhangllua, you were asked to change your quit message. that is the reason for your ban forward here02:39
bazhangllua, should you wish the ban to be lifted, then you would need to change the quit message02:39
llualook at your scroll back at 20:1602:40
lluayou told me hi. i left. what was my quit message? there was none. do you wish for me to have a quit message or not?02:40
bazhangllua, did you wish to resolve your ban in #ubuntu-offtopic ?02:40
IdleOnethe attitude is not going to help get the ban lifted02:41
IdleOnellua: Could you please part this channel, I will ask Tm_T to send you a PM so that you two can resolve the ban.02:44
lluallua,  i currently dont have a quit message. how do you want me to change something i dont have.02:45
lluaIdleOne, *02:45
lluai even parted the channel once i came02:45
lluaits in your scrollback or log.02:45
lluai have no quit message. i am not understanding what to change02:46
IdleOnellua: ok well if you don't have a default quit message set then I suggest you not use any offensive quit/part message in the future02:46
IdleOneSince there doesn't appear to be any #ubuntu-offtopic ops active to help you with this, please part the channel and I will make sure that the op who set the ban contacts you.02:47
IdleOnellua: Please leave this channel.02:52
ubottubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (ERR0R)06:05
bazhangsee Error in -ot06:13
bazhanggnomefreak, he's a well known troll06:59
bazhangonkavezigir etc06:59
gnomefreaki am ;)07:01
ray24oh sup08:30
ikoniahello there08:39
ikoniaray24: how can we help this morning ?08:40
ray24I don't think you have the power to remove my ban.08:40
ikoniaI'm pretty sure I can08:40
ikoniawhat's the current status (I'll just get the logs)08:41
ray24I'm at the conclusion stage and the verdicts on my side08:41
ray24we went over this earlier today with the other ops08:41
ray24So I'm pretty sure I'll have the ban taken off.08:41
ikoniaok, I'll just check the logs, I'll just be a moment08:42
ikoniaok ray24 the logs don't show that at all08:43
ikoniawho did you talk to08:43
ikonia(if you're trying to miss-lead me, please don't, lets just resolve the ban and get it sorted)08:43
ray24I talked with nhandler, then i talked to idleone08:43
ikoniaray24: I've just checked the logs and nhandler makes it %101 clear he has not agreed to remove the ban08:44
ikoniahe just attempted to calm you down so we could progress/resolve the ban08:45
ikoniaso I guess, what's changed in your attitude for us to remove the ban from any of the channels you are banned from ?08:45
ikoniathat's the question/problem we need to resolve08:45
ray24I'm not cursing08:46
ikoniaagreed, that's a great start08:46
ikoniabut the reason you got banned was a lot more than just bad language08:46
ikoniayour whole attitude and comments where not really something we'd accept in the channels08:46
ikoniahave you read the ubuntu channel guideline (the ones which explain how to act what's acceptable/not acceptable ?08:47
ray24I read the US constitution08:49
ikoniano, that's not what I asked08:49
ikoniaI'm asking about the ubuntu channel guidelines that explain the rules of behaviour within the channels08:49
ray24No I don't read guidelines08:49
ikoniaok, that may be a good start08:50
ikonia!guidelines | ray2408:50
ubotturay24: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:50
ray24i'll take a second to skim through it08:50
ikoniaray24: I suggest you take longer than a second, and read it properly08:50
ray24Ok, I'm done reading it08:53
ikoniacan you see how your attitude and comments have had you removed ?08:54
ray24yup i see08:54
ikoniagreat, so if I remove the ban, you agree to abide by all the guideliens you've just read ?08:54
ikoniathat includes, all the racist and homophobic comments, bad language, the ranting about being hacked and the threats to people, that will all stop, agreed ?08:55
ray24yeah, that's past08:56
ikoniaok, so I'll remove the ban in #ubuntu for you now08:56
ray24cool , thanks08:56
ray24you're not angling for a donation or anything right08:56
ray24just asking08:56
ikoniacould you tru to join #ubuntu for me please08:57
ray24ubuntu? I was never banned from #ubuntu08:57
ray24I was banned from ubuntu-offtopic08:57
ikoniaoh, ok, I'll remove it from #ubuntu-offtopic08:57
ikoniacould you give it a try now please ?08:58
ikoniathere we go08:58
ray24yup, :)08:58
ray24now the fun begins08:58
ikoniaray24: so I guess just keep in mind what we discussed in this channel, you're welcome to leave this channel and enjoy #ubuntu-offtopic08:59
ray24thanks for contributing to my enjoyment08:59
ikoniano problem,08:59
ikoniaif you're done here, we ask that you leave the channel so we can help others out who need it08:59
ray24Yes, I shall evaporate08:59
ikoniasomeone may want to watch ray24 in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic while I step away09:33
elkyi look in -ot for the first time in over a week and they're talking about breast size. charming.09:38
quupin view of the fact that ubuntu is the concept of humanity towards all and the fact that people shouldn't be banned indefinetly I request Anastasius bans be conciderd null and void.10:21
ikoniaquup: sorry what ?10:25
quupikonia: unban Anastasius10:25
ikoniaquup: what's up ?10:25
ikoniaquup: I've offered to unban him multiple times he's said "nah it's fine"10:25
quupoh well, thanks anyway!10:26
ikoniamaybe if he wants to be unbanned, he could ask himself10:26
mrmistany chansops about for #ubuntu? sisska appears to be onjoin spamming11:21
mrmistunresponsive to /msg11:22
ikoniathey are also complaining in #archlinux about it11:23
oCeansee <Da|Mummy> in #u?14:58
ubottuoCean called the ops in #ubuntu (Da|Mummy)14:59
* maco tries to remember if that's the bad one or the good one15:00
tsimpsonwell, it's not great...15:01
ubottuIn ubottu, arand said: !gnome3 is <reply> Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu, a PPA is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 However these packages are _unstable_ and may break your system.15:20
ubottuDaekdroom called the ops in #ubuntu (WolfMitchell)15:53
=== LjL is now known as ElleJayElle
ikoniaAnastasius: all sorted ?17:25
AnastasiusThis has been a test, Thanks, ikonia.17:25
IdleOnewas that it?17:26
ikoniaI asked him to join/part to test to confirm so everyone was happy and clear17:26
IdleOneglad it worked out painlessly17:28
ikoniaseems so17:28
=== ElleJayElle is now known as LjL
ubottuIn ubottu, nyuszika7h said: life is 4218:45
PiciWho is this telemundo person?19:00
Pici13:52:17 <?telemundo> ikonia rhymes with stankonia19:01
Pici13:56:29 <?telemundo> tell them unity blows while you're in there19:01
PiciThen when I had them in pm they started getting weird.19:01
IdleOneno idea19:02
IdleOnestrange though, ikonia hadn't said anything from when telemundo joined19:04
Piciikonia's other split personality perhaps?19:05
IdleOnehow many does he have?19:07
IdleOneI was just remarking that there was no reason for him to target ikonia19:08
IdleOneikonia really should stop wearing his work shirt to #ubuntu19:09
ikoniaPici: just got back to my desk and he's sent me a delightful pm quoting the rap from the fresh prince of bel air19:51
ikoniaI don't know the nick / ip but obviously I've done something to him in the past for the randomness of it19:51
IdleOnehaha that is still a good song20:09
jribljl got k-lined?23:03
rwwubuntu ops are such trolls :(23:04
Flanneljrib: First rule of K-lines is you don't talk about K-lines (or else you'll get K-lined, it seems)23:04
popeythats two in a week23:04
popeywho's going for the hattrick?23:05
rwwin before popey [...] has quit [K-Lined]23:05
rwwLjL: What are your crimes!23:05
jribLjL: stop being a bad boy23:05
LjLmy crime consists in trying to be a backticked robert well ;(23:09
rwwOdd. I tried that nick on another connection shortly after my k-line and didn't get k-lined.23:09
rwwAnd no, I'm not sure it's a good idea.23:10
marienzLjL: sorry for that23:12
marienzrww: please don't experiment with those, staff won't always be around to unset them as quickly as you'd probably like if you do set something off23:13
LjLmarienz: i did it on purpose. someone say sorry to rww instead... :(23:13
rwwmarienz: I care about 0% whether my home address is k-lined, since I don't use it for IRC ;P23:13
rwwI don't need an apology, I think it's kinda hilarious that one of my grouped nicks is apparently autok-lined23:14
* LjL too23:14
marienz(it no longer is, but I still recommend not experimenting)23:15
rwwwell, there goes all my trollcred.23:15
rww(thanks :)23:15
marienzyou can probably figure out how this might've happened, especially if you dig through logs for previous occurences of that nick23:15
LjLmarienz: i don't call rww grouping to one of his nicks "experimenting", though. i certainly was experimenting, but for that matter i was also prepared to stay k-lined for longer.23:15
marienzrww: you might want to turn on enforce23:16
rww22:16:36 -NickServ(NickServ@services.)- The ENFORCE flag is already set for account rww.23:16
marienzhuh. I stand corrected.23:17
marienzdo you happen to remember if that's a recent change?23:17
rwwmarienz: I have no idea. I looked into /msg nickserv help set a few months ago after spamming a channel on another network accidentally because my client wasn't set up with the right password and was join-quitting repeatedly, so it might be from then.23:18
marienzactually it doesn't really matter23:18
marienzI'm just confused23:18
rwwwelcome to my world23:18

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