
KINGOFSWORDSadd and copy paste them?00:00
popeycopy and paste what?00:00
popeythey're tickboxes00:01
KINGOFSWORDSthe urls00:01
popeyyou just tick "main, restricted, universe, multiverse"00:01
KINGOFSWORDSthey arent there?00:01
popeywhat aren't where?00:02
lubotu3Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.00:03
dutchie^^ one of those might be handy00:03
dutchieooh, brown00:03
dutchiei remember that00:03
dutchieand the buttons are on the wrong side :)00:04
directhexhttp://lh6.ggpht.com/_1QSDkzYY2vc/TLHkB_oNhPI/AAAAAAAACH4/MQ8IYpyZio0/software-sources.png ?00:04
popey^^ mine00:04
KINGOFSWORDStheres 2 canonical ones thats arent ticked and ppa launchpad 7 machines (main) which is00:05
popeyKINGOFSWORDS: in which tab?00:05
directhexKINGOFSWORDS, you're not on the "ubuntu software" tab.00:05
popeyyou're in the "Other software" tab?00:05
craiganicolDoes ekiga work through empathy? I'm getting network errors when I try to connect :-(00:10
directhexcraiganicol, isn't ekiga a SIP client?00:12
craiganicolGot an ekiga.net account00:13
directhexand you're trying to add a SIP account to empathy?00:13
craiganicoldirecthex, that's right00:13
popeydidnt know empathy did SIP00:13
directhexis telepathy-sofiasip installed?00:13
directhexpopey, 2 different plugins!00:13
craiganicolI've got a SIP account option00:14
craiganicolSo I'm using that00:14
craiganicolDunno if it's sofia or not00:14
directhexcraiganicol, try installing telepathy-sofiasip - i think the other option is provided by telepathy-haze (pidgin compatibility)00:15
craiganicolWell, apt-get is installing sofia, so I guess I wasn't using that...00:16
craiganicolOK, let's try restarting empathy...00:17
craiganicolHmm... still just the one SIP option, and still network errors :-(00:19
directhexofficially it works :/00:21
directhexoh. it doesn't work with NAT, apparently.00:22
directhextry setting stun.ekiga.net as a STUN server in advanced settings00:23
craiganicolAh, might be an ekiga problem. I've installed the official client and I'm getting a registration failed error with the same credentials.00:24
craiganicolSounds like it isn't an empathy problem.00:24
craiganicolAlthough I'm slightly concerned that a password change on the Ekiga website sends out the password in plain text.00:26
craiganicolAny other SIP providers out there?00:26
directhex... i use the company server, so no idea00:27
popeyi use sipgate.co.uk00:27
hamitronnn all, eyes hurting with fake light so gonna read a real book o/00:28
craiganicolcheers popey, I'll check them out00:33
craiganicolThanks for your help all. Night night00:33
craiganicolJust as a test, I tried with sip2sip and that logged in instantly00:34
knightwisemorning everyone07:16
knightwisehow are you doing today07:30
shaunonot even 8am and I'm reaching my crazy quota all ready :(07:39
shauno"you russia, no? er, no, just english sorry.  *click*".  4 times already.07:39
knightwiselol :)07:47
knightwiseon irc or what ,07:47
popeymorning slackers07:47
knightwisehey popey !07:47
knightwisegood of you to join us07:47
TheOpenSourcererAfternoon popey what kept you ;-)07:47
knightwisewe've been waiting for you for about an hour07:47
TheOpenSourcererAll set for Friday evening then?07:48
knightwisehaving "the  mornign off on irc" are we ?07:48
popeyoh yus!07:49
popeyalthough given my volvo gave up the ghost and is costing me 450 quid to fix I may not be drinking/eating as much as I might!07:49
TheOpenSourcererAhh - we are all in car pain then?07:50
popeyoh you too?07:50
knightwisepopey "gave up the ghost" is kind of a dutch expression i thought07:50
TheOpenSourcererMy V70 needs a service shortly (I suspect that it might cost more than the car is worth)07:50
popeyhow old is your v70?07:50
popeymine's a 5107:51
popeyknightwise: it is?07:51
TheOpenSourcererIt's "V" reg. 2.4Turbo07:51
popeyi love mine07:51
shauno'gave up the ghost' is biblical, so will show up in a lot of western languages07:51
popeybit beaten up now though :)07:51
TheOpenSourcererQuick but drinks petrol and my wife uses to take out her frustrations.07:51
popeythe intercooler went, which is ~450 quid to fix07:51
popeyI have the diesel07:51
TheOpenSourcererBumpers knackered, wings scratched, and we are recently missing one gatepost07:52
TheOpenSourcererI was looking at lease deals last night. One can get a reasonable car for less than £200/m. If this service is much over £1500 I will dump the car.07:53
gingwho would have thought removing 1 little package could do so much harm to ubuntu07:53
TheOpenSourcererThe dashboard reminds me somewhat of Blackpool at Christmas :-D07:54
MooDoohello all07:56
gingi uninstalled dbus because it was not working and it uninstalled half of the ubuntu packages with it07:57
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: i am considering pcp08:04
TheOpenSourcererIsn't that "Angel Dust" popey?08:05
popeyand renewing every 2 years or so, so never paying the balloon08:05
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: on advice of council, i decline to answer08:05
popeyging: surely it told you it was going to remove everything?08:05
popeyging: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^08:05
popeyto get it back to how it should be08:06
popeythe caret is important08:06
MooDoopopey: just seen a few lines appear wondered if it was you answering questions now or they have just been resent!08:08
popey07:57:22 < ging> i uninstalled dbus because it was not working and it uninstalled half of the ubuntu packages with it08:09
popeyanswering that08:09
* MooDoo poddles off for coffee08:09
* popey makes poached eggs for brekkie08:09
MooDoopopey: shush [seeing as i'm at work already]08:09
MooDoomorning daubers08:24
* daubers heads off to work with a mission to chat up some suppliers to borrow some kit...08:27
* knightwise is fighting with multiboot08:28
* MartijnVdS multiboots knightwise ;)08:34
popeyblimey, 60 tickets for oggcamp reserved already08:49
MooDoodidn't know that was announced.....doh!08:50
MooDooooooo there is the webpage08:50
MooDooyeah just found it08:50
popeymight be a preferable URL :D08:51
BigRedSGah. Why wont thunderbird reply sensibly?08:51
BigRedSis there a way to make Thunderbird do reply-to-list by default (i.e. on ctrl-r)? I can't find one if there is08:52
MooDoopopey: looks awesome :D08:52
popeyisnt it ctrl+l?08:52
BigRedSctrl+l is reply to list, yeah, but I want ctrl+r to Do The Right Thing :)08:54
shaunoctrl+r doesn't use the reply-to header?08:55
Laneysome people don't set that08:56
Laneyand then complain when you don't respect the setting they never asked for08:56
* TheOpenSourcerer can walk to OggCamp this year :-)08:56
TheOpenSourcererAnd will be checking out the venue this Friday evening funnily enough.08:57
* popey tickles aquarius with http://ComeToOggCamp11On13thAnd14thOfAugust2011AtFarnhamMaltingsSurrey.com08:58
MartijnVdSpopey: long domain names-r-us?08:59
popeylongest domain names :)08:59
MartijnVdSpopey: put an URL lengthener on there (like hugeurl)08:59
popeyfunny you should mention that...08:59
BigRedSI approve of this :)09:00
* MooDoo 's wife might be too pregnant for me to attend09:02
AlanBellbring her along09:04
AlanBelland name it "Ogg"09:04
MooDooAlanBell: lol 8.5months, i don't think so :D09:04
* MooDoo ponders Ogg Mellors.....09:05
popeyThat sounds great!09:05
AlanBellI have a cousin Owen who is known as Ogg09:05
popeythere is an Og in the FLOSS community09:05
popeyworks on Foresight Linux iirc09:05
MooDooog Marciel ;)09:05
gingpopey: yeah it told me it was going to remove everything, i just thought it was exagerating09:10
knightwisei have an interesting quest09:11
knightwisei love the whole full circle magazine and would love to download their latest issue and email it to my tablet automatically09:12
knightwiseshould not be that hard to do .. should it ?09:12
dwatkinsIt should indeed not be hard to do, knightwise. I imagine it's quite easy, but I suggest reading the wget manpage funny and being certain you won't download a truckload of other data first.09:15
knightwisetrue dwatkins09:15
dwatkinsAlso, you may want to let them know you're going to do this, as if there's a really big amount of data it will cost them for hosting, knightwise.09:15
dwatkinsPerhaps there's a tar of each edition available from them already.09:16
dwatkinsare you referring to the PDFs?09:16
Myrttioh my09:17
Myrttioggcamp is on my birthday09:17
AlanBellthere will be cake09:17
popeyspeaking of cake09:18
popeySophie made some cake :)09:19
dwatkinswoot, popey09:19
popeySam with a bucket of milk in bed :)09:21
TheOpenSourcererHmm must be school holidays - Wife is screaming at the kids already :-)09:21
TheOpenSourcererI must go and take my chillies to the Greenhouse.09:21
Myrttireading the interview of a Nokia marketing division person who's leaving the company09:24
MyrttiNokia has had a 30% claim on the toilet paper market of UK at one point09:25
bigcalmI like the Eventbrite tickets, but it does seem a bit of a waste of paper09:43
bigcalmMyrtti: why the enhanced breathing action?09:44
MyrttiI can't decide between having a nap or trying to do something marginally useful09:46
shaunoyou mean naps aren't useful?09:47
bigcalmMyrtti: nap, you'll get more done afterwards :)09:48
shaunohttp://shop.canonical.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=natty&op=Search   \o/09:50
bigcalmLooks ok09:50
bigcalmBet it gets hot in the sun though09:50
davmor2morning all10:04
MooDoodavmor2: morning me ole mucker10:04
davmor2czajkowski: up and about I see does that mean you made a miraculous recovery?10:04
davmor2MooDoo: Me owld china10:04
MyrttiI wish I knew if I can spend my birthday in UK or not10:05
davmor2Myrtti: why would you not be able too?10:06
Myrttidavmor2: mum10:06
bigcalmdavmor2: Myrtti's birthday is an intangable random number10:07
* davmor2 reaches over and flicks on absolute 80's let get this partee started10:07
Myrttioh well, plenty of time left before August to figure out10:08
czajkowskidavmor2: no signed off for another week bulging disc10:08
davmor2Myrtti: so have you birthday there and then celebrate over here10:08
czajkowskisciatica  as well10:08
Myrttidavmor2: oggcamp 11 :-/10:08
Myrtti"can you please reschedule oggcamp, it's on me birthday and I want to spend it with Mum"10:09
andylockranhey guys10:09
MyrttiI knew you would spoil the fun10:09
andylockrananyone got experience with the rxtx driver?10:09
davmor2czajkowski: you know what you need don't you,  one of those bed things that holds you upside down and release all the tension on your spine :)10:09
* popey changes oggcamp date just for Myrtti 10:09
andylockranor java in general? http://dpaste.com/531176/10:09
Myrttipopey: who knows, perhaps it's not an... issue in August anymore...10:10
davmor2Myrtti: :(10:10
MyrttiI'll get me coat10:10
* czajkowski hugs Myrtti 10:11
davmor2Myrtti: what you need is some of ntfsclone,  that's it you need a Myrtticlone  then you can be at both10:11
MooDooclone Myrtti = fail     sudo clone Myrtti = success :)10:16
czajkowskiso who's going to oggcamp :D10:19
czajkowskitons of notice!10:19
issyl0czajkowski: o\10:20
issyl0czajkowski: o/ even10:20
MooDooczajkowski: i'm not i'm afraid10:21
czajkowskiMooDoo: we are destined never to meet10:21
davmor2czajkowski: I have no idea at this early point.10:21
MooDooczajkowski: oh we will, but the other will be 8.5 months pregnant, and i don't want to leave her for two days.10:22
czajkowskiMooDoo: true10:22
MooDooczajkowski: i'll get you that pint soon enough10:22
MartijnVdSissyl0: o\ == facepalm? or "Y U NO"-guy?10:22
kaushali have searched /proc/acpi/battery/10:22
davmor2czajkowski: he doesn't want to meet you you might provide him with all those beat downs you promised him ;)10:22
MooDoodavmor2: one can hope :D10:22
czajkowskidavmor2: hey he owes me beer for all the rugby slagging!10:22
kaushalis there a way to know if its a 9 cell or a 6 Cell or a 4 Cell battery10:22
* MooDoo hangs his head in shame10:22
issyl0MartijnVdS: A typo.10:23
kaushalwithout visiting the Manufacturers website10:23
MartijnVdSissyl0: Nah, it was on purpose. People don't admit typos :)10:23
issyl0MartijnVdS: Am I not a person?  ;-)10:23
MartijnVdSissyl0: OK.. _most_ people10:24
MartijnVdSissyl0: :)10:24
davmor2kaushal: you can try the battery properties no promises as it depends on the manufacturer as to exactly what info you get10:27
davmor2kaushal: click on the battery icon and click on properties10:28
issyl0MartijnVdS: Thaaaat's better.10:28
* MartijnVdS writes some HTML10:30
diplomorning all10:32
MooDoomorning diplo10:32
davmor2morning diplo10:33
kaushaldavmor2: thanks10:35
kaushalbut doesnot give that info10:35
davmor2kaushal: website or google then but at least you have the model info now :)10:41
smittixDoes anyone have a natty machine near them?11:03
davmor2smittix: yes thanks11:03
smittixdavmor2: Could you check something for me?11:04
davmor2smittix: go on11:04
smittixIn system settings does the bluetooth icon show properly?11:04
smittixOk, thanks for that11:05
davmor2it's showing the no icon symbol11:05
smittixThought so.11:05
davmor2smittix: I'm taking it your system is set up on en_GB correct?11:12
smittixSame problem with the Universal Access Preference Icon on the logon screen11:13
shaunopopey: re screencasting, I just use quicktime & vbox.  easy way to maintain a pristine environment & easy switch distos11:15
shaunonot an ideal solution, but short-term cheaper than buying capture hardware11:15
smittixWhat's the best way to submit a bug for missing icons?11:17
bigcalmczajkowski: o/11:18
davmor2smittix: it looks like it might be that the icon string is translatable so report against the application for now11:19
smittixdavmor2: Ok11:19
smittixHow long does it normally take for a bug report to be updated?11:28
davmor2smittix: depends how slow LP is that day11:29
smittixAhh ok I submitted this on the 7th11:30
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 753405 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Changing Cursor theme doesn't update changes" [Undecided,New]11:30
safiyyahhi guys need help with an installation, anyone free?11:55
dogmatic69safiyyah: just ask your question :)11:56
safiyyahtrying to install libre office. I added the PPA but when I clicked on it, it had unresolved dependancies, so I uninstalled openoffice, refreshed and despite the ppa being there apt-get does not recognise libreoffice, checked on synaptic and well, it doesn't find anthing either11:58
dogmatic69has that even had any changes from oo?11:58
safiyyahit will be the default for natty as well12:00
safiyyahbut anyway, can anyone help me understand what has happened?12:00
dogmatic69did you do apt-get update12:00
dogmatic69out of ideas then :)12:03
dogmatic69wait for one of the pro's12:03
safiyyahdamn! LOL12:03
safiyyahokay i will try a reboot12:03
safiyyahpopey, help me!!!!!!!12:07
safiyyahAlanBell   ??12:07
AlanBellI have not tried the libre office ppa12:10
AlanBellI have tried libre office in Natty though, works fine12:10
safiyyahyou are already running natty?12:10
AlanBellin a VM12:10
AlanBellnot got round to putting it on hardware yet12:10
AlanBellmight upgrade the kids computer soon though12:11
safiyyahany ideas on the broken ppa? I googled and all solutions posted do not work12:11
safiyyahso which one are you running?12:11
danfishafternoon :)12:11
AlanBellgot any error messages?12:11
danfishsafiyyah: which ppa you using exactly?12:11
safiyyahi reran the commands so you guys can see the output there12:12
safiyyahthe exact ppa on synaptic is http://ppa.launchpad.net/libreoffice/ppa/ubuntu I am on Lucid12:14
danfishwhat's the output of apt-cache search libreoffice ?12:14
safiyyahsafiyyah@safiyyah-desktop:~$ sudo apt-cache search libreoffice12:16
safiyyahttf-opensymbol - OpenSymbol TrueType font12:16
safiyyahjust the ttf12:16
kvarleyIs there a list of Ubuntu compatible TV Cards anywhere?12:16
kvarleyOr any recommended brands?12:16
BigRedSI suspect MythTV related things would be a good place to check12:17
danfishsafiyyah: hmm. That's odd. There should be more than that12:17
bigcalmkvarley: check the mythtv project12:17
BigRedSit wont be ubuntu specific support, just stuff the kernel supports12:17
kvarleybigcalm: Thanks12:17
kvarleyBigRedS Thanks also12:17
bigcalmFor once, not a miss-tabbing ;)12:17
danfishkvarley: or http://www.linuxtv.org/12:17
safiyyahdanfish,  thats why I can't understand what's happened12:18
danfishsafiyyah: when you did sudo apt-get update, any errors?12:18
davmor2kvarley: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimedia try this12:19
kvarleydavmor2: Thanks, just what I'm looking for I think12:19
danfishsafiyyah: oh yeah..my bad12:20
safiyyahdanfish would a reboot resolve this? I am in the middle of a windows installation on VB OSE so I will wait for it to complete first12:22
danfishsafiyyah: maybe...worth a try I suppose. I've got a lucid machine - I'll see if it's reproducible12:23
safiyyahwill call you when I reboot12:24
safiyyahwindows taking forever12:32
safiyyahis anyone running microsoft office on playonlinux?12:32
kvarleysafiyyah: LibreOffice is a perfect substitute. However, you need to use winetricks for office to work I think12:33
danfishsafiyyah: on this lucid install, doing sudo apt-get dist-upgrade after apt-get update, the sudo apt-get install libreoffice worked OK.12:33
safiyyahokay trying that now12:35
safiyyahdanfisherm same issue for me12:36
safiyyahdanfish erm same issue for me12:37
danfishsafiyyah: sorry - out of ideas :(12:43
popeyshould be sudo apt-get install libreoffice-gnome12:46
popeynot sudo apt-get install libreoffice12:46
shaunohttp://www.ubuntuvibes.com/2011/04/one-click-bash-installation-script-for.html   xmessage?  really?12:51
safiyyahpopey still got the same output12:51
popeydavmor2: that bug about bluetooth icon12:52
popeyi filed it weeks ago iirc12:52
=== AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 14th April 21:00 BST #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet | Quiz: 16th April 21:00 | oggcamp.org \o/
popeybug 74239812:53
lubotu3Launchpad bug 742398 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Missing icon for bluetooth applet" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74239812:53
davmor2popey: possibly let seb128 know I just pointed smittix in the general direction on filing a bug after speaking with seb12812:54
popeyi have commented on that bug again12:54
popeyshauno: what the hell is wrong with that guy, can't resist dragging the mouse around the screen highlighting nothing at all whilst talking12:56
popeyin the first 30 seconds12:56
ali1234why is the video for how to use the "1 click installer" 7 minutes long?12:57
ali1234that's longer than it takes to install minecraft by hand12:57
ali1234too long; didn't watch12:57
JGJonesali1234, it's 8 minutes long actually13:11
JGJonesI've always thought the point of a video tutorial was to just show the steps, without talking (making it universally accessible regardless of the language)13:12
popeyi hate videos with no narration13:13
popeyit makes me think "What are you showing me? Why are you showing me this?"13:14
popeyif you sat next to someone showing you something, they wouldn't be mute, they'd explain it13:14
JGJonesYeah I know....I'm looking at it differently, because a nonsense voice booming in the background is annoying for me. So probably the best thing is to include subtitles that can be translated I guess, but no-one does this :)13:15
popeyi did :)13:15
JGJonespopey - that's awesome :) But I'm more amazed...thought Google Video was all merged into YouTube actually!13:17
popeyI uploaded those years ago, before the merger13:18
JGJonesyeah...quite some time...Ubuntu 6.06 :)13:18
smittixbah I have totally forgot the name of the TS Client I use.13:20
smittixAnd I use it on a daily basis13:20
diploRemmina ?13:21
smittixI went blank there for a minute.13:22
gr33npeacemorning all!13:38
gr33npeaceanyone else use empathy to connect to a Google Apps chat account?  Anyone else notice the small age it takes to login?  Anyone found a way to deal with this?13:39
gr33npeaceaside from throwing the laptop at a wall.  I'm keeping that as Plan B.13:40
dogmatic69http://mail.google.com/mail :)13:40
gr33npeaceaaargh, don't start with that!!  :)   I don't get notifications of chats and my work colleagues think I'm rude/report my non-working to my boss13:40
dogmatic69Empathy 2.32.1 starts instantly for me13:41
dogmatic69lol, reported for not working when you are not on chat :D13:41
gr33npeacereally?  I have a "normal" gmail account, and that logs in immediately... but my work Google Apps account takes F.O.R.E.V.E.R.13:41
gr33npeacedogmatic69: yeah... international company... many timezones... tight management13:42
ali1234use pidgin instead13:42
gr33npeaceali1234: tried, that doesn't even login!!  :)13:42
hamitronpidgin ftw \o/13:42
hamitronoh :/13:43
gr33npeacehamitron: yeah... that's pretty much what I thought... in that order13:43
ali1234so amazon made a kindle with adverts13:43
ali1234it's a whole £15 cheaper13:43
hamitronunder 100 quid?13:43
dwatkinsI'd pay 15 GBP just to never have adverts on a kindle.13:43
ali1234seems like a bad deal to me13:44
dogmatic69just added my work gmail thing and it was instant too13:44
smittixCan pidgin do video chat?13:44
MooDooali1234: not sure if they are releasing it over here yet13:44
MooDooit's adverts on the home screen when in standby mode13:44
gr33npeacedogmatic69: that's strange... did you add it to empathy?13:45
dogmatic69Empathy 2.32.113:45
hamitronwill it only be the 3G version?13:45
hamitronso it can download the adverts13:45
dwatkins"adverts that will hang around at the bottom of the main menu"13:45
gr33npeacedogmatic69: same version as me...13:45
ali1234i thought the whole point of e-ink was that it's always in standby mode13:45
ali1234except when you turn the page13:46
dwatkinsI think this means 'screensaver mode' ali123413:46
ali1234why would it have a screen saver13:46
hamitron"when you turn the page".... the few moments you aren't even reading the thing :/13:46
dwatkinshaving said that, you can hack the screensaver to display whatever you want13:46
ali1234that would use more power and wear it out faster than not having one13:46
hamitron"screen strainer"13:47
dwatkinsheh good point13:47
ali1234sounds to me like if you take longer the 5 minutes to read a page it's going to shove an advert in your face13:48
ali1234i can't see any other way how the "screensaver" would ever get activated13:48
dwatkinseven adverts just on the menu would be annoying13:48
MooDooadverts = annoying .13:48
dwatkinsthe screensaver thing comes on when you sleep the device, I gather13:48
ali1234yeah well that's just plain bad design then because it should be sleeping all the time except when you turn the page13:49
dwatkinsor if you do nothing for ages (20 minutes)13:49
dwatkinsit does, this is a different kind of sleep13:50
dwatkinsit's idling when not turning the page, but displaying an image from a library of authors when you don't use it for a while or you put it into "I'm not using you right now" mode13:50
smittixDoes anyone use FGLRX and Wobbly windows in Natty? Is it jerky?13:51
dwatkinsI used fglrx on SGI machines years ago, they were hideously slow, so unfortunately that's no surprise, smittix13:52
smittixLast couple of years everything has been fine on this lappy dwatkins13:52
smittixEverything nice and smooth.13:53
dwatkinssmittix: excellent13:53
smittixJust not as smooth on nattty13:53
directhexi use fglrx on maverick.14:03
selinuxiumhi all   o/14:25
selinuxiumHey BigRedS :014:27
BigRedSherro :)14:27
selinuxiumI have actually got the company to buy 24/7 support for our Ubuntu server! (yay!)14:27
selinuxiumwhere my gold star? ;)14:30
MooDoothere you go14:30
BigRedSThat's silver on my monitor14:31
* BigRedS adjusts the colours14:31
MooDooselinuxium: http://www.schoolmeritstickers.com/productimages/display/SA145.jpg i'll fill this in for you14:32
selinuxiumMooDoo, Very funny! :)14:33
directhexinstalled cyanogenmod on my hero14:34
directhexandroid 2.3.314:34
hamitrondirecthex: working ok?14:35
selinuxiumI still have my hero.. my upgrade is ready but I am going ot hang out for a dual core me'thinks...14:35
directhexhamitron, haven't tested blootoofs yet. rest seems okay14:36
BigRedSI got bored of waiting for cyanogenmod for my galaxy, and stuck Darky's on it. It seems that anything that's not made by a company is generally good :)14:36
directhexclockworkrecovery didn't work until i flashed it a second time, so installing was painful14:36
BigRedSI thought that was the current way of 'installing' clockworkmod?14:37
BigRedSuse the stock bootloader to install update.zip, which is clockworkmod. but you have to do it twice for no reason. then use clockwork mod to 'recover from' whatever zip you're installing14:38
hamitronI dunno why they can't just make it easier to choose the version of android you want :/14:38
hamitronprovide a cable with instructions for flashing14:38
BigRedSyeah, I did wonder what Samsung gained from encrappening my galaxy14:38
BigRedSi suppose the crapware probably pays for itself but the breaking of the UI probably doesn't14:39
hamitronI'm getting too old to be jumping through hoops14:40
AlanBellthey call the crapware "incremental revenue opportunities"14:40
BigRedSI did get quite angry at samsung for making it difficult. I think the trick is to completely re-rom it as soon as it arrives, while there's enough novelty value for hoop jumping to be fun14:40
AlanBellwe were talking to a retailer about Ubuntu and they wanted to fill it with trial stuff, we explained that we had full unrestricted versions of everything, they were not impressed14:41
hamitronBigRedS: break it before the end of the month? ;)14:41
AlanBell"where are our incremental revenue opportunities?"14:41
AlanBell"it is better for the customer"14:42
AlanBell"don't care, where is my revenue"14:42
hamitrontbh, I can see their point14:42
hamitronif you provide everything needed for free, no opertunity to make money14:42
directhexof all people, sony ericsson have announced they're going to have a fully unencrypted bootloader on non-network-locked devices from now on14:42
AlanBellso retailers really really want a trial virus scanner, a trial office suite, a trial firewall, a trial DVD player etc. etc.14:43
hamitrondirecthex: on their new PSPhone?14:43
directhexhamitron, if the user can install gingerbread on a 2-year-old phone, they won't buy a new phone. hence lockdown. simple!14:43
directhexhamitron, yes, for example14:43
hamitronif only sony hadn't upset me so much these last few years :/14:43
hamitrondirecthex: they may change their mind and remove it14:44
BigRedShamitron: I rooted it within about an hour of unboxing it :)14:44
directhexhamitron, and sue you if you don't like it? :p14:44
bigcalmBefore I fudge up a client's server, is my bash foo safe? find /var/www/VirtualDomains/ptp/web/uploads/tmp -type f -mtime +1 -exec rm {} \;14:45
BigRedSbigcalm: depends what you want to do ;)14:45
bigcalmBigRedS: world domination, but I'm not sure that bash will help me with that14:45
BigRedSbut, yeah, any files over a day old in the ..../tmp dir will be deleted14:45
bigcalmBigRedS: delete files in a dir older than 1 day14:45
BigRedScould do rm -v to check, if you're concerned14:46
bigcalmIt's going to go in a cronjob, so I might for the 1st few days14:46
bigcalmThere are similar folders that need to have content deleted after 28 days as well14:47
hamitrondirecthex: so they are saying you can on some new sony phones, but if you do A you may be charged and doing B can also be charged for.... oh, and you void all warrenty14:48
directhexhamitron, at least it's a clear policy14:48
hamitronsounds more like a way of charging for repairs to more users, and not having to provide any warrenty to me14:48
directhexhamitron, it's a way for them to say "you brick it we're not sympathetic"14:49
hamitronyeh, that is fair14:49
hamitronbut not if the keypad goes faulty....14:49
directhexkeypad goes faulty, restore your nandroid backup of their rom before sending it back14:49
hamitronor other parts of hardware14:49
BigRedSdirecthex: without a keypad? ;)14:49
directhexalso note in the EU they can't refuse to cover hardware defects due to software14:50
hamitronthey maybe technically can't, but can be sure they will try ;)14:50
hamitronI'm still not inspired to get an android phone :/14:53
hamitronso will just sit on the fence and see what happens ;)14:53
bigcalmBigRedS: the line I pasted, how will it cope with filenames with spaces in them?14:57
BigRedSbigcalm: ooh, badly14:59
BigRedSdidn't think of that. I forget people put spaces in filenames14:59
BigRedSI need to write a script that detects filenames with spaces in and slaps the offender14:59
directhexhamitron, i'm not inspired to get another android phone15:00
directhexhamitron, my actions now depend on HP.15:00
hamitronI'm still not sure if to go android, meego or wp715:01
hamitronor even just some other device15:01
bigcalmBigRedS: easy way to make it cope with spaces?15:03
BigRedSbigcalm: yeah, quoting. I'm not sure off the top of my head, but i think just -exec rm "{}" \; might do it15:04
BigRedSI'd google, though15:04
bigcalmHumm, ok15:05
* bigcalm continues his googlings15:05
BigRedSit's amazing how many times I can forget to change the IP address in a vhost, and still spend ten minutes dumfounded as to why it's not working :/15:07
bigcalmHave your vhosts listen on any ip address?15:08
hamitrontime for tea and cakes, brb15:08
BigRedSbigcalm: that'd take some of the fun out of it15:09
BigRedSquick sanity check - copying the second field of /etc/shadow for a user from one machine to another will give them the same password on each machine?15:12
BigRedSor is there salting funny business going on?15:12
scoundrel50Hi, when is Natty being made available to install? I know its in beta at the moment. How close is it to being ok to use?15:16
AlanBellscoundrel50: it is available right now to install15:18
MooDooscoundrel50: i'm using it now15:18
MooDooquite like it to be honest :)15:18
AlanBellit will be released on the 28th of this month15:18
scoundrel50how do I install it?15:18
lubotu3Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.15:19
lubotu3Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!15:19
AlanBellnope, not that15:19
MooDooupdate-manager i used15:19
scoundrel50if its this close to release, most of the errors would be fixed, yes?15:20
scoundrel50I would be using update manager, as I dont know to isntall upgrade using liove cd15:20
MooDooscoundrel50: possibly :)15:21
AlanBellit has been worse than it is now15:21
MooDooscoundrel50: i went from maverick to natty on my laptop using update-manager15:21
AlanBellupdate-manager -d or something15:21
AlanBellor I think in update manager you can ask it to show development releases15:21
scoundrel50I was just looking at the Unity, isnt that the netbook desktop? I tried using that on my netbook, and got imnsto all sorts of confusions, has it been changed much from that?15:23
bigcalmBigRedS: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/593134/15:23
directhexhamitron, meego doesn't have any future, IMHO. not in handsets, at least15:23
BigRedSbigcalm: oh, cool15:25
gordonjcpscoundrel50: it seems to be quite like the netbook interface15:26
directhexhamitron, it's a choice between android or iphone or blackberry in the big leagues, wp7 and webos for the smaller competitors15:26
bigcalmBigRedS: I just hope it's universal across version of find15:27
scoundrel50I think I am going to try give it a go. Cross your fingers for me......15:28
BigRedSbigcalm: I'd expect so, tbh. It's the sensible way to do it15:34
AlanBellis a random firewire card like this likely to have any issues with Ubuntu? http://www.dabs.com/products/startech-com-4-port-ieee-1394-pci-firewire-card-2QFG.html?q=firewire%20card15:40
bigcalmhttp://i.imgur.com/kXWg6.jpg # hehe15:41
hamitrondirecthex: not unless some hardware vendor backs it, no. but still a nice toy ;)15:41
directhexhamitron, well, there's a meego image for n90015:42
directhexAlanBell, firewire is all done with one universal driver15:42
directhexlike usb2/315:42
hamitronyep, that is what I have considered15:43
hamitronbut is symbian dead?15:43
JGJoneshamitron, from what I've read...pretty much - it's "open" only to business partners, of which there are a very small numbers that still use Symbian just in Japan15:44
hamitronsuch a shame15:45
JGJonesYeah since it appears that Symbian works really well on very low end hardware (very cheap and long battery life) - in fact perfect for countries that don't have the income to play with latest smartphones - Symbian is very popular in Africa/India etc for a reason.15:46
hamitrontbh, most people even here don't need something as complex as android15:47
AlanBellall I want is ssh and a browser15:47
JGJonesDammit I NEED Angry Birds!15:48
JGJoneswait I use it for work.15:48
JGJoneslike..um...check emails?15:48
MooDooshush i'm playing angry birds rio :)15:49
hamitronsymbian is advanced though, with QT and all15:49
JGJoneshamitron, yeah, it CAN do it, but it's usually not paired with a phone that make it really fly.15:49
hamitronbut nokia have probably closed it to reduce competition15:50
JGJonesIt's usually on hardware that's a tad slow...so when I compare it to Android on N1...Symbian feel so slow and inefficient15:50
hamitronbut per cycle, it rocks!15:50
JGJonesand I still think Nokia's daft to go WP7 only.15:50
hamitronjust give it some cycles :/15:50
hamitronthey aren't are they?15:50
JGJoneswonder what'll happen to the software division in Nokia now that they're not going to do much.15:51
hamitronI read they will probably be continuing on other stuff15:51
hamitronWP7 only would isolate them from the budget market.... big mistake15:53
bigcalmhamitron: read that as WordPress 7. I was confused :S15:58
bigcalmHi HazRPG15:58
JGJonesNokia make a huge range of phones, each doing different things...I wonder how that would work with WP7 since MS have a defined certain limitation on what hardware you can use with it15:58
HazRPGbigcalm: hey dude15:58
JGJonesie minimum speed of CPU, screen resolution, even buttons etc.15:58
hamitronJGJones: Nokia have not said they will ship _only_ wp7 phones16:03
hamitronso I'd guess it will only be the high end phones they make that will be pushed with wp716:05
JGJonesYeah, Nokia did say that they'll ship a version of Meego - that's one, but they are phasing out Symbian phones and they're not doing much work on Meego now...so...what are they doing?16:05
JGJonesso basically it leave...um...WP7?16:05
dogmatic69anyone know how to open OOo draw?16:05
hamitronhave they actually said they will stop all symbian?16:05
dogmatic69cant see it in the menu, although i have writer etc16:06
AlanBellhamitron: no, they just said it isn't open source16:06
AlanBellso we can continue to pay no attention to it16:06
hamitronAlanBell: is there a source I can download the originally open sourced code?16:07
JGJoneshamitron, they haven't said they're planning NEW symbian phones either :-) But they have said that they will continue to support existing phones and make them (150 million over the next year or so)16:07
AlanBellI heard that was on sourceforge somewhere16:07
AlanBellcan't be bothered to look tbh16:07
hamitronAlanBell: hehe16:08
JGJoneshamitron, http://www.i-programmer.info/news/83-mobliephone/2175-nokia-sends-open-letter-to-developers-about-the-future.html16:08
JGJonesbye bye symbian phones16:08
AlanBell"open as in letter"16:09
AlanBellI went to a presentation with a symbian person telling us how they had the most open source devices in the world, bigger than Linux etc16:10
JGJonesWas there much laughter to be had? :)16:10
AlanBellthere were some confused looks16:10
AlanBellI figured this might be interesting, best get round to looking at it at some point16:11
JGJonesTalking about closed source...time for me to reboot into Windows...urgh...(I gave up on trying to get Ekiga to support H.263/H.264 video codecs so there's no SIP video calling in Linux for me)16:11
AlanBelland it has gone, before I wasted any time looking at it16:11
HazRPGdogmatic69: hmm, sure its even installed? (can't remember if its in there by default or not)16:20
HazRPGdogmatic69: oh, its under "Graphics" in the menu btw, not "Office"16:21
dogmatic69HazRPG: found it under graphics16:26
HazRPGdogmatic69: :)16:26
gordhttp://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/4536294249/more-quicklists - genius17:22
* bigcalm bookmarks that for when Unity is forced upon him17:24
scoundrel50aHi, what hanel did you say was there for problems with installing Natty?17:24
scoundrel50aMajor problem in installing17:24
davmor2scoundrel50a: what's the issue?17:25
scoundrel50awell, installation seemed to go ok, got to reboot, and get past grub,and screen goes black and nothing happens17:25
scoundrel50acant even get into recovery mode17:25
scoundrel50ahave to use power button to turn it off,17:26
davmor2scoundrel50a: sounds like a gfx issue rather than an installer issue then.  What iso did you use?17:26
scoundrel50aI id it via the update manager17:27
davmor2scoundrel50a: In that case it's nothing to do with the installer team at all then.  It could be that a whole bunch of things that have trigger this you're best bet is to start on #ubuntu the official help channel and work from there17:28
scoundrel50aok, have tried #ubuntu....got told to go to 'ubuntu+1, tried there, no answer.17:49
scoundrel50aDiscovered something, in the new grub, it gives an option to go into older version of Ubuntu, so I click on that, and the desktop appears, and its the new desktop. With the icons down the side, so somehow the install has gone wrong somewhere17:51
scoundrel50ais there anyway, now I am in this new desktop to update or something to see if it will worK17:51
davmor2scoundrel50a: You might find it is the new version of your gfx driver if that is the case, the older kernel would use the older driver,  let me guess at an nvidia gfx card?17:55
scoundrel50ahow can I find out?17:55
davmor2No idea I'm afraid, also don't forget that people on irc might not answer straight away as they are doing things like work and stuff :)17:57
scoundrel50aso why should it go to a black screen when I click on the first option in grub, but will open to the new desktop if I click on the older version option17:58
scoundrel50aI am sorry, I wasnt trying to be funny, I do understand about people doing things, wass just asking17:58
brobostigongood evening everyone.18:11
PsychobudgieAnyone here use kde regularly?18:12
HazRPGPsychobudgie: I'd say most use Gnome mainly in here, why whats up?18:13
brobostigongood evening pr0ph3t and Psychobudgie18:13
scoundrel50ais there anyway to fix this upgrade so that I can boot into Ubuntu properly, instead of via previous verion18:14
Psychobudgiebeen using unity for the last week or so and lets just leave it at that. I'm looking for an alternative desktop18:14
Psychobudgiejust interested to know what issues to expect when I install kde18:15
PsychobudgieI'm making a pre-emptive move before natty goes final18:17
brobostigongnome3, :)18:18
pr0ph3tI noticed a discrepancy between HD video playback between my Ubuntu box and my Windows installation on the same hardware. When I play a movie which claims to be at 1080p on windows all is fine, but on Linux it lags during certain scenes. Now arguably, the hardware I am using is not the fastest, I have an asus ul30a laptop with ulv cpus intel core 2 duo 3gb of ram and a horrid integrated intel graphics card. Is there an18:18
pr0ph3ty way I could improve the playback performance on Ubuntu just enough to be able to watch those movies without having to log onto windows?18:18
PsychobudgieI'd prolly try gnome 3 at some point, but as ubu seems to be pumping everything into unity and compiz it will probably be on a different distro18:19
HazRPGbrobostigon: good evening :) \o18:19
pr0ph3tor is it just a problem which lies purely on the porting of the graphics drivers18:19
Psychobudgiepr0ph3t, it will be the graphics drivers18:19
brobostigonHazRPG: yay, good evening.:)18:19
* brobostigon jumps on HazRPG and hugs,18:19
Psychobudgieeither that or the codec you are using18:20
Psychobudgiebut probably the first18:20
HazRPGpr0ph3t: evening dude18:20
pr0ph3tevening HazRPG18:20
MartijnVdSHD video about the space shuttle (narrated by William Shatner) - http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/hd/index.html18:20
HazRPGpr0ph3t: hmm, that's an interesting question... what sort of tools are you working with so far?18:21
Psychobudgiepr0ph3t, if it's streaming, try downloading it first then playing it locally18:22
HazRPGPsychobudgie: gnome as a desktop environment, according to shuttleworth, isn't going to be in ubuntu at all after natty... so the next release will just be purely unity18:22
pr0ph3tHazRPG, well I am working on high resolution as well, 1920 x 1080, playing locally with VLC, totem lags a lot more18:22
* MartijnVdS has va-api installed18:23
HazRPGpr0ph3t: really? I find VLC to be slower than totem :/18:23
MartijnVdSonly vlc uses it, but it removed all lag issues18:23
PsychobudgieHazRPG, if that is the case all the progress ubuntu has made over the last 8 years will be for absolutely nothing18:23
Psychobudgieit will be the next mandrake18:24
MartijnVdSHazRPG: it's going to be in ubuntu, it just won't be the default install or on the CD18:24
pr0ph3tHazRPG, version 1.1.818:24
MartijnVdSHazRPG: you can make a Gubuntu (just like kubuntu now) if you like18:24
PsychobudgieMartijnVdS, some are already making moves to do just that18:25
MartijnVdSPsychobudgie: See, no problem then :)18:25
PsychobudgieMartijnVdS, think they are calling it mint ;)18:25
pr0ph3tsory MartijnVdS what did you mean onyl vlc uses it?18:25
MartijnVdSPsychobudgie: isn't mint full of other kinds of poo as well? (patent-stuff, codec-stuff)18:25
pr0ph3tMartijnVdS, you mean va-api?18:26
MartijnVdSpr0ph3t: VLC has an option for it to use VA-API, gstreamer doesn't seem capable (yet). Totem uses gstreamer18:26
MartijnVdSpr0ph3t: yes18:26
PsychobudgieMartijnVdS, as far as I was aware mint is essentially ubuntu with a green skin18:26
MartijnVdSPsychobudgie: and non-free codecs?18:26
PsychobudgieMartijnVdS, they aren't exactly difficult to get hold of18:27
PsychobudgieMartijnVdS, or to install18:27
HazRPGMartijnVdS: I doubt I have the time to keep something like a distro current and up-to-date xD18:29
Psychobudgiedon't like the direction ubuntu is heading at the moment18:29
AlanBellwhich way is that then?18:29
HazRPGPsychobudgie: you are arguably right, and there has been MANY flames and discussions over the fact that gnome is planned to be lost... however if they have any sense, they will try to please everyone in the end. Gnome is still going to exist in the repos though, it just won't be a standard install of it.18:30
Psychobudgiethe zero config way18:30
HazRPGPsychobudgie: mint is only similar to ubuntu in the sense that ubuntu is similar to debian18:31
HazRPGthe whole interface, design choices, and application sets are very different18:31
Psychobudgiemark s has commented that the current config for unity may be removed entirely before release as they want it to essentially force zero config18:31
Psychobudgiewhich I would understand for a commercial os, it's far easier to support18:32
Psychobudgiebut this isn't a commercial os18:32
X3NPsychobudgie: maybe it is now18:32
Psychobudgienot a criticism, just not for me18:33
PsychobudgieX3N, I don't think it is, I think shuttleworth wants it to be one though18:33
Psychobudgiewhich is why I mentioned mandrake earlier18:34
X3NI've been using ubuntu since it was formed and this is the first time i've seriously considered switching to fedora18:34
Psychobudgiethey tried similar in 2003ish and went bankrupt as a result as almost their entire userbase jumped to, ironically, ubuntu18:34
X3NI'm involved in gnome 3 upstream, so if ubuntu stops supporting gnome properly then it doesn't make sense for me to use ubuntu what ever the other benifits18:35
Psychobudgieit would be ironic if ubuntu made the exact same mistake18:35
PsychobudgieX3N, that's my opinion also18:35
PsychobudgieIf I'm going to move to gnome 3 it will likely be on a distro that fully supports it18:36
Psychobudgiestill, I'll give kde a go18:36
X3Nand I don't think I'll recommend it to any friends anymore either with the current direction18:37
Psychobudgiewas a faithful kde user at one point in the distant past18:37
PsychobudgieI wouldn't put it on anyones machine with unity as the front end18:37
Psychobudgienot unless I wanted them to hate linux18:37
* brobostigon is using natty with gnome3-team ppa,18:38
Psychobudgiebrobostigon, any good?18:38
Psychobudgiebrobostigon, too early to comment?18:38
X3NI tried the gnome3 ppa yesterday but it was failing all over the shop18:38
rml_homeCan anyone give me a hint on why my update manager doesn't want to run?18:38
brobostigonPsychobudgie: a few package oddities, other wise, spot on.18:38
MartijnVdSI trie dthe gnome3 ppa but I couldn't log in18:38
MartijnVdSgdm just hung18:39
X3NI've since built gnome3 from source18:39
Psychobudgierml_home, you on the beta?18:39
rml_homenope, vanilla 10.1018:40
Psychobudgierml_home, getting any errors?18:40
rml_homePsychobudgie: not that I can see.18:41
Psychobudgierun it from a terminal18:41
Psychobudgieshould spit out any errors18:41
rml_homePsychobudgie: It flashed on screen the first time I tried, then disappeared18:41
Psychobudgierun it from a terminal18:42
rml_homePsychobudgie: cheers, I'll give it a whirl18:42
Psychobudgiejust type 'sudo update-manager'18:43
Psychobudgieshould tell you why it's not running18:43
rml_homePsychobudgie: just tried that.  Got some gruesome error messages :(18:44
rml_homeis there a pastebot here?18:45
lubotu3For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:46
rml_homeI don't want to get kicked for pasting ~8 lines ;)18:46
rml_homelubotu3: thanks18:46
lubotu3You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)18:46
rml_homeD'oh! :)18:46
brobostigonrml_home: he is a bot,18:47
Daniel0108does somebody know phillw in REAL LIFE?18:47
brobostigonnoswaith dda Daniel010818:47
rml_homethe "bot" in the name should have been the giveaway...18:47
Daniel0108brobostigon: you know phillw in real life?18:48
brobostigonDaniel0108: sorry, no.18:48
Daniel0108oh okay18:49
Daniel0108does somebody know what happened to phillw?18:49
Daniel0108why is he offline?18:49
Psychobudgiegone on holiday?18:49
Psychobudgiefell asleep on the keyboard?18:49
rml_homeI'm guessing the segmentation fault is the biggie18:50
Daniel0108Psychobudgie: the problem is, there's no email.18:50
Daniel0108from him18:50
Psychobudgiethat covers that exact issue18:51
Psychobudgielooks like your last update messed up18:52
X3Nrml_home: you could try reinstalling sudo apt-get install update-manager --reinstall18:52
X3Notherwise you'd need to get a backtrace and file a bug18:53
rml_homePsychobudgie: Cheers.  I'll try reinstalling upgrade-manager and if it's still toes-up will try manually upgrading other stuff from package manager18:53
PsychobudgieI'd go with the latter first18:53
Psychobudgieas it seems to be that actual cause18:54
Psychobudgieswitching to kubu18:54
Daniel0108does anyone know what happened to phillw??? He just disappeared and there's a team where he is Head of Admin and we need him!18:56
Daniel0108and we need his server18:56
X3Nhave you tried contacting him via his details on launchpad?18:58
smittixhmm trying to add a wine application to the launcher in natty doesnt work :(19:03
Psychobudgiewell that didn't work19:04
Psychobudgiegot a black desktop in kde though plasma does actually seem to be running minus the desktop19:05
=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
pr0ph3tsorry I am a bit confused as to what this means:  libva-dev : Depends: libva1 (< 1.0.8+1~) but is to be installed19:07
gr33npea1ewhois whois gr33npea1e19:08
pr0ph3tit is still connected to my HD video playback issues, I am trying to install libval-dev but that's what I get19:08
smittixanybody use dropbox in natty?19:09
pr0ph3tI am on natty though, so I don't understand the maverick at the end19:10
pr0ph3tbut could that be a problem making the playback slow? Also do you find Gnash to be more reliable than Adobe Flash for 64bit systems?19:11
Jibadeehagrrr autofs is doing my head in19:12
Psychobudgieadobe flash works fine, just use flash-aid to keep it up to date19:13
Psychobudgieok here goes nothing19:14
rml_homeeek!  650+ items upgading19:14
rml_homePsychobudgie/X3N: Many thanks.  I now have a fully upgraded system.19:22
rml_home(and my update manager works)19:23
Psychobudgienp, enjoy19:23
Psychobudgiewell got kde working here, so I'm also getting somewhere19:24
scoundrel50aok, I just thought I would mention something about the upgrade to natty, I tried to upgrade via Update Manager, and got a black screen after grub, but cold boot up when I entered use older version, so I tried to do fresh install, and as soon as the cd rom begins, it immediately goes to a black screen, even though the cd rom is trying to load. There is a conflict I think with Natty and Aspire Intell GMA 4500M laptops19:26
smittixNo Dropbox indicator in natty :(19:27
davmor2smittix: there might be a ppa that covers that19:39
davmor2Psychobudgie: you might be better off with Xubuntu you can keep the gnome apps you're familiar with in a desktop that resemble tradition gnome19:41
Psychobudgiekde looks so much like windows it's scary19:42
Psychobudgienope. back to gnome 2 for the moment19:43
davmor2scoundrel50a: Right so when you direct Grub to use your old kernel it uses the old driver that worked, when using the newer kernel it will use the newer driver for you gfx that obviously doesn't.19:44
scoundrel50aso how do I fix that?19:46
scoundrel50aUsing the old kernal option loads the Natty, I see the new desktop version, that looks like the old Notebook desktop19:47
scoundrel50awith the icons on the left of the desktop19:48
davmor2scoundrel50a: As I said previously the people on ubuntu+1 will possibly be your best bet, what you can do in the interim is boot into the old kernel open a terminal and type "ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg" and a then add the details to the bug report to help the developers and ubuntu+1 as you can direct them to your bug.19:48
scoundrel50anope, tried that, no answer19:48
scoundrel50aok, I'll try that, and add a bug report19:49
scoundrel50aHow do I add a bug report?19:49
davmor2scoundrel50a: the other thing you can try is "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f" incase something didn't download or there was an error19:50
scoundrel50atried that, whilst in the old kernal, and it didnt do anything19:50
davmor2scoundrel50a: the "ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg" will take care of the bulk of it for you19:50
scoundrel50aok, will give that a go19:51
aaronris there a way to generate the autodetected X config that ubuntu is using? I need to customise it to add touchscreen support. Tried "X -configure" as root, but that just errors out with "number of screens created doesn't match number detected" or something20:24
popeyWe're live in 3 mins!20:27
popeyin #ubuntu-uk-podcast20:27
hamitronaaronr: there used to be a way with dpkg-reconfigure or something, but I think it has been un-maintained or removed20:27
hamitronif you find a good way of doing what you need, please let me know about it :)20:29
shaunoX -configure is meant to work.  worth trying X :1 -configure if it gets confused by already having X running20:34
aaronrah, i shut down X first20:34
aaronrwill def post here with results if i get it going20:35
hamitronI found that to return a weird config20:35
hamitronbut I suppose it may work with a normal comp20:35
aaronrit didn't work at all for me.20:35
aaronrusing that xorg.conf stopped X working20:36
aaronrits a normal enough machine, it can run the display fine20:36
aaronrit's just that i want to add the config lines for the touchscreen driver, but ubuntu doesn't do xorg.conf by default.20:36
aaronris there a way I can just feed X the relevant part?20:37
shaunoyou should be able to get away with just putting that in xorg.conf20:37
shaunothat's all mine has20:37
aaronrthat made X tell me there was no screens configured in my xorg.conf20:38
aaronr(because it only had the input driver config)20:38
aaronrguessing the presence of xorg.conf totally switches off all autodetection20:38
scoundrel50ahi, I added a bug report, lp 759194 does anything show up that might shed a light on the problem?20:39
lubotu3Error: Launchpad bug 759194 could not be found20:39
scoundrel50alp 759104 sorry20:39
lubotu3Launchpad bug 759104 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Upgrade to Natty wont load" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75910420:39
shaunoah; do you have a /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/  ?  (a folder rather than a file)20:40
shaunoI think to have just the bit you need, it needs to be an inputclass rather than an inputdevice20:44
shauno(an inputdevice says "this is what I have" and has to be called from a screen declaration that includes it, and all that nonsense.  an inputclass just says "for devices matching this description, use this config")20:46
shaunonot sure why X isn't generating a sane file tho, you'd think if it's autodetection wasn't doing the job it wouldn't work in the first place20:46
aaronrno, no xorg.conf.d unfortunately20:52
aaronrah, i'll try inputclass, thanks shauno20:53
aaronryeah agree that it's strange20:53
aaronrseems X is autodetecting via another means20:53
shaunono idea if it helps, but my xorg.conf is http://paste.ubuntu.com/593278/20:54
shaunothat's the whole file.  it probably won't drop-in for yours, but an idea of what format will work without having to declare the whole config20:54
hamitronoh noes20:57
hamitronupdated my comp to 64 bit windows 720:57
hamitronand only just realised doing that for 2 games has rendered a few hundred of my old ones problematic20:58
directhexthat many?20:58
directhexyou must have a lot of mid-late 90s games20:58
hamitronI do20:58
hamitronwin95-2000 was my time \o/20:58
shaunowhat's the point of an MS os that won't run xcom :p20:59
directhexdos is fine via dosbox20:59
hamitrondos games are easier to get working21:00
hamitronbut now I remember why I had a win98 box at this desk, till 2 weeks ago21:00
directhexproblem is installshield21:00
hamitronI think I can get more working in wine, than win721:01
* hamitron changes the "haha" to a cry21:01
aaronrshauno: using an inputclass definitely stopped x crashing, now to find the right config for this screen. thank you. :)21:02
lubotu3A Modeline is a config line in the X server configuration file that gives info about a connected display and how to drive it at a specified display resolution. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFree86_Modeline for more details. Here are 2 links to generate modelines which fit your monitor: http://bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/ and http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl21:03
directhexproblem is, when there was still a chance of a game being fed to a win3.1 machine, installshield shipped a 16-bit component which was enoguh to throw a "this app need win9x" error21:03
shaunomy example may work if you replace the driver & option lines to match the config you were trying to use21:03
directhexbut amd64 chips have two operating modes - 16-32, and 64-32 bit. you can't execute a 16 bit op on the chip when it's in 64-bit os. the 16-bit instructions don't exist at that point21:04
hamitrondirecthex: I hadn't thought of that21:04
* hamitron curses himself21:04
shaunosounds like you're going to end up dualbooting windows & windows to maintain backwards compatibility :/21:05
hamitronshauno: old windows has no drivers for new hardware :/21:05
hamitronso it means I'm gonna be back to what it was like before.... loads of machines sat here for different tasks \o/21:06
shaunowould having win7 32 & 64 side by side not do it?  so you've got a modern OS that's not running in a 64bit context?21:06
hamitrontbh, a few of my games don't work in XP :/21:06
shauno(and yes, this is why my idea of backwards compatibility is keeping my amiga)21:07
directhexi have a non-xp game21:08
directhexFur Fighters21:08
directhexbad enough that windows itself has a "no chance, give up" popup when you install it21:08
hamitronso i now have a new gaming rig that won't play most of my games, it seems21:08
directhexa bit like unpatched... system shock 2? one of those dark engine games21:08
hamitronbut at least the few games I have run fast and pretty \o/21:08
ali1234any game that doesn't work in XP probably doesn't even use accelerated graphics... so just run it in virtualbox21:46
hamitronali1234: they are some picky ones that need win9821:59
ali1234old gaems21:59
ali1234are old21:59
hamitronand windows 7 keeps locking my removeable drives22:00
hamitron!!!!!!!!! *hits computer*22:00
hamitronbrb, reboot22:00
=== dutchie_ is now known as dutchie
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dwatkinsvirtualbox is too slow for many games23:02
brobostigongood night everyone, sleep well.23:02
dwatkinsThere's a company called Gog who have been modifying games to run on XP and re-selling them, which (assuming they are paying the proper people) is a neat idea23:02
dwatkinsnn brobostigon, you too23:02
brobostigongood night dwatkins23:03
hamitronyeh dwatkins23:03
hamitronbut I don't intend to repurchase them all23:04
hamitronbut the general idea is good23:04
ali1234why? http://imagebin.org/14785023:05
hamitronI don't get it :/23:06
ali1234you see the lines, right?23:06
ali1234red green and blue23:06
ali1234red and green fit closely to the blue line23:07
ali1234except in the marked area23:07
ali1234where it's massively wrong23:07
ali1234it always goes wrong in that exact place23:07
ali1234pretty much regardless of the blue input signal23:07
hamitronoh, ok ;)23:07
=== dutchie_ is now known as dutchie
ali1234yeah, but, WHY???23:09
hamitronyou are the clever one!23:09
hamitronI am just a kid sulking over a few games not playing :)23:10
dwatkinsali1234: hat is that a graph of?23:13
ali1234dwatkins: a degraded signal23:13
dwatkinssignal from what, ali1234?23:14
ali1234blue line is the degraded signal, green line is the fast quantized version, red line is an iterative reconstruction algorithm23:14
ali1234oh the signal is teletext data scraped from a VHS tape23:14
dwatkinsand do you know what the algorithm does?23:17
ali1234yeah... i wrote it23:18
ali1234it starts with the quantized output then iterates over each bit x the 8 possible values of the next 3 bits, scales them up to the size of the input, blurs it, then picks the one with the least absolute differences from the input23:19
dwatkinsso can you take the datain that range and manually calculate the values to demonstrate how it should look according to the algorithm?23:20
ali1234not really23:20
ali1234i could draw the graph of how i expect it to look... over that area is would be the green line23:20
ali1234like the rest of the image, the red and green lines should be the same on this section23:21
dwatkinshmmm, I see what you mean although I don't understand the individual processes23:21
ali1234i just don't understand why same input gives different output at a certain point in the process23:21
dwatkinscould the small peak afterwards be affecting the red line?23:21
ali1234it must be a weird bug, like fence post error or something23:21
ali1234it shouldn't do23:22
ali1234i mean the algorithm just tries to minimize the area of the area between the red and blue lines23:22
ali1234if the red line was a small point like the others that area would clearly be smaller23:22
ali1234(see turquiose shaded area)23:22
dwatkinscould it be there are large values which don't show up there but affect the calculation? have you seen the actual values it uses?23:23
ali1234could be23:23
ali1234good idea, i'll check23:24
ali1234could be integer overflow or something23:24
dwatkinsor just a tiny spike that doesn't shop up on the graph23:24
* dwatkins used to work with gas chromatographs23:24
ali1234no it can't be that, the graph is not averaged or anything23:24
ali1234ever available datapoint is displayed23:25
dwatkinsah ok, I wasn't sure there was more resolution than was shown23:29
ali1234it has to be a code bug but i don't see how23:30
dwatkinshow about printing the values as it goes along to a logfile so you can see its 'working'?23:30
ali1234the algorithm terminated before processing all data23:31
ali1234so the big peak is 3 bytes long, cos it checks 0b111 last23:31
ali1234and never proceeds after that23:31
ali12343 bits long sorry23:32
dwatkinssounds like the culprit23:32
ali1234then the final peak after the big one is just the original quantized data23:32
dwatkinsLinux saves an otherwise disastrous day.23:32
dwatkinsYou are using Linux, right? ;)23:32
ali1234how does it save the day?23:33
dwatkinswell, you were able to find the problem, it appears23:34
dwatkinsI imagine it might have been more difficult using some black box of an application on an OS which was mainly graphical23:34
ali1234probably, if such an application even exists23:35
dwatkinsI assume you wrote this23:35
dwatkinsI didn't realise teletext was written to videotape23:35
ali1234it isn't supposed to be23:36
gordonjcpdwatkins: yeah23:36
ali1234it's more of an accident23:36
gordonjcpvideo recorders don't do anything special with blanking periods23:37
gordonjcpalthough VHS hasn't got the bandwidth to reproduce teletext23:37
ali1234well i disagree23:37
dwatkinsaha I see23:37
ali1234it has enough bandwidth to recover at least 95% of the data23:37
ali1234but it's horribly blurred23:38
gordonjcpali1234: depends on the machine23:38
ali1234but that doesn't matter much because it's originally a binary signal23:38
gordonjcpali1234: I guess something with a good clean signal path and no "video enhancement" would give you substantially readable teletext23:39
hamitroneven I don't use VHS tape btw ;)23:39
ali1234well, no23:39
ali1234video enhancement doesn't make much difference actually23:39
gordonjcpsomething like a Ferguson 3V23/3V24 with nice new sharp heads23:39
dwatkinsI have a box of VHS tapes marked 'for Oxfam'23:39
hamitronoh, I'd never give my VHS away!!!!23:40
hamitronif they will even take them23:40
dwatkinshamitron: these are mostly tapes I have DVDs of or don't want to keep because they're naff, I have other tapes I'm keeping23:40
gordonjcpali1234: on all the VHS machines with enhancement I've seen the delay through the enhancer is about the same as a teletext dot period23:40
ali1234well yes23:40
hamitrondwatkins: ah :)23:40
ali1234all the filters just blur up the signal23:40
gordonjcpali1234: so you end up with the enhancer actually making a worse mess of the teletext dots, although they superficially sharpen up edges23:41
ali1234the trick is that if you see "high" you have 11 if you see "low" you have 00 and if you see "medium" you have 10 or 0123:41
gordonjcpincidentally a Betamax recorder *does* have the horizontal resolution to reproduce teletext, but tends to stuff up the blanking periods ;-)23:41
gordonjcpthere was one recorder I saw that actually decoded teletext subtitles, recoded them at a lower data rate, and then reproduced them internally23:42
AlanBellali1234: so this means that you can watch teletext from a dusty old recording of match of the day?23:42
gordonjcpprobably Philips, they were fond of stuff like that23:42
ali1234AlanBell: sure that's the idea23:42
hamitronat least you will know the lottery numbers from back then ;/23:43
ali1234the real key to the algorithm is to take a guess at the signal then blur it like the VCR does then compare to what you have, iteratively, until you find something that passes all teletext parity checks23:43
gordonjcpyou know what I want to have a crack at with modern digital techniques23:45
gordonjcpis the content scrambling system that they used to use on a couple of channels in the 80s23:45
gordonjcpwhere each line was pseudorandomly shifted by 0, 1 or 2 ms23:45
gordonjcpand they used frequency inversion on the audio23:45
ali1234heh, that should be trivial23:46
gordonjcpI'm sure I've got some of that on tape somewhere23:46
hamitrongordonjcp wants that old pr0n? ;/23:46
gordonjcpwell the frequency inversion I can do by creative misuse of software-defined radio23:46
ali1234i have to deal with a similar problem... the VCR shifts each line by about 2 teletext dots randomly23:46
gordonjcpali1234: sounds like a fault23:46
gordonjcpit may not be regenerating line sync pulses correctly23:47
ali1234well i tried two VCRs they are the same23:47
gordonjcphandy hint23:47
gordonjcpthe whole field is written in a single swipe23:47
gordonjcpso if you can find the header of each teletext line, go by that instead of the sync pulse23:47
ali1234yeah that is what i do23:47
ali1234well actually i scan with the fast quantizer and take the position of maximum patiryness23:48
KINGOFSWORDShow can i check if open GL is enabled on my ubuntu lucid plz?23:48
ali1234but i do not need to use oscilloscope or anything like that, i just use a wintv to grab the signal23:48
ali1234so i already get "lines" but with a random shift23:49
ali1234i think it's more likely to be down to the machine that recorded the tape not the player23:50
gordonjcpunless the head speed is jiggling about, which it wouldn't be23:50

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