
txwikingerapachelogger: yeah, why? Since when do y'all have a shore?00:00
valorieanchors aweigh00:00
apacheloggervalorie: not yet00:00
apacheloggertxwikinger: we have them accumulations of water upon which one may sail00:00
* txwikinger wonders how to survive 3 more weeks of election nonsense00:01
valorie3 weeks!00:01
valoriewe have like - 2 years00:01
txwikingerapachelogger: well.. you do not need "sailors" for that bit of water00:01
txwikingervalorie: yeah .. here it is just 5 weeks.. but without a break00:02
apacheloggerdifferent uses they fullfil00:02
* txwikinger does not want to know... far too much information00:02
valoriemuch better to consider the elections, for sure00:03
txwikingerWell.. we had only 10 days to collect all th signatures for our candidates00:03
ScottKUpgrading sure goes faster with an SSD, 4GB of RAM, and an Intel i5 CPU than it did on my last laptop.01:48
valorieI have a place for a second drive on this laptop02:18
DarkwingDuckI need to upgrade mine...02:18
valoriedo you think an SSD is worth it, for like.... the distro and apps?02:18
valorieuse the other one for /home02:19
valorieseems like it would speed startup, at least02:19
c2tarungood morning :)05:31
Riddellbeta testing time!10:02
Tm_TRiddell: PPC images ?10:16
RiddellTm_T: yes Kubuntu Desktop powerpc (20110411)10:24
Tm_Twill give it a spin10:25
c2tarunwhat is kubuntu-natty-mobile?10:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kubuntu-natty-mobile10:41
Tm_Tc2tarun: Mobile spin of Kubuntu 11.04 "Natty Narwhal" release10:42
c2tarunTm_T: where can I get more info about it?10:43
Tm_Tc2tarun: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/UbuntuLiquid10:45
Tm_Tc2tarun: perhaps this too: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/n90010:46
c2tarunTm_T: thanks :)10:46
c2tarunis there any place I can find kubuntu papercut bugs, the link on LP has more ubuntu bugs than kubuntu bugs :/10:54
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yofelhm, cool, pinenetry does look better with the proper theme :)13:46
debfxdoes anyone have a lucid vm lying around to verify the fix for bug #400851 ?14:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400851 in kdesudo (Ubuntu Maverick) "kdesudo fails with non-ascii passwords" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40085114:25
debfxit's been in lucid-proposed for 2 months already14:25
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c2tarungood evening15:08
debfxRiddell: thanks!15:49
dpmhey Kubuntu developers, would anyone be up for taking up Jonathan's session on KAppTemplate today at 19:00 UTC (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAppDeveloperWeek/Timetable)? He's just told me he won't be able to make it to the session16:06
tazz /join #koji16:07
c2tarundpm: ping17:15
dpmhi c2tarun17:15
c2tarunhi dpm :) I wanted to ask about the session that Jonathan was scheduled to take today.17:16
c2tarundpm: is anyone going to take it?17:16
dpmc2tarun, we don't have any takers, would you like to volunteer? That'd be awesome17:17
c2tarundpm: WHAT???? O_O I was planning to attend it :( I am not developer17:17
dpmc2tarun, no worries, I was only asking just in case :-)17:18
c2tarundpm:  :) I am not even able to fix any junior bugs in kde :) I cannot take any session ;)17:18
dpmc2tarun, then Ubuntu App Developer Week is for you! Hopefully you can learn lots of stuff there17:19
c2tarundpm: yup :) I am looking forward to all the sessions from which I can learn something, I skipped pitti's because it was for python and I have no experience with it :?17:20
dpmcool. Yeah, we should have perhaps had a python beginner's session. Yesterday's one was more targetted at intermediate developers17:21
c2tarundpm: that would be great :)17:22
c2tarunapachelogger: ping17:27
c2tarunapachelogger: how can I look at the source code of a plasmoid?17:27
c2tarunI mean plasma-widget17:27
apacheloggeropen the .plasmoid file with ark17:28
apacheloggerdpm: btw, I could whip up a kde dev intro session17:28
apacheloggernot that I had the time ^^17:29
apacheloggerjust in case17:29
* c2tarun shitt... :( that plasmoid is in python17:30
dpmapachelogger, well, that'd be really really cool. If you don't have time to prepare a full session, we could do a KDE development Q+A, you up for it?17:30
apacheloggerQ+A I can always do17:31
dpmapachelogger, excellent. Does that look ok to you? -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAppDeveloperWeek/Timetable17:34
apacheloggerdpm: aye aye :)17:39
* dpm hugs apachelogger17:41
* apachelogger rehugs dpm and continues messing with triangle rasterization ^^17:48
c2taruncan anyone please tell me how can I find that which is my boot partition? please reply soon, its urgent18:18
yofelc2tarun: your boot partition should be the partition your /boot folder is on I think18:20
yofelat least if grub is installed into the MBR18:20
RiddellDarkwingDuck: ping, how are the docs?18:43
jussiHeya peoples, Im looking at the todo, and Ive an item: Get *buntu logos onto loco.ubuntu.com footer - do we still want that? they are asking for an example, does anyone have one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+bug/71448719:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 714487 in loco-directory "Get *buntu logos onto loco.ubuntu.com footer" [Wishlist,Incomplete]19:10
jussialso, has anyone done: Investigate status of bugzilla<->launchpad plugin for KDE ?19:10
tsimpsondidn't you ask that months ago?19:10
jussitsimpson: yes, got no response, and forgot about it19:11
Riddelljussi: KubuntuArtwork on wiki has the logo19:11
tsimpsonI'm sure I responded with "ubuntu.com" ;)19:11
Riddelljussi: no I haven't heard of anyone asking about the status of bugzilla<->launchpad integration, wouldn't be hard to start it off by just asking the launchpad bugs people19:11
jussitsimpson: perhaps, but ubuntu.com doesnt have it anymore?19:12
tsimpsonI see the ubuntu logo in the footer19:12
jussiRiddell: ok, Ill do that (since its a long postponed one)19:12
c2tarunnigelb: ping19:12
jussitsimpson: the point was that we wanted all the ubuntu logos there19:12
jussiand they wanted an example of somewhwere else thats been done19:13
tsimpsonjussi: well you take what's on ubuntu.com, and copy/paste a few times changing the image :)19:13
nigelbc2tarun: pong19:14
tsimpsonjussi: I don't think anywhere has _all_ the logos in the footer19:14
nigelbtsimpson: lol19:14
c2tarunnigelb: what are the packages required for the unity session tonight?19:15
nigelbc2tarun: no idea mate, you'll have to ask Trevinho19:16
c2tarunnigelb: where can I find him?19:16
nigelbhrm,no idea. he doesn't seem to be online right now. lemme grep my logs19:17
nigelbhrm,logs don't show him anywhere I've been. So, no idea.19:17
c2tarunnigelb: actually I have a slow internet connection, I may not be able to install them during session :/19:18
nigelbyou'll have to wait for the session I guess19:18
c2tarundpm: who maintains the timetable page? I suggest that required pacakges during session must be stated there.19:21
tsimpsonc2tarun: it's up to the person running the session to put that information there19:24
Riddellmaco: that's not sounding likely (k-d mailing list) :)19:40
maco*shrug* was worth a try19:40
* afiestas has been testing bluedevil on kubuntu for 1h, everything perfect so far :p19:43
GrueMasterIs anyone testing the kubuntu armel images?  19:43
afiestasI'm going to tag 1.2, though it is not going to have any difference from rc19:44
Riddellafiestas: 1.2?  did we get a 1.1?19:44
afiestasaaah, 1.2 I meant :p19:44
RiddellGrueMaster: not that I know of19:44
Riddellafiestas: what happened to 1.1?19:44
afiestasaaah, 1.1 I meant xD19:45
afiestassorry, loong day :p19:45
Riddellafiestas: right19:45
Riddellafiestas: and what libbluedevil do we want?19:47
afiestasRiddell: 1.9 tag in the git repo19:48
Riddellafiestas: not 1.8.1?19:49
afiestasRiddell: nope, get a snapshot from master (1.9), tarball and tag will be done in a few minutes19:49
apacheloggerRiddell, afiestas: kde development Q+A in #ubuntu-classroom in 8 minutes if you want to join19:53
afiestasapachelogger: from where can I grab the last version of release script?19:55
dpmapachelogger, if any more people want to join as session instructors, just mention it on #ubuntu-classroom-backstage so that the ops give them voice19:55
RiddellGrueMaster: in principle they should work so it would be interesting to get at least one tested to verify, I believe they are likely to be rebuilt tonight though so don't spend ages on it19:55
apacheloggerafiestas: kde:releaseme19:55
apacheloggerdpm: ah, ok, thanks19:55
apacheloggerRiddell, afiestas: so, do you want to join? ^^19:55
GrueMasterRiddell: The idea is to get some basic testing done before retesting so that any critical bugs can be fixed and included.  Also, I never assume the images will "just work".19:56
afiestasapachelogger: I'm releasing, so kinda afk :/19:57
apacheloggerafiestas: hehe, ok :)19:57
Riddellapachelogger: go ahead and ask for me to be opped19:57
bambeeIf I can help to do something... just ping me ;)20:04
Quintasanbambee: troll apachelogger's session :P20:04
bambeeQuintasan: I will hate me then... and say crap about my contributions... but why not :P20:05
bambeelol :)20:05
apacheloggerQuintasan: go advertise a bit, it is a rare opportunity to grill the logger :P20:05
bambee<troll> your plasmoid example in javascript was nice by the way, even if I would rather to see python </troll>20:06
bambeetimeout expired... troll failed xD20:07
c2taruntsimpson: I think we should always request to the one putting the session to put those details, that will help the guys a lot20:29
tsimpsonsessions are usually added *before* the person giving the session has a full idea of what the content of the session is going to be20:30
tsimpsoniirc, the session leaders are asked to update the wiki with prerequisites anyway20:31
apacheloggerRiddell: thanks for helping :)21:02
c2tarunapachelogger: awesome session :)21:03
bambeenice talk :)21:03
c2tarunguys what exactly is telepathy? is it some project going on or something else?21:04
_Groo_guys i need a little21:05
_Groo_im making the tomahawk package21:06
bambeec2tarun: http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/21:06
_Groo_but after i make the tomahawl.install file21:06
_Groo_its installing in debian/tomahawk instead of installing in debian/tmp21:06
_Groo_so when the dh_install tries to find the files it fails, cause it cant find the /tmp dir that doesnt exist21:06
_Groo_what am i doing wrong here21:07
apacheloggerstuff only gets installed to debian/tmp if n > 1, with n = amount of packages in debian/control21:11
_Groo_apachelogger: yeah just read it in dh_auto_install21:15
_Groo_apachelogger: ok, so i want to copy 2 xpm files, and add a protocol file, how do i do that with only one tomahawk.install file?21:15
apacheloggerman dh_install21:16
_Groo_apachelogger: so dh_install should be: dh_install --sourcedir=debian/tomahawk?21:18
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groo_apachelogger: ping23:24

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