
kevin6888296hey jacen03:44
jacenI had a quick question about the group03:44
jacenI've been using ubuntu for a while on and off and I heard about these groups03:44
jacenI havnt read anything about a sacramento group though03:44
jacenhave I just not looked hard enough or is there not one03:45
jacenso yea, anyone know anything on the subject?03:46
akkI don't think I've seen anything here about Sacramento.03:47
akkThough there's LUGOD, Linux Users Group of Davis, which is very active.03:47
jacenWere too cool for davis :P03:47
jacen+ I hear Miss Nixie Pixel lives in sacramento now *sly smile*03:48
akkLUGOD is always having great meeting topics I wish weren't 2.5 hours away.03:48
jacenOkay, thanks for the information Mr. akk03:49
kevin6888296jacen: you may have to start it.  there really isn't a decent Los Angeles team either, at least not yet03:49
akkjacen: Ms, and you're welcome.03:49
jacenOh! I'm sorry >.<03:50
jacenand Keven, I will consider it, especially with 11.04 coming03:50
jacenI think if I got Nixie pixel to party up for it we could get her to broadcast it and get a bunch of people to come03:51
* kevin6888296 blinks03:52
jacennixie pixel is a rather popular gamer/ubuntu geek with a large youtube following03:53
kevin6888296i wonder if i could get a following on youtube if my camera worked03:56
kevin6888296hmmm, it works in bigbluebutton.org03:56
kevin6888296maybe there's a bug in cheese or some dependency thereof03:57
kevin6888296or perhaps i should be using some other program03:57
kevin6888296i have one video on my youtube channel, my first one03:57
kevin6888296kind of...weird03:57
kevin6888296how things work and then suddenly stop03:57
* kevin6888296 wanders off03:57
MarkDudehttp://arrbee.wordpress.com/2011/04/07/what-did-i-miss-here/#comments << akk17:20
akkThanks, MarkDude -- same confusion as I had.17:22
akk(I still don't associate "beefy" with hot dogs, so even with the explanation at the end it still seems a bit weird to me.)17:23
MarkDudeWell apparently Runa has common sense- so I figured the answer was close17:23
MarkDudeWell it is also associated with bacon in a weird way, I am assuming the Jono type17:24
akkBeef is associated with bacon?17:24
MarkDudeThe 1st answer is better then the official history17:24
MarkDudethe last few releases bacon has been put forth as a name17:25
MarkDudethe reason it is rejected is due to the existence of Jono17:25
MarkDudeRH legal WONT allow bacon as a name- even tho it has been put forth for a few years17:26
MarkDudeIts  bit much now, FEdora planet is covered with beefy Miracle references17:26
MarkDudewell at least Ubuntu and Fedora can drop any air of superiority with the naming thing- Oneric and beefy- similar silliness - IMHO17:28
* MarkDude just figured you would enjoy Runa's question17:28
akkDefinitely, thanks.17:29
akkIt's nice to know that I'm not the only one who finds it baffling.17:29
akk(Though I do totally get the desire to come up with a wonky silly codename -- that part isn't baffling.)17:29
MarkDudeWell I am glad they shot down my name suggestion codpiece :)17:36
akkuh, yeah :)17:36
MarkDudeCommon sense prevailed there at least17:36
akk(or, worse, using that as the logo for BM)17:36
MarkDudeThe goal was to come up with the worst name possible17:36
akkand btw, about the fact that the codename abbreviates to BM ...17:36
MarkDudeBM jokes abound17:37
akkI had a feeling I wasn't the first to discover that. :)17:37
MarkDudeI think RH legal wanted to object for that reason- realized they would look foolish- so they blinked 1st17:37
akkWell, there's always the corporate tie-in. You know,17:37
akkIBM, UBM, we all BM for IBM17:38
* MarkDude is stealing that akk17:38
akkI stole it from an old book, "The Adolescence of P-1"17:38
* MarkDude also installed the Beefy Miracle remix - now my grub list has Ubuntu, Fedora, Puppy and Beefy Miracle17:39
akkI wanted to name my latest talk (on patents) "IP, UP, we all P for IP" but decided it wouldn't fly.17:39
MarkDudeWell did you hear the name akgraner and rbergeron picked for their talk?17:40
MarkDudeThey received a bit of consternation17:40
MarkDudeTwo girls - one talk17:40
akkoh, yeah, I did hear that17:40
akkand some of the criticism of it17:40
* MarkDude has luckily avoided seeing the video that references17:41
MarkDudeIt was changed for some material- not ALL of it tho17:41
MarkDudeRobyn is big on shock value17:41
MarkDudeakgraner, just has a funny sense of humor17:42
jdeslipGood afternoon everyone23:14
Eurekawiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/11April10 edited23:16

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