
ScottLailo, i'm hoping to test the -generic and -lowlatency kernels tomorrow morning before anyone wakes up04:11
ScottLailo, any suggestions on what you would like to see?04:11
ailoScottL, You mean 2.6.39?04:11
ScottLailo, any specifics you might want?04:11
ScottLyes for the -lowlatency 2.6.3904:11
ScottLi don't even know if 2.6.39 -generic is available at this point04:12
ailoThey were built wrong, so they are actually -generic kernels04:12
ScottLoh, okay, maybe not then04:12
ailoScottL, They are a little unstable too. I get some crashes with them, so it might be a good idea to wait a little04:12
ScottLi'll wait, i'll spend the time playing with the ubuntustudio plymouth theme and see if i can suss out why it isn't working (at least for me)04:13
ScottLailo, someone filed a bug about -controls not building for natty, i kinda laughed a little when i read that04:14
ailoScottL, The original -controls?04:15
ScottLi'll respond to the bug report to say that -controls are no longer in the natty seeds and report the state of -controls04:15
ScottLailo, i expect the original -controls04:15
ScottLbug 75608004:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 756080 in ubuntustudio-controls (Ubuntu) "ubuntustudio-controls version 0.4.7build1 failed to build on i386" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75608004:16
ScottLi might just change the importance at this point so nobody gets worried about something that isn't even going on the image for natty04:16
ScottLmaybe this is because of the new gcc, maybe not, just thinking about all the trouble falktx has been having04:17
ailoScottL, I can take that bug, if you don't mind, since I'm already doing two others on that04:17
ScottLailo, oh sure :)04:20
ScottLailo, if you can't change the importance just let me know04:20
ailoScottL, That I can't. But, I did change it to invalid, and made a comment04:22
ailoThough, perhaps invalid is not right, after all?04:24
ScottLi'm not really sure myself04:59
ailoScottL, I will take another look later. At least I will have to explain why it shouldn't be built for Natty.05:02
ailoUnless, one is changing the source05:02
ailoAnd, what is that they are building? It's python, so he must only be trying to build the package05:03
ailoScottL, I deem it invalid, because he is trying to build a package for Natty that won't be included in Natty.05:08
Kokitohello  folks05:46
ailoHey Kokito 05:54
Kokitohey ailo 06:03
Kokitonot much ailo 06:09
Kokitorelaxing after having a good plate of spinach ravioli for dinner06:10
* ailo had some waffles before with coffee, while working on some puredata code06:11
Kokitoailo: am I right to assume that you are somewhere in Europe?06:15
ailoKokito, Gothenburg, Sweden06:17
ailoKokito, Kokito sounds Japanese06:17
Kokitoah, cool. I am in northern California, about 100km east of San Francisco06:18
Kokitoailo: Kokito is the diminutive of Koki, which was my nickname when I was a child :)06:18
Kokitoalthough I am kind of half-Japanese, not ethnically, but in spirity, because I lived there for about 23 years :)06:19
ailoKokito, Wow. Then you must be. I find there is some resemblance between my country men and Japanese people. I'm really a Finn, but grew up in Sweden.06:20
ailoNo samurais in Finland, though06:21
Kokitohehe :)06:22
KokitoI did hear something to the effect that finns and Japanese have some commonalities, but I am not sure what they are06:23
ailoKokito, The language is somewhat similar. But, not directly. Also, there are some cultural peculiarities that show in statistics. Higher suicide rate amongst other things06:25
ailoThe language may be related, but the trail goes back really far. Turkish and Japanese are probably related, and Finno-Ugric is probably related to Turkish06:26
ailoThe grammatics is what makes them similar06:27
Kokitothat would make it easy for me to learn the Finnish language then :)06:31
ailoKokito, I would think so. They are phonetically similar too. I saw a Japanese comedy show where they would call up Finnish people using a phone book, laughing at their last names, cause they meant something funny in Japanese06:33
ailoKokito, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeCOzpYXrKE06:34
* Kokito is watching06:35
Kokitoailo: it is funny06:35
ScottLailo, gnome3 "superkey and start typing app name" way of opening a file has good things and bad things14:13
ScottLto start firefox was quick :)14:13
ScottLto start terminal was not :(14:13
ScottLfor firefox i hit "super" "fire" and pushed the enter key...viola, firefox was up   ->  nice :)14:14
ScottLfor terminal i hit "super" "terminal" and pushed enter....booo, i got terminal services ->   argh :(14:14
ailoI was able to use the word terminal, and it's searching at the same time I type, on Unity. I can then use the arrows to choose the terminal14:15
ScottLi tried "super" "terminal" tab key, then enter (thinking it might jump over to terminal from terminal services...didn't work14:15
ScottLah, didn't try the arrow key, i can do that after it installs the studio packages14:15
ailoThe lauchers appear under the search field for me14:15
ailoBut, I would want those functions to be even smarte14:16
ScottLit does under gnome3, just in the small panel on the left instead of the main screen14:16
ailoAlso, I realized that I need to choose a category, before apps that weren't installed appear as search results.14:16
ScottLif i'm going to the trouble to take my hand of the mouse i want to make sure i can complete my task without putting it back on the mouse :/14:16
ailoI feel I can do that, but not with perfect smoothness14:17
ScottLi'm still leaning towards the thought that having a small set of definable icons that the use can change their visibility based on a "category" that only requires one click (perhaps two at most) to launch an applicaiton is better, faster, easier14:17
ailoI don't feel one needs to exclude the other, but I don't know what quick-launcher-bars will work under these systems14:18
ailowbar didn't seem to work under Unity14:19
ScottLi'm also worried that the gnome3 that i'm using is a generation or so behind the gnome3 that was released this week14:19
ScottLtherefore, to make an accurate test of gnome3 i might have to wait until it is released properly for natty14:20
ailoWaiting for Alpha 1 is a long wait. One would want to try on the system before that, but then it won't probably be very stable.14:21
ScottLbut i would hope it's feature set would be more complete, even if unstable14:23
ScottLi just realized that i did not just try to search for gnome3 packages in synaptic while under natty, i kept trying "tutorials" on the web that suggested various PPA's14:24
ScottLi might find gnome3 just under synaptic in natty now :P14:24
ailoScottL, Since Gnome3 will include the classic desktop, that is also an option for Oneiric14:25
ailoAt least, I think it will include it14:25
ScottLthat's a good question, it's unfortunate that shuttleworth and the "inner circle" aren't very vocal about what their direction is :/14:29
ScottLi suppose it is possible that they don't have a definitive directions and are waiting to see how things "develop" (sorry for the pun)14:30
ailoScottL, I'm sure they need some user experience14:31
ScottLi don't know, i'm starting to read some criticism of canonical not including community in decisions from quarters that have been, unto now, quite biased towards ubuntu/canonical14:32
ScottLi don't want to be misunderstood, i believe wayland is a good move ultimately, x is old and retains crap loads of legacy code14:33
ScottLbut i don't like being blindsided by some of the decisions, especially when we are trying to develop an officially recognized flavour of ubuntu14:34
ailoIt's like they are being a little bold, and making waved. I hope this will lead to faster progress. After all, the changes seem to be pretty big14:34
ScottLbut my point is that if they are making long term decisions, it would be nice to be involved slightly, even if just a courtesy email as a "head up"14:35
ScottLi realize we are such a niche flavour, we don't get mentioned much in magazines unless it's a special about ubuntu studio, i routinely see the rote "ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, mythbuntu" tag14:36
ScottLbut i also wonder how much consideration the other flavours received in the decision making process, i'm presuming not much14:37
ScottLwhich i understand for kubuntu and xubuntu for the most part, they use different DE's14:37
ailoYeah, don't think KDE is affected in any way.14:38
ailoAnd perhaps not XFCE either14:38
ScottLif we could get the documentation in order and really, really organized and effective14:40
ScottLif we could update the website so that it is suave and new and compelling14:40
ScottLif we could blitz the media with emails, blogs, maybe even interviews (and i mean even emailing published magazines)14:41
ScottLeven sending emails to linux outlaws, canonical or jono14:41
ScottLi think we could step up respect for ubuntu studio14:41
ScottLget more people involved and active14:41
ailoScottL, It would be really great if Oneiric was a release where US turns a leaf and becomes a truly well supported multimedia system14:41
ScottLbut the distro would need to be lean, efficient, and effective14:42
ScottLailo, yes, it would14:42
ailoScottL, I'm on the boat and determined to get documentation and -controls in order.14:42
ScottLthat's awesome!14:42
ScottLi really, really, really (really!) appreciate you involvement14:43
ScottLyou and old holstein are the two most involved people14:43
ScottLalessio is too, but it's rather specific of course ;)14:43
ScottLif we could get a better grip on the other multimedia parts of studio i bet i could even setup an interview with libre grahics magazine14:44
ailoScottL, Well. I'm really happy to be involved. Once you see what needs to be done, you just to get it done. The unfinished work is like a bad dream, you want to get rid of ;)14:44
ScottLthey have already offered us a full-page advert for free :)14:44
ScottLailo, aye, it's the "getting it done" part that troubles most people14:45
ScottLthey have good intentions but it seems that most of them require someone to tell them how to do it step-by-step14:45
ScottLwhich is not bad if it's one or two people :P14:45
ailoThis time around, I'm ahead of what I need to know in order to work things out. Natty was too much at once for me14:46
ailoSo, I can forgive myself on account of that14:46
ScottLlol, yeah it was a lot to do in one cycle :)14:46
ScottLhmmm, i just realized that i probably broke my gnome3 install by installing ubuntustudio-default-settings14:48
ScottLit will try to adjust the menu and panels :(14:48
ScottLi should have just installed ardour and let it pull in the required dependencies :/14:48
ailoScottL, Did you see Ralfs last post? I think he might be warming up on the idea of using a preempt kernel without the realtime patch :P14:49
ailoSince Rui had good things to say about it, if nothing else14:49
ScottLi saw that i had email and that he was one of them14:49
ScottLralf seems very smart, just seems to have some trouble interfacing with people sometimes14:50
ailoHe has an unusual way of getting his point across.14:52
ScottLhe certainly seems very, very knowledgeable15:02
ScottLeh, all the studio apps installed okay on gnome3, but it's still a pain to switch between the apps15:31
ScottLbut of course that is the gnome3 on maverick which may not be the best testing platform15:33
ailoScottL, If I have an objection against Unity (and will have to try Gnome3 to find out) its' not being able to switch apps easily.15:43
ailoI use Alt + Tab, but it's a little slow and hard to identify the open windows15:44
ailoI would rather it just brought up a window on top, instead of showing a list of small windows15:44
ailoI'll be gone for most of the day. See you later..15:45
rlameiroScottL: ping23:52

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