
rokkett77greetings from peppermint00:13
canthus13wtf, too.01:23
Unit193You disconnected, then reconnected...01:23
canthus13Yeah. I accidentally hit some key combination and closed out the channel. :P01:27
canthus13not sure what, though.01:27
canthus13No my channels are all out of order. :(01:27
Unit193 /window move 601:28
Unit193Does it to me too...01:28
Unit193How many windows do you currently have open?01:30
Unit193Cheri703: Might it be better to figure out a better day for U-H when SkrappJaw is here?03:32
Cheri703we can discuss if there's an easier day to get together03:32
Unit193I sorta want to know what days work well for you guys03:33
Unit193SkrappJaw: You with us?03:34
Cheri703any night is ok for me really03:36
Unit193How long is UDS?03:36
Cheri703a week03:36
Cheri703as of now, no U-H scheduled during it03:37
Unit193Not saying you can't do them, but I can't do any mondays...03:38
gilbertDerath-Srvr: what's up?22:42
* Cheri703 is learning to use a Colemak keyboard layout...why yes, I AM a giant nerd, why do you ask?22:59
canthus13colemak? Never heard of it.23:00
canthus13hmm... interesting.  I think I'm too set in my ways to switch...23:03
Cheri703yeah, I'm a major touch typer, so it's...interesting23:03
Cheri703(using qwerty now though)23:03
Cheri703but I'm doing lessons in ktouch :)23:05
* canthus13 hasn't looked at the keyboard in years....23:08
canthus13It's amazing how much difference a trailing / makes in rsync.23:08

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