
BactaHai trolls11:57
ikoniagood bye12:40
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
snailmorning all21:53
snailnice, the US government shut down effects library of congress webservices...22:16
lifelesssnail: whatnow?22:22
snaillifeless: hopefully a return to consortia based library approaches so the LoC stops being a single source of truth?22:23
lifelesssnail: link?22:23
lifelesssnail: oh right, its because they have a hung parliment22:31
* lifeless gets it now22:31
snailand these are the people who want an internet kill switch...22:35
* ajmitch thought they'd resolved their little spats over the budget22:35
lifelessajmitch: its never been about budget22:35
lifelessthats just the fulcrum22:36
ajmitchright, it's always been about scoring political points, but the budget was the tool for it22:37
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
snailajmitch: it's the weekend there, I imagine that systems will come online first thing Monday morning office hours22:40
ajmitchit's interesting to see how the different systems of government work22:40

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