
rwwI remember Lynoure! I think!01:10
rwwI still don't think we need ubottu factoids for random non-Ubuntu events :<01:11
rwwI don't think anyone ever is going to be "Software Freedom Day! What day is that! There's probably an ubottu factoid!" :<01:12
LjLyou're right, but for the same reason, i can't see it hurting very much01:14
ubottuWe don't need factoids for *everything*, or ten factoids for the same thing ;)01:22
* h00k waves01:23
ubottuIn #ubuntu, lolmatic said: ubottu: my problem is pretty custom since i somehow added or removed software which was needed for the sound to work and i dont know which...01:38
rwwso, how's that ubottu-eir integration going?01:54
nhandlerrww: Last I heard, tsimpson is still working on it, but he had some issues that he was working to overcome.03:00
Logan_nickals should be kicked for spamming in #ubuntu03:55
Logan_oh, okay, rww is taking care of it, nvm03:55
mneptokwhen i was crazy, i thought you were great.06:01
bazhangnot telling people how to do hackintosh is driving away new Ubuntu users, apparently06:38
bazhangnice editing of the facts in #freenode06:40
rwwwait what. Not telling people how to install an OS that isn't Ubuntu drives away new Ubuntu users?06:41
rwwI'll go put "Give out Windows CDs" on my LoCo's meeting agenda.06:41
rwwbug 1 will be solved in no time!06:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106:41
bazhangputting snow leopard on a usb stick using ubuntu tools06:41
rwwthanks ubottu06:41
rwwStartup Disk Thing only works for Ubuntu ISOs anyway, ne?06:42
bazhangwell officially yes06:42
pankaj_sharmahi there06:53
pankaj_sharmais there any offtopic channel?06:53
rwwpankaj_sharma: #ubuntu-offtopic06:53
CoreyDroof is also trolling #debian, FYI.07:48
Coreyrww: No worries.07:49
* Tm_T is keeping a close eye07:49
rwwTm_T: I'll let you take over, then. It's sleep time for me.07:49
Tm_Trww: sleep well (:07:50
Fudgehi can i report an abusive user from #ubuntu here08:14
Fudgethe user is droof08:15
Fudgejust being a mouth and some bad language08:15
Tm_Tah, him, sorry, was occupied for a moment in elsewhere08:16
Tm_Tsorted now08:16
Tm_TFudge: thanks for notifying (:08:16
Fudgemy pleausre, thank you for such a quick response08:17
Tm_Treasonable guidance in PM didn't help, meh08:21
Tm_Twhy I have a feeling that sri is there just to stir up08:48
eamon_Hi can I be unbanned from #ubuntu please?09:10
Tm_Teamon_: hi, one moment and I'll try to catch the logs09:12
Tm_Teamon_: ok, you're aware of why you are banned?09:12
eamon_Tm_T: It'll be under "eamon"09:13
Tm_Twhat was it?09:13
eamon_I called intel's drivers shitty compared to linux, then I said poop when ikonia told me that was not an appropriate way to describe them09:15
eamon_I called intel's drivers shitty compared to windows versions, then I said poop when ikonia told me that was not an appropriate way to describe them09:15
Tm_Teamon_: and you are aware that this kind of behaviour will not be tolerated?09:16
Tm_Teamon_: have you read our channel guidelines?09:17
eamon_Actually, yes09:17
Tm_Teamon_: you will promise that you keep all bad language and ranting off the #ubuntu ?09:20
eamon_Certainly. I've learned my lesson.09:20
Tm_Teamon_: ok, I'll discuss this with Ikonia still, can you come back in 24 hours?09:22
eamon_thank you Tm_T09:22
Tm_Teamon_: ok, feel free to leave the channel and come back tomorrow (:09:24
ikoniahello linuxtech09:40
ikoniahow can we help you today ?09:42
linuxtechI was wondering how one might add a channel or two.  It sounds like they have a backlog at orc.freenode.net.09:43
linuxtechirc, not orc, I should go to bed...09:44
ikoniaadd a channel or two ? in what respect ?09:44
linuxtechI want to create a derivative.09:44
ikoniawell thats not an #ubuntu name space channel, so if you ask in #freenode what their guidelines/policies are in line with what you want to do, I'm sure a staff member can help09:45
linuxtechderivative of Ubuntu, that is.09:45
ikoniathe channel won't be part of the official #ubuntu name space though, so it's not really an ubuntu issue09:46
ikoniathe guys in #freenode maybe able to help09:46
linuxtechI am sure they will, but like it said on their site they have a backlog and it could take a while.09:47
ikoniatheir policies are quite loose but it won't hurt to help09:47
linuxtechOK Thanks and Good Night!09:48
* Pici tries to remember why dejan was banned16:24
marienzah, you're paying attention :)16:24
PiciSometimes ;)16:25
LjLmost always16:25
PiciWell not enough to remember why he was banned.16:25
Pici(I have '#ubuntu' on highlight in #freenode)16:25
LjLPici: anyway i don't really know why he was originally banned, but i do know he ban dodged and did other stuff quite maliciously thereafter...16:26
LjLwhen he came here he seemed just overenthusiastic and enter-happy, but i'm not sure that's all there is to it16:26
PiciLjL: Its not good when theres over a page of bans on the BT and the first is only from the beginning of March16:26
marienzkeyUp was being not terribly coherent from that address on 2011-03-3116:28
marienzahhh, *that* guy16:29
marienzhe was complaining about getting banned from #httpd in #freenode earlier16:30
marienzI think he sometimes half-diagnoses problems, not necessarily correctly, and doesn't respond well to people trying to point out his assumptions are incorrect16:30
IdleOneit was his brother16:31
IdleOnedon't any of you read the logs?16:31
PiciI see flooding, offering people $100 to fix his issues, calling all of us 'slaves', and instead of answering questions when people are trying to troubleshoot, he just repeats his own question again.16:32
IdleOnethat sounds about right16:32
IdleOneand ban dodging16:32
PiciAnd I only checked dejan and keyup, not the rest of his aliases.16:32
ikoniaahhh dejan16:36
Piciikonia: Yep.  Claimed you banned him for reporting a bug,.16:39
PiciAlthough then he changed his story a few times, so.. /shrug16:40
IdleOnelast time he joined he claimed it was his brother. I told him to come back in 48 hours, that would be tomorrow.16:44
ikoniawaste of time liar16:44
IdleOneI just report the news16:44
IdleOnedon't shoot the messenger :)16:44
LjLare there volunteers (other than me) for coaching ryaxnb? where coaching basically means asking him to stop (and then waiting for his PM i guess) when you or an op feels he needs to stop. of course it needs to be people that he won't mind doing this, so i'll ask him later (i've already asked him yesterday to think of some people)16:47
IdleOneLjL: sure, I don't mind poking him when he needs it. If that is ok with him.16:49
dejan_can I ask question about ubuntu here as I am banned on #ubuntu17:38
dejan_how can I see what files and folders are shared?17:39
LjLi'm sorry but no, you can't17:48
LjLit is not this channel's purpose17:48
PiciCan someone else try with LarsTorben? I'm losing my patience.17:56
jpdsWhat the hell.17:58
Picijpds: eh?17:59
jpdsJust grep'ed my IRC logs for him and he's basically been repeating the same thing over and over again.18:00
jpdsSame thing yesterday.18:00
IdleOnehe parted #ubuntu18:02
Picijpds: Actually, it looks like he has been asking that same thing since March 15th.18:04
IdleOnetalk about slow to decide18:05
Technovikingmorning all18:05
jpdsPici: My logs didn't bring anything up from beyond April.18:06
Technovikingi think go ahead and ban ari-tczew from #ubuntu core channels, send to me or CC if he complains18:06
TechnovikingI have asked twice to leave under his own accord18:07
Technovikingand told him he could contact the CC about the IRC ban.18:08
tsimpsonI'll get on that then18:08
tsimpsonI'll also send him a memo about it, just in case18:09
PiciThis rescinds the prior decision to keep him unbanned?18:09
TechnovikingPici: who sent that?18:12
PiciTechnoviking: After I saw the email from the CC, I asked popey who spoke to dholbach about whether we were to ban him from our IRC channels.  (Note, I'm no longer on the IRCC, just an interested party)18:13
macoTechnoviking: and geser and i figured if he wants to idle, meh, but at first sign of trouble implement the bans18:14
TechnovikingMy suggestion is for someone from the IRCC to email the CC to get clarification18:14
PiciProbably a good idea.18:14
maconamespace bans arent really possible (other than going to every #ubuntu* channel and doing it manually)18:14
IdleOnenot yet18:15
tsimpsonmaco: we were talking about only the core channels18:15
macobut the list of channels he tends to be in is pretty small, afaik... -motu, -devel, etc18:15
macoah ok sorry, missed that bit18:15
Picitsimpson: I didn't mean to step on toes there, just wanted to make sure that we were all on the same page.18:15
TechnovikingI think different CC member see this different, I think you need to force us to come to a clear understanding18:15
Technovikingand I apoligize for that in advance18:15
tsimpsonPici: we're all confused :)18:15
maco(i did see him talk to geser in -motu. couldnt figure out *why* since hes not supposed to be doing development anymore either)18:16
tsimpsonTechnoviking: ok, no problem, I'll mail the CC and wait for a response18:16
IdleOnemaco: he isn't allowed to contribute either?18:16
jpdstrollers going to troll.18:16
TechnovikingPici: I think if we do something of this level in the community we near to be clear18:16
macohe's supposed to cease participation in the community18:16
macoi would think the developer community is a sub-community of the ubuntu community18:17
Technovikingthanks all for keep us (the CC) honest:)18:17
Technovikingcheers, will get out of your hair18:19
* maco re-reads the email the CC/DMB sent to ari18:19
macothe email we sent him does state that he'd be banned from irc18:22
macoTechnoviking: may i quote a paragraph from the email that was sent to ari?18:27
macothe one about him ceasing participation. it DOES include a ban on irc18:27
macoThe Community Council and Developer Membership Board have, together, decided to require you to cease all participation in the Ubuntu community. In the first instance, this will be implemented by a revocation of your Ubuntu membership, upload privileges and a ban from our IRC channels. This applies to all official Ubuntu community activities.18:27
Technovikingwell I think go ahead and ban18:28
macoi think that clears things up18:29
tsimpsonyou know what, I'm going to just email anyway ;)18:29
tsimpsonI consider it to be a little more official when it comes in via email18:30
Technovikingthat is fine18:30
TechnovikingI have to get to a meeting, ping me if you need anything18:32
ryaxnbso hows things20:23
ryaxnbi hear im unbanned20:23
ryaxnbLjL, hihi20:23
ryaxnbso what do we have to talk about before i rejoin?20:24
LjLryaxnb: hi20:25
PiciI believe  that LjL wanted to speak to you.20:25
ryaxnbk hi LjL20:25
ryaxnbso what does ljl want to say20:25
LjLryaxnb: i wanted to define the details of this, and also let the ops here who may not all be aware of our discussions know what's going on20:25
ryaxnboh Pici i like you too :)20:25
ryaxnbLjL, sounds good,. im still not 100% clear myself20:25
LjLryaxnb: the idea is basically this20:26
LjLryaxnb: your ban has been removed, but the general sentiment is that you can be a bit annoying, but at the same time that you're doing it in quite good faith20:26
ryaxnbyes, thats true20:26
ryaxnbi believe in everything i say and all positions i take, and if i am passionate on irc about a position its because im passionate in real life20:27
ryaxnbof course, if passion is an issue, i can move it to other channels20:27
ryaxnbthat may be a good ide20:27
LjLryaxnb: so instead of arguing with ops, i want you to listen to and comply with "stop" instructions given by a bunch of people who are "approved" also by you.20:27
ryaxnbi gave you a bit of an idea of who i would be ok with on the list but honestly most anyone is ok20:28
LjLryaxnb: of course that doesn't mean you must have no objections to stopping. but if you think a request to "stop" is unwarranted, you should comply *anyway* for the time being, and discuss it with the person in PM20:28
ryaxnbi like most people in #ubuntu-offtopic quite a bit20:28
ryaxnbthats fine with me20:28
ryaxnbi usually think, if people are getting frusturated, stopping is a good idea whether "warranted" or not, and someone asking me to stop indicates people are frusturated20:29
LjLryaxnb: also i'd like to stress that you really should respect the literal guidelines with extra care now, because if you swear or drift into topics that are !o4o or such, i'm not sure whether anyone can stop action from being taken20:29
ryaxnbnot just that person but if its on the list, presumably hes channeling other peoples feelinggs to20:29
ryaxnbLjL, ok20:29
ryaxnbLjL, i think !o4o is well i really dont drift very often anymore20:30
ryaxnbswearing i need to work on20:30
LjLryaxnb: yes, i agree. would you prefer the requests to stop to be in PM (so it's not too public) or in private (so that it's, well, private, but at the same time other people in -ot may not realize you've agreed to stop)?20:30
LjLi'm personally fine with both solutions20:30
ryaxnbfrom my understanding, crap, poop, horsepoop, and suck are ok words20:30
ryaxnbis that wrong?20:30
ryaxnbbut bitch, fword, sword, etc not ok20:31
ryaxnbLjL, both are fine20:31
ryaxnbpm is good20:32
ryaxnbif i think its neccessary people need to know ive agreed to stop, ill let everyone know with a quick message if thats alright20:32
LjLryaxnb: well there isn't really a list of forbidden words, i always make the example of "fuck" being ok when you're talking about the programming language "brainfuck", *as long as* you aren't just doing it in order to say the word itself (like i'm doing now ;)20:32
LjLryaxnb: yup that should work20:32
ryaxnber, IF its neccesary20:33
ryaxnbi.e. in some cases20:33
ryaxnbalso, who are these people20:33
LjLryaxnb: in any case, better be cautious if you aren't sure20:33
ryaxnbdo we have a final list yet?20:33
ryaxnbLjL, k20:34
LjLryaxnb: one thing though. i cannot ask other ops, even the ones you haven't explicitly agreed about, to refrain from telling you to stop if you're breaking the guidelines. so you'd probably still do well to stop no matter who asks, if you don't want to face action (though that's up to you)20:34
ryaxnband as for o4o i dont talk about piracy or anything anymore hardly.20:34
LjLryaxnb: no not yet, i was eating and i didn't ask the ones you proposed yet20:34
ryaxnbof course.20:34
ryaxnbespecially if the non-agreed people are ops20:34
LjLespecially in that case, yes :)20:35
ryaxnbin which case it becomes obvious i should follow their advice20:35
LjLryaxnb: in any case, i'll be around for a few hours now, so feel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic while i ask around the various folks20:35
ryaxnbi forget if emulation is o4o.20:35
ryaxnbemulation is legal, so whats the stat on that?20:35
LjLryaxnb: emulation is not o4o, talking about getting illegal ROMs is... though i've seen people complain about Hackintosh being talked about.20:35
LjLi'm afraid it does depend a bit on who you ask, for certain things.20:36
ryaxnbk, well using hackintosh is a grey area20:36
tsimpsonemulation is fine, asking where to download illegal copies of games etc is not20:36
ryaxnbbest not to talk about hackintosh in here20:36
ryaxnbsince the drivers used are often illegally modified/cracked20:36
ryaxnbthat can go somewhere else20:36
LjLryaxnb: also, if you aren't sure whether it's ok to talk about something in the first place, feel free to ask me or any of those other people who are willing to do this (who we still have to define exactly)20:37
LjLryaxnb: the idea is that they would readily accept PMs from you about these things20:38
ryaxnbill be joining now if thats ok20:38
* LjL keeps fingers crossed20:38
LjLso about ryaxnb, i would like to ask ops as a personal favor if you could, instead of telling him to stop when he's being annoying, ping whoever among these people happens to be around: teadict, IdleOne, Flannel, tsimpson, LjL (one or two more might be added later, but they're not around for me to ask them now)21:12
LjLof course if none of them is around, or he's blatantly violating the guidelines, or you just don't feel like doing me a personal favor :P ignore this, not trying to impose anything on anybody21:12
LjLdo you think i should mail the list about this?21:12
IdleOnethis is an IRC thing21:13
IdleOnedoesn't need to go on the ML imo21:13
LjLok. i meant just to get everyone here who might not be looking at the channel right now on the same page21:14
genii-aroundrww: That was my next move, trying to shuffle the petition-talk to -ot :)22:41

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