
mthornare there xubuntu 11.04 nightly cds available? I wasn't able to find a link on the xubuntu sebsite02:17
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/02:17
charlie-tcawell, no02:17
charlie-tcadaily images are available. These are the Beta 2 candidates, and subject to change several times over the next two days, though.02:18
mthornthanks, much appreciated02:20
mthornI always seem to get a new machine weeks before an ubuntu release, leading to the debate of stable vs beta02:21
charlie-tcaThis is the beta 2 candidate, due out Thursday. Final Natty image is to be released April 28, so we are very close to a good image.02:22
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xubuntu151Is Xubuntu faster than Ubuntu?10:06
Sysiit uses less RAM10:06
xubuntu151What are disadvantages of using Xubuntu compared to Ubuntu?10:06
Sysinothing i've found, basically it's just different10:07
Sysiyou can make ubuntu xubuntu and other way round, and get everything in ubuntu to xubuntu10:07
xubuntu151I'm currently installing Xubuntu after have tested Ubuntu for a while10:08
ochosixubuntu151: in a few weeks natty will be released and that release will make a noticeable difference, new xfce-release included10:10
ochosijust so that you know that upgrade-transition might not be as smooth as in previous releases because quite a few components changed10:11
xubuntu151ochosi: Is it possible to upgrade to natty from Xubuntu then?10:11
ochosixubuntu151: sure, just with some caveats, as i just asid10:11
xubuntu151The installation is done now,. Have to restart10:12
xubuntu151see you soon and thanks for the info10:12
Sysiubuntu adn xubuntu are basically same OS, package manager uses same repositories10:12
SoftdroidI'm back10:20
SoftdroidIn Ubuntu I could see all my partitions in Places/Location menu10:21
SoftdroidI don't see the other partitions anymore10:21
Sysithunar doesn't have that feature10:22
Sysifilemanager in xubuntu10:22
SoftdroidDo I have to mount the partitions everytime now?10:23
Sysiyou can use /etc/fstab10:23
SoftdroidI like the Sound Mixer better in Xubuntu10:23
SoftdroidI couldnt ix the audio problem in Ubuntu, one of the main reason for the switch10:24
SoftdroidSysi, What did you mean by using /ec/fstab?10:44
Sysiyou set automounts there10:44
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount10:44
SoftdroidThe sound is working very nice in Xubuntu, I tried in over one month to fix it in Ubuntu. It was impossible10:45
SoftdroidHow can I see which version of Xubunt I have installed?10:50
knome'lsb_release -a' in terminal10:50
SoftdroidIt says Ubuntu 10.10 but when I click at the help menu it says Welcome to Xubuntu 9.10!10:51
knomeyeah, the help might be a bit outdated...10:52
SoftdroidOk, but its the lsb_release info which is the right one?10:53
Softdroidthanks knome10:53
knomeit will always say Ubuntu though, so you need to know by other means that you're using Xubuntu :)10:53
Softdroidok :)10:53
SoftdroidI love Xubuntu already after the sound fix :)10:54
knomeit is a good OS10:54
conconCan I get some help on how to select default playback device?12:23
MikeDDDoes anyone know how to remove items from the application menu?12:32
BiFeO3_homeGood morning. How do you set the default sound device in Xubuntu? Any help, greatly appreciated.13:10
Sysiinstall pavucintrol13:10
BiFeO3_homeWhich repository? I'm a X/ubuntu newbie.  :-)13:12
BiFeO3_homeGentoo is giving me a headache right now, so I'm going for something a bit more friendly.13:12
Sysijust install, it's in the default ones13:13
BiFeO3_homeAh, pavucontrol. That's it.13:23
jpichejust upgraded to natty and installed `xubuntu-desktop` package (along with other xfce4-* packages), but network manager has the default "no image" icon, regardless of the theme or icon set I use. I've tried killing it and restarting it manually, but no luck. any advice?14:52
Sysijpiche: add indicator plugin to panel14:52
Sysialso: #ubuntu+114:52
SoftDroidIs it possible to edit the program menu?14:53
mikubuntuis there a way to selectively delete random screensaver that displays your file photos?14:54
Sysisettings → screensaver14:54
SoftDroidSysi: Is is possible to add Indicator plugin to Xubuntu?14:55
SoftDroidSysi: How? :)14:56
Sysiinstall that panel plugin and add14:56
SoftDroidSysi: I can't find it in at ProgramCentrak14:56
Sysibut i'm not sure if it's natty-only14:56
charlie-tcaonly in natty, I think14:56
Sysiyou basically can't edit menu before natty14:56
SoftDroidWhat is natty?14:57
jpicheSysi, thank you :-)14:57
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.14:57
mikubuntusysi, i don't think that standard screensaver interface allows selective deletion of screensaver elements (does it?)14:58
Sysiif you set it to not use some screensaver it will not use it14:58
mikubuntulet me look again14:59
charlie-tcacheck the advanced settings tabbed14:59
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mikubuntucharlie-tca, lemme see15:00
mikubuntumy screensaver control doesn't have an advanced tab.  it looks like glslideshow is the screensaver i don't want, but to me it looks like i have to either select one screensaver (BORING) or random, which from time to time (randomly) is going to use glslideshow ... there OUGHT to be a way to disable that element15:03
charlie-tcawhat version of Xubuntu is that?15:04
charlie-tcaxscreensaver has two tabs, screensaver and adv anced15:05
mikubuntuon this machine is ubuntu 10.04, but they are the same aren't they?15:05
mikubuntuoooOOOoooh.  can i use xscreensaver on here then?15:06
charlie-tcaYou have gnome-screensaver, and it doesn't have the tab to disable that15:06
charlie-tcaI think you can install xscreensaver and remove gnome-screensaver15:06
mikubuntugnna try, it drives me crazy.  thanks.15:07
Fenix2hi.. a question..15:11
Fenix2when I choose to have trasparent terminal windows it shows the desktop, not my irc client underneath the terminal window.. how can I fix this ?15:12
Fenix2I can't find any switch to flick for it to show the windows below itself but it "looks through all windows" ergo I see the desktop through my terminals15:14
knomeFenix2, use the compositor in settings->window manager15:14
mikubuntucharlie-tca, k, i got xscreensaver up, but when i click on elements in the random list they all say 'not installed' ... i wonder if it just needs an update?15:16
charlie-tcainstall xscreensaver-??? packages15:21
mikubuntucharlie-tca: k, lemme look, thx15:21
Fenix2knome: tnx. turning compositing on and restarting terminal worked15:22
Fenix2knome: do you happen to know how I can turn Compiz on ( installed it but I can not find a start/stop switch to flic )15:23
Sysicompiz --replace15:24
Sysii recommend installing emerald before it15:24
Sysiand setting compiz to use it15:24
Fenix2Sysi: what's emerald ? I basically want the full screen tast switcher ( Scale plugin ) that I've grown accustomed to on OS Xes15:25
Sysiit draws window borders15:26
Sysithere's other option too but i can't remember it, it it tries to use xfwm4 it won't work15:26
Fenix2Sysi: about border drawing... whotf had the bright idea to make the borders 1 px wide... it aint a joy to try to resize a window15:27
Fenix2.. by dragging from the corner15:27
Sysiwell alt+right click still works15:27
Fenix2Sysi: tnx for the tip.. I didn't know no nothing about alt+rightclick15:28
Fenix2Sysi: now I've isnstalled emerald .. then accessed the emerald and save a default style but it doesn't change the windows ( i.e. once again I can't find the switch to flick to turn emerald on )15:37
Sysiuse compiz settings to set it to use emerald15:37
Fenix2so I type 'compiz --replace' in the shell or what ?15:38
Sysior alt+F215:38
Fenix2ok. now I have different borders15:39
Fenix2did that set compiz to turn itself on on start-up ?15:39
Fenix2so I need to write a S10Compiz and put it where the start files are or what should I do ?15:40
Sysisettings → sessions and autostart and add that command there15:41
Fenix2Sysi: sry.. this is difficult because everything is in Finnish15:42
drcI noticed that booting from a LiveUSB 11.04B has no nvidia proprietary driver listed in Additional Drivers.  Does this mean that the nvidia driver is 1) not working in 11.04b or 2) Just not available in 11.04b?  Also, if I "update-manager -d" from  10.10 (which has the driver installed), will 11.04b recognize (and use) the driver?15:42
SysiFenix2: i am at #ubuntu-fi too15:42
Sysidrc: #ubuntu+1 knows15:43
drcSysi: Thanks15:43
Fenix2Sysi: 'k done. compiz is now a startup item15:43
Fenix2Sysi: where can I install plug-ins for Compiz and manage it's settings ?15:44
Fenix2<- going to go to ask in #compiz15:47
ochosiFenix2: for settings, install the package compizconfig-settings-manager15:47
Fenix2ochosi: 'k tnx will do15:47
ochosiFenix2: for plugins, you can activate them there, they are packaged in bundles15:47
ochosiFenix2: in compiz-fusion-plugins-extra and compiz-fusion-plugins-main15:47
Fenix2for "compizconfig-settings-manager" it finds a simple, and a complicated item to install... which should I choose ochosi ? I want that 3D-cube workspace thingy and the Scale-plugin15:49
ochosiFenix2: you want the "complicated" one15:50
ochosiFenix2: but really, there is only ONE package with that name15:50
ochosiFenix2: meaning, "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager" will give you that package15:51
Fenix2ochosi: instaaling it now15:51
ochosieven the "complicated" one is fairly simple to use, only problem is the 1001 options for each plugin15:51
Fenix2ochosi: I can't find where to install plugins for Compiz16:02
Fenix2and how do I activate the different effects ?16:02
ochosiFenix2: you have to activate them in the compiz-config settings manager you just insatlled16:02
ochosiusually you'd find that in $applicationsmenu > settings16:03
Fenix2ochosi: I've the compiz settings program running but it has no menu16:04
ochosiclick a plugin and then "activate" it16:05
ochosiin the plugin-settings16:05
Fenix2no drop-down textual menu16:05
ochosiFenix2: it should look like this: http://media.cdn.ubuntu-de.org/wiki/attachments/00/28/ccsm_.png16:05
ochosithat's all16:05
ochosino menu needed16:05
ochosithose plugins that are ticked are activated16:06
ochosig2g now, maybe someone else can help you with this16:06
Fenix2ochosi: 'k big thanks16:07
Fenix2<- I'm going to go to #compiz16:10
MikeDDNeed to remove individual items from an OTHER menu from wine,   http://paste.ubuntu.com/593160/16:12
MikeDDLine 6 is set to All, which I guess means that I can go into some other file and kill off the links to the appropriate items... I don´t understand though..16:13
MikeDDcharlie-tca: The drive wouldnt work, until I ran Disk Warrior on it the other day.  Write access restored!16:14
MikeDDIt had errors, but Disk Warrior 4.1 fixed em16:15
MikeDDNow I am trying to delete dead icons/links from the ¨other¨.. applications>other16:15
MikeDDhaving little luck16:16
MikeDDI looked in xfce-applications.menu  and toward the bottom is http://paste.ubuntu.com/593160/16:16
charlie-tcaremove the .desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications/ ?16:17
MikeDDnot yet16:18
charlie-tcaThat removes the menu entry16:18
MikeDDsee em, going to delete the appropriate ones right now16:19
MikeDDSince some have spaces, can I kill them inside xfce?16:20
charlie-tcashould be able to delete them using thunar16:21
MikeDDthe tab trick isnt working in the terminal for a ¨sudo rm....¨16:21
charlie-tcause thunar file manager, turn on hidden files in the view menu16:22
MikeDDdeleted a couple, now I need to refresh in the terminal right?16:22
knomeMikeDD, sudo rm -rf "Folder Name/"16:23
knomeMikeDD, or 'sudo rm -rf Folder\ Name16:23
MikeDDI found them under that folder, but they still show up in the menu bar.16:23
MikeDDdelete a couple, but they still show up.16:24
MikeDDfound more under a subfolder called wine16:25
MikeDDShould I trash all the Desktop files in that folder?16:27
MikeDDI only have one application that I can easily re-install16:27
MikeDDso  as long as the whole computer doesnt explode...16:28
MikeDDYeah, I did rm wine-*.*16:30
MikeDDit seems to have fixed it16:30
MikeDDYep, totally fixed!16:31
MikeDDI was talking to some guy earlier for an hour..16:32
MikeDDcouldn´t figure out what to do..16:32
MikeDDIf I ever meet you in real life, you will get all the beer you want.16:33
knomeMikeDD, where do you live? :P16:34
MikeDDYou´re a freaking saviour, I have been bugging out about this little issue all morning..16:34
MikeDDDayton, OH16:34
Fenix2I'm in Xfce settings -> Workspaces but when I inrement the amount of workspaces it doesn't add them to the list. I'd like to have 4 workspaces16:34
knomecharlie-tca, there's your chance16:35
Fenix2this a bug ?16:35
Fenix2or amidoinitwrong16:35
MikeDDWhat, are you in Dayton too?16:35
SysiFenix2: set it from compiz16:35
Fenix2Sysi: 'k16:35
knomeMikeDD, nope :P16:35
knomei don't actually know where charlie-tca is, can't remember since he moved a while ago (or it might be a bit more than a while)16:36
MikeDDWe used to have a computer show at Hara called Computerfest16:36
MikeDDwas twice a year, for a long time16:36
MikeDDbefore the show went on indefinite hiatus, there was a big Linux presence16:36
MikeDDMad Dog even did some lectures16:37
charlie-tcaeastern Idaho, USA16:37
MikeDDSadly, the show hasnt happened for quite some time.. I think about 5 years...16:37
knomeidaho... ohio... :P16:37
charlie-tca3000 miles16:37
knomeyeah but the names... somewhat similar16:38
MikeDDYeah, that´s pretty far16:38
charlie-tcaAlmost the same thing16:38
Fenix2Sysi: I'm in compiz settings - > general settings -> desktop size tab and there is a field for "how many workspaces" but I can't effectively change it from 1 to 416:38
MikeDDI hide out in this hole of a town, make beats on a MPC, and generally waste time fixing stuff that I likely broke in the first place...16:39
Fenix2hmm.. ctrl-alt-leftarrow gives me a "new" workspace16:39
MikeDDI have been using REAPER on wine, and aside from a few glitches, it works borderline-perfectly.16:40
charlie-tcagimp is 3 window layout again?16:41
MikeDDI wish they would do a native port of Reaper..16:41
MikeDDYou know what there needs to be? An easy way to gift people...16:43
MikeDDThinking along the lines of how amazon works, or something similar to paypal.16:43
MikeDDMaybe what I am talking about already exists?16:44
MikeDDGranted, I know that money can be sent a variety of ways..16:45
MikeDDI gotta google this, it might already be in place.16:46
charlie-tcatrying to run 3 installs and take a shower is difficult16:46
ochosiMikeDD: maybe flattr?16:46
MikeDDlooking at it right now, I hadnt heard of that one before you mentioned it16:48
ochosinot sure it's exactly what you want though16:48
ochosibecause you can only flattr people that are part of flattr16:48
MikeDDit is close though16:49
MikeDDI mean though, if I had a 5er and wanted to give it to someone online.. currently gets done through systems like paypal..16:50
MikeDDI am not exactly sure what I think .. flattr comes close, amazon comes closer in some ways.16:52
MikeDDwrong window16:53
MikeDDYeah, charlie-tca.. that tip totally fixed it16:53
MikeDDThose icons were ¨taunting¨ me... mocking my existence... they had to go...16:54
charlie-tcaSometimes we get things right16:54
MikeDDfailed windows game installs in wine..16:55
MikeDDI will get that carp sorted out later..16:55
MikeDDThe guy I talked to earlier, suggested a re-install of the system I think...16:56
MikeDDI was like... ¨no....¨16:56
charlie-tcaNo, not for menu issues16:57
MikeDDI know... I was yelling at the monitor, like he might hear it..16:57
MikeDDLike dude, I am not reinstalling an entire os and everything that goes along with it, because a frickin icon wont disappear..16:58
MikeDDI must have explained that to him about 10 times, you understood on what.. the first mention of it16:59
MikeDDI have a page up if you want to hear some tracks I made?17:00
charlie-tcaDepends on how long they have been away from windows, actually17:00
charlie-tcaI can look at it,17:01
charlie-tcaknome does more music than I do17:01
MikeDDI make beats/remixes/dub, etc.17:02
charlie-tcaToo hard on my eyes. The red on black is very difficult for me to read17:02
MikeDDyou dont need to read that crap, the player is on the left side and below my friend list17:03
MikeDDI hate doing autobiographies17:04
Fenix2tnx for your help17:05
MikeDDWhat is the preferred program to import from a digital camera, like the Nikon Coolpix S3000?18:58
quupis 11.04 beta reasonably realible to yield a functional system?20:26
Sysibeta can't basically be recommended, but it shouldn't be very broken anymore20:26
quupya ofc, ok :)20:27
Sysixubuntu is a bit better than ubuntu because new xfce was released some time ago20:27
quupjust did a fresh ubuntu install and got kubuntu, but I don't think it's for me20:27
quupso figure I should try xubuntu again, havn't used it in years20:27
Sysixfce 4.8 is great20:28
drcquup: As Sysi said, it's beta, but I just fresh installed, and it looks/acts fine so far.  Can't say about the next 5 minutes, though.20:28
quupis there lot of panicing now preparing for 11.04 final?20:28
quupdrc: hehe right20:29
Sysii think xubuntu is quite setted, dunno about general stuff20:29
WRStoneHey, I have a funky one.  I'm running the beta of Natty, and all my applications' menu bars are gone.  Any notion why, or how to restore them?  It's a bit problematic ... ;)21:08
charlie-tcatry Alt+F2, xfsettingsd21:09
charlie-tcano problem21:10
charlie-tca2 more weeks... :-)21:11
WRStoneHm .,, that changed my theme, but the menus are still missing.21:11
charlie-tcaokay, next suggestion, Alt+F2, xfwm421:12
TheSheepand then xfce4-panel21:13
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels21:13
charlie-tcaand, if it is midori, they removed the menu bar21:14
WRStoneWell, I'm doing it in a terminal window rather than Alt-F2.  When I do, it complains that it's already running and I should use "--replace".  When I do, it reloads, but otherwise no effect.  Also, this isn't a problem with the panel -- that's fine.  The issue is that there are no menus in any of my apps (File Tools Help, etc.)21:14
charlie-tcahm, it doesn't work the same for me in a terminal, for some reason21:15
WRStoneIt acts, frankly, like there's something like globalmenu in operation, but it's invisible.21:18
charlie-tcaWas it an upgrade from maverick?21:18
charlie-tcaWRStone: try running     apt-cache policy gnome-panel    in terminal. Tell me if it is installed21:19
WRStoneNo, I did a vanilla install from a flash drive.21:19
WRStoneAnd they didn't disappear until yesterday, about a week after the installation.21:20
TheSheepWRStone: free space in your /home?21:20
WRStonecharlie-tca, yes, it is installed.21:20
WRStoneTheSheep, no, I've got 79GB available.21:20
charlie-tcaThen unity / gnome took over.21:20
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WRStoneOh, joy.  Ok, I'll dump it.  I friggin' hate Unity and Gnome3 anyway ... it's why I'm running Xubuntu.  ;)21:21
charlie-tcaYou have gnome installed, and it took precedence over xfce21:21
WRStoneIn the immediate term, is there any way to force precedence back to xfce?21:22
charlie-tcaNot that I know of.21:23
charlie-tcaYou should file a bug against Ubuntu before removing it21:24
WRStoneOk, thanks ... guess I'm in for some fun extracting.  Thanks very much for the assistance.  I'd gone nuts trying to Google the problem.21:24
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »21:26
charlie-tcathanks, Sysi21:26
WRStoneThanks, ubotto.  :)21:26
WRStoneAw, frak.  The commands no longer work with Natty.  Still, it'll give me a guide.21:29
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wildintellectam I missing something obvious, where are the screen saver settings23:13
charlie-tcaversion of Xubuntu?23:14
charlie-tcaApplications -> Settings -> Screensaver23:15
wildintellecthmm, wondering if I uninstalled the package23:16
drccharlie-tca: Congrats to you and all the xubuntu team...11.04b1 looks as solid as it acts (so far :)23:16
wildintellectdoes xubuntu use xscreensaver or gnome-screensaver? I want to do a picture folder based screensaver?23:17
charlie-tcaI think it is xscreensaver in 10.0423:18
charlie-tcadrc: thank you, I will pass that on23:18
drcSeriously, good work.23:18
wildintellectlooks like I uninstalled that opps, thanks for the sanity check23:18
drcor even without the comma :)23:20

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