[00:00] o/ [00:00] Hi staticsafe, cyphermox [00:00] hey dscassel [00:01] hey dscassel [00:01] Agenda (such as it is): http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/team/63/detail/ [00:01] For anyone who saw my comment in #ubuntu-offtopic you may find this amusing: http://i52.tinypic.com/sopcah.png [00:02] genii-around: lol [00:02] :) [00:04] Mass call! [thor] ayecee bregma FiReSTaRT IdleOne james_w Kamondelious kenjy KombuchaKip Kulag lborda mikkidog ryanakca sipherdee willwh zul [00:04] Meeting time. :) [00:04] Topic #1: Introductions. Feel free to say hello. [00:04] whats up [00:04] okay [00:04] hello n.n [00:04] hello9 [00:04] I'm Darcy, and I'm chairing this meeting. [00:04] Hi, kenjy :) [00:05] hey, I'm Matt, spy from ubuntu-qc ;) [00:06] Mike here, in Toronto [00:06] cyphermox: The more the merrier. :) [00:07] indeed! [00:07] * dscassel passes genii-around a coffee. [00:08] dscassel: Thanks muchly! [00:08] Work, back in a few minutes [00:11] All right. #2 Release party! [00:11] * genii-around sips his coffee [00:11] So we're having one in Kitchener, on the 30th. [00:12] and one in Toronto on the 30th as well. :) [00:12] staticsafe: Yes, that one I'm hosting [00:13] That's too bad, if they're on the same day then I can't go to both [00:13] we'll be having one in Montreal, I think it's the 21st [00:13] BobJonkman: On the other hand, if they're on the same day, we can have a big, trans-canada LAN party. :D [00:14] cyphermox: oo isn't that a bit early? [00:14] it is [00:14] dscassel: Oooooo interesting. Like AccessGrid or so? [00:14] but we're trying to accomodate other people ;) [00:15] basically, one long-term member from Gaspesie will be around that week, so we hoped he could participate... plus this means now we could theoretically visit from montreal to toronto or ottawa if there's something there :) [00:16] genii-around: Not familiar with AccessGrid. But OpenArena and Teeworlds are awesome. [00:16] OK [00:18] cyphermox: I haven't heard anything from Ottawa lately. [00:18] dscassel: How does that get coordinated? [00:18] I should poke those guys. [00:19] genii-around: A friend of mine is putting a server together. [00:19] dscassel, just bringing it up in case [00:19] I was hoping I'd have details for the meeting, but I think I'm going to have to send a message to the mailing list. [00:21] I have a poster for Kitchener I need to get up: http://ubuntuone.com/p/lzI/ [00:22] The source file is here: http://ubuntuone.com/p/lzJ/ (open in Inkscape) [00:22] If you want to modify it for Toronto or Montreal. :) [00:23] I'll have a lightscribe template for CDs soon too. Hopefully this weekend. [00:23] oh, sweet, tha\ [00:23] *thanks [00:23] Nice :) [00:26] I sent out emails to the listings page here for Now Magazine. Also the local LUG and Toronto FreeNet are helping to push the cause. [00:26] anyone know if there's a release party planned in Ottawa [00:26] genii-around: Good idea. I'm a bit lax on getting event notices out to mainstream places. [00:27] bregma: Don't think so. You should hold one. :) [00:27] You just need a place to meet up with people. [00:28] I live isolated in the back woods :) [00:28] bregma: There was a 10.10 release party, but the guy who organized it isn't on Ubuntu anymore. [00:28] dscassel, ;) [00:28] Oh, hi, ZykoticK9 . :) [00:28] ZykoticK9: <- the guy who organized it. :) [00:28] dscassel, i love the "free as in freedom cake" sounds delicious ;) [00:29] Thanks. :D [00:29] So, ZykoticK9, what's up with Ottawa? Is anyone else around who might take up th torch? [00:30] dscassel, not that i'm aware of - i was kinda hoping someone would, but I guess no takers so far :( [00:30] oclug maybe? [00:31] They advertise up to $500 for events promoting Linux :) [00:31] genii-around, several of the oclug board was at the last release party - but haven't heard any whispers about holding on for this release... [00:32] Ah, OK [00:32] s/on/one [00:34] weird... can you ping them to ask about it? [00:34] I can ask... [00:34] I've been meaning to get ahold of CLUG (Calgary) as well... [00:34] Just to say hi and what we're about. [00:35] I'm going to be in Ottawa this summer sometime, hopefully (My sister lives there). [00:35] bregma, honestly, if you're interested in having a release party in Ottawa, but best advice would be to try an organize one yourself - it's not hard, just pic a location and send an email to the ubuntu-ca and OCLUG mailing lists and I'm sure people (probably myself included) would show up. [00:36] s/but/my [00:36] * genii-around hands Jeruvy a coffee [00:36] genii-around :thanks :) [00:36] np [00:36] Jeruvy: We are just discussing Canadian release parties for Natty [00:37] * Jeruvy waves [00:37] please continue. [00:37] Jeruvy: Are you by any chance up around Ottawa way? [00:37] Calgary [00:38] 4500km away ;) [00:38] or so [00:38] Jeruvy: Do you have any contact with CLUG? [00:38] dscassel: ^ [00:38] dscassel: Not recently. I think I know where they meet still. [00:39] Jeruvy: Interested in running a release party? Or even just an Ubuntu Hour? :) [00:40] I know there are Ubuntu people in Calgary, but they don't seem to get together much. :) [00:40] (Unless there's stuff going on I don't know about, which isn't unlikely) [00:40] I know nothing of the process, but I could look into it. [00:41] Jeruvy: It's easy. You can just do a little informal meetup at a restaurant/cafe/pub/etc. [00:41] The only tricky part is getting the word out. And that's not so bad if there's an active LUG with a mailing list in town. [00:42] Jeruvy, honestly, if you're interested in having a Ubuntu Hour in Calgary, my best advice would be to try an organize one yourself - it's not hard, just pic a location and send an email to the ubuntu-ca and CLUG mailing lists and I'm sure people (probably not myself) would show up. [00:42] :) [00:42] Anyone from Hamilton? [00:43] Jeruvy: Sort-of apologies for dragging you in to being volunteered ;) [00:43] :) [00:43] I just want ubuntu-ca to be more than Ontario. ^_^; [00:44] I'm really surprised there's no Vancouver Ubuntu stuff that I can tell [00:44] genii-around: Ubuntu Vancouver uses a (closed) meetup.com group. [00:44] So there's no way to know what they're up to. [00:44] Ah, OK [00:45] well send me details in a email. I'll see when clug is meeting (usually the 2 or 3 wed. I think) [00:45] Jeruvy: Cool. [00:45] I can follow up that way. [00:45] jeruvy@gmail.com [00:45] Thankx. :) [00:46] Jeruvy: Join the mailing list too: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-ca [00:46] dscassel: If I send a money order for $50 should that be enough to send some buttons or so on down? [00:46] BobJonkman: will do thanks. [00:47] genii-around: That's way too much. But yeah, I'll be making buttons tonight if I can find the stuff. [00:48] Cool [00:48] Yay! I still have lots of room on my hat [00:49] One of the units in this building i look after has a kitchen, we will have access to it that day. So the cupcakes will be *very* fresh. Also the coffee of which everyone knows I drink too much of :) [00:51] dscassel: What kind of connection is tolerable for the LAN party? [00:53] genii-around: I think it depends on the game. But I'm not sure. We have a decent commercial DSL connection here. [00:53] ( the place has a Sympatico connection but I can also pull in a wire from here for a Rogers commercial hookup ) [00:53] That would probably work better. :) [00:54] * genii-around makes a note to run cables this week [00:54] We're going to have people doing updates as well. [00:54] But we're setting up an apt proxy thing to help with bandwidth. [00:55] I have an old P3 I was going to hook up like last time to grab just the diffs for the iso. Hadn't thought about an apt-proxy but might also do that [00:57] I thought you'd just download everything and then share it or burn it? [00:57] genii-around: don't if you do not want to get sued by Sony ;) [00:57] I think we're using approx, not apt-proxy. Not sure what the difference is, tecnically. [00:57] Oh, if anyone has interesting cupcake recipes feel free to email me at geniibuntu@gmail.com [00:58] Post them to the list! [00:58] txwikinger: Pentium3 not PS3 :) But i understand [00:59] thats what I thought was said. [01:00] Well, it's 8. I'm going to wrap up unless anyone else has anything... [01:00] Thanks, everybody. :) [01:00] I'll send out a few emails and post LAN party details. [01:01] Quiet night [01:01] good to meet you all :) [01:01] everyone was hiding in case they were asked to organize something [01:01] bregma: Probably :) [01:01] Good to meet you too, Jeruvy :) [01:05] I need to head home from work. Have fun! [02:19] Bleh. http://www.ubuntutoronto.org/ seems to be about ergonomic chairs. [02:19] The look like nice chairs... [02:19] Heh [02:20] Personally, I don't really want to maintain a separate website for ubuntu waterloo. [02:20] And we can use all the help we can get on ubuntu-ca.org. :) [02:20] (If we can get openid working again...) [02:21] I don't know much about openid :( [02:23] No worries. I'm sure txwikinger will sort it out. [02:23] Or we'll switch authentication. :) [02:23] what do I sort out again? [02:24] OpenID. [02:24] Ah yes [02:24] Well.. I can always enable local accounts [02:24] Yeah... [02:24] Sounding preferable at this point. [02:26] ok.. I can do that [02:27] Well.. actually you can do both atm [02:27] dscassel: What was the problem again? [02:28] With what? Local accounts? [02:29] I think the main problem is users that already exist as OpenID users. [02:29] Well.. you can login either with local account or with openid when it works [02:29] your choice [02:29] ah ok.. I can delete their openid [04:12] * genii-around sips === chuck_ is now known as zul === chuck_ is now known as zul [23:13] * genii-around sips