[06:54] good morning [07:20] YoBoY, good morning [07:21] YoBoY, BTW, I didn't get yet the answer, about ubuntu-CC.org [07:21] hi bassem [07:22] if you contacted Matthias, you just need to wait now [07:22] YoBoY, I did! [07:22] and I'm waiting [07:23] and if you don't have an answer after some days (one week) you can ping the loco council here [07:24] YoBoY, who exactly? or anyone ? [07:24] bassem: what's up ? [07:24] czajkowski: he want to request a ubuntu-CC.org domain [07:25] what team is that for ? [07:25] czajkowski, Emirates Team [07:25] czajkowski, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmiratesTeam [07:26] bassem: ok as far as I know it needs a RT to be requested I'm just about to head out the door to work can you email me and I'll follow up on it today for you [07:26] bassem: email czajkowski@ubuntu.com and I'll have some more information for you soon ok [07:26] and we also need to get you on the LD [07:27] czajkowski, I add our team on launchpad to locoteams project, I've read that is enough to be listed in LD! [07:27] right? [07:28] *I've added [07:28] not seeing it http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ [07:28] I have to go will look into it later [07:28] please email me and I can follow up on it ok. [07:29] czajkowski, https://launchpad.net/~emirateslocoteam [07:29] bassem: EMAIL [07:29] czajkowski, ok I will do [07:29] thanks [07:34] Greetings [08:04] good morning [09:42] cjohnston, pong === daker_ is now known as daker [12:46] Ronnie: howdy .. Just edited the wiki page for maps [12:46] hey kim0 ill have a look [12:46] Ronnie: Hey, I'd like to blog about it today to attract more minds into working on this .. sounds good ? [12:47] the more developers, the better in this case [12:47] wanna write the core posting ? [12:49] im not very good at writing motivating texts [12:50] hehe no problemo .. [12:50] I'll do it then [12:50] great [13:01] morning [13:01] czajkowski: how ya feeling? [13:09] cjohnston: ping [13:28] oh yay, mhall119 is back! [13:32] yup [13:32] a little bit sun burnt, and a lot tired, but I'm back [13:36] :) [14:42] mhall119: not good [14:45] :( === jono_ is now known as jono [16:46] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAppDeveloperWeek starting in 15 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom [17:15] mhall119: pond (leaving in a minute) [17:24] pond? [17:24] lol, just ping me when you're available [17:33] mhall119: so that's where they get all the water to put out fires :p [18:27] AlanBell: Your meetbot is awesome! === daker is now known as daker_ [18:43] mhall119: im back [18:45] cjohnston: hey, just curious as to what additional changes you had to make to the summit qrcodes branch [18:47] just a couple words [18:50] changed to Ubuntu Circle of Friends from circle of friends [18:51] it needs: "Once you have the software, run it and select " [18:51] i dont remember what else [18:54] Daviey: any chance you can review the remaining branches for summit and push live? [19:08] Daviey: there's a db migration in there, so make sure to get a db backup before pushing [19:11] I won't do this today. currently on the road, will be too tired when i get home [19:11] It's something i can probably do tomorrow [19:11] mhall119, we need to get you access. [19:14] i have a question [19:14] Im writting a script, one of the headers is Files with EUID and GUID owned by root... I need a command that lists those files... Im assuming it should be done with a single line command.Please help me [19:14] Daviey: if you can, I'd be happy to take over [19:16] mhall119: Probably something to sort out @ UDS. [19:16] anyone? please me with this problem [19:16] locodir-user: hi [19:16] locodir-user: EUID? [19:17] ya [19:22] please help me with this problem [19:22] locodir-user: not sure I understand the problem [19:22] and the main support channel is #ubuntu [19:22] you want to list files belonging to root or something? [19:23] ya [19:23] rott [19:23] root* [19:23] find -user root [19:23] should do it [19:25] its a script [19:25] i want to list all the files [19:29] what should i do [19:31] locodir-user: well that does list all the files owned by root [19:31] in a single line command [19:31] and it does it recursively [19:34] so this is the answer? [19:34] find -user root [19:35] it is an answer, to the question I think you asked :) [19:36] thanks :) [20:18] daker_: / Ronnie pping [20:18] cjohnston: pong [20:21] Ronnie: can you look into the current trunk of summit and the current trunk of light-django-theme? I'm showing an issue with the top-nav on some pages with top-nav display [20:25] cjohnston: on what pages? [20:26] /uds-o/ [20:26] and maybe sponsorship [20:34] cjohnston: how to import some sort of live data? [20:34] of is there some sample data [20:35] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam/SummitJam [20:35] Ronnie: ^ [20:35] at the bottom there is a .db [20:37] cjohnston: whats wrong with the top-nav? [20:37] ouch: no such column: schedule_attendee.crew -> on uds-o/ [20:38] ./manage.py migrate [20:38] here the top-nav is good, no erros [20:41] cjohnston: ^ [20:41] can you make a screenshot of yours [20:41] Ronnie: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2494160/Screenshot-Ubuntu%20Developer%20Summit%20-%20Chromium.png [20:42] cjohnston: and you use the trunk of light-django-theme? [20:43] yes [20:43] ubuntu-community-webtheme/light-django-theme [20:43] hmm strange [20:43] i tested both ff4.0 and chromium [20:44] mhall119 couldnt see it either [20:44] ff 3.6.10 is good too [20:44] can you prepare summit for use with the top-nav? [20:44] cjohnston: do you have any plugins, did you clreay your cache [20:44] so that maybe we can push that out tomorrow? [20:44] ya [20:44] I dunno what it is... I guess we can push it and see if its just me [20:45] no, i have no time to change the top-nav. im not familiar with summit, and my time is limited. [20:45] ok [20:45] I'll see what I can figure out from the LD code [20:45] yes, shouldnt be that hard [20:47] cjohnston: other question, do you know how to convert databases, i want to switch from mysql to postgres (django app). how can i migrate the data? [20:47] no idea [20:47] oke [20:47] i tried to make a dump to sql, but somehow psql is complaining [20:48] no idea [20:48] * cjohnston is off for a bit [20:48] oke [21:11] How many of you guys are in South Carolina? [21:12] Idea: when you log in to LD, a link to your loco team should be maybe next to the "Logged in as" down there. i think it would be comfortable [21:13] serfus: we already have something in the works [21:13] RBecker, probably #ubuntu-us-sc would be full of people from South Carolina :-) [21:14] cjohnston, oh good [21:14] preeety empty [21:14] ah too bad [21:14] I'm thinking of starting one locally [21:14] like in the county [21:16] http://www.ubuntusc.com/ (the website they have listed) is about body piercing [21:17] RBecker, have you tried to contact the team? [21:17] there's no contact set [21:17] you can try at the mailing list [21:17] that's true [21:18] RBecker, you should also contact the launchpad team owner [21:19] I'll do both [21:19] I would love to join it if it's active, if not I may start one locally [21:19] the team consists 31 people, which is a great start [21:20] I only got interested in LoCo because TWIL mentioned it in their latest video [21:20] it's always good to try and rebuild a team (or revive if it's dead) rather then starting a new one from scratch [21:21] makes sense [21:21] LoCos are awesome :) [21:22] there's only 4 real people in the IRC channel [21:25] ya it seems like the team has not been active for a long time [21:26] if you have the time and guts, go ahead and make it work again :) [21:26] I would love to see it back in action [21:29] i'm off now, you shouldstick around, other great people here will assist you. just sometimes this channel is a bit quiet so don't take it personally [21:29] I'm used to dead IRC channels [21:29] No worries :) [21:29] ;P good night world