
meganerd{{localhost}}: what do you mean it didn't help.  You mean to say that there was nothing useful in the logs?  No notofications?  Nothing?00:00
agamiidAnyone have any luck with Gnome 3 yet??00:00
virusuyspaceturtle: it's a weird problem00:00
spaceturtlevirusuy: I know it, this is rough00:00
{{localhost}}yah it just stops working00:00
ActionParsnipagamiid: i've used, it for a spell00:00
virusuyspaceturtle: i guess you should search a gay to really clean apt's cache00:00
meganerdspaceturtle: what do you get when you type "sudo aptitude show php5-fpm"00:00
{{localhost}}and to reload the module to work again00:00
spaceturtlemeganerd: I get the regular output00:00
spaceturtlemeganerd: it looks like it would be htere00:00
kelbeksudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb1 |pastebinit00:01
spaceturtlemeganerd: this is the output: http://pastebin.com/3jpBRz6k00:01
craiganicolDoes ekiga work through empathy? I'm getting network errors when I try to connect :-(00:02
milenkodamn that didnt fix my problem lmao00:02
milenkoi keep getting sadms: sadms finish error 7 join domain lame!!!!00:02
kelbekSereph: http://pastebin.com/iKb3ttDZ00:02
virusuyspaceturtle: Config-Version: 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.7ppa5~lucid100:02
virusuythat said your pastebin00:02
milenkobut i can join the domain manualy lol00:02
virusuysoo looks like your still caching ppa00:02
spaceturtlevirusuy: okay, I am missing it00:02
spaceturtlethat is the PPA?00:03
craigbass1976I'm running a headless lucid server, and I've currently got postfix set up to read from mysql (for the virtual users).  How do I make dovecot do the same?  I'm trying to follow along here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixVirtualMailBoxClamSmtpHowto#Configure%20Dovecot00:03
meganerdspaceturtle: what version of Ubuntu are you using?00:03
spaceturtlemeganerd: 10.10 server00:03
meganerdspaceturtle: cat /etc/lsb-release00:03
spaceturtlemeganerd: DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu00:04
spaceturtleDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 10.10"00:04
FloodBot3spaceturtle: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:04
meganerdon my 10.10 machine it is version 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.300:04
virusuyspaceturtle: take a look at : http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/29584/safely-remove-ppas-and-roll-back-to-stable-versions-in-ubuntu/00:04
spaceturtlevirusuy: this is for some kind of X desktop?00:05
virusuyspaceturtle: ohhh i forgot00:06
virusuyyou'r using server edition right ?00:06
spaceturtlevirusuy: yes00:07
virusuyspaceturtle: ups! my bad :-D00:07
kelbekSereph: i copied many data which bigger than 10GB on the stick. is it maybe the problem?00:07
hiexpocan some one send mein the right direction to setting up mutt?00:07
meganerdhiexpo: there are a number of tutorials on the net.  I would check out a couple of them before deciding on a particular config00:08
meganerdspaceturtle: have you tried to "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade"00:08
spaceturtlemeganerd: no as I dont htink I need any upgrades00:09
spaceturtlebut I jsut ran it and it says there are no updates00:09
virusuyspaceturtle: so, you installed a ppa package, then deleted them, and now you want to install the same package but repository version, am i right  ?00:09
spaceturtlevirusuy: that is correct00:09
virusuyspaceturtle: wow.. first, be carefull when you'r installing packages in server enviorment00:10
Seven_Six_Twokelbek, sorry I took so long. can you do the same thing again, but without the "3"00:10
meganerdspaceturtle: try grabbing the package from http://packages.ubuntu.com (copy link and paste, dl with curl or wget)00:10
spaceturtlevirusuy: okay00:10
virusuyspaceturtle: and more carefully when came from PPA00:10
spaceturtlevirusuy: got it00:10
virusuyspaceturtle: but, it's really REALLY weird00:10
spaceturtlevirusuy: I knwo it00:10
virusuydid you run ppa-purge right ?00:10
spaceturtlevirusuy: ys00:10
laptop_userDr_Willis, are you around?00:10
virusuyi don't know how to say00:11
edbianlaptop_user: He is not in the room00:12
=== piero is now known as Guest91150
laptop_useredbain, would you be willing to help me troubleshoot my ubuntu installation?00:12
kelbekSeven_Six_Two: no problem00:12
=== Guest91150 is now known as piero
edbianlaptop_user: I am :)00:12
kelbekSeven_Six_Two: i have the problem00:12
milenkoworn out topic inc "Using ubuntu as a server" go go00:13
kelbekSeven_Six_Two: i copied 7 files on the stick today00:13
kelbekSeven_Six_Two: each file was 11 GB big00:13
lolmaticwhat can i do when synaptic hangs while unpacking apps?00:13
pieroI solved my problem with cracking sound after I set up "Linux" as "Operating System" in my laptop bios :\00:13
kelbekSeven_Six_Two: Fat32 cannot work with so large files00:13
pieroI have no idea what it should change behind the hood00:14
edbianlaptop_user: What is your issue?00:14
kelbekSeven_Six_Two: therefore, i couldnt read the stick an the laptop00:14
edbianlaptop_user: I'll be back in a moment to read / help00:14
kelbekSeven_Six_Two: i formatted the stick again00:14
laptop_useredbain, this is what happened, everything was fine and dandy this a.m. i shut the laptop down so that i could pack it for school. got to school, and ubuntu wouldnt boot up. for some reason, it hangs at plymouth. the last installations include cheese and skype. nvidia graphic, with propriatary drivers.. and the script to fix plymouth00:15
kelbekSeven_Six_Two: and copied severel files which are smaller than 4GB00:15
SuperstarWho has mouse acceleration turned off in Ubuntu?00:15
kelbekSeven_Six_Two: now it work again00:15
Seven_Six_Twokelbek, formatted from ubuntu? as fat32 again? Well, that's good!00:15
kelbekSeven_Six_Two: unfornutelly, i can just formatt as FAT3200:16
kelbekSeven_Six_Two: neither ntfs nor ext3/4 doesnt work00:16
kelbekSeven_Six_Two: why?????? i can not explain this00:16
Seven_Six_Twokelbek, and is that a problem for you? Are you trying to format it from ubuntu?00:17
kelbekSeven_Six_Two: yes, with gparted00:17
kelbekSeven_Six_Two: i have severel data which are bigger as 4 GB00:17
Xylchcybrhuman: Just for reference, I just found a way to make it work using Compiz. I have the Npviewer.bin class forced onto my main monitor, and I use the Zoom functionality in compiz to get it truly fullscreen. (No need to download video)00:17
kelbekSeven_Six_Two: i would copy this files on the stick too00:18
Seven_Six_Twokelbek, what kind of error does it give you when you try to use ext300:18
ActionParsnipXylch: instead, you can use 64bit flash and you won't need the 64bit wrapper for the 32bit flash00:18
Seven_Six_Twokelbek, it's not the best solution, but in a pinch you could rar (with no compression) and split it into multiple files00:18
kelbekSeven_Six_Two: gparted shows red bang00:18
XylchActionParsnip: Can you explain that, I don't quite understand how the version of Flash matters.00:19
kelbekSeven_Six_Two: jeah, i think, this is the best solution the files with 7z to split00:19
meganerdkelbek: try ext2 if it is a flash drive00:20
Seven_Six_Twokelbek, do you get the same error in gparted with another usb key? It may be that that one is dying.00:20
meganerdkelbek: I am also a big fan of 7zip, you could also use it to split data into multiple variables00:20
ActionParsnipXylch: you are using npviewer which is a 64bit wrapper so you can use 32bit plugins. If you use 64bit flash then you will get a much better flash experience as it will just be flash on its own00:20
edbianlaptop_user: When you boot press shift to get the grub menu to show up.  Have you ever done this before?00:20
laptop_useredbain, i have tried to edit bootcommand to nosplash noquiet nomodeset= whatever it is set to.. there are no errors during bootcommand. also, to clarify, the nvidia drivers and plymouth script were not part of recent installation. just mentioned b/c i know they can be problematic00:21
macinhello, i own a intrepid box, how i upgrate into lucid? i dont want to reinstall, thanks00:21
ActionParsnip!eol | macin00:22
ubottumacin: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:22
laptop_useredbain: grub shows up fine. i have used 'e' to make changes to bootcommand and Ctrl + x to disable splashscreen00:22
milenkook i been runing round and round with this issue about SADMS when i try to join it to the domain it returns a error code 7 with no other real details to the error... but when i do it manualy net ads join -U Administrator it works and adds it to the domain (except the dns record) any thoughts?00:22
XylchActionParsnip: Flash is being displayed using the chrome flash plugin, but your saying that if I upgrade my actual flash on my system to 64 bit it will make the plugin act native instead of using a wrapper?00:22
edbianlaptop_user: don't do 'nosplash' and 'noquite' simply erase the words splash and quite.  You should get way more output hopefully containing informative errors.  Try that. (you're spelling my name wrong)00:23
kelbekmeganerd: jeah, i will/have to so :-)00:23
ActionParsnipXylch: exactly00:24
tensorpuddingmacin: why not reinstall?00:24
laptop_useredbain: ok i will have to reboot, into ubuntu, make those chages and look for errors. as of now the it is set for quiet splash nomodeset=whatever its set for00:24
ActionParsnipXylch: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/12/64bit-flash-ppa/00:24
laptop_useredbain: so just remove quiet splash altogether and leave the nomodeset alone, correct?00:25
hiexpoi can not find anything in any relationship to setting up so i can send email through my terminal    >   searched google for over an hour   > complete waste of time00:25
edbianlaptop_user: Do you get what I'm saying?  delete 'quiet' and 'slash' completely.  nomodeset is not set equal to anything.  It is simply 'nomodeset'00:25
kelbekSeven_Six_Two: thx anyway for your help00:26
edbianlaptop_user: nomodset is not equal to anything.  (you're still spelling my name wrong)00:26
tensorpuddingmacin: there are ways to back up your package selections, configuration files, and of course your user home directories, and installing all your packages over again would be much faster than upgrading them multiple times00:26
kelbekmeganerd: thx anyway for your help00:26
kevin__hello does anyone know anything about rockbox. their irc is dead00:26
edbianlaptop_user: If this doesn't work we'll see if recovery mode works00:26
shaneomack91Hello everyone.00:26
laptop_useredbian: sorry about that lol mybad00:26
edbianlaptop_user: now worries00:26
kevin__hello I need help with rockbox.00:27
laptop_useredbian: yeah i can get in recovery mode, no broken packages.00:27
edbianlaptop_user: ok good sign.  What about booting with those kernel parameters?00:27
Codex84how i can remote access my cuz pc using00:27
laptop_useredbian: havent rebooted, same pc00:27
laptop_useredbian: will be back in a few mins00:28
shaneomack91I've created a library that I wish to publish for all programmers to use. Can someone help me to do so?00:28
edbianlaptop_user: k.  (how are you talking to me on xchat?  live cd? )00:28
edbianCodex84: graphically or cli ?00:28
kelbekmeganerd: i try to format as ext200:28
laptop_useredbian: yes, live cd handy... and usb drive too.00:28
Codex84what ever00:28
kelbekmeganerd: i let you know from the result00:28
Codex84dont matter lol00:29
edbianlaptop_user: alright.  see you soon00:29
edbianCodex84: use ssh!  sudo apt-get install openssh-server00:29
Codex84i use windows remote desktop but gives me a hard time getting in00:29
edbianCodex84: Great, we're talking about Ubuntu here though.00:30
Codex84give me a min00:31
Ronigafor windows support see if there's a #windows00:31
Guest35334is gnome3 using in ubuntu-linux?00:31
ramadanHello all00:31
shaneomack91Are there any developers here?00:32
=== Guest35334 is now known as GNOME3questionUB
=== GNOME3questionUB is now known as GNOME3questUBUNT
geremyhey all, hopefully a quick question. I'm trying to use a remote printer across IPP and it needs me to authenticate, but when the authentication dialogue comes up the username is selected as 'none', which obviously won't work. Is there a workaround for this?00:33
GNOME3questUBUNTshaneomack91 i dont think so00:33
edbianshaneomack91: Ubuntu developers or developers in general?00:33
shaneomack91In general.00:33
GNOME3questUBUNTgeremy all bots in this channel noone online00:33
geremyshaneomack91, yes00:33
GNOME3questUBUNTwhich for?00:33
edbianshaneomack91: I am00:33
tassare there any tips/tricks to increasing fps on ubunutu with crossover/wine00:34
shaneomack91OK are any of you developers interested in helping me publish a general-purpose data file format?00:34
edbianshaneomack91: no00:34
edbianshaneomack91: But thanks for asking :)00:34
geremyGNOME3questUBUNT, why is it all bots? this place used to have a ton of people. or am I in the wrong room?00:35
ramadanI am having a bit of trouble with my wireless. I have an HP Pavilion dv6233se and my wireless was working fine, then update, restart > no wireless.00:35
shaneomack91I want to know how to get the library I created for it published in a PPA00:35
shaneomack91I developed it with Code::Blocks so I don't know what I need to do to publish the source code into my PPA...00:36
geremyshaneomack91, this sounds more like a problem in search of friends, what's this supposed to solve exactly?00:37
edbianramadan: first look at dmesg.00:37
edbianramadan: Look near the end (last 100 or 50 lines) do you see any errors about your wifi?00:37
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
aussamy audio drivers are not working, I just install debian squeeze(I think)00:38
shaneomack91geremy, I'm new to packaging for Ubuntu/Debian repositories. I would like to begin learning by publishing my own development.00:38
geremyshaneomack91, ok, my question was more about the "general-purpose data file format"00:38
cameron_Anyone know why lubuntu (and Peppermint OS) utilize so much ram? I am using ~410mb with just Xchat and Chromium running.00:39
shaneomack91geremy, I developed the format for my own game I am working on. I realised it would be useful for others too and wish to make it open to everyone else.  Check my post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=172600800:40
Codex84thats good man00:40
cameron_It seems this occurred after updating, as with the live version I was only using about 110 mb after startup.00:40
ramadanedbian: There is only stuff about my wired connection00:41
GNOME3questUBUNTi got a question00:41
GNOME3questUBUNTis gnome3 avaible on ubuntu?00:41
edbianramadan: what does sudo iwlist scan   say about things?  (it should report wifi networks)00:41
GNOME3questUBUNTi read somethink about it00:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:41
GNOME3questUBUNTit says gnome3 too slow on ubuntu00:41
edbianGNOME3questUBUNT: I believe they are switching to unity00:41
GNOME3questUBUNTyes i heart unity too00:42
edbianKicked: who?00:42
GNOME3questUBUNTbut ubuntu will faster with gnome3 right?00:42
edbianGNOME3questUBUNT: unity instead of gnome 3 (although they are similar if I'm not mistaken)00:42
GNOME3questUBUNThow much months should i wait?00:42
tassare there any tips/tricks to increasing fps on ubunutu with crossover/wine00:42
edbianGNOME3questUBUNT: read what I am saying.  they are using unity instead of gnome 300:42
GNOME3questUBUNTfor good ubuntu version00:42
GNOME3questUBUNTokey man okey i m black00:43
ramadanedbian: Usage: iwlist [interface] scanning [essid NNN] [last]00:43
ramadan              [interface] frequency00:43
ramadan              [interface] channel00:43
ramadan              [interface] bitrate00:43
ramadan              [interface] rate00:43
FloodBot3ramadan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:43
ramadan              [interface] encryption00:43
GNOME3questUBUNTdont eyell me00:43
edbianramadan: don't do that ;)00:43
=== elnomade|fwo is now known as Leonidas|fwo
edbianramadan: Don't flood the channel.  Did you see stuff there about wifi networks being found?00:44
ramadanedbian: oh sorry. that's what came up, I'm not sure what it means00:44
gnugrramadan: try this command: ifconfig wlan0 down ; ifconfig wlan0 essid YOURESSID ; ifconfig wlan0 up ; sleep 5 ; dhclient -v wlan000:45
edbianramadan: Well did you see any wifi networks listed?  You can pastebin it if you want.  paste.ubuntu.com  and I"ll read it00:45
Curly_QIs anyone here familiar with .htaccess?   I have used it before but are there any good tips out there for it besides Apache web site?00:45
aarmeganerd, i've been checking out the wireless cards you recommended, but i forgot to mention something crucial -- i'm using a desktop pc, not a laptop so i can't use intel mini pci cards00:45
BrainVirusHey all, looking for some help here. :) i need to update a bunch of .xml files with text at a certain point in the file.00:46
BrainVirusFor example, insert text 15 characters from the end of the file. I would also like to batch update the .xml files with this information.  Ther are about 50 .xml files that would need to be updated and they are not in numerical sequence. i.e. 1.xml 3.xm 244.xml 345.xml etc. Is this possible through console?00:46
ramadanas you may have gathered I am pretty fresh at this so I'll try to follow00:46
hekinI'm on a Ubuntu distro, is there any way I can connect to VPN via l2tp?00:46
shaneomack91hekin: Ubuntu does not have L2TP support built in, will PPTP work for you? I know how to use it.00:47
edbianBrainVirus: It's possible.  What do you want inserted?  Is it always 15 characters from the end?00:48
ramadanedbian: it's saying no such device when i tried those commands, looks like it's not even recognizing my wcard anymore!00:48
fission6any recs on what java packages i should intstall00:48
edbianramadan: does the device show up in the output of sudo lspci -k   ?  (does it list a driver?)00:48
fission6like blends00:49
pieroHi! I have only maverick in my computer, installed from the alternative install media. In the startup, grub's menu isn't show, so I can't select a specific kernel image ou memtest+. What can I do? I tried startupmanager, but without any progress.00:49
BrainVirusedbian yes it will always be the same from the end00:49
edbianpiero: press the shift key during boot to make the grub menu appear00:50
fission6is sun java advised or openjdk00:50
edbianBrainVirus: Yeah you can do that.  It's called programming :)00:50
pieroedbian, cool!!00:50
edbianpiero: yep00:50
defponpiero: or .. edit /etc/default/grub00:50
BrainVirusedbian http://pastebin.com/LW1nxdjm00:51
pierothanks!! I'm going to reboot! :)00:51
defponand do a update-grub00:51
edbianBrainVirus: Your xml is beautiful.00:51
BrainVirustext like that. Okay, programming :) cant you point me in the right direction, or is there no easy way to do it00:51
defponI have a quick question about a cron job running a bash script / aptitude update... and I get00:51
defpondpkg-preconfigure: unable to re-open stdin:00:51
defpondebconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog00:51
defpondebconf: (TERM is not set, so the dialog frontend is not usable.)00:51
defponebconf: falling back to frontend: Readline00:51
defpondebconf: unable to initialize frontend: Readline00:51
FloodBot3defpon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:51
defpondebconf: (This frontend requires a controlling tty.)00:51
laptop_useredbian: when i removed "quiet" and "splash" from bootcommand, i ended up in terminal00:51
edbianBrainVirus: I can write the script for you using python ;)00:52
edbianlaptop_user: I expected that.  What errors did you get?00:52
=== rez is now known as Guest20510
BrainVirusedbian: so no easy console way?00:52
edbianBrainVirus: I think it would be much easier in python.00:52
rhizmoei hate to be a whiner, but is there a way to adjust font line spacing gnome-wide?00:52
laptop_useredbian: i didnt see any until i tried to boot livecd, then i got all kinds of buffer errors and stuff00:53
=== Guest20510 is now known as rez182
rhizmoeeverything looks kinda squished00:53
laptop_useredbian: and at shutdown, i noticed pulseaudio had a red * by it00:53
laptop_useredbian: but thats it00:53
rez182testing 1200:53
edbianlaptop_user: Typically when you boot a live CD you will see a bunch of errors that arise from the system trying to read the CD.  I only care about errors when you're booting the system. (not a live CD).  Try booting with nomodeset turned on (and the other two whatever)00:53
mclambhi everyone, I need some help. Just updated 11.04 using "sudo apt-get update" it all went good; but when i restarted, neither the mouse or the keyboard worked00:54
BrainViruslinux amazes me. :) so much to learn.....00:54
ramadanedbian: http://paste.ubuntu.com/592888/00:54
edbianramadan: reading...00:54
edbianBrainVirus: It is awesome :)00:54
ramadanedbian: I didn't see anything about wireless, just the ethernet card00:54
BrainVirusedbian how long would that take you? I dont want to take up a bunch of your time00:55
aarHi, does anyone have a recommendation for a PCI wireless adapter for an AMD64 desktop running Ubuntu Lucid?00:55
BrainVirusi would be most most grateful00:55
korbitUbuntu only sees my dvd+rw disks as dvd+r. Is it possible to force identification of my disks?00:56
hamzai have no clue00:56
edbianBrainVirus: sure, hang on.00:56
edbianBrainVirus: It will not take long.00:56
rez182can we update frm 10.10 to 11.04 w/o CD?00:56
edbianramadan: Your wifi is not listed there.  That means the system doesn't even see the hardware.  Trying doing a hard reset00:56
hamzai wouldnt reccomend that00:56
hamzaand yes00:56
hamzai tried the new one 11.0400:56
edbianBrainVirus: Are all the files in the same folder?00:56
hamzaand it has a lot of bugs00:56
=== piero is now known as Guest96270
FloodBot3hamza: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:56
hamzaespecially when installing programs00:56
laptop_useredbian: when i boot quiet splash nomodeset video=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx it goes to plymouth, the splash acts as it should then hangs where gnome is supposed to appear. i have auto login set00:56
HTCPXCan someone help me recover my partition?00:57
edbianlaptop_user: boot with nomodeset   (no video tag)00:57
hamzai just reinstall when that happens :P00:57
hamzawell it depends how bad it messed up00:57
hamzaanyways ima go, just testing Xchat00:57
Guest96270I compiled linux 2.6.38 using the same .config I got in my maverick's /boot dir, but my kernel package is much more (800MB) bigger than the pre-compiled official linux-images. Do you know what is happening?00:57
edbianBrainVirus: what text do you want inserted?00:58
edvaldoscruzBoa noite00:58
lolmatici installed a few apps and now my sound is gone :( doesnt find any hardware in the system -> sound menu00:58
BrainVirusedbian: it would change from time to time00:58
edvaldoscruznossa!!! estou gostando desse novo Ubuntu 11.0400:58
korbitUbuntu only sees my dvd+rw disks as dvd+r. Is it possible to force identification of my disks?00:58
tensorpudding!br | edvaldoscruz00:58
laptop_userok so delete the video=xxxxxxxxx quiet and splash and leave nomodeset ?00:58
ubottuedvaldoscruz: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:58
edbianBrainVirus: You want the program to ask the user for each file?00:58
shaneomack91BrainVirus: echo `head test.xml -c -8`NEWTEXT`tail test.xml -c 8`00:58
gnugr!partitions | HTCPX00:58
ubottuHTCPX: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap00:58
shaneomack91BrainVirus that is an example of a command line for what you're trying to do.00:59
edbianBrainVirus: wow, year, what shaneomack91 said00:59
edbianof course that does it to only one file00:59
hekinshaneomack91, PPTP is not that stable as L2TP, as I heard of from somebody else using L2TP00:59
shaneomack91BrainVirus, replace the -8 and 8 with the number of bytes from the end you want to put the NEWTEXT00:59
hekinshaneomack91, PPTP is not that stable as L2TP, as I heard of from somebody else using L2TP00:59
macintoshhI am having some trouble with apt-get, was wondering if anyone can help00:59
edbianshaneomack91: how many bytes are in a character?00:59
hekinshaneomack91, but , thanks a lot00:59
aauthorDoes anyone know a way to enable horizontal scrolling with the mouse scroll wheel? (E.g. Ctrl+Scroll Wheel does horizontal scroll.)01:00
shaneomack91edbian, for most files just 1, assuming it is entirely Latin-1/ANSI characters.01:00
macintoshhI was setting up bcm5974-dkms drivers for my macbook's trackpad, and now EVERY TIME i use apt-get it gives me this:01:00
HTCPXwhy did grub delete my win partition?01:00
laptop_useredbian: ok so delete the video=xxxxxxxxx quiet and splash and leave nomodeset ?01:00
edbianlaptop_user: yes01:00
macintoshhProcessing triggers for man-db ...01:00
macintoshhSetting up dpkg ( ...01:00
macintoshhSetting up bcm5974-dkms (1.1.4) ...01:00
macintoshhLoading new bcm5974-1.1.4 DKMS files...01:00
macintoshhError! Cannot locate /usr/src/bcm5974-1.1.4.dkms.tar.gz.01:00
macintoshhFile does not exist.01:00
FloodBot3macintoshh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:00
MACscranyone recommend a nice linux app for organizing videos?01:00
ramadanedbian, how do I do a hard reset?01:00
BrainVirusedbian:  thank you so much for being willing to help. I got thrown into a network admin position and am now administering some linux phone servers :S01:00
edbianramadan: hold the power button down01:00
shaneomack91BrainVirus, edbian, that command will work for files without international characters assuming the ubiquitous UTF-8 encoding :)01:01
laptop_useredbian: ok brb01:01
edbianramadan: Also, if this is a laptop make sure you didn't flip the switch01:01
Adomjwhats the default ftp package that is normally installed with ubuntu?01:01
gnugr!info | macintoshh01:01
ubottu'macintoshh' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable01:01
edbianBrainVirus: no worries! :D01:01
edbianramadan: If it has a wifi kill switch01:01
allividdihey i have i problem01:01
rez182can some1 tell me how i can contact ubuntu developers to report a problem only my pc is facing so they can fix it in a later update???01:01
BrainVirusshaneomack91:  thanks for the help, does a line return count at a byte?01:02
shaneomack91BrainVirus, yes. The \n char is standard on UNIX.01:02
lnbanyone know if there is a driver for 82579lm intel nic ?01:02
korbitUbuntu only sees my dvd+rw disks as dvd+r. Is it possible to force identification of my disks?01:02
lnbits on dq67sw board01:03
shaneomack91OH, dont forget to redirect output from the echo command to the new file.01:03
allividdii'm formating another computer and the screen resolution is fuc***01:03
allividdihow do i change that ??01:03
BrainVirusshaneomack91: .... what? lol i know next to nothing about linux, so if you can tell me what i need to do01:04
allividdior wat can i do01:04
guest458713 every one, I am testing Google voice with Ekiga (sip client), can any one call me on the number: (915) 996-2434 (Texas) thanks01:04
shaneomack91BrainVirus, would you like me to whip up a script you can run on a folder of your XML files?01:04
MACscrallividdi: lol, go to your preferences and change the resolution. Duh01:04
edbianshaneomack91: client thief!01:04
BrainVirusthat would be helpful01:04
rez182wats ekiga?01:04
BrainVirusedbian: if you want to do it, you were there first01:04
DeathTone1.5k users01:04
edbianI'm just kidding :)01:05
guest458713Sip Cleint (voice over ip)01:05
allividdiim formating it now and i cant do it its in the midle of formating01:05
shaneomack91edbian, sorry. I was just doing something similar myself so thought I'd add my 2¢ worth.01:05
allividdisorry for my bad english01:05
macintoshhcan someone help me with apt-get... I think i broke it trying to insall a bad package01:05
BrainVirusshaneomack91: thank you01:05
edbianshaneomack91: just kidding! :D01:05
shaneomack91edbian ok :P01:05
rez182meaning i can call ppl wit dat ekiga n no need for browser?01:05
aauthorDoes anyone know a way to enable horizontal scrolling with the mouse scroll wheel? (E.g. Ctrl+Scroll Wheel does horizontal scroll.)01:06
guest458713no, you will need Google voice ( it s free for canada and Us)01:06
MACscrguest458713: anyone called you yet?01:06
guest458713(915) 996-243401:06
korbitguest458713: When was google voice extended to canada?01:06
guest458713from the begging01:06
shaneomack91BrainVirus Are all of your XML files the same type?01:06
lolmatichelp! my sound doesnt work anymore after installing a few programs.01:06
macintoshhcan someone help me with apt-get... I think i broke it trying to insall a bad package01:07
rez182ok...ill try it out nw01:07
MACscrguest458713: its ringing01:07
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BrainVirusshaneomack91: i believe they are, they are config files for VOIP phones01:07
aeon-ltdmacintoshh: more details please01:07
guest458713Working !!!!! Yes thanks01:07
BrainVirusshaneomack91: they all end the same, where i would want to append the text01:07
MACscrguest458713: your english that bad? your voicemail message sucks01:08
macintoshhaeon-ltd: i get this output whenever i try to run apt-get in any way: http://paste.ubuntu.com/592890/01:08
guest458713I can call for free too,01:08
aarHi, can anyone recommend a wireless adapter for an AMD64 desktop computer (Ubuntu Lucid)?01:08
BrainVirusedbian:  was that a joke about my xml?01:08
macintoshhthe thing about bcm5974-dkms01:08
=== PolarPanda is now known as SpArTaCuS_PaNdA
edbianBrainVirus: about it being beautiful?  Yeah01:08
BrainVirusedbian:  in my defense, its not mine, blame polycom01:08
aeon-ltdmacintoshh: try this 'sudo dpkg -configure -a'01:08
edbianBrainVirus: I just didn't know why you showed it to me at the time you did :)01:09
guest458713I have problems with ekiga sound with ubuntu, i will figure it out, but thanks for the call01:09
BrainVirusedbian:  i thought it was pretty too :). Oh you had asked what text i wanted to append01:09
=== SpArTaCuS_PaNdA is now known as SpArTaCuS_PaNdA_
aeon-ltdmacintoshh: double hypen - on the configure, typo sorry01:09
shaneomack91BrainVirus, I need an example of one of the XML files, pastebin?01:10
macintoshhaeon-ltd: it gives me an error while processing bcm5974-dkma01:10
BrainVirusshaneomack91 yeah just a sec let me edit out company info01:10
macintoshhthe same error01:10
korbitUbuntu only sees my dvd+rw disks as dvd+r. Is it possible to force identification of my disks?01:11
rez182is there any SRS premium sound lik soft for ubuntu? and video filter which makes screen more vivid or theater mode etc?01:11
lolmaticplease someone help me :( i installed various apps via synaptic and now my sound is gone :O01:11
aeon-ltdmacintoshh: hmm no idea except through some method (probably compiling) you're gonna need a working dpkg back first01:11
macintoshhaeon-ltd: i already removed dpkg completely and recompiled it from source01:12
aeon-ltdmacintoshh: no luck huh01:13
BrainVirusshaneomack91: http://paste.ubuntu.com/592893/ minus the ;; at the front.  I need to add extra items, its the config file for our directories01:13
aeon-ltdmacintoshh: posted to the forum?01:13
mclambhi everyone, I need some help. Just updated 11.04 using "sudo apt-get update" it all went good; but when i restarted, neither the mouse or the keyboard worked01:13
laptop_useredbian: booted to terminal, no errors01:14
edbianlaptop_user: sudo gdm    ??01:14
BrainVirusshaneomack91:  so it would need to go in right before </item_list>01:14
rez182SRS Premium sound like app for ubuntu?01:14
laptop_useredbian: what is sudo gdm?01:14
edbianlaptop_user: It didn't boot to busybox did it?01:14
edbianlaptop_user: The command that starts the graphical login :)01:14
rwwstarting gdm not through service/init.d :|01:15
korbitUbuntu only sees my dvd+rw disks as dvd+r. Is it possible to force identification of my disks?01:15
macintoshhaeon-ltd: figured it out, had to do sudo dpkg --purge bcm5974-dkms01:15
laptop_useredbian: what is busybox?01:15
macintoshhthanks for the help though!01:15
laptop_user!info busybox01:16
ubottubusybox (source: busybox): Tiny utilities for small and embedded systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.15.3-1ubuntu5 (maverick), package size 318 kB, installed size 520 kB01:16
edbianlaptop_user: It's a shell the system drops to if it can't boot.  It would say if it was.  Key thing is that you don't have to log into busybox.  If the system boots normally but it is cli you will have to log in01:16
laptop_useredbian: yes i had to log in01:17
edbianlaptop_user: good sing :)01:17
rez182laptop freezes in battery mode while wifi on. any idea why? how can i report this to ubuntu dev?01:17
laptop_useredbian: ok rebooting again01:17
edbianNo why have to figure out why nomodeset makes the system boot but doesn't feel the need to do it graphically01:17
korbitUbuntu only sees my dvd+rw disks as dvd+r. Is it possible to force identification of my disks?01:18
shaneomack91BrainVirus, save http://paste.ubuntu.com/592894/ in the same dir as your XMLs as splice.sh01:18
jeeves_mossI have a bind9 server setup with internal/external domains, but I can't the DNS server to serve up EXTERNAL DNS names for other sites.  How can I get my local DNS server to forward requests upstream?01:19
Codex84im trying to log into my cuz pc01:19
Codex84does he have install openssh on his pc?01:19
edbianCodex84: Yes.01:19
shaneomack91Then, BrainVirus, run 'chmod +x splice.sh' to make it executable, then do './splice.sh TEXT_YOU_WANT_TO_ADD_TO_END_HERE'01:19
edbianCodex84: To log into a machine it needs to be the server.01:20
Codex84and the client on my side01:20
shaneomack91BrainVirus Wait, forgot a step...01:20
edbianCodex84: yeah.  The client is the machine you're using to log into the server01:20
HTCPXcan someone tell me how to get my wired Ethernet working?01:20
Codex84i got chua bro01:20
korbitUbuntu only sees my dvd+rw disks as dvd+r. Is it possible to force identification of my disks?01:20
BrainVirusshaneomack91: wow that was fast01:21
jeeves_mossI have a bind9 server setup with internal/external domains, but I can't the DNS server to serve up EXTERNAL DNS names for other sites.  How can I get my local DNS server to forward requests upstream?01:21
roukounHTCPX: man ifconfig01:21
shaneomack91BrainVirus http://paste.ubuntu.com/592896/ is correct.01:21
KINGOFSWORDSomg finally got googleearth to work01:21
korbitUbuntu only sees my dvd+rw disks as dvd+r. Is it possible to force identification of my disks?01:22
Ben64korbit: what's telling you its not a dvdrw01:22
BrainVirusshaneomack91:  does that rename the file to XXX-edited.xml?01:22
shaneomack91BrainVirus yes it does :)01:23
HTCPXroukoun its connected it just hasn't loaded the drivers01:23
Codex84should he download putty01:23
BrainVirusshaneomack91:  the file names need to be a specific name, it cant have edited at the end01:23
korbitBen64: teh dvd+rw program, disk manager, everything01:23
Codex84he on a window system01:23
Ben64korbit: try a different brand of dvdrw01:23
shaneomack91BrainVirus can they be in a new folder?01:23
BrainVirusshaneomack91:  not to be nitpicky. I am thankful for the help01:23
BrainVirusshaneomack91: yeah, if its easier, i can just ftp them to the right location01:24
bartekHi there. Is there a way to mount a "Microsoft extended partition" in Ubuntu? It says the linxu type is "Not used' on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions but I really would like to simply get files off there, no write acess, just read.01:25
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roukounHTCPX: drivers are loaded as modules in kernel.. waht you have to do is either to configure the network interface using dhcp or using a static ip and ifconfig is the toll for doing so.01:25
shaneomack91BrainVirus, http://paste.ubuntu.com/592899/ will put them in a folder called edited, you have to create it first.01:25
korbitBen64: There really should be a way to tell the system it's wrong. Thanks for your help.01:25
roukounHTCPX: *tool01:25
Ben64korbit: the drive controls it, so either the drive is messed up, or the discs01:26
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korbitBen64: The disks identify properly in windows, but not linux.01:26
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BrainVirus shaneomack91 that will put them in a folder called edited that i  need to create in the folder that holds the .xml files before editing correct?01:27
Ben64korbit: is it possible you're interpreting the information incorrectly01:27
laptop_useredbian: xorg.gnome.displaymanager01:27
edbianlaptop_user: ?01:27
edbianlaptop_user: That's all it said?   Did it run or crash?01:27
laptop_useredbian: that was the error,01:28
edbianlaptop_user: Did it crash?  Doesn't look like an error.01:28
laptop_useredbian, then it said error starting packages, bailing out01:28
shaneomack91BrainVirus Yes. You make the splice.sh file and a subfolder called edited in the same folder as your .xml files. It will splice the text you add on the command line to all the XML files and put them in the folder called edited, leaving the originals alone.01:28
korbitBen64: I wish that was the case, but I'm sure I'm reading things correctly.01:28
edbianlaptop_user: starting packages huh....01:28
jeeves_mossdoes anyone know why BIND would be doing this?  " client view internal: query (cache) 'teredo.ipv6.microsoft.com/A/IN' denied"01:29
laptop_useredbian, im pretty sure hold on i just got the desktop booted01:29
bassgoonso I have some linux/unix experience, I want to boot off the ubuntu disc and reformat a multi-part sd card that my android phone ate and it can't be seen by the phone or in windows. What tool could help me?01:29
BrainVirusshaneomack91: wonderful, simply wonderful. I do appreciate the help. If you are on tomorrow i will let you know how it goes. Im running into overtime now and the boss says i need to go home :)01:29
BrainVirusedbian: again appreciate the help :) see you around01:30
shaneomack91BrainVirus You're welcome. I have to go myself, working on a PHP project for my Dad :P01:30
Ben64bassgoon: you might be able to repair it. what do you mean "multi-part sd card"?01:30
bassgoonBen64, it has an ext3, swap and fat32 partition01:30
edbianBrainVirus: no worries :)01:30
edbianlaptop_user: mmmm, you're gonna kill me...01:31
Ben64bassgoon: and just the fat32 is messing up?01:31
bassgoonBen64, no, the phone can't see any of it01:31
Ben64could the phone normally see ext3?01:31
laptop_useredbian: im on the destop now01:32
bassgoonBen64, yes, it could see all the partitions01:32
edbianlaptop_user: live cd?01:32
laptop_useredbian: rebooting laptop into ubuntu so i can see the error and type it to u01:32
Ben64bassgoon: well you can probably fix it with fsck01:32
bassgoonBen64, i'm fine with repartitioning it01:33
edbianlaptop_user: yeah.  there were no errors besides that vague gdm stuff?01:33
laptop_usernone that says error01:33
Ben64bassgoon: but now i'm interested... whats the advantage of ext3 and swap on a sd card in a droid? my sd is fat3201:33
edbianlaptop_user: mmmm, I'm not sure.01:33
lolmatici installed some programs and now my sound is gone (no device in sound menu)01:33
lolmaticwhat can i do? :(01:33
bassgoonBen64, well I'm too in to fiddling, but I have it set up using a tool to run apps from the ext3 partition off the sdcard01:34
bassgoonsince i have a large/fast sd card01:34
Ben64bassgoon: nice.. well you can use parted or gparted to repartition in ubuntu, but all info would be lost01:34
bassgoonI'm assuming all is lot anyway01:34
lolmatici got intel sound hardware01:34
lolmaticon 10.10 32 bit01:34
Raikia_Hey.  Is it possible to tunnel traffic through SSH by default (proxy settings), but fall back to "direct connection" if the tunnel doesnt exist?01:34
=== Kick is now known as Kicked
Ben64bassgoon: its likely just a little error and totally recoverable01:35
Raikia_I got the tunnel working, but I want to be able to have it fallback to "direct connect" if no connection can be made to the tunnel (proxy socks host =
laptop_useredbian: i did notice a null on loopback0 but it continues01:35
KickedHi, I did the updated on my laptop and now it has it's wifi disabled any ideas why on 10.10?01:35
edbianlaptop_user: what if you boot and press ctrl + alt + F7   ?01:36
bassgoonBen64, well I do have access to fsck on the phone01:36
edbianlaptop_user: It should switch to graphics.  If it doesn't you can switch back using ctrl + alt + F101:36
semitones!wifi > Kicked01:36
bassgooni just can't figure out the device name01:36
ubottuKicked, please see my private message01:36
lolmaticcan anyone help me getting my sound back?01:36
laptop_useredbian: error says failed to acquire org.gnome.DisplayManager      could not acquire name; bailing out.01:36
edbianlaptop_user: mmmm.  How did you get the error all of the sudden?01:37
Ben64bassgoon: /dev/block/mmcblk0p[0-2]01:37
psionicsinAnyone in here experienced with troubleshooting for an install of FreeNAS?01:37
semitones!sound > lolmatic01:37
ubottulolmatic, please see my private message01:37
bassgoonBen64, hmm01:37
coz_ hey01:37
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Raikia_Does anyone know the CLI for changing proxy server?01:38
Raikia_"the CLI command"01:38
laptop_useredbian: sudo gdm, when do i do ctrl + alt + F701:38
lolmaticubottu: my problem is pretty custom since i somehow added or removed software which was needed for the sound to work and i dont know which...01:38
KINGOFSWORDShi raikia...got google earth to run in the end(just 5mins ago) using 32 bit version01:39
edbianlaptop_user: after sudo gdm01:39
laptop_useredbian: yes01:39
roukounRaikia_ : a shell script with a combination of ping and ssh will do the job...01:39
ledah_hi anyone know about makefile programming? i'm trying to install a webcamstudio on natty since debs doesn't work i'm tangled with thes source code @_@01:39
Raikia_Nice, KINGOFSWORDS.  Glad to see you didn't give up on linux01:39
Kickedbetter question, my networking on my laptop shows "Networking disabled" when I put my mouse over the icon. However the server sudo service networking is running and sitll remains down after restart/reboot of the machine01:39
laptop_useredbian: just rebooted and now doing ctrl + alt+ F7..... doing same as initial problem01:40
Raikia_roukoun, I know.  I decided to do that.  Now I need to know how to set the gnome network manager to a certain proxy setting via cli01:40
edbianlaptop_user: I'm not sure what the issue is.  what does dmesg say?01:40
Raikia_I see "gnome-network-properties", but I cant find any documentation on using it in CLI (with arguments)01:40
edbianlaptop_user: any errors there?01:40
laptop_useredbian: just stuck at splash01:40
bassgoonBen64, wanna help my on the syntax?01:41
edbianlaptop_user: stuck at splash?01:41
laptop_useredbian: splash screen did do animation01:41
LewocoWhat group do I need to add users to to allow them to sniff in wireshark?01:41
lolmaticwhen you do a search for "alsa" in synaptic on a default ubuntu install... which packages are installed?01:41
roukounRaikia_ : if you want to tunnel your proxy connection through ssh i dont think you can do it using the gnome-network-manager01:42
bassgoonBen64, maybe it doesn't..haha01:42
Kickedbetter question, my networking on my laptop shows "Networking disabled" when I put my mouse over the icon. However the server sudo service networking is running and still remains down after restart/reboot of the machine anyone have any ideas?01:42
ledah_install:$(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL_DIR) M=$(PWD) modules_install depmod -ae01:42
laptop_useredbian: yes the plymouth splash screen..... mine is custom but yes at that splash screen01:42
bassgoonprobably important01:42
edbianlaptop_user: I have to go!  I'm not sure what the issue is.01:42
edbiansorry I couldn't help more! :(01:42
laptop_useredbian: no worries, im just going to uninstall, format, and redo01:42
laptop_useredbian: one question though01:42
SuperstarI've just installed Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop version but the swap size is small, how do I resize this?01:43
Raikia_roukoun: I have it currently working if I set the "SOCKS" property in the gnome network manager to, which makes sense to why it works.  I just need to know how to set that via command line so I can put that in my script01:43
laptop_useredbian: i have a 15GB partition in NTFS for ubuntu. what should i set the installation size in wubi?01:43
coz_SuperLag,  how much onboard memory?01:43
semitones!gparted | SuperLag run it from a live cd01:44
ubottuSuperLag run it from a live cd: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php01:44
coz_SuperLag,  sorry wrong nick01:44
laptop_userwill someone please answer "i have a 15GB partition in NTFS for ubuntu. what should i set the installation size in wubi?" i missed the chance to ask edbian01:44
Kickedanyone know why when i click the network icon on my laptop it says NetworkManager not running :P or how I can make it running01:44
coz_Superstar,  how much onboard memory?01:44
Superstarcoz_ 2gb01:45
SuperstarI'm just reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq01:45
coz_Superstar,  what type of work do you generally do on the system?01:46
semitones!networkmanager | Kicked01:46
ubottuKicked: networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager01:46
coz_Superstar,  and how much swap is reported?01:46
roukounRaikia_ : i think that networkmanger is the only command line interaction you can have...01:47
GatunoRoxDoes someone have experience with grub4dos and can help me?01:47
Kickedsemitones, thank you01:48
semitonesKicked, np :D01:48
semitones!anyone > GatunoRox01:48
ubottuGatunoRox, please see my private message01:48
Superstarcoz_ I develop websites, create and editing photos (nothing hardcore). I don't know how to view this in Ubuntu but I used Hirens Boot CD which reported 1.4GB01:48
Superstarcoz_ is there a friendly interface for creating/managing partitions?01:49
ThrawnmaI've got a dilemma I could use some help with, it's just a very simple question, but I'm uncertain if I should install the 10.10 Netbook Ubuntu on my Gateway laptop or the the Desktop OS. The main problem I have is determining if the i386 Ubuntu will work properly because I have an AMD processor on my laptop, and I haven't seen a Netbook AMD Ubuntu. If I am completely misunderstanding the meaning of the i386 and amd64 terminologies, 01:49
coz_Superstar,  gparted perhaps...01:49
semitonesSuperstar, gparted01:49
semitonesrun it from the ubuntu live cd01:49
semitonesSuperLag, generally you only need as much swap as physical memory though01:50
Superstarcoz_ semitones: thanks loves01:50
Superstarcoz_ semitones: thanks loves01:50
coz_Superstar,   I also do image editing and if it is bitmap based it can take quite a bit of memory + swap... svg not so much01:50
coz_Superstar,  especially if the files are above 128 megs01:50
GatunoRoxI want to partition a external usb HDD so I can use syslinux to boot live cd images directly so I can test distros and use a Full install in an ext2 partition, where a full ubuntu installation would sit01:50
rwwThrawnma: You are misunderstanding. It's confusing though, so that's not surprising :(. Which AMD processor do you have?01:51
AxlinThrawnma: i386 means it's the 32 bit version. you can run it on either an AMD or intel processor01:51
Superstarcoz_ I know what you mean but I have mac for the hardcore stuff01:51
GatunoRoxHaving a large fat32 partition, for data storage/live cds and use grub4DOS to boot ubuntu01:51
ThrawnmaMobile AMD Athlon 6401:51
ThrawnmaAnd I was wondering if that wasn't the case, but the amd was throwing me off01:52
rwwThrawnma: Athlon 64 should work with either of i686 or amd64.01:52
coz_Superstar,  mm then if you are not using the pc for the hardcore stuff  I am guessing that 1gig+ you have s hould be adequate01:52
Cisman_Hola, alguien por favor digame una pagina para descargarme el ubuntu mas reciente o el que me recomienden q bueno para principiantes.01:52
Kickedsemitones, well i've read through most of it and the thing is the wifi was working just fine then I updated and it broke :( I'm not seeing how to get it going again :(01:52
GatunoRoxI don't want to chainload Grub from Grub4DOS01:52
rwwThrawnma: Less confusing names for the two options might be "x86" and "x86-64".01:52
rwwThrawnma: (32-bit and 64-bit respectively)01:52
semitonesKicked, have you tried restarting network manager?01:53
rww!es | Cisman_01:53
ubottuCisman_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:53
Kickedsemitones, yes, it'll restart fine but still says it's not running01:53
Kickedsemitones, and it restarts no fine sudo service network-manager restart01:53
ThrawnmaRight, I knew x86 was associated with the 32bit software since I updated my desktop to Windows 7 and have a completely separate Program Files for my old software now. I appreciate the clarification guys, thanks much. I'm looking forward to Ubuntu on my laptop again since I always enjoyed how much more efficiently it used resources. Thanks again01:54
rwwLogan_: did your factoid requests get sorted out? I disconnected and my scrollback is a mess01:54
semitonesKicked, definitely sounds like a regression -- maybe you could check launchpad to see if anyone's reported it as a bug and worked out a solution01:55
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hiexpoi just installed evolution mail   were is itlocated in the menus   >   not in applications/internet01:58
rwwhiexpo: Applications > Office, I think01:59
seidosevolution is in internet on my system hiexpo01:59
s5sWhen I press the tab key my mouse pointer freezes for a while (1-2 seconds) it's really annoying. Has anyone experienced anything similar?01:59
hiexporww, yep thanks   >01:59
Logan_rww: yeah, don't worry about it02:00
rwwLogan_: alrighty. Thanks again :)02:00
semitonesbonny, yes several. also !caps02:01
hiexporww, I wanted to install just an application to be able to send out email with my terminal  and now i am stuck with this  thing02:01
bonnysrry was an accident can you list some please02:01
rww!find mailx02:01
ubottuFound: bsd-mailx, heirloom-mailx, mailutils02:02
semitonesrww what does !find do02:02
semitonesbonny, tremulous02:02
aeon-ltdbonny: not really the right chan.... #ubuntu-offtopic is prob better02:02
rwwhiexpo: I use mutt or mailx for that, but I have an MTA set up on the system I use for email. ymmv.02:02
semitonesbonny, also urban assault02:02
rwwsemitones: looks in package names and contents02:02
SuperstarCan someone help me understand what this means http://paste.ubuntu.com/592914/02:02
semitonesbonny, please keep discussion in channel :)02:02
Logan_rww: no prob02:02
kassiusis this the official server for ubuntu?02:03
Logan_kassius: This is the official channel.02:03
rwwkassius: #ubuntu on freenode is the official technical support channel for Ubuntu, yes.02:03
hiexporww, i started with mutt but could notfind much on it over thenet kept getting same 3 pages02:03
kassiusoh, ok02:03
bonnycan i play urban assault in a bad cideo card02:03
semitonesbonny, i'm not sure -- check its system requirements02:04
semitonesbonny, there are a few other ones like Marathon02:05
hiexporww, i just want something i can use my terminal to email out with02:05
semitonesand possibly quake but i'm not sure about that one02:05
stuim trying to map the left/right scroll on my mouse to change tabs in firefox. anyone know how i can do that?02:06
bonnyhow would i install urban assault on lx terminal02:06
KINGOFSWORDSubuntu newbie...can i install dual boot with windows when ive already installed ubuntu?02:07
semitonesbonny, it's actually called 'urban terror,' my mistake: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108243202:08
semitonesthat should get you started02:08
enotoddenI've got a problem with the "timeout/standby lockscreen" functionality(don't know exactly what it's called). When I set some applications to "Allways on top", they also come on top of the lock screen designed to lock your computer from unwanted access. Looks like a bug to me, has anyone else experienced something like this withNatty(11.04)?02:08
semitonesKINGOFSWORDS, yes02:08
semitonesKINGOFSWORDS, you just have to reinstall grub afterwards from the live cd (which can be a little disorienting for the first time)02:09
stucan ubuntu not remap mouse buttons easily? i did it in windows 7 easily02:09
KINGOFSWORDSdo i just install like normal, and then when windows asks about parition i just chose share option?02:10
enotoddenKINGOFWORDS, this might help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot02:10
semitonesKINGOFSWORDS, the best thing to do is do your partitioning using gparted on the ubuntu live cd, and then install windows to the partition you've created for it02:10
bonnyit says good graphics i dont know if that will work on this computer02:10
KINGOFSWORDSis it possibe to play games through wine....or will it have to be a dual boot?02:11
semitonesKINGOFSWORDS, some games work, some don't. i'd go with dual boot myself02:11
multipasshey i just installed ubuntu, and on firefox, when i go to google and do a search-- every link has this prepended "http://0c1b.r.google.com/" and it goes to a spam website02:11
KINGOFSWORDSthx enotodden and semitones02:11
enotoddenKINGOFWORDS, check the wine website to see if the game you want to play works with wine02:11
bonnysemitones, it says good graphics i dont know if that iwll work on this computer02:12
KINGOFSWORDSyeh i wanted gta 4...thought wine only played old things like quake02:12
BiteHi guys, i sudo apt-get autoremoved kubuntu, but the xserver login screen for it is still there and is complaining about letting me log in.02:12
semitonesbonny, look for its system requirements if you want to be sure. you can also search google for old fps multiplayer games02:12
SuperstarIn Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop, in clock prefrences my city isn't listed in the location list so I won't be able to get the weather information. How do we inform the dev team?02:12
BiteI want to take care of this. What's the syntax for removed the xserver login for kubuntu?02:12
semitonesSuperstar, you can get the weather from the clock? cool!02:13
semitoneshow do you do it?02:13
stulinux is gay. i cant switch tabs with my left/right scroll wheel in firefox..02:13
KINGOFSWORDSwhen i partition the space for windows do i have to chose how much hdd space i want to use for windows apps and games or will linux and wins share the space?02:13
rwwstu: Please don't use "gay" as a pejorative.02:13
semitonesyeah :(02:13
enotoddenstu, works in FF4 for me at least..02:14
Bluebill-Wolf_linux is happy well good for it :P02:14
Superstarsemitones. Click the date/clock on youe desktop, under "Locations", click Edit. It should load clock preferences and in there there is a tab called Locations02:14
semitonesSuperstar, where does it show you the weather though?02:14
milamberBite: how did you install it, package kubuntu-desktop?02:14
Superstarsemitones: After you add your location, it will show it next to the date/time02:15
bonnyyou dont know of any other fps do u02:15
stuenotodden, im using 4 but i cant get it to work02:15
Superstarsemitones: Don't be shy to try02:15
Bitemilamber: yeah.02:15
semitonesSuperstar, oh neat, i will investigate02:15
milamberBite: kubuntu-desktop is what is known as a meta-package, it is difficult to uninstall02:15
semitonesSuperstar, maybe you could put in your lat:long instead02:16
milamberBite: it installs a lot of other packages02:16
pfifoanyone here used debootstrap (yes this is my question so dont !ask me)02:16
Bitemilamber: >:V02:16
milamberBite: not impossible: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome02:16
Bitemilamber: is there a package name that installs strictly the desktop?02:16
ShapeShifter499I have my session on display 0 and my mom's on display 2, teamviewer is running on my mom's session, how come it stops working when I switch to my session and does not work till I switch back to her session on my computer?02:17
semitonessweet now i have the weather!02:17
ShapeShifter499anyway of fixing this?02:17
Bitemilamber: thank you so much.02:17
KINGOFSWORDSfirefox keeps stalling ..is there a better browser for ubuntu..? swiftfox, chrome opea?02:17
bonnysemitones, how do i install quake?02:17
Bluebill-Wolf_thats what i've been wondering02:17
Bluebill-Wolf_firefox has been rather unstable lately on my net streams02:17
WhatToDocan anyone suggest a good easy to comprehend tutorial for starting to understand terminal. by starting, i mean the only commands i know are to get updates because i memorized them an dhave no idea how to actually understand what they mean02:18
milamberBite: read through the package list and make sure you aren't removing anything you want.02:18
Bitemilamber: i'm having issues logging in :V looks like i either have to input it manually or get rid of XServer.02:18
enotoddenstu, Doesn't look like it works with all mouses. tried with my HP mouse now, and that doesn't work for some reason.. Maybe the reason my main mouse(logitech) works for this is a side effect of my confs. Sorry.02:18
stuKINGOFSWORDS, ya its called firefox 4 for windows. i can us my left/right scroll wheel to change tabs in that!02:18
Codex84how u view ur ip address02:18
Codex84on ubuntu02:18
stuenotodden, hmm, thats sad. thanks02:18
semitonesbonny, i don't know all these answers lol, i've just been googling all your questions02:18
BiteMilamber: Do you know how to remove the xserverlogin specifically? it's causing issues, if i can get that out from a command line i should be set.02:19
bonnyumm ok02:19
semitones"how to install quake ubuntu"02:19
Superstarsemitones: accordingto this link, apparently a poster has successfully retrieved correct weather by entering lon/lat but I don't believe that http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79966802:19
KINGOFSWORDSstu im on laptop so have no scroll02:19
BiteMilamber: and I know that cntrl+alt+f1+6 takes you to command line; is there a way to do the opposite?02:19
semitonesSuperstar, you can try it and see -- google maps can tell you your lat:long02:19
milamberBite: ctrl + alt + F702:20
BiteMilamber: thanks. Do you know the name of the package that's the login screen of kubuntu specifically?02:20
semitonesSuperstar, you just have to enable it in labs02:20
KINGOFSWORDSfirefox is clunky anyway02:20
milamberBite: i believe it is kdm, just like gnome is gdm02:21
RxDxis there any kind of network speed meter like 'netspeed' of gnome?02:21
BiteMilamber: also: the page you linked me to has it set up so that it uninstalls everything in kubuntu and then reinstalls gnome.02:21
hiexpoRxDx, speedometer02:21
Superstarsemitones. what is 'labs'?02:21
BiteMilamber: What exactly is contained in KDM? or GDM?02:21
RxDxhiexpo, ty02:21
enotoddenstu, you could allways map the mouse functions to the hotkeys FF uses for tabs though.. I'm not sure if it's worth the trouble though.02:21
tjiggi_foCodex84, go to System >> Administration and open Network Tools02:22
Bluebill-Wolf_please slow down what was the reccmended brower for Ubuntu?02:22
semitonesSuperLag, in the top right hand corner of maps.google.com, click the cog icon, and you can see the maps there02:22
stuenotodden, thats what im trying to do. imwheel didnt work so im looking for other options02:22
milamberBite: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/gdm   and to not install/reinstall gnome just remove the && install ubuntu-desktop02:22
semitonesBluebill-Wolf, firefox comes installed, but chromium also works and so do others02:22
MK`Is it possible for 2 separate installations of ubuntu/unix can share the same /tmp partition?02:23
Bluebill-Wolf_last thing i need is my feed dieing again in the middle of a stream when i cna't access it02:23
semitonesMK`, i don't see why not, but don't take my word for it :p02:23
Bitemilamber: doesn't it just reinstall the gnome meta-package?02:24
Superstarsemitones: lol you called me superlag. oh I know how to get long and lat. I'm trying to find out where gnome gets the weather from, then compare a listed city to a manually entered one02:24
hardiskPlease, how i install a official new gnome302:24
semitonesSuperstar, oh that's a good question -- the thing to do then I guess would be search for GNOME's clock applet and see if their website says02:25
=== Vile is now known as Vile`
onecrazycatHello everyone, I'm building a virtualized learning/lab environment at home and I have a quick question regarding the infrastructure.  I am planning on using the following Lucid servers (respectively) DNS = djbdns, DHCP = dhcpd, SVN = svn, WEB = apache2, MANAGEMENT = puppet.02:26
onecrazycatWhat order should I create them in, does it really matter?02:26
red2kicSuperstar: Or read the source.tar :)02:26
=== mRy is now known as Guest78285
Superstarred2kic hell no02:27
pfifoshould i use Maverick or maverick (notice capital M)02:27
SuperstarToo many letters for the likes of me02:28
=== roaming is now known as INFURNO
Bardo_Beingdoes any1 know how to use perl?02:29
pfifocomon thats an easy one. not like im asking about write access to /proc/$1/mem02:29
semitonesBardo_Being, i don't think you'll find too much help here for that02:29
itaylor57Bardo_Being: you might try perl mongers02:30
BiteIs GDM strictly the login screen? or also the desktop?02:30
pfifoBite, the 'login screen' but it does alot more than that02:30
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
BiteAre there any packages that are the desktop strictly and not the crapload of programs that follow?02:31
semitoneshardisk, it's not currently supported in ubuntu, or in the upcoming ubuntu 11.0402:32
pfifoBite, your describing an x-y problem02:32
rwwoh god not the xy thing again02:32
pfifoBite, what is your desired end result02:32
SuperstarIf I don't set a password for the keystore, say I just entered a wifi password, does 'unsecure' relate by physical access to my computer or does it include remote access?02:32
semitoneshardisk, but there is an unsupported way of installing it if you don't mind maybe fixing broken things02:32
Codex84whats the different between useing remote desktop viewer02:32
Codex84and openssh02:32
semitoneswat is x-y :[02:33
rwwBite: gnome-core or kde-plasma-desktop for GNOME or KDE.02:33
Bitepfifo: i want to be able to install just the window manager, not the entire desktop & [rpgrams.02:33
rww!xy > semitones02:33
ubottusemitones, please see my private message02:33
pfifosemitones, im having problem X and I think Y can fix it but i dont know anything about Y02:33
semitonesoh i used to do that02:33
semitonesnow i know better02:33
semitonesthanks :)02:33
=== Logan_ is now known as SadPanda
red2kicBite: Gnome barebone? Gnome Basic?02:34
luisarroyohello, im triying to connect my laptop to the tv, via HDMI.. but my ubunto doesnt detect the connection, any help?02:34
pfifoBite, in that case you want X all by itself, but it its really ugly, is gnome is too bulky for you try xubuntu02:34
Bluebill-Wolf_is there anyway to use two drivers at once02:34
Biterww: will that install strictly the desktop? i just want normal gnome, but none of the programs.02:34
KINGOFSWORDSis wine the best windows emulator..and is it ok to install b4 partition dual boot 4 windows?02:35
semitonesBite, are you doing the minimal install?02:35
rwwBite: gnome-core is the smallest GNOME metapackage on Ubuntu I know of. If you don't like that, you probably won't like anything.02:35
BiteOkay: the desired end is that i want to be capable of installing JUST the GNOME window manager & related programs.02:35
semitonesKINGOFSWORDS, wine stands for "Wine Is Not an Emulator"02:35
hardisksemitones, Tnk's for information. I will search mor about this.02:35
red2kicBite: rww is correct. gnome-core is what you want, a minimal gnome -- A basic gnome environment without any of ubuntu's added packages.02:35
rwwBite: sudo apt-get install metacity. Enjoy the rather broken result.02:35
semitonesKINGOFSWORDS, there are better ways of playing games on linux, but they are not free02:35
pfifoBite, X takes care of windows, and gnome takes care of how they look, if gnome is to slow//big//ugly, then there are atleast a dozen othes yyou can try02:36
Bitered2kic: rww: That's exactly what i want. gnome-core, that is. rww: What's metacity?02:36
rwwBite: GNOME's window manager.02:36
semitonesKINGOFSWORDS, however, if you compare their price with actually buying windows, it may be worth it02:36
BiteXServer handles windows, gnome handles appearance, and metacity is basically the window manager in gnome?02:36
red2kicBite: Window manager. I think you meant nautilus, a file manager.02:36
Bardo_Beinghow do i register a nickname?02:36
rww!register > Bardo_Being02:37
ubottuBardo_Being, please see my private message02:37
semitonesluisarroyo, did you try pressing the apci function key on your computer?02:37
Bitenautilus being the file manager....02:37
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».02:37
KINGOFSWORDSok thx semi02:37
BiteLet me rephrase.02:37
Bluebill-Wolf_this one is haveing issues getting the sterio mix to work properly02:37
semitonesrww, does bite want to do the minimal install?02:37
BiteI would like to be able to install gnome, without any open-sources programs or packages.02:37
pfifono file sharing?02:38
red2kicHeh. That sentence contradict itself.02:38
rwwBite: GNOME and the underlying Ubuntu system are open source :|02:38
BiteI want nautilus, metacity, xserver, the core, but i don't want any third-party programs.02:38
semitonescan you even have an operating system with no gui programs02:38
pfifo!xdcc find gcc-4.4.4.tar.bz202:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:38
semitonesexcept nautilus02:38
luisarroyosemitones thank you. No idea of what my acpi key is..sorry02:38
MK`does /tmp in maverick use tmpfs or just the same fs as /?02:38
* rww wanders off02:38
MK`when on the same partition02:38
KINGOFSWORDSis non free linux apps mean they not supported or they actually have to be paid for?02:38
BiteWhat's contained in gnome-core?02:39
Superstarsemitones: they get the weather from weather.noaa.gov ;)02:39
semitonesluisarroyo, it's a key on your keyboard that looks like a tv -- sometimes laptops especially have them02:39
semitonesSuperstar, awesome! where did you find it?02:39
luisarroyosemitones yes yes02:39
KINGOFSWORDSi have a gui(cairo) dock ...is it slow because i changed icons with png's that are in different folders?02:39
pfifoBite, use the alternate/minimal install CD and install a base (terminal only system) and then apt-get the packages you want, be careg=faul about what apt-get chooses to install as well02:40
Superstarsemitones: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99653202:40
luisarroyoive tryed but nothin happened02:40
Superstarsemitones: last post!02:40
pfifoBite, how hooked are you on gnome? xfce is superlightweght, and fluxbox weighs as much as a helium balooon02:42
SuperstarDoes anyone know how to disable my laptop monitor and only use the external display?02:44
ramadanHelp! My wireless card is no longer detected. I tried using ndiswrapper with no luck.02:44
ramadanit's like it just disappeared02:44
pfifoBite, or rather, why would you not want to install every single extra program that gnome has?02:44
ramadanwarning: i need detailed help and patience. Pretty new at this02:44
SolarisBoyis this the proper place for questions about vpnc && resolvconf (on ubuntu 10.10)?02:44
pfiforamadan, ndiswrapper is kinda dated, google a bit more ofr a newr article02:45
wjlafrance-deskHow can I share my DVD drive over the network? I need to install iLife on my optical-drive-less MBP.02:45
mjnSuperstar, there should be a fn + display combination that will toggle through your options02:45
KINGOFSWORDSisnt it bad for dvd drives to be shared?02:45
Rawhide15Can someone help me? when I try to put ubuntu server on my computer through a disk the keyboard doesn't work! What do I do?02:45
pfifoSolarisBoy, ask away least you can get is kick banned and klined from free node02:46
ramadanpfifo:any suggestions? I pretty much tried all understandable tutorials before that one02:46
bonhoffer every login -- i don't have the web i have to type: sudo ifconfig eth0 and sudo route add default gw -- then my network works02:46
Bitepfifo: i installed a base server and put the three major desktops atop it.02:46
mjnhi all...looking for a rundown on the differences between ubuntu and Mint02:46
bonhoffercan i automate this?02:46
SolarisBoypfifo: thanks02:46
wjlafrance-deskKINGOFSWORDS, why would it be?02:46
bonhofferi am connecting to a bridge (wireless wet64g)02:46
bonhofferi setup the bridge to use my network -- but i guess i need a manual ip -- i am not sure if that is an ip for my router or for the bridge02:47
pfiforamadan, i wounl need access to your hardware, if you want help you have to ask a deailed question, one sec, the bot will explain02:47
greensimianHas anyone else noticed that Brasero can't eject a DVD once it is done02:47
=== Bardo_Being is now known as bardo
bonhofferbut i would like to prevent this manual setting each time02:47
Bitepfifo: but i love the prettiness of the new gnome, and kde was just a pain to use. I still like xfce for the lightess, but i'm running a 2.8 ghz p4 with a gig of ram. When i need the server-side, i just revert to cli.02:47
pfifo!details | ramadan02:47
ubotturamadan: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:47
=== bardo is now known as bardo-being
Rawhide15When I try to install ubuntu my keyboard shutsdown so I can't do anything! How do I fix this02:47
KINGOFSWORDSdunno i though cos too much movement02:47
Superstarmjn. It still activates the laptop monitor while booting up then it switches off when the desktops loaded. It's off while BIOS does its thing02:47
pfifoBite, you didnt answer the question02:48
hiexporww, nother ?02:48
Bitepfifo: I'm looking for a way to just install gnome without any packages other than the essentials to run gnome because i already have such packages.02:48
mjnSuperstar, the external monitor is off during bios?02:48
bonhofferand what is the super key for compiz?02:48
bonhoffermy "windows" key?02:48
mickster04bonhoffer: yes02:48
rwwbonhoffer: yes02:48
rwwhiexpo: hmm?02:48
KINGOFSWORDSyeh bonhoffer02:48
bonhofferi just installed compiz, and would like this window to take up half the screen -- is there a shortcut key for that?02:49
luisarroyoHDMI out problem, ubuntu doesnt find it, anyone that can help me?02:49
pfifoBite, gnome isnt like xfce or flux/black, gnome is like a set of packages.02:49
KINGOFSWORDSbonhoffer button 1 and 3 r mouse button L and right02:49
bonhofferi have expo and desktop wall enabled02:49
Bitepfifo: What's in gnome-core?02:49
bonhofferbutton 1?02:49
Rawhide15My keyboard shuts down when I try to install ubuntu so I can't do any options. Please help02:50
hiexporww, the problem i have now that i have evolution set up is i need it to exportmy junk mail out of there also so i can delete it other wise i still have to go there and deleteit02:50
pfifoBite, ill take a look, but yu can too with `apt-get --help`02:50
rwwhiexpo: I don't use Evolution.02:50
Bitepfifo: didn't know. will do.02:50
bonhofferKINGOFSWORDS, it looks like the "place windows" might be what i like02:50
hiexporww, i don't want to either   :(02:50
KINGOFSWORDSdoes xfce not run compiz thou?02:51
Superstarmjn: no external monitor is ON from bios onwards. The internal is off up until I select Ubuntu from Grub. After that, the internal monitor switches off after the desktop is loaded. External monitor is on throughout02:51
bonhofferKINGOFSWORDS, i'm using gnome02:51
bonhofferwith compiz02:51
KINGOFSWORDSme too bonhoffer02:51
SolarisBoyso i use pdns locally on my boxes to speed up browsing, as a dep pdns pulled in resolvconf, which turned my /etc/resolv.conf to a sym link, this works fine for the pre-installed "hooks" like pdns, dhcpd etc etc however for vpnc which im using from command line, resolver isn't updated and basically renders my vpn useless as i would have to know the ip's of everything to get anywhere ;<. Just wondering if anyone else has had this issue02:51
bonhofferKINGOFSWORDS, i think you have the answer, i just need to know what button 1 and 3 r mouse . . . .means02:51
SolarisBoyim presently just updating my file manually as a workaround02:51
MaxaxleI hope I'm not interrupting anything, but for some reason I can't execute the Java JVM installer...Private chat w/me if anyone knows what to do.02:52
bonhofferi basically just want to arrange my windows smartly on screen02:52
Kamakazi_When is 11.04 supposed to reach final release?02:52
mjnSuperstar, oh, and you're looking to start with internal, and then have the option to switch to external...sorry if i'm being dense02:52
Rawhide15Well this has been a waste of time02:52
rwwKamakazi_: April 28th02:52
mjnSuperstar, ?02:52
BiteWill autoremove also get rid of used packages? as opposed to just untouched ones?02:52
bonhofferthis window (xchat) is taking up the whole screen -- i can manually move it, but that is a pain02:52
KINGOFSWORDSbutton 1 is left mouse key and button 3 is right one, button 2 is middle button and 4 and 5 are scroll wheel02:52
Superstarmjn no i'm probably not typing properly, it's late ^^02:52
rwwBite: autoremove removes packages that are marked as automatically installed and not a depend or recommend of manually installed packages02:52
Superstarmjn, I'm trying to permanantly disable the internal monitor. I don't want it to switch on at all02:53
Kamakazi_rww: thanks02:53
=== Kamakazi_ is now known as Kamakazi
SuperstarI'm even contemplating opening the laptop and disconnecting it02:53
bonhofferKINGOFSWORDS, oh, you were just teaching me -- got it -- any thought on how to make an app vertically maximized, but only use half the screen?02:53
ramadanubottu: I am running Natty Narwhal, I have an HP Pavilion dv6233se with a 802.11b/g WLAN wireless card02:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:53
Biterww: so would i also have to run remove?02:53
BiteSuperstar: fn+f10.02:53
rwwBite: I don't know what you're trying to do or how your packages are set up, so I can't answer that.02:53
pfifoBite gnome-core appears to be a single package, as opposed to a meta package.02:53
mjnSuperstar,  not sure that is an option...what is the bios make and version?02:54
KINGOFSWORDSnah bonhoffer..only been using linux 3 days u know more than me probbly02:54
bonhofferKINGOFSWORDS,  got it02:54
rwwpfifo: gnome-core is a metapackage.02:54
Codex84how i connect from putty on my windows pc02:54
Biterww: if i were to install a package, such as gimp, to remove it would i run autoremove or remove?02:54
KINGOFSWORDSwhat is it bonhoffer02:54
bonhofferanyone know how to make an app vertically maximized, but only use half the screen?02:54
rwwBite: remove02:54
Codex84to remote ubbunut02:54
ramadanit was working fine a few days ago, then update then reboot then no wireless. i updated to natty hoping that they had fixed that update, but no luck02:54
pfiforww, then i forget ow to check its contents02:54
bonhofferKINGOFSWORDS, i'll let you know02:54
Biterww: it what situation would i use autoremove?02:55
rwwBite: if you wanted to remove packages that were automatically installed and aren't required any more02:55
pfifoBite, dont use autoremove02:55
rwwpretty much this ^, unless you know what you're doing02:55
improveuponmy ubuntu lucid install keeps refusing to come back to life after the gnome screen saver has been running02:55
mjnramadan, did you disable the ipv6 in firefox?02:55
Superstarmjn. no idea but no bios would carry options to permantly disable a monitor, only which one it starts with. I have mine set on External but when I get into Windows, I have use the external as the main screen and the laptop monitor for extended desktop02:55
ramadanno, how do I do that?02:56
pfifoBite, you still havent answered my question, why would you want a bare minimum gnome?02:56
ramadanmjn: that's new02:56
rwwpfifo: I just use http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/i386/gnome-core/filelist :)02:56
Bitepfifo: i have all the programs installed from xubuntu-desktop02:56
Superstarmjn. leave it, i'll google it until I find it lol02:56
SuperstarThanks anyway02:56
pfifoBite, it WONT install them twice, just install full blown gnome02:56
Bitepfifo: so sudo apt-get remove gnome-desktop will take all packages in that meta-package?02:57
bonhofferanyone know what <Control><Alt>KP5 means?02:57
pfifoBite, no02:57
improveuponcan anyone recommend a good channel for linux noobs?02:57
bonhofferi tried ctl+alt+502:57
bonhofferimproveupon, #linux02:57
improveuponthank you02:57
mjnSuperstar, if you go to preferences, and monitors, you might be able to get it by rearranging the monitor layout...if i understand, you want to make the external primary, and the external the secondary extended desktop/02:58
seidosimproveupon: #ubuntu-beginners02:58
Sivikany one seeing segmentation faults when leaving aticonfig ran as root?02:58
Bitepfifo: Really, i am typically installing and uninstalling desktops. I want to know how to install desktops without getting buried into.02:58
pfifoimproveupon, just ask noone will get mad, and if they do I will troll thm for you02:58
paraparawhen I click on Connect in Terminal Server Client, the window disappears and nothing appears to happen - any ideas?02:59
Bitepfifo: i don't want all the extra packages associated with the gnome meta-package.02:59
pfifoBite, the shared components are dynamic libraries, they will be the same no matter what you install unlsess your  voodoo chicken master developer02:59
=== Bluebill-Wolf_ is now known as B-Wolf
mjnramadan, i know, had the same problem though...open firefox, about:config in the address bar, and make sure network.dns.disableIPV6 is set to false03:00
GatunoRoxCan I partition an external HDD so I can use Fat32 alongside a full ubuntu instalation on Ext2 partition, and boot it through syslinux?03:01
pfifoBite, well thats gnome-core, it installs some extras, but will be a minimal as you can get with ubuntu03:01
Bitepfifo: Then what's the easiest way to do a complete uninstall?03:01
pfifoBite, complete uninstall of what? mke2fs /dev/sda203:02
pfifo!danger |pfifo03:02
ubottupfifo, please see my private message03:02
pfifo!danger >pfifo03:02
pfifoDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!03:02
Bitepfifo" the gnome-desktop metapackage. or the kubuntu-desktop metapackage.03:02
KINGOFSWORDSwhich cmd pfifo?03:03
KINGOFSWORDSctrl alt f5?03:03
pfifoBite, wow, uninstaling  gnome or kde is a dauntng task, your much better starting form scratch03:03
pfifoKINGOFSWORDS, the command i mentioned03:04
bonhoffercompiz fusion rocks! wow -- wow03:04
Bitepfifo: then i'll know not to install them. But say i want an easy-to-remove gnome desktop. That's what i want from gnome-core. So i can quickly uninstall and reinstall if needed.03:05
KINGOFSWORDSi didnt c it..best not to look03:05
bonhofferis there a good scanning app in ubuntu03:05
KINGOFSWORDSbonhoffer try cairo dock, pretty cool too03:05
bonhofferi am trying to use my fujitsu s1500m03:05
Bitepfifo: does gnome core tdo that?03:06
pfifoBite, I am still not seeing why. Try this, re partition have 3 partitions, one for xubuntu, one for kunbuntu and one ffor ubuntu03:06
mjnno one has feedback on Mint?03:07
Bitepfifo: i guess that's the best bet. But then i dont know how to install the different desktops on the partitions. Through boot disk would be more or less the only way, right?03:07
operahello everyone03:07
bonhofferon the ubuntu wiki i get: Works perfectly, out of the box  for my s1500 scanner -- but xsane doesn't recognize it03:08
bonhofferany options03:08
Bitepfifo: because i was thinking that there's another. Such as having the core across all systems and installing on top....03:08
BiteEhh, forget it.03:08
operai down a dict for stardict,but i can't  install it  who can tell me03:08
pfifoBite are you trying to switch between KDE and Gnome and Xfce? and thinking tht todo this you have to uninstall on and install another?03:08
Bitepfifo: you can do that in the login screen.03:09
operai download a computer dict dor stardict, but i don'know how to install it .03:09
pfifoBite, i have no real idea as why you want todo this, but tlearn unionfs, it may solve all your problems03:10
chinaboywhat's the file type?03:10
bonhofferis there an acrobat alternative (pdf editor) for ubuntu?03:10
Bitepfifo: i installed all three, decided, that i didnt like KDE, but had issues getting rid of it.03:11
KINGOFSWORDSdo i need anti virus or trojan blocker for linux?03:11
tensorpuddingbonhoffer: there's a pdf editor available but it's unlikely to be as good as acrobat03:12
taglassKINGOFSWORDS: No03:12
BiteKINGOFSWORDS: haha. funny joke.03:12
bonhoffertensorpudding, cool -- i just need to rotate a page and add a page to an existing document03:12
tensorpuddingKINGOFSWORDS: no03:12
BiteKINGOFSWORDS: Not in the slightest.03:12
aeon-ltdKINGOFSWORDS: get a firewall though03:12
BiteKINGOFSWORDS: i read somewhere that windows gets ~40,000 viruses a year.03:13
KINGOFSWORDSwhat is cmd for that aeon-ltd03:13
BiteKINGOFSWORDS: linux gets about 40.03:13
tensorpudding!cn | opera03:13
ubottuopera: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk03:13
aeon-ltdKINGOFSWORDS: there isn't one03:13
KINGOFSWORDSi know theres no virus for linux but its possible to get corrupt?03:13
aeon-ltd!ufw | KINGOFSWORDS03:13
ubottuKINGOFSWORDS: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.03:13
KINGOFSWORDSi read earlier there is a fw included in ubuntu...ufw or s'thing03:13
KINGOFSWORDSthx ubottu03:14
aeon-ltdKINGOFSWORDS: yeah, corrupt writes are always a possibility, but as long as you don't run shady scripts and commands you should be fine03:14
KINGOFSWORDSso am i right thinking trojans cant install on linux then? even if u enter pw by mistake03:14
pfifoBite, simply just DONT use KDE, why the need to remove?03:14
chinaboyif i virused torjan program,how to kill it?03:14
operajoin #ubuntu-hk03:15
KINGOFSWORDSyeh how would u know u had trojan ...i normally look in task mgr in windows?03:15
SuperstarIs it better to install Adobes' Flash Player by .deb or .apt?03:15
food_pfifo: ps -ef to find the proccess and kill -9 pid03:15
taglassKINGOFSWORDS: Sure they can if they're written for Linux and you run them.03:15
pfifohi juys im from jupiter, where can i find an ubuntu support channel in jovian?03:15
bonhofferso what is the best pdf editor for ubuntu?03:15
KINGOFSWORDSapt for flash i think cuz deb doesnt update itslef03:16
pfifofood_, wrong highlight03:16
KINGOFSWORDSi think03:16
Bitepfifo: 20 gb hdd. I need the space.03:16
chinaboyi use tasklist in xp cmd mode03:16
bonhoffercan i type open my.pdf from the cli?03:16
linuxiihow to get usb to work? ubuntu 10.10 as guest, win7 as host03:16
bonhofferi love that feature on mac03:16
pfifoBite, ahh, THAT is the WHY im looking for03:17
chinaboyor other task program03:17
pfifoBite, reinstall03:17
macintoshhhey guys, is there any way that i can make it so that if my wifi disconnects or loses a signal ubuntu WONT automatically try to reconnect - it loses my openVPN tunnel when it automatically reconnects03:17
KINGOFSWORDSaeon-ltd how do i correct corrupt rites? with updates mgr?03:17
Bitepfifo: prolly will.03:17
bonhofferlooks like pdftk is all i get03:18
Bitepfifo: and i'll store this knowledge away until they release a gnome that uninstalls easily.03:18
pfifoBite, it is the best way, youll free up thing you didnt think you needed to remove and be way better off03:18
pfifoBite, window managers arent ment to be removed03:18
Axlinbonhoffer: in kde, you can type "okular /path/to/document.pdf" to open it. not sure if you can do the same with evince03:19
ouyesI have a curiosity , what is the percentage of 32-bit ubuntu and 64-bit ubuntu though at most aspects they are the same?03:19
rwwbonhoffer: xdg-open03:19
Bitepfifo: as i've learned.03:19
macintoshhhey guys, is there any way that i can make it so that if my wifi disconnects or loses a signal ubuntu WONT automatically try to reconnect - it loses my openVPN tunnel when it automatically reconnects03:20
bonhofferAxlin, rww thanks!03:20
taglassouyes: I don't think anyone can answer the %s, but yes in most repspects they are the same.03:20
charlesHi guys - i'm a novice ubuntu user having audio problems (speakers cut out during login sound - after that no audio except through headphones) - is someone able to help me?03:20
rwwouyes: percentage of what to what? usage percentage?03:20
Bitepfifo: how many sata ports are on you mobo? because i happen to not have very many on my server-turned pc.03:20
pfifoBite, Im a programmer nd i assume several things about your system when writing a program, #1 you have infinate disk space, and #2 ou have infinate memory03:21
rwwouyes: if so, http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ , though it's opt-in and thus statistically invalid.03:21
Axlinbonhoffer: ah, xdg-open is better. it opens with the preferred application, regardless of file type :)03:21
bonhofferAxlin, thanks03:21
ouyeshow many pcs including laptop are running on 32-bit ubuntu ?03:21
bonhofferAxlin, just installed acrobat reader -- i'd like to use that03:21
pfifoBite, I have ONE, the other 5 are obscured by my gtx250 card03:21
rwwouyes: There is no way to determine this number.03:21
SuperstarKINGOFSWORDS: according to adobes installation instructions, http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/productinfo/instructions/#section-3 APT requires manual checking03:21
chinaboyi use the ppc login irc now03:22
charles@ouyes i think more than 900003:22
Bitepfifo: jealllouuuusss....03:22
chinaboyfuck ppc03:22
Bitepfifo: sheesh, that's a lot03:22
rwwchinaboy: watch your language, please.03:22
Bite!languae chinaboy03:22
chinaboyinput slooooooooow03:22
mickster04Bite: don't forget the pipe03:22
Bite!language chinaboy03:22
KINGOFSWORDSok... i just read that deb isnt so good as it doesnt update and bypasses security03:22
BitePipe? it seems i'm missing something.03:22
Axlinbonhoffer: find a pdf, right click it, open with... and select acrobat, and check the box to make it the default03:22
pfifoBite, my mobo is shit, PCAHIPS A15G,,, next i get is going to be an Asus p67 (or is it p57)03:23
ouyesrww, then how about the percentage? e.g 32-bit account for 68%, and 64 32%03:23
mickster04Bite: the | inbetween the !item and the nick03:23
rwwouyes: see the popcon link I already gave you.03:23
rwwand do math03:23
Bitemickster04: thanks.03:23
eggbertx_laptopI'm pretty new to Ubuntu Studio, but not new to Linux. Would I install GNOME 3 the same as in standard Ubuntu? or if not, what would I do differently?03:23
rwwand consider that it is statistically invalid03:23
chinaboyif you have not acrobat03:23
rwweggbertx_laptop: Ubuntu doesn't have packaging for GNOME 3 yet.03:23
charlescan someone tell me why my audio cuts out during the login sound? frustrating the hell out of me.03:24
eggbertx_laptoprww: do you know when it is scheduled to get it?03:24
Bitecharles: misconfigured sound cards.03:24
chinaboyu can download foxit reader03:24
ouyesrww 20% for 64-bit03:24
rwweggbertx_laptop: There's a rather experimental PPA for natty. I believe it's slatted for official inclusion in oneirc03:24
pfifohow do I install ubuntu on my playstation portable?03:24
cak054how old is your computer?03:24
rcconfWhen I change desktop background I hear a random low noise in speakers? what is this?03:25
rwwoneiric **03:25
rwwslated **03:25
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:25
SuperstarDoes anyone know how to configure Ubuntus' network settings for 1Gb Internet?03:25
eggbertx_laptoprww: oh, well when it comes out, will it cause issues with my ubuntustudio packages?03:25
rwweggbertx_laptop: no idea03:25
macintoshhcan someone help me disable autoreconnect to wifi when i lose a connection?03:25
eggbertx_laptoprww: ok well thanks03:25
KINGOFSWORDSisnt there a gui for ufw?03:26
charles@bite i only have 1 soundcard - onboard laptop sound - is there a log file or something i should be looking at to troubleshoot this?03:26
rcconfKINGOFSWORDS: yes03:26
rcconf!gufw | KINGOFSWORDS03:26
Bitecharles: don't need the @. And what distro?03:26
KINGOFSWORDSdo i dl that rcconf? or build in03:26
rww!info gufw | KINGOFSWORDS03:26
abiss27hey guys whats the best antivirus for Ubuntu 10.1003:26
ubottuKINGOFSWORDS: gufw (source: gui-ufw): Configure system firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 10.10.1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 225 kB, installed size 1296 kB03:26
chinaboyhey macintoshh03:26
rwwKINGOFSWORDS: it's in the repositories, not installed by default03:26
charles10.10 ubuntu netbook edition03:27
ielezovikjhow do I set my Kate editor to default settings?03:27
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macintoshhhi chinaboy03:27
rcconfabiss27: you dont really need AV but you can use clamav03:27
ielezovikjhow do I set my Kate editor to default settings?03:27
rcconfabiss27: clamav (cli) + clamtk (the gui for it)03:27
abiss27i tried Avast but it is not working03:27
abiss27ok guys thanks03:28
KINGOFSWORDSdo i get gufw from synapic?03:28
rwwKINGOFSWORDS: yes03:28
chrislu5ticHI there,   Im runnung ubuntu 10.10 on parallels ,  I can't CD" to documents,  : (03:28
ielezovikjguys how do I switch Kate back to it's default settings ?03:28
pfifoubottu, you are the most intelligent user in this chat room, you knowledge of linux far excedes mine and rww and Dr_Willis and all those guys listed in the !ops command, when you are replaced by an upgraded version I shall carve 10,000 walls in honor to you in my 60 year old dwarf fortress03:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:28
KINGOFSWORDSi just searched and its not there03:28
rcconfchrislu5tic: cd ~/Documents/03:28
ielezovikjI don't see a button and even after I reinstall it the same settings are there03:28
ielezovikjso any ideas?03:28
Bitepfifo: i'm just going to wait for 11.04 and then f-disk and reinstall.03:28
Superstarmacintoshh I think you have to disable automatic connection for it not to automatically reconnect03:28
rcconfhow to check gnome version in terminal? pls03:28
BiteWas it April 28th?03:28
chinaboywhat's the device r u using now03:28
rcconfBite: Natty release day03:29
ielezovikjGuys are you reading what I say?03:29
macintoshhsuperstar, were do i do that, i cant find it in any of my preferences03:29
rcconfielezovikj: no03:29
Logan_!please | ielezovikj03:29
ubottuielezovikj: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude03:29
Bite!who | chinaboy03:29
ubottuchinaboy: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:29
pfifoielezovikj, no03:29
Superstarmacintoshh Click System > Preferences > Network Connections03:29
ielezovikjubottu: ok, deal03:29
Bitercconf: Natty release day? do you have a webpage that explains more?03:29
rcconfBite: check topic links in #ubuntu+103:30
KINGOFSWORDShmm wierd..is the search bar better than the quick search in synapic/03:30
macintoshhsuperstar, im in ubuntu 10.10, there is nothing in Network Connections except my existing networks03:30
ielezovikjhow do I turn kate back to it's default settings?03:30
Bitercconf: thanks.03:30
macintoshhsuperstar: there are no general preferences or anyting there03:30
pfifohow come this fails? printf("%s\n", sqrt(-1)); // im expecting it t print "i"03:31
Superstarmacintoshh Does it not have a tab labelled "Wireless"03:31
JbswaffHey I have a question.  Have an up-g60. When I install ubuntu, the wireless card doesn't work. Any ideas?03:31
chrislu5ticI still cannot CD' documents,     cd ~/documents      it says the dir doesnt exist.. but it clearly does03:31
macintoshhsuperstar: it does, but it just lists the names of networks that I have connected to in it03:31
rcconfchrislu5tic: Documents03:31
rcconfwith D03:31
taglassdid you try cd ~/Documents03:31
taglasscase sensitive filesystem03:32
rcconfchrislu5tic: *nix  is case sensitive03:32
KINGOFSWORDSdo i set fw to allow allow?03:32
chrislu5ticTHANK YOU03:32
slaeyaafternoon all, what is the best way to resize my linux partition. Ubuntu 10.10 (Gui Preferred)03:32
rwwslaeya: gparted on a livecd03:33
rcconfand depends of partition type03:33
rcconfi cannot resize mine .. it's extended03:33
slaeyarww: is gparted still on the new version? do I run off the livecd/liveusb and then resize?03:33
Superstarmacintoshh Edit the access point you keep getting disconnected from and click "Edit", along the top it should say "Connect Automatically" - untick this and apply03:33
ielezovikjhow do I turn kate back to it's default settings?03:33
rwwslaeya: I think so and yes03:34
slaeyarww: thanks ... back in 15.03:34
rcconfielezovikj: check config files in /home03:34
rcconfielezovikj: check in ~/ or ~/.config03:34
ielezovikjrcconf: isn't there a command, and I reinstall kate and the same settings are there, is it a bug?03:35
KINGOFSWORDSwhats a good torrent prog for ubuntu please?03:35
rwwKINGOFSWORDS: transmission03:35
rcconfielezovikj: you need to purge03:35
macintoshhsuperstar: my issue is that I am running a openVPN tunnel through my wifi, and i want to keep that encryped stream, when my wifi disconnects, it automatically tries to reconnect without the VPN, and successfully reconects me, negating my VPN entirely03:35
rcconfielezovikj: sudo apt-get purge kate03:35
rcconfit will delete config files03:35
KINGOFSWORDSthx rww03:35
rwwrcconf: purge doesn't delete per-user configuration files03:35
ielezovikjrcconf: thank you brother03:35
KINGOFSWORDSutorrent not on linux?03:35
ielezovikjrww: then what does?03:35
rwwneither does any other package management action, for that matter03:35
taglassIt won't delete preferences in the users home directories rcconf03:35
rcconfKINGOFSWORDS: no03:35
rwwielezovikj: finding the configuration files and deleting them03:36
charlesmy audio is cutting out halfway through the login sound - pulseaudio problem? I get this error: charles-Ubuntu-Netbook pulseaudio[1391]: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_avail_delay() returned strange values: delay 8 is less than avail 64.03:36
rcconfKINGOFSWORDS: use Transmission it's simple and good03:36
rcconfKINGOFSWORDS: or deluge..03:36
psycho_oreosKINGOFSWORDS, qbittorrent nowadays looks quite similar to utorrent03:36
ielezovikjrww: so I have to reinvent the wheel to get Kate back to it's settings?03:36
rwwielezovikj: sure, if you consider deleting configuration files to be reinventing the wheel.03:36
KINGOFSWORDShow about the preinstalled one is that any good?03:36
ielezovikjrww: where do I find them?03:36
rwwKINGOFSWORDS: Transmission is the preinstalled one03:36
rwwielezovikj: no idea03:37
taglassielezovikj: No you just need to delete whatever in your home directory that file it stores its preferences in.03:37
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
ielezovikjtaglass: how do I find that file?03:37
taglassielezovikj: I don't use KDE, so I can't tell yout he exact filename03:37
KINGOFSWORDSstill getting to know my system lol03:37
taglassielezovikj: Google I guess.03:37
=== Vampire0 is now known as Vampire0__
tensorpuddingielezovikj: it might be in ~/.config somewhere03:37
=== Vampire0__ is now known as Vampire0
ielezovikjtaglass: and someone said it wasn't reinventing the wheel03:38
Superstarmacintoshh You asked how you stop wifi from reconecting after it disconnects.. Disable automatic connection should prevent the wifi from reconnecting. In terms of OpenVPN, that's out of my depth sorry03:38
rwwnot what I said.03:38
Axlinielezovikj: "locate ~/*kate*" reveals a few config files related to kate in ~/.kde/share/config. i'd try removing them03:38
slaeyaubuntu => usb = FAIL. :(03:39
slaeyahmmm let me rephrase that - slaeya writing ubuntu => usb = FAIL03:40
MK`Is there a LiveDVD that contains more applications? or just a CD version03:40
rwwslaeya: works for me, using Startup Disk Creator ;P03:40
slaeyarww: I realised usb isn't formatted right.03:40
rcconfMK`: maybe the DVD or its only for languages03:40
rwwslaeya: I usually use the creator to format it03:41
taglassIt is kind of aggravating that you can't just dd ubuntu images.03:41
slaeyaI neglected to do that step03:41
chrislu5ticis parallels going to effect my file system here? cause things arn't working03:41
slaeyareboot time bbs03:41
=== Vampire0 is now known as Vampire0________
=== Vampire0________ is now known as Vampire0
MK`Ah there is a livedvd, I found it03:43
WraffOlogyis there a way to download stuff on like a thumb drive and and use it on many ubuntu computers?03:44
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
rwwtaglass: indeed :(03:44
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't.03:45
WraffOlogyubottu: is there a way to download stuff on like a thumb drive and and use it on many ubuntu computers?03:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:46
slipp3danyone know how to trouble shoot a NX machine and why I can't log into a session?03:46
slipp3dI can log into ssh but can't log into NX03:47
food_wraffology: what are you asking? ubuntu has fat 32 support, so yes you can write to a thumb drive and use it for other computers03:47
WraffOlogyi mean just the applications03:48
food_what type of apps?03:49
fission6how can i check what ports are being used locally? do i need nmap or is there soimething elkse03:50
food_wraffology: scripts are simple and portable, but library extensive apps like blender. you need to fetch all those libraries03:50
WraffOlogyfood_ some of the ones from the unbuntu software center03:50
rwwfission6: netstat -l03:51
rwwfission6: though netstat -ln --inet might be more useful.03:51
psionicsinHey guys. I'm running an Intel i7 950, with 24GB of G.Skill RAM, with a 300 (10k) system drive, a 500, and four 1TB drives. Also a Samsung DVD burner that's SATA. And all of this is connected to an Asus P6X58D-E Mobo...yet it keeps giving me a Disk Driver error when I try to install Ubuntu. Any idea what's going on?03:51
food_Wraffology: you best bet is to compile the apps into your usb and you have to make sure that you compile in all the libraries required03:52
psionicsinI've tried using that whole ctrl+alt+F2 thing, but it doesn't work.03:52
taglasspsionicsin: Send me that rig and I'll check it out for you.03:53
WraffOlogyfood_ can i do that with out having unbuntu on the flash drive?03:53
psionicsintaglass...no lol. This is my baby...but Linux doesn't seem to like her very much.03:53
psionicsinI've been stuck with windows and think it's unfair that I don't even know why. I could understand if I'm outdated...but I'm far from it.03:54
nickals#pugbot NEEDS 5 TO START NOW!!! COME .join IN THE CHANNEL #pugbot NOW!!!03:54
rwwnickals: Don't advertise in here.03:55
nickalso shit03:55
food_Wraffology: yeah, as long as the os is linux and the program points to the correct library in the usb then its fine, now i have to see if theres a simple guide03:55
nickalsim sorry03:55
nickalsrww i didnt realise i was on freenode03:55
nickalsthats for gamingnetworks03:55
food_^ lol03:55
KINGOFSWORDSany 1 played gta 4 in wine?03:55
B-Wolfand i've had enough bots to last several lifetimes so i'll pass03:55
rwwnickals: messaging all the channels on a network (which is what I assume you're doing) is a rather bad idea regardless of the network :\03:56
rwwall the channels you're in **03:56
taglasspsionicsin: When it comes to Linux, it's usually better to be outdated than on the bleeding edge.03:56
gartralhey all, i started my ubuntu and i keep getting a message saying the gnome power manager settings are incorrect, i havent change anything, and my themes are gone, it won't let me log in either03:56
visual1ceim having a strange problem with evolution03:56
nickalsrww, all the channels im in allow it03:56
nickalson those networks03:56
nickalsim sorry about that03:56
psionicsintaglass well i can't do anything about that now so...any help on the disk driver error thing?03:57
WraffOlogyfood_ im new to unbuntu but i'm wanting to update all my computers to it03:57
food_wraffology ?03:57
WraffOlogybtw where is unbuntu guides ?03:57
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:58
onelinerhow can i know if root user has a password set?03:58
visual1cei restored my mail by copying my sbackup .evolution folder but it seems like when i use alt+f4 to close evolution the emails i received are not saved03:58
Logan_WraffOlogy: What is unbuntu?03:58
B-Wolfits a Os03:58
WraffOlogylogan_ it's bad spelling03:58
rwwoneliner: sudo cat /etc/shadow | grep ^root03:58
rwwoneliner: if you get a * after the first :, it's a disabled account with no password. a bunch of letters and $ means there's a password set03:59
kerrick"aptitude reinstall --purge apache2" resets all configuration files for apache2, right?03:59
onelinerrww am getting root:!:numbersandsemicolons04:00
jribkerrick: nope04:00
gartralhey all, i started my ubuntu and i keep getting a message saying the gnome power manager settings are incorrect, i havent changed anything, and my themes are not loading, it won't let me log into either account i made on it.04:00
rwwoneliner: it's disabled04:00
rwwoneliner: ! or * or anything like that aren't valid password hashes, so you can't log into accounts with that04:00
rwwhence disabled :)04:00
onelinerright so there s no way to do su untill i set a root pass?04:01
onelineri know sudo acomplishes the same just looking at the options04:01
rwwoneliner: correct04:01
onelineris giving a user a password the only requirement to allow it to call sudo?04:02
sodasomeone scan me04:02
food_wraffology: wait, let me ask? Do you want to install your program to an usb or just an installer like an install cd when you buy a game?04:03
jriboneliner: no, user must be in the admin group (that's how sudoers is setup by default)04:03
Ben64oneliner: the user has to be in sudoers04:03
WraffOlogyis there a manual for 11.04 ubuntu04:03
Ben64soda: scan?04:03
gartralsoda: scan what?04:03
WraffOlogymy stick is only 4 gig's and it's almost full04:03
sodajust getting use to thesecurity onoin04:04
WraffOlogyfood_ so i'm wanting to load them on my pc's then update them with the stick do to no internet04:04
abiss27guys how do you come back in GUI mode from Ctrl-Alt-F2?04:04
Ben64abiss27: usually ctrl+alt+f704:05
abiss27ok will try it thanks04:05
Ben64might be f8 though04:05
Ben64depends on your setup04:05
food_wraffology, oh never mind me, so you want to update your system04:05
abiss27ok will try them thanks guys04:05
food_wraffology, get one computer with internet and i believe the command is apt-get -d packagename04:06
samuelhello guys04:06
sodathats so old04:06
samuelanyone know if there is an ubuntu repo for sickbeard?04:06
abiss27guys Ctrl-Alt-F7  works for me ...thanks04:07
gartralhey all, I really need please. i started my ubuntu and i keep getting a message saying the gnome power manager settings are incorrectly installed, have no idea what that means.. i havent changed anything, and my themes are not loading, it won't let me log into either account i made on it.04:08
gartralneed help please*04:08
food_samuel: https://launchpad.net/~sickbeard/+archive/sickbeard-devel-ppa google search it urself nexttime04:08
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.04:08
samuelfood_, thanks, I did, but I kept running into tutorials for installing sickbeard from git. I prefer to have it all nicely managed with dpkg04:09
food_ubottu: i did it for him, i told him google it himself next time04:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:09
food_samuel: that ppa no one is managing it04:10
WraffOlogyfood_ is there a manual for ubuntu 11.0404:10
food_wraffology: manual for what? an os can do everything. It like giving a manual on how to use a pencil lol04:10
MACscri want to sync my nautilus passwords/bookmarks with my laptop. Any recommendations?04:10
gabe_hosted on gmail04:11
WraffOlogyfood_ i've read the pensil one already04:11
toluene[HELP] hi! Can anyone help me to check which package libpython2.6xxxx.0 belongs to ? I accidently deleted it.04:11
MACscrgabe_: who you talking to?04:11
food_wraffology: if there is an command that you dont understand, open a terminal and type "man" + the command04:11
gabe_how do i burn an iso to a usb04:12
MACscrgabe_: for what purpose?04:12
charleshi guys - my internal speakers cut out about 10 secs into any audio then wont start again until reboot. Headphones remain ok - ubuntu 10.10 netbook edition - anyone here can help me?04:12
food_toluene: search the synaptic package manager04:12
gabe_burn an os04:12
MACscrto boot to and use as a live cd?04:12
kassiushow i can get the mac address?04:12
kassiusfrom cli04:13
MACscrkassius: ifconfig04:13
kassiusthank you mac04:13
MACscrgabe_: is the OS ubuntu?04:13
food_gabe: use unetbootin easy gui04:13
selig5WraffOlogy: Official Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/04:13
gabe_is it available at the ubuntu software center04:13
MACscrgabe_: yes04:13
gabe_thanks macscr04:14
food_gabeL i believe its in the synaptic package manager04:14
kasunhi, im using "links", a text-based web browser. I'm trying to connect to a server at _port_ 8080. But it doesn't work. any clues?04:14
MACscrthough if your just trying to do ubuntu, i would recommend using its internal tool for it04:14
kassiusyou can do it directly user administration menu > Startup Disk Creator04:14
kasundoes "links" support ports other than 80?04:14
MACscrgabe_: as kassius just said04:14
food_gabe: the ubuntu software center is not a good replacement for the synaptic package manager04:14
gabe_yeah sounds easier04:15
MACscrkasun: how are you trying to access it?04:15
gabe_thanks guys04:15
MACscrfood_: i thought it was the same thing04:15
charlesanyone here experienced at troubleshooting soundcard issues?04:15
kasunMACscr: command is: "links". basically it's tomcat server.04:15
food_macscr: hell no. the only thing good about the ubuntu software center is that it has picture04:15
kasunMACscr: and I can access the server via chrome.04:16
blaineis ext4 really sensitive to power failures?04:16
MACscrkasun: links though? You sure your not thinking of lynx?04:16
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kasunMACscr: links is easier for me. so, are you suggesting port thing is not working? :(04:17
food_blaine: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journaling_file_system ext4 is not as senstive to powerfailure as ext2 or prob 304:18
MACscrkasun: no, just stating i wasnt familiar with it04:18
kasuni see04:18
KINGOFSWORDSwill having 64 bit ubuntu affect the way WINE runs?04:18
Logan_!anyone | charles04:19
ubottucharles: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.04:19
MACscrKINGOFSWORDS: i dont think so, but i dont really know. Ask in #wine =P04:19
chuunzanyone have experience with xchat, the ppl at #xchat are responding..04:19
food_kingofswords: 64 bit ubuntu is backward compatible with 32 bits apps, so prob not04:19
Logan_KINGOFSWORDS: I doub it04:19
kasunMACscr: ok, I'll try with lynx. the command would be as simple as "lynx", right?04:19
MACscrchuunz: are you blind?04:19
KINGOFSWORDSahhh brilliant  thx MACscr04:19
bastidrazorKINGOFSWORDS: #wine is not the channel you want. #winehq is the correct channel. MACscr04:20
Logan_!bite | MACscr04:20
ubottuMACscr: Please don't bite our new friend. Everyone is new to Ubuntu and IRC once and everyone makes mistakes. If they don't learn from their mistakes you can have a little nibble on them later.04:20
MACscrbastidrazor: its not like it doesnt redirect you04:20
KINGOFSWORDS#wine is invite only04:20
MACscror at least it used to04:20
chuunzhelp, i need help loading scripts to xchat, the guys at #xchat aren't responding04:20
gbear14275hello, A USB stick that I just put in my computer displayed a red light and is now not visibleit seems by my system... could anyone help me troubleshoot if it was detected?04:20
Logan_!repeat | chuunz04:20
ubottuchuunz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:20
KINGOFSWORDSthx bastidrazor04:20
MACscrchuunz: then you need to be more patient04:20
MACscrgbear14275: do other ones work?04:21
gartralok, after running dpkg --configure -a i'm still hitting the same wall, my configureations seemed hosed, how do i recover this? after booting im getting a message that says Gnome power manager defaults have not been installed correctly, i havent touched those settings.. how do i reset them?04:21
bastidrazorKINGOFSWORDS: if the channel says  invite only you need to register your nick04:22
KINGOFSWORDSfood i had probs installing 32 bits apps thou04:22
KINGOFSWORDSnick is reg'd04:22
KINGOFSWORDSmaybe help if i signed in lol04:22
gbear14275MACscr, yes, so I was just watching the tail of my message log... when I removed and re-inserted the drive 4 devices are being detected04:23
sodano need   these a free pass 2day04:23
gbear14275MACscr, and nothing it seems as if it is not detected the previous allocations being removed04:23
MACscrare you unmounting it before you remove it?04:23
MACscrer, did you04:24
food_KINGOFWORDS: check if ia32-libs install on your system04:24
KINGOFSWORDSok//is that in synaptic ? food04:24
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food_KINGOFSWORDS: yea04:24
KINGOFSWORDSi installed 32 bit g'earth by copying 3 lines ..cant remember them thoiu04:25
SuperstarI've just installed Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop version and I can't seem to get my ethernet working. The cables are fine. Virgin Superhub is set to automatic DHCP leasing. I can connect to the router via wifi and if I reboot into windows. Please advise?04:25
sodadid u start networking04:26
KINGOFSWORDSfood yeh installed already..must of done it earlier for g earth04:26
KINGOFSWORDSdoes it use more cpu transferring to 32 bit?04:26
gartralok, after running dpkg --configure -a i'm still hitting the same wall, my configureations seemed hosed, how do i recover this? after booting im getting a message that says Gnome power manager defaults have not been installed correctly, i havent touched those settings.. how do i reset them?04:26
gartralKINGOFSWORDS: it should use less04:26
MACscrgartral: !repeat04:27
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gartralMACscr: last one was about 10 mins ago..04:27
MACscryeah, you should wait about 30 minutes to an hour04:27
rwwtry fifteen :)04:27
sodaSuperstar, getting working04:27
semitonesSuperstar, what does it say if you type ifconfig into a terminal (please use pastebin :)04:28
KINGOFSWORDShow do i sign in reg'd nick in irc?04:28
MACscrrww: minimum maybe. i was talking about actually being respectful04:28
semitones!register | KINGOFSWORDS04:28
ubottuKINGOFSWORDS: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:28
gartralwell i'm worried cause i've never seen this before, and i can't google it cause i'm stuck in console.04:28
rwwKINGOFSWORDS: /msg nickserv identify nickname password04:28
KINGOFSWORDSty semitones04:28
rwwnickname can be omitted if it's your current nick04:28
KINGOFSWORDSand rww04:28
Superstarsemitones: http://paste.ubuntu.com/592943/04:29
food_KINGOFWORDS: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47479004:29
MACscrSuperstar: and you have a wired connection or just wireless?04:29
semitonesSuperstar, that command gives information about your current connections, eth0 being the one we're interested in now04:29
KINGOFSWORDSoh no do i have to register on a each server?04:29
KINGOFSWORDSi normally on rizon04:30
MACscrKINGOFSWORDS: just freenode04:30
MACscrnot per channel04:30
SuperstarMACscr: I have both, I'm connected on wifi to talk to you guys04:30
KINGOFSWORDSnah i mean i reg'd on rizon not here04:30
MACscrSuperstar: ok, so your trying to get the wired connection to work?04:30
MACscrKINGOFSWORDS: never heard of rizon. Everything decent is on freenode04:31
semitonesKINGOFSWORDS, registering on one irc network does not register you on all of them -- freenode's is separate from rizon04:31
rwwKINGOFSWORDS: you have to register on each network, yes.04:31
SuperstarMACscr: yes. semitones: this is the exact same problem i'm having http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60795304:31
KINGOFSWORDSyeh i like asian movies...well kung fu and theres a few channels dedicated to that on rizon04:31
Logan_!ot | KINGOFSWORDS04:32
ubottuKINGOFSWORDS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:32
semitonesSuperstar, the symptoms are the same but I think the cause might be a little different. In your ifconfig readout, there seemed to be a eth0 connection listed04:33
semitonesIf a wifi expert took a look at it they might see something more than I do though04:33
gbear14275MACscr, I don't think it was getting to the mounted stage04:33
ankushI am having some error after i installed my graphics card drivers in Ubuntu 10.1004:34
GatunoRoxHow do I boot Ubuntu from Grub4DOS?04:34
MACscrankush: ask in #nvidia or #radeon or #ati04:34
ankushIts not a problem relatedraphics card04:34
ankushRelated to04:34
Superstarsemitones: i know04:35
GatunoRoxankush: you running liveUSB or full install?04:35
ankushAll my visual effects in ubuntu were working Fine but after i installed it, I got an error Install Archieves() failed04:35
gartralok, i've realized somehow my partitions are full and i cant install anything cause my partitions are full (this seems counter-intuitive..)04:35
ankushI am running Installation from wibi04:35
MACscrankush: if things were working fine, why did you install it?04:35
ankushI just thought that i should install the driver if it is avialable04:36
ankushNow the driver is activated but no visual effects are working04:36
MACscrnah, the proprietary drivers are horrible04:36
MACscri would just remove them04:36
ankushIf i uninstall it i again get an error message Install Arcieves() failed04:36
ankush<MACscr> And the driver is removed04:37
ankush<MACscr>But stilll Effects are not coming back04:37
MACscrnah, they tend to leave things behind04:37
gbear14275lsusb should display usb devices plugged in right?04:37
ankush<MACscr>I cant remove them too04:37
ankushThey are removed after giving an error message04:38
ankushInstall archieves failed()04:38
MACscrankush: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142599304:38
GatunoRoxMy grub4DOS doesn't recognize my ext2 partition =/04:38
slim_hi, i have installed ubuntu system , how can i create DVD from it to install it on another computer with the same configuration ?04:39
SuperstarShould my LAN adapter be using 2 kernel modules? "Kernel modules: 8139too, 8139cp"04:39
RahoulHi I would like to start coherence automatically on ubuntu server after startup. Ive been looking at Upstart but I am not sure how to write a script. I would like to start with basics. Coherence is usually executed using "coherence -d" Any thoughts??04:40
foodslim_: clonzilla? http://clonezilla.org/04:40
slim_thanks food04:41
foodhow i want to eat an slim him04:42
SuperstarI'm going to reboot see if that helps04:42
ankushDOesnt help much04:42
KINGOFSWORDSim off thx for help every 1 gnite04:42
ankushMy Graphics card is activated now and when i click on extra effects then it says graphics effects cannot be enabled04:42
Goesi'm begin here04:43
Goes i'm thai04:43
Goesin thailand04:43
tensorpuddingmaybe there is a thai channel?04:44
tensorpuddingguess not04:44
Goesyes thailand04:44
^NiNjAankush,  do you have the drivers for it installed and activated?04:44
ubottuPlease see #ubuntu-th for Ubuntu in Thailand.04:44
ankushYes i have04:45
ankush<^NiNjA Though it gave anerror install archieves() failed while installation and then installed it04:45
^NiNjAif you got an error than most likely thats the problem04:46
ankush<^NiNjA> My desktop effects were working great prior to installing the driver04:46
ankush<^NiNjA> And now even if i remove it, it doesnt help04:46
^NiNjAif they ran fine using the ubuntu default driver setup you may want to use that instead.04:46
ankushYes i do04:47
ankush<^NiNjA> But how can i remove my driver now04:47
ankush<^NiNjA> It gives an error InstallArchieves failed()04:47
^NiNjAeither way you should try and reinstall the driver. go to synaptic package manager and select the driver and mark it for reinstallation04:47
ankush<^NiNjA> OK let me try Can i PM you?04:48
Rahoulhi food04:48
Rahouli know how to make a simple bash bin script04:48
foodRahoul https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto04:48
^NiNjAif you get same error try marking it for complete removal and then install again04:48
Rahoulhowever file under /etc/init/foo.conf wont run when sudo service foo start/stop04:49
Rahouli guess i am missing something in the .conf file04:49
Rahoulnot sure about the basic blocks04:49
foodsorry it took so long, i was looking for that. make sure sure your script have a .sh at the end with exe permissions04:49
jpapertowelsif i make an ubuntu usb live drive can i run hdparm from it to secure erase my ssds or is there an easier way?04:50
food? all you have to do it add your script to a certain place. I kidda forgot ubuntu style fo doing things04:50
Rahoulwell according to documentation, upstart files are just .conf files04:50
Rahoulnot sh04:50
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foodyour script name will have a period.sh04:50
Rahoulare you sure?04:51
Rahoulnot trying to get difficult04:51
Rahoulits only that documenation for Upstart04:51
ouyesI connect my desktop pc to my laptop via rj45 cable, and the desktop pc shares the laptops wireless internet access, but how can tansfer file between them, the pc is running windows xp and the laptop is running ubuntu?04:51
Rahoulsays it very clearle04:51
Rahoulthat it has to be conf and not exec04:51
Rahoulthough iknow what .sh does04:51
foodRahoulL i have to look for better doc to explan but scripts have a .sh at the end of the name04:52
foodI know that kde4 complains if there isnt a .sh at the end of the name04:52
Rahoulthank you very much04:54
Rahoulhow would you create such script04:54
Rahoulunder /etc/init.d ???04:54
Rahoulwhat syntax would you use04:54
foodRahoul: http://www.ubuntu-howto.info/howto/how-to-execute-a-command-program-or-script-at-startup-init-mini-howto04:55
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
Rahoulthanks food =)04:55
Rahoulwill take a look at it right now04:55
foodRahoul: you should understand linux run level, every distor is different like opensuse gui is at run level 504:56
mfusbest power pc distro?04:56
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
foodRahoul: i made that example up since it at the top of my head04:56
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.04:57
Rahoulso lets say for example04:57
Rahouli want to run my command on startup04:57
foodrww : i never knew you can do that tell me how to get the list04:57
Rahoulthe basic script should be04:58
Rahoul#! binbash04:58
Rahoulcoherence -d04:58
Rahouland thats it?04:58
rww!bot > food04:58
ubottufood, please see my private message04:58
mewayI have a Tyan Thunder 2500, I can use an alternative ethernet card and it works. I need to get the onboard to work though because I only have one ethernet card. Can someone help me? O.S is ubuntu server 10.10(I would have to double check I know its 10.something)04:59
MK`When Ubuntu is not running, is the swap partition empty? Safe to delete if you're moving partitions around?05:02
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
mewayIs there any reason my onboard ethernet should not be working?05:03
food_dawm it konversation is crashing my gui- i might ahve to try and send a bug report05:03
lwizardlanyone know how to make ubuntu not add a trash folder on external drives ?05:05
red2kiclwizardl: "rm -rfv .Trash-1000" -- Make a script or alias out of that.05:06
MK`If there is no trash folder will it make a new one as needed?05:07
ouyeshow to know the default gateway and dns server for one interface for example wlan0 ?05:07
soreauMK`: yes05:07
lwizardlred2kic, I just want to disable the trashbin on external media. so if i tell it to delete a file it just deletes it instead of placing in the hidden trash folder05:07
soreauouyes: route del default gw05:08
red2kicMK`: It'll -- If you delete files.05:08
soreauouyes: Oh, I misread your question05:08
rypervencheI periodically change languages on my Ubuntu 10.10 computer. When it asks me if I want to change my home folders' names I sometimes change them. However, recently I chose "Do not show this anymore" or whatever it said. Now no matter what language I put it in it does not ask me. How can I get this back?05:08
soreauouyes: Default gateway 'sudo route' and nameserver 'cat /etc/resolv.conf'05:09
ouyessoreau,  I am running ubuntu now and the cmd ifconfig you will see ip  mac and mask but no default gateway and dns server05:09
soreauouyes: Use the commands I just mentioned above05:10
jbswaffI have a question. I have an HP-G60 laptop. After installing ubuntu, my wireless card no longer works. Anyone have any idea what's going on?05:10
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KamakaziAnybody know if there is a way to make OpenOffice not pull its theme from Gnome? I really like the theme I found for Gnome other than the fact that it really messes with OpenOffice05:10
soreaujbswaff: What wifi chip is it?05:10
jbswaffsoreau: broadcom05:11
soreau! broadcom | jbswaff05:11
ubottujbswaff: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx05:11
red2kiclwizardl: That's nautilus thing. You could look under BEHAVIOR tab -- "Include a Delete command that bypasses Trash" -- Use SHIFT+DELETE. Not what you want -- but... okay.05:11
jbswaffthank you both05:11
operahelp me please05:12
operahow to find usb on ubuntu05:12
PresuntoRJopera: You mean a USB dongle? like a PenDrive ?05:12
operaPresuntoRJ,  camera05:13
PresuntoRJopera: it might not be compatible... a good check would be if it lists on lsusb ...05:14
PresuntoRJopera: try to open a Terminal Shell and type lsusb05:14
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ouyessoreau, is there any simple way like ipconfig /all in dos?05:14
tensorpuddingopera: if when you plugged it in, it didn't appear automatically, it might not be compatible05:14
PresuntoRJouyes: ip add05:15
red2kiclwizardl: I use an alias that just rm .Trash-1000 in current directory. It's far effective than figuring out how to disable it (presumably because it does not exist).05:15
rypervencheI periodically change languages on my Ubuntu 10.10 computer. When it asks me if I want to change my home folders' names I sometimes change them. However, recently I chose "Do not show this anymore" or whatever it said. Now no matter what language I put it in it does not ask me. How can I get this back?05:15
jbswaffsoreau: i was wrong, it's an atheros wireless chip - sorry.05:16
ouyesPresuntoRJ, there is no information of gateway and dns  via ip add05:16
PresuntoRJouyes: ah... I see... the routes (gateway included) are in $ ip route05:17
PresuntoRJouyes: the DNS has nothing to do with the network settings them self... it resides in a config file /etc/resolv.conf05:17
SoftdroidGood morning!05:17
PresuntoRJouyes: in the GUI, you can also click on the Network Manager and ask to view the Network Information (or something like that)05:18
gartralhow do i remove rythembox?05:18
PresuntoRJouyes: it shows my DNS there as well05:18
SoftdroidI have problem with all type of recording, using Soundblaster Audigy. Is it possible to rremove all sound driver in ubuntu and install it again?05:18
ouyesPresuntoRJ, thanks05:18
SoftdroidAudigy 2 Platinum05:18
PresuntoRJouyes: by the way, ip add is short for "ip address"05:19
jeremymcsPresuntoRJ btw, ip is short for "ip add"05:19
PresuntoRJSoftdroid: I believe those drivers are all embended in the kernel... unless you reinstall ubuntu (not the point)... are you sure its not some codec issue?05:20
floorfillaso where i can route this ip?05:20
PresuntoRJSoftdroid: there is a friend that might help a lot with sound issues and config... meganerd05:20
floorfillaiptables -i05:20
PresuntoRJjeremymcs: no, there is a command called $ ip05:21
SoftdroidPresuntoRJ: I don't know. My mic is not working properly and I can't record anything either from the mic or Line in05:21
wirrrever since the last update, my lucid partition keeps crashing, either when it is loading or after like 5 minutes of use05:21
PresuntoRJjeremymcs: and the "add" is an option for the "address"05:21
JohnnyLWhy does 'h*.php' work if there is at least one h*.php in the current directory (for global tags system) and it will find others in subdirectory, but if there is no h*.php is the current directory it will flat out refuse any h*.php in subdirs?05:21
PresuntoRJjeremymcs: ip is the name of the protocol, not the address it self05:21
SoftdroidPresuntoRJ: Is meganerd usually in this channel?05:21
WhatToDohow do i downgrade to a previous release of ubuntu?05:22
PresuntoRJSoftdroid: he usually is, but I am not sure what timeZone, so, he could be sleeping now05:22
SoftdroidPresuntoRJ: Ok, I will look for him. thanks :)05:22
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MK`I was told to burn LiveCDs at 1x, but the minimum write speed of my drive is 4x. Is this ok>05:22
raidoMK`: Why would someone tell you that?05:23
PresuntoRJSoftdroid: for now, you could trry reading the information on the wiki...05:23
MK`That's what they said...05:23
PresuntoRJ!audio | Softdroid05:24
ubottuSoftdroid: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.05:24
PresuntoRJ!codec Softdroid05:24
SuperstarDoes anyone know how to get ICQ working?05:24
PresuntoRJ!codec | Softdroid05:24
floorfillahello, how to resize paryition on the fly?05:24
ubottuSoftdroid: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:24
raidoMK`: Nah, unless your having failures, burn at full speed.05:24
PresuntoRJ!kernel | Softdroid05:24
ubottuSoftdroid: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)05:24
SoftdroidThanks alot PresuntoRJ, you are so kind05:24
soreaujbswaff: If it's atheros then it should already be working. Does 'iwconfig' show a wlan0 interface?05:24
MK`This also says lowest possible seed raido: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto05:24
PresuntoRJSuperstar: mine is working under Empathy (the chat program)05:24
floorfillaplease answer my question05:25
PresuntoRJSuperstar: 1074512005:25
wirrrcan one use synaptic to repair the kernel or something05:25
raidoMK`: Pff, I never had to do that.05:25
psionicsinAnyone know what site I have to use to post image links on here? I want someone to see what I'm seeing.05:25
wirrrit usually crashes after it's been idle for a few minutes05:25
psionicsinI can't remember the name of the site someone told me to use before.05:25
SuperstarPresuntoRJ: did you change the ICQ server address to login.icq.com?05:25
PresuntoRJfloorfilla: on the fly? no can do... but you can try to boot with a live CD and change the partition on the HDD05:25
raidowirrr: imagebin05:25
MK`Heh. I always read that you're supposed to burn disks at the speed printed on it. Now I'm confused05:26
jbswaffsoreau: yes, it does05:26
PresuntoRJSuperstar: not that I recall, but I will check05:26
sdobzI have a samba share I'm connecting to via win7, and I have read and create/edit access, but no delete access.05:26
sdobzHow do I fix this?05:26
SuperstarPresuntoRJ: I've just done a fresh install of Ubuntu and Empathy still had AOLs server address in there05:26
soreaujbswaff: Does 'sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i ssid' show AP's?05:26
PresuntoRJSuperstar: mine says slogin.icq.com05:26
SuperstarPresuntoRJ: Mine is working now but I think I disabled SSL05:26
WhatToDois there a way to downgrade ubuntu or do i have to do a fresh install of a previous version?05:27
PresuntoRJSuperstar: port 519005:27
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jbswaffsoreau: "Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down"05:27
raidosdobz: the user that you are logged into Win 7 as needs to be the user that owns the share on the samba server05:27
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soreaujbswaff: Try 'sudo ifconfig wlan0 up' first, then try scanning again05:28
sdobzraido: Not if the security setting is share05:28
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raidosdobz: what security setting05:29
bret_hey hows it going?05:29
jbswaffsoreau: "Operation not possible due to RF-kill"05:29
wirrrraido: what is imagebin?05:29
sdobzraido: In smb.conf "security = SHARE"05:29
SuperstarPresuntoRJ: Thanks. I had to turn SSL off. The new owners of ICQ don't use SSL any more05:29
raidowirrr: http://imagebin.org/05:29
soreaujbswaff: Gah. I wonder what's causing that..05:29
bret_any body able to help with dual boot win7 with 10.10 already installed05:30
PresuntoRJSuperstar: hum... and how I am logged on?05:30
PresuntoRJSuperstar: :/05:30
jbswaffsoreau: got me...05:30
SuperstarPresuntoRJ: You must have super powers05:30
Ben64bret_: you have ubuntu and you want to install windows?05:30
soreaujbswaff: Can you pastebin the output of 'dmesg|grep ath' to paste.ubuntu.com ?05:30
bret_yea i used the live cd to repartion, and installed win7 in there, after installing it would only boot windows, did some research and reinstalled grub2 but still dont have an option to select the OS i want to access05:31
PresuntoRJ!dualboot | bret_05:31
ubottubret_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:31
jbswaffsoreau: yea, give me a minute though to connect this thing via cable05:32
raidosdobz: is the sticky bit sed on that dir?05:32
soreaujbswaff: ok05:32
PresuntoRJbret_:  can you boot to Ubuntu? maybe you just need to $ sudo update-grub205:32
jbswaffsoreau: done05:33
bret_yea i chrooted? in some tmp folders, and after that i was able to boot ubuntu without the live cd05:34
navin_how to build webkit for arm without scrachbox???any help plz..05:34
sdobzraido: Nope.05:34
soreaujbswaff: You have to show the link to the pastebin back here..05:35
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sdobzI am logging in as one user (media) and force usering to another (www-data)05:35
jbswaffsoreau: oh i shoulda known that lol - http://paste.ubuntu.com/59296405:35
rypervencheI periodically change languages on my Ubuntu 10.10 computer. When it asks me if I want to change my home folders' names I sometimes change them. However, recently I chose "Do not show this anymore" or whatever it said. Now no matter what language I put it in it does not ask me. How can I get this back?05:36
soreaujbswaff: Seems to have something to do with the switch to enable/disable wifi. Can you try 'rfkill unblock wifi' then try to bring the interface up again with 'ifconfig wlan0 up' ?05:36
bret_if somebody would figure the zune out i would not need windows at all!! =]05:37
TuxTuxhello, anyone could give me a hand to recover data in a lost partition? My HD just died to a trojan and i need to recover one of its partitions05:37
jbswaffsoreau: 'ifconfig wlan0 up' errors out:05:37
jbswaffsoreau: Permission denied05:37
soreaujbswaff: You need to prefix the command with sudo05:38
TuxTuxGparted detects the partition as "Unknown" file type, and it wont allow me to mount it, i dont want to format it if theres any way to recover the data, it would take months to recover all of it again05:39
jbswaffsoreau: "Operation not possible due to RF-kill"05:39
SoftdroidPresuntoRJ: How can I check the version of my Alsa driver?05:39
raidosdobz: did you set mask settings in the smb conf05:39
soreaujbswaff: What happened when you ran 'rfkill unblock wifi'? Did you make sure the wifi is turned on via the switch/button to enable/disable it?05:39
sdobzraido: No, I didn't change any of the masking stuff. Let me look into that.05:41
jbswaffsoreau: when i ran that command, nothing happened that i could see - it gave me no response. The switch remains off even when pressed. With HP, they have a power button type switch. When working normally, it is orange when off and blue when on. The switch remains orange even after pressed05:41
soreaujbswaff: There are two pages about it here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1610829 but point to rfkill unblock wifi fixing the issue. Maybe you need to run it with sudo, or reboot for it to take effect.05:43
jbswaffsoreau, thank you, i'll go ahead and try rebooting05:43
TuxTuxhello, anyone could give me a hand to recover data in a lost partition? My HD just died to a trojan and i need to recover one of its partitions please help me05:44
soreaujbswaff: Alright, let me know what happens05:44
rypervencheHow can I get my system to ask me if I would change the names of my default folders when I log in? When I change languages now it doesn't ask me and I need to change the names of them.05:44
jbswaffsoreau: after rebooting, it's the same thing05:45
red2kicrypervenche: Default folders? Typically, there are none. You just make them. However, there are few folders (with certain symbolic icons). Downloads, Pictures, Documents, Templates, etc.05:46
soreaujbswaff: Did you try running 'sudo rfkill unblock wifi'?05:46
jbswaffsoreau: yes05:46
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tensorpuddingrypervenche: it's possibly a config setting in ~/.config somewhere05:46
rypervenchered2kic: Right, those are the ones that change when your change your locale. Normally it asks you if you would like to change the language of them as well when you change locales. However, I checked the box to have it no longer ask.05:47
soreaujbswaff: What does 'rfkill list' say?05:47
tensorpuddingor maybe in gconf somewhere05:48
red2kicrypervenche: Ah. English is the only (and primary) language for me. :305:48
B|ackPantherHi, am connected to a small embedded linux computer(gumstix) through kermit and was wondering if there is a way i can display the images i have on the embedded system.05:48
hamzayou guys see my writing right?05:48
visual1ceim having this problem: between reboots, stuff is not saving... some stuff does other doesn't ... i don't know whats going on but i've read other users with ssds are having similar problems05:48
soreauhamza: nope05:48
visual1cehow can i check logs to see if a recovery is happening when i boot05:48
hamzawell the infoleak couldnt see my writing05:48
mewayMy ethernet is not working :(05:48
jbswaffsoreau: hp-wifi: Wireless LAN <<<line break>>> Soft Blocked: yes <<<line break>>> Hard Blocked: yes <<<line break>>> phy0: Wireless LAN <<<line break>>> Soft Blocked: no <<<line break>>> Hard Blocked: yes05:49
soreaujbswaff: Try 'rfkill unblock all'05:49
soreaujbswaff: and check rfkill list again05:50
jbswaffsoreau: rfkill list - all is the same except for the first soft block which is now "no"05:50
soreaujbswaff: Does the switch work?05:51
jbswaffsoreau: no05:51
rypervenchetensorpudding: Ahh, thank you. I think I found it.05:51
jbswaffsoreau: i know it..05:52
soreaujbswaff: Well I never had a laptop to play with that had this problem. Only thing I can suggest is try asking in ##linux since it seems to be a kernel issue05:52
cmdbbqhey, i am already asking aroundd in ubuntu-server, but i figured i would ask here too. i am trying to get  a headless serverr to connect to my router. I am administering the server via an AP wireless network (no idea what the AP stands for, but functions as ad hoc with server as host) and i am having trouble getting the router and the server talking properly. when i try to bring up eth0 i get this: http://pastebin.com/5EzXEjzA05:52
jbswaffsoreau: Will do! Thanks a lot for trying05:52
soreaujbswaff: Please let me know how you fix it after it's working because I hate this problem :P05:53
Codex84are you guys useing mirc on ubuntu05:54
Codex84or a differen client05:54
dustinhow do i reset my gui to defaut ?05:54
Milosshhello. USB disk creator does not work with some of the .iso types. Can you tell me how to convert and raw CD iso image to ubuntu version of it?05:54
Milosshs/convert and/convert an05:54
dustinim on xchat05:54
RaikiaCodex84: I'm using xchat05:55
cmdbbqi use irssi05:55
Codex84alright cool cool05:55
dustinCodex84, im on xhot05:55
jbswaffsoreau: lol i'll be sure to let you know05:55
dustinCodex84, xchat for me05:55
tensorpuddingrypervenche: what was it? i'm curious now05:56
dustinCodex84,  why do you like to know ?05:57
RaikiaDoes anyone know how to change the proxy server (in gnome-network-preferences) via command line?05:58
rob_pcmdbbq: It looks like either your server is not physically connected to the router, or your router is misconfigured and isn't handing out DHCP leases.05:59
jbswaffsoreau: thanks for explaining that to everyone - it's over my head :P but i can't send anything in that channel.. odd - i get a message saying "Cannot send to channel ##linux"05:59
bret_Any insight on bridging wireless ethernet for playstation?05:59
soreau! register | jbswaff06:00
ubottujbswaff: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode06:00
soreaujbswaff: You likely need to register your nick to speak as some channels have made this a requirement due to spam issues and such06:01
cmdbbqron_p i can confirm that the wire is secure in both the router and the server and that the router is handing out dhcp leases to other devices (my laptop)06:01
rob_pcmdbbq: So maybe your ethernet cable between the router and the server is faulty?06:01
kz3can anyone teach me how to install a screenlet in ubuntu?06:02
cmdbbqused the same cable to check with my netbook06:02
rob_pcmdbbq: Do you get carrier-sense lights at either end?06:02
visual1cecan somebody please get into disk utility, then click on your hard drive and click on smart data then tell me what your read error rate is06:02
infidugh, i installed ubuntu 11.04 beta1 and the menu bar at the top refuses to show up, i rebooted too. it shows up fine when i just ran the 'demo' off the cd, but not once it's actually installed06:02
rwwinfid: #ubuntu+1 for natty stuff06:02
mordofwow.. i'm quite thoroughly surprised06:03
kz3I wanna install this screenlet --> http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?action=content&content=85196 can anyone please teach me how to install it06:03
cmdbbqrob_p: the router has no such lights and the servers lights are on and blinking06:03
soreaujbswaff: Other channels to try might be #wireless or maybe even someone in #aircrack-ng might know06:03
mordofhad ubuntu installed as a second partition on my 1TB drive - at the end.  didn't need the first anymore06:03
rob_pcmdbbq: Oh, ok then. The cable is fine.06:04
mordofso i deleted it, moved my ubuntu partitions, resized, etc... expected my install to break and need repairs06:04
soreaujbswaff: The fact that there's no answer anywhere on forums and such mean the problem is probably easily fixed by something silly06:04
mordofbut yet..06:04
mordofit didn't break at all :o06:04
cmdbbqi am switching back to the router to chack something, but i shall return06:04
ayeceesoreau: that sounds unreasonably optimistic :)06:04
jbswaffsoreau: too bad we dont know what that silly fix is lol06:04
rob_pcmdbbq: Have you tried rebooting the router, just for good measure? Many cots routers are crap and therefore need to be rebooted once in a while.06:05
bret_how do i bridge my network adapters? i tried to go into edit connetions and enabled sharing on ipv4 tab in eth006:05
rob_pcmdbbq: Have you tried assigning a static IP to the server, making sure it's in the same network range as the router?06:06
red2kicbret_: Install bridge-utils06:06
dustinhow do you reset the default gui on ubuntu 10.10,or reinstall06:08
kz3I wanna install this screenlet --> http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?action=content&content=85196 can anyone please teach me how to install it06:08
^NiNjAdustin,  which? a reinstall or reset GUI to default?06:09
Abhijitthe millioin dollar question06:09
^NiNjAk theres a quick command for it on ubntu docs i saw recently ill go get it06:09
Abhijithow to install gdm themes in lucid? slim is not working it hangs at splash. please tell me 'ANY' way to change loging screen theme?06:09
rwwI think it's A, but I'd like to phone a friend.06:09
babarhaqHi all. How can i verfiy (command line) that the current ubuntu installation is server edition?06:09
soreauAbhijit: That's not a question06:10
soreau! help | Abhijit06:10
ubottuAbhijit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:10
PresuntoRJbabarhaq: lsb_release -a06:10
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tensorpuddingkz3: what do you mean by "install the screenlet"06:10
dustinadd another account06:10
Abhijitsoreau, if you know please tell me how to install login theme06:10
tensorpuddingkz3: the only thing in that download file is a conky configuration06:10
soreauAbhijit: gdm theme?06:10
kz3tensorpudding: I wanna use it, how to use it?06:11
Abhijitsoreau, yes06:11
babarhaqPresuntoRJ: it says command not found. cat /etc/lsb-release does not have that information06:11
PresuntoRJbabarhaq: oops... it should be there06:11
^NiNjAdustin,  is this for the entire gnome dektop, or something particular like the taskbar or such?06:11
tensorpuddingkz3: you can install conky from the software center, download the config, copy the .conkyrc file to your home directory, and run conky06:11
PresuntoRJbabarhaq: try uname -a06:11
TuxTuxTuxhow do i install flash player from the terminal? i have a .so file and a .tar.gz but cd install doesnt work... any ideas?06:11
soreauAbhijit: You might need ubuntu-tweak06:11
tensorpuddingkz3: conky won't make your screen look like that picture though, you know06:11
PresuntoRJbabarhaq: or uname -r06:12
Abhijitsoreau, yeah thats what i guesed. so there is no other way other than ubuntu tweak? sad!06:12
rwwTuxTuxTux: put the .so file in ~/.mozilla/plugins, which you will likely have to create06:12
PresuntoRJbabarhaq: does this second work?06:12
Ownedhey im new to ubuntu and i needed some help does anyone know where i could go06:13
babarhaquname -a "Linux usn1 #8 SMP Mon Sep 20 15:54:33 UTC 2010 x86_64"06:13
TuxTuxTuxwhere is that dir? ~/.mozilla?06:13
dustinOwned,  yes can i help you06:13
babarhaqPresuntoRJ: Linux usn1 #8 SMP Mon Sep 20 15:54:33 UTC 2010 x86_6406:13
Abhijitsoreau, any idea when we will have the freedom to do anything with our computers running gnome? like change login theme?06:14
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cmdbbqi am back!06:14
soreauAbhijit: nope, I don't06:15
PresuntoRJbabarhaq: you are using the could version06:15
Abhijitsoreau, okay!06:15
PresuntoRJthe desktop would be something like generic instead of the could06:15
austiniumhi, i recently did a lucid install using a minimal CD, i installed gnome-core to keep the GUI "light", trouble is theres no "Search for Files..." in Places...what package should i install to get it there?06:15
babarhaqPresuntoRJ: Never knew there is such a thing. so is it closer to server edition or desktop?06:15
PresuntoRJbabarhaq: its is the server... I guess06:16
rypervenchetensorpudding: I just figured it out. I had to run the command "xdg-user-dirs-update --force" then log into another language and then back out.06:16
PresuntoRJbabarhaq: is it in a phisical machine or do you have it on a Amazon cloud ?06:16
babarhaqPresuntoRJ: Thanks a lot for your help. Appreciate it.06:16
cmdbbqso, i worked this out: the ethernet ports were mislabeled on the server (no big deal) but now i have a whole new and exciting error message: http://pastebin.com/Wyucd77006:17
babarhaqPresuntoRJ: Its from a hosting company slicehost.com06:17
extraclassicaustinium: just do sudo apt-get install gnome, then don't install but output to a text file and look through all the packages06:17
dustin^NiNjA  i installed a xp -look a like  and didnt finish then changed it back  and part of it still remains06:17
austiniumextraclassic: ok, so which package should i look for?06:18
extraclassicno idea...maybe it'll be obvious06:18
^NiNjAok dustin06:18
cmdbbqanyway, I would like to get a static ip setup, and the error  for that remains the same so i am not configuring it properly06:18
^NiNjAheres a link that may help you..http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128461806:19
babarhaqPresuntoRJ: Its from a hosting company slicehost.com06:19
sLaeYajust finished installing microfail win 7 - can anyone walk me through fixing my bootloader.  I didn't have any luck with a tut on the ubuntu site06:19
spyzerhey all, while a code is being compiled can i print out some specific lines of a code??06:19
PresuntoRJbabarhaq: ok, but is it actual HARDWARE or just an IP address somewhere06:19
dustinAbhijit, yes free as driving as fast as you like ,(but  dont crash and burn and dont do something that the ubuntu comunity is going to get in trouble06:19
ayeceespyzer: what do you want to print?06:19
extraclassicsLaeYa: if you dual boot you have to install windows first and put it at the beginning of the drive06:20
Abhijitdustin, amm???? i just want to be able to change my login screen theme? do you know how/06:20
spyzerayecee: like some specific codelines which have LOG in there starting or are written like LOG(/*My statement*/)06:20
Abhijitsoreau, dustin ubuntu tweak dont change the theme. i just changes the logo and background. its not theme06:20
spyzerand things inside this LOG() are printed06:20
^NiNjAsLaeYa,  you installed win7 after linux?06:20
spyzeror something06:20
babarhaqPresuntoRJ: Its hardware06:20
sLaeYaextraclassic: is there a way around it if I haven't installed windows first?06:20
ayeceespyzer: you would like those logs printed to stderr?06:21
extraclassici've never done it06:21
ayeceethose lines, rather06:21
WaltherFIsLaeYa: to get grub or?06:21
soreauAbhijit: Yea I think that's all you can do06:21
spyzerayecee: well any stream where i can capture those, even stderr will do06:21
Cortexis there any way to autohide the sidebar in ubuntu netbook?06:21
^NiNjAgrub rescue cd06:21
WaltherFIsLaeYa: boot from the stick/dvd and go to the live environment06:21
^NiNjAit can allow you to write a new grub to the MBR06:21
WaltherFIsLaeYa: grub-install should do it06:21
sLaeYaWaltherFI: currently on usb06:22
ayeceespyzer: seems like something that may be possible, but i don't know how to do it offhand.06:22
PresuntoRJbabarhaq: there are minor changes from server kernel to the desktop one06:22
sLaeYagrub-install from terminal ?06:22
PresuntoRJbabarhaq: usually you can use any on the server06:22
WaltherFI^NiNjA: live cd can do it also06:22
^NiNjAtrue WaltherFI06:22
PresuntoRJbabarhaq: the server is more stable, and has a slower internal ticker (100Mhz)06:22
WaltherFIsLaeYa: google grub-install, i'm not perfectly sure about the syntax06:22
babarhaqPresuntoRJ: alright thanx a lot.06:22
sLaeYaok thanks ... reading the man on it now06:22
WaltherFIsLaeYa: also remember, don't specify a partition to install to, just the hd06:23
^NiNjAthe grub rescue disk can search for installed grub configs and reinstall them06:23
WaltherFI^NiNjA: so can lice cd, but you still have to specify the hd first06:23
Cortexsorry, is there any way to autohide the sidebar in ubuntu netbook?06:23
^NiNjAdint know that WaltherFI06:24
WaltherFICortex: update to 11.04, basically the same interface, autohide implemented and default behavior06:24
extraclassici read an article one where a guy installed like 80 different os's or some crazy number06:24
CortexWaltherFI: how can i upgrade? download the iso and reinstall?06:24
WaltherFICortex: download the iso, boot from dvd/usb, then you can either do a clean install or upgrade06:25
WaltherFICortex: however, i'd suggest a clean install, but it's up to you06:25
WaltherFIanyway, g2g now06:25
bret_i installed bridge-utils through terminal and now i dont know where it went or how to access it06:25
CortexWaltherFI: that's the only way then?06:26
sLaeYait would appear "sudo grub" doesn't work off the live install for 10.1006:26
^NiNjAu can use the terminal to upgrade06:27
bazhang!grub2 | sLaeYa please read this06:27
ubottusLaeYa please read this: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub206:27
Milosshhello. USB disk creator does not work with some of the .iso types. Can you tell me how to convert an raw CD iso image to ubuntu version of it?06:27
^NiNjAalt+f2 and the type "update-manager -d"06:27
=== mRy is now known as Guest90119
bazhangMilossh, what about unetbootin06:27
Milosshit seems like there's ubuntu compatible iso format06:27
sLaeYabazhang: thanks, just what I was lookiong for.06:27
bazhang^NiNjA, not good advice06:27
Milosshbazhang: I don't want to install ubuntu06:27
Milosshbazhang: nor any other linux. I need it for something else06:28
bazhangMilossh, for what06:28
^NiNjAhe wanted another way to upgrade to 11.04 other than cd/dvd06:28
Milosshbazhang: to try snow leopard on my pc06:28
^NiNjAits on ubuntu site06:28
TuxTuxTuxguys please help me install flash player on linux, i need to listen to my last favourite song from when i was a teen before dieing please06:28
bazhangMilossh, thats offtopic here and on freenode06:28
randomuserMilossh, there's no special 'ubuntu' version of a disk image....06:28
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
PresuntoRJ^NiNjA: usually, instruct about #ubuntu+1 channel06:28
bazhangTuxTuxTux, rww already told you06:29
Milosshbazhang: my question wasn't how to do it. My question is ubuntu specific06:29
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04 - Natty is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+106:29
Milosshrandomuser: but startup disk creator cannot recognize some of the iso files06:29
bazhangMilossh, there is none, and only Macs can install Leopard. Please dont ask any further06:29
Milosshbazhang: I didn't ask anything about mac06:29
CortexMilossh: you're trying to install leopard on a usb?06:29
TuxTuxTuxbut i dont know how to do it, i dont know where is that folder06:30
bazhangMilossh, leopard is OS X06:30
MilosshCortex: nope, just make a bootable drive06:30
^NiNjAPresuntoRJ,  i was replying to his question regarding an alternative to getting natty other than cd/dvd media06:30
bazhangTuxTuxTux, its a hidden folder06:30
CortexMilossh: you can check out lifehacker06:30
Milosshbazhang: I'm not asking anything about it for god's sake, I'm asking about creating a bootable USB!06:30
bret_how do i use bridge-utils after installing it?06:30
bazhangMilossh, leopard is not supported here try a mac channel for installing on an Apple computer06:31
PresuntoRJ^NiNjA: well, ok...06:31
Milosshbazhang: what's wrong with you?06:31
^NiNjAagreed ist not a good idea for beta but he wanted an alternative06:31
TRiNi-NiNjAanyone having problems with bcm 43xx wifi on natty and needs help?06:31
extraclassicMilossh: not sure what you want...unetbootin might work, or the dd command06:31
sLaeYa/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR.  This is a BAD idea..06:31
CortexMilossh: so you basically wnt to boot leopard from a usb?06:31
bazhangCortex, lets move on please06:32
Cortexbazhang: will do. i got the answer to what i needed, anyway. thanks everyone06:32
cmdbbqok, i have a server that allows configuration via an AP type wireless network. I need it to connect with a static ip to my linksys router. both the router and the AP wireless networrk set themselves up at I think this must be the source of the problem. I need to be connected to the wireless network hosted by the server until i get it up and running on the proper network. once i can ssh in that way, i will shut the wireless down06:33
soreaujbswaff: Which version of ubuntu are you using?06:34
TuxTuxTuxokay i just put the libnullplugin.so file in the plugins folder from firefox06:35
TuxTuxTuxhow do i install it? just restarting firefox?06:35
rwwTuxTuxTux: it should be called libflashplayer.so :|06:36
rwwTuxTuxTux: but yes, restarting firefox should pick it up if you put it in the right place06:36
TuxTuxTuxokay gonna try that, brb06:37
white_magicis it not recommended to edit fstab manually? (e.g. it's not recommended to edit GRUB manually)06:37
ayeceewhite_magic: not without good reason, anyhow06:38
white_magicayecee: i wanna automount my windows hard drives06:38
white_magicor should i just have a startup script instead?06:38
ayeceewhite_magic: who's going to stop you?06:38
white_magicayecee: no one, but i want to know what's the.. practical way of doing this06:39
TuxTuxTuxwow it worked, but i dont have sound and i cant listen to my song :(06:39
ayeceewhite_magic: editing fstab is the practical way06:39
white_magicok ty06:39
=== sagarchalise is now known as Guest49361
rob_pcmdbbq: So configure the router's LAN to a different subnet and let the server pull a DHCP lease from it.06:40
TuxTuxTuxis there any way i could fix the sound?06:40
bullgard4Where is the »kerneloops« service described? '~$ rgrep 'kerneloops' /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.38/Documentation/ 2>dev/null' does not produce any output.06:41
PresuntoRJdoes anyone else use Empathy (the default chat program) or just me?06:41
ayeceePresuntoRJ: just you, i'm afraid.06:42
bullgard4PresuntoRJ: I am using it sometimes.06:42
PresuntoRJbullgard4: I am having a few issues here... what version do you have installed ?06:43
PresuntoRJayecee: I am testing it on Natty right now, thats why... ;)06:43
rww#ubuntu isn't for natty ;P06:43
PresuntoRJrww: man, I am not asking about the +1, am i?06:44
TuxTuxTuxalsamixer says its not muted06:44
ayeceePresuntoRJ: perhaps it's not a useful question in that context.06:44
rwwPresuntoRJ: yes...?06:44
bullgard4PresuntoRJ: 2.30.306:44
PresuntoRJayecee: the pool in it self already gives me some answers...06:45
ayeceePresuntoRJ: more power to you06:45
PresuntoRJbullgard4: I will check my other machine to see if its the same... but I dont recall this bug I have... thanks...06:45
PresuntoRJayecee: :D06:46
PresuntoRJbullgard4: you are on Lucid, right?06:47
bullgard4PresuntoRJ: No. On Maverick.06:48
cmdbbqok, i reset the server and changed the settings on the router and now i can't get in to the server06:48
white_magicayecee: does the /mnt directory get cleared each time a system is rebooted? I don't need to delete dirs i created, right?06:48
PresuntoRJbullgard4: is it up to date? cause mine has 2.32.1 on it06:48
TomoLowhow can i install the sound drivers from asus after i downloaded them?06:48
mewayI have a Tyan Thunder 2500, I can use an alternative ethernet card and it works. I need to get the onboard to work though because I only have one ethernet card. Can someone help me? O.S is ubuntu server 10.10(I would have to double check I know its 10.something)06:48
PresuntoRJwhite_magic: /mnt is usually where other drives (HDD, CDROM, PEN DRIVES) show up...06:49
Viking667'llo all. I've got a quick question. Where the heck would I find /usr/lib/libXxf86misc.so.1 ?06:50
PresuntoRJred2kic: y bad... right06:50
white_magicPresuntoRJ: so should i use another mount mount? is that where ubuntu mounts drives by default?06:50
white_magicseems like it tbh06:50
white_magici mean mounts when i click on a volume from 'system'06:50
red2kicwhite_magic: If you're mounting manually, it does not matter. /media/ or /mnt/ is sufficient.06:50
bullgard4PresuntoRJ: I think so. Synaptic says that my version 2.30.3-0ubuntu1 is up-to-date.06:50
dustincan lunix run macros?06:51
TomoLowis there any way to enable sound for firefox please i need to listen to my song before i die, please06:51
PresuntoRJbullgard4: I see the point, I have another repository here.... thanks.. sorry for the trouble06:51
=== Guest49361 is now known as sagarchalise
PresuntoRJbullgard4: maverick/updates actually06:51
white_magic1 more question: i don't need to manually unmount any windows filesystems before rebooting, correct?06:51
tensorpuddingwhite_magic: no06:53
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vagvafhello ppl, is there any safe way to install gnome3 on 10.04?06:54
rwwvagvaf: no06:54
rwwvagvaf: The closest thing to safe GNOME 3 on Ubuntu is a PPA. That only works for natty. And tends to break things.06:54
rwwThere's just too much stuff that needs updating to backport it.06:55
bullgard4PresuntoRJ: I made a mistake. '~$ lsb_release -a; Description:Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS; Release:10.04; Codename:lucid'. My apologies.06:55
vagvafrww: hmmm...thanks06:55
aahongchaoaawhat are you doing06:56
PresuntoRJbullgard4: no problem...06:56
PresuntoRJbullgard4: so you no what version and what build you have installed06:56
aahongchaoaawhere are you doing06:56
Goespleas to me06:56
PresuntoRJbullgard4: lnow06:56
PresuntoRJbullgard4: know06:56
choianyone know how to kill certain daemons on user logout?06:56
PresuntoRJbullgard4: I hate this keyboard...06:57
PresuntoRJbullgard4: ;)06:57
aahongchaoaamy is china06:57
rwwaahongchaoaa: try #ubuntu-offtopic for chat, #ubuntu-cn for chinese06:57
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
aahongchaoaamy is chinese06:58
tensorpudding!cn | aahongchaoaa06:58
ubottuaahongchaoaa: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk06:58
tensorpudding!th | Goes06:58
ubottuGoes: Please see #ubuntu-th for Ubuntu in Thailand.06:58
bullgard4PresuntoRJ: As I told you I am using Empathy 2.30.3 on my Lucid computer.06:58
Goesis no avilable web06:59
rwwaahongchaoaa: English here. /join #ubuntu-cn to speak Chinese.06:59
PresuntoRJ!ubuntu-cn | aahongchaoaa06:59
rwwaahongchaoaa: And for what it's worth, Google Translate reads that perfectly well.06:59
aahongchaoaamy english  is very bed06:59
PresuntoRJ!chinese | aahongchaoaa07:00
ubottuaahongchaoaa: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk07:00
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
rwwyes, I think we got the #ubuntu-cn part down ;P07:00
ivancpaahongchaoaa: we can talk in english only, your chinnese is really hard to read07:01
rypervencheIs it possible to move the entire contents of a folder to another one? Including the hidden files? "mv" doesn't seem to work for hidden files.07:01
aahongchaoaaoh chinese  is hard work07:01
dustinaahongchaoaa, i can read some of it07:03
white_magichey, when I mount ntfs volumes, they receive amazingly specific names like 'system reserved' or 'local disk' and get mounted on my desktop (or shortcuts with these names are created)07:05
white_magicregardless of what my mount point is07:05
bullgard4rypervenche: 'man mv' does not mention »hidden«. Please check if you have sufficient access rights.07:06
white_magiccan i change these involuntary shortcuts' names?07:06
RaptorsI'm trying to build a custom kernel. Does anyone know how to fix this?07:06
Raptors/usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel/nv-linux.h:22:28: fatal error: linux/autoconf.h: No such file or directory07:06
Blue1white_magic: ru mouning by uuid?07:06
randomnesswhite_magic: 'system reserved' is win7's boot partition afaik07:06
white_magicBluel: probably not, i just use 'mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /home/THIS_IS_ME/Desktop/win_C'07:07
Blue1white_magic: try this:  http://pkill-9.com/?p=29707:07
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)07:07
CoreyRaptors: ^^07:07
rypervenchebullgard4: Doing it with sudo gives the same results.07:08
RaptorsI figured it out. I needed nv-linux.h which is in nvidia-kernel-dkms07:08
white_magicBluel: i don't think i'm getting power interruptions and i don't have anything like virtual box07:08
Blue1white_magic: if you want to perm. mount the ntfs partition, add the changes to fstab as indicated07:08
white_magicthis is something different at fault, no?07:08
Blue1white_magic: are they removeable discs?07:09
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white_magicBluel: even if i go the fstab route, won't this behavior persist (the nonsensical or useless mount points) anyway?07:09
bullgard4rypervenche: To analyze the problem, proceed step-by-step. That is, take the particular file in question and only try to move it. Use verbose mode.07:10
white_magici'd like there to be only the mountpoints.. i need.. if the OS wants to generate stupid useless ones, i dont want them on the desktop07:10
Blue1white_magic: no fstab (mounting by uuid) will always mount in the same mount point07:10
white_magicok, you have me convinced :)07:10
LorgonJortleMy mic isn't currently working, and I'm thinkin' it's just muted. However, I've just installed xmonad, so I don't have the gnome panel to get to the settings. How can I open the sound settings via CL?07:10
Blue1white_magic: let me go back and look at your mount command07:10
Blue1white_magic: okay so your mountpoint is desktop odd but it works07:11
white_magicehhh why not07:11
Blue1white_magic: normally you just mkdir <somedirectory name>07:11
white_magici can change it up07:11
Blue1white_magic: then mount the directory name --07:12
white_magicbluel: i guess i don't wanna clutter up my FS with dirs.. but if i create mount point dirs on the desktop, i wont be able to ignore clutter or useless mount dirs07:12
white_magicBluel: I'm just trying to get comfortable.. my methods are very amateurish at this point, i'm sure07:13
Blue1white_magic: i guess I don't understand the issue --07:13
white_magicBlue: you've helped plenty, don't worry07:13
rypervenchebullgard4: I have found out why it doesn't work, but now how to get around it. "*" does not expand to include files beginning with "." or files ending with "~".07:13
Blue1white_magic: okay07:13
ivancpSyria: podemos hablar en español en #ubuntu-es07:13
Blue1!es | ivancp07:14
ubottuivancp: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:14
Blue1it's too bad I don't know spanish, but spanish geek speak....07:15
SuperstarCan someone help me get my network card working? It's wired, physically connected, if I reboot into Windows it connects. A few days ago I tried stuff posted on websites and it worked but I tried so many I didn't note them down and have since performed a fresh install. Please advise?07:15
Blue1i have enough trouble with english geek spee=ak07:15
bullgard4rypervenche: What was the exact command, and what was the exact message?07:16
rypervenchebullgard4: I guess I'll have to use "mv * /path/to/folder" as well as "mv .[!.]?*07:17
LorgonJortleMy mic isn't currently working, and I'm thinkin' it's just muted. However, I've just installed xmonad, so I don't have the gnome panel to get to the settings. How can I open the sound settings via CL?07:18
Tweexbeen trying to fix this for quite some time already, tried everything here with no luck http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/slackware-linux/48278-firefox-flash-no-sound.html07:18
Tweexhow do you enable sound on linux? i cant listen to youtube videos... driving me nutss!!07:19
bullgard4LorgonJortle: Try 'alsamixer'.07:19
ankush_How can i install CCSM?07:19
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz07:19
ankush_How can i install ccsm? I am using ubuntu 10.1007:19
LorgonJortlebullgard4, I had. I just found it out. I needed: gnome-volume-control07:19
coz_ankush_,   sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager07:20
LorgonJortleThanks though. :)07:20
bullgard4!sound | Tweex07:20
ubottuTweex: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.07:20
ankush_coz_ thanks07:20
coz_ankush_,  no problem07:20
Tweexwell im not using ubuntu, im using slitaz07:20
coz_guys I have to break here07:20
Tweexis there any way to do that from the terminal?07:21
rastaalguien habla español07:22
elFidel!es | rasta07:22
ubotturasta: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:22
Tweexq pasa rasta07:22
bullgard4!prefix | Tweex07:22
ubottuTweex: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)07:22
PiLp93Heya guys07:23
rastamm realmente nadas soy nuevo aqui07:23
Tweexrasta: rasta de donde sos07:24
rastahace poco me acavo de mudar a linux y estoy explorando un poco para tratar de conocer mas07:24
rastasoy de mexico y tu07:24
rastatweex de donde eres07:26
bullgard4Where is the »kerneloops« service described? '~$ rgrep 'kerneloops' /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.38/Documentation/ 2>dev/null' does not produce any output.07:27
zee313how to show speaker volume control on the screen as that presents in the windows XP environment?07:27
Coreybullgard4: We ship 2.6.38 now?07:27
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bullgard4Corey: Who is "we"?07:28
rastamucho gusto casi no le entiendo a esto07:28
Coreybullgard4: The Ubuntu community.07:28
bullgard4Corey: Yes, the Ubuntu community does.07:28
red2kic!info linux-image07:29
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)07:29
CoreyRight, we're only up to .35 in the released versions.07:29
red2kicCorey: That is your answer. We're at that kernel. ;o07:29
Naynaycurrent 10.10 keeps crashing on my EeePC07:29
Naynaysome kernal panics on the odd occasion07:29
Coreybullgard4: So where'd you find the 2.6.38 stuff? :-)07:29
rastasiempre que quiera entrar a IRC siempre va a entrar con el nombre de tumaquina no se le puede cambiar el nombre07:29
red2kicProbably from PPA, I guess.07:30
MACscrany multi core aware apps that are good for converting video files to smaller resolutions/sizes to be used on a phone07:30
bullgard4Corey: I will answer your question after you have answered my question.07:30
PresuntoRJ!español | rasta07:30
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PresuntoRJrasta: para español, /join #ubuntu-es07:31
ivancp!es | rasta07:31
ubotturasta: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:31
Coreybullgard4: There isn't a kerneloops service in stock kernels; it's a debugging thing, not really something you'd want turned on for production releases.07:32
bret_Still having issues bridging my network adapters. can anybody assist me?07:32
rastajejejeje disculpenme pero soy nuebo jejeje y creo que casi no entiendo07:34
bullgard4Corey: I see. Thank you for explaining. I inadvertently put my question here in this channel but should have rather put it in #ubuntu+1. linux-source-2.6.38 is provided by Natty.07:34
red2kicbret_: Can you tell me what you're trying to do?07:34
rastaapenas me trato de familiarizar y noce donde buscar lo que me me dicen jejeje07:34
bret_red2kic: im trying to bridge wlan1 with eth0 so i can get online on my ps307:35
red2kicbret_: You installed bridge-utils?07:35
soreaubret_: You can use masquerading to share the connection07:35
drcasperguys,, im a compleeeeet linux noob.. is this the right distro for me?07:36
drcasperi wanna try 11beta07:36
bret_yes after i installed it, i dont know what happened to it07:36
bullgard4drcasper: Yes.07:36
red2kicdrcasper: Yes.07:36
drcasperim between fedora and ubuntu07:36
soreaudrcasper: Since you are asking in #ubuntu, this is the right distro07:36
drcasperlol well...07:36
mehdihas anyone ever work with atunes?07:36
red2kicbret_: Okay. Use nm-applet (Gnome's Network Manager on top-right of the panel).07:36
bret_drcasper: im a noob and i say yes07:37
red2kicbret_: Select eth0 (or wlan0) --- I can't remember. There are an option (Shared).07:37
drcasperi wanna run a dbrl server off this thing to start a ghostcast server07:37
drcasperFOG ftw!07:37
bret_i went on the ipv4 tab after eth0 edit and selected share with other computers07:37
morganubuntu used to change the audio output when plugging in a hdmi cable. now you have to do it manually. anyone found an automatic fix?07:37
red2kicbret_: That should be it. I did this before for my computer connected to laptop via cable.. Laptop running off on Wifi. It worked fine.07:38
evilsushicurrently my nagios is running at server.com/nagios I created a cname that points monitor.server.com to the server IP, how do i tell apache to listen for nagios at this cname?07:38
Abhijitthere is a program called 'Password and encryption keys' is installed under Applications->Accessories? is this program by default in ubuntu cd? or i installed it? because this program shows all passwords stored in system. if i am doing some work with my firend in my account then i go away for 1 min even then he can see my passwords using this program?07:38
red2kicbret_: You might want to create a new network profile instead of editing an existing one.07:38
mehdihow can i mount a dir that i create?07:38
bret_red2kic: i will try that real quick07:38
Abhijit!mount | mehdi07:38
ubottumehdi: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount07:38
aahongchaoaahat everyone is busy Ah07:39
aahongchaoaa­What everyone is busy Ah07:39
red2kicAbhijit: Default, I think. (or rather Ubuntu added it to the array of packages).07:39
Abhijitred2kic, dont you think its security issue? anyone can view my password who is working with me in my account? e.g. doing presentation work etc?07:40
Droofhey guys07:40
red2kicAbhijit: See if you can lock it. I really don't know much about seahorse (name of the app).07:40
Droofdamn my ass hurts, i made my girlfriend pluck my butt hair with her teeth07:41
drcasperare there any CBT videos for linux commands and stuff?07:41
Abhijitred2kic, okay07:41
bastidrazorAbhijit: edit the menu and uncheck it. it will still be installed but not accessable from the menus07:41
Abhijit!language | Droof07:41
ubottuDroof: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:41
Abhijitbastidrazor, okay07:41
Droofso what is this chat about ? = )07:42
Kiwi_baby baby baby oh07:42
Droofhahah i remember i went on a phone chat rooms or something07:43
Droofand pretended to be JB07:43
rastadonde encuentro salas en español07:43
soreau! es | rasta07:43
ubotturasta: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:43
Droofand people were believing me to07:43
elFidelsoreau: i tried that es hint before - seems like he is ignoring it07:43
rwwDroof: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu technical support.07:44
rwwrasta: This channel is English only. Use #ubuntu-es for Spanish.07:44
Droofwhat is Ubuntu07:44
soreau! ubuntu | Droof07:44
ubottuDroof: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:44
rastasi pero donde lo busco la verdad no ce muy bien07:45
bret_red2kic: still unable to get an internet connection after i obtain an ip address07:46
Droofcan someone link me to some stuff07:46
red2kicbret_: You want to connect to Internet using Wifi (on your laptop?) and supply the data to cable?07:47
soreauDroof: What stuff?07:47
rww!ot > Droof07:47
ubottuDroof, please see my private message07:47
bret_red2kic: yes sir07:47
red2kicbret_: You created a wireless profile? Not eth0.07:47
Drooffuck you RWW i can talk about what i want07:47
rwwDroof: No, you can't.07:48
soreauWell that isnt going to work07:48
DroofD =07:48
LULLING_HARDAnyone else having issues with Chromium and IcedTea?  It seems whenever I start Chromium up, the IcedTea plugin begins eating all my CPU time.07:48
soreau! language | Droof07:48
ubottuDroof: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.07:48
Droofoh sorry07:48
Droofwell i need ubuntu support then07:48
soreau! ask | Droof07:48
ubottuDroof: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:48
bret_red2kic: no i forgot i was looking for that, care to explain?07:49
red2kicbret_: Create a new wireless profile with NetworkManager. Duplicate your Wifi profile or something. Then you change it to "SHARED"07:49
bret_red2kic: okay give me a minute07:49
=== quiesense is now known as quiescens
gokulhey can anyone tell me how to install java sdk on ubuntu07:52
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shesharkgokul: google it07:54
white_magicBluel: are you here by any chance?07:55
gokulbecause there is no java sdk component in ubuntu software package07:56
shesharkgokul: change source list?07:57
soreaugokul: apt-cache search sdk|grep java07:57
gokulhey how to change it ?07:57
soreaugokul: Seems they call it a jdk07:57
gokuli am new to ubuntu07:57
Droofme too im new to ubuntu07:57
soreau!info sun-java6-jdk | gokul07:58
ubottugokul: Package sun-java6-jdk does not exist in maverick07:58
=== roby is now known as Guest55697
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »07:59
Fudgedoes anyone know how to move through tabs in dialog boxes, control tab should work07:59
Fudgewithotu havin g to tab to the tab list then arrow across08:00
gokulthen how to install it?08:00
red2kicsoreau: gokul need to enable the partner repo first.08:00
AbhijitFudge, alt + <number> where number = 1,2,3..............08:00
soreaured2kic: Ah, I guess I already have it enabled here08:00
AbhijitFudge, are you asking about xchat tabs?08:00
gokulhow to enable it08:00
Fudgeno e.g nautilus preferences etc08:00
AbhijitFudge, no idea08:01
Kartagis!info patch08:01
ubottupatch (source: patch): Apply a diff file to an original. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6-2ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 120 kB, installed size 248 kB08:01
elFidelgokul: open "Software Sources" and select the partner source08:01
soreaugokul: Yep, sun-java6-jdk is in partner repo08:01
elFidelgokul: and in case you are new to linux - get used to apt/aptitude08:02
aahongchaoaaWhy do you say it08:02
red2kicFudge: Use the mouse. You don't really have an issue.08:02
soreauelFidel: You wont get far with that aptitude08:02
elFidelsoreau: thats a general hint for newbies from my point of view08:02
Fudgecant use mouse, am blind. was looking for a shortcut key08:03
gokuli am using ubuntu 10.10 there is no software sources in here!!!!!!!!!!!111108:03
soreaugokul: Enable it in sys>prefs>main menu08:04
red2kicgokul: sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"08:04
soreaugokul: Or run gksu software-properties-gtk08:04
soreauno idea why they removed it from the default menu08:04
jubeianybody know why there's no xorg.conf on my system?08:05
austiniumiam trying to run the phoronix test suite on Lucid, $phoronix-test-suite list-available-tests comes up with nothing, where can i download tests/suites from???08:05
red2kicFudge: I can get around using tabs + arrow keys.08:05
soreaujubei: Beause X is smart enough to guess what you need already08:05
red2kicjubei: Because you don't need it anymore.08:05
soreauunless its a proprietary driver08:05
soreauFudge: Maybe its just tab and not ctrl+tab?08:06
white_magiccan anyone recommend an archive manager for ubuntu which supports a ton of formats out of the box?08:06
white_magicthe VLC of archive managers, if you will08:06
Fudgeyes i can tab through, i was looking for a shortcut though08:06
DroofFudge, you plissing me the fudge off08:06
soreauwhite_magic: file-roller can handle any the backend is installed for08:06
zee313how to show speaker on screen in ubuntu like in windows XP08:07
jubeisoreau, I'm not so sure X is smart enough. You see I disabled the laptop screen because I used an external monitor but now that I don't have the external monitor anymore I have no way to turn the laptopscreen back on because upon boot X turns it off08:07
white_magicsoreau: I know, but i was asking for something. i suppose i will just go your suggest route, though08:07
ljsoftnetwhat package do i install to play "Exaile" with mp3 files?08:07
soreaujubei: It sounds like you saved the configuration with the laptop screen off08:07
jubeijubei, yes I saved the configuration. Now how do I ..uhm.. restore the laptop screen? ^^08:08
soreaujubei: Go to sys>prefs>monitors, enabled the laptop screen and save it there (make default button)08:08
FudgeDroof , its crazy hour08:08
jubeisoreau, no graphical ui08:08
jubeionly cli08:08
DroofFudge how dare you speak to me08:09
soreaujubei: Where is the other monitor now?08:09
red2kicjubei: "sudo nvidia-xconfig" -- Try that.08:09
soreaured2kic: He is not lokely using nvidia08:09
jubeisoreau, even if I DO connect the other monitor, X Freezes in some weird way where I can move the mouse pointer around but cannot click08:09
jubeired2kic, I'm on an intel onboard graphics card08:10
shcherbakzee313: menu > System > Preferences > Sound (second tab and press test speakers)08:10
soreaujubei: 1) Start X 2) Get to tty (ctrl+alt+F1) 3) Log in 4) Run the following: export DISPLAY=:0; xrandr 5) Tell me what the output is called (ie. VGA-0)08:10
=== Droof is now known as HotAmericanD00d
thedark_Hello everyone.08:11
HotAmericanD00dhi dark08:11
thedark_Everytime I try to export a file in Audacity, it hangs. I am using version 1.3.6 on Ubuntu 10.1008:11
=== HotAmericanD00d is now known as Droof
asfjiohello, guys! i'm mounting an HFS+ filesystem, but it is read-only. can i mount it and write to it?08:12
Droofdont ask me!08:12
shcherbakDroof: Why?08:13
Droofi said so  bitch08:13
Fudgesorry Droof  there is a 13 y/o age limit here08:13
jubeisoreau, cannot open display  :008:13
Droofoh im only 4............fuck you08:13
jubeilol, the display doesn't even have a namy^^08:13
soreaujubei: Is X running? On display 0?08:13
=== h3r0 is now known as hansam
jubeisoreau, oh I have killed it08:14
shcherbak /ignore Droof08:14
jubeisoreau, let me try it again08:14
soreaujubei: It has to be running08:14
Droofdont ignore me08:14
Droofim too hot to be ignored08:14
soreaujubei: That was step 1) :)08:14
red2kicasfjio: Disable file system journaling, me think. http://support.apple.com/kb/ht235508:14
jubeisoreau, missed it sry. brb^^08:14
soreauDroof: You already know not to use language here08:14
soreauDroof: Now quit trolling or leave08:15
red2kicasfjio: Backward Compatible --> Users can read, write, and access journaled Mac OS Extended volumes on computers that do not have a journaling feature.08:15
red2kicasfjio: "In order to write to an HFS+ partition, it is necessary to disable journaling. This can be accomplished using Mac OS X Disk Utility"08:15
thedark_Hello everyone. Everytime I try to export a file in Audacity, it hangs. I am using version 1.3.6 on Ubuntu 10-1008:16
asfjiored2kic: so i can't disable the journaling using ubuntu?08:16
soreauthedark_: You can file a bug against audacity08:16
soreau! bug | thedark_08:17
ubottuthedark_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots08:17
red2kicasfjio: No. Get on OSX.08:17
shcherbakthedark_: Did you try to test it with tine size project (few secondsof flat record), and any hint in logs?08:17
plouffewhat's the command to run all the mounts from fstab?08:17
soreauplouffe: sudo mount -a08:18
Fudgethink i would need to find what controls gnome keyboard shortcuts and do a feqture request08:18
anthony_hi everybody.   I have some windows that won't maximize "all the way"  i feel it may be cairo dock, causing it, but it does the sami if it's closed. any ideas?08:18
plouffesoreau, thx08:18
Droofgnomes rock08:18
rhizmoeis the "ubuntu software center" supposed to not work very well?08:18
thedark_well the mp3 I am trying to export is only 30 seconds08:18
soreauFudge: gnome-keybinding-properties08:18
thedark_but I'll try something even smaller and check the logs08:18
Fudgesoreau  thankS08:18
rhizmoemine appears to not be doing much08:19
sagaciDroof: maybe you might consider #ubuntu-chat08:19
rhizmoeit has in the past, but no longer.08:19
* rhizmoe checks to see if anyting is hung08:19
Droofim in ubunt chat08:19
sagaciDroof: sorry, #ubuntu-offtopic08:19
shcherbakthedark_: Do you have it properly configured, cards and alsa?08:20
shcherbakthedark_: Do it record and play?08:20
Droofthen i park my car, then i fuck your bitch, wet like wonton soup, thats just how i do08:21
asfjiored2kic: thank you very much!08:21
rhizmoethe secret appears to be to use apt-get. huzzah08:21
temesiBuenos dias,08:22
thedark_yes, it records and plays fine08:22
thedark_where are the logs for audacity located?08:22
pumeusti have a testdisk question for 'HPFS - NTFS' partition. it says boot sector status is 'Bad', backup boot sector status is 'OK', 'Sectors are not identical.' i click on 'list', it says 'Can't open filesystem. Filesystem seems damaged.' so do i click on 'Backup BS' or 'Rebuild BS'?08:23
red2kicasfjio: No problem. Have a nice day. I accept donations. :)08:23
shcherbakthedark_: It do not log (or at least I unaware of it), check messages, etc, if it is hardware connected it will be there.08:24
thedark_when I open it in a terminal I get this: bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: 연결이 거부됨 (111)08:24
soreaujubei: and after identifying the connected output name, run sleep 5; xrandr --output <OUTPUT> --auto08:25
soreaujubei: And switch back to X with Ctrl+Alt+F708:25
thedark_when it hangs: HCK OnTimer08:26
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jubeisoreau, thanks!!!08:28
=== randomness is now known as th^^
SoftdroidHow can I update the alsa driver?08:28
soreaujubei: Did it work?08:28
shcherbakthedark_: Bug was reported already, maybe there is a fix. or try with jack (not sure that there is any recent how to)08:29
jubeisoreau, yep :)08:30
jubeisoreau, thank you so much for the help.08:30
soreaujubei: Dont forget to go to sys>prefs>monitors and save the configuration08:30
jubeisoreau, already did. thank you!08:30
jubeijust out of curiosity, whatever happened to xorg.conf? where does the xserver store the settings now?08:30
soreaujubei: It still respects xorg.conf settings if present. The only time you need one really is for proprietary drivers, since X will not load one automatically without being specifically told to08:32
mahfreakHi folks, is there any way to get the latest ubuntu news daily, like the small changes in Unity and small updates etc.. i am subsribed to some mailing lists. But i didn't got these low level news. And I don't want to read OMG ubuntu or webupd8 or any other amature blogs. Just want to get from some official source.08:32
jubeisoreau, ic.08:32
jubeisoreau, thanks for the detailed explanation. keep up the good work^^08:32
soreaujubei: grep xorg.conf /var/log/Xorg.0.log08:33
arandmahfreak: packages changes https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/natty-changes08:33
anthony_hi.  does anybody have any idea why my windows don't maximze "all the way"?   some compiz setting?08:34
mahfreakarand: thanks man08:34
soreauanthony_: Screenshot?08:34
anthony_soreau:  thanks. one moment08:35
awantiHi any one can help me out from samba configuration....08:36
soreau! samba | awanti08:36
ubottuawanti: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.08:36
awantiyes but i want to create login script for windows.... that i don't how to create it.08:37
soreauawanti: How do you normally login?08:38
anthony_soreau:   sorry, is it possible to use pastebin? or some other transfer method?08:39
soreauanthony_: picpaste.com08:39
soreau! paste | anthony_08:39
ubottuanthony_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:39
soreau! screenshots | anthony_08:39
ubottuanthony_: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.08:39
Ben64in both the daily ppa and a version i compiled myself, going frame by frame (using the . key) in mplayer makes the audio go much faster than the video, how can I get it to stay sync'd?08:40
soreauBen64: What about the version that is included with ubuntu by default?08:41
awantii have created samba pdc..through that windows clients r loging in08:41
anthony_soreau:   http://www.picpaste.com/Selection_002-ya3A0A57.png08:41
Ben64soreau: that version sucks : /08:41
soreauBen64: Does it exhibit the problem?08:41
IIIcygi need08:42
soreauanthony_: Are you running cairo-dock or any other dok on bottom?08:42
Ben64soreau: no. it can frame by frame fine, but it doesn't have support for multi core decoding, which is pretty much a necessity on high bitrate high resolution video08:42
awantisoreau :)08:42
IIIcygbosnia ubuntu IRC!08:42
soreauBen64: Well that is the only version supported here08:42
sunnyhow to open .vob file in dvd08:42
sLaeYa!grub2 | slaeya this is what you need for your second pc.08:42
ubottuslaeya this is what you need for your second pc.: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:42
soreauBen64: Try #mplayer08:42
Ben64soreau: how about this then... mplayer doesn't work with multi core video decoding in ubuntu! help please08:43
soreauAlready answered08:43
Ben64but now i'm talking about the version packaged with ubuntu08:43
anthony_soreau:   yeah.  cairo, and im sure that's the problem. but some windows open in full.   do you happen to know what setting i have screwed up?08:43
awantisoreau: I am using samba pdc08:43
soreauanthony_: There is a setting in cairo-dock to control this behavior08:44
anthony_soreau:   im sure there is, but after 2 hrs, i can't find it. i AM and idiot, no doubt, but...08:44
soreauawanti: I dont know what to tell you as I dont use samba myself. If there are commands you have already to do this, you can put them in a script and make it exeutable08:44
searchinghow to disable F1 boot from Bios?08:45
provI have been experimenting with LaTeX's beamer class (for presentations) and I have found it very neat. However, I would like to start including multimedia into the presentation. I know there is a small package for this from ctan but it is rather limited. VLC is a much more robust media app and would prefer it to the limited set of options the beamer video package has. I have succeeded in making a functioning script (a big deal for a new08:45
provbie scripter like me) that has all of the cool vlc options but when I embed this into the compiled pdf as a link evince just wants to open the default app for the file type, in this case gvim. How can I get evince to run my very simple script?08:45
awantiOK soreau08:45
aivouwhats the best way to secure my ubuntu box?08:46
anthony_soreau: plus, when cairo-dock is not running, i have this problem!!08:46
Blue1aivou: that;s like asking what is the best way to eat?08:47
funkySnakei can't change hotkeys in nautilus08:48
funkySnakei followed these instructions http://www.webupd8.org/2010/09/how-to-set-up-nautilus-open-in-terminal.html08:48
aivouBlue1 hah, ya guess so, but what im asking here is plain opinions08:48
funkySnakeanyone knows how to do this?08:48
Blue1aivou: what do you want to secure?08:48
anthony_soreau: cairo-dock is shut down, and this problem persists08:48
soreauanthony_: cairo-dock settings>visibility>visibility <-- dont put reserve space for dock08:49
red2kicfunkySnake: Have you looked in Keyboard Shortcuts?08:49
red2kicfunkySnake: Do that. Set up a shortcut for terminal.08:49
aivouBlue1 well im not quite sure tbh just wondering if i need any software installed after the ubuntu10.10 regular setup08:50
provaivou: Want level of security do you want?08:50
aivoupretty high i guess08:50
Blue1prov: that was my next question.08:50
funkySnakered2kic: i have that set, but it opens in my home folder08:51
funkySnakered2kic: i want it to open in a folder im currently browsing in nautilus08:51
Blue1aivou: look at /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny08:51
bostnic-106I have to validate sessionid in Apache how to do ?08:51
maheanuuI just reinstalled Skype in Ubuntu 10.10 and have used it for the past 3 days, tonight I brought up skype again and my sound output stopped working both on Skype and all of my Ubuntu system and audio  outputs  I have no sound for nothing08:51
anthony_soreau:   there is no such setting under "visibility"  / maybe in gconf-editor?08:52
red2kicfunkySnake: Well, are you browsing the home directory?08:52
Blue1!sound | maheanuu08:52
ubottumaheanuu: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.08:52
funkySnakered2kic: no xD08:52
soreauanthony_: cairo-dock settings>visibility>visibility <-- dont put reserve space for dock08:52
maheanuuI have run aplay -l and I am seeing my sound device08:52
soreauanthony_: If you cant find that I dont know how else to tell you. I already looked it up for you08:52
red2kicfunkySnake: That's the norm. I'm able to open the terminal in whatever the current directory (nautilus) is. I don't know why this isn't working for you. :\08:53
soreauanthony_: and I am going to sleep, good night. Ask in #cairo-dock if it is still causing problems08:53
anthony_soreau: o.k thanks anyway08:53
Blue1red2kic: unless there is a permissions issue08:53
=== david is now known as Guest62813
xim_im trying to make my ubuntu run on a static ip address, and i made the necessary changes in /etc/network/interfaces "iface eth0 inet static" and the address and stuff, it was static for a day or two and now its back to getting a different address presumedly from dhcp, even tho the static settings are still in the config file.  what gives?08:53
bouterhi, is there a way to open a .crl file in ubuntu ? (certificate revocation list). because in windows you can just double click the file and it open08:54
provaivou: The best one is your due diligence. Look, there is absolutely no firewall or scanner that can replacement for common sense and as I can already tell your sense is better than most others, you use Linux :) I recommend a package you can find called bastille. It should be in the repos.08:54
funkySnakefunkySnake: you have a shortcut for 'run a terminal' and when you press that shortcut it opens terminal in selected folder?08:54
funkySnakered2kic: you have a shortcut for 'run a terminal' and when you press that shortcut it opens terminal in selected folder?08:54
Blue1red2kic: cancel that I just did a cd to / and opened nautilus w/o error08:54
aivouprov, oks, i'll check that out08:55
red2kicfunkySnake: Right-click -- Menu -- Open A Terminal.08:55
aivouoh and thx08:55
funkySnakered2kic: ok, that works for me too, but i wanted to assign a keyboard shortcut for that08:55
slaeya!grub2 | slaeya read it again08:55
ubottuslaeya read it again: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:55
provaivou: What is your threat model? Is your box most likely to be stolen or hacked?08:56
provaivou: Viruses ought not to be a problem :)08:56
aivounah, its a homepc08:56
funkySnakered2kic: this guy explains how to do it http://www.webupd8.org/2010/09/how-to-set-up-nautilus-open-in-terminal.html08:56
aivoubut anyways08:56
ubottuPatches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.08:56
funkySnakered2kic: but i can't set new hotkeys for some reason08:57
provaivou: If physical security is a problem go with encryption. But I think you are mainly concerned about network security, yes?08:57
red2kicfunkySnake: Yes. However, I'm not certain about #208:57
aivouprov: yeah, network security it is, which im concerned of08:58
Kartagiswhat does this mean "Default umask for local users is 077"?08:58
provaivou: I really don't see a need for you to be too concerned. It is Linux after all. If you were running a server then you should really take much care. Are rather new to the Linux scene?08:59
funkySnakered2kic: it works for him, and judging by the wallpaper he is also using ubuntu08:59
* Tiktalik looked at GNOME 308:59
* Tiktalik was revolted08:59
BestKeptSecrethow do i redirect input08:59
soreauBestKeptSecret: You dont09:00
provaivou: I should have asked: Are YOU rather new to the Linux scene?09:00
BestKeptSecrethow do i redirect input in shell using the '>' character...09:00
aivouprov: yea im new, but its more like a kind of hobby i like to toy with. and i might need this info later?09:00
shomonwith the >09:00
maheanuuWhat is the ubuntu beginners support channel on freenode?09:00
BestKeptSecretshomon, now how do i use it so it won't delete what it already put in the next time i evoke it?09:00
bouteranyone knwo how to open a .crl file in ubutnu?09:00
shomondo it twice09:00
shomonand if you go to #bash you can learn a lot more09:00
provaivou: I take it you came from world of Redmond (Microsoft windows)?09:00
BestKeptSecretaww damn...09:00
aivouyea :)09:00
shomonalthough you might get bashed for not rtfm-ing :)09:01
BestKeptSecretthanks, shomon09:01
=== Sonne_ is now known as Sonne
BestKeptSecretshomon, i was goin gto09:01
BestKeptSecretman stdin right?09:01
shomonno, there are a couple of bash manuals and tutorials online09:01
BestKeptSecreti just didn't have any time09:01
shomonthe bash irc bot knows them all... I just sit with those tutorials when I have to write something09:01
hansamjust read 2 page is enough for one day :)09:02
bouterI gues no crl gurus here09:02
provaivou: First lesson, although linux security is not perfect you are no longer the low fruit on the tree, you can relax but not too much. Servers are the main goal for hackers since they are dedicated and on all the time. But as a home user you have not much to worry about. What are your worries?09:03
maheanuuI thought that there was a Ubuntu beginners channel on freenode......   This channel is above my paygrade for the moment I believe09:03
ubuntumaheanuu, whats up09:04
rumpe1maheanuu: it is for beginners also... just ask if something is on your mind09:04
cleanhi Is it neccessary to use fetchmail or such tool with mutt ? I find mutt can deal with POP well by itself09:04
aivouprov: im not worried too much right now, but i might put up a server someday, after i've learned linux abit09:04
aivouprov: so its more like curiosity than concern09:05
maheanuuI just installed Skype a couple of days ago and it was the latest one for Ubuntu and was working fine and I have been using my machine for audio and video work but My bro in law wanted to talk to his sister in Hawaii (il live in Tahiti) and when I went to skype my sound wasn't working and when I went back to Ubuntu I had NO sound out at all09:05
lolmaticafter a reboot somehow my window decorations are gone 0_o (metacity)09:05
danielcg25Is Ubuntu faster than OSX?09:06
icerootdanielcg25: try it out yourself09:06
provaivou: You ought to invest a little money in a hacking book. If you want to be a good defender you better be one good offender. If you do not know how your enemy thinks and the tools they use you stand no chance. I would tell a would be cracker to study forensics because without knowing their enemy they would not be good at what they do.09:07
luca__hello everyone, i need some help to open 80 port for an emulated software in ubuntu09:07
icerootluca__: the software should open port 8009:07
icerootluca__: also remeber, port80 is normally reserved for apache09:07
provaivou: http://www.backtrack-linux.org/09:07
hkof11which is faster, x64 or i386?09:08
maheanuuI did a aplay -l and my sound card is showing I have no pulse files and my alsa is supposedly in place09:08
shomonluca__, you can get UFW - quite easy to use. apt-get install ufw09:08
Ben64x64 is faster, but only works on 64 bit cpus09:08
slaeyajoin #windows09:08
shomonand then just "sudo ufw allow 80"09:08
rumpe1lolmatic: "metacity --replace & disown" in terminal09:08
aivouprov: thanks!09:08
luca__iceroot: i know, i was trying to install a winzozz network video sourveillance software on ubuntu using wine09:08
ubuntuluca__,  then you will need to port forward from gateway to host for external access09:09
lolmaticrumpe1: thx. but why were they gone in the first place?09:09
rumpe1lolmatic: you can check the logs (Xorg.0.log e.g.)09:09
luca__iceroot: the problem is "port 80 is not avaiable" , but for ufw is fully open09:09
ubuntuluca__, there is a native vid app for that!09:09
maheanuuI am running a 64 bit version and loving it I had no probs after an upgrade where I installed a 500 gig hd and upgraded Ubuntu 10.10 6409:09
provaivou: You ought to use the link to that distro I gave. Set up in virtual box and hack your own system. It is worth far more than any school degree.09:09
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icerootluca__: its part of wine/your application to open that port. have a look at #winehq09:10
aivouprov: Yea, i've heard about backtrack before, but never used it09:10
luca__iceroot: i asked, they sayed to ask here, because i need to add an exception on 80 for the software end they don't remember the syntax09:11
ubuntuanyone got some info on getting ubuntu 10.04 server running on this :- http://www.usadoscom.com/imagens/p4u/p4u000364.jpg proliant 150009:11
provaivou: I have used it a little and what little I used I was very impressed :) You should also try http://spins.fedoraproject.org/security/09:11
ubuntubacktrack is better ;)09:12
icerootluca__: there is no restriction by default so there is no need for an exception09:12
ubuntuluca__, check out zoneminder for ubuntu !09:13
luca__iceroot: so ubuntu allows to every software the access on 80 if opened by ufw?09:13
provaivou: I recommend you pay for the service offered by backtrack. Believe me, it is worth it.09:13
luca__Ubuntu: zoneminder doesn't work with canon ip cameras, i tryed already09:14
aivouprov: btw I have a dualboot ubuntu/windows vista, does windows provide any backdoor or somekind of a security threat?09:15
aivouto linux, it is09:15
ubuntuluca__, if its an ip cam then it has its own interface ? you dont need app to view it just the ip!09:15
ubuntuwindows is a backdoor and a security threat lol09:16
luca__ubuntu: i know, but to monitor and record multiple cameras i need09:16
provaivou: I do not know for sure but I do not trust code I cannot see. But there are plenty conflicts of interest to be concerned about, Microsoft is at it to make money and they will do what they can to ensure every copy is paid for, catch my drift?09:16
ubuntuand it wont work with zoneminder ? strange luca__09:16
red2kicluca__: Try motion09:17
luca__Ubuntu: canon camera alre linux based, doesn't allow so see it without native programs09:17
ubuntuwhat model cam you got09:18
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provaivou: I do not see windows being a window ;) to Linux. Whatever is done to access a windows box will give access to the ntfs partitions and not to Linux, If that is what you meant.09:19
luca__canon vb-c60 and canon vb-c50i09:19
ubuntuon moment my boy needs me brb09:19
aivouprov: yea i guess so09:19
gaurav_helpi am using canon printer i want 2 print my pages in black white but it don't show me the option09:21
slaeya33 ubuntu installs later and i'm finished ;-)09:21
provaivou: Anything else I might be able to help with?09:21
dustinwhat si a ubuntu box?09:21
slaeyaI do have a question about grub2 though.  I would like to edit the order in which what OS is displayed.  I read the documentation on the ubuntu wiki or help and I just didn't get it09:22
aivouprov: Guess not.. Thanks for your help! I'll be asking here if I need anything09:22
provaivou: Recap: get and install bastille and a firewall like firestarter.09:22
provaivou: Adios09:23
wjlafrance-desk_dustin, "box" refers to a computer, so "Ubuntu box" is like "Mac laptop". It's a computer that runs Ubuntu09:23
maheanuuIs there anyone here that might be willing to work with me on a sound problem?09:23
dustini still do understand09:24
dustini still dont  understand.......09:24
maheanuuI am on a Toshiba notebook running 10.10 64 bit AMD and just installed the latest Skype for Ubuntu 10.10 and it had been working but tonight it or something took down my sound completely Skype and Ubuntu09:25
slaeyadustin: are you using a windows pc / mac pc or windows laptop / mac laptop ?09:25
ubuntuluca__, are the cam working ? can you access there interface from a browser ? does the interface offer to upload to ftp server09:26
ubuntuluca__, http://www.zoneminder.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_10.04_%28Lucid_Lynx%29_Desktop09:27
luca__on #winehq they told me :only root is able to bind to ports lower than 1024, and you should not run wine as root, alternative is to use setcap09:27
luca__ubuntu: thrust me, i tryed for a week, and my unaswered question is theyr forum09:28
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dustinluca__,  what did you need help with ?09:28
luca__bind port 8009:28
slaeyaluca__: yes they are right ports lower than 1024 have to be bound from root and they are right in saying that you shouldn't run win as root09:29
ubuntuluca__,  you want more than that !09:29
slaeyawine*** rather09:29
luca__slaeya: so, can you help me with the syntax of netcp?09:30
luca__setcap, sorry09:30
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_marixanyone know of a way in 10.10 to get usbsticks not to automount to /media/<label> and /media/<uuid> but instead to a static /media/usb01 and /media/usb02 depending on which of the 2 ports are used? (trying to redirect usbsticks thru rdesktop, and the randomness depending on what stick used makes it complex)09:30
ubuntuluca__, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/413807/is-there-a-way-for-non-root-processes-to-bind-to-privileged-ports-1024-on-li#41425809:30
slaeyaluca__: I'm jumping in half way through a convo, not to be a pain or anything, I need to know the background if you don't mind09:30
dustinluca__, .slaeya.lmaf !!!!!!!!    the linux bot is  is freakin out09:31
trackerx90excuse me everyone09:32
trackerx90can you help me with create install ISO which system-base kernel09:32
slaeya_marix: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=482369309:32
dustinluca__,  well the thing with linux and wine dont like each other but will work together09:32
maheanuumaybe it's the hour or maybe it's me I will return tomorrow morn and see if there is anyone around that might like to work with me on a sound prob09:33
luca__slaeya: i was trying to install a non native software with wine, and the software says "port 80 is not avaiable", but for the firewall the port is opened09:33
trackerx90i meant, no gui, no graphic extension , only pure kernel09:33
slaeya_marix: sorry I didn't read your question properly09:33
ubuntuluca__, setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /path/to/program09:34
slaeyabible #ubuntu-cn09:34
dustin_marix, tell me what you got  for usb , in detail?09:34
luca__ubuntu: do i copy this string as is changing only the path?09:35
dustinbible, 喜圣经09:35
ubuntuhave a read http://stackoverflow.com/questions/413807/is-there-a-way-for-non-root-processes-to-bind-to-privileged-ports-1024-on-li#41425809:35
Nicd-does ubuntu's php 5.3.2 come with pcre 7.8? because that's all I'm getting :/09:36
Nicd-even though the PHP manual states that 5.3.2 comes with pcre 8.0009:36
trackerx90any idea?09:36
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dustinbible,有说汉语的吗? 你是什么意思?09:38
ubuntuluca__, what your going to need it first make sure you have 1). sudo apt-get install libcap2-bin09:38
slaeyawhere do you get a command list for ubottu09:38
ikonia!ubottu | slaeya09:38
ubottuslaeya: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots09:38
slaeyadustin: bible is gone09:38
slaeyaikonia: thanks09:38
ubuntuthen 2). setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' "wine /path/to/program"09:38
pocchahello, how can i set up odbc connections in ubuntu ?09:39
dustinslaeya, oh wel i didnt not see the note09:39
ikoniapoccha: it depends on the language you want to connect with09:39
dustin odbc : whats that mean?09:40
pocchadustin open database connectivity09:40
ikoniapoccha: with what language09:40
pocchaikonia i dont understand what you mean ...09:40
ikoniapoccha: you need a programming language/application to create an odbc connection09:41
adek05i have a problem with lp, i want to manage orietation of printed pages in lp, manual says nothing about it or it is hidden to me, i wonder if anybody could tell me how to do that or where to look for help09:41
ikoniapoccha: postgres is a database you don't connect to it's self with odbc09:41
adek05i want to add that i want to manage orientation in two-sided print09:41
dustinpoccha, thanks09:41
slaeyahas anyone had much to do with pixcir touchscreen devices and ubuntu 10.10?09:42
pocchaikonia im sorry but i dont know what you are talking about. on windows i set up the odbc to be able to connect to the database from within R09:42
ubuntuluca__, there is also info here :- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libcap2/+bug/69558109:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 695581 in libcap2 (Ubuntu) "setcap does not provide WINE access to port < 1024 for Hotspot Shield" [Low,New]09:42
pocchaor from within vb ...    and i can use the same odbc09:42
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ikoniapoccha: ok - so in that example VB is your programming language, what programming language do you want to connect to an odbc service from09:42
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dustinsleaya,  pixcir touchscreen devices and ubuntu 10.10?        well  a litlle09:44
mrcreativityi need some help with my fonts please09:44
poccharight now i need to connect from R09:44
slaeyadustin: did you have any luck in finding or compiling a driver ?09:44
mrcreativitythey're all messed up...is there anyway i can reset everything to default installation?09:45
montezumamy internal modem seems to be switched off, how can i switch it on? its an ericsson f3507g09:45
dustintell me you excat model09:45
slaeyadustin: the last time I attempted to compile a driver the poor 1.1ghz processor took 17hours.09:45
dustinhow old is it ,09:45
mrcreativityfirefox fonts are all messed up, chrome doesnt look right, even this chat windows shows an annoying font.09:46
mrcreativitycan anyone help me out please?09:46
slaeyadustin: I'll boot it up soon and grab output the info, I was just curios.  I changed development platforms a while ago cause I couldn't get drivers to work.  Then I found ubuntu.09:46
slaeyasince then I have migrated 30% of all the PCs09:47
dustin:) well i am glad you try ,,, i cant do that to save my petty sandwhiches life being eating by my little bro09:47
pocchaikonia i need to connect from R09:47
subzi can use photoshop cs5 in ubuntu 10.10 ?09:48
slaeyasubz: yes it runs without any problems09:48
slaeyasubz: I use thrid party software to run it though.09:48
subzcan explain for me ?09:48
ikoniapoccha: what is "R"09:48
luca__ubuntu: i did setcap the .exe file, but still port 80 non avaiable, do i have to setcap the wine server file?09:49
pocchaikonia http://www.r-project.org/09:49
dustinsleaya, but what i can do is try to help you best as i can , and look off a different way to get where you want to be09:49
danielcg25ikonia: R is a letter in the english alphabet09:49
mrcreativityid raelly appreciate some helo09:49
ikoniadanielcg25: doesn't really help09:49
montezumauuuh, it works now :) nice09:50
slaeyasubz: I used this tutorial and tweaked to what I needed09:50
dustinsubz, just one word ,,,,,, playonlinelinux09:50
slaeyasubz: http://maketecheasier.com/install-photoshop-cs5-in-ubuntu-maverick/2010/11/0209:50
slaeyadustin: sounds great, I'll grab one soon.  I'm not back at the office yet09:51
ikoniapoccha: from scanning through the documentation it looks like you'd make the connection from within the application it's self09:51
danielcg25ikonia: ;)09:51
lolmatichwy guys09:52
subzslaeya i dont have win7 instalation ;/09:52
stimpiethe hotkeys on my asus n53sv laptop do not seem to generate any acpi events, any one know how to fix this?09:52
lolmaticevery time i reboot the window decorations are missing (metacity)09:52
pocchaikonia to connect to a database from within R you either use a jdbc or an odbc09:52
mrcreativityid really appreciate some help with fonts on my ubuntu installation09:53
ikoniapoccha: yes, I read that (I'm scanning the documents now) and as it reads to me you'd make that connection from within the application toolset, not outside09:53
slaeyasubz: what would you need a windows 7 installation for ?09:53
dustinsubz, dowload that and ALL / most of what you need is there , and the cd you buy from the store or it WILL no work09:53
abhinav_singhwhat is the default shell in ubuntu?09:55
vaasuabhinav_singh: bash09:56
stimpieabhinav_singh: gnome  or bash09:56
luca__can someone help me with setcap syntax? i need to allow port 80 to a non native software with wine09:56
abhinav_singhvaasu well i read some where that default shell for ubuntu is dash09:56
k_szeHow do I find my HDD when I boot Ubuntu from the installation CD?09:57
slaeyaabhinav_singh: bash is the default however if you use useradd sh will be the default09:57
parapanhi there fellows; Opera browser was freezing; I made Left Mouse button > close; after that, tried to restart again and is saying that the program is still running; I checked with System Monitor, it's active, taking 500 Mb from the memory and 90% processor load; went to terminal sudo killall opera ...nothing changed .....then, sudo killall 2391 ( the process ID ) but  is says 2391: process not found - anyone has a clue ??09:57
slaeyak_sze: you should be able to mount from places under the livecd09:57
subzok, for use photoshop on cs5, i go download photoshop cs5 portable09:58
subzand run this with wine.09:58
slaeyak_sze: places menu that is.09:58
subzgo work ?09:58
red2kicparapan: If opera is still on the screen, try "xkill" and click on Opera.09:58
slaeyasubz: I use the full CS5 suite without a problem.09:58
subzu make = tutorial ?09:58
parapanred2kic: nope it's not on X ...I don't have it on screen anymore09:58
k_szeslaeya: I only see the bootloader partition09:59
slaeyasubz: no that isn't my tutorial09:59
k_szewith the grub and lost+found directories.09:59
parapanred2kic: it's only on the process list on system monitor interface09:59
red2kicparapan: "htop" -- It list processes.09:59
k_szeand a bunch of image files (kernel images?)09:59
slaeyak_sze: are you at the boot screen or actually in ubuntu live ?09:59
k_szeI'm in ubuntu live10:00
parapanred2kic: another command ? htop must be installed10:00
red2kicparapan: You have to reboot. I think you're experiencing zombie process.10:00
lolmaticcan anybody tell me why the window decorations are gone every time i reboot? (metacity)10:00
slaeyak_sze: and are you attempting to install or just looking for your hdd?10:00
red2kicparapan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_process (Sounds like it?)10:00
ogeecan someone assist me with my ubuntu10:00
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k_szeI'm looking for my HDD first because the upgrade process got messed up due to a loose power cord.10:01
vaasuogee: what seems to be the problem?10:01
ogeemy ubuntu crashed on me10:01
parapanred2kic: can do that but I'm annoyed by this .....the only way to detect the process is when checking the system monitor ...cannot ,use any command to kill this process; from System Monitor can be done but wanted to do that from terminal10:01
k_szeI need to back up important data before doing a clean install.10:01
vaasuwhat happened? details pls,10:01
dustin if anyone needs me ,pm me10:01
red2kicparapan: Okay. htop is nice CLI system monitor.10:01
red2kic!info htop | parapan10:01
ubottuparapan: htop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.3-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 61 kB, installed size 212 kB10:01
slaeyak_sze: what do you get with fdisk -l ?10:01
ogeewhen booting up, it didnt go through the correct boot process10:02
ogeeas if some files were missing10:02
ogeebrings me to a command line10:02
slaeya!pastebin | k_sze10:02
ubottuk_sze: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:02
red2kicparapan: If you're experiencing too many opera crashes/bugs/leaks... Chromium is always nice. :)10:02
dustinsleaya,you too  when you get back tell aspa10:02
parapanred2kic: sound exactly like a zombie process ...10:02
ogeeand starts showing me some machine addresses10:02
k_szeslaeya: I get nothing at all.10:02
ogeecannot type things like startx10:03
ogeeit would work10:03
red2kicparapan: Okay. Then you can't kill them off. You have to reboot. :)10:03
ogeeand it seems like the /etc/inittab isint there either10:03
parapanred2kic: yeap ...got used to opera ....most bookmarks I have in it; I also use chrome and firefox from time to time :D10:03
ogeeany suggestions10:03
vaasuogee: need output of dmesg command, use pastebin10:04
red2kicparapan: Backup/Transfer the bookmarks. Some people use Xmarks.10:04
slaeyak_sze: sudo fdisk -l10:04
parapanred2kic: but I CAN kill the process; but only using the system monitor > right click on process > kill ....but NOT from terminal10:04
k_szeah, ok10:04
_marixdustin: several different usb sticks, kingston, sandisk and so on10:04
MemphizzzIm trying to access a ubuntu 10.10 machine from another ubuntu 10.10 via the integrated remote desktop (VNC). I can see the machines monitor from where im sitting and i see that the context menu if i click right on the desktop for example opens. But i dont see that context menu on my remote desktop viewer? why is that?10:05
k_szeslaeya: /dev/sda seems to be my HDD.10:05
red2kicparapan: Confirm that it's long gone -- Relaunch system monitor when you try that. I wonder if it's just GUI (although I never tried it).10:05
slaeyak_sze: can you please paste the whole output in pastebin10:05
gregoryfentonhi, I have a bug in natty beta. if I create a SDL|openGL program and run it with effects disabled (classic mode with no effects) the SDL|openGL window is overlaid on top of all others.10:06
verynewubuntuhey guys, I'm utterly new to this stuff.. can't work out where the cgi-bin10:06
verynewubuntustuff should go...10:06
k_szeslaeya: I can't get that machine online. No ethernet jack nearby.10:06
red2kic!natty | gregoryfenton10:06
ubottugregoryfenton: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.10:06
k_szeslaeya: I have /dev/sda1 (Linux LVM), /dev/sda2 (Extended), and /dev/sda5 (Linux)10:07
red2kicgregoryfenton: Also, file a bug report. Hopefully it will get fixed by the release time.10:07
gregoryfentonty red2kic, #joining channel10:07
slaeyak_sze: that makes more sense thanks10:07
k_szeslaeya: /dev/sda1 has the most blocks, I guess that's my main partition.10:07
ohsixis there any way to get nautilus to always lay out the icons on the primary monitors area; instead of left justified10:08
k_szehmm, no10:08
parapanred2kic: installed htop ..lokks nice ....the process is shown ...opera / ID: 2391 ....selected press F9 ...didn't stopped10:08
slaeyak_sze: no ?10:09
k_szeLVM stands for Logical Volume Manager, no?10:09
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red2kicparapan: Try it with system-monitor. Kill it. Start system-monitor again. Is it really gone?10:09
red2kick_sze: Si.10:09
k_szethat's my main partition??10:09
__yhvh__so I'm using the emacs-snapshot PPA (version 24) and one of the related packages (flim) fails to byte-compile with this version, can I silence this error in apt?10:09
gregoryfentonhi, I have a bug in natty beta. if I create a SDL|openGL program and run it with effects disabled (classic mode with no effects) the SDL|openGL window is overlaid on top of all others.10:09
dustin_marix, did you look  for an app to fix that?10:09
gregoryfentonsorry wrong tab10:09
stat1ki am running 32 bit grub and now my windows is not recognising more than 2.99gb or ram. is there a reason for this?10:09
red2kic!pae | stat1k10:10
ubottustat1k: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info10:10
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slaeyak_sze: dev/sda1 sounds like your main partition10:10
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parapanred2kic: yeap with sys monitor it works ...tested again for at least 10 times ....my problem is ....what if I do nat have X - like on the server for example ...10:10
_marixdustin: looking for a magic fstab line or something else so that it mounts to a static location instead of /media/<labelofstick>, so it can be redirected via rdesktop10:10
red2kicstat1k: You aren't likely to utilize all RAM -- however, if you really want to.  Install PAE kerenl or opt for 64-bit Ubuntu.10:10
fairuzCan we specify an directory for apt-get source xxx ?10:10
Memphizzzon a VNC connection, how come that i am moving the mouse but i dont see any windows or menus opening on click?10:11
slaeyak_sze: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt10:11
_marixdustin: or a magic -r line for rdesktop to redirect whatever lands in /media/10:11
parapanred2kic: anyway thanks alot ...kill-it with sys monitor .....those zoombie processes ..:D10:11
red2kicparapan: Well, do what you have to do. I'd say to that problem. :)10:11
k_szeslaeya: mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'10:11
dustinMemphizzz, my question is how in the world you got remote desktop to work, i have been at it for months10:12
stat1kred2kic: thanks. i was talking about from my windows partition though. ubuntu is 32bit version so im not expecting more than that from the os. but my windows is 64bit so it should be able to use it all. is there something that grub passing to the windows os that makes it act as a 32bit os?10:12
slaeyak_sze: encrypted ...10:13
red2kicstat1k: Eh? If you're on 32bit Ubuntu, you're on 32bit Ubuntu. Otherwise, you're on Ubuntu 64. The same goes for Windows 32 or Windows 64.10:13
verynewubuntuam I in the right place for help with ubuntu server?10:14
red2kicstat1k: It have nothing to do with grub. Just your hardware specs.10:14
k_szeno way...10:14
red2kicverynewubuntu: There are #ubuntu-server too10:14
k_szeI don't remember ever setting up an encrypted partition.10:14
k_szeaw shit10:14
verynewubuntuahh cool thx red2kic10:14
red2kicslaeya: Are you certain?10:14
kratoshallo sir10:15
azmhi, How can I autocomplete command according to history in bash please ?10:15
slaeyared2kic: no not at all10:15
dustin_marix, just plug all of them in then just drag the icon to the desktop10:15
slaeyak_sze: sorry was quick to jump to conclusions ... http://adityo.blog.binusian.org/?p=76210:15
azmpage up/down does not work10:15
_marixdustin: rdesktop (rdp) arent really drag and drop when it comes to units10:15
kratoswhat is the important of ubuntu?10:16
motyare any person that have informatipn about preseeding ubuntu with encrypt disk10:16
red2kick_sze: slaeya is not certain. However, try "sudo vgscan" -- "sudo vgchange -ay"10:16
Memphizzzdustin i just enabled it in System-->Preferences->Remote Desktop10:17
praveencan anybody tell me how to use CUnit framework for testing???10:17
k_szered2kic: command not found. Where are they usually?10:17
ohsixhm how can you pick the order of two windows that want to be on top10:18
red2kick_sze: lvm2 -- What is this hard drive? What did you do with it?10:18
ohsixi want a video playe ron top of a full screen firefox like i can do on windows10:18
k_szered2kic: It's an upgrade process that got interrupted in a very very bad way.10:19
susundbergi got firefox youtube video visible through any any window ..10:19
susundbergthough any flash that is ..10:19
k_szeI was upgrading from ubuntu 9.04 to 10.1010:19
red2kick_sze: Okay. How was the 9.04 installed in first place?10:19
k_szeor was it 8.10 to 10.0410:19
Memphizzzdustin and then use Applications->Internet->Remote Desktop Viewer from another machine to connect...10:19
red2kick_sze: Alternative disc?10:20
cleank_sze: 11.04 is coming10:20
k_szeusing software manager10:20
Memphizzzdustin alternatively disable ufw if enabled10:20
Memphizzzdustin or add a rule to allow the incoming connection10:20
red2kick_sze: Use a LiveCD. Try to recover your hard drive. I hate upgrades.10:20
k_szethe upgrade got interrupted because of a loose power cord.10:20
k_szered2kic: I *am* using the 10.10 LiveCD10:21
kratoswhat is the use of terminal and important it is!!!sorry i'm a new user of ubuntu thanks?10:21
dustinMemphizzz,  ufw  mean what?10:21
k_szeI just need to mount my HDD to see what data can be salvaged.10:21
red2kick_sze: Okay. You can't see your hard drive? It's usually under Places --> (Whatever HDD).10:21
ogeeu still there10:21
vaasuogee: here,10:22
vaasukinda busy tho, but continue10:22
k_szered2kic: it's there and it's not there: only the grub partition is there.10:22
slim_hi, i have installed and configured ubuntu , how can i create a DVD from the installed system to install it on another computers ?10:22
red2kick_sze: Install lvm2 cryptsetup10:23
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ogeeerror:atbkd.c:setkeycode e02d '<keycode> unknown10:23
k_szered2kic: is that from Ubuntu Software Center?10:23
ubv16hi. if I connect my laptop to monitor through VGA port and use xrandr (resolution 1920x1200), my taskbar is getting unsorted like this: http://image.bayimg.com/mahmlaadi.jpg10:23
ogeeerror: atkbd.c: unknown key pressed10:24
ubv16how can I do it "static"?10:24
k_szeneed internet connection10:24
red2kick_sze: Open a terminal.  "sudo apt-get install lvm2 cryptsetup"10:24
k_szebut I can't get that machine online because there's no ethernet socket nearby.10:24
kaushalis there a way to know if its a 9 cell or a 6 Cell or a 4 Cell battery without visiting the Manufacturers website10:24
vaasuerm.. need more lines..10:24
ogeeerror: atkbd.c: setkeycode e03b '<keycode> key unknown10:25
red2kick_sze: How are you online? Get this machine an Internet, stats!10:25
ogeeatkbd.: unknown key released10:25
ogeeand it goes on and on with those msgs10:25
vaasuwhich kind of keyboard you have?10:25
k_szeI'm on my laptop, with wireless.10:25
k_szethe machine that has problem is a desktop, no wireless.10:26
ogeelaptop UK keyboard made from advent10:26
red2kickaushal: Maybe "hardinfo" will tell you. It's worth a try.10:26
k_szeand I can't really move the machine because I don't even have a monitor to use it with.10:26
Memphizzzdustin its the firewall10:26
k_szeI'm using my TV as a monitor.10:26
vaasuearlier ubuntu worked with that keyboard?10:27
earwigsmonitors are cheap10:27
Memphizzzdustin try "sudo ufw disable" in a terminal10:27
ogeenot sure10:27
ogeeim using the new 10.0.410:27
k_szeearwigs: they are, but I don't have room for a monitor in my house.10:27
kratoswhy my pidgin vedeo call not allowed what can i pls??10:27
ogeethis is the second time it is happening10:27
red2kick_sze: Okay. I understood your situation. Meanwhile, you're stuck until we get your computer on Internet. If you don't want to, you got USB sticks around?10:27
ogeedo u suggest i use an earlier version10:27
vaasuwhich version you using currently?10:27
DarkStar1if I need to allow a newly created user/group to be able to sudo, do I just add the "<group/user> ALL=(ALL) ALL" to the sudoers file?10:28
ogeethe newest10:28
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ikoniaDarkStar1: just add the user to the admin group10:28
ogeesorry 10.1010:28
DarkStar1ikonia: so leave the sudoers file untouched10:28
slaeyared2kic: isn't LVM on the live CD ?10:29
vaasuis it possible to do a re-install and set a keyboard that works?10:29
rockhopper_1Hey guys, i'm trying to install git and get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/593043/ apt-get update: http://paste.ubuntu.com/593044/10:29
red2kicslaeya: I have no idea. I haven't used a LiveCD for long time.10:29
k_szered2kic: it's not urgent. so I'll just come back when I move into a bigger house and a monitor.10:29
arandslaeya: I don't think it is no, it's on the alternate install CD though.10:29
ogeewill try that10:29
vaasubecause, i don't know to solve your problem, :(10:30
motyare any person that have informatipn about preseeding ubuntu with encrypt disk?10:30
slaeyaarand: yeah you're right.10:30
red2kicslaeya: LVM + cryptsetup probably aren't installed by default since 700MB is really small. :)10:30
ogeeno worries10:30
ogeei will try that10:30
slaeyathere is an option though, he could use the alternate install CD which has LVM on it10:30
red2kicslaeya: He is trying to recover his hard drive first.10:31
debdcan I monitor how much band-width a app is using when multiple apps are sharing the totlal bandwidth?10:31
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slaeyared2kic: noted, however if he cannot use a usb and needs to fix his problem he could download the alternate, mount, backup and then reinstall ?10:31
kratospls help me to fixed the video call of pidgin.10:31
damnocan I monitor how much band-width a app is using when multiple apps are sharing the totlal bandwidth?10:32
ikoniaDarkStar1: don't change it unless you need to, adding the user to the admin group should be enough10:36
red2kic!livecd | slaeya10:36
ubottuslaeya: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.10:36
red2kicslaeya: Alt. Installation does not do that.10:37
slaeyadamno: firestarter should sort that for you.10:37
slaeyared2kic: :/ im so confused.  I thought I had live on my alt :(  I stand corrected yet again.10:37
DarkStar1ikonia: thanx dude.. done.. brb10:38
kratosnobody help me?10:39
chun-ligot any good links to setting up a simple cgi-bin test guys? I'm10:40
chun-licompletely lost with this apologies eek10:40
parapanone more question fellows> one year ago I was trying without success the connection of Evolution mail client to a Microsoft SBS Exchange ( small business server ); any news in this area ? is it possible to do this without having any issues ? my best performance was being able to send e-mails but without receining any ......so ???10:40
damnoslaeya: firestarter is too outdated and its not mentained anymore10:41
Dark_Star1ikonia: thx.. that did the job10:42
* slaeya /wrists10:43
slaeyadamno: yes it has been for some time now.10:43
slaeyaI think I've had too much to drink ..... possibly a lack of alcohol... time for me to disappear before I give more bad advice.10:43
ikoniaDark_Star1: not a problem10:45
kratoswhat is the general???10:46
nankurahello ubuntu world10:46
nankuraive just installed 10.04 and im inlove with linux lol, im a windows migrant, abit fresh. and man ive been missing out on awsome stuff10:47
nankurafinally got league of legends to work to haha10:47
Kimmennankura: cool, running in wine?10:47
motyare any person that have informatipn about preseeding ubuntu with encrypt disk?10:48
nankuratook me a week to figure out about compiling with the force inproc patch10:48
dustinyes up ur micosoft  ,,,,, bad code10:48
nankuralol now that ive got my main game working10:48
dustinwe got a noob ....10:48
nankuraim buying a 1TB hdd and switching to linux10:48
nankurai only play secondlife and lol10:48
nankuraand both work so im so happy lol10:49
nankuraum one question10:49
nankurahow do i get like a watery or fire effect when closing my window, compiz confuses the hell outta me xD10:49
dustinwhat is your spec( hardware and software )10:50
lobstersuitwhen i have usb sticks plugged in, my PC won't boot. unplugged all is fine. any idea? (using lucid)10:50
Kimmennankura: install compiz settings manager10:50
nankurai have an AMD Phenom 2 955 with 4GB G.Skill ripjaw gaming ram and a nice HIS 5770 ATi Card10:50
nankuraupgrading to a 6870 soon xD10:51
xombiehow to re-arrange icons on panel ?10:51
xombieplz help10:51
Kimmennankura: consider nvidia graphics, they have generally better support imo10:51
nankurakimmen, ok im in the settings manager already, im just heavily confused with the animations section10:51
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nankuraYea im considering a GTX46010:51
nankurawe have one at work i can get cheap10:51
nankuraMSi Hawk10:52
dustindont upgade before youlook to see if your hardware has drives for it10:52
nankuraah ok10:52
xombiesumbody ..10:52
nankurawell fortantly from what i heard is that Linux has good AMD Support10:52
nankurafor my processor10:52
he1nethello everyone!10:53
xombiehow to rearrange icons on panel10:53
xombiehelnet ..hello10:53
nankurai just right click the icon on the panel and select "move"10:54
dustinthis is not windows /close but and somethings we do use cuz we are forced to, it just not like you buy it and it works with a cd10:54
nankuraor right the menu go add to panel10:54
dustingot to do you research10:54
nankurayea dustin i get that man. but im not complaining right now, all my hardware is running beastly, the 5770 i have no problems10:54
nankuraeverythings going great hardware wise10:54
parapanxombie: right click on mouse Clean Up by Name10:55
xombiemy wireless icon does not move at all10:55
he1netI can not correct link USB virtualBox.10:55
xombietried bt failed10:55
earwigsxombie: thats not an icon10:56
xombieso how do i rearrange it10:56
nankuraok uhm10:56
xombieearlier it was towards right10:56
parapanxombie: right click on the desktop space not over the icon10:56
xombien now i went automatically on left10:56
nankuranow back to compiz, and thanks for the hardware advice dustin, but everythings fine hardware wise xD havnt had a problem with support10:56
nankurahow do i get a watery or ice or fire effect when minimizing my windows10:56
dustinnankura,  yes i know but its the software that you'll lose a arm if there is no support or code to ( like the blackberry on linux )10:57
dustinnankura, how long have you been doing this?10:58
nankuraah well i have no problem software wise, the only thing i used windows for was league of legends and office, but now that ive got lol on linux and openoffice im happy with linux10:58
xombiehow do i move it to the left again10:58
xombieas it was earlier10:58
dustinnankura,  oh an niceeeee rig10:59
nankurai use to use freespire years ago till the project shutdown and got bought out by Xandros, then i stopped for a while, then i heard about mint 9 and ive been playing with that, now ive moved to ubuntu, and ubuntu is the best so far10:59
nankurahaha thanks dustin, u should see my case, ive got 5 xigmatek orange LED fans, lights up my whole room haha10:59
dustinbig smile .... send a small clip ... love to see it11:00
xombiei got it11:00
xombiethanks for the help11:00
xombiei need help11:00
nankurau got msn dustin?11:01
xombieactually my ubuntu does not shuts down well, i neeed to press the power button again n again to shut it down completetly11:01
xombieplz help regarding it11:01
Dark_WolfAlright, here's the deal... anyone know why the nvidia drivers might not detect an LCD projector?11:01
dustinlol  HHHHAAAA your the 12 ppl to ask me that !!!!11:01
matthias_hi, I was running awesomeWM and updated from ubuntu 10.10 to 11.4 beta something. awesomeWM was upgraded from 3.4.5-1 to 3.4.9-1 and now I cannot do anything with it because my keys don't work anymore11:02
dustinok to anyone out there doing an upgrade   DONT   youll get bugs11:03
xombiemy ubuntu 10.10 shutdown is very  slow i need to press power butn again and again11:03
nankuraits called "BETA" for a reason o.011:03
xombieplz help11:03
matthias_"help us make ubuntu 11.04 the best release yet!  The beta's ready for your  feedback."11:04
* matthias_ just gave feedback . . . :P11:04
valiumanyone recommend an OpenLDAP front end that can be used by a secretary or office manager to maintain the companies address book?11:04
maniakssWhat's the best Internet Radio Player? Should be simply11:06
itali-chanradio tray11:06
xombiewhat to do to correct my ubuntu shutdown11:07
xombieit hangs up all the time when i try shutting it down11:08
xombiesumbody plz help11:08
valiumxombie - what does dmesg say?11:08
xombiei says nothing11:09
xombieit hangs up and stays idel11:09
dustinMatthias_ , or any one DONT  upgade  just do a fresh install11:09
valiumxombie - have you tried shutting down via command line to see whether it is a gnome issue ?  try sudo init 0 (thats zero not Oh)11:09
matthias_dustin: uhm, what do you mean,  I already have ubuntu 11.04 installed.. shall I downgrade and  do what then?11:10
xombieno i have not tried yet11:10
xombiewhatif its a genome issue11:10
xombiecan it be corrected11:10
dustinbrb ,need to restart11:10
valiumxombie - there are a thousand 'what ifs' dont worry about what if...just worry about what is11:10
xombieok valium11:11
maniakssthere's something wrong with my Ubuntu. When i use it i have "internet breaks"... on Windows there's everything fine. Someone does know what is it?11:11
xombieso what sud i do now?11:11
valiumtry and restart via the command  sudo init 0   and check dmesg11:11
maniakssawww.. fuck ubuntu;/11:12
motypreseed ubuntu installation11:12
valiumxombie actually restart is init 6 and shutdown and stay down is init 011:12
kubanchow do I uncheck package in terminal, because synaptic package manager is not working, and i would like to uncheck installation for this package in terminal?11:13
maniakssthere's something wrong with my Ubuntu. When i use it i have "internet breaks"... on Windows there's everything fine. Someone does know what is it?11:14
valiumkubanc - if synaptic has hung it may still have lock on the package database.11:14
valiumkubanc - check to see if synaptic is still running via ps aux | grep -i synaptic11:15
kubancvalium, sudo apt-get remove did the work11:15
maniakssand it seems like just HTTP doesn't work11:15
motyhow partitioning in preseed ubuntu installation?11:15
valiummaniakss - check your dns11:15
valiumgeez - i only popped in for 5 minutes to see if there was an LDAP address book tool :P11:16
valiummaniakss - /etc/resolve.conf11:16
maniakssvalium, it's empty file11:17
Xyzzincan someone help me?11:17
Roniga!ask | Xyzzin11:18
ubottuXyzzin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:18
Xyzzink :)11:18
valiummaniakss - try adding the line  nameserver  or whatever the ip address is of your router11:19
XyzzinI have ubuntu 7.04 Feisty. I want to upgrade you 7.10, but i am unable to. I searched and i cannot fidn anything. So how do i do it?11:19
susundberghuh thats quite old one .. i would here suggest fresh install if there is not very good reason why not11:19
maniakssvalium, < so i should add just this?11:19
maniakssnothing more?11:19
valiummaniakss - but you should really edit /etc/network/interfaces11:20
xombiei tried shutting down via terminal11:20
valiummaniakss - set a static ip is best11:20
xombien it went well11:20
xombieso whats the error now11:20
valiumxombie - okay great so its a problem with the gui then11:20
dustinhey im back11:20
xombiehow do i correct my shutdown11:20
valiumxombie - most likely11:20
XyzzinOK. Thanks for help. I am on a network tho.11:20
XyzzinSo a fresh install will be kind of hard11:21
valiumxombie - check errors by going into a terminal and issuing the command dmesg11:21
maniakssvalium,  what's there? i have just "auto lo iface lo inet loopback"11:21
valiumxombie - look for tell-tail errors11:21
valiummaniakss - you dont have a network interface detected11:21
xombien how do i get it11:21
valiummaniakss - you can stuff around or you can just buy another network card.  Get a realtek11:22
valiummaniakss - what type of network card are you using?11:22
maniakssvalium, i'm pretty sure i've got a Realtek network card11:22
valiumxombie - how do you get what?11:22
maniakssvalium, hmm, idk but mobo Gigabyte EP31-DS3L11:23
valiummaniakss - ok.. Have you got the network module loaded?11:23
xombiehow do i get what errors are associated with it?11:23
maniakssnetwork module you mean?11:23
valiumxombie - just read your dmesg and look for errors dude.11:23
valiumxombie - or create a new laucher with the command sudo init 011:24
valiumxombie - thats a quick hack11:24
maniakssvalium ? what do you mean by network module?11:24
maniaksswait valium, i'll make you a print screen of my eth0 config11:24
valiummaniakss - man modprobe11:25
valiummaniakss - i dont need it.  I know what it looks like.11:26
maniakssi'm in modprobe11:26
valiumguys I have to jet .... its 8:30pm here in australia time for a bite to eat.11:26
maniakssvalium, ok;/ but bittorent protocole doesn't work too11:27
dustinIM BACCKK11:27
valiummaniakss - dont be put off...every issue is an opportunity to learn something new.  If you get frustrated just replace your network card with one that is at least 6 months old and you will be golden11:27
tfogalhey all, i'm trying to install qt devel packages, but apt-get wants to pull in all sorts of mesa stuff11:27
tfogalyet I have the nvidia drivers installed, and those will break everything11:28
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valiummaniakss - you have no network card working that is why11:28
tfogalany ideas on how I can tell ubuntu, 'no, really, the system already has GL'?11:28
maniakssvalium, but on windows everything is ok11:28
valiumlol - yes because on windows you have the card detected and the drivers installed11:28
maniakssand i use an Access Point - maybe this ?11:28
valiummaniakss - i can only point the way dude.  You gotta do the work.  Frustrating but its the only way.  Ive given you all info you need11:29
maniakssok valium, thx11:29
maniakssi'll try something11:29
valiummaniakss - you can do it.  Easy peasy.  Good luck!11:29
valiumokay so anyone with an LDAP front end for secretarial use?11:30
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valiumok... night all!   good luck!11:31
=== valium is now known as valium_away
Ben64tfogal: what does it want to put in11:33
tfogalBen64: libgl1-mesa-dev11:34
Ben64that shouldn't affect nvidia at all, thats just a source package11:34
tfogalI think the issue is that nvidia-glx-185-dev does not Provides: libgl-dev11:34
* tfogal shrugs11:35
tfogali'l try it11:35
tfogallast time i did this i would get broken libGLs every upgrade.11:35
Ben64as long as it doesn't touch nvidia-new or whatever, it shouldn't be bad11:36
dustinmaniakss,  tfogal  is right  when you learn some past it on , like p2p / bittorrant   we are get most of what we want  ,,,, :) and the rest we create  lol loo at andriod ,, i seen the froum as if was yesterday  , it was freakin hard to do , now look at it . 2nd best and out there os being used11:37
maniakssdustin, but for newbie it's hard to configure something11:38
maniakssso much doing in Console11:38
KreamIs it possible to put grub & the kernel on a usb drive and have / on another usb drive?11:38
thedogsomeone knows why maverick 64 works well with nvidia-current drivers on some nvidia cards while maverick 32 fails?11:38
Kreammeaning, does grub grok usb drives?11:38
tfogalI booted off of a USB drive to install ubuntu on my current laptop.11:39
tfogalUSB dvd-rom, but same diff.11:39
Kreamno, that I get. but can I get / put on a usb drive completely?11:39
Ben64flash drive would be really slow11:40
Kreamdon't care :)11:40
tfogal? how much more complete could it be?11:40
Ben64REALLY slow11:40
Ben64like... maybe 5% of the speed of a normal HD11:40
newbie01why do upgrades for say skype be done in the automated upgrades11:42
Kreamwell its for a storage server,11:42
newbie01why do upgrades for say skype not be done in the automated upgrades11:42
KreamBen64: the hard disks are for the storage pools11:42
Ben64get an extra HD for the OS? :D11:43
newbie01why are these things not done automatically in ubuntu, like other programs11:43
Ben64newbie01: what are you talking about11:43
newbie01which are supported by cannonical11:43
newbie01why do some programs not get upgraded automatically while others are11:44
dustinlinux is every where ,  lol and the windows guys  say s  it not much good .. ( laugh in face , and say the worlds fastest computers run it and some pro do also , hey theres even youtube video of it11:44
arunshi i'm trying to figure out which device my dvd writer is on, i see /dev/cdrom, /dev/dvd and /dev/dvdrw. how do i discover which device is the one ?11:44
Ben64just click on the updater and update em yourself...11:44
arunsi'm running ubuntu 10.1011:44
KreamBen64: complications in booting from zfs vpools11:44
Deadglowanyone know what to do about ubuntu installation freezing on the partition resize screen?  have tried chkdsk and defragmenter11:44
newbie01on 10.04 where is this11:45
KreamBen64: so yeah. just wanted to figure if grub can boot from a usb flash drive with / on another usb flash drive11:45
Ben64aruns: check /etc/fstab11:45
arunsits not there11:45
Ben64Kream: it can, but i've tried it, and it's mind numbingly slow11:46
dustinmaniakss, linux is every where ,  lol and the windows guys  say s  it not much good .. ( laugh in face , and say the worlds fastest computers run it and some pro do also , hey theres even youtube video of it11:46
Ben64aruns: nothing like this? /dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0       011:46
Kreamaruns: ls -l /dev/cdrom11:46
Kreamaruns: should symlink to a device11:46
arunsBen64, nope. just figured it out though, /dev/cdrom /dev/dvd and /dev/dvdrw are all aliases to /dev/sr011:46
arunsso i guess i can use any of them11:46
newbie01is there a linux distrubution which has the minimum preinstalled programs i.e. just the bare essentials11:47
arunsyep Kream, thanks11:47
maniakssdustin, so where is linux? ok, almost servers are on linux11:47
maniakssbut for users it's not working so good11:47
erUSUL!minimal | newbie0111:47
ubottunewbie01: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD11:47
Kreamnext question, Ben64 :) Can I boot from a usb flash drive with / on 2 mirrored usb flash drives?11:47
Ben64maniakss: servers, android phones, other embedded devices, routers11:47
Ben64Kream: like raid?11:48
Kreamraid1 yeah11:48
Ben64no idea, sorry11:48
nankuraMessage to the irc/ubuntu admin's, im new to ubuntu and i have to say, good work guys, keep it up and i hope to see 11.04 take off, everything works and im more than happy with linux, you turned me from windows ubuntu!11:48
Ben64Kream: oh and a hint... don't use ext3 or ext411:48
Kreamext2 most probably11:49
Kreamand a ramdisk, post boot11:49
Kreamawesome stuff, nankura11:50
tfogalYeah, that just broke my GL.  /usr/lib/libGL.so now points at a mesa .so.11:50
Ben64Kream: you know ubuntu makes a ramdisk by default, right?11:50
Ben64tfogal: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 13 2010-05-24 00:25 /usr/lib/libGL.so -> mesa/libGL.so11:50
Ben64like that?11:50
maniaksssomeone would help me?11:51
Ben64maniakss: what's your question?11:51
Kreamah yeah so it does, Ben6411:51
Ben64Kream: :) its pretty handy11:51
maniakssBen64, my internet is not working11:51
Ben64!details | maniakss11:51
ubottumaniakss: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:51
RenaudHi, I've been trying to make a USB bootable server installation of Ubuntu, however, using the hd-media installer files (initrd.gz and vmlinuz) found here: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-amd64/current/images/hd-media/ , I couldn't not succeed, it seems the modules compiled in the initrd.gz is not compatible with the ones on the 10.04.2 ISO, is there a plan to update those files on the the FTP ?11:51
Deadglowanyone know what to do about ubuntu installation freezing on the partition resize screen?  have tried chkdsk and defragmenter11:52
tfogalBen64: yes.11:52
Ben64tfogal: cause thats normal.11:52
tfogal? it's a mesa library11:52
tfogalor is it just named poorly?11:52
Ben64mesa is opengl11:53
tfogalnvidia is not mesa.11:53
Ben64libGL = opengl = mesa11:53
maniakssubottu, Ben64 : i have a problem with my internet... HTTP Doesnt run so good, it has breaks - something it works, something not. DNS on Windows is working good, so why not here?11:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:53
tfogalmesa and nvidia conflict if installed manually.11:53
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maniakssinternet radio, irc is working great11:53
Ben64maniakss: your dns isn't working?11:54
maniakssBen64, i'm not sure this, because on Windows it's working11:54
Ben64maniakss: open a terminal and try "ping ben64.com" and tell me what happens11:55
maniakssBen64, nothing happens11:56
maniakssBen64, ping: unknown host ben64.com11:56
Ben64maniakss: ok then you just need to add some dns servers11:56
maniakssBen64, i added router) amd
maniakssmaybe would you give me some Google's DNS? i'll try it11:57
Ben64google's dns is
maniakss8.8.8.8 and ? am i right?11:57
Ben64yes, correct11:57
stimpieI cant seem to get to a virtual console (ctrl_alt_f1-6) on natty, anyone knows how to troubleshoot?11:58
EyrezerHi. I cannot play DVDs on my laptop. I have already tired the instructions on the "Restricted Formats" page to no avail. Can anyone provide some help?11:58
Ben64!medibuntu | Eyrezer11:58
ubottuEyrezer: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:58
audhiben64 i installed a game using wine how to uninstall it?11:58
maniakssok i added, how should i restart this?11:58
bazhangstimpie, #ubuntu+1 for natty11:58
Ben64audhi: the same way as you would in windows11:58
audhiBen64,how it forgot11:59
MadCarburetorWill Gnome 3 be available in the software center in Ubuntu 10.10?11:59
Ben64depends on the program.. usually you'd find an "uninstall.exe" or something11:59
maniakssBen64, how to restart DNS config?12:00
Ben64maniakss: i don't understand what you mean by that12:00
maniakssyou know, i set DNS12:00
Ben64if you set it, you shouldn't need to do anything to get it to work12:00
maniakssshould I restart configuration or something ? to start this working12:00
Ben64try ping ben64.com again12:00
audhiben64 uninstall is not there.12:01
hackjackis there any virtual shell for windows12:01
EyrezerThanks Ben64, but I already have the Medibuntu repository enabled12:01
maniakssBen64, crap;/ nothing12:01
Ben64audhi: well this channel is for ubuntu support. you might want to try contacting the program vendor12:01
Ben64Eyrezer: have you installed libdvdcss2 from it12:02
audhiBen64,where the game will be.12:02
Ben64Eyrezer: and mplayer12:02
tfogalaudhi: run winecfg and see what mappings you have for your drives12:02
oxodesignhi all, im going to ask something very stupid, do I need to install crontab? When I run "crontab -e" i get "command not found"?12:03
maniakssBen64, wait a 2 minutes, i'll disconect my Access Points and connect again12:03
maniaksslet's see12:03
EyrezerYes. I installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras package and then  libdvdcss. I now get a message "DVDRead could not read -1/4 blocks at 0x01."12:03
hackjackcan any one help me12:03
tfogaloxodesign: you need to install a cron daemon, it'll come with a crontab12:03
FloodBot2hackjack: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:03
oxodesigntfogal: how do I install a cron deamon?12:04
tfogaloxodesign: apt-cache search cron12:04
tfogalpick one, apt-get install it then12:04
Ben64crontab should already be on by default12:04
oxodesignBen64: i thought that to12:05
maniakssi'm and nothing happened;/12:05
maniakssfuck this, i'm running iwndows12:06
test1234Hello, i have a general question. Which IDE is "best" for linux? I realize that this depends on what type of programming you are embarking on but is there a preferred IDE that is commonly known as being superior? If not, which one are recommended? So far i've found, Eclipse, Netbeans and Amy.12:07
Ben64!best | test123412:07
ubottutest1234: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:07
test1234Ben64: Can't i even ask for recommendations? I'm new to linux.12:08
audhiBen64, i cannot find where i installed that game with wine please help12:08
audhiplease Ben6412:08
Ben64audhi: dude you're the one who installed it, i'm not a genie12:09
Ben64test1234: i've only used eclipse : /12:09
test1234Ben64: Then Eclipse i shall use :) Thanks.12:09
=== dumbidubid is now known as dumbi
audhiive searched it every where i cannot find.ben6412:10
EyrezerAny other thoughts for my DVD problem, Ben6412:10
=== ashish is now known as wizash
Ben64Eyrezer: have you tried other dvds12:11
test1234Ben64: To install ecplise is this how it is done in the terminal? "sudo apt-get install ecplise"?12:11
Ben64test1234: yep12:11
LjLtest1234: eclipse not ecplise, but yes12:11
Ben64ooh didn't catch that12:11
test1234Lijl: Ah thanks, thats of course what i meant. Thank you Ben64 and LijL. Have a nice day.12:12
LjLtest1234: you too, check the messages in #ubuntu-bots too if you haven't12:12
ohsixregaring my question earlier about window stacking order: fullscreen windows are special, they aren't just in the window stack with respect to ordering, thus "always on top" windows are covered by them12:13
test1234LijL: duly noted12:14
moretzaHello to all frineds12:15
moretzahow partitioning in preseed?12:17
verachellau partnah!12:18
Abhijitis there any program or any way to have one text file encrypted?12:18
veracyes, indeed there is12:19
veractruecrypt, pgp, etc..12:19
Abhijitverac, which?12:19
Abhijitverac, no12:19
Abhijitverac, i want it for text editor12:19
veracyou want to invoke it through ivm?12:20
verac-ivm +vim12:20
Abhijitverac, not vim. either gedit or abiword or libreoffice writer12:20
hale_hi. how can i read and write xls file linux without install any modules?12:20
veracthen i have no idea12:20
veraci'd just try to bind an alias in vim or something12:21
fairuzAbhijit: NotepadCrypt?12:21
Abhijitfairuz, where can i get it?12:22
fairuzAbhijit: Google?12:23
gribouilleis silverlight 3 available on ubuntu ?12:23
jribgribouille: http://www.mono-project.com/Moonlight is what's available on linux12:24
fairuzgribouille: you mean moonlight?12:24
conconDoes anyone know how to choose a playback device? I'm using a usb-headset at work but it defaults to the internal soundcard. I've tested with aplay and the device works. I'm using xubuntu, just saying in case that matters12:25
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.12:25
gribouillefairuz, yes12:25
gribouilleis moonlight compatible with silverlight 3 ?12:26
sunitI am running a sql script with command /usr/bin/psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres openbravomp14 -1 -f /opt/openbravo/functioncall/fncb_partner_group.sql. If I try to write a shell script to run fncb_partner_group.sql so that sql run automatically, how shall I do that ?12:27
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erUSULsunit: first line « #!/bin/sh » second line the one you just posted. save it and give it executable permissions12:29
suniterUSUL : shall this  shell script run automatically or we have to run with ./name- of -file.sh  ?12:31
erUSULsunit: you want that to run at startup? or when?12:32
gazap-onhello, ubuntu won't load a microsd card(in an adapter), 8gb, kingston, any idea?12:35
suniterUSUL: actually we have made a installer file. Shell script is inside installer file.this shell script is supposed to be run after installation is completed.and run after boot12:35
MikeDDDoes anyone know how to remove items from the application menu? in Xubuntu...12:35
cybrhumangazap-on: pastebin "dmesg | tail" after you put it in.12:35
mrlolplxhalp plix: i got a usb mouse connected to a kvm switch with a usb -> ps/2 converter, and its connected to a laptop with a ps/2 -> usb converter, but the mouse doesnt work12:36
erUSULsunit: so it will be run once during install. and then again on each boot?12:36
suniterUSUL: no, the script will run after installation is  complete and then continue with scheduling whenever server is running12:38
gazap-oni have two microsd, one 8gb and other 2gb, the second one works if you restart the computer, but the first one doesn't, even if i restart12:39
ileais there someone on irc from the team that develops ubuntu 11.04?12:39
subzilea :  i think #ubuntu+112:40
ubuntulo all. ive got a problem w ubuntu 10.10 and my toshiba l50012:40
=== dre is now known as dredge
ubuntuwhen i boot my ubuntu sometimes i get a really loud beep sound12:40
cybrhumangazap-on: can you try getting a longer tail from the output?12:40
ubuntuthe first time it "blown up" my right speaker12:41
facmethere are?12:41
gazap-onno, thats all i get12:41
cybrhumangazap-on: "dmesg | tail -20" will give you 20 lines12:42
suniterUSUL: any suggestion ?12:44
gazap-oncybrhuman: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=iYr9JkDs12:44
cybrhumangazap-on: what does the same command report if you insert the other card?12:45
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup12:46
visual1ceim having this problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160407712:46
visual1ceSSD - not saving - time travel issue12:46
visual1cei was wondering if there are logs i can view which shows what is going on with the hard drive?12:47
mrlolplxhalp plix: i got a usb mouse connected to a kvm switch with a usb -> ps/2 converter, and its connected to a laptop with a ps/2 -> usb converter, but the mouse doesnt work - this output is from when i take out the usb kabel from the laptop and insert it again http://pastebin.com/wdnLREJB12:47
visual1cei think in that link one of the posters has some log data - where do i find that data?12:47
ileasomeone from the team that desingns the new ubuntu 11.04?12:48
cheaterhi, is there a way to find out what packages have files installed under a certain dir or subdir thereof?12:49
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JuJuBeeI need a hand getting my eth0 up.  Have 2 nic's only eth1 is up...12:50
jribcheater: what do you want to accomplish exactly?12:50
ikoniaJuJuBee: what model nic's are they12:51
gazap-oncybrhuman: i have to restart, i'll be right back12:51
cheaterjrib: i want to find out what python packages are installed from the repository and not using pip/easy_install/etc12:51
JuJuBeeOne is onboard on MSI mobo and other is PCI both are Intel chipset12:51
ikoniaJuJuBee: can you pastebin the output of "sudo ifconfig -a" please.12:52
jribcheater: better way would be aptitude search '~i~npython'  but « dpkg -S directory » is the answer to your original question12:52
Memphizzzhow can i get the copy progress from nautilus when connected via slogin?12:52
LjL!cn | facme12:52
ubottufacme: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk12:52
m|kaelhello, is there any good bit torrent client that run all in terminal?12:53
JuJuBeeikonia: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/593088/12:53
jribm|kael: btdownloadcurses, rtorrent12:53
m|kaeljrib: thank you12:53
ikoniaJuJuBee: two cards there12:54
MrFixitcan i find a commands manual online anywhere?12:54
ikoniaJuJuBee: what's the problem12:54
bullgard4How can I determine what process spawns my process xfs_mru_cache?12:54
m|kaeljrib: i need both packages right=12:54
ikoniabullgard4: the output of ps -ef shows the parent id for each process12:54
jribm|kael: no, those are two different suggestions12:54
JuJuBeeikonia: yes, actually this happened because I tried to add a third card but it disabled one of the others....12:54
ikoniaJuJuBee: so what's the problem ?12:55
JuJuBeeikonia: this box is a gateway for my classroom.12:55
cybrhumanMrFixit: what do you mean? a list of useful commands or how to use them?12:55
facmeoh my god!you are crazy12:55
fairuzMrFixit: you search for this http://linux.die.net/man/   ?12:55
gazapon_cybrhuman: i'm back12:55
m|kaeljrib: ok :) which one do you recomend?12:55
MrFixita list of commands12:55
ikoniafacme: can we help ?12:55
JuJuBeeikonia: eth0 not configuring as it should12:55
ikoniaJuJuBee: ok - how have you tried to configure it ?12:55
m|kaeljrib: i have an ubuntu server setup with no gui and no monitor connected to the computer in question12:55
jribbtdownloadcurses, is a very simple, straightforward option. rtorrent is more complete/ fully featured12:55
=== gazapon_ is now known as gazap-on
ikoniafacme: how can we help you with ubuntu ?12:55
JuJuBeeikonia: I have /etc/network/interfaces... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/593090/12:56
facmeI love computer ,and I love ubuntu too12:56
ileasomeone knows where i can talk with one from the team that makes and designs the new ubuntu 11.04?12:56
JuJuBeeikonia: eth1 gets IP via dhcp from my provider12:56
bullgard4ikonia: Thank you very much for your help.12:56
cybrhumangazap-on: seems to be some issue with the card. I assume you do not have a floppy drive?12:56
ikoniafacme: how can we help ?12:56
Memphizzzhow can i get the copy progress from nautilus when connected via slogin?12:56
MrFixit@fairuz, thanks ill hava look inthere12:56
ikoniaJuJuBee: that gateway looks wrong12:57
gazap-oncybrhuman: now the command told me this http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=2R8EWiVG12:57
ikoniaJuJuBee: it's not on the same network as your 192 address so that's not going to work12:57
JuJuBeeikonia: why?12:57
facmeI want to know it12:57
gazap-onno i dont12:57
lolmatichi, every time i reboot my window decorations are missing :(12:57
JuJuBeeit has been working for 3 years now12:57
lolmaticin both metacity and emerald12:57
ikoniaJuJuBee: looks odd12:57
coz_JuJuBee,   are you running compiz?12:58
ikoniaJuJuBee: the other interface (eth1) is on the 24. network12:58
JuJuBeeikonia: yes12:58
JuJuBeepublic facing12:58
facmeI cant find you!12:58
coz_lolmatic,   are you running compiz?12:58
coz_JuJuBee,  sorry wrong nick12:58
lolmaticcoz_ yes12:58
JuJuBeecoz_: np12:58
facmeI cant find you! please help me.12:58
cybrhumangazap-on: you are certain that there is a working filesystem on the chip? I assume that it is the 8GB chip you are using there?12:58
coz_lolmatic,   ok  open ccsm12:58
ikoniaJuJuBee: so that's going to be able to see that gateway, eth0 is on the 192 network, it won't see the 24.x network12:58
ikoniafacme: you need to ask a question to get help12:59
coz_lolmatic,  look for and click on the Window Decoration plugin to get into it's settings12:59
gazap-onmy phone can read it, and i formated it on my phone12:59
cheaterjrib: yes, dpkg -S is great12:59
JuJuBeeikonia: then should I remove the gateway ?12:59
coz_lolmatic,  in the "Command"  field,, was is listed there?12:59
ikoniaJuJuBee: me personally, I would12:59
facmeHow to learn ubuntu?13:00
lolmaticcoz_: emerald --replace13:00
JuJuBeeikonia: what else should I have in interfaces file?13:00
ikoniafacme: https://help.ubuntu.com is a guide starting point13:00
coz_lolmatic,  mm  and you are using emerald ...yes?13:00
bazhang!manual | facme13:00
ikoniaJuJuBee: I'd (for the testing) remove the iptables loading, just to test it13:00
ubottufacme: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:00
facmemy English is very pool.please pardon me~13:00
lolmaticbut i have the same problem when i switch to metacity13:00
ikoniafacme: read the website https://help.ubuntu.com13:00
gazap-oncybrhuman: yes i'm using the 8gb card right now, works fine with my mobile, don't know if it works on XP, i don't have it13:00
coz_lolmatic,  oh?  which video card do you have there?13:01
Ddordahey guys, how do i enable disabled repos via the cli?13:01
lolmaticcoz_: intel13:01
lolmaticacceleration and everything works smooth13:01
coz_lolmatic,  then I am not sure,, the entry in the "Command" field for emerald should have done the trick13:01
coz_lolmatic,   in terminal       ps ax | grep compiz13:02
facmeThanks my English is very pool.please pardon me~13:02
rumpe1Ddorda, move the ppa-sourcesfile from /etc/apt/sources.d or comment out the line in /etc/apt/sources.list13:02
ikoniafacme: no problem. good luck13:02
JuJuBeeikonia: seems the iptables is causing problem.  When commented out eth0 loads but not while it is enabled.13:02
ikoniaJuJuBee: even with the gateway line ?13:02
JuJuBeeno, commented for now13:03
lolmaticcoz_:  1730 ?        Sl     0:24 compiz --sm-client-id 10eec1d0186f8ddbfd1302598405379020000001679003713:03
ikoniaJuJuBee: try the gateway line in, the iptables line out13:03
coz_lolmatic,   then I am puzzled13:03
cybrhumangazap-on: odd, I am not sure what to do now.13:04
lolmaticdamn :(13:04
JuJuBeeikonia: gateway line in = OK13:04
cybrhumangazap-on: you could try asking gparted what it sees.13:04
Ddordarumpe1: i meant by 1 command13:04
ikoniaJuJuBee: interesting, at least you know the problem13:04
rumpe1Ddorda, moving soucesfile from sources.d IS one command :)13:05
gazap-oncybrhuman: gparted keeps refreshing device list13:05
dkannanman tar. what does device ARCHIVE mean? and in "tar -c <dir> -xf -" what does the '-' at the end do13:06
sivanghi all13:06
sivangis there a way to make ubuntu go back to default gnome desktop before the times of unity ?13:06
rumpe1sivang, choose classic desktop in login-manager13:06
facmeanyone who can help me please?13:06
cybrhumangazap-on: odd, try fdisk and point it to the correct device and press "p"13:06
sivangI would like to please: 1) go back to normal desktop 2) fix right click issue on the lenovo ideapad13:06
sivangrumpe1: thanks!13:06
sivanganybody knows where is the package to fix the ideapad's right click under buuntu?13:07
sivangI understand this is a kernel issue?13:07
gazap-oncybrhuman: how?13:07
sivangrumpe1: I'm going to logout and test what you said, be right back13:07
facmeanyone who can help me please?13:07
sivang(if anybody has answers for me, please hold it for few secs until I come bacl)13:07
cybrhumangazap-on: "fdisk /dev/sdd" or something like that13:07
gazap-oncybrhuman: it says: can't open sdd13:08
xadiadd me on saad_psh@hotmail.com      20/m13:08
LjLxadi: this is not a social channel13:09
facme who can help me please?13:09
cybrhumangazap-on: yes, you have to figure out which device it is. try writing "fdisk /dev/sd" then press tab a few times to see what it suggests for completions13:09
rumpe1gazap-on, or try sudo fdisk -l13:10
JuJuBeeikonia: thanks.  seems to be working again.  I manually loaded a backup of my iptables...13:10
gazap-onfdisk -l only shows my hard disk13:10
rumpe1gazap-on, what about dmesg... does it say anything rightt after plugging the device in?13:11
xadihey! where i can found social channels ?????????13:11
cybrhumangazap-on: oups, forgot to mention, fdisk requires root13:11
lolmaticxadi: on sexnet irc13:11
mwichey guys i'm trying to remember the name of an ncurses utility that allowed me to install the whole LAMP stack at once...13:11
cybrhumangazap-on: oh, well, it seems you used root anyway... my bad13:12
mwicapt-setup or something like that..13:12
gazap-oni'm doing it as root13:12
jrib!lamp | mwic13:12
ubottumwic: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:12
facmeoh I am loney ...I will quit13:12
jribmwic: it's tasksel13:12
cybrhumangazap-on: I am out of suggestions :(13:13
xadiwhere is social channels!!! ?????13:14
xadihelp meeeeeeeee13:14
cybrhumanxadi: try "googling social network irc"13:14
gazap-onno problem, i'm searching on google, to see if anyone has this problem, seems like a lots of people have it13:14
xadii hate to do google :/13:14
HTCPXhello. when installing ubuntu, is the main partition and swap supposed go be primary or is the main supposed to be primary and swap logical?13:15
cybrhumanxadi: then you got some trouble...13:15
gazap-onhe means ubuntu-offtopic13:15
rumpe1HTCPX, doesnt matter at all13:15
rumpe1HTCPX, primary and logical partitions are only interesting if you want to stay flexible with regard to your partition-scheme13:16
HTCPXrumpe1 I'm setting then both as primary then thanks13:17
BlackDragonTechyThat should be fine.13:17
BlackDragonTechyDon't forget to mount / to your main.13:18
gazap-oncybrhuman: i forgot to tell you, if i reboot with the card inserted, ubuntu wont load13:18
cybrhumangazap-on: odd issue... does grub show up? or is the failure even earlier?13:19
gazap-onno, it gets stuck before ide detection13:20
sivangthank rumpe113:20
rumpe1sivang, you're welcome :)13:21
sivangrumpe1: I'm back at a sainer desktop for me old13:21
gazap-oncybrhuman: i'll try it on windows to see if is a hardware problem13:21
sivangold guy13:21
cybrhumangazap-on: that sounds really weird. Would it be a viable option to backup the contents and reformat the 8GB? just curious13:21
sivangrumpe1: you have any idea if the kernel patch for right click on the lenovo ideapad has been included?13:21
chun-liwow, looks like I've got the cgi-bin folder referenced properly but damned13:21
chun-liif I can get a script working in it lol13:21
cybrhumansivang: about desktop theme. are you on 10.10 and in netbook edition?13:22
sivangcybrhuman: I was13:22
=== zim is now known as Guest36415
cybrhumanhave you tried just choosing Ubunu desktop edition on the login screen?13:23
rumpe1sivang, no... sorry. Have no lenovo.13:23
sunitI am writting a shell script which is in a installer file. The script will run after installation is complete and run with schedule whenever ubuntu server is running. How shall I do that ?13:23
osmosis_paulgood afternoon i have one doubt, when i made a top and i see the metrics of the system i see that CPU% go more of 100% so what is the escale 1000%???13:24
osmosis_paulso 30% es like 3%13:24
rumpe1sunit, what do you mean with "ubuntu server is running"? the ubuntu server edition?13:24
sivangcybrhuman: exactly what I did13:24
cybrhumanosmosis_paul: you have more than one cpu-core, you run a multicore cpu.13:24
sivangcybrhuman: this was like rumpe1 said "classic flavor"13:24
sivangCoca Cola like to use this term a lot13:25
sivangas depicted in Futurama13:25
cybrhumansivang: should you want to move the close/minimize buttons just change theme :)13:25
azimo3Hey, someone can tell me how do i can configure Ubuntu to accept incoming connection from putty13:25
azimo3on a LAN13:25
osmosis_paulcybrhuman, yeah that's right but i guess that this valuie was an average or something13:26
rumpe1azimo3, deactivate firewalls, install openssh-server13:26
osmosis_paulso you mean that every 100% es a core and if i have 4 i can go over 400%????13:26
rumpe1azimo3, or maybe just the latter one i guess13:26
azimo3rumpe1: how do i deactived them13:26
sivangcybrhuman: I remeber there was a gconf line to do that13:26
sivangcybrhuman: I did it on my desktop13:26
rumpe1azimo3, try openssh-server firt13:26
sunitrumple1: yes  the installer will run on a ubuntu CLI server13:26
azimo3rumpe1:  apt-get?13:26
rumpe1azimo3, correct13:27
sivangthe system testing app is gathering information for a long time now13:27
* sivang kills it from the terminal13:27
azimo3rumpe1:  i'll try13:27
cybrhumanazimo3: install open-ssh and add sshd to /etc/hosts.allow, the syntax is described in "man /etc/hosts.allow"13:27
rumpe1sunit, well... you could scan /etc/issue ... or lsb_release output to determine the ubuntu version13:27
sivanghmm, but what is its pid13:27
cybrhumanazimo3: should be somehting along the lines of sshd: 192.168. or 10.0 which should allow the lan to connect to it.13:28
* sivang really misses the kill app button that used to be on the top panel13:28
rumpe1sivang, pgrep <command>13:29
azimo3apt-get install WHAT?13:29
cybrhumansivang: isnt that there still?13:29
azimo3open-ssh didnt work13:29
sivangrumpe1: I don't recall the command name13:29
rumpe1sivang, create one yourself :)     create-starter -> "xkill"13:29
lolmaticcan anybody tell me why my window decorations are missing after reboot?13:29
osmosis_paulcybrhuman,  i'm right? if i have 4 cores i can have until 400% of CPU consume13:29
sivangrumpe1: right, good idea, need to think simple13:29
rumpe1sivang, well ... then top, ps axu | less ....13:29
azimo3rumpe1:  what is the correct spelling of open-ssh13:30
sivangrumpe1: thing is, I don't have right button yet to do any of this13:30
cybrhumanazimo3: have you added sshd to be allowed to take ssh requests?13:30
rumpe1azimo3, aptitude search openssh13:30
azimo3rumpe1:  what is the correct spelling of open-ssh13:30
sivangthe ideapad needs some either xkb setting ot kernel something to enable right click on the ideapd13:30
sivangazimo3: openssh-server13:30
sivangazimo3: sudo apt-get install openssh-server13:30
cybrhumanosmosis_paul: yes13:31
azimo3cybrhuman: how?13:31
osmosis_paulcybrhuman,  thanks13:31
azimo3cybrhuman:  how do i add sshd to /etc....13:32
sivangazimo3: are you creating a system from scratch?13:32
sivangazimo3: once the package is installed, this will be handled for you by dpkg13:32
rumpe1azimo3, just install openssh-server... try to login... is usually sufficient13:32
sivangazimo3: and openssh-server will automatically start on reboot13:32
azimo3im on a configured ubuntu server system13:32
sivangazimo3: sudo apt-get install openssh-server; ssh localhost13:33
azimo3sivang: i need to reboot after install?13:33
sivangazimo3: no, this is not windows :-p13:33
sunitrumpe1: how can I write that shell script ?13:33
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azimo3sivang: that what i tough...13:34
Userx7how do i auto mount an ntfs partition with read/write support e.g. fstab?13:34
sivanganyway rumpe1 , thanks for you help. If anybody has a clue to the ideapad patch please let me know13:35
erUSUL!ntfs | Userx713:35
ubottuUserx7: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE13:35
sivanggoinbg away now.13:35
rumpe1sunit, well... i would use something like grep on /etc/issue and use the return code... but this is not really a topic in this channel13:35
web_knowsI'm running ubuntu Natty, 11.04, which was installed just yesterday, and those taskbars (upper and lower) are not showing up, meaning, everything I got upon login is the wallpaper.13:35
azimo3sivang: rumpe1 : cybrhuman : well openssh-server was enough13:35
azimo3sivang: rumpe1 : cybrhuman : works well now!13:35
web_knowsany help on that would be greatly appreciated, since I can't do a thing with an Operating System that I installed 2 days ago.......13:35
rumpe1azimo3, congratulations :)13:35
erUSULweb_knows: help with natty beta in #ubuntu+1 thnaks13:36
azimo3see ya!13:36
valium_awayweb_knows - restart desktop13:36
erUSULthanks even13:36
sunitrumpe1: what shall I do ?13:36
rumpe1web_knows, well... natty uses unity. Logout/Reboot, choose classic desktop in login manager13:36
Adomi thought emacs was installed by default on ubuntu server but its not, whats the correct package name for me to install? emacs22 or emmacs23?13:36
web_knowsvalium_away, already did it13:36
IRConanhi there... I've copied a virtual machien to a new host and I need to install grub on it13:36
web_knowserUSUL, ok, thanks13:36
IRConanI did apt-get install grub-pc and it has installed but doesn't work13:37
web_knowsrumpe1, will give that a try, thanks13:37
rumpe1sunit, look for some bash-scripting tutorials on the net... or ask #bash13:37
IRConanI presumably need to configure it properly to handle my root on LVM and stuff13:37
rumpe1sunit, or #sh, if you prefer that13:37
sunitrumpe1: thanks13:37
cybrhumanazimo3: be adviced, you want to configure it to just allow a subset of the internet...13:37
rumpe1Adom, theres a metapackage called "emacs"    (see "aptitude search emacs")13:38
Adomrumpe1: thx13:38
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rumpe1Adom, if you really don't need a specific version, that should be the best way.13:39
Adomrumpel: gotcha thx13:40
ubuntu1hello, any ideas why I get this while trying to load extensions in gnome-shell,  ReferenceError: shell is not defined.13:40
ikoniaubuntu1: gnome-shell ? where did you get that ?13:42
ubuntu1build it13:42
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ikoniaubuntu1: then you're on your own really13:42
ubuntu1ikonia: I build it13:42
ikoniaubuntu1: the guys in #gnome on irc.gnome.org may help or #gnome on this network13:43
mrlolplxwhats the standard printer program in ubuntu called in package manager?13:45
HTCPXubuntu is sexy13:46
cybrhumanmrlolplx: cups? thougth it was default in desktop.13:46
mrlolplxwell its not in administration menu13:47
mrlolplxso what to do13:47
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HTCPXwhat is the "about me" information used for on ubuntu 10.10th used for?13:51
Adomis there a command line text editor geared toward document editing/writing, rather than syntax hilighting for code? lets say id like to write a paper or a letter, what package should i use? nano, vim, emacs aren't great, but could suffice if nothing else exists.13:52
zabomberanyone got an experience with openswan? need a hand configuring openswan to connect to a sonicwall13:52
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mightymouseadom- try openoffice.org word processor they have alot of programs that are either equal-to or surpass word13:53
rumpe1Adom, cli-editor? ... sounds like you want to look at LaTeX13:54
Adommightymouse: is openoffice.org's writer app command-line?13:54
Adomrumpe1: oh yeah, ill check that out, thought that was mainly for math computations or whatever13:54
Pici!latex | Adom13:55
ubottuAdom: tex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX13:55
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Adombut latex can be used for simple document creation/editing as well?13:56
rumpe1Adom, yes13:56
Adomk gonna check it out thx guys13:56
tayyabali1hi all13:57
tayyabali1i am new comer to Open source  os and use ubunutu frm last year13:58
tayyabali1is it possible to install suse and ubuntu on system13:59
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AcidPhoneuse separate partitions14:00
Pici!noob | AcidPhone14:00
ubottuAcidPhone: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.14:00
AcidPhonelol. i was j/k14:00
tibiI have a problem with the package manager14:00
kroshI mounted a nfs fs that had rw permission, but I got permission denied error when I tried to copy a file to it. Should I change the owner or some permission of directory?14:00
AcidPhonetibi: wat problem14:01
AcidPhonekrosh: nautilus14:01
tibiit says it has unresolved dependencies with packages that are already installed14:01
deverashi everyone. I've been trying to solve the apache2 downloading PHP scripts for a full day now. I've followed several webpages instructions on how to resolve the problem, and i've remove and purged all apache2 and php5 related packages. The reinstallationg to me to the same place. Is there someone here that did manage to solve the problem?14:02
[THC]AcidRaini think that means that some dependencies are conflicting with each other14:02
[THC]AcidRaineither that or there are some that need others to work14:02
tibihe following packages have unmet dependencies:  compiz-dev : Depends: compiz-core (= 1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9) but 1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9.1 is to be installed               Depends: libgl1-mesa-dev but it is not going to be installed or                        libgl-dev E:14:02
tibifor example, i am trying to install compiz-dev and this is what it says14:02
tayyabali1how is suse os14:03
tibiand a huge number of packages return this type of error14:03
deverasok... time to reinstall ubuntu i guess14:03
[THC]AcidRaindeveras: wat is your problem with php?14:04
[THC]AcidRaintibi: you are using ubuntu 9.1?14:04
tibino, i'm using 10.1014:04
[THC]AcidRaini believe that error is asking you to install compiz-core14:04
tibihe following packages have unmet dependencies:  compiz-dev : Depends: compiz-core (= 1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9) but 1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9.1 is to be installed               Depends: libgl1-mesa-dev but it is not going to be installed or                        libgl-dev E:14:05
tibicompiz-core is already the newest version.14:05
kruxtayyabali1, its a great distro just like ubuntu..14:05
[THC]AcidRaini had the same problem once upon a time14:05
[THC]AcidRaini forget how i fixed it.14:05
[THC]AcidRainhave you just tried doing update?14:06
[THC]AcidRainthen upgrade?14:07
tibiI also tried changing the software source14:07
tibiupgrade to what?14:07
tibiit already is latest version14:07
[THC]AcidRainapt-get upgrade14:07
tibi0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.14:07
[THC]AcidRaindid you do apt-get update first?14:08
tibithe problem is the same in Synaptic, and apt-get14:08
[THC]AcidRainyou will have to talk to someone more experienced with this. i have had that problem. but i forgot how i fixed it. i think i just stayed away from the synaptic packet manager and used the add remove apps14:08
klarkaI live in a czech republic and you??14:09
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tibiyou mean the ubuntu software center?14:09
Picitibi, [THC]AcidRain: The Ubuntu Software Center, Synaptic, and apt-get all use the same apt backend, there should be no difference in using one tool over another.14:09
tibithat is right14:10
tibibut compiz-dev doesn't appear in ubuntu software center14:10
Picitibi: What version of Ubuntu are you using?14:10
ileawhere i can talk with someone from ubuntu or someone who works on the new ubuntu 11.04? answer me please14:11
AcidPhoneyeah but i wanna say that synaptic manager is more package by package. and the software center just does it better14:11
odioilea:  in the #ubuntu+1  channel14:11
AcidPhonein a way14:11
HTCPXhow do you set root IMAP folder on evolution mail client?14:11
tibii don't really think so, the software center only knows more details about the packages, that is the official name, description and screenshot14:12
Picitibi: Can you please try doing:   sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   to see if it fixes your problem?14:13
odioactually you can see the package details in synaptic as well14:13
tibinothing upgrades, just gives the 0/0/0/0 message14:13
kruxthey are both frontends to apt-get so basically the same thing with different guis.. to suit your needs14:13
Picitibi: Can you pastebin the output of apt-cache policy compiz-dev  ?14:14
Pici!ask | akaedu14:14
ubottuakaedu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:14
lolmaticcan anybody tell me why my window decorations are missing after reboot? (10.10, compiz, emerald)14:14
g3org3__how can i view .pptx files in Ubuntu 10.10?14:14
akaedu#include <stdio.h>14:15
akaeduint main()14:15
akaeduint i = 1;14:15
akaedu//printf("%d\t%d\n", i++, i++);14:15
akaedu//printf("%d\t%d\n", ++i, i++);14:15
FloodBot2akaedu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:15
lolmaticg3org3__: with openoffice?14:15
g3org3__i tried that but the word processor opens14:15
g3org3__not the presentation app14:15
tibiPici: Installed: (none), Candidate: 1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9, Version table: 1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9 014:15
cybrhumang3org3__: have you tried to open the pptx from openoffice?14:16
lolmaticg3org3__: you can run openoffice impress and then go to file -> open.14:16
Picitibi: Please check your software sources to make sure that maverick-updates is enabled.14:17
lolmaticor you can change the default application14:17
achimtrfHello, i have a question on natty - i'm not sure whether it's a bug or an translation problem. Am i in the right room for this?14:17
g3org3__yea theyre enabled n_n14:17
Piciachimtrf : Natty/11.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.14:17
cybrhumanachimtrf: #ubuntu+1 or something14:17
g3org3__ill check that out, thanks guys14:17
lolmaticcan anybody tell me why my window decorations are missing after reboot?14:17
KartagisI want to create a PTR record. what should I name the file?14:17
Kartagisand what's the syntax?14:18
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tibiit was disabled14:19
tibinow it works14:19
ruanis DHCP needed if i dont use network manager and use a static address?14:19
tibithank you very very much :)14:19
ruanon ethernet14:19
cybrhumanruan: shouldn't be needed, no14:20
ruanok. is it safe to remove it in that case14:20
Picitibi: you're welcome.14:20
ruandhcp3-client and dhcp3-common14:20
IRConanruan: the question is why bother?14:20
IRConanit's not doing any harm there14:20
ruanIRConan: i dont want to waste bandwidth on updates14:20
ileasome help is the #ubuntu+1 chanel14:21
IRConanruan: if yuo're that worried about bandwidth you've got bigger problems14:21
IRConandhcp client is tiny14:21
ruanIRConan: im on a slow connection14:21
ikoniaruan: you can tell it to hold back that package14:21
ikoniavery little will depend on it14:21
ruani'd rather remove it if it's not needed at all14:21
cybrhumanIRConan: I am adviced to remove it from startup when I do not use it, due to that it may get the idea to interfere.14:21
ikoniaruan: it has dependencies such as ubuntu-desktop which is not a problem, but a mainteance drag14:22
ikoniaruan: easier to disable the udpate on it14:22
ruan!info ubuntu-minimal14:22
ikoniaruan: what /14:22
ubottuubuntu-minimal (source: ubuntu-meta): Minimal core of Ubuntu. In component main, is important. Version 1.207 (maverick), package size 30 kB, installed size 60 kB14:22
ruanit seems to be a dependancy14:22
ikoniawhat is ?14:22
IRConanruan: ubuntu-minimal is a meta package14:22
ruanThe following packages will be REMOVED dhcp3-client ubuntu-minimal14:22
IRConanyou could remove it but I wouldn't recommend it14:23
IRConandependencies of ubuntu-minimal are mostly important14:23
ikoniaruan: yes, I've just said it has a meta package dependency, which is why I suggested just disabling it's update14:23
akaedu #include <stdio.h>14:23
akaedu int main()14:23
akaedu {14:23
akaedu  int i = 1;14:23
akaedu  //printf("%d\t%d\n", i++, i++);14:23
FloodBot2akaedu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:23
akaedu  //printf("%d\t%d\n", ++i, i++);14:23
ikoniaIRConan: it will just remove the metapackage, that's not a problem, but it's dirty for future updates14:23
ruanalso, does it start up at all?14:23
ikoniaruan: not if you disable it14:24
ikoniaruan: eg: have no network connections configured for it14:24
IRConanruan: not if you don't use it14:24
IRConanalso, it's <1MB for both packages14:24
ruani removed network manager14:24
lugkhastakaedu: Put your code on paste.ubuntu.com, and ask your question here, linking to the code14:24
ikoniaruan: how did you remove it14:24
Piciakaedu: This channel is for Ubuntu support only. Your question looks to be related to ##C or ##C++ , please ask in those channels instead.14:24
ruanikonia: using software center14:24
IRConanwell unless yuo ahve an "iface * auto dhcp" in /etc/network/interfaces it wont start14:24
ikoniaruan: so despite asking for advice on what to do, and be warned not to do it, you've done the opposite14:25
ruani havent removed dhcp14:25
ikonianice job, next time don't bother asking for advice, just to it anyway14:25
Guest10129does ` do something different from ' in bash?14:25
lugkhastakaedu: (assuming the question is Ubuntu-related like Pici mentioned)14:25
IRConanGuest10129: yes14:25
straeHi all.. i have a virtual printer installed into a Xp virtual machine (inside Virtualbox), is possible to print to that printer from ubuntu?14:25
ruanubuntu-desktop takes over 320mb of space :/14:26
ikoniaruan: no, it's dependencies do, it's a metapackage14:26
ruanakaedu: /join ##c14:27
LjLikonia, he hasn't removed dhcp yet, which is what he was asking about, he's only removed network manager which i believe he had done before coming here14:27
ikoniaLjL: I see that, but I think network manager is also a dep of the desktop.....not %100 certain without checking14:27
ruanseems to be14:28
LjLikonia: uhm well that's probably why it's only asking to remove ubuntu-minimal, ubuntu-desktop may already have been removed...14:28
IRConanfact is, ubuntu-minimal, while only a meta-package, is good to keep installed14:29
ruanfor me, ubuntu-desktop was a bit bloated. i didn't need features such as printing. i had probably removed ubuntu-desktop when i started using ubuntu14:29
IRConanit makes it obvious if you're removing something important14:29
PiciIRConan: Only if you intend to upgrade really.14:29
IRConanif you never intend to upgrade then you're doing it very wrong14:30
ruanwell how will it mess up an upgrade14:31
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Piciruan: Well, if I'm not mistaken, one of the steps that the Ubuntu upgrade tools do is first install ubuntu-minimal if it is not installed, as its a good place to start for determining what dependencies need to be upgraded/installed.14:32
ruani've got ubuntu-minimal14:32
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aeon-ltdthis is really the biggest weak point of ubuntu, the fact that its built all around itself14:33
ruani've removed 320mb of software and files that i don't use.14:34
ruanor entirely don't need14:34
ruando i have to reinstall all of it before i can upgrade or what is the problem14:35
ruandependancies of new software?14:36
LjLruan: yeah, basically the upgrade tool will make you reinstall all of it14:36
ruan...and then i'll remove it all again14:36
LjLruan: most of it, anyway. some things are just recommends, not dependencies, of ubuntu-desktop (but they might get reinstalled anyway, i'm not sure)14:36
aeon-ltdruan: my advice use a distro that isn't so packaged :)14:37
ruanthough this seems to be the most supported distro14:37
aeon-ltdruan: i remember going from 8.xx to 9.xx and having to remove cups, etc all over again14:37
ruanmaybe arch linux. i heard it doesn't have much14:38
aeon-ltdruan: +114:38
LjLruan: though you could always, you know, avoid using the upgrade tool and just change sources.list and use apt-get dist-upgrade manually... which is *not supported or recommended*! ;P14:38
LjL(but always worked pretty fine for me, though i haven't upgraded in a long time now)14:38
aeon-ltdruan: using it now, i have almost absolute control of what is my system :)14:38
ruanlooks good though i haven't got any means to install any os14:40
ruanelse i'll have to borrow a cdrom drive14:40
aeon-ltdruan: also you might want to plan 1 hour to do this14:40
wookienzwhy is it that this command runs manually but not through crontab, "tar -cvjf /mnt/backups/x/archive/daily-$(date +%Y%m%d).tar.bz2 /mnt/backups/x/daily/"14:41
ruantime isn't an issue14:41
wookienzjatt: excellent, ta.14:42
wookienzor is it tar?!? ;)14:42
meltermy employer just switched to microsoft exchange for email; does anyone know a way to read my email on ubuntu?14:43
alien260melter: Thunderbird will work with exchange14:45
wookienzmelter: get a new employer!14:45
melterwookienz: if i can't read my email, i may have no choice14:45
slipp3dmelter, what version of exchange?14:45
melterslipp3d: i have no idea. i tried evolution in the 11.04 beta, and it doesn't support the version we're using14:46
d3vic3melter: use thunderbird, if IMAP is activated for exchange server than you will be able to receive and send emails else you will be able just to read you mail as you may try webmail owa addon14:46
melterd3vic3: imap, pop, and smtp are not enabled, as far as i can tell14:47
slipp3dmelter, I would guess that you need to install the mapi plug in ... it works but it's kinda buggy14:47
troulouliouhi i upgraded to 11.04 and now my vm hangs at startup14:47
troulouliouon the plymouth screen :(14:47
troulouliouUBUNTU .........14:48
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.14:48
=== addi is now known as darkyy
slipp3dmelter, the one that is in the repos is okay ... i'm using the .32 version and it's better ...14:50
d3vic3melter: try the autosearch feature (for possible communication ports) when creating new account with thunderbird 3.0 or above14:50
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slipp3dd3vic3, thunderbird doesn't support mapi so the only options are the mapi plugin or maybe getting wine to run a copy of outlook14:52
lolmatichey guys14:52
melterslipp3d: i'm using 10.04 not, and thunderbird is 3.1.814:52
lolmaticmy compiz desktop looks totally tight but every time i reboot the window decorations are gone :( im using 10.10 32 with compiz and emerald.14:52
d3vic3melter: just create a new account and try ;)14:53
d3vic3it worked out of the box for me...14:53
aeon-ltdlolmatic: compiz --replace14:53
slipp3dThunderbird's SimpleMAPI support is buggy. It also doesn't fully implement MAPIAddress, MAPIDetails and (more importantly) MAPIResolveName (quoted from http://kb.mozillazine.org/MAPI_Support)14:54
slipp3di had better luck with evolution and the mapi plugin14:54
melterslipp3d: what version of evolution? and how do i install the plugin?14:55
slipp3dmelter, the plug in is in the software repos ... do you have the extra repositories turned on ?14:56
hydhhi is there any third party repository for 10.04 with a mysql-server version > 5.1.4914:56
van7huholla, ubuntu use X11?14:56
dustinIt is an issue with the menu system. how do i reset it14:56
melterslipp3d: i don't know14:56
slipp3dmelter, do you know how to open synaptic?14:58
BluesKajHiyas all14:58
melterslipp3d: yes14:58
slipp3dmelter, under settings --> Repositories14:58
melterslipp3d: ok14:59
slipp3dwhat do you have check14:59
melteron the "Ubuntu Software" tab, everything except "Source code" is checked14:59
slipp3dokay ...14:59
slipp3dclose that and type in the search for evolution15:00
slipp3ddown that list there should be a package called evolution-mapi15:00
melterfound it15:01
melteri'll install that15:01
slipp3dinstall that and evolution should then be able to talk to the exchange server15:01
slipp3dit's a little buggy but you won't lose anything ... but you may have to restart evolution a few times a day...15:01
slipp3dwhat version is in there melter ?15:02
melterslipp3d: i can live with that :)15:02
SuperstarI burnt the latest Ubuntu 10.10 to DVD, installed it with "install updates" option selected. Once I got into my desktop, I shut it down and switched it back on. When I got back to the desktop, it said there were 301 updates - I pressed update. Now after rebooting, my panels are all messed up and I've tried using this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1708141 with no luck. Please advise?15:03
craigbass1976https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixVirtualMailBoxClamSmtpHowto  I'm getting ready to tear down my half finished, mostly working mail server and start over using that tutorial.  How do I clean out config files while uninstalling a package, or do I go through manually?15:03
compdocSuperstar, you mean the download updates while installing? Ive used that feature before with no problems. but Ive also not checked it15:05
HoubiWavehi ! Could you explain me what is the squashfs on a LiveCD? It's only the system used to boot on the live system isn't it?15:08
Superstarcompdoc, yes everything was fine until the final update. Now when I reset it using the methods mentioned in the link above, it doesn't bring back all of the icons. One in particular is the one that lets you select your status and I've added everything from the "Add to Panel" option and none of them are that?15:08
melterslipp3d: it's 0.28-315:08
compdocits possible theres something else going on. did you have to reinstall your OS?15:09
slipp3dmelter, okay ... the most current version that I could find and set up was .32... and I think that is going to be in the next release 11.0415:09
nyuszika7hHi! I've created a Python script, and when I try to run it from nautilus, it's just opened in gedit, if I start it from the terminal, it says 'Permission denied'.15:09
nyuszika7hI added the hashbang, shebang or whatever it's called, and tried the file with and without .py15:10
Superstarcompdoc, I'm going to try and reboot, see if that brings it back15:10
melterslipp3d: do you know if the latest version of evolution will be in 11.04? the 11.04 beta has an old version of evolution15:10
jribnyuszika7h: did you make it executable?15:10
nyuszika7hjrib: How can I do it?15:10
HoubiWavehi ! Could you explain me what is the squashfs on a LiveCD? It's only the system used to boot on the live system isn't it?15:10
jribnyuszika7h: chmod +x /path/to/file15:11
jrib!permissions > nyuszika7h15:11
ubottunyuszika7h, please see my private message15:11
slipp3dpersonally melter no i dont' know what is going to be in the next version of ubuntu ... but it should be ...15:11
nyuszika7hjrib: oh thanks15:11
jribHoubiWave: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SquashFS15:12
slipp3dmelter, if it's not you could always take a look at opensuse and fedora ... they sometimes have higher version numbers in there systems (thy are a little more bleeding edge)15:12
SuNotisimamy fullscreen flash video works on most sites, but not youtube. youtube fullscreen video stays small. can I play youtube videos through another site's flash player somehow?15:12
melterslipp3d: i do server development, so i prefer to have the same distro running on the desktop and server to minimize surprises15:12
xtreni have a question about Cron, the "mail from" in the header of my email generate by cron is $logname ?15:13
HoubiWavejrib: so it's the filesystem launched by the liveCD ? not the one installed by the liveCD?15:13
melterslipp3d: but i could resurrect an old junk computer just for email15:13
jribHoubiWave: yeah15:14
Dark_Star1Hi guys does anyone know of a GUI tool (not Luma) that I can use to manage openldap config?15:14
slipp3dor virtualbox it melter15:14
cisshi, i'm running ubuntu 10.04 server (minimal vm install) with virtualmin. i have a problem modifying or deleting a file as superuser: the permissions listed with "ls -lah" look identical to other files i am able to modify. could it be that there are ACLs involved?15:14
SuNotisimaoh right, i can use html5. thanks, me :D15:14
jribciss: do you want us to guess :)  Provide relevant terminal output15:15
d3vic3ciss: see for lsattr (extended attributes) on files15:15
xtrencan i change the $logname or not ? plz :)15:17
Dark_Star1anyone know how to disable join and leave messages in pidgin?15:18
* slipp3d not me ... that is why i moved to xchat15:18
madadam1Hi is it possible to install gnome 3 on ubuntu 10.10?15:18
ruanhmm still no factoid15:19
aeon-ltd!info gnome315:19
ubottuPackage gnome3 does not exist in maverick15:19
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:20
ruan!info gnome3-session15:20
ubottugnome3-session (source: gnome-session): The GNOME Session Manager - GNOME 3 session. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 2 kB, installed size 128 kB15:20
cissd3vic3: thanks, lsattr shows that the file in question is set as immutable15:20
cissgot it working now15:20
Superstarmadadam http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/593130/15:21
craigbass1976Well, I got no response.  Wish me luck!15:21
madadam1Anyone tried gnome 3 on ubuntu=15:21
KolakCC!info synergy15:21
ubottusynergy (source: synergy): Share mouse, keyboard and clipboard over the network. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.1-6ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 611 kB, installed size 1476 kB15:21
* KolakCC likes ubottu15:21
ruani think gnome3 is only working on natty atm15:21
lolmaticcan anybody tell me why my window decorations are gone after reboot15:22
ruannot sure about mav.15:22
rwwmadadam1: There is no stable packaging of GNOME 3 for Ubuntu, and no packaging at all that I'm aware of for pre-Natty.15:22
aeon-ltdlolmatic: because you stopped using metacity and didn't set a replacement (alt-f2 'compiz --replace')15:22
ericbarnesI am using redmine and it needs to integrate with git. If I am not mistaken rails runs under www-data. Would it be a bad idea to create ssh keys for www-data user? Or should I look into changing the user it is running under?15:22
lolmaticaeon-ltd: thx, hope this works15:23
winnerlongwho can speak chinese15:23
ruan!cn | winnerlong15:23
ubottuwinnerlong: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk15:23
thewallwhat is the best program fro joining audio files?15:24
lolmaticchinese people15:24
winnerlongI'm chinese  people15:24
shane4ubuntuanyone good with rdiff-backup?  I was trying to back up and ran into an error that won't let me backup to my external hdd.  Here is the pastebin:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/593135/15:24
cissanother question: what is the (probably) easiest way to transfer group and ownership from one file to another?15:25
cissfrom bash, that is15:25
thewallis there a list of programs for ubuntu that compares to windows?15:25
winnerlonghello Everyone!  I'm chinese people15:26
hi988my updated manager would open automatically once i start ubuntu and how to close it ?15:26
aeon-ltdwinnerlong: /join ubuntu-cn15:26
winnerlongthank you15:26
winnerlongthank evryone15:27
jiltdilis ther gtalk availabe in ubuntu?15:27
bob__winnerlong: type /join #ubuntu-cn (or tw or hk) then /window #ubuntu-cn (or tw or hk)15:27
aeon-ltdjiltdil: yes they're cleints available15:27
jiltdilplease tell me as i want to voice chat15:28
bob__aeon-ltd: sorry you were faster than I was15:28
Koiti_Which programm should i use to send sms fia bluetooth?15:28
shane4ubuntuok, no rdiff-backup help here?  does anyone know where I can get help with rdiff-backup?  I really don't want to mess up my backup15:29
jiltdilaeon-ltd: i installed gtalk from package manager but i am not finding optioin in my menu so i open it and use15:29
aeon-ltdbob__: no worries :)15:29
lolmatichow can i remove the last gnome-panel?15:29
hi988hi,the updated manager would open automatically when I login successfuly15:30
lolmatici dont need it anymore15:30
hi988hwo to close ti15:30
lolmaticsince i got a new panel15:30
aeon-ltdjiltdil: alt-f2, type 'gtalk' or the name of the client then <enter>15:30
bottigerWhich package installs the unity xsession file?15:30
shane4ubuntuOh, I think I got it, odd, rdiff-backup gave me errors as regular user, now ran it as root, and seems to be working.15:31
gokulhey how to connect to internet using sim inserted on laptop15:31
jiltdilaeon-ltd:i did but nothing happened15:31
thingfishbottiger: you're wanting to install Unity?15:31
gokulcan anyone tell15:31
=== herton is now known as herton_lunch
shvelo# Appears as ANNA15:31
bottigerthingfish: it is installed, but for some reason the xession file is missing15:32
shvelo# Appears as CRO15:32
bottigerthingfish: and the unity package doesn't seem to incude it15:32
bastidrazorlolmatic: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1608472   post #315:32
bottigerthingfish: dpkg -L unity | grep xession15:32
gokuli am using dell studio 14 laptop and i have inserted the sim on the slot on back of the laptop15:32
bottigerthingfish: I don't know where it should come from15:33
aeon-ltdjiltdil: meh personally i'd use another client, i think pidgin supports it15:33
shvelo(#G010E010M1) can i enable compiz on vmware?15:33
aeon-ltdjiltdil: http://www.google.com/support/talk/bin/answer.py?answer=2407315:33
shvelo(#G210E010RM1) anyone using gnome3?15:34
ruanshvelo: what is the (#G210E010RM1) for?15:34
bastidrazorshvelo: your color codes fail15:34
bottigerthingfish: do you have unity installed? maybe you could just post your unity.xsession (or whatever its called)15:34
barcefIs there a seperate channel for NBR/UNITY questions?15:35
shvelonow working?15:35
=== guy is now known as Guest63783
gokulhey is that slot is for anything else?15:35
ruanshvelo: i dont think colours work in here15:35
compdocluckily, I found out how to load gnome instead of unity15:35
d3vic3ciss: IMHO if you're not using ACLs than there is no "simple way" to transfer (I presume you mean clone) access rights from a file to another unless you script it15:35
shveloi know , im using old prog15:35
ruanbarcef: natty support and related things are in #ubuntu+115:35
barcefthanx, ruan , but idon't have natty i have lucid nbr. ineed to know how to resize the launcher icons.15:37
thingfishbottiger: the closest I've got is /usr/share/xsessions/xsession.desktop15:37
thingfishnot in Unity atm15:37
thingfishdon't know if that makes a difference or not.15:37
penguinbaitwhy when I look at launchpad/ubuntu (11 beta1) I see packages I need like "xserver-xorg-video-omapfb" but when I install the preinstalled ARM netbook version, the repository cannot find these packages, I can download them manually and they install, is there something I need to enable?15:38
bottigerthingfish: you must have other files in /usr/share/xsession ?15:38
bottigerthingfish: they might be called .desktop15:39
bastidrazorpenguinbait: #ubuntu+1 for 11.0415:39
barcefruan , but idon't have natty i have lucid nbr. ineed to know how to resize the launcher icons.15:39
=== adante_ is now known as adante
=== nick is now known as Guest46293
thingfishbottiger: yes, there's gnome.desktop, une.desktop, xsession.desktop, xterm.desktop, and a couple others.15:40
=== Pr070cal_ is now known as Pr070cal
SuperstarCan someone help me configure my network settings as I'm only downloading at 1MB/s on a 1Gb line and 100-200KB/s on a 50Mb line?15:41
cissd3vic3: chown --reference worked well :)15:41
DanFrincuhi all, I have a question related to cryptsetup: when cryptsetup is running and an encrypted partition is decrypted and mounted, how can I find what keyslot was used for it's decryption? Many thanks in advance15:42
GalvatronSuperstar: Are you sure the the source is not the limit?15:42
froldI have installed lamp-server - is there a GUI to have easy access to edit php.ini start and restart apache etc? like you  know on a Windows setup using xampp15:42
bottigerthingfish: can you just post the output of "cat *" to a pastebin ? (it does not contain any sensitive information)15:43
d3vic3ciss: yep, never crossed them and happy to your finding... thanks a lot :)15:43
SuperstarNo I'm downloading test files off work server in windows at full speeds. I even tried with and without using multiple connections for the downloads15:43
mwicfrold, maybe webmin?15:43
=== Pr070cal_ is now known as Pr070cal
drozdakanyone can help me with this task: i want to delete all files that ends ".db" (some windows leftovers in various directiories) the "rm *.db" doesn't seem to do the trick, and i'm afraid of using "rm -I -r *.db" not really sure about results15:44
Pr070calhi has anyone updated to natty ?15:45
thingfishbottiger: http://pastebin.com/6vxRy7UR15:45
Picidrozdak: find /path/ -name "*.db" -delete    (test with -echo rather than -delete)15:45
PiciPr070cal: The folks in #ubuntu+1 have15:45
mbeierldrozdak: find . -name '*.db' -exec rm -v {} \;15:45
bottigerthingfish: thank you very muc15:45
GalvatronPr070cal: No, but has installed the thing alongside with Maverick.15:46
drozdakPici mbeierl thanks will find out in a minute if it works15:46
mbeierldrozdak: or what pici said... sorry slow on the paste there :)15:46
thingfishbottiger: you're certainly welcome.15:46
froldmwic: cool, Ill take a look at it!15:46
drozdakPici thx alot15:47
Pr070calanyone had problems with firestarter on natty ?15:47
Pr070calfailed to open system log15:47
icerootPr070cal: #ubuntu+115:48
thingfishnatty wouldn't even install on my machine...went all the way to the end then gave me an error message, the contents of which I don't remember.15:48
shvelo# Appears as ANNA15:49
shvelohey all any info on gnome 3 ?15:49
abiss27guys... someone told me to sudo apt-get install dd ... what is dd? What does it do?15:49
thingfishshvelo: you can get a livecd from GNOME's website and test drive it.15:49
thingfishthey have OpenSuse and Fedora flavors.15:50
Piciabiss27: dd should already be installed, it is for moving data between files/partitions.15:50
Guest66999Can somebody help me15:50
Guest66999i have a question15:50
Pici!ask | Guest6699915:50
ubottuGuest66999: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:50
=== Guest66999 is now known as LarsTorben
thingfishit's very attractive, I'll give that to the developers.  Was pretty fun exploring it.15:50
abiss27ok thanks15:50
shvelois there gnome-desktop3 package avaliable for ubuntu meerkat?15:50
LarsTorbenToday my Ubuntu CDs arrived15:50
LarsTorbenfrom Ubuntu ship it15:50
FlameTai1Hey can someone help me out? I installed the Compiz extra's and was messing around with the Group and Tab Windows plugin and for some reason now everything stopped working??? Shrotcuts, glow effect, desktop cube rotation, etc. Wobbly windows, anyone know what I did wrong? =[15:50
arandshvelo: No not really.15:50
LarsTorbenI have got  two Cds15:51
PiciLarsTorben: do you have a support question?15:51
LarsTorbenUbuntu 10.10 gnome and Ubuntu 10.10 kde15:51
ruanLarsTorben: any support questions?15:51
Pici!enter | LarsTorben15:51
ubottuLarsTorben: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:51
LarsTorbenno not really support15:51
LarsTorbeni think more offtopic15:51
PiciLarsTorben: #ubuntu-offtopic exists if you just want to chat.15:51
d3vic3abiss27: dd may be of dangerous use, take care...15:51
kassiusis there a gpg cli frontend like pine/alpine is for mail?15:51
shvelocan i enable effects on vmware ubunutu?15:51
thingfishFlameTai1: install compizconfig-settings-manager, it should allow you to reset those options.15:51
=== kehbo3921 is now known as kehbo5220-dead
abiss27i got to get some tutorials on it first15:52
d3vic3abiss27: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Applications_GUI_Multimedia/How_To_Do_Eveything_With_DD http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/learn-the-dd-command-362506/15:53
=== foobar_ is now known as Guest47323
thingfishshvelo: probably not - 3D acceleration doesn't work in most virtual machines unless I'm horribly ignorant15:53
raluxgazaHey guys anyone using a Thinkpad Edge 13 with the intel processor for writing software? What's the performance like, I'll be doing java programming with Eclipse. Thanks guys15:53
abiss27d3vic3: thanks for the help15:53
shvelowhat programming languages are supported on linux? and how to compile them15:53
raluxgazaI so want it because of the keyboard15:53
kassiusis there a frontend for gpg like pine/alpine is for mail?15:53
Picishvelo: That is such an open ended question.. I could be here for days typing out all of them.15:54
froldmwic: thanks found this tutorial - seems very easy to install!! :) http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/linux-distributions/linux-distributions4-ubuntu/1213-install-webmin-in-ubuntu-1010-maverick-meerkat15:54
shvelopici : just tell me name of the IDE15:54
shvelofor linux15:55
raluxgazaOr is anyone running an Core i3-380UM ULV Processor 1.33GHz for writing software?15:55
Pici!ide | shvelo some examples15:55
ubottushvelo some examples: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator15:55
Piciraluxgaza: You'll likely not have any problems.15:55
shvelocan i compile linux apps on windows?15:55
raluxgazaPici, thanks15:55
hiexposhvelo, no15:56
spvensko_shvelo, why not just use the windows client?15:56
Picishvelo: It depends, but usually no.15:56
shvelook i'll just use vmware :D15:57
shvelothanks all15:57
shvelocan i run unity desktop on ubuntu desktop edition on vmware?15:59
d3vic3shvelo: for the apps between operating systems you can use shifter (linux to others) http://winswitch.org/16:00
Picishvelo: If you're asking about Natty (11.04), it is not supported in this channel yet, please use #ubuntu+1 in the meantime,.16:00
beefmanif i upgrade from 32bit to 64bit, i'll still be able to run 32 bit binaries, correct?16:01
Sidewinder1Hi |beefman16:01
beefmanspecifically etqw (favorite game these days)16:01
nivardusI'm attempting to enable cgi scripts in ~/public_html/cgi-bin with apache2, this is my userdir.conf file http://paste2.org/p/1359327 execute perms are set, but I'm still getting a 500 error when accessing a cgi script16:01
shvelowhen natty will be offiticialy released?16:02
Picishvelo: April 28th16:02
Sidewinder164 bit will usually run 32bit but not the other way around. | beefman16:04
beefmanwhat advantage do i get from going to 64 bit16:04
SuperstarHow do I find out what duplex eth0 is running in?16:05
SuperstarNever mind found it: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html16:05
shvelothere is no reason to upgrade linux to 64bit if u dot have RAM > 3GB16:05
brightsparkbeefman: you may need to fiddle with the libraries but it works well in my experience.16:06
beefmani have 6 gb16:06
danielohola tengo una pregunta no se porque mi ubuntu se me pega mucho16:06
beefmanit will work (likely) with games?  ie the 64 bit nvidia driver works alright?  sound works alright?16:07
xiaoyIs it possible to replace grub2 with grub1 in Ubuntu?16:07
IdleOne!es | danielo16:07
ubottudanielo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:07
neofightthere's a public open wifi network that I access regularly. It generally assigns users ip's in the range Every single time I connect it gives me could someone explain this to me?16:08
danielook gracias16:08
neofightim using dhclient to grab an ip16:08
IdleOnede nada16:08
=== ViN86_ is now known as ViN86
LarsTorbeni ordered two cds... one ubuntu 10.10 one kubuntu 10.10 which one should use i16:10
aivouLarsTorben: ubuntu16:10
aeon-ltdLarsTorben: well  gnome = ubuntu kde = kubuntu16:11
LarsTorbenyes okay but what is better16:11
raidoLarsTorben: try them both16:11
aeon-ltdLarsTorben: so whichever one you like best16:11
LarsTorbentried both16:11
LarsTorbennormally gnome like more16:11
aeon-ltdLarsTorben: problem solved.16:11
SuperstarUbuntu needs an option to specify connection speed during installation. The default TCP receive size is way to small for todays standards16:11
LarsTorbenbut 10.10 or 11.04 =16:12
nivardusI'm attempting to enable cgi scripts in ~/public_html/cgi-bin with apache2,this is my userdir.conf file http://paste2.org/p/1359327 execute perms are set, but I'm still getting a 500 error when accessing a cgi script16:12
LarsTorbenbut 10.10 or 11.04 =16:14
xiaoyneofight, dhcpd configuration i guess16:14
xiaoyarp to ip log16:14
ruanLarsTorben: ubuntu then16:14
LarsTorbenyes but which16:14
ruanLarsTorben: 10.1016:14
ruanLarsTorben: gnome = ubuntu kde = kubuntu16:15
kassiusis there a frontend for gpg2 like pine/alpine is for mail?16:15
kassiusi mean command line?16:15
cybrhumankassius: gnu privacy guard?16:18
cybrhumanI thought gpg was cli.16:18
kassiusi mean a cli like alpine16:19
macoa TUI?16:19
macodont think so16:19
raidokassius: For Thunderbird there is enogmail16:19
raidokassius: oops "enigmail"16:19
raidoOh, for comand line16:20
kassiusyes i see enigmail16:20
raidokassius: topal, for alpine will make it work16:20
kassiusthank you, i'll try it16:21
raidokassius: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/phil.brooke/topal/16:21
chicognuIt is possible play random sound like white noise using /dev/unrandom ? how ?16:22
steven__is there a way to put your notebook in presentation mode (so that the screensaver is disabled) without altering power management options?16:23
=== adante_ is now known as adante
jattcat /dev/urandom /dev/dsp16:25
chicognujatt,  tks16:25
kassiussteven__ use caffeine16:25
=== hendeby is now known as Guest18802
jattI mean > /dev/dsp16:25
=== Pug is now known as Guest88140
danielohola tengo un problema que mis paginas de internet dejan de funcionar muy a menudoo16:26
kassiussteven__ http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/08/%E2%80%98caffeine%E2%80%99-%E2%80%93-app-to-delay-screensaversuspend/16:26
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:26
AgentCarmichaelConcerning gparted: If I backup my e: drive (data), then I delete it, and I merge some free space with c: (system), then I put e: back, will my system and files be fine (desktop shortcuts that were dependent on c: are fine)?16:26
steven__kassius thank you, ill look into it16:27
gaurav_helpi am using canon printer ip2772 when i give print command it automatically prints page in colour i want to print it in black and white how i change the setting16:27
AgentCarmichaelPrinter settings?16:28
bob__guarav_help: with my pixma printer properties has a black only box to check16:29
gdoteofanyone have recommendations for getting an apache/php5.3/apc box up in ubuntu?  i just tried with centos, but the 5.3 compatibility is broken16:29
maurizio_Hi, if I install unity from synaptic, could I switch to gnome again from the login screen?16:33
bongHi there!16:33
Bilz"this flash plugin was blocked because it is out of date" google chrome problem on 10.04 32 bit ubuntu. googled, cant see to find a fix that works for me16:33
Andy80a very quick question about Ubuntu Wiki: why the template looks different if I'm logged in or logged out? Look at this: 1) http://img156.imageshack.us/i/ubuntuwikilogged.jpg  2) http://img585.imageshack.us/i/ubuntuwikiunlogged.jpg - I'd like to always have the second template visible. Is it possible? Thanks16:34
Andy80Bilz: are you using Chrome or Chromium?16:35
macoAndy80: you have teh old theme set in your user preferences16:35
gaurav_helpi am using canon printer ip2772 when i give print command it automatically prints page in colour i want to print it in black and white how i change the setting16:36
BilzAndy80, I literally just managed to fix it. (and chromium i think, didnt realise they were differtent)16:36
PiciAndy80: Go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserPreferences and choose 'light' as your preffered theme.16:36
Andy80Pici: uhm... changing it and trying to save, gives me this error: "This email already belongs to somebody else." I'm only changing from "ubuntu" to "light". Is there any bug?16:37
PiciAndy80: Are you logged into the wiki currently?16:38
Andy80Pici: Logged in as Andrea Grandi - so yes16:38
Andy80Pici: I can try to logout and login again, wait...16:39
PiciAndy80: Hrm.  I just got a 500 error trying to change my own settings...16:39
Andy80Pici: yes now I'm getting an internal error too16:39
=== kawaii is now known as Guest50860
PiciAndy80: Just try again, moinmoin's wiki software doesn't always hold up to the amount of abuse that we throw at it.16:40
bastidrazorit seems the storms that blew across the US has caused disruptions everywhere16:40
=== timo_ is now known as Guest46117
IdleOneAndy80: I just got an internal error message. seems wiki is acting up16:41
Andy80Pici: ok, I'll try again later. Could it be a problem if few hours ago I renamed my Launchpad ID from "andy80" to "andreagrandi" ?16:41
PiciIdleOne: I did too, then I refreshed and it went through.16:41
cellularvlc multimedia plugins doesn't work in firefox and chrome, any idea how to fix/16:41
SoulRavenhow i monitor trafic from racoon using cacti16:41
PiciAndy80: It could be...16:41
PiciSoulRaven: Probably best to ask in #cacti about that, or check their forums.16:41
lonnieHow do I set time with ntp?16:41
Andy80Pici: maybe something is "unsynced" :\16:41
lonnieI want it to automatically update system time with ntp but need to do it manually now and would like to use ntp.16:42
cellularanyone how to fix vlc plugins for firefox and chrome?16:42
lonnie"ntpdate[2013]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting16:43
lonnie....so what does that mean?16:43
dansmithCan someone help me get unity back on its feet after playing with gnome3?16:43
LarsTorbenwhat ubuntu versions do you use16:44
Andy80dansmith: are you using 11.04 beta?16:44
lonnieAll my certs are out of date.16:44
dansmithAndy88: yep16:44
PiciLarsTorben: Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for chat, not #ubuntu16:44
Picilonnie: What is the exact command that you are using?16:44
Andy80dansmith: then #ubuntu+1 is the right chan :)16:44
dansmithgah! :)16:44
Andy80lonnie: because ntp daemon is already running and you cannot run it manually16:45
SlikerCompiz problems (11.04); it's constantly restarting, I have to killall compiz from tty1 to shut it up. Now I um, don't know how to get it to work again. I guess reset compiz config but I don't know how to do that. I can't figure out how to run a browser to check either.16:45
PiciSliker : Natty/11.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.16:45
Slikeroh. psh16:45
lonnieAndy80: Oh,ok. Setting it manually16:46
Picilonnie: If you have ntp installed you can use /etc/ntp.conf to set which server(s) you'd like to sync to, for one-time syncing, you can use ntpdate <servername>16:47
rcconfhow can I make VPN autoconnect to work?16:49
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:50
rcconfdo I need to remove password from Seahorse?16:51
IRConanhi there16:51
rcconfhi conan16:51
IRConanI've got a ubuntu install where grub doesn't seem to have a timeout16:52
ayeceeis there a command that does the opposite of od or hexdump? That is, takes a series of ascii hex bytes and turns it into the actual bytes?16:52
IRConanhow do I fix that?16:52
rcconfIRConan: edit grub file16:52
rcconfIRConan: sudo nano /etc/default/grub16:52
IRConanwhich one?16:52
IRConan /etc/default/grub sets the timeout to 1016:52
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IRConan(and I've run update-grub)16:52
rcconfIRConan: it's because it's only recognzing ubuntu16:52
rcconfso it hides the menu16:53
IRConanthe menu isn't hidden16:53
IRConanI get the menu16:53
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youareno6IRConan: Or you can vi into /boot/grub/menu.lst16:53
wirrrever since i last updated the lucid kernel my system keeps crashing, often after it's been idle for a while, like long enough to activate the screen saver. it's always something different. sometimes it gives me a black screen when it boots. once it didn't even start grub2. sometimes all the windows close and it doesn't respond to reboot. sometimes it works. sometimes i tell it to reboot and it tries to, and it just hangs and you press power o16:53
wirrrn the machine and it says like failed to shutdown something at sector xxxxxxx--it's always the same sector. also i tried to install a package from an ubuntu repository and it gives an error with aptdaemon. i think there are other programs that do not work as well.16:53
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IRConanyouareno6: that file doesn't apply to grub216:53
cellularanyone know how to make VLC plugins work in firefox and chrome?16:53
wirrrcould anyone suggest a first step16:53
rcconfyouareno6: that file does not exist in Ubuntu Maverick16:53
benutzerHallo nur engl. oder geht auch in deutsch16:53
rcconf!de | benutzer16:54
ubottubenutzer: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:54
rcconfIRConan: is it GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 ?16:54
IRConanit's the same as another box where it works...16:54
rcconfIRConan: did you sudo update-grub16:55
LetsGo67Here is my setup: about half a dozen of PowerPC iMac G3.   i want them to access a LAN server hosting Ubuntu desktops.  What should be the specs of the latter machine?  How much RAM should it have?  How many cores?  What type of GPU?  And perhaps at least 20GB of HDD per desktop?16:55
IRConanyeah I ran update-grub16:55
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compdocwirrr, ever look at the smart data?16:55
rcconfLetsGo67: I know 5gb for / (root) is enough16:55
bongHi there! Is there a channel here about web development?16:55
Picibong: #web would be a good place to start16:56
bongthanks Pici16:56
rcconfI come here to get help but then I start helping lol16:56
bongWhere could I find some list of channels?16:56
Picibong: /msg alis help, or ask in #freenode16:56
bongthanks again Pici :)16:57
LetsGo67rcconf: And my CPU, how do i split it?  Say 2ghz * 3 = 6ghz.  Do i give them roughly 700mhz * 6 = 4.2ghz?  And 1.8ghz left for the server?16:57
nit-witbong, what IRC  access are you using?16:57
rcconfLetsGo67: that I dont know16:57
rcconfnit-wit: you mean IRC client16:57
bongI use irssi16:57
nit-witrcconf, yeah I wasn't sure of the nomenclature16:57
rcconfhow can I make VPN autoconnect to work?16:58
rcconfDO i need to remove password from login keyring in seahorse?16:58
nit-witbong, I ask in that I use xchat and it has a channel list and search built in , I'm in linux though.16:59
nit-witbong, there are older xchat setups for windows if your interestyed that are free16:59
IRConanrcconf: I can't see a difference in the /boot/grub/grub.cfg files17:01
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Andy80what is the right Launchpad section where I can submit a bug related to Ubuntu Wiki, for example?17:03
tapoxiHi guys, I was toying around with the visual effects settings and now I can't use alt-tab. Uh, help?17:06
cdog69interesting thing happened. I line of code was added to my index.php page. the line of code was <script type="text/javascript" src="http://charlotteprwire.com/js.php"></script>, which doesn't seem to cause any harm, just takes you to a site that seems to be in development. This line of code was added to the very first line of the index.php page before all php and html scripting. My question... wha17:07
cdog69t are the ways this is possible? I believe the only way this could happen is it someone actually opened the index.php page in an editor and added the line, correct? Some spammer couldn't have pulled this off, not without having credentials to the server, right? The site, btw, is hosted with a less than sub-par hosting company, not my choice, unfortunately. Any help?17:07
austiniumhi ppl, i have a desktop with 3 NICs(lspci -> http://pastebin.com/6ASCCBaD), only one of them works, two of them have the same RTL8139 chip with only 1 of the two working, how do i get them all working?17:07
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crazedpsycis natty beta 1 stable enough to bother installing?17:13
xjuniorhello all17:14
BluesKajcrazedpsyc, ask in #ubuntu+117:14
compdoccrazedpsyc, Im using the current one on a server17:14
xjuniorI have installed mysql and postgresql on my machine for development purposes. how do I set it to don't autostart?]17:14
desti_T2http://www.humblebundle.com/ The Humble Frozenbyte Bundle Now New!17:15
bullgard4What is the function of the process xfs_mru_cache?17:15
LetsGo67rcconf and room, thanks!  Good day!17:17
MaimsterSup all.17:17
ruan!info xfs17:17
ubottuxfs (source: xfs): X font server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0.8-6 (maverick), package size 78 kB, installed size 340 kB17:17
ruanbullgard4: might be a font cache17:17
mellinHowdy...I installed maverick to dual boot windows on a laptop. The Ubuntu install is on a USB external hard drive. I need to take the laptop somewhere, and don't have the external hard drive. Of course I get a grub error since it is looking to the USB drive to boot. Is there a way from the rescue prompt to tell it to boot to /sda1?17:17
bullgard4ruan: Hm.17:18
Standa777Hello, good day, could you somebody help me please with TV card on my notebook HP 1060ec? I need some proffesional....17:18
xjuniorI have installed mysql and postgresql on my machine for development purposes. how do I set it to don't autostart?17:18
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LarsTorbencan some body helo17:19
mellinAnyone I'm running out of time to get where I need to go?17:19
LarsTorben!ask | mellin17:20
ubottumellin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:20
ruanLarsTorben: he asked the question recently17:20
Maimstermellin: Try getting into the grub prompt with tab I think.17:20
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:20
LarsTorben!wait | mellin17:21
ubottumellin: please see above17:21
mellinMaimster: Thanks already thought of that one.17:21
Maimstermellin: okay.17:21
BluesKajmellin,  did you update grub after removing the USB drive ?17:22
JohnHeikkilaHey, how can I run a shell script in the background, so that it keeps running even though I close terminal? "./script &" doesn't work.17:22
ivancpxjunior: you must delete the symbolic link referes to that services en /etc/rc17:22
bullgard4ruan: And what does "mru" stand for?17:22
PiciJohnHeikkila: nohup ./script &17:22
ruanbullgard4: not sure17:22
xjuniorivancp, isn't there a tool for that:17:22
chotazHey everyone is there a release date defined for final 11.04 like last year with 10.04?17:22
PiciJohnHeikkila: Or use a screen multiplexer like screen or tmux17:22
mellinBluesKaj: No sir didn't even really ponder the issue as it is usually static and always connected to the USB17:22
Pici!natty | chotaz17:22
ubottuchotaz: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.17:22
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bluefox83not sure i'm digging the new ubuntu layout stuff...unity seems to be more of a pain in the rear than anything...17:23
bluefox83i'm really like a connect to server option >.>17:23
chotazPici: ty :D17:23
mellinBluesKaj: What is the quickest way to change the default boot to windows?17:24
JohnHeikkilaPici: Thanks, mate17:24
Standa777i have NB HP 1060ec and i want to push TV on kaffeine - kaffeine found TV channels, but show me only transparent screen (sound without problem)  Where can be problem?17:24
BluesKajmellin, does the grub menu show up if you hold the shift key while booting , if so then you can choose your OS from the grub menu . And if required you dosome research and find the method to move windows up in the menu and then it will launch as default if you wish17:24
wangyang0123without the usb disk, grub cannot run.17:25
mellinBluesKaj: Let me try that17:26
wangyang0123mellin: are you using windows xp?17:26
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mellinBluesKaj: Thanks...yes I was just reading how to edit grub to move my default up to windows...Thanks for your suggestions....Everyone have a great day!17:26
reza3159i'm using ubuntu17:27
mellinwangyang0123: No 717:27
Standa777its really criticall, because on TV are fairy tales and i cannoct see them :-(17:27
tefxhey guys quick one here i acidently removed my volum applet form the bar across the top in gnome i wen to add to pannel but i can see any applet in there to get the volumecontrol applet back can any oen heklp ple17:28
IdleOnetefx: add indicator-applet to the panel17:28
RaikiaDoes anyone know how to change ubuntu proxy settings through command line?  I don't think "gnome-network-preferences" has CLI17:29
wangyang0123mellin: have you got a windows 7 installation dvd? if so, try this: http://www.intowindows.com/how-to-easily-repair-windows-7-boot-problems-using-startup-repair/17:29
tefxIdleOne, i have it only shows the mail icon17:29
tefxoh no wait17:29
tefxsorry your right IdleOne thansk it got hidden udner naother heh17:29
IdleOnetefx: welcome17:30
tefxnow i jsut need to figure otu a way to rmmod psmous on start up fuckign DELL AND ALPS AND THERE SHIT NEW FANGLED TOUCH PAD17:30
Picitefx: Please mind your language here.17:31
IdleOnetefx: please keep the language clean17:31
tefxsorry Pici IdleOne17:31
scoundrel50aI tried to upgrade via update manager to Natty, got through the update process and rebooted and the grub comes up, but when you click on enter, the screen goes completely black, and nothing happens, has anybody any ideas on how to get past this?17:31
tefxbtu yeah any ideas how to disable psmouse on startup17:31
Piciscoundrel50a : Natty/11.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.17:31
iceroot!blacklist | tefx17:31
ubottutefx: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »17:31
bastidrazoroh.. no wonder ppa-purge does not exist is lucid.17:32
wangyang0123Raikia: will you use the proxy for command line applications? if so, try to use: export http_proxy='http://xxx'17:32
tefxiceroot, good poitn forgot abotu blacklist17:32
pri88I've installed Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows 7 in my hard disk17:32
InvisoBoyAnyone here have any experience with 10.04, and sssd authentication with an LDAP?17:33
reza3159good jobs17:33
ayecee!anyone | InvisoBoy17:33
ubottuInvisoBoy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:33
Raikiawangyang0123: Then how do I set it back to "direct connect"?  Just "export http_proxy=" ?17:33
pri88once I installed Ubuntu 10.10 , windows disappeared from the bootloader; I tried to fix it; but now getting the error "Missing operating system". I can run the live CD of Ubuntu 10.10; any solution to that using the live CD?17:34
=== jackneill is now known as Jackneill
Frans-WillemIs there any way to install ubuntu without unnecesarry bloat? e.g. I'd like a graphical system with a browser and the usual package management stuff, but I don't need any office stuff or games. Or would debian be a better fit for customizing what I want ?17:34
jiltdilchannel for bash script please?17:35
tommisfrancois, use net install17:35
wangyang0123Raikia: unset http_proxy17:35
iceroot!minimal | Frans-Willem17:35
ubottuFrans-Willem: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:35
icerootjiltdil: #bash17:35
tommisor that17:35
reza3159sudo aptt-get upgrade17:36
anithriI have a dual monitor setup, both widescreen.  I want to reserve about a third of one of the screens for a few things I always want to be able to see (pidgin, conky, pandora, a couple of widgets...).   I want to setup it up so that when I hit the maximize button on a window on that screen, it naturally skips the part I want to keep open.  Any ideas of how I would go about doing this?  or even which program/setting would control that?17:36
=== ashish is now known as wizash
Frans-WillemHmm, would it be possible to install xfce as the window manager with the minimal CD ?17:37
icerootFrans-Willem: sure17:37
Frans-WillemSounds like it's worth a shot :)17:37
icerootFrans-Willem: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop  or maybe in the installer already17:37
InvisoBoySetting up sssd with with ldap auth.  It seems that it will not allow ldap login in GDM until atleast 1 regular local login, after the first boot17:37
Frans-Willemiceroot: Yeah, but I suppose it'll already have installed a shitload of gnome stuff ?17:38
craigbass1976I'm trying to find all files that contain the text blah.  on a Cent box, grep blah * works.  Not so in lucid.  Meh?17:38
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iceroot!purekde | Frans-Willem there should mentioned how to remove ubuntu-desktop17:39
ubottuFrans-Willem there should mentioned how to remove ubuntu-desktop: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »17:39
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lolmatichow to enable anti aliasing in compiz?17:39
EighteensHi, question regarding mail. I can receive mail fine, but can't send any, this just started recently, however before i installed or enabled mod_ssl i could do both, send and receive, but for some reason, when a users uses my contact form the text that would be delivered to my inbox, now goes to a file in /etc/larry on the drive. My question is `did installing mod_ssl or changing my etc/hosts file cause this behavior`17:40
icerootEighteens: /etc/hosts17:40
icerootEighteens: have a look at the mail.log there should be mentioned that you are not allowed to send messages because of mynetworks or something like that17:41
Eighteensoh, and to further my question, i can't login to the provider,  the people who hosted my site before17:41
BrumDartcraigbass1976: Do you need to use grep -R to search through multiple directories, or are you only searching files in one directory?17:41
Eighteensoh ok, thanks iceroot17:41
fantomasHi all. I'm on Ubuntu 10.10 and Ubuntu One doesn't absolutely nothing - not running at startup, doesn't connect to the server, not syncinc anything. Any ideas?17:42
craigbass1976BrumDart, just the text files in cwd.  I'm swapping stuff on a nameserver, and want to make sure I replace (by hand though, not with a replace command) all instances of blah with blee17:42
GuyCanadahey guys, im having an issue where i cant move my windows around the screen. im running th 11.04 beta but in a gnome classic session and running compiz17:42
InvisoBoyAre there any good guides for SSSD on ubuntu 10.04?17:43
psycho_oreos!11.04| GuyCanada17:43
ubottuGuyCanada: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.17:43
craigbass1976psycho_oreos, and 12.04 is thge next LTS, yes?17:43
psycho_oreoscraigbass1976, don't know17:44
GuyCanadayes thank you phyco im aware its a beta but it doesnt seem like its a system bug it just seems like i may  have a setting turned off or something i was hoping someone could help17:44
dbolserhow do I upgrade ubuntu using apt?17:45
BrumDartcraigbass1976: bizarre, not sure why that isn't working for you then17:45
dbolserapt-get dist-upgrade # doesn't ...17:45
craigbass1976BrumDart, I tried with quotes around the search term first. No good.  It is weird; you'd think there weren't too many versions of grep floating around out there...17:45
dbolserI'm on like... herron17:45
lolmatichow to enable anti aliasing on intel? (compiz!)17:46
dbolserI heard it's like t-rex now17:46
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psycho_oreos!hardy| dbolser17:46
ubottudbolser: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support will end on May 12 2011. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.17:46
craigbass1976dbolser, really...  you should have been able to get to lucid from there I'd think17:46
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:46
dbolserty psycho_oreos17:46
arghosas root type: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade17:47
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)17:47
dbolserarghos: doesn't work17:47
GuyCanadais there a setting in compiz that i might have turned off that would cause me not to be able to move windows about?17:47
dbolsersudo apt-get dist-upgrade #0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.17:48
ActionParsnipGuyCanada: in ccsm search for 'move'17:48
olx69is there a way to setup a route without /etc/network/interfaces on ubuntu17:48
home-alonehi ! how to get Ubuntu 11.04 with gnome..???17:48
home-alonegnome 317:48
ActionParsnipolx69: sure, use the route command17:48
ActionParsniphome-alone: ask in #ubuntu+117:48
elliotbekenhi all17:48
ActionParsniphome-alone: natty isn't supported here17:49
dbolserhow do I find my exact version?17:49
ActionParsnipolx69: add the command in /etc/rc.local17:49
dbolserI think it's 10.04, but not sure17:49
Camer0nhello, I've just told ubuntu server to shutdown in 10 mins thinking it way 10 seconds how do I cancel it?17:49
ActionParsnipdbolser: lsb_release -c17:49
dbolserty ActionParsnip17:49
dbolsernice nice btw17:49
BrumDartcraigbass1976: Does grep work fine for individual files?17:49
dbolserUbuntu 8.04.4 LTS heh17:49
alien260Camer0n: Did you run this operation by terminal?17:49
Camer0nubuntu server17:50
InvisoBoyHow can I use upstart script to ensure that a service starts /after/ any network interface has gotten it's IP address form dhclient? Ubuntu 10.0417:50
GuyCanadaactionparsnip, thank you so much! it worked17:50
ActionParsnipdbolser: hardy desktop dies when natty is released17:50
high-rezAny of you have opinions of KVM vs Xen?  It looks like KVM is really the preferred way these days?17:50
LarsTorbenhello i need help17:50
ActionParsnipGuyCanada: np man :)17:50
LarsTorbensomebody help me okay ? :)17:50
Camer0nso kind of alien26017:50
dbolserActionParsnip: what does that mean?17:50
ActionParsnipLarsTorben: ask and see17:50
NET||abusearrrg,,,, guys think i was stupid, on friday i must have killed my ubuntu one folder on my work machine, now my ubuntu one folder on my laptop at home is empty?17:50
BluesKajInvisoBoy, which service ?17:50
ActionParsnipdbolser: no more updates or support in here17:50
LarsTorbenI ordered some CDs17:50
NET||abusecan we recover ubuntu one stuff?17:50
LarsTorbenUbuntu 10.10 32 bit gnome and Ubuntu 10.10 32 bit KDE17:50
dbolserActionParsnip: so you're saying I should update, not that I can't update?17:51
InvisoBoysssd is the service I am trying to start17:51
lolmaticwhats a nice tool to record the desktop including compiz?17:51
Camer0nI've just told ubuntu server to shutdown in 10 mins thinking it way 10 seconds how do I cancel it?17:51
ActionParsnipdbolser: if you want support you should update. You can jup immediately to Lucid from Hardy in one jump (LTS to LTS)17:51
maxxxActionParsnip, you are always there :))17:51
NET||abuselolmatic, i actually just read about one, i have to look up the name.17:51
InvisoBoyBlueskaj, sssd17:51
jpdsCamer0n: sudo shutdown -c17:51
dbolserActionParsnip: ty17:51
dbolserfrom there I can jump on?17:52
ActionParsnipCamer0n: just shutdown in 10 seconds and the 10 second reboot will beat the 10 minute time17:52
dbolserand in future the jump may not be supported?17:52
Camer0nit doesn't work17:52
alien260Camer0n: http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?shutdown+817:52
Camer0nnothing happens whe mI enter the commands17:52
tensorpuddingdbolser: you can upgrade EOL releases but it gets messier17:52
ActionParsnipCamer0n: there is also: sudo shutdown -c17:52
Camer0nit hasn't got the username thing there17:52
dbolsertensorpudding: ty17:52
Camer0nso I can't enter commands17:52
dbolserthanks all17:52
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NET||abuselollo64it, http://shutter-project.org/17:52
ActionParsnipCamer0n: create a new terminal, or ssh in again17:52
* dbolser goes to do house work17:53
dbolsersssh yourself!17:53
ActionParsnipdbolser: lts to lts is fully advised and supported17:53
Camer0nI'm on ubuntu server!17:53
dbolser(I'm so funny)17:53
ActionParsnipCamer0n: so you use screen?17:53
maxxxssh! Camer0n17:53
tensorpuddingdbolser: you can jump from hardy to lucid, then from lucid to maverick, and maverick to natty in a little bit17:53
Camer0nI am VERY new to ubuntu17:53
ActionParsnipCamer0n: the command, screen17:53
Camer0nno, what?17:54
ActionParsnipCamer0n: if you press CTRL+C a few times, do you get the prompt back?17:54
Camer0ni dont think so17:54
tensorpuddingCamer0n: what are you using to remote in17:54
Camer0nahh yes thanks!17:54
Camer0nits canceled17:54
tensorpuddingeh, nvm17:54
Camer0nctrl + c17:54
ActionParsnipCamer0n: sudo shutdown -c   will cancel the shutdown17:54
ActionParsnipCamer0n: the shutdown is still queued17:54
Camer0nno, it says shutdown cancelled17:54
Camer0nno, because the the root@ubuntu:~# bit wasn't there17:55
LarsTorbenUbuntu 10.10 32 bit gnome and Ubuntu 10.10 32 bit KDE17:55
premDear Sirs, I am experiencing typical problem. As soon as I login, ubuntu hangs17:55
premright now I am running this in low graphics mode. Require your help. Please help17:56
ActionParsnipprem: if you press CTRL+ALT+F1 and use the prompt, then run:  dmesg | tail     are there any clues?17:56
craigbass1976prem, stop logging in17:56
premlet me check this17:56
craigbass1976prem, just kidding.  What about Ctrl Alt F117:56
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NelsonMinarI've got graphics corruption on a brand new Natty Narwhal install. I have a weird video card. Is there some debugging guide updated for 11.04 I can follow?17:57
PiciNelsonMinar : Natty/11.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.17:57
craigbass1976prem, that should take you to just a text login17:58
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Guest82755is anyone willing to help me with some questions about c?17:58
IdleOneLarsTorben: try them both, see which you prefer.17:59
ruanGuest82755: join ##c17:59
Guest82755more precisele, about using the c recipes17:59
Prometheshi, sometimes power button from my indicator applet disappears and i cannot logout, restart or poweroff my machine. Anyone knows what can cause this? I use lucid17:59
ActionParsnipGuest82755: ask in #c  it is more specific to your issue17:59
IdleOneLarsTorben: if you really want to get others opinions of which version is better try in #ubuntu-offtopic.17:59
maxxxGuest82755, your question should be on the screen :)17:59
Guest82755or if there is a better channel...17:59
craigbass1976BrumDart, aha.  grep blah ./* does it17:59
Guest82755cant joint #c, its invite only :/18:00
Guest82755or so it says18:00
ActionParsnipPromethes: you can reset your panels to defaults, may help18:00
ruanGuest82755: its ##c18:00
ActionParsnip!panels | Promethes18:00
ubottuPromethes: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »18:00
Guest82755uh ok18:00
ruanGuest82755: i can join ##c without an invite18:00
ruanand it seems to have 300+ in it18:00
Camer0nwhat does the -s  do after sudo -s??18:00
BrumDartcraigbass1976: weeeeiird.  What version of grep are you running?  Mine is 2.5.3, but I don't think I've ever had to use ./*18:01
ruannot sure. -i logs in as root18:01
Guest82755i try "/join ##c" but nothing happens18:01
gdoteofis there a way to get package descriptions from the command line18:01
craigbass1976BrumDart, 2.5.418:01
erUSULgdoteof: apt-cache show packagename18:01
gdoteoferUSUL: ty18:01
home-alonewhen should i expect stable 10.04 release..??18:01
ruanGuest82755: odd. i can join #c and it redirects to ##c, without an invite18:02
Daekdroom!schedule | home-alone18:02
ubottuhome-alone: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases18:02
ruanGuest82755: try creating an account18:02
IdleOne!11.04 | home-alone18:02
ubottuhome-alone: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.18:02
RaikiaCamer0n: The -s (shell) option runs the shell specified by the SHELL18:02
Raikia                   environment variable if it is set or the shell as specified18:02
Raikia                   in passwd(5).  If a command is specified, it is passed to18:02
RaikiaOh crap....Sorry18:02
Guest82755ruan: maybe because you are a registered user18:02
Pici!register | Guest8275518:02
ubottuGuest82755: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:02
BluesKajhome-alone, Apr 28th or thereabouts18:02
Guest82755right... thanks!18:02
PromethesActionParsnip: thanx for help, ive resetted panels and i will see if this problem will occur18:04
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ActionParsnipPromethes: hope so :)18:05
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Eighteenspsilo are you here? I need your help again18:09
UbuntuFanaticWhat do you need?18:10
EighteensUbuntuFanatic, thx18:10
Exxon!ask Eighteens18:11
=== Gorfex is now known as gorfex
ileawho knows where i can talk with someone that is part of developing ubuntu 11.04?18:13
rcconfI am back to say I found a great application to automatically connect to VPN->        VPNAUTOCONNECT http://sourceforge.net/projects/vpnautoconnect/18:13
multipasscan anyone help me unbind Ctrl-D in gedit?18:13
Exxonilea, i am not sure but ActionParsnip could be the person for you :)18:14
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rcconfit's a shame that Ubuntu network manager has an option for VPN "connect automatically" but doesnt work. fail18:15
mun_does anyone know where I can find the latex ppa?18:16
ActionParsnipilea: I'd ask in #ubuntu+1 for natty stuffs18:16
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ileai already asked but nobody helps18:16
Piciilea: Ask again then.18:17
ActionParsnipilea: also try in #ubuntu-dev18:17
PiciActionParsnip: That is not a support channel.18:17
ileai instaled ubuntu 11.04 and i had problems conecting to the internet18:17
rcconfilea: details pls18:18
rp2does anyone here have a good solution for wifi on a Medion MD 97000 laptop?18:18
Piciilea: Thats a support question, please ask it in #ubuntu+1 with as many details as you can provide.18:18
ruanhow do i make update manager hold back a package?18:18
rcconfilea: join #ubuntu+1 for natty18:18
Exxonmun_, post are very old..so :(18:18
rcconfthis channel is for 10.1018:18
ruanall stable supported releases18:18
ruannot only 10.10.18:18
ileaafter i configured the DSL with username, service, pasword i clicked to conect and it tried but couldn't18:18
rcconfyes not only.18:18
ActionParsnipPici: could they not help how s/he can contribute with development though...18:19
rcconfilea: if you want support for Natty you must join #ubuntu+118:19
PiciActionParsnip: Thats not what the question was. It was a support question.18:19
ruanrp2: wicd ?18:19
rp2i'm running 10.1018:19
mun_Exxon, hmm what post?18:19
ActionParsnipPici: i see18:19
ruan!info wicd18:19
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0+ds1-5 (maverick), package size 40 kB, installed size 88 kB18:19
rp2what is wicd?18:19
PiciActionParsnip: They were here earlier or I'm psychic. Or both.18:20
rp2i'll check it out18:20
ActionParsniprp2: if you run:  sudo lshw -C network     use the product line to find guides18:20
ruanubottu has saved me 100s of googles18:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:20
s3r3n1t7Pici, psychic, but a bit out of topic if i may be so bold to say18:20
ActionParsnipPici: usually both ;)18:20
Exxonmun_, latex ppa ?18:20
rp2i've spent about 20 hours on this problem already18:20
mun_Exxon, ohoh.18:20
mun_Exxon, basically this .cls I'm using complains that "You have requested release `2011/02/24' of latex, but only release `2009/09/24' is available.18:21
ActionParsniprp2: does:   sudo iwlist scan    show access points?18:21
rp2the remaining problem is that I have to use the acerhk module to enable the wifi, and it doesn't appear to be maintained anymoreä18:21
mun_Exxon, perhaps I should just compile it then?18:21
rp2i am using the wifi right now18:22
Exxonmun_, you are absolutely right, we share the same e.g.. :)18:22
Stevenme too18:22
rp2my problem is with enabling it in a way that will be future-proof18:22
Stevenanybody using gnome3 yet18:23
brightsparkAt the login screen, there is a menu to choose the keyboard layout.  How does one remove unwanted layouts from this?18:23
rp2at this moment, the acerhkgui app is taking care of that for me ... it offers to download, compile and install acerhk for me when it doesn't find it ... I can live with that, but my non-linux-savvy friend who actually owns this laptop and wants it back probably can't so I#m looking for something better18:23
Exxonbrightspark, is that so..? :)18:24
ActionParsniprp2: acerhk is in the kernel now :)18:25
ActionParsniprp2: last I knew18:25
brightsparkExxon.  Yes, but it only appears after clicking the username.18:26
Exxonbrightspark, why you want to such a thing, Ubuntu is for multi-users simply pre-built, cant really do any thing about it. :)18:28
Dr_WillisYou could unionstall languages perhaps.18:31
Dr_Willisbyt why bother18:31
brightsparkExxon.  I have an option for a keyboard that is no longer attached and want to forestall problems.18:32
wolfy_how mutch space do you guys recomand for a ubuntu install?18:34
leg3nddepends what your doing18:34
wolfy_300 m for /boot and 15 for /?18:35
novitololoI've a question: If I have an Ubuntu and I've forgotten my password, I have to enter in recovery mode and change it right?18:35
ruani think there was a way to do it with 1 user18:35
brightsparkDr_Willis.  It is the same language but a different layout.18:35
ActionParsnipwolfy_: 6Gb for /, 1x RAM for swap, rest for /home18:35
Exxonbrightspark, ^^ ? :)18:35
wolfy_laptop, esktop/workstation webberownsing, play music, a mysql,apcahe,php for local webdevelopment not server18:35
ZenMastais it possible to run wget behind? I tried adding & to the end of my command but it didn't work18:35
tensorpuddingwolfy_: 15 GB18:36
leg3ndwolfy_, you dont need a seperate boot partition unless your doing full disc encryption18:36
ActionParsnipwolfy_: I assume more than 2Gb RAM18:36
ActionParsnipwolfy_: i'd have a seperate partition for your sql,apache, php etc18:36
wolfy_uhm, how would you make the partition, primary, logical, extended or with that dinamic space allocation?18:37
wolfy_ActionParsnip, how com that you have a separate part for sql, apche etc?18:37
pumeusti'm trying to recover 'HPFS - NTFS' partition with testdisk. it says boot sector status is 'Bad', backup boot sector status is 'OK', 'Sectors are not identical.' i click on 'list' and it says 'Can't open filesystem. Filesystem seems damaged.' so do i click on 'Backup BS' or 'Rebuild BS'?18:37
leg3ndwolfy_, Becuase you said its a dev enviroment and it makes sense if you mess something up to not lose all your web work18:38
ActionParsnipwolfy_: create a partition then set the mount point as the folder which would hold the sql databases18:38
brightsparkExxon.  I don't want keys being mapped twice by users who don't know what they're doing.18:38
Dr_Williswolfy_:  i find 10gb for / to small. :) unless you put tmp or some other dirs elsewhere.18:38
ActionParsnipwolfy_: make 3 primary partitions and 1 extended, you can then creaate as many logical partitions as you need. Plan your partitions18:39
wolfy_yes I wish to work on my website localy the upload to server, it's wordpress based18:39
Exxonbrightspark, are you a admin ?18:39
wildc4rdevenin' all18:39
leg3ndi agree with Dr_Willis, people always tell me like 10gb and i end up getting hosed by something or other later on.18:39
Dr_WillisI easially filled up /  - with some DVD reencoding work that filled up /tmp/18:39
brightsparkExxon.  Yes, admin and primary user.18:40
leg3ndyea, good example for me was not specifying vmware server location in /home. /var/lib/ filled up quick with 20 VMs. All depends what your doing.18:40
novitololoI've a question... How do I set the root password?18:43
novitololoI wasn't asked when I configured the system.18:43
maconovitololo: generally, you dont18:43
genii-around!root | novitololo18:43
ubottunovitololo: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:43
ActionParsnipnovitololo: you don't need it, just use sudo18:43
novitololoawesome.  thanks ubottu.18:43
novitololook, that's the answer I was looking18:43
wolfy_novitololo, sudo su18:43
ActionParsnipnovitololo: sudo -i     not sudo su18:43
Dr_Willisdont us3e sudo su.. use sudo -i as needed.18:43
novitololowhat's the difference?18:44
ActionParsnipnovitololo: you can get all the access you can ever need with sudo (and gksudo for gui apps)18:44
Dr_Willisnovitololo:  use sudo -i, forget abotu sudo su,  :)18:44
novitololothis came to my mind18:44
novitololobecause a friend of mine, forgot his password18:44
novitololoand I read about entering in recovery mode18:44
lcbany known good fix to get tvtime audio working ?18:44
novitololothat means we are entering as root?18:44
novitololoso we can change passwords18:44
Dr_WillisYou can go to recovery/single user mode and use 'sudo passwd username' and set a new one18:45
Dr_Willisactually you may allready be root in single user mode.. i rarely need it any more18:45
novitololoMy doubts were18:45
novitololothat I run recovery mode18:45
novitololoand I didn't have to set any password18:46
leg3ndDr_Willis, I think you are in single user mode.18:46
novitololoto change that user password.18:46
FloodBot3novitololo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:46
ActionParsnipnovitololo: hold shift at boot and you will be able to set any password by running:  passwd username18:46
SuperstarDoes anyone know of a lightweight proxy that supports IRC, web and email in one?18:46
macoDr_Willis: yes you are root in single user mode18:46
ActionParsnipSuperstar: polipo18:46
pumeusttestdisk says 'A valid NTFS Boot sector must be present in order to access any data; even if the partition is not bootable.' does this mean if a hard drive i'm trying to recover data from has no OS, the data cant be recovered?18:46
wolfy_how can I change the font;s from tty?18:46
novitololoActionParsnip: That's it.  How is that secure?18:46
Dr_Williswolfy_:  change what fontss?18:46
maconovitololo: how is physical access ever secure?18:46
Dr_Williswolfy_:  and i asked change what fonts? change them how?18:47
leg3ndmaco, it isnt. even with full disc 256 AES.18:47
BluesKajlcb, unfortunately tvtime audio has been a problem for yrs , usually the soundcard output is connected to the tvcard audio in,  and one configures the capture ctls in alsamixer to make it work18:47
macoleg3nd: bingo18:47
novitololomaco: you are right.18:47
novitololothanks for this learning sharing18:48
Remun-J66noscript ABE prevents the use of CUPS web interface. Was trying to share my local printer in my home network. Anyone a suggestion?18:48
Dr_WillisRemun-J66:  use some differnbt browser to access the cups web interface...18:48
wolfy_when I hit ctrl+alt+F1,F2 etc. change them as, verdand, times new roman, etc. I would like to have them as in gentoo if is possible, collored18:48
SuperstarActionParsnip: Thanks love but I don't understand the term 'cache'ing proxy18:48
wolfy_is there a easy way to do this?18:49
L-Strife89Is there anything out there that's lighter-weight than Compiz, yet still provides at least basic visual effects?18:49
Malin_is it possible to config unity? I would like to edit the shortcut-list who appears when you hit the "windows-button"18:49
L-Strife89Example: "sliding" along the Desktop Wall.18:49
Remun-J66just firefox installed. what browser do you mean?18:49
Dr_Williswolfy_:  you can change the Console fonts via the setfont command i recall. or theres some config file in /etc/ that  can make the change perment.18:49
BluesKajL-Strife89, yes check desktop effects18:49
leg3ndL-Strife89, your probably best off tuning down the compiz settings to your liking with compizconfig-settings-manager18:49
Dr_WillisRemun-J66:  pick one.. one that dosent have that ABE (whatever that is)18:49
Dr_WillisRemun-J66:  chrome, opera, midori, any of a half dozen others in the repos..18:50
wolfy_Dr_Willis, there is no defalut font set18:50
BluesKajBBL, errnds to do18:50
Remun-J66No other way to get around this? Options in Noscript perhaps?18:50
=== psald is now known as psalden
Zorlinis it possible to install unbuntu on a flash drive, and then have the option to boot from it, and also run it as an application inside windows?18:50
abahkaiyisahhow to boot into runlevel 2 or console18:50
L-Strife89BluesKaj, leg3nd: Here's the thing -- it won't let me enable Compiz ("Desktop Effects") at all, even with the CCSM.18:51
Dr_Williswolfy_:  there is a default ubuntu console font dffernt from the normal kernel 'default' font . I recall changeing it once ages ago.18:51
wolfy_how can I activate the mouse in ttys?18:51
macoabahkaiyisah: ubuntu boots into runlevel 2 by default18:51
leg3ndL-Strife89, do you have the proprietary video driver installed?18:51
Dr_WillisRemun-J66:  check the Noscript docs/hiomepage/forums perhaps.18:51
macoabahkaiyisah: as with all debian-like systems, runlevels 2, 3, 4, and 5 are all the same:  run a display manager if one exists18:51
L-Strife89leg3nd: There is none available, it seems18:51
leg3ndL-Strife89, is it nvidia?18:51
Dr_Williswolfy_:  install the GPM service18:51
macoabahkaiyisah: to boot to text mode, you can modify the boot line, replacing "quiet splash" with "text"18:51
BlankVerseanyone using skype-bitlbee plugin , i get the following error18:52
BlankVerseskype - Login error: Could not connect to server18:52
abahkaiyisahmaco: i'll try thanks18:52
L-Strife89leg3nd: Neither nVidia nor AMD. It's a basic Intel chipset in a budget-level laptop.18:52
leg3ndL-Strife89, run   'lspci | grep nVidia'  or grep AMD, get your model number, then download the driver from the nvidia website18:53
leg3ndL-Strife89, youll download a .run file, youll have to ctrl+alt f6 , run /etc/init.d/gdm stop,  then run the file with chmod +x FILE, ./FILE18:53
L-Strife89leg3nd: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)18:54
ActionParsnipleg3nd: there are nvidia drivers in the repos18:54
L-Strife89leg3nd: Make no assumptions.18:54
ActionParsnipL-Strife89: what is the output of:  lsb_release -d18:55
L-Strife89ActionParsnip: Ubuntu 10.1018:56
ActionParsnipL-Strife89: you can use kwin which can provide compoziting, metacity can too18:56
ActionParsnipL-Strife89: http://superuser.com/questions/192121/how-to-install-intel-82852-855gm-driver-on-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat18:57
umassMancan anyone help me restore my corrupt Ubuntu PC (version 10.04)?18:57
umassMani know what happened, i manually set a script to run on startup, but it is bogus,18:58
umassManso if i can just get to that script and remove it, i should be fine...18:58
NANAgurkeshould i install UBUNTU 10.10 or 11.0419:00
pstewartumassMan: you should be able to boot from a live cd, mount that drive and make changes to the startup scripts19:01
BlouBlouNANAgurke: you should wait for 11.0419:01
umassManpstewart: that makes sense...i don't have a CD on me atm though, there's no way to do it through the recovery partition it makes for you?19:02
pstewartumassMan: can you boot to single user mode?19:02
PhoenixSTFHello guys, i am having some trouble with JAVA mysql connector, its giving some errors, anyone knows how to fix it?19:02
ActionParsnipNANAgurke: natty is out on 28th, hang fire til then is my recommendation too, or install Lucid as it will be supported after Natty is supported19:02
brightsparkAt the login screen, there is a menu to choose the keyboard layout.  How does one remove unwanted layouts from this?19:02
L-Strife89ActionParsnip: Trying one of the solutions in that article now; rebooting.19:02
SystemTyrantHas anybody here every setup openoffice/libreoffice to pull user profiles from active directory?19:03
umassManpstewart: what do i select during startup for that?19:04
umassMan<--- new to Linux :(19:04
NANAgurkeActionParsnip, cant i install ubuntu 11.04 NOW ?19:04
pstewartumassMan: http://techcolleague.com/2011/03/boot-to-single-user-mode-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/19:04
pstewartshould be applicable19:04
ActionParsnipNANAgurke: sure, it's in beta but is available19:04
BlouBlouNANAgurke: it's in beta, you can update only19:04
BlouBlouActionParsnip: wasn't only avaiable by update?19:05
velenohello. i execute "lsof -p 18015 | grep UDP | wc -l" and i get 64. does it mean that the proc is holding 64 udp ports open ?19:05
NANAgurkeshould i download beta or the daily ? :)19:05
ActionParsnipBlouBlou: there are natty ISOs and torrets available19:05
ActionParsnipNANAgurke: i'd get the beta19:05
ruanveleno: i get 0 not holding any ports open19:06
BlouBlouActionParsnip: Oh, okay. I had no idea19:06
=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
velenoruan:  so it means that ?19:07
PhoenixSTFguys i got this error on Openjdk when trying to connect to a mysql Db: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver19:07
L-Strife89ActionParsnip: ... WEIRD flickering occurs when I try to enable even basic Compiz effects.19:07
Cryp71cIf I use the Ubuntu PPA to install gnome3 on 10.10 (via the gnome-desktop3 package), will it overwrite my gnome2?19:08
=== EvilPhoenix_ is now known as TheEvilPhoenix
=== wolfy is now known as Guest97426
ruanhow can i find my control password for Tor?19:09
meganerdveleno: use lsof -i UDP instead, and you would subtract 1 from the final count (the header does not really count) or use grep to remove the first line.19:09
umassManpstewart: thanks for the tip, unfortunately it isn't working for me, unless i edited the startup line poorly...19:09
ActionParsnipCryp71c: check the package names in the ppa and compare to the ones you have19:09
pstewartumassMan: what version are you running?19:09
TheEvilPhoenixi've got a strange issue with my CPU, its randomly changing its maximum run speeds.  Is there any way to stop the system from changing its maximum speeds arbitrarily, and in effect allow me to take control of its max/min speeds?19:09
umassMani'll jsut wait till i can get my hands on a liveCD, i think that'll be considerably easier :)19:09
abahkaiyisahmaco: it works. thanks brother19:09
umassMani can get to the (initramfs) prompt, on bootup19:10
velenomeganerd: lsof -i UDP  |wc -l reports 166519:10
umassManis there anything i can enter here...?19:10
umassMani can prob just reinstall it, in all honesty, i didn't have too much on it19:10
yoo123hei wie gehts19:10
pstewartumassMan: do you have a recovery mode option in grub for your kernel version?19:10
umassManwould i jsut wipe the whole partition, if i decided to do that?19:11
wjd86oh wow, the wonderful support team of ubuntu19:11
meganerdveleno: I get 26.  Try it without the wc part and actually look at the connections19:11
umassManya, the recovery mode takes me to the same point and breaks the same19:11
wjd86does this count as community service for you guys? :P19:11
lolmatichow to enable anti aliasing on intel?19:11
ActionParsnipwjd86: just stengthening the community19:11
velenomeganerd: there are 1665 lines like the following: lua     18015 veleno  127u  IPv4 71198524      0t0  UDP *:2694519:11
pstewartumassMan: :( live cd would be the best best (and easiest)19:11
umassManthe last line is talking about '...[sdb] Attached SCSI removeable disk'19:11
wjd86im glad i found this channel19:11
umassManand it just hangs there19:12
Guest97426should I go with maverick or with lucid?19:12
wjd86im in need of help19:12
th^^hmm, how can i bind some protocol to application? like, typing foo:// in browser and it launches app with some parameters19:12
ActionParsnipwjd86: also check the ubuntuforums for help too ;)19:12
=== Guest97426 is now known as Wolfy_
ActionParsnipwjd86: ask away :D19:12
Wolfy_should I go with maverick or with lucid? :)19:12
umassManstewart thanks for the tip, i'm not in a hurry really, i got sakoman working well on my BeagleBoard, that is the real victory :)19:12
wjd86ill ask when ive formed a good question19:12
BlouBlouGuest97426: update it when it's finished (I usually do while RC period)19:12
ActionParsnipWolfy_: i'd go lucid over maverick as lucid is LTS19:12
meganerdveleno: are you running nmap or something in the background?19:12
ActionParsnipWolfy_: depends if that is important to you19:12
brightsparkAt the login screen, there is a menu to choose the keyboard layout.  How does one remove unwanted layouts from this?19:13
pstewartumassMan: np :)19:13
velenomeganerd: nmap no, something in background yes19:13
katanicorradojoin/ #polska19:13
velenobut i was expecting only tcp, not udp19:13
craigbass1976I can send mail with claws, but no thunderbird.  Any ideas?19:13
SuperstarI know it's not recommended and whatnot but Is it possible to connect to an SSH server through a terminal including the password in one line?19:13
=== deface is now known as Guest88786
PiciSuperstar: No.  If you really really need to do something like that use a passwordless ssh key.19:14
Wolfy_is importat for not installing system once per year, but I like the bennefit;s of cutting edge/new software, I would LOVE a rolled ubuntu distro, is there a way to do that?19:14
ActionParsnipSuperstar: http://www.unix.com/unix-dummies-questions-answers/55155-ssh-password-command-line.html19:14
PiciWolfy_: No.  And you don't need to reinstall Ubuntu, just upgrade from one release to the next.19:15
L-Strife89ActionParsnip: Okay, I think it's safe to say that Compiz is out. What exactly does Metacity provide? (It's already on my system.)19:15
BlouBlouWolfy_: you mean an unstable ubuntu-distro? No, I think it's only on Debian19:15
meganerdveleno: without knowing what that something is, it is difficult for me to say if that is normal or not.19:15
ActionParsnipSuperstar: as pici says, if you use keys, you won't need a pass19:15
SuperstarActionParsnip thanks bro I forgot what the application was called - expect19:15
ActionParsnipL-Strife89: it can do compoziting but I'm personally unsure how to enable it, have a sniff around the web19:15
Cryp71cActionParsnip: looks like the old PPA everyone was using is no longer available (so I'm not sure 10.10 Gnome3 is possible).19:16
meganerdBlouBlou: there is also going to be a rolling Debian stable.  Currently there is no Ubuntu equivalent.19:16
wjd86ActionParsnip, I've been trying to install a lampserver... ive been using http://grasshopperpebbles.com/ubuntu/setting-up-ubuntu-for-web-development/ , but whenever i do the checks on there, i dont get the expected results.. im wondering if ive done something wrong19:16
Wolfy_how do I upgrade the system in Ubuntu and keep all configs, settings and not running into trouble? Download a new Iso and install over it, with Synaptic or by console something like telinit 2 apt-get distupgrade?19:16
BlouBloumeganerd: I really prefer the update per 6 months19:16
ActionParsnipCryp71c: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/install-vanilla-gnome-3-in-maverick/19:16
BlouBloumeganerd: It prevents a lot of errors and problems daily19:17
meganerdBlouBlou: If you like reinstalling every six months go for it.19:18
surhoтак и наз19:19
wjd86ActionParsnip, disregard please.19:19
BlouBloumeganerd: I don't reinstall anything, I update it from update-manager19:20
lolmatichow to enable anti aliasing on intel?19:21
Dr_Willislollo64it:  anti aliasing for what exactly?  a game?19:22
meganerdWolfy_: Debian will have a testing rolling variant.  It will not be as stable as stable (or the LTS releases of Ubuntu), but it might be an option.  A rolling stable is really hard to do, I would be surprised if someone actually pulled it off.19:22
L-Strife89ActionParsnip: Also, what was the other composting manager you named?19:22
Dr_Willislolmatic:  nti aliasing for what exactly?  a game?19:22
lolmaticDr_Willis: for compiz and all games19:22
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Dr_Willislollo64it:  check compz's settings in ccsm. and in the games..19:22
Dr_Willisnight all.19:23
olx69on ubuntu 10.10: /etc/resolv.conf -> /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf which isn't there, what's gone wrong?19:24
Remun-J66Thanks Dr_Willis, get it don through server settings in the printermenu or serversettings. It took a while before noscript accepted the call from my localhost:631 port.19:25
rhizmoeright about now i'm loving rhythmbox and its 30 second pauses19:26
ActionParsnipL-Strife89: kwin in kde can do compositing19:26
ukkopekkaHow can I pipe particular application network traffic to particular card (eth0) and everything orhet traffic to other card (eth1)? I can't find it from google.19:26
rnolx69: you can create one. if you have a dns server, enter it by creating /etc/resolv.conf19:26
L-Strife89ActionParsnip: Ah, okay.19:27
olx69normaly it's setup on /etc/resolconf/../basic19:27
ActionParsnipolx69: /etc/resolv.conf is a file, not a link and is generated by network-manager or similar (by default)19:27
JohnHeikkilaHey, is it possible to create backups of installed programs on another HDD than where I'm booted from (synaptic, the text file that lists all the programs installed)19:27
olx69but I see, there isn't any var dir19:27
L-Strife89ActionParsnip: ATM I don't feel like installing another desktop environment. :)19:27
ActionParsnipL-Strife89: don't blame you19:27
Eighteensolx69, /etc/resolv.conf was in mine, but i'm on 10.04.x19:27
rnolx69: It would also get automatically created if you have a dns option in your network config file (/etc/network/interfaces)19:28
olx69I test lxc with 10.10 - miserable ...19:28
Cryp71cActionParsnip: the PPA specified in that link no longer works.19:28
olx6910.04 works19:28
L-Strife89ActionParsnip: Looks like the only way to enable Metacity's composting for now is through gconf-editor.19:28
Eighteensolx69, i had never looked at that file, thanks for pointing it out, i noticed my dns1 and dns2 are in that file, how cool, only set those things in the router, but somehow it made it to that very file you pointed out, thanks!19:28
L-Strife89And the other options it presents are limited. Hmmm ...19:29
JohnHeikkilaHey, can I create backups of all the programs installed on another HDD, via Synaptic (text list with all installed programs)19:29
macoJohnHeikkila: synaptic, i dont know a way, but dpkg? sure.    dpkg --get-selections > packages.list19:30
JohnHeikkilamaco, Synaptic File->Generate package download script. My problem now is that I can't boot onto the other HDD (sys and boot folders wiped) and I'd like to backup the programs before reinstalling ubuntu on it19:31
brightsparkAt the login screen, there is a menu to choose the keyboard layout.  How does one remove unwanted layouts from this?19:31
ActionParsnipCryp71c: hmm, then try the ppa search19:32
JohnHeikkilamaco, Oh, my bad. It's File->Save Markings and then Save full state19:32
ActionParsnip!ppa | Cryp71c19:32
ubottuCryp71c: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.19:32
floweranyone experience with a ATI 5000 based video card and dualscreen on 10.04?19:32
JohnHeikkila!ask | flowbee19:32
ubottuflowbee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:32
JohnHeikkilasorry, wrong user :D19:32
ActionParsnipbrightspark: look in the keyboard settings, there may be a list there19:33
Zorlinanyone know if it its possible to install unbuntu on a flash drive, and then have the option to boot from it, and also run it as an application inside windows?19:34
pcpowerI don't see why not19:34
L-Strife89http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/install-vanilla-gnome-3-in-maverick/ <--- Given that this was written about 5 months ago, and that GNOME 3 has since been released, is it still viable?19:34
NANAgurkehello i have a question19:34
NANAgurkecan somebody help me19:34
ActionParsnipZorlin: you can install in persistant mode to usb and use it as a half-ass dual boot19:34
macoNANAgurke: ask your question first, then we'll see19:34
ActionParsnipNANAgurke: ask and see19:34
olx69how can I find the package where a file belongs to?19:34
brightsparkActionParsnip.  That doesn't affect the login screen menu.19:35
pcpowerapt-file search <somefile>19:35
ZorlinActionParsnip: ill check that out, thanks19:35
ActionParsnipbrightspark: hmm19:35
JohnHeikkilaHey, how can I backup my Ubuntu installations from another HDD, with ubuntu installed?19:35
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L-Strife89ActionParsnip: Unfortunately, even Metacity's barebones effects couldn't really be shown on my laptop, and I noticed a bothersome slowdown.19:35
tensorpuddingL-Strife89: it's possible it may work, but it's likely to cause breakage when you upgrade to natty19:35
ActionParsnipL-Strife89: what cpu speed, ram amount and gpu do you have?19:35
likkiIs it possible to install ubuntu over a partition that has windows already installed in it?19:36
ActionParsniplikki: yes but it will remove windows19:36
tensorpuddinglikki: the installer can delete the partition and make a new one19:36
arandlikki: A dualboot you mean?19:36
ActionParsniplikki: if you are using win7, you can resize the partition in windows and install ubuntu to the free space19:37
L-Strife89ActionParsnip: An Intel Centrino clocked at 1.7 GHz, 1 GB of RAM, and an "Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)" for the GPU.19:37
likkiarand: I mean if the ubuntu installation cd would format the partition and install in the partition that already has windows in it19:37
L-Strife89ActionParsnip: The laptop itself goes by the model of a Dell Inspiron 700m.19:37
brightsparkActionParsnip.  See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/53099919:38
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: list.index(x): x not in list (https://launchpad.net/bugs/530999)19:38
ActionParsniplikki: it can if you want it to, tis would remove windows and ALL data on the partition and install Ubuntu19:38
flowerIS it possible to setup a dual screen with ATI open source driver on Ubuntu 10.04? Radeon HD 5000 Series19:38
likkiActionParsnip: I'm currently duel booting windows 7 and windows vista and would like to install ubuntu in the vista partition19:38
ethenheartI am having a weird problem, my friend asked me to download a avira-antivir (antivirus application) I download it on my ubuntu and copied it on my external hard-disk [ 500 GB ], now, I cannot see this downloaded application in my external hard-disk anymore [GUI], however, I opened up terminal and launched command "ls" I could see the file, but I cannot copy/move/delete it, I tried with root privileges too but the file does not get deleted.19:39
arandlikki: If you use manual partitioning you could do so, alternatives is setting up a dual-boot, or repartitioning the while disk19:39
ActionParsnipL-Strife89: may help http://www.linlap.com/wiki/dell+inspiron+700m19:39
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ActionParsniplikki: fine, delete the vista partition from within Win7 then boot to ubuntu CD and install to the freed space. Be sure to copy everything you need from it before you start19:40
ruanethenheart: what filesystem is this19:40
ruanethenheart: what filesystem is on the external hard disk19:40
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likkiActionParsnip, can the ubuntu installation delete the vista partition?19:41
ethenheartI am not sure. How do I check? @ ruan19:41
ruanethenheart: sudo fdisk -l19:41
ActionParsnipL-Strife89: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1004551619:41
ethenheartruan: NTFS19:42
ActionParsniplikki: sure but if you do it in Windows you willl know which partition it is as it will be named with the dumb drive letters windows likes to use and you are probably familiar with, Linux doesn't see those19:42
bodaihi there.i would like to transfer files between ubuntu and win7.installed samba,but when I go to network places,it cannot mount location19:42
bodaiwhat can I do?19:42
likkiOkay, lastly, after I install ubuntu, would I be given windows 7 boot manager or ubuntu boot manager when i turn the computer on?19:42
macolikki: ubuntu's19:43
ethenheartruan: more ironically, my win7 cannot even read my external hard-disk, while I can open this external hard-disk in ubuntu. lol19:43
macolikki: assuming you do a normal install. if wubi, then windows'19:43
ActionParsnipbodai: are you accessing win7 from Ubuntu, or the other way?19:43
likkiIs it possible to change the boot manager to windows 7 instead?19:43
ruanethenheart: what happens if you mount the disk using ntfs-3g19:43
orinSo....after running update manager today, my system now doesn't load any of the drivers, or start x...just dumps me in login prompt and makes me cry.19:43
ActionParsniplikki: Win7 bootloader CAn do it but grub is FAR easier19:43
ruanethenheart: uhm. get the drive label such as /dev/sda19:44
L-Strife89ActionParsnip: http://pastie.org/178802819:44
bodaiI can acces my shares from nowhere19:44
SuperstarWhat IRC client does everyone use on their Ubuntu?19:44
ActionParsnipbodai: which way!!!? Are you trying to access windows 7 shares from Ubuntu. Or ubuntu shares from Win7. It's important19:44
likkiOk, how would I change it to win7 bootloader to default boot manager?19:44
ruanSuperstar: irssi here19:44
ActionParsnipSuperstar: pidgin19:44
ethenheartruan: I can mount the my external hardisk, I can read every thing but, I cannot delete this .exe file from it.19:44
orinSuperstar: irssi19:44
ActionParsniplikki: not sure, ask in ##windows19:44
BrumDartSuperstar: xchat for me19:45
NewaSuperstar: xchat19:45
bodaiubuntu shares from win719:45
ruanethenheart: yes but ntfs-3g is a different driver. it may work19:45
ActionParsniplikki: I strongly advise you use grub, it will be managed for you and will work fine19:45
ActionParsnipbodai: ok did you share any folders in samba?19:45
likkiI find win7 bootloader to be much simpler.19:45
ethenheartruan, can you please tell me how to do it?19:45
NewaSuperstar: or you can try /ctcp #ubuntu VERSION19:45
ActionParsniplikki: grub is more flexible19:45
ActionParsnipbodai: please put my name at the start of lines addressed to me19:46
Superstarorin, ruan, actionparsnip, brumdart, newa - empathy doesn't do justice then19:46
ActionParsnipbodai: ok, if you run:   smbtree     on the ubuntu system, do you see the shares?19:46
likkiI'm more familiar with win7 bootloader and I already know how to add ubuntu to the boot menu on it.19:46
ruanethenheart: first get the device name of the drive, then: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdX /mnt19:46
ActionParsnipSuperstar: I've used pidgin since before when it was Gaim, don't plan to change any time soon19:46
ruanethenheart: sdX being the device name19:47
ActionParsniplikki: then i'd ask in ##windows19:47
likkiOk, thank you all for answering my questions. Appreciate it.19:47
Camer0nhow do I see my second hard drive in ubuntu server19:47
NewaSuperstar: depends what you want. I'm sure empathy can handle the basics just fine19:47
ActionParsnipCamer0n: mount it19:47
L-Strife89ActionParsnip: I'm feeling good about that thread on the forums ... rebooting.19:47
Newapersonally, I'm on 40+ channels on 10+ networks, so the channel bar on the left is quite essential. Xchat's tweak to remember past chat histories after reboots is nice too19:48
orinToday's system update broke my main box. :(19:48
ActionParsnipCamer0n: you mount the partition in it, not the drive. If you want it mounted at boot then add the partition appropriatly in /etc/fstab19:48
ruanorin: can you do startx?19:48
orinI asked it politely to do that, it yelled at me about "Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)19:49
ethenheartruan: mounted with ntfs-3g and did "sudo rm -rf avira_antivir_personal_en.exe" and got error "rm: cannot remove `avira_antivir_personal_en.exe': Input/output error"19:49
orinAlso, it mentioned (EE) No drivers available19:49
ruanethenheart: what if you do just rm -f avira---.exe19:50
Superstarorin: are you dual booting?19:50
Jordan_Uethenheart: Youre hard drive is likely going bad then.19:50
Camer0nhow do I see the folders in my home directory, ls only shows the files19:50
ActionParsniporin: try:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure dkms19:50
Jordan_Uethenheart: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg"?19:50
ActionParsnipCamer0n: ls -a19:50
orinSuperstar, ruan, it's not just x, ifconfig tells me I have no network card, either.19:50
ruanethenheart: also, you might want to do a filesystem check of the ntfs drive19:50
Camer0nthe folders still aren't there19:51
ActionParsnipCamer0n: if you run:  pwd   are you in /home/$USER19:51
orinActionParsnip: did that. Accomplished nothing.19:51
Superstarorin: do you know if a driver was in the list of updates?19:51
ActionParsniporin: try:  sudo apt-get --reinstall install dkms19:51
Camer0nstill not there :/19:52
orinSuperstar: No. :(19:52
_Narc_Hello all. Hope I'm not off-topic, tell me if so. I'd like to read a quite in-depth analysis on why (if ? I'm not trolling) Ubuntu and Linux generally is more secure than Windows, besides the flaming posts and poorly written articles. Or if any of you has time to spend explaining :D Thanks19:52
Camer0nI tried mkdir /space/ again and it said the file already exists19:52
ActionParsnipCamer0n: did you create an alias for ls at some time?19:52
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miles__Doesn't Halo CE work in Wine?19:52
orinActionParsnip: I have no internets, as I mentioned.19:52
Camer0ngot it, /space/ is different to space/19:52
ActionParsniporin: ok then add:    blacklist nvidia    to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf     then reboot19:53
xangua!appdb | miles__19:53
ubottumiles__: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:53
xangua_Narc_: and that's why an offtopic channel exists19:53
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ActionParsniporin: then reinstall dkms and it should be ok19:53
_Narc_xangua: Ok, sorry.19:54
wjd86ActionParsnip http://pastebin.com/xbBFysMw19:54
wjd86authentication error... i only have one password for this system19:54
halpbatmandoes anyone knows how to enable vnc from terminal?19:55
bobo_hi, if I have wifi ( and ethernet (, how can I route normal internet traffic over wifi?19:55
ethenheartruan: same error.19:55
ethenheartJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/bGDkn3c819:55
mbeierlhalpbatman: I know if you have ssh -X access (X forwarding) the gui is vino-preferences and will display back on your local x server...19:56
Camer0nwhy does it say mount: you must specify the file type19:56
Chris_HHow do I find the Graphic driver I am using? What was the code?19:56
Camer0nfilesystem type19:56
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mbeierlhalpbatman: but I do not know if there is any gui.  presumably it modifies something in the gnome conf, so maybe somewhere in gconf editor...?19:57
ruanChris_H: check Xorg.0.log19:57
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Jordan_Uethenheart: Definitely looks like a hardware problem with the disk. Back up any important data immediately.19:58
jussidoes anyone know if there is an open source arabic font?19:58
hwildehi it is telling me to run apt-get -f install to fix stuff.  how do I just remove the stuff with unmet dependencies instead?19:59
macohwilde: dpkg -P packagename    <-- might work19:59
Jordan_Uethenheart: You can check the SMART status with System > Administration > Disk Utility (which should confirm that the drive is dying).19:59
hwildemaco but which one19:59
macohwilde: oh, you dont know which one is missing a dep?19:59
hwildemaco, I dunno, when I try to apt-get install it says run apt-get -f19:59
Camer0nhow do I find the filesystem type using terminal??19:59
macohwilde: what does the -f one tell you?20:00
hwildeCamer0n, cat /etc/fstab20:00
wjd86while doing the su command im getting; authentication error on password entry, anyone know what i can do ?? i only use one pass for my entire system :/20:00
ActionParsnipwjd86: then set the password for the account is all I can suggest20:00
macoCamer0n: sudo fdisk -l20:00
hwildemaco, it says to install a bunch of stuff20:00
ActionParsnipCamer0n: sudo parted-l20:00
chipminkhow do i fix a ubuntu firefox that shows install but will not enable20:00
ActionParsnipmaco: fdisk will only say 'Linux', parted will say 'Ext4' etc'20:00
bipulhow to change source file list repositories20:00
Camer0nits the sata port 2 in virtual box ??20:00
macoActionParsnip: oh, handy20:00
ActionParsnip!java | chipmink20:00
ubottuchipmink: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.20:00
ruanchipmink: is icedtea installed?20:00
ActionParsnipmaco:very ;)20:01
Camer0nwhat should I enter20:01
macobipul: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list20:01
hwildemaco, it says to install a bunch of stuff20:01
ubottuprevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details20:01
chipminkbeen there done that20:01
macohwilde: can you pastebin it?20:01
chipminkjava test page says it runs fine20:01
mbeierlhalpbatman: gconf-editor: /desktop/gnome/remote_access20:01
bipulmaco, what is the diffrnce between nano and pico20:01
chipminkno plugin in firefox20:01
macobipul: one's free software, one's proprietary20:01
ActionParsnip!ff4 > ActionParsnip20:01
ubottuActionParsnip, please see my private message20:01
Camer0nhow do I mount the sata port 2 of my virtual box ubuntu server??!!20:01
hwildemaco, http://paste.ubuntu.com/593258/20:02
ruanActionParsnip: /msg ubottu ff420:02
BlouBloubipul: hahaha, there are a continues disputes about what is the best text editor between them20:02
ruanchipmink: is icedtea installed?20:02
BlouBloubipul: In my opinion, both are the same with different names20:02
bipulBlouBlou, yes man20:02
ruanchipmink: install icedtea20:02
bipulpeoples get confuded20:02
chipminkno joy with or without it20:02
Camer0nhow do I mount the sata port 2 of my virtual box ubuntu server?20:03
macohwilde: whats wrong with letting it finish? did you decide you eont want whetever you were trying to install? if so, the package to purge would be the one you were trying to install thats trying to pull all this in20:03
orinActionParsnip: can't reinstall dkms, given that I have no internets.20:03
hwildemaco, it doesn't have internet, so I want to remove whatever is giving this error20:03
macohwilde: ooooh20:03
L-Strife89ActionParsnip: ... Well, so much for success. X refused to start at all with those xorg.conf settings.20:03
macohwilde: ok, so what did you try to install ?20:03
bipulhttp://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ i have this one i wants to change a good one20:03
bipullike  us or uk20:04
L-Strife89ActionParsnip: Ultimately I renamed the file.20:04
bipulis it possible ?20:04
Camer0nhow do I mount the sata port 2 of my virtual box ubuntu server??!!20:04
ActionParsniporin: blacklist nvidia as I said and reboot and it won't load, you will then use the open driver20:04
hwildemaco, it's not my system or I would know obviously....  I copied over a .deb package I want to install but I can't now because it's f'd up.  so how do I find out what package is telling me to run -f install20:04
macohwilde: are you sure its not the deb package?20:04
ethenheartActually, Jordan_U, I just want to delete that .exe file anyhow..20:04
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orinActionParsnip: did that. Blacklisted nvidia, rebooted, still got thrown into command prompt, with no X-y goodness.20:04
hwildemaco, yes....  how do I find out what package is causing it to suggest running apt-get install -f20:04
Camer0nhow do I mount the sata port 2 of my virtual box ubuntu server??!!20:04
macohwilde: like maybe it depends on that stuff thats listed and so cant get installed because no internet20:04
ActionParsnipbipul: use the software centre and you can change software source20:05
macohwilde: aptitude why <name of one of the packages in the list>      could tell you what's depending on it, if aptitude is installed20:05
macoCamer0n: what do you mean sata port 2?20:05
macoCamer0n: try rephrasing your question to be more descriptive20:05
ActionParsniporin: ok then blacklist nouveau too, you will use the nv driver then, failing that, blacklist nv and you will use vesa20:05
ActionParsniporin: if you made an xorg.conf file then rename it20:06
bipulActionParsnip,  i heard that to become a good linux  user you need to do every thing from Terminal20:06
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macohwilde: sudo less /var/log/apt/term.log could show you output from previous uses of apt to see what was interrupted20:06
ActionParsnipbipul: not true although it can help20:06
Camer0nit's a SATA controler apparently, in the storage settings of virtualbox and it's called sata port 2. How do I mount it, I assume it would be the sda2 drive? I have just created it so I'm not sure if it's cot a filesystem type20:06
bipulActionParsnip,  ok20:07
ActionParsnipCamer0n: sda is the first drive, sda2 is the second partition on the drive20:07
macoCamer0n: it wouldnt be sda. sda is the hard disk. perhaps sdb?20:07
macoCamer0n: sudo fdisk -l     should list all available disks and partitions on them20:07
bipulActionParsnip,  so whats you suggestion for me TO become a good linux user20:07
Camer0nwell theres 2 different virtual hardrives20:07
ActionParsnipCamer0n: sudo parted -l    will show you the partitions. As long as the partition is mounted then you can let virtualbox access the mount point20:08
rhizmoeis there any chance of onscreen video controls in rhythmbox? or, an in-window video player so at least focus doesn't shift around?20:08
Camer0nThey're not partitioned, i dont think20:08
ActionParsnipbipul: use the OS and play. Try and install and configure different services and such20:08
* rhizmoe has the worst irssi theme right now20:08
owenhello, i need support for ubuntu unity - the title bar of an unmaximised window will not show20:08
hwilde $ alsamixer :  cannot open mixer: No such file or directory       <- help20:08
Camer0nit "doesn't contain a valid partition table"20:08
owencan i have some help please?20:08
macoCamer0n: then itd show a blank disk20:08
ActionParsnipCamer0n: if they aren't partitioned you won't be able to store data on it. If there is a single partition taking 100% of the space it is still partitioned20:09
macoCamer0n: need to put a filesystem (whehter inside a partition or not, i dont think it matters) on them before you can mount them20:09
ActionParsnipowen: ask away20:09
Camer0nokay then20:09
owenhello, i need support for ubuntu unity - the title bar of an unmaximised window will not show20:09
macoActionParsnip: you can mkfs on a disk that doesnt have a partition table...20:09
Camer0nit must be dm-120:09
ActionParsnipowen: which release are you using?20:09
ActionParsnipmaco: for the level of user, we'll stick to easy street ;)20:10
ActionParsnipowen: then ask in #ubuntu+120:10
ActionParsnipowen: natty isn't supported here until release20:10
orinActionParsnip: you have saved the day. More or less...now I have X, but I am still shy internet.20:11
Camer0nhow do I specify the filesystem type?20:11
ActionParsniporin: how do you connect, wired or wirelessly?20:11
ActionParsniporin: ok if you run:  sudo lshw -C network     read the product line for the wired connection and websearch for that to find guides20:12
Camer0nhow do I specify the filesystem type in ubuntu server?20:13
PiciCamer0n: During install?20:13
Camer0nno now20:14
Camer0non a hard drive20:14
Camer0nnow ~ lol I mean after install yes20:14
mehdihey guys gnome two is working with compiz wat about gnome 3?20:14
hwilde $ alsamixer :  cannot open mixer: No such file or directory       <- help20:15
Camer0nor how do I find the system type??20:15
PiciCamer0n: I don't know what tool you're using.20:15
Camer0nubuntu server20:15
hwildeCamer0n, cat /etc/fstab20:15
PiciCamer0n: What is asking for filesystem type?20:15
Camer0nwhen I try to mount it20:15
PiciCamer0n: Is there data on the drive?20:16
jnevesanyone knows how I can add a repo to a pbuildrc configuration?20:16
Camer0nI don't think so :/20:16
Camer0nit's new20:16
Camer0nI just created it20:16
Camer0nit's a virtual hard drive20:16
PiciCamer0n: Then you'll need to format it.20:16
McQueenhi, i installed ktorrent... its runnig and downloading file now. i can add file from icon where top-right on the screen. but i couldnt run its window... so i cant watch downloading status and other... how can i run the visual window?20:16
Camer0nwhen I did cat /dev/sdb there are strange symbols20:16
ActionParsnipCamer0n: /dev/sdb is a block device20:17
xcaliburhi there, can someone help me on a disconnect issue with teamspeak 3 server on ubuntu (no.... portforwarding is added correctly ^^)20:17
Camer0ndev sda is the hard drive?20:17
davvsIs there any way to map a keyboard shortcut to move a window to the upper right corner?20:17
ActionParsnipCamer0n: there will be a partition on it /dev/sdb1  which you can mount and THEN you can browse the files20:17
ActionParsnipdavvs: compiz MAY be able to do it20:18
Camer0nokay, how do I do that??20:18
ActionParsnipdavvs: using custom commads20:18
PiciCamer0n: You'll need to use fdisk to partition the drive and create a new filesystem.20:18
white_magicanyone here use jdownloader?20:18
PiciCamer0n: Let me get you a guide, one moment.20:18
ActionParsnipCamer0n: sudo mkdir /media/sdb1; sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb120:18
PiciActionParsnip: Its a new drive, its not partitioned or formatted yet.20:19
Camer0nmount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist20:19
Camer0nthis is the right drive???20:19
ActionParsnipPici: ahh i see20:20
Camer0ni dont know how to tell20:20
PiciCamer0n: Yes.. ActionParsnip didn't hear the part about it being a new drive.20:20
Camer0nall the information im given from virtualbox is SATA port 220:20
ActionParsnipdavvs: here are some to put the window on the left and right like the snap feature in Windows 7. If you play with them you can make the window behave how you like: http://www.clickonf5.org/linux/use-aero-snap-windows7-feature-ubuntu/695620:20
charleshi guys - im having problems with sound - speakers cut out halfway through the login sound and never come back, headphones ok. ALC259 with ubuntu 10.10 netbook ed. Anyone know how i can find out the cause? (suddenly started doing this yesterday after i pluggen in a USB drive)20:21
gdoteofcan i get get php4 on ubuntu 10.04?20:21
dtcrshrgdoteof, backporting20:22
gdoteofphp isn't an installlation candidate. php5 works fine.  php4 says it is referred to but has no installation candidate20:22
PiciCamer0n: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive#Command Line Partitioning20:22
Camer0nthis?? http://www.ehow.com/how_1000631_hard-drive-linux.html20:22
Camer0noh okay20:22
Picidtcrshr: backporting is for installing newer versions of packages on older releases of ubuntu, not installing older software.20:22
charleswhich log file do i look at for sound errors?20:22
gdoteofdtcrshr: uh.. can you be more specific?20:23
hwilde $ alsamixer :  cannot open mixer: No such file or directory       <- help20:23
xcaliburcan somebody tell me how to raise log level for teamspeak 3?20:23
NET||abusei am possibly in trouble here, does anyone know if you can recover files from ubuntuone?20:23
NET||abusethe whole ubuntuOne directory was deleted in work ( i was leaving) and it seems to have replicated down to my home pc, i had config files and a cv in there20:23
NET||abusereally need them back20:23
PiciNET||abuse: You may want to ask on #ubuntuone too20:23
NET||abusethanks, will do20:24
gdoteofI have an ancient php4 app that needs to be used by one person20:24
charlesanyone give me advice on fixing my sound?20:24
gdoteofi was porting it piece by piece as he needed it, but i just found a rabbit hole20:25
NET||abusegdoteof, ok?,, probably a ##php question, not ubuntu related.20:25
NET||abusegdoteof, but what's this rabbit hole? is there a mad hatter and tarts?20:25
lolmaticcharles: what is your problem?20:25
gdoteofNET||abuse: I don't have a question for #php.  i would like to get php4 as easily as possible onto ubuntu20:26
charleslolmatic: speakers cut out halfway through the login sound and never come back, headphones ok. ALC259 with ubuntu 10.10 netbook ed. Anyone know how i can find out the cause? (suddenly started doing this yesterday after i pluggen in a USB drive)20:26
gdoteofit's distro specific question20:26
NET||abusegdoteof, ahh, pinning in ubuntu packages.20:26
NET||abusehowever i've only done that for php 5.2, not 420:26
NET||abusenot that far back20:26
Picigdoteof: You may be able to find a PPA for php4, but there is't an official package availabe for that as far as I know.20:26
lolmaticcharles: unfortunately i cant help you since i am a beginner, too20:26
bipulwhats the command to install w32codecs in my ubuntu 10.1020:27
NET||abusegdoteof, i can give you a script that will allow you to install as much php specific stuff (modules and such) and then it will roll back versions re-installing older ones, and pin them for you.20:27
NET||abusegdoteof, give me a minute to locate it.20:27
PiciNET||abuse: php4 isn't available in the repositories at all, its not a matter of pinning in this case.20:27
lolmaticsound on linux is really hard for beginners, theres oss, alsa, jack, pulseaudio etc20:28
gdoteofPici: ok that i guess answers my question.  i will just have to compile20:28
charlesdamnit - i guess i'll have to enjoy my porn in silence then.... scoured the web far and wide but cant find a fix.20:28
Picigdoteof: You may want to look for a PPA as well: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas20:28
lolmaticcharles: try some ascii porn in case your display fails, too20:28
charlesdoes anyone which log file related to pulseaudio errors?20:29
NET||abusePici, ah, not even possible then, cheers, wasn't sure.20:29
NET||abusegdoteof, i'm afriad you will have to either continue porting or find a distro that still had php4 packages20:30
NET||abusegdoteof, i vote port20:30
gdoteofNET||abuse: yeah that's what i started out with.  but it's just sucking my time.  it's legacy and only used in house20:31
NET||abusegdoteof, is it developed in house or is it a really old off the shelf solution20:31
ActionParsniplolmatic: sound works out of the box here and has done since year 200020:32
charlesguys I get this error: pulseaudio[1253]: ratelimit.c: 2 events suppressed  - after this my speaker sound stops.20:32
charlesany idea what's causing this?20:32
lolmaticActionParsnip: mine too, but im having lots of problems with old games which use /dev/dsp20:32
gdoteofNET||abuse: neither.  really old, developed by an outside contractor20:32
=== seidos is now known as saytwo
lolmatici want sound in those games but it wont work20:33
WeThePeopleskype error....failed to exe. child process "skype-wrapper" (no such file or directory)   what do i do20:33
gdoteofso kind of 'in house'20:33
charlessorry i d/c'd - didnt see any replies20:33
hwilde $ alsamixer :  cannot open mixer: No such file or directory       <- help20:33
ActionParsnipbipul: sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list && sudo apt-get --quiet update && sudo apt-get --yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get --quiet update; sudo apt-get -y install w32codecs20:34
charlesthis was my question: guys I get this error: pulseaudio[1253]: ratelimit.c: 2 events suppressed  - after this my speaker sound stops.any idea what's causing this?20:34
ActionParsniphwilde: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh20:34
bipulActionParsnip,  thanks  you so much :-*20:34
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ActionParsnipbipul: medibuntu ppa is dead handy20:35
trupheenixhas anyone ever built codeviz on Ubuntu?20:36
charleswhat triggers a pulseaudio ratelimit?20:36
hwildeActionParsnip, lol it tried to get to the internet, which it cant, detected a new version anyways, and overwrote itself with a 0 filesize file.20:37
LarsTorbenhello i have a question20:38
LarsTorbencan somebody help me20:38
psionicsinQuesiton to the Ubuntu lords lol. Has anyone (you or someone you know of) successfully installed the Adobe S5 Master Collection on Ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10?20:38
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:39
LarsTorben!ask | ballison20:39
ubottuballison: please see above20:39
Camer0nhow do I run VBoxLinuxAddition.run in a different harddrive??20:39
=== EvilPhoenix is now known as TheEvilPhoenix
Camer0nsudo sh ./VBoxblahblah.run20:39
anon__how would install dragon age 2 via steam in Ubuntu 10.10?20:40
SoulRavenhow i monitor the vpn trafic? i am ussing racoon and ipsec, and i want to monitor the trafic of each ip that pass the tunnel20:40
iceroot!appdb | anon__20:40
ubottuanon__: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help20:40
ActionParsnipCamer0n: as long as virtualbox has access to the data then you can run it20:40
icerootanon__: also have a look at "playonlinux"20:40
YankDownUnderpsionicsin, I've installed/run Photoshop 7 and CS3 using WINE (well, Crossover Office and Playonlinux)20:40
Camer0nyes but how do I extract it into the sdb1 hard drive?20:40
anon__is there a playonlinux channel?20:40
SomelauwHi, how to kill a process called pdftops20:40
icerootanon__: #playonlinux20:41
ActionParsnipanon__: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=1279020:41
genii-aroundpsionicsin: Looks like the guy here has CS5 running under 10.04 : http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/idiots-guide-installing-photoshop-cs5-ubuntu-1004/20:41
icerootSomelauw: pkill -f pdftops   will kill all processes which that string in there name20:41
ActionParsnipanon__: shows exactly how to install it20:41
=== saytwo is now known as kevin4896
anon__thank you20:41
AcruaxHi all. I have one question - how can I determine, does the command has only stdin, only stdout, both or none(no stdin and no stdout)?20:41
Somelauwiceroot: Nevermind the program is already working again.20:42
Somelauwiceroot: But I don't understand what I did wrong. I opened top.20:42
Pici!it | spyder4920:43
ubottuspyder49: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:43
ballisonI'm having an issue with Ubuntu's GUI for openvpn.  I have openvpn working from the commandline but not the Ubuntu GUI.  When I do "openvpn my.conf" it works and connects me to the private PVN.  When I go into the Networking Gui and select "Configure VPN" and click on "Import" and try to "Import" my.conf it loads the conf, but when I select it and try to use it - none of the routes work.20:43
schoappiedHow do I check which video driver is in use?20:43
SomelauwThen I pressed k for kill. Then I selected the pid of pdftops and then it asked for some number and said I don't have permission to kill it.20:43
ActionParsnipschoappied: sudo lshw -C display    may show it20:43
hwildeActionParsnip, here is the output from alsa-info   http://paste.ubuntu.com/593279/20:44
ActionParsnipschoappied: read the bottom section20:44
SoulRavenhow i monitor the vpn trafic? i am ussing racoon and ipsec, and i want to monitor the trafic of each ip that pass the tunnel20:44
meganerdSoulRaven: do you merely want to count the packets or do you want something more?20:45
SoulRavenmeganerd: i want to make graphs, for trafic on each ip that pass the vpn tunnel20:45
gavdariHi, I need help, after upgrading to nattyb1, now my graphics looks very ugly and also there is some wierd behavior in windows20:46
Camer0nhow do I set TMPDIR to a directory with more space?20:46
SoulRavenmeganerd: the tunnel, is ussed for m2m equipment, and i want to graph each equipment20:46
meganerdSoulRaven: have you looked at the rrdtool tutorials on the net?20:46
Acruaxhow can I determine, does the command has only stdin, only stdout, both or none(no stdin and no stdout)?20:46
Somelauwiceroot: It says: "Operation not permitted". I can't kill it, I think.20:46
SoulRavenyes, and i have install cacti, but from there......i don't know what i have to do20:47
meganerdSoulRaven: you could also use cacti... there are a few ways to do this actually.20:47
icerootSomelauw: you are the owner of that process?20:47
SoulRavenmeganerd: the server is a vps, machine20:47
SomelauwWell evince and my printer are, I think.20:47
meganerdSoulRaven: so?20:47
Somelauwiceroot: lp seems to be the owner20:47
mwichey guys my 9.10 just installed gnuit instead of git. Unfortunately neither of these is recognized as a command20:48
mwicand yes i've logged out and back in20:48
SoulRavenmeganerd: ? is only  info, not someting important20:48
icerootSomelauw: you cant kill processes which you dont own20:48
SoulRavenmeganerd: can you help me?20:48
SomelauwNever buy a windows only printer. It will waste all your CPU.20:48
icerootSomelauw: sudo pkill -i processname20:48
LarsTorbenhello i have a question20:48
SomelauwWhat does lp mean?20:48
LarsTorbencan somebody help me20:48
ballisonI'm having an issue with Ubuntu's GUI for openvpn.  I have openvpn working from the commandline but not the Ubuntu GUI.  When I do "openvpn my.conf" it works and connects me to the private PVN.  When I go into the Networking Gui and select "Configure VPN" and click on "Import" and try to "Import" my.conf it loads the conf, but when I select it and try to use it - none of the routes work.  Although in /var/log/syslog I see all the static routes added for 20:48
SomelauwIs it safe to kill pdftops?20:48
SomelauwBecause why did it decide I am not the owner.20:49
meganerdSoulRaven: possibly.  At work so I may disappear from time to time20:49
gavdariAfter upgrading to Natty Beta 1, everything looked fine, but after a reboot all the graphics look so ugly, in Unity and in Gnome classic. What should I do?20:49
icerootgavdari: #ubuntu+120:49
zupercomputerSomelauw, pdftops is just a pdf program, you can axe it all you want, won't bring down your machine20:49
zupercomputerSomelaw: pdf to postscript to be exact20:50
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SoulRavenmeganerd: do you have used something like this? graphs on ipsec/racoon with cacti?20:50
evelyetteis the openssh-server patched with the LDAP support yet or not ... ?20:50
Somelauwiceroot: Invalid option -i20:50
SomelauwDid you mean -f?20:51
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orinI seem to have lost my network manager.20:52
guntbertSomelauw: look at    man pkill20:52
orinThere's no applet, and I can't start the service.20:52
orinHaving no internet, I've no idea how to reinstall it...20:52
meganerdSoulRaven: I have done a fair bit of graphing, I actually graph my home connection20:52
Guest93631Hi, i need some help. I know this isn't the best place but. Can someone help me running Doom Legacy?20:53
Guest93631name Seemann20:53
meganerdSoulRaven: it really depends on how much time you want to put in, and what data you want.  Why you want it is important.  For example, for tracking downtime you might want to also look into things like nagios or opsview20:53
SoulRavenmeganerd: and is it posibile? i am thinking with iptables, i have read on the internet, but.....i still have no ideea20:53
SomelauwStupid windows printers. I thought printers had their own postscript converter builtin, so it shouldn't waste my cpu and take ages to print anything.20:53
SoulRavenmeganerd: i want to graph the trafic, in/out for each ip that is comming to my server via tunnel20:54
ballisonI'm trying to find what added "Applications > System Tools > Compiz Fusion Icon"20:54
Somelauwguntbert: since it is wasting my cpu I want to kill it as fast as possible.20:55
ballisonbecause I want to add that to another box.  it's very cool once  you have the Compiz Fusion Icon running in your tool bar20:55
guntbertGuest93631: this is more the worst place for your question - it is a support only channel20:55
bobweaverballison +120:55
Guest93631Oh ok, im really sorry. :)20:55
SomelauwAnyway, I already killed that **** of *****.20:55
meganerdto get something like cacti working, generally we use SNMP to actually grab the data.  If you install cacti on the actual box that has the VPN interface you don't have to do this.20:55
guntbertSomelauw: I always use the old sequence: ps ax | grep pdf      to find the pid    and then sudo kill   <pid>20:56
lukaszhi all20:57
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SoulRavenmeganerd: the ohter problem is that i have another 2 ip's on the eth0, and i don't know how to graph only one ip, i have eth0, eth0:1, eth0:220:57
bobweaverany one know of any video's that show off how works or who the interface of xchat works thanks20:58
tortoiseHey, I need a bit of help. I can't establish a connection to sites with hyphens in the url such as: novemberblue-.tumblr.com and -volare.tumblr.com. They work fine when I'm at school using windows and ie, but on ubuntu and firefox, it tells me that the server is not found. Any ideas on how to fix this? I know it's not that the site is down, because other pages on the site work fine, and this has been going on for months. It's20:58
tortoisevery frustrating.20:58
meganerdSoulRaven: cacti can handle this, although I don't know why you would bother with virtual interfaces20:59
sevithWhats the dif. in modularized kernels opposed to a monolithic kernel? I understand with a modularized kernel you can load/unload modules. Is monolithic more or less just the base system and everytime you need added support you have to add the module in manually and recompile or? Maybe I am totally off :/20:59
meganerdtortoise: I would at DNS issues first20:59
meganerdtortoise: can you ping those hostnames from the command line?21:00
SoulRavenmeganerd: i am new with cacti, and i don't know verry well how to work with cacti21:00
SoulRavenmeganerd: can you help me?21:00
tortoisemeganerd: I'll check21:00
tortoisemeganerd: wait, can I ping that specific page? Because the site loads fine, it's just those pages21:01
meganerdSoulRaven: I can certainly try21:01
SoulRavenmeganerd: do you have time now? or tommorow? on my side is 23PM21:01
duhzamy ubunut desktop 10.10 when i start up my computer it on flashes a whiteline on toip right  corner21:01
meganerdtortoise: you can ping that hostname, you could also try and use wget or curl on the full url to see what happens21:01
xombiemy ubuntu shutdown is not proper21:02
meganerdSoulRaven: it is 14:00 on my side21:02
nyuszika7hHi! How can I install another desktop like Kubuntu?21:02
xombiealthough shutdown is well via terminal21:02
tortoisemeganerd: it gives me unknown host for both of them :/21:02
sevithWhats the difference in modularized kernels opposed to a monolithic kernel? I understand with a modularized kernel you can load/unload modules. Is monolithic more or less just the base system and every time you need added support you have to add the module in manually and recompile or? Maybe I am totally off :/21:02
hamstedtime for some shut eye21:02
meganerdSoulRaven: so I am at work in front of a computer, I can point you in what I think is the right direction, and try to answer questions you might have21:02
hamstednight folks!21:03
psionicsinYankDownUnder & genii-around: Yeah people have been able to install photoshop...but I was wondering about...the entire suite lol?21:03
dashxHelp I blew up grub! Had to reinstall grub a while ago and it started using /boot/boot/grub instead of /boot/grub. Well I decided to rm /boot/boot/grub and symlink it to /boot/grub. Now when grub loads it gives me the error too deep nesting of symlinks. Anyone have any ideas what to do?21:03
d1gitalHello, room.  I made an ISO image using "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/user/image.iso" and all of the files are corrupt.  After doing some research, I now know that I should have used bs=2048.  Because I no longer have access to the source medium, I need to repair this file somehow.  Is this possible?  Can I just do "dd if=/home/user/image.iso of=/home/user/image_repaired.iso bs=2048"  and expect this to work?21:03
xombieneed help21:03
meganerdtortoise: what are your dns servers?  "cat /etc/resolv.conf" should do th trick21:03
omarI will use Google Translation21:04
guntberttortoise: I guess you are mixing up the server part and the file/path part  -- server part: from http://         till first / (without the/)  -- thats the part you can ping21:04
YankDownUnderpsionicsin, Mate, have you asked/checked in the WINE channel yet?21:04
omar I want to install the program along .tar.gz ?21:04
xombieplz help me regarding my slow shutdown21:04
psionicsinYankDownUnder: I had no idea there was a wine channel. Is it #wine or something else?21:04
=== techampere is now known as Chris_H
tortoisemeganerd: and
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
dashxCan anyone help me with my grub woes ?21:05
sevithdashx, How did you break your grub?21:05
psionicsinAnd while I'm at it, is there an AWESOME web development package for linux to the likes of Microsoft Expresison Studio or Coda? And it HAS to be pretty.21:06
YankDownUnderpsionicsin, #winehq, #winehackers21:06
k_89hi.... can someone tell me why i cannot download the video in this video tag using wget : <video src="http://a.blip.tv/play/gcMVgrHyTAA.m4v" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen controls></video>21:06
d1gitalxombie, what is the problem?21:06
psionicsinYankDownUnder thank you21:06
=== marco is now known as Guest23112
dashxSevith: Had to reinstall grub a while ago and it started using /boot/boot/grub instead of /boot/grub. Well I decided to rm /boot/boot/grub and symlink it to /boot/grub. Now when grub loads it gives me the error too deep nesting of symlinks. Anyone have any ideas what to do?21:06
xombiemy shutdown is not proper21:06
omarI want to install the program along .tar.gz ?21:06
sevithdashx, Where did the other dir even come from? /boot/boot?21:07
xombieso what shall i do?21:07
dashxWhen I reinstalled grub after installing a second OS. It seemed to reinstall there instead.21:07
d1gitalxombie, in what way is it "not proper"?21:07
=== slikk is now known as sLikk
omarI want to install the program along .tar.gz ?21:07
sevithdashx, Without going into too much detail sounds like you need to either pop in a bootable disk or pull up a grub shell to fix. Without using grub shell, pop in a linux bootable disk and check the menu.lst make sure everything is lined up and pointing to the right kernels?21:08
meganerdtortoise: those are just IPs.  Can you give me a full example of one of the problem URLs?21:08
xombieit takes lot of time and sumtime it hangs out shuting down21:08
sevithdashx did you install over the partition or something?21:08
xombieand then i have to press the power butn all the time21:08
xombietill it shuts down21:08
xombie@ digital/21:09
k_89hi.... can someone tell me why i cannot download the video in this video tag using wget : <video src="http://a.blip.tv/play/gcMVgrHyTAA.m4v" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen controls></video>21:09
dashxNo. I am going to just cp /boot/grub to /boot/boot/grub and it should fix that but honestly its a real pain im the ass because synaptic makes kernel changes to /boot/grub then I have to manually cp it.21:09
sevithdashx, Have you tried re running the grub-install ?21:10
B-r00tk_89: because you must have url for video, not embed code21:10
sevithdashx, Im assuming that may take care of multiple problems?21:11
dashxI have /boot on a separate partition. I haven't tried rerunning grub install. I probably am doing it wrong.21:11
dashxEvery time i do grub install it still uses boot boot grub21:11
sevithdashx, What is your partition table layout? hda sda??? Details?21:11
k_89B-r00t, doesn't the src of the video point to the videp21:11
SoulRavenmeganerd: can you help me?21:11
genii-aroundk_89: eg: wget http://a.blip.tv/play/gcMVgrHyTAA.m4v21:11
xombiecan anybody help?21:12
xombieregarding ubuntu shutdown21:12
sevithdashx, # grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/sda                        This link has tons of information on grub im sure what your looking for is in here21:12
k_89genii-around, did that, downloads a m4v which doesn't run21:12
evelyettehi, how can I remove this: W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/taisph/opensshv/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found with: add-apt-repository ?21:12
dashxKk ty.21:12
whitekidneyHi there - Where is the support channel ?21:12
whitekidneyOh sorry, It's here.21:12
sevithdashx, but first try re running that command see if it does anything useful if not use that info page...you should be able to make it work21:13
whitekidneyI am trying to mark a .exe file as an executeable - But using sudo chmod +rwx file.exe OR right clicking it and marking as executeable doesn't work.21:13
BrainVirusany scripting experts around? I need help troubleshooting a script21:14
B-r00tk_89: url for video http://j27.video2.blip.tv/11240008230214/NETTUTS-ThisTimeYoullLearnNodejs150.m4v21:14
meganerdwhitekidney: an .exe file is not really an executable under linux21:14
xombiesomebody plz help... :(21:14
whitekidneyYes but i have to mark it as an executeable to be able to run it in wine.21:14
B-r00tk_89: wget http://j27.video2.blip.tv/11240008230214/NETTUTS-ThisTimeYoullLearnNodejs150.m4v21:14
arandwhitekidney: If you do stat "file.exe" does it show up as executable?21:14
tortoisemeganerd: did that link work for you?21:14
arand* "stat file.exe"21:14
k_89B-r00t,  wow... wtf, can u tell me how did u get that21:14
bkfitzhas anyone installed mod_rewrite installed for apache221:15
xombiei am waiting21:16
bkfitzhas anyone installed mod_rewrite for apache221:16
guntbert!lanuage | k_8921:16
k_89guntbert, sry21:16
sevithdashx, Let me know if that helps.21:16
xombiemy shutdown is very slow21:16
whitekidneyarand: It is a windows executeable.. i am trying to run it under wine but i have to chmod +x it - but it doesnt work for some strange reason21:16
SoulRavenmeganerd: can you help me?21:17
dashxsevith: Booting into install cd again. Will try grub install. Tried cping boot grub tp21:17
xombieis there annyone/21:17
dashxO boot boot grub but that didn't work.21:17
xombieits been half an hour21:17
tortoisedo these pages load for anyone else?: http://-volare.tumblr.com http://novemberblue-.tumblr.com21:17
arandwhitekidney: If you do "stat file.exe" does it show up as executable?21:17
guntbertk_89: :)  good catch :)21:17
meganerdSoulRaven: sure, had to duck away while sorting out some workstuff21:18
dashxsevith:  btw /dev/sda or /dev/hda?21:18
whitekidneyarand, No i don't think spo21:18
meganerdSoulRaven: you said this was a VPS, do you have root access?21:18
sevithdashx, I dont know....Its the device your using. Do you know it?21:18
dashxNot 100%. I think sda.....21:18
sevithdashx, Pop open like gparted or qtparted and it should tell you21:19
SoulRavenmeganerd: yes, i am the owner21:19
k_89guntbert, you talking about the video, yes its nice21:19
dashxBoot is on /dev/sda421:19
dashxNo thats my winnblows partition ....21:20
sevithanyone wanna help me with gconfig errors :D21:20
zulax5would you know why irc.ubuntu.com kicks me out /or doesnt let me in21:20
xombiehow to change my logon screen21:21
meganerdSoulRaven: is there a webserver on this system or are you displaying the graphs on a different system?21:22
B-r00txombie: you can change background of gdm with ubuntu tweak21:22
dashxsevith:  it won't let me use the command. It asks if dev is mounted21:22
meganerdtortoise: that link did not work in either chrome or firefox.  Chrome on windows was fine, sort of, it had to search for it first.21:22
xombiewhere can i get that: B-root21:22
B-r00txombie: internet? xD21:23
xombieok wait for sec21:23
sevithdashx, is it mounted?21:23
whitekidneyi'm trying to run a .sh script but i need root to run it, sudo ./script.sh doesnt work21:23
whitekidneyyes, i'm a newfag21:24
sevithdashx,  When you run that im pretty sure that partition must be mounted before being run21:24
SoulRavenmeganerd: is apache installed now, the graphs are on the seam server21:24
dashxHow do I mou t it.21:24
pstewartwhitekidney: sudo sh ./script.sh21:24
tortoisemeganerd: have any ideas on how to fix it?21:24
whitekidneypstewart, thanks21:24
meganerdwhitekidney: what about "sudo bash ./script.sh"?21:24
adaccan you guys play youtube videoa with your vlc player?21:24
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dashxIts being mounted as /media21:24
the67pcWhat's the current target?21:25
sevithdashx, Check this. do df -h and see where it is mounted at..should be /media/sdb1 or hda1 or w.e it is21:25
the67pcahh okt21:25
sevithdashx, After that rerun the grub install command with the right paths21:25
sevithdashx, It should work.21:25
meganerdtortoise: I would not use URLs like that.  Windows lets you get away with all sorts of crap (like underscores in DNS names... this does not work at all btw)21:26
sevithdashx, Use PM its easier for me21:26
B-r00txombie: look at this http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/01/how-to-change-gdmlogin-screen.html21:27
guntbert!pm | sevith (you can tell your client to ignore the joins/quits)21:29
ubottusevith (you can tell your client to ignore the joins/quits): Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:29
MK`Is it possible to run 2 desktop environments at once and switch between them?21:30
mbiddleDo you have two computers?21:31
MK`Ok thanks21:31
MK`yeah I'll have to test Unity on a different computer21:31
mbiddleYou could use the same monitor with a kvm21:32
botcityunity is a shwll21:32
VCoolioMK`: yes, should be, with 2nd x server on 8th runlevel; takes some configuring; virtual machine would be easier21:32
MK`what is a shell? (I assume that was a typo)21:32
cfeddeI second VCoolio's claim.21:33
mbiddleI would recommend doing the virtual machine as VCoolio said21:33
VCooliosomething like: xinit /path/to/wm -- :1     then switch with ctrl+alt+f7/821:33
mbiddlei prefer virtualbox if you go that route21:34
xombieb-root thanks for the help21:34
xombiegot ubuntu tweek bt m not able to edit them21:35
xombiehelp again21:35
B-r00txombie: look at this http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/01/how-to-change-gdmlogin-screen.html ???21:35
LarsTorbeni have a question21:36
B-r00txombie: and run ubuntu-tweak as root...21:36
xombiei had a look bt i was jst able to download ubuntu tweek bt m nt able to edit wallpapers and logon screen21:36
LarsTorbensomedy help m e ?21:36
xombiehow to run ubuntu tweek as root21:36
VCoolio!ask | LarsTorben21:36
ubottuLarsTorben: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:36
IdleOne!ask | LarsTorben21:36
B-r00txombie: gksu ubuntu-tweak21:36
LarsTorbeni am not sure !! which version ubuntu should i21:37
SarySaryHi all -- I just installed Wine for the first time to try and install itunes to put music on my phone -- and something seems to be not working, can anyone help?21:37
meganerdSoulRaven: can you install cacti, it should be packaged21:37
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SarySarybasically I've gone in and changed the permissions to make the .exe executable, and when I double click on it it says Wine is "opening" but then nothing happens21:38
SarySaryand all of a sudden it's just gone, and as far as I can tel nothing has been installed21:38
LarsTorbeni am not sure !! which version ubuntu should i21:38
FORTHELULZSarySary,  iTunes never works with Wine.21:38
bigmahat1ahi, how can I completely remove evolution from 10.04?21:38
IdleOneLarsTorben: I have already answered that same question from you twice today. Just in case you missed my replies. Try and see which you prefer. Please keep in mind that this channel is for Ubuntu technical support for peoples opinions you can try #ubuntu-offtopic.21:38
SarySaryHm, that is not what the forums told me, but I believe you because that does seem to be the case -- what is a better option for putting music onto my iphone?21:39
WeThePeoplewhat is a program 'wrapper'21:39
mbiddlesell it and get an android21:39
SarySarymbiddle that's not terribly constructive input, I don't disagree with you but it doesn't help me right now...21:39
VCoolioWeThePeople: app A that makes it easier or add features to use app B21:39
mbiddleIf I neeeded to use itunes that bad, I would just run a virtual instance of windows.21:40
FORTHELULZSarySary, I don't think you can.21:40
martinrameHi, I'm trying to add a user and group to an ubuntu server, but it keeps saying "group does not exists".21:40
SarySaryThere is SOME way that I can put music onto my iphone is there not ?21:40
mbiddleSarySary, not that I know of. I remember reading a tutorial somewhere about running itunes, but that was a while ago21:40
martinrameI'm using  "sudo groupadd dcmtk" and then "sudo useradd -g dcmtk my-user" and the result is "group 'dcmtk' does not exists"21:40
SoulRavenmeganerd: is apache installed now, the graphs are on the seam server21:41
meganerdSoulRaven: did you also install cact?21:41
SarySaryMan -- never has this beautiful IRC chat given me such a dead end. I'll go dig elsewhere I suppose.21:41
meganerdSoulRaven: erm cacti21:41
SoulRavenmeganerd: yes21:41
SoulRavenis installed21:41
WeThePeopleVCoolio, my skype wrapper is missing. where do i find it, to install it ?21:42
meganerdSoulRaven: OK, can you login to cacti?  typically it is http://hostname/cacti21:42
montefuscoloSarySary, I heard that a program called GTKPod can handle iPod. You should try with your iPhone21:42
bigmahat1awhat happens if I remove ubuntu-desktop?21:43
SoulRavenmeganerd: yes, i am in cacti now21:43
VCoolioWeThePeople: no clue, I don't use skype; wait here; or search for skype related stuff in synaptic, or find a decent howto on getting skype in ubuntu21:43
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wjd86how do i install programs outside of synaptic? i have a zip file for AptanaStudio21:44
VCooliobigmahat1a: it's a metapackage, it'll remove stuff belonging to it, like gnome stuff; you won't be able to upgrade to next ubuntu version unless you reinstall it21:44
dualiCan someone tell me how do I go about acquiring wineasio for ubuntu 9.10 because the pprogram that I am trying to work with now (FL Studio) is freezing when audio is played21:44
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:44
VCooliowjd86: ^21:44
VCooliowjd86: don't know about aptanathing, but see if it has a repo or prebuilt .deb files, is a lot easier21:45
duali!find wineasio21:45
ubottuPackage/file wineasio does not exist in maverick21:45
bigmahat1aVCoolio: do you maybe know how I can remove evolution? without having to remove ubuntu-desktop?21:45
meganerdduali: probably something better for #ubuntustudio, also your version of Ubuntu is no longer supported21:45
wjd86so losti n the sauce21:46
bigmahat1aVCoolio: nor other useful packages?21:46
wjd86ill check that site, thanks21:46
meganerdSoulRaven: click on devices21:46
VCooliobigmahat1a: evolution is part of gnome which is part of ubuntu-desktop; just let it rot, it only takes hard disk space; use claws-mail or thunderbird instead21:46
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meganerdSoulRaven: then in the top right hand corner is the word add, click this21:46
bigmahat1aVCoolio: thanks21:47
DarkStar1how do I change the swap space of my install?21:49
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idefixif you burn a cd with ubuntu 10.10 and install it will it overwrite your home dir?21:56
idefixdoes nobody know?!?!21:57
faryshtaHi, I would like to start developing a game. Which libraries in c++ can you recommend me?21:58
idefixwas fuer eine Weisheit!21:58
guntbert!attitude | idefix21:58
ubottuidefix: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:58
VCoolioidefix: not if you have /home on a separate partition21:58
faryshtaWhich channel is good to ask about game development?21:59
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guntbertfaryshta: /msg alis list *game*      should tell you22:00
idefixI am invincable22:01
BiteHi guys, i keep booting into CLI for linux even though i have gnome and xfce installed. I think it might be an issue with xserver. How can i fix it?22:02
sejohuy all when setting nofiles in ulumit and having in pam.d the pam_limits to required why doesn't it set the nofiles (seen by ulimit -a) ?22:02
raidoidefix: It weill depend on the partitioning options you choose22:02
ubuntuuser234If I want to have a second NIC (eth1) to monitor a mirrored port with ntop can I bring it up without giving it an IP address?22:02
faryshtaidefix, that depends on how you installed your Ubuntu.22:03
faryshtaidefix, how did you installed it?22:04
CyrusBanyone know if its possible to combine partitions on separate physical drives (without loosing data and without configuring raid/jbod controller)?22:05
VCoolioBite: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log for useful info if you think it's that22:05
BiteHow can i update gnome?22:07
BiteVCoolio: seems that fglrx does not exist.22:08
faryshtaHow can I use webcam on amsn?22:09
Psyclonei know that i can use gedit to write C++, and to save the file under .cpp, but how do I go about executing the file?22:09
VCoolioBite: maybe you need to reinstall video card driver? at least you have an error message to google; or maybe someone here knows22:09
B-r00tPsyclone: install c++ compiler "g++" and compile with g++ program.cpp -o programname22:10
botcity!gcc | Psyclone22:10
ubottuPsyclone: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)22:10
B-r00tbotcity: gcc is C compiler22:11
faryshta!faryshta | webcam22:11
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras22:11
PsycloneB-r00t: what does the  "-o programname" mean22:12
botcitysorry B-r00t misread etc.22:12
GrekoI need to upgarde my python 2.6 -> 2.6 development version. My ubuntu is 9.0422:12
Grekoserver - light version22:12
B-r00tPsyclone: g++ program.cpp -o program, that compile program22:13
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Grekocan you help me with the commands?22:13
B-r00tPsyclone: and run compiled program with  ./program22:13
ubottublender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro22:13
qikkiDo I need two separate partitions when installing ubuntu? I read a guide that says one for the file system and another one for linux swap. I did this but when I'm installing ubuntu, do I click on the option "Install them side by side"? And if so, what does the slider on the bottom decide?22:13
syn-ackqikki, You need at least a / and swap, yes22:14
ActionParsnipGreko: jaunty is no longer supported in any way, upgrade to Lucid as Karmic is EOL at the end of the month too22:14
syn-ackqikki, Install side by side means the ability to boot either linux or windows or whichever other os you have on that system22:15
ActionParsnipqikki: you'll need at least 2 if you need swapspace22:15
ActionParsnipqikki: if you use windows7 then I recommend you resize the partition there to make free space for Ubuntu22:15
qikkiWhat does the slider on the bottom do?22:15
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FreezingColdWhat do you guys think?22:16
WeeJeWelCan I browse reps for files? I want Google Chrome 9.22:16
syn-ackI use the alternate installer so I don't which slider you're talking about22:16
LjLFreezingCold: i think it's not appropriate to post that here...22:16
FreezingColdOh, sorry =(22:16
tjiggi_foqikki, never noticed a slider before (maybe only in natty?)22:16
qikkiWhen doing the option "install them side by side, choosing between them each startup", there is a slider on the bottom, what does that determine?22:17
BiteCan i format an ubuntu install disk and then re-burn the .iso? i want to update my 10.10 install disk to an 11.4 when it comes out.22:17
LjLFreezingCold: try #ubuntu-offtopic instead22:17
hackelWhere do I put system-wide default prefs in Firefox 4?  I've tried /etc/firefox/pref/firefox.js and /etc/firefox/profile/prefs.js to no avail.  I'm trying to set privacy.donottrackheader.enabled system-wide for all profiles.22:17
ActionParsnipWeeJeWel: add the daily chromium ppa22:17
ActionParsnipWeeJeWel: version 9 is that chrome stable?22:17
WeeJeWelActionParsnip: Synaptic can only dl chromium 10 and 622:18
WeeJeWelActionParsnip: It is stable22:18
ActionParsnipWeeJeWel: the daily ppa will give you 1222:18
ActionParsnipWeeJeWel: http://www.google.com/intl/en/landing/chrome/beta/22:18
WeeJeWelBut I want v922:18
qikkiWhich option do I pick after creating the two partitions, "install them side by side, choosing between them each startup", or "specify partitions manually"?22:18
industrialIs there an equivalent for http://www.sequelpro.com/ for linux? I stess this: it has to be open source and DECENT :P22:19
GrekoUbuntu 10.04 LTS \n \l22:19
Grekothat's the version I use22:19
ActionParsnipWeeJeWel: http://www.linoob.com/2011/02/google-chrome-9-fastest-browser-for-ubuntu/22:19
Greko10.04 )22:19
WeeJeWelActionParsnip they link to google's latest deb22:19
ActionParsnipGreko: ok that is a supported version22:19
chai0116i have a bash question: i am syncing my ipod with gnupod through the cli. i need to pass a directory argument to gnupod telling it where to find my music. the problem is that it doesn't search the sub directories of my music folders (i think). basically how do i specify to search all subdirectories for *.mp3 files in bash?22:20
Grekothat's good news :)22:20
tjiggi_foqikki, specify partitions manually22:20
Grekowhat should I use to update?22:20
ubottuSeamonkey, formerly known as "Mozilla Application Suite", is available at http://www.mozilla.org/projects/seamonkey/ with install instructions for ubuntu at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18601122:21
Grekowhatcommand I mean22:21
botcity!installation | qikki22:21
qikkiWhat is swap used for? (I have 1gb of ram, do I need it?)22:21
ubottuqikki: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:21
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Starminnqikki: It's used for things like hibernation and such.22:22
VCoolioqikki: if you want to suspend/hibernate, you need it; else, not really, but if you can spare the hd space, add 1 gb swap; it's like RAM but then on hard disk22:22
faryshtaqikki, yes you need it.22:22
ActionParsnipqikki: its used when you run out of ram, its like the page file i windows. If you have 4Gb RAM and only do basic web browsing and chat then you can probably miss swap out. If you do then you won't be able to hibernate etc22:22
qikkiOk, thanks :)22:23
ActionParsnipWeeJeWel: all I can find is links to the google links or the daily22:23
WeeJeWelActionParsnip: Guess why I asked here :)22:23
chai0116fine, is there a bash handbook of sorts? i have horrible search skills in this situation22:23
ActionParsnipWeeJeWel: let me keep hunting my bingfu is black belt22:23
VCoolio!abs | chai011622:24
ubottuchai0116: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/22:24
GrekoActionParsnip how can I upgrade to python 2.6 w/ dev files? whatcommand should I use?22:24
kwtmInteresting about the Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide.22:24
GrekoCould you please give a tip?22:25
ActionParsnipWeeJeWel: http://www.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel maybe...22:25
ActionParsnip!ppa | Greko may have a ppa22:25
ubottuGreko may have a ppa: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.22:25
hackelWeeJeWel: I don't think Google (or Chromium devs) support running older version of the browser than the current stable, which is 10.x.22:25
kwtmchai0116: The infamous "Advanced" Bash Scripting Guide should be avoided unless you know how to filter out the junk. It will teach you to write bugs, not scripts. In that light, the BashGuide was written: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide22:26
StarminnHow can I install these packages, despite the rror: http://imagebin.org/147848 ?22:26
WeeJeWelhackel I need no support, I just want the damn files :p22:26
kwtmchai0116: That's a gift from the #bash channel.22:26
hylianHello all, I was messing around with sugar, and I can't figure out how to log out.22:26
aberranthi all22:27
hylianWeeJeWel: what files dude, maybe I can help?22:27
ActionParsnipStarminn: what is the output of:   sudo apt-get update22:27
aberrantdoes ubuntu have a repo that has beta/current copies of packages?22:27
WeeJeWelhylian: Chrome 9 deb22:27
hylianaberrant | hello22:27
VCoolioGreko: doesn't 10.04 come with python 2.6? anyway, you can just install python2.6 and python2.6-dev next to whatever version you already have22:27
white_magichow can i make it so when i mount an NTFS volume to, let's say /media/myFS, the corresponding default [shortcut?] on the desktop also reads 'myFS' and not something like 'System Volume'?22:27
StarminnActionParsnip: The usual. It runs the update and everything goes fine.22:27
StarminnActionParsnip: And upgrade just skips those packages22:28
omegalimitHello, how can I change my browser preferences so that I can stream .pls files in it, or have them open with VLC?22:28
aberrantthere's a known bug in the packaged version of openldap22:28
ActionParsniphwilde: use:  http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2010/05/02/upgrade-alsa-1-0-23-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/   to get to 1.0.23   may help22:28
hylianWeeJeWel: sorry man, don't know where those are, i would google it for you, but I am currently trapped in console land.22:28
XethronHeya guys22:28
hyliananyone know how to log out of sugar?22:28
ActionParsnipStarminn: can you give a pastebin of:  sudo apt-get -y upgrade; sudo apt-get -f install22:28
StarminnActionParsnip: Actually, nevermind. One second. IO'll pastebin it to you22:28
white_magichylian: using irc in terminal?22:29
StarminnActionParsnip: Oh, sure22:29
omegalimitI can get .pls to open with VLC by default if I double click them, but when I'm listening on Somafm it prompts me what I want to open the file with and only allows me to select Totem or go looking for something on the file system22:29
hylianwhite_magic: yeah, i installed sugar and now i can't figure out how to log out.22:29
white_magichylian: haha that sounds really over-the-top. Good luck with that ;)22:29
StarminnActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/RJm9FBaY22:30
hylianwhite_magic: hey man, is there a global log out command?22:30
Xyeklops79Ok i need help getting a linux operation system to run on a compaq proliant server..can anyone help me out22:30
meganerdhylian: exit22:30
Xyeklops79compaq proliant 3000 to be exact22:30
meganerdhylian: you could also install kinks2 have CLI browsing goodness22:30
xangua!server | Xyeklops7922:30
ubottuXyeklops79: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server22:30
macoXyeklops79: try #ubuntu-server22:30
omegalimitOr I guess a simpler question would be is there a way to make the VLC multimedia plugin for Firefox work for MP3 ShoutCast Playlists22:31
ActionParsnipStarminn: ok then run:  sudo apt-get --purge autoremove22:31
white_magichylian: no clue, sorry22:31
hylianmeganerd: man, not for console. for sugar. I am logged into sugar, (ctrl alt f7) and I don't know how to log out22:31
white_magichow can i make it so when i mount an NTFS volume to, let's say /media/myFS, the corresponding default [shortcut?] on the desktop also reads 'myFS' and not something like 'System Volume'?22:31
StarminnActionParsnip: Done.22:31
macohylian: did you use gdm to login? cuz then ctrl+alt+f1  "sudo service gdm restart" would do it22:31
hylianwhite_magic: if your using gnome, you can actually just rename it, but if this is a removable drive, it might go away when you remove it.22:32
hylianmaco: thank you man!22:32
hylianill be right back, gonna see if that works... yee hah!22:32
VCooliohylian: alt+sysrq+k should get you back to gdm too, kills x server22:33
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hiexpohola ActionParsnip22:33
VCooliowhite_magic: do you mount it a lot? then add a line for it in /etc/fstab using a label to identify it22:33
ActionParsnipStarminn: ok then there are no updates to get...22:33
chai0116kwtm thank you22:33
ActionParsniphiexpo: yo22:33
white_magicVCoolio: i'm gonna look into labels. This is what one of the drives' /etc/fstab line looks like: UUID=BCA8CDD8A8CD90F6 /media/win_C ntfs defaults 0 222:34
ActionParsnipStarminn: i'm not sure where the GUI is getting the updates from, the cli says there are none22:34
hiexpoActionParsnip, do you work in the ubuntu-foums also ?22:34
StarminnActionParsnip: Right, that's where it's losing me. sudo apt-get upgrade skips over those packages (but updated everything else it needed to), while Update Manager is telling me that there are new Gnome3 libs (which is understandable since Ubuntu 10.10 currently has the 2. something.)(22:34
ActionParsniphiexpo: i post sometimes,I don't 'work'for them22:35
VCooliowhite_magic: sudo blkid       then instead of UUID=blah use LABEL=blah, you can use gparted to add a label to the ntfs thing if not there yet22:35
hiexpoActionParsnip, oh ok22:35
ActionParsnipStarminn: then I'd ask the ppa maintainer, you are using a 3rd party ppa22:35
genii-aroundXyeklops79: You might like to check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1518253 for a hint on how to have the motherboard RAID set up for that Proliant.22:35
StarminnActionParsnip: Yes I am. L) Alright, thanks.22:36
meganerdVCoolio: ntfustils has a program called ntfslabel,22:36
VCooliowhite_magic: what meganerd said ^22:36
white_magicsweet, thanks22:36
omegalimitIs there a way to make the VLC multimedia plugin for Firefox work for MP3 ShoutCast Playlists22:37
XethronHeya guys! We are setting up a petition for Google Picasa to run on Linux. Google ceased the development on a windows binary of Picasa that was tweaked to run on wine due to lack of interest. We want to see if we can get Google to rethink this, and get them to create a native Linux version... Please join the cause. http://goo.gl/OWMv622:37
Xyeklops79going to check it out genii..ill get back to u on what i find out22:37
ActionParsnipomegalimit: isn't there something about helper apps in the settings22:37
omegalimitIn Firefox?22:37
white_magicmeganerd: will changing an NTFS label not affect windows in any way? what if i change the system volume label for a Windows 7 volume?22:37
hackelXethron: that is really stupid.  Picasa is a proprietary, very closed-source application.  Why would we want it to run on Linux?22:38
ActionParsnipomegalimit: ....yes22:38
Xethronhacked, because there is nothing that really compares to it...22:38
macohackel: because it has features someone might like22:38
omegalimitThere is but it nothing is in the list except Totem and I can't for the life of me remember how to grab something else22:38
macohackel: no need to be nasty about it22:38
ActionParsnipomegalimit: http://www.mozilla.org/docs/end-user/helper-applications.html22:39
Xethronhehe, thank you maco22:39
genii-aroundXethron: You may want to consider moving it off of facebook. Many like myself don't use it.22:39
VCooliowhite_magic: labels don't harm22:39
rwwXethron: that said, please don't advertise in here :(22:39
Xethrongenii-around, I will... Will set up a proper petition once I see there is a need for one...22:39
white_magicVCoolio; thanks22:40
Xethronrww, its for a good cause :P22:40
rwwXethron: I know. It's still not allowed in here :P22:40
hackelXethron: F-spot is working quite well, Shotwell is awesome and developing rapidly, Darkroom is also decent.  There are countless others...  There's no need for any proprietary photo management software on Linux.22:40
GrekoLet me ask a question in another way :) how to make python2.6-minimal extend to maximal22:40
hyliandoes anyone know hot to log out of sugar?22:40
white_magicis there a way to search for package names through commandline?22:40
Grekoubuntu 10.04 lucid22:40
macohackel: they all have different featuresets and interfaces. what someone uses is up to personal preference. now please lets drop it22:40
Xethronhacked, I didn't say there arn't others, I just said there arn't others that can compare...22:41
hylianor a worldwide log out command for f7 term?22:41
rwwwhite_magic: apt-cache search searchtermhere22:41
macohylian: restarting the display manager didnt work?22:41
white_magicrww: ty22:41
ActionParsnipomegalimit: also check the post by Gerard Barberi http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-266117.html22:41
hackelmaco: I'm not being nasty.  Unfortunately many (especially Linux-newbie) Ubuntu users don't seem to have a clue why proprietary software is bad.22:41
xanguawhite_magic: and aptitude search22:41
hylianmaco: no, it actually helped with something else, but no.22:41
Xethronhacked, Picasa has some mighty features... And I haven't found it on any other photo sorting software22:41
macohackel: let me be a bit clearer:  calling someone's idea stupid isn't very nice22:41
ActionParsniphackel: its not always bad22:41
hackelmaco: Personal preferences are fine.  Those people should use a proprietary operating system, however.22:41
macohackel: that was what i meant about "no need to be nasty"22:41
hylianand calling someone elses idea stupid also doesn't accomplish anything.22:42
LjLhow about continuing this discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic ?22:42
macohackel: this is offtopic. if you want to discuss the relative merits of using ONLY proprietary software versus meeting halfway and using a mix, you are welcome to bring that up in #ubuntu-offtopic22:42
Xethronhacked, getting some of the market into linux is very good for us... Esp someone like Google...22:42
hackelmaco: It's not off topic for Ubuntu in any way whatsoever!  Nothing could be more ON-topic!22:42
hylianmy tinkering has sunk my battleship. anyone know how to log out of sugar?22:42
macohackel: this channel is ONLY for tech support22:43
LjLplease. #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that's not Ubuntu tech support22:43
macohackel: so YES, it's offtopic22:43
macohylian: what happened when you restarted gdm? it didnt give you a login screen back?22:43
omegalimitThat post doesn't seem to help me22:43
hylianmaco: because i am a man who doesn't fear being hacked, i have it set to auto login.22:44
Xethronmaco, sorry, I kinda started it :/22:44
macohylian: oooooooh22:44
ActionParsnipomegalimit: in what way?? If you give details it helps22:44
omegalimithold on22:44
omegalimitI'm trying something else22:44
genii-aroundBah. !dell should be: Dude, yer gettin a Dell!22:45
macohylian: hmm wonder where you can set what the default login session is for a user...22:45
genii-aroundMisdirect :)22:45
ActionParsnipomegalimit: Edit --> Preferences --> Content Tab. Under "File Types", clicked 'Manage'22:45
halpbatmandoes anyone use VINE on OS X to vnc?22:45
ActionParsnipomegalimit: I don't use firefox anymore so I can only websearch22:45
qikkiWhen I am installing ubuntu to dual boot with windows 7 do I need to change any of the grub settings?22:46
ActionParsniphalpbatman: try asking in a mac channel, mac os isn't supported here22:46
ActionParsnipqikki: grub will be managed for you22:46
omegalimitThe suggested fixes seem to be outdated22:46
omegalimitI can't do the same things they suggest22:46
qikkiSo it will automatically detect all my OS?22:46
ActionParsnipomegalimit: can you do similar though?22:46
ActionParsnipqikki: yes22:46
omegalimitI'm giving that a shot22:46
qikkiActionParsnip: Ok. Also, would it get rid of the windows 7 boot loader?22:47
rhizmoehow do i install a deb from the command line? ubuntu one is (*&%^'ing on me.22:47
qikkiOr would it first do the grub loader than then win7 bootloader?22:47
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smwrhizmoe, dpkg -i22:48
zupercomputerrhizmoe: dpkg -i $PACKAGENAME22:48
ActionParsnipqikki: ubuntu will overwrite the MBR with grub and when you boot, grub will load first so you can choose yourOS22:48
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=== Gorfex is now known as Gorfex_away
SuperstarIs it possible for a partition to disappear if the mbr is corrupt?22:48
ActionParsniprhizmoe: I suggest you run:  sudo apt-get -f install      after to satisfy deps if any are needed22:48
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ActionParsnip!away > Gorfex_away22:48
ubottuGorfex_away, please see my private message22:48
hylianlol, trying to figure out how to log out of sugar using links is mind numbing. :(22:49
qwebirc37767any samba experts roaming around?22:49
hwilde<sambaexpert> use cifs22:49
ActionParsnipqwebirc37767: just ask22:50
hylianhow do i turn off auto login from the console?22:50
qwebirc37767well i would think my question is more related to linux file permisions than anything give me a second to type this out22:50
qwebirc37767I have a directory that i would like to share to the network i would like to make it so Group A has full access to this directory while Group B can only read / edit /create but cannot delete files22:51
ActionParsniphylian: /etc/gdm/gdm.conf   look in that file, make a backup copy before playing22:52
macoqwebirc37767: linux file permissions can't do that. delete, edit, and create are all considered "write"22:52
ActionParsnipqwebirc37767: if you use /etc/samba/smb.conf you can do that easily22:52
hylianActionParsnip: I just looked in there, that file is entirely blank...??22:52
macoqwebirc37767: also, one file cant have two group owners22:52
ActionParsnipmaco: they can if you use samba logins ;)22:52
macoqwebirc37767: ah ok go with what ActionParsnip said22:52
GrekoI found a package name python.2.6-dev installed it with apt-get and when tried to easy_tools -U lxml I got a bunch of errors. what the problem?22:52
Grekoerror: Setup script exited with error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 122:52
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macoActionParsnip: i was going to suggest policykit22:52
GatunoRoxWhere can i get support for Grub4DOS?22:53
macoActionParsnip: cuz i figured that could do more complex things than normal file permissions22:53
qwebirc37767ok then i supose i need to go re read the samba config file options thank you22:53
* maco should learn to config policykit at some point22:53
pdxmachi all, i'm having a bit of trouble after my last security update. it seems ubuntu can't find my wired connection anymore (i've confirmed the connection is actually live, it's how i'm on right now :-). any ideas on what to try/a way to revert to an older version prior to the update?22:53
GrekoI received several hundreds of line like this one:22:53
Grekosrc/lxml/lxml.etree.c:159180: error: Б─≤__pyx_f_4lxml_5etree__xslt_doc_loaderБ─≥ undeclared (first use in this function)22:53
hylianActionParsnip: gdm.conf does not exist there....22:54
ActionParsnipqwebirc37767: if you edit /etc/samba/smb.conf   and define the shares like so: http://paste.ubuntu.com/593325/    You can then run:  sudo smbpasswd -a user    and create a password for user, then run:   sudo smbpasswd -a baduser      and set a password for bad user, you can now give the good and bad accounts to the users you want to be able to authenticate with the access you want22:55
ActionParsnipqwebirc37767: obviously change the smb.conf entry asyou wish. That is just an excerpt from my smb.conf on my file server22:55
javiermaureiraftrat de instalar el complemento thingthin (o algo asi) de thundebird y me dice que no funciona por la version de linux que tengo (ubuntu 10.10) alguien sabe porque?22:56
ActionParsnipqwebirc37767: and ou will need to trust your users not to share passwords too, but this will be the case in any security you use22:56
hylianActionParsnip: i don't know why, but I am using 10.10, and if there is a gdm.conf, it is in /etc/gdm.22:56
qwebirc37767my samba server is connected to the domain so the usergroups will be pulled from that.22:56
zvacet!es | javiermaureiraf22:56
ubottujaviermaureiraf: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:56
hylianActionParsnip: i meant it is not in /etc/gdm22:56
qwebirc37767it pulls its account info from the active directory from the windows servers.22:57
ActionParsnipqwebirc37767: i've not used AD with samba, so can't really comment there22:57
qwebirc37767its pretty cool22:58
qwebirc37767thank you for your help !22:58
ActionParsnipqwebirc37767: then you can use the valid /invalid user option to tell who can't access22:58
ohirmaco: unix attributes can do what qwebirc37767 wanted. mkdir -p /home/share/A/B && chmod 0775 /home/share/A/B && chmod 0750 /home/share/A && chgrp writers_and_readers /home/share/A && chgrp readers /home/share/A/B22:59
hylianwell i do know one thing that will sove this, removing sugar22:59
wolfy_is there any big difference between lucid and maverick with the exception of LTS?22:59
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macoohir: A/B and A are two different dirs though22:59
ActionParsnipwolfy_: maverick has a different kernel branch22:59
ActionParsnipwolfy_: and a different Xorg version23:00
wolfy_and If I update (not upgrade) Lucid?23:00
macoohir: and still, delete is part of the "write" permission23:00
ohirmaco: and so what, A exists only as path point to restrict others23:00
Acid190sorry about off topic, bluez channel is no help, anyone know of a good place to get bluez tools advice?23:00
Obituaryany mmorpg for ubuntu?23:01
zvacetwolfy_: you will get security updates and maybe updates for some packages23:01
ActionParsnipObituary: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EternalLands23:01
ohirmaco: I've reread qwebirc37767 line again. And yep, 'cannot delete' is not in basic access rights23:02
tensorpuddingObituary: http://www.planeshift.it/about.html, eventually23:02
zvacetwolfy_: if lucid works for you stick with it23:02
ActionParsnipObituary: http://www.brighthub.com/video-games/mmo/articles/20510.aspx23:02
ohirmaco: so you're right :)23:02
Obituarythanks a lot23:02
ActionParsnipObituary: all i did was websearch.....23:02
wolfy_uhm works both23:03
bastidrazor Obituary Software Center will catagorize them for you. search the games listing there.23:03
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Obituarybastidrazor, which one do you normally play?23:04
hylianjust for future reference, if you want to log out of sugar, you need to mousover the person's name in f2 mode for a few secs, found that one out on my own.23:05
codex84my ubuntu buddies23:05
drhachmannI'm some doubts about Device Driver(mouse). Can somebody help me?23:05
Coreydrhachmann: WE can try. :-)23:06
codex84u couldn;t catch the mouse? lmao23:06
hylianwell, thanks all for the support! bye!23:06
Grekoca python 2.6.5-minimal? conflict with python 2.6.5-dev23:06
wolfy_I was asking before (few h ago) but my internet connection went down, how can be ubuntu easly upgraded,whitout running into troubles, it's not a rolling release/distro and I don't wish to downlod a .iso every time a new release come's up. It;s done someting like telninit 2 && apt-get disiupgrade?23:08
bastidrazorObituary: i like games like FreeCiv and Battle for Wesnoth23:08
ActionParsnipwolfy_: you can upgrade in gui23:08
andreahi all23:09
andreai am needing to install my video driver and can't seem to figure out how to give admin rights23:09
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drhachmannI'm some doubts about Device Driver(mouse). Can somebody help me?23:09
drhachmannI'm some doubts about Device Driver(mouse). Can somebody help me??23:09
codex84whats wrong with your23:10
zvacetwolfy_: you can upgrade with update manager23:10
* mouse-_ checks, nothing wrong23:10
drhachmanni'm write a mouse driver23:10
drhachmannwith evdev23:10
drhachmannbut don't work23:10
drhachmannthe events are in /dev/input/event1123:10
drhachmannbut the mouse don't move23:10
Guest97957hey could someone giv eme a link on how to get root access on my system23:11
codex84u try to unplug it and put it back in23:11
zvacetwolfy_: in case you want to upgrade with cd use alternate cd it is just 2 times  in one year23:11
codex84and restart the pc23:11
wolfy_so, then I can go with 10.10 now and upgrade in april to 11.xx, and next year to 12.xx?23:12
wolfy_whitout burning .iso?23:13
ActionParsnipwolfy_: its always .04 and .1023:13
ActionParsnipwolfy_: you can mount iSO files in Linux23:13
zvacetwolfy_: you can upgrade to 11.04 and later to 11.1023:13
Starminn!upgrade | wolfy_23:13
ubottuwolfy_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:13
Grekonice question wolfy_ does nix need to be restarted  aster installing packages?23:13
Grekois it a must?23:14
zvacetwolfy_: yes,without burning iso if you want to do it with alternate cd23:14
StarminnGreko: Only for things such as kernel updates.23:14
wolfy_thank you ubottu / Starminn23:14
Grekok thx23:14
amanda__quick question....about pidgin23:14
amanda__if anyone can help23:14
wolfy_there is some package for updating kernel whitout restarting i guess23:15
codex84spill the beans lol23:15
amanda__oops sorry....23:15
genii-aroundGreko: Even kernel updates don't always need a reboot if you use something like ksplice23:15
amanda__um, msn wont' work on it (ubuntu 8.04 but updated so probably something else)23:15
john75077hi all - which email server is recommended for a novice?23:16
amanda__says write error - friends say i installed ubuntu wrong - is there anyway to fix it without a whole new install?23:16
codex84you have ubuntu?23:16
zvacetwolfy_ : after upgradeing kernel it is usual to restart23:16
erUSUL!mta | john7507723:16
ubottujohn75077: A Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA23:16
codex84you should upgrade23:16
amanda__that's the disk i used23:16
wolfy_but on www.netcraft.com I saw that fbsd was with the biggest uptime23:16
amanda__yea it updated when i went online23:16
amanda__i think it's 10 something right now23:16
amanda__or do you mean another distro?23:17
codex84yea 1023:17
codex84something now23:17
codex84thats what i have23:17
* wolfy_ the speed of this chat is to fast for me, damn23:17
amanda__yea it's 10 i think with updates - but yea msn doesn't work at all on pidgin so i wonder if there's any way to fix it23:17
amanda__i've checked on the pidgin faq and any advice on there doesn't work23:18
codex84what error23:18
amanda__i'm not enough of a linux nerd to know how to fix it23:18
codex84is giving u?23:18
amanda__sec. i'll see23:18
zvacetamanda__: type lsb_release -a to see witch version do you run23:18
amanda__k zvacet23:18
amanda__ha it still stills 8.0423:19
amanda__er still says23:19
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amanda__guess it didn't really update23:19
zvacetamanda__ : do you plan to upgrade23:19
amanda__i can try that now23:20
codex84she said she did23:20
zvacetamanda__: or solve your problem with that version23:20
amanda__i thought i did, codex, but apparently not23:20
codex84yea guess not23:21
amanda__oh brb. apparently restarting....23:21
amanda__after it upgrades23:21
amanda__then i'll let you know if i need help still23:21
_SKiTZOhi! My audio is choppy in 10.10. It plays but takes pauses where it repeats a buffer a few times before continuing. This happens while playing all osrts of media, from youtube videos to totem playing videos to shoutcast streams in vlc etc. any clues to how to debug this?23:21
dualiCan someone tell me about how to fix the volume I have the volume at maximum but I am still recieving minimum audio23:21
codex84alright no problem23:21
codex84see what happends23:21
amanda__ok apparently it's going to be a little while lol23:22
penguinbaitdo AMD64 images cover Intel?23:22
zvacetamanda__: under synaptic>repositories at the bottom put upgrade to LTS23:22
john75077for exim, what is the best way to call it to configure it?23:22
Camer0nwhat does the "xvfz" part do in "tar xvfz xxamp.tar.gz"??23:22
amanda__k zvacet, it's upgrading now23:22
macoCamer0n: x = extract, v = verbose (tell us what its doing) f = folder z = compression (and is unnecessary because tar knows to do that itself anyway)23:22
rwwCamer0n: x means extract, v means verbose, f means from a (specified file instead of standard input), z means it's a gzip file23:22
_SKiTZOduali: there are many volume controls. you software, the relevant alsa mixer channels, the master alsa volume, the computer's hardware volume and any volume controls in your stereo/hardware setup23:23
rwwand maco is speedier than me.23:23
penguinbaitI want to download 64bit for intel cpu but I have choices of i368 or AMD64 ?23:23
macoCamer0n: for more info, see "man tar"23:23
rwwpenguinbait: amd6423:23
penguinbait386 that is23:23
rwwpenguinbait: despite the name, it isn't amd-only.23:23
Camer0nhow do I remove a directory23:23
penguinbaitwhy not just say 64 then?23:23
Camer0nthank you23:23
dualiwhat are the commands to access to them _SKiTZO ?23:23
_SKiTZOduali: just make sure all volumes in the chain are up23:23
_SKiTZOduali: in the commandline use alsamixer23:23
macoCamer0n: if it's empty "rmdir directory" if its not "rm -rf directory"23:23
codex84dl amd 6423:24
codex84thats what i havee23:24
rwwpenguinbait: because "64-bit" is ambiguous. There are rather a lot of 64-bit architectures.23:24
_SKiTZOduali: when you are in there use arrows to chooose channel and change volume. tip: tab switches from input to output channels23:24
rwwpenguinbait: amd64 uniquely identifies the architecture that that ISO and your computer share.23:25
erUSULmaco: f = folder ? f = file23:25
penguinbaitI thought mine was IA64?23:25
macoerUSUL: the manpage will settle it23:26
rwwpenguinbait: Unlikely. Which CPU do you have?23:26
penguinbaitjust a core2 duo23:26
rwwpenguinbait: Core 2 isn't IA-64.23:26
cybrhumanpenguinbait: that is amd6423:26
Camer0nwhat does verbose mean in linux?23:26
rwwpenguinbait: At risk of being thwapped by maco for advertising, http://rww.name/articles/architecture.html explains all of this :)23:26
macoCamer0n: print out what youre doing23:26
erUSULmaco: i am sure it is file :)23:27
macoerUSUL: ok :)23:27
Camer0nokay, so without it you just wouldn't see it?23:27
cybrhumanCamer0n: in the case of tar it would not tell what files it has processed.23:27
Amzgonhi all23:27
metallicohi guys, i cant get dhcp3-server to start on boot.. i can start it manually (no errors) but it doesnt start automatically although, I got it in the startup scripts23:27
Camer0nso what does it do?23:28
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Camer0nwhat would happen without it?23:28
macoCamer0n: itd be silent23:29
Camer0nbut it wouldn't make a difference?23:29
macoCamer0n: instead of listing all the files as it unpacks them. (itd also be faster since its not having to do this)23:29
genii-aroundmetallico: I think you need to allow it to start by editing /etc/default/dhcp3-server23:29
rwwCamer0n: verbosity doesn't affect what the program actually does, just how much output it gives.23:29
metallicolet me check23:30
metallicothere's nothing about auto-start23:31
penguinbaitif I download 11.04 beta will I be able to upgrade out of beta, or will I need to reinstall?23:31
iceroot!boot | metallico23:31
ubottumetallico: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto23:31
icerootpenguinbait: #ubuntu+123:31
icerootpenguinbait: and the answer is yes23:31
icerootpenguinbait: just uograding23:31
rwwpenguinbait: You'll be able to upgrade from beta to final when it's released.23:31
metallicoi've done it with update-rc.d defaults and it still doesnt load23:31
Camer0nand what does the -c part do? "tar xvfz file.tar.gz -C /opt"23:32
codex84anybody use a firewall23:32
codex84on there ubuntu23:32
trebuchetHow do I patch my kernel with grsec?23:32
icerootCamer0n: man tar23:32
rwwcodex84: Yes. Look into ufw (command-line) or gufw (GNOME graphical)23:32
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.23:32
genii-aroundmetallico: Is there a file in /etc/init/   for dhcp3-server ?   ( Not in /etc/init.d/ )23:32
Camer0nwhat? iceroot23:32
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icerootCamer0n: create a new archive  "man tar" to see the manpage of tar23:32
codex84o alright thank23:33
genii-aroundmetallico: Is it set +x ?23:33
Camer0nah thanks!23:33
drozdakkochanka@Kasia.jara.trawke.tk xD23:34
Camer0nhow do I get out of man tar??23:34
icerootCamer0n: q23:34
rwwCamer0n: the 'q' button23:34
metallicohm, it seems that the file is gone... weird23:35
Guest75745hey guys my mic keeps either freezing my system or there be no sound on speakers can anybody help23:35
Juv1228anyone know of a software that can import a windows formatted itunes library file on ubuntu?23:35
metallicocould it be because of me changing the update-rc.d?23:36
penguinbaitcool pic  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9a/Gldt1009.svg23:37
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Dinlianihi guys23:38
Dinlianii restart my laptop23:38
Dinlianiand if i try to go on ubuntu23:38
DinlianiGNU GRUB v 1.9823:38
Dinlianiwhat to do ?23:38
Dinlianiplease i need help i want to work soon ...23:39
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genii-aroundmetallico: If you used update-rc.d then it will be started by upstart file /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf which basically just calls all the stuff in /etc/init.d     so then the file in there which starts it might have some wrong options or so, maybe not +x or so on23:40
mavromatishi, I have a problem and a possible correlation: after doing a dist upgrade to natty beta the signal strentgh my netbook receive diminished23:40
braintorchHi people. Could anybody help me, please? I'm trying to bind ctrl+win keyboard shortcut to mouse button, but still no luck. I need this to call popup window from "goldendict" dictionary with mouse. Not xte nor xdotool can simulate keypresses properly. xdotool worked on kubuntu 10.10 like a charm, but it fails on ubuntu 10.04.23:40
arand!natty | mavromatis23:40
ubottumavromatis: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.23:40
mavromatisbraintorch: try autohotkey23:40
hyhyhow to became su in ubuntu?23:41
metallicothere's nothing about dhcp3 in rc-sysinit.conf23:41
arand!root | hyhy23:41
ubottuhyhy: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:41
Xyeklops79i got a compaq proliant 3000 server..with a pentium 2 in it..i want to install linux on it..and i been trying multiple operating systems on it .and ot getting anywhere..can anyone help me?23:41
bastidrazorhyhy: sudo -i23:42
InfoNutzubottu: lol23:42
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.23:42
aeon-ltdXyeklops79: pentium 2, so i586 or lower, ubuntu server should work23:42
YankDownUnderXyeklops79, Mate, I'd honestly refer you to get an older version of Ubuntu23:42
genii-aroundmetallico: There won't be. That file just tells upstart to run the old sysvinit stuff in the usual way. The actual startup script is still in /etc/init.d/ like the old way23:42
mavromatisXyeklops79: try puppy or dsl23:42
hyhythx god i`m on right chat room23:42
codex84so once u installed ufc firewall just enable it23:43
genii-aroundmetallico: So the odds are that /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server   ( or whatever it's called there ) has some problem23:43
codex84and u good to go?23:43
=== KurtB is now known as KurtBwithkids
braintorch mavromatis: braintorch: try autohotkey << is it windows-only?23:43
metallicoso how do i find wats wrong? if i do "/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start" it starts OK23:44
mavromatisbraintorch: it's in winetricks too23:44
metallicodid check the syslog and there's nothing about "dhcp3"23:44
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/23:44
genii-aroundmetallico: What was the update-rc.d command you used ?23:44
mavromatisbraintorch: you can also try gconf editor23:44
mavromatisit has some hotkey abilities23:45
mavromatisgoogle it if you want23:45
metallicojust the normal "update-rc.d dhcp3-server defaults"23:45
genii-aroundmetallico: I think you need to use full path to the executable there23:45
abiss27guys if I install Gufw on my system can i still use the Ufw command line and is it the same program the both?23:47
metallicoare you sure? i was looking into ubuntu forums and they were using only that..23:47
faryshtaHow can I make webcams work on amsn?23:47
faryshta!ubottu | faryshta23:48
ubottufaryshta, please see my private message23:48
braintorchmavromatis: thanks. I'll try to google more.23:48
raidometallico: your right, update.rc-d knows what to do. You dont use the path to the binary.23:49
genii-aroundmetallico: Hm. Is the ethernet adapter you have it set to use on a static IP ?23:49
metallicoit is, yeah23:49
ggg3google that for a great answer23:49
braintorchabiss27: I belive Gufw is a frontend to ufw.23:49
metallicobut it's set through kde's connections managment GUI23:50
KINGOFSWORDShell is it possible to check if i have openGL correctly installed?23:50
abiss27ok thanks23:50
metallicoi was reading somewhere, it doesnt like ubuntu's netowork manager23:50
braintorchKINGOFSWORDS: try glxinfo.23:51
genii-aroundmetallico: Ah, that might be the issue. Maybe manually config it in /etc/network/interfaces and then add a directive like: up /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start       at the end23:51
Xyeklops79what operating system should work fine on a compaq proliant 3000 pentium 2..here are the specs if you want to take a look    http://h18000.www1.hp.com/products/quickspecs/10040_div/10040_div.HTML23:51
raidometallico: are you trying to run a dhcp server on your box?23:51
KINGOFSWORDSty braintorch23:51
Xyeklops79been working on this for days and getting nowhere23:51
abiss27ty braintorch23:52
metallicoraido, yes genii-around  will try that just now just give me a minute to learn the syntax23:52
ggg3static IP, instead of using the GUI do this. It's actually easier - http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=230523:52
ggg3you might learn something to boot23:53
KINGOFSWORDSglxinfo brings up lots of data i dont understand:s23:53
JeruvyXyeklops79: you may want to consider a very lightweight version or distro rather than a basic Ubuntu.23:54
Xyeklops79what would you recommend23:54
rhizmoeXyeklops79: freebsd or one of the more stripped down linux distros23:55
JeruvyXyeklops79: I don't use anything lightweight, but I've heard good things about lxde version of ubuntu , or something like DSL or puppy.23:55
jstooneHi guys I just overwrote my backup.tar with an empty folder.. is there ANY way that I can revert this?23:55
braintorchmetallico: if you need a simple dhcp server for a small network you could try dnsmasq. It's small dhcp+dns server.23:55
mavromatislxde is good23:56
itaylor57jstoone: no there isn23:56
Jeruvyjstoone: you would want to shut down quickly, boot into recovery and try to restore the file.23:56
mavromatisbut not so good with ubuntu23:56
raidorhizmoe: freebsd is anything but light23:56
metallicobraintorch,  is this not too old now?23:56
mavromatisyou need something lighter23:56
Jeruvyjstoone: you'll need a tool called extundelete.23:57
jstooneJeruvy: really? i'll go look it up FAST, thanks!23:57
raidoXyeklops79: how much ram are you using?23:57
braintorchmetallico: maybe. Never worried about this. It just works.23:57
Jeruvyjstoone: good luck23:57
Xyeklops79i believe its 512 or a gig23:58
cybrhumanjstoone: foremost would possibly do the trick, but I am not certain.23:58
jstooneJeruvy: thank you!23:58
ggg3Anyone know if there is a solution for mounting unix style file systems from SunOS, FreeBSD, etc. on Linux systems that by default only understand ext2-4 etc.23:58
JeruvyXyeklops79: thats healthy. I thought you'd say 128MB or something.23:58
jstoonecybrhuman: "formost" or du you mean "extundelete"23:58
PetePortyHey guys, I have a problem... I don't know what caused it, since I wasn't home at the time (my mom said the computer just "turned off"...), but when booting into Linux (after the OS selection screen), the output is the following: http://pastebin.com/dCA8K5aE Then it just becomes a black screen.23:58
jstoonecybrhuman: "formost" meant as an application name23:59
raidoXyeklops79: I say, throw that thing off a bridge. You can find a faster machine on the side of the road on garbage day. Its not worth the effort or electricity consumption. Just my .02$23:59
braintorchmetallico: though really big network can be way too much for a dnsmasq.23:59
cybrhumanjstoone: "foremost" I think. but it requires some configuring, extundelete is maybe a nicer option. yes an application23:59
student_421help me..23:59

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