[00:03] Hi, ubuntu's group contact, could you ask staffer to grant extended channel registration for ubuntu-fr-irc as it raise the limit [00:03] tsimpson, I choose you! [00:04] McPeter: you shouldn't need a GC to do that [00:06] heu [00:08] what does "extended channel registration" mean :\ [00:08] we need gc to do that :) [00:09] by default we can register max 30 channel with one account [00:10] for more, we need a special account flag [00:10] and freenode (staffer) give us if GC say "ok" :p [00:11] (sorry for my english … i'm french :p) [00:11] McPeter: can I ask why you need more than 30 channels? [00:12] tsimpson, for exemple we groups #kubuntu-fr / #xubuntu-fr --> #ubuntu-fr for the support [00:13] we have #ubuntu-fr-meeting / -fr-party / -fr-pro / -fr-doc / -fr-devweb / -fr-modops (forums) / -fr-ops (irc) [00:13] you mean you have forwards on those? [00:13] etc … [00:16] McPeter: the -fr group seems to have some channels that probably could be dropped [00:19] tsimpson, rww look /notice [00:19] what notice? [00:20] :) [00:20] ok .. i paste in pv [00:20] My opinion doesn't matter, but I agree with tsimpson about some of the channels on that list :\ [00:21] McPeter: why do you need all those channels though? [00:23] for different activity [00:24] you need #ubuntu-fr-troll? [00:24] example we have : #ubuntu-fr-dijon [00:25] possible in future we have : #ubuntu-fr-marseille / -lille / etc … [00:25] by town ( french association) [00:25] what about the 2 extra -ops channels? [00:26] -ops-log and -ops ? [00:26] -ops-admin too [00:27] *-ops-admins [00:27] there's -jeux-night too, is that different from -jeux? [00:28] and the 3 ## channels [00:28] -ops is moderate channel (for only operator/moderator) [00:28] -ops-log is for uBOTu-fr log ban/quiet/ [00:30] -ops-admins is for trivarium operator [00:31] what's trivarium? [00:32] we used to always have 3 irc admins [00:34] so the Fr team had a council known as the trivarium? [00:35] IdleOne: fr loco leader has all access, but french team split each medias ( web/irc/forum/email/party ) [00:36] i guess the current issue is that few ops need to keep founder for few #ubuntu-fr* channel because the ubuntu-fr-irc account used for that raised the limit [00:36] well I think what tsimpson is saying is that some of those channels might not really be needed and could be dropped or merged [00:37] such channel had been registered due to troll try, or because used time by time for few specific reason [00:38] -fr-dijon could be dropped and moved to ## because it is not an official loco. as far as I know Ubuntu LoCo's don't break down to city level. [00:38] niko: they should be dropped eventually though [00:39] the irc council is in the process of dropping many of those kinds of channels too [00:40] well, /msg alis list *#ubuntu* shows many channel like that [00:40] "in the process" ;) [00:40] we're working through >1300 channels [00:41] the dijon's one is a specific legal organisation [00:41] #ubuntu* has 1300 channels? wow. [00:41] at least, valid in fr country [00:41] more actually [00:41] rww: and don't forget #kubuntu*, #xubuntu*, #edubuntu*, etc [00:42] true, but still, that's a lot. I'm surprised. [00:42] are y'all group contacts for #lubuntu* too, or do they have their own? [00:42] that's why we're going through and dropping all the useless/unused ones [00:43] no, Lubuntu is not "an official derivative" [00:44] niko: what about the ## channels? [00:44] tsimpson: ask fr-admins about that [00:45] I'm just struggling to see why there is a need for >30 channels, waiting to be convinced :) [00:46] tsimpson: i guess it's because few ops needs to keep +F on few of them, because ubuntu-fr-irc is full [00:46] sure, but 30 is a large number of channels for a LoCo [00:47] they used it for various things, support, party, webdev, admin, ops, etc [00:48] with various level of access [00:48] and keeping founder access on someone could break stuff [00:50] as, if the op leave the team, is still have the ability to drop the channel or change many settings [00:51] that's why they try to handle that into one account [00:52] I get why one account for all the channels is good, I just don't get why they need over 30 [00:52] like, the per-city channel [00:52] ubuntu-fr is a large loco too, of course... ;) [00:53] per-city is not something you're supposed to use [00:54] organisation per city are allowed, it's hard to tell them to move to ## [00:54] in france we have association loi 1901" [00:54] as they are very strong to fr loco and other french's ubuntu team [00:54] "association loi 1901" [00:56] is there really that great of a need for -fr-city channels? [00:56] if so that is awesome. [00:56] I am biased, but I consider imposing structure like that on LoCo teams from without to be rather flawed :\ [00:57] IdleOne: how many locoteams have release parties with thousands of visitors? ;-) [00:57] none that i know [00:57] ubuntu-fr has [00:57] Ubuntu-Party :) [00:57] JanC: does #ubuntu-release-party count? ;) [00:57] we need to go to France for a release party :) [00:57] next week i go Angezrs [00:58] to S.A.M. [00:58] presente Ubuntu in University [00:58] and next time [00:58] we have Ubuntu Party 11.04 at Paris [00:58] I would have thought a ML would be better for organizing release parities ;) [00:59] rww: even that channel doesn't have 4000 people ;) [00:59] oO [00:59] JanC: you said "thousands"; #u-r-p hit over 1000 iirc ;) [00:59] anyway, I'm being distracting, nvm. [00:59] anyway nothing hurry, but they still have few op with founder access in channel they do not have :) [01:00] I'd like to see the unneeded channels dropped first [01:00] and after we add all channels by op :) [01:01] I'm unaware of any other LoCo that has >30 channels, so I'm just a bit cautious about it [01:02] tsimpson: feel free to paste the list to McPeter, he is one of the admin [01:03] well I don't know which ones are needed/used in the list, but the ## ones, and probably -trolls should go [01:03] and I'm unsure what #kubuntu-fr-users would be for [01:03] and -chat [01:03] for historical reason [01:04] and -jeux-night [01:04] during the merge/forward from #kubuntu-fr/#xubunut-fr to #ubuntu-fr few people would like to be able to continue as they were before [01:04] -jeux-night is linked to -jeux [01:05] it's the wolf channel of -jeux [01:06] how say "sale gosse" in english ? :) [01:06] *to [01:06] in france we have many "sale gosse" :) [01:07] google suggests "brat" [01:07] I'm not sure those belong under #ubuntu :P [01:08] McPeter: Au Quebec gosse veut dire testicule, pas sure de l'expression sale gosse [01:08] IdleOne, HAHA [01:08] no no !! [01:09] "sale gosse" .. maybe : "bad child" [01:09] if u understand ? [01:09] ahh ok, a little brat [01:09] "nasty boy/girl", something like that, yes [01:10] for example .. in france . when people is brake .. he create channel derivated [01:10] #ubuntu-fr vs ##ubuntu-fr [01:10] ah you mean trolls [01:11] i don't know if you understand me .. :\ [01:11] IdleOne, mmh .. [01:11] trolls vs idiot [01:11] yes, France has a large LoCo and sometimes people disagree with the official channel so they start their own channel [01:12] well, as long as their channels start with a ##... [01:12] when we linkked #kubuntu-fr to #ubuntu-fr to centralise support [01:12] 2-3 users create #kubuntu-fr-users [01:12] to protected support and new ubuntu user .. we drop this channel [01:12] and Ubuntu-fr-IRC register and linkked [01:13] hmm [01:13] (i speak english same spanish cow) (french expression) [01:13] hahaha [01:13] I know that expression [01:14] :p [01:14] * McPeter hides [01:15] you speak English well. I think what the issue is that there are some channels the the -fr team has that don't seem like they are needed. [01:15] the the?? [01:15] that the* [01:15] :) [01:16] I do that often [01:16] hehe [01:20] McPeter: could you just drop an email to irc-council@lists.ubuntu.com requesting extended channel registration, and maybe a brief explanation? [01:20] I'd rather discuss it with the others than make a unilateral decision [01:20] and that way, I won't forget about it in the morning either [01:21] ok === bassem is now known as matata === matata is now known as bassem === emma_ is now known as em === evilnhandler_ is now known as evilnhandler [19:39] Good morning all, I was wondering if I could please have my cloak updated to reflect my new Ubuntu Membership. My launchpad profile is available at https://launchpad.net/~jarednorris [19:40] irccouncil ^ [19:41] serfus: thanks [19:45] hum.. guess it doesn't highlight them, or they are not available right now [19:46] serfus: it's ok, I live in Australia so I'm used to just lurking for responses. That and it's still Sunday in most parts of the world. [19:48] ya.. seems like all of them are /away [19:49] It's ok, I'll hide in the corner until someone pops in :) [19:51] you can do that. or better, pray to IRC gods :P [19:52] Oh so the council aren't the gods? ;) [19:52] they might be saints... freenode staff should be IRC gods [19:53] Ah oh course. [20:25] head_victim: we dont give australians cloaks :P :P :P [20:25] nah, Ill go sort it for you now [20:26] jussi: hah that sounds about right :P [20:26] (I'm an Aussie ;D ) [20:26] Cheers, if we can keep the pdpc stuff that would be good [20:26] I've seen you about the traps and google you so I almost feel like I know you :D [20:26] Cool, I have the same request :) https://launchpad.net/~rachidbm [20:27] I have a habit of checking up on lurkers in my spare time ;) [20:27] head_victim: everyone knows me :D [20:28] RawChid: on it :) [20:29] Thanks :) [20:29] jussi: you're still trying to work out if that's good or bad though right? [20:29] head_victim: no, its scary :P [20:30] head_victim: want ubuntu cloak first or second? [20:30] Hah we're all friendly people :) [20:31] jussi: umm is there a "standard" way of doing things? [20:31] head_victim: usually we do ubuntu/member/other cloak, but its really up to you. [20:31] My main affiliation on here is to Ubuntu but I like to support PDPC for running the network I use so often. [20:31] head_victim: ok, lets put ubuntu first then [20:31] Sounds splendid [20:33] ubuntu/member is fine by me [20:47] Great, thanks jussi [21:23] Sounds splendid [21:23] Hah wrong screen :/ [21:35] jussi: thanks btw, been successfully testing my wan failover so was in and out. === LucidOne is now known as IdleOne