[00:35] os-prober: cjwatson * r305 ubuntu/ (10 files in 7 dirs): [00:35] os-prober: * Cherry-pick from trunk: [00:35] os-prober: - Use grub-mount if it exists. This lets us do true read-only mounts, [00:35] os-prober: and works better on journalling filesystems that were mounted [00:35] os-prober: uncleanly (LP: #683355). [00:35] os-prober: - Attempt to load the fuse module, to improve the chances of grub-mount [00:35] os-prober: working. [00:35] os-prober: cjwatson * r306 ubuntu/debian/ (changelog control): Depend on grub-mount-udeb. [00:35] os-prober: cjwatson * r307 ubuntu/debian/control: set Maintainer and Vcs-Bzr for Ubuntu [00:37] os-prober: cjwatson * r308 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.44ubuntu1 [00:48] ubiquity: cjwatson * r4654 trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs): bump to 2.6.0 [01:14] ubiquity: cjwatson * r4655 trunk/ (130 files in 3 dirs): Update translations from Launchpad. [01:22] ubiquity: cjwatson * r4657 trunk/debian/ (imported-po/cy.po changelog imported-po/nl.po): Update imported translations from gtk+2.0 2.24.4-0ubuntu1. [01:25] ubiquity: cjwatson * r4656 trunk/ (debian/real-po/nb.po debian/real-po/nn.po po/nb.po po/nn.po): restore Norwegian translations [01:31] ubiquity: cjwatson * r4658 trunk/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog): [01:31] ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: apt-setup 1:0.49ubuntu4, [01:31] ubiquity: netcfg 1.60ubuntu3. [01:38] ubiquity: cjwatson * r4659 trunk/debian/real-po/ (68 files): debconf-updatepo [02:12] ubiquity: cjwatson * r4660 trunk/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.6.0 [02:40] hello, can someone apply the patch attached to bug 628906 to ubiquity trunk ? the "fix" isn't perfect but would still be an improvement over the current behaviour. === StevenK__ is now known as StevenK === StevenK is now known as Guest27069 === Guest27069 is now known as StevenK [14:06] stgraber: go thanks! [14:06] er, "thanks!" [14:07] ubiquity: cjwatson * r4661 trunk/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/kde_components/PartMan.py): [14:07] ubiquity: * KDE frontend: [14:07] ubiquity: - Disable partition edit dialog on row activation, until such time as we [14:07] ubiquity: know how to distinguish click from double-click (LP: #628906). [14:07] (that's properly credited in the changelog and --author, even though CIA shows it as by me) === CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK === shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer [21:17] partman-auto: cjwatson * r609 ubuntu/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [21:17] partman-auto: Fix reuse and replace options to umount using the path name [21:17] partman-auto: instead of the device name to work around a bug where ntfs-3g [21:17] partman-auto: on dmraid can not be unmounted with the device name, which [21:17] partman-auto: then caused the installer to hang (LP: #725408). [21:59] localechooser: cjwatson * r161 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog localechooser): [21:59] localechooser: Cancel any locale preseeding if the user changes the language [21:59] localechooser: (LP: #741304). [22:01] localechooser: cjwatson * r162 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.34ubuntu4 [22:06] libdebian-installer: cjwatson * r355 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog src/system/subarch-arm-linux.c): Map "OMAP4 Panda board" to armel/omap4 (LP: #744862). [22:07] libdebian-installer: cjwatson * r356 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 0.77ubuntu2