
* issyl0 really should look at what she's typing...11:27
issyl0Or get a new / key.11:27
=== daker_ is now known as daker
Andre_Gondimgodbyk, may you check if every screenshot is ok14:40
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
=== daker is now known as daker_
Andre_Gondimgodbyk, may you check the screenshots?19:29
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
Andre_Gondimgodbyk, I think it's complete the screenshot now, may you confirm it ?22:00
godbykAndre_Gondim: Let me look.22:02
godbykAndre_Gondim: It looks like all the screenshots are on the server now.22:03
godbykI'll have someone check them and approve them.22:03
godbykThen we'll add them to the bzr repository so they can appear in the manual.22:03
Andre_Gondimthat's so nice, may you thing when is it?22:04
godbykI'm not sure how long it will take.  I have to track someone down who knows how to approve the screenshots.22:05
c7phey Andre_Gondim are you a translated edition editor ?22:06
Andre_Gondimc7p, no, I am just a translator from Brazilian Portuguese Team22:09
c7pah ok22:09
c7pAndre_Gondim btw, why don't you become a Brazilian Editor ? there is nobody on this role and it is essential  for publishing a translated manual22:16
=== Alexander is now known as Muscovy
Andre_Gondimc7p, how may I do this?22:41
c7pAndre_Gondim:  yeah of course, why not  ? probably you are the most suitable person for this22:53

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