
onepmhave you experienced crashes on xubuntu 10.10 lately? especially when the comp is going to sleep01:16
MikeDDsolution for problem, run Disk Warrior on the drive to repair errors stemming from improper shutdown of drive.03:08
MikeDDdrive has read and write access immediately after rebuild03:09
MikeDDThank you guys!03:09
ljsoftnetis there an alternative to "Icon Box" on xfce panel?04:26
ljsoftnethow do i upgrade the "Icon Box" in xfce panel?06:02
Dicso_WezyrOla briderz06:45
Dicso_Wezyrikonia brueder ola!06:45
Dicso_WezyrSysi bruder hosanna to you06:45
Dicso_Wezyrbazhang brotha, my old goodfriend:D06:46
Dicso_WezyrPici brotha...Do you remember me?:)06:46
Dicso_Wezyrgnomefreak bro good mornin'06:52
gnomefreakhi Dicso_Wezyr06:58
Dicso_Wezyrpleia2 dicsőséges testvérem hozsanna néked:D07:10
Dicso_Wezyrola bazhang bro07:10
ljsoftnethow do i install xfce4-iconbox?09:49
Sysiwith package manager, synaptic or software center or apt09:50
ljsoftnetSysi how? by synaptic? i cant find xfce4-iconbox10:04
Sysitry to be less exact, just iconbox or xfce4 (not too many hiths with either)10:05
ljsoftnetSysi i tried iconbox still nothing10:07
Sysihum, what xubuntu/xfce version?10:09
ljsoftnetSysi im currently in xubuntu 10.0410:10
Sysiupdate package list in synaptic10:10
ljsoftnetSysi how?10:10
Sysithere's some button10:11
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BBommaritoHello all.12:53
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=== thermi is now known as Thermi
BBommaritoMorning all.15:24
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=== thermi is now known as Thermi
=== Thermi is now known as thermi
=== thermi is now known as Thermi
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=== PaulW2U is now known as Paulw2U
=== Thermi is now known as thermi
=== Paulw2U is now known as PaulW2U
=== PaulW2U is now known as Paulw2U
=== thermi is now known as Thermi
alakhiahi, i'm trying to add a nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf20:01
alakhiabut everytime i restart network-manager, my file gets clobbered20:01
alakhiawhat can I do please?20:01
Sysialakhia: networkmanager doesn't deal with resolv.conf like that, you have to setup one or the another20:03
Sysiand propably not use the other one20:03
TheSheepactually, it's the dhcp derver that clobbers it20:03
TheSheepbut you can configure your connection to not use dns servers from dhcp20:03
TheSheepit's the 'Automatic DHCP (addresses only)' option20:04
TheSheepand put your dns server in there20:05
alakhiaSysi: how about if I just want to add an entry at the top?20:09
alakhiabasically, i'm adding  a local dns caching server20:10
alakhiai want network manager to continue doing what it does but add 1 entry for me20:10
alakhiathis page gives instructions: http://www.petur.eu/blog/?p=40920:10
alakhiabut the instructions are for ubuntu ... not sure how to translate it to xfce20:10
alakhiaTheSheep: i want to use dns server ... just want to add my local dns cache20:13
TheSheepalakhia: so what's the problem?20:13
TheSheepalakhia: just instead of going to  “System->Preferences->Network Connections” right-click on the network icon and click on "edit connections"20:14
TheSheepalakhia: the rest is the same20:14
alakhiaTheSheep: oh, didn't realize that ... i just got stuck and was looking for a network setting in prefs20:16
alakhiathanks TheSheep and Sysi, i got my dns cache working!20:31
=== Thermi is now known as thermi
=== thermi is now known as Thermi
=== PaulW2U is now known as G4MBY
=== G4MBY is now known as PaulW2U

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