
cjwatsonarchive.ubuntu.com mirroring seems to be busted; I've notified #is on internal IRC, although I'm not expecting anyone to be around right now01:37
cjwatsonapparently pending onsite sysadmin in the UK, so mirrors are probably not going to update until the morning02:36
ogasawaracjwatson: I just uploaded the kernel04:29
slangasekdoko: lucas has done an archive test rebuild for me to check out the impact of bug #750585 on the archive; it looks like this breaks biarch packages, which I should have thought of.  Do you think it's reasonable for the gcc-multilib metapackage to own a symlink of /usr/include/asm to /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/asm?07:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 750585 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 2 other projects) "[FFe] support for making linux-libc-dev coinstallable under multiarch (affects: 1) (heat: 582)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75058507:52
cjwatsonogasawara: great, thanks10:04
pitticjwatson: good morning; recovered from the late-night shift?10:05
cjwatsonI think so10:05
cjwatsoncoffee cures many things10:05
cjwatsonI need a holiday though10:05
* pitti looks at the clock, looks like freeze time?10:06
pittinot that we could build CDs right now, due to the mirror breakage, but at least we can switch to controlled mode10:06
* pitti asks IS10:07
chrisccoulsonwe're not unfreezing again before release are we? i'm slightly confused with the lack of RC ;)10:08
pittichrisccoulson: right10:08
* slangasek waves10:09
pittihey slangasek10:09
slangasekhi there!10:09
slangasekpitti, cjwatson: eglibc needs an upload at some point before release for bug #750585 to make it buildable again; should I upload this now?10:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 750585 in newlib (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 14 other projects) "[FFe] support for making linux-libc-dev coinstallable under multiarch (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75058510:10
cjwatsonslangasek: does this need to land after linux has finished building on all architectures?10:10
pittislangasek: will that even build in time for arm?10:10
slangasekcjwatson: no, the eglibc patch is written to be safe before and after the multiarch dir switch10:10
slangasekpitti: it's about a 6hour build for arm10:11
slangasekand the next six hours are your guys' department not mine ;)10:11
slangaseksorry, 7 h10:12
slangaseknewlib, klibc also need uploads but there's obviously much less of an impact on image building (klibc: 13min build on armel)10:13
pittiseems ok to me, the buildds are still quite busy, though10:14
cjwatsonthe armel buildds are thoroughly backed up, but I'm guessing that's a mass give-back of some kind?10:14
slangasekhum, is there?10:14
pitticjwatson: it's still the archive rebuild test10:14
cjwatsonoh, it wasn't clear in the UI10:15
slangasekah; that shouldn't compete with main archive builds, should it?10:15
cjwatsonat any rate, some of the stuff they're building is in universe, so I think is OK to be preempted if we need it10:15
cjwatsonyeah, our main builds should win10:15
slangasekso: yes to eglibc upload?10:15
cjwatsonin fact our builds should win in general10:15
* cjwatson wants a maximally-buildable beta-210:15
pitticjwatson: FYI, I got the main NBS sorted out yesterday (just waiting on archive catch-up), working on universe now10:18
pittiyay libpoppler porting10:18
slangasekeglibc, newlib, klibc all uploaded10:31
slangasekand gcc-defaults.  I'll give http://people.debian.org/~lucas/logs/2011/04/11/res.ubuntu.amd64.new-failures a thorough review in the morning, but these seem to be all either biarch packages (fixed already via gcc-multilib) or random noise10:32
slangasekright, launchpad's not yelling at me, so time for me to grab some shut-eye10:41
slangasektalk to you in a few hours :)10:42
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evwhat group membership is required to target bugs to O?11:10
pittiI had expected core-dev11:11
micahg_should be the same as anything else11:11
pittiat some point this should be fixed to "the same set of people who can upload the package"11:11
micahg_core-dev or motu depends on main or universe11:11
micahg_is bug 751038 worth trying to get in?11:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 751038 in tex-common (Ubuntu) "/usr/sbin/update-language-def: line 779: printf: missing unicode digit for \u (affects: 3) (heat: 20)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75103811:14
evpitti: doesn't appear to be the case. I can only nominate ubiquity bugs for O.11:16
pittiaccepting pidgin, FTBFS fix11:21
pittirejecting life, FTBFSes still (sorry, dput'ed the wrong .changes)11:31
didrocksbamf/nux/unity uploaded. Compiz still need some testing but will come shortly11:44
pittithanks didrocks, I'll handhold them11:47
didrocksthanks pitti :)11:48
pittididrocks: do they have proper build-deps?11:48
didrockspitti: yeah, should be ok11:48
pittii. e. can we accept them in any order, or does it need waiting?11:48
didrocksno no, I tend to be strict on that :)11:48
* pitti hugs didrocks11:48
didrocksso unity should build-dep on new nux11:48
* didrocks hugs pitti back11:48
pitti^ rejected, packaging bug11:49
pitti(see #u-devel)11:49
pittiaccepting nux/bamf/unity as discussed on last release meeting11:51
pittiI'm off for lunch12:10
didrockspitti: compiz ready in 5 minutes, just doing some final tests12:15
didrockspitti: and compiz uploaded!12:26
pittididrocks: ^ :)13:03
didrockspitti: thanks :)13:03
pittiScottK, cjwatson: I'd like to sync flightgear 2.0.0 from Debian; seems in our autosync we caught simgear 2.0.0, but have flightgear 1.9.1 still (which is now depending on NBS simgear1.9.1)13:11
ScottKpitti: Sounds reasonable.  I'd go for it.13:11
cjwatsonfine by me13:12
pittiaccepting ubuntu-mono; two beta-2 targetted bugs, and looks safe13:14
pittiaccepting gconf; no-op on i386/amd64, and unbreaks armel build13:15
pittiogra_: I see the alsa-lib upload for bug 746023; does it also require a pulseaudio upload? do they depend on each other?13:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 746023 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "No sound on omap4 (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74602313:17
ogra_pulse depends on the config to be in place13:17
ogra_we need the config in any way while the pulse patches are still eing tested13:18
pittiok, thanks; looked like that, but want to make sure to not break anything at this point13:18
ogra_you wont, luke is very careful :)13:19
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ScottKpitti: The python2.7 upload in queue fixes Bug #755616 (even though it's not mentioned in the changelog).  It's a 7+ hour build on armel, but it seems like something we want fixed.  I didn't do more than look at the diff, but it seems like a logical change.13:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 755616 in python2.7 (Ubuntu) "Python curses is not linked to libncursesw (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75561613:31
pittiScottK: I was trying to avoid it right now, until the buildds have caught up, as it doesn't seem critical for the beta-2 images? or is it?13:32
ScottKI guess it's not critical for beta2.13:33
ScottKI think we definitely want it before release.13:33
ScottKTactically I'm not sure if it's better to go ahead or not.13:33
ScottKI'm OK with either way.13:33
pittiI'd like to wait at least 2 hours for i386 to catch up13:34
pittiotherwise we keep having uninstallability due to langpacks13:34
* ogra_ would like images too on armel ... 7200 packages in the queue, sniff13:36
pittiogra_: that's just the test rebuild (mostly)13:36
ogra_yeah, i know13:36
pittithey yield to any "real" upload13:36
ogra_doesnt help much if only big packages are already building though13:37
ogra_if the buildds are busy queue priority sadly doesnt help a lot13:37
ScottKThat's when you need lamont around to shoot the annoying build in the head.13:40
ScottKchrisccoulson: The difference this time isn't that we are lacking an RC.  The difference is we aren't pretending to have one.13:41
ogra_heh, yeah13:41
chrisccoulsonScottK - thanks ;)13:42
chrisccoulsoni guess that RC should normally be what we intend to ship ;)13:42
ScottKThat's the usual definition.13:42
chrisccoulson(like with firefox. in fact, i just uploaded a new tarball for that because people kept getting confused that the ~rc2 build we had was actually the final release)13:43
Riddellkubuntu smoke testing all good with yesterdays images14:16
jibelubuntu desktop i386/amd64 smoketest passed14:24
jibelwubi install and upgrade passed14:24
jibelubuntu desktop upgrade passed14:24
pittijibel: wubi> yippie14:24
cjwatsonsame partition as Windows, or different?14:26
cjwatson(mind you I've already had confirmation of both cases)14:26
jibelcjwatson, same partition, I'm trying different atm.14:27
* cjwatson nods14:27
jibelon alternate I have a problem with partman. When a partition already exists and the user accepts the defaults, the installer refuses to continue with 'No root filesystem'. There's no 'guided partitioning'  option too.14:31
cjwatsonjibel: you need to explicitly select a partition to mount on /14:31
cjwatsonit is intentional that the defaults do not overwrite your disk14:32
* pitti really isn't happy about the linphone FTBFS fix he just uploaded, but it's the only approach that works and doesn't require major reengineering14:32
jibelcjwatson, agree but wasn't there 'guided partitioning' and 'resize existing partition' options directly from the main menu, it's gone ?14:44
jibelon a fresh driver, I have to create all the partitions manually.14:45
jibelcjwatson, anyway, even with manual partitioning the installation fails with libnotify4 (>= 0.7.0) is not installable14:46
cjwatsonjibel: well, that last is not an installer bug, it's just inconsistent archive syndrome14:47
cjwatsonjibel: resizing is only offered sometimes and depends on the circumstances14:48
cjwatsonjibel: guided partitioning should usually be offered, but there are some constraints; for example, if the only disk also contains the installation medium, it won't be offered.  I'd need to see logs (preferably with DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer) to make sure.14:49
cjwatsonhmm, something does seem to be wrong though14:51
cjwatsonwho ate partman-auto?14:53
pitti"ate" == "lost upload"?14:53
cjwatsonI'm not sure, but it's missing from the CD14:54
cjwatsonthat would be causing jibel's problem14:54
cjwatsonjibel: thanks for spotting that; I'll sort it out14:55
ScottKpitti or cjwatson: I just marked Bug #757427 critical is it looks to me like the root of 4 armel FTBFS in Main this morning.14:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 757427 in gconf (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "gconftool-2 segfaults on arm (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75742714:55
pittiScottK: I thought the recent gconf upload was supposed to fix that14:55
ScottKMaybe it's archive skew then.14:56
ScottKThey all failed today though.14:56
pittino, the changelog didn't mention the bug14:56
jibelcjwatson, on wubi installed from a French Windows 7, I get this bug 74255814:56
pittiI'll close it manually14:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 742558 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) ""Keep default keyboard layout ..." dialog is confusing (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 229)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74255814:56
cjwatsonjibel: in fact, it's just a rather unusual casualty of the mirror system falling over last night - I'll schedule a rebuild14:56
pittiScottK: thanks for pointing out14:56
cjwatsonjibel: separate bug, please14:56
ScottKpitti: So I should retry those builds?14:56
pittiScottK: hang on, checking publicatino14:56
ScottKBTW, no point in retrying compiz on armel until kde4libs finishes and is published.14:57
pitti    gconf2 | 2.32.2-0ubuntu1 |         natty | armel14:57
pitti    gconf2 | 2.32.2-0ubuntu2 |         natty | amd64, i386, powerpc14:57
pittimeh, not yet14:57
cjwatsonjibel: (with logs, so that I can get the same kernel args, since I don't have French Windows)14:57
pittiScottK: it's in accepted, so we can retry in one ohur14:58
pittihour, too14:58
ScottKpitti: Great.  The only other new failures were due to slangasek's biarch problem.14:58
ScottK(alsa-lib and klibc)14:59
ScottKUnity was archive skew, I already retried it.15:00
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pittiCD cron jobs on manual; with the current churn there's not much point in auto builds15:21
ScottKGetting close on draining the language packs out of i386.15:25
pittiyes, and an hour for ppc to catch up15:26
pittihm, seems the libx264 transition failed on powerpc, looks we'll need another set of uploads there15:28
cjwatsonsorry for the short notice, but I'd appreciate a MIR team member having a look at bug 75760015:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 757600 in grub-gfxpayload-lists (Ubuntu) "[MIR] grub-gfxpayload-lists (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75760015:40
cjwatsonit's my oversight that that wasn't done earlier15:41
pittiasked in #u-devel15:52
cjwatsonshould be really quick15:54
cjwatsonI think I'll make grub-pc recommend it15:54
cjwatsonor I suppose it could just be a dependency, why muck about15:54
pittioh, x264 FTBFSed on powerpc, which explains why it didn't catch the transitional uploads16:05
ScottKpitti: Any objection to Bug 757540?  It seems to me very much the Ubuntu thing to do to provide the correct font for someone's language.16:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 757540 in ttf-kacst-one (Ubuntu) "Missing many Glyphs to support Uyghur (Uighur) Language (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75754016:13
ScottKAnAnt says he's tested it in Uyghur and it works correctly.16:13
pittiScottK: it's installed by default, so my biggest worry is the deb size delta; otherwise no objection16:16
ScottKOK.  I'll check on that.16:17
ScottKFYI, I checked Universe/Multiverse armel build failure 4/7 and later for the gconf problem and only found one (mutter) which I retried.16:32
ScottKNot sure if that was far enough back or not.16:32
jibelwubi fresh install and upgrade from Maverick on different partition than Windows passed \o/16:35
jdstrandskaet: I didn't follow up with you, but understand the hardy desktop eol email is going out today16:41
skaetjdstrand,  yes16:41
jdstrandskaet: I may not understand all that is going on, but I don't see a reason to stagger eol announcements-- there is nothing to do aiui (IS will do some stuff a few months after the eol, but beyond that, nothing)16:42
jdstrandskaet: am I missing something?16:42
jdstrand(nothing to do beyond the email)16:43
skaetjdstrand, there's some coordination with the OEM teams involved16:43
cjwatsonjibel: cool16:43
jdstrandskaet: I see. I think this might be a good time to restate my opinion that LTS eol announcements should happen 2-3 months prior to eol, in addition to the 1 month16:44
skaetjstrand,  yes, I think its a topic we need to talk through a bit at UDS.16:44
skaetjdstrand, problem wasn't the email, but what had to happen a month from the email.16:45
* jdstrand nods16:45
skaetjibel,  cjwatson,  re: WUBI again - \o/16:46
jdstrandskaet: also, I have no idea what oem has to do, but there are not insignificant support costs for the security team with delaying EOL announcements (I think I said this on friday). I realize it is already done at this point, but going forward I think our team should be consulted if the eol will be delayed16:48
skaetjdstrand, will do.   My assumption was since hardy server is still going to be supported, there was still hardy tracking that had to be done by the security team.16:55
jdstrandskaet: that is true-- but we will issue security updates for desktop up to the day of eol. those may cause extra work16:56
jdstrandthey may not, it depends on what floats in16:56
skaetjdstrand, understand.   Agree will consult with you next time if the date looks like its going to need to move.16:57
jdstrandskaet: thanks16:58
ScottKpitti: It just occured to me that you might want to use the new "Not Automatic" feature for -proposed too so people can enable proposed and just install the package they are after to test.17:15
pittiScottK: that's in natty?17:16
pittithat's interesting for the "plz test me" emails indeed17:16
ScottKpitti: Yes.  It's activated for natty-backports.17:16
pittifor the record, syncing vdr; current version doesn't build and is v4l1 only (which linux 2.6.38 dropped); sid version got ported to v4l2, confirmed to build on natty17:16
ScottK(not that I can do live fire testing yet)17:16
pitti(ubuntu changes not required any more)17:17
ScottKpitti: AFAIK, all you need to do is ask someone like wgrant to enable it for natty-proposed.17:17
pittiinteresting; I had expected this to be configured in apt (default pin priorities)17:18
ScottKIt's in the packages.gz.17:18
ScottKApt in Natty knows about this.17:18
pittiScottK: btw, gconf/armel is in , so you can give back the failed builds17:18
pittibbl, dinner17:18
ScottKDid.  They seem to be doing well.17:19
ScottKIf I remember wrong about the not-automatic thing, I'm sure wgrant or mvo will correct me.17:20
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pitticjwatson, ScottK: python2.7 doesn't build arch:all with versioned dependencies to arch: any packages, so I think accepting it now to make use of the (soon to be) idle buildds would work17:59
ScottKSounds good to me.17:59
pitticjwatson: for coordination,  I accepted the ones from the queue which looked safe and fixed beta-2 RC bugs; I'm planning to start the full set of image builds over night when I'm back from Taekwondo, around 2130 UTC; sounds ok to you?18:00
pittiskaet ^18:00
pittiprovided that the armel kernel has finished by then18:00
cjwatsonthere are still a few translation uploads to go (in progress) and a lot of open bugs18:00
cjwatsonthe armel kernel won't be close to finished by then, by my calculations18:00
cjwatsonI think I looked it up and it was going to be somewhere in the small hours UTC18:00
ScottKgnome-games failed for non gconf reasons.  Someone who knows about GIR might want to look https://launchpadlibrarian.net/69045260/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-armel.gnome-games_1%3A2.32.1-0ubuntu5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:01
pittiI'm not saying that these are necessarily the last ones18:01
skaetpitti,  cjwatson,  can we get the non armel ones started, so i386/amd64 testing can start?   or are there some dependencies I'm not aware of?18:01
cjwatsoncan we just let cron do it tomorrow?18:01
pittibut I'd at least have desktops with all the updates from today18:01
cjwatsonskaet: certainly can't do it right now, there's grub2 being built, ubiquity on its way, debian-installer and gfxboot-theme-ubuntu to come, and that's just what I know about18:02
pitticjwatson: personally I'm not a huge fan of the cron'ed ones right now, as they won't check for the armel kernel, and are also spread out over the day18:02
skaetcjwatson,  thanks.18:02
cjwatsonpitti: so I suppose overnight makes some sense, but I think it's going to need to be a couple of hours later than that18:03
pittiI'd at least use the night hours to build the images which have stabilized by then, so that we can do testing tomorrow morning18:03
pitticjwatson: I'm planning to stay up late anyway, so that sounds fine18:04
pittiperhaps best to just check again when I'm back; if you are already asleep, I'll just check the queues/archive, if not we'll sync up?18:05
cjwatsonI don't expect to be around much this evening18:08
slangasekpitti: is this something you'd like me to track and kick off images when things are ready?18:11
pittislangasek: I'm still trying to find that out; I'm reviewing ubiquity, d-i, and gfxboot-theme-ubuntu right now, those are the three that Colin mentioned18:12
* cjwatson -> gone18:13
* slangasek waves18:13
pitticjwatson: bye, have a nice evening!18:13
pittislangasek: so I think we should build desktops and alternates after these three are in, and u/kubuntu/kubuntu-mobile/headless preinstalled once the armel kernel has finished (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/2.6.38-8.42/+buildjob/2440470)18:14
pittiso that we have a reasonably current set of images for more detailled smoketesting18:14
pittineed to go, back in some 3 hours18:40
stgraberis bug 752393 something that we want fixed for beta2 ? (I don't think it's critical and would like to have someone review the fix as I'm not too familiar with lsb ;))19:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 752393 in lsb (Ubuntu) "lsb init scripts show line buffering problems on bootup (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75239319:00
ScottKstgraber: I think we definitely want it for final and lsb is a quick build, so I'd be inclined to take it for beta2.19:03
stgraberScottK: do you feel like reviewing the patch or prefer someone else to look at it ?19:04
ScottKI'd prefer if cjwatson or slangasek reviewed it.  Please go ahead and upload so that they can review it in the queue.19:05
stgraberok, thanks19:05
skaetstgraber, have gone in and explicitly targetted it to Natty as well.   Will leave it to someone more knowledgable to review.19:05
skaetScottK,  cjwatson's off for the night,  so it will probably need to be slangasek if we want to get it into beta2 at this point.19:06
ScottKpitt could review it too, I know he's coming back later.19:07
stgraberskaet, ScottK: uploaded19:09
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slangasekstgraber, skaet, ScottK: reviewing20:13
slangasekstgraber: why is the plymouth buffering code inside the check for log_use_fancy_output && $TPUT xenl?  doesn't the same issue apply when this is not set?20:29
stgraberslangasek: the non-fancy output didn't seem to use "echo -n" or similar so it shouldn't be affected by the buffering issue20:30
stgraberI'm not saying the output will be pretty but it's not going to have some upstart output mixed in at least20:31
slangasekright, ok20:31
slangasekstgraber: there's a small window between when log_end_msg calls log_daemon_msg again, and when it prints its own output, where other messages could be printed.  I guess we're ignoring this for now?20:40
slangasekstgraber: the whole thing seems a workaround, vs. cjwatson's suggestion to use the plymouth protocol natively20:41
stgraberslangasek: unless you have an easy way of avoiding it, I'd just go with the current workaround20:41
slangaseknot an easy one, no :)20:41
stgraberideally both lsb and upstart scripts should go through plymouth for that kind of logging, but that'd need a bit more changes to some core components to get done20:42
slangasekand you've tested booting with this code before upload, right?20:42
stgraberyep, I tried booting that code with and without the fancy output and SpamapS who reported the issue tested it too20:42
stgraberfor Oneiric we should really try to get some proper logging at boot time, which ideally would catch all lsb and upstart events (that's including the time where upstart doesn't talk over dbus) but it doesn't seem like a trivial thing to do20:43
slangasekoh, another small buglet... if plymouth has gone away between log_daemon_msg and log_end_msg, you never print $LOG_DAEMON_MSG anywhere... but that's scarcely worse than printing it to a different place20:43
slangasekso, accepted20:44
stgrabercurrently I have a completely random boot.log on my machine, 9 out of 10 times, dbus starts so late that plymouth-upstart-bridge doesn't get any event to log so I end up with only the lsb output being logged :)20:45
stgraberslangasek: thanks20:45
skaetslangasek, pitti, - why is evolution being updated after freeze?  anyone know which bug this associated with?21:41
slangasekhaven't looked, let's see21:41
pittiskaet: doesn't look like it's critical for beta-221:41
pittibut I'm just catching up on the last 3 hours21:41
skaetfair 'nuf.  :)21:42
seb128hey skaet21:43
pittiright now, nothing in the queue looks particularly urgent to me21:43
skaetseb128,  what's up?21:44
pittihttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/2.6.38-8.42/+buildjob/2440470 is still busy for a couple of more hours (armel)21:44
seb128skaet, we got quite some people today confused by the schedule, it would be nice to clarify when beta2 should be out and if selected fixes will go in between beta2 and natty21:44
seb128skaet, there was at least 5 people asking about that today from different teams21:45
pittihm, why is euca still uninstallable..21:45
pittiah, python-psutil21:45
skaetseb128,  hmm... broadcast to u-d?21:46
seb128skaet, or clarify on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule, like it doesn't have an "beta2 is out" or an "hard freeze"21:46
pittislangasek, skaet: I think now would be a good time to build new i386/amd64 images; I can set a trigger for armel when the kernel finishes building; WDYT?21:48
skaetheh,  NattyReleaseSchedule has beta2 as 4/14...  but I can add redundancy and add hard freeze21:48
pittiI don't expect these to be the beta2 ones, but we currently have a sane archive AFAICS21:48
skaetpitti,  +1 from me,  if the packages cjwatson flagged are in.21:48
pittipython-psutil still needs a publisher run for server, I'll queue that accordingly21:48
pittiskaet: yes21:48
seb128skaet, well some updates will go in between beta2 and natty no?21:49
seb128skaet, so when would be the real hard freeze for natty?21:49
slangasekpitti: yes, looks good to me21:49
skaetseb128 bug fixes only.21:49
seb128skaet, right, well the schedule doesn't make clear what is the slot for those fixes21:50
slangasekseb128: we're already in the hard freeze for natty; the archive is frozen, nothing goes in between now and release except by the hand of the release team21:50
seb128skaet, that's what people were mostly asking today21:50
ScottKDid they read the u-d-a message that explained all this?21:50
seb128slangasek, well"BetaFreeze" points to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BetaFreeze which states "Once the BetaRelease is shipped, we roll back to FeatureFreeze and UserInterfaceFreeze status. "21:51
pittidesktop/DVDs started for all flavours21:51
seb128slangasek, that got the u1 team confused at least21:51
seb128ScottK, which one?21:53
pittialternates/server triggered on wait-for-package python-psutil_0.1.3-1ubuntu121:53
ScottKseb128: I was thinking of this one, but after re-reading it, it's less clear than I remembered: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2011-February/000823.html21:53
* skaet looking back in the archives and figuring a bit of overcomunicating is now appropriate. 21:54
seb128ScottK, it was also a while ago21:54
seb128there was no recent email21:54
pittislangasek: do you know if it's safe to start several wait-for-package's in parallel?21:54
slangasekpitti: they may get a little confused when trying to each trigger their own mirror sync, but I think it's still safe21:55
ScottKThe more detailed discussion that I was thinking of was only on -release.  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2011-March/000184.html21:55
pittislangasek: well, I think I'll just wait with triggering the armel builds; the server ones will start in an hour, and I'll still be awake by then21:55
pittislangasek: but good to know in general21:55
ScottKI thought there was a more detailed recent mail, but I can't find it.21:57
skaetScottK,  I thought I sent one out as well - but am not spotting it in the archives.21:57
ScottKpitti, slangasek: Shouldn't we wait for python2.7 on armel or is it safe to assume that finishes before the kernel?21:58
skaetso,  will do.21:58
skaetthanks for flagging seb12821:59
slangasekScottK: the kernel is a ~24h build that's only 17 hours in, I'm pretty sure we're clear there21:59
slangasekbut double-checking21:59
slangasekah, python2.7 took 7h12m last time on armel21:59
seb128skaet, you're welcome21:59
slangasekpitti: ^^ so python2.7 may be the limiting factor for armel builds21:59
slangasek(might be - by a hair - so we should wait for both)22:00
ScottKslangasek: Also kde4libs just finished a few minutes ago on armel, so any Kubuntu images spun before the next publisher will be out of date.22:01
slangasekwe're waiting before building any arm images though, aren't we?22:02
ScottKOh, right.22:02
ScottKSorry.  Too many moving parts.22:02
slangasekno worries22:02
* ScottK pushed dhcp3 right through.22:04
pittiScottK, slangasek: I don't think the new python2.7 is important to have on the next armel images, but sure, we can wait for it22:20
slangasekpitti: arm images take long enough to build that I think waiting 1 hour is probably appropriate22:30
slangasek(since kernel and python probably land less than 1h apart)22:30
mvo(note about the software-center debdiff, the submit_{review,report,usefulness} is actually a symlink in the tar, still it shows up multiple times in the diff, its the same script called with different personalities)22:34
pittithere, hot off the press23:03
pittiskaet: would you be able to add the images to the iso tracker as they trickle in?23:07
skaetpitti,  sure.  What order should they be coming in?23:07
pittiskaet: I just posted ubuntu desktop; k desktop will follow in a few minutes, xubuntu building now, then mythbuntu, kubuntu-mobile, ubuntu dvd, edubuntu dvd, kubuntu dvd23:08
skaetpitti,  ok,  sounds good.   will check in that sequence.23:09
pittiskaet: I just started building alternates: ubuntu kubuntu xubuntu ubuntu-server ubuntustudio23:10
pittifor some reason wait-for-package fooled me, should have triggered 15 minutes ago already23:10
slangasekdoko: bugger, why does g++-multilib not depend on gcc-multilib?  gcc-4.[56] will still FTBFS because this is only fixed for gcc-multilib and they build-depend on g++-multilib23:17
slangasekdoko: so gcc-defaults will need another upload before release - do you want me to add the same compat symlink to g++-multilib, or add a g++->gcc dep?23:17
pittislangasek, skaet: starting python/linux triggered pipeline for armel now23:39
pittiwait-for-package -a armel /python2.7_2.7.1-5ubuntu2 && wait-for-package -a armel linux-image-2.6.38-8-omap_2.6.38-8.42 && buildlive ubuntu-netbook daily-preinstalled && (for-project ubuntu-netbook cron.daily-preinstalled &) && echo kubuntu preinstalled && buildlive kubuntu daily-preinstalled && (for-project kubuntu cron.daily-preinstalled &) && echo kubuntu-mobile preinstalled && buildlive23:39
pittikubuntu-mobile daily-preinstalled && (for-project kubuntu-mobile cron.daily-preinstalled &) && echo headless preinstalled && buildlive ubuntu-headless daily-preinstalled && for-project ubuntu-headless cron.daily-preinstalled23:39
skaetpitti,  ack23:40
pittiI expect this to trigger in some two hours23:40
slangasekright, thanks23:40
pittiif something gets in between just kill the wait-for-package process, and then the next one23:41
pittiwith that, good night!23:41
pittiskaet: alternates/desktops are trickling in, btw23:41
ogra_pitti, you rock, sleep well23:41
pittibut I can add the remaining ones to the tracker in about 8 hours23:41
skaetpitti, thanks!   sleep well.23:41
pittiif skaet doesn't beat me to it :)23:41
* skaet will go check it now....23:42
pitti{k,x,myth}buntu-desktop should be there now23:42
jibelskaet, it looks like natty-desktop-amd64+mac.iso is there too but not on the tracker23:43
skaetjibel,  looking into it now23:46
SpamapSI have a NEW package I'd like to upload to universe.. a tiny wordpress plugin to make wordpress work w/ drizzle. Do I need an ACK from the release team?23:49
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
dokoslangasek: well, nobody did notice before ...  g++-multilib should depend on gcc-multilib23:55
skaetjibel, natty-dekstop-amd64+mac.iso now added.23:55
slangasekdoko: ok, uploading now, thanks for confirming23:55
skaetjibel,  ubuntu desktop,  alternate,  kubuntu desktop, alternate all posted.23:56

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