[01:17] Hey all === yofel_ is now known as yofel [01:35] Anyone awake? [01:43] ; [01:51] :) Let me know if you're alive out there [01:53] Hey psusi, long time no see [01:54] csjohn, sorry, I'm not very good with names and yours doesn't seem to ring a bell? [01:55] no worries, was talking to you last night [01:55] ohh, lol... I vaguely remember now... I got quite drunk last night ;) === chuck_ is now known as zul [01:56] ahhh that explains the rambling about existentialism! [02:00] oh boy, I didn't realize I was THAT drunk... that would explain the terrible hangover... [02:00] just messin' with you, reasonably sober tonight? [02:00] so far ;) [02:07] im trying to get my hands on the natty beta but apparently the mirrors like to not respond at the same time [02:07] oh there we go, success === StevenK__ is now known as StevenK === StevenK is now known as Guest27069 === Guest27069 is now known as StevenK [09:13] hi guys, its a long time that octave doesnt gets updated from 3.2 to 3.4 in debian and ubuntu , how can i understand if it has a maintainer or not ? [09:14] its a shame that such a great software doesnt updates :( ! [09:18] any Idea ??? 8-) [09:22] what an active community. [09:24] amirhoshangi: debians package tracker is usualy a good place to look [09:24] k, what about ubuntu ? [09:34] amirhoshangi: Will likely sync from debian, unless someone specifically packages it for ubuntu. [09:35] amirhoshangi: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-octave-devel/2011-February/007699.html seems to be the last word there... [09:36] yeah, tnx, thats it === sebner_ is now known as sebner === sebner_ is now known as sebner === jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna === emma_ is now known as em === evilnhandler_ is now known as evilnhandler === runasand_ is now known as runasand === lifeless_ is now known as lifeless === warp11 is now known as warp10 === shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer