
artnayhi andrejz08:09
andrejzhello artnay, how are you?08:09
artnayfine but a bit confused08:10
artnayjust by looking at indicator-session08:10
artnayandrejz: how are "system settings" in indicator-session in your language? if you open the window, do you have different translation in window frame AND indicator-appmenu than in indicator-session?08:10
andrejzYes they are differnet08:11
andrejzthat's because the name of the window is Control center (name of the program is gnome control center)08:11
andrejzAnd control center and system settings are different words08:12
artnaybut is that by design or would you consider it worth of bug report?08:12
artnayandrejz: also true08:12
artnaybut it leads to inconsistency08:12
artnayit should be the same term08:12
andrejzI think it should be filled towards indicator-session08:12
artnayandrejz: so you would name it to "Control Center", right?08:13
artnaywhat about indicator-appmenu? it says System Settings as well08:14
artnayindicator have a different name than the window08:14
andrejzWell you know, maybe it makes sense. You want click "System settings" to edit system settings in a program called "Control center"08:14
artnaydoesn't make sense to men08:15
artnayit should be same name in indicator-appmenu and window frame08:15
artnayotherwise it's possible to think indicator-appmenu controls are different from active window08:15
andrejzyou have that right, i thing it's best to fill the bug against the indicators and hope for the best08:17
artnayI'll do it later08:17
artnayhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+bug/758508 here you go08:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 758508 in ubuntu-translations "[Unity] Inconsistent wording between window frame and indicators with "System settings" (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]08:41
andrejz@artnay: will subscribe to it, thanks09:02
artnaydpm: could you take a look at #75850809:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 758508 in ubuntu-translations "[Unity] Inconsistent wording between window frame and indicators with "System settings" (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]09:03
artnayI believe it affects other applications, too.09:03
dpmartnay, thanks for the heads up. This is something that affects translations, but it must be fixed in unity-2d itself. Would you mind:09:35
dpma) Using the "Also affects project" and "Also affects distribution" links to add bug tasks for the unity-2d upstream project and Ubuntu package09:35
dpmb) Add a screenshot showing where the problem appears?09:36
artnaydpm: does it affect unity (3d)? haven't been able to test that09:36
dpmartnay, I think it does, as far as I can see it on my system09:37
andrejzit does, artnay09:38
artnayshould it affect unity as well, then?09:38
dpmI'm marking it as "low" for translations, as it's just some inconsistency. Medium or High I reserve for unclear or untranslatabe strings09:38
dpmartnay, I think, rather than unity itself, it affects the indicator that shows the control center09:38
artnaydpm: no indicator shows it, it's visible in window frame09:39
artnayindicators use "system settings"09:39
dpmartnay, I thought that was the inconsistency you were mentioning (indicator = system settings, dialog = control center) - was that not the bug?09:40
artnayboth indicators09:40
dpmso you can choose where to report it against: either the indicator, or gnome-control-center09:40
artnayindicator-appmenu is "System Settings", indicator-session is "System Settings" and window frame (compiz?) is "Control Center"09:41
artnayI'm marking it against gnome-control-center since both strings exist in that package09:42
artnaynow it's against unity-2d and gnome-control-center, feel free to correct09:43
dpmI'll let the desktop guys to handle that, as they are more knowledgeable09:44
artnayactually it probably should be against those indicators09:44
artnayI believe I saw same kind of inconsistency with some other apps09:44
artnaycould have been banshee09:44
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david5345Hi! Should the short form timestamp given by date +%Z be translated ?22:26

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