[01:49] woot, see a new file snap-l [02:04] rick_h_droid: Yep, made with the uploads. :) [02:20] woo, back [02:21] colo ftw [04:41] Wow, Tron Legacy sucked [04:41] just saw it on DVD [04:41] apparently the 3D adds a dimension of tolerable to it, because in 2D the story was stupid [04:41] Much like Matrix Reloaded. [04:46] 76 line diff, added a desaturation filter and used it properly in unity [04:46] you know what, Nux rocks [04:52] https://twitter.com/codinghorror/statuses/56916783864610816 [15:57] Good morning, noble citizens. [15:59] wordupsir [16:00] party [16:01] JoDee is completely enamoured with her phone [16:01] lol [16:01] told you, cable modem...never go back [16:01] Just about [16:02] what'd she get? [16:02] Thunderbolt [16:04] 4g? [16:05] i'm not having much luck with the archos. locks up on big downloads in every ROM [16:05] with a faint odor of electric smoke [16:06] Yeah, it's a 4G LTE [16:06] brousch: Ruh roh [16:06] refurb [16:11] hm, return or exchange [16:12] i'll give it another chance [16:14] watching the Doctorow interview on the roku, good stuff [16:18] he has 1 interview? [16:27] His latest interview on triangulation [16:28] yea, twit on the roku is cool sometimes [16:48] snap-l: did you move to dnsimple? [17:17] snap-l: did you see that severed fifth is looking for a new drummer? [17:19] I did [17:20] Unfortunately I'm not local. :) [17:20] jrwren: No, I moved to linode, and am using their API [17:38] ah, running your own dns then? [17:42] Yeah, [17:43] qq: anyone know how to get banshee 2.0 installed under Lucid? [17:43] I have the PPA installed, and it says that 2.0 is available, but no luck [17:43] still offers me 1.8.1 [17:43] upgrade to maverick? [17:43] https://launchpad.net/~banshee-team/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=lucid [17:44] greg-g: no. :) [17:44] ./sources.list.d/banshee-team-ppa-lucid.list:deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/banshee-team/ppa/ubuntu lucid main [17:45] ./sources.list.d/banshee-team-ppa-lucid.list:deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/banshee-team/ppa/ubuntu lucid main [17:52] yeah, no clue, weird, what does apt-cache policy give? [17:52] also, is there a way to delete posts from our group timeline? I am blocking some new !ubuntumi members, but their posts, I think, are still in our timeline [17:53] greg-g: Not without getting support involved. [17:53] I blocked a few yesterday. [17:53] * greg-g nods [17:53] ok [17:54] ANything *ubuntu* is a spam-trap [17:55] Seriously, our blocked list is more than the number of legit members [17:56] And it seems that anything that is flagged and not explicitly reported as such is still free to roam [17:58] I really wish they'd implement something that would make it so either new members get moderated or anything that is sent to more than three groups needs approval [18:01] I think the reason that banshee 2.0 isn't available is because the build failed. [18:01] so, I guess that's a "good thing" [18:11] ah, good deal [18:11] (sorry, neighbors came up for a second) [18:11] * greg-g goes for a bike ride [18:42] too hot! [19:09] * DBO made unity do edge-reveal [19:09] * DBO dances [19:37] DBO: Nice! [20:31] Ahoy [20:31] party [20:37] They just pushed out an update to fix one of my bugs [20:37] woot [20:38] with media mounts not properly ejecting/removing from unity after removal [20:38] experienced it a lot with CD's [20:38] cool, yea bugs getting squashed [20:39] I hope they power onward [20:39] I've had a lot of crashes in unity thus far [20:39] one crash back to login screen even [20:39] No idea what happened there [20:43] widox: n0p_ you guys been following php land these days? is this php5-fpm the way to do things now? [20:43] was going to go with fastcgi, but seeing people saying not to, but the ftp I have to get from dotdeb or something [20:44] bah, it's in maverick === Blazeix_ is now known as Blazeix [22:25] rick_h_: yeah, we are using nginx and php-fpm, ftw [23:24] n0p_: ok, will check it out then. Only php I have running on the server is a single phpbb install so not sure I'll go through all the custom install stuff [23:24] but good to know going forward