
nlsthzn-workhome time... cheers all03:41
superflyyo sakhi08:19
Kilosmorning superfly  and others09:35
Kiloshope my reply to bill in the lists was correct09:36
Kiloshi marcog 09:44
marcoghi Kilos 09:45
superflyhey Kilos10:09
superflymarcog: http://www.infoq.com/news/2011/01/python-tiobe-award10:34
marcogsuperfly: nice!10:36
superflyKilos: mostly accurate10:53
Kiloshehe what i missed this time superfly 10:53
Kilosdid i miss the point again10:53
superflyI think someone might get confused with the VPN which is not the same as mobile broadband, but hopefully they'll see "mobile broadband" and take it from there...10:53
Kilosyes when the window opens it gives you all the choices10:54
Kilosbut also as you tick on the nm icon it shows mobile broadband connection immediately10:55
Kilosthat if fone connected already10:55
Kiloswithout the fone you go the vpn route10:55
Kilosthe choices are wired, wireless, mobile broadband, vpn and dsl10:58
Kiloslo oogway 11:25
drubinKilos: it was perfect12:02
drubinmarcog: lol12:02
Kilosty drubin  glad i got something right for a chamge12:02
Kilosmaybe one of the kde guys will give directions on getting their nm setup12:10
Kilosi gave up12:10
superflyhi Morganvd17:08
Morganvdhey superfly 17:09
Morganvdi am so confused17:11
Morganvdyeah unity or gnome 317:13
superfly*shrug* I'm on KDE 4, what more do I need?17:15
Morganvdhaha yeah yeah i know your a kde fan17:15
Morganvdi love gnome classic17:15
Morganvdim using unity on my netbook and its slow17:17
Morganvdhaha yeah yeah i know your a kde fan17:17
Morganvdim using unity on my netbook and its slow17:17
Morganvdi love gnome classic17:17
superflyMorganvd: yeah, I got all of that17:18
Morganvdi lost connection17:18
Morganvdstupid adsl17:18
superflyMorganvd: you out in the bundu somewhere that you have a flakey ADSL line?17:21
Morganvdnope central jhb17:25
Morganvdit just stops syncing randomly17:26
Morganvdsometimes its up for 2 days17:26
Morganvdnever used to be like this17:26
superflyhaven't had that here, fortunately17:28
Morganvdi am starting to wonder if its not the router17:31
Morganvdit went woncky after a storm one night17:31
superflysee if you can borrow another to test it out?17:32
Morganvdi have another17:32
superflyah, ok17:33
Morganvdi shal test it the weekend17:33
MorganvdKilos !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!17:34
MorganvdMaaz: coffee on17:35
* Maaz puts the kettle on17:35
Kiloslo Morganvd 17:35
KilosMaaz, coffee please17:35
MaazKilos: Sure17:35
Morganvdhow was your day17:35
Kilosok ty just woke from 3 hours snoozeland17:36
Kilosand yours17:36
Morganvdim confused17:36
Morganvdbut its been a kewl day17:37
Morganvdgnome3 or unity17:37
Kilosyip but i have a head17:37
Morganvdyou do17:37
Kilosi have no idea what unity is like but see you can still use gnome17:38
Morganvdtill 11.1017:38
Kilosbut saw someone complain that gimp didnt work with unity17:38
MaazCoffee's ready for Morganvd and Kilos!17:39
KilosMaaz, gracias17:39
MaazKilos: ¡de nada!17:39
MorganvdMaaz: thanks17:39
MaazMorganvd: Okay :-)17:39
superflyMorganvd: I played with the beta of natty, and though Unity was nifty, but annoying17:42
Morganvdi have it installed on my netbook17:42
superflyhaven't managed to get Gnome Shell working17:42
Morganvdi am trying gnome3 on the netbook now17:42
Morganvdi hate rpm based systems17:42
superflyMorganvd: why?17:42
Morganvdand only fedora and suse have gnome3 systems17:43
Morganvdi like the way deb work18:09
Morganvdmaybe its because i learned to love linux on a deb system18:09
superflyMorganvd: no, you like the way apt words18:10
superflydeb = rpm, they are simply package formats18:10
Morganvdi know18:11
Morganvdbut yum and apt are two worlds appart18:11
superflyzypper seems to be pretty cool18:11
Morganvdthats what meego use18:12
superflyand openSUSE18:12
Morganvdi thought they sue yast18:12
superflyfor a GUI, yes, but on the command line it's zypper18:13
Morganvdahh ok18:13
Morganvdwill try it sometime18:13
superflyYaST is still as slow as a dog -_-18:14
Morganvdi wish there was a debian or a ubuntu gnome3 version18:20
superflyMorganvd: you can load Gnome 3 on Ubuntu18:29
Morganvdyeah but it has its own issues18:51
KilosMorganvd, cant you use gnome2?19:20
superflymarcog: have you seen this? http://www.python.org/workshops/2000-01/proceedings/papers/elkner/pyYHS.html20:32
kbmonkeygood evening ZA folks20:33
kbmonkeythats neat superfly20:35
superflyevening kbmonkey20:38
kbmonkeybeen well I hope, superfly 20:55
superflybusy, that's for sure20:55
kbmonkeytoo much so :)20:55
Kilosnight all. sleep tight21:13

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