[00:09] canthus13: So if I move your keyboard, you're really messed up? [00:23] Unit193: nah. I can ssh into the box and correct the keymap. :) [00:33] You said you don't look at the keyboard, if I move it 3 inches, you're all out of luck... [00:36] Unit193: thpthpthp. [01:09] wow I hate doing taxes with my husband [01:10] What part, taxes or husband? [01:11] yes [01:11] logic win [01:12] both...he is mad because my idiot bosses didn't take out taxes and is all pissy and being a jerk and telling me I should just not include income or make up deductions..."uhm, no...that'd be tax fraud" [01:14] Stupid LiveCD repos... [01:14] BRB [01:21] Does Ubuntu (and Kubuntu for that matter) act funny in VBox for anyone else?? [02:23] Howdy ho! [02:24] Hello TheErk! [02:25] How are you this evening? [02:25] yo TheErk [02:26] Well, you? [02:26] Good. I just went beta [02:26] Ubuntu 11.04? Xubuntu is nice too [02:27] yes 11.04 [03:05] Anyone need a Humble Indie Bundle key? I've still got some gift codes I never got around to using. >.> [03:06] * Cheri703 has a friend who gave access to both bundles :) [03:06] What games are even on there? [03:06] Unit193: http://humblebundle.com/ [03:09] Never heard of those games... how are they? [03:09] world of goo = fun! [03:10] * Unit193 just looked at that and remembered my cousin had/has that [03:12] * Cheri703 got enough donations to cover the cost of the passport!! [03:12] \o/ [03:12] That's great! do you know how many people helped? [03:13] 5 [04:42] Cheri703: http://viralintrospection.wordpress.com/2010/09/06/a-different-philosophy-in-designing-keyboard-layouts/ [04:45] interesting [04:45] You'll never be able to use another keyboard... [04:46] eh, I'm familiar enough with qwerty [04:46] I don't think I'll lose that [04:46] I would think about switching, but I don't want to figure another layout or have it change depending where I am... [04:47] bah. why won't rsync sync mp3s that have had the tags changed? :( [06:24] Not too fond of season 3 of BSG... [06:24] BSG gets kinda weird somewhere around the middle of the series [06:24] yeah, it got weird [06:24] heh [06:27] I kinda liked how it was going... [06:30] what's happening in the 3rd season? [06:38] I just started, but that's when they skip a year and they are on New Caprica [06:39] ah with fat apollo [06:40] Yeah... what the heck went on in that year? [06:40] ohhh, yeah, I remember [06:40] you'll see :) [06:40] PLEASE Don't tell me... [07:02] Cheri703: The LUG here: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=339594106111 - http://ncolug.net/ - http://www.freelists.org/list/ncolug [07:06] kk [17:45] Yay for bloody noses in the middle of the night! [17:45] Also, good morning Ohio!