
robin0800wingnut2626, screensaver settings?00:00
wingnut2626i havent tried that00:00
wingnut2626DUH thanks hommie00:01
lcbpower management |  On Ac Power or On Battery Power |  Dim Display when idle00:05
wingnut2626it was the screensaver settings.  i forgot about that00:10
ceed^After all of todays updates natty/unity finally behaves as something looking like a release.00:18
noah_are these instructions the same for natty? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID00:26
dmbhey Amaranth that forum post you attached the amd64 bcm windows drivers01:04
dmbhow did you get that?01:04
dmbI am looking at the bootcamp drivers on the cd (trying to get 32bit drivers) and its the wl6 driver, but yours is wl501:04
dmbthis is for the macbook pro bcm wifi card, on that large macbook thread01:05
Jerubspeaking of wifi. this bug is marked as 'fix released' but it's still an ongoing problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/63074801:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 630748 in Linux "iwlagn degrades quickly during normal wifi session" [High,Confirmed]01:06
zniavrei experienced an empty launcher in unity, in fact icons are working but not displayed, please tell me im not alone to get that behavior?01:08
coz_ hey01:37
ledah_hi anyone know about makefile programming? i'm trying to install a webcamstudio on natty since debs doesn't work i'm tangled with thes source code @_@01:47
genecledah_: some but things can vary.  did you try to read up on some install instructions and ensure that all of the -dev libraries of its dependencies are installed?01:49
ledah_i'm not sure, the instructions said compile on netbeans, alrady did the program works, but it needs to create a virtual dev when i try to do sudo make install it throws me this error: depmod -ae WARNING: -e needs -E or -F01:51
genecsounds like the makefile was made for an older depmod version01:52
ledah_so what can i do? this is the makefile http://pastebin.com/CcXuLrFz01:53
genecdid you try 'man depmod' yet?01:56
genecdepmod's -F will need a file regarding your kernel01:57
genecnow to test grub/btrfs for the 7th time...02:00
genecledah_: so you followed http://www.ws4gl.org/download/compiling I'd assume?02:06
MaximLevitskyHow to add #ubuntu to contact window of empathy?02:06
ledah_MaximLevitsky room»join02:09
MaximLevitskyledah_: I don't need to join a room02:10
MaximLevitskyI want to add it to contact list02:10
MaximLevitskySo I could join by just clicking it02:10
MaximLevitskyWhere best to ask questions about unity?02:11
majnoondid they fix wubi ??02:12
rwwMaximLevitsky: natty's version of unity? here.02:13
ledah_enter to the room02:13
rwwwhich doesn't mean this place is good at answering questions about unity, but whatevs.02:13
ledah_and in conversation add it to favorite chat02:13
ledah_and let it autoconnect02:14
MaximLevitskyledah_: you mean tick the 'favotite room' checkbox?02:14
MaximLevitskyIt is checked02:14
MaximLevitskynothing in contact list02:14
majnoondid they fix wubi ??02:15
MaximLevitskyUnity is supposed to be the next big thing in usability, right?02:15
MaximLevitskyOK, I assume it is02:15
genecmajnoon: topic?02:15
rwwmajnoon: There hasn't been a new release milestone since Beta 1, so no.02:15
majnoonon ubuntu site said natty wubi install not working02:15
genecmajnoon: did you read the channel topic?02:16
MaximLevitskyI currently am doing some homework and I keep a virtual desktop for it02:16
MaximLevitskyI open few PDFs, firefox with uni site, so far so good02:16
MaximLevitskyOK, now I want to relax a bit, I switch to different VT02:17
MaximLevitskyI open firefox to read slashdot02:17
MaximLevitskyWTF? Unity switches me back to old desktop where I have it open02:17
MaximLevitskySo, this is usable?02:17
MaximLevitskyI also keep a VT for some hobby programming02:18
MaximLevitskyI open few terminals there a text editor02:18
MaximLevitskyBut now I switch to homework desktop and I want to open a editor02:19
MaximLevitskyWTF? I am can't02:19
MaximLevitskyThis is usable?02:19
MaximLevitskyI pretent to be not that computer literate for a moment02:20
MaximLevitskyYou tell me to select room->join to02:20
MaximLevitskyWTF? where that menu is I ask myself02:21
MaximLevitskyI now need to click on each window, then I need to figure out that I need to move my mouse to top of the screen02:21
MaximLevitskyAnd only then see that menu02:22
genecI think I read that Unity pulled the menu out of the app window into the main task bar and should change based on the active app02:22
MaximLevitskyNo menus on screen now02:22
* genec hasn't tried on real hardware yet.02:22
MaximLevitskySo to click a menu one has to searth for it02:22
genecto find the system menu or an app's menu?02:23
ledah_the app02:23
MaximLevitskyapp menu of course02:23
ledah_isn't visible all the time02:23
MaximLevitskythat global menu is even worse that in mac02:24
ledah_you must go up idk if alt plus a letter might work02:24
ledah_i changed unity for gnome shell...02:24
ledah_is more stable..02:24
MaximLevitskyI mean maybe I am an idiot, dunno, but what is usable in unity?02:24
MaximLevitskyor unity sidebar playing hide and seek with you when you try to unhide it?02:25
RxDxis there any kind of network speed meter like 'netspeed' of gnome, for unity?02:26
MaximLevitskyI want to minimize  a window....02:26
MaximLevitskySure I just ckick its icon in Unity02:26
MaximLevitskyWTF? Nothing happens02:26
ledah_the behaviour of the side bar is great but it wont open if there's a window where it should be02:26
ledah_no the minimize work for me02:27
MaximLevitskyledah_: you mean you can minimize if you click on an icon in sidebar?02:28
ledah_ohh i don't use the icons in that position i have them in the other corner02:29
MaximLevitskyAnd how I distinguish between minimized and not windows?02:29
MaximLevitskyOK, not minimized have two arrows, and minimized one02:29
MaximLevitskyThat is usable?02:30
charlie-tcaMaximLevitsky: it helps if you file bugs about the things actually broken02:31
charlie-tcaNo one fixes what they don't know02:31
MaximLevitskyI understand that all of this is policy02:31
ledah_also send them sugestions02:31
ledah_they can't read your mind02:31
charlie-tcaHowever, continuous rants do nothing to help anyone02:32
ledah_i send them one about putting another panel down and adding icons and the window selector02:32
MaximLevitskyledah_: and that hepled?02:32
ledah_who knows we will have to wait until new release02:33
=== Logan_ is now known as SadPanda
charlie-tcaIt is even possible things will get fixed after the release ;-)02:34
torchiei sort of figured out the battery issue!?02:34
wrathologycan #ubuntu 11.04 run from a stick?02:34
MaximLevitskyRxDx: forget it02:34
torchieset it to do nothing02:34
Amaranthdmb: I looked for a broadcom 4331 driver for windows xp02:34
torchieseemed to be okay for a while02:34
torchiemuch longer than if I didn't turn on do nothing02:34
Amaranthdmb: the 6 one is for vista/7 and doesn't work at all with ndiswrapper02:34
charlie-tcawrathology: yes02:35
RxDxMaximLevitsky, just like it?02:35
torchieand now it's reporting icons besides "full" and "empty"02:35
Amaranththe 5 one seems to work for people that aren't me02:35
dmbAmaranth: oh, only xp drivers work?02:35
MaximLevitskyRxDx: we aren't supposed to be able to customize panel at all02:35
Amaranthdmb: Not strictly but usually02:35
dmbAmaranth: you don't know if that same place has a 32bit driver do you?02:35
Amaranthdmb: I don't even know where I got it02:35
Amaranthdmb: some random driver collection website02:35
MaximLevitskyRxDx: after all in windows panel isn't much customizable and thus we must copy that feature02:35
RxDxMaximLevitsky, what language is indicated to program this kind of app?02:36
charlie-tcaMaximLevitsky: not helpful nor true02:36
Amaranthdmb: It did have 32-bit though, it had xp, vista/7, and 32-bit and 64-bit for each02:36
dmbGerbilEgg: oh02:36
dmbi'll try to hunt for it02:36
MaximLevitskyRxDx: btw the non-cusomizable panel in winows is the sole reason I don't use window02:37
torchiebattery stats report percentage but the top bar is stuck on estimating...02:37
torchieoh my gosh102:37
MaximLevitskyRxDx: I tried to use window for a while, but I am too used to bottom bar with taskbar and top bar with shortcuts02:37
torchiemaybe it's fixed102:38
torchienon-customizable panel in windows?02:38
MaximLevitskytorchie: you can customize them a bit but not much02:39
charlie-tcaMaximLevitsky and RxDx : there is a session selector at the bottom of the GDM login screen. You can select "classic" to have the old gnome session with top and bottom panels and all you are used to.02:39
MaximLevitskyYou can't move start button for example02:39
MaximLevitskycharlie-tca: wanna bet that feature will disappear in next ubuntu version?02:40
charlie-tcaand that makes it unusable now?02:40
charlie-tcaso, you are ranting about what has not happened yet?02:40
AmaranthMaximLevitsky: In 11.10 by default it'll offer Ubuntu and whatever they end up calling the unity-2d session02:42
ledah_still if you don't like it simply pick another there are gnome3, kde, xcfe just to mention a few ones02:42
AmaranthMaximLevitsky: You'll have to install extra stuff to get "classic" back02:42
jorgpis there any mirror that still has beta1 package files? I have tried alot of images and none of them have the packages03:00
jorgpcan not use todays daily because of the unity 1.8.4 -> 1.8.6 issue03:01
torchiewhy move the start button03:08
charlie-tcajorgp: dvd's at http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/beta-1/03:10
jorgpyeah I know, I was trying to use jigdo03:11
charlie-tcacd's at http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/03:11
charlie-tcajorgp: that second one has the jigdo files03:12
jorgpI have the jigdo files, the packages that are in the jigdo files are missing from all the mirrors I have tried03:12
noobi ran the command compiz --replace and my x out buttons dissapered. halp?03:13
torchiewhen's beta 2?03:14
charlie-tcatorchie: April 1403:15
jorgplooks like around april 1403:15
charlie-tcatorchie: !schedule03:15
ubottuA schedule of Natty Narwhal (11.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule03:15
rcconfwhen will it be out03:16
jorgplooks like april 2803:18
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/03:20
rww#u-r-p isn't open yet, btw.03:21
rwwChanServ and I are having a heck of a party in there.03:21
jorgpso every 3 release then a LTS right? next LTS will be 12.04?03:22
rcconfjorgp: I don't think it's that way03:22
rwwjorgp: usually every four. 10.04 was LTS, 12.04 will probably be LTS.03:22
charlie-tcajorgp: yes, that is the current plan, for 12.04 to be LTS03:22
jorgpgreat, looking forward to it03:23
rcconfdoes kernel update in Natty really matters if my computer is working fine now?03:23
Jerubhm. new kernel. going to test the intel wireless with 80211n to see if it's magically fixed.03:23
ledah_i'm frustated anyone knows if there is a irc to help me make the makefile to add two virtual devices?03:23
jorgpbtw, I think 11.04 looks awesome03:25
jorgpI like that osx feel03:25
rcconfI dont know if im gonna like unity03:25
rcconfI like to keep OS simple03:25
rcconfwithout effects and stuff03:25
rwwI don't mind it thusfar, and I'm usually hypercritical of Canonical and GNOME :)03:25
jorgpwell, I have been using osx for years, so it is a welcome change03:26
jorgpI went back to gnome because at last look at kde, it has gone was to radical for me (4.6.1)03:26
jorgplooking forward to gnome 3 in ubuntu03:27
benzaldehydei've been thinking of switching to gentoo :D03:27
jorgpgentoo is ok, but a pain03:28
rcconfhow to check gnome version in terminal03:28
jorgpessepicially maintanance03:28
jorgpunless you just stick with gentoo stable03:28
jorgpand you have a fairly fast machine03:29
ledah_i'm using gnome 3 with shell, but i don't know how i can make the middle mouse button open activities03:29
ledah_gentoo is really that hard?03:29
charlie-tcarcconf: apt-cache policy gnome03:29
jorgpgentoo not really hard, you just have to configure everything03:30
Jerubdoes anyone here have access to change bug status on the launchpad tracker?03:30
charlie-tcaDepends on the bug03:30
Jerubhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/630748 is marked as fix-released, but i can confirm that it's still very broken.03:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 630748 in Linux "iwlagn degrades quickly during normal wifi session" [High,Confirmed]03:30
BiteNatty 11.4?03:30
BiteIs is a remake of the original?03:31
benzaldehydejorgp: true, i tried it once, every little thing had to be set. but being on ppc64 architecture there are only so many distros i can have. i think i ought to get a disc of all the latest free OSes that i can put on this, at the very least my skill at installations should improve which always seem to account for 70 percent of my time spent with linux, just getting it to run right03:31
Jerubrunning latest everything, unless i have a /etc/modprobe.d/ file to disable 802.11n, it bounces my wireless after less than a few seconds of sustained transfer.03:31
rcconfBite: no, it's a new version of Ubuntu03:31
Bitercconf: well then.03:31
rcconfBite: it's not stable yet03:31
rcconfonly 28 april03:31
ubottuA schedule of Natty Narwhal (11.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule03:32
charlie-tcaJerub: I would suggest filing a new bug and referencing that one in the comments. That type of bug can be tricky depending on the hardware03:32
charlie-tcaJerub: it is still showing open for linux upstream, so it may not have gotten fixed for every hardware.03:33
jorgpbenzaldehyde: true03:33
Jerubcharlie-tca: i have literally the same laptop as the people in the bug report. X200s with Intel 530003:33
charlie-tcaliterally or exact?03:33
charlie-tcaif your hardware is at all different, it takes a different fix, most of the time.03:33
Jerubas far as literal interpretations go, it's the same hardware.03:33
charlie-tcaIt needs to be exact matches03:34
rwwliterally isn't an opposite of exact :|03:34
jorgphow safe is it to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04?03:34
BiteSo another two weeks or so and it's stable? i guess it's time for a new hdd. I have been wanting to dedicate one.03:34
Jerubjorgp: that depends. do you have intel wireless? :P03:34
Bitejorgp: that depends.03:34
jorgpwell, current 11.0403:34
rwwjorgp: not very, since 11.04 isn't stable ;P03:35
rcconfjorgp: I would do a fresh install03:35
Bitejorgp: i would wait for the final release.03:35
jorgpwell, I have it installed in a virtual machine, runs fine for me, just changing virtual machines. I used a 11.04 daily, but I updated daily today and todays daily is broken03:36
Jerubcharlie-tca: just verified by looking at the log output from the bug report. it's the exact same revision of the same wireless card.03:36
BiteWhat exactly does sudo apt-get update do?03:37
jorgpguess I could wait to tomorrows dily, which the package has already been fixed today03:37
JerubBite: 'update' downloads new package lists so it knows what versions are available.03:37
genecjorgp: "today's daily is broken"  how?03:37
ceed^If someone here are using indicator-weather in Unity have you noticed an error message when installing the latest update?03:37
rwwBite: updates the local copy of the list of packages available on the repository server03:38
jorgpsome package wanted unity 1.8.6, but was going to install 1.8.403:38
Biteerr, i meant upgrade. I know update.03:38
genecjorgp: 11, 11.1 or 11.2?  it appears they rapid cycled the builds today.03:39
* jorgp looks03:39
rwwBite: attempts to upgrade all packages to the latest version available in the repositories without removing packages03:39
genecI think someone slipped in a bug fix for a bug I noticed, hence why I'm working with 11.2, atm.03:40
Biterww: thanks for the info.03:40
genecBite: for a non-cli but text interface, aptitude can help.03:41
jorgpgenec: I think it was 11.103:41
jorgpupdating to 11.2 now03:41
Bitegenec: aptitude?03:41
genecBite: yes.  before I switched to Ubuntu, I used it as my primary UI for package management.  it's a lot more friendly than long command lines03:42
genecon occasion, I've still used it on Ubuntu03:43
BiteHow can i update gnome? what's the easiest way, that is.03:43
jorgpgenec: its updating 52 files, so broken daily probably fixed03:45
genecif it still works, I'd think Synaptic and remember to restart your user session soon.03:46
jorgpgenec: thanks03:46
genecjorgp: jigdo?03:46
* genec needs to start doing that.03:46
jorgpworks great03:46
jorgplooks like this will fix it, it just picked up the new unity package03:47
genecexcept compared to one time that I was downloading some release ISOs, a jigdo would be lucky at 1/4 the speed.03:48
rwwI use zsync, personally03:48
jorgpgenec: I had to install in parallels because I tried 11.04 a week ago in vmware fusion and no sound, but worked fine in parallels03:48
jorgpso I am going to try todays daily in fusion03:49
jorgpyeah, that is what I thought03:49
genechmm.. didn't configure this VM for sound...03:50
jorgpeverything worked great in fusion but the sound03:50
genecrww: how does zsync compare to jigdo?03:52
rwwgenec: zsync doesn't confuse me and jigdo does ;)03:52
jorgpgenec: installing, lets see what happens03:55
genecjorgp: in another 4-5 hours, I'd expect 12, based on previous timestamps04:01
IdleOnecan someone do: apt-cache policy preload04:02
IdleOneis it installed by default?04:02
IdleOnebecause I don't remember ever installing it04:03
rwwIdleOne: no04:05
rwwit's also in universe, so... ;P04:05
IdleOneI must have installed it at some point04:05
rwwapt-cache rdepends?04:05
genecIdleOne: apt-cache should be a binary in apt04:06
rwwgenec: he means preload, not apt-cache04:06
IdleOnerww: rdepends shows nothing04:06
rwwIdleOne: I guess you did, then ;P04:06
genecrww: woops04:06
IdleOnerww: looks like I need a prepreload to speed up the preload04:07
dmbAmaranth: i do not know how you found this! my google queries are not very good04:12
jorgpgenec: once I install the daily, then I just upgrade packages04:15
Amaranthdmb: I think I searched for the pciid04:16
Amaranthdmb: Found a new guide, seems Dell has the same chip04:17
Amaranthdmb: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76056804:17
dmboh nice :)04:17
jorgpto that person that was looking at gentoo, gentoo has not figured out how to get all packages working with python 2.7, so it install both python 2.6 and 2.704:18
FooFooTeii've got netbook natty installed and ....my menu has disappeared...how do I fix it?04:27
FooFooTeiactually, I upgraded from 10.10 to natty and then everything went well until after I logged in.. :(04:28
ceed^FooFooTei, Did you log into Gnome or Unity?04:30
FooFooTeiI upgraded to the default...I'm guessing that's gnome since I upgraded?04:30
FooFooTeithe system is still usable from the cmdline since I'm using it right now04:31
ceed^FooFooTei, In 11.04 Unity is default if your graphics hardware can run it. Does your desktop look like Gnome?04:31
ceed^FooFooTei, So you can't log into a desktop environment at all?04:32
FooFooTeiI was running unity under 10.10....04:32
FooFooTeiand it looks like unity now but there's no menus04:32
FooFooTeiI can login to unity...there's just no menus on the left or the top04:32
jorgpgenec: interesting.. saya fusion does not have the hardware to run unity, but it runs in parallels04:32
ceed^FooFooTei, There's no launcher on the left and no bar on the top?04:33
FooFooTeithat's correct.04:33
ceed^FooFooTei, Try to log into classic Gnome, first with effects and then without. If you can do that the problem is most likely with Unity.04:34
FooFooTeithis is an eeepc 1005ha which was working with unity okay under 10.1004:34
FooFooTeiceed^: is gnome also installed along side unity? or do I have to install it and then choose it on boot?04:35
ceed^FooFooTei, never ran Unity with 10.10 myself04:35
ceed^FooFooTei, I have all three which were installed by default: Unity which is called Ubuntu, Gnome with effects and Gnome without.04:36
jorgpinteresting, got unity working, but I think it crashed04:36
FooFooTeiokay...time to 'sudo shutdown -r now'04:36
ceed^jorgp, Unity has crashed a lot for me but it always comes back. After todays updates it seems much more stable.04:38
jorgphmm, it crashed and stayed gone, still no sound04:38
jorgpstrange, now sound it working04:39
foofooteiubuntu classic is a go. unity... no go04:39
foofooteiI've already filed a bug on this bit ...maybe I need to add more details04:40
ceed^foofootei, is it Classic with effects?04:40
foofooteiceed^: yes04:40
jorgpyes, unity did not crash until the update04:40
ceed^so compiz works04:40
foofooteitransparancy working well04:40
ceed^foofootei, if you upgraded and had Unity on 10.10 maybe your old settings for it messes up the new version in 11.04?04:41
foofooteiceed^: in that case, how would I change everything back to install defaults? I didn't make a lot of changes to unity in 10.1004:42
foofooteiceed^: hence I rather doubt that is the issue04:42
ubuntuguyAnyone took an operating system class in college?04:42
foofooteiubuntuguy: dinosaur book?04:42
ubuntuguyhuh? lol04:42
PresuntoRJis there an easy way to customize the number of workspaces in Unity ?04:43
foofooteiubuntuguy: nevermind...there's a (in?)famous OS book that has dinosaurs on the front04:43
ceed^foofootei, I really do not know much about how Unity stores it's settings. I've seen some in gconf, and there are some found in ccsm04:43
PresuntoRJceed^: ccsm wont install on Natty due to some dependency issue04:44
ubuntuguyOfftopic: Anyone ever used minix ?04:44
PresuntoRJceed^: thanks any way04:44
foofooteiubuntuguy: I think #minix exists...04:44
ceed^PresuntoRJ, ccsm runs fine here04:44
ubuntuguylet me check04:44
PresuntoRJubuntuguy: not reeally, there used to be yet another Unix like in my universety04:44
PresuntoRJceed^: :-/04:45
foofooteiceed^: man what a turd Unity is in 11.0404:45
ubuntuguyunity rules man04:45
ubuntuguyI love unity04:45
ubuntuguyI just miss the applications menu at the top04:45
dmbAmaranth: thats actually 4313, not 4331 :(04:45
PresuntoRJceed^: I`ll try it again, there were a bunch of upgrades earlier today...04:45
foofooteiubuntuguy: try installing Cisco Unity and then tell me what you think of Unity. :P04:45
ceed^foofootei, thing is I haven't had much trouble with it at all other than the normal quirks found in a beta04:45
ubuntuguycisco unity?04:46
foofooteicompletely unrelated but ...bleah04:46
ceed^PresuntoRJ, I had 95 updates earlier today. And then some later during the day. Whoa!04:46
foofooteiceed^: welp, I just did a regular upgrade so I can't really say much more than that...04:46
PresuntoRJceed^: oh yeah... it running now.... but it used to be so simpler for the avarage user04:47
foofooteiceed^: it's not like I was trying to do anything too wacky.. unity is just being uncooperative04:47
ceed^foofootei, I never upgrade. I keep /home separate and do fresh installs every times04:47
foofooteiceed^: I'm just doing it to help the software testing cycle as there are A LOT of people who aren't like you and upgrade from version to version04:47
PresuntoRJceed^: many warnings from python 2.7 on ccsm... but it still there04:48
foofooteiceed^: reinstalling isn't a problem but if unity disappears for normal users on upgrade...that's not going to fly04:48
ceed^foofootei, true.04:48
xgt001hey everyone.... ati prop drivers make unity really slow any fixes pls???04:48
ubuntuguyMan, I wish they'd put back the applications menu in ubuntu 11.04, but I love the unity bar04:48
Amaranthdmb: It doesn't matter, the ndiswrapper driver doesn't work right, it hangs the kernel or you lose your keyboard and mouse04:48
PresuntoRJfoofootei: I always do-release-upgrade too04:48
Amaranthdmb: Just plug in ethernet or buy a usb adapter04:48
dmbi have usb adapters, its just nicer :/04:49
dmbi tend to break the usb ones04:49
PresuntoRJubuntuguy: You can try to logon on the Ubuntu-Classic version (in the login) and Gnome is still there04:49
xgt001anyone testing unity with proprietary ati drivers??? :/04:49
ubuntuguybut I like unity04:50
foofooteiPresuntoRJ: I figure I might as well test the upgrade out so folks can fix it before gametime.04:50
ubuntuguyI'm going to use unity04:50
PresuntoRJxgt001: only nvidia and intel, sorry04:50
ubuntuguyjust miss the applications, places, settings etc04:50
PresuntoRJfoofootei: to lucid it was hell, to maverick is was mostly ok... to natty, only some missing information from my account details - and of course, I still hate Unity ;)04:51
ubuntuguyWhy do you hate unity04:51
ubuntuguygive it a chance04:51
xgt001PresuntoRJ: there has been a new unity build  which supports ati drivers but its sooo sluggish.... oss driver was too good except that it was quite poor at cooling and battery04:52
xgt001any fixes pls...:(04:52
PresuntoRJubuntuguy: many things... things disapeared... I consider most of them to be a regression04:54
ubuntuguyIt's beta04:54
foofooteiI don't think Unity is so bad. I think it's a step in the right direction in terms of general usability04:54
ubuntuguydon't forgot04:54
PresuntoRJubuntuguy: no way to run multiple instances of the same app (I know the default to refocus the running is good, but at leaset a right click, pls)04:54
PresuntoRJubuntuguy: no easy way to set workspaces04:55
ubuntuguyThat I hate, but it's still beta04:55
xgt001foofootei: couldnt agree more :) love unity :)04:55
ubuntuguyI'm sure they'll add that in04:55
PresuntoRJthe application bar creepes the hell of my mother04:55
PresuntoRJubuntuguy: I have filed a bunch of bug on usability and ergonometrics of it, since UNE, and many new on natty04:56
ubuntuguyYeah, they'll work it out04:56
ubuntuguyI can't wait for unity04:56
ubuntuguyI love change04:56
PresuntoRJubuntuguy: no way, unity has been arround for MANY ubuntu releases, only in the Netbook arena, but still basicaly the same04:56
foofooteiit's a variation of OS X's GUI methods04:56
ubuntuguyYeah, but I've never used it04:57
PresuntoRJubuntuguy: a few PPAs came to the main project, thats it04:57
foofooteiI think it's important to apply different HCI principles... and unity is just part of that04:57
ubuntuguyI can't wait for it04:57
PresuntoRJubuntuguy: do they keep a easy way to open the window menu? I have to use Alt+Spc... no way my mom or my brother will ever learn it04:57
foofooteiNo GUI will satisfy all users' needs04:58
ubuntuguyJust click it04:58
ubuntuguyYou mean to find your applications?04:58
foofooteitime to go~04:58
PresuntoRJubuntuguy: I don`t fear change by it self... I just don`t like it when its not done properly04:58
ubuntuguyYou have to keep in mind that it's stilll in beta04:59
ubuntuguyWait for Beta 204:59
ubuntuguyI'm sure tons of thigns changed04:59
PresuntoRJubuntuguy: the systen it self is beta, the unity is not... I have been using it now for over 1 year... the changes are no excuse to brake the usability and to hide usefu05:00
ubuntuguyThe unity desktop verison so to say is in beta05:01
ubuntuguyThey've changed quite a few things with it05:01
PresuntoRJubuntuguy: I realise bete is for testing, and its not supposed to work out of the box, bugs happen, etc... but its no excuse for poor ideas05:03
ubuntuguyI happen to think the ideas are intuative brb05:04
PresuntoRJusually are05:06
digitalfizid like a right click to open a new instance of the app in the sidebar too05:06
PresuntoRJnow my empaty keeps freezing when I type a full line of text !05:06
PresuntoRJdigitalfiz: there is a bug I have filed for that05:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 758341 in unity-place-applications (Ubuntu) "unity wont let me start a new nautilus window if one instance is already opened" [Undecided,New]05:08
PresuntoRJdigitalfiz: go there and tell this bug affects you too !05:08
trismdigitalfiz: you can middle click the launcher to start a new instance of an app if one is already running05:09
PresuntoRJubuntuguy: back, from empathy grave... :)05:15
akavlieregarding Unity, it seems there's no way to change my main display (for app icon bar & zeitgeist or whatever) from laptop to external monitor. That alone is a deal breaker for me.05:16
Truculentis anyone using unity with multiple monitors?05:17
TruculentI can't move windows between monitors, but I can move my mouse between them05:17
PresuntoRJakavlie: I have to try this...05:28
PresuntoRJakavlie: did you clone the screens on the external monitor or exanded it? can it be set to be the main?05:29
akavliePresuntoRJ, I always run extended05:30
PresuntoRJakavlie: plugin in right now on my HDTV05:31
akavlieI'm surprised more people aren't running this way, I thought this was the most common setup these days.05:33
PresuntoRJakavlie: no, usually only on the notebook (netbook is too small for most uses) ... even when I project or use an external monitor (or HDTV), only clone the two ... I05:34
PresuntoRJsorry... back again05:36
PresuntoRJakavlie: empathy keeps freezing on Natty05:37
PresuntoRJakavlie: to my list of no-nos in Unity, there isno simple way to access the Admin and Preferences settings (like it used to), so, no easy way to CHANGE the video settings05:38
PresuntoRJakavlie: it works with clone images05:39
akavlienaturally it works when cloned. Cloned = same image on both displays05:40
akavliewhich is no good for an external display except for a projector.05:40
PresuntoRJakavlie: it does not work with extended at all05:41
xgt001hey how to spin down hardisk to decrease the noise??05:41
PresuntoRJakavlie: it kind of blinked there for a milisecond when I was changing the position of the external monitor in relation05:41
PresuntoRJakavlie:  even when its on the left position (the laptop beeing the extension)05:41
PresuntoRJakavlie: really odd... you should file a bug report05:42
akavliePresuntoRJ, yeah, whenever I've done that it ends up being a duplicate.05:43
PresuntoRJxgt001: you can try to click on the energy icon on panel (if its a laptop, there is a battery icon) and open the preferences05:43
akavlieand it's not easy05:43
xgt001PresuntoRJ: i selected the spin down hardisk option05:44
xgt001but still its not workinh05:44
PresuntoRJxgt001: there is also the energyy manager icon on the menu (not sure where it is on Natty, could need to type for it)05:44
xgt001should i install it through synaptic??05:44
PresuntoRJxgt001: hum... mine does... what is your HDD model, by the way... that might be a bug05:45
PresuntoRJxgt001: no, its the same app, just another way to get there05:45
xgt001PresuntoRJ: i had similar problems in windows untill i set the cooling to passive05:46
PresuntoRJakavlie: I have counted that I need to click my mouse 7 times to open my video settings !05:46
xgt001is there a similar option here?05:46
PresuntoRJakavlie: this got to be considered a regression05:46
PresuntoRJxgt001: most likely, there is... I am not sure how to now05:46
akavliePresuntoRJ, yeah in my brief tryouts of Unity, it seems to make a lot of things more inaccessible. I don't have good impressions so far; sticking with Ubuntu Classic.05:47
PresuntoRJakavlie: I will keep using it durring the testing, to try to get them fix it05:48
PresuntoRJakavlie: ok, to be fair, I can type the name of the app, like in gnome-do, and it can be faster, but a big no-no for my mom05:51
PresuntoRJcoz_: long time no see :D05:52
coz_PresuntoRJ,  hey guy05:52
PresuntoRJcoz_: long discussion here on Unity today... ;)05:53
coz_oh?  let me check scroll back05:53
coz_PresuntoRJ,  I see that :)05:54
PresuntoRJcoz_: dont worry, mostly, we hate it05:54
coz_PresuntoRJ,  oh?  you guys hate Unity?05:54
PresuntoRJcoz_: me and akavlie for sure, there others are quiet05:54
coz_PresuntoRJ,  I make no secret about it,,, Unity is ONLY for netbooks and monitors smaller than 15"  period05:55
PresuntoRJcoz_: I can see the point, as an idea, but it seems too ill implemented05:55
PresuntoRJcoz_: so it should NEVER be set to default ubuntu option05:56
akavliePresuntoRJ, yeah I don't think typing to pull up an app is intended as the primary navigation anywhere. That's a shortcut.05:56
coz_PresuntoRJ,  I like what is being done for the netbook most expecially compiz as the compositor and not mutter05:56
PresuntoRJakavlie: how come?05:56
coz_well the icon on the launcher with the + in a circle ,, click that to type in the app name  or right click it for the menu05:57
PresuntoRJcoz_: even on my netbook I have not used it since it debutted in UNE... I am really trying to use it in Natty testing period, but I doubt my mom will ever bother05:57
PresuntoRJaccttually, the left bar (whatever the name) creeped her05:57
coz_PresuntoRJ,  it is a "trend"   to look like mobile devices05:58
coz_PresuntoRJ,   remember that Dell also sells systems with ubuntu on it  and I believe there were quite a few complaints about the netbook edition when mutter was being used05:58
coz_PresuntoRJ,  mutter was a resource hog at best,,05:58
wabzmy sidebar/stuff has started showing up behind app windows, making it invisible and unusable, how can I fix that?05:59
wabzalso, if for example I have urxvt in the launcher, and open one of them, how can I open another one?05:59
coz_wabz,  not sure,, I hear that todays stuff is a bit querky05:59
PresuntoRJcoz_: mutter is not the bigest issue, I have been using itt via PPA every now and then, but things are hidden 7 mouse clicks away05:59
PresuntoRJcoz_: no easy way to do a lot of easy things, like opening another instance of an application06:00
PresuntoRJcoz_: no easy way to set workspaces, video, energy (whatever was in admin and preferences)06:00
PresuntoRJcoz_: and on and on06:00
rwwPresuntoRJ: top-right icon -> System Settings06:01
akavliePresuntoRJ, how come typing should never be primary navigation??06:01
PresuntoRJakavlie: are you kiddin me?06:01
rwwor type e.g. 'power' in the run thing06:01
coz_akavlie,  I believe because most users dont want to type anything,, they want things to be available easily06:01
PresuntoRJakavlie: I love vim, but its NOT for everyone06:01
audhi rww how to add extra workspaces?06:01
coz_audhi,  ccsm06:02
audhiin ubuntu 11.0406:02
PresuntoRJakavlie: I love gnome-do, again, not for everyone06:02
akavliePresuntoRJ, not sure if you are understanding me wrong... I'm agreeing with you (I think)06:02
rwwaudhi: no idea, I don't use workspaces06:02
PresuntoRJakavlie: even if I loved Unity (don`t really see it coming in the near future), I doubt it could be for everyone...06:02
coz_akavlie,  open ccsm  go to general optionis  Desktop size tab   Horizonatl virtual size06:03
PresuntoRJakavlie: Irony does not work well over IRC... ;)06:03
infidi installed ubuntu 11.04 beta1 and the menu bar at the top refuses to show up, i rebooted too. it shows up fine when i just ran the 'demo' off the cd, but not once it's actually installed06:03
akavliecoz_, what is that about?06:03
coz_akavlie,  workspace increase06:03
akavliedirected at audhi?06:03
infidi am running the 32bit version and inside of a guest virtual machine in virtual box06:04
PresuntoRJcoz_: where?06:04
rwwyou need to use ccsm to increase the number of workspaces? lol.06:04
coz_audhi,   open ccsm ... general options.. desktop size tab,,, Horizontal vitual size06:04
PresuntoRJinfid: did you put your mouse ALL THE WAY to the left/upper corner ?06:04
infidPresuntoRJ: yes06:04
PresuntoRJinfid: hum... but you do see the Ubuntu icon there, right?06:05
infidi even switched to fullscreen06:05
infidnope, no icon06:05
PresuntoRJinfid: oho06:06
infidi can get to things by typing alt+f206:06
infidbut there's just no menu bar at all06:06
PresuntoRJinfid: I believe something is not running, or not installed06:06
ledah_after reafing the makefile man i feel more confused06:06
infidi ran sudo shutdown -r now, to reboot06:06
PresuntoRJinfid: when you loged on, did you change from ubuntu to Ubuntu-classic ?06:06
audhithanks coz i increased.06:06
coz_infid,  on the launcher panel...do you see one of th e bottom icons  with a +  sign in a circle??06:06
infidi just logged in06:06
coz_infid,  mmm06:06
PresuntoRJinfid: does it look like the gnome it used to have or are you at Unity, the new Ubuntu look ?06:07
coz_infid,  take a screnenshot of your desktop and upload the picpaste.com06:07
infidPresuntoRJ: plus sign and a circle? no06:07
PresuntoRJcoz_: even better06:07
infidone sec06:07
coz_take that screenshot  infid  8:)06:07
audhicoz when full version of 11.04 will be released?06:10
coz_audhi,  end of this month06:10
coz_audhi,    ubuntu numbers their versions  by year + month   ie... 11 = 2011  04  = April06:10
coz_audhi,  and most alsways at the end of th e month06:11
audhii am having beta can i upgrade?06:12
coz_audhi,  sure06:12
coz_audhi,   keep doing   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:12
coz_audhi,  i hear the current sts06:12
coz_audhi,  I hear the current status is a bit sketchy  so you may not want to update yet06:12
infidthere you go06:13
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Natty Narwhal and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Natty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.06:13
audhican i try it now?coz06:13
coz_audhi,  you can sure ,, I do it daily06:13
coz_infid,   o0  that is odd loooking06:13
audhio thanks coz!06:14
coz_infid,  that is NOT Unity06:14
PresuntoRJcoz_: because its beta, I do even more than once a day...06:14
rwwYou can tell it's not Unity because it's running in VirtualBox :306:14
PresuntoRJcoz_: and also, a lot of sudo apt-get -f install     followed by a bunch of dpkg --configure -a   just in case06:14
PresuntoRJcoz_: ;)06:14
coz_infid,   log  off  and after typing in your password  go to the sessions pull down,,, choose Ubuntu desktop06:14
infidwell what should i do06:14
coz_infid,  which video card is on that system?06:15
rwwinfid: not use VirtualBox, if you want Unity06:15
infidwhat's unity06:15
coz_I didnt even see that  virtual box title bar there  duh06:15
infidi just want to use ubuntu 11.04 with gnome06:15
Jerubinfid: you want 'ubuntu classic' then.06:16
coz_infid,  in that run dialog type   gnome-panel06:16
coz_infid,  see if the panel shows up06:16
Jerub'ubuntu' is unity, 'ubuntu classic' is gnome.06:16
Jerubor apparently, sometimes gnome is in the name, but that's not my experieince.06:17
coz_Jerub,  but not in virtual box06:17
coz_Jerub,  I believe that was changed from  classic gnome to just calssic06:17
coz_and from a few articles I read,, classic may not be available on release06:18
infidwill ubuntu 11 use gnome 3?06:18
PresuntoRJinfid: I believe gnome 3 brakes Unity06:19
coz_infid,  no but it should be in the repositories06:19
PresuntoRJinfid: so I think not06:19
audhicoz what is gnome?06:19
coz_infid,  gnome3  will use mutter06:19
coz_audhi,  gnome is the Desktop Environment  =  DE   the look and feel of the system06:19
Jerubcoz_: that would be unfortunate, you mean not appearing in the default 'ubuntu' release and it's still there for those who upgrade or install it manually, right?06:20
coz_audhi,   Dnome  KDE  lxde Xfce are all desktop environments06:20
rwwI don't think gnome3 is going to be in natty's repos.06:20
audhiwill it be in my system?06:20
rwwThere's a PPA. It breaks stuff.06:20
coz_Jerub,  I believe so but I am not positive,, I dont believe everything I read online 8)06:20
infidrunning gnome-panel did nothing06:20
coz_audhi,  gnome is part of 11.04  yes06:20
coz_audhi,  it will default to  Unity  not classic gnome unless your video card is an nvidia chip06:21
audhiok coz06:21
coz_infid,  then I am not sure,, there are reports online about 11.04 in VM06:21
infidi logged out and logged back in but i dont see any 'session pulldown's06:21
coz_infid,  I havent read them though06:21
coz_infid,  at the bottom of the screen06:21
coz_infid,  on the "panel" under the log in dialog06:22
infidi have no gnome panels at all, not at the top nor bottom06:22
coz_infid,  when you log out there is no panel at the bottom?06:22
infidthis type of stuff is the only problem i eve rhave with ubuntu06:22
coz_infid,  thats a bit strange06:22
infidin lucid when i reboot i often dont have any title bars on my windows, until i reboot again once or twice06:23
infidubuntu just doesnt like to show title bars and menu bars i guess :P06:23
coz_infid,  which video card?06:23
PresuntoRJcoz_: can I enable the unity laucher on the secondary monitor?06:23
infidwith lucid that's on my machine that has an nvidia gefore 950006:23
infidon this laptop i have an ati06:23
coz_PresuntoRJ, i dont think so ,, it is not moveable06:23
audhicoz i installed ubuntu restricted extras where will it be?06:23
coz_audhi,  the ubuntu extras?  they are packages that have items to be run individually,, they are codecs and flash ,, things like that06:24
coz_audhi,  they will just work06:24
coz_audhi,  rather they DONT have packages that run invididually by you06:25
coz_audhi,  they are run like flash in firefox.. and codecs when playing music or moves06:25
audhiok!coz give any software recommendations.06:26
PresuntoRJcoz_: I think I will file a bug on that06:26
coz_audhi,   also if you plan on playing DVD's   run this command    *06:26
coz_ sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh06:26
coz_audhi,  well software is really personal  depending on what you do,, however,, if on a desktop with a mouse,, I would use easystroke   ,, a system gesture recognition application06:27
coz_audhi,  is this 64 or 32 bit?06:27
coz_audhi,  also go here   http://packages.medibuntu.org/natty/index.html   at the bottom of the page  choose the w32codecs  package and install it06:28
ledah_anyone knows how i can play mkv files on lvc on natty?06:29
Jerubledah_: vlc probably?06:29
ledah_i've tried but they don't run06:29
audhiits downloading coz.06:30
coz_ledah_,  do you have all of the codecs installed?06:30
ledah_i've installed ffmpeg06:31
audhiis ubuntu free from viruses coz?06:31
PresuntoRJledah_: working for me06:31
coz_ledah_,  sudo apt-get install  ubuntu-restrected-extras  also go here  http://packages.medibuntu.org/natty/index.html  .. scroll to the bottom of the page and choose the correct  w32codecs for your system06:31
coz_audhi,  yes for the most part.. linux viruses are generally directed towards   Servers,,, however if you feel more confortable with an anit virus application  you want to install   clamaf  and clam-tk06:32
coz_clam-tk is the front end GUI06:32
PresuntoRJledah_: I have at least a mkv running just fine on Movie Player (totem), mplayer and VLC06:33
coz_audhi,  sorry that is  clamav  and clam-tk06:33
PresuntoRJledah_: of course, I have the codecs installed like coz_ just said06:33
coz_audhi,  I would suggest using synaptic package manager for that   and search for clamav  and clam tk should also be in the list06:34
coz_audhi,  that should show up as Virus scanner in the menus06:34
coz_under accessories in normal gnome menus anyway06:34
PresuntoRJis there no ubottu in #ubuntu+1 ?06:35
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu+1's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots06:36
PresuntoRJpeculiar... its not showing in the list of users :-/06:36
rwwdoes for me.06:37
audhithanks cozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!06:37
coz_audhi,  working now?06:37
audhiyes coz!06:38
coz_very cool06:38
PresuntoRJrww: it could be a new empathy bug... not sure yet06:38
PresuntoRJrww: does your also freezes if you type, say, like 120 characters ?06:39
PresuntoRJrww: 2.34.0-0ubuntu306:39
rwwPresuntoRJ: I don't use empathy06:39
PresuntoRJrww: good thinking06:40
* rww doesn't have an IM account and uses a dedicated IRC client06:40
PresuntoRJrww: I do cause I am testing it on Natty... and cause its integrated with the GUI06:40
rwwyeah, 'social by default' is basically useless to me :\06:40
PresuntoRJdoes anyone else use Empathy ?06:40
audhicoz how to improve the quality of video?06:41
PresuntoRJrww: I like the status icon on the panel, with my name, thats it06:41
=== androidbruce|afk is now known as androidbruce
audhicoz are you here?06:41
PresuntoRJaudhi: try typing a TAB after his name to complete the coz_ with the _06:42
PresuntoRJaudhi: it calls his attention06:42
coz_audhi,  yeah I am here06:43
audhithanks presuntorj!06:43
audhicoz how to improve quality of video?06:44
coz_audhi,  when talking to someone specifically,, tyep the first 2 or 3 letters of t heir name   ,, hit tab button to complete it then type the message,, as PresuntoRJ  mentione it will alert that person on their client06:44
PresuntoRJrww: :-p06:44
coz_audhi,  what is the quality now?06:44
* Debolaz doesn't use empathy, because it violates his privacy policy. :)06:45
audhiits poor coz!06:45
DebolazIf it weren't for 2 specific issues, empathy would be a really great IM client though.06:47
coz_audhi,  not sure then guy,, that is mainly dependent on the video card06:48
audhiok coz!06:49
coz_audhi,  not sure of a solution... i would have to actually see it and know what  hardware you have06:50
coz_audhi,  open a terminal     lspci | grep -i vga       <<copy and paste that into the terminal window and then paste the readout here06:50
audhicoz are you working in linux?06:53
coz_audhi,  not sure what you mean06:54
audhicoz whats your age?are you working?how do you know these codes?06:55
coz_oh! :)06:55
audhiwhats oh06:55
coz_audhi,  well my age I always say   i remember when there was a vote on if we s hould create "dirt"  and I voted NO06:55
coz_audhi,   I do computer installations  ,, repairs,, etc06:55
audhithanks for your information.06:56
audhiok bye cozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!06:58
ledah_i couldn't make the mkv works neither could install webcamstudio...06:59
coz_ledah_,  ooo06:59
ledah_i'm downloading another mkv07:00
coz_ledah_,   they should work fine, although ,, remember this is still not a released version of ubuntu07:00
ledah_maybe could be the file07:00
coz_ledah_,  indeed it could be the file itself07:00
ledah_oh no. is the file, ugghhh07:01
coz_ledah_,  oh !!  well at least that was solved 8)07:02
ledah_yes it take care of one problem07:03
ledah_but i can't install the webcamstudio07:03
coz_ledah_,  I dont know if there is a natty ppa for wecbamstudio  let me check07:03
coz_ledah_,    http://www.ws4gl.org/download/installing-on-ubuntu   the repos are not working for webcamstudion but they suggest installing via the deb package on that link07:05
coz_ledah_,     http://code.google.com/p/webcamstudio/downloads/detail?name=webcamstudio_0.57alpha2_all.deb&can=2&q=07:06
ledah_i've arleady tried that one07:07
PresuntoRJledah_: I usually play with cheese... what does webcamstudio do extra, if I may ask?07:07
ledah_it let you put your desktop in a virtual cam07:08
coz_ledah_,  how did you try to install t his?07:08
ledah_put images07:08
ledah_i tried from source code07:08
coz_ledah_,  download that deb package07:08
ledah_i've compiled it succesfully07:08
PresuntoRJledah_: sorry... dont get it... I have to read about it ;)07:08
coz_ledah_,  oh?  if it compiled successfully , did you also install it?07:08
ledah_that's the problem07:09
ledah_i can't install the camera dev07:09
coz_ledah_,   I see07:09
ledah_so there's no signal out07:09
coz_ledah_,  not sure then ,,, i still suggest the deb package  and see if it installs properly07:09
coz_ledah_,  you will most likely have to do   sudo apt-get install -f  after running that deb package to install required dependencies07:10
ledah_The package is of bad quality07:13
ledah_The installation of a package which violates the quality standards isn't allowed. This could cause serious problems on your computer. Please contact the person or organisation who provided this package file and include the details beneath.07:13
torchieproprietary nvidia drivers break the windowing system, while the free drivers break the operating system07:14
elFidelnice choice ;)07:15
torchieubuntu classic no effects forever :/07:15
coz_torchie,  I think that is temporary07:17
torchiewhat is :o07:17
PresuntoRJcoz_: what is the program that actually draws the Unity panel (top)? I need it to redraw, but I don know what to kill07:18
coz_PresuntoRJ,  the launcher panel or the gnome panel?07:18
torchiewindows turning completely white at random on restricted or everything but the cursor freezing completely on noveau?07:18
PresuntoRJcoz_: not gnome-panel, cause its not even running07:18
PresuntoRJcoz_: I will check the other07:19
coz_PresuntoRJ,  then I am not sure ,, you could try  unity --replace &07:19
PresuntoRJcoz_: it did redraw the panel, but in the process, crashed compiz, and destroied every window I had opened... I have to logout then...07:20
PresuntoRJcoz_: be right back07:20
coz_PresuntoRJ,  I have to break here myself07:21
DebolazHmm, I notice that if I uninstall Empathy, the "Set up chat" menu item does not seem to go away.07:34
bullgard4Where is the »kerneloops« service described? '~$ rgrep 'kerneloops' /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.38/Documentation/ 2>dev/null' does not produce any output.07:35
rwwDebolaz: log out and back in07:36
PresuntoRJbullgard4: is it the same server as before?07:36
PresuntoRJbullgard4: do you have the linux-source package installed ?07:37
bullgard4PresuntoRJ: I do not understand your question. What server are you speaking about?07:37
Debolazrww: Ah, that worked. Thank you.07:38
PresuntoRJbullgard4: never mind the first question... ;) sorry... I am installing the package my self to check07:39
bullgard4PresuntoRJ: I have installed linux-source
PresuntoRJbullgard4: I almost there... 5 minutes do go07:40
* Debolaz also confirmed that the FDE+btrfs bug doens't happen with any of those two individually.07:43
PresuntoRJbullgard4: I got a few hits... usually comments from debian-master07:47
PresuntoRJbullgard4: /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.38/debian/changelog:  * amd64_edac: Do not falsely trigger kerneloops07:47
PresuntoRJbullgard4: but nothing in Documentation07:47
bullgard4PresuntoRJ: What do you mean by "debian-master"?07:48
PresuntoRJbullgard4: /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.38/debian.master/changelog:  * amd64_edac: Do not falsely trigger kerneloops07:49
PresuntoRJbullgard4: the folder07:49
PresuntoRJbullgard4: with the logs from the upstream in debian07:50
susundberghi! Does anyone else suffer problems with skype ? my problem is that first call that i make suffers from some sound problems -- both playback and recording is bad (recording really wrong)07:52
susundbergbut for some reason, the second call is usually fine07:52
PresuntoRJsusundberg: it works for me (since the first call)07:53
susundbergweird .. and you are using this new sound system07:53
susundbergwhat whas it called..07:53
susundbergpulseaudio -- that is default on natty i guess ?07:54
bullgard4PresuntoRJ: Ah, I see. Thank you very much for your information.08:01
DebolazAh, god bless ccsm.08:16
elFidelhi - is there a way to stop the fullscreen-mess with unity 2d in 11.04? almost each apps seems to think it should be fullscreen ...which results in ugly overlapping of the launcher etc08:25
elFidelsidenote: my launcher is defined to not hide itself08:26
DebolazelFidel: Ironically, I can't get applications to always fullscreen by default in normal Unity.08:26
elFidelthat entire unity seems to be far away from user-ready to me08:27
elFidelwhat do i need fullscreen apps on a 30"08:27
DebolazWell, it works reasonably well for me, I can't really call the issue I just mentioned a bug.08:27
elFidelanyway ...any idea how to handle that?08:27
elFidelis there some kind of logic involved?08:28
elFideli.e.: if res < x - go fulllscreen or similar?08:28
* Debolaz has never tried unity-2d08:28
DebolazSo I wouldn't know. :)08:28
elFidelworking in a vm right now - where unity-2d makes sense over unity-default08:28
arandDebolaz: Hey =) you got the email?08:28
Debolazarand: Yes I did. :)08:29
arandDid you try adding the boot option?08:29
Debolazarand: I also tried installing both with btrfs and with fde individually, they both work just fine alone.08:29
DebolazNo, I wont be able to try that until the working part of the week is over.08:30
arandAh, fair enough, well, it seems to be possible with a bit of manual tweaking, and that's not likeley to change at least fo natty.08:31
Debolazarand: What particular change was it that made it not work in 11.04 btw?08:35
arandDebolaz: Basically the way subvolumes are setup, natty requires mounting a subvolume rather than the default (top-level) of the btrfs, grub was incabable of detecting crypt/btrfs in 10.10 as well I assume, however since it did not need to add a subvolume boot option based on the detection anyways it didn't matter.09:04
DebolazAight. Keep in mind that if btrfs becomes the main filesystem of ubuntu one day, support for this has to be added. :)09:06
phaidroshi, since some days suspend to ram is broken on natty (thinkpad x60s) for me, how could I debug this usefully?09:07
bullgard4phaidros: Analyze /var/log/pm-suspend.log.109:10
arandDebolaz: Yup, though I guess people who wants encryption could be referred back to ext4 though.. AS cjwatson points out, it sems to be a metter of the encryption support in grub2, which sounds as though it's some ways off..09:10
susundbergphaidros: also laptop-mode-tools is known to break it09:10
susundbergif you have installed thatone (i did to get my hd to spin down)09:10
susundbergrunning 'pm-suspend' on konsole might also be helpfull ..09:11
maxbHi, for some time on natty I have various icons missing in the notification area (I'm using Classic Desktop)09:25
maxbThey display what I think is the gdk-pixbuf failed-to-load placeholder (black field, red "no" symbol)09:26
bullgard4Where can I find information about the Natty process "aio"?09:26
maxbthe specific icons are keyboard layout, network-manager and battery applets09:26
bullgard4maxb: A question ends in a question-mark.09:27
maxbbullgard4: Well, if you want to be picky: Does anyone have any information or suggestions about this?09:29
maxbThough that's fairly implicit, I think.09:29
delacmaxb: have you tried to use any other icon set?09:46
DebolazIs there a builtin utility for whitelisting applications for using the systray?09:47
DebolazSpecific app in question: Dropbox09:47
delacDebolaz: http://askubuntu.com/questions/30742/how-do-i-access-the-system-tray09:50
delacDebolaz: but do note the last comment on that thread09:50
ohsixbullgard4: processes with brackets around them are kernel threads09:51
maxbdelac: I'm not aware of having customized icons in any way09:52
maxbYou make a good point though, perhaps I should try a fresh user account09:53
Debolazdelac: I found out I could disable the whitelist by setting it to "all". :)09:54
delacmaxb: no, I mean you should try some of the alternatives from Appearances menus, so that you see if the problem is with the icon set missing some icons09:54
delacDebolaz: yes, that is one way, but I think there was a warning somewhere not to do that09:55
bullgard4ohsix: Yes. Thank you.09:56
Debolazdelac: I don't think there's a technical reason to not do it, as far as I've read. It's seems to be to encourage software devs to fix horribly designed systray icon behavior.09:58
delacDebolaz: I would think so too09:59
maxbdelac: OK. But it's a pretty stupid bug if the default icon set is missing icons displayed in the default desktop09:59
delacmaxb: It might be due to some configuration error during the installation or update. better check10:00
delacmaxb: if there is no icons missing, then it's bug somewhere else10:01
maxbNow done - I got a couple of different versions of different themes "missing icon placeholder"10:01
maxbno proper icons, though10:01
zniavreDebolaz,  if you enabled the 'all' systray icons , did you experience indicator-stuff slow behavior ?10:01
Debolazzniavre: What do you mean?10:02
delacmaxb: then the bug is somewhere else. probably in the widgets themselve.10:02
zniavrei tried to enable all icon in notification aera but now all indicator-applet is quite slow or unresponsive10:02
delacmaxb: did you try to user other account?10:03
delacmaxb: use other account*10:03
maxbyes, I tried in a freshly created user account10:05
maxbI am just a little confused what package might be at fault that it crosses three different applets at least10:06
maxbIt could be human-icon-theme, at a random guess, I suppose.10:07
delacmaxb: Humanity is the default icon set on ubuntu10:09
delacmaxb: Human is bit older one10:09
gregoryfentonhi, I have a bug in natty beta. if I create a SDL|openGL program and run it with effects disabled (classic mode with no effects) the SDL|openGL window is overlaid on top of all others.10:09
delacmaxb: there seems to be several "missing icons" bugs for natty10:12
gregoryfentonIf nobody can help could someone talk me through filing a bug with only a minimal amount of information such as this to ensure I don't get sidelined for "need more info"?10:27
ploumdo you also have docky crashing in natty?11:08
BUGabundonever use it11:09
BUGabundognome-do ftw11:09
cmyrlandHi. I've left my computer running for a few days without using it. When I came back to it I wondered why there was so much disk activity, so I popped up the sys.mon. and it showed that I was using 1,6 gb ram, and unity-window-decorator used 213 mb ram, bamfdaemon (what does it do?) uses 134 mb ram and notify-osd used 109 mb ram. That's almost 500 MBs of ram to applictions that should be minimal and light weight. Please say this will get fixe11:23
eagles0513875_hey guys11:25
cmyrland!hi | eagles0513875_11:25
eagles0513875_has anyone else done the upgrade from maverick to natty on kubuntu?11:25
eagles0513875_cmyrland: dont need to tell me lol i been around these channels way to long lol11:25
cmyrlandUbottu doesn't want to day it anyway, it seems :p11:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:26
eagles0513875_i noticed some strange things after my upgrade from maverick to natty11:26
cmyrlandubottu, I never have ^^11:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:26
eagles0513875_hey BUGabundo11:26
eagles0513875_hahah cmyrland11:26
* eagles0513875_ needs to find recruits for my distro idea11:27
cmyrlandbut holy crap, if this bizarre mem usage in unity affects more people than me then Ubuntu has a big problem on their hands..11:28
eagles0513875_well thats the thing unity doesnt seem to like netbooks11:28
cmyrlandeagles, unity-window-decorator, bamfdaemon and notify-osd uses almost 500 mb of ram on my system after some days' uptime, leaving the total memuse at 1,6 gb. This is Vista-ish11:29
eagles0513875_lol thats what i dont like tbh about ubuntu11:30
eagles0513875_the rushed development and inclusion of things that arent ready yet11:30
yofel_erm, that's what they always do? ^^11:30
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
eagles0513875_hah yofel i have noticed11:31
cmyrlandyeah. They should drop the six-months "stable" cycle and focus on annual or biannual stable releases with a rolling dev. version between them11:31
eagles0513875_the plasma netbook desktop is a mess11:31
yofelthere was a bug with cairo and the nvidia drivers leading to insane mem usage, but I thought that was fixed...11:31
eagles0513875_gonna start rolling my own distro based on debian unstable11:31
cmyrlandyofel, that reminds me I haven't updated since last boot, so maybe that'll solve it11:32
eagles0513875_but tweak it for gamers and game developers and wanna be game devs11:32
cmyrlandeagles0513875_, do we need any more debian based distros? :p11:32
eagles0513875_this is targeting a niche though11:32
cmyrlandlike ubuntu-studio?11:32
cmyrlandfor games?11:32
cmyrlandnice idea though11:32
eagles0513875_ya :)11:32
eagles0513875_thing is all the games coming out on mac wont need much work to be made for linux too11:33
eagles0513875_since mac uses lots of open source techs11:33
eagles0513875_like open gl open al etc11:33
yofeleagles0513875_: as for your original question, kubuntu runs ok here, beside the usual nepomuk mess11:33
cmyrlandmhm, I know. Lets hope Steam opens the floodgates soon :>11:33
eagles0513875_wowie java on natty is eating 22% of my ram11:33
eagles0513875_reminds me i need to disable nepomuk11:33
eagles0513875_just to get  kde working cuz it was complaining about unity not being able to run on netbooks11:34
eagles0513875_had to delete my .kde folder :(11:34
eagles0513875_it wouldnt work for me unless i did that11:34
eagles0513875_nepo muck <-- which is really a muck lol is off now11:35
eagles0513875_but java still eating 22% of my ram11:35
eagles0513875_yofel: your in ubuntu-packaging right11:36
eagles0513875_got a question i want your opinion on ill hop in there11:36
eagles0513875_i think the open jdk and iced tea r broken for java :-/ or memory leaking badly11:38
IDWMasterI get a very blurry screen on my Samsung netbook (with Intel graphics chip) when resuming from hibernate11:51
IDWMasterHas anyone else had this problem?11:52
eagles0513875_kdevelop4 isnt starting11:52
eagles0513875_neither is codelite :(11:52
eagles0513875_i have intel graphics chip and im on an asus 333 pc11:52
IDWMasterHave you used Hibernate?11:53
eagles0513875_no i have not11:53
eagles0513875_i use sleep11:53
eagles0513875_and it works just fine11:53
eagles0513875_IDWMaster: you on a clean install of natty11:53
IDWMasterNo, I did an upgrade install11:53
IDWMasterFrom 10.1011:53
IDWMasterSleep works fine, but not hibernate11:53
IDWMasterIt seems to have some problem re-initializing the graphics chip after resuming.11:54
eagles0513875_i have always seen hibernate as buggy11:54
eagles0513875_lots of things i had installed got removed at the end of upgrade and some kde apps arent working11:54
IDWMasterWhich package is Hibernate a part of? I'd like to file a bug, but I don't know which package it applies to.11:55
eagles0513875_IDWMaster: are you on kde or gnome11:55
IDWMasterI installed the X11 Development libraries11:55
IDWMasterThat fixed a lot of problems11:55
IDWMasterI'm on Unity11:56
eagles0513875_which is gnome11:56
eagles0513875_then i would possibly file that against unity11:56
IDWMasterOK. Thanks.11:56
eagles0513875_no problemo11:57
psaldis there a known issue with booting the natty beta live cd? It gets stuck halfway here, complaining a few directories do not exist etc. Then it falls back to some console.11:57
IDWMasterWhen the boot hangs, try removing and re-inserting the disc. That worked for me (just have to have good timing)11:58
psaldwell ok... sounds weird but sure why not :p11:59
stimpieI cant seem to get to a virtual console (ctrl_alt_f1-6) on natty, anyone knows how to troubleshoot?12:00
psypher246hi all, anyone here who can assist with getting natty64 with unity working in virtualbox12:26
stimpieI'am still looking into my missing virtual consoles,  I now discoverd there are no getty process running12:28
psaldpsypher246: I managed to get that done a few days ago using some pretty clear instructions, let me find them for you12:32
duanedesignin the launcher I have OpenOffice.org Database with three arrows next to it. I am unable to quit them. Anyone have or seen a similar behaviour?12:33
psaldhttp://www.webupd8.org/2010/12/how-to-test-ubuntu-1104-with-unity-in.html although it's a dated post, it did the trick for me, psypher24612:34
psypher246psald: on 64? i have already done that stuff on 32 bit, it didn't work anyway. u have to use the oss virtualbox tool and not the official oracle ones12:40
ileais there someone here from the team that develops ubuntu 11.04?12:40
icerootilea: just ask your question12:41
psypher246i got 32 bit working 100% with the virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 package12:41
psypher246this does not work the same in 64bit12:41
psypher246psald: hmmmm, afrter waiting about 30 mins suddenly natty did boot12:42
psypher246so it's just damn slow12:42
ileaubuntu 11.04 needs more work on the internet part because i instaled it once and tryed to configure the dsl and after i put in id and pasword it wouldn't conect at all12:42
ileaon 10.04 and kiwi works fine12:42
ileaon 11.04 the internet dosnt work with dsl12:43
th^^what kind of dsl needs login? O_o12:43
th^^or configuring.. just plug the eth cable! :P12:43
ileaservice and mine is RDS12:43
ileai wanted to talk to someone from the team that desins the new ubuntu12:46
psaldpsypher246: sorry was trying to install myself in the meantime, turns out I have network hardware issues there. Anyway, yeah I dunno. I am not 100% positive I tried the 64 bit version and I can't check right here, but indeed I got things working using that method. Anyway good luck :)12:46
zniavreso the white background for hover/selected items in dash is a feature ?12:48
=== psald is now known as voronoi
bullgard4What is the function of the process xfs_mru_cache?12:50
Ian_Corneis there any way to lock the launcher, so it doesn't auto hide?13:14
zniavrevia ccsm no ?13:16
zniavreyes there is a "never" hide launcher option13:17
Ian_Cornewhere should i be looking in the ccsm?13:20
Ian_Cornefound it :)13:20
Ian_Corneit's in the ubunty unity plugin13:22
zniavreIan_Corne,  yes sorry my baby is in need of hugs i could not type13:24
Ian_CorneIt's ok :) just said it so others reading this if they have the same question know too :)13:24
Ian_Cornenothing more annoying then seeing a question, getting an "ok fixed" and no explenation :p13:25
zniavrethat s true13:25
ki9aswitching to gnome-3 broke unity & auto login; how do I get ubuntu to auto-login to gnome3 instead?13:33
ki9agot it.13:38
ki9awhere do I find gnome-shell-extensions?13:39
arandI think they are packaged in the PPA, the git repo works I guess..13:40
jiohdiok, this is bizzarre, lxde in 11.4 has a lower memory load than iceWM13:43
ki9aarand: under another name then?13:47
ki9ai don't see them in the gnome3 package13:47
jiohdiheard a lot of bad about gnome3, whats the good13:48
ki9ait works better for me than unity13:48
arandki9a: Ah, true, might not be in the PPA then, need to get it from upstream then I assume.13:49
jiohdiI do not like unity at all13:49
elFidelki9a: you are using gnome3 on which ubuntu version? via gnome3 ppa?13:50
ki9a11.04; and yes13:50
elFideli get insane if i do see unity a single day longer13:50
ki9ait broke at first; the themes weren't installed13:51
ki9aand it really didn't like that13:51
elFidelki9a: ok thanks. how long have you been using it?13:51
ki9a10 minutes13:51
elFidellets wreck my test-vm then13:51
jiohdiI tried unity months ago, did not like it then... tried it again yesterday, no better13:51
elFideli expect a lot of trouble if unity is really default in 11.04 - but lets surprise13:52
ki9anote that gnome3 breaks unity13:52
ki9aat least it did here13:53
jiohdiunity is for touch screens primarily... why they are putting it on desktops is a mystery13:53
elFideli see unity as for small devices primarily13:53
elFideland yeah -maybe touch devices13:53
ki9athe one thing I haven't figured out yet is how to keep the bottom bar on the screen13:54
ki9athe one that holds the icons13:54
jiohdiwhen they first came out with it, they said it was with touch screens in  mind13:54
elFidelki9a: thanks - i just realized that using a vm for gnome 3 will most likely cause issues as well - cause of the missing 3d support ;)13:54
arandYea, always unfortunate that most of these things are untestable using vms13:54
ki9ai figured I really didn't like unity13:54
elFideljiohdi: i guess small&touch goes into the same direction ;)13:54
ki9awhy not try gnome3.13:55
elFidelki9a: i will - but not in a vm missing 3d support13:55
elFidelas gnome 3 needs 3d support - otherwise it falls back to some strange2/3 mode13:55
arandWell, gnome3 *is* unstable, and will likely not have great support on natty throughout...13:55
arand*unstable on _ubuntu_13:56
elFidelunity doenst feel stable either for me13:56
elFideleven unity-2d isnt13:56
elFidelbut that might be just me13:56
arandOh, unity-2d isn't even meant to be released yet13:56
arandIt works horribly in kvm, but then again, they're hoping it might be the default fallback in oo, but we'll se13:57
elFidelunity as default is fail to me anyways - but the hipsers gonna like it13:58
arandWhich is what a flashy DE is all about isn't it?13:58
elFidelthe question is: who is asking for flashy ;)13:59
jiohdifortunately all the other desktops are still available13:59
elFidelwould be interessting (but impossible) to measure how many users dislike unity and might even jump to some other ditri cause of the major changes canonical has on its plan to 12.10? without classic iirc14:00
elFidelor was it 12.04?14:00
arandIsn't 11.10 going without classic?14:01
jiohdi12.10 will likely be a dummy terminal for a cloud14:01
elFidelarand: could be - not sure when the break is annoced in detail14:02
khamerWhen I hit tab to trigger bash completion in terminals after upgrading to 11.04, I'm getting extra spaces appended to the completions; that is, "/et<Tab>" => "/etc " instead of "/etc/"; any thoughts?14:03
elFidelkhamer: testet here - works as expected14:04
khamerelFidel, what command did you try with?14:04
elFidelcd /et+TAB14:04
khamerelFidel, now try ls14:04
elFidelresults in: cd /etc/14:04
elFidelsame - works as expected14:04
elFidelhow about the others?14:05
khamercd gives me '/etc/', ls gives me '/etc ', grep gives me '/etc ' (I have aliases for both ls and grep though, but I don't think that related to the completion), ack-grep gives me '/etc/ '14:06
khamerfind gives me '/etc '14:06
elFidelkhamer: try disabling the aliases - resource and see if it still happens14:06
elFideljust out of curiosity14:06
khamerelFidel, cp/mv/rm all give me '/etc '14:06
elFidelk ;)14:06
elFideldo you have > 1 user-acc on that box?14:07
elFideltested with > 1 account?14:07
khamerelFidel, removed all aliases, no change14:07
khamerelFidel, I can test as root or add another user14:08
elFidelnot sure if it will help - but it should at least show if its related with your current account or not ;)14:08
khamerelFidel, it looks like for root its working properly14:08
bullgard4What is the function of the process xfs_mru_cache?14:09
elFidelkhamer: nice14:12
elFideli would comntinue adding another testaccount14:12
ileasomeone from ubuntu or from the team that works at the new release? answer me please14:12
Piciilea: Best to just ask your question.14:13
elFideleach single user inhere is a clone of Mark S and we are all waiting for your question. Fire it ;) <joke>14:13
ileai tried the beta 1 release of ubuntu 11.04 and it haves a problem with the internet14:14
bullgard4ilea:i tried the beta 1 release of ubuntu 11.04 and I have no problem with the internet14:15
ileaafter i make the DSL configuration and try to conect it tries to conect and tries a time and after it dosnt conect14:15
elFidelilea: so your OS itself has to handle the DSL configuration?14:15
ileathe signal line gows up a time and after wont conect14:16
ileai have a simple Dsl configuration14:16
elFidelare we talking about wlan or eth?14:16
ileausername, service, pasword and that is all14:16
ileaon ubuntu 10.04, kiwi and 10.10 works well14:16
elFideluff - what country is that? just curious14:16
ileaon the last version dosnt work14:17
ileai ask all this because ubuntu 11.04 is faster and i would like to use that but the internet conection with DSL haves bugs14:19
achimtrfHello, i have a question on natty... Don't know whether it's a bug or a translation problem. Anybody ready for a short discussion?14:19
NarcWhen I open "Previous Conversations" by right clicking on a contact in Empathy, the window opens and gets ever larger in length. Nvidia drivers, Unity. Anyone else having this ?14:19
khamerelFidel, I'll see14:21
bullgard4!details | achimtrf14:21
ubottuachimtrf: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:21
elFidelkhamer: good luck ;)14:22
khamerelFidel, broken for a brand new user account14:22
achimtrfSince yesterday i have Natty 11.04 with all updates until now. Now in my clock tray there is the date in the following manner: 12. Apr,, 15:22:4414:23
elFidelkhamer: lemme add a user here14:23
achimtrfthe -> ,,   is that a translation thing or a bug?14:23
elFidelkhamer: works for newly created user (using adduser) as expected14:24
khameryeah, I used adduser14:25
bullgard4achimtrf My display format is: "Di, 12. Apr., 15:25"14:25
elFidelkhamer: strange - i dont get it then. looks like it is somehow related with your box/setup ...cant reproduce it at least on mine14:25
achimtrfbullgard4: My locale is set to German.14:26
khamerI had someone else here fire up a VM to test it too, same thing, just my machine14:26
khamerI'll see if #bash has any ideas14:27
bullgard4achimtrf: '~$ locale; LANG=de_DE.UTF-8'14:28
psaldhey guys, does anyone know what could be going on if the installer for natty beta gets stuck when trying to detect network interfaces?14:29
achimtrfbullgard4: LANG=de_DE.utf814:30
achimtrfwanna have the whole copy?14:30
lcbachimtrf, right click on the date, select 'clock', unckeck 'date and month' and select another option. play a bit with it and see if you still have that.14:31
bullgard4achimtrf: No. I do not know a solution for your problem. Report it to Lauchpad, please.14:31
=== D is now known as Guest66999
frankweachimtrf: what's your problem? Do you see two ,, ?14:32
achimtrfOkay... Now unity crashed while chatting...14:32
achimtrffrankwe: Yes, there are two of them14:32
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
frankweachimtrf: i just filed a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/75862814:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 758628 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "two commas between date and time in panel" [Undecided,New]14:33
khamerelFidel, it looks related to bash_completion, as bash itself functions properly (builtins all work right)14:34
achimtrfthnx @ frankwe :)14:34
frankweachimtrf: i did it already some hour ago;)14:35
lcbachimtrf, could you please type in terminal 'locale LC_TIME' and check if if you have the extra comma14:35
bullgard4What is the function of the process xfs_mru_cache?14:35
khamerelFidel, got it14:36
achimtrflcb: No, i don't find two of them14:37
frankwelcb: here's my output (i have the same issue) http://pastebin.com/LhZtGSff14:37
lcbfrankwe, same location?14:37
frankwelcb:  germany, if you mean that14:38
lcbfrankwe, yes14:38
khamerelFidel, er, well, no, but disabling bash_completion is better than nothing14:38
lcbfrankwe, add to your bug the locate results, check $ man locale14:39
frankwelcb: ok, thanks14:39
lcbso they could understand what's going on... looks like some translation mistyping somewhere14:40
achimtrfi try to restart unity - the console output looks strange...14:40
lcbachimtrf, try failsafeX14:40
khamerFound it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash-completion/+bug/71600814:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 716008 in Partner Packaging "strange bahavior on directory completion with bash built-in commands" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:41
achimtrfhehehe, the console isn't ready for the next input ;) If i kill it, i'm back to a blank screen... play this game very often...14:41
khamerelFidel, so it was a natty thing, and that workaround fixes it14:42
achimtrfIcb: failsafe? most of the time i'm through with unity --reset. But sometimes it want's a reboot.14:44
elFidelkhamer: great14:44
lcbachimtrf, reboot, press SHIFT right after bios messages and before grub loading, select recovery... wait a bit. select CLEAN then dpkg, then grub then root then reboot. do SHIFT again then select only failsafeX and repair X then default then cancel then restart X. these all all options in there.14:44
lcbthese all all options in there. -- these all *are* options in there.14:46
achimtrfi wish to can give you a screenshot how it all looks :) two frozen terminals over my chatwindow :)14:48
achimtrfbut the screenshot isn't possible...14:48
lcbachimtrf, try that... if you have a doubt tell me14:48
troulouliouhi i upgraded to 11.04 and now my vm hangs at startup14:48
troulouliouat the plymout screen UBUNTU ......14:49
trouloulioulooks like freezed14:49
troulouliouany help ?14:49
achimtrfThnx Icb - i had to wait until your text comes over the terminal - brb :)14:49
lcbbtw, all display, upgrades etc problems could be resolved if you do what i wrote14:50
trouloulioulcb , even freeze ?14:51
lcbtroulouliou, in your case i'ld reinstall the vm package,14:51
troulouliouho no ...14:51
lcbtroulouliou, not the virtual machine...14:52
lcbif you want copy the virtual machine to somewhere first14:52
troulouliouha ok the guest package but how ?14:52
troulouliouin recovery mode ? or chroot with live cd ?14:52
lcbif you do that, remove with apt-get --purge remove thatVMpackage14:52
lcbthen reinstall it14:53
lcband troulouliou, yes, that recovery process helps correctig most of upgrade and graphics problems14:54
trouloulioulcb: ok thanks will try all that14:54
lcbtroulouliou, no... when rebooting...14:54
lcbreboot and press SHIFT... read what i told the previous user14:55
lcbtroulouliou, but in your case i would remove the VM  first14:56
troulouliouyes i m doing that at the moment , get access to tty1 , also it complains about some services that have been moved to ustart14:56
lcbother way to correct some problems is doing ' sudo apt-get check && sudo apt-get -f install '. you could do also 'sudo dpkg-reconfigureThatVMpackage '14:58
BluesKajHiyas all14:58
lcb'sudo dpkg-reconfigure ThatVMpackage '14:58
FjodorHi all. Has anyone else seen torrents become polluted with other stuff with transmission (in my case, random episodes of Star Trek TNG)? Bug #715046 is in place as a recommendation to upgrade the shipped version from 2.13 to 2.22 and I would like to argue for regarding what I was seeing, but have yet to file a bug, as I'm unsure as to how to describe the weirdness...15:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 715046 in transmission (Ubuntu) "Update Transmission to version 2.22" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71504615:03
IdleOnewhere do I edit the timeout time for sudo?15:15
IdleOneI want it to timeout immediately after the password has been entered so that the next sudo command requires the password be entered15:16
IdleOneI know some people are looking to disable the password. I want it more15:17
BUGabundoFYI for those interessed in doing some testing without burning new media:15:18
BUGabundoinstallers, CDRom, and CD Image15:18
lcbIdleOne, ' sudo visudo ' | type ' ,timestamp_timeout=60 ' (being 60 minutes)|15:18
lcbthat's for the timeout15:18
IdleOnetimestamp_timeout=1 would be 1 minute15:19
PiciIdleOne: default is 15 minutes.  Theres more info in the sudoers manpage.15:20
lcbIdleOne, ' ,timestamp_timeout=1 '15:20
IdleOneI add that at the bottom of the file correct? just above the last line?15:20
IdleOnePici: yeah, I find 15 minutes to be to long15:21
lcbto the end of lines in there15:21
bullgard4What is the function of the process xfs_mru_cache?15:21
IdleOnethanks lcb15:21
IdleOnelcb: like this: %sudo   ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL,timestamp_timeout=115:23
lcbIdleOne, i have mine set to  ,timestamp_timeout=525600 ----- 1 yr15:23
lcbIdleOne, you could change the permissions for the user other ways tough15:24
lcbread ' man sudoers '15:24
lcband ' man visudo ' :)15:25
lcbcareful changing that...15:25
IdleOneok well here is my next question, if it defaults to 15 minutes where is that set?15:26
lcbis the default... so.. nowhere15:26
IdleOneit has to be somewhere15:26
IdleOneeven default values have to be defined in some file15:27
lcbi have no clue15:27
rwwIdleOne: presumably, sudo's source code ;P15:27
lcbmaybe under the 'any key' :p15:27
* IdleOne can't find the any key and my ISP refuses to tell me where to look for it15:28
PunkoffHow do I put a shortcut to a Nautilus bookmark into Unity launcher?15:28
lcbgeez.. they are bad15:28
Punkofflike the default Home shortcut15:28
lcbPunkoff, open nautilus then left click on the menu icon on the bar15:29
lcbright click, sorry15:29
Punkofflcb, what am I supposed to see there? I'm using nautilus-elementary if this matters15:30
lcbPunkoff, you'll get an option " keep it in launcher '15:31
lcband that would stay there until you remove it the same way15:32
Punkofflcb, this will put Nautilus into the launcher, not the exact folder15:32
Punkoffit will open the home on launch15:32
Punkoffwhat I want is to have an exact folder quicklaunch15:32
lcbPunkoff, ohh, for that you need to " Creat Launcher "15:32
lcbthan ad it that way... i don't know if it works...15:33
Punkofflcb, but somehow default setup has a homefolder launcher entry with a custom icon15:33
lcbad/add it15:33
lcbPunkoff, is in the code, you can't remove that15:33
Punkofflcb, and at least put it back after deleted?15:33
lcbor change, immo15:33
lcbPunkoff, yes you can do it by reseting the launch bar15:34
lcbby doing this: $ unity --reset-icons15:34
lcbman unity15:35
lcbwith this new release i would like to see a change on manpages15:36
lcblike this, for example: instead of man we would be able to achieve it with $ woman unity15:37
achimtrfIcb: hrhrhr :)15:37
* yofel never heard of womanuals though :P15:37
lcbyofel, i know, it's hard to read even their minds15:38
charlie-tcahm, perhaps it should be changed to require the full word "manualpages" instead?15:39
lcbsorry women... we need you that's why we tease you15:39
charlie-tcaWhat about book pages15:39
penguinbaitwhy when I look at launchpad/ubuntu (11 beta1) I see packages I need like "xserver-xorg-video-omapfb" but when I install the preinstalled ARM netbook version, the repository cannot find these packages, I can download them manually and they install, is there something I need to enable?15:39
lcbor rtfm :)15:40
lcbpenguinbait, probably you don't have that repo in sources.list?!15:41
Picipenguinbait: I don't see a package by that name.15:41
charlie-tca11 is not a version?15:41
charlie-tcaHow about 11.04 ?15:41
Picipenguinbait: Can you paste the launchpad link that you have for that package?15:41
bullgard4What is the function of the process xfs_mru_cache?15:42
barcefis there a way to resize tye15:42
barcefis there a way to resize the launcher icons?15:42
yofelinteresting that rmadison doesn't find that package...15:42
thiebaudebarcef, with the unity plugin in cpmpiz setttings manager15:43
drc I noticed that booting from a LiveUSB Xubuntu 11.04B has no nvidia proprietary driver listed in Additional Drivers.  Does this mean that the nvidia driver is 1) not working in 11.04b or 2) Just not available in 11.04b?  Also, if I "update-manager -d" from  10.10 (which has the driver installed), will 11.04b recognize (and use) the driver?15:44
penguinbaitany clue?15:44
Picipenguinbait: I'm guessing its because that is not an official port, so its packages are on ports.ubuntu.com, rather than archive.ubuntu.com15:44
barcefis there a way to resize the launcher icons? Is there no .conf file you can open in nano and edit?15:45
thiebaudebarcef, read above :)15:45
penguinbaitwhere are the repo def stored?15:45
Picipenguinbait: /etc/apt/sources.list15:46
barcefis there a way to resize the launcher icons? sorry, i'm still not used to this tiny keyboard.15:46
bjsniderdrc, which nvidia driver, current, 173 or 96?15:46
barcefwhy does it post the old line15:46
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz15:46
drcbjsnider:  current15:46
bjsniderthat works15:46
barcefthiebaude, what if you don't want to take the performance hit of having compiz running, is there no config file?15:46
bjsniderso it's not an issue if you want to upgrade15:47
thiebaudei not sure barcef  i dont use unity15:47
penguinbaitcan both repos be active at the same time?15:48
Pr070calhi anyone had problems with firestarter and natty ?15:48
Pr070calfailed to open system log15:49
Picipenguinbait: Yes.15:49
thiebaudebarcef, but dont you use unity 3d?15:49
* lcb myself and irene do not agree with ubotu in installing enhancements and advanced customization of desktop while natty is still in beta phase. nut is just our opinion15:49
drcbjsnider: Just a clarification:  Both methods will result in a current driver being used in 11.04?15:50
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bjsniderdrc, you mean clean install vs. upgrade?15:50
drcbjsnider: Yes15:50
bjsniderit's not an issue. even if the driver is removed or not installed you can install it later15:51
drcbjsnider: TY.  I'm just trying to get "all my ducks in a row" before installing 11.04. Trying <afterwards> has never worked for me.  TY, again.15:54
Pr070calanyone know how to fix firestarter ?15:55
PiciPr070cal: I highly suggest to use gufw instead of firestarter. I was under the impression that firestarter was being unmaintained upstream.15:57
bjsnideror just use a router15:58
LarsTorbeni ordered two cds... one ubuntu 10.10 one kubuntu 10.1016:09
LarsTorbenwhich one should use16:09
shvelowhere is natty beta download?16:11
IdleOnelink in topic16:11
shvelowhere is topic16:12
IdleOneshvelo: /topic should display the topic for you16:12
shveloi am upgrading 10.10 to 1116:15
IdleOnegood luck16:17
IdleOnemake sure you have your backups16:17
shveloi dont need backups , i use virtual machine :D16:18
shvelohow long will it take?16:19
IdleOne30 minutes to install on my machine16:19
IdleOnethat is with all updates installed16:20
shveloi dont have much time , i will shut it down16:21
shvelorestarting vm16:22
BluesKajwhen I boot into natty I get this synaptiks notifier saying it can't find a touchpad this is a desktop pc. Would it be wise to remove/purge synaptics or is it tied /linked to other KB and mouse config files ?16:29
shvelohey again16:35
BluesKajOh, the joys of running a dev OS ...I had to purge the synaptiks apps and config files , they were interfereing with my input devices ... for some reason the mousepad option was installed on my system...could be due to the wireless KB and mouse being interpreted as laptop input devices16:41
Picideja vu...16:42
BluesKajPici, really ..hadn't noticed anyone else with that issue16:43
PiciBluesKaj: I think someone in #kubuntu was just talking about it.16:43
BluesKajthat ws probly me :)16:43
BluesKajEarlier I was explaining why i was in and out due the screen freezing and KB and mouse becoimg toitally unresponsive16:45
dansmithCan anyone help me fix unity after a sinful venture into gnome3 land?16:46
dansmith(on 11.04)16:46
BUGabundoyep dansmith16:46
BUGabundoapt-purge it16:46
dansmithdid that16:46
bjsnideryou'll probably have to use ppa-purge on the gnome 3 ppa, and then reinstall ubuntu-desktop16:47
BUGabundothat's it16:47
dansmithyeah, I did that already,16:47
BUGabundoI know of at least 3 success stories16:47
dansmithand ubuntu-desktop is installed16:47
bjsniderreinstall it16:47
dansmithand gnome classic works nicely,16:47
dansmithreally?  isn't it just a placeholder?16:47
dansmithlet me just tell you what I'm seeing with unity real quick, if you don't mind16:48
bjsniderit's just to make sure all of the packages it installs are really there16:48
dansmithWindows don't hardly render at all.  My user/logout/whatever menu has gigantic fonts, etc16:48
dansmithall kinds of corrupted screen things16:48
dansmithokay, let me do that16:48
BUGabundowe know16:48
dansmithokay, sorry :P16:48
BUGabundohence why you don't recommend installing it in the 1st place16:48
bjsniderwonder if your userland gnome config files have been changed16:49
dansmithis a reinstall (in synaptic) good enough or should I remove/install?16:49
bjsniderreinstall is fine16:49
bjsniderdid it pull anything else in?16:50
dansmithokay, that didn't yank any more packages in16:50
habananyAbour a week ago I installed natty, and everything was going ok for a couple of days , until a couple of days ago. now when i boot on natty get frozen < what should i do?16:50
bjsniderdansmith, you might have to wipe out all of your userland config files, such as ~/.gnome2, ~/.gconfd et al16:51
bjsnideror just rename them to *.bak16:52
dansmithbjsnider: I created a new user (post-purge) to isolate that sort of problem, and it suffers the same issue16:52
bjsniderthe purge must not have worked16:52
dansmithdo you know what system/subsystem/package is responsible for the corrupted display?16:54
dansmithI figure it must be compiz or something like that16:54
lord4163anyone here?16:59
habananyHey guys, one question, Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) Beta 1  ISO 698 MB (732,430,336 bytes) does it fit in 700 CD-R ?17:00
lord4163it does17:01
lord4163just burn it ;)17:01
habananythank you lord416317:01
lord4163could anyone help me?17:02
nit-witcheck out the Xubuntu version as well it seems easier to mess with, I have mine setup with the compiz bling17:02
nit-witlord4163, burn the image to a disc or load a thumb17:03
yofel!ask | lord416317:03
ubottulord4163: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:03
habananylord4163 .. do you recommend me magic iso ?17:03
Turmsnevyn: i'm sure the soundcard is working, in another partition i've ubuntu /topic17:03
lord4163sure, or nero, imgburn17:03
lord4163would work with any program17:03
charlie-tcalord4163:It seems to help when the question has to be guessed at17:04
lord4163windows 7 as a build-in tool for burning iso's which works also fine17:04
habananyi have xp home lord416317:04
lord4163When i maximize a window it stucks17:04
charlie-tca<lord4163> could anyone help me?17:04
charlie-tcaIs there a question with that?17:05
lord4163habanany> use imgburn or infrarecorder or cdburnerxp17:05
lord4163yeah, how can i fix it?17:05
habananyif i have natty why should i pay for windows 7 :)17:05
charlie-tcamaximized windows stick? As in, they won't ha17:06
habananyjust kidding17:06
dansmithbjsnider: any idea(s)?17:06
charlie-tcathey won't shrink again?17:06
charlie-tcahabanany: Don't pay17:06
lord4163the whole pc freezes17:06
lord4163then i can't do anything17:06
habananyi wont, im broke17:06
charlie-tcaI haven't paid for windows for 15 years now17:06
lord4163just move with the mouse17:06
* charlie-tca doesn't have windows, either17:06
lord4163me neither just download it hehe17:06
lord4163the good thing of usenet right?17:07
charlie-tcalord4163: the mouse moves?17:07
charlie-tcaand does double-click shrink the window again?17:07
lord4163no, i am just able to move with the mouse when the pc freezes17:07
lord4163no it doesn't maximize at all17:07
habananySo lord ... i have natty installed in a dual but but since a couple of days ago it freeze at boot up lord416317:07
lord4163you get any error habanany17:08
lord4163charlie, when i click on the icon it freezes17:08
habananybut i forgot17:08
lord4163you might have problems with drivers, probably ur videocard17:09
habananyit says natty fail ... starte happened when i decide to change setting to go straight to ubuntu when boot ... something like that17:09
lord4163u can boot from the live cd?17:10
habananynee to burn first lord 416317:10
lord4163DId you erease the CD? :D17:11
habananynever had it17:11
habananyi upgraded from 10.0417:11
habananyi tried boot from a previous version , but i dont know hot to do it17:12
bjsniderdansmith, nothing good17:12
habananylord4163 ^^17:13
crazedpsycis natty beta 1 stable enough to bother installing?17:15
elFidelstable is relativ isnt it? guess a good step might be trying it yourself in vm or similar17:16
BUGabundoI'm trying to run a livecd from the nightly17:16
BUGabundofor ..... 3h now17:16
lord4163it's running on the laptop17:16
lord4163i just downloaded a bunch of updates17:16
BUGabundoI've been running natty since day one17:17
lord4163Now it's maybe fixed (i hope so anyways17:17
BUGabundomy definition of stable is indoublty diff from yours17:17
BUGabundomine is that I can't do what I want17:17
crazedpsycI tried the nightly two days before the beta and it worked alright in VirtualBox, although without unity, but it wouldn't do anything at all when I ran it live17:17
habananywhat speed shoud i burn natty?17:17
BUGabundoMelting FAST17:18
BUGabundodon't do that17:18
BUGabundothat's false17:18
lord41634x ;)17:18
BUGabundoburn at what the cd recorder allows for that medium17:18
habananytest  burn or finalize?17:18
lord4163to prevent fails17:18
lord4163but i burned it on 52x17:19
lord4163yes check on that one17:19
BUGabundolord4163: netboot.me or bko17:19
BUGabundocheck the burned media17:19
penguinbaitI am trying to install this file https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/armel/xserver-xorg-video-omapfb/0.1.1-3ubuntu6  what do I put in my sources list?   any help is appreciated17:19
BUGabundopenguinbait: what do you have on your own source list?17:20
BUGabundothat's armel17:20
BUGabundoplease pastebin it17:20
elFidelyou know what armel is i guess17:20
penguinbaityes I am using armel17:20
penguinbaitworking on paste17:21
elFidelBUGabundo: wasnt supposed for you ;)17:21
BUGabundopenguinbait: pastebinit /etc/apt/source.list17:21
penguinbaitnot on my arm, must move to system, 1 sec17:21
penguinbaituh, something like that17:21
habananytrial cannot burn over 300 mb :(17:22
habananyi give up17:22
habananylord4163 i have a 4gb sd ... how do it installe there ?17:23
bluefox83holy crap!17:24
* bluefox83 wonders how many of those nicks are really just bots >.>17:24
habananyoh , i know... unebootin17:24
Picibluefox83: Eh?17:24
IdleOnebluefox83: 4217:24
bluefox83just thinkin out loud >.>17:25
bluefox83hey, where can i find all my regular admin stuff?17:25
IdleOnesuch as?17:25
bluefox83like there used to be a preferences, and a administration thingy...where the heck did those go?17:25
dansmithbjsnider: okay, thanks.. you can confirm though that my symptoms are indicative of the gnome3 transition and not related to the nvidia driver or something like that, is that right?17:25
dansmithbjsnider: or maybe I should say s/indicative/typical/17:26
=== server_ is now known as SeRVeR01
bluefox83seems like all the admin and prefs stuff just got lumped in with all the other applications, which makes life a lot more of a hassle17:26
bjsniderdansmith, i'm using the blob and unity here and i have none of those issues17:26
bluefox83whats blob? O.o17:27
dansmithbjsnider: okay, that helps, thanks :)17:27
SeRVeR01hi there i tried to configure compiz profile but it ends with system crash and now unity didn't start17:27
crazedpsycanybody know how to install ubuntu without burning a CD? I can't boot from USB, and I absolutely will not use wubi (ever again)17:28
penguinbaitsheesh, what a pain17:28
SeRVeR01crazedpsyc, u can upgrade from ubuntu10.1017:29
crazedpsycSeRVeR01: I can? How?17:30
bluefox83ok, how do i get awn back?17:30
bluefox83it's totally not working >.>17:30
ubottuUbuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.17:30
bluefox83yeah, includes them...but where'd it go?17:30
SeRVeR01crazedpsyc,  alt+f2 and update-manager -d17:30
crazedpsycSeRVeR01: thanks17:31
penguinbaitany ideas?17:31
bluefox83i just tried to launch awn and instead i got like 5 awn docks piled one on top of the other.17:32
bluefox83and all of them complaining of crashes17:32
elFidelbluefox83: running 11.04 & classic desktop?17:32
bluefox8311.04 and the new setup17:33
bluefox83which is making me consider ripping my hari out D:17:33
elFideltry it inside the classic desktop ;)17:33
scoundrel50aHi, I tried to upgrade to Natty. through the update manager, got to reboot, and the grub comes up, but then click on enter and the screen goes black, and nothing happens, have yhou any idea what might be wrong?17:33
bluefox83scoundrel50a: screen stays black? try doing ctrl alt and then f keys...i had that problem as well17:34
SeRVeR01guys is there any command to start Unity ?17:34
scoundrel50ahad no problems with 10.1017:34
lord4163startx ?17:34
=== jackneill is now known as Jackneill
* bluefox83 is really not liking unity17:34
elFidelbluefox83: use classic then :)17:34
scoundrel50abluefox83: when should i do that, as its rebooting or when?17:35
SeRVeR01x already runing17:35
SeRVeR01but it started without Unity17:35
bluefox83scoundrel50a: when the screen stays black17:35
charlie-tcaSeRVeR01: unity --reset       work?17:35
bluefox83i had all kinds of problems when i upgraded...if i had it to do all over again i would seriously just install from scratch...17:35
scoundrel50abluefox83: just tried that and it did nothing17:36
SeRVeR01charlie-tca, nop17:36
bluefox83scoundrel50a: you tried all the different f keys?17:36
bluefox83while holding ctrl and alt?17:36
bluefox83try them one at a time >.>17:36
scoundrel50abluefox83: ok, will try each one17:36
SeRVeR01charlie-tca,  i was trying to edit compiz setting then system crashed and now unity didn't start17:37
SeRVeR01all i got runing is gnome-do17:37
penguinbaitI am trying to install this file https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/armel/xserver-xorg-video-omapfb/0.1.1-3ubuntu6  what do I put in my sources list?   any help is appreciated17:37
BUGabundopenguinbait: looks fine to me17:37
BUGabundohave you aptitude update it ?17:37
BUGabundowhy are you trying to downgrade?17:38
BUGabundo2011-03-18 14:04:54 WET Published17:39
BUGabundo2011-03-18 14:05:31 WET Superseded17:39
BUGabundoMAYBE I'm blind17:39
scoundrel50abluefox83:tried them all, and nothing happens17:39
penguinbaitI am just trying to get packaged I need, I am just clueless17:39
BUGabundoBUT how the hec the old one is an higher version?17:39
BUGabundook, nvm17:39
BUGabundoI'm blind17:39
BUGabundopenguinbait: sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade17:40
BUGabundosudo aptitude full-upgrade READ WITH CAREFULL17:40
scoundrel50abluefox83:its like its turned off, but the power light is still on17:41
penguinbaitI have not even booted once, its a netbook preinstalled image, but I need some drivers which I can manually install, I just figured if I did this with aptitude in chroot before booting I might get somewhere, but I guess its not meant to be17:42
BUGabundodpkg -i FILE.deb17:43
BUGabundoassuming no dependcies17:43
scoundrel50adoes anybody else have any other ideas about how to fix this17:43
penguinbaityes, but I was hoping to install a few things and have it pull deps for me, I am trying to be lazy here17:43
BUGabundodo you have network?17:44
BUGabundoif so, just upgrade17:44
penguinbaitI am doing upgrade now :)17:44
BUGabundopenguinbait: sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade17:44
penguinbaitwe'll see what happens17:44
penguinbaitI am17:44
scoundrel50aok, this is bizzare, in the grub, it has the option to go into previous versions of ubuntu, so I clicked on that, and it looks like Natty has ooened up. It has the new desktop open, please can anybody help with this17:48
arandscoundrel50a: Previous version of Linux, not previous version of ubuntu, mind you17:50
Daekdroomscoundrel50a, that means previous version of the linux kernel.17:50
home-alonehi ! how to get ubuntu 11.04 with gnome 3..???17:51
Daekdroom!gnome3 home-alone17:51
Daekdroom!gnome3 > home-alone17:51
ubottuhome-alone, please see my private message17:51
home-alonegnome 3 is not stable yet..???17:52
torchiehow accurate is libreoffice's ODT rendering17:52
elFidelhome-alone: most likely not17:52
Daekdroomhome-alone, the gnome3 ppa isn't.17:52
DaekdroomGNOME3 itself is, but the PPA is probably going to break stuff horribly.17:52
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DaekdroomAfaik, it breaks unity and the themeing pretty much doesn't work17:53
home-aloneso i am left with unity...??? i hate its netbook feel17:53
elFidelhome-alone: choose classic at login17:53
home-alonei think there should be gnome ubuntu e.g gubuntu17:54
elFidelhome-alone: choose classic at login17:54
scoundrel50aarand and Daekdroom: so why have I opened up into the new natty desktop with the icons down the left of the screen17:54
obengdakoso what happens to my gnome2 themes with unity i currently use a mac theme and i guess i'll have to use classic and what is happening to gnome3 i have it already and love it i think the concept have been merged though17:55
Daekdroomobengdako, unity doesn't like GTK themes very much17:55
obengdakoDaekdroom: hmmm then all the GTK folks are going to have a tough time17:55
obengdakobut well classic login it is17:56
obengdakoDaekdroom: have you tried gnome317:56
Daekdroomobengdako, yes17:57
DaekdroomLike I said, it breaks Unity and GTK Themeing.17:57
obengdakohmmmm have to leave my ict center going to room catch you in thirty minutes17:57
arandscoundrel50a: Because you've only chnaged the kernel...17:57
obengdakothere is a classroom session going on17:58
Daekdroomscoundrel50a, if you don't understand why it's happening that way, you shouldn't be using a development version, really17:58
NelsonMinarI've got graphics corruption on a brand new Natty Narwhal install. I have a weird video card. Is there some debugging guide updated for 11.04 I can follow?17:59
DaekdroomNelsonMinar, what does lspci | grep VGA say?17:59
obengdakoi agree with Daekdroom if you can't tinker with your system you shouldn18:00
NelsonMinar01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV610 LE AGP [Radeon HD 2400 PRO AGP]18:00
obengdakot be using a beta or alpha version wati18:00
arandCome to think of it, I think it does say "previous versions of ubuntu" rather "than previous versions of the kernel"... Which is a bit misleading, granted18:00
obengdakowait for final release18:00
NelsonMinarit's a weird 2 DVI output AGP card; Windows hates it too. I'm just trying to get something basic working. Can't even figure out how to switch to VESA driver in 11.0418:00
scoundrel50aDaekdroom:ok, but neither does anybody else seem to know why this isnt booting, the option I am able to open is not a different kernal, it actually sais the words, 'boot from older version; it doesnt have a kernel number near it.18:00
arandI can't wait for full btrfs-integration where the former would actually be true :318:01
Daekdroomscoundrel50a, the thing is, there is no GRUB option that allows to boot into an older ubuntu version.18:01
DaekdroomIt's an older kernel version, for sure.18:01
NelsonMinarlet me ask simpler: what happened to xorg.conf in Natty Narwhal?18:02
DaekdroomNelsonMinar, xorg.conf is no longer used by default for quite some time.18:02
DaekdroomBy X.org itself, not only Ubuntu18:03
NelsonMinarah, ok. what file do I edit to specify display driver now? all the online docs are about GUI editing, but my GUI is corrupt18:03
arandHmm, well it does say "previous linux versions" So factually it isn't actually incorrect. Misleading if you use Linux in a broader sense, though..18:03
arandNelsonMinar: xorg.conf, any manual additions will be picked up18:03
NelsonMinarbut I have to write one from scratch now? is there one I can copy from?18:04
NelsonMinaror alternately, is there any command line way to tell Ubuntu to use the VESA driver instead of the Radeon binary driver?18:05
scoundrel50aDaekdroom: I appologise, I just rebooted and I was wrong, it is what you said, then I get this option Ubuntu with Linux 2.6.35-28, which boots into the new Natty desktop18:05
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Daekdroomscoundrel50a, anyway, you can go to a classic interface by logging out and selecting "Ubuntu Classic" at the bottom bar.18:05
arandNelsonMinar: You could always run  jockey-text I assume...18:06
scoundrel50aDaekdroom: the problem is, I can only get to a desktop if I use the previous linux option, if I click on the first option in the grub, the screen goes black, and that should not happen. How can I ge around that. Booting up from previous linux isnt ideal18:08
NelsonMinararand: thanks, but jockey-text --list shows only xorg:fglrx as an option. that seems wrong.18:08
scoundrel50aI have a desktop open, can I use the terminal to update so that I can boot into Ubuntu properly18:09
DaekdroomNelsonMinar, jockey only handles closed-source drivers18:09
arandNelsonMinar: Well presumably you'd just remove/unistall that one then18:09
NelsonMinarah, so then jockey would not be the way to enable the open source vesa driver18:09
arandNelsonMinar: It would be the way to disable the closed one, which should do what you want18:10
Daekdroomarand, unless he's using the opensource one18:11
NelsonMinarlet me start from the beginning again. is there documetnation on how Natty Narwhal manages X server configuration?18:12
arandAh, right, that is probably the case...18:12
BluesKajNelsonMinar, i don't suppose jockey has a recommended driver listed ?18:12
DaekdroomNelsonMinar, it detects everything during the boot, afaik18:12
NelsonMinarno. I finally figured out it's loaded the ati driver; I guess I'll just uninstall that package.18:13
arandNelsonMinar: I'm not sure it's the right way, but starting out from the /usr/share/doc/xserver-xorg/examples/xorg.conf file you might be able to piece together one forcing vesa...18:13
DaekdroomYou could blacklist it.18:13
NelsonMinarI wonder if xserver-xorg-video-all was important?18:14
DaekdroomNelsonMinar, it's a metapackage that ensures you have all the video drivers ubuntu is meant to ship, I believe.18:15
Daekdroom!info xserver-xorg-video-all18:15
ubottuxserver-xorg-video-all (source: xorg): the X.Org X server -- output driver metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.6+4ubuntu3 (natty), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB18:15
rcconfhi ppl18:16
rcconfUbuntu network manager has an option for VPN "connect automatically" but doesnt work... Is this fixed in Natty?18:17
scoundrel50aplease, can somebody help, if I can get a terminal, can I fix this problem?18:18
rcconfscoundrel50a: what problem18:18
scoundrel50aI have posted about it already, but I will go thorugh it again18:20
scoundrel50aI tried to upgrade to Natty, via the Update Manager, the upgrade seemed to go ok, rebooted, and clicked on the kernal in the grub, and the screen goes black. Its like it gets turned off.18:21
rcconfI wouldnt upgrade yet..18:22
rcconfit's not stable18:22
scoundrel50aBut, if I reboot, then click on the use older kernal option, it boots into natty18:22
crazedpsycuh oh, I'm upgrading right now :(18:22
scoundrel50aI did understand that, but I took a chance.18:22
torchieis there an alternative to the task bar becoming unusable when you have many windows open18:22
torchielike this is just a bunch of [...]18:22
rcconfand It's better to do a fresh install18:22
torchiein classic18:22
scoundrel50acan I upgrade using the terminal to see if I can sort this problem out18:23
crazedpsycI've never had any ubuntu problems with this computer before, should I continue this upgrade to natty?18:23
scoundrel50aok, I'll try the fresh install18:23
crazedpsycmy computer is a brand new ASUS laptop18:24
NelsonMinarawesome, unity won't run on the vesa driver18:24
yofelNelsonMinar: yes, it needs opengl18:24
yofelyou can install unity-2d if you want18:25
yofelit needs compiz to be precise18:25
crazedpsycintel HD graphics, 4-core intel i5. unity 2d works, unity 3d (old version from ppa) works too, will natty's unity work?18:25
lcbany known good fix to get tvtime audio working on 11.04?18:25
crazedpsycanother question: will running update-manager -d upgrade to beta 1 or a nightly?18:26
scoundrel50aHow do I do a fresh install without loosing everything18:27
meganerdscoundrel50a: what do you mean by not loosing everything?  Documents and prictures or are you referring to installed applications as well?18:28
Pr070cal_how do i configure gufw? i set in+out to deny then allow port 80 out but i get no internet ?18:28
crazedpsycscoundrel50a: install alongside the current install and copy everything you want over, then delete the old partition and resise the new one once you are ready18:28
scoundrel50athan ks.18:28
NelsonMinaruseful: http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-get-ubuntu-2d-unity-desktop/18:30
yofelcrazedpsyc: update-manager will update it to whatever is currently in the archive, meaning newer than latest nightly18:30
crazedpsycoh, scary...18:32
meganerdnot really18:33
crazedpsycand I am on a wubi install, does that warning mean it is bad to just install through wubi, or is it also bad to upgrade a wubi install too?18:33
rcconfbye natty18:33
lcbany known good fix to get tvtime audio working on 11.04?18:34
thiebaudeanyway to put the unity launcher on the bottom instead of the left side?18:41
crazedpsycthiebaude: not without seriously hacking it ;)18:42
thiebaudeok, thanks :)18:42
charlie-tcacrazedpsyc: as far as I know, upgrade is also bad for wubi18:42
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crazedpsycoh, then I better stop right now :(18:42
charlie-tcaShould be working thursday, though. It seems to have gotten fixed for beta218:42
charlie-tcalet it18:43
charlie-tcalet it go if you already started.18:43
crazedpsycok, but it's not fixed for the pre-nightly that update manager uses?18:43
crazedpsycoh, just saw your message...18:43
charlie-tcafixed on the latest image18:44
crazedpsycok, thanks18:44
bullgard4Damn! I never had so many program crashes in Beta versions since 6.06.18:45
crazedpsycwhat programs?18:46
bullgard4e. g. Banshee, Nautilus, Empathy,18:46
crazedpsychmmm, well all of those have gotten major upgrades for natty, (except aptd [possibly]), so that's understandable.18:47
crazedpsycI just hope it's perfect by the 28th18:47
thiebaudeon the contrary things here are very stable for me18:48
crazedpsyclibreoffice? I have been using it on maverick (the same version) for months now without any problems, other than crashing when bleachbit runs18:48
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crazedpsycwhy does the distro upgrader have to download so much (over a gig last time) when the isos are only about 700mb?18:51
macocrazedpsyc: youve installed software that wasnt on the iso?18:52
macoalso, the iso is recompressed even after teh packages on it are already compressed18:52
crazedpsycoh, right. I completely forgot about that. I probably installed at least 300mb extra software18:53
lcbcrazedpsyc, could also be zombies going into the system :018:53
crazedpsycany way to make it skip updates I don't want to bother with right now? (eg. games)18:54
lcbcrazedpsyc, 11.04 is in development. if you don't do regular updates that could happen.18:54
lcbcrazedpsyc, if you install beta1 instead of daily build, that could happen too18:55
crazedpsyceverything is updated to the latest maverick versions, but there are new natty versions18:55
lcbcrazedpsyc, cancel it18:56
lcbcrazedpsyc, you stell have maverik repositories?18:56
lcbstill too18:56
yofelshouldn't during upgrade18:56
lcbthat's not good.. at all18:56
crazedpsycI cancelled, remember!18:57
yofellcb: it shouldn't break anything though18:57
lcbwhat crazedpsyc  said18:57
crazedpsycso it restored the old repos18:57
yofelah k18:57
Daekdroomthe update-manager usually disables PPAs18:57
crazedpsycyes, but most of my biggest programs are right out of the main ubuntu repos18:57
crazedpsyclike nexuis18:58
lcbcrazedpsyc, at this stage most of them are already "adapted" to natty18:58
lcbmost of them...18:59
yofelhm, anyone an idea how to make libreoffice ignore the desktop theme? Writer giving me a black paper sheet instead of a white one to write on isn't much of a WYSIWYG editor...19:00
crazedpsyclast time I upgraded i removed a lot of the biggest programs, but that was too hastly19:00
X3NIs anyone having issues installing gconf2 ? when it goes to do dpkg --configure it gives gconftool-2: symbol lookup error: gconftool-2: undefined symbol: gconf_schema_set_gettext_domain19:00
crazedpsycyofel: just a sec, i'm typing answer19:01
macocrazedpsyc: could disable universe19:01
macothen youd just get your stuff from main upgraded19:01
macoand then run the universe upgrade later19:01
lcbcrazedpsyc, btw, about the cancel - is not good too. after updating your sources.list in my opinion you need to make an ' sudo apt-get -f install ', just in case something's broken/missing19:01
yofellcb: not if he cancelled before it started installing19:02
crazedpsycopen the preferences, go to Appearance, set document background to "White"19:02
yofelcancelling once it does that is bad indeed19:02
crazedpsycyofel: ^19:02
crazedpsycyeah, it was just downloading19:03
lcbyofel, sure. his/her webcam is not 'on' so i can't see it :p19:03
yofelcrazedpsyc: aaaah, thanks :D19:03
crazedpsycI had the same problem, all my documents came out gray. It was quite annoying ;)19:04
lcbsome ppl just hit CTRL+C and cancel the installing. that's one of situations leading to problems afterwards19:04
lcbwhile on CLI ..19:05
yofelurgh, yeah, that's.... not so good19:05
GalvatronWhat wersion of Compiz 0.9 is currrently used in Natty?19:05
yofel!info compiz19:05
ubottucompiz (source: compiz): OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.4+bzr20110411-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 5 kB, installed size 52 kB19:05
lcbyofel, so as a 'medium' i got into his mind and "WOW, 1/2 GB, let me unplug the power cord"19:06
crazedpsycwow, exactly 2950 packages to install/upgrade! I wish it would automatically upgrade my internet connection first ;D19:07
yofelwell, you could set up an apt-mirror, download 40G of packages over night, and then download it from there in a few minutes :P19:08
charlie-tcaI did two at a time last night, 5 hours to download updates!19:08
lcbcrazedpsyc, do it over night19:08
crazedpsycthats when my "Download Session" with less limited bandwidth is anyway19:09
lcbcrazedpsyc, it seems like that's your main computer, isn't?19:09
lcbimportant things in it?19:10
crazedpsycsome, but I just backed everything up onto both a backup partition and a flash drive19:10
crazedpsycwell not everything, but the important bits19:11
yofelnice to meet someone that actually does that... ^^19:11
charlie-tcaI do that!19:11
lcb/home and /usr mainly19:11
crazedpsycI didn't last time, and I learned :D19:12
* charlie-tca backs everything up every year or two, whether I need to or not19:12
lcbi do /etc backups too, just in case19:12
* crazedpsyc automatically syncs with a backup drive every 20 minutes now just to be safe19:12
crazedpsycwhat's important in /usr though?19:13
yofel /etc and /home are important IMHO, though I do regular full backups with rsync19:13
crazedpsycI can always reinstall and reconfigure everything, that is fine19:14
crazedpsycso I just need a few things from /home and Pics and Music are just links to another partition (don't worry, I have 450+GB to waste with all that)19:16
lcbcrazedpsyc, so.. if you that, and you trust developers, overnight do a ' sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y && sudo apt-get -f install && and sudo halt ' and go to  sleep19:16
lcbthat's dangerous... because it accepts everything19:16
crazedpsycisn't that basically what update-manager -d is doing?19:17
lcbi'm not afraid of it anyway, i do it frequently and all command line is in a script19:18
lcbcrazedpsyc, in part yes19:18
crazedpsycwhat part of that doesn't it do?19:18
crazedpsycother than an automatic shutdown19:19
Picicrazedpsyc: update-manager does other checks, like confirming that ubuntu-minimal is there and other core dependencies, opening up an extra ssh port if youre using do-release-upgrade over ssh,19:20
PiciAnything else that can't or shouldn't be handled within the debs themselves.19:21
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crazedpsycso should I just let it run all night and check it in the morning, or should I schedule a shutdown for 600 minutes from when I leave it and hope it is done by then?19:24
yofellatter sounds dangerous, let it run over night19:25
crazedpsycsomebody on some blog or something had a good idea, just put a checkbox labeled "Automatically shut down when finished" in the distro upgrader19:26
scoundrel50a ok, I just thought I would mention something about the upgrade to natty, I tried to upgrade via Update Manager, and got a black screen after grub, but cold boot up when I entered use older version, so I tried to do fresh install, and as soon as the cd rom begins, it immediately goes to a black screen, even though the cd rom is trying to load. There is a conflict I think with Natty and Aspire Intell GMA 4500M laptops19:28
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scoundrel50aIts not possible to upgrade, not at the moment anyway19:28
arandscoundrel50a: You tried different versions of the liveCD? beta.. current...19:30
scoundrel50aI was trying to upgrade to natty, from 10.1019:30
scoundrel50aI know its beta, but its really close to full version, so I thought I would try19:31
scoundrel50aNot working at all19:31
crazedpsycI hope that doesn't happen to me, but you said using an older kernel worked? So just use that one until the next kernel upgrade and try the newest one.19:32
scoundrel50ausing 'previous linux version' option and it works, but it wont load any other way, even with cd19:33
scoundrel50areally annoying19:33
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/19:34
arandscoundrel50a: Have you tried those ^19:34
arandOr, just the live one, I guess..19:34
scoundrel50aI havent seen that page, I will burn a cd rom from that page to see if that makes any differnce19:35
lcbyooopeee tvtime audio works this way ' tvtime -d /dev/video1 | arecord -D hw:1,0 -r 32000 -c 2 -f S16_LE | aplay '19:35
crazedpsycis the vala port of indicator-weather available yet?19:38
ScuniziI'm doing a bunch of upgrades & dist-upgrades to my install.. and see a *bunch* of mono references.. looks like that tech is being used much more extensively with this release.19:41
macoScunizi: i dont know what has changed on that front, i just remember people thinking the artwork included mono when it had "mono" its name, referring to being monotone19:42
Scunizioh.. I saw that too..  looked like there was also launchpad mono integration and other libraries mentioned.. things were wizzing by too fast to catch it all.19:44
ScuniziWhat is "User Defined Session" on the password screen?  It's the last option after "Recovery Console", "Ubuntu", U Classic etc.19:48
crazedpsycif there were any sessions it couldn't find (session examples are GNOME, KDE, Unity), you would put it in manually there19:49
crazedpsycbut there shouldn't be19:49
solidslashhey guys, is anyone else having an issue with flash content in chromium on natty x86-64? i just filled a bug report, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/75906219:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 759062 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "Scrolling over flash content crashes Chromium page / flash element in Firefox" [Undecided,New]19:51
scoundrel50aarand: ok, that has helped, I have managed to begin the booting of the live cd, from the first url you gave me.Its got further than the other live cd I had20:03
scoundrel50aFunny thing, seems that20:07
scoundrel50athat didnt work20:08
owenplease can someone help me20:10
owenthe title bar will not show in an unmaximised window20:11
owenit could be a compiz thing, idk20:11
owenplease help20:11
Piciowen: Using Unity?20:11
crazedpsycdo you have ccsm? if so open it...20:11
crazedpsycgo to window decoration20:12
owenah, thank you kind sir20:12
owenyou are my saviour20:12
owenthanks xD20:12
crazedpsycmake sure "Decoration windows" is set to any20:13
crazedpsycwhat did it say before?20:13
owenit is working now thanks20:13
owenit wasnt enabled, that is what20:13
crazedpsycoh, ok20:14
crazedpsycany way to accelerate apt? (by downloading from lots of servers at once)20:22
crazedpsycseems like i saw a patched apt that did that20:22
crazedpsyccalled something obvious like speedyapt20:23
genii-aroundor apt-fast, it uses axel20:25
SwedeMikeI am usually saturated by my access connection anyway, so parallellising wouldn't help. I usually don't care anyway, as long as I get several megabytes/s20:26
SwedeMikechoosing a local mirror usually is the only thing needed20:26
crazedpsycwell I still get about 40kB/s max on a 802.11n card and router with fast enough internet behind it20:28
crazedpsycgenii-around: where can I get apt-fast?20:29
crazedpsycnvm, I found the repo20:30
scoundrel50aok, I filed a bug report with launchpad, just wondered would anybody have any ideas why I cant load Natty, from looking at the report?20:32
scoundrel50aIt has a load of information I dont understand with it.20:33
yofelbug # ?20:34
yofellp 75910420:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 759104 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Upgrade to Natty wont load" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75910420:34
scoundrel50aanything on there that leaps out at anybody?20:37
psaldenugh... live image now get's stuck in the 'Ubuntu . . . .' screen again... is there no known solution for this?20:37
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jedixscoundrel50a: try changing the grub boot line.. remove "quiet" and "splash" and maybe add "--verbose" to get more info on the kernel that doesn't work20:42
meganerdscoundrel50a: are you using nVidia or Ati's binary blobs?20:42
jedixmeganerd: his report says it's intel graphics20:42
meganerdI missed that somehow20:42
scoundrel50ajedix: how do I do that? Can I do it via the terminal,20:43
meganerdscoundrel50a: edit the grub boot option for that kernel20:44
meganerdscoundrel50a: you can do it from within grub as well20:44
scoundrel50ajedix: can you talk me through that, dont know how to do it20:44
jedixscoundrel50a: reboot, when you get to the grub menu, press escape to stop the countdown20:45
scoundrel50aok, I'll do that now, one sec20:45
jedixthen you can select the kernel (2.6.38).. press e (I think, it should say what to press to edit the entry on the bottom of the screen)20:45
scoundrel50aok, pressed e to edit, in setparams, what next20:47
jedixthere should be several lines.. one that starts with "boot" and has the kernel filename and options20:47
jedixamong that line, there should be "quiet" and "splash"20:47
jedixdo you see that?20:48
jedixremove those two words20:48
scoundrel50aok, one sec20:48
jedixthen try booting.. it should say how at the bottom of the screen again.. I think it's escape, hten b for boot20:48
scoundrel50aremoved those words, what about adding verbose? should I do that before hand?20:49
jedixnah, try with just those removed20:49
scoundrel50aok, I'll give it a try now, one sec20:49
jedixverbose will add a lot of noise, if we can't see the issue we can add verbose on the second attempt20:49
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scoundrel50aok, now that is odd, the log in screen shows, but no light screen is black20:50
jedixI don't understand20:51
jedix`no light screen`?20:52
scoundrel50athe screen is blacked out, but I can just see the log in box in the background20:52
scoundrel50aIts like its forgotten to turn the lights on, sorry that is the only way I can describe it20:54
jedixoh, that's very strange.20:54
jedixthis is an acer laptop?20:54
owenhey, i need some more help please20:55
scoundrel50ayes, Acer Aspire 5736Z20:55
owenbasically, when a window isn't maximised the window can't be moved20:55
scoundrel50aIntel GNA 4500M graphics card20:55
scoundrel50aGMA, sorry20:55
oweni have installed the compiz windows decoration20:55
owenhow do i get it so that windows can move when unmaximised?20:56
owenthey won't move20:56
scoundrel50ausing notebook to write this20:56
owenwould anyone be able to help me please?20:57
jedixscoundrel50a: do you have ssh installed?20:57
jedixscoundrel50a: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1059145120:57
jedixsounds like you're hitting htat.20:57
jedixscoundrel50a: try rebooting and going into that gurb line again20:57
jedixremove those two words again, then add "acpi_osi=linux acpi_backlight=vendor"20:57
scoundrel50aok, one sec20:57
jedixowen: I dunno about unity or gnome.. I use kde20:58
scoundrel50awhere do I enter that, the same place I deleted the two words?20:59
scoundrel50aok, one sec, just add that now20:59
jedixapparently this bug showed up in -720:59
jedixowen: I dunno about unity or gnome.. I use kde21:01
owenoh, thanks21:01
oweni just tried restarting the computer, didn't help21:02
owenwould it be to do with something compiz?21:02
jedixtry disabling it?21:02
jedixctrl+shit+f12 I think21:02
owenneed it for unity to work i think21:02
scoundrel50anope, that didnt work21:02
jedixscoundrel50a: try acpi=off21:04
scoundrel50aok, just trying to reboot21:05
owenwould any unity users here be able to tell me why i can't move an unmaximised window?21:05
scoundrel50ano, that didnt work either, but I did get the drums this time to show the log in screen appeared21:06
owenoh, i needed to enable some compiz shit21:06
owenthanks anyway21:06
scoundrel50aI can still see the log in screen, but no backlight21:07
jedixwhat about the laptop keys to change the backlight?21:07
jedixdo they do anything?21:08
scoundrel50awhich ones, I am rebooting again21:10
jedixfunction + arrows?21:10
jedixthe fn key + brightness control21:11
jedixthe other thing you could try is playing with the power savings in the bios21:11
jedixit seems a few people are having this issue21:11
scoundrel50ais function Fn?21:11
scoundrel50aI never touch the Fn buttons21:12
guntbertscoundrel50a: here is <FN><Pos1> = brighter, and <FN><End> = less so21:13
jedixscoundrel50a: yeah21:15
jedixFn+whatever looks like it's turning the brightness up21:15
jedixscoundrel50a: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi/+question/14189521:18
jedixthis sounds like a regression from -6 to -721:18
scoundrel50aguntbert: what is <Pos1> nothing seems to be working21:19
scoundrel50abrb, need a pee21:19
bluefox83is there an easy to use backup utility for 11.04?21:19
bluefox83i need to backup my home dir so i can reinstall...21:20
jedixscoundrel50a: it looks like on your keyboard it's Fn+left arrow21:22
jedixbluefox83: do you have a usb disk big enough?21:22
gareththeredbluefox83:   boot with your install media and delete all directories other than /home.  Then install.21:24
scoundrel50ano that didnt work. I just tried it on this machine to check, and it workson here, not on the laptop though21:25
jedixscoundrel50a: I'm out of ideas21:26
scoundrel50aok, with the launchpad url you gave me, its giving the cokmmans to run sudo updater grub command, but how do I do that, each time I enter something in the grub, it goes back to quiet splash21:27
jedixscoundrel50a: that's because you're editing it for one time21:30
jedixto change it,  you have to edit the file they are saying and run the updater21:30
scoundrel50aso how do I do that? Edit the file, where do I get it, as I cant get in unless I go in via previous linux version, then I can get Natty to boot.21:31
scoundrel50acan I do it that way?21:31
jedixyou can do it that way21:32
jedixbut it won't work21:32
jedixif it doesn't work when you enter it on the grub commandline, it won't change when you boot normally21:32
scoundrel50athis is really annoying21:32
bluefox83i actually have a 4gb stick21:33
scoundrel50aif his backlight is off, how can he run gksudo gedit, where does he get the caommand line from21:34
jedixscoundrel50a: just use the old kernel utnil there's a new kernel21:34
scoundrel50ahow would i update then?21:34
jedixscoundrel50a: update the bug report with what we did and that it didn't help your backlight problem21:34
jedixscoundrel50a: boot the old kernel..21:34
scoundrel50awhen will the new kernal be working21:35
jedixno idea21:35
scoundrel50aok, thank you for your help, I really appreciate it21:36
jedixscoundrel50a: np, sorry I couldn't help more21:36
jedixbluefox83: is /home on it's own partition?21:37
jedixscoundrel50a: I'd update the bug report so that it gets fixed faster21:37
jedixscoundrel50a: you could also try installing older kernels..21:37
jedixscoundrel50a: apt-get install linux-image-2.6.38-6-generic maybe?21:38
bluefox83jedix: no, /home is not it's own partition21:39
jedixbluefox83: cp -ra /home/* <mount point>21:39
jedixbluefox83: you could also do what gareththered said to do21:39
jedixboot with the install media, open a terminal and delete everything besides /home, then install without formatting the partition21:40
bluefox83i actually should go through and find what files i want to keep and which ones i don't...21:40
bluefox83i would really like to keep my old emails...21:40
jedixyeah, I'd suggest setting up a backup of those files anyways21:41
jedixin case of hardware issues21:41
bluefox83considering switching back to debian...not sure i care much for unity21:48
bluefox83i heard mint was nice too...might try that out21:49
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ceed^i was going to a web site and it want's to install the Unity web player. That doesn't have anything to do with Unity on Ubuntu?23:19
IDWMasterI'm installing updates, and am only getting a 24KBPS connection to the US update server. Is it just my connection, or are other people experiencing slow updates as well?23:20
dtohey, how's the new beta?23:20
IDWMasterGood, except the hibernate is quite glitchy23:20
IDWMasterAnd something about Xorg broke compatibility with a lot of applications23:21
charlie-tcaIDWMaster: there are a lot of changes, and iso images are being tested for Beta 2, that might be having an effect.23:21
IDWMasterThat can be fixed though, by installing the Xorg development libraries23:21
* charlie-tca has a slow connection and can't tell the difference23:21
IDWMasterI have kind of a lousy ISP, so I can't always tell if it's my connection, or if it's the website I'm connecting to.23:22
Ian_Corneapps appear twice on my launcher...23:22
IDWMasterIs there any way to move apps to a different position on the launcher?23:22
rwwIDWMaster: us.archive.ubuntu.com was rather slow for me yesterday23:23
* rww hasn't tried today23:24
trismIDWMaster: drag them off the launcher and then pull them somewhere else23:24
mikesergioDoes anyone else have this problem?23:24
mikesergioThe launcher in unity recognizes input with a control key as a garabge character. For example, typing Ctrl+V into the launcher gives me garbage.23:24
Daekdroommikesergio, you might want to talk about that over #ayatana . It's the channel of the team responsible for the Unity development.23:24
bluefox83ok, i'm a bit miffed...i created a usb boot disk of 11.04. restarted...formatted the drive...then found out it was still 10.1023:25
mikesergiowill do, thank you23:25
bluefox83i'm like wtf >.>23:25
dtoIDWMaster: i'm upgrading from 10.10 on this tablet pc right now23:34
mavromatishi, I have a problem and a possible correlation: after doing a dist upgrade to natty beta the signal strentgh my netbook receive diminished23:41
IDWMasterI had a similar problem, and switching the router from 11g/n/b to 11g/n fixed it23:42
mavromatisthe bad thing is it's a municipal one23:43
mavromatisso no changes can be made on the router23:43
bluefox83i am really hoping a fresh install of 11.04 is not the epic fail the upgrade was...23:48
mavromatiswell, I'm kinda thinking of going arch instead of fresh install23:49
gordonjcpbluefox83: I pretty much only ever do fresh installs instead of upgrades23:49
gordonjcpexcept in Arch which is rolling update23:49
gordonjcphard disks are cheap23:50
gordonjcpbluefox83: how big is the disk you're installing onto?23:50
bluefox83well i am noticing no gay menu on the left side of the screen now...so that's nice23:50
bluefox83160 gb23:50
mavromatisusing beta now and not too happy23:50
gordonjcpbluefox83: oh, you need a new hard disk anyway23:51
mavromatisthis wireless issue is too critical for me23:51
arandDo report bugs...23:51
gordonjcpbluefox83: keep the old one as a backup and stick in a shiny new 1TB drive for £5023:51
bluefox83actually...i just noticed that the damn hard drive should be a LOT bigger O.o23:51
gordonjcpbluefox83: my price point used to be £8023:51
gordonjcppeople say "how big a hard disk should I get?" and I'd say "about £80"23:52
bluefox83uhm, it was 500gb...i think something happened during formatting23:52
gordonjcpmuch below £80 and size fell off sharply23:52
gordonjcpmuch above £80 and you pay a lot more for not much more disk23:52
gordonjcpthat was back when £80 got you about 30 or 40GB23:52
bluefox83gordonjcp: my laptop doesn't need a 1tb drive, my desktop already has one23:52
gordonjcpbluefox83: ah, laptop drives are more expensive ;-)23:53
gordonjcpanyway the price point has dropped so now you get a decent size for £50, half the size is only a tenner cheaper, and half as big again in more than twice the price ;-)23:53
bluefox83eh, well i spent $35.00 USD on my 1tb :)23:54
sonjai mad the following mistake http://tinyurl.com/gnome3oops when upgrading23:54
sonjaany suggestions on how to fix?23:55
mavromatisbut I fear that it is kernel related and will haunt me on another distro too23:55
bluefox83wish i had replaced the motherboard though, dang thing is so freaking old i had to slide a sata card in it and cross my fingers it would work23:55
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are _experimental_, _unstable_ and may break your system.23:55
sonjayeah that's what happened :)23:56
thiebaudeyep it borked my system twice23:56
sonjathiebaude is wise :)23:56
thiebaudewise not to use it,lol23:56
sonjaany hope for me to return to gnome pre-3 ?23:56
thiebaudewait til its stable23:56
thiebaudeimho :)23:56
sonjawell i'm at the state where it displays that error message i put in the forum post23:57
sonjain that tinyurl23:57
Daekdroomsonja, ppa-purge ?23:57
sonjacan i do that from grub shell ?23:57
Daekdroomsudo ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 is your best bet.23:57
DaekdroomYou can do that from tty.23:57
bluefox83wtf is nanny?23:57
Daekdroomrecovery mode works.23:57
sonjai have no clue what nanny is23:58
sonjain recovery menu23:59

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