
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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hyperaircould someone sponsor libgpod's sync please? bug #75556604:12
ubot5Launchpad bug 755566 in libgpod (Ubuntu) "Sync libgpod 0.8.0-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75556604:12
RAOFhyperair: Would you mind adding my less-CPU-use patch to the Banshee packages? (I can do the work, I just want your ack)04:15
TheMusohyperair: I see you don't have an FFE for that version of libgpod...04:27
TheMuso...unless its in another bug, but I thought they would have to be the same bug.04:27
hyperairRAOF: i don't mind, but do get it upstream first.04:31
hyperairTheMuso: it's a bugfix release. do i need a FFe for that?04:31
RAOFhyperair: Done!  In master and 2.0 branch.04:31
hyperairRAOF: ooh nice. gimme a commit hash to cherry-pick04:31
TheMusohyperair: Having not read the docs for a while, I am not 100% sure.04:31
hyperairTheMuso: well, i don't think i need an FFe ^_^04:32
hyperairTheMuso: besides, libgpod 0.7.9x versions were prerelease versions.04:32
RAOFhyperair: rfb9cb9970cb0 on the stable branch.04:32
hyperair0.8.0 is the final for that series04:32
RAOFhyperair: Also, rcdff2efe2575, but that's rather more cleanupy.04:33
* hyperair wishes RAOF would drop the r04:33
hyperairnow i can't double click on the hashes04:34
RAOFcdff2efe2575 fb9cb9970cb004:34
hyperairer why do those commits have almost identical commit messages? O_o04:34
hyperairoh wait, nevermind04:35
hyperairdobey: !04:35
RAOFDBO: You're looking for http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/lib/libX11/commit/?id=fd85aca7a616c595fc17b2520f84316a11e8906f04:38
DBORAOF, the problem is we dont *use* x in threads04:40
DBOlike at all...04:40
DBOunless a client lib is doing it04:41
DBOwhich I would really hope is NOT the case04:41
DBORAOF, you wanted to put this in the right channel, dont flip back :P04:43
DBORAOF, so what else could be going on04:44
DBOthe symptoms are identical04:44
DBOits just, we dont have the thread04:44
DBORAOF, come to think of it, I think the 1.4.2 update makes things *worse*04:45
DBOsince neil randomly started whining today04:45
DBOafter he updated04:45
RAOFCould you downgrade and check if it still happens?04:46
RAOFThat would obviously make narrowing it down easier :)04:46
DBOwell I am not saying 1.4.2 is the trigger04:47
DBOI only just upgraded04:47
DBObut it might make things worse04:47
RAOFWell… if it's deadlocking, can you work out which lock it's waiting on?  gdb should be a helpful bunny here.04:49
DBOhow can I work that out with gdb04:49
DBOkeep in mind I know nothing of xcb04:50
DBOI mean I guess the thing is04:50
DBOi would assume locks in xcb to be re-entrant!04:50
RAOFI'm not sure whether they are or not, but thats a pretty dangerous assumption ;)04:51
RAOFWhat's your backtrace on the deadlock, by the way?04:53
DBOso thats kinda the weird thing04:56
DBOI have seen deadlocks in XQueryKeymap, XGetWindowProperty, and XGrabPointer04:56
DBOthey all eventually end up in _XReply04:56
DBOand then into _poll04:56
DBORAOF, ^^04:57
* RAOF isn't sure if that's actually a deadlock.04:58
RAOFAnd is reading the relevant code.04:58
DBOit gets stuck in _poll04:58
DBOwhich is somewhat annoying04:58
RAOFIncidentally, I've seen something like this in DRI2WaitForMSC which I thought was a driver problem.04:59
DBOXCB went full retard there too?04:59
RAOFWell, compiz was blocked waiting in _poll in _XReply…05:01
DBOthats the bug!05:01
DBOits *retarded*05:01
RAOFGot a quick way to reproduce?05:01
DBOalways takes 9 months at teh quickest05:02
DBOmaximize/restore windows a lot05:02
DBOthat gets it for some people05:02
DBOyou can also try spaming the super button to open/close teh dash fast05:02
DBORAOF, ^^05:09
DBOgotta remember to ping the man, hes probably busy :P05:09
RAOFDBO: A winner is me05:10
DBOyou discover the fixes?05:10
RAOFNo, but maximising and minimising the IRC window certainly causes the deadlock :)05:10
DBOI find that less exciting than a fix05:13
DBOI fixed that deadlock in trunk btw05:13
RAOFHm.  That doesn't actually *look* much like a deadlock, unless xcb needs to be *writing* to the other side of that fd in poll..05:20
DBORAOF, it *acts* like one05:21
RAOFYeah.  xcb is waiting for something to happen on the other side of the connection.05:21
DBORAOF, what exactly?05:22
RAOFIt's possible that the problem is something like some other reader has read that, ignored it, and X is waiting for a reply before sending anything new.05:22
DBOhow would that be possible?05:22
DBOwithout a second thread05:22
DBOthere is no chance for another reader to get in there and discard data05:22
RAOFNo idea.05:23
RAOFPossibly xcb *itself* is accidentally discarding stuff.05:23
DBOwell uhhhh... fix it05:23
RAOFPossibly the X server is incorrectly ignoring the client.05:23
DBOit causes freezing :P05:24
* RAOF tests mesa fixes, then gets right on it.05:25
DBOi dont really think you can fix this one... but if you do I will donate all my owed beers in your honor next UDS05:25
DBOeven if we can fix and SRU this05:26
DBORAOF? any clues?05:57
RAOFDBO: Sorry, there.  IRC bouncer flaming destruction and a mesa build / test cycle happened.06:44
DBORAOF, so06:53
DBOany clues?06:53
DBObecause you know06:53
DBOI assume you have simply dropped everything to work on this06:53
DBOthats really the best possible outcome for me06:53
RAOFWell, will “shortly to drop everything to work on this” suffice?  There's a beta 2 freeze pending that I want to be sure I've got everything uploaded before :)06:54
pittiGood morning07:18
RAOFHowdie pitti.07:20
TheMusoHey pitti.07:20
pittihey RAOF, hey TheMuso, how are you?07:26
pittiRAOF: sorry for pushing, but do you think we can get in mono by the freeze?07:27
TheMusoWell thanks.07:27
TheMusorobert_ancell: Are ou working on yelp 3.0.1 at all?07:27
robert_ancellTheMuso, was going to07:27
TheMusoOk thanks.07:28
robert_ancellpitti, hey, did you look at the freedesktop sound theme package I asked you about?07:28
pittirobert_ancell: I remember replying to a bug about a missing sound with a question07:28
pittiit's been a while07:29
robert_ancellpitti, ok thanks, I'll dig around.  I must have missed the email07:29
RAOFpitti: By beta 2 freeze?  I thought it wasn't a priority for b2?07:29
pittiRAOF: right, not a blocker, just a question :) (the earlier, the better)07:31
pittirobert_ancell: AFAIR the options were to add the missing sound to ubuntu-sound or to seed the entire fdo theme?07:31
robert_ancellpitti, yes, with the latter being the easiest07:31
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:31
pittihey chrisccoulson07:35
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?07:35
pittichrisccoulson: pretty well, thanks! great work on your Sunday shift!07:35
chrisccoulsonheh, thanks :)07:35
chrisccoulsonpitti - although, i didn't quite get everything finished that i wanted to. i wanted to try and fix bug 749450 for b2, but i still haven't figured out what's going on07:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 749450 in Global menubar extension "Problem with bookmark menu in Firefox 4 : changes in bookmarks do not appear in menu before restarting FF" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74945007:37
zygamorning :-)07:38
pittichrisccoulson: ah, there's still time post-b207:38
RAOFhyperair: Oh, are you planning to upload banshee before the freeze?  AKA: please upload banshee :)07:38
chrisccoulsonpitti - cool, thanks. i'll try and figure that one out today anyway. would be nice to get fixed as the bookmarks manager is the only way of editing bookmarks now (as we can't drag menuitems around in the appmenu)07:39
hyperairRAOF: i need to wait for gio# and libgpod.07:39
chrisccoulsonso i should make sure that works properly ;)07:39
hyperairRAOF: gio# has been synced, but not libgpod.07:39
hyperairpitti: would you be kind enough to sponsor the libgpod sync? =)07:39
pittihyperair: already picked it up from scrollback, will get to it soon07:40
hyperairpitti: ah, alright, thanks.07:45
Sweetsharkmorning all!08:00
pittihey Sweetshark, how are you? had a nice weekend?08:01
Sweetsharkpitti: yes, had some nice BBQ at friends who have cats and a ~1 year old kid. Its great to be there for an evening as I like cats (but am allergic to them, so I cant stay with them to long). With kids its the same: its cool to play with them, esp. if you do not have to do all the work ;)08:10
pittiSweetshark: heh, I know the feeling when visiting my niece and nephew :)08:11
pittiwe had our first BBQ this year as well08:12
pittigot pretty cold later on, but the fire helped :)08:12
TheMusoOn the other side of the globe, we had a weekend of pleasant warm Sydney days, likely our last really warm weather till next pring.08:12
didrocksgood morning08:14
pittiTheMuso: finally we can steal some sun from you :)08:14
pittibonjour didrocks, ca va? had a nice weekend?08:14
didrockspitti: yeah, excellent one, thanks! Some walks in the forest with a fantastic weather :)08:15
didrocksand you?08:15
pittididrocks: sounds great! we went for some kiting (was pretty strong wind here), had our first BBQ, and also went downtown for some urgent shopping08:15
pittiand the usual pre-freeze Sunday afternoon shift :)08:16
pittididrocks: oh, btw08:16
pittididrocks: I did a commit to unity-place-{apps,files}, so please pull before today's upload08:16
pittididrocks: or won't they be uploaded, and I should just do it now?08:16
TheMusopitti: Yeah I am ready for cooler weather, although I do like this time of year, days are warm enough, but nights are cool enough to enjoy being rugged up in bed.08:17
didrockspitti: they won't be places uploads, just compiz/nux/unity08:17
pittididrocks: ok, I'll upload them then; they just drop the libzeitgeist-gio recommends08:17
didrockspitti: oh? why? /me checks08:17
pittididrocks: libzeitgeist-gio doesn't exist any more08:17
didrocksoh right, we put that in libgz a while ago when syncing back, hum, should have spotted that, sorry08:18
pittididrocks: no problem at all08:18
pittiI just did some NBS cleanup last night08:18
micahg_is compiz supposed to be eating up one of my cores?08:24
RAOFmicahg_: Yeah.  It's trying to keep you warm!08:26
DBOmicahg_, get a trace, see whats doing it08:26
* TheMuso is around for a while, so am happy to help with upload sponsoring to get things prior to the freeze.08:26
TheMusoGet things in.08:26
Laneya no-change rebuild of banshee would be good, to pick up the new gio-sharp which fixes a nasty leak08:29
TheMusoI believe there are other banshee bits in the works as well.08:29
micahg_DBO: will have to do in the morning, need to get pidgin up before the freeze08:30
pittiLaney: I can do that now, unless TheMuso knows about other urgent stuff for banshee?08:31
TheMusopitti, RAOF and hyperair were talking about it earlier.08:32
TheMusoI think RAOF had some CPU related fixed, and hyperair was planning an upload once libgpod was synced etc.08:32
pittiLaney: would that actually work right now, since the publisher is broken?08:32
hyperairLaney: wait a while. raof wants some patch in.08:32
RAOFhyperair: And you've got the package ready to upload, right?08:33
Laneywell, if it happens before the freeze08:33
hyperairi'm kinda at work at the moment08:33
Laneyotherwise we can just merge -2 later08:33
pittiRAOF, Laney: I suggest to explicitly build-dep against the new gio-sharp to ensure that it'll depwait until the mirroring problem is fixed08:33
hyperairwhen is the freeze?08:33
Laneytoday sometime08:33
pitti0900 UTC08:33
hyperair5pm here huh08:33
RAOF7pm here.08:33
hyperairi thought i had more time. >_>08:33
RAOFHeh.  So, you'd like me to prepare that package then :)08:34
hyperairyes please08:34
RAOFLaney: What's the gio-sharp version with the fix, so I can appropriately version the build-depends?08:35
Laneyit's not strictly necessary, which is I guess why it wasn't added08:37
Laney(and it was uploaded/built yesterday so I guess you'll get it anyway)08:37
* Laney swooshes off to work08:37
pittihey rodrigo_09:03
rodrigo_hi pitti09:06
SweetsharkDoes anybody know were the annoying completion behaviour of our bash cames from? typing 'ls $HOME/Down<TAB>' results in 'ls \$HOME/Downloads'. That is it completes the path correctly, but escapes the variable-dollar fubaring all further completions and the path itself, which is really annoying ....09:09
pittiSweetshark: hm, happens even without bash-completion, so it's bash itself09:34
Sweetsharkpitti: Hmmm, then I must dig out a bashrc that prevents that. I gotta have that somewhere ...09:37
xclaesseHow can I revert to usable scrollbars in ubuntu natty? I asked already and someone said to have LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0 in ~/.xprofile but that does not seems to work09:48
pittixclaesse: remove the liboverlay-scrollbar-0.1-0 package?09:49
njpatelpitti, jason fixed the resize bug with the edge reveal :)09:51
pittiDBO: ^ *hug*09:51
njpatelpitti, also, got a +1 from design about the implementation so a few more translation fixes and we're good to go I think09:52
DBOwhich si good09:52
DBObecause my sanity is fading09:52
njpatelof what little was left09:52
* pitti giggles about http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/new-options/revision/110409:52
pittiI was indeed complaining about that one :)09:52
njpatelpitti, UnJason'ing strings? :)09:53
xclaessepitti, ah cool, I though that would remove ubuntu-desktop too because of deps, but that seems recommended and not depend.09:53
pittixclaesse: right09:53
pittithese things are another sore spot right now, as they are so horribly inconsistent09:53
xclaesseand since it is a gtk module as I understand, I wish ubuntu good luck to patch OOo, firefox, etc09:54
xclaesseas if there were not already enough work to patch them for the macos menu09:54
pitti*sigh* indeed09:55
chrisccoulsonwell, firefox is no bother, seeing as the appmenu work will land upstream09:55
chrisccoulsonand they've already expressed interest in the scrollbar work too09:56
xclaessechrisccoulson, for firefox mobile, makes sense09:57
chrisccoulsonpitti - is there any chance we could get bug 438868 in to -updates soon please? (i know you're already busy enough with natty work too though ;) )09:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 438868 in kile "Numerous applications have focus issues after emerging from a screensaver or suspend" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43886809:59
chrisccoulsonit's breaking firefox 4 quite badly and i keep getting users reporting bugs and complaining to me about it ;)09:59
Sweetsharkpitti: http://opengrok.libreoffice.org/xref/writer/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8graf.cxx#1917 <- something to giggle at (unless you have to maintain that code)10:01
pittiSweetshark: heh, nice comment10:02
pittichrisccoulson: it's 6 days now, so without special arrangements it would go into -updates tomorrow10:02
pittichrisccoulson: I can move it now if you know that a lot of people tested it10:03
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, it seems like a few people have tested it (and jo has been running it here for a few days too)10:04
chrisccoulsonhmmm, bug 740126 is driving me crazy now10:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 740126 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz hangs randomly several times per day" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74012610:05
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: tmux is my way of keeping sane ...10:05
zygadpm, ping10:09
seb128pitti, bug #740848 got some duplicates recently not a stopper but might be worth watching10:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 740848 in udisks (Ubuntu) "udisks-daemon crashed with SIGABRT in g_udev_marshal_VOID__STRING_OBJECT()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74084810:09
seb128chrisccoulson, is that an xorg or unity bug?10:10
chrisccoulsonseb128 - not sure where it is tbh10:10
didrocksdpm: hey10:11
pittiseb128: thanks, I'll have a look10:11
chrisccoulsonall i know is that compiz hangs frequently, and sometimes killing it after it's hung screws up X10:11
chrisccoulsonit normally hangs every few times i close my laptop lid, but it did it just a few minutes ago whilst i was working too10:11
dpmhey didrocks :)10:11
chrisccoulsonit did it probably a dozen or so times yesterday ;)10:11
seb128did that start recently?10:12
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it's been doing it for a while. i reported it on 22nd march, but i can't remember exactly when it started10:12
didrocksdpm: we are going to get few new strings in unity today (desktop files and new binary)10:12
didrocksdpm: it's linked to a FFe10:13
didrocksdpm: I'll subscribe you to it when I get a chance10:13
dpmdidrocks, thanks for the heads up10:25
dholbachdoes anyone know if bug 663001 is easy to fix?10:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 663001 in libubuntuone "My Downloads page shows incorrect status for songs with some non-English characters" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66300110:37
dholbachis it a matter of using unicode instead of normal strings or something? O:-)10:37
seb128dholbach, you should check with the u1 guys10:48
seb128rodrigo_, you want to ctrl-l on list :p10:48
seb128(why people keep replying to the submitter directly on list discussions)10:48
rodrigo_seb128, sorry, it's just I forget, I always reply to all on lists10:55
rodrigo_seb128, will do it next time :)10:55
seb128rodrigo_, thanks ;-)10:56
vishSweetshark: hi,re: Bug 753584, I'm not sure why you attached your screenshot, i think the reporter is talking about MIME icons, i might re-color those LibO MIME icons in Humanity colors, does copyright allow that? so if you know the copyright it would be great.. i know nothing about copyrights ;)10:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 753584 in humanity-icon-theme (Ubuntu) "New Libre office icons are used in the launcher but not in Nautilus / Dash search results" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75358410:56
vishrodrigo_: seb128: i asked that same thing on #evolution and they said i was rude for trying to do that ;p » http://david.woodhou.se/reply-to-list.html10:56
vishthats the link they dropped on me :s10:57
rodrigo_vish, yes, the eternal discussion10:57
rodrigo_I really prefer reply-to-all, as it makes sure the person you're replying to gets the mail, if he/she's not subscribed10:57
seb128I hate having my inbox spammed with list discussions10:59
seb128like reply to the list are filtered correctly10:59
seb128but direct replies land in my inbox10:59
pittiyeah, it breaks people's "sort into different priority boxes" filtes11:00
vishrodrigo_: i just replaced the reply-to-all button with reply-to-list button, and escaped from Wrath of Seb ;)11:00
pittiI usually just delete them from my personal inbox, but it always takes time to check11:00
seb128right, same here11:02
rodrigo_seb128, then tweak your filters (if you're using evolution), I get both replies on the correct folder11:02
seb128it's also that I give an higher priority to my inbox and those get me check on what is needed to figure it's just a reply to a list discussion and that I shouldn't have stopped what I was doing for it11:03
rodrigo_seb128, :)11:03
seb128rodrigo_, well then you get duplicated emails11:03
rodrigo_seb128, yes, that's true11:03
seb128I'm using server side filtering11:03
rodrigo_but since so many people use reply-to-all, I think there's nothing you can do11:03
rodrigo_seb128, but I'll make sure you don't get 2 copies from me, don't worry :)11:04
rodrigo_seb128, ah11:04
seb128well I can complain to people for not using properly their email client ;-)11:04
seb128reply to list is made for lists :p11:04
rodrigo_yeah, the eternal discussion, so you'll have to deal with both kind of users :-)11:05
seb128ideally the email clients would be smart enough to delete the direct reply if it detects the same email went to a list11:08
rodrigo_seb128, yeah11:08
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, isnt' there a duplicate checker plugin in evolutioon?11:08
* rodrigo_ looks11:08
seb128could be11:08
rodrigo_not in the ubuntu package, but iirc I've seen one in the source code11:09
rodrigo_no, I was dreaming it seems11:10
rodrigo_anyway, what I do is read mail in search folders, the "normal" folders are only for storing the mails11:11
rodrigo_so I have a 'personal mail' search folder where I get only messages sent (or CCed) to me11:11
cjwatsonduplicate checking breaks the ability of people to explicitly alert you to a discussion happening on a list you occasionally read by CCing you; I for one value that11:12
rodrigo_cjwatson, yes, me too11:13
seb128cjwatson, indeed11:15
Sweetsharkvish: new stuff in LO is dual licensed LGPL3+/MPL, so you can use it rather freely as long as you also publish the source along anything compiled (for images, this mostly means not only passing rendered bitmaps but making the vectors images available too)11:15
seb128I should stop complaining and just keep pressing delete on ;-)11:15
rodrigo_seb128, :)11:16
Sweetsharkvish: as usual the IANAL warning applies ;)11:17
lifelessrodrigo_: theres a duplicate checker you can run in procmail, if you want that11:18
rodrigo_lifeless, I don't, it's seb128 :)11:18
vishSweetshark: so, if I am to include i should mention it in these two places http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art-pkg/humanity/release/view/head:/debian/copyright ; http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art-pkg/humanity/release/view/head:/Humanity/AUTHORS  ?11:19
seb128not really in fact after thinking, I just want people to stop Cc-ing me on mailing list replies when it's an active discussion I obviously read since I'm participating in it ;-)11:19
cdbsrodrigo_: Got your mail11:21
cdbsrodrigo_: Nope, I am not, it appears kklimonda did it already on his ppa11:21
rodrigo_cdbs, ah, ok11:22
chrisccoulsonthunderbird has a duplicate checker addon11:25
seb128chrisccoulson, stop trying to sell you email client :p11:26
chrisccoulsoni'm subtle aren't i? ;)11:26
Sweetsharkvish: please, please modify the files directly upstream at http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/artwork/tree/ooo_custom_images/human11:26
kklimondacdbs: what did I do? :)11:27
cdbskklimonda: ah, I forgot to tell you about i11:27
cdbskklimonda: I saw the newest version of Epiphany in your ppa11:27
vishSweetshark: oh, my changes has nothing to do with LibO, it would be in Humanity package, I'm talking about the MIME icons11:27
cdbskklimonda: Do you plan to put it up on the GNOME3 ppa?11:27
rodrigo_kklimonda, yes, please, put it in the PPA11:28
rodrigo_kklimonda, if it's ready11:28
* cdbs is using kklimonda's epiphany ATM, its flawless11:28
vishSweetshark: if you see comment#13 on that bug, it would be changing the icons only in humanity11:28
rodrigo_kklimonda, I have a tester for the package, so what's the PPA?11:29
kklimondarodrigo_: it's ready, but I don't have the access for PPA.11:30
rodrigo_kklimonda, ah, let me know of a branch, and I'll push it11:30
vishSweetshark: right now, you are thinking about icons in the libreoffice-style-human package, but the OP seems to be talking about the icons for files, like the screenshot in the last comment11:30
Sweetsharkvish: the MIME icons are also used in the LO startcenter. I dont think we want different icons in the LO startcenter and in nautilus. So, if you "ubuntuize" the LO icons, they should be that way in both the nautilus theme as in our libreoffice themeing IMHO.11:30
kklimondacdbs: do you use epiphany? Is it possible to make tabs shrink somehow when you open too many of them? Right now I can't open more then 7 or 8 before damn button shows up, and I can't keep track of what I have opened.11:39
cassidyseb128, kenvandine: you probably want to fix https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-idle/+bug/757373 in natty11:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 757373 in telepathy-idle (Ubuntu) "password-prompt param should be in the manager file" [Undecided,New]11:39
seb128cassidy, thanks11:39
TheMusochrisccoulson: I recently changed from using mutt to thunderbird for personal email, and its nice to know there is a dup check addon, and overall the experience is good anyway.11:42
rodrigo_njpatel, ping11:52
rodrigo_njpatel, unping, found the issue :)11:53
njpatelrodrigo_, heh11:54
njpatelrodrigo_, did you see my comment on the luke bug?11:54
rodrigo_njpatel, yes, was about the branch that fixed it11:54
njpatelah, okay, it's in trunk now11:54
rodrigo_njpatel, I was wondering why it would get a non-indicator object from the list11:54
njpatelrodrigo_, I think it runs off the end of the list11:55
njpatelbut it doesn't make sense11:55
njpatel(i Know)11:55
njpatelbut needed a fix11:55
njpatelit was late yesterday night :)11:55
rodrigo_hmm, well, g_slist_nth_data would return NULL if you pass an index out of bounds11:56
TheMusolol on the luke bug. :)(11:56
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rodrigo_njpatel, but yes, there's code to go to the last item if -1 is reached as index, right?11:56
rodrigo_hey TheMuso11:56
TheMusoHey rodrigo_.11:56
TheMusoI was actually getting a strace when I checked that bug again and found njpatel's comment.11:57
rodrigo_TheMuso, could you please have a look at my comment at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/740729 please?11:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 740729 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "The indicators for gnome-control-center should be extended with icon/accessible descriptions." [Low,In progress]11:57
rodrigo_TheMuso, yeah, cool that njpatel saved us some work :)11:57
TheMusorodrigo_: Oh right, that slipped off my radar, will do so.11:57
rodrigo_TheMuso, thanks!11:58
rodrigo_TheMuso, ah ok, so the 3rd argument to app_indicator_set_icon_full is the accessible description then, right?12:17
TheMusorodrigo_: THink so, would have to check libappindicator's docs.12:18
rodrigo_ok, I'll check12:18
rodrigo_hmm, a friend of mine testing the PPA has this on his sources.list: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugnometeam/gnome3/ubuntu natty main12:25
rodrigo_it seems to have the correct packages, but the url is different, so where does that come from?12:25
rodrigo_the "official" url is deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/gnome3-team/gnome3/ubuntu natty main12:25
seb128rodrigo_, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugnometeam12:27
seb128rodrigo_, seems a different team12:27
rodrigo_ah, it's a copy of our ppa12:28
seb128rodrigo_, they probably copy packages from the other ppa12:28
TheMusoDuplicated effort...12:28
rodrigo_yes, seems so12:28
seb128rodrigo_, https://launchpad.net/ubuntugnome12:29
seb128has a description12:30
chrisccoulsonit's a group of people from ubuntuforums who spend all of their time whinging about unity and want to create a pure gnome version of ubuntu12:30
chrisccoulsoni recognize one of the names in the team12:30
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, is he on IRC?12:30
chrisccoulsonit's jcastro's friend, ronacc!12:30
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, i don't think so12:31
* TheMuso isn't a fan of the forums.12:32
seb128what they don't get is that Ubuntu will ship GNOME still12:32
seb128no need of a remix12:32
rodrigo_they probably could use their time to help on the official gnome3 ppa12:32
rodrigo_I'll talk to jcastro later, when he wakes up12:32
kklimondarodrigo_: meh, that would actually mean that they are working as part of Ubuntu, and not fighting evil Ubuntu/Canonical overlords. ;)12:33
rodrigo_ah, but they use launchpad :-)12:34
rodrigo_if they want a pure non-ubuntu distro, they should use debian then :)12:34
kklimondain Debian no one would put up with their s%^& ;)12:35
vishseb128: ha! i just sent a mail with that project link :D12:35
vish https://launchpad.net/ubuntugnome12:35
seb128where did you send it?12:36
vish-desktop , dont worrry you are not Cc'd ;p12:36
* rodrigo_ writes a dont-CC-seb plugin for evolution :-)12:37
rodrigo_kklimonda, heh, right12:38
rodrigo_but if they want a pure gnome version, I guess they can get the CD and replace ubuntu stuff and create their own CD12:38
rodrigo_less work, I guess12:38
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, i'm not sure they're help would be *that* welcome tbh ;)12:39
chrisccoulsonthey're ubuntu users who seem to hate every single change which happens12:39
chrisccoulsonand they seem to want a pure gnome version because they think that unity changes too much12:39
chrisccoulson(which is ironic really)12:39
chrisccoulsonseeing as they're basing they're spin-off on gnome-shell ;)12:39
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, ok then, but we should warn users to use our PPA, not theirs12:40
kklimondain other words Gubuntu lives on! ;)12:40
vishchrisccoulson: that group is perfect for what kklimonda wants to get done for the Stracciatella session ;)12:40
chrisccoulsonvish - they would still moan, even with the stracciatella session12:41
chrisccoulsonthey will always find a reason to whinge and moan12:41
seb128they probably don't understand that gnome-panel and nautilus will still be in Ubuntu and it's fine to use those12:41
seb128what we need is a way to block some ppa or display a text entry where you need to write "I know I'm going to break my system by using that ppa and I will not complain once it's done"12:43
vishseb128 loves people using nautilus-elementary ! ;p12:43
seb128I've nothing against people using elementary, I've against people writing elementary rather than contributing to nautilus ;-)12:44
chrisccoulsonthis is the person who seems to have the biggest list of problems with unity and spends the most amount of timing complaining about all the unity bugs he has, but he's never actually reported a single unity bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~itsmealso2/+reportedbugs12:45
chrisccoulsonhe's one of those contributing to that ppa ;)12:45
seb128chrisccoulson, you read forums?!12:46
chrisccoulsonseb128 - if i'm really bored at the weekend12:46
chrisccoulsoni wouldn't recommend it, the forums are a really depressing place to go12:46
kklimondaI've added "ubuntuforums.org" to my /etc/hosts some time ago.12:46
rodrigo_yeah, forums are bad12:46
kklimondathis way it doesn't tempt me to go there12:47
chrisccoulsonthat's quite a good idea ;)12:47
seb128well, you need to go there not to want constructive discussions ;-)12:47
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, ok, so it seems it's probably better to leave them do what they want12:47
rodrigo_maybe jcastro wants to talk to them, just in case12:47
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, yeah, probably. although tbh, i think that all they will be doing is copying packages from the PPA ;)12:47
chrisccoulson(the official PPA)12:47
seb128we should just communicate clearly to users to not use that ppa ;-)12:48
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, right, that's why I think the best action is to ignore that team :)12:48
rodrigo_seb128, yes, and do that12:48
chrisccoulsonare they copying binaries or just the source and doing a rebuild?12:48
seb128that should mostly sort itself next cycle when GNOME3 lands in Ubuntu proper12:48
chrisccoulsonif it's the latter, then that's really annoying ;)12:48
seb128they do rebuilds it seems12:49
chrisccoulsonwe keep having users copying firefox source packages from our PPA, and eating up PPA time for no reason12:49
seb128they waste buildds cycles!12:49
kklimondachrisccoulson: really? ugh..12:49
kklimondaand here I complain that every day at 4am all builders are munching on mozilla and chromium packages ;)12:49
rodrigo_that's bad yes12:49
chrisccoulsonyeah. i wanted to ship translations in our firefox-stable PPA (because we are advertising it as officially supported), and my translations got stuck behind duplicated firefox builds in other PPAs12:50
chrisccoulsonwhich was really annoying12:50
chrisccoulsonlaunchpad should probably prompt someone if they try to copy sources when binaries already exist12:51
chrisccoulson"do you really want to do this, and waste everyone elses time?"12:51
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Martiinianyone use Twitter ??13:16
* rodrigo_ lunch13:17
Sweetsharkpitti: I would like to do one final FFe update as 3.3.2-1ubuntu3 for bug 720716 and bug 740815, but I am still waiting for at least french translations. I will not merge in debian changes for that release as the changes in 3.3.2-2 seem noncritical.13:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 720716 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Please add unity Quicklist support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72071613:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 740815 in xulrunner-1.9.2 (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Updates to enable us to drop xulrunner from main" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74081513:22
pittiSweetshark: those both sound fine, but too late for beta-2, I'm afraid (builds too long on arm, and causes uninstallability)13:23
pittiSweetshark: if we can have the upload ready around Friday, that'd be great, though13:23
ogra_pitti, friday ?13:24
Sweetsharkpitti: k, I'll home in on that.13:24
ogra_pitti, dont we hard freeze on thu ??13:24
pittiogra_: no, it's beta-2; after that, we have another week in FF/UIF13:24
pittiwe do keep the freeze, yes13:24
pittibut mainly to control what's going in13:24
ogra_pitti, so "main release freeze" isnt final freeze ?13:25
pittiogra_: right now it's beta-2 freeze13:25
ogra_yes, until thu13:25
ogra_and the schedule says "main release freeze" on 14th13:26
ogra_i read that as final hard freeze13:26
seb128everybody is getting confused you are like the third one to ask today13:26
ogra_it *is* confusing13:26
seb128it would desever a clarification email13:27
pittitopic: Archive: Beta-2/Feature/UI freeze13:27
Sweetshark<- lunch13:27
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ogra_or a clearer naming13:27
pittiwhat would you propose instead of this ^ ?13:27
ogra_i mean on the schedule, its not the 14th yet :)13:27
seb128pitti, right, what is not clear is what happens between now and natty, when beta2 images will be out and if uploads will go in between beta2 and natty13:27
ogra_the topic one is fine and clear13:28
seb128right, the issue is not the current status but what happens between now and hard freeze13:28
pittiI guess with "Main Release Freeze" skaet means that natty will keep being frozen until the end13:28
ogra_pitti, we used to have a "hard freeze, no more uploads" entry in the schedule13:29
ogra_that missing made me think that the freeze on 14th is exactly that one13:29
seb128there is also no "beta2 is out, uploads accepted again until..." on the schedule13:30
ogra_(and thats the reason why i complained about freezing beta in the morning btw since the next three days looked like the last soft frozen days to me)13:30
seb128I will mention it to skaet when she's online13:30
chrisccoulsoni was confused about that too ;)13:31
kenvandinelots of updates this morning :)13:35
mterrykenvandine, hrm...  even with the new uploaded indicator-application, I still get bug 696336 which looks like a mis-free'd Application...  /me digs further14:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 696336 in indicator-application (Ubuntu) "indicator-application-service crashed with SIGSEGV in __strcmp_ssse3()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69633614:01
kenvandinemterry, :(14:01
GunnarHjseb128: Hi Sebastien, did you give https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/gdm/profile/+merge/56426 any further thought? I'm asking because I want that the trivial guest session fix in the same MP (revision 322) makes it into Natty. Maybe I should break out that detail to a separate MP?14:02
seb128GunnarHj, no, I still don't get why you can't do ". .profile || true"14:08
seb128GunnarHj, in fact I let it for somebody who understand the issue and has better shell clues than mine14:09
GunnarHjseb128: I'm not able to explain why either. ;-)  But I take it that I should move the guest session thing to a new MP then, or would it be possible to commit only that revision?14:11
seb128GunnarHj, try pinging doko or kirkland since they are patch pilot today14:12
GunnarHjseb128: Ok, will do. Thanks!14:12
seb128btw what is "gnome-classic-guest-restricted"?14:13
GunnarHjseb128: It's the value the DESKTOP_SESSION var gets when a guest session is launched in a classic session.14:14
rickspencer3good morning desktoppers14:27
pittihey rickspencer314:27
rickspencer3pitti, would it be possible for someone to find out why Unity is so crashy for kees?14:28
rickspencer3I wonder if his graphics card + being 64 bit = trouble14:29
pittiwell, it's not really any less crashy for me14:29
pittitoday's upload fixes all the bugs I reported, though :)14:29
pittiwell, s/bugs/crashes/14:29
pittiI have been on 64 bit for the last 5 years, too14:29
rickspencer3pitti, kees said he was getting several crashes a day, pitti, do you and kees have the same hardware?14:33
sabdflhey folks14:33
pittirickspencer3: Intel Arrandale Video, 64 bit, ThinkPad X201 here14:33
pittihey sabdfl, how are you?14:34
sabdfljust noticed we appear to be dropping pulseaudio-raop / -zeroconf14:34
seb128hey rickspencer3 sabdfl14:34
sabdflgut thanks pitti, you?14:34
sabdfli think that's the module that makes my apple-tv show up in pulse, is that right?14:34
seb128rickspencer3, did he get some crashes in use?14:34
sabdfldoes it work?14:34
pittiAFAIR it got added as a recommends at some point in natty, but it caused too much trouble, so it was dropped again a month or so ago14:34
pittisabdfl: I'm fine, thanks!14:35
seb128rickspencer3, the one he mentioned on his email is the known "compiz crash when toggling options in ccsm"14:35
sabdflit's a cool feature so hopefully it stabilizes and we can bring it back in dreamy-time14:35
seb128rickspencer3, which is a bit unfortunate but that's not really an unity usage issue, ie should not happen in normal desktop use once configured14:35
rickspencer3This afternoon, compiz only crashed twice, and I was able to use Unity14:36
rickspencer3for a few hours (most of the time spent filing bugs, see below). I14:36
rickspencer3am still using Unity at the moment, but bug 755156 has gotten so bad,14:36
rickspencer3I may have to go back to metacity soon.14:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 755156 in compiz (Ubuntu) "alt-tab does not always work, instead is overridden by focus-follows-mouse" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75515614:36
seb128rickspencer3, the crashes he reported seemed like ccsm triggered ones14:36
seb128rodrigo_, I closed a bunch of crash bugs in launchpad due to people mixing gtk2 and gtk3 programs, we should check the ppa and put conflicts where required14:37
seb128bug #75274614:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 752746 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus crashed with SIGABRT in g_option_context_parse()" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75274614:37
jcastrorodrigo_: looking for me?14:38
seb128bug #75025614:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 750256 in gnome-bluetooth (Ubuntu) "bluetooth-applet crashed with SIGABRT in g_option_context_parse()" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75025614:38
seb128bug #73864814:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 738648 in gnome-user-share (Ubuntu) "gnome-user-share crashed with SIGABRT in g_option_context_parse()" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73864814:38
seb128rodrigo_, ^14:38
seb128not sure how they get gtk2 and gtk3 to mix in those14:38
seb128likely nautilus-sendto or something14:38
seb128hey jcastro14:38
seb128jcastro, I think that was about https://launchpad.net/ubuntugnome14:39
davmor2rickspencer3, seb128: I didn't think FFM was working properly in natty?  would that not be part of the issue?14:39
jcastroseb128: oh right I saw this before14:39
seb128jcastro, do you know why those guys just copy the gnome3 ppa rather than working directly there?14:39
pittiI am also using FFM14:39
pittiapart from menus being icky, it works here14:39
seb128what is "ffm"?14:39
seb128oh, focus follow mouse14:39
pittifocus follows mouse14:39
seb128no that's not officially supported by unity14:39
pitticlick-to-focus is not officially supported by my brain, so I'm keeping ffm :)14:40
pittibut I don't think it causes crashes14:40
jcastroseb128: I think their deal is they want to make an ISO out of it. I can send them a mail or something14:40
rickspencer3seb128, well, I'd just like to make sure ... kees doesn't seem happy with the stability14:40
seb128rickspencer3, right, I meant to talk with him whe he gets online14:40
seb128rickspencer3, but I've the feeling that he tweaked a lot in ccsm to make compiz work for what he's doing14:41
rickspencer3thanks seb12814:41
seb128rickspencer3, which is a bit unfortunate because ccsm tend to crash compiz still...14:41
rickspencer3that is unfortunate14:41
jcastroseb128: it just looks like a PPA copy to me.14:41
jcastroseb128: I'll send them a note14:41
seb128jcastro, thanks14:41
rodrigo_jcastro, hi14:58
didrocksrickspencer3: FYI, loicm priority for post beta2 is this ccsm crash (has most of crashes we get is due to people changing something in ccsm)14:58
rodrigo_jcastro, yes, just have a few things on my TODO for you14:58
rickspencer3didrocks, ack14:58
rickspencer3thanks man14:58
jcastrorodrigo_: I'd love to help!14:58
jcastroseb128: looks like they've been on the waiting list for the official gnome3 team for a while14:59
rodrigo_jcastro, 1st, about adding some comment in the gnome3 ppa page you wrote about gnome-tweak-tool, since lots of people complain about not being able to change themes14:59
jcastroseb128: I can just respond and CC you if you'd likee? They have questions about bugs and stuff14:59
rodrigo_jcastro, also, about http://www.gnome.org/getting-gnome/ <- we should get some mention of the PPA there, can you do something?14:59
seb128jcastro, we don't add random people like that they should start by contributing so we can review their work14:59
rodrigo_jcastro, and the other thing is what seb128 is telling you now14:59
seb128jcastro, can you Cc me and rodrigo and robert_ancell?14:59
jcastrorodrigo_: the first one is an easy fix, the 2nd is I think on purpose15:00
rodrigo_jcastro, oh, on purpose?15:00
jcastroafter seeing our instructions they probably freaked out. :)15:00
rodrigo_jcastro, ah, ok15:00
pittisabdfl: hey Mark15:00
pittisabdfl: can we do _something_ about the scrollbars by final?15:00
pittieither remove the whitelist, or punt them? please let's not keep the current wild mix :/15:01
jcastrorodrigo_: gnome-tweak-tool is in the ppa right? I can just refer to that package?15:01
sabdflpitti: if you are confident on stability, remove the whitelist with pleasure15:01
sabdfli'm using it that way without issues15:01
rodrigo_jcastro, yes, it's in the PPA15:02
chrisccoulsonare the scrollbars on by default?15:02
pittisabdfl: well, we'll still not get them for firefox, LibO, or any other app, but it would at least be a little more consistent15:02
pittichrisccoulson: yes15:02
seb128chrisccoulson, they are, they just work in almost none of the things I use ;-)15:02
sabdflwe already have inconsistencies in scrollbar rendering and behaviour between toolkits15:02
chrisccoulsoni seemed to have missed out on that :/15:02
chrisccoulsonit's not even installed here :915:02
seb128sabdfl, well, with those we have inconsistency inside applications15:02
seb128sabdfl, like xchat-gnome channel list and channel log don't have the same scrollbars15:02
sabdflseb128: only rarely, and in the few cases i'm aware of, we have the nice ones in the places you need them most15:03
pittichrisccoulson: it's a new recommends of ubuntu-desktop, "overlay-scrollbar"15:03
sabdfli trust we'll get a lot of help filling out the gaps, but mostly that's true if the gaps are clearer15:03
chrisccoulsonpitti - i guess that hasn't been pulled in on my machine as i haven't dist-upgraded in a while15:03
sabdflthanks for getting it in!15:03
pittiwell, it was you who FFE'ed it :)15:03
rodrigo_seb128, right, I'd say it's nautilus-sendto15:05
jcastrorodrigo_: I am reading reports of it working with 10.10 as well?15:05
rodrigo_seb128, for those bugs you pasted before15:05
chrisccoulsoni didn't have ubuntu-desktop installed15:05
chrisccoulsonpitti^ ;)15:05
seb128rodrigo_, can we get a conflict somewhere to avoid them landing in that situation?15:05
rodrigo_jcastro, what? the PPA?15:05
pittichrisccoulson: ah15:05
rodrigo_seb128, yes, I think so15:05
* chrisccoulson isn't going to miss out anymore15:06
sabdflpitti: i think we should drop the whitelist and use it everywhere. Cimi__ ^?15:08
jcastrorodrigo_: oh I see, it's the old PPA15:08
jcastro^^^ can we delete this?15:08
rodrigo_jcastro, yes, the new one only has packages for natty, and some of the deps are only in natty, so I guess it won't work15:09
rodrigo_jcastro, yes, but I don't have permissions, so seb128, pitti ^^15:09
pittisabdfl: if anythign, I had actually expected to test without a whitelist, and only then restrict usage; right now we have zero data how it works for the non-whitelisted packages; but might still be better to squeeze that in, if we are going to stick with them at all IMHO15:09
seb128jcastro, rodrigo_: can do15:09
rodrigo_seb128, ok, thanks15:09
pittirodrigo_: sorry, what?15:09
rodrigo_pitti, deleting this PPA -> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/gnome3-builds/15:10
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rodrigo_pitti, but seb128 is doing it, so don't worry :)15:10
sabdflpitti: you're right, i initially thought we'd whitelist only for a day or two15:10
sabdflso, bombs away15:11
pittirodrigo_: done15:11
rodrigo_pitti, ok thanks15:11
Cimi__sabdfl: for example, synaptic has issues15:11
pittisudo apt-get install time-machine!15:11
=== Cimi__ is now known as Cimi
sabdflCimi: blacklist then15:11
rodrigo_jcastro, about that ubuntugnometeam, maybe they should contact kklimonda, who wants to work on a straciatella version of gnome for O15:12
rodrigo_jcastro, also, if they could remove the PPA, if it's just a copy, it's just making LP rebuild lots of packages15:12
jcastrorodrigo_: I just CCed you guys with their lead person15:12
rodrigo_jcastro, ah ok, thanks!15:13
jcastrolet's get them on board first and then ask to remove the PPA15:13
rodrigo_jcastro, yes, sure, whatever is best, I don't want to make them stop working15:14
Sweetsharkpitti: whats your opinion on bug 756895? I feel not at all comfortable to change 160 icons three weeks after UI freeze.15:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 756895 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Include updated Humanity style" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75689515:30
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seb128kenvandine, btw reading your scrollbar apport tagging, I think "_" are not allowed in tags15:34
seb128kenvandine, not sure what would happen of it tries to set one of those tags15:34
kenvandineseb128, cimi just mentioned that15:35
kenvandineseb128, this is why i asked for a review of that... since i didn't right the hook and have little experience with them :-D15:35
seb128kenvandine, I didn't knew until now when I searched if some bugs had those tags set and launchpad sent me to the query page saying I was using an invalid tag ;-)15:36
kenvandineseb128, i'll upload it and beg the release team to approve it :)15:36
seb128kenvandine, can you the crash bug which is fix commited in as well?15:36
kenvandineseb128, got a link?15:40
seb128kenvandine, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/overlay-scrollbar/+bug/75471715:40
ubot5Ubuntu bug 754717 in ayatana-scrollbar "ccsm crashed with SIGSEGV in os_pager_draw()" [High,Fix committed]15:40
JanCI have a problem--compiz doesn't crash often enough anymore...15:47
kenvandineJanC, that is a great problem15:48
JanCyes, it is15:48
JanCnow I have to kill & restart it manually all the time...   :P15:48
JanCotherwise it eats all my RAM15:49
JanCcompiz grew 100 MiB in the last hour15:51
JanCand on average grows to about 3 GiB after a day15:52
SweetsharkJanC: Would you like mine?15:55
JanCSweetshark: your what?15:56
SweetsharkJanC: my compiz, it crashes still frequently. Although it also eats 800MB RAM already.15:57
seb128Sweetshark, did you file a bug about the crashes?15:58
Sweetsharkseb128: I havent found them to be reproducable really.15:59
seb128well that's fine, just click on the apport button to send the crash15:59
seb128the stacktrace is often a clue15:59
Sweetsharkseb128: k16:00
pittiSweetshark: hmm, tempting; it does look quite a bit better indeed16:02
didrocksJanC: what is your driver?16:03
seb128JanC, is that with today's update?16:04
rodrigo_how can I build a package without signing it?16:06
rodrigo_I'm using a virtual machine, and it's complaining always about the signing, so it never generates the .deb16:06
seb128rodrigo_, no, that's just a warning16:07
seb128it doesn't stop the build and it's after building the debs16:07
rodrigo_seb128, hmm16:08
rodrigo_seb128, I never get the .debs16:08
rodrigo_oh, I guess they're in the build area16:08
* rodrigo_ tries building16:09
rodrigo_yes, there they are16:10
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JanCdidrocks: the open source radeon driver16:25
didrocksJanC: ok, dunno then. We have similar things that people are reporting on nouveau leaking, didn't see the open source radeon driver yet16:25
didrocksJanC: if you can have examples of what explicitely is leaking (making a search, opening the dash… and so on), that would be great16:26
JanCI'm going to upgrade & restart compiz with todays update first, then see if I can find a culprit16:28
kklimondarodrigo_: hmm, any idea why doesn't gdm 3.0 set my locales correctly?16:28
rodrigo_kklimonda, no, haven't tried gdm 3 yet16:29
rodrigo_kklimonda, I'll install and try it later16:29
seb128didrocks, JanC: neil said earlier that the dash leaks some megs every time it's used iirc16:31
didrocksseb128: it was in a search only, 100 MiB in an hour will mean a lot of search :)16:32
seb128JanC, do you use search a lot? ;-)16:33
JanCand I hardly ever search; I think I might have searched for an application to start once or twice in that time, nothing else16:33
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JanCalthough you still have to go in person to drop off the photos apparently   :P16:36
JanCeh, wrong channel16:36
rodrigo_can someone please review/merge/upload this branch -> https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/gnome-control-center/fix-740729/+merge/57185 ?16:41
seb128rodrigo_, can do16:48
rodrigo_seb128, thanks16:48
JanCseb128: I can confirm that the dash seems to leak a couple of MiB every time it's used (now running todays updated compiz)17:01
seb128JanC, yeah, that's a "known issue", kamstrup is supposed to debug it I think if I got what njpatel was saying17:02
didrocksjames_w: hey, how are you?17:05
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james_wdidrocks, good thanks, how are you?17:14
didrocksjames_w: I'm fine thanks. Ready for final rush which already began :)17:16
didrocksjames_w: some question on new bzr-builddeb, I had to rollback because each time I try to bzr bd for unity* branch (in merge-upstream mode), I got an error:17:17
didrocksbzr: ERROR: Unable to determine the previous upload for --package-merge.17:17
didrocksjames_w: I generally bzr mu … which tag the branch "upstream-<version>" and debcommit the upload which tag the branch "<debian version>"17:18
james_wdidrocks, and I guess you aren't specifying --package-merge?17:25
didrocksjames_w: no, I'm not even aware what it does :)17:27
james_wdidrocks, you are using lp:bzr-builddeb or the package?17:33
didrocksjames_w: the latest package in natty17:34
james_wdidrocks, ah it looks like this has been fixed since17:34
kamstrupseb128, JanC: I am on it17:35
didrocksjames_w: oh nice, so I should branch and set the PYTHONPATH?17:36
seb128kamstrup, great ;-)17:36
james_wdidrocks, "bzr branch lp:bzr-builddeb /tmp/bzr-builddeb; BZR_PLUGINS_AT=builddeb@/tmp/bzr-builddeb bzr bd" I think17:36
didrocksjames_w: excellent! thanks :)17:36
didrocksjames_w: you're correct!17:37
didrocksthanks again :)17:37
didrocksdpm: so, I have a small gift soon for you17:50
didrocksdpm: a unity pot file including unreleased (yet) translation because of bug #757663 (thanks seb128 for pointing it)17:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 757663 in Ubuntu Translations "should list PlacesGroup.cpp in POTFILES.in" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75766317:51
didrocksdpm: can I directly update the pot file? should I sent it to your over email?17:51
rodrigo_ok, out for a bit, later all18:04
dpmhi didrocks, what do you mean directly update the file? You mean upload it to LP? Yeah, if you've got permission on the project you can upload it manually without having to wait for a package upload18:13
didrocksdpm: hum, is it directly again the project? no magical launchpad.net/ubuntu ?18:14
didrocksdpm: https://translations.launchpad.net/unity18:14
dpmdidrocks, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/unity/+pots/unity/+upload (if you can put it in a tarball with po/unity.pot it will make things easier)18:16
didrocksdpm: done!18:17
dpmdidrocks, great, thanks!18:18
didrocksdpm: I'm added the translator task18:18
didrocksok, you did :)18:19
dpmdidrocks, I didn't, someone else must have done :-)18:20
didrocksahah :-)18:20
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kklimondahuh, anyone else is having problems with Evolution not getting all email from GMail through IMAP? I've just discovered two days worth of mails in the gmail that never got to my computer..18:40
pittiTaekwondo time, back in some 3.5 hours18:41
JanC\o/  compiz memory usage/leakage seems to be a lot better with todays compiz upload (except for the couple of MiB leaked by the dash it seems to behave now)18:45
JanCkklimonda: I heard somebody complain about problems using Gmail IMAP with Thunderbird yesterday, not sure if that is related though18:47
dobeyhyperair: just replied to your e-mail19:23
mterrytedg_, filed a couple more potential crash fixers in indicator-application19:27
tedg_mterry, Woot!  Crashers!  :-)19:31
tedg_Cool, I'll take a look at them.19:31
chrisccoulsonnice, another firefox menu bug fixed \o/ (bug 749450)19:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 749450 in Ubuntu Natty "Problem with bookmark menu in Firefox 4 : changes in bookmarks do not appear in menu before restarting FF" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74945019:31
mterrychrisccoulson, nice  :)19:31
chrisccoulsontedg_, this 5 second delay in indicator-appmenu has been causing me some issues by the way ;)19:31
tedg_chrisccoulson, 5 second delay?19:32
chrisccoulsontedg_ - isn't there a 5 second delay before you destroy menus after the window closes now?19:33
chrisccoulsonto work around another bug?19:33
tedg_chrisccoulson, Oh, yes.  Why is that an issue?19:33
chrisccoulsontedg_ - extension restart in firefox. if it takes less than 5 seconds to restart, the menus are broken if firefox happens to get the same XID on the new window ;)19:33
chrisccoulson(which is nearly every time)19:34
chrisccoulsoni've hit it quite a few times today already (i've had to do a lot of restarts)19:34
tedg_chrisccoulson, Hmm, I thought I have it set up so that if you reregister under the same XID it'll delete the old ones for that case.19:35
tedg_chrisccoulson, That must not be working.19:35
mterrytremolux, heyo.  got a sec for a software-center issue?19:35
chrisccoulsontedg_ - hmmm, perhaps i've hit another issue :/19:35
chrisccoulsoni'll check again. it's entirely possible that i could have broken something else whilst hacking on my extension ;)19:35
tedg_chrisccoulson, Okay, check.  I believe it'll print out a message when it destroys the menus.19:36
tedg_chrisccoulson, So if you run the unity-panel-service on the console it'll show you that.19:36
tedg_chrisccoulson, But if it's a broken thing, it'll probably break in lots of places so I'd be a bit worried :-)19:37
tedg_FYI, the 5 second delay was to fix another issue that was with Firefox ;-)19:37
chrisccoulsontedg_ - don't panic just yet then, it's possible i broke something here whilst i was fixing that other bug ;)19:37
chrisccoulsonthe bug you're working around didn't just affect firefox though ;)19:38
chrisccoulsonpeople only reported it against firefox because it seems to be the only application that people use :P19:38
tremoluxmterry: sure, what's up?19:46
tremoluxmterry: p.s. hey!19:46
mterrytremolux, I ran into bug 746589 which became bug 746625 and now I'm not sure how to proceed.  But figured you software center peeps might want to know about the issue too19:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 746589 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "Permission denied SystemError when launching" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74658919:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 746625 in apt (Ubuntu) "SystemError: E:Opening /etc/apt/sources.list.d/private-ppa.launchpad.<something>list - ifstream::ifstream (13: Permission denied)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74662519:47
mterrytremolux, hi!  :)19:47
tremoluxmterry: yeah, hmm, gonna have to think about this a little bit19:51
tremoluxmterry: thanks for the head's up19:52
kklimondaJanC: hmm, I'll see if it works with TB.. :/20:14
kklimondano, works fine with Thunderbird so it looks like some problem with Evolution..20:16
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seb128wb pitti21:40
rickspencer3didrocks, hey, still around at all?21:53
didrocksrickspencer3: yeah, I'm here :)21:53
rickspencer3kees hit bug #740897 last week21:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 740897 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in g_source_unref()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74089721:53
didrocksrickspencer3: right, we already discussed it21:53
rickspencer3I'm wondering if it should be milestoned21:53
rickspencer3didrocks, ok21:53
didrocksrickspencer3: it's the same issue that the ccsm crash we are planning to fix this week21:54
didrocksrickspencer3: so, in a nutshell, if the ccsm issue is fixed (no crash when you add/remove a plugin in it), it will be fixed21:54
didrocksand this one is prio #1 for next release21:54
rickspencer3didrocks, I see, is it essentially a dupe?21:54
didrocksrickspencer3: well, it's the same crash, happening in a different context.21:54
rickspencer3didrocks, ok, thanks21:55
didrocksyw :)21:55
seb128didrocks, seems kamstrup fixes the dee issue, it could be worth getting in the upload queue?21:56
keesdidrocks: you think 755146 (master: 740897 SIGSEGV in g_source_unref) is really a dup of 755167 (master: 685552 ccsm-induced crashes)? they look like extremely different crashes to me.21:57
didrocksseb128: where did you see the commit? it's not in trunk21:58
didrockskees: I don't tell it's the same issue, I'm telling, it's another way to trigger it. We can be sure that all sources are well disconnected once we know that disabling the plugin in ccsm really disconnects all signals as expected21:58
seb128didrocks, https://code.launchpad.net/~kamstrup/dee/commit-transaction-leaks/+merge/5721921:59
seb128didrocks, sorry I was just reading email, let's wait for review21:59
keesdidrocks: not sure I follow, but okidoky :)21:59
didrocksseb128: yeah, I prefer relying on njpatel's review, it's not only gvariant fixes22:00
didrockskees: basically, I'll tell you when you should not see this crash anymore (hopefully Thursday after post-beta2 upload), if you still get it, warn us :-)22:01
kenvandineseb128, didrocks: just FYI i've been playing with that dee branch, and it is working well... but definately wait for njpatel to review it :)22:02
keesdidrocks: cool. so far, I've only ever seen the launcher clicking crash once. I can't reproduce that one. ccsm I've seen other people reproduce but I haven't tried it myself, and since this mornign, I disabled FFM and nothing has misbehaved yet. :)22:02
didrockskees: yeah, let's do the dee professional :)22:02
didrockskees: I can ensure you that if you try to enable/disable a plugin, you have approximately 100% of chances to get a crash :-)22:03
keesdidrocks: hehe22:04
rickspencer3didrocks, is FFM going to be crashy for 11.04?22:04
* rickspencer3 needs it boilded down to manager speak22:04
didrocksrickspencer3: not sure, kees is the first one reporting it to be crashy. It's not supported (as the global menu worflow isn't compatible) for sure.22:05
didrocksnot sure if pitti still uses it22:05
seb128rickspencer3, ffm is not crashy22:05
rickspencer3well, you could disable global menu, and then use it22:05
seb128several people here use it22:05
rickspencer3seb128,  says "no"22:05
rickspencer3seb128, do those folks disable the global menu?22:05
seb128rickspencer3, you don't need to turn those off, the pitti way is to open the menus with the keyboard ;-)22:05
didrockskees is the only one I know reporting particular crashes with ffm22:05
seb128did kees do and how?22:06
keeswell, I should clarify, all my crashes happened with using FFM, but all my misbehaviors are linked to FFM, and are unfixed (alt-tab "misses", fullscreen unhiding, etc)22:06
seb128rickspencer3, you can keyboard navigate the menu if you use ffm22:06
rickspencer3seb128, I've read a few places that people disable the global menu for ffm22:06
seb128kees, "not" you mean?22:06
keesso, "FFM not supported" is valid for "alt-tab doesn't work with FFM" and "dock doesn't work with fullscreen apps with FFM" etc22:06
keesseb128: my email from friday was entirely using FFM22:06
seb128alt-tab should work with ffm for sure22:07
keesseb128: since then, I disabled FFM and have had no crashes or misbehaviors22:07
keesseb128: it does not. see my email.22:07
kees(and my videso)22:07
seb128well pitti didn't complain about this one22:07
seb128so it's not for all ffm users22:07
keesthat's certainly good to hear! :)22:08
seb128he only complained that he can't access the menus since they change when the screen is crossed22:08
seb128so he open those with the keyboard now22:08
seb128rickspencer3, are you concerned about ffm users?22:08
rickspencer3seb128, well ...22:09
seb128kees, would you be any happier if we forced ffm off in unity sessions?22:09
keesis there any reason that the "Resize Info" module isn't enabled by default?22:09
rickspencer3if ffm is crashy, it suggests to my dim manager brain that there are un-addressed stability issues in Unity22:09
seb128kees, it never was22:09
rickspencer3oth, if it's ffm workflow is not well designed for, then I am not concerned for 11.04, but I think we should consider it for 11.1022:10
mvoI use FFM (with auto-raise) here too and its not crashing on intel, its crashing a lot for me on nvidia with nouveau though (not sure how helpfuly that is)22:10
keesseb128: I would remain unhappy that FFM was not usable, but if it works for other people, then leave it as it. but I've heard repeatedly "FFM is not supported in Unity", so it seems that should be enforced maybe?22:10
didrocksrickspencer3: we already discussed about that with mpt, but seems that a second ping will be necessary :)22:10
keesseb128: "it never was" -- maybe for compiz, but from metacity, it's a regression. but again, it's just me.22:10
rickspencer3mvo, and it doesn't crash on your nvidiea machine if you aren't running ffm?22:10
seb128kees, well it's not new for compiz it's how we set it up for years22:10
didrocksmvo: nouveau is known for memleaks and crashy22:10
seb128kees, it's what default Ubuntu with GNOME,compiz had22:11
rickspencer3didrocks, so what should mvo use for his nvidia hardware?22:11
mvorickspencer3: no, sorry. I mean, on nvidia with nouveau its crashy because of nouveau, its impressive that works, but its not very stable unfortunately22:11
seb128kees, but not sure off hand, I guess those numbers are not useful to most people and clutter the ui ... so design decision22:11
rickspencer3classic with metaciy?22:11
mvoI have a cheap nvidia 8300 (or 8400?)22:11
keesseb128: okay22:11
rickspencer3mvo, ic22:11
didrocksrickspencer3: nvidia driver, if not supported first :)22:11
didrocksmvo: not supported by the nvidia binary driver?22:12
keesmvo: so you don't see what happens to me with ffm and alt-tab in 755156 ?  (I have a video of the misbehavior)22:12
mvodidrocks: I don't know, I guess22:12
mvodidrocks: but its … proprietary22:12
mvokees: let me check, I had some focus issues, glitches mostly22:12
didrocksmvo: yeah, nouveau isn't good enough right now unfortunately :/ we pick a choice of what to test22:13
mvodidrocks: its impressive how much works with it really, but I guess for final we need to blacklist it (at leat my card)22:14
keesmvo: I got into situations where alt-tab didn't work (it would bring my selected window up briefly and then immediately refocus to the window my mouse was over)22:14
keesmvo: but not always.22:14
didrocksmvo: yeah, would be nice to ensure what starts or not with nouveau & 3d22:14
mvokees: I have seen focus issues too, but I can not say for sure if its the same or not, I don't use alt-tab that much, auto-raise is my alt-tab :)22:17
keesmvo: ah, I heavily use alt-tab. so much, in fact, that this change away from FFM hasn't been too terrible. I still prefer FFM, but am living okay without it.22:18
* mvo likes FFM22:20
* pitti too22:23
mdeslaurapparently every single person who likes FFM works for canonical22:23
pittibut apart from the slightly tricky menu behaviour it doesn't cause issues here22:23
seb128but not every persone working for canonical likes ffm22:23
mdeslaurseb128: no, there are quite a few sane people also, like you and me :)22:24
seb128I hate it, it keeps doing weird things when I don't use the mouse because I push it on the way and it always finish by focussing things I don't care about while I'm using the keyboard22:24
didrocksmdeslaur: seems I'm part of the club then :-)22:24
seb128"out of the way"22:24
seb128like I hit it with the arm or something and it goes over some window I don't care about and focus it22:25
seb128the only true way to switch is alt-tab ... and the unity launcher now ;-)22:25
chrisccoulsoni like FFM :(22:34
chrisccoulsoni've "adapted" to live without it for now though22:35
chrisccoulsonpitti - how do you still manage to use it?22:35
pittichrisccoulson: well, I use it :)22:35
pittiI seldomly need the menu, and if so I use alt+letter to open it22:36
pittithen it stays22:36
chrisccoulsonah, ok. yeah, that would work22:36
chrisccoulsonit's a good job i added alt key support to firefox a couple of weeks ago then ;)22:36
chrisccoulsonpitti - so, you must still see the untidy, extended menus in firefox all the time then, if you use the keyboard to access them ;)22:37
pittichrisccoulson: how do you mean?22:37
chrisccoulsonpitti - you get a different menu if you open it with the keyboard ;)22:38
chrisccoulsontry it on the bookmarks menu for example22:38
chrisccoulsonyou get less menu items if you open it with the mouse22:38
chrisccoulsonactually, the history menu is the most different22:38
pittihm, in bookmarks there's one more, but I don't see which22:39
chrisccoulson"Bookmark all tabs"22:39
pittiah, the back/forward entries are missing22:39
chrisccoulsonyep :)22:40
chrisccoulsonbasically, it's anything that already has another way of accessing the feature in the UI22:40
chrisccoulsonthe extra items are displayed when you access it with the keyboard though, to not break accessibility22:40
pittiit's subtle enough that I never really noticed22:41
pittichrisccoulson: but as I said I hardly use it; the awesome bar does the job quite nicely22:41
chrisccoulsonyeah, i couldn't live without that :)22:41
didrockschrisccoulson: pitti: you can also use F10 under unity and then left arrow22:44
didrocks(for setting the focus to the appmenu)22:44
pittididrocks: right22:44
chrisccoulsonnow, that doesn't work properly for firefox, because it doesn't show the hidden menu items ;)22:45
rickspencer3hey RAOF I'm replying to this person on @-devel-disuss who has a natty regression in his track pat buttons22:45
chrisccoulsonbecause unity intercepts the F10, i have no way to know whether the mouse or keyboard opened the menu22:45
rickspencer3what package should I tell him to $ubuntu-bug agains?22:45
rickspencer3bryceh_, ^22:45
vishpitti: how feasible is fixing Bug #757304 for natty itself?22:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 757304 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "package libreoffice-style-human actually contains Humanity icons and needs to be renamed libreoffice-style-humanity" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75730422:53
vish(the package was uploaded for natty)22:54
pittiseems rather cosmetical to me---most users will never see that package name anyway?22:55
vishpitti: yup, nothing that affects users, but wrong naming and if we fix for O then we will have a weird dup22:55
vishdup package22:55
pittivish: we'll need a transitional, yes; but we now need that anyway, for people installing beta-123:02
* didrocks waves good night23:21
bryceh_rickspencer3, ubuntu-bug xorg23:22
rickspencer3thought so23:24
bryceh_rickspencer3, trying to keep it simple for folks, just file anything X-ish against 'xorg'.  People shouldn't have to think too hard about what package is appropriate23:28
bryceh_rickspencer3, Chase has been really good about following up on input device issues.  The touch stuff brought a good bit of change in so he's been attentive to anything sounding regression-ish with input.23:29
pittigood night everyone23:42
rickspencer3'night pitti23:53

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