
timClicksare there good instructions about setting up an apt-get cache anywhere00:44
timClicksI don't want to mirror the whole repo00:44
timClicksbut only want to download packages once and then promulgate them to about 4 computers I have at home00:44
mwhudsontimClicks: apt-zeroconf maybe>00:47
* timClicks looks00:47
mwhudsontimClicks: there is also apt-cacher-ng00:48
snailafternoon everyone01:22
hadstimClicks: Check out squid-deb-proxy it's easy and mostly automatic.02:00
hadsIn the past I've tried apt-proxy, apt-cacher, apt-cacher-ng and now use squid-deb-proxy which is much more stable02:02
ibeardsleeoh yeah morning21:15
ibeardsleetrying to track down why my PC restarted at 23:59 :(\21:16
hadsajmitch: Will have more ALIX stock tomorrow or Friday probably.21:34
ajmitchhads: ok, that was fairly quick21:39
ajmitchI probably won't have time for it for a few weeks due to various things going on :)21:40
hadsCool, just wanted to give you a heads up - this time :)21:41
ajmitchheh, thanks :)21:43
snailmorngin all22:27

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