
benzaldehydecosmo: just that you can have up to 4 primaries and why not use all primaries00:00
dasbootjust got done smoking some reefer00:01
dasbootthinking about hitting some natty action00:01
dasbootnarwhalling it00:01
=== peter__ is now known as Hanse
austin_after deleting other partitions, can i delete the swap, or should i just reinstall ubuntu?00:01
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cosmobenzaldehyde, so should I change the extended partition to a primary for linux and one for swap?00:02
dasbootaustin_, you should probably move on to a better distro.00:02
austin_dasboot: such as?00:02
brittdunI need help. I accidently removed ubuntu one from the taskbar and now I can't figure out how to add it back.00:02
dasbootaustin_, fedora or mepis00:02
austin_dasboot: this is for a technology-illiterate friend.00:03
dasbootaustin_, opensuse is very good also00:03
GValbenzaldehyde: im sorry for inactivy is that a channel ? ##linux ?00:03
benzaldehydecosmo: you see like you want to set things in stone, have all primaries is cleaner and more managable, extendeds are all out of order by number and confusing, you can do swap as primary, i would do all 4 primaries00:03
TemplarJRC@search 181200:04
austin_dasboot: and since this is an older laptop, i think i'll just stick on xubuntu for the lightness of it.00:04
benzaldehydeGVal: it is a channel00:04
reuthello, I need some help with implementing an AVL tree :)00:04
austin_dasboot: also, what are the benefits of those distros as opposed to ubuntu?00:04
[twisti]in my settings for monitor, i only get resolutions up to 800x600. can anyone tell me how to get higher resolutions ? im not interested in it detecting my monitor, i just want to be able to tell it what resolution to use00:04
zvacetaustin_: you can leave swap,but in that case manual parition your drive to avoid getting two swap partitions00:05
reuttwisti you should go to system->monitors and choose the resolution you want00:05
[twisti]reut: in my settings for monitor, i only get resolutions up to 800x600.00:05
austin_zvacet: i'm prolly just going to reinstall the entire thing to xubuntu anyways.00:05
reutyou should also make sure you have the right driver in use00:05
[twisti]i clearly dont00:06
zvacetaustin_: if you want something light try lubuntu00:06
reutwhat graphic card?00:06
[twisti]no idea00:06
[twisti]whatever virtualbox simulates00:06
Hansehow can i connect witch xchat to a server manually?00:06
brittdunI need help. I accidently removed ubuntu one from the panel and now I can't figure out how to add it back.00:07
zvacetaustin_: it is ubuntu with lxcd see http://lubuntu.net/00:07
tntcodaIf i run a tightvnc server is that tied to a speicifc X11 display? i.e if I want to run 2 vnc servers, do i need 2 x11 servers running beforehand00:07
[twisti]i get that normal people want the proper drivers and stuff, but i dont care00:07
[twisti]i just want to use a higher resolution00:07
reut[twisti]: http://www.linuxformat.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=643800:07
[twisti]oh, so no easy button to press i guess00:08
reutit's not that hard either, trust me, just go through and if it doesn't work be sure to come back00:08
reutgood luck00:08
[twisti]yeah, stuck at step 100:08
[twisti]installing guest additions does nothing at all00:09
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[twisti]i guess thats actually step 300:09
reut[twisti]:  where is it that you're stuck exactly?00:09
reutyou can't find the file?00:10
[twisti]well, i dont have to do step 2, and step 3 does nothing at all00:10
[twisti]and then in step 5 the directory doesnt exist00:10
chillyskrillysup y'all00:12
chillyskrillyanybody want to give me a hand setting up an ssh server00:13
chillyskrillywant to set up nomachine x00:13
chillyskrillybut have no experience with networking00:13
oc80zits real easy.00:14
chillyskrillyword up00:14
oc80zdo you have a terminal open00:14
chillyskrillyi have installed the ssh server00:14
chillyskrillybut i don't know if it's running00:14
chillyskrillyin addition, i don't know how to dial into it- or well, connect you know00:14
oc80zyou can try to connect to it ..00:14
oc80zwith the command ssh00:14
chillyskrillyfrom another machine?00:14
oc80zof locally00:14
ubuntuhi, after i shutdown the hard way, wlan doestn exist anymore. and mouse freeze at startup. what can i do?00:14
chillyskrillyOh shoot, neat00:14
oc80zyou can ssh
chillyskrillyi'll try it.  thanks ocs00:15
chillyskrillybtw nice nick00:15
oc80zfux yeah00:15
streifichillyskrilly: process: prep sshd00:15
ubuntuwlan-card seems to be gone00:15
oc80zubuntu:  reboot00:15
streifichillyskrilly: connection: ssh user@host00:16
ubuntudone yet. didnt work.00:16
oc80zcould have been a race condition with udev and network manager00:16
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oc80zdo you automatically log in? or do you manually enter user/password00:16
chillyskrillyok so it seems to be working00:16
ubuntuoc80z: yes, there were some udev messages!00:16
chillyskrillymanually enter username and password00:16
oc80zubuntu: ok thats good keep manually, auto login is messed up imo.00:16
chillyskrillyok it seems to be working00:17
ubuntuoc80z: thanks. can i uninstall udev-stuff?00:17
chillyskrillyi have another machine on my network, or can probably ssh in from my phone00:17
chillyskrillydo i just type in my ip address00:17
chillyskrillyor do i need to set up port forwarding on my router to be able to access it00:17
SuperstarHello people. I'm having trouble with bios not detecting my usb drive. I have a 500gb usb freeagent drive that's detected but not the other. Both have the bits flipped (change from removable drive to fixed drive) and both are set to Active. Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening?00:17
oc80zchillyskrilly:  if you want to contect remotely , open your firewall port for port 2200:18
oc80zchilly, just be like, ssh -l username or be like ssh chillyskrilly@
oc80zlet me know if you want me to test it remotely.. you have to open that port in your firewall00:18
oc80zafter that ill show you some cool shit, like running an ssh-ftp server. or whatever.00:18
oc80zubuntu: no the udev stuff is not uninstallable.00:18
chillyskrillyhow do i open port 22 on my firewall?00:18
chillyskrillyYeah, basically i want to get it set up to where i can access an encrypted virtual machine while i travel abroad without necessitating having any encrypted information on my laptop00:19
chillyskrillysince customs gets weird in some nations00:19
ubuntuoc80z: ok, i found something in google. bug that udev breaks wlan.00:19
oc80zyeah i can help you set that up00:19
oc80zits pretty easy00:19
oc80zbelieve it or not.00:19
chillyskrillyi'll google it and brb00:19
oc80zubuntu: what are the errors use pastebin and post em up00:20
oc80zfriggin ah..00:20
oc80zchilly just get your ipaddress, be like ifconfig | more00:20
oc80zifconfig | grep addr00:21
drknzzHi guys! I am on Xubuntu Maverick x64 and i need APTonCD to transfer ubuntu-restricted-extras and other related packages to another offline computer... is there any chance that the package is somehow damaged? It is asking me to install qt-related stuff :S00:21
ubuntuoc80z: ok. i cant right now because im in a live cd. im trying something with udev. thanks!00:21
oc80zip addr | grep inet00:21
chillyskrillyI'll try it00:21
FurryJanC, you still therE?00:22
oc80zyou can type, ip route show00:22
chillyskrillyshouldnt the server be automatically listening on port 22 if ssh is running?00:22
oc80zto get your gateway for any route not matched...00:22
oc80zthen fuckin , open
oc80zif thats your default route00:22
IdleOne!language | oc80z00:23
ubottuoc80z: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:23
oc80zchilly yeah pretty much00:23
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IdleOnechillyskrilly: I feel I need to warn you that allowing a stranger remote access to your system is not the best idea. your call.00:23
oc80z!langualge | IdleOne00:24
oc80z!language | IdleOne00:24
oc80zanyways, fsck you bot.00:24
oc80zi came in here for a dumbass question00:24
FloodBot3oc80z: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:24
ubottuIdleOne: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:24
bazhangoc80z, stop that00:24
oc80zwhat the shit is that for00:24
kzmansorry, which partition must be active, (or boot), the windows' or ubuntu's?00:25
oc80zwhats your ip address, thanks.00:26
bazhangoc80z, yes?00:26
meLonAnybody know how to get output similar to what this guy posted?  http://forums.verizon.com/t5/High-Speed-Internet-DSL-and-Dial/Slower-than-Dialup-Please-help/m-p/29935900:26
oc80zkzman, you familiar with the applet in gnome that controls cpu scale profile , like ondemand, conservative,00:27
oc80zduno why ondemand goes to 1/2 CPU per core when laptop is not on charge.. but when oncharge, it can scale 100%00:29
folornwhen you need to make a file like able to do the ./ what you do -install file bascially anyone remember?00:29
oc80zfolorn, you can right click , properties, allow execute. or you can chmod +x file00:30
benzaldehydeyou can find your router ip by cat /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases00:30
oc80zthats not reliable.00:31
folornahh thats it im in terminal hrm im useing backtrack atm so things need to be careful i think its the chmod one00:31
oc80zwhy would you tell anyone that benzaldehyde00:32
oc80z 00:32
oc80zip ro sho | grep default | awk '{print $3}'00:34
edbianip addr00:34
Gittdoes anyone know what driver I need for the broadcom netxtreme bcm57765? I can't find any info00:34
GittI tried bnx2, but no go00:35
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WaltherFIAny reasons why Asus Xonar DG doesn't work properly - results in clipping, bad quality sound? Ubuntu 10.10 / 11.0400:36
folornany of you folks gimmie a idea for good msg's i tried empathy but it dont work with my distro and i got kopete which seems to not function or  im not use to it so could someone point me in the right direction?00:37
folornmsg's = msger's ;)00:37
rwwfolorn: backtrack is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Try #backtrack-linux.00:38
oc80zgitt may be,00:38
folornahh thats the channel heh btw thanks sorry im use to just comeing in here :)00:38
oc80zwhats wrong with it00:38
oc80zfolorn whats good?00:38
ayghadbonsoir tt le monde00:39
[snake]one time I put a script somewhere, and I was able to right click and execute that script... what the hell did I do??00:39
folorncant seem to get it working00:39
oc80zfolorn try pidgin00:39
folorndid wont work on backtrack ;(00:39
ayghadhi every body00:39
oc80zyou using r2?00:39
oc80ztry removing and installing from source, it works.00:39
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itiliouswhats the route setup for a vpn connection?00:40
[snake]Is there a folder to put that script in? so I can right-click, choose it, and it will execute?00:40
itilioushow can i set my network traffic for 192.168.5.x range to GO TO that actualy network thru vpn?00:41
kailkitsunedid any one else have java problems after the ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 upgrade?00:41
Gittoc80z: may be?00:41
oc80zkailkitsune:  what problems?00:42
oc80zgitt: did google fix it.00:42
[snake]I found it, sorry for disturbing the channel, will be back sometime. piece out.00:42
boumahello, with the system->prefs->'start up applications', can i just strip out all the stuff i dont think i need for a more streamlines lighter weight desktop, is there a better or proper way to do this ?00:42
[snake]lol meant peace*00:43
Gittoc80z google said to ask you00:43
kailkitsuneit stoped working all together nothing will load in it, reinstall fixed nothing00:43
Gittseriously though, I've been on google, and no, it didn't fix it00:44
cosmoother than the main partition and swap does linux need any other partitions?00:44
boumaits not the easiest thing to google cause googling 'start up applications' gives tones even with ubuntu 10.04 remove00:44
pseudosmart_does anyone know  how to register an  nickname on freenode? I keep trying to send 'REGISTER <password> <email address>' to NickServ, and it responds that my email address isn't valid?00:45
rwwpseudosmart_: don't include the <>s00:45
oc80zuse a fake email00:45
tsimpsonoc80z: don't tell people that00:45
oc80zi tell people that all the time.00:46
rwwfake email --> you can't confirm account and it drops automatically in two days00:46
Gittneither my 9.04 detects the card, or my 10.10... blah00:46
tsimpsonoc80z: yep00:46
oc80zfake is better00:47
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FloodBot3oc80z: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:47
boumadoes anyone know the 'correct' way to remove startup apps ?00:47
benzaldehydepseudosmart_: you have the password infront of the email, other way buddy00:47
LjL!language | oc80z00:47
ubottuoc80z: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:47
boumaits a pitty i cant just disable some, there is only edit, and remove.00:48
pseudosmart_oh? it worked!00:48
Gittyeah, it said tg3, which is loaded. Another forum post suggested bnx2, which is also loaded00:48
Gittneither initialize the hardware00:48
boumaafter something is removed, how would i get it back if i wanted to, i guess i could create a new account and check the default startup apps?00:48
Gittoh my bad, I thought I said I tried tg3 when I mentioned bnx2... *sigh* long day00:49
boumais there a guide to totally streamlining ubuntu 10.04, ie remove everything unneeded, eg resident printer apps for someone with no printer, bluetooth app for someone with no bluetooth, etc00:49
boumaevo alarm for someone who wishes evo could be uninstalled00:49
WaltherFIbouma: alternate installer cd00:50
rwwsure is modal around here.00:50
pseudosmart_cool...okay, so my nick is registered to my email, how do I add the #ubuntu channel to Empathy?00:50
IdleOnepseudosmart_: you want to check the preferences and add it to Favorites00:50
boumaWaltherFI: really? i've installed from the alternate installer cd, but i thought it was primarily used for the text mode installer + full disk encryption, where is the strip down stuff you mention ?00:50
WaltherFIbouma: during the installation you can manipulate the amount of stuff you want to install00:51
WaltherFIbouma: can't remember exactly where and how00:51
WaltherFIbouma: but it should be there00:51
kailkitsuneno love for the java challenged T_T00:53
bazhangkailkitsune, enable the partner repo00:54
bazhang!partner > kailkitsune00:54
ubottukailkitsune, please see my private message00:54
bazhang!java | kailkitsune00:54
ubottukailkitsune: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.00:54
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boumaWaltherFI: well anyway my current query is what is the correct way to remove 'start up applications', eg if i remove them and want them back i cant do that, and there is no good explaination for some of the consequences, eg if i remove the 'launch personal file sharing if enabled' does that mean that i cant share at all, or that it doesnt go memory resident unless i trigger it manually.00:55
benzaldehydekailkitsune: default-java works too i believe00:55
rwwbouma: if you uncheck the checkbox in Startup Applications, they'll still be there (so you can re-enable them) but won't run00:55
boumaWaltherFI: and eg, is the evo alarm notifier, print queue manager etc mem resident? or just things that load and then unload00:56
WaltherFIbouma: like rww said. just by unticking the boxes they're not loaded to memory but you can launch them manually and even enable it back to startup programs later if needed00:56
boumarww, ah of course, hrmm.. i might have already removed one or two, where is the template? can i copy it back00:57
rwwbouma: I don't know where the template is; I'm not on a GNOME system right now.00:57
WaltherFIbouma: also, try two very good console programs: top and powertop00:57
pseudosmart_thanks for the help! But it looks like xchat is easier to set up to use IRC00:57
boumaWaltherFI: yeh sudo top is pretty useful00:58
WaltherFIbouma: top shows how much cpu and memory is in use by different apps and powertop shows the power usage00:58
CorpSamichHey guys, I need some help figuring out how to install my Geforce Nvidia GT220 Drivers when I'm using my Onboard Graphics to install, Got the .run, and for some reason it says 'Error: Nvidia installer must be run as root' when I try to run it in the terminal. Help?00:58
WaltherFIin case you're running on battery00:58
boumaWaltherFI: thanks00:58
WaltherFICorpSamich: sudo sh thefilename.sh00:58
WaltherFICorpSamich: oops, sorry. sudo run filename.run00:59
WaltherFIor anyway, sudo in front of the command.00:59
boumado i need Certificate key storage, and policyKit authentication agent ?00:59
WaltherFICorpSamich: sudo stands for SUperuser DO00:59
WaltherFIbouma: those are quite necessary00:59
CorpSamichKay, I'll try it man, Thanks :301:00
WaltherFIbouma: to for example know which websites are certified aand trusted01:00
WaltherFIanyway, sleep now, bye guys01:00
boumaif i unselect pulse at startup, will it just use alsa, so no multiple sounds playing, but otherwise more lightweight? this is a slow machine01:01
boumaand why not use dmix ?01:01
marvinhow do i edit fstab?01:01
xanguabouma: more lightweight how exactly¿ makes no sence01:01
WaltherFIbouma: just as a suggestion, for a very very lightweight system you could try PuppyLinux or DSL - damn small linux01:02
georgeCould anyone help, please!01:02
WaltherFI!ubottu repeat01:02
WaltherFIhm, no ubottu anymore?01:03
WaltherFIor then i just fail.01:03
kailkitsunethanks for the help ive got some work to do now01:03
boumaxangua: well, im using 10.04 cause 10.10 is broken due to pulse using so much resources that the sound stutters and corrupts, but only when the system is under any load at all, when eg a safemode X is logged in without eg metacity or anything at all, it plays sound perfectly fine eg with mplayer some.mp301:03
georgeNEED HELP... ANYONE?01:04
soreau! help | george01:04
ubottugeorge: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:04
xangua!caps | george01:04
ubottugeorge: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:04
boumaxangua: i should say 10.10 is broken on this machine, i use it fine on other faster machines, its just that this is only a p4 1.6ghz with 512meg, so thats why im stripping down ubuntu a bit01:04
soreaugeorge: No one can help you unless you state your problem in detail01:05
xanguabouma: you could try lubuntu, uses lxde and less resourses01:05
boumaxangua: also i have the windows utorrent running under wine which doesnt help, but see its not my machine, im accomodating my uncle's needs, i would just use rtorrent01:05
boumaxangua: yeah but its also fuggly01:05
georgeI just installed motion, and used update-rc.d to update runlevels, but program is not starting @ startup....how can I make the program start with computer?01:05
SenixIs there anyone in here that has any experience with Squid server on Ubuntu?01:06
boumaxangua: i and my uncle really like gnome 2.x with clearlooks, its great, nautilus is the best filemanager on all os's imho01:06
boumaxangua: compact layout ftw01:06
=== FORTHELULZ is now known as Koops
soreaugeorge: User apps should be put in sys>prefs>startup applications01:06
Josh2while i'm sure it has nothing to do with ubuntu, what is it in ubuntu distributions that makes the ^C visible when you hit ctrl-c in bash?01:07
georgeyeah... I tried that already. but the web-server will not start b/c needs sudo priviliges01:07
soreaugeorge: Apps that require privs should be started from /etc/rc.local01:08
SenixIs there anyone in here that has any experience with Squid server on Ubuntu?01:08
[snake]Is there a deb binary for Multi sampling on a midi keyboard, not with JACK AUDIO01:08
soreauJosh2: Ctrl+C01:08
soreauJosh2: Ask in #bash01:08
Josh2soreau: no i meant historically the actual '^C' isnt visible01:08
Josh2will do01:08
georgeso how do I get it to start @ bootup?01:09
soreau[snake]: What's wrong with jack?01:09
[snake]soreau, It doesn't like me, or my audio card01:09
soreau[snake]: What makes you say that?01:09
[snake]soreau, You should be a computer trauma counselor.01:10
boumaxangua: but thanks, btw, something that might sway me more, does dsl have good support for an old ati radeon 9550, cause im not really getting any gpu video decode acceleration at all, andi know it does do a little which would help with high bitrate high res video, which is one thing which is marginal. eg there some encodes of evil dead my uncle has and theyre pretty good, intermediate quality. but i think cause the h264 uses arithmatic encoding for01:10
soreau[snake]: I have been experimenting with jack lately and it's great now that I have it all setup01:10
[snake]soreau, I open it, and it tries to start, and fails terriblty.01:10
soreau[snake]: Right, can you pastebin the output to paste.ubuntu.com?01:10
=== _ is now known as Guest53883
[snake]soreau, specifically, it says : COuld not start JACK. Sorry. (let me paste that output for you now)01:11
george@ soreau: the path /etc/rc.local does not exist... and how could I start it from there?01:12
[snake]soreau, http://pastebin.com/rjiv9Pnd01:12
soreaugeorge: It's not a path, it's a file01:12
soreaugeorge: gksu gedit /etc/rc.local01:12
george@ soreau: ohh ok... I'll take a look... thanks!!01:13
sebastianhow can i change the place of the close icon?01:13
soreau[snake]: 1) Use qjackctl to start jack if you're not already 2) Shutdown all other apps before attempting to start jack01:13
[snake]soreau, oh... mmkay01:13
soreau[snake]: Namely, any app that possibly might open the audio interface like your browser01:13
[snake]like all of them01:13
wirrri have been looking for a linux graphical traceroute utility for quite some time01:14
[snake]soreau, ok01:14
soreau[snake]: (even if it's not playing audio, it may have the interface open in which case jack will fail to start)01:14
cosmowhat size partitions should I make for / and swap (I have 200gig hd space and 5gig of ram)01:14
wirrrdoes anyone here know of one?01:14
chuqui /msg NickServ identify chuquizunga1701:14
boumaxangua: most h264 videos are fine, but these ones in particular dont play smoothly, and ive looked for a way to transcode in a way that doesnt reencode, just changes the cabac to cavlc, but although its something that has been discussed in mencoder maillists etc a perfectly possible theoretically, nobody has gotten around to writing a proggy for it in the years its been discussed. pitty cause with mobile h264 viewers most which dont support the full01:14
MK`chuqui change your password asap01:15
[snake]soreau, even this xchat?01:15
george@ soreau: do I need to enter just the command of the program or need to be prefix with sudo?01:15
soreauwirrr: xtraceroute? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3994101:15
soreau[snake]: I think xchat should behave properly but you never know01:15
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soreau[snake]: (xchat is capable of playing audio so it might be a problem)01:16
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soreaugeorge: Just enter the command, using the full path to the binary01:16
tommy_who chat with me ??01:16
soreaugeorge: It needs the full path but not sudo01:16
|Long|hi, need some help here on dual booting, it boot fine but wont let me selecting?01:16
soreau! cn | tommy_01:16
ubottutommy_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk01:16
george@soreau: like /etc/init.d/program start01:16
soreau|Long|: What do you mean?01:17
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|Long|it booting on ubuntu first, i want it boot to xp01:17
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soreaugeorge: Well if it's a service, it should start automatically. All installed services should already start by default on boot01:17
bowflexI am using an MSI H55-GD65 which has a ALC889 audio chipset.  I am having trouble getting any sound to come out of the optical spdif.  I have even attempt to construct an asound.conf to no avail.  The reciever sees a 2.0 channel PCM as soon as it is connected, but no sound every comes through.01:17
soreau! grub2 | |Long|01:17
ubottu|Long|: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:17
|Long|soreau, thanks01:18
george@soreau: but it is not... the script is created with all runlevels but is not starting01:18
Josh2soreau: set echo-control-characters off starting in bash 4.1 and no way in bash 4.0 just for information's sake01:18
Josh2soreau: thanks for the referrel01:18
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soreau|Long|: I believe you want to edit GRUB_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub and set it to whatever offset you want (0 is the first entry)01:19
Maddiejoin #reddit01:19
soreau|Long|: And save the file, then run update-grub2 or whatever it is01:19
Guest26422i have an external hdd that i plugged in via esata but i know that its some kind of linux partition but i cant mount it help please01:19
[snake]soreau, it still didn't work01:19
soreau[snake]: Any different error message this time?01:20
tommy_soft center for ubuntu01:20
edbianGuest26422: does it show up in the output of sudo fdisk -l  ?01:20
joshfngSo do you guys have any links on getting started developing python applications for ubuntu?01:20
edbianjoshfng: You have me :)  Wanna pm?01:20
[snake]soreau, it's the same.01:21
silveringhi guys, can somebody help me customize my irssi client?01:21
soreau! python | joshfng01:21
ubottujoshfng: python is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python01:21
joshfngedbian: sure01:21
tommy_ubottu 你会说中文么?01:21
soreau[snake]: You should probably ask in #jack and pastebin the output01:21
Logan_!irssi | silvering01:21
ubottusilvering: irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen01:21
Guest26422edbian, yes it does01:21
edbianGuest26422: what is it's /dev/XXX ID?01:21
Logan_!zh | tommy_01:21
ubottutommy_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk01:21
silveringthanks, will see01:21
edbianjoshfng: Have you ever programming before?01:21
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george@soreau: the scripts are in appropiate rc.d but is not starting01:21
[snake]soreau, what is JACK even for, and what's so special about it?01:21
soreau[snake]: IMHO, jack is the way to go for what you're trying to do.01:21
soreau! jack | [snake]01:22
Guest26422edbian, sda401:22
soreauah man01:22
soreau!info jack | [snake]01:22
ubottu[snake]: jack (source: jack): Rip and encode CDs with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1+cvs20050801-26 (maverick), package size 148 kB, installed size 668 kB01:22
soreau!info jackd | [snake]01:22
ubottu[snake]: jackd (source: jackd-defaults): JACK Audio Connection Kit (default server package). In component universe, is optional. Version 5 (maverick), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB01:22
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joshfngedbian: yea I'm an experienced php and ruby developer. I was going to try out the gtk bindings for ruby but they are outdated and python seems the way to go besides c on Ubuntu01:22
edbianGuest26422: sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt01:22
edbianGuest26422: Then what happens?01:22
joshfngedbian: plus its a good excuse to learn python :)01:22
soreau[snake]: A lot of really cool apps depend on jack, including sampling, effects and recording application01:22
soreau!info jackrack | [snake]01:23
ubottu[snake]: Package jackrack does not exist in maverick01:23
soreau!info jack-rack | [snake]01:23
ubottu[snake]: jack-rack (source: jack-rack): LADSPA effects "rack" for JACK. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.7-2build3 (maverick), package size 72 kB, installed size 296 kB01:23
soreau[snake]: It's pretty cool stuff once you get it going01:23
KINGOFSWORDSmy title bars disapeared after playing with compiz01:23
Guest26422edbian, must specify the fs type01:23
KINGOFSWORDSany ideas?01:23
soreau[snake]: See ardour and hydrogen01:23
soreau!info ardour | [snake]01:23
ubottu[snake]: ardour (source: ardour): digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.8.11-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 5125 kB, installed size 14840 kB01:23
edbianjoshfng: gotta love python.  Not sure if you need help.  Just import gtk and go nuts: http://www.pygtk.org/docs/pygtk/01:23
Logan_!enter | KINGOFSWORDS01:23
ubottuKINGOFSWORDS: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:23
[snake]soreau, did you have a ton of hair on your floo--- I mean problems that involved hair los--- errr yeah basically01:23
soreau!info hydrogen | [snake]01:24
ubottu[snake]: hydrogen (source: hydrogen): advanced drum machine/step sequencer. In component universe, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 3856 kB, installed size 11996 kB01:24
edbianGuest26422: What fs is it according to fdisk ?01:24
edbianGuest26422: It's not ext3 or ext4 if that message came up01:24
soreau[snake]: Ask in #jack and see if you can't get some help getting it working01:24
Guest26422edbian, linux01:24
soreau[snake]: They helped me get it working on my system here01:24
wirrr soreau: thank you01:24
soreauwirrr: np01:24
[snake]soreau, mmkay thanks.01:24
edbianGuest26422: try file -sL /dev/sda401:25
induzHow can i  view/read some iBooks [.pdf] on my Kindle?/01:25
induzis there any transfer s/w01:25
joshfngedbian: thanks for the link. GUI wise everyone is using glade I take it? Also with gnome 3 out is a lot of what I'm about to learn going to become deprecated?01:25
induzfrom PDF to Kindle01:25
Guest26422edbian, no such partition found01:26
KINGOFSWORDSwoohoo found out y...getting better with this linux01:26
edbianjoshfng: glade is not good for beginners.  It just makes things more confusing so avoid that for now.  What you're learning won't become outdated.  That is the official documentation so it should be up to date.  If not you just won't see any of the new stuff in there01:26
edbianGuest26422: ?  Wasn't that the partition you listed?01:26
Guest26422edbian, yes01:27
|Long|anyone know, what is the package name for check disk free space01:27
edbianGuest26422: sudo file /dev/sda401:27
joshfngedbian: awesome. Thanks again!01:27
|Long|kiwi or some01:27
edbianjoshfng: no problem :)01:27
induzDisk Usage analyser01:27
induzbut i am looking for pdf to Kindle01:27
Guest26422edbian, data01:28
edbianGuest26422: mmmm, hang on. Gotta google more01:28
induzwhy kindle is only for Amazon books01:28
cosmois 20 gig for the root partition large enough or do I need to make it bigger?01:28
Sx2Hello all01:28
Guest26422edbian, it also says block special01:28
edbianGuest26422: still not really what I want.  Do you know if it's ext3 or ext4 or something strange?01:29
jawnv6I'm on 9.04, what's the least painful way to get to something more updated?  going throuhg update manager to 9.10 -> 10.04.. etc?01:29
xanguajawnv6: fresh install01:29
Guest26422i know that one partition that is on the drive is xfs01:29
Sx2Has anyone else experienced a network error since an update to the network stuff that happens 1 or 2 days ago?01:30
moldpeopleI'm getting this when installing from a live CD: Sorry, an error occured and it was not possible to install the bootloader at the specified location.01:30
edbianGuest26422: But you're not sure if it's /dev/sda4 ? What is all on there?  4 partitions all 'linux' ?01:30
Guest26422edbian, 5 partitions 4 linux 1 extented01:31
edbianGuest26422: sudo file -s /dev/sda4  ?01:31
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Guest26422edbian, data01:31
edbianGuest26422: Thinking that's wrong:  http://lkml.indiana.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0408.2/1482.html01:32
julian__why does Network Manager insist on wanting to connect on startup/resume/reboot to an access point i connected to, only once, with very poor signal strength? my home AP is 10 times as strong, according to iwlist01:32
julian__i connected to this other AP almost 2 years ago, at a guess.01:33
Guest26422edbian, so you think that it is a raiserFS01:33
Sx2Anyone know of possible problems with a recent network update to 10.10 meerkat01:34
yuskhanzabanyone here from malaysia?01:34
edbianGuest26422: I think it is messed up because the file command returns 'data' instead of a filesystem type01:34
julian__is it possible that Network Manager is completely irrational?01:34
Guest26422edbian, is there any other things that we can try to see the fstype01:35
wirrrsoreau, i am registering for ubuntuforums to see the link you posted. would you like me to "refer you"?01:35
edbianGuest26422: I'm googling furiously.  What does gparted think of all this?01:35
soreauwirrr: no01:36
Guest26422edbian, it says unknown but it does show the xfs partition01:36
soreaujulian__: Yes01:36
kristian-aalborgsorry to those also on #ubuntu-beginners where I already posted... but this seems complicated01:36
lesrarafter (trying) to change from 10.10 to 10.04 because of random crashes, i have a problem when installing on intel fakeraid, in the last step of installation i cant choose the mapper/isw_bla device to let the bootloader be installed, too01:36
edbianGuest26422: gparted calls it unknown?  Maybe we're missing the xfs module or something.  Where did this partition come from?01:36
soreaujulian__: You can set rules in sys>prefs>networking IIRC01:37
kristian-aalborgI have a netinst. of 10.4 which keeps disconnecting... I tried all the tricks I could find or think of... it got a bit better but it still happens01:37
kristian-aalborgI tested the card in another computer... no prob.... I tested another card in this computer... no prob01:38
edbianGuest26422: I see that xfs is fully supported by Ubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XFS01:38
Guest26422edbian, its where my pvr saves all video files. i was told from my cable provider a while ago that its a linux partition01:38
edbianGuest26422: alright.  Maybe they encrypted it?  (or lied)  I'm curious now.01:38
edbianGuest26422: sudo mount -t xfs /dev/sda4 /mnt01:39
edbianGuest26422: Assuming that /dev/sda4 is the xfs partition (if it's not it should just error out)01:39
Guest26422edbian, no go01:40
edbianGuest26422: what did it say?01:40
Guest26422edbian, basicly what it said is that its a wrong fs type01:41
kristian-aalborgI'm starting to think it's the networking part of Ubuntu 10.4 that's messed up... thus I'm thinking of doing a sudo do-release-upgrade01:42
edbianGuest26422: Can gparted 'check' this filesystem?01:42
Sx2Anyone know of possible problems with a recent network update to 10.10 meerkat01:42
MK`My keyboard seems to only be able to press a certain number of keys at once, and it's not always consistent. is this an ubuntu issue or a hardcoded limitation in the keyboard?01:42
kristian-aalborgI'd love to hear your thoughts on this..01:43
antonio_hi....I'm trying to print on a remote printer...the printer is detected but it doesn't print01:43
Sx2MK`: Are you on a laptop?01:43
snow_ruthe latest qt in repository is 4.6.2 while the current is already 4.7.2 :(01:43
Guest26422edbian, no01:43
edbianGuest26422: Does this device (harddrive)? work if you plug it into the tv?  I mean, the FS isn't corrupted is it?01:44
MK`yes Sx201:44
Guest26422edbian, no01:44
MK`Like, if I hold Z and X, I can press right but I can't press left.01:44
MK`pretty annoying for some games01:44
Guest26422edbian, no the fs is not corrupted01:44
Sx2MK`: Yeah, all laptops have a hardcoded key limit you can press at a time, it's usually 201:45
edbianGuest26422: so it does work on the TV?01:45
Sx2MK`: mine is 2 as well01:45
edbianGuest26422: I'm thinking it's encrypted.01:45
MK`Maybe that explains why the ctrl and shift keys sometimes don't register01:45
MK`I may be typing too quickly.01:45
Sx2Anyone know of possible problems with a recent network update to 10.10 meerkat01:46
Guest26422edbian, apparently from what i remember there is a guide of how to do it but i can find it on google01:46
G_Vali deleted splash man01:46
edbianGuest26422: give me a link01:46
edbianGuest26422: You could try mounting them with all the different options:  adfs,  affs,  autofs,  cifs,  coda,  coherent,  cramfs,01:47
edbian              debugfs, devpts, efs, ext, ext2, ext3, ext4, hfs, hfsplus, hpfs,01:47
edbian              iso9660, jfs, minix, msdos, ncpfs, nfs, nfs4, ntfs, proc,  qnx4,01:47
edbian              ramfs,  reiserfs,  romfs,  squashfs,  smbfs, sysv, tmpfs, ubifs,01:47
edbian              udf, ufs, umsdos, usbfs, vfat, xenix,  xfs,  xiafs.01:47
Guest26422edbian, like i said i was told that there was a guide but when i looked i couldn't find it01:47
FloodBot3edbian: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:47
rwwedbian: :\01:47
edbianrww: hahah, oops01:48
Sx2Anyone know of possible problems with a recent network update to 10.10 meerkat?01:48
bowflexSx2, why do you ask? are you having problems because we can help you more if you tell us what the issue is01:49
pdlnhrdis there a way to blacklist a specific usb port obtained through lsusb instead of having to disable the entire usb_storage module???01:49
Sx2Yes me and my dad are having issues01:49
Sx2It's like, I can connect to an unsecure netowrk01:49
edbianGuest26422: who makes your dvr?  I'll try to search too01:49
Guest26422edbian, my pvr is a pace DC785D.01:49
Sx2But, when I try to connect to my primary home secure network nothing01:49
Sx2And in Windows I can connect to it01:50
=== KB1JWQ is now known as Corey
G_ValI deleted quite and nosplash01:51
edbianGuest26422: Look at this: The format used for the pace series is now ext3..which is a native linux format.  The motorola pvrs use GPFS which is a commercial device file system from IBM.  Either way all the data is encoded for use with only the device that encodes the files.  So you cannot use any of the files on an external drive with any other device than the one that encodes the files. You see the pace ext3 files with a linux live cd but you ca01:51
edbiannnot play or rip them to your computer because of the copy protection.01:51
Sx2bowflex: I can't connect to my home's secure network, but I can connect to unsecure networks. And in Windows 7 I can connect to my secure network. This problem arose a few days ago after a network update in 10.1001:52
pze7help! the volume, brightness & other keys on my lucid machine just stopped working. xev sees nothing pressed01:53
G_ValI deleted quite and nosplash  """""""""""""""01:53
nimii hey! ive treid to update my gd lib to a new one and now php dosent draw pictures. i have ubuntu 10.1001:53
nimiihow can i fix that thing? :\01:54
CorpSamichHey guys, I need some help installing my GT220 Nvidia drivers. From the terminal, what do I type in so I install the file that's on my desktop, and that it's also run as root.01:54
lucidiumI'm having a problem installing the nvidia driver; it freezes at around 90%, and I have to hard reboot. When it reboots, the graphics are completely corrupted.01:54
Guest26422edbian, but still i should be able to mount it01:55
edbianGuest26422: I'm not sure.  I'll keep googling then :)01:55
graingertlucidium, maybe install nvidia-current from the command line? then enable it with jocky01:56
graingertif that doesn't work then you'll have to use the open source drivers01:56
lucidiumgraingert, how would I enable with jocky?01:56
graingertlucidium, after you install it, you'll be able to enable it with jocky01:56
graingertlucidium, use "jocky-gtk" and follow the HCI01:57
lucidiumgraingert, does jocky come with the distro or do I need to install it as well?01:57
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graingertlucidium, presumably this is what you were using to install the nvidia drivers to begin with01:57
KINGOFSWORDSW: Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/c/cairo-dock/cairo-dock_2.1.3-10-lucid-0ubuntu1_all.deb01:58
lucidiumgraingert, oh, it is the proprietary driver manager?01:58
KINGOFSWORDSis this cos i dont have universe set or something?01:58
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=== Glider is now known as sud0
graingertlucidium, indeed jimlad01:58
lucidiumgraingert, alright. thanks for the help.01:58
graingertKINGOFSWORDS, run sudo apt-get update01:58
graingertKINGOFSWORDS, then try again01:59
edbianGuest26422: All I'm seeing is stuff about how you need to dismantel it, connect the hdd physically using IDE or something, then use 'special software'  which is not listed (maybe cause it doesn't exist).  You cannot mount an unknown filesystem.01:59
edbianI think they went to great lengths to ensure you would not be able to rip the media off of it.  That doesn't mean it's impossible though.01:59
pdlnhrddoes anyone know how to block a specific usb port but not all of them?02:00
KINGOFSWORDShmm wierd ran ok 2nd time i tried..maybe i was surfing while dling02:01
KINGOFSWORDSthx graingert02:01
Guest26422edbian, i guess that i will have to mount with all fs types that i can think of02:01
edbianthat's a good start02:01
Guest26422edbian, thanks anyways02:02
zee313how to change resolution of the screen?02:02
graingertpdlnhrd, put a usb device in it and then cut it off02:02
graingertzee313, what's your graphics cars?02:03
graingertzee313, card*02:03
edbianGuest26422: Yeah I can't help anymore :(02:03
Sx2I can't connect to my home's secure network, but I can connect to unsecure networks. And in Windows 7 I can connect to my secure network. This problem arose a few days ago after a network update in 10.1002:03
pdlnhrdgraingert:  no i just want it disabled when booted into a specific OS of many that are installed02:04
dima__Hi, would anyone be able to help me launch a site on my local computer? I already installed apache, but have no experience configuring this stuff02:04
niccosSx2: what kind of protection?02:04
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=== untitled_Box is now known as untitled-Box
Sx2niccos: WEP02:04
zee313I have not installed any graphics card this is Dell Optiplex 280, 3.4 GHz Processor, I GB RAM, 960 GB Hard Disk02:04
=== untitled-Box is now known as Untitled-Box
=== richard is now known as Guest30196
xxthink_what's the function of /proc/self/maps02:07
graingertpdlnhrd, why on earth would you want that?02:09
Braber01_um question...02:10
Braber01_how long does it take to get used to the JPN Kana keyboard layout?02:10
Braber01_because that's the only way I can type in Japanese on some websites even though it is only in Katakana...02:11
Braber01_sorry wong channel...02:11
pdlnhrdgraingert: because I have an internal usb key built onto the motherboard that i don't want to have access to02:12
graingertpdlnhrd, ohkay, well take it out of fuse02:12
guest_hello :)02:12
graingertpdlnhrd, you can disable a disk mounting with fuse02:13
pdlnhrdgraingert:  i was looking at maybe a udev rule but fuse might be easier02:13
EmuAlertI can't find any way to remove or rename any of the menu buttons (applications, places, system). How do I remove them other than removing it entirely from the panel?02:14
graingertpdlnhrd, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69389202:14
graingertIn case that response was not quite enough information, you would need to do something like:02:14
graingert- identify the name of the device that is being mounted. The 'mount' command in a terminal will do this for you.02:14
graingert- once you know the device's name, create an entry (or edit the existing entry if there is one) for it in /etc/fstab, using the command given by ferdostar above. In the area for options, have the word 'noauto' to prevent automounting.02:14
graingertSee 'man mount' and 'man fstab' (in a terminal) for more detail.02:14
FloodBot3graingert: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:14
richard_how do i get a linksys wireless pc card to work?  i downloaded the drivers but it doesnt reconize anything under wireless networks02:15
Riiickalguem br ?02:15
graingertrichard_, downloaded the drivers?02:15
rww!br | Riiick02:15
ubottuRiiick: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:15
graingertrichard_, what do you mean by that, from their website? (bad plan)02:15
richard_graingert: yes, under additional drivers02:15
richard_not from website02:16
graingertrichard_, oh okay reboot?02:16
richard_graingert: i did02:16
graingertrichard_, does it show the card in ifconfig?02:16
graingertright I'm off does someone else want to help richard_02:16
richard_graingert: where is that?02:16
graingertrichard_, which ifconfig will tell you where that is02:17
guest_niters graingert02:17
graingertrichard_, /sbin/ifconfig02:18
richard_i ran ifconfig and i dont know what to look for02:18
graingertrichard_, pastebin02:18
graingertrichard_, okay it's not there02:20
graingertrichard_, looks like that card is dead02:21
richard_graingert: what do you mean?02:21
graingertrichard_, give it a low rating on the ubuntu hardware database02:21
graingertrichard_, dead as in won't work in ubuntu02:21
* guest_ trixie02:22
richard_graingert: bo work arounds?02:22
graingertrichard_, yeah ndiswrapper02:22
graingertrichard_, but I can't see that working too well02:22
b3rz3rk3r_hi guys, iv just installed Kubuntu and iv managed to figure out how to get redshift running, but i cant find how to set it to run on boot, can anyone help me with this?02:23
dima__How do I open a read only text file in ubuntu?02:23
edbiandima__: you double click it?02:23
aeon-ltddima__: using a editor?02:23
richard_graingert: ok thanks ill check it out02:23
dima__Sorry, how do I edit a read only file?02:23
edbiandima__: You make it writeable for your user :)02:24
aeon-ltddima__: change its owner02:24
mbcarpe09Where are you!!!!02:24
=== Prodego_ is now known as Prodego
dima__for some reason I am not the owner, how do I change permissions?02:25
dima__I right clicked and looked at properties, but everything is greyed out02:25
skutr3hey is something wrong with the download link for the natty beta?02:25
edbiandima__: using sudo chown <fileName>02:25
edbiandima__: Yeah, since you don't have permissions to write it you don't have permissions to change the permissions.  (hence using sudo)02:26
skutr3firefox and IE are having trouble loading it02:26
edbiandima__: You could also 'gksudo nautilus .' and browse to the file and edit it using the root instance of nautilus.02:26
naryfahey, anybody knows any alternatives to conky?02:27
folornim gonna try booting to a regular user this shits getting old02:27
dima__nautilus made it a lot easier, thank you02:28
skutr3anyone know what's wrong with the natty beta download link?02:28
dima__Im trying to set up an apache server and I cant even open the config files, linux is not easy I must say.02:28
=== incidenc1 is now known as incidence
edbiandima__: NO problem :)02:29
edbiandima__: It's just new :)  You'll get the hang of it.  If you wanna edit a file you don't normally have permissions for do this: gksudo gedit /path/to/file   It's not a good idea to change the permissions of the apache files you need to change02:30
dima__Makes sense02:30
demonsporkI have a realtek ALC889 onboard my motherboard and I am having trouble with using the optical output. I can´t get it to work at all, even trying to manually specify that it should be used with aplay -D02:30
Some_PersonI need a good torrent client that saves correctly to network drives!02:30
demonsporkSome_Person, try Deluge, it is pretty much better at everything. It probably even does that correctly02:31
smwSome_Person, my favorite torrent program is rtorrent. I am not sure what you are looking for though.02:32
Some_Personsmw: I'm not ready for that02:32
smwSome_Person, lol. What do you mean not ready?02:33
Some_PersonI'd rather use something with a nice GUI02:33
edbianSome_Person: transmission is great02:33
demonsporkSome_Person, Deluge has command line, GUI, web GUI and it can run as a daemon02:33
Some_Personedbian: If you like "Error: Input/Output Error" it is02:33
edbianI never get those02:33
smwdemonspork, really? Interesting :-)02:33
Some_Personedbian: Then you never save to network drives02:33
aeon-ltdSome_Person: why may i ask? if you're torrenting 98% of the time its going to be in the background02:34
edbianapparently not! :D02:34
smwdemonspork, I have been wanting rtorrent to make a daemon version for ages.02:34
lamentwhat's the command-line equivalent of double-clicking on a file in Nautilus?02:35
smwdemonspork, they already have the client server part made. All they need to do is make it fork to background and stuff.02:35
xust-droid2default vga settings for ubuntu server, 10.10?02:35
demonsporksmw, I only decided to use it like 3 days ago and it is amazing.  Itś webgui is so powerful that it can dynamically change the download location when you tell it to - it handles moving the files and starting it again from the new location and everything.02:35
demonsporkjust by right clicking on the torrent and setting a new download location02:36
fibresHi guys02:36
smwdemonspork, interesting. I will look into it.02:36
smwdemonspork, but I would need to import all my torrents again :-P.02:36
pkhI have a laptop with a dead network socket -- anyone know what I should buy to get access to a wired network?  (ebay has little usb<->rj45 plugs but I'm skeptical that they will work)02:37
demonsporkpkh, they work02:37
pkhawesome, thanks02:37
bc81hi.  i'm trying to play this (i'm assuming flash) video, but the screen is white in both firefox and chrome/ium; can anyone confirm if it's working or not?  http://www.bobsredmill.com/video-mill-tour.html  youtube and the like works ok02:38
edbianbc81: It's flash.  It's a video.  It's horribly bloated02:38
smw!flash | bc8102:38
ubottubc81: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash02:38
fibresI am trying to install kubuntu on one of my pcs. Its a core2 quad with a nvidia card. It shows the mythbuntu screen with the 5 dots below, then after a min or so I get a screen with millions of grey and black lines and thats it.02:38
edbianbc81: It works on my Debian system :)02:38
smwbc81, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree02:39
nimiihey, my mysql faills to start, it says start: Job failed to start02:39
bc81smw: thanks, i will try this02:39
bob__Is there any way I can rename 'New Volume' (sdb1) - I can unmount it if necessary02:39
smwbc81, don't forget to completely restart firefox/chrome02:39
smwbc81, no window can be open02:39
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EmuAlertI can't get crontab to work at all. It should run the command 'firefox google.com' every minute but instead outputs this into /var/log/syslog : http://paste.ubuntu.com/591945/02:39
bc81smw: ok02:39
smwEmuAlert, the cron job probably does not have access to X...02:40
smwEmuAlert, you need to first export the display. Even then, I am not sure if it will work.02:40
demonsporkEmuAlert, what are you trying to do because crontab can access X unless the program you are calling will hook up with another process that is in X already02:40
smwdemonspork, well, he can still manually set the display and it will probably work.02:41
naryfahey, anybody knows any alternatives to conky?02:42
Some_PersonAnd Deluge is giving me "Error"02:42
demonsporkSome_Person, what command are you trying to run and what did you do to install Deluge02:43
demonsporkerror with the network files02:43
EmuAlertsmw: So I should do something like 'firefox google.com -fullscreen'? Just running this stuff from the terminal works fine, I don't understand why it would be any different through crontab02:43
Some_PersonWhat the heck is it with Linux, networks, and torrents?02:44
smwEmuAlert, the issue is that the display is not set in the env02:44
smwEmuAlert, export DISPLAY=':0' before running the cmd02:44
demonsporkEmuAlert, if you are running it from the terminal it is already inside of X (the display things)  but if crontab is launching it then it is outside of that environment.02:44
witesharkis the software center for FF 4 working rightly now?02:45
FlameTai1K guyz02:45
smwdemonspork, http://torrent-clients.findthebest.com/compare/18-33/Deluge-vs-rTorrent02:46
FlameTai1I need a bit of help with a problem I had awhile ago, I have a Nvidia 8400 GS PCI card, and I can't get my Compiz effects to enable due to it, does anyone have the solution still on here?02:46
demonsporkFlameTai1, have you installed and enable the Nvidia drivers?02:47
xust-droid2ubuntu server doesn't have a GUI?02:47
wujieI HAVE02:47
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edbianxust-droid2: nope02:47
EmuAlertSo would the crontab entry work with "DISPLAY=':0' && firefox google.com"? For more than testing, though, I'll probably put these all in a bash script02:47
smwdemonspork, run env | grep DISPLAY in a terminal. That is why x programs launch in terminal02:47
demonsporkxust-droid2, not by default. Most linux server implementations are headless02:47
smwxust-droid2, that is what separates server from desktop02:47
wujieNVIDIA driver02:48
xust-droid2well i'd like a lamp server with a gui...is this even possible without windows?02:49
edbianxust-droid2: yes!  install the gui on ubuntu-server if you must.  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:49
wujie1.download driver to NVIDIA02:49
wujie2.sudo apt-get purge nvidia*02:49
Logan_!enter | wujie02:49
ubottuwujie: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:49
wujieblacklist.conf:sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf02:50
smwxust-droid2, I do not believe lamp is possible on windows :-P. However you can install a gui on linux as edbian said.02:50
edbiansmw: LAMP is be definition not windows :)02:50
sacarlsonxust-droid2: what do you want to control in the gui?  we have phpmyadmin02:50
wujieEND TO:Blacklist vga16f02:50
edbianis by* definition02:50
wujie  Blacklist nouveau02:50
wujie  Blacklist rivafb02:50
wujie  Blacklist nvidiafb02:50
wujie  Blacklist rivatv02:50
FloodBot3wujie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:50
demonsporkwell, the L in LAMP is Linux, but the AMP part can all be done02:50
smwedbian, exactly ;-)02:50
wujiesudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop02:50
demonsporkwujek, please either pastebin these instructions ore put them in fewer lines02:50
bc81smw: thanks, all flash problems are now solved :-)02:51
xust-droid2I can't do anything with ubuntu server becuase the monitor i'm using doesn't support the resolution it's trying to use at the prompt02:51
wujiecd /02:51
smwbc81, you are welcome02:51
wujiesudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-256.44.run02:51
wujiesudo /etc/init.d/gdm start02:51
UnearthlyHi, I'm trying to install from the ubuntu minimal CD. It's failing to detect my hard drive. How do I figure out what driver I need?02:51
demonsporkwujie, please stop pressing enter and put this all in one line or pastebin the instructions, you are basically spamming the channel02:51
xust-droid2maybe your motherboard is running the HDD in AHCI/RAID mode?02:51
UnearthlyI am fairly sure it is running in IDE mode.02:52
smwxust-droid2, you can change the resolution at runtime02:52
edbianUnearthly: Boot the live CD.  Does the drive show up in sudo fdisk -l ?02:52
smwxust-droid2, it is installed or are you trying to install it?02:52
xust-droid2Just the basic ubuntu server.02:52
smwxust-droid2, you did not answer my question.02:53
xust-droid2I can't even log in. After it POSTs, my monitor shuts off, lol.02:53
rwwwujie: /join #ubuntu-cn for Chinese. If you can't understand basic netiquette instructions, that is perhaps a good idea.02:53
UnearthlyI can install ubuntu server. The problem was that it installs things I didn't want and uninstalling them didn't go so well.02:53
smwxust-droid2, so you already installed.02:53
edbianxust-droid2: That's not right.  Can you press shift and get to the grub menu?  (you should be able to log in cli mode)02:53
UnearthlySo I was trying to go for ubuntu minimal, from what I understood I'd have better control over what was installed.02:53
melkorIf I install gnome 3 will I still be able to select gnome2 from the login screen?02:53
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smwUnearthly, what does server install that you don't want?02:54
wujie谁要NVIDIA 显卡完整教程的02:54
Unearthlyeucalyptus and apache2 were the main ones02:54
smw!cn | wujie02:54
ubottuwujie: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk02:54
UnearthlyI removed all of their packages with apt and then I started getting errors trying to shutdown.02:55
UnearthlyI still have it installed, I can check what the exact errors are02:55
smwUnearthly, I do not think it installs apache by default.02:55
Freeaqingmewujek, ubottu = robot02:57
Unearthlysmw: Well, I did ps -ef and saw apache2 running02:57
Freeaqingmewujie, ubottu = robot02:57
UnearthlyI'm not sure if it was part of another package02:57
UnearthlyThe error I get seems to be related to DHCP, I'm having trouble catching the error though.02:57
smwUnearthly, did it give you the option to install it?02:57
edbianUnearthly: shift + page up02:58
jamesklynegarrr! all these messages come into me in empathy in double :(02:58
naryfahey, what are those desktop things called, like a clock, weather etc???02:58
edbiannaryfa: widgets (screenlets)02:58
jamesklyneeven my own 8O02:58
naryfaedbian: danke schon02:58
edbiannaryfa: thank you in german?02:58
naryfaedbian: yeah lol02:59
naryfaoh it shows02:59
Riiickalguem br ?02:59
FloodBot3naryfa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:59
naryfaI'm not flooding, stop it.02:59
edbiannaryfa: bienvenida03:00
rwwwujie: #ubuntu is English-language only, thanks.03:00
rizanoaris possible to running KDE app in GNOME desktop?03:01
Ben64rizanoar: yes03:01
Unearthlysmw: I don't believe so, but my monitor for the server isn't so great at reading the text so I may have done it by accident. However, now that I realized the error was DHCP, I was able to remove that to resolve that problem :)03:01
wujieWhat are the foreigners to understand Chinese?HAHA03:01
Pici!zh | wujie03:01
ubottuwujie: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk03:01
UnearthlyI still have one more, which says vblade. I don't think I need this either, so I'll try uninstalling it.03:01
wujieThere is no Why?03:02
wujieLike the foreigners speak Chinese, friendly03:03
dsjackinsI'm trying to get Age of Empires 2 the Conquerors working on wine but when i run it I get a bunch of error messages - http://pastebin.com/zi7Efc5j   The game opens fine but when I try to start a match it freezes up03:04
rizanoari want record radio stream what application i need to do this....?03:04
jamesklyneanyone experience this in empathy: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_en_S6JwItgo/TaEQBcplm_I/AAAAAAAAATo/tSUR-TAGjfk/s800/Screenshot.png03:04
UnearthlyOk, it's still encountering an error when I try to shutdown but I cannot read it before it goes to the recovery menu.03:04
UnearthlyHow do I get to that text? It doesn't seem to be recorded in the syslog03:05
Some_PersonDoes anyone know of any Linux torrent client that works correctly with SMB?!?!03:05
smwSome_Person, torrent clients are not made to work with SMB03:05
wujiePlay StarCraft 2, hee hee03:05
smwSome_Person, you can mount it as a folder, but that is it.03:06
Some_Personsmw: And I'm getting errors on every one so far03:06
smwSome_Person, most people do not run torrent over SMB :-\03:07
naryfatorrent over samba?03:07
Some_PersonIt makes sense in my case03:07
Some_PersonI have a 1.5 TB drive connected to our HTPC03:07
wujielol very good game, that China has not, despise03:08
smwSome_Person, why not run it on the HTPC?03:08
Some_Personsmw: Because people use it to watch TV03:09
naryfaI'll be back, this is interesting conversation.03:09
smwSome_Person, and you can't run torrents on it because?03:09
naryfaStay tuned.03:09
Some_Personsmw: I'd interrupt the TV03:09
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wujieWhere you are now, day or night?03:09
whitesideHi folks... i need help with ettercap,...i want to update the the link is not good so i need to add a link via svn...but i dont know the link ..if someone can help me it would be great..thx all03:09
smwSome_Person, how would that interrupt the tv?03:09
demonsporkSome_Person, use a client with a web interface so you can manage the torrents remotely rather than having to sign into that machine.03:10
dsjackinsI'm trying to get Age of Empires 2 the Conquerors working on wine but when i run it I get a bunch of error messages - http://pastebin.com/zi7Efc5j   The game opens fine but when I try to start a match it freezes up03:10
Some_Personsmw: Because I would have to close Windows Media Center to start/check the torrent03:10
demonsporkdsjackins, check out #winehq03:10
smwSome_Person, deluge I just found out has a web interface03:11
wujieI was a rookie, you bear with me,hee03:11
demonsporkSome_Person, Deluge, Utorrent both have good web interfaces, Deluge is the most feature full web interface03:11
Some_PersonHuh, I didn't think of that03:11
chubb16ubuntu or xubuntu? with unity the default desktop enviroment who is gonna switch to xubuntu?03:12
demonsporkSome_Person, Deluge allows you to choose where each torrent is downloaded as you start it from the web interface. utorrent will only allow you to download to the default download location03:12
wujieMy grammar is very poor, and the fault of Google03:12
Some_Persondemonspork: Then it looks like I'll be switching to Deluge :-)03:12
bonnyhow would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal03:12
edbianchubb16: I'm gonna keep using Debian :)03:12
whitesideHi folks... i need help with ettercap,...i want to update the the link is not good so i need to add a link via svn...but i dont know the link ..if someone can type ettercap -U and give me the right link...thx03:13
bonnyhow would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal03:13
Some_Persondemonspork: Can Deluge pick up where an incomplete Transmission download over samba left off?03:13
bonnyhow would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal03:13
Piciwujie: #ubuntu is for support only. If you want to chat, you can use #ubuntu-offtopic03:13
gunndawgCould someone help me set up a USB KVM switch to work with my ubuntu laptop and my winxp desktop?03:14
bonnyhow would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal03:14
wujieubuntu11.04   use unity03:14
Ben64gunndawg: thats not really an ubuntu support question, and kvm switches don't normally need to be "set up"03:14
gunndawgBen64 well ubuntu is making my primary monitor to act as a second monitor03:15
Some_Persongunndawg: KVM switches (if they're not made by idiots) don't require drivers or anything. Just hook up the switch to each machine as if there was no switch, connect your monitor, keyboard, and mouse to the switch, and it'll just work03:15
bonnyhow would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal03:15
yuanyexp  on virtualbox   usb isnot avaliable03:15
gunndawgso instead of showing my main workspace, its showing just a blank workspace03:15
gunndawgas though its just a 2nd monitor to ubuntu03:15
Ben64bonny: repeating is just going to annoy people03:15
bonnywell they will catch attention right?03:15
nit-wityuanye, you using the puel from oracle03:16
Ben64they will ignore you03:16
wujieWhat can be installed GNOME3 ubuntu11.04?03:16
Some_Persongunndawg: And you only have one monitor connected?03:16
bonnyhow would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wo03:16
bonnylfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territ03:16
bonnyory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal03:16
FloodBot3bonny: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:16
gunndawgSome_Person, yeah it was an easy setup however when I switch to my laptop(ubuntu) my laptop screen stays the same and my primary monitor that it should be using just acts as a second monitor to ubuntu, blank workspace but still shows the top panel03:16
whitesideCan someone type {ettercap -U} into a ubuntu shell and give me the good update link for ettercap please..thx03:16
rolandixorbonny you keep that up and everyone will //ignore you03:16
edbianrolandixor: That's a thing?03:17
edbian/ignore bonny03:17
gunndawgSome_Person, yes just 1 monitor, unless you count the laptop monitor, would that cause an issue ?03:17
Some_Persongunndawg: Ah, it's a laptop. Go to System -> Preferences -> Monitor and enable "Same image on all monitors"03:17
demonsporkSome_Person, most likely. a lot of clients can pick up partially completed torrents from other clients03:17
gunndawgSome_Person, let me try that03:17
rizanoarhello all, how to record online radio stream, thk's03:17
bonnyhow would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wo03:17
bonnylfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territ03:17
bonnyory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how03:17
Some_Persongunndawg: The built-in display counts as a separate display03:17
FloodBot3bonny: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:17
bonny would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfenstein enemy territory on lx terminal how would i install wolfe03:17
rolandixor@rizanoar use rhythmbox and the streamrecorder03:17
dzjitaruHi, My network manager (under ubuntu) crashs sometimes, how do I reinstall it or install a better other one?03:18
bonnyanswer me03:18
Ben64bonny: flooding really is not the way to get answers03:18
wujieШто можа быць усталяваны GNOME3 ubuntu11.04?03:18
rolandixorbonny go to askubuntu.com03:18
edbianCan an op please kick him?03:18
rolandixorand shut up :)03:18
rizanoarit can record in seperate file?03:18
Some_Persondzjitaru: Can you explain how it "crash[e]s"?03:18
gunndawgSome_Person, thx, got it workin, would I be able to close my laptop now and keep this working ?03:18
rizanoarthks @rolandixor03:19
Some_Persongunndawg: of course03:19
rolandixornp @rizanoar03:19
rwwbonny: I don't recommend doing that again.03:19
=== oden is now known as Guest5612
dzjitaruSome_Person, I lose connection and I need to disconnect and connect again to the network i was using03:19
bonnydoin wat>03:19
rolandixorspamming, maybe?03:19
rwwbonny: spamming the channel with your question repeatedly.03:19
Some_Persondzjitaru: Is it wifi by any chance?03:19
bonnylol stop freking out03:19
dzjitaruSome_Person, yes a wifi03:19
rolandixorif you have a question to ask try askubuntu.com03:19
rolandixorit's easy to sign up and we can walk through it with you03:20
Some_Persondzjitaru: If it's stable on ethernet, then it's probably your wifi driver. What card do you have?03:20
rolandixorbut if you misbehave the mods will get you03:20
naryfaThis place will soon answer questions about rules lol. Don't do that, don't do that.....03:20
Ben64bonny: if you notice, there are 1457 people here, you can't get someone to attend to your every need03:20
rwwnaryfa: I don't feel that "Don't fill the channel by repeating your question over and over" is an unreasonable rule.03:21
voxwhat rww said.03:21
rolandixorrww that is a reasonable rule03:21
rizanoarwhat is difference between wine and PlayonLinux is?03:21
naryfarww: me neither, I just observe that every time I enter there's someone reprimended lol03:21
rolandixorthe rule is reasonable if you keep spamming it in one message03:21
Ben64rizanoar: fairly sure playonlinux uses wine03:21
Guest84497where is that cache when playing on youtube? Suddenly hidden?03:22
dsnydersHi all!  My laptop has a "Press F11 to boot a diagnostics partition".  I would like to use that to dual boot instead of going through grub.  Has anyone done that before?03:22
rwwrizanoar: PlayOnLinux is a GUI for WINE, basically.03:22
rolandixorrizanoar playonlinux is a tool to make wine easy to manage03:22
rolandixorbonny calling us fags isn't very friendly either03:22
Ben64dsnyders: probably not possible03:22
rolandixornot quite sure you're gonna get help like that :)03:22
rwwrolandixor: they exited the channel already :)03:22
rolandixoroh I missed that03:22
Guest84497wips borte!03:23
rolandixorthanks rww03:23
dsnydersBen64, Why do you say that?03:23
Ben64dsnyders: its designed to boot a special system to reinstall the main OS. not to give you choices on which OS to boot03:23
edbiandsnyders: The bios sends things to the bootloader of the device of your choosing.  It is not capable of booting the OS for some reason or windows and linux would be doing that03:23
Ben64why not just use grub?03:24
naryfaI ran into a little problem, all of the themes in appearance prefs suddenly have no thumbnails. Everything is X, they work but you don't know what you're choosing. Anybody knows how to correct that?03:24
rolandixornaryfa did you install a theme recently?03:24
demonsporkI have a realtek ALC889 onboard my motherboard and I am having trouble with using the optical output. I can´t get it to work at all, even trying to manually specify that it should be used with aplay -D. No errors from aplay -D just silence03:24
rolandixorquite likely one of your themes is broken03:24
dzjitaruSome_Person, would you please remind me which command to use to display all devices so i'll tell you which card it is03:24
skooz2011I click on places then home folder and shotwell opens does that with all folders03:25
edbiandziadu: sudo lspci -k03:25
Some_Persondzjitaru: lspci03:25
naryfarolandixor: nope03:25
rolandixorthat usually happens only when you have a broken theme03:25
dzjitaruSome_Person, edbian, thanks!03:25
edbiandzjitaru: yep03:25
rolandixordid you leave it for a while to see if it is still loading themes?03:25
gunndawgSome_Person, how do I make it so when I close the lid/screen on my laptop it doesnt log out/hibernate, etc ?03:25
naryfarolandixor: yes sir03:26
rolandixornaryfa: do you know how to use a terminal?03:26
swattoHey all, whats the command to load an application from terminal but leave it running when you close the terminal window03:26
Some_Persongunndawg: System -> Preferences -> Power Management. Change "When laptop lid is closed" to "Blank screen" on both tabs03:26
Ben64gunndawg: preferences -> power management03:26
naryfaI mean not the themes, the customize things... like Controls, Window Borders, Icons03:26
naryfarolandixor: ofc, why03:26
Ben64swatto: put an & at the end of the command03:26
rolandixortry running "gnome-appearance-properties" in a terminal and seeing if it gives you useful output that could lead to a solution03:27
swattoThanks Ben64 - do i not have to use nohup03:27
gunndawgSome_Person, Ben64 thanks!03:27
smwswatto, prefix the command with nohup and append &> /dev/null &03:27
rolandixornaryfa if you downloaded something from gnome-look or a similar site recently it could be that03:28
dzjitaruSome_Person, for Ethernet controller it says:  Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5764M Gigabit Ethernet PCIe03:28
Ben64don't need nohup03:28
naryfarolandixor: that's the only thing I get: (gnome-appearance-properties:1905): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_display_sync: assertion `GDK_IS_DISPLAY (display)' failed03:28
rolandixorit would show up under "customize" - that is what I was referring to03:28
Some_Persondzjitaru: But that's not what's failing. What's your WLAN device?03:28
gunndawgSome_Person, I might be digging a bit deep here, but now that I have that working. is there anyway to have my primary monitor display ubuntu in a diff resolution ?03:28
smwBen64, I believe you do need nohub03:28
rolandixordoes it still do that when you restart @naryfa?03:28
naryfarolandixor: yes03:29
gunndawgSome_Person, because on my laptop where ubuntu is installed its set up for a laptop resolution, can I have it be 1280 x 1024 since I am now viewing it from my desktop monitor ?03:29
Ben64smw: nope, i just tried03:29
rolandixorwell tell you what, hop over to askubuntu.com and see if someone can help you there ^^03:29
Some_Persongunndawg: No. If you mirror screens, you have to have the resolution the same on both monitors. How the heck could it draw the same thing in two resolutions?03:29
naryfarolandixor: ok, thanks.03:29
gunndawgSome_Person, eh good point, sorry, heh03:29
rolandixorI'm active there too so I will try to follow up on your problem03:29
smwBen64, I just tested it right now03:29
smwBen64, it did not work without nohup03:30
smwBen64, test it again03:30
Ben64smw: how are you closing terminal?03:30
smwwith the X button03:30
Ben64oh. i use CTRL+D03:30
witesharkdoes anyone know if the stray typos are removes for the firefox repository commands as shown on this page? http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/install-firefox-4-in-ubuntu-1004-1010.html03:30
smwBen64, ah. typing exit works.03:30
smwBen64, learn something new every day :-)03:30
Ben64smw: so we're both right :P03:30
Some_Persongunndawg: If the laptop mirror also supports your desktop monitor's resolution, you can use that. Or you can make the desktop monitor the primary monitor and the laptop one secondary03:31
smwBen64, so I guess bash kills it when it gets a kill signal.03:31
naryfarolandixor: there's no such channel03:31
smwBen64, but if it stops of its own volition, it does not kill the process.03:31
Ben64i tend to use keyboard way more than mouse, so i never exit from the X03:32
rolandixornaryfa it's not a channel03:32
rolandixorit's a website03:32
smwBen64, makes sense. I normally exit from the X because I consider it a window function which is always done with a mouse :-P03:33
naryfarolandixor: lol03:33
smwBen64, But I don't like to use the mouse either :-P03:33
rolandixorhaha I didn't know you tried to go to a channel :D03:33
Ben64i love terminal03:33
pieroHi! Can I trust in gnome3-team ppa security?03:33
Ben64don't like using windows cause it's command line is terrible03:33
rolandixorpiero yes03:33
edbianBen64: :D03:33
rolandixorBen64 said the W word!03:33
rolandixorban him D:!03:34
Ben64uh oh03:34
smwBen64, that is why I use linux.03:34
Ben64plus, ubuntu is awesome03:34
Some_PersonI remember when Macintosh had no command line03:34
rolandixoryou have been redeemed :D03:34
Ben64i've ran it since edgy eft03:34
Ben64never had to format drive and reinstall03:34
naryfarolandixor: Something is wrong really because even starting appearance prefs eats up 3rd processor core at 100%03:34
pierorolandixor, Do you know who build those packages?03:35
rolandixorpiero - not personally :P - but I know some of the people responsible - they are ubuntu developers03:35
dzjitaruSome_Person, back got deconnected again :/ so for WLAN it's: Atheros Communications Inc. AR928X Wireless Network Adapter03:35
rolandixornaryfa don't try to start it again - there must be a broken theme or engine03:35
Some_Persondzjitaru: Ah, well I don't know anything about atheros03:35
skooz2011when I click places then the home folder or any folder under places shotwell opens03:35
rolandixorhave you managed to get on to askubuntu.com?03:36
naryfarolandixor: the process doesn't die when I close appearance prefs03:36
pierocool, thanks rolandixor !03:36
naryfarolandixor: I have to kill it03:36
naryfarolandixor: I think you're right03:36
XylchWhat exactly are backports and do you recommend I install them?03:36
rolandixoryeah I am - cause I had that problem once :P03:36
Some_Persondzjitaru: But take a look in System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers (or whatever they're calling that thing these days)03:36
dzjitaruSome_Person,  ok no problem :)03:36
naryfarolandixor: and how did you correct it03:37
rolandixordo you have a qt theme in the list? like qt-curve?03:37
dzjitaruSome_Person,  ok will do!03:37
smwXylch, backports are upgrades.03:37
rizanoarwew, i learn something new, when i'm stay here,,,thanks03:37
rolandixorI had to delete the theme03:37
rolandixorwhen I found it which one it was @naryfa03:37
Some_Persondzjitaru: See if there's a different driver available for your card03:37
smwXLV, backports allow you to have some of the newest versions of packages without waiting for the next release.03:38
naryfarolandixor: how did you find it??? trial and error?03:38
smwXylch, ^03:38
smwXylch, I use them on desktops.03:38
XylchSo, updating them would be good.03:38
softuI'm using Texmaker on 10.10.  I was just using it on a Windows-based public computer and I could see three panes with a built-in live PDF preview.  Seems like the Linux version doesn't display output in the pane?  When i use it it launches Evince separately.  I'd like three panes for live editing.  Anyone using Texmaker?03:39
rolandixornaryfa someone on the ubuntuforums site was able to find out which theme was the offending one and told me which one to remove03:39
naryfarolandixor: ok, thanks man03:39
rolandixorso usually it involves listing the themes you have (it is often the last one you installed) and removing the offending theme03:39
rolandixornaryfa np03:40
dzjitaruSome_Person, weird it says no driver is installed for this system, plus i'm seeing now as an allert in the menu bar saying "report unexpected error in kernel"03:41
dzjitaruSome_Person, will restart the pc03:42
Some_Persondzjitaru: The first message is normal: It means you're not using any _proprietary_ drivers03:42
dzjitaruSome_Person, and how I handle the first message? or how can I use those drivers03:43
Some_Persondzjitaru: What do you have listed in there?03:43
dzjitaruin Administration>Drivers and periphericals > I have nothing listed, just the message: no driver is used ..etc03:44
Some_Persondzjitaru: Hmm, then I'd ask someone else about your problem then03:45
NewbiusHi guys03:45
Some_Persondzjitaru: Sorry I couldn't help you -- I don't know atheros03:45
dzjitaruSome_Person, ok thanks alot :) and its ok you're already trying to help me and it kind of you :)03:46
ajinubuntu11.04 is a disaster, what do you say03:46
xangua!natty | ajin03:47
ubottuajin: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not intended for production systems.03:47
Some_Personajin: Are you actually using it?03:47
ajinSome_Person: unity lost nearly half of gnome shell functions03:48
Some_Personajin: You didn't answer my question03:48
smwajin, for example? What did it lose?03:49
smwajin, also, are you actually using it or just reading about it?03:49
ajini read about it03:49
rizanoarunity is partially awesome03:49
bazhangthe natty support channel is in #ubuntu+1 ajin03:49
Some_Personajin: Then I say you aren't really entitled to an opinion03:49
rwwdiscussion and support channel03:49
bazhangSome_Person, lets move on03:50
Some_Personbazhang: Agreed03:50
chrisplunsis there a dump of the wiki? I'd like a local version03:50
Xylchsmw: Are the proposed updates okay as well? Just wanna make sure I don't mess up my system (but I am a stickler for being up-to-date)03:50
dzjitaruone more question: anyone knows a lightweight distribution of linux as arch linux but which is more simple to install as ubuntu? (i'm still not good enough in command line)03:50
ajinjoin #ubuntu+103:50
smwXylch, they do get tested. I think it is safe.03:51
smwXylch, I use it :-)03:51
smwdzjitaru, lubuntu or xbuntu03:51
smwdziadu, xubuntu*03:51
smwdzjitaru, ^03:51
hiexpodzjitaru, puppy03:51
Some_Persondzjitaru: lubuntu is pretty good03:51
rizanoarcan't enable compiz in Via graphic...03:51
dzjitarusmw, hiexpo, Some_Person,  ok thank you! will try them!03:52
smwdzjitaru, it you want a small install install, chances are you will be forced to use the commandline03:52
smwdzjitaru, it just won't be as bad as arch03:52
dzjitarusmw, hmm ok,03:54
Some_Personhiexpo: I think that's hardly lightweight03:54
smwdzjitaru, chances are you don't need a light weight one.03:54
smwdzjitaru, unless your computer is from the stone ages03:54
smwwujie_, english only in this channel03:55
smwwujie_, please go to #ubuntu-cn03:55
dfrybargeri'm having problems with a printer that was working and then stopped working today.03:55
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wujie_wineQQ and offfice2003   LOOK:http://dl.dbank.com/c04iuiqplq03:56
bazhangwujie_, dont paste here please03:57
skooz2011how do i fix folders opening with wrong program03:58
rizanoarubuntu tweak03:58
geegeegeehey guys i heard someone added a column to the file system comparison table on wikipedia with 'Kills your wife' as a feature and only  reiserfs was checked03:59
xanguaskooz2011: create a folder and set it to open with (sic) ... open folder03:59
smwgeegeegee, that is a joke page and NOT wikipedia04:00
smwgeegeegee, although it is very funny...04:00
smwhi AaeRohn04:01
AaeRohnI got a driver for my vistablet, but I don't know how to install it...04:01
pksadiqAaeRohn: what type of file is it? Its extension04:02
=== Gnurdux_ is now known as Gnurdux
JantireI'm going to spam here for just a second and I apologize for this in advance04:02
JantireIf anyone is looking for an intern for their startup of 4 or more people and in the Bay Area feel free to email me at jarredsumner@live.com04:03
xanguaJantire: do not ever again04:03
xangua!compile | AaeRohn04:03
ubottuAaeRohn: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)04:03
pksadiqAaeRohn: double click it to open and read the files README and INSTALL in that archive04:03
vividis karmic eol?04:04
smw!karmic | vivid04:04
ubottuvivid: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.04:04
AaeRohnpksadiq: the readme does not tell me how to install04:04
skooz2011xangua: the folders under places open with shotwell so where do i create a folder04:04
AaeRohnpksadiq: nor where04:04
xanguaskooz2011: on your dekstop04:04
pksadiqAaeRohn: visit the link at !compile as ubottu said04:04
pksadiqAaeRohn: if that doesnt help ask here04:05
xeviousHow can I remove the linux-image packages without removing their files or any dependencies?04:05
skooz2011I just created a folder then what04:05
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.04:06
ailujanahi, how can i remove all the recovery modes from the bootscreen? is it possible to show only the last version of the kernel?04:09
xangua!startupmanager | ailujana04:09
xangua!info startupmanager04:09
ubottustartupmanager (source: startupmanager): Grub, Usplash and Splash screen configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.13-5 (maverick), package size 114 kB, installed size 1360 kB04:09
smwailujana, that is a bad idea04:11
Andre_Rehey guys04:11
smwailujana, the reason to show old kernels is incase they send an update that stops it from booting.04:11
Andre_Rei want to move my current /home partition onto another hard drive04:11
smwailujana, this method was learned through experience.04:11
xeviousCan I override the process that gets run when Ubuntu upgrades the kernel?04:11
ailujanaok, but i have a big list now04:11
xeviousOr uninstall the kernel packages but leave the files?04:12
ailujana2 options would be ok04:12
Andre_Rei copied the file using rsync04:12
Andre_Rethe problem is, that the partition is encrypted04:12
xeviousIs there a way to skip postinst or postrm when installing or removing a package?04:13
autospkrhi all - i recently installed 10.10 on a netbook, but the vid driver wasn't available until i installed the proprietary drv.04:14
naryfaI have to reinstall ubuntu boooooooooooo04:14
autospkrit now defaults to know - how do i switch it to use Unity now that i have the driver installed?04:14
autospkrer, know=gnome04:15
autospkrthe sessions that would start unity now starts gnome from the gdm screen04:15
nixjrwhats radeon support in ubunut like? ive only ever used nvidia04:20
brueniglike every other distro since its done in the kernel04:21
IvanBliminseHi, i'm running 2 computers with ubuntu 10.04, and i'm trying to share a folder between them, once i right click and share the folder using nautulis, how do i find that folder on the other box?04:22
AntiSociaL   _____. (\___/)04:22
AntiSociaL ~(_]---' (='.'=)  Nobody move...04:22
AntiSociaL /_(      (")_(")     Or the bunny gets it!04:22
FloodBot1AntiSociaL: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:22
AaeRohnI've tried the compile help, I still cannot install this driver, I still do not know how04:23
ray_I need help, hard drives both have bad sectors, I just read somewhere to do badblocks then fsck, I remember doing one or both of these before on another hard drive but I have never understood how to do this properly04:24
smwAaeRohn, which driver?04:24
ray_What commands in what order should I do them from a live cd?, How can I have that put into a log or something to know what sectors to mark as bad?, etc?04:25
AaeRohnsmw: it's a driver for my vistablet, xf86 input wacom 0.10.904:26
AaeRohnsmw: if I cant get my tablet working, I can't make money on my side art commissions04:26
ray_poor bunny, lol04:27
smw!info xserver-xorg-input-wacom | AaeRohn04:27
ubottuAaeRohn: xserver-xorg-input-wacom (source: xf86-input-wacom): X.Org X server -- Wacom input driver. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.10.8-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 77 kB, installed size 288 kB04:27
smwAaeRohn, what is wrong with this driver?04:27
choloaskum dolo04:28
AaeRohnsmw: I cannot install it, I do not know how, I even went through a compile help/tutorial thing04:28
smwAaeRohn, try sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-wacom04:28
choloada yg ol gak ya04:28
smwAaeRohn, I am not brave enough to compile an xorg driver... Just use the premade one.04:29
pksadiqAaeRohn: extract the compressed file to a folder in desktop and in terminal cd to that path04:29
smwpksadiq, do not suggest compiling if a package exists!04:30
AaeRohnsmw: pksadiq: there is no driver in the way smw told me to get it, and I have the tar.bz2 file I was only able to find04:31
pksadiqAaeRohn: what is the name of the tar file?04:31
smwAaeRohn, it should already be installed...04:31
AaeRohnpksadiq: xf86-input-wacam-0.10.9.tar.bz204:32
AaeRohnsmw: if it was already installed, my tablet would work properly04:32
pksadiqAaeRohn: may be in terminal do sudo apt-get update     and go to system > administration > Hardware and enable the driver, this may work04:33
ymasoryi have this bug with gnome settings such that when i log in the brown panels are this default grey. and when i click buttons i get a "pop" sound. anyone familiar with this issue?04:33
pksadiq!find wacam04:33
ubottuPackage/file wacam does not exist in maverick04:34
ymasoryit is sometimes solvable by running killall gnome-settings-daemon04:34
AaeRohnpksadiq: I have the latest ubuntu, 10.2, or 10.4 I think, and there's no tablet driver int he hardware drivers04:34
justi519what happened to the irc client ubuntu used to come with04:36
pksadiqAaeRohn: and so go to launchpad.net and search there for a compiled version for ubuntu, its not good to compile drivers from source if you don't have experience in that04:36
z0mb13justi519: i noticed xchat was missing in 11.04 too. It's available from apt thou04:38
LewocoIs there any way to add UPnP support to the NAT performed by the 'Shared to other computers' feature in the network connections?04:38
AaeRohnpksadiq: is the latest ubuntu build called Maverick?04:39
justi519I typed ... sudo apt-get xchat04:40
justi519and it came back invalid04:40
pksadiqAaeRohn: latest stable is, and the the next natty is about to release late this month04:41
z0mb13justi519: make sure your install is updated first04:41
pksadiq!find xchat | justi51904:41
ubottujusti519: Found: xchat-gnome, xchat-gnome-common, xchat, xchat-common, xchat-gnome-indicator04:41
pksadiqjusti519: do sudo apt-get install xchat-gnome04:41
TerryBookI like the regular xchat over xchat-gnome04:42
TerryBookjusti519, you forgot the install portion of the command04:42
justi519im getting this when i try to install anything04:43
justi519i mean04:43
pksadiqjusti519: then do sudo apt-get update04:44
Chechoi am using ultimate edition04:44
justi519E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)04:44
pksadiqjusti519: you might have opened synaptic or software center, close that all first, and then do apt-get ......04:45
Chr|show do I install fonts?04:45
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer. For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/04:45
justi519Can i install Window 7 on top of ubuntu.. or does it have to be the other way around because wont bootloarder get knoced out04:46
Chr|sahh nice, they made it easier :D04:46
Chr|sjusti519: it can be done, but its more advanced04:46
justi519I am going to have to redo my whole linux and i spent weeks skinning it04:46
Chr|sjusti519: just think, you will get to know ubuntu better this way :)04:47
z0mb13justi519, you can install 7 in a VM, it's not dual boot but it's what i do04:47
canthus13how would you get rsync to sync mp3s that have had their tags changed?04:48
[snake]How do I switch my buttons to the Left side in this order: Close, Minimize, Maximize?04:48
canthus13[snake]: Pick a different theme.04:48
canthus13[snake]: Some themes have them on the right.04:48
smwcanthus13, aren't tags part of the file?04:48
canthus13smw: yes.04:48
smwcanthus13, it should upload it as a change.04:49
pksadiqjusti519: I know that it is possible, but don't have experiance, you can install windows in some other dives and reinstall grub, search google for more04:49
smwcanthus13, use it normally04:49
zetheroosuddenly when trying to burn a CD I get this: "SCSI error on write(45168,16): [4 09 03] Spindle servo failure"04:49
canthus13smw: Unfortunately, it doesn't.04:49
justi519Yeah, I am going to have to get rid of linux .. windows is more important.. even though after skinning linux i got it almost working like a Mac Os X GUI  ...going to miss it04:49
[snake]canthus13, funny.. unfortunatly you're incorrect. there's a better way.04:49
canthus13smw: Of course, I'm using grsync.04:49
smwcanthus13, that is ok04:49
canthus13[snake]: Oh. wait. left side. sorry. :)04:49
Mahjongghello, upgrading from lucid to maverick my nautilus started freezing when mounting a remote ssh server, any clues?04:49
smwcanthus13, s/ok/odd/04:49
[snake]canthus13, you can use a command to move them.04:49
darrenI cant see going back to windows04:49
Mahjonggusing "connect to server..." tool04:49
[snake]canthus13, I just don't remember it, and this is where I learned it.04:50
justi519well i need itunes or my IPAD wont work04:50
canthus13smw: would it be the --ignore-existing switch?04:50
pksadiqjusti519: or you can install ubuntu inside windows as easy as installing a software in windows04:50
zetherooanyone got an idea whats going on?04:50
smwcanthus13, I have no idea04:50
zetheroo"SCSI error on write(45168,16): [4 09 03] Spindle servo failure"04:50
canthus13Unfortunately, google doesn't really help me out with any detail on --ignore-existing. :(04:51
darrenzetherro = not really.  try burning to an iso then burn the iso?04:51
justi519Damn steve gates he still contributes a little to BSD UNIX but he wont make a Linux version of Itunes04:51
zetheroodarren: it happens when I try to burn anything ... and I have used K3b as well ...04:51
justi519Damn steve gates he still contributes a little to BSD UNIX but he wont make a Linux version of Itunes04:52
urgodfatherhey i have an easy question for someone, i have a 15GB partition id like to install ubuntu on with wubi. how many GB should i make the installation size?04:52
xust-droid2NO proprietary driver available for an Nvidia GeForce4 MX440????04:52
=== Khisanth is now known as Guest92045
urgodfatherxust, u sure of that?04:52
xust-droid2nothing shows up in 10.10 when I tell it to search04:52
urgodfathergoogle nvidia 27004:53
xust-droid2unless I have to download them from the ncrapia website manually?04:53
urgodfatherthats a beta04:53
urgodfatheri use 260.x the release04:53
xust-droid2those drivers don't support this card. it's way too old.04:53
Gando-sanHey, guys, did you know that Ubuntu is an African word that means "too stupid to install Debian"?04:53
z0mb13justi519:  itunes = apple && apple no like linux.   if you can find a really old version of itunes you can sucessfully run it under wine04:54
[snake]canthus13, the command is gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout "menu:close,minimize,maximize"04:54
pksadiqurgodfather: the minimum is 3 GB, and recommended might be 5 GB and up as your use, I think you cant resize it once you specified the size04:54
darrenhrm.  I like it cause redhat doesnt like my mp3s?04:54
[snake]canthus13, the only problem is they don't go to the left04:54
pksadiq!nvidis | xust-droid204:54
urgodfatheryou have a geforce404:54
darrenand Mint isnt much better. so why not use ubuntu04:54
Mahjongghello, upgrading from lucid to maverick my nautilus started freezing when mounting a remote ssh server, any clues? using "connect to server..." tool04:54
urgodfatherit should be fine04:54
pksadiq!nvidia | xust-droid204:54
ubottuxust-droid2: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto04:54
justi519No way to run Ubuntu in wine at all huh04:55
justi519I mean Itunes in wine04:55
Gando-san>ubuntu in Wine04:55
Gando-sanDO IT04:55
z0mb13justi519, old versions yes,   new versions no04:55
naryfaany people like kde?04:56
Gando-sanCan you run Wubi in Wine?04:56
z0mb13gando-san: HELL YEA    UBUNTU ON UBUNTU ACTION!04:56
xust-droid2Why doesn't Ubuntu pull up any usable drivers for this though, it's worked fine with every card i've ever used with it04:56
justi519old versions  probaby wont supppurt my IPAD04:56
urgodfatherpksadiq, i just did a 3GB and got an error that there wasnt enough space to do the update. im currently installing @ 7 GB. but then i decided to check to make sure since im in windows right now04:56
z0mb13can you run wine in wine?04:56
chuunzyou gotta do deeper04:56
canthus13z0mb13: ...No. wine is a linux executable that runs windows executables.04:57
Gando-sanOh god04:57
darrenrun wine to run vmware player running dsk inside04:57
Gando-sanWine in Ubuntu in Wine in Ubuntu04:57
urgodfatherxust, that 260 dirver just got released last month, and you have a geforce 4, i dont see why that isnt a good enough driver04:57
Gando-sanbecause it's an nVidia card04:57
z0mb13canthus13: i know    that was more of a response to "running ubuntu in wine"04:57
Gando-sanand no matter what you do, it will still cause a housefire04:57
urgodfathergando, im taking about the nvidia driver 260 lol04:58
justi519i hate itunes!04:58
justi519have to dump my buntu04:58
urgodfatherjusti1519 +104:58
xust-droid2alright. apparently it's not possible to have drivers on 10.1004:59
xust-droid2nice job!04:59
urgodfatheryeah it is04:59
urgodfatherdude, i just had it on mine04:59
pksadiqxust-droid2: did you try nvidia-new driver?04:59
urgodfathergive me 15 mins and ill have it again04:59
z0mb13justi519: why do you need itunes,   just for an ipod/phone?04:59
justi519my ipad!!!!!!!04:59
xust-droid2what do you mean nvidida-new driver?05:00
urgodfathershoulda got a xoom :D05:00
pksadiq!caps | justi51905:00
ubottujusti519: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:00
justi519i got my ipad like 2 years ago05:00
munz_vmware player w/xp guest05:00
Gando-sanI want to stick my rod in your buns05:00
MileyRCGando-san, o.o05:01
urgodfatherxust go to system > settings > additional dirvers05:01
xust-droid2that doesn't find anything.05:01
urgodfatherpksadiq, did you see the last comment i made to you05:01
MileyRCCan anyone help me get sound working in Ubuntu? http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=4a0616c6fca8338b4bec8f34b71b967da034c08c05:01
justi519I dont understand why wine which is a windows emulater wont run itunes05:01
pksadiqurgodfather: the error if 3GB selected?05:02
munz_wine=wine is not an emulator05:02
pksadiqjusti519: what does you get when you double click itunes?05:02
justi519it creates a fake c drive what you talking about willis05:02
policyqwine is totally an emulator05:02
justi519it sure not a fresh copy of de windo$e05:02
MileyRCNo it's not, it's a drink..05:02
MileyRCCan anyone help me get sound working in Ubuntu? http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=4a0616c6fca8338b4bec8f34b71b967da034c08c05:03
LewocoHow can I make network manager run an arbitrary command whenever it brings up a particular connection?05:03
urgodfatherxust-droid2, http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CCEQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nvidia.com%2Fobject%2Flinux-display-ia32-260.19.12-driver.html&ei=5iuhTemGFMy4twf828ygAw&usg=AFQjCNHZXhFUe7tM-PEwE9v4r85MFOxv5Q05:03
pksadiqurgodfather: are you upgrading from your current ubuntu to any later?05:03
munz_what vr of itunes u using05:03
xust-droid2once again: those drivers do NOT support my card.05:03
urgodfatheryes, to 35-2805:03
[snake]i got it.05:03
urgodfatherbut i will delete 35-22 as soon as i do05:04
hylianI am trying to seperate the truth from the hype and am having a hard time at it. Is unity going to replace gnome on Ubuntu? and If it is, can someone point me to another OS, because Unity sucks?05:04
policyqhylian: heh hey so what makes unity suck so much05:04
MileyRCCan anyone help me get sound working in Ubuntu? http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=4a0616c6fca8338b4bec8f34b71b967da034c08c05:04
pksadiq!sound | MileyRC05:04
ubottuMileyRC: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.05:04
urgodfathermileyrc, did you search for additional drivers?05:04
munz_hylian, you can log in to "classic"05:04
justi519wait nevermind Itunes is installing in wine now... YAY05:04
munz_same gnome05:04
urgodfathermileyrc, dont double post05:05
MileyRCurgodfather, yeah, but they won't install because no alsaconfig05:05
hylianpolicyq, a) I cannot change the theme b) buttons forced to left side, where they don't belong c) exceptionally buggy d) I am a gnome fan..:)05:05
policyqmunz_: not for long. shuttleworth let it slip that classic wont be around for long05:05
policyqwhat i heard05:05
MileyRCI wouldn't have to double post if sound on linux wasn't such a nightmare ;305:05
xust-droid2I have to use a DVI-VGA converter to get video on ubuntu in the first place. It won't do VGA AT ALL05:05
urgodfathermileyrc, you have to make one probably05:05
urgodfatheri forgot the command05:05
policyqhylian: you mean you can't move that thing to the right side??05:05
hylianmunz_, actually that is why i am here, because i heard classic will be phased out as of 11.10... is that true?05:05
urgodfatheri had to do the same with a beta nvidia driver once05:05
munz_that is crappy05:06
policyqmunz_: heard it on thisweekinlinux05:06
MileyRCI have to 'make one'?05:06
Gando-san>not using Debian or Arch or Gentoo05:06
hylianpolicyq, correct, buttons should be on the right unless there is a cute picture of an apple on my computer, and my mouse only has one button :)05:06
urgodfatheryeah, its a terminal command05:06
policyqhylian: where did you hear that05:06
sonowilsonMileyRC I had a really hard time getting sound to work on a dell c600, eventually all I had to do was set the permissions on the sound device05:06
policyqhylian: ohhh i thought you meant the big menu bar buttons on the left side of the screen05:06
policyqhylian: you can force those window buttons to the right with a little gconf magic05:07
hylianpolicyq, i heard it through google, reading ubuntu posts... I would love unity if it was a second choice, and if it allowed me to put things where I want like gnome.05:07
justi519I thought it installing05:07
xust-droid2If I had an ATI Radeon 9200SE, would I be able to use the "additional drivers" part?05:07
urgodfathermileyrc, linux (or even the computer) is only as good as the user behind it05:07
MileyRC00:0f.0 Audio device: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] Azalia Audio Controller05:07
MileyRCSubsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Device 81a105:07
policyqwhat does Unity unify anyway? can someone explain that05:07
justi519it says ituneshelper not correctly installed05:07
hylianpolicyq, not on unity. they are stuck to the left side, because gconf controls gnome, not unity.05:07
MileyRCpolicyq, what does unity "unify" you mean?05:08
policyqhylian: orly05:08
MileyRCurgodfather, no comment :|05:08
MileyRCwell the sound of my fans is quite relaxing actually :305:08
MileyRCwho needs music anyway when you have free software05:08
policyqMileyRC: yeah i think i mean that. what's it  unify05:08
urgodfatherpksadiq, so do you think that 7 GB installation will be fine? i dont plan on adding a lot of apps or anyting, if anything ill be removing stuff as soon as i get done with install05:08
hylianpolicyq, so has anyone else heard this "gossip" because i would love to belive it aint so. personally, if i could wish one peice of software out of existence, it would be unity.05:09
Gando-sanhey guys05:09
xust-droid2When I boot this sytem up, I can't see exactly what it says, but something along the lines of "uli chipset not supported"05:09
xust-droid2any ideas what it's flashing on the screen?05:09
policyqhylian: yeah but is unity really all that different from gnome 3 when you look at it05:09
urgodfathermileyrc, wasnt intended as an insult, just a reminder :)05:09
MileyRCGando-san, would that make my sound work?05:09
pksadiqurgodfather: I think if using wubi, fresh "install inside windows " good, updating might cuase errors, any way 7 GB might do05:09
Gando-sanYES, it would.05:09
MileyRCGando-san, I can't ind gentoo in the repositories :(05:10
boumacan anyone help me get google body, which needs webgl, to run. im using ubuntu 10.04, with just the standard repos. with chromium 10.0.648.133 (Developer Build 77742) Ubuntu 10.0405:10
hylianpolicyq, yes. gnome is configurable, and unity is not. and unity doesn't give me a desktop. i like to make things work and look my way, and unity, atleast for now, is unchangeable.05:10
justi519you can install linux on ipad but not ipad on linux05:11
urgodfatherpksadiq, thanks. just wanted a 2nd opinion before i let the 7GB installation stay or uninstall and make bigger. after all, it is a 15gb partition05:11
MileyRCjusti519, lol05:11
policyqhylian: i didnt know unity was so unconfigurable. you'd think it would be if not now then later on.. you sure there isn't some  hidden 'gconf' style thing in there somewhere05:11
gunndawgjusti519, that is because ipad is a device and linux is an OS05:11
* hylian wonders if xubuntu is gonna change, xfce aint all that bad.,05:11
z0mb13gunndawg: you can totally install an ipad on a linux05:12
hiexpoGando-san, these peoplecouldnot dogentoo thats why they are here05:12
hylianpolicyq, well, as of 5 months ago the was not.05:12
boumaive got the about:gpu info too. its using mesa apparently.05:12
gunndawgz0mb13,  lol05:12
pksadiqurgodfather: I usually do a 5 GB installation for my friends, which works quiet fine05:12
MileyRCbut really how can i make this sound card work http://paste.ubuntu.com/591978/05:12
policyqhylian: oh hm05:12
MileyRCdoes anyone actually know?05:12
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity05:12
^NiNjAu sure u cant install ipad in linux using wine?05:12
hylianpolicyq, it's ok man, not your fault, I was actually hoping you would tell me it's all just gossip, and not based on reality :(05:13
urgodfatherpksadiq, ok awesome so yeah, 7 should be plenty05:13
policyqhylian: well im gonna be in ubuntu-offtopic i got a theory on al this05:13
policyqthanks pksadiq05:13
Gando-sanΙ'd јuѕt lіkе tο іntеrјесt fοr а mοmеnt. Wһаt уοu'rе rеfеrrіng tο аѕ Lіnux, іѕ іn fасt, GΝU/Lіnux, οr аѕ Ι'vе rесеntlу tаkеn tο саllіng іt, GΝU рluѕ Lіnux. Lіnux іѕ nοt аn οреrаtіng ѕуѕtеm untο іtѕеlf, but rаtһеr аnοtһеr frее сοmрοnеnt οf а fullу funсtіοnіng GΝU ѕуѕtеm mаdе uѕеful bу tһе05:13
Gando-sanGΝU сοrеlіbѕ, ѕһеll utіlіtіеѕ аnd vіtаl ѕуѕtеm сοmрοnеntѕ сοmрrіѕіng а full OS аѕ dеfіnеd bу ΡOSΙX.05:13
MileyRCor is everyone just going to tell me "the computer is only as good as the user behind it" because it just werked for them?05:13
urgodfathersee ya'll in 15 mins :)05:13
FloodBot1Gando-san: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:13
pksadiqurgodfather: do hope so05:13
* urgodfather is rebooting05:13
Jon--I want to make my GNOME panel completely transparent at the bottom window list, so that there is no defined boxes for the window list, just transparency onto my desktop. Running GNOME with Compiz. How can I do this?05:13
z0mb13NiNJa: if wine can't do it, vodka will05:13
bouma3d is working fine with the opensource default drivers. eg compositing works, but is switched to none/off, google earth works fine, but chromium which does support webgl, the webgl doesnt work05:14
hyliancan anyone confirm or deny the replcaing of gnome with unity in later versions of ubuntu (11.10 or later) the word is gnome will not be a standard feature...05:14
MileyRCbut really how can i make this sound card work http://paste.ubuntu.com/591978/05:14
^NiNjAlol z0mb1305:14
smwGando-san, get your facts strait. It is an operating system05:14
MileyRC^NiNjA, cool nickname bro; let's me know you're leet05:14
pksadiq!info emerald | Jon--05:15
ubottuJon--: emerald (source: emerald): Decorator for compiz-fusion. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-0ubuntu6 (maverick), package size 267 kB, installed size 1388 kB05:15
MileyRCh4xx0r also has a cool nickname, he is definitely l33t05:15
MileyRCI bet he's packing green on black terminal colours05:15
* ^NiNjA wishes05:15
^NiNjAbut thx05:15
pksadiq!wine | z0mb1305:15
ubottuz0mb13: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu05:15
hylianGando-san, linux is the operating system, and the gnu parts are the add ons. you had it quite backwards. linux is the kernel that operated the system.05:15
MileyRChylian, >MFW05:16
Gando-san0/10, hylian05:16
hylianMileyRC, I am sorry, what does MFW mean?05:16
hiexpoGando-san, Linux is a leading server operating system, and runs the 10 fastest supercomputers in the world.05:16
Jon--pksadiq, I need to use emerald to do this?05:16
[thor]successful troll is successful.05:16
MileyRChylian, imagine a face that would impart the emotion in my post05:17
pksadiqJon--: might be not , but its a theme manager, right click on panal and in options you might have the option to set opacity05:17
MileyRCin this case, it's somewhere between "XD" an d "8=====D"05:17
hylianMileyRC, sorry, still not getting it.05:17
MileyRCmiley, sign up for ubuntu forums05:18
MileyRCat least then someone knowledgeable might see it05:18
MileyRCthis channel is just a skiddie hideout05:19
hylianGando-san, "Linux refers to the family of Unix-like computer operating systems using the Linux kernel."  hylian 10/1005:19
MileyRCmakes them feel leet being in here05:19
rwwMileyRC: It's probably good for your continued presence in this channel that the tinyurl you linked to doesn't work.05:19
zetherooI can't burn any CD's or DVD's ... was working fine a week ago!05:19
z0mb13rww: lol05:19
Jon--I want to make my GNOME panel completely transparent at the bottom window list, so that there is no defined boxes for the window list, just transparency onto my desktop. Running GNOME with Compiz. How can I do this?05:20
Gando-sanInstall Gentoo05:20
^NiNjAJon--,  why not use a simple dockbar app then?05:20
hylianGando-san Lol, naughty.05:20
^NiNjAwould be easier to just synaptic GLX or even docky05:21
hiexpoJon--, just right click it and hit properties05:21
^NiNjAi think hes wanting full transparency including icons applet icons, etc.05:22
[thor]Jon--: the best you can do strictly with gnome-panel is turn the background to solid with full transparency05:23
Jon--[thor], I'd like to just have a simple taskbar at the bottom, but I run a black desktop and it would look very nice to just have everything completely transparent. Any idea how I can do this?05:27
[thor]something like docky, or cairo-dock05:27
chuunzof avant-window-navigator05:28
gerzelcan anyone recomend a good website for electronic tools and a supplies?05:28
[thor]Jon--: here's a look at my (mostly default) cairo-dock setup --> http://uppix.net/8/a/e/c24ef3dc5f297e2035ef65914afff.png05:29
Jon--rww, my original question involved metacity, compiz and/or gnome-panel. Watch it.05:29
rwwJon--: Good thing I'm not talking to you!05:30
Jon--lol sorry thought you were05:30
[thor]Jon--: rww is correct however.. expounding on the benefits of 3rd party apps is not the focus of this channel :/05:30
Jon--Well I have Docky installed right now, but I have them on the side, I use the bottom for a per-workspace quick glance at what I have open, it's just not very sexy right now405:31
hylianI am thinking about making an *buntu based distro where the damned buttons are only on the right and can't be moved >:)    - (dreaming of unity being slow erased, all the 1's becoming 0's.)05:34
Jon--hylian, you be trolling but I laughed.05:34
hylianJon--, sorry. Unity is just no replacement for gnome. and the buttons should be able to go to the right. give me that option, don't tie my hands, right?05:35
Gando-sanIt's all the same, what the fuck05:36
h4xx0ranyone here tried ubuntu 11 yet?05:36
Gando-sanOnly real difference is the DE.05:36
^NiNjAi tried the alpha 205:36
h4xx0ranybody liked it?05:36
Gando-san>mfw retards actually believe that there's a major difference in Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu05:36
^NiNjAwouldnt run on my system05:36
hyliannot yet05:36
copypasteh4xx0r: yeah they changed openoffice's name for some reason :(05:36
^NiNjAdidn't like my ATI05:36
h4xx0rto LibreOffice?05:36
copypasteyeah I dunno why xD!05:37
copypasteit's not like open isn't a better name05:37
MK`They didn't change the name05:37
h4xx0rI dont think they changed it, I just guess it's another office program :S (not sure tho)05:37
MK`LibreOffice is a separate project05:37
^NiNjAsame core base ubuntu/deb05:37
^NiNjAjust diff desktop environ05:37
smwMK`, not really05:37
h4xx0rbut I guess OpenOffice was fine05:37
MK`just read that05:37
smwMK`, most of the OOo developers moved to libreoffice05:37
hylianfrom what I understand the OO guys have changed their licensing to the point where they don't want any confusion over the old OO and the new project software.05:37
MK`the Hisyory sextion05:38
MK`yeah I know05:38
smwMK`, that is like saying MariaDB is not a rename of mysql.05:38
MK`I know XD05:38
MK`I was there when it happened :P05:38
smwMK`, or jenkins and hudson05:38
h4xx0rlibreoffice is cool :P05:39
h4xx0rCheck this05:39
smwMK`, there are many examples of the developer community leaving a project that is owned by a company and doing the equivalent of a rename.05:39
h4xx0ryeah wow :P05:39
hyliandoes anyone know if the rumors are right that 1 or 2 releases down the line, ubuntu will be strictly unity? I hope not.05:39
copypastelol that's going on my facebook wall05:39
MK`Yes I know :P05:40
copypaste"to all those who bought office 2010" LMAO05:40
MK`teach them05:40
h4xx0rand what about the new music player05:40
h4xx0rdoes anyone here use BlueMindo?05:40
hylianh4xx0r, what little music i listen to goes through totem usually. I really don't need any "itunes" -esque media player.05:41
h4xx0ranyone here wanna recommend me a good music player for ubuntu? (Other than amarok and rythmbox)05:41
copypasteh4xx0r: real hackers use mplayer lol05:42
h4xx0rTotem Mplayer?05:42
hylianyep mplayer, it can play shoutcast streams, audio, video. I personally like moc or mocp of your gonna listen to music from the console.05:42
copypasteh4xx0r: I dunno really; you just type "mplayer song.mp3" and it plays; really hard to control though but looks so banging in the terminal05:43
h4xx0rlistening to music from console is like fucking old-skool lol05:43
copypasteI know right05:43
Zelozeloswhen i start my sys, compiz is freezing my desktop and panels if i run metacity --replace i can stop it then after opening a terminal and running metacity again i see this error " WARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXDestroyPixmap" when GLX 1.3 is not supported!  This is an application bug!" is related to the current problem??05:43
shcherbakYou can use cvls with similar effect to mplayer05:43
h4xx0rIm currently using bluemindo and its cool05:43
h4xx0rno bugs/problems yet.05:44
h4xx0rthe new ubuntu will be arriving with Banshee05:44
hyliani like the ability to do everything from the console. and I have a machine with just inx on, so, only console. (INX is not X!) an ubuntu based distro05:44
Zelozeloswhat started it all was that cairo-dock kept enabling the widget layer in compiz05:44
pksadiqh4xx0r: mplayer have very great options 0 or 9 to change volume,  <  or > to seek, etc05:44
shcherbakhylian: Ubuntu as long it is linux, you should be able to run whatever eyecandy.05:44
copypastepksadiq: yeah if your sound actually works05:44
chuunzhexxor, try mpd+ncmpcpp05:45
hylianshcherbak, this is true. It;s just one more thing I will have to do, sudo apt-get remove unity, anyone?05:45
pksadiqhylian: what is the size of INX?05:45
chuunzsudo apt-get remove unity && apt-get install openbox05:46
hylianpksadiq, about 100 meg, giv or take05:46
shcherbakh4xx0r: for console you can play music with allmighty mocp or mpd05:46
copypastechuunz: haha canonical pwned05:46
pksadiqh4xx0r: and even nvlc05:46
hylianpksadiq, go here if you are interested: http://inx.maincontent.net/05:46
chuunzncmpcpp master race here05:46
RequiredPush the caps lock button. It's next to your 'A' key.05:47
hylianpksadiq, i was off, more like 200 meg05:47
copypastechuunz: you know I would use it but http://unkart.ovh.org/ncmpcpp/ is such a bland page05:47
copypastethat speaks volumes about quality I've noticed05:47
h4xx0rlol ncmpcpp looks old skool :P05:47
copypastelike they can't even HTML and CSS lol XD05:47
pksadiqhylian: k, now there, thanx05:47
chuunzcopupast: lmfao05:48
h4xx0rchuunz: lol05:48
chuunzgotta lay off the wine05:48
MAXWELLhi i need some help with mount points and installing to multiple storage medias05:48
shcherbakMAXWELL: Start from CapsLock.05:48
hylianI am seriously considering installing inx is not x for my main os.05:48
MAXWELLmy capslock is off now05:49
copypastehylian: just do it u only live once am i right and you always have that win 7 disk in case it doesn't work lol05:49
shcherbakWhat do you want to install to drives?05:49
chuunzmaxwell: what exactly are you trying to do?05:49
MAXWELLlucid lynx05:49
MAXWELLi am wanting to use USB sticks as storage (my hd died)05:50
MAXWELLi wanna use one for root05:50
MAXWELLanother for usr05:50
MAXWELLanother for home05:50
copypasteoh cool idea05:50
FloodBot1MAXWELL: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:50
copypasteget like 20 USB sticks rofl05:50
copypasteand then tons of port hubs05:50
copypasteepic win!05:50
h4xx0rhow long since u have not shutdown /restarted your pc/laptop ubuntu users?05:50
MAXWELLit looks simple in the installer. but it isn't working for me05:50
h4xx0rits been 4 days here and I feel its stable05:50
MAXWELLas i said my HD died. i've nothing else to install to.05:51
Nisstyreh4xx0r, ~ 5 days, but I'm not using Ubuntu05:51
MAXWELLthese USB sticks are but 4GB each. if i use one i've only 1GB of space left over. that's not enough for anyone05:51
pksadiqNisstyre: then?????05:51
Nisstyrepksadiq, then what?05:52
hyliancopypaste, i havent used windows since win 2000. so i don't. I have been a strictly linux user for a decade now. :)05:52
adityagwhats the one command to set up AMP ?05:52
pksadiqNisstyre: if not ubuntu which05:52
h4xx0ryea which one?05:52
shcherbakMAXWELL: In the end you need new HD, just install system on one usb, and make links to data.05:52
Nisstyrepksadiq, Arch Linux05:52
gartralHELP. I let my one laptop's battery die today while it was booted into ubuntu without relising it, and when i came back i logged in fine but neither metacity nor my panels came up!05:52
Zelozelosif i was to purge/reinstall compiz would it fix my settings issue. im sure the freezes are because of them05:52
hylianI think I am gonna shop around for a Ubuntu replacement, anyone have any suggestions? (please don't say bsd...)05:53
shcherbakgartral: does Alt-F2 works?05:53
adityagwhats the one command to set up AMP & other setups ?05:53
h4xx0rits for RUN05:53
copypastehylian: Gentoo might b cool05:53
gartralschmidtm_: lemme try05:53
^NiNjAMAXWELL,  you could get a smaller ditro and install it on one USB05:53
shcherbakgartral: or Alt-F1, or alt-ctrl-t ?05:53
chuunzhylianL definately gentoo05:53
copypasteit's really hard to install though; i tried once and my computer got all hot and shut off in the middle!05:54
hyliangartral can you get to a terminal? (not ctrl-alt-f1)05:54
^NiNjAagreed holoseen05:54
gartralschmidtm_: ctrl-alt-t does05:54
Nisstyrecopypaste, probably because it was too much for it to compile all of that05:54
gartralhylian: yes, but i can't get online..05:54
^NiNjAlucid puppy i keep on a stick to fix what i break05:54
shcherbakgartral: try metacity --replace , hight hung system.05:54
hyliancopypaste, thanks I'll take a look!05:54
copypasteNisstyre: yeah it's really old I love it though I bought some LED's to make it go faster05:55
fennucciI love how my battery lasts longer and my internet is faster using Linux05:55
fennucciLONG LIVE THE KING05:55
FloodBot1fennucci: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:55
gartralschmidtm_: did that, it brought metacity back, not my panals05:55
shcherbakhylian: Whtas wrong with Ubuntu?05:55
chuunzgartral: start gnome-panel05:55
hyliangartral, try running this in terminal: nautilus --no-default-window05:55
shcherbakhylian: Go to Debian, same thing, but more normal (traditional)05:55
gartralshcherbak: did that, it brought metacity back, not my panals05:56
fennuccican I dual boot two linux's and windows?05:56
copypastefennucci: dude it's true comcast throttles windoZe users but not ubuntus lol! my internet goes faster too so funny that no one knows about this xD05:56
fennuccihow would I instal it?05:56
fennucciyeah I use verizon05:56
copypastethey all do05:56
fennucciit is just faster heh05:56
hylianshcherbak, debian straight up can't do a few of the things I need it to, or i would be a simply mepis man.05:56
FloodBot1fennucci: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:56
shcherbakgartral: try gnome-panel --replace05:56
Zelozelosis there a gentoo support chat such as this one?05:56
AbhijitZelozelos, #gentoo05:56
hyliangartral, did you get my post?05:57
gartralshcherbak: says --replace is n invlid option05:57
gartralhylian: one sec.05:57
shcherbak!panel | gartral05:57
shcherbak!resetpanel | gartral05:57
ubottugartral: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »05:57
holoseenarch has less learning curve than gentoo.05:57
copypasteoh there's a bot?05:57
shcherbakgartral: this ^^^05:57
copypastedoes it play trivia?05:57
omacI have a usb thumb drive that doesn't mount.  When Isusb it shows 090c:6200 Feiya Technology Corp.05:57
gartralhylian: returns too prompt.05:57
hylianshcherbak, i don't like the way Ubuntu is headed. Unity is becoming their favorite, but takes a lot of freedoms away, like I like my buttons on the right where they should be.05:58
hyliangartral, "nautilus --no-default-window" returns to prompt? it doesn't give you an error or anything?05:58
chuunzubuntu is turning into mac oss05:58
gartralhylian: i'll retype it05:58
VustomI have headphones that plugin to my comuter using the green and pink + USB ports at the front of my computer, and they go out one of the ports in the back of the computer and plugin to my Xbox 360, (I think it's In-line or something?) anyways, when I was on Windows I could hear the Xbox sounds, when using Ubuntu i can't05:58
shcherbakhylian: Simple, do it Semi-Luke way, install minimal, and get what you need.05:58
VustomAny ideas..?05:59
copypastechuunz: lol yeah macs are better you're acting like that's a bad thing geez05:59
pksadiq!control | hylian05:59
Gando-sanlmao wtf guys05:59
copypasteI mean Mac OS X just works and looks really cool so of course ubuntu is becoming more like it05:59
omacI love gnome myself.  I haven't tried unity yet, but the first impressions of taking away notification areas sound like I'll be having to touch a few times on the screen or something to see something that I could already see in gnome without any human intervention.05:59
copypastejust the natural course of things05:59
gartralhylian: returns too prompt. with both quotes and without05:59
Gando-sani know, right, copypaste?05:59
Gando-sanits a great step forward for them05:59
^NiNjAVustom,  sounds like you have some connections mismatched05:59
pksadiq!controls | hylian06:00
ubottuhylian: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/56406:00
omacI know the purpose of unity though.  Save screen real estate to the task at hand.06:00
Gando-sanbut it cant ever really be as good, u know, because u get what u pay for!06:00
thalassHi folks. I have an issue with my wife's acer aspire one running 10.10. It's a bit strange haha06:00
hylianshcherbak, my problem isn't that I can fix it, because i would have no problem removing unity and installing gnome if it came to it. my problem is they are changinf to a very un controllable gui without giving me the choice to say no.06:00
copypasteGando-san: i disagree it can be as good06:00
omacI have an acer aspire also.06:00
omacRuns like a charm.06:00
copypastelook at it this way, mac os x has been the same for years06:00
copypastewe'll catch up while apple will just go to phones and loltablets06:00
fennucciwhats the backtrack4 chatroom?06:00
Vustom^NiNjA, the connections are fine because i haven't changed them since I was on Windows, but I remember this happening before and I had to make another sound device default in the Windows Sound control panel..06:00
hylianpksadiq, i like you man, but please read the post thouroughly, because the info ubottu gave me does not apply. unity is not controlled by gconf.06:00
^NiNjAin ubuntu 11.04 standard gnome 2.? is an option at GDM login06:00
omacback in China they actually ship acer computers with Linpus if I recall correctly.06:01
dazappaanybody know how to nuke a usb drive pretty good, under Windows? I'm trying to use unetbootin to shove a ubuntu image onto my usb drive, but there's a Windows bootloader that will not go away even through formatting; and the Windows partition editor only shows one partition06:01
shcherbakhylian: well, make own distro, Hubuntu?06:01
copypasteomac: Linpuss? LOL06:01
hylianshcherbak, i like the way you think, LOL.06:01
omacYeah.  It's Debian-based.06:01
^NiNjAVustom,  is this a windows problem or Ubuntu?06:01
omacif I recall correctly.06:01
pksadiqfennucci: might be backtrack-linux06:01
copypasteheh rofl they speak chinese so they don't get the joke xD trolled hard06:01
gartralshcherbak: ok, i did that aand it says "gnome-panal: no process found06:01
shcherbaksleep now, bye.06:01
fennuccidefintely thanks06:01
thalassI installed ubuntu because her windows install was crapping out, so i set it up to dual boot while she got used to it. But yesterday booting into ubuntu (normal or recovery) results in modprobe failing, and coming up with failed to mount /dev, /sys, /proc, and "Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init." "No init found."06:02
VustomUbuntu, i need to make another sound device default in Ubuntu, like I did once before in Windows so i could hear my Xbox 360 sounds through my headphones.06:02
thalassAs if it's been wiped or something.06:02
gartralshcherbak: msn.. good timing >.<06:02
shcherbakgartral:what about just: gnome-panel ? or logout/login06:02
gartralshcherbak: this problem has persisted accross reboots06:03
^NiNjAVustom,  not knowing particualrs on your system or your setup I would say to go into sound preferences and check your settings06:03
gartralshcherbak: somehow gnome-panal appeaars too have been uninstalled/corrupted06:03
^NiNjAmake sure you have input output going to proper devices.06:03
Vustom^NiNjA, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=657593 describes my problem.06:03
thalass(Her ubuntu install was stock, using gnome instead of unity, and nothing installed except a couple of things. She only uses it as a netbook, nothing fancy)06:03
benjamintheyonHello. I'm running 10.10 on a HP a6212n Desktop, and having trouble with Suspend. I've looked for help online, but not found much specific to my model or observed behavior. Additionally, I am running a PCIe NVIDIA card with the recommended proprietary drivers. Fresh Ubuntu install. Any takers?06:04
^NiNjAk, reading06:04
hyliangartral, that can happen. what does apt-get say about it? does it show it as installed?06:04
omacthalass: get out your live-CD.  then boot from it.  then carefully fsck your hard-drive from there..  When you reboot, it will fsck, then continue as normal.   Try that.06:05
gartralhylian: nope. i figured it out, it got removed when i tryed too remove evolution! i got if-up too connect, r4eset and download06:05
thalassthanks. will try that.06:05
^NiNjAVustom,  may sound like im being picky but did you try the fix mentioned there?06:05
pieroHi! My home is encrypted. What I need to recover my files after I reinstall the system from stratch?06:05
VustomI just found it like a second ago, trying it now.. :306:05
^NiNjAok cool06:05
^NiNjAGood luck06:05
VustomI don't know what to turn up or down -_-06:06
gartralhylian shcherbak thank you both!06:06
paqI wish to send fax's from my computer, I see a telephone size jack beside my internet jack at the side of my laptop, does that mean I have a fax modem, how can I tell if I have a fax modem?06:06
hyliangartral, cool. i rip out most of that junk at install, so i set up a start up app with that "nautilus --no-default-window" command, otherwide i have no dekstop.06:06
indy21I installed Ubuntu 10.10 from Windows but it fails to boot06:07
hylianindy21, do you have 2 hard drives?06:07
paqindy21, looks like you didn't install it dude06:07
Vustom^NiNjA now the sound on Ubuntu won't work at all -_-06:08
benjamintheyonHello. I'm running 10.10 on a HP a6212n Desktop, and having trouble with Suspend. I've looked for help online, but not found much specific to my model or observed behavior. Additionally, I am running a PCIe NVIDIA card with the recommended proprietary drivers. Fresh Ubuntu install. Any takers?06:08
gartralhylian: yea. never remove evolution-data-server... that'swhat did it06:08
^NiNjAVustom,  open sound preferences from the sound icon on top bar06:09
paqVustom, I bet you that it is muted, just run alsamixer and turn up the volume06:09
copypasteVustom: rofl welcome to linux i saw a chart about sound on linux it was like a maze yeah sound is really messed up just use your iPod06:09
paqcopypaste, huh, works fine dude06:09
hyliangartral, i just sudo apt-get remove evolution, but like i said after that, no more desktop without my little cheat.06:10
^NiNjAgo to hardware tab, and see if it has a hardware listing for both your pc soundcard/chip and your xbox06:10
[thor]paq: maybe try checking the Software Center for "eFax-gtk"06:10
copypastepaq: http://www.indygo.de/misc/linux_audio.png06:10
amitprakashHi. what is the keyboard shortcut to force reboot kernel when system is unresponsive?06:10
Vustom^NiNjA, it's open.06:11
treyDo you mean ctrl alt delete?06:11
histoamitprakash: ctrl+alt+del at terminal06:11
omacvustom: do you have pulseaudio installed?  if so then you can do a command like this:  padsp audacity  or padsp zynaddsubfx :)06:11
paq[thor], how do I know if I have a fax modem.  I have a telephone jack on my laptop, so I assume it is modem, but is it a fax modem?06:11
benjamintheyonLast try, I promise: Hello. I'm running 10.10 on a HP a6212n Desktop, and having trouble with Suspend. I've looked for help online, but not found much specific to my model or observed behavior. Additionally, I am running a PCIe NVIDIA card with the recommended proprietary drivers. Fresh Ubuntu install. Any takers?06:11
^NiNjAVustom,  your sound preferences / hardware has bot sound sources listed?06:12
^NiNjA"both" sorry06:12
[thor]paq: i'm not certain, but i'm sure trying to send a fax might tell you.06:12
gartral_hylian: ok, i'm back on my laptop, thank you again06:12
hylianam i the only person that rips out evolution, gwibber, empathy, excedera at install?06:12
Vustomhas what.. i'm new to ubuntu remember *-*06:12
paq[thor], I'm not sure about the plug up either06:12
^NiNjAi understand man. NP06:13
hyliangartral,  glad to be a help, but you pretty much solved this one on your own.06:13
[thor]paq: phone and fax are the same jack size.. and there isn't another network cable that uses the same connector06:13
omacVustom: ok...now click the menu System->Administration->Synaptics06:13
^NiNjAok up top near the right end of the bar is a sound icon looks like a speaker06:13
hyliangartral, check this out: that's one uncluttered desktop! http://postimage.org/image/1dl88znyc/06:14
^NiNjAclick on it then in the menu click on sound preferences06:14
paq[thor], yeah true, so I plug in from computer to the telephone somehow I guess06:14
VustomSynaptic package Manager?06:14
omacVustom: In Synaptics, click the search button on the far right...enter pulseaudio and then click ok.06:14
^NiNjAin the dialog window should have a tab called hardware06:14
hyungrokHi, has anyone here had trouble with DrRacket in Unity? (#ubuntu+1 seems to have few people...)06:14
omacvustom: yes. Synaptic Package Manager.  It's going to be your best friend in Ubuntu :)06:14
Vustomnow what?06:15
eternicodeI have an interesting problem... I built a custom ubuntu desktop up from a base Ubuntu Server 10.10 install (currently updated to the latest 11.04 repos).  I have wdm, custom .xinitrc, compiz setup and working.  When I run "kdesudo <program>", though, (from yakuake/konsole), compiz freezes and goes to 100% CPU (one of my two cores at a time).  I can move my mouse, but my desktop (awn, any windows, etc) is unresponsive.  I06:15
eternicodeessentially have to go to a virtual terminal and "pkill X" or "killall -9 compiz" (-15 does nothing).  Any ideas why it would do that?  Using gksudo seems to work alright.06:15
FloodBot1eternicode: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:15
Vustomomac: this describes my problem if you haven't read it already; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65759306:15
* eternicode snickers at the bot06:15
omacvustome: do you see the search button on the far right?06:15
Vustomi searched for pulseaudio06:15
hylianVustom, yeah synaptic is apt-get, but with a pretty window instead of the old black console.06:15
omacvustom:I'll read it.06:16
gartral_hylian: still you ans shcherbak pointed me in the right direction06:17
Vustomomac i'm currently in PulseAudio volume control06:17
Vustomand I'm at Input devices, the xbox 360 sounds come from Line-in, and when i press buttons with my xbox controller that sound bar goes up and down, but can't hear anything.06:18
omacNow if you don't hear anything from pulse, then the application isn't running through pulse.06:18
Vustomwell the connection is using line-in06:18
Vustomso.. what now?06:19
omacvustom: go to the input tab in the pulse sound preferences.06:19
VustomInput Devices?06:20
omacvustom: yes.06:20
Vustomi'm already there :p06:20
[thor]paq: computer directly into wall jackl06:20
omachow many connectors have you got?06:20
soreauVustom: Run alsamixer in your terminal. Use arrow keys to navigate and m to (un)mute. Double check line-in06:20
omacvustom: if you have a funky sound card, you'll have lots of input connectors.06:21
VustomLifeCam (webcam..)06:21
paq[thor], true, but I only have 1 jack in my apartment, lol06:21
omacselect the one you want to listen in from.06:21
VustomInternal Audio Analog Stereo06:21
audhiomac how to connect to a wireless network(wi5) in ubuntu?06:21
^NiNjAsound preferences/hardware = see if your xbox sound device is listed. if so select each device and check the sound sliders in input/output for each respectively06:21
omacaudhi: what have you got ?  what is the model wifi router?06:22
audhianswer toi my question.omac06:22
[thor]paq: most faxmodems will have a port for line input, as well as a port for phone connection06:22
paq[thor], oh, that means I don't have a fax modem06:22
[thor]paq: so you would plug the modem into the wall, and the phone into the computer06:22
omacaudhi: I'm right here.06:22
[thor]paq: i am talking about dedicated cards.. you might have a faxmodem onboard,.06:23
paq[thor], my laptop on has one telephone plug and my desktop has none06:23
audhibsnl modem omac06:23
urgodfatherxust, did u try that driver?06:23
gartral_paq: many laptops' modem support fax06:24
urgodfatherpksadiq, 7gb appears to be fine06:24
audhido i have to install wireless driver in ubuntu. omac06:24
^NiNjAsounds like a software based telephony modem not hardware based06:24
gartral_^NiNjA: ahh06:24
[thor]paq: just bite the bullet and give it a shot :D06:24
paqgardar, yeah, you are right, I am betting it has faxing service, but thing is my apartment only has one telephone jack, so how would I plug in the fax and phone06:24
omacvustom: I'm here. click the different connectors and make sure the levels are adequate for what you want.   Make sure they are clicked on also.  If the radio button is not clicked, it's not on as in input!!!06:24
Vustomwhat soreau said worked, but now i've stuffed up my sound for songbird ..06:25
[thor]paq: you won't be able to use the phone while the fax is in use anyhow... even if it is hooked up06:25
Vustomsound in firefox is working D:06:25
paq[thor], yeah true, ok let me try06:25
^NiNjAif software based won't (most of the time) have a extra plug to go out to phone06:25
omacaudhi: http://en.kioskea.net/forum/affich-311073-bsnl-broadband-wifi-setup-teracom-modem06:25
soreauVustom: At least you got that far ;)06:25
^NiNjAall telphony will be PC only06:25
omacaudhi: open that page up.06:26
Bagehello guys, i have a really wired problem, but not necessarily related to just ubuntu.06:26
^NiNjAyou will need a telphone line splitter before the modem06:26
Vustomnow sound is broken in ubuntu :'(06:26
^NiNjAone to phone, other to modem06:26
BageMy laptop (toshiba) keyboard works wonderfully with ubuntu but refused to work with windows 7. Any ideas?06:27
[thor]yeah, a line splitter will work out fine, but don't pick up the handset and whistle during a fax.. hehe06:27
omacPulseaudio works well.  once the input is recognized and on in pulse, then some apps require you run them like this:  padsp gamix or something like that.06:27
[thor]Bage: sounds like par for the course06:28
Bagethe keyboard only work when i boot into ubuntu. In windows or even in the booting level, it doesn't work06:28
Vustomi fixed it06:28
Bage[thor], mm... couldn't get you06:28
Vustomit went mute O.O06:28
Vustom:D:D:D!!! ty guys :)06:28
omacyour welcome.  Cheers :)06:28
^NiNjABage,  with it not working in win7 best to go with windows tech support06:28
Bage^NiNjA, i know, but wish to come to the friendly community first06:29
omacaudhi: are you there?06:29
^NiNjAhow old is ur laptop?06:29
audhiyes im here i am trying to connect omac06:29
Bage^NiNjA, almost new06:29
omaccan you see your router's web page?06:29
Bage[thor], you had something to say?06:30
^NiNjAmy meaning being win7 is the new win on the block and they tend to be very obtuse regarding older hardware06:30
Bruce_WayneIs there any way I can make rhythmbox visible on every workspace for permanent?06:30
[thor]Bage: probably just something disparaging toward micro$oft, carry on.06:30
omacaudhi: can you see your bsnl router web page?06:30
ohsixBruce_Wayne: you can use something like devilspie to set the property06:30
audhiyes i can see say the next step06:31
Bruce_Wayneohsix: What's devilspie?06:31
SniperViper76can anyone help me?06:31
^NiNjAWell I would seriously consider going through your PC manufacturers help and or tech support first. I mean u paid for it with your pruchase06:31
omacuser and password are the default:  "admin"06:31
SniperViper76I'm having trouble connecting to a server that i had no problems with yesterday.06:31
audhiyes ive typed06:31
ohsixBruce_Wayne: the internet is a funny place for oddly specific names of things, or terms06:31
omacare you in?  Did you press ok.06:31
Bage^NiNjA, sure, I will pay them a visit. Thanks06:32
^NiNjAwith it only happening in windows, i would say its a corrupt driver or something like that06:32
SniperViper76I'm positive i spelled it right06:32
audhiive pressed it omac06:32
SniperViper76it gives me the stupid message  Unknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?06:32
^NiNjAnp sorry couldnt be more help06:32
omacThere should be some wireless setup wizard.  Click on that.06:32
SniperViper76Guess not..06:33
Bruce_Wayneohsix: Alright.. thanks06:33
omacaudhi: what is the exact model and number of your bsnl router?06:33
FuzyHi i would like to know the command to mount and format a drive06:33
Gando-sansudo rm -rf /06:33
Fuzynice try06:34
omacFuzy:  you can do that through the gui.06:34
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!06:34
audhiresidential router 1600 omac06:34
Fuzywell i looked and it dosent want to mount the dam thing and its frustrating06:34
soreauFuzy: mount and format a drive? Can you be more specific? What device is it?06:34
omacFuzy:  Click the menu System->Administration->Disk Utility.  You'll find what you need there.06:35
urgodfatherpksadiq, did you get the last message i sent? sorry i had to reboot so i didnt see your response if so06:35
Gando-sanTry writing a VB GUI to track down the killer's IP.06:35
ohsixFuzy: you can't format a drive thats mounted anyways, but yea, use the disk utility like omac says; if your drive is damaged and you want to figure out how to make it mount, that's another question06:35
ohsixGando-san: trolling is offtopic on freenode06:35
=== addi_offline is now known as addi
audhinext step please06:35
Gando-sansure is mad in here06:36
pksadiqurgodfather: which?06:36
urgodfatherpksadiq. about the 7gb appearing to be fine06:36
Nicd^Finnish company Duo Product using Ubuntu logo as their own, where should I send a note about this? :) http://www.duoproduct.com/06:37
pksadiqurgodfather: k, so any problem installing?06:37
audhiomac are you here06:37
omacaudhi: yeah06:38
audhisay next step then06:38
omacI'm looking for that manual to step you through.  a pdf one.06:38
omacwhat do you see?06:38
urgodfatherpksadiq: nope, all went smooth... putting the finishing touches right now06:38
xeghiaIs there a common fault/problem with 10.10 Desktop amd64 where Gparted crashes and the Installer crashes when you click next on the first screen?06:39
omacAudhi: Is it the BSNL Nokia Siemens Residential Router 1600?06:39
audhiyeah omac06:39
jgcampbell300could anyone help me get my bluetooth keyboard to work on ubuntu 10.1006:39
ohsixxeghia: when the livecd is booting hold shift, pick check disk for errors06:39
ohsixxeghia: also check the md5sum of the iso you burned06:40
xeghiai'm thinking more kernel bug or something than that, but good point, i'll check.06:40
xeghiadisk is ok, brand new motherboard though06:41
audhiomac say the next step06:41
omacLook under your router, and tell me the name of the web site for the company BSNL.06:41
omacI'm still looking for the manual for your model.06:42
* urgodfather is rebooting for the last time :)06:42
addiuh, BSNL is a service provider, not sure they have a proper site for their routers..06:42
omacaudhi:  found it the manual:   http://www.edocfind.com/download/ebook/SL2-141SL2-141-I%20ADSL%20Router%20User&39;s%20Manual/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5pYWQuY3ovcHJlei9BRFNMX1NMMi0xNDFfVXNlcl9NYW51YWwucGRm06:43
omacaudhi: go get it.06:43
thalassThanks, omac. It seems to boot now, though a bit reluctantly. It still spits out something about modprobe having a fatal error. But it's updating now and i can't remember the exact error haha.06:44
audhithanks omac.06:45
omacYour welcom.06:45
omacaudhi: page 5006:45
* urgodfather is finished06:45
omacaudhi: go to "Configuration...step 2".06:45
omacYou're welcome thalass.06:45
omacYou're welcome audhi.06:46
* urgodfather must have definitely set a record on install and setup :)06:46
tayyabalihi all i am first time logged into this IRC that to using Pidgin06:46
soreauhello tayyabali06:47
omaccongrats tayyabali!06:47
soreauomac: Yours was better, more excitement06:47
urgodfatherbut why use pidgin?06:47
urgodfatheri use chatzilla06:48
soreauWhy use chatzilla?06:48
omacBecause pidgin is better than empathy quite simply :)06:48
soreauI use xchat06:48
tayyabalii dont know it easy to use06:48
omacxchat is awesome too.06:48
urgodfatheri used xchat, didnt like it06:48
omacpidgin plugins are cool if you care to look.06:48
urgodfatheri like how chatzilla makes a tab for if someone says my name06:48
omacpidgin does the same thing.06:49
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup06:49
soreauurgodfather: I bet no one likes how your name is misspelled and weird06:49
Jon--Is there a way to make ALT+TAB behave with similar sizes on all types of windows instead of attempting to preview certain ones?06:49
Jon--I dislike the way there's super large icons with super small ones06:49
urgodfathersoreau, who asked you06:49
zetherooI cannot burn any CD's or DVD's suddenly  - pls help06:50
urgodfathersoreau, theres no need for insults06:50
pksadiqAnd my suggestion too, irssi for IRC06:50
omacjgcampbell300:  bluez :)06:50
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:50
soreauurgodfather: ur weird. Might as well /nick imweird06:50
soreauat least its less misspelled that way06:50
omacand it will also install blueman :)06:50
omaczetheroo:  buy more CD's and DVD's :)06:51
tayyabaliheeeeee i am new to this guide me how to use this ? what we exactly do here ?06:51
soreautayyabali: This is the official support channel for ubuntu06:51
zetherooomac: harhar06:51
=== urgodfather is now known as soreau_is_gay
tayyabalii am using ubuntu from last one year06:52
soreau_is_gayhi my name is soreau06:52
zubin71hey, anyone here running ubuntu on mac hardware? if so, hows your experience in terms of performance? hows the battery life etc?06:52
soreau_is_gayim gay06:52
tayyabalihi gay06:52
egarffsoreau_is_gay: seriously?06:52
zetherooha ... soreau_is_gay ... your point being?06:52
soreau_is_gayi like to sit in a chat and insult people06:52
Gando-san>using gay as an insult06:52
egarffsoreau_is_gay: are you 6?06:52
zetherooanother one bites the dust06:52
omaczetheroo: it might be that you are burning your CD's DVD's too quickly.  Are you using brasero...the tool in Nautilus.06:53
kevin6888296maybe there should be #ubuntu-build-character06:53
zubin71no ubuntu mac users here? :/06:53
zubin71none at all?06:53
egarffzubin71: What was your question?06:53
zubin71egarff: already asked06:53
zetherooomac: here is the thing ... since 2006 I have never had an issue burning disks in Ubuntu ... and I have burned probably well over 100 ... so yeah ... this is just wierd06:54
zubin71"hey, anyone here running ubuntu on mac hardware? if so, hows your experience in terms of performance? hows the battery life etc?"06:54
froldwhy will tasksel not install on my ubuntu? any changes I need to do? I just see the status bar - but it doesnt count up.. after 10 sec the window close...06:54
egarffahh.... can't help you there, I run ubuntu on my PC hardware, and OSX on my mac.06:54
zetherooomac: I have been using Brasero and K3B ... never had an issue with either06:54
zubin71aah, okies06:54
egarffzubin71: I would expect you'd have worse battery life, OSX does a lot of 'nerfing' to get the long life out of it.06:54
zetherooomac: suddenly it's gone belly-up ... permissions look strange and I get some SCSI error etc06:55
egarffzubin71: But I would bet that you'd see better performance.06:55
zubin71egarff: hmm, i see06:55
egarffzubin71: Don't get me wrong, I like my OSX machine, but well, there are definitely performance differences.06:55
zubin71egarff: yeah i understand06:55
egarffzubin71: one of these days I'll dual boot my macbook pro06:56
zubin71egarff: im seriously considering doing that, but wanted to ask around for a few reviews before doing that06:56
zubin71egarff: what i miss the most is apt-get!06:56
omaczetheroo:  I am certain your hard-drive is dying.06:56
egarffzubin71: sorry I couldn't help more.06:56
zubin71apt-get is just so awesome06:57
egarffzubin71: macports06:57
zubin71egarff: thanks for trying! :)06:57
zetherooomac: yeah, not likely - ha06:57
egarffzubin71: not perfect, but similar.06:57
omaczetheroo: it could also be that your internal motherboard to hard-drive cable is loose.06:57
zubin71egarff: aah, i dont really like macports.. ive tried that06:57
addihmmm, seems I'm not the only one who loves apt-get, even though I used Ubuntu for just a month ^^06:57
weaselkeeperI set up the work laptop (mbook pro) with ubuntu as dual boot, but I never boot the osx install. Thinking I might dump it,06:57
egarffzubin71: really?  I dig it.06:57
zetherooomac: how about Linux just f-ing up!?06:57
SyriaHello there, please tell me what do to if i want to install gnome3 on my 10.10 meerkat06:57
omaczetheroo: turn off your computer, open it up, make sure the cable ends are well-seated into both the motherboard and the hard drive.06:57
egarffapt-get is awesome.06:57
audhiomac i tried but its not comming06:57
zetherooomac: this is a laptop ... and everything is where it should be ;)06:58
omaczetheroo:  possible, but highly improbable if the hard-drive is newer than 2years.06:58
zubin71egarff: yeah after apt-get, macports felt really horrible. so i just started resorting to manual building :D06:58
audhiomac say any idea06:58
omaczetheroo: every hard drive comes with a one-year warranty, but engineered to last two.06:58
weaselkeeperHere Syria, let me google that for you http://digitizor.com/2011/04/07/install-gnome3-desktop-ubuntu/06:58
egarffzubin71: heh... might be that I used to be a gentoo person, so it's kind of like portage, which I also liked.06:58
zetherooomac: I don't understand ... how would you jump to the conclusion that my hdd is "dying"? Sounds a bit drastic.06:59
egarffLike apt and portage, hate rpm/yum.06:59
Syriaweaselkeeper: It did not work, I have tried installing it using that article exactly but I got a message telling me that package gnome3-desktop can not be located.06:59
egarffwhich is funny since I administer 300+ redhat/centos boxes.06:59
audhiare you here omac?07:00
zubin71egarff: havent tried portage, yeah yum is pretty bad07:00
zubin71egarff: haha07:00
omacaudhi: yes.07:00
egarffzubin71: we run our own repos though.07:00
ayeceezetheroo: from what i'm seeing, it looks like the error is coming from your burner, no?07:00
audhithen say the next step omac07:00
weaselkeeperyum is ok, but it's not apt,07:00
zubin71egarff: so how often do you update your packages?07:00
ZanQdoI have an issue with 10.10 and my aspire one, wireless stopped working :s07:00
zubin71egarff: in the repo i.e.07:00
egarffzubin71: at work or at home?07:00
ZanQdoi cant enable it properly07:01
benjamintheyonMy wireless chipset is BCM4321. I've been having trouble with the driver provided in "Additional Drivers" - it causes Suspend to fail. Does anyone have suggestions for alternative drivers for this chipset?07:01
egarffzubin71: ahh.... not often.07:01
zubin71egarff: @ work07:01
omaczetheroo, when you get SCSI ERRORS, that's not a good sign.07:01
zetherooayecee: I have no idea "where" it's coming from ...07:01
ayeceebenjamintheyon: ndiswrapper would be the only alternative.07:01
omacSCSI WARNINGS are ok.07:01
zubin71egarff: ok07:01
audhiomac say07:01
egarffzubin71: It's a live web environment and we don't mess with it if we don't have to.07:01
milamber!broadcom | benjamintheyon07:01
ubottubenjamintheyon: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx07:01
ayeceezetheroo: you get the error only when burning, right?07:01
zubin71hmm i see07:01
SyriaI am trying to isntall gnome3 but I got this message in the terminal: E: Unable to locate package gnome-desktop307:01
egarffzubin71: more often than not, only for security patches.07:01
zetherooomac: I have seen threads regarding SCSI errors where config files are at fault ...07:01
benjamintheyonayecee, milamber: thanks07:01
milamberSyria: what version of ubuntu?07:02
weaselkeeperSyria: did you add the repo, and do a sudo apt-get update?07:02
zetherooayecee: yeah ... I don't really use the optical drive for anything else07:02
Syriamilamber: 10.10 Meerkat07:02
zubin71egarff: i see... well, lemme go try out ubuntu on the mac then! thanks! have a nice day!07:02
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egarffzubin71: you too!07:02
milamberSyria: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/install-vanilla-gnome-3-in-maverick/07:03
ayeceezetheroo: okay, so it's likely the error is coming from the burner. It seems to say that the head was commanded to move somewhere and failed to do so.07:03
omacSystem->Preferences->Assistive Technologies->turn off Visual Bell.07:03
zetherooayecee: which error are you looking at07:03
Syriamilamber:  I think that I have tried installing it using natty tutorials !! sorry and thank you.07:03
milamberSyria: no problem, report back w/ success and/or other issues :)07:04
ayeceezetheroo: the spindle servo failure. oops, I'm wrong about that.. it's the spindle, not the head, but same idea.07:04
omaczetheroo: ok. yes. config files....but if your system was running and stopped running, then....PROBLEM. and it usually isn't config.07:04
zetherooayecee: this is the error I get .... Session error : SCSI error on write(45168,16): [4 09 03] Spindle servo failure (brasero_burn_record brasero-burn.c:2862)07:04
omaczetheroo: your CD BURNER DIED.07:05
ayeceeit certainly sounds like that07:05
audhiomac can we install windows softwares in ubuntu?07:05
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu07:05
robot_how to find out on which partition Ubuntu installed07:05
ruanaudhi: yes.07:05
omacaudhi: go talk to someone else aobut windows.  I don't support windows in any way shape or form :)07:05
ruanrobot_: sudo fdisk -l07:05
zetherooomac: I think I will install Windows 7 and try it there ... I highly doubt it died ... have not burned much on this laptop ... maybe 20 or so ..07:05
Syriamilamber: I got the same message: E: Unable to locate package gnome-desktop307:06
Syria >>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/592009/07:06
robot_ruan: thanks07:06
audhihow ruan is there any software?07:06
zetherooomac: could it be the disks I am using?07:06
rekenberumm, can anyone help me?07:06
milamberSyria: try sudo apt-get install gnome3-session07:06
ayecee!ask | rekenber07:06
ubotturekenber: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:06
ruanis it safe to install gnome3-session in maverick?07:07
rekenberhow to enable newotking of nm-applet? running git GNOME-Shell07:07
milamberruan: it is a ppa and this person knows it is a ppa and is following this tutorial http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/install-vanilla-gnome-3-in-maverick/07:07
audhisay the software name to install windows applications in ubuntu07:07
^NiNjAsafe as in stable? no not generally07:07
[deXter]audhi: wine07:07
ruanmilamber: that's an old tutorial07:07
randalhi I need some help im trying to navigate with terminal and im trying to use the ls command but it doesent do anything what do i need to type in terminal to show me what files im looking at thanks07:08
omaczetheroo: no.  It might be a cable connected to the disk burner being detached slightly.  It can also report an error like that if the CD is improperly inserted into the burner and gets stuck.  BUT SERVO CONTROL means...the robot arm failed died kaput.07:08
randalhi I need some help im trying to navigate with terminal and im trying to use the ls command but it doesent do anything what do i need to type in terminal to show me what files im looking at thanks07:08
bullgard4ruan: No.07:08
danielcg25I'm on m new mac07:08
ayeceeomac: spindle servo control. more likely it didn't get up to the speed that was requested, or something like that.07:08
omacayecee: ok...07:09
ayeceerekenber: that's kind of a long shot here, I think.07:09
seekwillHi. I'm running 10.04.2 LTS and I can't seem to find the fail2ban package... any ideas?07:09
ayeceeseekwill: what have you tried?07:09
omacayecee: yes...07:09
kevin6888296does gnome-disk-utility use it's own api to mark bad sectors or does it use fsck?07:09
audhiomac i am now using ubuntu 11.04 what are the new features in it07:09
^NiNjArandal,  go here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:09
seekwillayecee: aptitude search fail2ban, aptitude install fail2ban ?07:09
rekenberthanks anyway :P07:09
milamberruan: gnome3-session is in the repos for maverick: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gnome3&suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names07:10
ayecee!find fail2ban07:10
ubottuFound: fail2ban07:10
bullgard4randal: What is the result if you type 'ls' (and Enter at the end)?07:10
seekwillwfong@connection:~$ sudo aptitude show fail2ban07:10
seekwillE: Unable to locate package fail2ban07:10
robot_ruan: it shows partition table but does not shows where Ubuntu is. I have Linux Mint also in my system and need to delete it. It shows as Linux every where07:10
ruanmilamber: yeah i installed it07:10
weaselkeeperSyria: looks like your config is ignoring the gnome-desktop3 repository.07:10
audhiomac shall i ask a doubt about ubuntu to you?07:10
ayeceeseekwill: apt-get update, maybe?07:10
randalbullgard4, root@randal-1008HA:~# ls07:10
randal  Its werid i am on 11.04 tho07:10
ruanrobot_: oh. it shows the size of partitions though07:10
omaczetheroo:  one more thing...the kind of DVD's there are many speeds that you can buy.  It's possible you bought a type that's actually too fast for your burner.  Weird, but it's possible.07:11
seekwillayecee: Hmm... that didn't help :/07:11
zetherooomac: do you know how to disable DMA on the drive?07:11
omacaudhi: what is it.07:11
Syriaweaselkeeper:  Can I fix this?07:11
robot_ruan: yes but I am not sure about the size of Ubuntu07:11
audhihow to join to two partions  in ubuntu?07:11
ayeceeseekwill: do you have the universe repository enabled?07:11
milamberseekwill: it doesn't seem like fail2ban is available for lucid: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=fail2ban&suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names07:11
omachow to say no way.  you can but at your risk.07:11
milamberseekwill: scratch that07:12
milamber!info fail2ban lucid07:12
seekwillayecee: oh... maybe.07:12
ubottufail2ban (source: fail2ban): bans IPs that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 93 kB, installed size 660 kB07:12
bullgard4randal: Your problem seems to be related to 11.04. Please ask the same question in the #ubuntu+1 channel.07:12
audhiok omac07:12
hylianubottu | gnome 307:12
seekwillThis is on a VPS. Maybe they did something I didn't know about :/07:12
FloodBot1viper: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:12
=== viper is now known as Guest53044
randalbullgard4, thanks probly just because it beta07:12
audhihow to change login screen in ubuntu omac07:12
bullgard4randal: Yes that could be.07:13
Syriamilamber: I have isntalled this, sudo apt-get install gnome3-session07:13
omacctrl-alt f1-f6...07:13
hyliananyone know if I can download and try out gnome 3, I know it's still beta, just wondering...??07:13
milamberSyria: have you logged out and back in07:13
ayeceehylian: who's going to stop you?07:13
kevin6888296why aren't you all in your local team channels asking questions?07:13
kevin6888296http://loco.ubuntu.com ?07:14
omacbyu somehing is a console tool.07:14
ayeceekevin6888296: who are you talking to?07:14
bullgard4hylian: You can download and install the package normally in Natty.07:14
kevin6888296ayecee: ya'll07:14
omacit was present recently in austin texas. probably worth checking out.07:14
seekwillYep, that was it. This VPS didn't have the universe enabled :) Thanks!07:15
hylianmayeb my question then should be what is the package called? i searched for gnome3, gnome 3, got nothing (in synaptic)07:15
ayeceekevin6888296: that's a good point, thanks for the link07:15
milamberhylian: what version of ubuntu?07:15
shcherbakhylian: There is ppa gnome3 for natty07:15
omachylian...gnome 3 is not in the ubuntu main repo.  It's a ppa...google gnome 3 ppa. and add that to your synaptic package manager.07:16
audhiomac  please the idea to connect to a wireless network in ubuntu i tried the manual you gave but it is not working.omac please any otherway07:16
bullgard4hylian: The name of the package is "gnome3-session".07:16
audhiplease say omac07:16
hyliani'm using 10.10, meerkat07:16
hylianbullgard4, danke!07:16
omacaudhi:  do you have your wifi router setup and connecting to the internet yes or no?07:16
milamber!info gnome3-session maverick07:16
ubottugnome3-session (source: gnome-session): The GNOME Session Manager - GNOME 3 session. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 2 kB, installed size 128 kB07:16
omacaudhi:  then from your linux box, just go dhclient :) voila :)07:16
audhiyes i have omac.07:17
hylianthanks for the info people! many thanks!07:17
audhiwhat is dhclient:) omac07:17
danielcg25Is it possible to multiboot Windows 7, MacOS, and Ubuntu on a MacBook Pro?07:18
zetherooomac: disabling DMA did the trick it seems07:18
danielcg25(2011 model, just bought it today)07:18
kevin6888296no prob ayecee, i should do it more often07:18
omacaudhi:  click Applications->accessories->terminal....from there enter "dhclient"  and press enter.07:18
weaselkeeperdanielcg25: yes, at least to the linux/osx bit. No experience w win707:18
ljsoftnetdanielcg25 i think its possible07:19
omaczetheroo: wow!07:19
zetherooomac: burning to DVD at x407:19
danielcg25ok, thanks07:19
milamberkevin6888296: no loco team for my specific area, and it seems like there would be a lot of duplication of effort.07:19
omaczetheroo: congrats.07:19
ropes@danielcg25: I know it's possible, but not sure how07:19
=== papashou is now known as McLinux
McLinuxoh yes.. mclinux is back07:19
zetherooomac: so now without DMA ... what other issues am I going to have?07:19
weaselkeeperdanielcg25: I did it by installing refit on OSX, using that as the bootloader, and chaining to grub on the Linux side. Google should provide the details07:19
danielcg25Alright, :)07:20
weaselkeeperI think you can do it with grub2 and no need for refit, but haven't tried that yet07:20
kevin6888296milamber: there's already a lot of duplication of effort07:20
McLinuxhow does mactel drivers do with linux ?07:20
McLinuxer-- i mean with macbook pro07:20
kevin6888296perhaps a discussion better suited for #ubuntu-offtopic07:20
audhiomac it is coming permission denied what should i do07:20
omaczetheroo: no issues.  It's just that your hard-drive might not be as fast, but on a laptop, it might not be as noticeable.07:20
McLinuxi have a macbook pro iw ould love nothing more than to run linux and get that battery life07:20
milamberkevin6888296: agreed07:20
omacaudhi: I knew that...sudo bash.07:20
weaselkeeperI don't have wireless working on the macbook pro though, I haven't bothered trying, but it takes ndiswrapper, and that breaks suspend.07:20
omacthen try again :)07:20
zetherooomac: I only disabled DMA for the cdrom .. no?07:20
omacif you only disabled it for the cdrom. that's wonderful.07:21
audhiwhat is sudo bash omac07:21
Syriamilamber:  It works! thank you. :)07:21
zetherooomac: is there a way to check what is and is not using DMA?07:21
milamberSyria: np07:21
omacI've never changed it for the cdrom...just the harddrive...hdparm ...hd get it?  :)07:21
McLinuxsudo bash = super dummy omni bash07:21
Syriamilamber: I am trying to change the visual effects but there is a message telling me that it can't be changed because mutter is running!07:22
audhiwhat should i do next07:22
omacthat's it.07:22
omacyou should see magic pass by and your wireless will get detected if all goes well and assign you an ip address.07:23
zetherooomac: oh ... well I edited the hdparm.conf file ...07:23
omaczetheroo: yeah...that's what I thought.07:23
zetherooomac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/592011/07:23
zetherooomac: it seems like dma is not even on for the HDD07:24
audhisay any idea omac07:24
omaczetheroo:  I'm just happy the cdrom is working for you.  I'm learning something from you tonight.07:24
milamberSyria: the session is only shipping w/ core components right now.07:24
hylianI think i see canonical's problem. gnome 3 sucks. Unity was their only option. which also sucks. I think I am gonna be a xfce man from now on.07:24
zetherooomac: I am happy for that too ... I am just wondering now if I should turn dma on for the HDD ...07:24
omacvery cool.07:24
omacnever new that.07:24
zetherooomac: or am I reading that file wrong!?07:24
omacf@#$ yea07:25
macoomac: obfuscated swearing is still swearing07:25
Syriamilamber: And how can I install the full gnome3?07:25
omacI apologize for that.07:25
omacwon't do it again.07:25
milamberSyria: not available yet. see !latest07:25
hylianCan anyone tell me what their choice for a gui would be, not including gnome?07:26
zetherooomac: was that a "f@#$ yea" to enabling DMA?07:26
omaccorrection: emphatically yes do turn on dma.  It will gain speed in most situations.  I'm not certain if this setting is still used with the new SDD drives.07:26
audhii think you dont know how toconnect to a wireless network omac.07:26
omaczetheroo: yes.07:26
zetherooomac: haha ok07:26
omacaudhi: the dhclient didn't work for you.  that's sad.07:26
Abhijitgcc -Wall -g helloworld.c -o helloworld `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0` \ `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0` giving me error gcc:  -pthread: No such file or directory07:27
hylianAbhijit, hello07:27
omacaudhi: check out iwconfig07:27
Abhijithi hylian07:27
ohsixomac: unless you're using no encryption or wep; the process is a lot more involved07:27
ohsixit involves 802.11x and a supplicant07:28
omacif you use wifi enable wpa 2.07:28
dazappawhen I try to run the 11.04 installer, it gives "ubi-partman failed with exit code 141"07:28
omacaudhi:  read about iwconfig and wpa207:28
dazappathe only references to this I can find are supposedly fixed bus07:28
omacgood night.  It's 2:30am here.07:28
milamberdazappa: natty support in ubuntu+107:29
Abhijitgcc -Wall -g helloworld.c -o helloworld `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0` \ `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0` giving me error gcc:  -pthread: No such file or directory07:29
hyliancan someone point me in a direction other than gnome for a gui? i know about xfce4, etc, blackbox, openbox, what else is good? I hate kde with a passion...07:29
omacAbhijit:  install libpthread07:29
ubottuThe graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively)07:30
omacomac: libpthread-dev07:30
audhiomac it is coming no wireless extensions say any idea07:30
mr_orangeI cant find a program in the ubuntu software center and i want to uninstall it how do i do that07:30
milamberhylian: that wasn't what i wanted. there's ratpoison07:30
ohsixomac: there is also a -pthread option, it wouldn't say no such file or directory07:30
ohsixomac: something is wrong with the invocation07:30
omacaudhi: you need to have a wireless device...do you have a wifi device installed in your computer or a wifi usb adapter?07:30
weaselkeepermr_orange: what's the program?07:31
Abhijitomac, there is libptrehad-stub0 and libphtread-stub0-dev and both are installed07:31
mr_orangeweaselkeeper, mtop07:31
Abhijitomac, or you maco?07:31
ohsixhylian: they're all the same, the differences are in how windows are managed and stuff like the panel; if you hate gnome and kde you probably won't be satisfied with any of them07:31
weaselkeepermr_orange:  sudo apt-get remove mtop07:31
macoAbhijit: what what?07:31
mr_orangeweaselkeeper, thank you07:31
Abhijitmaco, i thouth omac is you!!! :-07:31
omacAbhijit: listen to me.....you are missing the file libpthread.a/.so...in order to get the developer include files along with the libs, you need to install libpthread and libpthread-dev07:31
macoAbhijit: no07:31
omacdo it.07:31
Abhijitmaco, okay!07:32
Abhijitomac, how?07:32
hylianohsix, well that statement is far from true, but thank you anyways. gnome is nothing like kde, which is nothing like xfce, for example. that's like saying all vehicles are the same... they aren;t.07:32
=== addi is now known as addi_offline
omacapt-get install ...whatever07:32
mr_orangeweaselkeeper, it is giving me an error07:32
omacsudo apt-get install libpthread libpthread-dev07:32
Abhijitomac, E: Couldn't find package libpthread07:33
admin2_هل هناك أحد يتحدث العربية ؟07:33
omacsearch and you shall find.07:33
hylianmilamber, ratpoison, hmm, ill have to look that one up, thank you.07:33
omacbut you got the gist.07:33
Syriaadmin2_:  نعم؟07:33
ohsixhylian: you misunderstand, you are asking for the accoutrement; not the environment, the practical difference are the widgets/applets and you can use them in any environment07:33
milamberhylian: it's no-mouse centric07:33
admin2_<Syria> أحمد يارب :(07:33
Abhijitomac, i searched. its not ther ein synaptic07:33
admin2_مانمتش من امبارح07:34
omaclibpthread-stubs0 yes.07:34
omacand the dev too.07:34
omacyou need both.07:34
hylianohsix, true, i guess. the feel is different. how it helps me accomplish my daily tasks is different. I think I am gonna go the xfce4 route simply because it is very gnome 2 ish.07:34
ohsixhylian: "gnome" "kde" and anything that could be classified the same is simply a grouping of these bits, so if you don't like one assembly, one you can remove or change the bits you don't like; you probably aren't going to find another collection of widgets someone else prefers acceptable07:34
Abhijitomac, i have both already installed07:34
admin2_بسبب برنامج Tvheadend07:34
admin2_Syria ؟07:35
milamber!arabic | admin2_07:35
ubottuadmin2_: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية07:35
mr_orangeI am trying to uninstall a program but when i use sudo apt-get remove 'program' I get an error that says access denied.07:35
ohsixhylian: gnome is still very gnome 2 ish, the practical differences are very low (gnome 3 notwithstanding, but you can use a classic session without gnome-shell)07:35
hylianohsix, i think i will. what i don't like is the unity type gui. xfce4 still feels like gnome 2. gnome 3 is practically unity's dopple ganger.07:35
toshibagive me a chinese channel07:36
ohsixhylian: gnome-shell was out of the gate first, shrug07:36
* weaselkeeper is starting to miss FVWM207:36
omacAbhijit: try this one. with the dev   libpth2007:36
ohsixjust use the classic sessions and get your panels and all that fun stuff07:36
[thor]toshiba: /join #ubuntu-cn07:36
admin2_ubottu لا يوجد بها أحد07:36
GangsteRhola   tengo un problema  yo trabajo con autop play media studio 8 como ago para q se puedan ejecutar en linux07:36
admin2_انا اريد تشغيل برنامج Tvheadend07:36
mr_orangeI am trying to uninstall a program but when i use sudo apt-get remove 'program' I get an error that says access denied for user 'root@localhost'.07:37
Abhijitomac, trying07:37
hylianohsix, i think our problem is i don't get my thoughts across very clearly, my bad. I don't like where the "prettier, newer" gui's are going. I am happy with something a kin to windows 2000, plain and extremely functional. i don't need pretty, or different.07:37
ohsixhylian: netbooks and cheap laptops are really suited for unity and gnome-shell; and more people are going to be owning them, so it makes sense to  have them, but the classic sessions are still there07:37
Syriaadmin2_: والله ما بعرف اشتغل عليه!07:37
Abhijitomac, no luck. still same error. anyway leave it. thank you for your time.07:38
omacwhat exactly is the error:07:38
admin2_Syria  هل هناك برنامج بديل له ؟07:38
hylianohsix, i bought one. the very first thing i did is use apt-get to remove unity. my netbook is way more functional now, and faster. old gnome is where it's at.07:38
FrankLvcan i alter apt-get install target path? it's a huge packge07:38
Abhijitomac, gcc: helloworld.c: No such file or directory gcc:  -pthread: No such file or directory07:38
* hylian is running gnome 3 now, and hating it.07:39
ohsixhylian: that's great, but besides the point; and you didn't need to remove it to use the other desktop sessions, it's just a plugin for compiz and glue07:39
omacAbhijit...pastebin the helloworld.c along with the command or makefile.07:39
omacis it just a helloworld. gcc helloword.c07:39
Abhijitomac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/592013/07:40
hylianohsix, yeah, but once it was removed i saw a serious upswing in speed. not certain if that was because unity wasn't running, or because gnome was...??07:40
ohsixhylian: theres a confirmation bias that everyone has to fight :]07:40
omacAbhijit..hang on.07:41
hylianohsix, i see, what your saying is i am against change. well, yes. I am 38 years old, and have been using or fixing computers since apple II c's.07:41
[thor]Abhijit: you try "./helloworld.c" instead of "helloworld.c" in the commandline?07:41
Abhijit[thor], no let me try07:41
Abhijit[thor], same error07:41
ohsixhylian: i was saying that the apparent change in speed might not have been any change at all; except you prefer unity to not be installed, not that you're against change07:42
ohsixhylian: i don't use unity/gnome-shell either; but i am not my brother or grandmother, whom would get along rather well not knowing the difference07:42
hylianohsix, well, thank you for being open about it. But all I really wanted to know is what other people liked, so... do you like something better than gnome 3?07:42
ohsixhylian: i don't like "gnome" either,  i like the panel, and the lack of fluff in the file manager, which if i wanted to i could run in any other desktop environment07:43
hylianohsix, so are you a cli person, or do you have another gui of choice>07:43
ohsixhylian: the gui just draws boxes on the screen; the software is where the differences are07:44
Abhijitomac, yeah07:44
anth_alchanyone here tried 11.007:44
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not intended for production systems.07:45
weaselkeeperthe window manager is what I use to draw pretty borders around my terminals.07:45
weaselkeeperbut I do like multiple desktops :P07:45
hylianohsix, i feel if i asked you what airline service you liked best, you would start telling me about the plane instead of saying "I like northwest." I was asking a very personal, very non tech releated question.07:45
omacgcc -Wall -o blah pkg-config --cflags gtkmm-2.4 pangomm-1.4 blah.cc pkg-config --libs gtkmm-2.4 pangomm-1.4 -lstdc++07:45
omacAbhijit:gcc -Wall -o blah pkg-config --cflags gtkmm-2.4 pangomm-1.4 blah.cc pkg-config --libs gtkmm-2.4 pangomm-1.4 -lstd07:46
[thor]!best | hylian07:46
ubottuhylian: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:46
hylianwhat is your favorite desktop environment?07:46
weaselkeeperone that doesn't get in the way?07:46
ohsixhylian: if you could mix and match airplane seats and engines and stuff; that could be literally true, but you cant, and i answered your question as properly asked instead of the stunted question you provided originally07:46
hylianthor, that was not my question in the least. thank you for not answering me. :)07:46
weaselkeepertell me what I need to know, stay out of the way, and let me get stuff done.07:47
Abhijitomac, oh leave it then. i will try ide!07:47
[thor]hylian: waht part of "Do NOT take polls in the channel." was overlooked?07:47
hylianohsix, i know, i sometimes don't get all my thought processes in a row, so to speak.07:47
Abhijitomac, thanks for your time07:47
ohsixhylian: perhaps more appropriate if i was an airline and picking vendors for planes and engines, or if i was northrupp grumman and i had to decide between rolls royce plc and ge07:47
kamrani have a pentium 4 machine 2.4 Ghz with 512 MB of RAM. i been using kubuntu and feel that i dont make much use of the widgets. would switching to Xubuntu make my computer run faster ?07:48
G_Valgood morning guys ! I have an issue with my linux ubuntu may someone help me ?07:48
omacAbhijit: http://lists-archives.org/mingw-users/15868-building-c-apps-with-ming-gtkmm-glibmm.html07:48
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omacThis works in linux.07:48
milamber!ask | G_Val07:48
ubottuG_Val: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:48
hylianthor, i am not taking a poll. i am asking a serious question about desktop environments, because i want to change from gnome. but I will not ask poll like questions.07:48
ohsixhylian: my overall point is that if you can't find a set of actual different choices people make to call a "desktop environment", you can mix them; as they are just random bits of software07:48
G_Valok just checking !07:49
pksadiqAbhijit : private please07:49
[thor]hylian: this isn't a poll? <hylian> what is your favorite desktop environment?07:49
G_ValUhm i can't access to my linux desktop07:49
[thor]hylian: i don't wish to drag this on any longer, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic if you wish to rebut.07:49
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hylianthor. i want to get rid of gnome, because i see a trend in ubuntu being paired with unity, or possibly gnome 3, of which I am not a fan. I was asking people what they considered a viable replacement be. I am sorry.07:50
ohsixhylian: and that you will not be happy with much else even if you were shopping around for them, you could try them all and still be displeased; you understand? find otu what you don't like with gnome and see what you can do about it, if it's just gnome-shell, use the classic session; if it's unity, use the classic session07:50
G_Vali tried to access by bash and when i run "nautilus" it says cannot open display07:50
hylianohsix, i think i will be quote happy with xfce4. it is much like gnome.07:50
addihey guys, I just tried installing Ubuntu 10 using Wubi, however when I restarted the comp with Wubi, there was no Ubuntu entry in the boot menu..07:50
ohsixhylian: i don't think you really know what "gnome 3" comprises, or what relationship unity has with the rest of what would be called "gnome 3"07:50
toshibamay be the boot time07:51
[thor]hylian: that doesn't change the fact taht it is off topic for the ubuntu support channel.07:51
ohsixhylian: it's no gnome without a panel, full stop07:51
toshibaaddi:you use xp?07:51
[thor]!ot | ohsix07:51
ubottuohsix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:51
milamberG_Val: you still haven't really asked a question. what do you mean by bash? are you referring to the command line?07:51
additoshiba, Win 707:51
hylianohsix, i think you win. you are now on a topic for which i was not on.07:51
ohsixhylian: and it sounds like you've made up your mind enough with regard to your original question that it doesn't need to  be discussed further07:51
addiit worked before, no idea why it isn't doing so now..07:52
G_Valmilamber: exactly man i am using the cli now07:52
toshibaaddi:you delete some file in C:07:52
hylianok all, my brain is fried, have a good night.07:52
milamberG_Val: what happens when you type: startx07:52
ohsixhylian: your original question was OT, me replying is OT07:52
kamransomebody read my question ?07:52
[thor]kamran: try in #kubuntu07:53
G_Valmilamber: i didn't i just removed "splash" and "quiet" to not see the loading and detect the problem (i did that by hitting "e" 2 times in the grub m,enu07:53
milamberkamran: probably. install it and find out.07:53
addiI see there's a wubldr file in C..07:53
ohsixi dont think hylian left with any increased understanding of what he was really talking about :[07:53
toshibaaddi:try "msconfig" command07:54
milamberkamran: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop   you will be able to choose which desktop to log in to07:54
milamberG_Val: i want you to type that from the cli07:54
additoshiba, yes, only 1 entry in that.07:54
G_Valmilamber: what about recovery mode man ?07:55
milamberG_Val: you have to hold shift when booting up. i'd prefer to find out what errors x is throwing by you typing: startx from the cli07:56
Syriamilamber: Why I can't install gnome3?07:56
milamberSyria: you did07:56
Syriamilamber: Unable to locate package, it is just a session right?07:56
Syriamilamber:  I can't activate the visual effects.07:56
G_Valmilamber: i typed startx in recovery mode07:56
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milamberSyria: gnome3 is brand new. it will take time to get packages updated and officially released.07:57
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.07:57
toshibamay you delete some files in drive C:07:57
milamberG_Val: and . . .07:57
Syriamilamber:  Thank you for explaining this. :)07:58
G_Valmilamber: the pointer is loading07:58
whistlrI have a 3 monitor setup, one in portrait mode, for some reason the mouse will not go to the monitor that is in portrait mode07:58
G_Valmilamber: but i don't know if it is a kinbda of freezing or other07:58
whistlrand i thought there was no use of the portrait mode monitor, but xchat just opened up on it, and i can type07:58
whistlrnvidia for both graphics cards, mangaed by nvidia-settings07:59
milamberG_Val: can you please rephrase that? i am not understanding what you are trying to say07:59
pentesilea_whistlr: i know what you mean!07:59
weaselkeeper 08:00
ohsixwhistlr: if they're on separate cards they'll be separate displays, i don't think the mouse can go across displays without x2x or something08:00
G_Valmilamber: the screen is loading and that is indicated by pointer animation did u understand ?08:00
whistlrran into this before?08:00
G_Valmilamber: but is doesn't work anyway08:00
whistlrwell its weird, because everything works fine08:00
whistlrif i dont have the 3rd monitor in portriat mode08:01
whistlri can scroll across three monitors etc08:01
ohsixwhistlr: oic08:01
daVinciITubuntu10.10. hi all. I like to run Empathy and autoconnect chat accounts at startup. how to please?08:01
helppleaseI don't suppose someone can help me with an installation problem I'm having?  It's probably simple, but it's apparently beyond me.08:01
whistlrand i can use alt+tab to get to the portrait mode monitor (xchat window is open on it), but no mouse08:01
ohsixwhistlr: well with the nvidia-settings thing i don't know what to tell you; with the regular screen applet you just position the displays and it'd work, there could be some confusion about screen edges with nvidia-settings or something08:02
[thor]!ask | helpplease08:02
ubottuhelpplease: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:02
tripelbIs there a way I can print th page on the clipboard?08:03
mehdi_hey guys doesnt gnome 3 has anything  like compiz?08:03
ohsixmehdi_: it has compiz08:03
ohsixmehdi_: you don't need to run gnome-shell with gnome 3 if you don't want to08:03
thevishyhow is gnoem 3 guys08:04
tripelbwhat's gnome-shell, tripelb wonders. What gnome do I have in 10.4? What has gnome3?08:04
tripelband can I print my clipboard? it's a picture of a google map window08:05
[thor]tripelb: the application 'xclip' might have a command for printing the contents of the clipboard08:05
G_Valmehdi_: it is still loadig no way man08:05
milambertripelb: in 10.4 you have gnome2, there are packages for maverick and natty for gnome3, natty will have more gnome3 stuff when it comes out end of this month08:05
helppleaseapologies.  Here is my problem:  I am trying to install 10.10 dual boot with win7-64 already installed.  I have raid disabled and deleted in bios.  I install win7, partition ~half to ntfs, all is well.  I run 10.10 installer, gparted can see the partitions fine (create, delete, etc, ), but the installer sees only the drive listed as /dev/mapper/something with no partitions.  Thoughts?08:05
[thor]tripelb: you can also paste the image into GIMP, and print from there08:06
ohsixtripelb: google maps has its own print view thats quite nice, you could just use it in the browser08:06
G_Valmilamber: it is still loading no way man08:06
Torocatalawho loves Oasis? I love the fucking Oasis08:06
tripelb[thor], I dont have xclip... ah gimp, good idea. Ohsix the print view prints tiny maps and I want the overview.08:06
rwwTorocatala: #ubuntu-offtopic does.08:06
Torocatalathx rww08:06
tripelbohsix the window as is is just perfect. google wants to give you more small area detail, while we dont need that, just the big picture.08:07
[thor]tripelb: xclip is available in the software center.. but in this case, GIMP is the best bet probably08:08
ohsixtripelb: gimp also has "Create -> From clipboard" that lets you select a screen region too; so you can do it in one step08:08
milambertripelb: when you hit prntscrn why don't you just save the file? then you can open it w/ image viewer and print?08:09
ohsixtripelb: er create from screenshot,  it also has create from clipboard but that's just the clipboard contents :D08:09
stuartanybody know anyhitng about ruby and refinery?08:11
helppleaseInstallation question:  I am trying to install 10.10 dual boot with win7-64 already installed.  I have raid disabled and deleted in bios.  I install win7, partition ~half of drive to ntfs and install, all is well.  I run 10.10 installer, gparted can see the partitions fine (create, delete, etc, ), but the installer sees only the drive listed as /dev/mapper/something with no partitions.  Drive is 'basic' (not dynamic) in win7.  Some08:11
mehdi_@<G_Val> i wish it atleast had bubly animation08:12
junglejoozeWhat is the command for booting into recovery mode on live usb 10.10?08:19
CGoHey guys.08:20
CGoI've got a mean issue here. Its been haunting me since Ubuntu 8.0408:20
red2kicYou got one evil bug.08:21
CGoThe screen is maxed out at 1360x76808:21
CGoWhile my card and screen must support 1920x108008:21
CGoI say must because with its size, the average letter is now the size of my thumb08:21
red2kicCGo: Did you install the additional drivers? (Nvidia or ATI).08:22
ohsixCGo: the edid your monitor provides might be wrong, if it is you can add modes with xrandr08:22
CGored2kic, yes, ohsix, the monitor is wrong yes.08:22
CGoBefore 8.04 I could set it with a dialog but someone very special decided that had to go.08:22
CGoXrandr.. I'll give it a shot but its never workedf or me before08:22
ohsixCGo: if it's a proprietary driver it probably wont be supported, but it's the proper way to do it otherwise08:23
ohsixand by proprietary i mean nvidia08:23
CGoohsix, what would the alternative be?08:23
soreauCGo: Radeon or nVidia?08:24
CGosoreau, nVidia Geforce FX 340008:24
soreauCGo: eww, doesnt even support randr1.208:24
CGoAlso, I'd very much appreciate it if someone could tell me how to get the unity taskbar out of hiding.08:24
ohsix(the driver doesn't)08:24
soreauProbably the only compiz capable driver that doesnt08:25
Seoesterbut if you install the nvidia graphic drivers the NVIDIA Xserver settings GUI will be installed08:25
addiFX3400 is Quadro afaik.08:25
dkam_Hey guys - using 11.04  and "host localhost" returns 1 correct entry and 2 host not found.  I've updated nsswitch so 'hosts' is just files and dns. Any idea where host is looking?08:25
soreauCGo: unity? Using natty?08:25
junglejoozeIs it possible to boot into recovery mode with an ubuntu-installed-on-usb version, and if yes, how?08:25
CGosoreau, its worked before. If it suddenly stopped working between 7 and 8, I'd say that's a step down of the OS08:25
soreau! natty | CGo08:25
ubottuCGo: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not intended for production systems.08:25
CGoOkay, Unity sucks anyway08:25
addiwow, almost no one seems to like Unity.08:26
ohsixCGo: you can't control what nvidia does; and they cant accomdate it forever, thats why it has its own settings applet and everything. people wanting stuff to work nice for people with good drivers moved on a long time ago08:26
Blue11CGo: preach it bro.08:26
CGoaddi, I disliked it on my netbook (installed desktop version) and I dislike it on my desktop, though I've decided to give it a chance.08:26
Blue11CGo: ditto08:27
Daniel0108addi: we like to customize gnome, and we can't customize unity, unity is buggy, unity crashes :P08:27
addii haven't been on v11 yet, but the negative reviews are staggering :p08:27
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addiwas about to install, but will wait for final version08:27
Daniel0108I was a beta tester, but now I'm back to 10.10 :)08:27
addiwill be installing 10.10 today08:27
addion Winblows right now..08:27
HullNbI'm havin prob installing ethernet drivers on ubuntu08:27
Daniel0108addi: I have 10.10 with Gnome2 and gnome3 :D08:27
junglejoozereally interesting chit chat people..08:27
CGoaddi, to exemplify again, in a minute I'm gonna need to close all windows to make that taskbar come out of hiding again.08:27
r4yDoes the live cd of Ubuntu have fsck on it?08:28
CGoOh wait, it spontaniously shot out08:28
CGoAs if it were psychic..08:28
CGoDidn't even move my mouse to that edge.08:28
Daniel0108junglejooze: it's not offtopic, we're talking about ubuntu :)08:28
Blue1addi 10.04 is an lts release 10.10 is not08:28
ohsixDaniel0108: this isn't ##ubuntu, this is #ubuntu, and a "support channel"08:28
r4ywhat's the other ubuntu channel for?08:29
CGoBlue1, how would you rate Kubuntu 10.10 vs. Ubuntu?08:29
HullNbI downloaded drivers for linux from realtek download page and ran make utility08:29
addithat's the chat channel I think..08:29
Daniel0108ohsix: yes, but we're "supporting", we are talking about unity bugs, crashes and so on :)08:29
ohsixDaniel0108: file bugs, this isn't the place for it08:29
[thor]addi/r4y: the chat channel is #ubuntu-offtopic08:29
HullNbthe code isn't compilering08:29
addiyeah, that is beta..08:29
Daniel0108ohsix: we help to decide, gnome or unity, isn't that support?08:30
r4yI meant "##ubuntu?08:30
fisch246"/usr/sbin/grub-probe: warn: Discarding improperly nested partition" any ideas how to fix this?08:30
ohsixCGo: if you're going to be doing polling, #ubuntu-offtopic08:30
addiI got my answer. Gnome is the way to go..08:30
Starminn!best | Daniel010808:30
ubottuDaniel0108: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.08:30
ohsixDaniel0108: you can't help anyone make a subjective judgement08:30
CGoI don't want a poll, just one guy's opinion.08:30
StarminnDaniel0108: That's what you tell them.08:30
ohsixCGo: message them08:30
Daniel0108ohsix: that's why we are talking about it ;)08:30
CGoTime to wipe this partition08:30
r4yWhat task?08:30
CGoWait, shit how do I close this in unity08:31
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:31
junglejoozeanyone know how to boot a live version into recovery mode?08:31
Daniel0108okay, okay, if you want to know something about unity --> #ubuntu-offtopic08:31
r4yO, I see08:31
fisch246alright let me explain my problem...08:31
fisch246when i run sudo update-grub i get this "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: warn: Discarding improperly nested partition"08:31
fisch246a lot08:32
ohsixDaniel0108: what can someone know from hearsay? all they'll know is that someone named Daniel0108 said it; it says nothing about what the subject matter is08:32
Daniel0108ohsix: I told them that it didn't work well on my laptop, that's MY opinion, and that's what they wanted to know08:32
Daniel0108ohsix: he/she08:33
fisch246it's not really a "problem" more of an "annoyance"08:33
Daniel0108ohsix: okay, doesn't matter, if he wants to know something --> #ubuntu-offtopic08:33
G_Valmilamber: it doesn't work08:33
ohsixDaniel0108: your opinion doesn't even make the situation better on your machine; you need to file bugs and see why its not working well, it will not help them either08:34
tripelbDaniel0108, ohsix as Leary wrote it:  sHe08:34
milamber!doesntwork | G_Val08:34
ubottuG_Val: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.08:34
G_Valmilamber: lol nice bot startx doesn't work08:34
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G_Valmilamber: i told you before about08:35
milamberG_Val: did it just hang at the gui?08:35
G_Valmilamber: it just still loading and nothing happen08:35
fisch246"/usr/sbin/grub-probe: warn: Discarding improperly nested partition (/dev/sda,msdos1,msdos1)."08:35
milamberG_Val: pastebing /var/log/xorg.0.log08:36
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fisch246is there a way i can find this partition? cause i can't find it in g-parted08:36
r4yIs fsck on the live cd of Ubuntu?08:36
daVinciIThi all. I like to start gedit at start up but nothihg. I've put in StartUp Application and in rc.local ... nothing to do... how to!?!?!? thank you.08:37
[thor]fisch246: anything wierd in your fstab?08:37
G_Valmilamber: thought cli using nano it doesn't appear08:37
fisch246[thor]: how do i check it08:37
www314Can I install Silverlight on Ubuntu? (How?)08:37
r4yI thought the live cd of Ubuntu had fsck on it, am I wrong?08:38
ohsixDaniel0108: rc.local is for the machine startup, not the login applications08:38
fisch246!moonlight | www31408:38
ubottuwww314: For Microsoft Silverlight support, install Moonlight with the following command: « sudo apt-get install moonlight-plugin-mozilla » in a terminal.08:38
r4ythat's all I wanted to ask08:38
milamberG_Val: then cd /var/www && ls xorg*08:38
[thor]fisch246: fstab is in /etc/08:38
G_Valmilamber: with or without star ?08:39
milamberG_Val: with08:39
G_Valmilamber: no such file or directory oO08:39
milamberG_Val: my fault, cd /var/log08:40
fisch246[thor]: doesn't look like it08:40
guest010203can someone help me figure out why sound isnt working in chatzilla?08:40
SwatinemHi, I’m having problems with the proprietary nvidia drivers in natty, can someone help me?08:40
G_Valmilamber: don't worry about same error xD08:40
icerootSwatinem: #ubuntu+108:41
atlef!natty | Swatinem08:41
ubottuSwatinem: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not intended for production systems.08:41
milamberG_Val: just do: ls08:41
milamberG_Val: the last file should be Xorg.0.log08:41
fisch246[thor]: this happened after i installed fedora... however i got rid of fedora and now have that error08:41
G_Valman ls08:42
G_Valmilamber: man ls in home ?08:42
milamberG_Val: no, in /var/log08:42
G_Valmilamber: ok cd /var/log && ls ? ù08:42
[thor]fisch246: the fstab thing was more of a shot in the dark. i'm still a novice :D08:43
milamberG_Val: yes, there should be a list of files. the last one should be Xorg.0.log08:43
[thor]fisch246: i had some similar errors while making my first attempt to migrate /home/ to a different partition.08:43
G_Valmilamber: man is not better if i run by live cd ?  in this way i an chat too08:44
G_Valmilamber: what about it ?08:45
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milamberG_Val: pastebin that file please08:46
G_Valmilamber: man i have a lot of files i can't pastebin08:50
fisch246should i try and reinstall grub? or is there a hidden partition?08:50
milamber!pastebinit | G_val08:51
ubottuG_val: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com08:51
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G_Valmilamber: the last 4 ones xorg.0.log xorg.0.log.old xorg.failsafe.log and xorg.failsafe.log.old08:51
fisch246problems like this is why i advise against fedora installations >.<08:51
Zorlinmilamber: that is *amazing*08:52
G_Valmilamber: i know that i have no net on my bash man (i am connected by another machine )08:52
Zorlini don't know why, pastebinit just eems really impressive to me08:52
YcareneShould I consider giving each application its own sandbox?08:52
G_Valmilamber: that's why i askd you if i can run in live08:52
milamberG_Val: what did you do to get your system into that state? what commands did you run?08:53
G_Valjester-: milamber before come here i just tried to run it in failsafe mode maybe the issue was created by nvidia driers08:53
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G_Valmilamber: there's no solution maybe is better if i run in live and restore by installing without formatting08:54
StarminnOh, random-ish question. Is anybody here using Verizon wireless USB internet thingy? I'm just wondering if it works with Ubuntu08:55
milamberG_Val: that may be the best option if you are08:55
G_Valmilamber: i am totally new here man i'm not an expert like u08:55
ohsixStarminn: probably, only way to know for sure is try it; all sorts of phone/3g modems work08:56
Neo_Kiplinghi, fellows, why this cron line doesn't triggered: @reboot  sleep 18;screen -dmS irssi torsocks irssi08:56
fisch246fdisk shows all green08:56
G_Valmilamber: i just tried to use my fuctional english and my knowledge08:56
fisch246by green i mean good08:57
Starminnohsix: My girlfriend who has been curious (but leery (because "Linux is for smart geeks")) about Ubuntu uses Verizon and it has a special program for logging on for Windows.08:57
Neo_Kiplingthis line either:@reboot screen -dmS irssi irssi08:57
Starminnohsix: I know Ubuntu is more "Plug and play" than Windows, but I'm wondering if that program might not work or if it would be easier or what. She won't let me play with her computer because she thinks I'll break it.08:57
atlefStarminn: try a live cd to see if it works08:57
ohsixStarminn: then try using th emodem on yours08:57
fisch246so obviously nothing is wrong, just grub being confused then?08:58
G_Valmilamber: thanks for helping and for trying anyway08:58
milamberG_Val: sorry i couldn't be of more assistance08:58
Starminnatlef: No, I mean a LiveCD. She thinks I'll hurt her computer, lol. Her Windows7 has always been slow, and she suddenly felt like after popping in the LiveCD Win7 got slower (which is impossible of course lol)08:58
nixjrwhats radeon support in ubunut like? ive only ever used nvidia08:58
ohsixStarminn: the special program is from the lack of a program at all w/windows to do it08:59
ohsixStarminn: not impossible but unlikely08:59
ZombieChickenI currently have an ubuntu install sitting in qemu-kvm with a max resolution of 1024x768. How can I increase this easily?08:59
Starminnohsix: I thought so. So Ubuntu you can just bring up the Internet connection dialog, type in the password, and you're good, without the prog?08:59
Starminnnixjr: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV380 [Radeon X600 (PCIE)]08:59
Starminnnixjr: That's mine. I have no problems.08:59
ohsixStarminn: you add a new 3g connection with nm and enter the credentials; it works09:00
Neo_KiplingIt's kind of weird, '@reboot  sleep 20;screen -dmSfa rtorrent rtorrent' works well09:00
Starminnohsix: I've only ever used hardwired ethernet connections. Care ot break that down a bit more for me? I just know I'll get one chance and I'll be expected to "know everything" ;)09:00
researcher123is there a channel for remastersys?09:01
randompersoncan someone explain to me why mozilla likes to open a new tab automatically when i click on things09:02
randompersonat random09:02
G_Val_milamber: man you really gave a good assistance !!!09:02
fisch246well i guess i'll try the forums then...09:02
ohsixStarminn: click on the network manager applet, edit connections; pick the mobile broadband tab, click add09:02
Starminnrandomperson: Have you looked in your Preferences?09:02
randompersonstarminn: yes09:02
ohsixStarminn: you'll probably need to figure out the stuff other than the authentication from verizon, if it doesn't work when you omit it09:03
atlefresearcher123: #remastersys09:03
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researcher123atlef: thanbks09:03
Starminnohsix: So, in theory, doing that and typing in her user/pass will be fine? What do you mean "other than the Verizon authentication"?09:03
Starminnrandomperson: How about any add-ons that would do it?09:04
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ohsixStarminn: sometimes you need special numbers to initiate a connection09:04
randompersonstarminn: unless there is some option that i dont know of09:04
Neo_Kiplingmaybe i should try trigger this with upstart, thanks everyone09:04
Starminnohsix: Eww....09:04
lizard_2k1hi all, help me please: how i can clean my sources.list?09:04
randompersonstarminn: none just barebones ubuntu09:04
Starminnohsix: But google should hold the answers, right?09:04
Starminnrandomperson: I meanta Firefox add-on09:04
ohsixStarminn: no clue09:04
randompersonstarminn: i know... none09:05
randompersonstarminn: by barebones ubuntu, i mean just what was initially installed by ubuntu09:05
Starminnrandomperson: Alright, well for Mozilla product support, go to the appropriate channel here: http://irc.mozilla.org/09:05
randompersonstarminn: its not just in firefox, thats just were i notice it the most09:06
Starminnrandomperson: Well as far as I know Ubuntu has absolutely no bearing on browser tab behavior, so it's the browser, not Ubuntu.09:06
randompersoni.e., sometimes i will click a tab in chat client... and it will magically close09:07
randompersonsame happens in firefox09:07
StarminnWhat's your chat client?09:07
randompersoni was using chatzilla09:07
randompersondid the same thing in there too09:07
StarminnWell Chatilla is not Ubuntu. It is Firefox.09:08
randompersoni switched b/c i couldnt figure out why the sound wasnt working09:08
ohsixsounds like you might be getting spurious middle clicks09:08
randompersonbut konversation isnt09:08
Dr_Willisrun konversation from terminal, if it crashes, look for error messages in the terminal.09:08
randompersonwhat are spurious middle clicks09:08
StarminnRight. And Konversation is doing the same thing? I'm trying to get it to a niche so we can more effectively Google for a fix.09:08
randompersondr_willis what is command?09:09
Starminnrandomperson: Should just be the file path to Knoversation.09:09
* randomperson is new to ubuntu/linux09:09
ropeshey guys, is 11.04 worth upgrading to if you're on 10.10?09:10
Siliconehello, does anybody know what to do? i need to mirror a website, typing wget -m "url" but it saves only the main paget, with other sites everithing goes well, any help will be much appreciated09:10
ropesis it stable?09:10
randompersonropes, its i beta right now09:10
randompersonfor some people09:10
randompersonthey are supposed to release later this month, i would just wait09:10
Starminn!natty > ropes09:11
ubotturopes, please see my private message09:11
ropesrandomperson: ah ok, i was wondering if it was buggy09:11
Starminnropes: Release date is in there09:11
Starminnropes: I would highly suggest waiting until it's "official"09:11
daVinciITubuntu 10.10. Morning all. is it possible to avoid the 'login keyring' ??? I've problem with empathy.09:11
r4yI use Chatzilla09:11
r4ybut what ever09:11
randompersoni 2nd starminn's comment09:11
ropesalright thanks guys09:12
ohsixdaVinciIT: change the password on the keyring to match your login password so it's unlocked at login09:12
daVinciITok thank you.09:12
Siliconehello, does anybody know what to do? i need to mirror a website, typing wget -m "url" but it saves only the main paget, with other sites everithing goes well, any help will be much appreciated09:12
Dr_WillisdaVinciIT:  you can set the keyring to use a 'blank' password. and it will never ask for the initial keyring passsword. it wull use ;'unsafe storage' also.09:12
Starminnrandomperson: File path should be like... Alright, go to Places->Computer->File System09:12
daVinciITDr_Willis: how to delete the password?09:13
Starminnrandomperson: So ocne you're at root (/) go to /usr/bin and see if "konversation" is in there09:13
ohsixDr_Willis: argh09:13
ohsixdaVinciIT: the keyring stores a lot of credentials, thats why it has a password; you do not want to do that09:13
ubuntu_madHi can you direct me to ubuntu 11.04 chat?09:13
krieprandomperson: about the opening new tabs on clicking, the website decides.
ohsixubuntu_mad: #ubuntu+109:14
Starminnubuntu_mad: #ubuntu+109:14
milamberSilicone: wget -m -k -K -E http://url/of/web/site09:14
Starminnkriep: randomperson: Is talking about them closing randomly09:14
randompersonand randomly opening09:14
randompersontabs in general09:14
Starminnrandomperson: Yeah, but I mean, they both open and close by themselves. Which means you have random middle-clicks going on somewhere.09:15
Siliconemilamber, the same, just the main page :(09:15
Starminnrandomperson: kriep was syaing like, some links, the web coder can say <a href="blah.html" target="_blank"></a> to open in a new tab by force09:16
randompersonim on a laptop if that makes a difference09:16
randompersonok for example... ill be in facebook looking at pics... then all of a sudden ill notice that theres 5 facbook tabs open besides the one im using09:16
randompersonbtw konversation is in /usr/bin/09:17
ubuntu_madthanks all09:17
Starminnrandomperson: Alright, so as somebody said earlier, launch it from the Terminal.09:18
ohsixrandomperson: broken extensions can do funny things too09:18
atlefrandomperson: check your mouse/touchpad settings and look for midle-click09:18
milamberSilicone: how are you verifying the mirror?09:18
randompersoni did just find that09:18
dustin_hi yalls09:19
Siliconemilamber, open the folder it creates, an see there only one file, index.html, i mirrored 2 sites before, and everithing was ok, don't know what is wrong with this one09:19
Starminnrandomperson: Launching it from the Terminal did you receive any errors?09:20
randompersonatlef, didnt see anything09:20
ohsixSilicone: wget just fetches direct links; if there aren't any then it is not going to work09:20
randompersonstarminn, how to launch09:20
Starminnrandomperson: So you'll want to open a Terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal) and type in the full file path. << /usr/bin/konversation >> (or whaever it's called).09:20
randompersonjust sudo /usr/bin/konversation09:20
ohsixrandomperson: NO09:20
ohsixrandomperson: you do not want to run it as root09:20
milamberSilicone: can i ask which site?09:21
randompersonno sudo09:21
Starminnrandomperson: Ew. no. Not sudo.09:21
randompersonlol ok09:21
Siliconesent to private09:21
randompersonit just switched to this window09:21
Starminnrandomperson: Only use sudo when you have to. Like editing files outside of /home/yourUSER.09:21
randompersoni guess b/c i already have it open09:22
dhaneshequalizer for ubuntu 10.1009:22
dhaneshplease can anybody tell09:22
Starminndhanesh: Alsa Mixer? Never used it, but you could see if it has something like it09:22
Starminndhanesh: I know Banshee has one built-in.09:23
dhanesh<Starminn>in windows there is a wide band equaliser by realtek09:23
UnrealPancakehello is there anybody here who can help me?09:24
Starminndhanesh: What are you trying ot accomplish?09:24
Starminn!ask | UnrealPancake09:24
ubottuUnrealPancake: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:24
UnrealPancakeI want to delete Ubuntu09:24
ohsixdhanesh: theres no nice way to do it, but pulse can have ladspa plugin sinks that can do eq, and theres an eq module for alsa09:24
milamberSilicone: the command i gave you is working for me.09:24
UnrealPancakeFrom a dual boot Win XP09:24
zmolnarhi, I have a weird problem regarding 11.04 natty, whenever I plug in the net cable it completely freezes in a few seconds, I could install/ use only wireless09:24
Dr_Williszmolnar:  see #ubuntu+1 for natty09:25
zmolnarhas anyone of you seen anything like that?09:25
ohsixUnrealPancake: run fdisk /mbr in windows then delete the ubuntu partitions09:25
atlef!natty | zmolnar09:25
ubottuzmolnar: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not intended for production systems.09:25
randompersonstarminn: i found this09:25
UnrealPancakeohsix im goingto PM / Query you09:25
dhanesh<ohsix> tell corect version09:25
Siliconemilamber, strange... i pasted just from this chat09:25
randompersonpost 709:25
ohsixUnrealPancake: no09:25
zmolnarok, thanks!09:25
UnrealPancakeeasier that way09:25
UnrealPancakebut how do i do that?09:25
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milamberSilicone: are you sure you have read/write on everything you need to where you are running it?09:26
UnrealPancakeohsix i had ubuntu set aside 30 GB of space JUST for Ubuntu, i dont think i got it back. there are no ubuntu partitons, and I originally deleted it from the controlpanel>add and remove programs09:27
Neo_hi all, just a little advice; if i wanted to write a graphical application what graphic library would you suggest me?09:27
StarminnUnrealPancake: You used Wubi, then, yes?09:27
Siliconesure, i'm from root, and as i said before, tried few other sites and everything was ok09:27
Starminnrandomperson: Try it09:28
ohsixNeo_: one that does graphics09:28
Siliconemilamber, sure, i'm from root, and as i said before, tried few other sites and everything was ok09:28
UnrealPancakeStarminn yes i did09:28
milamberSilicone: odd, are you using the full path?09:28
Neo_ohsix: well, it's obvious; but what is it better between GTK or QT or something else?09:28
ohsixNeo_: flip a coin09:29
randompersoni just did it09:29
ohsixNeo_: if dependencies don't matter then you might as well09:29
kriepNeo_: www.libsdl.org09:29
Neo_ohsix, so you think they are completely interchangeble?09:30
randompersonstarminn, appears to have done the job but not sure09:30
r4yWhat command should I use for running fsck?, I am on a live cd of Ubuntu09:30
randompersonthey were intermittent and random09:30
Dr_Willisr4y:  fsck /dev/sdXX09:30
randompersonso will have to test for a day or two09:30
ohsixNeo_: as you asked, anything is an acceptable suggestion09:31
Neo_kriep, i mean a library that lets me write application with a graphics interface. i mean create windows, objects, buttons ...09:31
r4yno sudo then?09:31
Starminnrandomperson: Open a bunch of tabs, then start middle-clicking purposely to see if all is still well, then just sit your mouse over a tab and see if it closes.09:31
ohsixNeo_: you provided 2, so flip a coin if you can't think of any other reason you would pick between them09:31
randompersonthanks for suggesting the term middle-click09:31
UnrealPancakeStarminn yes i used wubi, why?09:31
Dr_Willisr4y:  system commands would require sudo if you are currently a user of course..09:31
Neo_ohsix, ok, thanks09:31
Starminnrandomperson: I know that doesn't necessarily mean "fixed" but still.09:31
randompersonhow to middle click09:31
UnrealPancakethe scroll wheel09:31
Starminnrandomperson: On a laptop it's Button1+Button2 at the same time09:31
Dr_Willisrandomperson:  middle mouse button/wheel down.09:31
UnrealPancakethe scroll wheel randomperson09:31
StarminnUnrealPancake: He's on a laptop09:31
Dr_Willis'mouse chording' = middle click = Mouse button 1 and 2 at same time.09:32
UnrealPancakeright click09:32
UnrealPancakenew tab09:32
FloodBot3UnrealPancake: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:32
StarminnUnrealPancake: And because Wubi means it's inside of Windows. Most people here including myself can't advise very well on WUBI because it's not actually an install.09:32
randompersonok for example i opened mozilla09:32
Dr_WillisWubi installs everything into a directory on the C: i thought.09:32
UnrealPancakeStarminn is there a wubi uninstaller?09:32
r4yI tried this command before but nothing happened I guess: http://paste.ubuntu.com/592025/09:33
randompersonwent to google and middle-clicked  button1+button209:33
Dr_WillisUnrealPancake:  the add/remove thing in windows should remove a wubi install from what Little i know of wubi.09:33
ohsixStarminn: it is an actual install; it just creates a file on ntfs and loop mounts it on boot09:33
randompersonit opened a new tab09:33
UnrealPancakeDr_Willis but i dont think i got my 30 GB of space back09:33
Siliconeok, milamber helped me... the cause was, that i was not writing the full path,(url was without "www") big thanks for him ;)09:33
randompersonunrealpancake... its in windows09:33
Dr_WillisUnrealPancake:  prove it I guess.. see if theres some wubi dir.09:33
UnrealPancakewhere would the wubi directory be?09:34
Starminnohsix: Eh.... It is an actual install, but... You know what I mean.09:34
Dr_WillisUnrealPancake:  C:\ i think.09:34
StarminnUnrealPancake: ON the pseudo-partition C:\\09:34
UnrealPancakepseudo means false09:35
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ifjsiodfjsI'm having a problem with kigo on Ubuntu.09:35
r4yI tried this command and nothing happened as far as I can tell: "sudo fsck -A -a /dev/sda1"09:35
UnrealPancakeDr_Willis Starminn i cant find wubi09:35
Dr_WillisUnrealPancake:  i dont use wubi. so really cant suggest anything else.. sounds to me like it did uninstall.09:36
Starminnohsix: Reference tohow Windows gives BS names to volumes. C, D, E, etc., when they're actually nothing like what Windows makes it seem.09:36
ifjsiodfjsMoving the mouse around leaves graphical glitches, choosing my move or print screening makes it disappear, but it'll start happening again as soon as I move my mouse. Here's a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/x0PdK.png09:36
ifjsiodfjsAnyone know of a fix?09:36
Dr_Willishow to remove wubi ubuntu install forum thread -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86198309:36
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ifjsiodfjsIt's incredibly distracting from the game.09:37
milamberr4y: why do you say nothing is happening? that command can take a *long* time to complete, you are asking it to check and repair all filesystems, yes?09:37
ohsixStarminn: they're labels for partitions, so what? they're no different than /dev/sda1 or anything, or some pattern for automounting them (/mnt/sda1)09:37
r4yIs that wrong?09:38
zahra_11I add to my .bashrc file this code : PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[0;31m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ ' But i don't know if it change something else except the color of username on terminal. Can someone help me please ?09:39
theTroyI am using 11.04 and my wifi keeps dropping even after latest update. I cannot seem to install the maverik-wifi-backport modules,since it depends on the previous kernel, which is not in repos for natty. Any help please?09:41
ivorybishop_Just my 2 cents, I used Wubi for a few months even after my windows quit booting, I finally performed a full install and man is it a much better experience09:42
happy_sadistSorry, quick nooby question guys09:42
happy_sadistI recently started using ubuntu09:42
Starminn!11.04 | theTroy09:42
ubottutheTroy: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not intended for production systems.09:42
happy_sadistkk thanks09:42
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quangfinally got lubuntu running on this 256 MB ram dell c450 laptop09:49
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quangbios does not support usb boot09:49
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quangubiquity crashes here and there because of the RAM size09:49
ikoniaquang: ok ?09:50
quangfinally used the lubuntu alternate cd09:50
quangand install it with the text mode installer09:50
ikoniaquang: do you need support ?09:50
quangdunno if you have it mentioned somewhere in your docs09:50
Jon--I want to go to make a keyboard shortcut to go to a specific workspace09:50
Jon--how can I do this?09:51
quangbut it is highly recommended to use the alternate cds for vintage hardware09:51
Daniel0108Jon--: sudo apt-get install ccsm && ccsm09:51
ikoniaquang not always09:51
Jon--I have the full compiz config settings manager09:52
Jon--where is the setting?09:52
ohsixDaniel0108: compizconfig-settings-manager09:52
ohsixJon--: the actions plugin09:52
Daniel0108ohsix: oh okay, thought it's the same name :P09:52
Jon--Actions plugin?09:53
Jon--I don't see that09:53
Danielcg25I'm going to install Ubuntu 10.10 tomorrow on my 2011 MacBook Pro09:53
Danielcg25Is there anything I should know?09:54
Daniel0108Jon--: Click on General Options09:54
Jon--Daniel0108, then?09:55
Daniel0108Jon--: oh wait sorry, It's under Rotate Cube --> Bindings09:55
Daniel0108Jon--: do you have the rotate cube effect?09:55
Jon--I just use wall09:55
ohsixJon--: hm09:55
Daniel0108Jon--: There's also Desktop Wall --> Bindings09:55
ohsixJon--: you need to set the bindings in whatever plugin you're using for switching desktops09:56
Daniel0108ohsix: that's what I said :)09:56
Jon--Indeed but I don't see a way to bind a key to a specific workspace or in order by number or something09:56
Jon--Let me look more carefully09:56
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Daniel0108Jon--: okay09:56
ohsixthere is for the cube switcher09:56
Jon--Indeed, there is not09:56
Jon--I guess I have to use cube if I want this feature?09:56
technikfreakhello if my netbook with ubuntu 10.10 goes into the sleepmode it doesnt come back, than i ahve to shut off hardly09:57
Eryn_1983_FLhey peeps09:57
technikfreakwhat could i do that it only locks09:57
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[thor]Jon--: Viewport Switcher09:57
Jon--technikfreak, are you on your netbook in this IRC?09:57
[thor]Jon--: that is where you can set shortcuts to flip to specific desktops09:57
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ohsixJon--: wall only has up down left right controls, since it's 2d and not numbered09:58
Daniel0108Jon--: Viewport Switcher --> Go to specific viewport09:58
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Jon--thanks [thor]09:58
iliuswhere is the download page for unity?09:58
Jon--technikfreak, Are you sure it's only sleeping? Try to select Suspend from the menu and see if it does the same thing   I was going to suggest this but.. well, you'll be a few minutes if you do this and you crash ;)09:58
Eryn_1983_FLwhen ever i try to open up a  folder in  gnome  my  video player  trys to open it..09:58
Eryn_1983_FLstrange eh?09:58
technikfreakok i will test09:58
Jon--technikfreak, wait09:58
Eryn_1983_FLits in the  gnome menu that it does it09:58
Daniel0108Eryn_1983_FL: right click on the folder09:59
Jon--Before you do, System-> Preferences-> Power Management.09:59
Daniel0108Open with another Application09:59
Jon--You can adjust settings in there, in the event that you can't get back in here :)09:59
Daniel0108Eryn_1983_FL: and choose Nautilus09:59
iliusthere is no download page in http://unity.ubuntu.com/projects/unity/09:59
Daniel0108Eryn_1983_FL: Nautilus or file browser ;)09:59
technikfreakon the advacned settingsß10:00
Eryn_1983_FLplace in the  gnome menu10:00
Eryn_1983_FLmaverick  version.10:00
Jon--technikfreak, If suspend crashes you10:00
Eryn_1983_FLits a  issue  from karmic though  i upgrade from there.10:00
Jon--technikfreak, then set it to not suspend when you close your lid and you are not on AC power10:01
Jon--I asked you to test to see if it was Hibernate that was messing you up instead of suspend.10:01
Jon--It's odd that suspend will fail. Hibernate is known to have issues though.10:01
Eryn_1983_FLok i got it  i had to change  the open with file browser10:01
Jon--So, do test it, top right menu, suspend.10:01
ohsixJon--: if theres enough swap to hibernate, its the same mechanism as suspend after its written10:02
technikfreakbut i have only logg of shoutdown10:02
technikfreakor restart10:02
Jon--Suspend is not there? Odd.10:03
technikfreakbut after sometimes it goes autoamtically in this mode10:03
technikfreakbut i didn't configured this setting and explizict deactvited this10:03
Kawohiby default, file icons for extensions... .css, .html, .js is plain. is there any icon themes that are different?10:03
technikfreakstrange behavior10:03
m2_Hello all.  I have an Ubuntu install that I've been working to get a Linksys WUSB600n stick working on.  I can make it work, but it seems every time there is any kind of upgrade to the system, it requires me to go in again and re-setup everything.  Any ideas on how I can make it "stick?"10:04
nyuszika7hHi! Is it possible to notify when battery is fully charged?10:04
Jon--is apmsleep the same command invoked by the gnome-panel sleep?10:04
Jon--I've never heard of someone not having suspend in the indicator applet before10:05
Jon--I don't want to steer this person wrong10:05
technikfreaki have xubuntu10:05
Jon--that'd do it. I'm using gnome =)10:05
Jon--one sec10:05
technikfreakthanks a lot for your great and friendly help!10:06
Jon--No worries10:06
Jon--technikfreak, I'm going to add them back to your menu, okay? Go to Settings -> Settings Editor10:07
Jon--Browse to xfce4-session -> shutdown  select the ShowSuspend (click the pencil) and then tick Value: Enabled10:07
Jon--Please also do the same for ShowHibernate10:07
Jon--This will add Hibernate and Suspend to your menu. It won't do anything to how your computer does them automatically10:08
madsjis there a standard file that I should put my firewall rules which is run by default on startup?10:08
technikfreaknow the settings are there10:08
Jon--After that, test suspend10:08
Jon--See if it does break again10:08
technikfreakwhy does make xubuntu not automatically crazy10:08
technikfreakgive me a minute10:08
Jon--I'll stay awake.10:09
ohsixmadsj: yes, if you're using ufw (which ubuntu does by default) you'll find the man page for ufw-framework enlightening10:09
madsjohsix: what about iptables?10:11
madsjI don't know what the advantage or disadvantages between the two are10:11
ohsixmadsj: it invokes iptables for you, and you can have arbitrary iptables rules that wont get clobbered10:12
technikfreakit works great but i don't asked me about login10:13
jqkehi all, i run 10.04 on a laptop. When i plug my tv on the vga output, shut the laptop screen and then open it up, ubuntu die. Any idea how i can fix that ?10:13
technikfreakbut if i go away it goes into a other modus the netbook is urnning but i can't do anything10:13
snow_ruI upgrade to 10.10 from 10.4 and it crashed :(10:13
Jon--I understand10:13
Neo_KiplingYeah, upstart trigger irssi well :exec su neo -c 'sleep 15;screen -dmS irctor torsocks irssi'10:14
Jon--Suspend worked however?10:14
Axlinmadsj: using ufw via command line is effective. but if you want a GUI solution, i find gufw to work pretty well. it's really just a GUI front end to ufw10:14
snow_ruis there anyway to reinstall 10.4 keeping all /home directory ?10:14
Jon--technikfreak, Were you able to suspend and recover ok?10:14
jk4lpjqke: try setting the laptop monitor not to turn off when you close it10:15
Jon--Go into your power management and make sure it isn't set to "Hibernate" anywhere in there. Also set what settings you want when you close the lid on AC, off AC power, etc. Go nuts.10:15
ohsixsnow_ru: why do you want to reinstall? are you afraid you damaged package managed files?10:15
cfeddesnow_ru: the easiest is to back it up elsewhere, do the install then restore home10:15
Jon--I have a feeling that may be the problem10:15
technikfreakok thanks a lot for your help and a rest of the weekend10:15
Neo_Kiplingweird thing, upstart can't trigger tor, cron can't trigger screen irssi, anybody know why?10:15
Jon--If it's not set to hibernate anywhere, then I'm wrong. If it is set to hibernate after a long time of inactivity or something, that was probably what did it10:15
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Jon--sleepy times.10:17
Sky[x]Subversion client for Ubuntu: anything like TortoiseSVN?10:17
jqkejk4lp: i'd like to but the only option i can select are : shutdown, shut the screen down, hibernate, sleep10:17
Dr_WillisNeo_Kipling:  theres a tor wiki page or 2 out for using it with ubuntu. You made a custom upstart tor config for it?10:18
maxvagabondHelp. I tried unity on 10.10 and it's wrecked my ubuntu install. :(10:19
Dr_Willismaxvagabond:  uninstall it perhaps?10:20
maxvagabondxorg took about 58% of a processor and everything went jerky.10:20
maxvagabondi uninstalled it and rebooted and now x doesn't seem to work. :(10:20
Dr_Willisreinstall the ubuntu-desktop package perhaps.10:20
maxvagabondok, thanks10:20
Neo_KiplingDr_Willis: yes, and we talk about that earlier, it's has error10:21
maxvagabondNeo_Kipling: other people have been having problems with unity on 10.1010:22
Dr_WillisYou could just start tor from rc.local and not use upstart as a work around.10:22
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maxvagabondsorry, what's the command to reinstall the ubuntu-desktop?10:23
ohsixmaxvagabond: how did you install it10:23
maxvagabondapt-get install unity10:24
nyuszika7hHow can I install LibreOffice? 'sudo apt-get install libreoffice' doesn't work, and apt-cache haven't found it either.10:24
[thor]maxvagabond: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop10:24
Neo_Kiplingmaxvagabond, yes i think so. and Dr_Willis, i trigger tor with cron, we allways have anther way10:24
rww!libreoffice | nyuszika7h10:24
ubottunyuszika7h: Current stable releases of Ubuntu use OpenOffice.org, and do not have supported packaging for LibreOffice. Ubuntu developers are working on packaging for Ubuntu Natty and backports for 10.10 and 10.04. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-January/032298.html for more information on progress and an unstable, unsupported PPA.10:24
maxvagabond[thor]: it tells me that it's already the newest version10:24
[thor]maxvagabond: if it gives you "already newest version" use apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop10:25
ohsix[thor]: that'll just install the virtual10:26
maxvagabondI tried apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop and i'm still getting a featureless white screen when i log in. :(10:27
maxvagabondsomethings really broken10:27
ohsixmaxvagabond: you can pick the failsafe session on the login screen; just purge unity10:28
maxvagabondohsix: how do i purge it?10:28
Ben64whats the CTRL+<key> for escape? Kind of like how CTRL+I is <Tab>10:28
ohsixapt-get purge unity10:28
maxvagabondthanks ohsix10:28
hypnocharlesHello, mekwall! Welcome to the ubuntu chat room.10:29
Dr_WillisBen64:  i think in some apps its ctrl-[ or ctrl-]10:29
hypnocharlesHello, bonhoffer! Welcome to the ubuntu chat room.10:29
maxvagabondunity is not installed, so is not removed. :(10:29
home-alonehi suggest me pdf format magazine about ubuntu and linux in general10:29
maxvagabondgod, my system is so screwed now. :(10:29
ohsixthen you didn't install it like that10:29
maxvagabondohsix: i did10:30
maxvagabondi used apt-get install10:30
Ben64Dr_Willis: thanks!10:30
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crlcan81I've got a large selection of music files, including quite a few from a single artist, that are duplicated but on different albums, is there any organization/tagging program that would be good for someone who's not done that kind of stuff before?10:35
rdw200169crlcan81: musicbrainz (i can't remember the package name off the top of my head, hold on)10:36
crlcan81I can find it10:36
crlcan81I've got it's newest version up already10:36
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crlcan81I just wanted to make sure that was the best kind of program for that.10:36
ohsixyou could find a set of albums that minimizes the duplicates; but if you organize by album theres not much you can do to avoid dupes; the same song is often different across albums too10:36
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rdw200169crlcan81: picard (apt-get install picard) … http://musicbrainz.org/doc/PicardDownload10:36
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* crlcan81 nods10:36
froldany way to reinstall 10.10 My system will not start up after I did something like sudo terskel remove lamp-server10:36
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crlcan81I know rdw, that's what I'm lokoing at.10:37
rdw200169crlcan81: heh, sorry, i was working on replying, and not reading what you were saying ;)10:37
crlcan81the only 'organizing by album' that's done is when the media player opens em, I just dump them all into the same folder, without any subfolders10:37
ohsixwow, that is unfortunate10:38
crlcan81Why I want to find a program to easily find dups and delete/retag10:38
ohsixit would probably be faster to make al ist of albums then get them all again10:38
crlcan81because I've got easily over 1000 music files, before this single artist and all his dupes I only had 61210:38
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mishahey guys. I want to change permissions on my USB with root, but it always write to me: "You don't have enough privileges", can someone help?10:39
crlcan81not for this.. it took me easily ten fifteen minutes just removing the cover art from the selection.10:39
nyuszika7hmisha: Are you using sudo?10:39
mishaof course10:39
nyuszika7hStrange... root can access everything...10:39
crlcan81because it came in subfolders10:39
mishai'm on gksudo10:39
mishaif it metters10:40
nyuszika7hmisha: don't run nautilus as root. use terminal instead.10:40
ikonianyuszika7h: why ?10:40
ikoniagksudo nautilus is fine10:40
mishai tried chmod it didn't helped to10:40
nyuszika7hikonia: somebody told me that yesterday10:40
ikonianyuszika7h: it's fine to launch it with gksudo10:40
mishai just want to change the folder access for others to access files instead of none10:41
wandernautaHey all, how would one back up private SSH keys? I change OSes a lot and don't want to generate a new set of keys every time I do. Is there something like gpg --export-secret-key for SSH?10:41
froldhow safe is it to run Ubuntu 11.04?10:41
atlef!natty | frold10:41
ubottufrold: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not intended for production systems.10:41
ohsixwandernauta: you use openssl to convert/export/generate them10:42
rdw200169wandernauta: i think the safest way would be (bear with me) set up a truecrypt file on a dropbox provider (i.e. dropbox.com) and store your secret in there10:42
ohsixwandernauta: but you can also manage keys with seahorse and use them with ssh10:42
ohsixrdw200169: AGH10:42
lyotohello all10:42
mishaanyone knows what to do? it's important10:42
ohsixencryption isn't about safety, it's about access control; and truecrypt is about showing off10:42
ikoniamisha: what's the actual problem ?10:43
wandernautaohsix: Seahorse! Of course! Thanks.10:43
mishai try to change the Folder Access of my usb to "Access files" but I can't it always returns to "None"10:43
ohsixwandernauta: protect your keys :]10:43
ikoniamisha: what file system is on your usb drive ?10:43
Dr_Willismisha:  a usb flash drive - using what filesystem? you want all users to have full access?10:44
wandernautardw200169: Yeah, I'm planning something like that. But I'll store it on my own web space and not Dropbox's :) I have some distrust of the Cloud.10:44
mishamsdos and yes10:44
ohsixwandernauta: never let private keys out of your custody10:44
ikoniamisha: ok, so that is a fat file system, that doesn't support permissions10:44
Dr_Willismisha:  you could install and run the 'ntfs-config' tool - that should let you give all users full access. when it automounts it.10:44
wandernautaohsix: But in any case, an attacker would need the private key *and* the password to do anything, right?10:45
Dr_Willisive found the ntfs-config tool a little flakey in the last release however. (it may be fixed by now)10:45
ohsixmisha: ntfs/fat and other filesystems don't support posix permissions, so you can't change them10:45
ohsixmisha: to use fuse and let other peopel access you need allow_other; but you also need permissions, so it is not wise to do10:45
Dr_Willismisha:  you dont chown/chmod a ntfs/vfat - the optopns/permissions need to be set at mount time.  You dont change them after they are mounted.10:46
mishai've installed ntfs-config but it can't find my usb10:47
ikoniais it running ntfs file system or fat ?10:47
ohsixwandernauta: it's still not a good idea, you can easily loose track of an old key and have a local problem (someone saw your password, or something else) that make all those extra copies a liability10:47
wandernautaohsix: Very true.10:48
rdw200169it seems like every time i try to come in here and give out some help, there is always *cough cough* somebody who slaps around other helpful people.  I understand that there are people who may or may not know more than I.  Regardless, this is not a forum for those arguments.  See y'all again in 6 months. *end rant*10:48
Dr_Willisntfs-config  has a check box i recall to allow all users full access to all ntfs/flash/fat  0 that may not be what you want.10:48
ohsixmisha: if you want to do it properly you need to mount the thing with fuse/ntfs-3g as some user; then use something like posixovl on top of it, with allow_other10:48
ohsixDr_Willis: even if you can do it and assume no malicious user will be deleting things, you remove all access control10:49
Dr_WillisYep. thats sort of what he asked for. -    I think. :)10:49
wandernautaohsix: I lose track of old keys all the time, that's why I'm making backups. The weakest link in my files' security is me, I'm sure of that. Oh well.10:50
ohsixwandernauta: put them on a usb stick or something and o nly store them there10:50
home-alonehi how can i learn basic ubuntu cli10:50
mishathe filesystem of the USB is fat, i'll check now the stuff you wrote :)10:50
ohsixwandernauta: losing them and losing access isn't as bad as losing them and not knowing to whom :]10:50
atlef!cli | home-alone10:50
ubottuhome-alone: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro10:50
wandernautaohsix: Hmm, I don't think that'll help - I lose USB sticks like other people lose socks :]10:51
ohsixmisha: in that case you can have the kernel mount it and give it a uid with full access; then run posixovl to put permissions on top as that uid10:51
wandernautaAnyways, Seahorse worked a charm, thanks ohsix and rdw200169. I'm off :)10:53
home-alonenice link . but i would really appriciate if you could tell me a pdf ebook to learn basic cli10:53
Dr_Willishome-alone:  it would be 'bash ussage' actually.10:54
Dr_Willishome-alone:  and ther are dozens of free books an guides out there on the web on learning it.10:54
Dr_Willischeck http://delicious.com/ under the bash tutorial tags.10:55
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BlouBlouMAXIMIL: remove camsp11:01
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BlouBlouMAXIMIL: stop it, please11:02
lilsteviethe command to remove caps is one key over to the left from the "a" button11:03
[thor]maximil: when does the machine reboot? immediately? or after reaching the gdm login? or at the desktop?11:03
[thor]maximil: can you access grub? ( hold left-shift during boot )11:04
MAXIMILright where it loads the desktop wallpaper. after that it doesn't bring up login or anything11:04
kevin__hello i'm new to irc11:08
vultrazhow do I uninstall Ubuntu?11:09
kevin__get a new os11:09
[thor]!hi | kevin__11:09
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kevin__Ubuntu is an operating system. it just a program11:10
erUSULvultraz: dualboot? reinstall the windows bootloader with a windows install disk ( ## windows can help with that ) then format the ubuntu space to something windows can use (ntfs)11:10
vultrazand hello kevin_11:10
kevin__*not just a prgram11:10
kevin__What he said11:10
vultrazyes I am dualboot but I can't boot into Vista11:10
erUSULvultraz: or resize the windows partition11:10
vultrazand I don't have the install disk11:11
vultrazif I didn'y have Ubuntu there would be a screen with a safe mode option11:11
vultrazbut I don't get that now now I have the GRUM11:11
kevin__Are you sure vista is still on your system?11:11
vultrazyes I can access everything from the Ubuntu side11:12
vultrazbut can't boot into it11:12
kevin__Okay so Ubuntu and vista are on the same hard drive i assume right?11:12
vultrazI only get a black screen with a cursor after the green  windows loading bar11:13
suigeneriscan anybody help me debug why dig example.net is answering when dig ns example.net isn't?11:13
kevin__Hmmmm and you don't have the Vista install disk either right?11:13
vultrazno it came preinstalled so I only have a recovery partition11:14
[thor]using the recovery will most likely overwrite the boot record11:14
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[thor]i know that the gateway recovery does that, resets to factory default11:15
kevin__That's true. Can you  computer boot from a flash drive?11:15
[thor]and takes down grub in the process11:15
* suigeneris shakes fist at vultraz's computer manufacturer11:15
dr0idhi guys, executed "rm -rf * /*" by mistake, lost loads of files, how do I recover ? :( :( :(11:15
atlef!testdisk | dr0id11:16
ohsixdr0id: restore from backups11:16
dr0idohsix: don't have any backup11:16
ohsixdr0id: also when you reinstall, install safe-rm11:16
kevin__Okay first off back up all of your data vultraz.11:16
dr0idlost loads of sensitive data11:17
dr0idno way to recover ?11:17
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel11:17
chalet16I'm unable to seek flac audio in rhythmbox but I'm able to do this in movie player. How can I fix this?11:17
atlefdr0id: testdisk/photorec can also recover lost files11:17
ohsixdr0id: if you haven't booted it and immediately remounted it ro, you might be able to get some of the files back, but unless it's FAT (and if it's / it isn't) good luck11:18
dr0idI'll check thanks11:18
erUSULyou know -r is enough for directories... dunno where the obsession with using -f too comes11:19
ohsixerUSUL: cargo cult11:19
kevin__hey vultraz needs help.11:19
ohsixit's rarely mentioned in a contest with -r, and without -f11:20
erUSULohsix: true enough :)11:20
jiltdilmy laptop mouse pad is not working11:21
ohsixdr0id: i've usesd deja-dup for backups (it uses ubiquity) pretty successfully11:21
dr0idI came to office to learn something new today, and have messed up everythin11:21
dr0idbloody hell11:21
jiltdilplease help me to fix this .this occurs after installing ubuntu11:21
jiltdilmy laptop mouse pad is not working after installing ubuntu help me to fix11:22
jiltdilsorry touchpad**11:22
ohsixjiltdil: macbook?11:23
nyuszika7hIs it a good idea to copy my gedit settings to root's one? It seems I need to run gedit with gksudo many times (read-only files, e.g. php.ini) but the settings don't match...11:23
ohsixnyuszika7h: best to get comfy with a terminal text editor11:24
nyuszika7hOr is there any way for gedit to ask for password when it couldn't save the file as nyuszika7h?11:24
erUSULohsix: anyway, the wiki page has usefull info if you want to attemp the recovery yourself https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery <<< first and foremost make an image of the disk/partition and work in the image11:24
nyuszika7hohsix: Yeah, I'm going through vimtutor right now...11:24
administrator  11:24
jiltdili have one question i am sending a movie to my friend but it is failing saying that not a regular file11:24
FloodBot3administrator: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:24
erUSULohsix: sorry11:24
nyuszika7hvim looks very powerful :)11:24
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erUSULdr0id: anyway, the wiki page has usefull info if you want to attemp the recovery yourself https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery <<< first and foremost make an image of the disk/partition and work in the image11:24
ohsixerUSUL: yea i know how to not do too much damage myself; but its for the _next_ time, cuz people always do stuff after they lose data11:25
dr0iderUSUL: lets see, I am not linux/ubuntu geek :(11:25
erUSULohsix: again; the message was meant for dr0id11:25
atlefnyuszika7h: why don't you set up gedit when running it as root11:25
mishahey. I'm working now on some script in PHP and I need that the web server user (www-date) connect to the root, anyone have a tip how to do it?11:25
CGoHey guys. I've got a graphics card that's in principle working, using the nVidia driver, but the monitor is autoconfigured by the system as an unknown CRT screen. I remember in older distros I could manually set this to LCD along with a maximum resolution, but that option has been removed by the geniuses at Canonical. What should I do now?11:26
dr0iderUSUL: why did the files not go to trash ? :P11:27
ohsixerUSUL: i know :]11:27
erUSULdr0id: you did not used the gui :P. deltree in Windows does not use trash either XD11:27
nyuszika7hatlef: Adding every style manually is a real hassle... it seems I can't add multiple at one unless I copy the contents of the styles folder.11:28
dr0iderUSUL: SUCKS MAN :(11:28
nyuszika7hs/one/one time/11:28
ohsixCGo: you better be sure of yourself when you make statements like that11:28
jobboshowdy folks!11:28
CGoohsix, after trying to figure out alternatives for six months and coming up dry everytime, I'm skeptical.11:29
Jackneillhttp://codepad.org/QR7N2VWZ can you help me with monodevelop and mozilla error?11:29
ohsixCGo: your skepticism does not fact make11:29
jobbosFirst time ubuntu noob11:29
erUSULCGo: « gksudo nvidia-settings »11:30
mimorhello jobbos11:30
ohsixCGo: you should probably ask nvidia for support if it truly is lost on you11:30
CGoohsix, we're both men of empiricism I presume. Let's just scratch that.11:30
jobboshi momor11:30
CGoohsix, it doesn't have anything to do with the graphics card though.11:30
CGoIf I'm missing something stupid here please correct me.11:30
ohsixCGo: it does11:30
CGoAll I know  is it worked perfectly until 8.10 came out.11:30
mimorjobbos: how're you experiencing Ubuntu?11:31
CGoThings were stripped and moved around, and it all started failing11:31
ohsixi told you before that the monitors edid is wrong/missing, you need to add the modes yourself11:31
jobbosI really like the OS11:31
erUSULCGo: you can still use /etc/X11/xorg.conf if you want to do that; if that's wwhat you are complaining about11:31
mimorjobbos: glad to hear that :)11:31
mishahey guys. I'm working now on some script in PHP and I need that the web server user (www-date) connect to the root, anyone have a tip how to do it?11:31
mimorjobbos: If you would have questions, feel free to ask them here11:32
erUSULmisha: define "web server user (www-date) connect to the root" ?11:32
jobbosJust want to learn how to get along with IRC lol11:32
mimorjobbos: what client (program) are you using?11:32
mishawell when I do "echo exec('whoami');" it shows www-data11:32
mishai need it to login the root11:33
erUSULmisha: you want to run something as root?11:33
CGoTo illustrate my point, I can and have disabled the nVidia driver. I don't need compiz. But the monitor is still unrecognized. Altering the xorg config caused it to fail to launch, or (most often) just ignore my settings.11:33
CGoI'm probably doing something wrong here but I'm at my wits end now.11:33
sagacimisha: what do you need to run11:33
erUSULCGo: again try with the nvidia tools --> « gksudo nvidia-settings »11:33
ohsixCGo: if you're not using the nvidia driver then you can use xrandr to add modes and attach them to outputs11:33
CGoohsix, they get ignored11:34
mishait will be kind of control panel11:34
CGoEh well I'll try again, I'm speaking from past experiences now..11:34
sagacimisha: what's the program11:34
ohsixCGo: if you set them right and attached them, then you switch to them11:34
CGoerUSUL, nvidia tools work flawlessly, but are bound by the maximum resolution imposed by the monitor.11:34
stimpieanyone knows how to rename workspaces using the unity interface?11:35
jobbosCan anyone tell this noob how i might register my nick name please11:35
ohsixCGo: nvidia's tool has something like it, also they document how to configure it via .conf11:35
mishasagaci: it will be backup data from my computer to my USB11:35
mishaand other small stuff that I need11:35
sagacimisha: you don't need root for that11:35
CGoohsix, I'll check it out after I unwind with some tea.11:35
sagacimisha: if it's just under your home folder, you could just use nautilus and copy+paste the files11:36
mishaI can't backup root data without being as root11:36
stimpiejobbos: /msg NickServ help register11:36
ohsixCGo: natty ships nouveau; you can get some acceleration & xrandr if you want to try it out11:36
mishasagaci: it's PHP aplication11:36
CGoohsix, I've switched back to Maverick at this point :)11:37
mishahow to use nautilus there?11:37
sagacimisha: do you want a gui or do you want a command-line11:37
CGoI just.. I just couldn't man.11:37
sagacimisha: gksudo nautilus11:37
ohsixCGo: you don't need to use unity, pick the classic session on the login screen11:37
mishai know that command, but I can't use it from PHP11:37
erUSULmisha: make a sudoers entry for www-data making it able to run the espcific thing you want to run as root11:37
jobbosthanks stimpie11:37
CGoohsix,  Oh. Heh.11:38
ohsixmisha: if you want to do this directly from php you're probably doing it wrong11:38
mishaerUSUL: great idea, i'll check it11:38
samitheberbererUSUL and misha: that sounds a security risk for me o.O11:39
erUSULmisha: but listen to ohsix probably make a php script that can be triggered from remote systems be able to run stuff as root is not the wisest idea ever ....11:40
swattoHey all, im having issues getting Xchat to start up minimized to systray, i got a little bash script that runs which is just 'xchat minimize=2' (excluding quotes)...the application loads on startup but doesn't appear in systray and i can't see that its running unless i view with top11:40
Dr_Willisswatto:  i was thinking there was an extra xchat package to add the min to systray feature.11:41
samitheberbermisha: so what is your ultimate goal? I didn't really get that from backlog11:41
jk4lpanyone know a place to find more nmap scripts11:41
Dr_Willisswatto:  does that command work from a terminal?11:42
ohsixjk4lp: fingers11:42
jk4lpohsix: fingers?11:43
jk4lpdo u mean os finger?11:43
mishasamitheberber: it will be kind of small aplication that will be run every 24 hours by cron, it will backup my files and some little stuff11:43
samitheberbermisha: and you want to use php, because that is the language you know?11:44
samitheberberand how you run that php-script?11:44
samitheberberin that cron call11:45
mishai'll think about that later, for now i need to build it11:45
gandalfcomeIs there a channel for help with makefiles?11:46
samitheberbermisha: how you test it right now?11:46
stimpiecan i use a shortcut to go to a window demanding attention?11:46
gedOhow to upload to ubuntu one files via nautilus??11:46
mah454where is /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions in ubuntu ?11:46
misha<samitheberber> what do yo mean by test?11:46
stimpiegedO just sync a directory and ubuntu one should sync in the background11:47
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samitheberbermisha: are you running that in cli with php-command or in browser?11:47
gedOstimpie, how to syng?11:47
samitheberbermisha: because www-data user feels like you are running it in browser11:47
mishayes in browser, why?11:47
gedOstimpie, Do I have to move files to ubunto one directory?11:47
stimpieif you run the ubuntu one application you can specify which directories to sync11:48
akashm1990Could someone help me with this ? -- http://askubuntu.com/questions/34356/user-permissions11:48
ikoniaakashm1990: just ask your question11:48
stimpiegedO: or in nautilus right click a folder, goto ubuntu one and specify to sync11:49
mah454where is /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions in ubuntu ?11:49
jk4lpakashm1990:  did you chmod11:49
samitheberbermisha: if you are planning to make it cron, you should focus to run it from cli11:49
ohsixmah454: ubuntu uses upstart, it probably ditched all the stuff like that11:49
samitheberbermisha: then you get the rights of the user, who run it11:49
gedOstimpie, there is no ubuntu one11:49
gedOstimpie, thene I right click11:49
akashm1990ikonia, jk4lp What I need to do is give a user rwx permissions to all files in a folder, but nothing outside it. Also he must not be able to change system settings.11:50
akashm1990what would be the appropriate chmod11:50
gedOstimpie, sorry. Finded11:50
samitheberbermisha: you can run it from cli by typing: php my_backup_script.php11:50
gedOstimpie, sorry. Found11:50
jk4lpakashm1990: im not sure, google chmod options and it shoudl answer your question11:51
jk4lpi know 777 makes it wide open full read and rite11:51
mishasamitheberber: thanks for the tips :)11:51
ikoniaakashm1990: what directory do you want to give him permisions to11:51
ohsixtheres also the manual page11:51
akashm1990yes, thats the issue11:51
samitheberbermisha: because if you run it from browser and you have your webserver to access from internet, everyone can run your script11:51
akashm1990ikonia, There will be a randomly generated directory. Making a kind of code evaluation system11:52
samitheberbermisha: and later if you make some script where people can run something and you have root-rights from those script, something very bad can happen11:52
ikoniaakashm1990: what is this mechanism for ?11:52
akashm19901st thing I want to make sure of is that the program should not do the dangerous commands of the type rm -rf11:52
mishasamitheberber: no one can enter my webserver from outside11:53
samitheberbermisha: ok, so it listen only localhost?11:53
jk4lpakashm1990:  couldnt you alawys remove the user from the root  sudo groups11:53
mishasamitheberber: yes11:53
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots11:53
gamedriveHi guys. Plymouth is really bugging me. When I run plymouth manually to test a theme, it is not displaying the correct one (specified using update-alternatives --config default.plymouth). The correct theme is displayed during boot. What's wrong ?11:53
samitheberbermisha: good :)11:54
akashm1990ikonia, the basic flow is user submits source via php, source saved to a randomly named directory, compiled and executed and output redirected to a file11:54
ohsixmisha: they can from the inside; you can't trust the browser either11:54
akashm1990this file is then displayed11:54
samitheberbermisha: but it is still very dangerous to have www-data in sudo-group11:54
ikoniaakashm1990: tricky to script but not impossible11:54
samitheberberor in sudoer file11:54
mishabut i can limit it no?11:55
akashm1990ikonia, the main thing i need to make sure of as of now is the code executed shouldnt change anything outside the directory11:55
samitheberbermisha: if you add somebody in sudoer-file, it has full power of your system11:55
mishawww-data    ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /path/where/i/need11:55
akashm1990can a user be restricted to a directory?11:55
samitheberbermisha: it doesn't work like that11:56
swattoDr_Willis: yep it does - works from the terminal11:56
mishasamitheberber: so how it is works?11:56
ikoniaakashm1990: chroot11:57
samitheberbermisha: if you add someone in sudoer file, it has power of superuser11:57
samitheberberand superuser can't be limited in some directory or file11:58
akashm1990ikonia, thx, i think that will do11:58
mishasamitheberber: webmin user has full privileges so how come it isn't danger?11:58
samitheberbermisha: but if you run your script from cli, you have the right of user11:58
ohsixyou can make them a sudoer for an account that is not root, then use group/user permissions to limit what it can touch11:58
ohsixmisha: webmin uses helpers to do things11:59
samitheberbermisha: you can run your script as root, so then it has full powers, but I think that you can make a backup-script without root permissions12:00
Dr_Willisswatto:  you could make it  'sleep 10' from the script. so it waits a bit befor starting. It may be the gnome desktop is not fully setup when the script runs.12:00
Dr_Willisakashm1990:  depends on what youmean by restricted.12:00
swattoDr_Willis: i will try that, thanks :)12:01
gandalfcomeI have trouble with a makefile (http://paste2.org/p/1355075). I wanted to know what the line $(OBJECTS): $(COMMON) does? Cheers12:02
akashm1990Dr_Willis, Essentially the program shouldnt be able to mess up the system (barring things like infinite loops, overflows,etc)12:02
ohsixswatto: proper login stuff is done with a .desktop file; and they have launch/delay/circumstance control12:02
Dr_Willisakashm1990:  theres all sorts of limits you can put on user ran apps.. but im not clear on your original problem/question.12:03
Dr_Willisakashm1990:  and how that is related to resticting to a directory.12:03
op_ampI want to start my download automatically 10 min after giving the wget command. Can I some how do this? Mainly I want to time control my terminal command.12:03
ohsixakashm1990: are you asking about chroot? for general use you want to use containers or something; chroot for a program isn't all that hard, but for a user it is impractical12:03
akashm1990ohsix, chroot seems to be fine12:03
Dr_Willisop_amp:  make a script or use 'sleep 10000 && wget commmand'  (changeing the #)12:04
akashm1990Dr_Willis, 1st step would be to prevent the user from executing commands which damage the system. restricting to a single directory seems to solve those12:04
erUSULop_amp: sleep 600 && wget ......   &12:04
ohsixakashm1990: that just means they can't execute anything12:04
Dr_Willisakashm1990:  err. they run commands based on their PATH variavble. so i dont see how lockling the user to a single dir would solve anything.12:05
Dr_Willisakashm1990:   You can restrict their PATH, but they could still enter the full name to a binary.12:05
akashm1990Dr_Willis, The user wont have access to the computer12:05
akashm1990Dr_Willis, , the basic flow is user submits source via php, source saved to a randomly named directory, compiled and executed and output redirected to a file12:06
ohsixtheir logins won't even work if they have no access to anything12:06
op_ampDr_Willis, erUSUL thanks a ton :)12:06
Dr_Willisakashm1990:   I think thats getting beyond the scope of Ubuntu support.  sounds like you woudl want to do stuff in a virtual machine for extra layers of sandboxing.12:06
erUSULop_amp: or use at12:06
akashm1990Dr_Willis, yes, thats one of the ideas I got, but seemed a bit too extreme12:07
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ohsixakashm1990: use tcc's launch & load, remove the access to shared libraries12:08
Dr_Willisakashm1990:  what you are tryign to do. sounds a bit odd also. :) but have fun.12:08
pyryhow to install win programs from cd???12:08
ohsixyou can link the code with a stub that enables seccomp before the rest is ran too12:09
ohsixpyry: ask in #winehq12:09
akashm1990its academic proof of concept stuff12:09
ohsixakashm1990: well then, don't you need something clever?12:09
ohsixlike they tried to do with nacl12:09
akashm1990no, something that just works will also do12:10
ohsixakashm1990: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seccomp12:10
ohsixif the stub can reasonably be assured to not be compromised that should suffice12:11
mah454I can not find finctions file in /etc/init.d ...12:11
ohsixBUT, the act of compiling can be exploited as well12:11
ohsixmah454: thats because it's not there. what lead you to believe it would be?12:12
akashm1990ohsix, Not looking for that level of protection12:12
ohsixakashm1990: there are no half measures12:12
akashm1990the target give was to prevent rm -rf12:12
madurax86hello im installing ubuntu 10.10 on a rather old celeron, the installation goes on great but on boot it doesnt load up gui12:12
madurax86what can i do to get it to use default video config?12:13
ohsixakashm1990: that'll be stopped12:13
akashm1990and messing around with other files on the system12:13
mah454ohsix i install IBSng in ubuntu-server . in IBSng daumon have this line ". /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions"12:13
ohsixmadurax86: unless you created an xorg.conf it should be doing that already12:13
madurax86ohsix: nope i didnt make a xorg.conf12:14
madurax86all the checking fails12:14
madurax86mode checks12:14
Jackneillanyone can you help me? with monodevelop, when i start it, i get this exception: Unhandled Exception: System.TypeLoadException: A type load exception has occurred.12:14
thedude1my nm-applet icon is grexed out and says "networkmanager is not running" - what do?12:14
pyryno one answers on #winehq12:15
ohsixpyry: bummer, be patient, we don't do windows software support12:16
erUSULthedude1: sudo restart network-manager12:16
IdleOnepyry: have you installed Wine?12:16
ohsixthedude1: well, something killed networkmanager or prevented it from istalling12:16
Jackneillcan you help me?12:17
thedude1erUSUL: "restart: Unknown instance: "12:17
thedude1ohsix: I just freshly reinstalled it, without problems I thought12:17
ohsixthedude1: make sure ubuntu-desktop is installed, sounds like someone tricked you into dumping nm12:17
madurax86ohsix: how to let it work like it worked in the installation?12:18
erUSULthedude1: pgrep -l NetworkManager12:18
thedude1ohsix: i killed nm myself, the applet disappeared. also "ubuntu-desktop: command not found"12:19
thedude1erUSUL: no reaction12:19
Autoclesissolved a weird problem if any care12:19
madurax86ohsix: im getting this your cpu doesnt have security..bla bla the no execute thing does it affect this?12:19
ohsixmadurax86: dunno, what did you do to make it act any other way?12:19
thedude1(afk now)12:19
ohsixmadurax86: no12:19
IdleOnepyry: ok, pop in the install CD and then navigate to the folder with the .exe and double click it.12:20
madurax86ohsix: dont know just after installing it just says it cant load up x, the log says there are screens but no usable config12:20
ohsixmadurax86: are you using an s3 or via video card?12:21
DavidJonascan anybody help me installing a nagios plugin (script -> http://www.techno-obscura.com/~delgado/code/check_megaraid_sas) I copied it to the nagios libexec folder and gave the right permissions and tested the script. now how do I hook it up to nagios?12:22
madurax86ohsix: yes12:22
kwtmerUSUL hangs out here?  I didn't know that.  Anyway, thedude1: instead of "sudo restart network-manager" try "sudo start network-manager"?12:22
AutoclesisAnyone who can't get the GUI after update who has a wacom?12:22
ohsixmadurax86: thats tough, they have among the worst & ill supported drivers :[ though ubuntu should try at least to use vesa before it gives up, i dunno what to tell you12:22
madurax86ohsix: the installation and live session works flawlessly12:23
rudolph*hellp filip12:23
madurax86ohsix: how to set vesa?12:23
filip_whats happend rudolph?12:24
rudolphnothing, I thought you were going to ask a questions filip :)12:24
ohsixmadurax86: i do not know, sorry12:24
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ohsixmadurax86: though i suggest filing a bug if the livecd works but the install doesn't12:25
madurax86ohsix: hmm isnt both systems the same?12:25
ohsixmadurax86: nope, and i don't know what tricks the livecd might be doing, they are very close to the same though12:26
madurax86ohsix: ok12:27
centralPowerI have one connection with static IP and low bandwith and one connection with ynamic ip and high bandwith i want to use static ip frm one connection and bandwith from the second connection, I have server I want users to connect to it12:29
centralPowercan i do this?12:29
erUSUL!fhs | dr0id12:30
ubottudr0id: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier12:30
erUSUL!fstab | dr0id12:30
ubottudr0id: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions12:30
ohsixcentralPower: if they go to different networks, not in a useful way12:30
chariafhey ya 4all12:30
centralPowerohsix, how you mean 2 connections go in same pc12:31
ohsixcentralPower: it's an ip networking thing, if you don't know i have nothing to say beyond what i already have12:32
robbit10#kubuntu is completely silent, and I need help. Plasma-desktop is segfaulting every time I log in. I just installed Kubuntu, and it worked well the first two times I logged in. Then suddenly, when I logged out and back in, poof. plasma-desktop keeps segfaulting, even after reboot.12:33
centralPowerohsix, what is difference between desktop and server ubuntu?12:33
schweegirobbit10, if you use KDE SC 4.6.1, reinstall the kubuntu-desktop meta package12:34
erUSUL!backups | dr0id12:34
ubottudr0id: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:34
ohsixcentralPower: one uses the ubuntu-desktop virtual and the other ubuntu-server, it just means different installed packages, but they are not mutually exclusive12:34
schweegirobbit10, and the plasma-desktop meta package. it worked fine for me12:34
HouseMDrobbit10: make a new user and try login with the new user, if that works..some config broke it, go to normal user and rm -rf .kde12:34
centralPowerserver just don't have gnome or ?12:35
centralPoweris ok to install gnome on the server?12:36
ohsixcentralPower: you can ask your package manager12:36
BlouBloucentralPower: yes, why not?12:36
centralPowerand should I install some package to host website on ubuntu desktop?12:36
madurax86live cd version works great but on the installation X crashes saying screens found but non have usable configuration12:36
robbit10HouseMD: It worked! Thanks a lot :)12:37
robbit10HouseMD: Switching to a more comfortable IRC client, see you in a tick.12:38
HouseMDrobbit10: np, glad you sorted out :)12:38
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alexanderalhow do I install gnome3 on ubuntu?12:40
thedude1kwtm: "network-manager start/running, process 22813"12:41
erUSULalexanderal: i think there is a ppa for 11.04 beta12:41
erUSULalexanderal: ask in #ubuntu+112:41
alexanderalokey, thanks!12:41
kwtmthedude1: Hey, it looks like it's working!  I missed part of the conversation.  Is everything ok now?12:42
byzwho are you ?12:42
thedude1was afk ill now, nm is on it seems ...12:42
Fudgehi guys, with totem movie player does anyone have trouble playing .mkv files. cant seak, crashes through movies. ive experienced with quite a few12:42
thedude1kwtm: but nm-applet doesnt show me my 3g connection i created before ...12:43
HouseMDFudge: try mplayer12:43
byzi don't know12:43
byzI am chinese12:44
kwtmthedude1: Hmm... I might not be able to help you much from here on.  I use Kubuntu and don't use nm-applet (I tend to do things from the command-line).  Tell whoever was/will be helping you that network-manager is now running.  Now you know how to start or restart it.12:44
thedude1kwtm: can you tell me how I can connect with 3g using commandline? :)12:45
raven_FSPOT does not import videos to the right date - any solution?12:46
kwtmbyz: Do you need help with English?  People generally don't use Chinese here.  您需要幫忙可能要通過 Google translate 翻譯服務﹐或找中文的 channel.12:46
erUSULFudge: use vlc? or smplayer12:46
erUSUL!cn | byz12:47
ubottubyz: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk12:47
kwtmthedude1: Will try.  Do you have info on your 3g channel?  I don't know that much about "3g" --is that by cellular modem, then?12:47
rileypVideo is 3.1486 frames behind audio (too slow), dropping frame to catch up.12:47
thedude1kwtm: yes, it is cellular. what exactly do you mean by "3g channel"? my ISP?12:48
kwtmthedude1: Sorry, I meant "3g connection", as in "my 3g connection i created before"12:48
kwtmthedude1: I may have to go soon, so we'll work quickly so you have more info in case I have to bug out suddenly.  What does "ifconfig" give?  What interfaces?12:49
kwtmthedude1: I'm guessing   eth0   and   wlan0   and   lo.  What else?  Are you running Ubuntu on a cell phone, then?12:49
ChintaCould anyone help me out to get a wlan wnu-a stick (a-link) to work under 10.10? I am sure it must be piece of cake if you know what to do... right?12:50
thedude1I would need wwan0, but it isnt displayed here12:50
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thedude1i'm running ubuntu on a netbook with internal 3g modem12:50
kwtmthedude1: What about "ifconfig -a"?12:50
thedude1kwtm: exact same12:51
kwtmthedude1: I'm guessing 10.10?  (I don't think 11.04 is out yet.)12:51
rileypall wireless lan help is pretty much go find a guide if you cant find a guide your pretty much out of luck unless its omething simple like an ip config or something12:51
kwtmthedude1: I guess my noobly knowledge stops here.  If even "sudo ifconfig -a" doesn't show a wwan0 connection, then we're going to have to go to lsmod'ing and seeing why your internal 3g modem isn't up.12:52
kwtmthedude1: Right, 3g modem might be specialized enough that you need to ask the forums, which means more detailed help but it won't be an instant-response type of thing.12:52
Chintarileyp: thanks for the input, but I think in this case is that the driver provided with the wnua doesnt work with the kernel of the current version of ubuntu...12:53
Fudgeit sjsut i like totem coz its very accessible with orca12:53
kwtmthedude1: Other than googling, which I'm sure you know about, you may also want to try... hmm, I wonder if there's a "live CD" equivalent for netbooks (like, boot from USB)?12:53
thedude1kwtm: okay then, I'll try and solve this via the forums. thanks! have a nice day12:53
kwtmthedude1: best of luck!12:54
rileypChintra so you think some one in this channel can help resolve that?12:54
rileypChinta so you think some one in this channel can help resolve that?12:54
Chintarileyp: Yea, I thought that it might be possible a different driver has been develop for this kernel, considering is a-link's, or that someone might want to spare the time to enlight an avid wannabe learner like myself.12:56
Syluxwhat'a !?12:57
rileypnormaly wlan problem if the card isnt auto detected are almost impossible to resolve even for well versed ubuntuer...God help a new person to ubuntu.12:57
rileypFinding a guide and knowing someone else has actually got the card to work is the starting point.12:58
rileypNot asking can we help fix it which we probably cant12:58
rileypChinta Finding a guide and knowing someone else has actually got the card to work is the starting point.12:59
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nixjrwhats sandybirdge support in ubuntu like?12:59
nixjrim looking to build an htpc and want to use the onbard graphics13:00
rileypnixjr asrock ion13:00
rileypis the way to go13:00
ChintaI see... bit if i put iwconfig it shows the card is actually detected. I thought it might have been an easier, but if you suggest it isnt, and that this isnt the right place to try my luck and see if someone can help, then, I apologise.13:00
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rileypChinat no meed say sorry Im just trying to help If you can google and find someone has your particar wireless lan card working in ubuntu then thst is starting point13:01
nixjrrileyp, i was thinking about getting this one http://www.asus.com/product.aspx?P_ID=LA0nxZWFGntAqGRe&templete=213:02
ChintaI appreciate your help, rileyp. I dont mean to sound bitter or anything; I just want to apologise for being a pain in the ass.13:03
mikewhohi there, ive got a question for someone who uses apple machine with ubuntu, ive got problme with booting on macbook pro13:03
swattoSince getting xchat to start minimized at boot i can no longer see my bluetooth or network manager icons :( they are there though because if i right-click the sub-menu comes up, any ideas>13:04
swattohmm changed theme and they are there now13:05
enterkeyI can't connect to my wireless network with wpa key but I can with wep13:06
enterkeyany idea why is this happening?13:06
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benzaldehydeswatto: helps to say what you are dealing with top, bottom panel etc.13:07
WynHeyya, anybody got any experince in webcamstudio and Red5 ?13:08
enterkeyubuntu have some issue with wpa encryption?13:08
benzaldehydeenterkey: did you properly edit wpa_supplicat.conf and /etc/network/interfaces13:08
mikewhoenterkey: try changing encryption method13:08
azbr00join #ubuntu-offtopic13:08
enterkeylet me check13:09
enterkeyi didn't edited at all13:09
enterkeywhere can I find that file13:09
mikewhoenterkey: i've used wpa2 and it works on every machine without changing anything13:09
benzaldehydeenterkey: not sure try whereis13:09
mikewhoanybody uses apple machine with ubuntu, need some help with booting13:10
enterkeyi have adited the connection and set wpa 2 personal encription and entered correct password so far and it cant connect13:10
benzaldehydemikewho: i use a similar apple architecture, powerpc6413:10
enterkeybenzaldehyde, and what should I put i that file?13:10
benzaldehydeenterkey: have you tried /etc/init.d/networking restart13:11
benzaldehydeenterkey: i am not sure, i use wep, sorry13:11
enterkeyin interfaces file there are only 2 lines :13:11
enterkeyauto lo13:11
enterkeyiface lo inet loopback13:11
SuNotisima...new problem now – network-manager is up and running, my connection's there - but when I try to use it, I get "GSM network: Disconnected" as notification. why? my phone is running on the same network and is fine.13:11
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enterkeywep is ok?13:11
enterkeyi heard wep is way to insecure13:11
benzaldehydeenterkey: essentially you want to set wlan0 iface underneath that with either static of dhcp with a call to your wpa supplicant configuration13:12
benzaldehydeenterkey: so that it does what is supposed to on boot up13:12
benzaldehyde*static or dhcp13:12
enterkeybenzaldehyde, I am afraid I didn't uderstood you13:13
WynSuNotisima, yeah, gsm will frive you nuts, it cuts out time to time on mine as well, some imtes takes a few clicks to re-conncet13:13
Mahjongghello, I have lenovo x200 notebook. Sleep function stopped working after I have upgraded to maverick. It was working perfectly in lucid. How can I fix this? The moon keeps flashing but the system does not go into sleep mode. (earlier the moon  blinked copule of times while going into the sleep mode, and then lit steady afterwards...)13:13
Guest28709both are rubbisn wep and wpa but wep is a lot more insecure than wpa but they can both be cracked13:13
enterkeyand ac address filtering?13:14
SuNotisimaWyn: yeah I remember this from a few months ago but it was never this bad. I can't even get a single connection when clicking a hundred times13:14
ruslanif you have strong password for wpa, noone can hack it13:14
aguitelanyway to install gnome3 in ubuntu ?13:14
ruslanaguitel, google it, its easy)13:14
Guest28709if you have good rainbow tables nothing is un crackable13:15
WynSuNotisima, youch, I tend to disconnet then /etc/init.d/networking restart if that happens, if it was working before unless you removed some stuff should be OK, butsie but OK13:15
aguitelruslan, you did it?13:15
benzaldehydeenterkey: it can be less insecure with a difficult custom password, crackers and network hackers use brute force attempts against common dictionary files to guess your password and then compare it with the hashed value that they sniff or snort from packets that your router sends out, often disconnecting the host to create many extra packet, this happens less with wpa because the only time to get or sniff the info is during the 'hands13:15
ruslandoes anyone have invite to bitme?13:15
rileypMahjongg cut your losses  easiest way is to install lucid and try again when you can google and find your netbook sleeps in maverick13:15
benzaldehydeenterkey: nothing it full-proof13:16
enterkeymac address filtering?13:16
ruslanaguitel: no, i didn't. i actually dont like ver3. you can check how to install it on youtube13:16
enterkeyis that strong13:16
SuNotisimaWyn: no reaction ...13:17
benzaldehydeenterkey: i do not know13:18
benzaldehydeenterkey: i always tell people that i am less and less concerned with security these days because it is just a simple fact that i do not having anything to lose13:19
mikewhobenzaldehyde: have you had any trouble booting ubuntu cd? have you used refit? or just the regular cd?13:19
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benzaldehydemikewho: i use natty as a fully installed OS13:19
mikewhobenzaldehyde: i keep getting blankscreen or icon with question mark on boot13:20
WynSuNotisima, new install or recent error ?13:20
benzaldehydemikewho: haven't experienced many troubles with it, occasionally midori will segmentation fault and when i upgrade the kernel it has a crypt erorr that may need to be addressed in initramfs but other than that pretty smooth13:20
SuNotisimaWyn: i reinstalled network-manager twice today, because it hadn't worked in months ..13:20
SuNotisimaOS is no fresh install13:20
benzaldehydemikewho: there is a hardware compatibility database on the main site i believe hdwdb.ubuntu.com13:21
WynSuNotisima, ah, and then re-setup your gsm connection ? Phone or 3G USB modem ?13:21
mikewhobzh: i can't find anything about it, everywhere it says just to boot up the media (cd or usb)13:21
SuNotisimaWyn: 3g usb modem, internal. did re-setup the connection, didn't work.13:21
mikewhook i'll look it up, i thought that when its a intel based mac it will just work, exept some modules13:22
mikewhothank you13:22
benzaldehydemikewho: my favorite cd is the alternate13:22
benzaldehydemikewho: i have hit or miss experience with desktop images13:23
mikewhooh, ill try that one, thanks13:24
WynSuNotisima, USB then, look for usb-modeswitch and install and or update13:24
nyaaI'm gonna try the beta out, anything I should know or take into consideration?13:25
Mahjongghello, I have lenovo x200 notebook. Sleep function stopped working after I have upgraded to maverick. It was working perfectly in lucid. How can I fix this? The moon keeps flashing but the system does not go into sleep mode. (earlier the moon  blinked copule of times while going into the sleep mode, and then lit steady afterwards...)13:25
pasjrHello, has anyone else lost usb support in 11.04?13:26
jessicaBRhello how to flip my ASUS built-in camera image? I'm upsidedown.... :(13:27
hihihi100only way i can access an external hard drive is mounting it via terminal, how can I delete the trash folder?13:27
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WynjessicaBR, are you drunk ? if not get really drunk then it may look the right way up :)13:27
jessicaBRWyn, I am drunk... Still i believe my camera image is not ok... :)13:28
WaltherFIhm, i should start lurking around here more often, helping people... i used to do that some time ago13:28
WynjessicaBR, it isnt,  common problem, they get put in upside down, seriously13:28
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WynjessicaBR, theres is a module parm vflip you can set to 1, cant remember exact load syntex, google will help13:29
userdeljsessicaBR : what's so special in ASUS's camera image13:29
Mahjonggsuspend problem, how to track the problem/13:29
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Mahjonggsuspend problem, how to track the problem?13:29
WynjessicaBR, or getting so drunk everyday it flips around but that is a little impratical13:30
WaltherFIMahjongg: what kind of problem?13:30
WynMahjongg, dmesg, see what process is hanging it / logs etc13:30
MahjonggWaltherFI, , I have lenovo x200 notebook. Sleep function stopped working after I have upgraded to maverick. It was working perfectly in lucid. How can I fix this? The moon keeps flashing but the system does not go into sleep mode. (earlier the moon  blinked copule of times while going into the sleep mode, and then lit steady afterwards...)13:30
WaltherFIMahjongg: do you have enough big swap area?13:30
jessicaBRuserdel, camera image is upside down.... I think ASUS assembled my webcam up side down, and now I have to put it right by software.... Also have this problem in Windows13:31
MahjonggWaltherFI, 7813120 blocks for 4Gig ram13:31
ruslanswap should be 2xram13:31
jqkehi there, i'm trying to use the -subcp option in mplayer but it seems it doesn't know the option "error parsing -subcp"13:31
userdeljessicaBR: which software ? is it cheese ?13:31
jqkewhat should i do?13:31
WaltherFIMahjongg: swap should be around 2x ram13:31
jessicaBRuserdel, skype and gmail (gtalk)13:32
MahjonggWaltherFI, I believe it is, and it was working perfectly in lucid13:32
benzaldehydeWaltherFI: not in my opinion13:32
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WaltherFIbenzaldehyde: for hibernation to work at all, you need over the amount of ram13:32
benzaldehydeWaltherFI: k13:32
Pegasus-RiderHello! IDK if this is the right channel for the question, but #Canonical is supposed to be internal, so... Is anyone able to sign up to Ubuntu perhaps-SSO service (credentials One, Cloud & co. have in common, you know)13:32
WaltherFIbenzaldehyde: and twice the amount is just a handy measure of 'a bit more than ram'13:33
benzaldehydeWaltherFI: the rule of thumb is out dated13:33
Pegasus-Rider(1926canistelubuntu<serial number> is the error code I get)13:34
MahjonggWaltherFI, swap is 7.45G13:36
WaltherFIMahjongg: should be well enough13:36
userdeljessicaBR: are you there?13:36
WaltherFIMahjongg: hm... did you upgrade from update manager, upgrade from stick, or perform a clean install?13:37
jessicaBRuserdel, still here13:37
userdeljessicaBR:   solution -> http://www.edmartechguide.com/2010/09/asus-laptop-webcam-upside-down-after.html13:37
jessicaBRuserdel, found anything?13:37
MahjonggWaltherFI, update manager13:37
jessicaBRuserdel, lemme check that13:37
WaltherFIMahjongg: might have something to do with it - as sad as it is, i've had only bad experiences when upgrading with the manager, some things always break13:38
WaltherFIMahjongg: i would recommend installing pseudo-clean install - boot from stick, install on the same drive but don't tick the box for format13:38
WaltherFIMahjongg: with my laptop i upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 and it didn't wake up the wireless features from sleep13:39
jessicaBRuserdel, this might work for windows, but what about linux?13:39
WaltherFIMahjongg: clean install solved problems13:39
userdeljessicaBR: try downloading the drivers as said13:40
MahjonggWaltherFI, my experience with updates, something got broken each time, but clean install did not solve the problem either... :( but I do not have a better advice than yours at this time...13:41
MahjonggWaltherFI, do youknow wchich packages handle sleep/wake stuff? I could reinstall them...13:41
WaltherFIMahjongg: you could also try getting another kernel perhaps?13:42
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Mahjonggthat's a good one too13:42
jessicaBRuserdel, asus does not have drivers for linux13:42
Waltcould someone recommend a cross platform disk indexing software?13:43
userdeljessicaBR: ok.   have you used cheese?13:43
iszakIs 10.10 relatively safe to use on a production server?13:44
benzaldehydeiszak: it is not a LTS13:44
iszakI know, but in terms of stability, it's still good?13:44
nyaawhat's the last LTS release?13:44
phrozenhello, I have a problem with saving password in subclipse 1.6.x in eclipse galileo 3.5 + ;/ I do not have save password checkbox anywhere and I have to type in pw 20 times per synchronization (UBUNTU 10.10)13:45
jessicaBRuserdel, does cheese allow over internet conversation?13:45
benzaldehydeiszak: you might look into Lucid Lynx, server support is 2010-201513:45
nyaaiszak, I've found it to be decent, but I think that if I had a production server that was important I would try an LTS, or maybe even Debian13:45
iszakbenzaldehyde, it's not about support, I just want to know if it's stable.13:45
nyaathey just seem to have longer support13:45
iszakit's not about the support.13:45
iszakit's about the stability, I don't mind upgrading when the EOL comes around.13:45
benzaldehydeiszak: it is stable but the next stable release drops in 18 days, so13:46
ayrtonhey guys i get this when i try to move songs from a samsong t10 to an ipod touch, None of the tracks to be transferred are in a format supported by the target device, and no encoders are available for the supported formats.13:47
domin_i have got a question: is gnome 3 works under ubuntu ?13:47
iszakbenzaldehyde, thanks, just this VPS (Xen based) hosting provider won't put Ubuntu 10.10 as available13:47
userdeljessicaBR: afaik skype and others use v4l  package to get the camera stream. if the settings can be changed to flip it the gtalk and skype will have inverted stream.13:49
benzaldehydeiszak: i can relate--they ought to13:49
iszakbenzaldehyde, yeah it's not like I'm asking them to drop 10.04, just some users like up-to-date versions.13:49
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benzaldehydeiszak: 2012 is the next LTS, not very far from now13:51
iszakSure, but I don't want a LTS13:51
WaltherFILTS means nothing, btw :P13:51
benzaldehydeiszak: one year 18 days to be exacy13:51
WaltherFIOf course they will be providing updates etc for those for longer time13:51
BluesKajHey all13:51
iszakbenzaldehyde, I don't live in years13:51
benzaldehydeiszak: :D13:51
userdeljessicaBR: are you there?13:52
Mahjongghow to add kernel-ppa?13:52
WaltherFIuserdel: doesn't look like that13:52
WaltherFIMahjongg: apt-add-repository?13:52
MahjonggWaltherFI, couldn't find the uri for kernel-ppa actually13:52
iszakhttps://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/ppa ?13:53
WaltherFIMahjongg: sudo apt-cache search?13:53
benzaldehydeiszak: you could take your business to another VPS if you were so inclinded13:53
iszakbenzaldehyde, indeed however it seems they've come around to my way of thinking.13:54
MahjonggWaltherFI, that would shearch only the added repositories, I couldn't add kernel-ppa repository yet13:54
xanguaWaltherFI: Mahjongg sudo add-apt-repository <ppa's name> , instructions are on the page itself13:54
arandMahjongg: In general you don't want to add the kernel-PPA13:54
FitfteI'm running ubuntu on one HDD and windows 7 on another, can I access my ubntu stuff from my win 7 HDD?13:54
Mahjonggarand, what is the proper way?13:55
WaltherFIxangua: i thought Mahjongg said they couldn't add it for some reason13:55
iszakFitfte, yes with a utility ext2explorer or something13:55
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Fitfteiszak thanks, uhm is it possible to boot to my ubuntu parititon?13:55
ActionParsnipFitfte: no as Microsoft are too short ighted to code access to ext based file systems despite the definitions being fully available13:55
WaltherFIFitfte: is the ubuntu system formatted to ext2, ext3, ext4 or ntfs?13:55
arandMahjongg: Or, hmm, what is it you want to test with the new kernel.13:55
arandMahjongg: (Depending, I might be wrong.)13:55
WaltherFIarand: sleep feature broke13:55
FitftewaltherFi EXT313:55
Mahjonggarand, sleep does not work anymore since I upgraded to maverick from lucid13:55
iszakFitfte, sure but you would be accessing from the ubuntu hard drive not the windows 7?13:56
ActionParsnipFitfte: if it's ext3 you may get read acces with http://fs-driver.org13:56
ActionParsnipFitfte: make sure it now runs on win7 before installing13:56
iszakActionParsnip, nice! thanks didn't know about that13:56
ActionParsnipFitfte: funnily enough, Ubuntu has full read and write access to your NTFS partition despite the definitions being hidden and unpublished13:56
WaltherFIActionParsnip: yeah, all those 'super-hidden' files of windows os'es :P13:57
ohsixActionParsnip: what do you mean unpublished & hidden?13:57
WaltherFIohsix: you can find files on the windows root that you simply can't see under windows13:57
ActionParsnipohsix: the data structure of NTFS is proprietary and not published by Microsoft, unlike Linux filesystems13:58
ohsixi see13:58
arandMahjongg: And you want to test with the very bleeding edge or just a somewhat updated version?13:58
ohsixActionParsnip: you're losing me13:58
WaltherFIlike, the flag boot splash image on winXP13:58
Mahjonggarand, yes any of the two13:58
WaltherFIarand: only problem is that after updating, they can't get the sleep feature working13:58
ActionParsnipohsix: the definitions of how the data is stored and how the filesystem fundamentally works in Ext4 is completely free to read online13:58
ohsixActionParsnip: as stated you seemed to say it was in spite of Ubuntu13:58
ActionParsnipohsix: it is published and people can read it and code things to use the structure properly13:59
ActionParsnipohsix: with me so far?13:59
ohsixntfs isn't different from a lot of filesystems linux can read/write13:59
ohsixmaybe thats where you lost me14:00
ActionParsnipohsix: how NTFS stores data and how the files are accessed is NOT published as Microsoft are keeping how NTFS works a secret14:00
ohsixActionParsnip: its not much of a secret if they let people execute the code14:00
ohsixi get what you're saying though14:00
phrozenhello, I have a problem with saving password in subclipse 1.6.x in eclipse galileo 3.5 + ;/ I do not have save password checkbox anywhere and I have to type in pw 20 times per synchronization (UBUNTU 10.10)14:00
ActionParsnipohsix: yet Ubuntu can write and read NTFS despite the secrecy, yet Windows cannot do anything to Ext414:00
ohsixthe intent to make it secret is dubious however14:01
benzaldehydeActionParsnip: how much of a secret could it be if gparted can do ntfs14:01
ActionParsnipbenzaldehyde: thats a best effort by the ntfstools team14:01
ohsixActionParsnip: ntfs-3g can do it; lacking it, linux can read it, ubuntu doesn't do it14:01
arandMahjongg: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-team/+archive/ppa might be possible to temorarily add, and install.14:01
ActionParsnipbenzaldehyde: they may be right on the button but until they see the definitions they will never know for certain14:01
ActionParsnipohsix: you get my point though14:02
ohsixtheres no useful reason to include hfs or ext4 or any filesystem you can think of in windows14:02
benzaldehydeActionParsnip: makes sense14:02
ohsixi do14:02
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Mahjonggarand, seems like all they have is 2.6.35-28.50 I have 2.6.35-28.49 currently14:02
arand!mainline | Mahjongg otherwise look into this for the very latest testing14:02
ubottuMahjongg otherwise look into this for the very latest testing: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds14:02
ActionParsnipohsix: what about dual/multi booters? People need to have an NTFS partition to share data between because Windows is so lacking14:02
ohsixActionParsnip: from my understanding back in the day people didn't know what could happen, they knew at the moment what they did rather well14:02
ohsixActionParsnip: thats a red herring, you need a common filesystem  to share stuff between operating systems anyways14:03
ActionParsnipohsix: you should be able to simply access the other file system from the other OS.14:03
arandMahjongg: That one is supposed to be for testing and debugging mainly though, it may give a hint if it is something that is in the works though, and will help if you create a bug stating that it is fixed in mainline, which may allow them to backport the fix14:04
ohsixActionParsnip: ok, every os can access any filesystem, so you can pick any of them; then a device comes along thatcan't14:04
daniel_ahojte :)14:04
ohsixActionParsnip: thats where should's fall down, its far easier and preferable to just add ignorant read access for an already common enough filesystem14:05
ActionParsnipohsix: I don't mean to have the install on it, just to access the data14:05
Mahjonggarand, would you think a clean install would help?14:05
ohsixi didn't either14:05
Mahjonggarand, i had upgraded from lucid where it was working perfectly14:05
ActionParsnipohsix: I just find it funny and frustrating for dual booters how windows cannot access an open file system, when many teams have prodded and probed TFS and put effort in so Linux can access NTFS14:06
arandMahjongg: I would guess that a reinstall might not fix it, do you happen to have the kernels left from your Lucid install by the way?14:06
Mahjonggarand, nope, removed all since I did not have problem with kernels for a loong time14:07
ohsixActionParsnip: and i just put everything on ntfs; and only because of limits with fat32, the simplest one that works for interchange is probably the best14:07
sacarlsonActionParsnip: there is third party software the will let windows read ext4 you do know that don't you?14:07
raven_how to update with update-manager without xserver?14:08
ActionParsnipsacarlson: thats a step in the right direction but it should do it on its own14:09
ohsixonly problem with that is when its not just windows that wants to read it; i considered that before i chose how to allocate my storage14:09
BlouBlouis private flag recommended in NickServ?14:09
Kawohiafter a week of being on ubuntu/linux its freakin' great. so much better then windows14:09
BlouBlouerr, chnan fail14:09
ActionParsnipohsix: that's working around the lack of functionality and is used by many but I think it should be able to do it14:09
sacarlsonActionParsnip: you mean it should be built into the released window?  I guess it's not in there best interests http://www.soluvas.com/read-browse-explore-open-ext2-ext3-ext4-partition-filesystem-from-windows-7/14:10
ohsixActionParsnip: talking about what something should do is almost always lose; they have no practical reason to, and they don't read hfs either, and udf was only out of necessity and is _bad_ on windows14:10
ActionParsnipohsix: indeed14:11
debdI have two channels feed right in one window on irssi; can anyone tell me how to reply to that other channel without creating a separate window?14:11
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ohsixdebd: /m #chan, or switch to it with ^x14:11
benzaldehydedebd: ctrl+p14:11
damnooh thanks OHSIX14:12
ohsixdamno: its awkward at first, but i have my windows sorted by topic now; and usually one is of prime concern, the rest are ok as /m #14:13
atlefdamno: you could also install terminator, which lets you split the terminal window14:13
ohsixatlef: irssi has that built in, but it wouldn't switch between them14:15
damnoohsix: I usually am in 2 channels all the time, so I like it better than split windows14:15
ohsixatlef: also splitvt & tmux 4 lyf14:15
damnoatlef, Its already available14:15
benzaldehydedamno: and you can split more than just two14:16
benzaldehydei mean one14:16
sashai have a cisco valet router, but i dont know howto configure it under ubuntu. did anybody experience it?14:16
Kawohi annoying! does anybody know why chrome goes fullscreen doesn't change unless the browser is closed?14:16
damnobenzaldehyde: yes, I know.. their help page is really helpfull ;)14:16
benzaldehydedamno: k14:17
XOXO1hey, I somehow uninstalled gnome-session and now I cant get any further than login screen, how can I reinstall gnome-session? "sudo apt-get install gnome-session" gives me errors that it cant resolve my repository14:18
XOXO1how can I add some random working repo?14:18
benzaldehydedamno: you um got that wrong14:19
ikoniaXOXO1: it can't start the network as you're using gnome-network manager to configure your netowrk, and you're not starting gnome14:19
damnobenzaldehyde: what would it be?14:19
benzaldehydedamno it is connected to a benzene ring, c6h5cho14:20
XOXO1oh that14:20
XOXO1oh that's the problem*14:20
damnobenzaldehyde:  that's ethan-al-dehyde14:21
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jpgrmsgrabe dami sumasali dito!14:22
benzaldehydedamno: what?14:22
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GreyGhosti'm moving files from my linux sdb (ext4) to windows sda (ntfs).. transfer is very slow .. almost 2 MB/s ,.. :(14:22
GreyGhostany idea?14:22
damnobenzaldehyde: the formula you wrote at the end14:22
benzaldehydedamno: i feel like we are playing whose on first, what about it14:23
damnobenzaldehyde: didnt understand what u sair14:24
mredebwhich is better to use - network manager or wicd14:24
benzaldehydedamno: it is not important.14:24
ohsixGreyGhost: how full is the ntfs side? it can get like that pretty readily14:24
ohsixmredeb: considering it comes with n-m, guess14:25
mredebit doesnt, bec i had to install it14:25
mredebbut i think wicd is missing functionality14:25
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:25
mredebso itit more future proo14:25
ohsixmredeb: at the very least, it gets more attention14:25
GreyGhostohsix, 250 GB of 500 free14:25
ohsixGreyGhost: :\14:26
ohsixGreyGhost: i never did correlate the slowness14:26
damnowhat does trucrypt do?14:26
ohsixbut i defragged the drives in windows & haven't had much trouble since14:26
ohsixdamno: makes you look cool14:27
damno:) ohsix: I dont really know14:27
ohsixdamno: encryption & security is more than the software thast does it; the answer to the question as you asked it _is_ "makes you look cool", because people that use it do so for stupid reasons, and can't shut up about it14:28
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benzaldehydeohsix: the algorithms are the honey, aes is military . i could imagine that might make the paranoid feel pretty good about using it14:30
ohsixbenzaldehyde: no14:31
benzaldehydeohsix: no?14:31
damnoohsix: but ppl talk too much FOR it14:31
ohsixdamno: for "truecrypt" indeed14:32
ohsixbut not for actual data security14:32
damnodid you gys know, google will create their 1st 1gbps network in cansas city?14:32
ohsixthe people with the need to even mention what they're using for their own self satisfaction are no better off than having no encryption at all, because it's not about what software you use14:33
benzaldehydedamno: are those bits or bytes14:33
lolmatichi, im looking for a way to sync with google docs. any recommendations?14:33
damnobits I guess14:33
benzaldehydeso than an 8th of a gig per second14:33
damnotheir was a post in engadget14:33
zikalifyon ubuntu 13.04 release schedule page it says dates for 12.04 LTS and 13.04 LTS, are LTS going to be more frequent?14:33
ohsixbenzaldehyde: not exactly; thats the phy rate14:34
damnobenzaldehyde: and dont ask me...wont be able to calculate the fraction :(14:34
benzaldehyde125 megabytes in one second, sweet14:35
ohsixtoo bad we've got to deal with disks and operating systems when we've got all this delicious bandwidth14:35
zikalifyanyone know my question?14:36
damnoohsix:  cant sata handle that speed?14:36
damnoohsix: and what abt ubuntu?14:36
benzaldehydezikalify: LTS is released every fourth release and every 2 years14:36
benzaldehydezikalify: the last was 2010 and the next is 12.04 on 201214:37
zikalifynot according to 13.04 release schedule its not, or is this just a mock up? want link?14:37
GreyGhosthow do i check if a sata disk is on DMA mode or PIO?14:37
ohsixGreyGhost: look at the boot messages w/dmesg, or ask it with hdparm -i14:38
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benzaldehydezikalify: if 13.04 is the lts after 12.04 then that means it should be available 2014 and have 4 releases between 12.04 and 13.0414:38
icerootif top is showing me 200% cpu for one process, does that mean the prcess is using 2 cores with 100% each? or is it using one core with a load of 2?14:38
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ohsixGreyGhost: i'd be really surprised to see a sata controller prefer pio14:38
benzaldehydezikalify: though why they would set this in stone with no one working on it i would not know14:38
jamesklynepress 114:38
erUSULGreyGhost: dmesg | grep -i ata14:38
jamesklyneiceroot press 1 while in top14:39
GreyGhostohsix, i asked cos last time my hard disk gave some read write error Windows had set the drive up on PIO mode by itself14:39
icerootjamesklyne: no core is used by 100%14:39
lescroogeIs it worth attempting to remove 10.04  from alongside Win7 and expecting Win 7 to be accessible or is a complete wipe the disc time.14:39
lescroogeThe cause of the dilemma is the lack of space in the WIn7 partition.14:39
lescroogeI've looked at the moving and resizing option in Gparted and it does not inspire me with confidence. Much appreciate any help. TVM14:39
GreyGhostohsix, erUSUL , thxn14:39
FloodBot3lescrooge: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:39
ohsixGreyGhost: thats a windows thing14:39
icerootjamesklyne: as i fact its a wine-appliacation i cant imaging its using more then 1 core14:40
lolmaticwhats a nice app to sync with google docs?14:40
lescroogeOK TVM14:40
ohsixlescrooge: fdisk /mbr will replace grub with the windows bootloader, then you can delete ubuntu14:40
ohsixlescrooge: but resizing is safe enough, you'd need a shrink/move and stable power tho14:41
lolmatichow can i search the repos for applications on a terminal?14:42
icerootalso very strange is, my system has a load of 6 (4 cores) from x-processes, if i switch to tty1 i cant even load "man bash" in a good speed (using 2.6.38 with cgroups-patch). if a am correct that patch was exactly for that situation...14:42
atleflolmatic: apt-cache search14:42
icerootlolmatic: apt-cache search searchstring14:42
samira-thow should i enable wireless?14:42
lescroogeto ohsix do I put the fdsik /mbr on run? Q2 By stable power you mean a UPS?14:43
jamesklyne2 core with hyperthreading14:43
lolmaticwhat does prism actually do? it executes web applications like on a desktop?14:44
benzaldehydesamira-t: edit your /etc/network/interfaces14:44
MahjonggWaltherFI, actually the system sleeps fine after 10 minutes, fails to sleep when lid is closed... how about that?14:44
icerootjamesklyne: yes, 2 cores with hyper-threading (intel atom dual core)14:44
xangualolmatic: just a fx window with no status/tool/menu bar14:44
benzaldehydesamira-t: enable? use ifconfig device up14:44
damnogwrite works wonder for saving webpages via copy-paste14:45
lolmaticwell im looking for a nice application to sync with google docs. i used gladinet on windows but anything for ubuntu would be really nice as i dont want to run it on wine14:46
Mahjonggarand, actually the system sleeps fine after 10 minutes, fails to sleep when lid is closed... how about that?14:46
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
arandMahjongg: Well... I don't know...14:47
Mahjonggarand, all right, thanks14:47
n4pst3rubuntu es14:47
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:48
Magnusson_TBis it still problematic/dangerous to write to windows ntfs partitions from linux?14:48
sashai have a cisco valet router. i'm trying to connect it to configure. ip is but my browsers dont connect. there's no proxy by the way. what should i do?14:49