
hichamlets use geistest and see ...00:10
johHi, are there any API reference docs for Unity Lenses? Something more detailed than https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Lenses00:15
nhainessladen: I'm curious, maybe you know... why were gnome-terminal's scrollbars turned dark in the last light-themes release in Ambience?00:20
nhainessladen: also, curious about the status of Ubuntu Monospace font these days.00:21
nhainesJust a friendly ping.  :)00:21
davidcalleWhen my lens is launched at startup, it crashes on utf8 strings. When it's launched during a session it doesn't.00:22
* davidcalle is scratching is head.00:22
johdavidcalle: Do you have some experience with lens development? :)00:23
davidcallejoh, I'm developing the Books one.00:23
johdavidcalle: Ah cool, then maybe you can help me..?00:24
johdavidcalle: I'm writing a Tomboy lens00:24
davidcallejoh, sure!00:24
johdavidcalle: And in order to display a note when clicked in the lens, I need to perform a DBus method call.00:24
johdavidcalle: However, from the examples I've found, it seems the lens entries can only point to valid URIs?00:25
johdavidcalle: I.e. they cannot be used to perform arbitrary actions...00:25
davidcallejoh, have you looked at kenvandine's code (gwibber lens) ?00:25
johdavidcalle: Just briefly... I'll look again :)00:26
davidcallejoh, you should talk to him about that, as I won't be able to help you with dbus calls. ;) Also, you should try to ping njpatel about what a lens can call.00:28
johdavidcalle: Well, I know how to make the dbus calls, I just don't know how to glue it together with the unity lens.00:29
johdavidcalle: ok thanks :00:30
davidcallejoh, good luck with your lens. Is the code somewhere? :)00:30
johdavidcalle: Thanks, the code isn't up yet, but will be on bzr once I get it working :)00:31
joh*on launchpad00:31
davidcallejoh, ok, good luck then :)00:31
zniavregood evening i just unistalled-reinstalled unity but still no icons inside the launcher what can i do please?00:36
johMeh, I can't get the gwibber lens to work :P00:36
hichamoh, nice, unity kinda works00:40
nhaineshicham: congrats.  :D00:48
hichamnhaines: thanks :)00:49
hichamnhaines: http://img33.imageshack.us/i/screenshot1yl.png/00:49
nhainesLooking good.  :)00:51
hichamis gnome-panel supposed to be launched in unity ?00:56
nhaineshicham: no, it uses unity-panel-service instad.00:57
hichamnhaines: did you see the screenshot ?00:57
nhaineshicham: yes I did01:00
hichamadamw: how do you start unity in ubuntu ?01:00
nhaineshicham: it's just sort of automatic.  :)01:00
hichamnhaines: do you have a custom session for it ?01:00
hichamspikeb: what is the package for it ?01:01
spikebi have no idea, honestly.01:01
hichamspikeb: what do you have in /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions ?01:03
spikebi have an ubuntu.session (that'd be the unity session)01:05
nhaineshicham: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/592891/01:05
hichamnhaines: thanks a lot01:12
hichamhow I am supposed to log out of unity ?01:13
nhaineshicham: you're not supposed to, like any other window manager, I think.  :)01:15
nhainesOh!  no, sorry, I understand.  There's an application indicator applet that lets you log out.01:16
hichamnhaines: what is its name ?01:16
nhaineshicham: I don't know... I can never remember.  :(01:17
jcastrokenvandine: any luck with the lens?01:17
nhainesSysRq-K will kill the X server.01:17
jcastrojoh: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/01:22
jcastrojoh: ^^ should be there01:22
hichamzniavre: thanks01:33
coz_ hey01:37
LLStarksi'd like a second opinion on evince not being user accesable as a design decision.01:50
LLStarksbug 74338301:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 743383 in unity (Ubuntu) "Dash does not recognize entries like "Evince" or "Document Viewer"" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74338301:50
johjcastro: great, thanks02:09
MaximLevitskyUnity is usable?02:41
MaximLevitskyI sure assume it is02:41
MaximLevitskyI open a vdesktop with my homework02:42
MaximLevitskyI open a browser02:42
MaximLevitskycouple of PFS02:42
MaximLevitskytext editor02:42
MaximLevitskyNow I want to rest a bit, so I switch desktop, and try to open firefox02:42
MaximLevitskyAnd guess what I get02:43
MaximLevitskyThat is usable?02:43
MaximLevitskyWhen to see cube and unity?02:44
hichamI have unity and the cube02:45
hichamenable it from ccsm02:45
MaximLevitskyunity depends on desktop wall02:45
MaximLevitskyin 11.04 of course02:45
ionWhat *did* you get?02:46
MaximLevitskyIf I enable cube, it first tell me to disable wall02:47
MaximLevitskyI answer yes02:47
MaximLevitskyIt tells me that unity depeands on wall and asks me to disable it02:47
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didrocksgood morning07:40
oSoMoNgood morning08:01
MacSlowgreetings everybody08:07
zniavregood morning08:16
zniavreim still stuck with my missing icons inside the launcher i hav re-installed all nux-unity related package im wondering what i did wrong ?08:17
magciusgah, what's happening08:59
magciusmy recent experience:08:59
magciusall windows freeze09:00
magciusalt+f2, "pkill notify-osd"09:00
magciusmagically, all windows start to work again09:00
magciusis there something weird where when you can't ACK dbus message, gtk+ freezes or something?09:00
RAOFNo.  There *is* a weird bug where one of compiz's X connections sits around waiting for input that never comes, though.09:01
aquarius__hey didrocks09:02
didrocksRAOF: auquarius is just stuck in that case09:02
didrockswb aquarius__09:02
didrocksRAOF: needs someone for testing/hammering his system? :)09:02
aquarius__RAOF: I have X (or compiz, or something, I don't know) wedged, so if there's anything you want me to try running, commands to do, logs to provide, I am happy to do so.09:03
RAOFaquarius__: If you attach gdb to compiz, is it waiting in poll()?  If so, yeah, I know *about* that problem (but not what's causing it, precisely where it is, or how to fix it).09:04
aquarius__you'll have to tell me how to do that09:04
RAOFsudo gdb compiz $(pgrep compiz); bt09:04
aquarius__(njpatel's told me before, but I don't have easy access to previous conversations in this VC :))09:04
RAOFYou need to wait for gdb to come up for the bt command to do anything interesting.09:05
RAOFBut the *problem* is (likely to be) that compiz is sitting, waiting, for X to reply to it's request.  And the server doesn't.09:06
aquarius__top of the compiz backtrace is __kernel_vsyscall, and the second line is __poll, and then third is ?? in libxcb09:06
aquarius__is that what you meant?09:07
RAOFThat's what I meant.09:07
aquarius__ok. If there's any other information I can provide to you, having a system *in* this wedged state, I'm happy to... but it sounds like you already have all the info you need?09:07
RAOFYeah, I think so.  And I can reproduce at least one version of that hang at will.09:08
aquarius__interestingly, when I've had this before, killing compiz and then restarting it (or starting metacity with --replace from a VC) doesn't seem to recover; normally what happens is that X quits and I have to log in again09:08
RAOF*That's* probably an X bug to do with closing down clients.09:09
aquarius__Is there any way to work around it? Today, I don't mind -- I've only just turned my machine on (well, resumed from suspend). But other days I have work in windows that I don't really want to lose, and then end up losing them.09:10
aquarius__so today I can just service gdm restart and be fine09:10
RAOFAttaching gdb to Xorg and acquiring a backtrace for *that* would be quite useful :)09:10
aquarius__right now?09:10
aquarius__that is, while still wedged?09:11
RAOFYeah, if killing compiz is going to cause it.09:11
aquarius__OK. how do I quit the gdb I have looking at compiz without killing compiz?09:11
RAOFJust type  ‘quit’; gdb won't kill compiz.09:12
aquarius__oh, I can't read. It says it'll detach from the inferior process, not kill it :)09:12
aquarius__ok, so I should gdb into the /usr/bin/X process?09:13
RAOFFirst could you install some debugging symbols?09:13
RAOFxserver-xorg-core-dbg is the most important package.09:13
RAOFThen xserver-xorg-video-$YOUR_CARD-dbg09:14
RAOFBut that's not as critical.09:14
aquarius__ah. I do not have the latest version of xserver-xorg-core09:15
aquarius__so I can't install -core-debug without upgrading -core, which means that a gdb backtrace won't be useful, correct?09:15
RAOFWhat version do you have?  I'll rustle up a link for you.09:15
RAOFaquarius__: Correct.  You need to have the -core-dbg version that corresponds to whatever is about to hang now :)09:16
aquarius__and it's about to install 2:1-10.0.902-1ubuntu109:17
aquarius__I only upgraded everything about a week ago! There have been nine hundred versions of X since? :)09:17
RAOFThat's just one version out of date; the new one was uploaded yesterday.09:19
RAOFOh - what arch do you need?09:19
aquarius__uname -p says i68609:19
davidcallekamstrup, hello. What can make a Lens do this: when it's launched at startup, it crashes on utf-8 strings ("ascii codec can't encode..."), but when it's launched during a session, it handles them well.09:20
RAOFaquarius__: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/67866223/xserver-xorg-core-dbg_1.10.0-0ubuntu3_i386.deb09:20
aquarius__(oh, and syndaemon is eating 100% CPU as well, again. Is that likely to be related?)09:21
RAOFaquarius__: I don't think so.09:21
RAOFAlthough it might make the deadlock more likely to happen.09:21
aquarius__ok. I'm happy to provide information about syndaemon as well if that's useful?09:22
RAOFNot for me, although the ubuntuone guys might be interested :)09:22
aquarius__syndaemon. Not syncdaemon.09:22
aquarius__if it were syncdaemon I'd know who to talk to :)09:22
magciusRAOF, was "No.  There *is* a weird bug where one of compiz's X connections sits around waiting for input that never comes, though." addressed to me?09:23
RAOFmagcius: Indeed it was.09:24
magciusWhy would killing notify-osd fix it?09:24
RAOFaquarius__: is in such a state ;)09:24
aquarius__RAOF: that's why I thought it might be related; syndaemon is sort of an X thing, no?09:24
magciusRAOF, also, I'm running metacity and gnome-panel, not compiz.09:24
RAOFaquarius__: syndaemon is an X-ish thing, yeah.09:24
RAOFaquarius__: File a bug; Chase Douglas is super-smart and up with the whole X input stack - he's who you want to talk to there.09:25
magciusSo I assume notify-osd froze, and it's not ACK-ing D-Bus notifications, which makes GTK+ freeze.09:25
aquarius__RAOF: OK, gdb into X says "Cannot access memory at address <blah> / <address> in __kernel_vsyscall ()". (I haven't made it restart yet.) Is that what you'd expect it to say at this point?09:25
RAOFaquarius__: Hm, no.09:26
RAOFaquarius__: You need to do  “sudo gdb Xorg $(pgrep X)”, due to the slightly crazy way we do things.09:26
RAOF /usr/bin/X is a little wrapper; Xorg is where the fun is.09:27
aquarius__ok, that makes sense. Now done that; X is still in __kernel_vsyscall09:27
RAOFYeah; it'll be polling.09:27
aquarius__(but now I get much more sensible-looking output :))09:27
RAOFWell, it'll be select()ing09:27
aquarius__right, so now I should kill -9 compiz and start metacity, yes? And then if X dies, get a backtrace from gdb09:27
aquarius__(I'm not good with this sort of debugging, so sorry you have to give me a remedial class in it :))09:28
RAOFFirst you probably want to ‘handle SIGPIPE nostop noprint’ in gdb, or you'll get a bunch of spurious SIGPIPEs.09:28
RAOFThen, yeah; kill compiz and start metacity.09:28
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aquariuswell, *that* was less than successful.09:32
aquariusRAOF, I killed compiz fine, and then on running "DISPLAY=:0 metacity --replace" in a VC...the machine hung.09:32
RAOFUm.  You weren't trying to gdb on the same machine as X was running on?09:32
aquariusI don't know whether the machine itself was locked up or whether just the screen wouldn't change.09:33
magciusRAOF, any other suggestions, or should I ping MacSlow?09:33
magcius(well, I just did)09:33
aquariusRAOF, I was. I only have the one machine. :)09:33
aquariusyou're gonna tell me that this is like debugging ssh while sshed in, aren't you?09:33
MacSlowmagcius, indeed :)09:33
MacSlowmagcius, what's up?09:33
RAOFaquarius: Ah.  So, what happened *there* was that gdb stopped X while it was handling the VT switch.09:33
magciusMacSlow, running gnome-panel and metacity09:33
magciusoccasionally, gtk+ windows lock up09:34
RAOFaquarius: Leading to *hilarious* consequences!09:34
magciuspkill notify-osd09:34
magciuseverything works09:34
aquariusRAOF, heh. :)09:34
MacSlowmagcius, hm... that's new09:34
RAOFIt is kinda possible to run gdb against X on the same machine, but it's not particularly reliable.09:35
magciusMacSlow, I'm running: xchat, gnome-terminal, banshee, emacs09:35
magciusalso firefox09:35
aquariusRAOF, ah. So, then, what we're suggesting here is: someone else has to get you your backtrace :)09:35
magciusit seems to happen the most with banshee's track change notifications09:35
MacSlowmagcius, do you have a ~/.cache/notify-osd.log handy somewhere?09:35
magciusbut that's usually the notifications i get09:35
RAOFaquarius: Indeed :)09:35
magciusMacSlow, yes.09:36
MacSlowmagcius, can you paste it somewhere?09:36
magciusMacSlow, all it has is the latest notification: [2011-04-12T03:59:08-00:00, notify-sharp ] Coastal Brake09:36
magciusby 'Tycho' from 'Coastal Brake'09:36
magciuscould be ndesk-dbus or notify-sharp that's being dumb09:36
MacSlowmagcius, hm... ok that's a dead end then...09:36
aquariusRAOF, thanks for the help thus far, though. Given that you know about the compiz problem, and I can't debug X dying without a second machine, is there anything else that I can provide you the next time this happens? Or should I just restart X, confident in the knowledge that you're working on it? :)09:37
MacSlowmagcius, do you perhaps know any method to forcefully cause this lockup?09:37
magciusMacSlow, nope.09:37
magciusI'll try some more09:38
magciusbut when it happens again, is there anything I should do?09:38
MacSlowmagcius, that would be very helpful... otherwise it's very hard to guess what's going wrong.09:38
RAOFaquarius: I think you're off the hook :).  No further debugging questions, y'rhonour.09:38
magciusget a gdb backtrace and see what it's polling for?09:38
aquariusRAOF, sorry I can't be more helpful!09:38
MacSlowmagcius, yes09:38
zniavresorry to ask again but what can i do for this please ?  > http://i.imgur.com/kxkxz.png <09:38
magciuszniavre, looks like a driver bug09:38
MacSlowmagcius, and try to save the ~/.cache/notify-osd.log as it gets overwritten when notify-osd is restarted09:39
zniavreho ? im using nouveau09:39
magciusAs I said, looks like a driver bug09:39
zniavrethat s a good new09:39
akshatjzniavre, unity has many problems with nouveau for me09:40
RAOFzniavre: How new is your compiz?  I've had approximately that bug a couple of times over teh cycle; a new compiz fixed things.09:40
zniavrei experience this since yesterday update compiz/nouveau/unity09:40
dbarthrodrigo_: hey rodrigo, i've noticed this bug about accessible descriptions09:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 726005 in indicator-applet (Ubuntu) "indicator-applet crashed with SIGSEGV in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER()" [Medium,Confirmed]09:41
dbarthis there something in the code that looks wrong?09:41
rodrigo_dbarth, looking09:42
zniavreRAOF,  i hav filled a bug report yesterday https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/75799009:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 757990 in unity (Ubuntu) "missing but working icons in unity-launcher" [Undecided,New]09:42
magciusMacSlow, not *quite* sure how to do that considering anything gtk+-based dies, including gnome-terminal09:42
magciusand nvidia broke ttys :(09:43
MacSlowmagcius, argl²09:43
MacSlowmagcius, can you still ssh into that machine from elsewhere?09:43
RAOFzniavre: (Fortunately?) We're not supporting nouveau's 3D, and it's likely to be a driver bug…09:43
magciusdoes notify-osd log to stderr?09:43
* RAOF updates his nouveau machine to check.09:43
rodrigo_dbarth, TheMuso should know better09:44
magciusI could do "/usr/libexec/notify-osd 2> ~/crashing.log" and let the system restart it when I pkill notify-osd09:44
magciusMacSlow, and no, no laptop nearby. This is my desktop.09:44
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rodrigo_TheMuso, around?09:44
zniavreRAOF,  ok thank you answering  do i cancel my report  ?09:44
RAOFzniavre: Leave it there; we might get around to doing something about it.09:45
RAOFzniavre: And we'll *eventually* want to support nouveau's 3D09:45
MacSlowmagcius, well... if you start it from a shell/terminal (after killing the current one running) you could capture it's output to a file09:46
magciusMacSlow, right, does it log to stderr?09:46
magciusMacSlow, ok, I think I may have found something09:47
magciusloading icon 'notification-/home/jstpierre/.cache/media-art/album-d50f662d41e1699e07f0baefbc6fd145.jpg' caused error: 'Icon 'notification-/home/jstpierre/.cache/media-art/album-d50f662d41e1699e07f0baefbc6fd145.jpg' not present in theme'**09:47
magciusMacSlow, icon still displays fine though09:48
magciusso not sure if it's just a dumb warning09:48
MacSlowmagcius, that looks nasty -> "notification-/"09:48
magciusDEBUG: [2011-04-12T04:48:46-00:00, notify-sharp, id:1, icon:/home/jstpierre/.cache/media-art/album-d50f662d41e1699e07f0baefbc6fd145.jpg]09:49
MacSlowtrying to replace a normal (icon) file-name with symbolic one09:49
magciuslooks like it's sending it across D-Bus fine09:49
MacSlowmagcius, which icon-theme are you using?09:49
magciusaccording to gnome-appearance-properties09:50
MacSlowmagcius, this "notification-/" indicates that the symbolic icon-name-substitution is getting in the way09:50
magciusuh, OK09:51
MacSlowthere's a workaround in place in notify-osd that I've never had time to solve properly09:51
MacSlowmagcius, just can't say why it's triggered for a normal album-art icon/image09:52
magciuswho is doing that09:52
MacSlowmagcius, notify-osd09:53
magciusI mean the "notification-" prepending?09:53
MacSlowmagcius, notfy-osd is doing that09:53
MacSlowmagcius, are you at home with compiling stuff yourself?09:54
magciusOf course.09:54
MacSlowmagcius, if you want you could quickly compile notify-osd without that workaround09:54
MacSlowmagcius, apt-get source notify-osd09:54
magciusMacSlow, https://code.launchpad.net/~jstpierre/notify-osd/365162 :D09:54
magciusI did that a loong time ago09:54
MacSlowmagcius, notify-osd/src/bubble.c:122 set it to 009:55
MacSlowmagcius, recompile09:56
MacSlowmagcius, run the resulting notify-osd binary from that and see if that solves your issue09:56
MacSlowmagcius, which I'm very certain it will09:56
magciusThe image loads fine in the end.09:57
magciusIt was just something I saw.09:57
MacSlowmagcius, still I wish we could get rid of such workarounds to fix others issues :)09:57
magciusTechnically, they shouldn't be using icon, but image_path instead, right?09:58
magciusEr, wait09:59
magciusthe "icon" property doesn't exist?09:59
* magcius looks at http://people.gnome.org/~mccann/docs/notification-spec/notification-spec-latest.html#icons-and-images09:59
MacSlowmagcius, I need to switch back to unity... anything else is better handled via sending email10:00
* MacSlow looks at all the unread email10:01
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om26ergood morning lamalex14:33
lamalexmorning om26er14:35
lamalexmorning cdbs,14:35
om26erlamalex, I am back to triage btw14:36
kenvandinetedg, uh oh... distro patching that dbusmenu branch from mterrry broke quicklists14:37
kenvandinetedg, at least for apps that don't have an app running associated with the desktop file14:37
tedgkenvandine, I'm on a call, but I'm surprised that happened... I didn't realize that stuff was using dbusmenu....14:38
kenvandinedynamic quicklists14:38
tedgkenvandine, I'd be suspicious that was it.14:38
kenvandinei just verified, downgrading dbusmenu fixed it14:38
tedgkenvandine, You lie!  ;-)14:39
kenvandineperhaps the bug is really somewhere in unity :)14:39
kenvandinethis is just uncovering it14:39
kenvandinetedg, ok... i take that back14:41
kenvandinei must be lying :)14:41
* tedg dances the kenvandine is a lier dance ;-)14:41
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga
kenvandinetedg, it worked twice in a row after downgrading14:41
kenvandinebut now it failed again14:41
kenvandinemust be racy14:42
kvalokenvandine: hi. a quick question, any hope of gwibber ever supporting a push method for new messages?14:53
kenvandinekvalo, you mean like twitter live stream?14:53
kvalokenvandine: something which doesn't poll :)14:54
kenvandineor real time feed, whatever they call it :)14:54
kenvandinekvalo, yes... for services that support it14:54
kenvandineand... only if i get to do the refactoring work i want to do14:54
kvalokenvandine: cool, so there's hope! :)14:54
kenvandineindeed :)14:55
kvalokenvandine: thanks14:55
kenvandinewe'll be talking about that kind of stuff at UDS, so you should try to show up to show support :)14:55
kenvandineour current scheduling mechanism wouldn't really handle that kind of thing well14:55
om26ernjpatel_, Hi! bug 734900 thoughts?15:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 734900 in unity (Ubuntu) "window title still fades even if there are no menus" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73490015:00
lamalexom26er, just do an ayatana-design task15:05
lamalexnormal design bug workflow15:05
njpatel_om26er, fixing today15:05
lamalexheh, oh ok or not15:05
om26erlamalex, ;)15:05
om26ernjpatel_, thanks15:05
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nerochiarosmspillaz|z: can you please ping me when you have a spare minute ?15:35
lamalextedg, should i wishlist or wontfix thishttps://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/75643415:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 756434 in unity-place-applications (Ubuntu) "under Unity clock does not show map with locations when I click on it" [Undecided,New]15:53
lamalextedg, should i wishlist or wontfix this https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/75643415:54
tedglamalex, bug 756434 shoudl be wishlist -- but for indicator-datetime15:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 756434 in unity-place-applications (Ubuntu) "under Unity clock does not show map with locations when I click on it" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75643415:56
tedgOh, those were the same :-)15:56
lamalextedg, right15:57
lamalexi was just fixing the space, sorry :P15:57
tedglamalex, I can't imagine a reason to really have that map in there -- it seems like eye candy to me.  But, it's definitely a feature request.15:57
lamalexit was definitely eye candy15:58
lamalexbut it /was/ nice in gnome 2.x15:59
lamalexhad your locations on it with daylight. i enjoyed it15:59
lamalexwas helpful for day dreaming about the weather hawaii15:59
kenvandinecdbs, i see you noticed dynamic quicklists have stopped working17:18
kenvandinesort of17:18
kenvandinei've been trying to bi-sect that today... they worked last week17:18
cdbskenvandine: :o17:18
cdbskenvandine: so I'm not alone17:18
kenvandineit works like 1 out of 10 tries :)17:18
cdbskenvandine: In my case they worked a few hours ago17:18
kenvandineso not completely broken, must be race condition of some sort17:18
cdbskenvandine: and now they won't work, I tried around 15-20 times17:19
didrocksI didn't change the code there in unity17:19
jcastrodidrocks: any idea what's up here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/692462/17:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 692462 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "unity confused with chromium web apps" [Medium,Fix committed]17:21
kenvandinedidrocks, i ruled out the bamf and dbusmenu updates17:22
jcastrodidrocks: I can reproduce on a clean install, I just don't know where to reopen, bamf or unity.17:22
kenvandinedidrocks, so i am guessing either libunity or unity17:23
kenvandinebut leaning towards unity17:23
kenvandinei tried the 3.6.8 gir with libunity3 and it fails too17:23
didrocksjcastro: DBO revert a part of the merge for latest release17:24
kenvandinebut that might not be a great test17:24
kenvandinesince unity is using libunity417:24
didrocksjcastro: it was wrong IIRC, better to check with him17:24
jcastrodidrocks: ok so is it a bamf problem or a unity problem?17:24
didrockskenvandine: libunity didn't get any update, bamf update isn't linked to that part17:24
jcastroDBO: yo17:24
didrocksjcastro: bamf17:24
kenvandinedidrocks, there was the API change last week...17:24
didrockskenvandine: yeah, but that happened since yesterday, isn't it?17:25
DBOjcastro, what?17:25
kenvandinedidrocks, yeah, just trying to narrow down the field17:25
kenvandinedidrocks, i am not sure it worked consistently yesterday17:25
kenvandinei know it worked consistently last week17:25
jcastroDBO: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/692462/ this isn't Fix Released anymore17:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 692462 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "unity confused with chromium web apps" [Medium,Fix committed]17:25
kenvandinenow it works rarely17:25
kenvandinefails in both vala and python for sure17:25
DBOjcastro, yeah I need to speak with trevino17:25
kenvandineso not pygi17:25
jcastroDBO: this is related: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bamf/+bug/74497217:25
DBOhis work is crashing17:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 744972 in bamf (Ubuntu) "BAMF window matching for Chromium webapps" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:25
jcastroah ok17:25
DBOi am about to revert the whole shooting match17:26
jcastrothanks for the update17:26
* didrocks is happy to not merging that himself and let DBO handle it :-)17:26
DBOdidrocks, dont touch bamf right now17:26
didrocksDBO: oh, I don't! :-)17:26
DBOjcastro, if you can get me in touch with him17:27
DBOthat would be good17:27
didrocksthat's exactly why I told jcastro the other day I didn't want to touch this merge :-)17:27
jcastroI just panged him on irc17:27
=== jackneill is now known as Jackneill
jonoare you folks aware of a bug with multiple icons on the Launcher?17:34
kenvandinedidrocks, i am suspicious of rev 1105 of unity17:35
* DBO rips jonos head off17:35
jonofor the same app, I mean17:35
kenvandine"merge neils branch of epic win"17:35
jonoDBO, :-)17:35
didrockskenvandine: it's the one merging the urgent icons new API and removing the other one17:35
DBOkenvandine, neil needs to learn to name his branches better17:35
didrocksjono: happens when bamfdaemon is restarting17:35
kenvandine-  DbusmenuMenuitem* item   = NULL;17:36
jonodidrocks, ahhh17:36
kenvandine+  QuicklistMenuItem* menu_item = NULL;17:36
kenvandine+  DbusmenuMenuitem*  item   = NULL;17:36
kenvandineit seems to be touching that area17:36
didrockskenvandine: argh17:36
didrockslet me kill Neil to remove my work :)17:36
kenvandine+  menu_item = GetNthItems (index);17:38
kenvandine+  if (!menu_item)17:38
kenvandine+    return false;17:38
kenvandineperhaps dbusmenu isn't finished setting up when he does that check?17:38
* kenvandine really has no clue, just random guesses here17:38
kenvandinebut this looks suspicious17:38
* kenvandine goes to lunch :)17:38
didrockskenvandine: probably, and so we are back to first point, with the race (the one mterry fixed)17:39
DBOjono, if you have a reliable method of reproducing the bamf crash17:45
DBOplease tell me17:45
jonoDBO, I didn't see a bamf crash, I started Gwibber and saw three icons :-)17:46
DBOjono, what else do you have running?17:46
DBOwhat favorites do you have17:46
jonoDBO, in my launcher?17:47
jonoNautilus, Firefox, Terminal, Tomboy, USC, XChat-GNOME, GTG, Thunderbird, GTK-Record-My-Desktop, GEdit, Skype, Gimp, Ubuntu One Control Panel, and I have Evolution open (three icons) and Gwibber (three icons)17:48
jonoDBO, ^17:48
jonoI have also seen multiple banshee icons before17:49
DBOwhcih ones have you pinned?17:49
jonoit seems to be apps started from the indicators that have muiltiple icons17:49
jonoall those apps are ones I have pinned to my launcher17:49
jonoI think it is something to do with starting apps from indicators17:50
jonoI haven't noticed this issue with other apps17:50
DBOyou dont have any non-pinned apps running?17:50
jonoDBO, I do, Gedit, GTG, XChat, Firefox17:50
jonooh hang on17:50
jononon-pinned apps, no17:50
jonoEvo and Gwibber are not pinned, I start them from the indicators, and I have them running17:51
didrockslamalex: set-lp-dup is what you want17:53
seb128DBO, the comments suggest quite some users got it while using file selector dialog17:53
DBOseb128, k17:53
DBOI need all of these dupes traced17:54
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|break
DBOcan i get some retracing done?17:54
DBOwhy the shit cant I get bamf to crash17:57
seb128DBO, the retracers are working17:57
DBOif I fail to fix this bug for a 3rd time I think seb128 will just kill me17:57
seb128not sure what you mean17:57
DBOmaybe I looked at the wrong dupe17:58
seb128the thing is that they just clean and close the new bugs since they have the same stacktrace17:58
seb128that's the best way to avoid making public private infos17:58
seb128the duplicates are cleaned and turned public17:58
DBOwith different strings17:59
DBOwhich I need to see17:59
seb128no luck for you then17:59
DBOthats crap17:59
seb128well jono had the issue18:00
seb128he probably has the .crash locally and can give you some infos18:01
jonobamf has crashed for me18:01
jonoI saw an error dialog18:01
jonoseb128, where would I find a .crash ?18:02
seb128jono, in /var/crash18:02
jonoI have that18:02
seb128jono, so can you do that18:02
seb128install bamfdaemon-dbgsym18:02
jonoseb128, what do you want me to do?18:02
seb128then double click on that .crash in nautilus18:02
seb128or use ubuntu-bug -c on it18:03
jonook, one sec18:03
jonoE: Unable to locate package bamfdaemon-dbgsym18:03
jonoseb128, ^18:03
seb128jono, what arch do you use?18:04
jonoseb128, x8618:04
seb128how come people there don't have a ddeb source configured ;-)18:04
seb128jono, so either configure a ddeb apt source as described on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash or wget http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/pool/main/b/bamf/bamfdaemon-dbgsym_0.2.86-0ubuntu1_i386.ddeb and dpkg -i it18:05
seb128jono, ddeb source is basically adding "deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com natty main restricted universe multiverse" to your sources.list18:05
jonoseb128, ok, I installed it and double-clicked on it in FF and now it is filing a bug18:06
seb128jono, thanks, can you make the bug public and give the number when it's filed? or if you don't want to make it public subscribe me to it18:07
seb128jono, bamf shouldn't have any private data out of the name of running applications if you are fine making those infos public18:07
jononp, one sec18:08
jonoseb128, so it is registering "bamfdaemon crashed with SIGABRT in dbus_g_connection_register_g_object()" of which there are other bugs and dupes18:09
jonoshould I file it anyway18:09
seb128jono, yes18:09
seb128jono, DBO needs info from a new bug18:09
jonoseb128, DBO https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bamf/+bug/75896518:10
seb128the other ones got cleaned by the retracers18:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 758965 in bamf (Ubuntu) "bamfdaemon crashed with SIGABRT in dbus_g_connection_register_g_object()" [Undecided,New]18:10
didrocksseb128: can you stop the retracer from cleaning this one?18:10
seb128DBO, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/69148113/Stacktrace.txt18:10
seb128didrocks, we can once, but it will add the first one it retracers to the stacktraces db and dup the next ones from it18:10
DBOthank you seb12818:10
seb128DBO, thanks jono18:10
DBOthanks jono18:11
jonolet me know if there is anything I else I can do to help18:11
seb128#10 0x080561bc in open_office_window_setup_timer (args=0x90f4198) at bamf-matcher.c:134718:11
DBOyes its always open office18:11
seb128DBO, other bugs suggested they were using libreoffice to open a document when they got it18:11
seb128DBO: you got the gdb crashdump on the bug as well if you have an i386 install and want to play withit18:12
DBObut thank you18:13
DBOseb128, can you confirm this18:17
DBOopen libre writer, and then libre calc18:17
DBOthen open the FIle Open from writer18:17
DBOdoes that crash it?18:17
=== daker is now known as daker_
seb128DBO, just having one librewriter opening the fileselector and closing it seems enough18:19
seb128or rather just opening the fileselector seems enough18:20
DBOfor me i need both18:20
DBOeither way this gives me what I need18:20
DBOand I can confirm the duplication18:21
seb128DBO, it's not specific to libreoffice by reading the comments though, this stacktrace seemed specific to it18:22
DBOevery stacktrace I have seen has had the open office delay timer in it18:22
DBOsometimes the apport window pops late18:22
jcastrokamstrup: any idea what could be going on here? our lens stopped working on login: https://bugs.launchpad.net/askubuntu-lens/+bug/75883918:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 758839 in AskUbuntu Lens "Lens doesn't start on login" [Undecided,New]18:26
kamstrupjcastro: anything in .xsession-errors?18:28
seb128DBO, ok, can you do that: wget https://launchpadlibrarian.net/69149337/_usr_lib_bamf_bamfdaemon.1000.crash, apport-unpack _usr_lib_bamf_bamfdaemon.1000.crash dir; cd dir; and use gdb on the crashdump there?18:28
seb128DBO, it's the crash from skaet, she just added it and she said she didn't use libreoffice18:28
seb128DBO, so might be worth checking the stacktrace from this one18:28
DBOwhere is the trace?18:28
seb128DBO, I just copied the commands for you to use gdb on it18:29
seb128DBO: then type "bt"18:29
DBOyeah, thanks :)18:29
seb128DBO, it's not retraced but that way you can get debug infos locally18:29
seb128DBO, can you let me know if the stacktrace is a libreoffice one as well or if it's a different case. skaet think she didn't use libreoffice18:30
seb128DBO: quite some of the duplicates suggest it happen with firefox in some cases as well18:30
seb128oh it does18:31
seb128DBO, opening a fileselector in firefox crash bamf here18:31
DBOseb128, confirmed18:31
seb128DBO, ok, so I think you got what you need18:31
seb128DBO, happy debugging18:31
seb128DBO, r-t is asking when you think you can get a fix? they would like to get it fixed in beta2 if possible seeing the number of users running into it and the easy way to trigger it18:37
DBOseb128, today18:37
seb128DBO, ok, please let me or didrocks know when you have a fix to try or that we can backport to natty18:38
seb128didrocks, ^18:38
didrocksseb128: yeah, I'll upload right away in case of a respin18:38
didrocksDBO: ^18:38
seb128didrocks, thanks18:39
seb128didrocks, upload right away in any case, I told skaet we would get it in the queue for them once it's ready18:39
seb128didrocks, then they can do what they judge right18:39
=== MacSlow|break is now known as MacSlow
kenvandinecdbs, i have a fix for the broken quicklists20:36
kenvandineit looks like mterry's previous fix got reverted accidentally20:37
cdbskenvandine: :o20:39
cdbskenvandine: nice catch20:40
* cdbs 'll test it20:40
cdbskenvandine: ping21:22
kenvandinecdbs, pong21:22
cdbskenvandine: the fix worked, but a new problem, if the dbusmenu specified contains a hidden menuitem, then unity crashes21:22
* cdbs reports21:22
lamalexDBO, what do we know about the ivisible windows bug?22:03
lamalexi have a guy who says he can trigger it with the grid plugin22:04
DBOit should be mostly resolved22:04
lamalexDBO, as of when22:06
lamalexthis was filed on the 10th22:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 756765 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz + grid, turn window invisible" [Undecided,New]22:07
DBOthat is the grid clipping bug22:07
DBOits fixed on the 11th22:07
LLStarksdidrocks wanted this but whatever22:13
LLStarksbug 75919822:13
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 759198 could not be found22:13
LLStarksubot fails22:13
OmegaThe lockscreen is ugly.23:13
OmegaIt's probably what I hate most about my Ubuntu experience.23:14
Daekdroombamfdaemon just crashed out of the blur.23:19
DaekdroomBut instead of getting the backtrace I closed the window unconsciously, heh.23:19
OmegaI just got a GPU lockup and apport crashing while submitting.23:23
sergio__I'm wondering if this is worth submitting a bug to Ayatana. The launcher in unity recognizes input with a control key as a garabge character. For example, typing Ctrl+V or Ctrl+A into the launcher results in garbage text being shown.23:36
sergio__This is in the natty beta btw23:39
Omegasergio__: submit the bug to unity23:42
Omega(check if it's submitted)23:42
OmegaI'll confirm it23:42
sergio__Omega, i havent seen one, so i was just wondering if it seemed bug worthy23:43
delacaffects mee too. I would say it's quite worth a bug report23:44
delacI mean, I really would like to be able to paste into the thing23:44
OmegaSomething actually shows up when you search for .,,ctrl+/23:53
sergio__not for me23:53
sergio__ctrl+i gives a big space23:53
sergio__ctrl+a does select all23:54
sergio__ctrl+j is little space?23:54
sergio__as wel as ctrl m23:55
OmegaAnd we have a crash!23:56
sergio__go figure any combination of ctrl and , . ; ' works fine23:59

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