
=== Ursula__ is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Guest38069
gary_posterbac benji danilos please make sue kanban is up to date; call RSN13:28
benjiThat'd be a very geeky comic: The Adventures of Sue Kanban13:29
bacwow, new kanbanism -- multiple assignees13:29
gary_posteroh I didn't see that, cool13:30
benjithey also fixed several bugs13:30
bacwe could have one "book dublin travel" card now, assigned to us all!13:30
danilosbac, not to me, I'd need a separate 'need visa for Eire' card :)13:31
gary_posterbac skype13:31
bacon now13:32
danilosskype crashed, yay13:32
danilosgary_poster, clearProgressUI13:41
benjigary_poster: Robert was able to post some more details to the "I get lp bug mail even though 'on own actions' turned off" bug (739141).  Is that another good one for today?13:45
gary_posterbenji, oh yeah, I saw that.  It still didn't seem like much, and I recall feeling confused when I read it, but yeah, that has potential13:45
gary_posterso, yeah, another good one13:45
gary_posterbenji I did have one thought about that13:45
benjik, I'll see if it leads anywhere without going too deep into the thrash forrest13:46
gary_posterthe code to send emails seems pretty simple and well tested--that is, if we know the recipient and the "actor" then we simply check if they are the same and don't send the email. It's pretty straightforward.  The only place that seems like it could go wrong is if we misidentify the actor in LP itself13:47
gary_poster(outside of the sending code)13:47
gary_posterso I would investigate how those "actor" values are set; I also would check into the bug log and see if you can see any hints there for the particular actions Robert describes13:48
gary_posteranother possibility is that bug 753000 is causing this...13:48
_mup_Bug #753000: NotOneError caused by duplicate stuctural subscriptions <dba> <merge-deactivate> <oops> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/753000 >13:49
gary_posterthat is, our sending code might not handle the case in which two people subscribe at the same time13:49
gary_posterthat reminds me, I should see if stub commented on that bug...13:49
benji"at the same time" as in race condition?13:49
gary_postersorry, no, my mind went somewhere else and my communication went on dream-state autopilot :-P " our sending code might not handle the case in which  one person is subscribed twice--we might only remove one of the messages to be sent out:13:51
gary_posterdid that make more sense benji?13:51
benjiyep makes sense13:55
danilosgary_poster, hi, I am about to leave, but I need another clarification: direct team subscriptions (admin or not) are to be listed at the very top, or as part of the "rest" when there's a direct subscription?17:28
gary_posterdanilos, the "rest" unless you argue against me :-)17:29
danilosgary_poster, nope, that's just fine :)17:29
gary_poster:-) cool17:29
danilosgary_poster, thanks, out now, and I'm making decent progress but the branch is already ~1100 lines :(17:31
* danilos -> out17:32
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
gary_posterbenji, I want to write a unit test that tries to use the webservice to mute something.  I'm interested in database activity of the request as a whole.  Do you have a recommendation for an approach, or, even better, an example to follow?21:38
benjihmm, nothing off the top of my head, let me look real quick21:39
benjigary_poster: assuming you're fine with using launchpadlib, you can look at lines 32 through 54 of lib/canonical/launchpad/pagetests/webservice/launchpadlib.txt21:41
gary_postercool, sounds perfect, thanks benji21:41
gary_posteryeah, that's just what I was hoping for21:43
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk

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