
jrwrenlucid? upgrade to natty00:43
rick_h_heh, yea. I know. I'm all behind the times00:46
rick_h_but not setting up a server to natty, I kind of like the 5yr plan00:46
snap-lre: UPSes, yeah, my power problems were because I have old wiring coming to the house02:41
snap-land the contacts were really old.02:41
rick_h_12min until the awesome greg-g interview goes live12:49
brouschhow long is it?12:57
rick_h_about 45min I think12:58
rick_h_just finished listening myself12:58
rick_h_appreciate any RT <3 http://twitter.com/#!/mitechie/status/5741380610779955213:05
wolfgerI really wish journalists/editors would use an ounce of sense before writing headlines...13:34
wolfger"Speed possible factor in deadly motorcycle crash"13:34
wolfgerNo, it's a definite factor. I've never heard of a stationary motorcycle crashing.13:34
snap-lGood morning13:50
snap-lActually, the interview is 57:45 (with bumpers)13:51
snap-lso, around 56 minutes in total13:51
brouschrick_h_: if you want RT love, you gotta leave us 14 unused characters :P13:52
snap-lwolfger: No, it's a possibility13:52
brouschotherwise i am forced to mangle your messge13:52
rick_h_brousch: hmm, only if you do old style RT13:53
rick_h_if you just use the normal RT it does it without touching the message13:53
brouschwhatever hootsuite does13:53
rick_h_e.g. from the twitter website or whatever13:53
snap-lwolfger: the motorcycle might have crashed into a tree while on the back of a trailer. ;)13:53
rick_h_sorry hootsuite does it wrong and sucks13:53
wolfgersnap-l: at which point, speed is still a factor. :-)13:53
brouschah, i think found a setting for new style13:55
rick_h_there you go, ty sir13:56
brouschthat's better13:58
snap-lSent out a tweet / dent as well14:01
brouschi would dent, but i think my only followers on there are people already in this channel14:02
brouschd00d, should put it up on diaspora14:02
snap-lYeah, that's a highly effective echo chamber.14:03
wolfgerIt's an echo-y chamber alright14:06
brouschones of people will see my message there14:07
wolfgerThe Japanese have a word for "cell phone decorated with beads".... <shudder>14:07
brouschrick_h_: isn't that for clothes?14:09
brouschor has it branched out since middle school?14:09
wolfgerhas it branched out???14:10
brouschi'm just glad i had a boy so i don't have to deal with it14:11
* wolfger tell brousch *not* to Google "vajazzled", since he's obviously lived a sheltered life14:11
brouschmy ignorance stems from my lack of pcon attendance14:12
wolfgerwell I hope you rectify that some day14:14
rick_h_snap-l: looks like I'm missing a lot of stuff: http://linuxoutlaws.com/podcast/20014:18
snap-lrick_h_: That's someone who does studio recordings for a living. :)14:31
snap-lOr at least more than just a hobby.14:31
snap-lBut yeah, golf. ;)14:32
rick_h_naw, all that berringer stuff, yuck14:33
snap-lI do however take issue with their show notes14:33
rick_h_and honestly, never been impressed with their sound14:33
snap-lI don't think anyone can listen to The Linux Link Tech Show14:33
rick_h_though good to know that's how they ustream and such as I've been looking at that14:33
snap-lHonestly, I'm a "get the sound into the computer as quickly and efficiently as possible"14:34
snap-lI can do wonders with it before it even hits the drive14:34
snap-lall of this pre-processing makes me nervous14:34
snap-ler, I mean, I can do wonders with it when it hits the drive14:34
snap-lgah, clarity of thought elusive.14:34
tjagodaIts the heat burst from yesterday14:39
tjagodaI am in the same boat.14:39
tjagodaI never lived in a two-level home before14:40
tjagodaI think I may embark on an epic project of zoned temperature controls.14:40
rick_h_tjagoda: yea, two stories is awful since upstairs is always so hot14:41
rick_h_and downstairs is cool, but doesn't tend to be bedroom space14:42
snap-lWell, that and we had the window open last night14:45
snap-lso all through the night I was waiting for the rain to come in14:45
tjagodaI found a small fan14:45
snap-lthought JoDee might have stirred during the thunderstorm since she's the light sleeper, bot to no avail14:45
tjagodawhich sits in place of the register cover14:45
tjagodaand is designed to increase the flow of air up the ducts to your upper floor14:45
snap-lYes, I am a rat-bastard that will wait for my wife to close the window. ;)14:46
tjagodaI may purchase and see if it makes any impact14:46
rick_h_heh, yea we didn't get real rain to close until around 3 or 4 am14:46
rick_h_I have a few vornado fans I use all year round14:46
rick_h_in the winter put behind a radiator heater (electric) to help with the basement rooms14:47
rick_h_and in the summer, to help the whole house fan move air through the house/circulate the cold air from the AC14:47
tjagodaI already have central air14:47
tjagodaso with the proper application of solder and servo I could totally make a zoned system14:48
tjagodaWhich hopefully would not burst into flames =P14:48
brouschi have just learned which vents to open and close during which season14:49
tjagodaI psuedo do that14:49
brouschquad level home14:49
tjagodaShut off the heat vents to my office in the winter since the PC heats it anyway14:49
wolfgertjagoda needs a better pc14:54
tjagodawolfger: my PC generates so much heat because it is high performance16:15
tjagodait was a couple years ago16:15
tjagodaDual Radeon HD4870's make most of the head16:15
tjagodaI have a Phenom II but I have that on liquid cooling16:15
tjagodaThis is an interesting one16:18
tjagodalaptop got a new battery16:18
tjagodawill run on the battery fine16:18
tjagodabut it will not boot unless plugged into the wall16:18
tjagodaUndervoltage battery?16:18
snap-l  MB Temperature:    +54.0°C  (high = +45.0°C, crit = +95.0°C)16:18
snap-lCPU Temperature:  +109.4°F  (high = +149.0°F, crit = +203.0°F)16:18
snap-lMB Temperature:   +129.2°F  (high = +113.0°F, crit = +203.0°F)16:18
snap-lThat's my machine16:18
snap-ltjagoda: May need to be fully charged?16:20
tjagodaIt is16:20
tjagodaIt was a replacement battery16:20
tjagodaas the old one was old and no longer held charge16:20
tjagodaBasically, you get the: push power button -> Battery indicator blinks amber16:20
tjagodawhich to me would indicate battery fault16:20
tjagodayet it still runs like normal when its booted on power, then detached from power and run on battery16:21
_stink_shouldn't there be a spike in power draw on boot?16:22
_stink_id' be worried the battery isn't good.16:22
_stink_even if it can maintain a system already running.16:22
tjagodaI could probably just get CDW to RMA me a new battery16:23
_stink_that'd be my approach.16:23
rick_h_eeer, just +116:26
krondorwoot #xoom guys just got SD card working, stupid moto.16:32
tjagodaHows everybody else's stability on Unity, btw?16:46
snap-lI'm not using it as a primary environment16:46
snap-lbut overall it's OK16:46
tjagodaI discovered that walking away from my laptop for a few hours results in me coming back to it, frozen, in mid screensaver16:47
tjagoda100% of the time16:47
tjagodaI use it gingerly16:47
tjagodain fear that it will soon crash16:47
tjagodaI should switch back into Gnome classic and see if performance is more stable16:47
wolfgerAnybody have any experience with or opinion on PyCamp?17:32
snap-lnone here17:33
snap-ljcastro: Where'd you guys go for the dino exhibit?17:46
jrwrencan someone on identica reply to this and tell him "no it doesn't" http://identi.ca/notice/6739450917:59
snap-ljrwren: The several byte header is uncompressed18:03
snap-lthough the @G limit is bullshit18:05
snap-lThere was a patch for certain OSes for >4GB18:09
jcastrosnap-l: U of M paleontology museum18:14
snap-lAh, cool18:14
greg-grick_h_: / snap-l hey, uh, both DBO's and my interviews are labelled "episode 15" in the blog post title18:20
snap-lBlame rick_h_18:21
rick_h_copy/paste at the worst18:21
rick_h_yea, my fault18:21
DBOim the real episode 1518:21
greg-gwill the real episode 15 please stand up18:21
DBOall the other episode 15's are just imitating18:21
rick_h_updated, thanks for the heads up18:21
greg-gno worries18:21
rick_h_what I get for working on crap right before bed18:21
rick_h_ugh, crazy weekend18:21
greg-gI bet18:21
DBOIm starting to think the entire world was on overdrive this weekend18:22
rick_h_and this is why we label .mp3 files by date vs episode number18:22
rick_h_DBO: heh, yea though nice when you get a lot done over a weekend18:22
DBO14 bugs closed in a weekend18:22
DBOIm happy with myself18:22
greg-gI was on overdrive last week, you should see my status update for work, and that was with a day off to fly to SF for all of 15 hours of feet on the ground18:27
_stink_i think it's spring motivation.18:27
snap-lyeah, yesterday we went outside and started doing yardwork18:27
krondorthe weather is making it really hard to focus on this documentation, god I hate doc.18:28
rick_h_man, this sucks. Review time has hit and I'm supposed to peer review people I did one project with.18:35
rick_h_i hated that project, it sucked, how do I know if it's them or the project?18:35
snap-lrick_h_: You don't. :)18:46
rick_h_snap-l: wheeee18:47
rick_h_how vague can I word these answers so as to remain anon and really not rate anything in particular18:47
snap-l"I'm not sure whether to blame the monkeys or the zoo-keeper for the amount of shit that was in the project cage".18:50
Blazeix"Bob is an achiever in the field of accomplishment."18:56
rick_h_thank you "meets expectations" drop down18:58
rick_h_"Yep, he met expectations by taking care of xxx and yyy"...18:58
rick_h_not checked for length so good so far18:58
jrwrensnap-l: there is no limit for gzip... at least not the gnu version.18:58
jrwrencat uncompressed | gzip > compressed   # there is no limit here, its unpossible.18:59
wolfgerthe ambiguity of "meets expectations" is astounding19:05
snap-lIt's the ultimate weasel phrase.19:05
rick_h_well, there's hints there for you19:05
snap-ljrwren: There was at one time on certain OSes19:05
snap-lbut the analysis that the person made is bogus19:06
snap-lI <3 calls that go completely off the rails.19:33
snap-lyay, a request for a status report20:01
snap-lOtherwise known as the 1 hour you'll never get back reporting the 7 hours fretting over what to put in the status report.20:02
snap-lrick_h_: 15:02 < jono_> snap-l, nice work on the lococast :-)20:04
rick_h_on which part?20:05
rick_h_or just in general?20:05
snap-lNot sure20:05
rick_h_wondering if he checked out greg or DBO or what20:05
snap-lTold him to thank you as well20:05
rick_h_ah, nice20:05
rick_h_well cool, I think we're on track. We kept saying a year and I looked it up, 6/21 is one year20:05
snap-ltrain kept-a-rollin' all night long20:06
rick_h_snap-l: so greg-g's interview20:08
rick_h_snap-l: that's what he was checking out that prompted the comment20:10
rick_h_sorry, back to jono20:11
snap-lAh, OK.20:11
snap-lWell, greg-g is interesting to talk  to anyway. ;)20:11
snap-land greg-g is _so dreamy_20:12
brouschit's the beard20:13
snap-lI'm installing Python under Windows20:20
snap-lfear me20:20
rick_h_there's a disturbance in the force20:21
* greg-g blushes20:21
greg-gsnap-l: where did jono say that? PM?20:23
rick_h_greg-g: yea20:24
brouschsnap-l: it's really quite nice. windows becomes 100x more useful afterwards20:24
snap-lgreg-g: and in the severed fifth channel20:24
snap-lthough not with a link to the direct eposide20:25
snap-lepisode, even20:25
greg-gsad that he hasn't said anything to me ;)20:39
greg-g(he == jono)20:39
snap-lNot sure if the network is the problem, but boy is this miserable.20:39
rick_h_lol, he knows where the true great work was done, snap-l then me, and then the talent :P20:39
rick_h_and only came to me because snap-l said to tell me20:40
snap-lYeah, it's because I'm fantastic. :)20:41
rick_h_well, he's we know you have your total OMC fame20:42
rick_h_that came out a bit twisted20:42
snap-lskippy we damn know20:43
snap-lDoes windows seriously not explode eggs?20:43
snap-lI hate corporate proxies21:09
krondorsnap-l: ++ (or wait +1 is the new coolness right?)21:10
_stink_is it?21:10
snap-lSince google is so in to Python, I'd think they'd use reaction = reaction + 121:10
snap-l[fuck facebook]21:11
jrwreni don't like broken eggs.21:15
snap-lHurray for meetings23:27
snap-lstil in one23:29
brouschmust … resist … troll … post23:39
brousch"A client wants me to convert their asp/mssql webapp to php/mysql."23:39
brouschit's from the grlug list23:41
brouschI'm not sure that's really an improvement23:42
Blazeixbrousch++ for using actual ellipses23:48
brouschadium did it for me23:50
brouschi did three periods23:50
Blazeixwell fine. I revoke my ++ and target it at adium.23:51

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