
roger_James147: kquitapp plasma-desktop works as well01:16
WalzmynI am hainv intermitant problems with my taskbar/panel going crazy - KDE 4.6.2 - Is this a known issue?01:37
James147!details | Walzmyn01:37
ubottuWalzmyn: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:37
WalzmynI use auto-hide, when i touch the edge with the mouse the panel does not come up. If it hit alt-F1 I can get the kmenu, but some times it's on a different screen edge, some times its in the middle of the screen. Some times the panel comes wiht it some times it dosen't. Some times the panel goes back to normal after that, some times not01:39
Walzmynwhich i think falls under "going crazy"01:39
* James147 suggests checking if a new user suffers the same problem01:40
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beltorakis there a decent software manager for kubuntu?02:06
James147beltorak: package manager? there kpackagekkit, muon, aptitude, apt-get...02:08
beltoraki haven't heard of muon.... kpackagekit is kinda .... rough....02:08
=== nitro is now known as Guest74194
Snowhogbeltorak: Muon is the 'new kid' on the block, but well worth installing. It is better IMO than KPackagekit (although, KPK has gotten much better). If you don't want to try Muon, Synaptic Package Manager (Gnome, yes, but) is still the choice of many.02:13
Mase_wkMuon rocks02:13
petetealso aptitude is great02:34
WrasSo recently I decided to give Linux a try and installed Kubuntu on an older system sitting around. Everything seems to have gone great so far with the exception that my audio isn't working.  I have an ASUS P4P800SE. The onboard audio chip is a ADI AD1985 SoundMax chip. but when I run lspci -v, it shows up as being an Intel audio controller (The 82801EB/ER). I have checked to see if the sound was being muted but it wasn't.04:16
James147Wras: you chaned alsamixer for muted sound or just kmix?04:19
WrasI tried looking in alsamixer and it showed it wasn't muted04:20
Wrasand if kmix is the one I see on the "taskbar" that one isn't muted either04:21
James147Wras: hmm,04:22
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:22
James147afraid I am not very good at debugging sound problems :)04:22
Wrasits ok I'll try to look into it at the link ubottu posted04:23
Wrasthanks for the help at any rate ^_^04:24
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ubuntu__ubuntu rlzzz!05:19
sun-armyHi to all06:36
shydogmoring everyone07:34
susundberggood morning07:38
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BaronHi. Does anyone else have a problem connecting a CDMA modem to the internet10:12
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up10:34
valorieoh sheesh, left already10:34
susundberghi henry_11:09
henry_this is my first time using the Quassel Kubuntu IRC client =)11:11
c2tarunhenry_: welcome to Quasse ;)11:16
henry_Thanks :D11:16
henry_atm I'm trying to connect to the official minecraft irc server :/11:17
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BluesKajHiyas all14:58
DaskreechBluesKaj: Hello :)15:10
BluesKajhi Daskreech :) how's it going ?15:14
DaskreechBluesKaj: Alright things are happening mostly as they should15:15
Daskreech(which is a funny way of saying things are breaking so I have work but they are fixable)15:15
* BluesKaj dumps all package notifiers, because they are becoming a pita, constantly reminders of updates etc isn't needed when one runs a dev OS15:21
BluesKajerr constant reminders15:22
finHplease tell me why fonts in kubuntu are so horrible compared to ubuntu? http://imgur.com/a/nrWPE why don't they use the same fonts and rendering?15:23
BluesKajfinH, must be a matter of taste. I don't see anything horrible there15:25
finHBluesKaj: do you *like* the default profile of Konsole?15:26
finHaubergine color sceme is indeed a matter of taste... but barely readable fonts or missing hinting is a bug if you ask me15:28
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finHmy choice of screenshot was poor in retrospect, it's a lot more visible with real tehttp://i.imgur.com/rDacW.png15:30
finHreal text* http://i.imgur.com/rDacW.png15:30
BluesKajmy screen froze , had to reboot , KB and mouse actions were unrsponsive15:40
* genii-around shakes his fist at the Narwhal!15:41
finHBluesKaj: do you *like* the default konsole font? http://i.imgur.com/rDacW.png15:43
BluesKajfinH, well. it's acceptable , but if it's the 'ubuntu font" then 'd probly change it too:)15:45
BluesKajI may freeze my screen again if I try to open the terminal profile , but here goes15:47
finHthat's why I run the beta in a VM...15:47
BluesKajO the joys of running a dev OS ...I had to purge the synaptiks apps and config files , they were interfereing with my input devices ... for some reason the mousepad option was installed on my system...could be due to the wireless KB and mouse being interpreted as laptop input devices16:40
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BlaXpiritKPackageKit tray icon appears for a second and hides itself all the time, once in about 5 minutes. What could cause this annoying problem?17:36
guillermocerpaalguien de chile17:38
guillermocerpasome body from chile17:38
BlaXpiritof course >_>17:38
guillermocerpayou speak spanish17:39
guillermocerpai need help17:39
guillermocerpaalguien que me pueda17:39
guillermocerpatengo problemas.. ya que instale ubuntu17:40
guillermocerpay no me reconoce el chip ati17:40
macova a #ubuntu-es por favor17:40
guillermocerpatranks you17:40
Raven_work why under kde does my xorg process take up so much cpu time?  It does not matter if I have compositing turned on or off.  I'm running the latest kde from the kubuntu 10.10 backports ppa.17:51
Peace-Raven_work: becasuse there is a bug in a package18:15
Peace-Raven_work: you need to downgrade18:15
Peace-one package18:15
Raven_workPeace-:  Can you be a bit more specific?18:21
Peace-Raven_work: wait i am searching on the forum kde18:21
Raven_workThis problem also happened when I was running the stock kde that came with 10.1018:21
Raven_workAnd it happens on multiple computers with different (but all nvidia) video cards.18:21
Peace-I would suggest making sure all KDE packages, particularly those relating to ntrack, are up to date.18:22
Peace-that should be18:22
Raven_worksudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade : it just updated my dhcp client.  ;/18:23
rulyoneHi all18:28
rulyoneI've got a question about 32bits or 64bits cpu18:29
Peace-Raven_work: search ntrack18:29
Peace-Raven_work: try to downgrade18:29
rulyoneI've got a VPS hosting with a 64bits processor, but it has installed a 32 bits OS18:29
rulyonecan I install 64 bits software into that?18:29
genii-aroundRaven_work: Actually, you can but it's usually far more trouble than it's worth18:30
Raven_workPeace-:  Link or reference, please?18:30
rulyoneRaven_work: that no was to my question about 64bits?18:30
BluesKaji found voice-dispatch was taking up a lot of cpu more than 60% at times and i wasn't enabled ,so I purged it from the usr/bin etc because it wasn't listed in the package manager18:30
Peace-Raven_work: was on the kde forum18:31
Peace-i don't remember18:31
Raven_workrulyone: that no was an answer to your question about 64bits.  genii-around's reply indicated that you probably can, but you shouldn't.18:31
rulyonek, thanks18:32
rulyoneso i'll stick with 32 bits apps18:32
Raven_workPeace-:  ntrack is not running.  I have removed it from my system tray.18:32
Peace-Raven_work: are you sure?18:33
Raven_workPeace-:  Unless it hides as another process name, yes, I'm pretty sure.18:33
genii-aroundrulyone: It's possible for instance to change the default architecture it want to get packages for by making an apt.conf entry. but then you have to reinstall everything you have already, plus it gets tricky if you have kernel modules which get rebuilt during upgrades.18:33
Peace-Raven_work: no idea then18:34
Raven_workPeace-:  Also, xorg is the process using up so much cpu, not ntrack.18:34
rulyonethanks genii-around, that sounds more trouble than what is worth18:34
genii-aroundrulyone: Yes, exactly :)18:35
techampereHi, do you guys know any other window managers for KDE?19:18
techamperenot the default Kwin19:18
James147techampere: there are no other kde window managers19:19
James147^^ though there are lots of window manager you can use instead of a kde based one..19:21
techampereok, what about compiz?19:23
techampereDoes it work in KDE?19:23
James147techampere: that will work ^^ though it isnt as intergrated as kwin19:23
quupI just did a fresh 10.10 install of ubuntu and installed kubuntu-desktop, any chance upgrading to 11.04 will not break my system or is it worth to try?19:45
DarthFrogquup: Will not?  No guarantee.  Probably not, is a better way of thinking. :-)19:47
techamperequup: Have you updated to KDE 4.6?19:47
quuptechampere: nope, just fresh ubuntu with kubuntu-desktop installed19:48
DarthFrogquup: KDE SC 4.6 is probably a more worthwhile upgrade than going to Natty right now.19:49
quupis there something Ishould use insteaf of update-manager when upgrading kubuntu?19:49
techamperequup: try this ---> http://www.multimediaboom.com/how-to-install-kde-4-6-kubuntu-in-ubuntu-10-10-maverick/19:49
techampereYou will love it :)19:49
quupDarthFrog, techampere: ok :)19:49
James147quup: there is always a chance that an upgrade to a prerelease will break your system ^^ and you shouldnt try if you want a stable system... even if you manage to upgrade successfully there is no guarantee that a future update wont break your system :)19:50
andyflagHey guys, I need help setting up a linux server can anyone guide me?19:51
quupI think i'll do fresh 11.04 kubuntu beta19:51
quupJames147: hehe yea19:51
techamperequup: I wouldn't suggest an upgrade though19:51
quupye, I know it can't really be suggested, but I figure might as well get the beta now so I don't have to reinstall again in a month19:52
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DarthFrogquup: If you have a spare partition, you can install 11.04 side by side with 10.10.  I do that, with a separate home partition, so that I can try the new distro without committing to it until it's ready for prime time.19:53
AndyFlagI need help setting up centOS server for first time use, can anyone give me any tips or pointers? I'm pretty new to linux and their servers.19:53
PiciAndyFlag: This is #kubuntu, please ask in #centos19:54
DarthFrogAnd once I switch to the latest&greatest permanently, the old system partition is then available for the next developmental release.19:54
=== techampere is now known as Chris_H
Chris_Hlol, I was wondering. Does OpenGL work with Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller ?20:00
tsimpsonChris_H: sure20:03
dellhey guys i cant get flash videos playing in rekonq20:03
dellany suggestions?20:03
Chris_Htsimpson: well, it doesn't seem to work well for me. Everything slags. I had to move to Xrender which seems to work fine although most of the Desktop effects are not available anymore20:04
tsimpsonChris_H: working and working well are not the same thing20:05
Chris_Hguess so. I ought to have a better Graphics card20:06
Peace-dell: just install firefox20:09
Peace-dell: rekonq is not ready for full web experience20:09
Peace-there is a theme to integrate it on kde20:09
Chris_Hdell: or try Chrome20:10
Chris_HIts awesome20:10
Peace-chrome has not some feautre that firefox has20:11
Peace-for example20:11
Peace-you can't select and print only selection20:11
Chris_HI think there is an extension for that20:12
James147Peace-: chrome has everything most people need from a web browser and more :)20:12
Peace-James147: nope20:12
Peace-James147: try to select a text20:12
Peace-and print only selection20:12
Peace-you can't20:12
James147Peace-: but yes, it dosnt have all of firefoxes bloat20:12
LogicallyDashingHey, it looks like the new version of QtWebkit supports java applets. I'd like to get it installed on Maverick. Is there a package I could use?20:13
Chris_HAnyways, I have hated firefox for its curved corners. Tabs are curved, buttons are curved, what next?20:13
James147Peace-: most people dont need to print webpages ^^ and even less need to print only a section of a page20:13
Peace-James147: well if you don't need to learn yes20:14
Peace-anyway Chris_H http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Oxygen+KDE+(Firefox+Theme)?content=11796220:14
James147Peace-: why do you need to print to learn?20:14
Peace-James147: try to read math stuff on wikipedia...20:15
Peace-after 2 hours you will print :)20:15
* James147 has never had a problem with that ^^20:15
James147Peace-: but then I guess everyone has different prefences :)20:16
Peace-LogicallyDashing: kpart_webkit for konqueror20:16
Chris_HPeace: Wow, looks like a remodel of the Windows Version20:16
LogicallyDashingPeace-: will that work with rekonq?20:16
Peace-Chris_H: i have that...20:17
Peace-LogicallyDashing: nope20:17
Peace-why rekonq then...20:17
Chris_HBut, Google Chrome is still slimmer (if you are using Linux)20:17
Peace-i use kubuntu since 3 year20:18
Peace-linux maybe 5 year20:18
Peace-LogicallyDashing: there is a ppa for rekonq20:19
Peace-LogicallyDashing: and chromium20:19
LogicallyDashingPeace-: cool thx20:19
Peace-LogicallyDashing: this should be.... https://launchpad.net/~yoann-laissus/+archive/rekonq-ppa20:19
Peace-LogicallyDashing: of course it's a ppa so...20:19
Peace-= no support for problems20:20
LogicallyDashingPeace-: looks like it only has rekonq and not libqtwebkit20:20
LogicallyDashingso I think I'll have to switch to Konqueror20:20
Chris_HPeace: Don't get me wrong, but have you been using Kubuntu since you were 3 Years old?20:20
Chris_HCool :)20:21
Peace-i am nowardev man...20:21
Peace-you can find some stuff i did on kde apps20:21
Peace-BluesKaj: oh i have upgraded lprinter-qt20:22
Peace-there was a bug xD20:22
Peace-BluesKaj: i think you used it , http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/lprinter-qt?content=11178420:23
Chris_HAnyways, I was wondering, does anyone here rely on XRender compositing rather than OpenGL?20:23
Peace-Chris_H: why ?20:24
Peace-xrender it's an old way to get 3d effects20:24
Peace-it's slower than opengl but it could help you to get effects for some problematic video cards20:24
Chris_HPeace: Yep, I am having Intel G31 which was never meant for remotely heavy stuff such as OpenGL. So, I had to step back and use Xrender, but I miss the wobbling window effect  :(20:26
Peace-Chris_H: well there is a ppa...20:27
Peace-but if you are not expert20:27
Peace-i will not give it to you20:27
Peace-because you can break X20:27
Peace-and if you don't know how to get it back20:27
Chris_HPeace- Nah, I could simply do a reinstall. Its not a biggie20:28
Chris_HPlease tell me :)20:28
Peace-Chris_H: ok, but if X doens't start , you have to use kernel recovery.... remove ppa and remove the new drinvers  xserver-xorg-video-intel and others20:29
Peace-Chris_H: and reinstall the old xserver-xorg-video-intel20:30
Peace-old packagers are here20:30
Peace- /var/cache/apt/archives20:30
Peace-to install the older one20:30
Peace-go into that folder20:30
Peace-and sudo dpkg -i NAMEPACKAGE.DEB20:30
Peace-ok now the ppa20:30
Peace-Chris_H: have you maverick?20:31
Peace-or lucid or natty?20:31
Chris_Hyes, maverick20:31
Peace-Chris_H: please i will re-write : this pppa can broke X so use only if you know what you are doing , deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/ppa/ubuntu maverick main20:32
BluesKajPeace-, don't worry, my printer isn't working since I installed natty , if I need something printed I just transfer the file to wife's pc and she prints it20:32
Peace-BluesKaj: xD20:32
Peace-Chris_H: more information about the ppa https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa20:33
Peace-Chris_H: how to get konsole login http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/10/31/try-to-fix-your-kubuntu-box-with-kernel-recovery/20:33
Peace-Chris_H: if your X is broken20:34
Chris_HPeace-: ok, thanks. I will give it a try. If things break big time, I will just do a reinstall.20:35
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Chris_Hhmm, if it fails, I might have to remove a lot of stuff lol. Wish me luck...20:44
Peace-Chris_H: xD20:44
Peace-Chris_H: don't do it20:44
Peace-you have to know how to fix20:44
Peace-i have used for my intel untill one day :D20:45
Peace-but i have fixed in 2 minutes20:45
Chris_HAnyways, I will try it20:45
Chris_HI might be able to fix it, if not reinstall20:45
Chris_HBoth work for me20:46
James147^^ fixing things after you break them is always a great way to learn :D20:46
Chris_Hyep, you get to use the terminal a lot.20:47
Peace-James147: xD20:47
Peace-James147: i have bought an wireless mouse :P works out the box20:50
BluesKajPeace-, I've been using a wireless keyboard and mouse since lucid and it worked right out of the boxtoo.20:52
Peace-BluesKaj: :P20:53
Peace-BluesKaj: hp ?20:53
James147Peace-: wireless with a usb adaprot?20:54
Peace-James147: yes20:54
James147Peace-: then should it not just work like any old usb mouse... at least as far as the computer is conserned?20:54
BluesKajPeace-, yes , microsoft wirelessKB 1000 with mouse20:55
BluesKajand USB adapter20:55
* James147 has never had any problems with wireless mice :)20:55
Peace-BluesKaj: haahahahaha microsoft20:55
BluesKajwell.it works on linux too :)20:55
dfdeshomdfdeshom: test20:55
BluesKaj40bucks is a good deal so I bought it20:56
Peace-well it's a good deal if it works under linux20:56
Peace-if not  prrrrrrrrr20:56
BluesKajPeace-, it works a s a generic 101 key pc KB20:58
Peace-BluesKaj: i have bought a wireless mouse of trust20:58
Peace-and xD doesn't work on linux20:59
Chris_HPeace-: I have installed all the xorg-edger things, should I restart?20:59
Chris_HEverything looks normal now though20:59
Peace-Chris_H: have you upgraded packages?20:59
Peace-i mean20:59
Peace-sudo apt-get udpate20:59
Peace-sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?20:59
Peace-sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:59
FloodBotK2Peace-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:59
* Chris_H kicks FloodBotK220:59
Peace-ok man... have luck21:00
BluesKajPeace-, this KB & mouse are sold together as a combination , both use the usb wireless adapter receiver21:00
Peace-BluesKaj: :(  this has worked on 9.0421:01
Peace-BluesKaj: now no :( http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/05/09/mouse-wifi-trust-mi-4150-kubuntu-9-04/21:01
=== techampere is now known as Chris_H
Chris_Hhmm, OpenGL works without dragging me to hell21:05
Chris_Hwith all the affects turned on...21:05
Chris_H*desktop effects21:06
Chris_HThanks Peace-21:06
Chris_HIt works21:06
Chris_H seconds when booting21:06
Peace-Chris_H: if it works remove as fast you can the ppa21:08
Peace-and keep that version of drivers21:08
Peace-because maybe tomorrow it will not work21:08
Chris_Hthanks for the help21:08
Peace-no problem :)21:08
Peace-Chris_H: you can find me always on my blog21:09
Chris_HPeace-: a link?21:09
Peace-it's not written so well as i could do but ... you can find me , well i have few time http://nowardev.wordpress.com/21:09
Anthony_big community, you're all in kubuntu ?21:13
* Thinkerer68 weeps21:13
Anthony_(i use arch)21:13
* James147 dose as well :)21:14
Peace-Anthony_: :S21:14
James147Thinkerer68: kubuntu 8.04 reached end of life years ago ^^21:14
Thinkerer68That's nice. I've been getting updates for everything except KDE 3 all along21:15
Peace-time to go21:19
Peace-bye all21:19
marcvdaHallo, i don't know how i got here.21:20
marcvdaI just started Konversation and hoops, here i were.21:20
James147Welcome marcvda21:21
marcvdatnx, James14721:21
marcvdaa real huge channel, i see now. Do all those people really read this?21:22
James147marcvda: not all the time :)21:22
marcvdaaha, has the rest just started Konversation, just like i did?21:23
James147marcvda: no, allot have other things to do and comeback every now and then21:24
marcvdaHai BluesKaj21:24
BluesKajhi marcvda21:24
marcvdaaha. I will stay here and see if it is fun.21:24
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Riddellmarcvda: this is mostly a support channel so it depends on your definition of fun :)21:25
BluesKajJames147, heard anything lately about wayland taking over from the X server21:25
James147marcvda: you are currently in the kubuntu support channel ^^ tends to be quite allot of the time, but you could join #kubuntu-offtopic or/and #ubuntu-offtopic if you want more general chat21:25
James147BluesKaj: heard about it ^^ though I dont know when its going to happen21:26
James147or if ^^21:26
marcvdaok, message understood.21:26
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BluesKajbecause X is giving me grief... Riddell , you're in the know about this stuff , does wayland have promise ?21:28
RiddellBluesKaj: any transition will be in years not months21:31
BluesKajRiddell, bummer ..was afraid that would be the case :(21:34
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marcvdalist #kubuntu21:52
marcvdabye 276 other users21:55
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katsrcwhat's the best way to upgrade to natty?22:45
katsrcspecifically for the Kubuntu users22:45
James147do-release-upgrade -d   probally22:46
katsrcshould i just manually edit the source.list and change the repos to natty22:46
katsrcJames147: great, thanks!22:46
James147katsrc: ^^ no, run do-release-upgrade with -d (devel release) and it should handle the upgrade22:46
katsrcJames147: k, i just did that22:47
katsrcJames147: any idea where the log is written to?22:55
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James147katsrc: probally /var/log  ^^ though I do not know23:08
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