
nlsthznsakhi: hey07:28
nlsthznmorning guys... I asked about maaz a few days ago, and someone linked me to the bot... but I lost the link *embarrassed* could someone hot me up with the link again pls (it is for the newly formed UAE loco btw :p)08:27
DraZoroMorning  nlsthzn08:28
Kilosgood morning superfly and all ya other peeps08:30
KilosMaaz, coffee on08:30
* Maaz washes some mugs08:30
KilosMaaz, move it08:31
MaazDon't rush me Kilos . Making decent coffee is an art08:31
superflyheya Kilos!08:31
superflyMaaz: coffee please08:31
Maazsuperfly: Yessir08:31
DraZoroHello Kilos 08:31
KilosMaaz, and rusks08:31
MaazKilos: *blink*08:31
DraZoroHello all 08:31
Kiloslo DraZoro 08:32
KilosMaaz, rusks please08:32
MaazThere is a packet of Ouma's  on the top shelf08:32
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and superfly!08:34
KilosMaaz, thank you kind bot08:35
Maazno problem, Kilos08:35
queerymaaz, coffee on08:43
* Maaz washes some mugs08:43
nlsthznmorning DraZoro... morning all... anyone with a link to maaz type bots on the net?08:43
DraZoro nlsthzn: Morning 08:44
queery<nlsthzn-work> ... and we (they) would like to know more about bots, especially awesome ones like maaz... any links or resources available?08:44
queery<tumbleweed> nlsthzn-work: ibid.omnia.za.net08:44
nlsthznqueery: thanks again queery... sorry for loosing the link... I gave it through to the guys on #ubuntu-ae and no-one there saved it (and as we are just getting started logging still has to be sorted out etc.)... cheers !!08:45
queeryhaha its ok nlsthzn I remembered the log hehe08:46
MaazCoffee's ready for queery!08:47
* nlsthzn waves at bassem :p08:49
bassemnlsthzn, hey08:49
queerymaaz, thank you09:10
Maazqueery: Sure09:10
Kiloshiya maiatoday 09:50
Kiloshows ya09:50
maiatodayhi Kilos09:56
maiatodaybusy busy but good, you?09:56
Kilosgood too ty09:56
nlsthznjust read a nice mail on the ubuntu-za mailing list about windows pre-installed on systems in sa... would be cool if the loco could do something about it :)10:11
Symmetriaupgrading disk arrays can be such a pain in the ass12:13
Symmetriaespecially when you have to copy everything OFF the array to somewhere else so you can replace all its disks12:13
Symmetriatakes forever :(12:14
Morganvdevening all19:23
* nlsthzn waves19:26
* nlsthzn waves19:38
* kbmonkey waves back19:38
|3o|3A tip for anyone used to Ubuntu's left side close buttons, but sometimes forced to use a Windows PC: double clicking the icon in the top left of a window on Windows closes it :D22:52
marcogthat's always been the case, since 95 or earlier22:54
marcogbut who closes windows with the close buttons anyway :)22:54
marcogkeyboard ftw22:55
tumbleweedmarcog: it was the only way to close windows pre 9523:25
marcoginteresting, i didn't know that23:26
tumbleweedthe X button was one of the big new things :P23:27

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