
James147lovesthethianood: stops working how?00:00
lovesthethianoodlike the computer wont start up00:00
__BS__MajinSaiyan: OK, that's as much as I've got - someone else will have to take over. What I was looking for was whether or not the plug insertion / hardware worked or not. Currently that's neither confirmed nor denied. Suggestion: Turn off hdmi audio for the moment. Headphones are analog devices not digital (HDMI). Your sound may be going to one or the other, not both, and is currently set to...00:01
__BS__...HDMI when external device plugged in. But, like I said, someone knowledgeable will have to take it from here.00:01
MajinSaiyanOk i will try to look for a solution on the website. Thanks for your help though. Much appreciated.00:02
__BS__MajinSaiyan: Didn't say somone else here can't help, merely that I, whom am no expert, can't.00:04
__BS__<sigh> camserv still running. Once killed, cheese works fine / no seg fault. Where is gui service start/stop/restart/start condition in kubuntu? (Don't say system settings, that's only kde services.)00:05
MajinSaiyanI know what you meant. I will ask again in a few minutes. I'm browsing the site now to see if anyone else has had the same issue.00:05
__BS__MajinSaiyan: In meantime, since you have HDMI hooked up, do you have sound out of it? Also, seems to me in the past I've run into this, and muting the speakers worked. (HDMI being line out, mute wasn't effecting it.) Don't remember the setup at that time.00:06
__BS__MajinSaiyan: Hold on ... I've never seen HDMI out actually go out HDMI ... any chance you mean optical out?00:07
James147MajinSaiyan: you migh also want to read...00:07
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:07
__BS__Sometimes most of the battle seems to be 'Linux' semantics / good search terms.00:08
__BS__xawtv - v4l2: Waiting for buffer. Suggestions?00:09
MajinSaiyanlet me try the mute option first....and when i had Windows on my laptop it also detected HDMI output for audio since i do have an HDMI port.00:09
__BS__MajinSaiyan: Right, but in my experience, what one -expected-, logically, to be an hdmi port (sound + video) turned out to be, sadly, only video. <(*&^(&^%*&^%*&^%(*>00:10
__BS__MajinSaiyan: You're hooked up to a TV then? Not a receiver? (And ... all was happy under Windows?)00:11
=== naught102 is now known as naught101
MajinSaiyanWell when i had windows i experimented with the audio. Both audio and video played back on my tv by default, but i was able to switch the audio to play throgh external speakers. No....i wasn't completely happy when i had Windows. I've actually converted 2 of my computers from Windows to Ubuntu and Kubuntu.00:13
MajinSaiyani was talking about HDMI when i played it on my tv00:13
laptopwhat is my user name00:14
laptopok nevermind00:15
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MajinSaiyanlaptop :)00:15
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laptop_usermuch better00:15
MajinSaiyanagreed :)00:15
MarcoPauhello, mysqld-akonadi is starting at login and it won't let xampp load mysqld, which is interfering with what I'm trying to do. do you know how to permanently shut akonadi?00:23
__BS__MajinSaiyan: What I meant with Windows was all hardware was happy. (Which, from what you say, was mostly, but not entirely, true.) Which is all to say, it sounds like, what you're experiencing so far is consistent with what you had under windows. Which is also to say you are having software / configuration issues, not hardware issues - which just takes a whole bunch of possibilities off the table.00:24
MajinSaiyanWell I was happy with Windows for a while, but i got tired of searching all over the web for free software :P Configuring hardware with Windows 7 was easy, but i want to break away from Windows and join the Linux community.00:27
__BS__MajinSaiyan: If you go into system settings / multimedia, can you change the order of devices (preferences) such that you get audio where you want? (Leaving video alone, if you're getting a picture on your tv as desired.) Optionally - Hook your tv external audio outputs up to your receiver instead, and let the audio go along the HDMI? (Granted, PITA, if you just want to listen to music on...00:27
__BS__...your sound system, without having to turn the TV on - let alone if someone else wants to watch a show at the time.)00:27
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, apachelogger, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger00:29
__BS__MajinSaiyan: Can you boot a kubuntu live cd and see if it all 'just works'? Takes a bunch of software possibilities off the table. Note - just because a live cd doesn't play sound, doesn't mean it can't, just means the default / most common settings, present on the live cd, don't suit your particular setup.00:29
apacheloggerPante59: ....00:29
MajinSaiyanwell i've ran a few commands from the terminal and i have to reboot right now. Let me reboot first and then i will try going into the system settings to change some settings there. I'll be right back.00:30
Pante59apachelogger: !op fack you!!!00:30
__BS__gnomefreak is an op in a kubuntu channel - seems ... almost covert.00:30
SnowhogTime to kick Pante59 me thinks.00:30
shaneomack91Hello everybody. I'm new here :)00:31
__BS__... you can take my kde out of my cold ...00:32
apacheloggerPante59: I would very kindly ask you to behave yourself00:34
__BS__Where to set service start / not start at boot time?00:34
Pante59apachelogger: i am stupid russian esoul !!!!00:35
claydohhi Snowhog00:35
SnowhogHey claydoh00:35
claydohmaybe apachelogger will00:35
Snowhogclaydoh: I'm waiting for him or someone to kick him out.00:35
apacheloggerclaydoh: will what?00:36
claydohI have to remember the commands to gain op s00:36
apacheloggerah well00:36
claydohapachelogger: kick the guy00:36
Pante59apachelogger: i wont fack my ess00:36
Pante59no no no no00:36
valoriebyebye troll00:37
__BS__Yeah, well, until apache mentioned the handle, it was keeping quiet. I wonder if it's scanning for a mention of the handle then mouthing off. Like a kid waiting for someone to notice before throwing the temper tantrum.00:37
Snowhogapachelogger: Thank you.00:37
apacheloggerPante59: better now?00:37
__BS__Again, please, claydoh, apachelogger00:37
Pante59no  please (((((00:38
Pante59i bed boy sorry00:38
MajinSaiyanI'm back....after running those 2 commands from the terminal my audio output works flawless. Here is the link if anyone ever has a similar issue. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure00:39
FloodBotK2Pante59: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:40
__BS__irc (and !sound) to the rescue again. Cool. See - toldya, linux semantics, and search terms. And the excellent people here at ...00:40
SnowhogBanned I hope.00:40
__BS__... of all the gin joints in all the world ...00:41
apacheloggerSnowhog: that is what the +b stands for00:41
* apachelogger goes back to homework00:41
MajinSaiyanso BS......how many people have you introduced Linux to?00:41
Snowhogapachelogger: Appreciate the 'house cleaning'. :)00:42
* claydoh goes back to writing something creative00:42
claydohstay warm Snowhog00:42
Snowhogclaydoh: It's getting warmer here. Was 51 degrees on Friday - for a bit.00:43
__BS__Not many, I think, probably zero. Part of a local linux club. I talk it up a lot, and suggest it (I'm actually typing this from windows), but it takes a certain technical inclination to be willing to try it. And most of such people I know are part of the same club I am.00:43
claydohheh lets not get too offtopic :)00:43
claydohmy fault tho00:43
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!00:44
apachelogger"a place to go to when one wants to talk about the weather" :D00:44
MajinSaiyanWell i've been using it for about a month and i've introduced 3 people to it. It's kinda hard when they're used to Windows, but they like Kubuntu and Ubuntu. Ok does anyone know of any good file recovery programs for linux?00:45
SnowhogMajinSaiyan: See http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec00:45
MajinSaiyancool...thanks....let me check out that program00:49
MajinSaiyanhow can i install programs that i've downloaded off the net? it's in an archive format.....00:50
SnowhogMajinSaiyan: First, make sure that the downloaded file is developed to run in the version of Kubuntu you have installed. Is it? Second, you should always check the ubuntu repositories (KPackagekit) to see if the application is available there.00:51
MajinSaiyangenius....it is availabe at the software center :) Thanks!!!!00:53
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__BS__Someone can correct me, but IIRC, gdebconf can be a handy think to have installed.01:06
Snowhog__BS__: Don't you mean debconf?01:07
__BS__OK, instead of 'someone can correct me' I should have said 'someone had better correct me'. My bad. OK, I broke down and had a look - gdebi, probably gdebi-kde in this case. Makes a package look like any other type of file - download and auto-open it, gdebi kicks in and runs the appropriate dpkg commands for you.01:27
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Walzmynhow do i get kpackagekit not install upgrades without being given a sudo worthy password?02:21
_BS_-NOTSorry, chatzilla dropped ... was there an answer to ... what happen to the right-click menu context for run as administrator, put in command line, etc.?02:24
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_BS_Anyone know of a kubuntu equivalent to CentOS' 'service configuration' (system-config-services)?02:36
valorie_BS_: outside of systemsettings?02:38
_BS_systemsettings only deals with kde services. The CentOS version deals with all services.02:40
valoriethat I do not know02:40
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Visitor_1971question: I just installed (k)ubuntu and would like to try out the new KDE, but cannot find any options that let me do that... how do I start KDE?07:45
Visitor_1971I get the kubuntu splash screen, but at login it only let's me start unity07:47
Visitor_1971please help :)07:49
valorieodd, you should have a choice07:49
Visitor_1971yeah but I don't07:49
valorieubottu doesn't know anything, though07:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:49
valorieand I've not faced this07:49
valorienot many people around right now07:50
Visitor_1971so I see07:50
valorieVisitor_1971: you might post on one of the two forums -- you might happen upon someone awake and answering07:58
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC freenode #ubuntuforums.07:58
ubottukubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde07:58
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.07:59
valoriewell, I thought there was a factoid out the forums07:59
valoriebut there is kde forums, and also kubuntuforum07:59
Visitor_1971yeah I am in kubuntu+107:59
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zagnutWhat is the keyboard shortcut for desktop switching in kde 4.6?08:59
lockeSTRG+F1 - STRG+F409:06
lockeCTRL+F1 - CTRL-F409:06
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jtheuerI use the kubuntu default homedir encryption. works fine. I also want to encrypt /tmp and the swappartition. is there a convenient way?10:01
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ososany exciting news about 11.04?11:54
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ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not intended for production systems.12:03
wafacan any one help me12:18
wafai have some troubles to install g++ under ubuntu 10.1012:18
susundberghi, please tell your problem12:19
susundbergwith little more detail, like what command failed or what did you try to do12:19
wafai must install gcc 4.1 and g++.4.1 under ubuntu 10.1012:19
wafait worked for gcc but not for g++12:20
wafaapt_get install g++-4.112:20
wafaapt-get install g++-4.112:21
wafain fact i need to install giza++ (it's an alignment tool) and for that i must install gcc and g++12:23
susundbergi guess that version is not supported anymore12:24
susundbergif there is package for that, you should install that one and let apt-get handle the depency requirements12:24
susundbergto me it looks like 11.04 has 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 supported12:25
susundbergplease see http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/g++12:26
wafabut i want to know please how to update the source file in ubuntu 10.1012:26
susundbergyou mean the c++ source file? Afaik in 99.99% cases the new compiler (4.5) should be able to compile the same files as the older (4.1)12:27
susundbergthough some options did change ..12:27
susundberg(i mean: what do you mean with 'update the source file' )12:28
wafasource list i meant12:28
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susundbergyou can edit the file containing sources in /etc/apt/12:31
susundberg(dont remember the exact name, i guess it was apt.conf, sources.conf or similar)12:31
yofel /etc/apt/sources.list12:32
yofeland make a backup of the file before you edit it, apt doesn't like typos12:32
wafaoh thanks12:32
yofelyou'll need to add another entry for the main server with the universe component for lucid12:33
wafai am supposed to add the link to g++ in this file is it?12:33
wafau mean the url ?12:33
yofelno, you'll see a line like12:34
yofeldeb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick main restricted multiverse universe12:34
yofelprobably not exactly the same but split over different lines12:34
yofelwhat you need for g++ would be something like12:35
yofeldeb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid main universe12:35
yofeljust add that line to the  end12:35
yofeljust curious, why do you need something as ancient as 4.1?12:35
wafaexcuse me may be my question is a bit silly but i am a new user of ubuntu12:36
wafano prob yofel12:36
wafai can explain u12:36
wafain fact i must install giza++ tool on my machine12:37
wafaand for that i must install gcc and g++12:37
wafai couldn't install gcc12:38
wafawhn i tried an old version it worked12:38
yofelyou couldn't install gcc o.O? Works fine here12:38
wafai dnt knw12:39
wafado u work with giza++12:40
wafait's an alignment tool we use in machine translation12:40
wafaany way12:41
wafau think that i can solve the problem by modifying the source list file?12:42
Chris_HAnybody home?12:44
yofelwafa: if you add the lucid line I gave you, you should be able to install the lucid package12:45
Chris_HI am having trouble running Google Chrome in Kubuntu. Is anyone else experiencing this?12:46
wafaok i'll try it and get back to u12:46
wafathanks a lot yofel12:46
yofelChris_H: define "trouble" - I don't have chrome installed here, chromium works fine12:47
Chris_Hyofel: its takes like about 9 seconds to load and I see some black boxes. I wish I could take a screenshot, but when on clicking, the chrome screen returns to normal12:50
Chris_HDoes it have to do anything with my graphics card?12:52
Chris_HFirefox 4 works superb and so does rekonq12:52
yofelcould be, but I'm really clueless there12:57
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jussihi all, I have 2 usernames and passwords saved in dolphin for SAMBA authentication, but I want to get rid of one - how do I do that?13:12
Riddelljussi: hmm, you might have to use kwalletmanager13:14
jussiRiddell: excellent, that worked! thanks!13:18
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xieyiif I update to natty alpha version from maverick, will i need another release upgrade after release version of natty comes out?14:39
James147xieyi: no, if you keep natty uptodate then you will have the final release by the time it is released14:40
xieyioh, thanks14:41
James147xieyi: but i suggest you use the beta cd rather then the alpha oone :)14:41
xieyiI upgrade from network, I don't know whether it is a alpha or beta14:42
xieyiI use the do-release-upgrade14:42
James147xieyi: then you will upgrade to beta14:43
xieyioh lucky. This is my first upgrade. I met problem when cups was updated14:44
xieyiit alway stuck at that step14:44
xieyibut luckly I use kill to get it through14:45
AlexZionhi everyone, I have a strange problem in Kubuntu 10.10 with kde 4.6.1...., very oftem when I move my mouse over the volume control on the tryicon, and I try to increase/decrease the volume, it just has a huge delay...,sometimes it takes then a minutes to do it ......,it is a known problem or it's just a problem of my configuration !?!14:52
* James147 is/was having a similar problem ^^ often with kmix useing 100% of one core then crashing the system :S14:53
James147AlexZion: try upgrading to kde 4.6.214:54
James147dont think i have noticed it since upgrading :) though I just got use to not chaning the volume for abit :)14:54
AlexZioni will James147......, so it was a known problem fixed inthis release ?14:55
James147AlexZion: I do not know... i was busssy at the time I noticed it and didnt chase it down ^^14:55
James147AlexZion: you may want to look for a bug report ^^14:56
jimmy51_hello, i'm ssh'd into my kubuntu 10.04 workstation.  how can i set up VNC or something similar remotely so I can access with GUI?14:56
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX14:57
AlexZionok  James147 I'll try it anyway, and if I get the same problem, I'll chck better on the bug report and I'll send a report if there isn't .....14:57
AlexZionJames147:  you think I should remove/rename somefolder after upgradeto 4.6.2 is done, to get ride it with a new configuration , or should be fine without do it ?14:58
jimmy51_James147: which viewer should i use?  xvncviewer is available in xvnc4viewer and tightvncviewer.14:59
James147AlexZion: I do not know ^^ i had tryed removing the config files in my first attempts to fix the problem but it didnt work... so it might not be related to them... though if you want to removes them they are at ~/.kde/share/config/kmix*14:59
jimmy51_(thanks btw)14:59
James147jimmy51_: I would use tightvncviewer... though only because it the only one i have used before15:00
jimmy51_ok, thanks15:01
AlexZionok James147 so I'll rename that folder after upgrade, thanks a lot15:01
James147AlexZion: kmix* are files15:01
James147Though you can move them to another folder or renmae them :)15:02
AlexZionahh ok... I'll do it .. ;)15:02
jimmy51_James147: holy smokes! it works!15:03
jimmy51_James147: thanks.  i'm off to controlling a workstation 25 miles away so I dont' have to go out in the thunderstorms :)15:04
James147jimmy51_: no need to sound so surprised :) people do that all the time in linux... :D15:04
jimmy51_James147: hehe, well i've been running kubuntu for about 4 years and never got it to work.  vnc mismatches and some kfrb thing never seemed to work.15:05
James147jimmy51_: heh, dont think I have ever had a problem with it :S15:06
AlexZionJames147:  I thing they are talking about the same problem  (http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3115296.0) and they fixed out it , using renaming the .kde/share/apps/kmix  directory  instead of the other files15:10
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quantcan anyone recommend a good news reader, please?17:47
quantKDE based17:47
James147quant: akregator ^^17:48
quantJames147: ah, right... ty17:48
quantJames147: no :) news reader, not RSS reader17:48
quantJames147: as in news groups17:48
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Guest16914podrian ayudarme a instalar DBDesigner Fork17:54
quantanyone with a suggestion for a good news group client, please?18:03
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Guest17992por favor ayudenme para instalar DBDesigner18:41
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BluesKaj!es | Guest1799218:44
ubottuGuest17992: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:44
himcan any one tell me why my daisy not founding the trash app18:45
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kalibHow can I install jre? The Oracle one.. Not open jdk?19:27
yofelenable the canonical partner repository if it's disabled and install sun-java6-jre19:29
kalibyofel, nothing19:30
yofelis partner enabled?19:30
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »19:30
yofelkalib: which release are you on?19:32
kalibops..found it19:33
sudiptais it safe to install kde 4.6 in ubuntu 10.10?19:43
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Tm_Tsudipta: should be safe19:44
sudiptaTm_T:r u using?19:45
BluesKajsudipta, yes kde4.6 is safe ..running it for almost 2 mos now19:47
sudiptaBluesKaj:mind to show me ur desktop(just that)?19:47
sudiptaBluesKaj:via screenshots....:))19:49
BluesKajsudipta, I'm using a large monitor so ctrl (-) to decrease theimage size , http://imagebin.org/14764719:53
BluesKajsudipta, np19:56
sudiptaBluesKaj:how is the experience with it .....I'm a ubuntu user .....thinking to give iit a try19:57
BluesKajsudipta, it's fast and stable and configurable , some themes /colours fail to install , but otherwise it's fine ..I'm not mucj=h of a gnome user so it's difficult for me to compare19:59
sudiptaBluesKaj:is the desktop effects r pleasant ...such as the expose effect(if there any)?20:01
BluesKajsudipta . it's all amatter of taste look here for themes and colours etc , http://kde-look.org/20:05
doctorasAdvice please worthy Video Converter20:16
* gomiboy uses avidemux20:19
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vrubiumhi guys, i was looking for online available wiki and found pbworks.com com zoho wiki, anyother suggestions? Thx in advance21:06
* vrubium nickserv identify vrubium iocnxw21:08
BluesKajvrubium, yous hould register using the server textbox , not this chat21:11
DreamsofanEagleHow do you report a bug when you can't even use the OS its in?21:15
BluesKajDreamsofanEagle, more detail pls21:17
yofelwell, over ssh would be a possibility, or by hand. If you're talking about your post in -bugs we'll need some logs though21:17
DreamsofanEagleDell Mini 1018 on 11.04, keyboard and touchpad do not work21:20
BluesKajDreamsofanEagle, ask in #ubuntu+121:21
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_dreamyhi anyone helping ? i got ubuntu 10.10 and i installed java 6 for firefox , but my java games wont start22:32
DreamsofanEagleaaaaand, I can't modify partitions22:37
DreamsofanEagleless it freeze on me22:37
pider55anyone know if there is a driver for this webcam: ID 041e:4055 Creative Technology, Ltd Live! Cam Video IM Pro22:59
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mrbamboosticki have a fresh install of kubuntu on my macbook but since the first ota update somethings wrong with the kde-gui. opening the kickoff application starter or hovering the mouse cursor over the taskbar icons displays everything from the top margin of the screen downwards, as if a display offset had been mirrored23:13
mrbamboostickwho knows how to fix this?!23:14
mrbamboosticki have a fresh install of kubuntu on my macbook but since the first ota update somethings wrong with the kde-gui. opening the kickoff application starter or hovering the mouse cursor over the taskbar icons displays everything from the top margin of the screen downwards, as if a display offset had been mirrored. anybody  have a clue how to fix this?23:21
James147mrbamboostick: what happens if you move the panel to a different edge of the screen23:22
mrbamboostickhang on, i'll give it a try23:22
mrbamboostickmoving it to the top edge doesn't change anything except that the kickoff starter is'nt displayed from the screen edge any more but from the lower panel edge. hovering over minimised programs or task icons however  still starts from the screen edge and covers the panel.23:25
mrbamboostickmoving the panel to the left edge displays the kickoff starter from the right edge of the screen and hovering displays the bubbles out of the screen apparently...23:27
mrbamboosticki'll try the right edge too, just for the hell of it.23:27
mrbamboostickpanel on the right edge: kickoff starter in top right screen corner. hovering produces no bubbles at all (probably out of screen)23:30
James147mrbamboostick: you can try resetting plasma to its default settings (or test a new user first)23:33
mrbamboostickmoving the panel back to the bottom doesn't change anything, but this time the kickoff icon is on its right end :)23:33
mrbamboosticki'd probably do that in the system settings, right?23:34
James147mrbamboostick: no, you need to rename ~/.kde/share/config/plasma*23:36
James147^^ rename or move23:36
mrbamboostickah, gotcha... most of the time i'm the type of linux user who depends on guis, but i can manage to open a console and do that. thanks :)23:37
James147^^ dosnt need to be with a console :) you can do it from dolphin23:39
roger_DreamsofanEagle: are you the same as _dreamy?23:47
roger_mrbamboostick: Did you just say OTA update?23:48
mrbamboostickJames147: does that mean all files "plasma*" or "plasm*" such as plasmoidviewer-appletsrc?23:48
mrbamboostickroger: yes. i know it's android-speak23:48
James147mrbamboostick: plasmoidviewer-... shouldnt matter... though you probally wont notice if you did rename it :)23:49
roger_mrbamboostick: Wow :) the blending of Linux contiues23:49
roger_DreamsofanEagle: What are you using to modify the partition?23:50
DreamsofanEaglethe Ubutu live installer23:50
James147DreamsofanEagle: you may want to ask at #ubuntu for ubuntu related stuff :)23:51
mrbamboostickJames147: it changed nothing. do i have to log out and in again?23:52
James147mrbamboostick: no, the settings are only read when plasma-desktop is started so restart it :) (a logout will do that)23:53
mrbamboostickokies. laterz.23:53

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