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slangaseklucas_: so I know your relationship with ruby packaging runs hot and cold... :) do you have any interest in fixing bug #749099, or know someone who might?  libcairo-ruby fails to build because it bypasses pkg-config and tries to parse .pc files directly01:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 749099 in libcairo-ruby (Ubuntu) "libcairo-ruby version 1.8.1-1build1 failed to build on i386" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74909901:30
infinityslangasek: Ick.01:50
slangasekinfinity: is that the sound of you volunteering to fix it? :)01:52
infinityslangasek: It's the sound of me vomiting a little at people who feel the need to re-invent pkg-config.01:53
ScottKIf you're going to be around Ruby much, you'll be needed a large barf bag.01:54
slangasekinfinity: I should share the list of all the things I've had to fix in build systems for multiarch :)01:54
slangasekphp still wins, hands down01:54
slangasekbut you probably could already have guessed that :)01:55
ScottKyeah.  that was a given.01:55
infinityslangasek: With our history with it, I can't imagine it surprised you, at least01:55
slangasekno, but I realized I'd repressed just how bad its autoconf usage was01:55
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ScottKcjwatson: It looks to me like something ate your dh-autoreconf backport https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dh-autoreconf/+publishinghistory01:59
ScottKre Bug #75566101:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 755661 in lucid-backports "Please backport dh-autoreconf" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75566101:59
ScottK(I don't see it in New either)01:59
psusisay, umm... don't we have an auto generated list of packages that ftbs?  so why file bug reports on them as well?02:08
slangasekbecause a list of packages that ftbfs doesn't let you claim/assign the issues, triage them, or file them against different packages that are the ultimate source of the breakage02:09
cjwatsonScottK: no, I just forgot to flush it02:12
ScottKcjwatson: That's a relief.02:12
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cjwatsonScottK: apologies for the duplicate NEW mails, lag-induced errors02:16
ScottKNo problem.  Thanks for taking care of it.02:16
cjwatsonaccepted now02:17
ScottKGreat.  I'll take care of binary New once it hits.02:20
psusiI have always explicitly specified -r or -h, but if you don't specify, shutdown seems to drop to runlevel s.  Is this normal?  the man page does not say what happens if you don't use any switches03:43
* psusi is getting the feeling this is normal and this bug report should be converted into a request to improve the man page03:43
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abhinav-cjwatson: Hi, one more question. Is "man -K" available only on Ubuntu ? I tried it on Opensuse , it wasn't available , although opensuse is also using man-db.05:44
ohsixdoesn't that just call apropos, or vice versa06:03
abhinav-man -k calls apropos, in Ubuntu man -K does a full text search over man pages :)06:03
hyperairooh nice. i never kenw that.06:04
ohsixyou can grep the debdiff on the package page to see if it's added as a patch; that'll literally answer your question, but i don't personally know06:04
ohsixi see --global-apropos on lots of online manual listings06:05
abhinav-what does --global-apropos do ?06:06
hyperairmaybe they all use ubuntu ;-)06:07
hyperairabhinav-: it's the longname for -K06:07
hyperairit's in man man06:07
ohsixhyperair: looks like it could be :D06:07
ohsixhyperair: quick look at man page i know is modified for ubuntu doesn't have those modifications though06:08
hyperairmm what about debian?06:08
hyperairdebian has -K as well.06:08
ohsixdebian is awesome; they could be getting the man pages from there as well06:09
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lucas_slangasek: [libcairo-ruby] I'll take a look06:35
SpamapShrm.. autofs is frustrating.. no way to inform it that it should retry all failed mounts06:35
ohsixSpamapS: what are you using it for?06:38
SpamapSpersonally, nothing06:38
slangaseklucas_: ok :)06:38
SpamapSbut trying to pinpoint when to start it during the boot06:38
ohsixits a bit of a speciality for a desktop thing when there's udisks06:39
SpamapSohsix: basically in a server with static interfaces, 'started networking' is the exact right place to start autofs. On machines w/ dhcp or transient network connections.. this results in an autofs that takes 60 seconds to notice that it can mount an NFS share that it couldn't before. :-P06:39
ohsixi see06:40
SpamapSThe kernel caches negative mount attempts and provides no way to flush that cache. :-P06:41
SpamapSjust times them out06:41
ohsixtheres a fuse filesystem that can do the same, but run arbitrary commands too06:41
SpamapSwell regardless of that.. the current start on is totally broken.. 'and mounting TYPE=nfs' .. not sure what zul was thinking there. :-P06:42
ohsixlots of stuff is broken/weird with nfs :D06:43
SpamapSwell autofs has lots of uses w/o nfs.06:43
SpamapSand mounting is only emitted by mountall.. so not sure how it relates to autofs06:43
ohsixjust saying theres a lot of weirdness to accept with nfs; how autofs interacts with it is just another one06:44
SpamapSmeh.. autofs doesn't care what its mounting really.06:45
ohsixwell mounting nfs manually is weird too; so i don't see how it'd drop out of the equation06:50
SpamapSYeah it just depends on how you want to use nfs06:55
lifelessSpamapS: thats an oxymoron, no ?06:55
SpamapStrue.. nobody *wants* to use NFS06:59
SpamapSlifeless: so, are you convinced yet that Cassandra is t3h suck? Or do I need to put Solandra/Lucandra on my oneiric-alpha-1 todo?06:59
StevenK__SpamapS: Bah, I use NFS here.07:01
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Guest27069Services, bite my shiny metal ...07:02
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lifelessSpamapS: I got good feedback from mdennis07:04
lifelessSpamapS: I thought I forwarded his 'can I'd love to come to UDS' mail to you/07:04
SpamapSlifeless: You may have. I'm just watching each patch release totally destroy at least a few peoples' installs and thinking they really don't understand what a stable release is yet.07:05
lifelessSpamapS: ouch07:05
lifelessSpamapS: that part I have no experience with yet07:06
lifelessSpamapS: have you played with lp:oopsrespository ?07:06
lifelessSpamapS: thats what I need solandra for07:06
lifelesss/need/think it might be nicer than solr07:06
SpamapS0.7.1 and 0.7.2 were particularly ugly.. 0.7.3 gives you the tools to clean up the mess of those releases.. but then 0.7.4 broke anybody who went from < 0.7.3 to 0.7.4 ...07:06
lifelessSpamapS: though, TBH, if its still got the insane xml file for config07:07
SpamapSI haven't looked at all07:07
lifelessSpamapS: thats a bit uncool07:07
SpamapSIt does seem like the best option for a hyper-scalable text search engine.07:07
SpamapSI have to wonder if there is something similar for Hbase07:09
SpamapShmm.. I'm trying to upload a new version of autofs5 but dput is erroring out with "550 Changes file must be signed with a valid GPG signature: Verification failed 3 times: ["(7, 9, u'No public key')", "(7, 9, u'No public key')", "(7, 9, u'No public key')"] : Permission denied.07:30
geserSpamapS: you used the right gpg key (the one LP knows about)?07:32
SpamapSgeser: indeed, F4BCB38E07:33
SpamapShave used it to upload before07:33
SpamapSwondering if my recent python problems might be the culprit07:33
SpamapSno.. something else.. dupload has the same problem07:35
geserif gpg --verify works on the .changes files, then I've no idea and try in #launchpad07:35
geserit's not dput generating the error message but the ftp server on LP07:35
geseralternatively you can also try to upload via sftp07:37
SpamapSyeah I was thinking maybe dput was mangling the file07:37
SpamapShrm looks like it worked the first time despite the error07:42
lifelessso we check the signature during the ftp session now08:27
lifelesswhich is pretty cool08:27
lifelessUnless others are having the same issue08:27
slangasekunless you started checking within the past 2 hours, I'm not08:28
lifelessa week or so now08:28
lifelesswe were hoping it would stop the mysterious 'I uploaded and no error and no email back' situation08:28
lifelessbigjools blogged aboot it08:28
tjaaltonslangasek: actually, 1.4.2 was the first time there _was_ an ubuntu branch, it had been a local one until then.. I just should've checked the archive too before uploading09:29
slangasektjaalton: oh, in that case yes, I blame you! ;)09:29
tjaaltondarn :)09:29
tjaaltoncan't keep my mouth shut09:30
tjaaltonthere's still xserver 1.10.1rc2 and mesa 7.10.2 the team would like to upload before the freeze, libx11 was just a warmup :)09:35
cjwatsonabhinav-: it's not Ubuntu-specific; I implemented it in man-db upstream.  openSUSE are probably just a few versions behind and need somebody to prod them to come up to date.09:54
cjwatsonabhinav-: The other GPLed man implementation, which used to be in Fedora (though Fedora switched to man-db recently) actually had -K first, although the implementation wasn't as good so it was several times slower to run.09:56
abhinav-cjwatson: oh ok. thanks. I was googling to learn more about man-db. I suppose man-db handles internationalization properly as opposed to the old man implementation ?09:58
cjwatsonwhen distros have switched to it, I think that's been the main reason for them09:59
abhinav-cjwatson: yes, I saw mailing list discussions, all of them had trouble with internationalization10:00
cjwatsonyes, firstly it still uses catgets so it has no way to handle program translations in an encoding-safe way, and secondly it hasn't had enough work done on all the stuff you need to do to handle different encodings of manual pages themselves10:02
cjwatsonI fixed all of that stuff in man-db years ago, so it's more than reached the point where distros might as well just switch if they're having problems10:02
* cjwatson wonders if Gentoo will ever get around to actually doing that, having apparently decided to do so10:03
abhinav-the only point I can mention in my proposal for not using man-db is that it is under gpl :)10:04
cjwatsonyes, I believe in free software actually staying that way. :)10:06
abhinav-that actually gives me the opportunity to get this project :-D .10:07
click170I'm maintaining the TicGit-ng program, a fork of the original now unmaintained TicGit, but I've run into a problem. Both the deprecated TicGit gem and the TicGit-ng gem use the same bin file(s), so when installing the latter without the former, you get told that you need to install TicGit in order to use that bin file10:20
click170How do I resolve the problem on Ubuntu where trying to call a bin file with TicGit-ng installed results in a notice telling you to install the TicGit gem?10:21
lifelesssounds like your script isn't installed properly10:22
lifelessand you are triggering command-not-found behaviour10:22
click170Well, if I install the TicGit-ng gem on Debian, it works without problems. Do I need to do something more to satisfy a requisite for Ubuntu?10:23
click170Am I in the wrong channel? Should I be in the rubygems channel instead?10:25
lifelessI don't know :)10:26
lifelesswhat does 'which <your command name>' report10:26
click170'which ticgitweb' has no results, but the file exists in '/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/ticgitweb'.  This is a fresh install with git-core ruby and rubygems installed, and then TicGit-ng installed via gems.10:27
lifelessso, is /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin on your path?10:28
click170Apparently not. Sounds like a bug in Rubygems...10:28
click170lifeless: Thanks.  I've gone to answers.launchpad.net to ask for more information there and to find out if this is a bug in rubygems or not.10:47
seiflotfyany1 here using natty on an intel chipset12:14
seiflotfycore i512:14
seiflotfyi cant  use my external monitor12:14
seiflotfyit keeps flickering12:14
c2tarunseiflotfy: what is your laptops model?12:15
bradmI'm having huge problems with my laptop due to bug 727620, its random if it'll boot or not12:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 727620 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati "[Radeon HD 5650 and 5470] Driver crash during recovery boot and in normal boot (Regression from 2.6.38-3 to -4)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72762012:19
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pittichrisccoulson: binutils> awesome, as it's in the archive now, do you think we can land this by tomorrow freeze?13:37
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, can do. i've got some other globalmenu-extension bug fixes to land with firefox too though (most are fix committed already, but there is one which i haven't finished investigating yet)14:19
chrisccoulsoni want to be sure i've not introduced any crashers before i upload though (so i'm running it today)14:20
chrisccoulsonwhen is the cut-off tomorrow?14:20
pittichrisccoulson: we freeze at 0900 UTC14:37
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chrisccoulsonpitti - oh, i guess i'll have to get it all fixed tonight ;)14:39
pittichrisccoulson: Sundays are overrated :)14:58
chrisccoulsonheh :)14:58
chrisccoulsonjo works on sunday`s, which means i have my daughter here to help me14:58
pittichrisccoulson: but in exchange you can slack tomorrow14:58
chrisccoulsonand she likes using my laptop ;)14:59
chrisccoulsonshe has figured out that when she bashes the keypad, things happen on the screen14:59
pittinow this just needs a tad of coordination :)14:59
chrisccoulsonshe's even tried drawing her own image in the screen with a felt tipped pen15:00
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure she has figured out yet how things are normally rendered on to the screen ;)15:01
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pittichrisccoulson: oh, do you get that off the screen again?15:03
chrisccoulsonpitti - she hasn't actually got as far as drawing on the screen yet. i stop her before she manages to do it15:03
chrisccoulsonbut she's got pretty close!15:03
chrisccoulsonshe's already drawn on the sofa ;)15:03
chrisccoulsonbut the cats do more damage to our sofa than her anyway ;)15:04
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Laneyanyone available to process the gio-sharp sync? want to rebuild banshee against it before the freeze18:22
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pittiLaney: just doing19:32
pittiI did all outstanding syncs19:32
Laneycheers pitti19:34
ricotzpitti, hi19:38
ricotzdocky needs to be built when gio-sharp is ready19:39
pittiricotz: doesn't it have a versioned build-dep?19:39
ricotzdocky copies the unstable lib to its private directory19:39
ricotzgio-sharp is considered unstable19:39
pittithen we'll need a -build1 upload, sorry19:40
ricotzno worries19:40
Laneyi should have s/accepted/published/ in my comment19:41
ricotzpitti, but of course thank you for accepting it19:42
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lifelessdoko: hi19:58
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micahgshould I add tasks for the rdepends to bug 74554420:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745544 in gcc-4.3 (Ubuntu) "removal of GCC-4.3 packages in natty" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74554420:43
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ScottKmicahg: Sounds reasonable.20:46
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SpamapShrm.. twice now my box has panicced because building drizzle ate up all the RAM...21:26
lifelessSpamapS: what -j param are you passing?21:26
lifelessSpamapS: and -panic- wtf21:26
SpamapSlifeless: I know.. I'm getting an "OOM and no processes left to kill"21:27
ScottKI've hear lamont is particularly fond of -j 24 on armel.21:27
SpamapSlifeless: I'm not sure what -j it passes..21:27
SpamapSI'm pretty much at "defaults"21:27
lifelessSpamapS: package or upstream build21:27
SpamapSlifeless: package21:27
lifelesswhats your deb concurrency option set to21:27
SpamapSlifeless: I've never done anything to change it, so probably 121:28
* SpamapS is almost religious about using defaults unless he fully understands the setting being changed. :-P21:29
SpamapSplus w/ a dual core honestly using -j2 just means sacrificing being able to use the box. :-P21:30
lifelessSpamapS: heh21:34
lifelessSpamapS: my test build box is a (2 year old) i721:34
lifelessSpamapS: 8 cores 4eva21:34
SpamapSI have one box21:37
SpamapSa laptop21:37
SpamapSeverything else is "in the cloud" :)21:37
SpamapSOk so I think this is related to the chroot upstart support21:38
SpamapSits happening when installing dbus21:38
lifelessSpamapS: how old is your laptop that its only 2 core?21:38
SpamapSmacbook pro 15 5,121:39
SpamapS    1 root      20   0  962m 941m 1336 R  100 23.9   0:18.53 init21:39
SpamapSoh boy and its unstoppable21:39
SpamapS    1 root      20   0  962m 941m 1336 R  100 23.9   0:18.53 init21:39
SpamapS2.5G now21:39
SpamapShaha my 'sync' came out in irc21:49
SpamapSbox was a bit unresponsive by then.. :-P21:49
SpamapSahh.. so dbus is special in that it sends SIGUSR1 to init...21:52
DnaXI've requested a FeatureFreeze Exception for Gweled package: bug #75687722:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 756877 in gweled (Ubuntu) "Debian sync request for Gweled 0.9.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75687722:20
DnaXcan anyone in the release team look this?22:21
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stgrabercjwatson: sorry for the late response ;) I can confirm a race condition in plymouth-upstart-bridge. Out of 5 boots in my VM I only got one boot.log containing the upstart boot messages.23:04
stgraberit's testing with a desktop VM on my laptop, so it takes less than 5 seconds to boot the whole desktop. I'm guessing it's less visible on a "normal" system :)23:05
stgraberI'll see if I can "easily" fix that so I can then easily test bug 75239323:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 752393 in lsb (Ubuntu) "lsb init scripts show line buffering problems on bootup" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75239323:06
stgraberas I don't really want to reboot 5 times everytime I want to test something ;)23:07
stgraberI could also find a slower machine (as in, non-SSD and with less than 8GB of RAM), that should workaround it ;)23:07
cjwatsonstgraber: could just be that dbus starts so shortly before gdm that there's no time for p-u-b to do anything23:08
cjwatsonit's possible for both gdm and p-u-b to start immediately after dbus, after all23:09
cjwatsonp-u-b is more useful on server systems23:09
cjwatsonbut you could also just shove 'pre-start exec sleep 10' in /etc/init/gdm.conf, or something like that23:11
stgrabercjwatson: well, my choice of using ubuntu desktop was to make the boot process slower ;) which kind of worked but only 1 out of 5 times ... server was booting even faster so that I'd never get a boot.log containing upstart entries :(23:12
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stgraberI'm not sure the sleep 10 would work because on Friday I tried removing plymouth-stop.conf entirely, which means keeping a running plymouth after boot. But still didn't get anything in boot.log. I'm guessing the issue is really that p-u-b is starting "too late" and everything is already done23:14
cjwatsonstgraber: roll on http://alban.apinc.org/blog/2011/02/16/introducing-multicast-unix-sockets/ or similar, and then we'd be able to talk to upstart without needing to wait for dbus-daemon to start23:19
stgraberthat'd be nice indeed23:21
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