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superxglhi all , why my web UI can not open ?14:49
superxgli think there is no problem with my cloud environment14:49
superxglCLC machine can not use static ip address ?14:59
superxgli can not access web UI now14:59
TeTeTsmoser: thanks for your testimonial, much appreciated15:15
smosersorry it took me a while to get to it. but yeah, good luck. i read through the meeting minutes from last time.15:16
TeTeTsmoser: to be honest I did not prepare my wiki page at all, so it was not a big surprise to get bounced15:16
smoserright. you came close though15:16
superxglhas anyone here had ever ran into this problem ?15:21
TeTeTsuperxgl: yeah, I had that too, but it was with Ubuntu 9.10. Haven't seen it since then unless the cluster or cloud controller was bugged and needed a reboot15:22
zulkim0: i just uploaded a newer version of glance so we should be kosher now (once it has been accepted)15:23
TeTeTsuperxgl: but I found no recipe to fix it but to restart15:23
superxglTeTeT: oh, every time i run into this problem i have to restart ? hope it not happen again15:24
superxglTeTeT : thank you very much . i will have a try .15:24
TeTeTsuperxgl: good luck15:26
kim0zul: glance ? is that different from the openstack with lxc thing ?15:28
zulkim0: yes...glance is the image proxying thing for openstack15:28
kim0zul: yeah .. not following .. what's new here ?15:29
kim0wasn't glance always packaged15:30
zulkim0: yes its been update to address some packaging bugs15:30
kim0zul: so new version of glance .. great15:30
zulkim0: yep15:31
kim0zul: woohoo :) rock n roll15:31
superxglTeTeT: now it works :) tkx15:36
TeTeTsuperxgl: :)15:36
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kim0koolhead17: hey what's up17:44
koolhead17how much time we have left 4 the meeting, or is it allready over?17:45
kim0koolhead17: which one17:45
TeTeThggdh: hi, for the automated testing of ubuntu server, where do the tests actually reside?17:45
koolhead17aah its tueday today. bad me thee weekly meeting here :)17:46
hggdhTeTeT: I am guessing you are talking about the server tests via jenkins17:46
kim0koolhead17: hehe yeah its tomorrow17:46
TeTeThggdh: yes :) sorry for being unclear17:46
koolhead17TeTeT: supp17:46
hggdhTeTeT: heh, no problem17:46
TeTeTkoolhead17: hi there17:47
hggdhTeTeT: two pieces: (1) a jenkins server (ours is currently under AWS, at http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu-uk.org/;17:47
koolhead17vmware is all across twitter today.17:47
TeTeThggdh: yes, jamespage gave me that url17:47
hggdhTeTeT: (2) as many jenkins slaves as you can get your hands on17:48
hggdhTeTeT: the slaves are where the tests are actually run17:48
hggdhTeTeT: for ISO, it is mostly itaorna and nhanga (at home with me ;-)17:49
TeTeThggdh: ok, I take by default the jenkins server hosts two slaves or so.17:49
koolhead17hggdh: home :)17:49
hggdhTeTeT: no, the slaves are different servers17:49
hggdhkoolhead17: ain't it cool?17:49
TeTeThggdh: http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu-uk.org/job/lucid-server-i386_default/lastCompletedBuild/testReport/test/DefaultTest/testReadWrite/? - where is testReadWrite actually defined?17:49
TeTeThggdh: ah, you can set that up in jenkins I take17:49
koolhead17hggdh: lucky you :P17:51
* koolhead17 missing his home17:51
hggdhTeTeT: these were one-time runs, pretty much; the ones we are actually running now (i.e. the ones we certainly do have the code) are for natty17:51
TeTeThggdh: are they in a package or bazaar branch? E.g. if you want to test a modified server iso for a customer, where would I grab the tests from and see if my changes did damage?17:52
TeTeThggdh: it's a theoretical question right now, though - I have no plans for a modified server image ;)17:52
hggdhTeTeT: they are in bzr, and in a PPA right now, let me get you the links17:53
hggdhTeTeT: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-iso-testing-dev/ubuntu-server-iso-testing/trunk17:54
TeTeThggdh: bummer, lucid's bzr is too old for the branch17:55
hggdhTeTeT: sic tempora gloria mundi, lucid is too old ;-)17:55
hggdhTeTeT: but, anyway, you can grab the source from the latest packages17:56
TeTeThggdh: I've d/l the branch from my natty system, no worries, thanks17:56
hggdhTeTeT: anyway: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-iso-testing-dev/+archive/testing17:57
hggdhTeTeT: so, what you would need: add more tests to the slave, and add the jobs on the server (and configure the slave on the server)17:58
hggdhTeTeT: theoretically, nothing prohibits you from using, say, our current jenkins server, and adding your own slave to it to run your stuff17:59
hggdhTeTeT: last point -- when you get to do it, remember that in our field not much is created, most is copied... have a look at the current jobs, and adapt from there18:00
TeTeThggdh: ok. I'm just reading the stuff in the u-s-i-t branch, but I don't really see through it - run-tests.py calls the tests themselves, and executes the stuff in templates/test_cases/*18:01
hggdhTeTeT: for example, they now cater for cleaning up the slave logs (so that old results do not get saved again and again)18:01
kim0Is #cloudfoundry an open-source paas ?! seriously18:01
hggdhTeTeT: most of the times we do an ISO install (preseeded); when the install is complete, we copy the test code in the (virtual) machine18:02
koolhead17cloud cloud cloud18:02
TeTeThggdh: I see that the README tells me to execute it on a jenkins slave with kvm support, so the testing itself is not done in the cloud at all18:04
hggdhTeTeT: indeed -- we need to test specific features of the ISO, and cannot do that in the cloud18:04
TeTeThggdh: do we run similar tests for the images uploaded to amazon by smoser?18:04
hggdhTeTeT: OTOH, we are moving our EC2 tests to jenkins18:04
hggdhTeTeT: http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu-uk.org/view/natty-ec2/18:05
TeTeThggdh: so the tests to the instance are submitted via cloud init (yaml files) and then check stuff of the instance itself?18:06
TeTeThggdh: nice, thanks for all the info, will relay it tomorrow to my colleagues :)18:07
hggdhTeTeT: you are most welcome, sir18:07
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
SpamapSW: Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/us-west-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_source_Sources  Hash Sum mismatch23:04
SpamapSanybody seen that?23:04
SpamapShmm... is it possible (likely?) that the ec2 mirrors are a bit stuck?23:10
SpamapSArchive-Update-in-Progress-ip-10-161-51-124.us-west-1.compute.internal 04-Apr-2011 04:0023:10

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