=== yofel_ is now known as yofel [10:38] hi all [10:39] who should i talk to in order to report a few bugs in 10.10? [13:01] Hello, I have recently submitted a bug report regarding a kernel panic, how long does it usually take before someone responds to it? Its rather critical imo [13:03] which bug? [13:05] Oops, back [13:05] yet another kernel panic [13:05] which bug? [13:06] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/754825 [13:06] Launchpad bug 754825 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel panic while using my system (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] [13:09] penguin42: that one [13:09] ok [13:11] JoshuaL_: I'm going to add a note to the bug asking you to try the latest daily kernel build - it's useful to know if that also fails [13:12] penguin42: ok :) [13:13] JoshuaL_: So to answer your original question; there are a LOT of bugs coming in every day - but there are probably a whole bunch of people using that same wireless chip so that helps; but I can't say how long it will actually take for a kernel dev to notice it [13:14] ok thanks :) [13:15] penguin42: and a kernel dev also has to assign the importance? [13:16] JoshuaL_: No , a member of the Ubuntu Bug Control team can set the importance [13:16] penguin42: ah ok [13:19] penguin42: do i have to install both the penguin42 headers and image or only the image for the daily kernel? [13:19] you may need the hearders for some stuff - and heck they're only small so you may as well [13:19] ok ty [13:20] ill gonna try that and see if it helps [13:20] -ll [13:21] right, time for breakfast :-) [13:21] enjoy :) [13:37] penguin42: i tried to install the mainline build of the kernel, however it results in an error: http://pastebin.com/etPAV4pu [13:40] Sorry, system crashed again [13:40] penguin42: so i tried to install that kernel without luck (sorry to bother you again) === JoshuaL_ is now known as Guest96158 === JoshuaL is now known as Guest13854 === Guest96158 is now known as JoshuaL [13:43] JoshuaL: You want three packages afaik. [13:44] arand: i have downloaded the image and headers from: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/daily/current/ (amd64) [13:44] Two header packages and one imge? [13:46] arand: i downloaded: linux-headers-2.6.39-999-generic_2.6.39-999.201104091127_amd64.deb and linux-image-2.6.39-999-generic_2.6.39-999.201104091127_amd64.deb [13:50] JoshuaL: Further down on the wiki page it describes what you will need to get [13:50] JoshuaL: the non-arch -headers package as well, that is [13:51] i missed that one, stupid me [13:51] thanks! [13:52] arand: thanks for the help! :) [13:52] now its time for a reboot to test the kernel [13:52] Happy breaking :รพ [13:53] Well, not really though but.. :) === JoshuaL is now known as Guest21552 [13:57] arand: ok tried the kernel however wifi does not even seem to work with that kernel === Guest21552 is now known as JoshuaL [14:00] JoshuaL: Someone in another bug mentioned that you have to install a driver for that wireless anyway, you probably have to reinstall it under the new kernel [14:02] penguin42: it did work out of the box when i installed 11.04, so i assume it would work out-of-the-box with a new kernel too (i did not install it via the restricted extras?) [14:02] JoshuaL: Hmm OK, I've not got that wireless so I don't know if there is any magic for it [14:04] penguin42: ok, shall I leave a comment at the bug that I tried the mainline kernel but that it did not work at all? [14:05] yep, preferably include a dmesg from that kernel [14:05] ok [14:06] oh and you can remove the needs-upstream-testing tag [14:06] k [14:11] penguin42: i will also test bug 754840 and remove the tag when the bug still is there (or should i try other things for that?) [14:11] Launchpad bug 754840 in linux (Ubuntu) "Have to switch manually between audio output connectors (affects: 1) (dups: 1) (heat: 3429)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/754840 [14:12] JoshuaL: I'm not quite sure what's supposed to do that switching [14:13] ok, then i leave it as it is (unless its fixed ofcourse :P) [14:20] penguin42: thanks for all the help [14:44] I have a bug against a package in Ubuntu which I am a Debian maintainer (a FTBFS) - #756165, which is a straight consequence of #751940 - Can I mark it as such in some way? [15:15] lp 756166 [15:15] Launchpad bug 756166 in vdr (Ubuntu) "vdr version 1.6.0-19.1ubuntu1 failed to build on i386 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/756166 [15:15] lp 756165 [15:15] Launchpad bug 756165 in sciteproj (Ubuntu) "sciteproj version 0.4.00-1 failed to build on i386 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/756165 [15:25] why my karma still going down ? [15:28] njin: hm? karma measures activity and expires after a while. So it can even go down if you work on something but the amount of work is less than before [15:29] mine? [15:29] probably, I don't know the karma calculation code, but that's what usually happens [15:29] my karma goes up and down too all the time [15:29] :-( [15:29] thanks yofel [15:32] gusnan: if the bug will be gone when the other one is fixed it could be considered a duplicate, other than that I don't think there's a way to link it other than posting the other bug # as you did [15:34] alright, I'll mark it as duplicate then. Thanks! [16:26] what should backlight bugs be against - X? The kernel? [16:42] penguin42: hello, generally linux or g-p-m [16:50] Thanks === emma_ is now known as em [17:52] can someone help me with my bug 743324 - it was marked as a dupe of bug 349479 that was marked as already fixed which is nuts [17:52] Launchpad bug 743324 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Allocate drive space window too large for netbook - can't get to buttons (dup-of: 349479)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/743324 [17:52] Launchpad bug 349479 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[Jaunty] partitioner doesn't fit on screen with large number of partitions (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 15)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/349479 [17:53] although I guess perhaps I should test it with the Beta - by saying 'it has long since been fixed' it doesn't seem to say whether it should affect the version I tried === evilnhandler_ is now known as evilnhandler [19:10] hmm, I tak e it back - it is fixed === lifeless_ is now known as lifeless [20:36] hello all, I am the newest member [21:28] * chalced smiles [21:28] i tried sending a bug report but haven't gotten a reply. [21:29] in ubuntu 10.04 i can't consistently attach files [21:29] to mail or anything [21:29] interesting [21:29] which mail client?' [21:30] ive tried yahoo mail, gmail, and zimbra [21:30] Ah, so this is in the web browser then [21:30] which client? [21:30] i rebooted yesterday - problem stays [21:30] same in opera and firefox [21:30] same with imageshack [21:30] hrm [21:30] sometimes it works [21:31] have you found a similar bug report in launchpad? [21:31] sometimes i get 'there is no file to attach' [21:31] no [21:31] but when you need to send something in a hurry it's nuts to get 5 copies of xchat.conf in a mail. [21:32] i delete them, but then i can't send what i need to [21:32] well, this is weird. Anyone else able to pull up bugs.launchpad? I just got a timeout error [21:34] looks like they may be updating launchpad atm. [21:34] wfm [21:34] ah [21:34] arand, Every other page is giving me a 500 === chalced is now known as chalcedony [21:35] Linda, give me a couple seconds, ok hon? [21:36] sure no problem syn-ack :) [21:36] Well, no such issues seen on my side... [21:36] This is odd. [21:37] arand, must be one of the US servers or something then [21:37] Mayhaps.. [21:41] syn-ack, it's just me [21:41] heh [21:41] if i weren't here.. [21:42] I'm reporting the incident right now to the lp team [21:47] chalcedony, If you'd like to join me in #ubuntu-offtopic, I'd be more than happy to help you there. [21:47] np [23:31] Hello, I'm trying to report an error on the ubuntu.com website. [23:32] Where should I do so? [23:33] Wait, nvm