
keesuuuhm, wtf?00:31
kees23473 kees      20   0 4096m 3.5g 5988 S    2 45.6  53:09.40 compiz00:31
keesmemory leak anyone? :P00:31
RAOFkees: Meep!00:33
hallynmaybe that explains what happens to my office laptop sometimes00:33
Sarvatt__kees: what GPU?00:33
keesSarvatt__: intel00:33
keesbug 751409 I assume?00:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 751409 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz leaks memory badly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75140900:33
Sarvatt__it must only happen with a unity session00:33
keesor 740258 or 721751 or 527016 or 455156 ?00:33
RAOFAnd, of course, not any unity sessions that the X maintainers run on *their* intel systems… :/00:34
Sarvatt__sarvatt   1911  0.5  0.7 133924 30920 ?        Sl   Apr06  37:33 compiz00:34
keesSarvatt__: but see, I am unlucky. :)00:34
keesso, what's my best option for tracking this down?00:34
keesLoL. alt-tab is doing it.00:36
* micahg_ is also having the runaway memory issue :)00:36
Sarvatt__ah hah i dont alt-tab much00:37
hallynfasc i na ting00:38
psusiwhen upgrading releases, if xorg.conf is modfied during the upgrade, is there supposed to be a backup of the previous version saved?01:32
keeswell, my leak seems to be all in compiz. I've opened bug 758248 with the valgrind logs01:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 758248 in compiz (Ubuntu) "memory leaking in compiz" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75824801:58
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robert_ancellTheMuso, was there anything particular in yelp 3.0.1 you were interested in?  It has some GtkApplication changes that will require a big patch to make work in GTK2.  I'm just thinking of cherry-picking some patches instead02:59
TheMusorobert_ancell: One change was a bug fix to make sure yelp used gsettings for everything, in particular the show-cursor gsettings value. The current 3.0.0 package uses ~/.config/yelp/yelp.cfg whereas I am lead to believe 3.0.1 properly uses gsettings.03:01
TheMusoi.e org.gnome.yelp show-cursor03:01
robert_ancellTheMuso, ok, that was one I was going to apply anyway03:01
TheMusook sweet.03:01
TheMusoThats all I cared about. :)03:01
micahg_ooh, latest round of updates fixed compiz 100% core munching03:18
TheMusoWow the gnome-terminal tab colour has changed. I almost thought something went wrong when I opened new tabs. :)03:38
vishpitti: OK, could you just comment that on the bug? (about transitional package or how it needs to be fixed)06:02
robert_ancellRAOF, Why am I not getting X segfaults?  And why are they not getting picked up by apport? http://paste.ubuntu.com/592987/07:20
robert_ancellI mean why am I getting ...07:20
RAOFThe apport code is a bit fragile, as X normally eats its segfaults.07:21
RAOFI've seen that backtrace today already.07:22
RAOFAnd it *still* looks like something that was fixed before!07:22
RAOFrobert_ancell: How often are you getting those?07:27
Sarvatt_RAOF: yeah thats bugging me too07:27
RAOFrobert_ancell: Also, any obvious trigger?07:27
RAOFSarvatt_: That's exactly the commit I was thinking of, but we've *got* that.07:28
Sarvatt_yeah its causing this new crash though it looks like07:28
RAOFA decent backtrace would be nice :(07:31
* RAOF wonders what would happen if, instead of pussy-footing around X's SIGSEGV handler, we just got X to die nice and uncleanly.07:32
Sarvatt_I'd bet a beer he was resizing a window when it happened :)07:34
didrocksgood morning07:40
didrocksRAOF: hey do you reproduce bug #740126 even with the latest unity?07:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 740126 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz hangs randomly several times per day" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74012607:47
TheMusoI guess you could build a version of xorg with things dying uncleanly and ask users to install and reproduce when they get a crash...07:47
RAOFdidrocks: No.  DBO has taken away my nice reproducer.07:47
DBOmorning didrocks07:47
RAOFdidrocks: It's still going to be a problem, though; that just took away one particular trigger.07:47
didrockshey DBO07:48
RAOFdidrocks: So I stand by my 11.04 milestoning, and will continue to investimagate.07:49
didrocksRAOF: DBO: ok, so targetting for next release?07:49
didrocksRAOF: see my comment btw07:49
DBOdidrocks, unfortunately its going to be mostly in RAOF's hands07:49
DBOI just dont know where else to go now07:49
didrocksDBO: unfortunately for *him* :-)07:49
DBOfor me07:49
DBOhe at least can do something07:49
DBOmaybe Im just sick and twisted07:50
DBObut I'd rather be in his shoes07:50
didrocksDBO: come on dude! :-)07:50
RAOFDBO: You can totally check out libxcb, libx11 and xorg-server to dig down!  You're quite welcome to :)07:51
* RAOF goes out to pick up his wife from the rain.07:51
DBORAOF, been there, done that, failed hard, will try again07:52
SweetsharkMorning all!07:53
didrockshey Sweetshark07:53
* Sweetshark will be out for the next two hours or so (doctors appointment).07:56
pittiGood morning08:18
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:35
pittihey chrisccoulson08:37
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?08:37
pittitired :)08:37
pittiif anyone feels like giving the current images a spin, please feel invited to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/ :)08:38
RAOFpitti: Bah!  There goes the mono gluezilla upload.  Sorry for the delay.08:41
pittiRAOF: yay, thanks08:41
RAOFMono takes a disturbing amount of time to actually build a source package.08:42
RAOFLike multiple minutes.08:43
seb128hey desktop-ers08:48
pittibonjour seb12808:48
seb128hey pitti, how are you?08:49
pittiseb128: quite tired, but otherwise good; how about you?08:49
chrisccoulsonhi seb12808:49
chrisccoulsoni just saw your comment on the packaging branches thread08:50
chrisccoulsonhow do you think bzr would cope with a full source branch of firefox? ;)08:50
seb128pitti, I'm fine thanks, could do with some extra sleep as well though08:50
seb128chrisccoulson, hey08:50
chrisccoulson(especially seeing as mozilla-central is about 300MB)08:50
seb128chrisccoulson, "not"? ;-)08:50
chrisccoulsoni don't think i'll be changing any time soon ;)08:50
RAOFbzr would *love* a full source branch of firefox!08:51
chrisccoulsoni have enough problems with bzr already (like bug 752919)08:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 752919 in bzr (Ubuntu) "bzr crashed with ErrorFromSmartServer in _translate_error(): Error received from smart server: ('error', "We are missing inventories for revisions: [StaticTuple('chrisccoulson@ubuntu.com-20110203185933-58z7mrqg0t5goswt',)]") (dup-of: 437003)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75291908:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 437003 in Bazaar "Failure to autopack because of 'missing inventories'" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43700308:51
RAOFYou, however, might not.08:51
artnaycould someone take a look at #758508, thanks. I believe this happens with other applications as well.08:54
pittiRAOF: ah, so you didn't disable the entire libmono-webbrowser0.5-cil package then?08:55
pittiRAOF: does the package still actually do something useful without gluezilla?08:55
RAOFpitti: It satisfies AssemblyRefs and prints a warning, far as I can tell.08:56
pittiRAOF: in that case we can probably make it a suggests: instead, then you could install it from universe08:56
pittiI wasn't aware that it's just a recommends:08:56
pittiI had assumed it was a build dependency, but it's not indeed08:57
RAOFpitti: I thought the plan was to drop xulrunner *entirely* ?08:57
pittijust to universe08:57
chrisccoulsonyeah, for natty08:57
RAOFOh, then Suggests is a better idea.08:57
chrisccoulsonperhaps we can be more aggressive next cycle though ;)08:57
pittiI thought that this dependency was a lot "deeper"08:57
pittiRAOF: ok, great; want to reupload with a suggests instead?08:58
pittiRAOF: (I'll reject the current upload, then you can reuse the same version)08:58
TheMusoPersonally, I'd feel better if launchpad also dealt with git branches, but I'd have to add that myself if it was to be considered...09:06
RAOFmono source package still building...09:12
pittifeed the hamsters better!09:13
RAOFchrisccoulson: How long does a firefox source package take to generate?09:13
nperryHello, some odd behaviour with gdm on gnome3 stack. http://pastebin.com/pn1pRSrH When I go to login, enter password it will just hang there for a while a do nothing, only thing I can see if error message is this...09:15
nperryDowngrading to 2.32.1 seems to fix it09:16
chrisccoulsonRAOF - to generate? not that long, although we create the source tarball from mercurial, which takes a while09:16
seb128hey rodrigo_09:16
rodrigo_hi seb12809:17
seb128RAOF, hi, could you add https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/757906 to your list of bugs to watch for? it has some duplicates09:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 757906 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz assert failure: compiz: intel_tex_image.c:726: intelSetTexBuffer2: La declaración `!texImage->Data' no se cumple." [Medium,New]09:17
seb128RAOF, I've added some redhat and upstream bug references to it09:17
RAOFseb128: Certainly.  Thanks.09:17
seb128debian as well09:17
seb128RAOF, thanks09:17
seb128nperry, the GNOME3 ppa is sort of experimental so it might have issues09:18
seb128nperry, try emailing the team list with some details09:18
nperryseb128: Ok, I just wanted to let some one know!09:19
seb128nperry, ok thanks09:19
rodrigo_nperry, yes, mail the team list09:19
cdbsmvo: ping09:30
cdbsmvo: Any plans to add Unity Quicklist support to update-manager?09:30
* cdbs has a branch with just that implemented09:31
mvocdbs: not yet, I have a look, but its past UI freeze so it will probably not make it for natty (unless I get a exception)09:36
cdbsmvo: hmm, yeah09:36
cdbsmvo: well, I could do the UIFe part; I got an exception for Firefox as well (and its now in Natty)09:36
seb128compiz suckfest09:38
mvocdbs: I have a look at the code now09:38
seb128njpatel, smspillaz|z, didrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/758307 got 6 duplicates since yesterday09:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 758307 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed on initial load of Java Citrix Client" [Medium,New]09:38
cdbsmvo: I mean I'll work on the code, will propose a merge today09:38
mvocdbs: oh, I thought you pushed the branch already09:39
mvocdbs: sorry, misread then09:39
cdbsmvo: not yet09:39
njpatelunity hates java?!?09:40
seb128njpatel, it seems so09:40
didrocksnjpatel: unison isn't in java?09:40
* didrocks checks09:41
seb128no it's not09:41
seb128the duplicates have different descriptions09:41
didrocksso not java related09:41
seb128it's not java specific09:41
njpatellooks like uninitialised variables09:41
seb128one was using unison, one java, one --replace09:41
didrocksnjpatel: which frame makes you think that?09:42
didrocksbit_gravity/c_class ?09:42
njpateldidrocks, thread 1, 0 and 1, attr and xwc seem to have back values, but I need to look at the code09:43
* njpatel apt-get's source09:43
* njpatel actually upgrades first09:43
didrocksright, border_width < 0 is suspicious :)09:44
pittiseb128: reminder reminder reminder09:56
seb128pitti, oh right! ;-)09:57
seb128pitti, now that you remind me I can remind you about the reminder ;-)09:57
pittijasoncwarner, seb128: would either of you be able to run the 1630 UTC meeting today? (it overlaps with my ubuntu dev week session)10:11
pittinext week we'll have our meeting at 1530 UTC, but I forgot to announce that early enough10:11
seb128pitti, I can10:11
dpmhey seb128, do you think someone could have a look at bug 757468 before the translation deadline? The patch seems trivial and it's a really visible string10:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 757468 in Ubuntu Translations "Cancel button in the gdm login screen is not localized" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75746810:13
smspillaz|zseb128: oh fun10:13
seb128dpm, easier is to subscribe the sponsors so it's on the list10:13
pittihm, I could also yell really loudly about the new meeting time10:13
seb128dpm, I wanted to check why we need to translate it it should be a stack button10:13
smspillaz|zdidrocks: sorry, your pet bug got bumped down the priority list :)10:13
seb128stack -> stock10:14
glatzormorning seb128 pitti  and mvo10:14
seb128hey glatzor, how are you?10:14
didrockssmspillaz|z: my pet bug?10:14
smspillaz|zdidrocks: the grid issue :)10:14
didrockssmspillaz|z: it shouldn't be critical compared the rest anyway10:15
glatzorseb128, fine. and yourself?10:15
glatzorwill be back in a minute10:15
dpmseb128, sure, what's the sponsors lp id? (yeah, I don't understand why it's not a stock button, either)10:15
seb128dpm, "ubuntu-sponsors"10:16
smspillaz|zdidrocks: indeed.10:16
seb128dpm, or try pinging ev he's patch pilot today10:16
smspillaz|zseb128: FYI, java is notorious for being incredibly bad to window managers10:16
didrockssmspillaz|z: it's not a java issue, see the following10:16
seb128smspillaz|z, right, that one doesn't seem java specific though from reading the duplicates10:16
smspillaz|zseb128: right, though it probably does something stupid which we don't expect10:16
seb128smspillaz|z, 2 of the duplicates used unison10:17
dpmseb128, ok, thanks :-)10:17
smspillaz|zseb128: I know :)10:17
smspillaz|znjpatel: didrocks: FYI also, border_width = -1073423582 is actually a perfectly legit situation10:18
smspillaz|zsince there is also passed a value mask to say which values changed10:18
smspillaz|zso you can leave the other ones as garbage10:19
rodrigo_nperry, oh, it was gnome-session 2.32 making gdm fail?10:19
smspillaz|zseb128: so someone got it using unison-gtk hm ?10:21
smspillaz|zor wine ?10:21
seb128smspillaz|z, it's what is written in the duplicates description10:21
mvohey glatzor, welcome back10:26
mvoglatzor: did you see my question in the mail I send? about the exitstatus of lintian?10:27
pittihey glatzor, guten Morgen!10:28
glatzorhello pitti10:33
glatzormvo, there is already a corresponding commit in my local branch10:33
cdbsmvo: The branch is here https://code.launchpad.net/~bilalakhtar/update-manager/unity-quicklist/+merge/5728910:34
glatzormvo, but what to do on an exit state of 2? Throw an "unkown error"?10:34
cdbsmvo: Could you kindly test it yourself? I was unable to test it, dynamic launcher quicklists suddenly stopped working for me across all applications10:34
mvoglatzor: I think "do nothing", its lintians fault in this case, no need to bother the user. I mean, we don't have anything useful to tell except for "our helper can not check this deb, what now"10:37
glatzormvo, we cannot verify the minum quality of this package10:38
mvocdbs: hm, that mixes GIR with normal pygtk, as I understand it that is dangerous (pitti may correct me here). so I would prefer to wait a bit with that merge10:38
glatzormvo, could you make an upload with the recent bug fixes?10:38
cdbsmvo: nice catch10:38
mvoglatzor: and then a force button?10:38
cdbsthat's why it isn't working10:38
pittimvo, cdbs: you can mix it in general, you just can't mix gi.repository.Gtk with pygtk10:39
mvoglatzor: I prepared the upload, I was waiting for a decision on the exitcode one, I would prefer to do nothing10:39
glatzormvo, ideally the bad quality package dialog should have a force button10:39
pittii. e. you can use gi.repository.GUdev with pygtk just fine10:39
mvoaha, cool10:39
cdbspitti: Here I am putting a Dbusmenu into Unity.LauncherEntry10:39
pittithat should be fine10:39
cdbspitti: and then depending on the pygtk main10:39
glatzormvo, I will add this to the AptErrorDialog after natty10:39
mvoglatzor: but I can distro patch that, if you prefer that10:39
cdbspitti: I am doubtful if GObject.MainLoop is required?10:39
mvoglatzor: thanks!10:39
pitticdbs, mvo: well, needs testing, of course, as DBusMenu could import gtk itself?10:40
pitticdbs: for now I suggest to use gobject, not GObject; a few weeks ago the latter didn't even work10:40
hrwwill unity gain some kind of systray support?10:40
cdbspitti: Is this garble up leading to why my dynamic quicklists stopped working across all apps?10:40
pittihrw: it already has10:40
cdbsReally mysterious10:40
pittiI don't know10:40
hrwpitti: what do I have to install to have it? my system does not show lastfm and psi icons10:41
mvoglatzor: so I will take the current code but silence lintian on exit2, fine with you?10:41
glatzormvo, that is the current behavior10:41
pittihrw: the problem is that it only shows java, skype, and mumble right now, there's a whitelist10:41
glatzorso no need for a distro patch10:41
cdbshrw: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/03/how-to-hide-or-show-app-tray-applets-in-ubuntu-11-04/10:41
glatzormvo, see rev 62710:41
glatzorpitti, are you aware of any progress to port the dbus bindings to python3 or gi?10:43
pittiglatzor: dbus-glib you mean?10:43
pittiglatzor: most probably not; gdbus is the new thing10:43
pittiwith GI10:43
glatzorpitti, but gdbus is only client side?10:43
hrwcdbs, pitti: but is there a way to get a list of hidden ones? or to disable white/black listing?10:43
pittiglatzor: no, it's server-side as well; problem is that it only works client-side with PyGI ATM10:44
cdbshrw: AFAIK no10:44
pittihrw: it's hardcoded AFAIK10:44
mvoglatzor: awsome, thanks!10:44
pittithat came up on -devel@ as well10:44
* hrw back to xfce10:44
cdbshrw: You can see .xsession-errors, it occasionally contains messages about blocked applets10:44
hrw12 unique entries of 'traychild: rejected'10:46
hrw7 applets: psi, lastfm, evolution-alarm, weather, bt, nm, update-notifier. bt/nm are done in other way10:47
hrwanyway unity has some nice ideas but will wait for 11.10/12.04 betas with next try10:48
hrwhttp://home.haerwu.biz/~hrw/unity.png shows my current desktop10:50
davmor2hey guys smittix on #ubuntu-uk just pointed out that in system settings the bluetooth icon is missing11:06
seb128it's an en_GB specific issue11:09
davmor2seb128: I can confirm it here on my natty box. which is en_GB I'm assuming he is too I'll double check for you11:12
seb128well I just checked here11:13
davmor2seb128: Yeap smittix is on en_GB too I'm just flipping over to en_US11:13
seb128that's because the icon name has been translated11:13
seb128someone changed b to B11:13
glatzormvo, should I still backport patches to maverick?11:15
pittithat sounds like a bug in the applet itself, though (marking the icon string as translatable)11:15
seb128pitti, I think it's rather a bug in our gnome-desktop gettext patch11:17
seb128pitti, we had a similar case with some other app in german before11:17
pittioh, it translates Icon=?11:17
seb128pitti, it doesn't filter for the keys to translate11:18
seb128it just gettext any key value11:18
Davieycjwatson, Hi - do you have any more ideas with Bug #728088?  Is there anything we can do to help?11:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 728088 in debian-installer (Ubuntu Natty) "iscsi root (amd64) with or without auth fails to boot" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72808811:19
seb128Daviey, wrong channel for installer issues ;-)11:20
Davieydammit, -desktop and -devel are too close together in my irc client11:20
Davieysorry all11:20
davmor2seb128: I get the same on en_US too11:21
seb128davmor2, no you don't11:22
seb128davmor2, how did you change your locale?11:22
seb128Daviey, no worry ;-)11:23
davmor2seb128: under Language Support I set everything system wide to en_US11:24
seb128did you restart your session?11:24
davmor2seb128: I did11:24
seb128LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 gnome-control-center doesn't have the issue there11:24
seb128LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 gnome-control-center does11:25
mvoglatzor: important ones are worthwhile, I think. lets talk after lunch, I gtg11:25
hrwcan someone make a test? on desktop1 open two windows. on desktop2 open one window. then mark on of desktop1 windows as 'show on all desktops' and try alt-tab switch from window1 to window2 on desktop1. tell does it works. then switch to desktop2 and try alt-tab to switch windows. tell does it works11:28
davmor2seb128: indeed I wonder why after restarting it wasn't in en_US then :(  is there an easy way so see what language you are using?11:29
seb128davmor2, "locale"11:29
seb128davmor2, env | grep LANG11:30
davmor2seb128: http://ubuntuone.com/p/mDb/11:37
chrisccoulsoni've just found my passport in the bottom of my office bin!11:38
chrisccoulsonmy daughter obviously thought she was doing me a "favour" by tidying up ;)11:39
seb128davmor2, did you open gnome-control-center from that command line?11:39
seb128chrisccoulson, doesn't seem a safe place to store it ;-)11:39
davmor2seb128: yet if I close system settings and do LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 gnome-control-center then the system setting shows the bt icon11:39
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i only found it by pure chance (it fell out of a bag)11:39
chrisccoulsonso, i could have been without a passport there ;)11:39
seb128chrisccoulson, is the clue that your daugher doesn't want you to travel? ;-)11:41
seb128she's maybe a bit young to plan on that though11:41
seb128she probably just played with it ;-)11:41
chrisccoulsonperhaps it was jo who put it there and she's just blaming my daughter ;)11:41
chrisccoulsonruby does like hiding things11:41
chrisccoulsonher favourite place to hide things at the moment is in one of the speakers in the lounge11:42
chrisccoulson(she inserts items through the port on the front of them)11:42
chrisccoulsonand then we can't get them out without taking the speaker apart ;)11:42
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chrisccoulsonRAOF - thanks for fixing mono btw ;)11:59
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Sweetsharkpitti: thanks for the conservative comments on 756895 and 75730412:23
JanCakgraner just complained in #u-community-team how difficult it is to find the "Connect to Server..." functionality in natty with Unity12:39
JanCit might be useful to add a *.desktop file for nautilus-connect-server, so that it's at least easy to find from the dash?12:40
seb128JanC, it's in the desktop menu, i.e the menu you get in the indicator-appmenu when nothing is focussed12:41
seb128i.e on empty workspace12:41
seb128JanC, there is a race bug though you might need to nautilus --quit to see it, that's still tracked to be fixed for natty12:42
JanCactually, it's in every nautilus menu12:42
seb128right, well the desktop menu would be available in the unity-panel after login12:42
seb128no need to open nautilus12:43
JanCbut I guess the desktop menu might be difficult to discover once you have an application open?12:43
seb128could be, but it's not harder than finding nautilus-connect-server in a lens view12:44
JanCadding a *.desktop file makes it possible to search for "connect to server"12:45
seb128right, we are over ui and string freeze though12:45
JanCI know, it risks not being translated when added this late anyway  :-(12:45
Sweetsharkdid anyone else see bug 732412? I have it here, but it does not seem to be reproducable for all.12:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 732412 in bamf (Ubuntu) "LibreOffice Writer has no icon in Unity and is labeled "LibreOffice Small Device Format Importer"" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73241212:46
seb128it's that all don't have the binary that is needed to get that issue12:47
seb128like I don't have it but I don't have -java installed12:47
seb128or whatever the binary that confuses it is12:47
popey11:06:39 < davmor2> hey guys smittix on #ubuntu-uk just pointed out that in system settings the  bluetooth icon is missin12:52
Sweetsharkseb128: I have libreoffice-filter-mobiledev installed, and currently still do not see the issue. Some kind of race condition? Because I just installed the package explicitly after libreoffice-writer?12:56
mvoglatzor: have you seen bug #755655? its a bit odd as that function is part of the dbus interface12:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 755655 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu) "software-center crashed with DBusException in _medium_required(): org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "ProvideMedium" with signature "s" on interface "org.debian.apt.transaction" doesn't exist" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75565512:58
seb128Sweetshark, did you restart your session since? did you tell us the other day than the writer icon was having this bug for you?12:58
Sweetsharkseb128: having only LO-writer installed => no issue, installing LO-filter-mobiledev => no issue, restarting session => issue, removing LO-filter-mobiledev => issue, restarting session => no issue13:03
seb128k, it makes sense13:03
seb128the service is starting with the session, it might not dynamically refresh on installs13:04
seb128so it basically means it use the database of whatever was available when it started, which is a  small bug13:05
Sweetsharkseb128: should I workaround that issue in LO by not creating the second desktop-file?13:10
seb128is the binary that create the issue installed by default?13:11
seb128how useful is it to users? if they created a .desktop for it that's because it's meant to be ran?13:11
Sweetshark1) yes, as both packages are debs of the "libreoffice" package. 2) I dont know why it is there, so I guess users wont know either. It was likely just created for the MIME-line.13:16
Sweetsharkafter all it starts LO writer with exactly the same command as the LibreOffice Writer desktop file.13:17
seb128do you plan an upload for libreoffice before natty?13:18
seb128Sweetshark, so I'm still trying to talk dx into working on it but they are focussed on crashers so it might not get fixed before natty so it might make sense to workaround by dropping the .dektop until they fix it13:19
seb128it's your call13:19
Sweetsharkseb128: yes, for bug 720716. still waiting for french translations there.13:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 720716 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Please add unity Quicklist support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72071613:19
seb128njpatel_, ^ can we get an estimation of how likely it's going to be fixed from your side before natty?13:19
seb128didrocks, ^ do you have any french translator you can ping about those?13:20
Sweetsharkseb128: You asked me about compiz crashes. I just had one. Well, not really a crash: The desktop just froze completely (except the mouse). I did a ctrl-alt-f2/login/pkill -9 gnome-session to get my desktop back. top showed the machine was idling, the only unusual thing was a "Zeitgeist" zombie process. That one is still hanging around.13:25
didrocksseb128: apart from Bruno, but you have the same contact :) I saw he was still a little active recently btw13:25
didrockslooking at the bug13:25
njpatel_seb128, sorry, which bug?13:25
seb128didrocks, yeah, he's just stepped back from handling the team it seems13:25
Sweetsharknjpatel_: bug 73241213:25
ubot5Launchpad bug 732412 in bamf (Ubuntu) "LibreOffice Writer has no icon in Unity and is labeled "LibreOffice Small Device Format Importer"" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73241213:25
njpatel_seb128, very likely, I'll ask jason to take a look ASAP13:26
pittimvo: hm, the aptdaemon upload is quite intrusive, can we keep this for after-beta2? (I didn't see RC bugs closed in that)13:26
seb128njpatel_, libreoffice matching the wrong .desktop since 2 desktops have the same command13:26
seiflotfySweetshark, we are chaning that13:26
njpatel_seb128, right, it's always and issue13:26
Sweetsharkseiflotfy: ok, so no need to kill one of the desktop-files? good.13:27
njpatel_seb128, milestoned for this week and set to high13:27
didrocksapart from a bad hack in bamf… don't really see a clean solution13:27
seb128Sweetshark, did you wait a bit? usually no need to stop your session, just restart compiz13:27
seb128njpatel_, thanks13:27
njpatel_hopefully we can find a fix13:27
seb128Sweetshark, ^ dx will fix it so no need to workaround yet13:27
seb128Sweetshark, "hang" can be apport freezing compiz the time he collects the crash details13:27
seb128Sweetshark, but if it's not that and it's not coming back after a minute you usually just need to go to a vt and restart compiz no need to stop your session13:28
Sweetsharkseb128: nah, didnt help. And a ctrl-alt-f2/ctrl-alt-f8 switch showed a black screen (with mouse).13:29
seb128Sweetshark, what didn't help? stopping compiz and restarting it?13:30
Sweetsharkwait didnt help -- I did not try a compiz restart this time.13:30
mvopitti: sure13:30
mvopitti: how are the chances for the software-center one?13:31
mvopitti: from last night?13:31
seb128Sweetshark, try next time, you wouldn't close your session this way13:31
pittimvo: I was planning to keep it for post-b2 for now, for the same reason (no RC bugs, lots of changes)13:31
mvook, fair enough13:31
pittimvo: if you are 100% sure about them, you can talk me into accepting it, though13:31
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pittimvo: but at this point these kind of uploads are opt-in for now, not opt-out13:32
Sweetsharkseb128: I will try, but IIRC the last time I had duplicate entries on the dash for the windows after that. Ill try next time.13:32
mvowell, the current one on the CD has a known failure with submiting reviews, they will be submited, just a error is raised. plus a crash with accessibility. but its ok, the issues are not that huge and stability for b2 is key currently13:32
seb128Sweetshark, ok, feel free to ask on the channel when you run into those issues13:33
Sweetsharkseb128: I should be able now that my irssi is running in tmux ;)13:34
hallynso apport brought up this window, with no title, no text, just a nice blue ball with a white question mark in it, and is asking me to say yes or no13:47
seb128hallyn, is that a kernel bug?13:48
hallynthe owning pid is '/usr/bin/python /usr/share/apport/apport-gtk'13:48
hallyngotta be13:48
hallyn(bc everything under /var/crash is a kernel bug)13:48
seb128"known bug" I would say13:48
hallynok - i wasn't sure how to file a bug about it :)13:49
seb128well check on launchpad but I've seen those for a while on kernel bugs13:49
seb128but pitti might have a better clue about it13:49
hallynright, i've seen them too, but since it's not fixed yet, and this really isn't acceptable...13:49
seb128try #ubuntu-kernel maybe13:49
hallynit's even worse than apport not telling me anything about the crash it's asking me to report13:49
pittihallyn: does the window actually react?13:49
seb128pitti, yes13:50
pittihallyn: and did you see this with other bugs, or just kernel ones?13:50
seb128pitti, it's just that kernel bugs display you an empty dialog with yes, no buttons after asking questions13:50
pittiI wonder if there's a particular quoting issue which makes the label disappear13:50
hallynthat i'm not sure, bc apport doesn't tell me what sorts of bugs its filing :)13:50
hallynpitti: apport asks *me* to tell *it*.  which is fine for me, sinc ei can chekc /var/crash, but not for a user!13:50
pittihallyn: you don't ever see text in it?13:50
hallynnot in this window, no13:50
seb128well here on kernel issues I get a few dialogs asking if that was a one time issue, if it was specific to graphic, etc then this empty dialog13:50
pittihallyn: like, if you do "ubuntu-bug gnome-panel" you don't see text?13:51
seb128pitti, it's not a frozen dialog, it's a working one but empty with yes,no button13:51
pittiseb128: I fixed an instance of that a while ago, but that's new13:51
hallynpitti: i'm whining (like a girl) about two different things13:51
pitticould anyone run that from a command line and see whether you get a warning or exception or so?13:51
hallynpitti: what seb128  is backing me up on is a different window which only comes up after apport has worked awhile13:51
pittiI bet it's trying to HTMLize some broken text13:51
seb128can't, I didn't get a kernel bug for a while13:52
hallyn(doing the cmd)13:52
hallynpitti: that gave me text, as i expected13:52
hallynpitti: but, just do an sbuild,13:53
hallynpitti: get your expected aufs oopses,13:53
hallynand run apport on those13:53
pittihallyn: could you put the .crash file somewheere?13:53
pitti(like a bug report, or people.canonical.com, etc.)13:53
seb128pitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/75087013:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 750870 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport displays empty dialog, demands an answer" [Undecided,New]13:53
seb128is an example13:53
hallynso i clicked no on the text-less box, and got 'This problem report is damaged and cannot be processed'13:53
hallynseb128: yeah that's the one :)13:54
pittiseb128: thanks, set to incomplete asking for a .crash files13:55
hallynpitti: i've got 10 crashes there, i'm checking for one that reproduces13:55
hallyni'll post a .rash to that bug13:55
pittihallyn: running ubuntu-bug on that crash file ought to reproduce it13:55
hallynpitti: exactly13:56
hallynpitti: ah!  now i saw this in the terminal:13:56
hallyn(apport-gtk:4501): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Error on line 14 char 10: Element 'markup' was closed, but the currently open element is 'ffffffff811842e0'13:56
pittiright, I expected something like that13:57
pittibut without knowing the actual text that it tries to display it's hard to imagine what line 14 is :)13:57
hallyncrash posted13:57
pittihallyn: what did you answer in the initial dialogs that were still visible?13:59
pittii. e. the first one is the category13:59
seb128rodrigo_, you should add something that print the pid and the name of the process for the g-s-d issue13:59
pittihallyn: ah, nevermind, got it13:59
seb128pitti, when I got it I replied happened once and graphics irrc13:59
hallynpitti: 'i don't know'14:00
hallyn(as i'd expect a user to do :)14:00
pittilooks quite funny, though14:00
hallynin fact i don't know what the right answer is14:00
hallynit's not 'kernel config'14:00
pittiwhy would we bother you with technical babbling, just say yes!14:00
hallyn'kernel' is not an option14:00
hallynit's one of my two pet daily peeves on the desktop14:01
hallynthe other being the popups asking for passphrases but not saying who's asking14:01
hallyn(i assume it's ubuntu one)14:01
pittiah, it's the entire call trce plus a "plz submit to kerneloops.org" question14:03
seb128mterry_, hey14:07
mterry_seb128, hello!14:07
seb128mterry_, how are you?14:07
seb128mterry_, thanks for triaging some of the indicators bugs ;-)14:07
mterry_seb128, I'm good, no problem14:09
seb128mterry_, do you need bugs bounced your way or do you just want to keep cleaning a bug and picking some on the way?14:09
pittihallyn: fixed in trunk, thanks!14:09
mterry_seb128, that g_strcmp0 one has a lot of duplicates, but I just can't see how it's happening14:09
seb128mterry_, I've nothing specific on my list14:09
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mterry_seb128, I'm OK with finding them for now.  There's one thing I know needs cleaning in indicator-application14:10
seb128mterry_, which one is that? is that still get duplicates from natty?14:10
seb128mterry_, the one which seems getting quite some duplicates is the label ones which misses the first frame in the stacktraces14:11
mterry_seb128, ah yeah, that too.  :(14:11
mterry_seb128, I need reproduction steps.  These are hard to trigger14:11
seb128mterry_, well the label one has no duplicate under unity14:12
seb128so it might be a bug in the applet rather than in the service14:13
mterry_seb128, ah right14:14
* mterry_ doesn't want to live in boring old classic gnome for a while :(14:14
hallynpitti: already?  thanks!14:15
seb128mterry_, lol, I was going to suggest to not bother about it for natty since it's only in the fallback session ;-)14:15
pittihallyn: yeah, was a trivial fix14:15
seb128pitti is made of awesome ;-)14:16
pittiit tried to display e. g. <[0xDEADBEEF]> and tried to interpret it as a HTML tag14:16
hallynpitti: i look forward to handling my new set of crashes tomorrow morning :)14:16
pittihallyn: I'm not quite sure whether these oops traces will really tell the user any more than the empty dialog :)14:16
pittiso I still insist on treating this as an usability feature!!14:17
* mterry_ will brb, going into classic mode14:18
hallynpitti: at least a confimration that it is an apport window would be nice14:19
hallyn(yes, xprop can tell me, but prolly not the user)14:19
hallynpitti: thanks again :)14:19
pittihallyn: just kidding14:19
pittiI'll upload it after b214:20
hallyngreat.  meanwhile, upstart is going to be removing any aufs crashes for me when i boot :)14:21
dobeyseb128: do you happen to have a suggestion of how we would appropriately handle dbus going completely insane, without reporting the problems?14:23
seb128dobey, report a bug against dbus?14:23
seb128or you mean how to get debug infos?14:23
seb128not really but other people here probably know dbus better than me14:24
dobeyseb128: no, just wondering because you suggested handling the exception to avoid apport spam. :-/14:24
seb128well apport is only report the exception if you don't catch them right?14:25
seb128so just add a try: there?14:25
seb128to display an error on the command line or something14:25
seb128it would avoid having the apport spamming14:25
dobeywell the problem is that there is nothing useful we can do in the except:14:26
seb128well just print a "dbus is screwed"14:27
seb128it will stop apport for spamming launchpad14:27
dobeywhen did dbus start doing this anyway? seems like a recently introduced regression in dbus, no?14:30
chrisccoulsonhmmm, bamf crashed and now my launcher is broken14:30
seb128dobey, doing what?14:31
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dobeyseb128: cause the "Connection refused" with the session bus socket on upgrades14:34
seb128dobey, is that only on upgrades? maybe mvo has a clue14:39
dobeyseb128: not sure exactly. it's weird since ubuntuone-launch is msotly what's seeing it, and that should only get run on log-in.14:40
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seb128dobey, don't bother much about apport noise, it will be turned off in the stable anyway so...14:52
dobeyseb128: i'm more worried that u1 doesn't work because of it14:56
nessitadobey: the control panel has got that report as well14:59
dobeynessita: yes, i suspect a lot of things have15:00
rodrigo_seb128, yes, just want to make sure people are running the correct version, since some of the comments make me wonder if that's the case really15:01
seb128hey nessita15:03
desrtnessita: good morning!15:03
seb128dobey, nessita: those crashes could also be at session logout, like connection going under the feet of things not closed yet15:03
seb128the apport collector would still catch those and display a crash dialog at next login15:03
nessitaseb128: hey there15:05
nessitahi desrt!15:05
dobeyseb128: i don't think that's the case, since ubuntuone-launch only gets run on log-in, and doesn't stay running for the whole session15:05
seb128so I've no clue what the issue is15:06
* nessita neither15:06
dobeyyeah, me either :(15:06
mvoseb128: out default wallpaper should change on upgrades, right? from mav -> nat?15:18
seb128mvo, did they make a new wallpaper for natty?15:20
seb128mvo, when I tried beta2 it seemed to be still the old one, I didn't see a new one this cycle15:20
seb128check with sladen I guess15:20
mvoseb128: aha, that might explain it then15:21
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kenvandinemvo, seb128: i think we got a new wallpaper, but it is a very slight change... barely noticable15:38
seb128kenvandine, ok, my eyes are not trained enough to spot the difference ;-)15:39
kenvandinemine either :)15:39
kenvandinei think i read it on OMG or something :-D15:39
kenvandinebecause you know, that is where we should hear about this stuff15:40
didrockssame for me, read on OMG15:41
didrocksseb128: mvo: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/03/ubuntu-11-04-nattys-new-default-desktop-wallpaper-revealed/15:42
chrisccoulsoni like the wallpaper with the narwhals on, but that's not the default is it?15:42
mvothanks didrocks15:42
mvohaha, no wonder it looks the same15:43
didrocksyou have even an animated gif to see the difference :)15:43
didrockschrisccoulson: I'm my defaut anyway :p15:43
seb128well I'm surprised nobody complained this cycle about design being lazy and spending 5 minutes to do the new wallpaper15:43
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, it is mine too. i really like that wallpaper :)15:44
* davmor2 still thinks the the desktop backgrounds have been a bit meh since hardy herons15:44
didrocksseb128: look at the 173 comments :-)15:44
seb128didrocks, well previous cycle they complained enough that they redid the wallpaper a bit ;-)15:45
chrisccoulsondavmor2, i liked the hardy wallpaper too. that was probably my previous favourite ;)15:46
chrisccoulsonthe new narwhal background is seriously nice though15:46
chrisccoulsoni'll probably keep that for a few cycles ;)15:47
kenvandinechrisccoulson, link?15:47
jcastrojust put on the community rotating bundle and you're all set!15:47
davmor2chrisccoulson: which one I think there are 3 with narwhals on15:48
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, http://people.canonical.com/~chrisccoulson/Aubergine_Sea_by_Wyatt_Kirby.jpg15:48
chrisccoulsonit should be on your system already15:48
kenvandinei kind of like that one too15:48
chrisccoulsonyeah, that one really should be the default :)15:48
chrisccoulsonthere are some really nice wallpapers installed actually15:49
chrisccoulsoni only just noticed them15:49
chrisccoulsonthe quality seems to be much higher than usual15:50
davmor2chrisccoulson: oh that one agreed it's the best on a bigger screen looks a bit dark on a netbook though, but then you hardly ever see it anyway15:50
seb128kenvandine, tedg, mterry: let's go with a bug fixes tarballs on thursday ok?15:59
kenvandineworks for me15:59
seb128but try to land only selected bug fixes this week15:59
kenvandinetedg, did you get your other dbusmenu branch merged?16:00
tedgkenvandine, No, planning on looking over that this morning.  Took yesterday to forget everything and re-review :-)16:01
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seb128hello lool16:08
seb128dpm, hi, do you have an uptodate wikipage tracking what packages need a rebuild with a translation export?16:11
dpmseb128, otp. let me come back to you later16:14
seb128dpm, ok16:14
loolwin 6816:22
seb128lool, no you didn't win this time ;-)16:26
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, seb128, tkamppeter: meeting in 3 minutes16:27
chrisccoulsonyay \o/16:27
* kenvandine waves16:27
* Sweetshark spots a comfortable chair and takes a seat.16:29
zygadoes anyone know which accessibility feature might interpret numeric keyboard insert as "right click", I seem to have the numeric keypad acting as mouse in general16:29
seb128hey everybody16:30
seb128so pitti is busy with other things for beta2 and an IRC talk later16:30
seb128I'm going to lead that one16:30
seb128let's get started16:31
seb128kenvandine, hum, partner updates? (I see the wiki is a bit empty :p)16:31
kenvandineyeah... nothing to report16:31
kenvandinewhich is good :)16:31
seb128just for the record I aim on indicator bug fix uploads on thursday16:32
seb128so mterry and other please keep fixing crashers until then if you can ;-)16:32
kenvandineyes... please16:32
seb128does anybody has comment or questions for kenvandine?16:33
pittiso nothing OMGurgent from U1 at this point?16:33
pittiwhich needs to be squeezed in?16:33
pittigood! :)16:33
kenvandineindeed :)16:33
dpmseb128, we've got https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline, but it hasn't really been updated since Maverick. I'm hoping that some of the policykit stuff is now dealt with rober_ancell's patch to load translations at runtime and it's not needed to export and rebuild translations. Apart from that list, we've got the FF and LO .desktop entries' translations in the wiki16:34
seb128ok, that's a bit weird, I'm not used to not have things to rush at the end of the cycle16:34
seb128we probably miss something ;-)16:34
seb128thanks kenvandine16:35
seb128dpm, ok, we are in our weekly meeting now but I will get back to you after that16:35
seb128didrocks, hey, unity update?16:35
dpm(sorry, I hadn't realized that)16:35
didrockswell, the wiki section isn't empty :)16:35
didrockswe have still some goodness in trunk that will be update on Thursday right after beta216:36
seb128didrocks, indeed!16:36
didrocksthere is an annoying Xorg freeze, let's see how it goes with RAOF looking at it16:36
didrocksand then, the "while playing with ccsm" crash is also on the priority list16:37
seb128didrocks, the plan is to land selected bug fixes on thursday as well for you?16:37
didrocksseb128: right16:37
seb128ok, great16:38
seb128if anybody still has unity crashing please report the bug and give the number here16:38
cdbsdidrocks: hi, are we too late to get fixes in for, like, bug #740862 ?16:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 740862 in unity (Ubuntu) "Please add list of running windows of an app, to its launcher icon" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74086216:38
didrockscdbs: it's not designed at all, and yeah, it's not the focus for natty16:38
didrockscdbs: better to fix bugs than adding them :)16:39
* pitti just filing the latest one that hit him right when the meeting started16:39
didrockspitti: thanks :)16:40
dansmithcan anyone help me get unity back on its feet after a sinful venture into gnome3 land?16:40
seb128dansmith, hi, try #ubuntu or wait until the meeting we are having is over which should take less than half an hour16:40
dansmithclassic gnome desktop works fine, but unity gives me a lot of screen corruption and *some* very large weird-looking fonts16:40
jcastrodobey: is there a gconf key or a setting to check to see if the u1music store folder is enabled in banshee? Mine seems to be missing16:41
dansmithseb128: oh, sorry16:41
seb128jcastro, we are in a meeting try another channel or query?16:41
seb128questions for didrocks or comments about unity?16:41
jcastro(oh sorry)16:41
dobeyjcastro: it warns you on the "My Downloads" page if you go to it16:41
seb128ok, seems not16:42
seb128thanks didrocks16:42
seb128tremolux, hey16:42
seb128tremolux, s-c update?16:42
tremoluxhey seb12816:42
tremoluxyep, on the wiki, just bugfixes  :)16:42
seb128you are on top of those?16:44
tremoluxyep, I think we are in good shape16:44
seb128do you check crashers bug? there was a few that got taggeed needspattern on launchpad16:44
tremoluxyes, we do watch those16:45
seb128sometimes they are not triaged but it seems they are know by the team, maybe add a comment when you cross those so other know they have been reviewed?16:45
tremoluxok, yes, good idea16:45
seb128thanks ;-)16:45
tremoluxyou're welcome, thanks seb12816:45
seb128is there any question about s-c?16:45
pittididrocks, seb128: I got bug 757709, FYI (twice today already)16:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 757709 in nux (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in nux::Area::InitiateResizeLayout()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75770916:46
seb128pitti, thanks16:46
didrockslooking :)16:46
seb128njpatel_, ^16:47
pittitremolux: there are still some long-standing RC bugs in s-c, are these still on track, or do you need help?16:47
seb128pitti, what were you doing when you got it?16:47
pitti(see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus#rcbugs)16:47
pittiseb128: nothing in particular; typing IRC and probably switched windows16:47
* tremolux looking16:47
seb128pitti, ok16:47
pittitremolux: we can discuss specifics later, just wanted to check in general whether you have them on the radar16:48
pittisome have > 50 dups16:48
tremoluxpitti: yes, indeed16:48
pittiwe still have some 12 RC bugs, and about a week to fix them, so it'll be an interestnig week :)16:48
tremoluxpitti: we are concentrating on these Xapian bugs now actually16:49
pittididrocks: do you know if the unity-2d team is working on bug 740387 ?16:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 740387 in unity-2d "graphical corruption with multiple drivers and classic desktop" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74038716:49
pittiI've seen the corruption in classic myself, it's quite ridiculous16:49
pittibut I guess they'd kill us if we reverted the patch16:49
didrockspitti: no, you should ping Kaleo on #ayatana I guess16:49
pittididrocks: ok, will do16:50
pittiseb128: sorry, back to you16:50
seb128pitti, that's fine16:50
pitti(just need to disappear to my PyGI classroom devweek session in a bit)16:50
seb128I guess we finished the s-c topic16:50
seb128thanks tremolux16:50
seb128Riddell, kubuntu update?16:50
seb128Riddell, hey also ;-)16:50
Riddell * KDE SC 4.6.2 is in16:50
Riddell * no notable compile failures16:50
Riddell * plasma-desktop and mobile good for beta16:50
Riddell * http://goo.gl/HbXHe 5 bugs milestoned for beta 2, none critical16:50
Riddell * Seems like wubi isn't working too well in second stage, still investigating16:50
seb128thanks Riddell, seems kubuntu is on track16:52
seb128is there any question or comment for Riddell?16:52
seb128http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-desktop-team.html seems mostly on track16:53
seb128if you have remaining items please clean those16:53
seb128or raise issues if you have some that need landing that didn't yet16:53
mvoseb128: btw, +1 from me on the comment about packaing branches vs real branches16:54
mvoon the ML16:54
seb128mvo, ;-)16:54
njpatel_seb128, will fix16:55
seb128njpatel_, thanks a lot16:55
seb128pitti, ^ njpatel for you ;-)16:55
* pitti hugs njpatel_16:56
seb128ok, so work items are on track16:56
seb128remaining topic is natty bugs16:56
seb128there is still a bunch of those on the list pitti pointed before16:56
seb128does anybody need help on any bug assigned to him?16:57
seb128pitti, did you want us to specifically go through the list during the meeting?16:58
pittino, I don't think so16:58
pittiI might ask people throughout the week, but no need to block everyone here16:58
pitti(and my PyGI talk starts now :) )16:58
seb128pitti, have fun ;-)16:58
pittijust a general call to please re-check your +assignedbugs page16:58
seb128thanks everybody, let's wrap then16:58
pittianyone interested in pygtk -> pygi porting, welcome to join16:59
pittithanks seb12816:59
seb128natty and unity rock so let's keep focussed for another week and squash some extra bugs16:59
mvogo pitti go17:00
mvothe s-c databasemodifiederror one has a bunch of fixes in my branch now, just fyi, I was not able to reproduce the issue myself so I can not say for sure if fixes all possible cases17:01
seb128dpm, hey, ok, thanks, I know about this page but it seemed outdated especially in regard of polkit which should be working with gettext nowadays17:03
dpmseb128, let me see if I can update the page later on. As we're not sure what's going to happen with ubuntu-docs this time around (still discussing it on ubuntu-doc@), apart from the usual debian-installer + ubiquity stuff, I think the main things to take into account are the FF + LO entries (there haven't been any Evo U1 e-mail translation updates afaik)17:06
seb128does shared-mime-info and xdg-user-dirs need an update?17:06
nessitaquestion: I have a branch that needs sponsorship, but not sure if I can request it due to the current freeze: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/natty/ubuntuone-control-panel/ubuntuone-control-panel-0.9.6/+merge/5734717:06
seb128we could do one I guess17:06
seb128nessita, you can, I will do it for you17:06
seb128nessita, it will just sit in the queue until it's fine to get it in17:07
nessitaseb128: awesome, thanks a lot :-)17:07
seb128nessita, you're welcome17:08
gabgomhello I think you must know it but the genome preferences gives an error when starts gnome and the background setting are not saved. The Ubuntu One does not work neither.17:13
dpmseb128, I'd say yes, they do need an update, but let me re-check17:13
gabgomIf I can give you any help .....17:14
seb128gabgom, what do you mean?17:26
dansmithcan anyone help me get unity back on its feet after a sinful venture into gnome3 land?17:34
dansmithclassic gnome desktop works fine, but unity gives me a lot of screen corruption and *some* very large weird-looking fonts17:34
dansmithI already asked in #ubuntu+1, but nobody seemed to have any ideas17:34
dansmithI did the ppa-purge and I did reinstall ubuntu-desktop, but it didn't req any additional packages (and thus made no difference)17:34
dansmiththe ppa came with a warning, so if I have to do something drastic to fix it (like reinstall) I will, but it seems like it should be resolvable with packages17:35
dansmithI created a fresh test user to avoid any potential stale settings, but that user sees the same behavior17:35
seb128do you have specific example of what doesn't work correctly?17:36
dansmithsure, if I click the user menu on the top-right corner, the resulting pop-down has huge 1980's nintendo fonts and the selection bar doesn't quite line up17:36
dansmithif I hover over any of the tiles in the launcher bar, their tooltips never go away17:36
seb128you can try to dpkg -l | grep 3.0.017:36
seb128to spot ppa version left if you have some17:37
dansmithwindows don't render.. if I open a terminal, I see some new black boxes, but nothing like a window17:37
seb128or dpkg -l | grep build17:37
dansmiththe 3.0.0 one gives me lots of hits :)17:37
dansmithshould I clean those out first?17:37
seb128well some are normal17:38
seb128can you copy those or pastebin or something?17:38
seb128so we can tell you if we spot something wrong17:38
seb128the list there seems mostly ok17:39
seb128dpkg -l | grep gnome-settings-daemon17:39
seb128dpkg -l | grep compiz17:39
seb128dpkg -l | grep unity17:39
seb128can you pastebin those as well?17:40
seb128rodrigo_, didrocks: ^ do you have any clue what could be wrong?17:40
* didrocks backlogs17:40
seb128dansmith, can you copy your .xsession-errors as well?17:41
seb128there is nothing weird in your versions list that I can see17:42
didrockshum, nothing looking wrong17:42
rodrigo_it sounds to me some screen corruption like the one I get myself when resuming or switching users in unity17:42
rodrigo_dansmith, did unity work before using the gnome3 ppa?17:42
seb128dansmith, did you try restarting your box in case?17:42
dansmithrodrigo_: yep17:42
dansmithseb128: ...restart?! :)17:42
dansmithxsession-errors: http://pastebin.com/6TQTbsxM17:43
rodrigo_dansmith, do you have the gnome-session 3.0?17:43
dansmithrodrigo_: you mean running?17:43
rodrigo_dansmith, also, what does 'dpkg -l | grep 2.91' show17:43
rodrigo_dansmith, installed and yes, running17:43
rodrigo_there can only be 1 gnome-session package17:43
dansmithrodrigo_: I created a test user post-purge and have only logged into unity with it, so I think that's clean enough, right?17:44
seb128those "(Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :3." warnings are weird in your .xsession-errors17:44
dansmithrobbiew: the only gnome-session I see running is with --session=classic-gnome17:44
dansmithoops, rodrigo_ ^17:44
seb128dansmith, dpkg -l gnome-session should give you the version17:44
dansmithseb128: 2.3217:44
dansmithrodrigo_: the grep 2.91 shows gnome-{bluetooth,themes-standard,user-guide} and libgnome-bluetooth817:45
nessitacjwatson: hey there, is there any more info needed in https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/natty/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-1.0.9/+merge/55415 ?17:45
seb128ok, so I don't know out an xorg or driver issue, you can still try to restart if you didn't try yet in case the video card is in a weird state17:46
dansmithseb128: just so we're clear, I'm in a gnome classic session right now with effects enabled, and am just doing a switch-user to the other test user to test things17:46
dansmithso I tend to think that the card (and 3d) is okay, but I can certainly try a reboot if you think it might help17:47
cjwatsonnessita: doesn't look like it; I was just being patch pilot for that day though17:47
dansmith(although it worries me :P)17:47
seb128dansmith, did you try to enable unity in ccsm for your running session?17:47
nessitacjwatson: oh, right, thanks anyways :-)17:47
dansmithseb128: what's ccsm?17:47
seb128dansmith, well I don't spot anything wrong in your package versions or log so I don't know17:47
rodrigo_dansmith, switching users gives me a similar result when using unity as you describe, so try at least restarting gdm17:47
seb128dansmith, compiz-settings-manager17:48
seb128dansmith, small utility to tweak the compiz config17:48
dansmithoh, then maybe I should in fact do a clean boot17:48
seb128yes, you should start with that17:48
dansmithseb128: compiz<tab> only shows me compiz and compiz-decorator17:49
dansmithokay, let me boot.. brb17:49
seb128dansmith, try to restart, otherwise ccsm is not installed by default, you need to install compiz-settings-manager17:49
seb128but better to try a restart first17:50
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|break
dansmithnope, same deal17:54
dansmithseb128: so, is there something in ccsm I should check for?17:57
dansmithI see "gnome compatibility" enabled17:57
seb128dansmith, no I was just suggesting check unity on in your GNOME session17:57
dansmithseb128: I'm not sure what you mean...17:58
dansmithseb128: interestingly, I just started unity from within my gnome session (maybe that's what you meant) and it works just fine (but I still have the gnome task panel, of course)18:00
seb128right, that's what I meant there18:00
seb128it could be a video driver issue with handling 2 3d xsession18:00
dansmithwell, after boot, I tried going directly into unity (so 1 session) and it didn't work18:01
seb128weird indeed18:01
dansmithlogged out and went back in as gnome classic and it worked fine18:01
seb128what didn't work in unity?18:01
seb128it started with the graphical issues your described before?18:01
dansmithmeaning, the display was all corrupted18:01
seb128didrocks, ^ did you see bugs like that before?18:01
dansmithit's almost like something in the unity session isn't getting setup, but does in the gnome session18:02
didrocksat boot? not known. screenshots and driver details will be needed… :/18:03
dansmithmaybe I should try to go back to nouveau first, just to reduce the number of moving parts18:04
dansmithunder maverick on my system, nouveau was unusable but maybe that's changed..18:04
dansmithunity works under nouveau 3d, but isn't usable for me for the same reason that nouveau 2d isn't18:26
dansmithbut, that should be a data point, I think18:26
dansmith...and now it works under the binary driver18:29
dansmithwhen switching to nouveau, I nuked my xorg.conf file and haven't restored it yet, so that must have been it18:29
seb128dansmith, do you have specific options in there?18:37
dansmithseb128: I just had some saved geometry settings for monitor config, but when I'm done with this call I can pastebin it if you're interested18:38
dansmithclearly not gnome3 related I guess, and possibly something someone else could encounter without having sinned first :)18:38
seb128dansmith, well if you find an option which breaks it it might still be interesting to tell us which one18:38
jibelseb128, can you reconsider bug 697095 since it seems to affect a lot of users18:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 697095 in policykit-1-gnome (Ubuntu) "polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 crashed with SIGSEGV in g_datalist_id_set_data_full() during login" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69709518:55
seb128jibel: reconsider what?18:57
seb128the settings?18:57
jibelseb128, yes the setting, why low ?18:57
seb128jibel: it's basically apport noise, it's happening on session closing it has no user visible effect and will go away next week when we turn apport off for the stable18:57
jibeland can we fix it ?18:57
seb128it's like an application crashing when you shutdown your computer18:58
jibelseb128,  most of the users are reporting it on login, me too.18:58
seb128because when apport would show on shutdown?18:58
seb128the box stop and collect the .crash while stopping18:58
seb128then it show it on next login18:58
jibelseb128, can we do something at apport level then to avoid reporting it ?19:00
seb128we discussed that with pitti a bit this week19:00
seb128it's not new and would be nice to do for sure yes19:00
seb128it's non trivial and has been low priority so far though19:00
jibelnot that I like to hide bugs19:00
seb128well ideally we would fix those bugs19:01
seb128it's just that this one is non trivial19:01
seb128we had a look to it during the rally with pitti but didn't find anything wrong19:01
seb128it's something due to mvo's session patch we think19:01
pittiDBO, seb128: bug 754225 got marked for beta-2, is that something we can realistically fix in the next hours, or should we retarget to final?19:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 754225 in bamf (Ubuntu Natty) "bamfdaemon crashed with SIGABRT in dbus_g_connection_register_g_object()" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75422519:22
seb128pitti, I discussed it with skaet19:22
DBOI am working as hard as I can19:22
seb128she would like to see it in19:22
seb128pitti, I said we would upload as soon as we can19:22
pittiok, thanks; so I keep it targetted to b2 for now19:23
* didrocks waves goodnight, headache and rest needed19:23
seb128'night didrocks19:24
pittididrocks: sleep well!19:24
didrocksgood night19:24
didrockssame for you pitti, seb128 :-)19:24
seb128pitti, sorry I was on mumble, so yeah it crashes every time you use a fileselector in libreoffice of firefox so it's quite noticable, skaet said she would like to see the fix in for beta2 if we can or at least in by beta2 time19:38
nessitahi pitti, is there anything I can do to have https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/natty/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-1.0.9/+merge/55415 moving forward to maverick-proposed?19:49
dobeynessita: could you re-push to the right location and then propose?19:50
dobeynessita: ie, lp:~nataliabidart/ubuntu/maverick-proposed/...19:51
nessitadobey: what would be the right location?19:51
=== MacSlow|break is now known as MacSlow
dobeynessita: as cjwatson noted there, you pushed it under natty instead of maverick. just "maverick" is probably acceptable, but "maverick-proposed" is more correct i think19:52
nessitadobey: hum, I'm not following. The merge proposal is proposed against maverick-proposed, as you can see in https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/natty/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-1.0.9/+merge/5541519:54
dobeynessita: yes, but your branch is pushed to ubuntu/natty19:55
dobeynessita: not to ubuntu/maverick-proposed/19:55
nessitadobey: what branch is pushed to ubuntu/natty? (other than the one that was actually released in natty)19:56
dobeynessita: i don't know if cjwatson hasn't looked at it again because of that or not. but it's not a branch for natty19:56
dobeynessita: look at your url, and how it says "natty" in it :)19:56
nessitadobey: ah! boo. But target is correct, does the url matter?19:56
* nessita fixes in the mean time19:56
dobeynessita: technically, no. but it useful for tracking purposes to be in the right series. it looks really weird to see something from the "natty" series being merged into maverick-proposed19:57
nessitamakes sense, I'm fixing now19:58
nessitacan't push against maverick-proposed, I'm using maverick instead19:58
pittiseb128, DBO: so, while it would be nice to get it into b2, it's not something that ruins the install, so release-note and upgarde after b2 would still not be the end of the world20:02
DBOpitti, how long do I have for b2?20:02
DBOhours? minutes?20:02
pittiDBO: 2 hours would be ideal; if not, we might try some selected respins tomorrow, but then QA would get tight20:03
DBOpitti, okay i'll try to nail it down by then20:03
DBOno promisses20:03
pittiDBO: thanks muchly!20:04
DBOpitti, I have pushed a fix21:11
DBOI can no longer reproduce the issue21:11
pittiDBO: rock!21:12
DBOseb128, ^^21:12
DBOcan you try with trunk21:12
DBOI know its a pain21:12
DBObut I want a second opinion21:12
skaetDBO,  seb128,  thanks!  (/me crossing fingers ... )21:13
DBOskaet, if you want to test too...21:14
DBOI can always afford an extra pair of eyes21:14
DBOespecially with a bug this subtle21:14
DBO(well subtle in its cuase)21:14
highvoltagehey desktop team, I need some help with an Edubuntu bug21:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 746028 in edubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "Edubuntu Wallpapers are not updated on upgrade to Natty" [Wishlist,Confirmed]21:15
highvoltagewe replace the wallpaper with a new one, but a copy is kept in .cache/wallpaper for the user and for gdm, and after upgrade the old wallpaper is still used21:16
highvoltageI looked at the ubuntu-{artwork,wallpaper} packages and they didn't seem to have anything special that we don't have in the edubuntu package21:17
highvoltageso I'm either missing something or this bug is present in Ubuntu as well (and no one noticed because the new Ubuntu default is quite similar to the old one)21:17
charlie-tcaThe latest changes to unity seem to take over the panels and windows in Xubuntu if both desktops are installed21:22
seb128DBO, skaet, pitti: works for me21:22
seb128highvoltage, it's likely there in Ubuntu as well not sure it's a bug though, we usually respect user settings on upgrade, are you sure the user didn't switch to another background and back to the default one?21:23
seb128charlie-tca, is xubuntu using compiz nowadays?21:23
DBOseb128, :)21:24
seb128charlie-tca, why unity would break something which has nothing to do? it's just compiz code21:24
charlie-tcaI don't know. I was hoping you could tell me why gnome is taking over from xfce21:25
highvoltageseb128: I'm dead-sure, since I've done it about 16 times on brand new Edubuntu installations during beta1 and beta2 testing21:25
highvoltageseb128: and it affects gdm's wallpaper as well, which isn't ideal imho. a user might suspect that the upgrade process didn't complete21:26
seb128highvoltage, trying pinging didrocks when he's online tomorrow he's the one who wrote the background caching code21:27
highvoltageseb128: I just confirmed with stgraber's ubuntu machine, the bug is present on ubuntu too21:29
seb128DBO, skaet, pitti: the fix is pushed to the packaging vcs if you want to test, I'm closing IRC for a round of testing and will upload in a bit if it works fine21:30
seb128highvoltage, yeah, not a surprise, it's a gnome-desktop bug21:30
pittiseb128: awesome, thanks21:30
seb128if you want to reassign there21:30
mterrytedg, what do you mean about bamf not approving anything?21:38
skaetseb128,  just tested it with DBO's help on the system I reported it from.   Fix works for LO test, and for FireFox test (that I ran into it).21:39
tedgmterry, That interface was used when the quicklists on Unity were registered with indicator-application-service.21:39
tedgmterry, BAMF isn't using it currently.21:39
tedgmterry, The quicklists were moved to an entirely custom interface.21:39
mterrytedg, so you're saying that no approver is ever registered right now?21:40
tedgmterry, I believe so.  Probably should double check the code actually got dropped from BAMF, but that was the plan.21:41
tedgDBO, BAMF dropped it's approver code to indicator-application-service, right?21:42
DBOtedg, well i think right now it's just failing gracefully21:43
DBOi didn't want to break backward compat with maverick21:43
tedgDBO, mterry has a fix for the interface so I was saying we should not put it in for natty as the interface is unused.21:44
tedgDBO, So it just says "okay" to everyone then?21:44
* DBO double checks21:44
mterrytedg, it looks like the code is still in bamf to register itself as an approver21:45
DBOit should blindly approve21:45
DBOit is21:45
mterrytedg, in which case my branch is still useful21:45
tedgmterry, Yup.21:46
DBObut the approve isn't useful anymore21:46
DBOwe could rip it all out21:46
tedgI think it'd be less overall code changes (CD delta-bits) to take mterry's patch.21:46
tedgWhich is what we should be striving for at this point.21:46
Sweetshark /win 321:54
seb128DBO, skaet, pitti: ok, works fine for me and uploaded22:11
pittiI already checked the diff in bzr22:11
DBOthanks guys22:12
seb128DBO, thank you for fixing it!22:12
pittiextra beer for DBO!22:12
DBOI am sorry that bug took so long to find and kill22:12
skaetDBO, +1 on that extra beer. Thanks!22:12
pittiyeah, really, do have a bad conscience about fixing bugs under pressure!22:12
rickspencer3seb128, you uploaded bamf? what for22:24
seb128rickspencer3, thanks for asking, I figured that beta2 seemed to be too stable and that we couldn't keep it this way since it's no fun, so "surprise" :-)22:26
highvoltageit's "spookily calm"? :)22:27
rickspencer3thanks seb12822:27
seb128rickspencer3, you're welcome ;-)22:28
rickspencer3seb128, next time, may I suggest an xorg-xserver update?22:28
seb128hum, that would be fun as well I guess but let's see next time ;-)22:29
pittirickspencer3: you still think in the wrong categories22:34
rickspencer3pitti, ah, true true22:34
rickspencer3pitti, so, bamf is the last upload, time to spin beta 2?22:35
pittirickspencer3: yep, I just set up the magic image build queue from hell (http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/scripts/buildqueue.txt)22:35
pittirickspencer3: desktops block on bamf, alternates on ltsp, armels on ubiquity22:36
rickspencer3I hear from pgraner that beta 2 has been well smoked test, wubi has been tested, etc...22:36
pittiso I can go to bed now, and everythign should magically build itself over night22:36
rickspencer3and now we have all of tomorrow to verify it22:36
rickspencer3thanks pitti22:36
pittirickspencer3: wubi still has some bad reports22:36
rickspencer3frickin' wubi22:37
rickspencer3'night pitti!22:37
pittirickspencer3: bug 75861422:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 758614 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) "Kubuntu Wubi - Black screen during stage 2" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75861422:37
pittiand bug 75841122:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 758411 in Wubi "Upgrade from 10.10 to Natty results in system freeze" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75841122:38
pittigood night everyone22:55
chrisccoulsonyay, finally - http://hg.mozilla.org/projects/cedar/pushloghtml?changeset=fdd8cf56674f23:04
chrisccoulsondoes anyone know who looks after apt.ubuntu.com?23:06
rickspencer3RAOF, hey, can you please look at bug 758307 ?23:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 758307 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed on initial load of Java Citrix Client" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75830723:30
seb128rickspencer3, the bug was a compiz one and got fixed by smspillaz|z today23:32
rickspencer3dang it23:32
rickspencer3you guys kepp stealing my thunder23:32
rickspencer3<rickspencer3> RAOF, hey, can you please look at bug 758307 ?23:32
rickspencer3<ubot5> Launchpad bug 758307 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed on initial load of Java Citrix Client" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75830723:32
rickspencer3<-- ronoc has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)23:32
rickspencer3<seb128> rickspencer3, the bug was a compiz one and got fixed by smspillaz|z today23:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 758307 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed on initial load of Java Citrix Client" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75830723:32
seb128rickspencer3, you can try the debs with the fix on http://people.canonical.com/~davidbarth/23:33
seb128rickspencer3, I confirmed it fixes the crash with unison-gtk23:33
rickspencer3seb128, well, wfm23:33
seb128rickspencer3, well just saying23:34
seb128rickspencer3, those will land in natty on thursday23:34
seb128they fixed the chromium refresh issues in the same deb and a stacking issue23:34
seb128rickspencer3, btw better to bounce the bugs through the team that pinging people directly to avoid duplicating work23:35
rickspencer3seb128, well, normally I wouldn't do it at all23:35
seb128rickspencer3, you are lucky I was still around to catch this one ;-)23:35
rickspencer3I was just responding to someone who was asking for help getting it looked at asap23:36
rickspencer3seb128, but point taken23:36
rickspencer3I was told RAOF was already looking at it23:36
seb128he's looking at an xorg lock from what's been told23:37
seb128but maybe he was working on that wall as well, anyway smspillaz fixed it today23:37
rickspencer3seb128, not to crack the whip here, but is there a reason the bug wasn't set to Fixed?23:37
seb128rickspencer3, it seems they didn't land the fix to trunk yet, the fix was set up for review today23:38
rickspencer3well, it was still NEW23:39
rickspencer3seb128, not complaining, just saying ...23:39
seb128seems an overview, feel free to set it to fix commited23:39
seb128rickspencer3, you are right23:39
seb128well in its defence sam pulled the fix out late and went to bed directly23:39
rickspencer3seb128, right ...23:40
rickspencer3not defense needed23:40
rickspencer3I was just asking23:40
seb128but keep pointing crashes you are told about please ;-)23:40
rickspencer3seb128, well, I am looking for somehting to panic about23:40
rickspencer3otherwise, I don't feel I am working23:40
seb128do you want me to do another upload and ask for a beta2 respin before going to bed? ;-)23:41
seb128I'm sure I can find something to break^W fix still :)23:41
rickspencer3dammit seb128 I'm on the phone here, don't make me lol23:41
seb128ok, enough for today, 'night everybody23:47

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