
Chipacacparrino: hola11:44
* Chipaca is testing out his bip11:44
ralsinahola chipaca11:54
Chipacaralsina: hey! why aren't you napping?11:57
ralsinabecause checkin is at 2PM :-(11:57
ralsinamy exact acronym!11:58
ralsinaSo, 8 hours between arrival and checkin, preceded by 13 hours flight. I am jetlagged to calcutta and back.11:58
ralsinaOTOH I got a cute picture of the memorial plaque for the victims of bovine spongiform encephalopaty!11:59
Chipacayou got it right the first time11:59
ralsinaAnd I have 3 dozen of alfajores Santa Maria (sin TACC)11:59
Chipacaso, the plan is you z from 14 to 18?12:00
Chipacasounds about right12:00
Chipacaralsina: :-D I saw the pics!12:00
ralsinabritish people sure like signs and plaques :-)12:01
Chipacaand toast12:01
ralsinahaven't  had toast yet, the only open place was subway12:01
Chipacaralsina: there's an almacén next to the hotel that AFAIR is open about now12:02
ralsinaYeah, saw it coming back.I really wanted to take a look at this london place, though.12:03
ralsinaSo walked to westminster bridge and a bit more.12:03
ralsinaChipaca: where are you running bip?12:06
Chipacaralsina: my home server12:07
Chipacanot that it resolves yet12:07
ralsinaWhile we are here, can I say something work-related?12:08
Chipacaralsina: nope12:15
Chipacaralsina: :) what?12:15
ralsinasurely it was mi fault, but we were surprised by tomorrow's freeze at the sprint on friday12:16
ralsinaThat is, we knew there was a "beta freeze" but we thought we could do packages for release until "final freeze" and we couldn't :-(12:16
Chipacaralsina: tomorrow? it's the 14th, right?12:17
ralsinaoh, another surprised person ;-)12:17
ralsinatomorrow 9AM. After that, only BLOCKER fixes12:18
ChipacaI've got to talk with people; I should've known about this12:18
ralsinaI feel like we should have known too.  found out by accident at 4PM argentina12:19
Chipacafrom whom?12:19
ralsinaperhaps platform or whoever does the freezes should be LOUD and repetitive about them.12:19
ralsinanessita heard it somehow12:19
Chipacafor freeze info I'm tracking https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule12:20
Chipacaand it doesn't mention anything about this12:20
ralsinait's the betafreeze at 11/412:20
ralsinabut it's not at all like the previous beta freeze in practice.12:21
Chipacaah! hold on12:21
Chipacawhere's the "only blockers from here on" bit?12:22
ralsinathat we got from sebastian12:22
ralsinaand "to upload something after monday you have to convince us it's worth creating new images", (not quoting exactly, I have no log of that)12:23
ralsinaSo, probably it's more relaxed for universe, but for main, it's pretty much final freeze tomorrow, AFAIK12:23
Chipacano, hold on12:23
Chipacathat is for while building the beta images12:24
* ralsina holds12:24
Chipacathat isn't from then on out forever and ever12:24
ralsinawell... not the impression we got12:24
Chipacathat's what the "once the freeze is over it falls back to" this other thing12:24
ralsinaif you are right? Awesome.12:24
ChipacaI'll check with seb12:24
Chipaca... tomorrow12:24
ralsinaof course12:24
faganralsina: around?13:47
* fagan is wondering how exactly do we get in touch in london :)13:47
ralsinafagan: yeah, now ;-)13:49
mandelralsina: where are you?13:49
ralsinaI am in the bar, chino latino, sitting with my notebook13:50
faganin my room at the moment13:50
faganill walk down13:50
ralsinacool. you mandel?13:50
mandelralsina: hey lunch lunch!13:50
ralsinayeah, come down lazy ppl!13:50
mandelya ya13:50
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