
* Unit193 took quick look when you first posted, thought it might be dead...01:50
dmcgloneyo Unit19302:00
Unit193Hello dmcglone, what ya need?02:02
dmcgloneJust saying Hi :-)02:04
Unit193How is it going? doing anything cool with sites?02:05
Unit193And I'm guessing you're still very busy... ;)02:06
dmcgloneI've taken a few days away, I was getting burnt out02:06
dmcglonethats how I have been on here today earlier than I usually am :-)02:07
dmcglonebut from now on quiting time is 3 or 402:07
dmcgloneso I'm going to start being in here and a couple other IRC channels more often to help02:08
Unit193What ones? (if you don't mind me asing!)02:09
dmcglonedefinitely here and over at cubecreate02:10
Unit193Did we ever get a date & time for the LoCo meet? (last message I see wasn't too sure and was Jan 29th)02:10
Unit193What are you going to be doing at cubecreate?02:11
dmcgloneI can't get any answers on the loco meeet so I haven't done anything yet02:11
dmcgloneI'm going to help out over there02:11
dmcglonewith the web site02:11
* Unit193 was in that channel, but never said anything so didn't think BiosElement really wanted another non-speaker in there (and I didn't think I needed to be there also)02:13
Unit193I'll just want to test it when they have binaries02:14
dmcgloneI don't think he would mind02:14
Unit193He seems to be getting loaded up with all kinds of crap, I didn't want to add ANY to it02:15
dmcgloneI see. I didn't notice :-/02:16
BiosElementHah, Unit193 You idling wasn't a problem at all hah02:20
Unit193dmcglone: If you want to see an annoying person (put it mildly), goto #lubuntu and wait for bonny to show up (has been asked to leave, said no)02:23
Cheri703hello boys02:23
Unit193He is there now, but isn't being that bad02:23
BiosElementWhy would he 'want' to see an annoying person? Just join #cubecreate and make your own opinions ;)02:23
Unit193BiosElement: OK, I'll go do that without ever trying the program! ;)02:24
Unit193Howdy Cheri703!02:24
dmcglonehello Cheri70302:25
Unit193BiosElement: If you don't get any takers on the Humble Indie Bundle, I'll take it02:28
BiosElementI have like, 16 of them so yeah, hangon heh02:28
Cheri703I have so much to do this week02:32
BiosElementUnit193: No prob02:34
dmcgloneI know this might sound mean, but I came up with a joke yesterday02:35
dmcglonewhat did one Japanese guy say to the other Japanese guy?02:36
dmcgloneI'm all shook up!02:36
Unit193All shook up - Elvis02:38
dmcgloneI must've lost connection02:48
Unit193I'm not sure if I can get data off that HDD... anyone want to help ;)02:57
Cheri703Unit193: what are you seeing?02:57
Unit193It doesn't pull up (when other drives do)02:58
Unit193All done with the IDE to USB cord... I think I'm just SOL on that...02:59
Cheri703nothing at all?02:59
Cheri703does it spin up and not display or no response at all?02:59
Unit193Icon on desktop: NO - "fdisk -l": nadda02:59
Unit193The spin up sounds off too03:00
Cheri703but does the drive itself act like it's trying to do anything?03:00
Unit193sudo fdisk -l I should say...03:02
* dmcglone thinks he needs to get a really cool nickname for IRC :-)03:03
dmcglonesummathedogica ;-)03:03
Unit193What ones on here do you think are cool?03:04
dmcglonemy favorite one here is ChanServ ;-) I got the hots for her...03:06
dmcgloneshe gets to wear the sheriff badge too03:07
Unit193My favorite real S/N here is Derath-Srvr... (not trying to suckup...)03:07
Unit193Then BiosEleme (left off so as not to ping...)03:08
dmcglonehe should change it to "Death-srvr" ;-)03:08
Unit193dmcglone: ChanServ gets a "@" for me ;)03:08
dmcgloneback in the early 90's I always had screen names, as I got older, I chose to just use my name03:10
* Unit193 can't use lastname....03:10
Unit193Too rare...03:10
dmcgloneyour not wanted by the FBI are you? LOL03:11
Cheri703your first name is fairly common...03:11
dmcgloneif it's rare then it should be available03:11
Unit193dmcglone: I'm the only firstname + lastname in USA (maybe more)03:12
Unit193Cheri703: Just look at JonathanD... (and he spells it correct!!!)03:12
dmcglonewhat is your first name03:12
Unit193dmcglone: I'll give you one guess03:12
dmcgloneso I get a hint?03:14
Unit193It's Jonathan... See my comment to Cheri70303:14
dmcgloneah dang, I thought Cheri703 said that03:15
* dmcglone feels dumb right now03:15
dmcgloneI bought me a new fender strat yesterday :-)03:18
dmcgloneI love my guitar collection03:19
Unit193Do you have any normal acoustic?03:25
* canthus13 has an old Washburn Lyon acoustic that's been sadly neglected. :(03:26
canthus13I should pull it out and play again...03:26
dmcgloneI used to, the neck started warping and I never got another one03:29
dmcgloneI got 2 ESP's and 2 Gibsons and my new Strat03:30
dmcglonecanthus13: dimebag played washburns :-)03:30
* Unit193 goes afk for 3days because of BiosElement and World of Goo03:34
BiosElementhah, Byee :P03:34
canthus13dmcglone: Lyon was their cheap line. :/03:35
* canthus13 paid about 150 for it used in 1994.03:35
dmcgloneit probably still sounds good03:36
dmcgloneI got a line 6 spider ll 4x12 but I want a Marshall03:38
dmcgloneI am in the mood to write some code. it's like I'm having withdrawls!!!03:41
* dmcglone just seen a commercial for jeep that gets 500 miles a tank03:48
=== Cheri703_ is now known as Cheri703
dmcgloneI'm out everyone, have a good one03:50
popmandun dun ddduuunnnn04:08
Cheri703I shall repeat: ...?04:25
popman2got d/c04:25
popman2hi :D04:25
Cheri703ah, disocononected04:25
Cheri703I'm using a different computer than usual, the keyboard SUCKS04:25
popman2WHAT'S UP?04:26
Cheri703not a ton at the moment04:26
Cheri703watching stargate sg1 and being bored, trying to convince myself it's worth the effort to make something to eat04:27
Cheri703my exciting news of the day was sending in my passport application and my computer for repairs :)04:27
Cheri703yep, my flight is already booked, just need my dang passport! also TONS AND TONS to do this week -_-04:28
popman2I'm on a diet04:29
popman2so bought a lot of salad this week04:29
popman2usually I go on a long type of fasting while I exercise04:30
Cheri703I need to lose weight, but I actually should be eating more than I do...hypoglycemic so should be eating many small meals, but as it is, I eat one, maybe 2 meals per day, and a granola bar here and there :/ not the best routine04:31
popman2then eat and what not04:31
Cheri703you're supposed to eat BEFORE you exercise04:31
Cheri703better for your body that way04:31
popman2yeah but this is to mentally prepare for the diet it's something I always do04:31
popman2my stomach is use to eating lots of junk04:32
popman2if I just drink water in small amount I hope to shrink my stomach down some if that makes sense04:32
popman2then just slowly get back into eating right etc...04:34
popman2because I do eat a lot of junk04:34
Cheri703one thing that has helped me not eat so much fast food is not having a car :D04:37
Cheri703can't exactly get to the drive through if you don't have a car!04:37
SkrappJawwhats up peeps?04:38
Cheri703nada mucho04:38
SkrappJawI have a logo I whipped up in PhotoShop for our ubuntu hour. I'm thinking of making a facebook page.04:39
Cheri703wanna email it to me?04:40
Cheri703I say go for it if you'd like :)04:42
SkrappJawI'm bout to convert another frustrated windows user. He's got a viao laptop.04:43
Cheri703is there a night that works better for you? Unit193 and I are open to a change04:43
Cheri703if you get a few people, we could have an install fest!04:44
SkrappJawThat would be sweet.04:44
Cheri703I sent in my netbook for repairs today, I cloned my hdd to my external and I'm running off of that on an older laptop (that I hate)04:45
SkrappJawI really dont know what night to change it too. Katie just has a late class at 8 on thursdays. So that still works.04:45
Cheri703oh, ok04:45
SkrappJawYuck. What's up with your netbook?04:46
Cheri703then perhaps we can stick with that for a while and go from there :)04:46
Cheri703various things04:46
Cheri703it's needed to be sent in for a while04:46
Cheri703want to have it all shiny and fixed for UDS04:47
Cheri703DO WANT04:51
SkrappJawthats sweet04:52
SkrappJawall it needs is a built in straw04:52
SkrappJawSo next week is the next ubuntu hour?05:04
Unit193How many people does SkrappJaw bring?05:12
SkrappJawI've not been playing as SkrappJaw long. But there are alot of people who know who I am and like my band.05:15
SkrappJawJust starting to gain some traction under that name. Why?05:16
Unit193Oops, you're still here... I was asking Cheri703 how many people you bring to U-H, now I can just ask you!05:16
Unit193(When you're here, I'm not and visa versa)05:17
SkrappJawI'll try to have 3 with me next time.05:19
Unit193This may get large(r)! (I bring just one/he brings me?)05:20
Cheri703I'll probably get there early, so I will try to snag the big table in the middle section :)05:21
SkrappJawis it this week or next?05:22
Cheri703next: 4/2105:23
SkrappJawI may have an acoustic with me. :P05:24
SkrappJawI'm playing that night.05:24
Derath-Srvrhi all14:41
Derath-SrvrHmm... everyone must still be asleep...15:02
canthus13...or at work.15:22
Derath-SrvrThat oo15:25
Derath-Srvrerr too15:25
BiosElementSleep is good Derath-Srvr >.>21:50
Derath-SrvrUnless it's more than 14 hours at a time21:50
BiosElementAww hah21:51
BiosElementThere's a new humble indie bundle22:00
Derath-Srvrsigh, haven't even had time to play on my laptop to begin with... sigh22:01
Derath-Srvrtime to head home... laters22:01
Unit193Later Derath-Srvr22:03
Unit193Everyone RUN!!!23:40
dmcglone1Oh no why?23:40
Unit193You're here! ;)23:41
dmcglone1can I run too?23:41
Unit193From yourself? that would be fun to watch...23:42
dmcglone1yeah, I'll be chasing my tail ;-)23:42
dmcglone1You interested in PHP programing yet Unit193?23:44
dmcglone1I tried to fill out a job app at mcdonals but they only had them in english and spanish and no PHP so I gave up ;-)23:45
dmcglone1Whats up BiosElement :-)23:52
dmcglone1did you decide on WP?23:52
BiosElementdmcglone1: Oh yes, last night. Currently trying to fix up my kubuntu install >.> Using ubuntu at the moment23:53
Unit193Kubuntu acted REALLY odd in the VM...23:53
dmcglone1was you able to port everything over?23:53
BiosElementdmcglone1: I don't need too, I keep 3 partitions for linux, 1 for windows and a seperate HD for /home23:54
dmcglone1Unit193: kubuntu acts odd all the time everywhere23:54
BiosElementBlah, Kubuntu acts a hell of a less odd then ubuntu does >.>23:54
dmcglone1BiosElement: I'm talking about cube's website23:54
BiosElementAhh heh23:55
BiosElementdmcglone1: Haven't even pushed WP to the server yet23:55
dmcglone1Ah slackin on the job now huh?23:55
Unit193BiosElement: I don't use Ubuntu... L/X/K (If I know K isn't going to act funny all the time)23:55
BiosElementCan't say I'm a fan of Unity BTW23:56
BiosElementWindow management is such a mess >.>23:56
Unit193sudo apt-get purge unity? ;)23:56
dmcglone1I did not like Unity when I tried it either23:56
dmcglone1I'm running gnome on my netbook23:57
BiosElementConcept is good, execution is fine, keyboard shortcuts and more effects to know wth is going on is needed23:57
BiosElementUnit193: Nah, just sudo apt-get purge mono ;)23:57
dmcglone1ah dang my daughter just closed my connection on the other computer23:57
Unit193dmcglone1: PHP: not really needed it yet...23:57
dmcglone1Unit193: you never need it until you find out what it can do for you23:58
BiosElementYes, like open your server to thousands of attacks a day. :)23:58
Unit193Well, I have used it in some things (still use it for that matter)23:59
* BiosElement moves into a flame shelter23:59
dmcglone1BiosElement: I do... thats how I contribute to "open standards" ;-)23:59

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