
gholms|workDaviey: You around?00:20
=== gholms|work is now known as gholms
Datzwhat makes the server version distinct. Is it only the kernel?00:22
Patrickdktechnically the only difference is the installer :)00:24
ScottKAnd a different kernel on amd64.00:25
ScottKOf course a very different default package selection.00:25
gholmsAny rampartc maintainers around?  :)00:26
Patrickdkkernels and packages can all be changed after install though :)00:32
DatzScottK: ah, ok thanks00:33
Datzand Patrickdk00:33
DatzI was just thinking if I built from minimal, would it be supported here :P00:33
gholmsOk, I'll just ask my question generically.  I'm working on a security issue and upstream doesn't appear have a way of securely reporting them.00:38
gholmsIf I file it in LP then I can't be sure that upstream will get the patch before a new package is released, but if I file it in upstream's tracker it immediately becomes public.00:39
gholmsIs there a preferred way of handling this?00:39
ryoohkiis there a seperate cloud channel for ubuntu?00:48
ryoohkifor eucalyptus?00:49
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gholmsYou mean like #ubuntu-cloud?00:49
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ryoohkigholms: thanks!00:53
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^robertjhelp i need 3 harry-potter themed server names in a hurry! database, web, and reporting!02:26
^robertjhagrid, buckbeak, luna, dumbledore, hermione, hedwig, fakes, and ron are already taken02:26
anth_hi all02:28
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gemclipharry, snape,moody06:47
phochoI am a new one.07:20
samira-twho can help me to run an embedded web server?07:24
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cyril_Hello, I would like advice about memory required to install ubuntu server 10.04 + apache tomcat with mediawiki / phpBB3 / subversion. I want a test server for developing web apps in java. Is 2Gb of RAM enough for such a test server?12:43
remix_tjcyril_: i suggest you more ram12:44
remix_tjif you develop apps for tomcat12:45
cyril_remix_tj: thanks. 4Go then?12:45
remix_tjbecause as far as i know tomcat is pretty heavy12:46
cyril_yes, it is possible12:46
cyril_but I also think it depends on the traffic.. For a test environement, there would be very few traffic...12:46
cyril_Do you know about any online resources where I could compare RAM usage figures for different scenarios of Ubuntu Server + Apache tomcat usage? I have hard time finding clear figures for now12:47
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jfb_h20for 10.10 should I use pm-utils or laptop-power-manager14:14
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eichihello. I try to make some cronjobs für users in group users with crontab -e, but they did not work16:23
eichi1 4 * * *            /home/dev/backupDb.sh      this does not work. but this has worked: 0 16 * * *            /home/dev/backupDb.sh16:23
eichii dont understand why16:23
eichiits just another hour...wtf16:24
padhueichi try with double digit16:25
eichi04 ?16:25
padhu01 04 * * *16:26
eichipadhu: thanks16:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #755613 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE7-1ubuntu12.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75561316:56
samira-twho can help me to run an embedded web server?17:10
ScottK!ask | samira-t17:10
ubottusamira-t: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:10
samira-tScottK: i asked my question :), but for more information something like this http://www.gnu.org/software/libmicrohttpd/17:11
ScottKPeople are unlikely to volunteer to provide unspecified general assistance.  If you have specific questions, ask them.17:12
ScottKsamira-t: libmicrohttpd is packaged in Ubuntu.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libmicrohttpd17:13
samira-tScottK: okey, thanks, but i'm confused in how to use it17:16
ScottKYou install libmicrohttpd-dev and then it should be available like any library for build against.17:17
ScottKSpecifics of how to develop libmicrohttpd based applications are probably best asked upstream.17:18
samira-tScottK: thanks again, i'll try more17:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #755672 in php5 (main) "package php5-fpm 5.3.5-1ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75567218:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #755673 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package libmysqlclient-dev (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/include/mysql/decimal.h', which is also in package mysql-devel 0:5.5.11-2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75567318:46
atari2600ahey, I'm installing this server VM & I accidentally my workspace19:32
atari2600aor the bash equivelant19:32
atari2600aI don't know where the installer is or more importantly how to get there19:32
atari2600aobviously CTRL-ALT acts on the host instead of the VM19:33
JanCatari2600a: I think a word is missing there somewhere?19:33
JanCin your first sentence19:33
atari2600aI accidentally it D:19:33
atari2600ait's just gone19:33
JanCswitched, closed, ... ?19:33
atari2600aswitched :P19:34
JanCare you using byobu or screen?19:34
atari2600abash, I would assume19:34
atari2600ait's the ubuntu server installer19:34
JanCand Alt+Fx doesn't work?19:36
atari2600awell look at that19:38
atari2600aI guess I'm too used to CTRL-Alt to switch workspaces19:38
JanCCtrl+Alt is needed in X19:38
eri82hi there20:38
eri82i'm havin a problem with a gre tunnel20:39
eri82the tunnel is build over a ipsec connection20:39
eri82can ping each gre interface from the 2 servers20:39
eri82from server 1 can ping vpn interface20:40
eri82but from server 2 cannt ping vpn interface of server one from the gre tunnel20:40
eri82i see the traffic from tcpdump going and commin20:41
eri82but not comming on the ping program20:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #755755 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.8.2-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75575520:42
eri82is there any way to find where the ping gets blocked20:42
Gaduwhy is java limited to using 2658MB on my server that has 8GB of RAM and over 6.5GB free?20:44
GaduUbuntu Server 10.04 32-bit20:46
Dr_Jekylli'd say you gave the answer yourself - you're on a 32bit system20:50
Dr_Jekylli'm no java expert though20:50
DatzI think ubuntu servers 32bit kernel is pae anyway20:52
Dr_Jekyllyes, but the java binary is 32bit, so it has certain boundaries on how much memory it can use20:53
JanCstill limited address space per application20:53
JanCit uses 32-bit pointers remember20:54
Datzok :)20:54
Gaduso using a 64-bit Ubuntu Server is recommended to get more memory for the application20:55
Gaduor does each java application have a limit (like a memory limit per program)20:55
Dr_Jekyllboth is correct - you need 64bit to access large memory in the first place, and there can be a memory limit per program on the java side of things. that's configurable, however.21:00
Dr_Jekylldoes anyone here use likewise-open for windows domain integration? does it work well?21:04
GaduIs Ubuntu Server 64-bit any less secure than 32-bit? (paranoia from the 64-bit root exploit)21:07
Andre_GondimI've tried to install cacti with, apt-get install cacti, I already have lamp-server rrdtools snmpd snmp, but I don't have sucess with localhost/cacti, where may I see the error? in the log just say don't find /var/www/cacti21:09
ScottKMore likely the other way around.  There are security features that are only enabled on amd64 and not i386.21:10
ScottKGadu: ^^^21:10
Gaduso now that the exploid involving 32-bit calls on a 64-bit system has been discovered and fixed, 64-bit is more secure than 32-bit?21:11
ScottKThat's my opinion.  It may be wrong, of course.21:12
GaduI appreciate your opinion, thank you21:12
GaduI don't suppose there is a program that can detect what packages have been installed or uninstalled on a system since its creation?21:15
Gaduwould love to be able to quickly determine what changes I've made in that area for a reinstall should I switch to 64-bit21:15
ScottKGadu: You can use dpkg --get-selections to get a list of what you've installed (the dpkg --set-selections to install on the new system)21:34
ScottKThat will get your package list back to where it is.21:34
ScottKIt won't track configuration, data, and other changes.21:35
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate21:35
ryDr_Jekyll, i have used likewise-open on a few machines, it seems to work pretty good -- i'm not sure what other options there are to begin with? likewise was the best/easiest i found at the time21:39
ryubottu, that was on my vast list of things to figure out, thanks =)21:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:42
ryguntbert, is ubottu's database "open" ? can it be viewed?21:43
guntbert!brain | ry21:43
ubottury: Hi! I'm #ubuntu-server's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots21:43
ryawesome, thanks21:44
guntbertry: you're welcome :-)21:44
guntbertry: and I can really talk too - not give only bot commands :)21:45
rylol yes i figured as much21:46
koolhead17hi all22:08
guntberthi koolhead17 --  Do you have an ubuntu support question?22:09
koolhead17guntbert, no.22:12
guntbertkoolhead17: :)22:12
shaunoany suggestions for a sensible jabber daemon to use for a small (4 users) site?22:28
=== carcinogen75 is now known as zz_carcinogen75
nimrod10shauno, try ejabbered or openfire23:08
nimrod10shauno, try ejabberd or openfire23:08
shaunonimrod10: thanks23:10
nimrod10shauno, np23:24

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