
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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syn-ackHow long does it usually take for a package to hit the main server's repo once it's been built in Launchpad?05:10
syn-ackI'm waiting on a package respin and it's been about 35 - 40 minutes already05:10
wgrantIn the primary archive?05:10
ScottKAnother ~34 minutes05:11
wgrantThe primary archive publisher only runs once an hour, so it could take nearly two hours for it to appear on archive.ubuntu.com if it was at just the wrong time.05:11
syn-ackah, gotcha05:12
ScottKGenerally the publisher starts at :03 and finishes at :45.05:12
syn-ackthat's good to know. Thanks, guys.05:12
ScottKSo if it's done by :03, it'll be available at :45.05:12
ScottKExcept of course when it isn't.05:12
ScottKThere's two hours each night when the publisher doesn't run.05:13
ScottKI've forgotten what happens instead.05:13
syn-ackWhich are which times?05:13
wgrantScottK: Contents generation.05:13
ScottKYeah.  That's it.05:13
wgrantIt starts at 0400UTC, or maybe a bit earlier.05:13
wgrantSo, now!05:13
ScottKWhich I'd also forgotten about when I mentioned how long you'd have to wait.05:13
ScottKSo it's longer.05:14
wgrant02 4 * * * /srv/launchpad.net/codelines/current/cronscripts/publishing/gen-contents/generate-contents >> /srv/launchpad.net/production-logs/lp_publish/      generate-contents.log 2>&105:14
ScottK1:31, AFAICT.05:14
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MTecknologyI just got notified that my request to import svn://svn.nginx.org/nginx/trunk was rejected... https://code.launchpad.net/~mtecknology/nginx/trunk11:04
MTecknologyOH! I lied.....11:05
MTecknologySender: launchpad-bugs-bounces@lists.canonical.com11:05
MTecknologyYour message was rejected11:05
wgrantGrar, not that again.11:12
MTecknologywgrant: sorry11:14
=== michaelh1 is now known as michaelh1|away
maxblifeless proposed removing ~launchpad's contact address, but the thread fizzled11:29
maxbgiven that it's now spamming users, not only dev-oriented LP people, maybe it should just be done, since no-one objected11:30
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MTecknologymaxb: no objection here :)11:44
maxbMTecknology: svn://svn.nginx.org looks a bit wrong as am import URL :-)11:50
MTecknologymaxb: ya, I tried to correct it to svn://svn.nginx.org/nginx/trunk11:51
maxbMTecknology: ok, suggest you delete https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mtecknology/nginx/upstream then11:52
MTecknologymaxb: done11:52
MTecknologymaxb: thanks :)11:58
MTecknologymaxb: nginx finally has its dev branch public :)11:58
MTecknologymaxb: oh... I actually did grab the whole repo.. svn://svn.nginx.org/  .. 2.9GB :P11:59
MTecknologyshort nap before work... ttyal12:06
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exarkunis there some way to find out why a message posted to a launchpad mailing list was held for moderation?13:46
DigitalFluxHi Guys13:59
DigitalFluxif i commented on a bug on launchpad that was marked as fixed, will the contributors/commentors on this bug be notified13:59
wgrantDigitalFlux: Yes.13:59
wgrantexarkun: Looking.13:59
DigitalFluxwgrant: cool, thanks13:59
jpdsDigitalFlux: If they're subscribed, yes.13:59
wgrantexarkun: Intriguing. There is a column on the table for the hold reason, but it doesn't seem to be used :(14:02
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Ursinhaanyone here willing to help with a really quick test? :)15:13
PengWas that question the test? Did we pass?15:17
UrsinhaPeng, could you help me, please?15:18
Ursinhait's supereasy15:18
PengUrsinha: The answer is probably no, but the answer is definitely no without knowing what you need.15:26
UrsinhaPeng, I need to know what do you see when you go to https://translations.qastaging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/gwibber/15:27
Ursinhaif there's anything related with Sharing15:28
PengWhat do you mean, exactly? And I'm not logged in.15:28
UrsinhaPeng, that's a translation page15:30
Ursinhawhen logged in15:30
* Peng has never used the translation system, ever.15:30
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CarlFKif I upload something to my PPA dist=natty, is there a risk that changes in natty will break it?  (I think yes, just want to confirm)15:59
CarlFKor do the magic elves fix it in the night15:59
cndabentley, thumper, jelmer: got a question on daily recipes16:06
abentleycnd: shoot16:06
cndI was wondering how I could nest-part a debian packaging directory16:06
cndbut strip out debian/patches16:06
cndbecause debian/patches includes cherry-picked patches that already exist in our trunk16:07
jelmercnd: Hi16:07
jelmercnd: I'd recommend merging in another branch that removes that directory16:07
abentleycnd: Or you can just create your own version of the packaging branch without the patches, and forgo the merge.  (which would mean you won't get further packaging changes from upstream until you manually update the branch.)16:09
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cndjelmer, abentley: sorry, got corralled into a phone call :)16:43
cndjelmer, is it possible to create a dummy branch that deletes the debian/patches directory, even if the directory contents change?16:44
cndor will that cause a merge conflict?16:44
cndhmm... looks like it creates a conflict...16:46
cndjelmer, abentley: and the run command isn't supported by launchpad's builder right?16:47
abentleycnd: yes, it creates a conflict, no the run command is not supported.16:47
abentleycnd: I think we might want to add a delete command, but there isn't one yet.16:48
abentleycnd: a compromise would be deleting the contents of the directory, but not the directory itself.16:50
abentleycnd: specifically, we run "bzr dailydeb" with the --safe flag.16:51
cndabentley, ahh, then I can test it locally16:52
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abentleycnd: no problem.16:52
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FloSofthi, how can I set/create a ppa for a project?17:19
bigjoolsYou can't have PPAs for projects (yet), they're for teams and people.17:20
FloSoftbigjools: but can I set a people's ppa as an ppa link in a project somewhere?17:21
bigjoolsprojects know nothing about PPAs, you can just link to it in the description.17:21
achianghello, i'm seeing a strange FTBFS that i've never seen before (and the package built fine locally in a pbuilder)17:28
achiangbinmode() on unopened filehandle at /usr/share/perl5/Dpkg/Substvars.pm line 145.17:28
achiangreadline() on unopened filehandle at /usr/share/perl5/Dpkg/Substvars.pm line 146.17:28
achiangdh_sameversiondep: cannot continue because package libphonon4 has no Depends field to scan17:28
achiangmake: *** [common-binary-predeb-arch] Error 25517:28
cndjelmer, abentley: when I try building my recipe, it errors out cause it can't find the orig tarball17:34
cndis there something I need to specify to tell it to run uscan or to build a pristine tarball?17:34
jelmercnd: recipes don't support non-native packages yet17:34
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FloSofthow can i upload packages for multiple distributions?17:44
FloSoftif i write "natty maverick" in debian/changelog, launchpad does not parse that -.-17:45
bigjoolsFloSoft: you need to either upload different versions, one for each series, or upload one version for one series and then use the copy packages function in the PPA17:54
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FloSoftbigjools: hmm okay, copy packages never worked for me (already published ...)17:59
bigjoolsFloSoft: it prevents you from shooting yourself in the foot by not letting you copy illegally.18:00
bigjoolsFloSoft: you can't copy the same version intra-archive unless you include binaries18:00
bigjoolsthis is a restriction of pool-based repos like the Debian repo is18:00
FloSoftbigjools: oh okay hmm18:01
FloSoftso i have to create multiple versions for every distro?18:01
bigjoolsonly if you want it recompiled on each, otherwise upload to one and copy with binaries18:02
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jussigood evening all19:13
jussiIm just following up on an old todo for kubuntu, which was: Investigate status of bugzilla<->launchpad plugin for KDE. does anyone know if there has been any progress on that?19:16
jussiIf someone does know, even very much later, please either PM me or email me: jussi01 at ubuntu dot com.19:18
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tenachHello, I've recently changed my mainline branch externally and would like to change the mainline branch in Launchpad as well. I seem unable to do so, however (project: whube)20:28
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chichakhi everyone22:04
chichakI already got an openid account from myopenid, so I do not want to create another one for launchpad use. How can I use that one?22:05
mwhudsonchichak: you can't, sadly22:07
chichakwhy that?22:07
mwhudsonit's not been implemented yet22:07
mwhudsonit's a desired feature, but never made it to the top of the list22:07
chichakI see ... I already wondered if that was a policy, since on the FAQ is advertised that you can sign on everywhere else...22:11
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
popeyis it possible to have a team/project which has "private by default" for new bugs?22:54
sinzuipopey: projects can be configured to have bugs private by default. It is a commercial feature23:04
macosetting up a project for security bugs?23:06
popeyno, just a personal project23:06
lifelesspopey: its a commercial feature because projects that are operating behind closed doors aren't participating in the open source community23:07
sinzuimaco: that is exactly the kind of project where we need to ignore the commercial rules. We all want security bugs noted as security issues (and private) until the issue is ready to be public23:07
popeyits not technically an open source project23:07
popeywe have no code23:07
popeywe're just using the bug tracker as a ticket system because it works and has some nice features23:08
popey(not my selection, but hey)23:08
lifelesspopey: you could file them all as security bugs23:08
lifelessbut it won't stop other folk filing public bugs there23:08
popeyI dont mind other people filing bugs there23:09
popeyI'll ignore those ;)23:09

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