
eggbertx_laptopI'm pretty new to Ubuntu Studio, but not new to Linux. Would I install GNOME 3 the same as in standard Ubuntu?03:21
eggbertx_laptopor if not, what would I do differently03:21
holsteinand it begins04:42
ailoholstein, Gnome3?04:47
holsteinailo: hehe05:04
holsteinthat was our first 'where do i get gnome3?' post :)05:04
azmailo,  Hi, is somewhere lowlatency kernel of version .27 and up please ?11:47
azm*I could not fidn it in ppa11:47
holsteinb00p ;)18:49
holsteinorngjce223_: you doing well?18:49
* holstein is on the way out the door18:50
holsteinjust saying o/18:50
dualiCan someone tell me how do I go about acquiring wineasio for ubuntu 9.10 because the pprogram that I am trying to work with now (FL Studio) is freezing when audio is played21:47
azmduali, have you read the tutorial from Falktx on forums ?21:49
dualiwhere is it?21:49
=== orngjce223_ is now known as orngjce223
dualiI am having some trouble with the volume, aparantly even with the volume at the mix I cannot hear it at the max it sounds at the minimum still23:12

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