d2_racing | bonsoir | 02:11 |
avoine | MagicFab: Je suis admin sur le site mais pas sur le forum | 14:24 |
MagicFab | avoine, ok, c'est un début :) ajout-emoi comme admin au site, IdleOne aussi SVP | 14:25 |
MagicFab | et bonjour :) | 14:26 |
avoine | d'ac | 14:26 |
avoine | allô | 14:26 |
MagicFab | cyphermox, deuxpi IdleOne mdeslaur moustafa sipherdee txwikinger - cheers to all! | 14:26 |
MagicFab | cyphermox, j'ai vécu ce bug vendredi soir :) -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/284596 | 14:26 |
avoine | argh il y a 45 pages de user | 14:27 |
MagicFab | par chance que c'était pas ma première fois. | 14:27 |
mdeslaur | Salut MagicFab! | 14:27 |
cyphermox | salut MagicFab | 14:28 |
avoine | MagicFab: tu est déjà admin | 14:28 |
cyphermox | MagicFab, pour le bug, ce sera pas réglé avant 11.10. | 14:28 |
avoine | MagicFab: c'est fait | 14:29 |
MagicFab | cyphermox, ouais j'ai vu ça. En attendant j'ai posté ma solution: https://bugs.launchpad.net/linuxmint/+bug/284596/comments/67 | 14:34 |
cyphermox | MagicFab, que je sache, wicd marche pas très bien dans natty, et fait que du wifi non? | 14:36 |
MagicFab | cyphermox, non, au moins wifi+wired ce qui suffisait dans mon cas.\ | 14:36 |
MagicFab | et "dramatically simplify the NM API and architecture" ça regarde pas pour une première nouvelle version stable.. :| | 14:36 |
moustafa | MagicFab: cheers ! | 14:39 |
MagicFab | moustafa, prêt pour le sprint ? :) | 14:40 |
sipherdee | bon matin! | 14:57 |
moustafa | MagicFab: Pas vraiment! | 15:15 |
moustafa | MagicFab: Je ne sais meme pas par ou commencer | 15:15 |
IdleOne | What is the difference between "Retirer les commentaires" and "Suprimer les commentaires" ? | 16:02 |
IdleOne | avoine cyphermox ^^ | 16:02 |
sipherdee | IdleOne: maybe that "Retirer les commentaires" put them in a moderation queue or something but they will know better than me. | 16:09 |
IdleOne | alors suprimer devrais les effacer completement? | 16:10 |
IdleOne | cyphermox avoine: I am thinking that ALL the comments on ubuntu-qc.org need to be deleted | 16:13 |
avoine | IdleOne: I agree and we should clean users | 16:13 |
deuxpi | yeah, it not like any of us were reading it | 16:14 |
IdleOne | avoine: is there a way to just delete all comments in one shot? | 16:14 |
cyphermox | let me remind everyone that some people do read the mailing list from the forum integration thingamajig ;) | 16:14 |
avoine | and put captcha or somethings | 16:14 |
IdleOne | yes captcha would be good | 16:14 |
deuxpi | cyphermox: I though the forum and the comments were two different things | 16:15 |
avoine | IdleOne: what about deactivate comments | 16:15 |
avoine | removing the modules | 16:15 |
IdleOne | maybe not deactivate but make comments moderated. | 16:15 |
IdleOne | where the comment must be approved before appearing on the blog | 16:16 |
IdleOne | I started deleting comments and OMG it is going to take a long time to get them all done | 16:17 |
avoine | IdleOne: I have access to the databases, I can run sql to remove them all | 16:18 |
deuxpi | I can create a user for my son, Robert'); DROP TABLE ;) | 16:18 |
IdleOne | avoine: I think that would be best and we can add a post saying that we did some cleanup, we apologize if your comment was deleted but this was the easiest way to get the job done. | 16:19 |
avoine | IdleOne: yep | 16:20 |
IdleOne | cyphermox deuxpi sipherdee: what do you guys think? | 16:21 |
cyphermox | just fine with it | 16:21 |
IdleOne | avoine: go for it :) delete all comments! | 16:21 |
sipherdee | for me too, i think it's better this way than having comments lost with spams. | 16:22 |
IdleOne | and make comments moderated/need approval if possible. | 16:22 |
sipherdee | if you go this way, i am volunteer to moderate comments if needed. | 16:24 |
IdleOne | I am not sure who is admin right now. I know I have admin access and magicfab and avoine | 16:26 |
IdleOne | does anybody else? | 16:26 |
avoine | IdleOne: do you still see comments? | 16:28 |
IdleOne | nope | 16:29 |
IdleOne | good job | 16:29 |
sipherdee | no! :) | 16:29 |
sipherdee | liberation! | 16:29 |
sipherdee | (in regards to the spams) | 16:30 |
IdleOne | Now that is done. We need to start using the blog hehe | 16:34 |
cyphermox | IdleOne, +1 | 16:38 |
cyphermox | planet works though | 16:38 |
IdleOne | wow, last time I posted to my blog was April 21, 2010 almost a year ago :/ | 16:41 |
kanouk | bonsoir | 23:15 |
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