
RAOFkais58: gnome-session-save --logout :)00:00
RAOF(Unity *is* a GNOME session ☺)00:00
kais58but does it report as gnome or unity in $DESKTOP_SESSION?00:01
kais58ok, thanks theres something else wrong with this script then00:03
kais58oh, and another thing, is it possible to lock the menu bar?00:04
* RAOF is not sure what you mean by “menu bar”00:09
hichamhow to get the menus on the panel ?00:09
RAOFhicham: As in the global menu bar?00:09
hichamRAOF: show the menu bar on the panel00:10
hichamRAOF: yes00:10
hichamRAOF: how do I enable that ?00:10
kais58the thing on the left that slides out00:10
RAOFkais58: That's referred to as “the launcher”, and you can change its autohide behaviour in CompizConfig Settings Manager - look for the Unity plugin.00:11
hichamRAOF: I installed indicator-application, but no go00:11
RAOFhicham: From memory, you need a GTK patch to enable the functionality, have a GTK module loaded to actually export the menus, and then there's something like a unity-panel-service on the other end to draw them in unity.00:12
hichamRAOF: where can I find that patch ?00:13
RAOFIn Ubuntu's GTK packages, certainly; I'm not sure where else.00:13
hichamso only gtk software can draw the menu on the panel ?00:14
RAOFhicham: No, I believe Qt can too.00:18
RAOFhicham: I don't think athena apps can, though :)00:18
hichamRAOF: are you a unity dev ?00:19
Th3Pr0ph3tGreetings, I think I have discovered a way to make compiz crash like crazy...02:29
Th3Pr0ph3tOpening ccsm: Window Decorations02:30
OmegaSubmit a bug report.02:30
Th3Pr0ph3tsure ^_^02:30
hichamjust enable/disable Window Decorations ?02:32
RAOFThere's a known crasher when enabling or disabling plugins with the Unity plugin loaded (that's really annoying!)02:35
Th3Pr0ph3tno, I was explaining but yes, a bug report is more reasonable02:35
Th3Pr0ph3tso I'll report a bug (what was I thinking :$)02:36
aquariusRAOF, heya. I just wanted to let you know; since upgrading yesterday to the latest everything, the compiz hanging in __poll problem has got a lot, lot worse -- compiz has hung, needing killing, fourteen times today so far :(02:38
RAOF !!!02:39
aquariusyeah. It's, shall we say, quite annoying :)02:40
RAOFaquarius: :(.  DBO worked around one extremely common manifestation of that bug.02:40
aquariusit *seems* to be related to new windows opening, or chromium, or both, but I don't have any real evidence for that02:40
RAOFWell, I'm gdb-ing both sides of the compiz/X connection; hopefully that'll provide a useful pointer.02:41
RAOFThe testcases that I've tried to build haven't managed to reproduce the problem so far.02:41
aquariuscool. I was in two minds about whether to mention it, since I don't have anything useful to add other than just to be whiny about it, but I thought you might want to know :)02:42
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
DBORAOF, howdy03:02
RAOFDBO: Hey, ho.  Sigh.03:03
DBOi am not a ho03:03
DBORAOF, any luck?03:04
RAOFDBO: Appologies.  The OOM killer decided to wander in.03:18
DBOits okay03:18
DBOso, any luck?03:18
RAOFDBO: Not just yet, sorry.03:19
RAOFGAH!  Stupid damned “value optimized out”03:19
DBOcant you compile it to not do that?03:20
DBORAOF, do you have any theories?03:36
RAOFMy current theory is that (one of) compiz's Xserver client is being throttled by the server, possibly pending a reply on one of compiz' other clients.03:41
DBOwhy would the server throttle compiz?03:42
RAOFCompiz does a bunch of DRI2 stuff that results in a client getting throttled.03:42
RAOFAs in: by *design* a bunch of the DRI2 calls throttle the client until $CONDITION.03:42
RAOFThings like DRI2WaitMSC, for example.03:42
RAOFBut!  That should only effect that particular connection, not compiz' other connections.03:43
DBOwell are we sure the hang happens on non-compiz connections?03:44
RAOFAs in: on compiz' gtk connection?03:44
DBOhow do you know which connection is what?03:45
RAOFBy the magic of printf "Connection: %p",dpy :)03:45
RAOFBut you're right; that doesn't make it clear whether it's GTK's connection or not.03:46
RAOFBut I believe maximise hang *was* gtk's connection, because it was going through gdk_do_stuff.03:46
DBOyeah but how many connections were you seeing03:46
DBOI hear rumors that gtk actually grabs the "default connection"03:47
DBOwhich I didn't even know what possible03:47
RAOFI was *seeing* 2 connections.03:47
DBOyou were only ever seeing 2 connections?03:48
DBOi mean the compiz one should be easy to spot03:48
DBOit does fuckloads of stuff03:48
RAOFI was only checking in the Undecorate() case, so I could have missed one of the connections.03:49
DBORAOF, is it possible that the dri2 call throttles ALL x calls until some other call is made?03:56
RAOFA quick bit of gdberry says: yes, compiz has at least 3 display connections.03:59
RAOFDBO: Yes and no.  It *does* throttle all X calls *made by that client* , but compiz has 3 distinct clients happening.04:00
RAOF(One X client per X connection)04:01
DBOwell thats weird04:02
RAOFThat's not exactly been an uncommon phrase :)04:03
DBORAOF, look if you have managed to find internet in the sunken continent of Australia, I am sure you can find this bug :)04:08
RAOFYeah.  Let's play ‘watch the X server and compiz at the same time to match up display connections!’04:08
RAOFThis will be *fun*!04:09
DBOthis is a team activity04:09
DBOwe need to get this up on a projector04:09
DBOand then do it that way :P04:09
soreauCan anyone running compiz/unity test amsn? Another user showed it crashes compiz on opensuse 11.4 and it happens here too on maverick04:10
soreauIt crashes compiz, then after restarting compiz, the windows are the smallest they can be, like a vertical line the height of the decorator04:11
soreauHere is his backtrace http://pastebin.com/Q64yxcdC04:11
soreauAnd the one I get here http://sprunge.us/YURQ04:12
* RAOF breaks out the notepad to keep track of display connections.04:13
soreauI was wondering if there's any other apps that use wish to test with, but I couldn't google it because 'wish' is a really bad name for a program :P04:13
soreauDoes this happen on natty too? (I'm about to test)04:14
RAOFWow.  How many connections does compiz actually open!04:28
DBORAOF, i dont know04:38
DBOshould be 104:38
DBOthen 1 for nux04:38
DBOthen 1 for gdk04:38
RAOFStarting compiz seems to cause about 8 connections to be opened.  I'm not sure where :)04:39
DBOare you check to see if some of them dont quickly die?04:39
RAOFOh, some of them probably *do* quickly die.04:44
RAOFI think you're right in that the compiz process calls XOpenDisplay 3 times.04:44
RAOFBah.  Maybe some tea will make this less annoying.04:47
RAOFFor comparison: starting gnome-screensaver-preferences results in 7 calls to AllocNewConnection :)04:48
DBOso at that rate we should be able to open *counts* 24 applications04:50
DBORAOF, do X connections even communicate their parent process?05:09
DBORAOF, can X tell that one app opened multiple X connections?05:09
RAOFDBO: It can, I think, but it currently doesn't.05:10
RAOFIt would make it easier if it did, because then I could just filter out all the connections which don't have compiz on the other end!05:10
RAOFOh, would you believe it?  Geis also opens a display connection.05:13
DBOwhy would it do that...05:13
DBOit has its own fd05:13
DBOso we are using 4 of the 256 X connections05:14
DBOif every application starts using geis, each app uses 205:14
DBOso thats immediately down to what, 126 application instances?05:14
DBOgod thats dumb05:14
RAOFYay (small) arbitrary limits!05:15
RAOFOk.  Now I know all the connections on both sides: which Display in the compiz process corresponds to which Client in X.05:15
RAOFOk.  So, as expected, Compiz' client is getting blocked all the time; each time it calls WaitMSC.05:19
RAOFMan, it does that a lot.05:21
RAOFAt 60Hz, in fact :)05:23
DBOso, every draw05:30
DBOwhat does that clal do?05:30
RAOFDBO - it's the ‘wait for vblank’ call.05:33
DBOthen yeah05:34
DBOthat makes sense05:34
RAOFIt does indeed.05:34
DBObut that call should just block right?05:34
RAOFFrom the X protocol side of things - no.05:34
RAOFI'm not sure if libGL wraps it so it blocks.05:34
RAOFIt *will* block any further X commands, though.05:35
DBOi thought it blocked to be honest05:35
RAOFlibGL might turn it into a blocking request.05:35
DBOdoes disabling the sync to vblank fix the freeze for you?05:35
DBOthat would disable that call05:36
RAOFI don't know.  However, I've got it to freeze in Undecorate again, and none of the clients are actually ignored, so it doesn't appear to be that.05:36
DBOdoes X actually send a reply back?05:37
RAOFFor WaitMSC?05:37
RAOFYes, but the reply is the current MSC data.05:39
DBORAOF, no when it blocks05:41
DBOso it blocks in poll right05:41
DBOso does X actually send a reply back05:41
RAOFWell, it doesn't appear to; it's blocked in poll :).  I'm scooting through the X-side client to see what's what.05:42
RAOFHm.  The gdk client has some input.05:45
DBORAOF, so you are saying its gdk's fault05:51
RAOFSorry.  The X server's client corresponding to gdk's Display has some input.  I'm not sure if that's expected, though.05:51
DBOwhen it freezes?05:56
DBOcould it be that xcb_wait_for_reply fails if there is already stuff n the queue???06:02
* DBO gives RAOF the keg of glory06:12
RAOFGood.  And, just to check, the all of compiz's clients *actually* have different fds :)06:21
DBORAOF, do me a favor, when you call it quite today06:59
DBOif I am not online by that time (probably wont be considering time zones)06:59
DBOcan you email me a quickie status report?07:00
RAOFDBO: Certainly.07:00
DBORAOF, nothing interesting yet? :(07:00
DBOI am wondering if its not possible to make XCB just gracefully fail07:01
DBOi mean its stupid to just poll forect07:01
RAOFThat's a breaking ABI change, though.07:03
RAOFWhat are appse going to do inresponse?07:03
RAOFMmmm, IRC lag.07:03
DBOevery major call *already* has a fail condition07:03
DBOlike XGetWindowProperty for instance07:03
DBO*can* fail07:03
RAOFApart from the bit where it DOESN'T WORK.07:03
DBOyeah this is fucked up07:04
RAOFHm.  A… 3 minute IRC lag :)07:04
RAOFThat was from my other system.07:04
DBORAOF, you'll fix it :) I have faith07:04
DBOand if you don't07:04
DBOwell, thats what fire was made for07:04
RAOFA superior being such as myself has only one option: burn them.07:05
DBOactually we will just have to collect ever condition this happens in07:05
DBOand juggle which x connection gets used07:05
RAOFTo avoid the madness.  Yah.07:05
DBOinteresting fact I found07:05
DBOI forgot about this till now07:05
DBOmight be relevant07:05
DBOwe had a similar issue to this in nux once07:06
DBObasically what would happen is nux would lock up just like this07:06
RAOFThis does sound interesting, yes.07:06
DBOit calls XQueryKeymap or some shit when it processes events07:06
DBOso its all normal when it's just nux07:06
DBObut it started screwing up when we began processing events that came from compiz07:07
DBOafter looking at it more, we determined that by using the Display provided by the XEvent, the locking stopped07:07
DBOno idea why07:07
RAOFYeah, that's going to be the same problem.07:07
RAOFOr, probably is.07:07
DBObut it somehow has to do with using X calls from a different Display when compiz is processing events07:08
DBOthe fix for the maximize issue was pretty simple07:08
RAOFHowever - if you write a small testcase that does nothing but call XGetWindowProperty on Display x in response to PropertyNotify on Display y then you won't lock up.07:08
DBOall I did was make it use the compiz display07:08
DBOyes I imagine it must be somehow in response to what compiz is doing when processing events07:09
DBOokay I know I am just kinda throwing random shit out there right now07:11
DBObut lets assume for the moment that the issue is some X call compiz is making somewhere07:11
DBOthe most logical thing to do is to slim down compiz *as much as possible*07:11
DBOso disable every plugin you can but still have unity running07:11
DBOthen see if it still happens07:11
DBOyou probably already did that07:12
RAOFActually, I didn't.07:12
RAOFBecause it crashes each time I want to disable a plugin :)07:12
DBOyes, start metacity07:13
DBOTHEN do the plugin juggle07:13
DBOthen restart compiz07:13
DBORAOF, okay if I dont go to bed now i am going to be murdered by a small blonde woman07:14
RAOFDBO: Go to your mistress!  I can hold the fort here :)07:15
DBOwhile this would indeed be a net win for the world, it would be a decided net loss for me07:15
oSoMoNgood morning07:30
RAOFWhaaargfl.  You think you have identified some interesting behaviour, but then when you look it's gone away!08:01
MacSlowgreetings everybody08:05
didrocksgood morning08:11
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ssnhi guys. in my natty installation, my laptops touchpad is mistaken for a touchscreen (absolute vs relative). how do i change this and how do i report this bug?11:29
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
danyRnjpatel: hi. I've a question: does unity update launcher's icons on-the-fly (i.e., if there have been changes on the desktop file)?12:59
njpatelNo, I don't believe that works this cycle12:59
danyRnjpatel: ah, bummer. otherwise it would be really easy to create a little neat weather-checking application.13:06
njpatelheh, indeed13:07
njpateldanyR, it's probably a good feature to have if your interested in working on it13:08
njpatelGFileMonitor makes it easier than you'd think it would be13:08
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om26ernjpatel, Hi! do you think bug 722178 is bitesizeable? for your convenience see https://launchpadlibrarian.net/64772865/Screenshot.png the window title is being cut by the invisible systray, as the problem does not happen when skype is running.14:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 722178 in unity (Ubuntu) "window's title does not fade in the right position" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72217814:05
=== API is now known as Guest27319
njpatelom26er, yeah, bitesizable14:05
vishnjpatel , om26er: isnt that by design?14:06
vishor should that be even closer to the indicator?14:06
om26ervish, hmm no it is supposed to fade at the very end14:06
njpatelI don't think the extra space is by design14:06
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kenvandineted, what's in your queue for releases today?14:42
tedg_kenvandine, Still building that list, but for sure indicator-application, dbusmenu and indicator-datetime.14:44
tedg_kenvandine, I think that there's a indicator-appmenu patch as well.14:44
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
tedg_kenvandine, Lots of little fixes all over the place.14:45
seb128indicator-session has a g_error turning to g_warning, appmenu-gtk for the desktop menu race14:45
om26ergood morning lamalex15:19
lamalexhey om26er15:19
lamalexhow's it going15:19
om26ereverything's great15:19
om26erlamalex, there are a lot of bugs like bug 752157 for AMD open-source driver, is it under someone's radar?15:21
ubot5Launchpad bug 752157 in unity (Ubuntu) "graphical corruption in launcher" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75215715:21
om26erfor ref https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/752157/+attachment/1986199/+files/corruption.png15:21
om26erthis white corruption have been there from the inception of compiz unity iirc15:21
lamalexom26er, i usually assign jaytaoko15:27
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=== clarita_ is now known as clarita
kim0After 2 days of usage, Xorg is constantly taking ~25% cpu .. Everything feels slower (switching windows, gnome-terminal tabs, thunderbird messages...etc) .. Does this qualify as a bug of unity?16:02
=== bregma is now known as bregma|away
BigWhalewhen I install an application manually to /opt/foo or whatever, how do I make it appear in Application lens?16:38
BigWhalethere used to be menu editor... (which I noticed is still present, but has no effect...)16:41
kim0BigWhale: wild guess .. would creating a .desktop file for it help17:10
kim0woah! unity --reset   really helps17:14
BigWhalekim0, probably, but where to put it?17:56
MatsoHi i relly like the new ui. the only thing i dont like about unity is where you have put the launcher. it would be way better if you would have made it like docky.  best regards18:03
MikoarI enabled magic lamp effect for minimizing in Unity, but it doesn't work.18:07
MikoarPlease help18:07
MikoarOther effects do work however18:07
Mikoarlike shadows for windows18:08
=== daker is now known as daker_
BigWhaleA question! How do I run something from Applications as root? AMD Control Center in this particular case.18:45
vishBigWhale: gksudo before the application command18:46
vishso it would be $ gksudo AMDWHATEVER18:46
BigWhaleUhm... Not from the terminal. I know how to do that... :)18:46
BigWhaleI was thinking more of a CTRL+SHIFT+CLICK on the icon18:47
vishBigWhale: edit the launcher properties :D18:47
* BigWhale sighs.18:47
BigWhaleI though so18:47
BigWhaleI'll go file a feature request18:47
vishBigWhale: in Unity?18:48
vishBigWhale: it would be more of a bug in AMD Control Center, because it does not run as root18:48
vishnot a bug in Unity18:48
BigWhalewhat if I want to run nautilus as root?18:49
vishnot something that is advisable unless you know what you are doing ;)18:49
BigWhaleYes, I know that.18:50
vishie: should not be as easy as just ctrl+shift+click18:50
vish making such things easy is a recipe for disaster18:50
BigWhaleIf there's a popup that tells you "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL ... etc etc" I see no reason why not ...18:51
vishyea, a popup like that would be awesome.18:52
BigWhaleIt really is annoying sometimes that you HAVE to open terminal or fumble around with ALT-F2 and gksudo especially if you don't know the command name :)18:54
vishmpt: not fair! you dint file this bug! » http://twitter.com/#!/mptbugs/status/58580035749167104  /me unfollows18:54
mptvish, blame Launchpad, it's just syndicating http://feeds.launchpad.net/~mpt/latest-bugs.atom18:55
vishalmost always if something is wrong in Ubuntu, there will be LP to blame somewhere.. ;p18:57
mptOne of these decades, Nautilus will integrate PolicyKit for admin actions, so nobody ever wants to run Nautilus as root any more18:57
BigWhaleHmm, I wonder if this bug for dev build chromium is related to unity or not ... I can't drag tab from one window to another18:58
vishOne of these decades, file-managing will become redundant and we will have no use for Nautilus ;)19:00
om26ergord, Hi! will the fix to bug 741584 (targetted for next release) also fix 752727 or both a different ?19:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 741584 in unity (Ubuntu) "Selecting a different lens should open it, instead of closing the current lens" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74158419:02
om26erbug 75272719:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 752727 in unity (Ubuntu) "Cannot switch to different dash modes once open" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75272719:02
htorqueloicm: hi, should your work on the ccsm plugin crasher already fix something? i'm at nux r330 and unity r1141 and still getting the crashes.19:21
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zniavrehttp://imgur.com/5xKUz.png   there is a bug with prelight of application selected items23:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 761201 in unity (Ubuntu) "prelight of items in dash" [Undecided,New]23:23
zniavrethe title and details are not well describe but the screenshot is clear (sorry )23:24
BigWhaleFunny, If I run an openGL game that switches to full screen AMD driver will display two big red boxes with number 1 and 2 on each of my monitors.23:36

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