
patrickmwjibel_, did you tell me last week you fixed the gnomeaboutme tests?01:14
patrickmwjibel_, getting those branches merged is important.  I having trouble tracking what you fixed, and also verifying my fixes worked01:16
skaetcharlie-tca, xubuntu alternate posted, xubuntu desktop having its build retried.01:22
skaethggdh, ubuntu server posted01:46
hggdhskaet: jenkins already on them :-)01:47
skaethandy man, that jenkins,  doesn't need sleep ;)01:47
hggdhI would really love to have a majordomo like jenkins...01:47
charlie-tcarunning xubuntu upgrade tests02:14
skaetcharlie-tca,  xubuntu desktop posted now too.02:16
charlie-tcaThanks, skaet02:16
patrickmwjibel_, sent you an email of mago tasks in LP.  We can pick back up on this after ISO testing :)02:39
skaetedubuntu dvd's posted05:03
skaetkubuntu dvd's posted06:20
skaetGrueMaster ubuntu-netbook preinstalled posted now,  rest should be emerging over the next few hours...06:22
skaetjibel,  on iso tracker,  why do ubuntu netbook omap3 & omap4  images not have any tests associated with them?06:27
* skaet thinks its probably time to call it a night now....06:28
astro73|derrialok, so I'm about to upgrade one of my secondary computers, but it wants to remove one of my local packages in the upgrade (something I wrote called python-pyinput). How can I tell it to not do that?06:59
GrueMasterskaet: thanks.  I'm down for the night, will start in first thing in the morning.07:46
jibel_skaet, that's because the name of the product in the tracker is Ubuntu Arm preinstalled. I'm changing it now.08:27
skaetjibel_, thanks.08:33
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* pedro_ doing ubuntu dvd i38612:16
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charlie-tcaGood morning13:37
jibelGood morning charlie-tca13:38
hggdhgood morning jibel, charlie-tca13:42
charlie-tcaGood morning, hggdh13:42
jibelgood morning hggdh13:44
* jibel doing xubuntu wubi i386/amd6413:44
jibelcharlie-tca, the slideshow during installation is not translated, know issue ?13:45
charlie-tcaI didn't know it.13:46
* charlie-tca keeps fingers crossed that wubi will work now13:47
jibelcharlie-tca, wubi works fine now. I'll file a bug for the translations. Do I file it against xubuntu-meta or ubiquity or else ?13:50
charlie-tcaas I recall13:51
jibelcharlie-tca,  thanks13:51
charlie-tcathank you!13:51
jibelcharlie-tca, I've seen positive feedback about xubuntu on the forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10667472&postcount=1413:53
charlie-tcathat will go away if you can't upgrade without adding all of Ubuntu13:53
charlie-tcaThanks, jibel13:54
jibelanyone to test Ubuntu Alternate and Kubuntu Desktop ?14:05
pedro_jibel, i'll take both14:13
jibelpedro_, thanks, I started alternate i386 entire disk and amd64 resize. And now starting  netboot i386/amd6414:15
pedro_i'm doing ubuntu dvd i386 and started with kubuntu desktop i38614:16
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skaethi all,   just curious if anyone else doing the upgrade testing from 10.10 has not seen their wall paper update to Natty's, or if this is expected behaviour?15:16
charlie-tcaIf you changed from default wallpaper, it is expected to remain the same15:21
charlie-tcaupgrades should not override custom settings15:22
skaetcharalie-tca,  it was a default clean 10.10 install;   no defaults were changed.15:24
* skaet put fresh 10.10 iso image, updated it, then applied update test. 15:25
charlie-tcaunexpected then, I believe. Defaults should upgrade15:25
skaetthanks charlie-tca,  will go add a bug, to the report.15:26
charlie-tcaYou are welcome15:26
GrueMasterGrrr.  Ubuntu-headless image fails to launch oem-config on omap4.  Checking omap to see if it is cpu specific (doubtful).15:54
jibelGrueMaster, I fixed the paths to the iso for arm on the tracker and we can now change them dynamically.15:58
jibelRiddell, I've attached more logs to 758614. There are errors in it but I don't know what it means and if it's related.17:40
RiddellI don't see any relevant errors alas17:41
=== psald is now known as psalden
bdmurrayRiddell: rekonq keeps crashing on me on a fresh install of kubuntu alternate i386 - is this known?19:05
Riddellbdmurray: not known19:09
Riddellcrashing on startup?19:09
bdmurrayRiddell: right, the kde crash handler wanted me to install debug symbols19:09
Riddellhum, that's weird19:10
Riddellworking fine here on a fresh install from live CD19:10
Riddellbdmurray: able to install rekonq-dbg and get a backtrace?19:11
bdmurrayRiddell: I reckon.  in a terminal it says QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 15 and type 'Read', disabling19:11
RiddellI don't think that's related19:12
charlie-tcajibel: Xubuntu desktop images done19:16
patdk-wkhmm, iscsi tests still failing19:18
patdk-wklvm iscsi was totally distroyed19:19
patrickmwstgraber, any known issues with ltsp with the ubuntu alternate isos that you're aware of?  For amd64 and i386 , the thin client starts to boot, but errors with "Could not find kernel image: vmlinuz"19:29
GrueMasterIs anyone else testing the kubuntu armel images?19:30
stgraberpatrickmw: none that I'm aware of. I'll download i386 alternate now to test19:30
patrickmwstgraber, ok. thanks19:30
stgraberpatrickmw: apparently we also have a ltsp issue in edubuntu (probably related to dhcp3). I'll have a look at both issues20:09
stgraberskaet: ^20:09
patrickmwstgraber, ok.  I always like to check with you first :)20:09
stgraberpatrickmw: seems to be different issues though :)20:09
patrickmwstgraber, in this case, what is the correct ltsp package to create a bug for?20:10
stgraberpatrickmw: for yours, I'm not sure. I'll know in 10-15 minutes when my install is over. For the one we have in Edubuntu, it's either edubuntu-live, dhcp3-server/isc-dhcp-server or ubiquity (though ubiquity would be surprising)20:11
stgraberpatrickmw: just mark it as failed on the tracker, I'll post the same result + bug report once I reproduced it20:12
patrickmwstgraber, ack20:12
hggdhare we going to respin server?20:22
bdmurrayRiddell: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27079020:27
ubot4KDE bug 270790 in general "rekonq crashes when trying to start it up" [Crash,New]20:27
chadadavisIs that specific to i386? I just tested kubuntu amd64+mac and it didn't crash.20:47
bdmurrayI don't know I was also following the encrypted lvm test case fwiw and was on i38620:48
chadadavisI can try it again. That was on the desktop CD. I'm going to be doing the alternate (w LVM) in a minute.20:49
jibelcjwatson, I can reproduce bug 756297. sda1 is a FAT recovery partition, what info do you need ? a copy of the whole partition ?21:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 756297 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub-mount assert failure: *** glibc detected *** grub-mount: free(): corrupted unsorted chunks: 0x09530568 *** (affects: 9) (dups: 9) (heat: 82)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75629721:36
cjwatsonjibel: that would be perfect if it's reasonable21:38
cjwatsonjibel: oh, and a dump of the partition table ('sudo sfdisk -d /dev/sda')21:39
patdk-wkwhat sector does sda1 start on?21:43
jibelpatdk-wk, /dev/sda1 : start=     2048, size= 16384000, Id=1c21:44
cjwatsonpatdk-wk: that shouldn't be important here ...21:44
jibelcjwatson, its 8G, I'll see if I can manage to transfer it somewhere.21:45
cjwatsonjibel: it should compress well21:46
cjwatsondownloading 8G over my wet string will take ... a while21:46
cjwatson(about a day, solid)21:46
cjwatsonthough I suppose I could debug it on a porter box in the DC21:46
chadadavisCan someone confirm that there shouldn't be any 'netbook' tests for amd64+mac. Referring to this test, which is also missing its instructions22:01
cjwatsonchadadavis: confirmed22:02
cjwatsonwait, netbook, not netboot22:02
cjwatsonchadadavis: ignore me22:02
chadadaviscjwatson: thanks.22:02
cjwatsonthere probably ought to be, I guess, if there are for amd64 ...22:02
chadadavisThey are not present for amd64, at least not for kubuntu22:03
chadadavisAlso not for vanilla ubuntu22:03
skaetchadadavis,  netbook is only valid for arm images with this release.22:03
chadadavisskaet, that's what I thought. Thanks.22:04
skaetbasically netbook was merged with desktop,  except for those preinstalled images.  ;)22:04
skaetall,  pitti has started off another spin of images to pick up the fixes created today in response to the bugs found from the testing.     Thanks for your efforts!  we'll keep the images we were testing today as backups, and hope for better images to emerge from the overnight builds.23:13
skaetNew images will get added to the iso tracker as they emerge from the builders over night.23:14
chadadavisskaet, can I lookup which bugs are addressed by the new images, to know what I should retest and what hasn't changed?23:15
skaetchadadavis,  we probably need a better way of conveying this information going forward.   Any of the bugs that have been fixed should have fix committed/released in their status,  which is one way to check them.23:17
chadadavisskaet, I just found the QA reports, that's what I was looking for. Thanks.23:18
charlie-tcaOkay, I am going for a walk while things rebuild23:43

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