=== ironfroggy__ is now known as ironfroggy === ubuntu is now known as jill-mom === yofel_ is now known as yofel [01:16] Hello :) Want recommendation on what to and how to turn off unneeded features in Kubuntu. Can I uninstall or disable "plasma", desktop search? [01:19] what_if: you can disable plasma and nepomuk ( search ) [01:20] search won't have too much impact [01:20] if you aren't running plasma then you won't have any task bar / anything other than the window decorations [01:21] Mase_wk: hmm, need the task bar. perhaps I'll just disable the search [01:21] plasma is not very resource intensive [01:22] Mase_wk: just trying to get my laptop (Specifically X) to use less than 80% cpu [01:23] what_if: there is little point in disalbe the search.. it isnt very intensive or used at all if your not searching :) what you might want to do is turn off indexing [01:23] what_if: your laptop shouldn't be at 80% [01:23] have a look and see what process it is [01:23] what_if: no ^^ 80% sounds like something horribally wrong :S [01:23] Mase_wk: I agree it is wrong. Fresh install too [01:23] if it's saying it's X then what it means is that it is an X application. Krunner has a taskmanager [01:24] use that [01:24] what_if: what version of kubuntu and kde? [01:24] 10.04.2LTS Ubuntu with whatever KDE4 is their default [01:25] what_if: I would advise upgrading ^^ or at least testing a livecd... [01:25] James147: can't upgrade to a non LTS, unfortunately [01:25] what_if: why not/ [01:26] James147: This is for an "emergency go-kit" laptop. LTS was specified [01:28] Currently I'm switching the display driver from the ati to the vesa one. Will see if that fixes or helps [01:34] What error is it when the colors are all wrong on a laptop display? Green and purple halos around everything, grainy desktop image. Hew, the CPU usage issue is gone though [01:35] nfi === eddie is now known as Guest85174 === dark is now known as Guest97809 [02:12] I use Konversation. When I right-click the channel name in the tab bar on the left, nothing happens. When I right click in the chat window I get the context menu as usual. But I'm pretty sure there's supposed to be a context menu for channel tabs. What am I missing? [02:16] LogicallyDashing: yeah, there's meant to be a right-click context menu for channel tabs. works for me [02:19] i'm having problem adding a network printer via cups probably since my password contains some special characters. any help? [02:21] frogonwheels: any idea where in the settings I might turn that on? [02:22] LogicallyDashing: you could trying positioning them at the top and see if that changes things? [02:23] frogonwheels: nope [03:16] hello [03:16] ciao === marco is now known as Guest73196 === Guest73196 is now known as marco__ [04:34] Hey, I was trying to upgrade to the latest Natty and the installer stalled at the ms-font installer dialog [04:35] can i still resume the installation? [04:35] or is it too messy? [04:41] I just tried an install of the natty daily build and it does not look good, it didn't past the initail menu... [06:01] OK, there is something goings screwey with the natty rbranch [06:01] >.< [06:02] Its using up 4gb of memory, on idle and it is using 1gb of memory on my netbook. [06:02] Something is leaking.. HARD. >.> I'm not sure how I can try and find the issue to report it though [06:30] navatwo: natty support in #ubuntu+1 but you could try and see what RES field says for apps in top or htop output [06:33] Tm_T: already there [06:34] fx4 has 500mb >.< [06:34] The numbers do not appear to add up though [06:34] navatwo: how do you measure the mem usage in overall? [06:35] navatwo: see what " free -m | grep buffers " says [06:37] Tm_T: total used free shared buffers cached [06:37] -/+ buffers/cache: 1652 2307 [06:37] Tm_T: top says I have next to nothing though [06:38] Tm_T: total used free shared buffers cached [06:38] Mem: 4054956k total, 3580964k used, 473992k free, 80480k buffers [06:38] meant to paste the second line >.< [06:39] navatwo: ah, so all is just fine then, you have 1,6 GiB used for apps, rest is just buffers and cache [06:39] Yes, but why is Top saying otherwise? [06:40] also why is everything crawling and tweaking out >.< [06:40] navatwo: to me it looks like top is saying the same, it's not saying about cache though [07:28] NEED HELP PLEASE. accidently deleted jasper jpeg-2000 library and now it won't even boot! [07:35] mimi2: hmm? [07:35] more info please [07:40] uninstalled jasper by accident. reinstalled it immediately after but nothing worked. decided to reboot but now it won't even boot [07:40] mimi2: What do you mean it won't boot? [07:40] the computer won't turn on? [07:44] it hangs just before login [07:48] mimi2: ... just before login? [07:48] Before you see the login screen? or before KDE loads? [07:49] login [07:49] i see the kubuntu logo where it thinks [07:49] mimi2: ah ok so you are ok then. What happens when you press Esc there? [07:50] it goes into terminal... last line read checking battery [07:50] checking battery eh? [07:50] can you press enter? [07:50] or Ctrl+C [07:51] no [07:51] if i hit escape it goes back to the logo [08:08] mimi2: can you press alt+ctrl+f1 ? [08:08] turned box off [08:11] mimi2: ok when you turn it back on you should get a notice at the start saying press any key for menu in 5 4 3 2 1 [08:11] something to that effect [08:11] press a button and then press e to edit the boot line [08:12] If I recall correctly you press it again then you can edit the boot command [08:12] at the end of the line type the word 'single' then press ctrl-x [08:12] you will get an interface where you can reinstall jpeg-2000 [08:13] really? [08:13] i was looking to chroot to reinstall === punjabibecks is now known as bubble_ [08:14] hi, is it reasonable to install Kubuntu Natty beta? I need to change my distro [08:15] and I would like a very recent one === epzil0n_ is now known as epzil0n [08:16] annma: I had and still have quite some problems with it, it chokes on grub mostly [08:16] ouch [08:16] so maybe it's not the wisest [08:17] I have a 10.10 CD [08:17] maybe I can try to install it and see from there [08:17] annma: what is it? [08:17] not seeing where you got that dask [08:17] mimi2: really [08:18] it takes ages anyway to download an iso here [08:18] Daskreech: what is what? [08:18] mimi2: you don't get a note at the very start to say press to see menu? [08:18] annma: Oh never mind. Natty. Thought you were looking at somethign specific [08:19] I always used rpm-based distros so I am a bit fearful of .deb [08:20] annma: how so? [08:20] everything is different [08:20] Have you used Yum? [08:20] no [08:21] Ah [08:21] I mostly do things on command line anyway [08:21] well I think you will like the debian way [08:21] yum is command line :) [08:21] I used Mandriva since I started on Linux [08:21] It's the same as apt-get [08:21] ah so you have used urpmi ? [08:21] Daskreech: it's not about liking [08:21] it's about time to set up my system [08:22] I don't want spending days on having a trunk running [08:22] which do i pick? root, kernel? to add the single to? [08:23] mimi2: kernel at the very end of the line [08:23] annma: oh so why do you want Natty then? [08:23] sounds like you are trying to get into what you are tryin to avoid [08:24] because it would have all the latest dependencies [08:24] for building master [08:24] do i type single then ctrl x or hit enter first before crtl x [08:24] my main problem is that mandriva lacks behind trunk for a lot of dependencies [08:25] now it says something ro quiet single [08:25] annma: why not using debian sid then? [08:26] debian has too much learning path for repos [08:26] and I always heard that debian was also very conservative [08:26] true, that. but if you want an upt-to-date system in Kubuntu you will need to add the various kubuntu PPAs [08:27] going to hit enter then ctrl x [08:28] did nothing === _BS__ is now known as _BS_ === _BS_ is now known as Guest44999 === Guest44999 is now known as _BS_-NOT [08:34] maybe I should wait for Natty to be out then [08:35] hi annma, others [08:35] trunk will be stabilized for dependencies [08:35] hi Tm_T [08:36] daskreech, it looks like i have previous kernel versions? can i just boot into one of them and install from there? [08:36] mimi2: not of jpeg200 is really causing a login issue [08:36] i noticed -_- [08:36] mimi2: You can just boot into something normally and then press alt+ctrl+F1 if you don't want to parameter hack [08:37] so i can just install via a previous version? [08:37] annma: which trunk? [08:37] mimi2: of what? [08:37] kernel [08:38] boot menu is giving me multiple options [08:38] to boot to. including recovery mode. maybe i boot into recovery and install there? [08:40] or maybe chroot via live cd [08:40] Daskreech: kde trunk!!! [08:40] Daskreech: I develop on kde [08:40] which is the problem [08:40] if I was anormal user I would get 10.10 and be happy [08:40] annma: :) just checking. [08:41] mimi2: that would work try recovery mode [08:41] and install from there? [08:41] annma: perhaps you would like to talk to the development team for Kubuntu? [08:42] a number of them are upstream developers you can ask how their workflow with Kubuntu works [08:42] mimi2: yes [08:42] Daskreech: I think I would like to talk to someone having kubuntu and developing on kde trunk [08:42] annam, you do? then can you please have the amarok people add a function to count the number of songs in library [08:42] annma: I just said that :) [08:42] mimi2: I don't develop on amarok [08:42] mimi2: You can do that yourself [08:42] the development team for kubuntu is not the kde devel team [08:43] I don't even use amarok as I can't build it ;) [08:43] chicken-egg [08:43] annma: I know that but some of them do a lot of upstream work [08:43] dask, what do i pick? normal boot, netroot, etc [08:43] there's 10? options! [08:43] apachelogger is well known. JontheEchidna is also doing a fair amount of work [08:44] he's the maintainer of the weather wallpaper [08:44] mimi2: What are they if you don't mind me asking? [08:44] yeah I know apachelogger and Riddell :) [08:44] and Riddell of course :) [08:44] Huggable bear [08:44] polar bear. Probably in that club :) [08:45] Exception: apachelogger is undefined [08:45] I saw you did a session about KAppTemplate apachelogger [08:45] resume, clean, dpkg, failsafex, grub, netroot, root [08:45] actuall KDE Q+A, JontheEchidna was supposed to talk about KAppTemplate but couldnt make it [08:46] ah [08:46] mimi2: netroot should work [08:46] that gets me to terminal i think? [08:46] ye [08:46] i guess i do aptget from there? [08:47] then you typ,, yes :) [08:47] what's the command? apt-get jasper? [08:48] sudo apt-get install libjasper1 ? [08:48] what about dependencies? [08:50] problem. it says it's already newest version. nothing installed or upgraded [08:50] what dependencies do i need? [08:51] mimi2: it will auto install dependencies it needs [08:51] um [08:51] then it installed nothing [08:51] says i alreayd have newest [08:51] then jasper1 isn't your problem [08:51] >.< [08:51] then what is? [08:52] it broke after i uninstalled jasper [08:52] i did nothing else [08:52] at what point is the boot stopping? [08:53] after the uninstall, nothing would run. i could no longer open a picture via gwenview. and when i click on an icon to open a program like firefox, nothing would happen [08:53] can you type service kdm start ? [08:53] the logo [08:53] that's all? [08:53] it says kdm start running [08:54] the logo where it thinks. has the dots that run left to right and back and so on [08:54] just before you get to login [08:55] mimi2: I think that you may have turned off something else [08:55] such as? [08:55] I don't know. [08:55] can you apt-get install pastebinit [08:56] done [08:56] what's your normal username? [08:57] why? [08:57] trying to get your history of last commands [08:57] ? [08:57] how? [08:57] Though you probably removed it with kpackagekit huh ? [08:59] when i uninstalled, it removed a lot of dependencies and i tried to cancel but there was no way so i said i just reinstall as soon as it's done. it looked like it reinstalled but nothing would run [09:00] mimi2: oh ha ok [09:00] ok I had win7 and ubuntu duel boot, and was trying to get netbook edition to work 10.10 but it failed then it wouldnt load anything, so installed 10.10 side by side and now i figured how to fix the original 10.10 how to i get back to the first w7 and 10.10, and remove the second 10.10 from grub [09:01] pastebinit /var/log/dpkg [09:01] icons for programs under menu were replaced with question marks. like pcitures were no longer supported [09:01] so i rebooted and here we are [09:01] hey did anyone found da way to install guest additions in ubuntu 11.04 in da right way???? [09:02] i mean while running ubuntu 11.04 as a guest in virtualbox [09:02] unable to read [09:03] pastebinit /var/log/dpkg.log [09:03] vikash_: ask in #vbox [09:03] bt how to open it [09:04] frm where to access this [09:04] gave me an url [09:05] mimi2: can you copy that url here? [09:05] vikash_: click on the blue words [09:05] http://pastebin.com/javxjjhp [09:07] log is blank [09:07] mimi2: I'm seeing that [09:07] how is that ? [09:08] beats me :? [09:08] vikash_ why not just install 11.04 in the vhbox [09:08] because i am in recovery? [09:09] mimi2: doi... hm [09:09] what does mount say [09:09] none on at lot of stuff [09:10] but my 2 hdds are mounted [09:10] ok [09:10] where to? [09:10] /? [09:10] usual [09:10] ok [09:11] looks like / is mounted too [09:12] well I need a log of what you removed [09:12] jasper [09:12] mimi2: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [09:12] are you serious? [09:12] yes [09:12] ... [09:12] um [09:13] whoa [09:13] it's asking to install a lot of stuff [09:13] looks like kde stuff.... [09:14] going to say yes.... [09:15] so uninstalling jasper, uninstalls the entire desktop???? [09:17] ok. all done. now what? [09:21] daskreech? [09:29] mimi2: service kdm stop [09:30] >.< [09:30] already rebooted [09:30] mimi2: and? [09:30] it boots [09:30] mimi2: you are welcome [09:30] looks like i lost all my "settings" [09:30] firefox is no longer installed [09:31] that's not a setting that's a program [09:31] but yes, it boots. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU [09:31] i mean, looks like everything got installed [09:31] amarok is 2.0 [09:31] even though i had 1 [09:32] so uninstalling jasper uninstalls the entire desktop [09:32] pretty crazy [09:32] possibly [09:32] i hate amarok 2 so much [09:32] but i can "fix" it from here [09:32] who are you by the way? =P so expertly knowledgable [09:33] someone who hangs out here a lot [09:33] you don't develop? [09:33] Not in kdE [09:33] then what? [09:34] personal projects [09:34] oh ok === _BS_-NOT is now known as _BS_ [09:35] mimi2: enjoy [09:35] THANK YOU. i should hang around here like you === _BS_ is now known as _BS_-NOT [09:35] you probably should ;) === _BS_-NOT is now known as _BS_ [09:35] what does it mean if when I "ls -alh" a directory, I see a bunch of question marks instead of permissions (for . and .. dirs)? [09:36] what is an .. dir? [09:37] Daskreech: . is current dir, .. is parent dir (when listed in any directory with -a) [09:38] I ran a fsck on reboot too, and I still get "d????????? ? ? ? ? ? ." and "d????????? ? ? ? ? ? .." [09:38] i used to hang around ~_~ === mon_ is now known as Ziltoid === Ziltoid is now known as Ziltoid83 [09:43] I'm running 10.10 but it's on a machine that doesn't cope well with it [09:43] amichair: sounds like serious filesystem corruption [09:43] what's the simplest way to downgrade [09:43] and can you recommend something that will be running at its optimum on the machine I'm using? [09:43] Ziltoid83: install 9.10 [09:44] Ziltoid83: or altlinux [09:44] I'm running a laptop wth 700mb ram and an athlon processor [09:44] anybody? [10:17] please help me. HOW TO INSTALL GDE? [10:18] murali: gde? [10:18] murali: wth is ti ? [10:18] gnome desktop environment [10:19] http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-GNOME-3-on-Ubuntu-11-04-194085.shtml Should be close enough [10:19] murali: this is kubuntu channel [10:19] #ubuntu [10:19] yes, i want to install gnome desktop in kubuntu itself [10:20] sudo apt-get install ubuntu-destkop [10:20] that's all [10:21] Peace: error: Couldn't find package ubuntu-destkop [10:22] sudo apt-get update [10:22] sudo apt-get install ubuntu-destkop [10:23] <_BS_> Help please. Trying to config wireless. Gone in circles. Don't know which way is up any more. Netgear WNDA3100, usb. 10.04 lts. I can see wlan0 in ifconfig. Gave up on knet. Hit refresh on wicd, keeps going back to wired. Help please. [10:23] its downloading some files [10:24] _BS_: first [10:24] _BS_: what did you do before? [10:24] wicd? [10:25] Peace: still same error message [10:25] <_BS_> I have done so many things, so many days ago, I can't tell you any more. Frustration with default kde nt manager sent me looking for an alternative. wicd is a different net manager. Remind me what comes by default and I'll try to get back to square one. For a long time I could not see wlan0 - but didn't discover that for a while. Now see wlan0, need to start fresh, properly. [10:26] murali: [10:26] sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [10:26] [sudo] password for ecchimequa: [10:26] Reading package lists... Done [10:26] Building dependency tree [10:26] Peace-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [10:26] Reading state information... Done [10:26] murali: you have some mess on repository [10:27] !repository | murali fix you source-list [10:27] murali fix you source-list: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [10:27] ok Peace. WAt shud i do now? [10:27] _BS_: ok i have written here , some stuff [10:27] _BS_: you could try to read this .... [10:28] _BS_: read all the article http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/05/15/network-management-disabled-after-suspend-to-ram-kubuntu-10-04/ [10:29] <_BS_> Note: Would rather switch adapters than go ndiswrapper. Will look at link, but I don't suspend to anything, let alone ram. (Just in case it matters.) [10:29] _BS_: read anyway i am nowardev [10:30] _BS_: btw you can paaste [10:30] _BS_: iwconfig [10:30] what does it say? [10:44] <_BS_> BTW - what happen to ability to right-click menu item and choose 'put in command', 'run as admin', etc., etc. [10:44] <_BS_> iwconfig says lo/eth2/irda0/eth3: no wireless extensions. wlan0 looks reasonable. Just a minute. [10:49] please help me. HOW TO INSTALL Gnome Desktop [10:49] install ubuntu-desktop, murali [10:49] murali: and #ubuntu [10:49] command please [10:50] !gnome [10:50] GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal. [10:50] murali: ^^^ [10:51] you can do !gnome | user next time, FWIW [10:51] Thank you very much [10:52] <_BS_> Peace-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/593507/ [10:52] I know, APERSON, but I always forget [10:52] until I'm half-done [10:52] lol [10:52] <_BS_> Peasce-: Link no help. === _BS__ is now known as _BS_ === _BS_ is now known as _BS_-NOT === _BS_-NOT is now known as _BS_ [10:59] <_BS_> There is just something basic/weird in the wi-fi at the moment. e.g. Network manager only shows wired network. There is no wireless 'tab' to choose. [11:12] Hello! I need help in offline installing multimedia codecs on kubuntu 10.10 [11:12] Please help me anybody. I can't recognize how to do it [11:13] There are a lot of docs in internet but they describe synaptics or kubuntu older then 10.10 [11:17] <_BS_> OK, I don't know why, but it understands there's wireless out there now. It is finally finding some networks. Question: Why is it always disconnecting wired network when searching wireless - surely it can use multiple network 'cards'. [11:19] _BS_: hi i am here now [11:20] user12: ok [11:20] !restrictedformats | user12 [11:20] user12: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [11:20] !medibuntu | user12 [11:20] user12: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [11:20] _BS_: are you there? [11:21] <_BS_> Peace-: Hey. You have messages, i.e. your irc stayed up / no lost messages / you can/will catch up when you chew through the traffic? [11:22] _BS_: so what's your problem now? [11:22] _BS_: i suggest to install wicd-kde [11:22] Peace- : I need offline installing. How can I do it? [11:22] offline on Kubuntu, no ubuntu [11:22] I have not synaptics [11:22] you need basically to [11:23] add medibuntu repository [11:23] then [11:23] sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras [11:23] <_BS_> Peace-: At the moment, working through getting a connection to my router. Bear with me. In meantime: Why is attempt to connect to wireless causing wired to be disconnected - surely multiple 'nics' can connect simultaneiously. [11:23] <_BS_> Peace-: wicd is what I said I was running before you posted link to look at, and your first question was: wicd? [11:23] yea [11:24] but i have said now [11:24] wicd-kde [11:24] yex.... [11:24] user12: packages are saved in this folder [11:24] /var/cache/apt/archives [11:25] yes.... [11:25] <_BS_> Peace-: There is no wicd-kde. However, there is the wicd metapackage that includes all necessary components. wicd is up and running. Not connecting to anything ... but that's a different story. Working on it. [11:25] so if you need to save restricted packages and use them in another computer you have only to copy and paste them from a pc where you have network [11:25] to a pc offline [11:26] no...... [11:26] _BS_: i need to understand better you computer [11:26] your problems [11:26] because i understood you can use wifi right now!? [11:26] okay...... [11:26] Peace-, I haven't ubuntu on online PCs. I have gentoo and winxp online [11:27] user12: wtf this is kubuntu channels [11:27] user12: ask to #gentoo then + [11:27] omg kids [11:27] <_BS_> Peace-: Bear with me for a moment while I figure out where I'm at. wlan0 is now present, networks are being found, it is trying to connect to my router. Working through connection issues at moment, e.g. choosing right wpa2 personal password, etc., in client. In meantime: why does attempt to use wi-fi cause wired to go down? [11:27] good by.... [11:28] <_BS_> This notification widget is going to drive me bonkers. [11:29] _BS_: well this is how it works [11:29] i guess in the most of itme [11:29] you can get only an ip [11:29] i guess [11:29] you need to interfaces to be connected with router? [11:29] 2/to [11:30] here when i try to connect with ethernet wifi goes down [11:30] and vice versa [11:31] Peace, thank you [11:34] <_BS_> Peace-: It is not how it works, at least 'til now. What I mean is, in all my playing in the past / various *buntu's, multiple links are always possible. e.g. eth0 and wlan0. e.g. Stick 2 pci network cards is pretty normal. Now, I'm not saying 10.04 hasn't changed things, nor that the current gui interfaces haven't introduced this behaviour as normal, but it is goody and new to me. Irritating, unex [11:34] <_BS_> pected, and thus, I asked. Granted - in *most* situations, it's what you want. I'll guess this is the whole ease of use/automation effort - Leave your wired network, auto connect to a hotspot, come home, auto-connect to home, etc., etc. Sorry, I'll stop whining now. [11:36] _BS_: :S whining or not whining if something doesn't work i know how you could feel === NaN is now known as Guest31195 [11:37] anyway the most important thing is to be into internet at least with an interface [11:38] <_BS_> Peace-: Frustrated. Bad password. Repeatedly entered password here and into router. No go. Router SSID currently not being hidden. Using WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK Mixed Mode. Net is now showing up in Wicd Network Manager. Chose WPA 1/2 (Preshared Key). Bad password. [11:39] _BS_: ok understood [11:39] _BS_: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan [11:39] i know hidden wifi gets problem [11:39] with network manager [11:39] don't use it [11:40] this would be the most easy way to get wifi works better [11:40] <_BS_> Peace-: Granted, that's why it's currently not hidden. Great system we have here: iwlist wlan0 scan: wlan 0 Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down. [11:40] * Peace- sorry Peace- has eaten a lots and his english is not so goo , he is italian [11:40] godd [11:40] -.- [11:40] good [11:40] <_BS_> I know I know ifconfigwlan0 up. coming. [11:41] _BS_: ok [11:41] _BS_: mm that could be a driver problem [11:41] let me check it out [11:41] first [11:41] you have a notebook ? [11:43] if you have a notebook please check if you have a button to turn on your wifi [11:43] second [11:44] sudo rfkill list [11:44] if something is blocked [11:44] the you need to unblock [11:45] sudo rfkill unblock all [11:45] <_BS_> Peace-: Hmmm. My network not showing up. Yes, this is WNDA3100 on an (old) thinkpad. Router is openwrt. Net shows up under wicd. I'm wondering ... these are 2.4GHz/5GHz devices. wicd shows correct channel and GHz, but bad password. Would iwlist take only first radio, say, the 2.4 not the 5 ... [11:45] <_BS_> Peace-: Hmmm. Give me a moment, I'll turn on the 2.4 and see how far things get. [11:45] <_BS_> Peace-: As I said at beginning ... usb wnda3100. Not internal. [11:46] well i don't know every model xD [11:46] ok so if it's usb you have not button [11:46] but check with rfkill [11:46] if it's blocked [11:50] <_BS_> Peace-: Sorry, don't mean to be cranky at you. Of course you don't know every model, and what you asked/suggested is certainly a reasonable guess. [11:53] <_BS_> Peace-: Doesn't help there's 20+ nets in my area. Same result on 2.4GHz - sees it, tries to connect, validating password, bad password. (How can I get notification widget to stay still and just open a window or something. Up/down/up/down ... getting dizzy.) rfkill? [11:54] _BS_: ok but you said before [11:54] iwlist wlan0 scan: wlan 0 Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down. [11:54] so [11:54] you have done [11:54] sudo iwlist [11:54] or just iwlist? [11:56] <_BS_> Peace-: OK, on 2.4 iwlist is now showing my net. Remind me ... what am I looking for? [11:57] for wifi i do this [11:57] first i check if driver works [11:57] iwconfig should show wlan stuff [11:57] then i try to get netwoks [11:57] with this [11:57] sudo iwlist wlan0 scan [11:58] if it can get network = driver works [11:58] if driver works it's only a settings problem [11:58] now [11:58] you can use network manager [11:58] or wicd [11:58] before you a open wifi and try with that [11:59] if works [11:59] try to use a wpa [11:59] if deosn't work try wep [11:59] now youy can try to hide your network [11:59] but i know with hidden netwok you can get a lots of problem [11:59] that's all [12:00] controls [12:00] sometime you can get software blocks [12:00] and hardware blocks [12:00] to check them all [12:00] you need to run [12:00] sudo rfkill list [12:00] Peace-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. === _BS_-NOT is now known as _BS_ [12:00] if it says yes === _BS_ is now known as _BS_-NOT [12:00] you need to unblock devices === _BS_-NOT is now known as _BS_ [12:01] Peace-: please dont use enter for punctuation [12:01] with sudo rfkill unlock all === _BS_ is now known as _BS_-NOT [12:02] <_BS_-NOT> Peace-: freenode just dropped on me (again). Strange. Last thing I see from you is 'it says yes'. Last thing I said to you was 're-set it on the router." Could you repeat please - something about unblocking device? [12:03] _BS_-NOT: http://paste.ubuntu.com/593521/ === _BS_-NOT is now known as _BS_ [12:09] <_BS_> Peace-: Thank you for paste. I'm well familiar with this stuff, just not well versed in troubleshooting linux. Thus, yes, for example, when hidden network not working, make it visible long enough to diagnose problem, etc. Which is where we're at now - visible 2.4GHz. Interesting: Haven't come across rfkill before. And no 'man rfkill.' No blocks. Good try though! [12:10] <_BS_> Peace-: notification widget annoying. Where are wi-fi connection attempts logged: /var/log/messages? [12:12] click on the kde menu [12:12] and search for log [12:12] it should be a program that handle every log in your computer [12:12] with filters [12:13] ~[6~/win 14 [12:13] tsk [12:17] Riddell: mm i know you ? [12:18] Riddell: have you read natty feedback ? [12:20] <_BS_> Peace-: OK, have ksystemlog. Interesting, never appreciated it was bring multiple logs into a single window before. What do you suggest I filter on? Last connection attempt appears to end [12:21] <_BS_> Peace-: Never mind, doesn't look like it's bringing multiple files together. [12:22] Peace-: which natty feedback? [12:22] <_BS_> Peace-: And ... ksystemlog just crashed. Anyways ... from your comments, it sounds like I want /var/log/messages anyways. I'll go back to tail -f /var/log/messages? [12:22] Riddell: i am nowardev , there is a bug on knetwork manager [12:22] Riddell: on natty beta1 [12:23] can be fixed in 1 second [12:23] Riddell: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/NattyNarwhal/Beta1/Kubuntu/Feedback [12:23] <_BS_> Peace-: 'nowardev'? As in 'No war dev' or 'No wardriving dev'? i.e. No wi-fi developer? [12:24] no war [12:24] xD [12:26] <_BS_> Peace-: Not war. (Makes sense.) But 'nowardev'? But I don't understand ... you're in #kubuntu - by definition, isn't it ... Linux against the world ... especially war against the evil empire ... Microsoft! D-: [12:26] <_BS_> :-D [12:27] well no i don't care about microsoft [12:27] for me microsoft doesn't exist [12:27] xD [12:29] Peace-: I expect there's a good reason for that, ethernet works fine for me, but if you think it's a bug you should report a bug on network-manager (which isn't maintained by kubuntu developers) [12:30] Riddell: well it's a bug [12:30] well known [12:31] if you use knetwork manager and you have down your ethernet [12:31] it doens't wok [12:31] your probably are using the widget [12:31] Riddell: searching on google that sed -i "s/managed=false/managed=true/g [12:31] you will find it [12:32] <_BS_> Peace-: Well ... there's no need for Peace if there's no War. [12:32] Peace-: as I say it's not a package I maintain, if you want feedback you need to file a bug and the maintainer will get to it [12:33] Riddell: oh well i am trying to release my own kde+lxde iso [12:33] based on natty [12:33] i'll see if i get enough time [12:37] <_BS_> Peace-: This is getting very frustrating. Have tried router at both WPA2-PSK and WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK Mixed Mode. Have been happily using the latter with every other (Windows) system. Pretty sure with kubuntu too, just not on this particular laptop. Have tried both WPA 1/2 (Preshared key) and WPA 1/2 (Passphrase) on client. It tries real hard: establishing connection ... Goofy characters... [12:37] <_BS_> ...(\xab\x12\etc) ... === sqwertle is now known as buov === _BS_ is now known as _BS_-NOT [13:32] Please Help. I am new to Kubuntu. i have installed kubuntu 10.04. Can anyone suggest me weblinks through which i can use it. [13:34] Please Help. I am new to Kubuntu. i have installed kubuntu 10.04. Can anyone suggest me weblinks or manual through which i can use it. [13:39] Please Help. I am new to Kubuntu. i have installed kubuntu 10.04. Can any1 please provide me links to manuals. [13:40] murali:http://free-pdf-ebook.com/2009/03/26/kubuntu-desktop-guide/ [13:40] what manuals [13:41] murali: there is also the help program in the main menu :) [13:41] * jussi waves to annma [13:42] hey jussi :) [13:43] howdy folks === ernesto_ is now known as achenaton [13:50] Thank you SCHU_R. But i was looking for 10.04 version specific [13:51] murali, do you have a specific question or questions, ..perhaps we can help [13:53] Blueskaj. I have installed kubuntu 10.04. i need a website which has the manual for kubuntu 10.04. [13:56] murali, this is a support channel , what would you like to know , but you can try this blog, it may help: http://my.opera.com/JesseMcDuffee/blog/index.dml/tag/Linux%20Kubuntu%2010.04%20guide === dean is now known as Guest91178 === Guest91178 is now known as deank [14:09] quick question; does anyone know why, when customizing the icon for New Message (on the toolbar) in kontact (kmail), it reverts back to the original when changing between application (Mail / Summary / Calendar, etc)? === mren|off is now known as mren [14:24] What is the GUI way to quickly see my computer processor and memory capacity in KDE? Similar to right click my computer properties on Win. [14:26] elijah: kinfocenter probably [14:26] yofel: You da man! [14:29] salve === dean is now known as deank [14:43] hi all [14:44] people do you know about this kind of problem: When I open image in Gwenview and maximize window my X (I think crashing) restarting. [14:50] kinfocenter ROCKS [14:50] Way better than anything on WIN [14:54] .join #ubuntu [15:00] meganerd: will you see my post at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1727385 ? I got no replies :( [15:16] meganerd: are those apps? === zeynep is now known as sonidotres [16:11] ciao === ludo is now known as Guest93230 === david is now known as Guest51030 === _BS_-NOT is now known as _BS_ === _BS_ is now known as _BS_-NOT === _BS_-NOT is now known as _BS_ [17:11] <_BS_> Been struggling with getting my wi-fi going (10.04 lts) for a while now / tonight. Have just reproved that all is well using windows. i.e. No hardware failures, right passwords, schemes. By any chance ... windows seems to be using aes. My linux laptop tkip. Laptop will not connect. Is tkip/aes being interchangeably / automatically used, and my problems lie elsewhere? [17:17] <_BS_> wicd shows connection attempts, but always comes back bad password. I know the password to be good. I know the hardware and router to be good. What I don't know is why kubuntu isn't happy. [17:17] _BS_, which wifi chip , sudo lshw -C network [17:21] <_BS_> BluesKaj: Have tried a couple of adapters. Currently, Netgear WNDA3100 802.11n dual band. Hmm. your lshw isn't showing me which chip. What info/line are you looking for? [17:23] <_BS_> Dah. Sorry, haven't said ... old ibm thinkpad, this is a usb wi-fi adapter. [17:23] _BS_, is this a USB wifi adapter on a pc , or are you on a laptop? [17:26] <_BS_> BluesKaj- So, for example -C network shows the wired, and a product/vendor line, the usb wi-fi adapter does not. [17:27] <_BS_> BluesKaj- lsusb shows Bus 002 Device 008: ID 0846:9010 NetGear, Inc. WNDA3100 802.11n. lshw does show the adapter, description/physical/logical/serial/capabilities/configuration, but not product/vendor/chip info. [17:32] _BS_, I don'tr see a lot of info on the forums etc about the netgear usb adapter , but ti seems to have a broadcom chip. I assume you've tried this adapter with network manager and went with wicd afterwards ? [17:33] _BS_, bbiab ...stuff to do === root is now known as Guest19619 [18:44] using the search and launch page on a netbook. click on the internet icon. applications icons appear and then "rearrange" themselves. how can I stop those icons from moving? [18:45] hi.... there was a power failure today and now plasma-desktop crashes when it starts [18:45] any help would be greatly appreciated [18:45] anoneemouse: can you pastebin the backtrace ? [18:46] bluefrog: i might be wrong here, but i don't think that's configurable, you could ask in #kde [18:46] ok [18:48] sure... i have no debugging symbols installed... will it still be helpful? [18:48] anoneemouse: well .. it might be, still might give me a idea what's wrong [18:48] anoneemouse: oh and which KDE Version? [18:48] 4.6.2 i think [18:49] updated quite recently [18:49] okay, can you please confirm it's 4.6.2 ? [18:49] Just launch any KDE app and go to Help > About KDE [18:49] yup... looked in konversation about kde [18:49] ah okay ... [18:50] http://paste.kde.org/11656/ [18:51] ah [18:52] anoneemouse: looks like a issue with the microblog plasmoid there === steff is now known as Guest31700 [18:52] okay... then it wasnt even the reboot because i just started using that plasmoid [18:52] yep [18:53] what you could do is, try removing the plasmoid if you can [18:53] anoneemouse: does plasma-desktop crash as soon as you start it up? [18:53] IIRC someone else had a trace like that a few days ago, I remember giving up and telling him to file a bug and then remove the plamoid [18:53] im looking for the rc file thats got the plasmoid configurations in [18:53] yofel: bug with 4.6.2? [18:53] yeah... i dont have a chance to see the desktop [18:53] shadeslayer: could be, he was running 4.6.2 too [18:54] anoneemouse: .kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc is my guess [18:56] voila [18:56] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=270327 indeed [18:56] anoneemouse: ^^ [18:56] thanks shadeslayer [18:56] KDE bug 270327 in widget-microblogging "Plasma shell crashes on system startup each time since 4 6 2 (related to MicroBlog) [QGraphicsItemPrivate::setVisibleHelper, QGraphicsItem::setVisible, hide, MicroBlog::downloadHistory, MicroBlog::configChanged]" [Crash,New] [18:56] anoneemouse: sure no problem :) [18:57] kind of sucks that it drags down the entire desktop with it [18:57] anoneemouse: yeah, i think they're working on sandboxing widgets or sth [18:58] i wonder if i can reproduce this on natty [18:58] yofel: ^^ [18:59] anoneemouse: this happened when you added the plasmoid and rebooted right? [18:59] try it, I didn't have time to foobar my desktop back then [19:00] ok reboot time then [19:01] yes it did shadeslayer [19:03] works fine on natty [19:04] yofel: possibly a problem with our maverick packages? [19:04] anoneemouse: are you on 32 or 64bit? [19:04] could be, I didn't look into the crash much yet [19:09] yofel: i have yet another possible cause for this crash, Qt 4.7.0 ( but that's only if they ported the microblog plasmoid to QML in KDE 4.6.2 [19:09] ) [19:12] okay it's not Qt ... so back to bad packaging [19:14] anoneemouse: They are trying to rewrite it so that it kills itself and that's all [19:21] anyone have any recommendations for webcam software? I'd like to record some video. I tried kamoso, but it crashes everytime I choose folder for output. [19:22] cymew: you can try kdenlive ^^ its a video editing program.. but I think it can capture video from webcams as well [19:23] cymew: can you give me a backtrace so as to figure out why it does that? [19:32] cymew: or cheese [19:33] cheese just lock up. :( [19:33] shadeslayer: I'll see if there's a dbg package that can give some useful output. [19:33] cymew: just pastebin what you have right now and we can go from there :D [19:33] James147: Interesting suggestion. I'll look into it. [19:36] http://pastebin.com/JvcQKug6 [19:47] kdenlive did actually work. Not easy to understand, but it did capture to a file, which was replayable. Thanks for the hint, James147! === david is now known as Guest94771 [19:47] cymew: yeah well it want designed to capture video, but to edit it.. thats just an extra feature to make eidting easier :) [19:47] shadeslayer: That pastbin was the crash output you asked for, btw. [19:48] cymew: ah okay, please highlight me when sending stuff i have to look at :) [19:48] Yeah, I just realized I should have... [19:50] cymew: i see dangling pointers in that backtrace [19:51] If you say so... [19:51] cymew: please report this crash upstream on bugs.kde.org [19:51] ok [19:52] oh, before you do, please install the necessary debug symbols :) [19:52] I just looked to see if there was a dbg package. Not in my repos, no. :( [19:52] cymew: you just need to click on "Install Debug Symbols" [19:53] ok, I'll try that [19:53] in Dr. Konqi .. when you see the backtrace === Guest94771 is now known as d_ed === marass is now known as mcas [20:01] Hello all. I have been learning html. I want to learn how to do flash.What do I need to learn flash? [20:03] germyn, this ia kubuntu support channel. I suggest you search for a flash tutorial on the web. [20:03] ia=is [20:05] Ok. I will try that. Thank you. [20:05] * James147 suggest to germyn to look at html5 instead of flash if he has no requirement to use flash [20:06] germyn: HTML5 is a much better growth prospect right now [20:06] ActionScript is notoriously difficult to do on Linux, because Adobe won't release any tools for it [20:06] shadeslayer: Bug reported with dbg symbols included. [20:07] thanks! :) [20:08] I'm very good at finding bugs, I'm afraid. ;) [20:21] can anyone please help me in reproducing this bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=266435 [20:21] KDE bug 266435 in kfileplacesview "Place bar: Edit entry dialog location field ridiculously small" [Minor,Unconfirmed] [20:28] c2tarun: i don't get the problem... the dialog is resizable for me, so i can just make it larger and see as much as i like. [20:29] ah, should have read all of it... the report even says so. [20:29] c2tarun: what do you want to reproduce about it? [20:29] Torch: actually how did you open that dialog? [20:30] Torch: ping.... === punjabibecks is now known as bubble_ [20:32] c2tarun: right click on an entry in dolphin's places bar. [20:32] c2tarun: pick "edit" [20:34] Torch: well its quite large :/ and it is small only when the window is small :/ how can anyone make a large LineEdit in small window :/ [20:34] that bug is invalid [20:37] c2tarun: that was my impression, too. [20:38] surely the bug is saying the default window size is too small [20:38] that's legitimate [20:40] d_ed: that's debatable. what i would do is add code to remember the size the user sets the dialog to and restore that size (KDE has functionality for exactly that) [20:44] Torch: I think it already do that. it remembers the previous size. [20:45] c2tarun: not for me on 4.6.2 though [20:45] Torch: I am also on 4.6.2 but it always open fully maximized when I close it in such state. [20:45] check it once more plz [20:46] c2tarun: fully maximized? that's not what i'm talking about. [20:46] c2tarun: it also doesn't remember that setting for me. [20:46] hmmm.... === punjabibecks is now known as bubble_ === bubble_ is now known as bubble === bubble is now known as bubble_ === bubble_ is now known as bubble === bubble is now known as bubble_ === markarios is now known as makarios [21:50] im trying to follow this:http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/09/20/disable-touchpad-temporarily-when-typing/ to dissable my touchpads eratic behavoir of jumping aroudn the screen and cut/pasting when i dont want it to. but when runnning sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf my xorg.conf file dosenot show up. can anyone tell me an easyier way to acomplish my goal or where xorc is hiding its conf files? === vbgunz__ is now known as vbgunz [21:53] lovesthethianood: by default there is no xorg.conf and more ^^ look in xorg.d [21:53] s/and/any [22:00] lovesthethianood: or you can create an xorg.conf by stoping X and running "sudo Xorg -configure" === donatas is now known as donatas_s [22:20] James147: That was it !! I know there was a default way to make one [22:21] Daskreech: if your running nvidia then nvidia-xconfig is generally better... there is probally a similar util for the ati cards === panne- is now known as panne [22:23] yeah [22:23] the person was running a nvidia so that saved me but I knew there was a way to make a default one [22:23] X is a little strange [22:24] * James147 wonders what wayland will be like ^^ [22:24] * James147 goes to see if his laptop is willing to compile it now... === ubuntu is now known as just-jill [22:27] how to install webcam on kubuntu 10.04? [22:27] masese: plug it in? [22:29] i've plugged it [22:30] masese: then open an applcatiion that can use it and used it... [22:35] we [22:37] which application uses it? [22:37] think should appear somewhere [22:37] masese: skype, kdenlive, kopete, cheese... === dinesh is now known as saidinesh5 === bubble is now known as bubble_ === Philip6 is now known as Philip5 === mren is now known as mren|off === claydoh_ is now known as claydoh [23:44] doesn,t show anything