[00:56] ScottL, The Gnome3 link you gave didn't work for me [00:57] :( [00:57] which link did i give you? [00:57] At least regular Ubuntu didn't mess up my Grub this time [00:57] heh :) [00:57] ScottL, http://ugr.teampr0xy.net/ [00:58] oh, i haven't tried that yet...i'm still using the maverick install with gnome3 installed on top [00:58] Have you suffered any crashes so far? [00:58] Seems like Maverick is the way to go [00:59] ScottL, What are the main differences between that and Fedora's Gnome3. [01:00] fedora's seemed a little more "completed" or "finished"...mainly it was the right side "panel" [01:00] no crashes so far, but i should say that i haven't really done too much with it or for very long [01:00] i did get jack started with qjackctl and started ardour...made a few new tracks with ardour, but that is it [01:00] i think i surfed the internet a bit [01:01] added some favourties to me left side menu that comes up with the super key [01:01] Think I will try installing Fedora. Doesn't really matter so much. Get some audio programs installed, and the just give it testrun. Get to know Gnome most of all [01:02] Probably good to try using some graphical programs too. Blender as well [01:03] graphical = programs used to make graphics :P [01:03] ooooh, i didn't think of that, good call [01:04] i'm talking with jcastro about gnome-panels and gnome3 [01:04] he might have a good suggestion for testing gnome3 with natty [01:05] jcastro recommends: https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 [01:05] and warns that it's still a work in progress and we should backup any data [01:27] ScottL, That's the one I tried before, however, I tried installing ubuntu-minimal without a desktop first. [01:27] Let's see if I can get it to work.. [01:32] ScottL, Have you had problems with Grub menu having a bad resolution for your screen [01:32] ? [01:32] There are some issues with Natty, that are a little hard to melt [01:32] digest, I mean [01:35] ailo, not really, just a disgusting color as the background :P [01:35] ailo, but seriously, i haven't had *any* problems with grub at all recently [01:36] I get it all the time. Even with beta 1. I should report it. [01:37] yeah, probably so [03:26] hi T0rCh_raony [03:46] TheMuso, whenever it is convenient can we talk about the methodology for getting plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio updated? [03:46] to avoid any mistakes like i made last time [03:47] ScottL: Wel lthere is only one thing really, if you need to update images in the package, or any other binary file, it needs to be given to me in a tarball. :) [03:48] TheMuso, do you need the diff along with the tar ball? [03:49] ScottL: Depends on whether the debian directory is also int eh tarball. If you pretty much build the package and ship the tarball over minus the dsc, I can do the rest. [03:49] i presume the tar ball would be more than sufficient [04:05] Yep. [04:16] TheMuso, how shall i get the tarball to you? attach it to the previous bug? [04:16] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntustudio-look/+bug/706312 [04:16] Ubuntu bug 706312 in ubuntustudio-look (Ubuntu) "update plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio to remove progress bar for natty" [Undecided,Fix released] [04:16] ScottL: Actually, that package has a bzr branch. Maybe if you make your changes there, I can pull them and upload that way. [04:16] ScottL: And yeah, re-open that bug if you like. [04:17] TheMuso, okay, so pull the branch, make the changes, the commit and push? [04:17] yep [04:17] if i don't get it done tonight, i will have it done by tomorrow night (24 hours from now) [04:20] Sure no proble,. [04:20] problem [04:23] i feel reasonably confident it will work this time as i had built it and tested it, ailo had tested it, we discovered why the .png file didn't get updated, i built it again, and testing it again :) [04:23] i just wish i had made the time to address this before, i kept putting it off for other things and the release date snuck up on me [04:36] We should get Ralf to do some testing on -lowlatency. I bet he would give us some nice facts [04:37] At least what midi is concerned [04:37] Didn't think about that yet. [04:37] What audio latency is concerned, I'm starting to like 2.6.39 a lot [04:53] i'm really considering adding the release schedule to a google calender so i can have reminders [04:53] i always seem to be behind on team reporting, release notes, and the like [08:38] ailo: Are you around? [08:44] * abogani waves all! [08:49] abogani, I'm here. Happy with the latest -lowlatency [08:49] ailo: About your last email. [08:50] abogani, Yes? [08:50] The last kernel in you email is 38-8-lowlatency: Is it right? [08:50] abogani, No, typo. [08:50] Ok [08:51] So you used open source video driver (nvidia should dead-lock at the moment) and you installed rtirq-init, right? [08:52] abogani, Right. No nvidia drivers + rtirq-init [08:52] I mean, I did use rtirq [08:53] very odd your results about on-board sound card... [08:53] abogani, That the results are the same? [08:53] On -generic and -lowlatency? [08:53] On both because they have same results! [08:54] I ask you the only last tests: [08:54] abogani, I have had good results on -generic now for at least a week. [08:54] So, it is as it was with 2.6.38-1, at the beginning [08:55] Only two cases where -generic is not performing well, while -lowlatency is. 1. holstein using firewire (don't know which arch) 2. Me using AMD64 [08:55] Could you provide me the output of 'ps -eo cmd,pid,rtprio' and say me the irqs of on-board and 101lt devices? [08:55] *1010lt [08:56] Just a moment [08:59] http://paste.ubuntu.com/593015/ [09:00] On this machine, I have two ice1712 cards, and they are on irq 18 and 19 [09:01] http://paste.ubuntu.com/593016/ [09:02] And this machine seems like the onboard card is on irq 45 [09:04] There is a problem on the last one. [09:04] ailo: rtirq failed on the last one. [09:05] ailo: Could you check if rtirq-init is installed on the last machine, please? [09:06] abogani, It is. However, this is the line about the device and the irq: 45: 6056257 0 PCI-MSI-edge hda_intel [09:07] Shouldn't it be IO-APIC-fasteoi? Or does it matter? [09:07] ailo: Not matter which type of interrupt your sound device uses. [09:07] ok [09:07] It isn;t prioritized. [09:07] abogani, But that is the machine that gives the best results with -generic [09:08] As you can see all irq have 50 prio. [09:08] ailo: And the worst with -lowlatency. :-) [09:10] Try to compare "ps -eo rtprio,cmd" on both machines. You will see clearly the problem. [09:11] If you ever repeat tests could you add one, please? [09:12] abogani, Yes. Not only for one device, but for two. I should try to reboot and see if I have made a mistake [09:12] Only -39-0-lowlatency kernel with and without nothreadirqs kernel option [09:12] Thanks in advance. [09:13] You mean, uninstall rtirq-init in between tests? [09:13] Seems I already have done tests without it on one machine :) [09:14] I did seem to have slightly better performance, even so, on that machine [09:14] I will reboot now [09:17] abogani, It seems booting in safe graphical mode may affect this feature. Can it be possible? [09:17] I have higher prio now [09:19] But, at least on this machine, the rtirq is not improving performance so that I can detect it [09:20] http://paste.ubuntu.com/593020/ [09:20] The lowest latency setting I can use is the same as before [09:22] abogani, How can I remove the rtirq-init script without removing the kernel? [09:23] ailo: Why? [09:23] abogani, The kernel is depending on rtirq-init [09:24] And when I try remove rtirq it wants to remove the kernel image [09:24] Yeah but you wouldn't want remove it. [09:24] How can I disable it? [09:24] Sorry I have to go out right now. [09:25] abogani, Ok. See you. [09:25] Perhaps an "exit 0" at the head of the script. [09:29] Well, booting into recovery mode, and then using safe graphic mode does disable the rtirq script [09:33] abogani, I will make more testing later, but from what I see, testing both machines very quickly, I cannot find any significant benefit from the rtirq on my machines. We need to have someone test it who has a device sharing irq and usually gets problems because of that [13:18] good morning everyone :) [22:38] hi quadrispro, how are you? [22:39] so when will unity enter into unstable? [22:39] ehya ScottL, fine :) and you, how'r you doing? [22:39] eh I don't know, I'm working hard on LV2 [22:39] rev.4 [22:39] lol, that was a bad joke on my part about unity :P [22:40] mmm I know that an ITP was opened [22:40] i haven't kept up with the particulars, has lv2 changed much for rev.4? [22:41] not so much [22:41] just a number of things for who wants to package LV2 exts,plugins [22:41] bu ti guess you still need to rebuild everything with some slight changes [22:41] no need to rebuild anything :) [22:42] I've left /usr/include/lv2.h for backward compatibility [22:42] i may seem a a little loopy because i'm using some muscle relaxers for my neck and i'm feeling a little funny :) [22:42] lol [22:43] the really relevant change is: ladish :) [22:43] yes it is :) [22:44] i'm quite happy to see this coming, i think it beats the pants off of jack session [22:44] if what i understand is true [22:44] falk is quite taken with ladish [22:44] i haven't had much luck with jack-session and it's dreadfully unintuitive to know what you are doing IMO [22:45] but that was six months ago or so, i'm sure it's improved since then [22:47] if everything goes fine, within 2-3 months we'll have a first good version of the whole ladish'd stack in Debian testing [22:47] Ubuntu 11.10 will get benefits from that [22:48] and it'll provide ladish, finally [22:48] lol, i read that as 2-3 "years" at first and almost fainted [22:48] that's really good though [22:48] quadrispro, what's debian doing about gnome3? everyone moving to it? [22:51] really I don't know much things on that topic [22:53] I think we'll move from GNOME2 -> GNOME3 for Wheezy, I don't think GNOME2 will get support for the next 2 years [22:54] yeah, that is a concern for ubuntu studio, the majority think that unity or GNOME3 don't provide a good DE for studio work flow [22:56] yep, I've read something via UbuntuStudio ML, I didn't join the discussion due to the few spare time I have these days [22:57] have to go now, see you soon" [22:57] bye! [22:57] ciao :)